Welcome to Primus Solicitors. We help Individuals with their goals of living and working in the UK. Our team of immigration solicitors will guide you through the full
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+ - Donna Williams
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+ last_post_description: 'This item originally posted here:Vale Polly Samuel (1963-2017):
+ On Dying & Death'
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+ - Fedora Planet
+ - Open Source
+ - Outreachy
+ - Red Hat
+ - internship
+ - open source communities
+ - reflections
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+ The post Outreachy May 2024: A letter to Fedora applicants appeared first on /home/jwf/.
+ /home/jwf/ - Free & Open Source, technology, travel, and life reflections
+ To all Outreachy May 2024 applicants
+ last_post_date: "2024-05-02T13:05:05Z"
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+ - 2020s
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+ - Fedora Planet
+ - Open Source
+ - Outreachy
+ - Red Hat
+ - internship
+ - open source communities
+ - reflections
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about Power, Symbols and Rituals! by Luis Suarez
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+ Wiki Templates'
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- - art
- - Cézanne
- - teaching
- - The lighter side of AUFS
+ - Neoliberalism's Demons (the book)
+ - fascism
+ - neoliberalism
relme: {}
- last_post_title: My Brief Career as a Painter
- last_post_description: One of the most rewarding side-effects of my teaching in
- the Shimer Great Books School has been the exploration of art that it prompted.
- I’ve written here before about how my teaching of the Shimer
- last_post_date: "2024-05-28T20:14:42Z"
- last_post_link: https://itself.blog/2024/05/28/my-brief-career-as-a-painter/
+ last_post_title: 'Why this keeps happening: On neoliberalism and the right-wing
+ reaction'
+ last_post_description: The last decade or so has been marked by a global resurgence
+ of the extreme right. Its most prominent avatars in the West are the Brexit campaign
+ and the Trump phenomenon, while various right-wing
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T11:23:22Z"
+ last_post_link: https://itself.blog/2024/07/08/why-we-keep-ratcheting-right-or-its-the-neoliberalism-stupid/
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- - Cézanne
- - teaching
- - The lighter side of AUFS
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+ - Neoliberalism's Demons (the book)
+ - fascism
+ - neoliberalism
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+ last_post_title: 'Building a kubernetes homelab with Raspberry Pi and Lego: Network:
+ Switch'
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+ inside in a specific period? An SLA, Is ddosing illegal insurance supplier that
+ traces the degree of security you can hope to get. In
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+ prestigious British institutes. To get there, I had to first understand I'm not
+ cut for the web industry anymore.\n \n After"
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+ After an open training right after EuroPython in Florence in July and one after
+ PyCon PL in Poland in September, we now also offer Python
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+ Overview
+ The idea of this GSoC project was to implement new Domain-Specific language for LibreOffice to be used in UI testing by logging the user interactions with LO applications then generate the
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- a new "season 2". Our host Jon Masters introduces the new season, and summarizes
- recent happenings during Linux 6.2 development.
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Small social networks are everywhere (still) by Lou
+ Plummer
+ last_post_description: It's remarkable how smaller theme-based communities work.
+ My wife's ultrarunning coach, who is also her friend, is friends with practically
+ every well-known person in the ultra community, giving her
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+ - Anniversary
+ - Art
+ - Branding
+ - Brandnig
+ - Conference
+ - Design
+ - Design Team
+ - General
+ - Idea
+ - LibO
+ - Private
+ - Usability
+ - User Experience
+ - Website
+ - Writer
+ relme:
+ https://luxate.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/05038500172913638423: true
+ last_post_title: Comments Ruler Control
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Long time no hear ... I'm really happy that I was able to dedicate some time for a topic that was one of the very first when joining the community.
+ Why? There has been some nice ruler rework
+ last_post_date: "2012-06-09T19:18:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://luxate.blogspot.com/2012/06/comments-ruler-control.html
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+ - Design
+ - User Experience
+ - Writer
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+ last_post_title: Naar huis
+ last_post_description: Goede thuisreis. Kijk met tevredenheid en dankbaarheid terug
+ :-)...
+ last_post_date: "2011-07-24T06:56:00Z"
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+title: Comments for David Shanske
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: The Definitive Location
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+ last_post_title: Comment by Ton Zijlstra
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In reply to a reply by David Shanske
+ No worries, David. I think we had some exchanges about it at the time (2021) in the
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T10:34:45-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2024/07/24858/
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+title: Typed Logic
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Incorporates strong typing over predicate logic programming, and, conversely,
+ incorporates predicate logic programming into strongly typed functional languages. The
+ style of predicate logic is from
+ feedlink: https://logicaltypes.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
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+ blogrolls: []
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+ categories:
+ - 1HaskellADay
+ - 1Liner
+ - AWS
+ - Data Structures
+ - Dependent Types
+ - Dylan
+ - GraphConnect2015
+ - Gödel numbering
+ - HBase
+ - Hadoop
+ - Idris
+ - Kleisli arrows
+ - LogicalTypes
+ - WIP
+ - abstract nonsense
+ - arrow
+ - artificial intelligence
+ - atozchallenge
+ - bayesian classifiers
+ - big data
+ - business
+ - case study
+ - category theory
+ - clark kent
+ - cloud
+ - combinatory logic
+ - comonad
+ - conference
+ - continuations
+ - design patterns
+ - difference lists
+ - education
+ - efficiency
+ - either
+ - exercise
+ - family
+ - football
+ - fuzzy
+ - graph theory
+ - haskell
+ - housekeeping
+ - inquiry
+ - install
+ - introduction
+ - intuitionistic logic
+ - java
+ - knowledge
+ - knowledge engineering
+ - learning
+ - libraries
+ - license
+ - mathematics
+ - maybe
+ - meetup
+ - memoization
+ - mission statement
+ - monad
+ - monad transformers
+ - monadplus
+ - money
+ - monoid
+ - news
+ - nondeterminism
+ - on-the-job
+ - operations
+ - outliers
+ - parsing
+ - pensées
+ - philosophy
+ - physics
+ - poem
+ - problem-solving
+ - prolog
+ - proof
+ - reading list
+ - rule-based programming
+ - superman
+ - survey
+ - syntax
+ - testing
+ - the 'real world'
+ - the crazy ones
+ - theory
+ - tuple
+ - unification
+ - wisdom
+ - work
+ - κ-calculus
+ relme:
+ https://dauclair.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://halo-legendz.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://logicaltypes.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://odst-geophf.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://twilight-dad.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/09936874508556500234: true
+ last_post_title: November, 2021 1HaskellADay 1Liners
+ last_post_description: |-
+ 2021-11-09: You have: \k _v -> f k Curry away the arguments.
+ 2021-11-09: Hello, all. It's been a minute.
+ Here's a #1Liner #Haskell problem
+ You have m :: Map a b
+ You want to filter it by s :: Set
+ last_post_date: "2021-11-09T22:57:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://logicaltypes.blogspot.com/2021/11/november-2021-1haskelladay-1liners.html
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+ - 1HaskellADay
+ - 1Liner
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-title: Comments for Groveronline
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: A Grover. Online. Saying stuff.
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- last_post_title: Comment on MinGW cross-compilation adventure. by anon
- last_post_description: The Xen GPLPV repo link is dead
- last_post_date: "2022-07-28T08:32:10Z"
- last_post_link: https://groveronline.com/2008/07/21/mingw-cross-compilation-adventure/comment-page-1/#comment-114
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+title: LibreOffice i Danmark - Nyheder
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Her kan du læse artikler fra LibreOffice i Danmarks månedlige nyhedsbrev.
+ Du kan tilmelde dig nyhedsbrevet ved at sende en mail til nyhedsbrev+subscribe@da.libreoffice.org
+ feedlink: https://libreofficedk.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: 39e9df5cbec091b87eb14ef764dc012b
+ websites:
+ https://libreofficedk.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - "2"
+ - "2014"
+ - "2016"
+ - "2018"
+ - "4.1"
+ - "4.2"
+ - "4.3"
+ - 4.3.7
+ - "4.4"
+ - 4.4.2
+ - "5.0"
+ - "5.1"
+ - 5.1.1
+ - 5.1.4
+ - "5.2"
+ - "5.3"
+ - 5.3.
+ - "5.4"
+ - "6"
+ - "6.0"
+ - 6.0.3
+ - "6.1"
+ - "6.2"
+ - "6.3"
+ - "6.4"
+ - "7.0"
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+ - LibreOffice 5.2
+ - LibreOffice 5.3
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+ - sikkerhed
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+ - sponsor
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+ - statistik
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+ - streg
+ - subrutiner
+ - svg
+ - søgning
+ - tabel
+ - tastatur
+ - tegneobjekter
+ - tegning
+ - teknisk
+ - tekst
+ - tekstbehandling
+ - tekstramme
+ - tema
+ - test
+ - tilgængelighed
+ - transponere
+ - typografi
+ - udbud
+ - uddannelse
+ - udseende
+ - udveksling
+ - udvidelse
+ - udvikling
+ - underskrift
+ - underskriftslinje
+ - undervisning
+ - unicode
+ - uǝpısbɐq
+ - valg
+ - validering
+ - version
+ - version 4.2
+ - version 4.4
+ - video
+ - virus
+ - vækst
+ - værktøjslinjer
+ - xls
+ - xlsx
+ - Åbne data
+ - Årsrapport
+ - Ændringshåndtering
+ - Østrig
+ - åbenhed
+ - åbne standarder
+ - økonomi
+ - økosystem
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+ Denne artikel var at læse i nyhedsbrevet 1. marts 2010:
+ Ifølge en markedsanalyse foretaget af firmaet Webmasterpro indtager OpenOffice.org 14% af det danske marked for kontorsoftware. Analysen er
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+ The Pre-Web by Sakinatou'
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+ Privacy, and Free Software | F-Droid - Reputable App
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+ reliable binaries to their end users. Briar, and Bitcoin Wallet ended up the initial
+ to satisfy all standards, now that they are'
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- California, February 2024.
- From the video Making art inevitable.
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+ makes them great in the first place. Developing a photographic taste is crucial,
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by John Battelle's Search Blog Ads, Ads Everywhere
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- - Galera Cluster for MyQL
- - Galera Cluster for MySQL
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- - MySQL high availability
- - Oracle Linux
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- on Oracle Linux. We are pleased to tell you that you can use the Red Hat Enterprise
- Linux 8 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 repositories: for'
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- - Galera Cluster for MyQL
- - Galera Cluster for MySQL
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- - Oracle Linux
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- last_post_description: “Pochards”, was the first word spoken today. Emil looked
- up cautiously, keeping the corner of his eye on the road. Several dots on the
- dark-blue morning sky, no clouds. He was never quite sure
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Web Navigation Transitions by Weird things engineers
+ believe about Web development - Brian Birtles’ Blog
+ last_post_description: '[…] we wanted to do at Mozilla for a while, particularly
+ during the Firefox OS days, and made a proposal to that end. Kudos to Jake and
+ others for finally making it […]'
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+ last_post_title: This is not the blog you are looking for..
+ last_post_description: …this is the blog you are looking for 🙂
+ last_post_date: "2006-02-09T10:46:22Z"
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- last_post_description: I was in a small seaside town in Spain and struck up a conversation
- with a family. It developed that they’d rented a car and the dad had driven from
- Barcelona, while I’d taken the bus. In my mind
- last_post_date: "2024-06-24T10:02:13Z"
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+ last_post_description: I just finished writing up a Wiki article describing how
+ to implement a custom (i.e. non-text based) compare merge viewer. The example
+ I used was a Word document comparison. Hopefully I'll be able to
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+ do movimento comunista internacional.
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+ last_post_title: 'Atualização sobre a Tempestade Al-Aqsa: dia 275'
+ last_post_description: A Resistência Palestina relembra hoje o 52º aniversário do
+ martírio do escritor e dirigente da Frente Popular pela Libertação da Palestina
+ (FPLP) e seu porta-voz, o camarada Ghassan Kanafani.
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- at https://forms.gle/DcUDX6JzWT72yXTY7 Couldn't make it this year? We still want
- your feedback!
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+ I edit them
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+ last_post_title: It’s Never Just a Something
+ last_post_description: 'Primitive Obsession is not called “Primitive Preference”
+ for a reason: we can find ourselves clinging to primitives like addicts, even
+ when every aspect of our project nudges us, hints, and'
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+ last_post_title: Nothing’s New Phone Might Be the Best Handheld of 2024
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- [We haven’t named this little smiley guy yet, any ideas?]
- I’m so unbelievably excited to announce a new project I’ve been working on with the team at MacStories: Next Portable...
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T17:56:55Z"
- last_post_link: https://wavelengths.online/posts/introducing-npc-next-portable-console
+ [Outside Intervention]
+ I’ve been spending my commute this morning reading about the new budget Android phone by Nothing, the CMF 1, which is getting a lot of press pickup because...
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T20:44:20Z"
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
- - miscellany
+ - development
+ - work
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- 90s
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+ developer like me - specifically, with a job and career like mine. \nI find this
+ sort of question impossible to answer. My personal situation is"
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- in a previous blog post is getting some real world usage, I’m starting to realise
- that it’s woefully under-documented […]'
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+ - Lunar Lands
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+ Zjawiska literackie oraz okołoksiążkowe ciekawostki.
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+ - Booth Tarkington
+ - Brian Herbert
+ - Diuna
+ - Dolores Cannon
+ - Eckhart Tolle
+ - Frank Herbert
+ - Gentry Lee
+ - Hamilton Peter
+ - Henry David Thoreau
+ - Henry De Vere Stacpoole
+ - IT
+ - Irving Stone
+ - Isaac Asimov
+ - Joseph Murphy
+ - Kerstin Gier
+ - Kevin J. Anderson
+ - Kuki Gallmann
+ - Leander Kahney
+ - Marie Corelli
+ - Maurycy Maeterlinck
+ - Melchior Wańkowicz
+ - Michael A. Cremo
+ - Mingmei Yip
+ - Molium Snippets
+ - Neale Donald Walsch
+ - Neil Gaiman
+ - Pan Samochodzik
+ - Rama
+ - Richard L. Thompson
+ - Richard Stallman
+ - Robert Ludlum
+ - Robert Monroe
+ - Stephen King
+ - Stephen R Donaldson
+ - Steve Wozniak
+ - Tunele
+ - Virginia Woolf
+ - William Wharton
+ - Zbigniew Nienacki
+ - Złote Myśli
+ - biografie
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+ - cykl waldenowski
+ - lektorzy audiobooków
+ - news
+ - podcast
+ - przemyślenia i refleksje
+ - rozwój duchowy
+ - s.f.
+ - tożsamość
+ - wrażenia z lektury
+ - wywiady
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- do’ culture by Debbie Williams
- last_post_description: It's great to see such a focus on digital accessibility -
- we took a lot from the training provided by Rachel and Hannah to the Operation
- Support Centre last month
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+ - Benchmark
+ - Code generation
+ - Compilation
+ - DSL
+ - Dependent types
+ - Haskell
+ - LLVM
+ - Lambda calculus
+ - Modules
+ - OCaml
+ - overloading
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- In this post, we take a look at how to apply custom Nginx configuration directives when you’re using the NGINX Gateway Fabric.
- What’s the NGINX Gateway Fabric? The NGINX Gateway Fabric is an
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+ - api
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+ - sip gateway
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+ - summit
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+ - talkr.im
+ - test
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+ - vodafone
+ - voice
+ - voip
+ - vuc
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+ - xmpp
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+ last_post_title: ouvid.us - Twilio Experiment
+ last_post_description: 'The problem this project solves is: Small and Medium
+ business would have high costs on maintaining a Call Center system. ouvid.us solves
+ the problem, by enabling a pure web based Call Center'
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- Interview with Hermeus CEO AJ Piplica where he talks through the companies past challenges and future goals.
- Credits:
- Producer/Writer/Narrator: Brian McManus
- Head of Production: Mike Ridolfi
- Editor:
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+ last_post_description: We had the 2nd night of PyCon rehearsals tonight at the Boston
+ Python Meetup and it was my turn to practice. My PyCon talk is Stop Writing Classes. The
+ talk presents some examples of code that were
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- about last week. Amazing what a bit of public admission of failure and accountability
- to a respected colleague can do. Read a few things
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- Bartosz Milewski is now adding a 3rd "season" to his excellent Category Theory videos.
- A PDF of his "book" has been converted from the many pages of his blog formatted source (look on GitHub etc.,
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recommender: []
- Personal
- - email
- - geeky
- - published on gemini
- - rss
- - spam
+ - carpentry
+ - electronics
+ - house building works 2024
+ - programming
+ - python
+ - raspberry pi
- https://en.pronouns.page/@dan-q: false
+ https://dan-q.github.io/: true
+ https://danq.me/: true
+ https://github.com/Dan-Q: true
https://github.com/dan-q/: true
https://keybase.io/dq: true
https://m.danq.me/@blog: true
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- https://www.youtube.com/@DanQ: false
- last_post_title: '[Article] Somewhat-Effective Spam Filters'
- last_post_description: I've tried a variety of unusual anti-spam solutions. Here's
- how they worked out for me.
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T11:27:38+01:00"
- last_post_link: https://danq.me/2024/06/04/somewhat-effective-spam-filters/
+ https://m.danq.me/@dan: true
+ last_post_title: '[Article] Building a Secret Cabinet'
+ last_post_description: As part of efforts to build myself a new bedroom in our attic,
+ I expanded my carpentry, electronics, and Python skills by building a remotely-triggered
+ secret cabinet in my bookcase!
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T20:52:40+01:00"
+ last_post_link: https://danq.me/2024/07/08/secret-cabinet/
- Personal
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- - rss
- - spam
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+ - programming
+ - python
+ - raspberry pi
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- last_post_description: I hate breaking things (and backwards compatibility), but
- sometimes it’s the only way to get to new levels. And that’s because I had to
- break (and rewrite) the plugin system. To add more power
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+description: This is my blog about our computer-algebra framework PolyBoRi, which
+ is a combined C++/Python system for Gröbner bases etc. over Boolean rings.
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+ - Computer Algebra
+ - Math
+ - Math Singular
+ - PolyBoRi
+ - Sage
+ - Singular
+ - lmonade
+ - pdf
+ - rpm
+ - unit test
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- last_post_title: Focus on what matters
- last_post_description: Focus only on what you can control. This is one of the big
- lessons I’ve learned while reading about the Stoics. And there’s so much in life
- I have no...
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+ last_post_title: GUADEC 2023
+ last_post_description: A few days back, I went for the first time to the GNOME Users
+ and Developers Everywhere Conference (GUADEC). Even though I’m just a Google Summer
+ of Code intern, the GNOME Foundation was kind
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+title: chaica on Pixelfed
+date: "2023-02-22T13:40:36Z"
+description: "\U0001F427 FOSS Developer, Blogger, ☕ Tea addict, \U0001F377 Wine Lover,
+ \U0001F1EB\U0001F1F7 Paris, France"
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+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - '#squash'
+ - '#remote'
+ - '#remotework'
+ relme:
+ https://carlchenet.com/: true
+ https://gitlab.com/chaica/: true
+ https://mastodon.social/@carlchenet: true
+ https://pixelfed.social/chaica: true
+ last_post_title: "Every Tuesday I work remotely, then during lunch time I train,
+ especially this week for a squash Open on Saturday \U0001F4AA\n\n#squash #remote
+ #remotework"
+ last_post_description: "Every Tuesday I work remotely, then during lunch time I
+ train, especially this week for a squash Open on Saturday \U0001F4AA\n\n#squash
+ #remote #remotework"
+ last_post_date: "2023-02-22T13:40:36Z"
+ last_post_link: https://pixelfed.social/p/chaica/534003836927094551
+ last_post_categories:
+ - '#squash'
+ - '#remote'
+ - '#remotework'
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+ cats: 0
+ description: 3
+ feedlangs: 0
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+title: Pemrograman Mobile dengan Intel XDK
+date: "2024-03-04T20:20:11-08:00"
+description: ""
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+ feedtype: atom
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+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - JSON
+ - PouchDB
+ relme:
+ https://eclipsedriven.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://emfmodeling.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://enakmurahkenyang.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://koperasi-bersama.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://lumen.hendyirawan.com/: true
+ https://magentoadmin.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://manfaatkefir.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://mobileflashdev.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://ngenet-dapat-duit.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://panduanubuntu.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://phpajaxweb.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://qt-mobility.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://rumah-sehat-avicenna.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://rumahkostdijualbandung.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://scala-enterprise.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://spring-java-ee.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://tutorial-java-programming.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://ubuntucomputing.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/05192845149798446052: true
+ https://xdkmobile.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Tutorial JSON via HTTP - Prakiraan Cuaca
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2014-03-27T08:27:22-07:00"
+ last_post_link: https://xdkmobile.blogspot.com/2014/03/tutorial-json-via-http-prakiraan-cuaca.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - JSON
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+title: Morley's blog page
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: This is just my day to day ramblings
+ feedlink: https://davmor2.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: 3e2dd5243b1be30bcbb337b7c873e617
+ websites:
+ https://davmor2.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Ubuntu
+ relme:
+ https://davmor2.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: I think I have a solution to the rolling and releasing
+ last_post_description: Post LTS. You start a rolling release. This gets all the
+ goodness in that you want. 6 months in you take a fortnight out. Week one stabilize,
+ week two ISO testing. The resulting ISO is then
+ last_post_date: "2013-03-07T23:22:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://davmor2.blogspot.com/2013/03/i-think-i-have-solution-to-rolling-and.html
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+ website: 2
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-title: "TelekomCloud DevOps team/title>\n TelekomCloud DevOps team\n http://telekomcloud.github.io/\n
- \ \n en-us\n Wed, 02 Jan 2019 14:53:17 +0000\n Wed, 02 Jan 2019 14:53:17
- +0000\n\n \n \n Happy New Year\n http://telekomcloud.github.io//2019/01/02/happy-new-year.html\n
- \ Wed, 02 Jan 2019 11:13:00 +0000\n http://telekomcloud.github.io//2019/01/02/happy-new-year\n
- \
We start the year with cleanup and refresh.
\n\n \n \n \n An
- automat OpenStack deployment for develop and test system\n http://telekomcloud.github.io//2014/05/07/vagrant-openstack.html\n
- \ Wed, 07 May 2014 16:00:00 +0000\n http://telekomcloud.github.io//2014/05/07/vagrant-openstack\n
- \ When I joined Deutsche Telekom 2 years ago, I had to share a common reference
- test system with everyone in the rooms, including all operators and developers.
- This was quite troublesomes when you have new ideas to test without interfering
- anyone, also make sure that your experiments will not break things down and make
- your colleagues angry.
\n\nLike any development process, a local integration test system
- is required. It must support developers editing and debugging OpenStack on the fly,
- as well as operators or package-manager testing a release. It’s also nice to reset
- the test system from dirty changes and provision it again as fast as possible. This
- post introduces such system and now available upstream on our
- repository .
- is responsible for bringing the VMs up (step 1), setting up host-only networks within
- Virtual Box (step 2) and install base packages. From now on there are two ways to
- deploy OpenStack depends on your needs (step 5). For development purpose, OpenStack
- is deployed by devstack. For testing release packages, puppet is in use. The two
- deployments are configurable in a global file. Their git modules are authenticated
- (in case your company requires ssl for connection) and drop-in the vm for deployment
- (step 4).
\n\nFrom my personal use case, I always need to switch between the
- 2 deployments: devstack for coding and puppet for testing packages. Switching between
- the two is also supported to keep the previous deployment save, separated and reuse.
\n\nBack to that time I only found projects
- that deploy all OpenStack components in one VM. This does not satisfy our needs
- because the all-in-one deployment does not reflect the behavior of the GRE data
- network within different OpenStack components. Figure 2 above shows multi nodes:
- control, compute and neutron node along with the 3 host-only networks for management,
- data GRE, and public network are brought up automatically.
\n\nIn such testing environment, we also
- need to test the floating ips of the VMs over the public network, because it would
- be extremely boring if the nova booting VMs cannot connect to the Internet. For
- this reason, figure 3 shows how packages from inside the neutron node go out and
- back. Packages coming from br-tun, br-int, go to br-ex on neutron node, are forwarded
- to the NAT interface (vboxnet0) and SNATed so that they can find the way to go back.
\n\nFor a simple nova volume setup, iSCSI is chosen by default. The
- VBoxManage command [3] is very useful in this case for our vagrant to create a virtual
- storage and attach to control node. For those who interests in coding, the VBoxManage
- command is as follows
\n\nA VM puppetmaster is up with puppetdb installed.
- It pulls manifests from a configurable git repository to a directory inside the
- vm and use these manifests to deploy OpenStack on the other VMs. By default manifests
- in 4 is
- provided as an example to try out the new Icehouse release with ML2 plugin/l2 population.
- You can also provide your own manifests by configuring a puppet repository and which
- site.pp to use for the nodes definition:
\n\nI like the deployment whereby provisioning
- script is provided directly inside the vm. For this reason, puppet master for deployment
- devstack is not necessary. Insteads devstack is directly cloned and setup inside
- all VMs. It is also config to use the .pip repository of OpenStack [3]. Pydev is
- also included in the VMs for remote debugging from the host machine supported.
\n\nOne issue is the long deployment time, especially if
- you have a slow connection or connection drops in the middle of the deployment.
- So I tried out all tiny possibilities to reduce the time consuming.
\n\nWhen a VM is destroy and up again, it must download all packages
- from scratch. A simple solution for caching is implemented which cuts the deployment
- time by half. It’s even more faster for a second deployment, since all packages
- and the glance image are cached for further use so internet access is not necessary.
- is supported for both environments: all .deb packages installed by puppet, as well
- as all .pip packages installed by devstack are cached and shared between VMs. The
- tables below just gives a clue how much time we can save for bringing up the machines
- with cache enabled with a pretty fast internet download speed (4Mbit/sec), each
- vm 1 cpu and 1024 ram.
- test a custom package, simply replace it under the cache folder and bringing up
- new VMs.
- reduce the vagrant up time, a vagrant box is customized with packages pre-installed.
- The box is based on precise64 with packages such as VBox Guest Additions 4.3.8,
- puppet, dnsmasq, r10k, vim, git, rubygems, msgpack, lvm2 pre-installed. The box
- is also zero out all empty spaces and white out all logs to have a minimum size
- as possible (378 Mb) to distribute on vagrant
- cloud . This again cuts down 70 secs for each vm up (from 79 secs to 8 secs).
\n\nWith this blog post we want to share insights into how the Platform Engineering
- team for the Business Marketplace
- at Deutsche Telekom AG analyzed a Ceph performance issue. Ceph is used for both
- block storage and object stroage in our cloud production platform.
- the most common IO workload patterns of web applcations were not causing issues
- on our Ceph clusters, serving databases or other IO demanding applications with
- high IOPS requirements (with 8K or 4K blocksize) turns out more challenging.
- we got a report from a colleague discussing performance regressions on our Ceph
- cluster for rados block devices. We were presented results of dd
- if=/dev/zero of=/dev/vdx bs=1k count=100M
\n\nWe were not very happy
- about getting a report with blocksize of 1k, synthetic sequential writes and /dev/zero
- as input. But it turned out that even with 4k or 8k, we didn’t get great numbers.
- cluster at that time was dealing fine with 32k and higher blocksizes. But 32k and
- less indeed resulted in a performance regression compared to an older\ngeneration
- of our Ceph cluster deployment.
- this only happened on very intense 4k write loads inside the VM.
\n\nWe decided to look for the
- right tool to measure detailed latency and IOPS, which is able to reproduce the
- same load pattern.\nBonus point: replaying real-life workloads, that come close
- to production workload - so we can tune for the right workload (and not for dd bs=4k).
- started the challenge, since we looking for a tool, that is able to generate the
- same load on each of the following layers:
\n\nWe would have to use different
- tools that might produce different workloads, which could lead to different results
- per test on different layers.
- fio is supporting various IO engines. So we decided to add support for librbd
- and for the Ceph internal FileStore
- to have a artificial OSD processes to benchmark the OSD implementation via fio
\n\nOne preparation step left: You need to create
- a test rbd in advance. WARNING: do not use existing RBDs which might hold valuable
- data!
- will perform a 100% random write test across the entire RBD size (will be determined
- via librbd
), as Ceph user admin
- the Ceph pool rbd
(default) and the just
- created and empty RBD fio_test
with a 4k
- blocksize and iodepth of 32 (numbers\nof IO requests in flight). The engine is making
- use of asynchronous IO.
- carefully selected results from one of our development environments while investigating
- on the actual performance issue.
\n\nFollowing plot shows the original situation
- we were facing. Result from the fio example RBD job run with a 2GB RBD which was
- initial empty:\n
\n\nMore detailed analysis and
- result and configuration/setup details will follow with the next postings on the
- TelekomCloud Blog.
- are looking forward to going into more details in the next post on our performance
- analysis story with our Ceph RBD cluster performance.
\n\nThere are many stress test frameworks
- for OpenStack that are all pretty similar in nature. They follow fixed scenarios
- and fork many worker processes. Often they are difficult to enhance, since they
- were written for a single purpose.
\n\nIn the past, stress tests had their
- own area inside Tempest. New tests were introduced mainly as clones of an exiting
- API, a scenario test or a mixture of both. But do stress tests really have their
- own testing domain?
- two topics are already covered by Tempest tests today: grouping API test enables
- us to detect race conditions, using scenario test, we can simulate load profiles.
\n\nThe core of
- the stress test framework is quite simple: It’s responsible for forking worker processes
- and summarizing results. How many processes should be forked is configurable in
- a JSON configuration file, which also can provide multiple arguments for each stress
- test.
- order to stop duplication code, we started to integrate existing Tempest tests into
- the stress test framework. A wrapper was build to call any kind of unit test and
- make it available to the framework. With that, it’s easy to group existing tests.
- Here is an example of how this is done for two unit tests:
\n\nThis will fork in total 16 processes
- that will conduct glance and cinder stress testing.
\n\nInstead of manually adding
- exiting tests to the stress test framework, the next logical step was to introduce
- a decorator. It allows test developers to decide if a test is made available to
- the stress test framework. Or, to be more precise, it marks tests as being meaningful
- stress tests. The decorator can be used like this:
- can simply get added to any existing unit test or used as the only purpose for a
- test. Internally it is based on the existing mechanism of attribute discovery of
- testtools
and adds the attribute stress
. It has one mandatory parameter class_setup_per
, since it must be decided when
- the setUpClass
function should be called:
- For every process, for every action or just globally. This depends on the content
- of the setUpClass
and must be decided by
- the developer. In many cases a call on a per process level is sufficient.
\n\nIn fact, it’s often easier to identify test
- cases that aren’t good candidates:
- others tests might be interesting candidates to get integrated and used from the
- test framework. So please feel free to identify new cases and contribute them to
- OpenStack/Tempest.
\n\n \n \n \n OpenStack Networking High Availability
- concept\n http://telekomcloud.github.io//2013/06/10/openstack-networking-high-availability.html\n
- \ Mon, 10 Jun 2013 19:42:00 +0000\n http://telekomcloud.github.io//2013/06/10/openstack-networking-high-availability\n
- \ Getting OpenStack highly available has been a hot topic for us at Deutsche
- Telekom AG. With the upstream OpenStack
- High Availability documentation , it’s already well documented how to configure
- supporting services like MySQL and RabbitMQ in highly available setups.
- challenging area with regards to high availability has been OpenStack Networking.
- For our OpenStack Grizzly-based cloud, we have made great progress with our solution
- that we would like to share: how to implement OpenStack Networking (L3 agent) highly
- available in active/active mode without pacemaker, using traditional routing/balancing
- functionality.
\n\nOur primary goal is to keep VMs available/reachable form
- the internet with redundant network. I’ll focus on the high-level idea today and
- post later about the detailed implmentation.
\n\nLets assume we have OpenStack
- up and running, including OpenStack Networking with Open vSwitch plug-in. The traffic
- will usually flow from internet -> Network Node -> Open vSwitch -> Full
- mash GRE tunnel -> Compute node -> Open vSwitch on Compute - >VM:
\n\nNext, we need a second Network node with Open vSwitch
- and GRE tunnels to connect to the same Compute nodes:
\n\nNow we can create a VM on compute node
- with two nics and assignee two different IP addresses to them. We need to make sure
- to use IPs that are part of each of the subnets that are mapped to the network nodes
- / L3 agents.
\n\nWith this, we have now multiple paths to go out from the
- VM. In order to avoid any kind of routing problems you need to configure PBR (Policy
- based routing) insdie the VM. (Details will be provided with the next post.)
- goal is to make sure that packets arriving on interface ethX will be replayed or
- send back via the same interface. This will require two routing tables and two default
- routes, one for each interface.
\n\nHaving done this, we now have multiple
- paths to the same VM, with different IP addresses.
\n\nIn case one of network
- nodes (L3 agents) is not available, the GRE tunnel is not up or for any other reason
- you cannot access the VM via the first Network node, you can still reach the same
- VM via the second Network node, but with different IP address.
- we need to set up a load balancer in front of for the Network node to manage the
- IP swapping, to hide any changes to the IP addresses form the public network.
- we now have the networking node working in active/active mode and the traffic will
- be load-balanced, which also allows us to double the throughput. The traffic flow
- now looks like this: Internet -> load balancer -> Network node 1 or 2 ->
- Open vSwitch -> Full mash GRE tunnel -> Compute node -> OpenVswitch ->
- VM:
\n\nThe redundancy of the load balancer is out of scope
- for this post. You’ll have to choose a load balancer, that best meets your requirements.
- It could be a hardware appliance, or software based.
\n\nIn case you don’t
- want to implement a load balancer in front of the network node, but still want to
- keep the VM highly availability, you need to take care of the IP address changing
- yourself. One option would be to use the IP SLA feature of CISCO routers for this.
- It can monitor the availability of the path to VM and switch to next path with NAT
- immediately, in case one path is not available:
\n\nDid you know Deutsche Telekom AG has been using and developing OpenStack-based
- clouds for the last 1.5 years? We first publicly talked about our OpenStack efforts
- at CeBIT 2012 in
- March 2012 and at the OpenStack Folsom Design Summit in San Francisco. A lot has
- happened since then! While OpenStack Essex was not fully ready to meet our requirements,
- we have been in production with OpenStack Folsom for a while now. Currently our
- Cloud Development and Operations team is busy preparing the launch of our OpenStack
- Grizzly-based cloud.
\n\nWith the creation of this team blog, we want to share
- our ideas and findings in and around OpenStack and discuss them with the community.
- We are looking forward to the conversation!
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- I've taken, five months in.
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+title: Eclipse Ruminations
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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+ ruminate (v). 1. To turn a matter over and over in the mind. 2. To chew cud.
+ The views displayed here are my own, and do not represent those of my employer.
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+ - xml
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+ last_post_title: 'Eclipse to Visual Studio 2010: What I''m Missing'
+ last_post_description: I've recently been spending a lot of my time in Visual Studio
+ 2010. Having been in Eclipse for many years, the transition has been somewhat
+ painful. In no particular order, here are the features that
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+ - eclipse
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+ - visual studio
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+date: "2023-11-16T07:53:14-08:00"
+description: Dank memes are truly inspire for me therefore i like to share this one
+ with you.
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- worse brand less products is that I can’t look them up. This is by design since
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+ ion batteries are recycled. The main gist is that the widley cited 5% figure is
+ the result of a lot of broken telephone rather than any
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- buttons and it's a slim watch. Though recently I saw that Casio offered a design
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+ 2022 held in Kuala Lumpur. And it was an experience that I'll never forget. \n\nIt
+ was my first time attending an in-person conference. I was"
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+ - Email
+ - Rant
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+ last_post_title: Habilitando outras regiões no Coby TF-DVD7100
+ last_post_description: Registrado para não esquecer... Achei essa dica de DVD Region
+ Hack for PRISM TF-DVD7100". O Prism na Inglaterra é o mesmo aparelho que o Coby,
+ muito popular no Brasil."With no disc in player:On the
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- that sponsor us. (We appreciate all of you!)Today, we're thankful for Fastly,
- whose CDN helps keep perl.org and cpan.org fast and
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+ last_post_description: Lors des denières élections Européennes, la vague du Rassemblement
+ Nationale a balayé l'idée d'une France ouverte et digne. Ici et là, nous entendons
+ les raisons pour lesquelles les gens ont
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- PA the Tuesday after Memorial Day, 2019, over five years ago. There have been
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+ last_post_title: Upgrading my tyres and tubes
+ last_post_description: After never really wanting to spend the extra money, I finally
+ replaced my stock Continental Ultra Sport III tyres with Continental Grand Prix
+ 5000, and I was blown away.
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+ last_post_description: When in the course of human events a person makes potentially
+ divisive political statements, especially a person who lives in another country,
+ a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires
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+ - Допматериалы
+ - Книги
+ - видео
+ - виртуальное окружение
+ - курсы
+ - модули
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+ last_post_title: The Lunacy of Artemis
+ last_post_description: |
+ In August 2020, the New York Times asked me to write an op-ed for a special feature on authoritarianism and democracy. They declined to publish my submission, which I am sharing here instead.
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+ of course Emacs - a tip every week for new and experienced users.
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+ - stackoverflow
+ - vnc
+ - web
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- last_post_title: Comment on There are Only Four Billion Floats–So Test Them All!
- by Floating Point Data Types and Computations – Secure Design – Opinion
- last_post_description: '[…] There is another overlooked fact. The float data type
- has 32 bit of storage. This means you can use 4 billions different bit combinations,
- which is not a lot. Looping through all values and'
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+title: Genealogy
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Links, advice and articles collected and up-dated. New links and feedback
+ always welcome. Click for -=INDEX=- Mastodon, Twitter
+ feedlink: https://genweblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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+ - 23&me
+ - 23andme
+ - Alsace
+ - Alsatian
+ - Ancestry
+ - Ancestry.com
+ - Armistice Day
+ - Army nurse
+ - Australia
+ - Autosomal DNA
+ - BMD
+ - BMDs
+ - Bas-Rhin
+ - Baysinger
+ - Belfort
+ - Bitche
+ - Blake
+ - Booth
+ - Boyd
+ - British
+ - Buller
+ - CSS
+ - Callaway
+ - Canada
+ - Canada West
+ - Celtic
+ - Conaway
+ - Conferate
+ - Conway
+ - Cowan
+ - DAR
+ - DNA
+ - Dane
+ - Danish
+ - Danmark
+ - Death records
+ - Denmark
+ - Disney
+ - Ellis Island
+ - England
+ - Europe
+ - FHC
+ - FHL
+ - FTdna
+ - Family History Library
+ - FamilySearch
+ - FamilyTreeDNA
+ - Ferguson
+ - FindAGrave
+ - France
+ - French
+ - GPS
+ - Genealogical Proof Standard
+ - Genetic Genealogy in Practice
+ - Ger
+ - German
+ - German research
+ - Germany
+ - Goosic
+ - Gothic
+ - Gramps
+ - Great Hunger
+ - Harbottle
+ - Haut-Rhin
+ - Holden
+ - Hollingsworth
+ - Holocaust
+ - Ireland
+ - Jack
+ - Jamieson
+ - Jewish
+ - LDS
+ - Linkpendium
+ - Lorraine
+ - Lothringen
+ - Lutheran
+ - Massachusetts
+ - McAninch
+ - McBee
+ - McFarland
+ - McPhatter
+ - Meuse
+ - MitoYdna
+ - Mormon
+ - Moselle
+ - MyHeritage
+ - NARA
+ - Naismith
+ - Norwegian
+ - Ontario
+ - POW
+ - Pfalz
+ - Potato Famine
+ - Promethease
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+ - Purple Heart
+ - Puslinch
+ - Quebec
+ - Robertson
+ - Rootsweb
+ - Rootsweb mail lists archives search
+ - Roszell
+ - Sawyer
+ - Scandanavian
+ - Schell
+ - Scotch-Irish
+ - Scotland
+ - Scots
+ - Scottish
+ - Seattle
+ - Security
+ - Selkirkshire
+ - South Carolina
+ - Suseberry
+ - Sutterlin
+ - Sweden
+ - Swedish
+ - Thomas W. Jones
+ - Triplett
+ - US
+ - UW
+ - Union
+ - Upper Canada
+ - Veteran's Day
+ - Vosges
+ - WWI
+ - WWII
+ - Wainman
+ - Walters
+ - Warren County Iowa
+ - Washington State
+ - Washington State GS
+ - Whitby
+ - Wikitree
+ - YFull
+ - abbreviations
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+ - anthropology
+ - archaeology
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+ - blogs
+ - book
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+ - chromosome
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+ - evidence
+ - exhaustive research
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+ - family research
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+ - firewall
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+ - tutorial
+ - validation
+ - veteran
+ - village
+ - virus
+ - vital records
+ - vocabulary
+ - war
+ - war between the states
+ - web standards
+ - website
+ - windows
+ - workshops
+ - world
+ - yDNA
+ - ysearch
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+ last_post_title: 'Genetic Genealogy: Chapter 8'
+ last_post_description: 1. The following test takers are identified as a match using
+ the "One to One" tool at Gedmatch. Write a citation for this match.Gedmatch. "One-to-One
+ Autosomal DNA Comparison," database report, v.2,
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+ - DNA
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+ last_post_description: This page lists the best demo websites for automation testing
+ practices using Selenium. You don’t need to go anywhere else to search for validating
+ your Selenium tests. Go through the list of demo
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- Tom Raef'
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- WordPress security through the lens of Tom Raef, a seasoned security expert with
- a history dating back to the inception of personal computing.
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+ design and layout! Looks quite sexy, doesn't it? ;-)To illustrate the development
+ of tripedia's style, there are some screenshots from
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+ - gdb debugging-helpers typedef
+ - gdb dell
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+ - include .pro
+ - qmake
+ - qt
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+ - win32 icon
+ - win32 xp
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- in OpenStack
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- in OpenStack: NUMA, CPU Pinning, and Huge Pages.'
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+ sottotitoli all'incontro del LU...
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- - News
+ - April Fools
+ - Distraction
- Jest
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+ - News
+ - Report
- Review
- - April Fools
- - Distraction
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+ last_post_title: How large is the W mass anomaly
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+ - mountain
+ - mountain walking
+ - nepal
+ - trekking
+ - what to bring
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+ last_post_title: 'Trekking through Nepal: what the guidebooks don''t tell you'
+ last_post_description: I recently did a hike with my son through the Annapurna region
+ in the Himalayas in Nepal. A fantastic experience! I decided to share some of
+ the things that I thought were very useful to bring on the
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+ - trekking
+ - what to bring
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last_post_title: Using Obsidian as a Life Record
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roles: academic notes, CRM, blogging center etc. One space it fills admirably
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
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+ - Uncategorized
+ - one-shots
+ - prep
+ - superchargers
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: 'Supercharge your One-Shot, Part 3: Deadline Fights'
+ last_post_description: In this series, I’m going to be showcasing some techniques
+ you can drop into almost any one-shot TTRPG session to improve it – even if the
+ adventure you’re running is already published, these
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+ - Uncategorized
+ - one-shots
+ - prep
+ - superchargers
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
+ categories:
+ - 2024 Barcelona
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: Expectation of outcome
+ last_post_description: This morning I woke up and thought I had to go to the beach
+ to swim naked again. Yesterday was the first time I did it in a crowded place.
+ As I wasn't planning on swimming, I was wearing underwear
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T02:40:00-06:00"
+ last_post_link: https://exploration.work/expectation-of-outcome/
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+ - 2024 Barcelona
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+ https://desentropia.com/: true
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+ last_post_title: 'Crítica personal: Rebuild of Evangelion'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ El origen de esta crítica fue de un hilo en mi cuenta de Twitter,
+ se alargó un poco y me pareció buena idea dejarlo en un artículo también aquí.
+ Bueno, después de ver las 4 películas de
+ last_post_date: "2021-10-09T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://desentropia.com/2021/10/09/critica-personal-rebuild-of-evangelion/
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- - cosmology
- - the universe
- - physics
- - CMB
- - economics and politics
- - particle physics
- - science
- - whimsy
- - mountaineering
+ - BBC
- - CERN
- - Higgs boson
- - astronomy
- - dark matter
- - maps
- - probability
- Bayesian inference
- - Eurozone
- - Planck
- - science education
- - dark energy
- - exploration
- - geography
- - inflation
- - publishing
- - biology
- - peer review
- - Himalayas
- - India
- - Krugman
- - United States
+ - CERN
+ - CMB
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- - funding
- - postdocs
- - quasars
- - supernovae
- - BBC
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+ - Everest
- George Osborne
- Germany
- Greece
- - Merkel
- - Nobel Prize
- - Steven Weinberg
- - Sun
- - climbing
- - neutrinos
- - quantum mechanics
- - Everest
+ - Higgs boson
+ - Himalayas
+ - India
- Iran
+ - Krugman
+ - Merkel
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+ - Nobel Prize
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+ - Sun
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+ - science
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+ - supernovae
+ - the universe
+ - whimsy
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- around her.
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feature (and plug-in). \U0001F609"
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+ - Easter
+ - Just Blossom
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+ - Just Otis
+ - Vets
+ - Video
+ - Walnut
+ - firstweek
+ - handling
+ - nomnomnom
+ - outside
+ - play
+ relme:
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+ We have separated Otis and Daisy with a fence so Otis can settle down.
+ Daisy feels like her world has been cut in half!
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+ coming up, so I thought it's time to post again.The kind Christopher Davis has
+ spent some time on porting Calculator to GTK4, a process which
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- In a blog post about Journal, John Gruber makes a detour to highlight the lack of full import and export in Apple Notes:
- I worry that import and export aren’t priorities for Apple. Apple Notes can
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+ last_post_title: Training C-3PO
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+ either “AI is stealing content” or “everything on the web is free”, but the discussions
+ in between those extremes are more interesting
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- last_post_title: Comment on Monads and Python by Peter
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- time I enjoy reading it all over again. It really helped me make some connections
- that for were eluding me in other descriptions of how
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+ last_post_title: Using GraphQL or REST, that is the question
+ last_post_description: This blog has been dormant for too long – it’s time to post
+ another article. In order to live up to the blog title, this article will combine
+ some old and seasoned stuff (PostgreSQL and
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+ - stardict
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+ last_post_title: 'O GTalk team, where were thou? (part IV: The END)'
+ last_post_description: 'Google Talk is surprisingly still operational, but that
+ ends on ThursdayTook 12 years to die:'
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+ last_post_date: "2023-02-21T06:10:58Z"
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- https://feedpress.me/coryd-all
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https://rknight.me/: true
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https://social.lol/@robb: true
- last_post_title: A WeblogPoMo Retrospective
- last_post_description: WeblogPoMo is over. You can read all my posts here. I followed
- the hashtag all month and also followed the @pomo account. I was flooded with
- excellent posts daily including people who just started
- last_post_date: "2024-05-31T10:48:03Z"
- last_post_link: https://rknight.me/blog/weblogpomo-retrospective/
+ https://wegot.family/: true
+ last_post_title: Fetching Achievements and Trophies for my Game Collection Page
+ last_post_description: Chris was inpired to make his game library page by me. Then
+ he went and added PSN trophy details so I became inspired to do the same - and
+ also do Xbox achievements. I don't tend to chase getting
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T18:21:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://rknight.me/blog/fetching-achievements-and-trophies-for-my-game-collection-page/
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+date: "2024-06-29T15:28:55Z"
description: Dan Ballard is a decentralization and privacy dev. Works at Tor Project.
Board and contributor to Open Privacy Research Society.
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+ https://mastodon.social/@sarahjamielewis: true
+ https://openprivacy.ca/: true
+ https://openprivacy.ca/donate/: true
+ https://sarahjamielewis.com/: true
last_post_title: 2023 in Review
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2023 was a good but tiring year. In retrospect I took nearly no vacation and that was a mistake. Even when travelling and visiting family I worked pretty much the whole time “saving” my
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+ last_post_date: "2024-01-11T00:00:00Z"
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+ - fast food
+ - moskva
+ - novye cheremushki
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+ https://tjenamoskva.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/11472900998358020886: true
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+ - fast food
+ - moskva
+ - novye cheremushki
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+ - linux debian boot
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+ last_post_title: Etch boots as fast as Woody...
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+ last_post_date: "2007-04-12T01:41:24-07:00"
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+ - linux debian boot
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- - https://www.manton.org/podcast.xml
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- last_post_title: Dear Apple, No New Hardware Please
- last_post_description: Mac computers are fast and have impressive battery life.
- Mac Studio with the M4 Ultra ship can wait. The iPad is fast too, potentially
- surpassing the performance of many Mac computers. It is thin
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T21:36:00-04:00"
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+ https://blog.numericcitizen.me/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Travel update #13: Bye Bye Split, Let’s Do Another Cruise to Dubrovnik!'
+ last_post_description: Today was our last day in Split, Croatia. We strolled through
+ the streets of Split once again and had breakfast at the “Bepa” restaurant, which
+ is accessible from one of the public squares. Once
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T21:50:24+02:00"
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+ https://social.vivaldi.net/@sesivany: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on Fedora 40 Release Party in Prague by eischmann
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+ In reply to can confirm, today, 4/13/24 both of my sons
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- - https://colinwalker.blog/livefeed.xml
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- last_post_title: 'The Week #205'
- last_post_description: "\U0001F1FA\U0001F1F8 Guilty on all 34 charges. Unanimously.
- We'll see what sentencing actually brings, but justice seems to be working. Curious
- how the 3 other trials go. Completely unrelated, can felons vote in"
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+ An old friend recently started an IRC server. It may require a nostalgia for the Internet of the 1990s to appreciate, but I find it a refreshing change of pace from the Internet of the 2020s.
+ Unlike
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+ last_post_title: Babbler 0.8.1 released
+ last_post_description: A new version 0.8.1 of the Java XMPP library has been released!
+ It contains primarily bug fixes only, but also contains an important improvement
+ of the thread usage, especially when using NIO
+ last_post_date: "2019-03-06T20:51:00Z"
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
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+ last_post_title: Linguistic Relativity and the Tyranny of the Compiler
+ last_post_description: The idea has been floating around in Linguistics for about
+ a century, that language affects one’s thoughts. Known as linguistic relativity,
+ aka the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, this comes in two
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+description: Recent content on Gajim
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+ last_post_title: Gajim 1.9.1
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Gajim 1.9.1 introduces a menu button, adds improvements for Security Labels, and fixes some bugs. Thank you for all your contributions!
+ What’s New
+ Since Gajim 1.9.0, you can toggle Gajim’s main
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-21T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://gajim.org/post/2024-06-22-gajim-1.9.1-released/
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- last_post_title: Comment on Interview in Offscreen Magazine by Public Service Product
- Management - Tom Loosemore on The Product Experience - Mind the Product
- last_post_description: '[…] Offscreen interviewed Tom about the human side of technology […]'
- last_post_date: "2021-02-10T06:00:49Z"
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-title: Bitsplitting
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-description: The Bitsplitting podcast features interviews with people from the greater
- tech industry, with an emphasis on personal backgrounds and how each guest's philosophies
- have affected the arc of their
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- last_post_title: Season 1 Closing Message
- last_post_description: This marks the end of the first season of Bitsplitting. After
- 10 episodes with 10 great guests, Daniel has decided to take a break. You can
- learn more at bitsplitting.org/break.
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- development.
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- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
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- close to getting native CSS nesting
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- Part 1
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- TL;DR:In my first post for WeblogPoMo2024, I discuss the reasons and principles of last year's blog construction.
- This blog post has approximately 755 words and may take 4 minutes to read
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- last_post_title: How can capitalism be reformed?
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- Over the last few months, I’ve been asking myself if I’ve been turning into a Communist, as certain aspects of capitalism have had me seeing red.
- So many parts of the capitalist system feel
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+ categories:
+ - 2012 Washington GIS Conference
+ - AGIT
+ - Code Sprint
+ - Committer
+ - EPSG
+ - GDAL
+ - GeoTools
+ - Git
+ - R
+ - SAGA
+ - SQLite
+ - SVN
+ - Terra GIS
+ - Testing
+ - developers
+ - gvSIG CE
+ relme:
+ https://csgisblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://gvsigce.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/04518422302925054438: true
+ last_post_title: Dynamic web map of gvSIG CE downloads
+ last_post_description: Karsten Vennemann from TERRAGIS made a web map which shows
+ the gvSIG CE downloads and where are they coming from. You can read more about
+ this here.We would like to thanks TERRAGIS for this great
+ last_post_date: "2014-06-03T20:00:00Z"
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+ - updates
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- Website Creation'
- last_post_description: On the podcast today we have Adam Zielinski. He works as
- a WordPress developer at Automattic and in this episode, we talk about Playground,
- a groundbreaking project that is redefined the way we
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- last_post_link: https://wptavern.com/podcast/122-adam-zielinski-on-how-playground-is-transforming-wordpress-website-creation
+ last_post_title: '#126 – Aaron Jorbin on Navigating WordPress Major and Minor Releases'
+ last_post_description: On the podcast today we have Aaron Jorbin. Aaron has led
+ teams responsible for some of the largest and most prominent WordPress sites in
+ the world including Rolling Stone, Variety, WIRED, The New
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T14:00:00Z"
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+description: This is the Haskell Interlude, where the five co-hosts (Wouter Swierstra,
+ Andres Löh, Alejandro Serrano, Niki Vazou, and Joachim Breitner) chat with Haskell
+ guests!
+ feedlink: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/1817535.rss
+ feedtype: rss
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+ categories:
+ - Technology
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+ https://haskell.foundation/podcast/: true
+ last_post_title: '52: Pepe Iborra'
+ last_post_description: Andres and Sam interview Pepe Iborra, exploring his journey
+ from academia via banking to now Meta. In this episode, we discuss Pepe’s involvement
+ in the evolution of the Haskell ecosystem, in
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+description: "2.09K Posts, 122 Following, 9.57K Followers · Purism makes hardware,
+ software and services that respect you. We support your digital privacy, security
+ and freedom. \n\nThis is the primary Purism"
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+ - '#Purism'
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+ https://social.librem.one/@purism: true
+ last_post_title: 'purism: Privacy meets power.'
+ last_post_description: 'Privacy meets power. Librem 11: Your freedom-focused tablet.https://puri.sm/products/librem-11/#Librem11
+ #Purism'
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- last_post_title: Weeknote 82
- last_post_description: |-
- It was another somewhat tiring and stressful week bringing together research from design and tech people on my current project with GDS in order to attempt to map a journey for my prototyping.
- Just
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-title: Michelle Barker
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+ what color can i dye my hair after blue.Have you at any point contemplated the danger you are taking
+ when you sit in a beautician's seat while your hair is being covered with a
+ compound hair color?
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+ was released. I was brand new to Linux. This was Ubuntu’s first LTS release; the
+ very first release of Ubuntu was only a year and a
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+ \ \n Allez dans le répertoire d’installation de Pg3DImport puis
+ le sous-répertoire DATA, puis sélectionnez le"
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+ last_post_title: What’s Missing in Conversations about Libraries and Mental Illness
+ last_post_description: In Brief It is inevitable that public librarians interact
+ with mentally ill patrons daily. We do our best to help find information and connect
+ patrons to resources, where appropriate. What is missing
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+ binary is identical to the compiler built by the
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+ Im Open Change-Forum findet sich eine erste Zusammenfassung von Eindrücken und Gedanken zur diesjährigen Konferenz in Stuttgart:
+ http://openchange.wordpress.com/2011/07/13/ready-set-change/
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+ codebase effectively with a tool called codemod. It turned
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- last_post_description: One day I’ll fulfill my dream of throwing my phone into the
- ocean*, but for now I’m settling for throwing my phone in my basement. The Anxious
- Generation by Jonathan Haidt articulates how the
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- last_post_title: In Memory of Daniel Bristot de Oliveira
- last_post_description: |-
- This post falls in the category of things I never thought nor wanted to write:
- we lost Daniel this week due to some probable heart failure.
- I met Daniel in Red Hat's internal IRC #italy channel. It
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- last_post_title: Went to bookclub
- last_post_description: Went to bookclub last night. It’s a secret music venue within
- walking distance that you’d pass right on by if you didn’t know what to look for.
- One of the smallest venues I’ve ever been to,
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+ last_post_title: A quarter on the Red Hat OSCI and Testing Farm team
+ last_post_description: For the last quarter I have worked in Red Hat’s Testing Farm
+ (TFT) and “Operating System CI” (OSCI) and teams, on a temporary rotation. TFT
+ develops and runs the Testing Farm (TF)
+ last_post_date: "2022-12-19T00:00:00Z"
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+ - Backup
+ - Daten
+ - Datensicherung
+ - Sicherung
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+ https://unicase.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/18196528196170889175: true
+ last_post_title: 'Bitte: Backup! Teil 2'
+ last_post_description: Interessant, was für Reaktionen der letzte Post ausgelöst
+ hat. Die seltensten sind "Ich mach schon ein Backup" oder "Ich habe mir jetzt
+ alles eingerichtet" - großes Lob! Viel öfter "Danke, aber
+ last_post_date: "2010-10-29T08:15:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://computerfibel.blogspot.com/2010/10/bitte-backup-teil-2.html
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+ - Daten
+ - Datensicherung
+ - Sicherung
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- last_post_title: Enable MTE on Pixel 8
- last_post_description: The Pixel 8 hardware (Tensor G3) supports the ARM Memory
- Tagging Extension (MTE), and software support is available both in Android userspace
- and the Linux kernel. This feature is a powerful defense
- last_post_date: "2023-10-26T19:19:46Z"
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- last_post_title: 'New Year: New Site'
- last_post_description: I’ve decided to move my content over to https://mattray.github.io
- since I’m primarily writing about technical topics and the Markdown-based Jekyll
- workflow is pretty simple. I’ll leave this
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+ last_post_title: Assando carnes no forno doméstico
+ last_post_description: Não tenho tido muito tempo de cozinhar. Tenho feito algumas
+ coisas aqui e ali, mas nunca lembro de postar. Hoje lembrei do blog meio por acaso
+ e resolvi postar o que estou fazendo agora. É bem
+ last_post_date: "2012-11-11T16:51:00Z"
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-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Ein Podcast & Blog über Kreativität, Technologie, Arbeit und Menschen
- hinter ihren Pseudonymen und Avataren. Von und mit Marc Thiele.
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-title: the morning paper
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- on a programmable cloud. This is what comes after serverless, people. In this
- thread, a few recent talks/papers on the vision. First
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- last_post_title: Building Lagrange on Raspberry Pi OS
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- browser on Raspberry Pi OS. They are based on instructions I found at . These
- are in French and I don't speak or read French. My loss. The
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- lineup the Evercade – has announced three new collections within the past week.
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- myself, Christopher Lawley, and Niléane!Comfort Zone is the newest member of the
- MacStories family, and we're extremely excited to be
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+ the devices will get better, lighter and cheaper, but much less obvious whether
+ that’s enough. How many people will care? We should be'
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+ last_post_description: 'What are complex generations and how to deal with? The talk
+ "complex generations with EGF" presented at the EclipseDay Paris 2011 is now available
+ here.Video link of the two presented EGF portfolios:'
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+ - LibOCon 2020
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+ - LibreOffice не запускается
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+ - сноски
+ - сраная политика
+ - тёмная тема
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+ - форум
+ - функции
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- last_post_description: It's that time of the year (Weekly Notes 21/2023) again.
- I am in Chennai for Paradox. I like these yearly visits. The year 2023/24 has
- been exceptional. Some of the students who had completed the
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+ Welcome to the second half of 2024. This year is flying by. Days feel slow, but months and weeks are speeding.
+ The post Weekly Notes 27/2024 first appeared on Thejesh GN.
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- last_post_title: Comment on Rift CV1 – Adventures in Kalman filtering Part 2 by
- Erik Dixon
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- kalman filtering? I'm tempted to move the matrix multiplication functions to run
- on the GPU to see if that helps.
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- Community, Events, Accessibility and
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- a groundbreaking project that is redefined the way we
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+ last_post_title: DDosing Vs Loptop
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+ How would I be able to deal with secure my worker against
+ these assaults?
+ You can use many techniques to attle, stop, and even
+ forestall DDoS and DOS assaults. You can depend on a firewall. Indeed
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+ - Ddosing have many options
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+ - Debian
+ - Django
+ - Google Summer of Code
+ - HTTP/2
+ - Open Source
+ - Package Tracking System
+ - Python
+ - Rust
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+ https://jabhay832.blogspot.com/: true
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+ For quite some time now, I've been following Rust,
+ a new(ish) programming language by Mozilla. It's been around for a while,
+ but recently it's been attracting a lot of buzz. Around the new year,
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+ - HTTP/2
+ - Open Source
+ - Rust
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+ - Arts
+ - Arts/Music
+ - Music
+ - The World
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+ last_post_title: Lounge Penguin
+ last_post_description: Lounge, as in a jazz club. Penguin, as in GoGo Pengin, a
+ piano/bass/drums trio. We caught their show at Jazz Alley in Seattle last
+ week. Maybe you should go hit a jazz lounge sometime
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+ - Music
+ - The World
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- last_post_title: Week Notes 22-24
- last_post_description: Last week was too much, so this week I aimed to take it slower,
- but it was still an intensive week both work wise and at home. This week I Had
- a for now weekly session with a psychologist. Made some
- last_post_date: "2024-06-02T21:36:12+02:00"
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+ last_post_title: Week Notes 27-24
+ last_post_description: This week was far too busy with appointments (and so will
+ be next week). I felt more or less ok, but my concentration was off, mixing up
+ appointments and forgetting important tasks. After next week I
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T12:38:35Z"
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- communication by spinningmatt'
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- In reply to Daniel Bavrin .
- It was probably https://github
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Bird Talk
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+ - Engenharia de Software
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+ - Five
+ - Grupo de Usuários
+ - Linguagem de Programação
+ - Lisp
+ - Manipulação de arquivos
+ - Plone
+ - Python
+ - RelStorage
+ - Scheme
+ - Social Network Service
+ - Threads
+ - ZODB
+ - Zope
+ - buildout
+ - pythonbrasil
+ - twitter
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+ Firefox, Servo and various other projects. It is written in C++ and Rust.
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+ last_post_title: SpiderMonkey Newsletter (Firefox 126-127)
+ last_post_description: Hello and welcome to our newest newsletter. As the northern
+ hemisphere warms and the southern hemisphere cools, we write to talk about what’s
+ happened in the world of SpiderMonkey in the
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+ - Darcs
+ - GSoC
+ - Haskell
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+ last_post_title: GSoC Week 12
+ last_post_description: Wow, this is my last gsoc related entry, I'm publishing earlier
+ because I won't be around during the weekend.I mentioned last week that we had
+ know a better mechanism to handle bad cache, during this
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+ - caching
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+ - cygwin
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+ - powerpc
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+ - wishlist
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+ https://xenionhosting.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: On "repairing this commodore 1551 drive" and "don't plug in the
+ head cable backwards"
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+ last_post_date: "2024-04-24T19:11:29-07:00"
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+ - 1551 drive
+ - 6510T
+ - commodore
+ - commodore 16
+ - commodore plus/4
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- last_post_title: 'ipcpipeline: Splitting a GStreamer pipeline into multiple processes'
- last_post_description: Earlier this year I worked on a certain GStreamer plugin
- that is called “ipcpipeline”. This plugin provides elements that make it possible
- to interconnect GStreamer pipelines that run in
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+ En réponse à Xataz .
+ C'est exactement ça, j'ai eu connaissance de gros retours arrière. Je n'en
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- What about local chains?
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+ Your drain and firewalls need time to break down the traffic
+ to isolate it based on acceptable site traffic and fake traffic. It
+ additionally can't ensure against significant assaults, mainly when it
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+ - Ddosing vs 5g let see.
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+ last_post_title: A playground for Hare
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+ I built a thing:
+ Hare Playground
+ And this is what it looks like:1
+ It's an online playground for the Hare programming language.
+ Code is sent to the server for compilation and execution.
+ It responds
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- OpenStack developers with OpenStack operators to encourage better information
- flow from ops to devs. Heres’s how it might work. Operators'
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+ last_post_title: 3d6 Down the Line 2023 Year in Review
+ last_post_description: "The five members of 3d6 Down the Line have enjoyed a great
+ year of gaming, \nand we’ve been privileged to shepherd in substantial growth
+ for our channel \nand brand."
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+ Michael Kennedy. We dive deep into the popular packages and software developers,
+ data scientists, and incredible hobbyists
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+ Shiny course at Talk Python: talkpython.fm/shiny
+ Jodie Burchell: @t_redactyl
+ Carol on Mastodon: @willingc@hachyderm.io
+ Paul Everitt: @paulweveritt
+ Watch this episode on YouTube: youtube.com
+ Episode
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+ For close to a decade, I dedicated myself to building out Grafana Labs and subsequently took some personal time to recharge.
+ I came out of these experiences as a different person, and am ready to
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+ - Software
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+ last_post_description: 'PureOS—the alternative convergent operating system by Purism—is
+ adding an optional subscription to advance development. The three monthly subscription
+ tiers are: PureOS Subscription Standard $5'
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+ things.
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+ - CMS
+ - Django
+ - Drupal
+ - FME
+ - GDAL
+ - GIS
+ - GeoDjango
+ - GeoNode
+ - MapAlgebra
+ - MediaWiki
+ - PostGIS
+ - PostGIS Add-ons
+ - Raster
+ - SharePoint
+ - Union
+ - analysis
+ - database
+ - information system
+ - raster2pgsql
+ - rasterization
+ - semantic
+ - web
+ - wiki
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17199173181807664396: true
+ last_post_title: A guide to the rasterization of vector coverages in PostGIS
+ last_post_description: A frequent question since the beginning of the PostGIS Raster
+ adventure has been "How can I convert my geometry table to a raster coverage?" (here
+ also). People often describe the way to rasterize
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+ - PostGIS
+ - PostGIS Add-ons
+ - Raster
+ - Union
+ - analysis
+ - rasterization
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+ The interaction is comparative for Android
+ clients; go to your new calls and snap "subtleties" and snap
+ "block number." They are complementary inside the USA,
+ Canada, and all nations using the North
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+ updated daily because if I can't find at least one website to share every day, I need to turn in my Internet license!
+ | Pronouns: he/him
+ | Occupatio...
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- podcast feed by Andy
- last_post_description: In 2017, I wrote a post with the title “We have great tools
- to create – are we creating great things?”. It was in reference…
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Open letter to Dave Winer’s call to develop feed-based
+ social media apps by Andy
+ last_post_description: Dave Winer again calls for “a twitter-like system built with
+ feeds, with all their limits”. In May 2023, I created My Status Tool (Github repo)…
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+ - Dark Things
+ - EFH
+ - GSoC
+ - Hopkins
+ - Kingdom
+ - MADS
+ - Mortevielle
+ - Rex
+ - Robin
+ - ScummVM
+ - StarTrek
+ - Translation
+ - TsAGE
+ - Voyeur
+ - Wasteland
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+ last_post_title: Escape from Hell
+ last_post_description: Time flies, I didn't notice that my last post is already
+ 3years old... In the meantime, I have worked on several engines, with other devs...
+ But today, I passed an important step in the development
+ last_post_date: "2023-01-23T22:05:00Z"
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+ last_post_title: Memory Barriers and GHC 6.12.1
+ last_post_description: I've moved to UNSW (University of New South Wales) to help
+ with the DPH (Data Parallel Haskell) project. The first order of business has
+ been to make a SPARC/Solaris binary release for 6.12.1.It
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- culture...but really, things can only get so out of hand.
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+ - Broken Sword
+ - Mission Supernova
+ - NSDockTilePlugIn
+ - OS X
+ - ScummVM
+ - translation
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+ last_post_title: GSoC 2019 mentor summit lightning talk
+ last_post_description: Following the participation of ScummVM to the Google Summer
+ of code this summer we were invited to send two mentors to the Mentors Summit
+ in Munich in October. I was selected to go with Arnaud
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- Weird? Dunno about that. At least, not necessarily the weirdest, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Utopia_Strong - note that one of the founders is a six-time world snooker champion.
- ANyway, a
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+ last_post_description: 'IBM has put together a technical briefing entitled Eclipse:
+ Empowering the Universal Platform that provides an introduction to Eclipse - the
+ platform, the foundation, and the ecosystem. This is a'
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- - Become A Great Leader
- - Master The Workplace
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+ - Miscellaneous Awesome
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- last_post_description: What makes companies great? Gallup did research to find out
- — real research. They surveyed 24 companies in 12 different industries measuring
- productivity, profitability, employee retention and
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+ last_post_title: 'How To Be More Resilient: 6 Steps To Success When Life Gets Hard'
+ last_post_description: Sometimes life doesn’t just hand you lemons — it pelts you
+ with them like you’re in a citrus fruit dodgeball game. Yeah, we’re talking about
+ when you have to deal with grief, like the death
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+ Monday night. At 9pm, I head out to a small sports club on the outskirts of Munich
+ to play 5-a-side soccer. Many players have left, and
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+ - gsoc
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+ - rhythmbox
+ - spice
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- RPC and Notification messaging communication patterns for control plane services.
- The RPC interface is used for interactive invocation
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+ last_post_title: 'An Open Letter to Tim Cook: Apple and the Environment'
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+ with great interest, and applaud your principled stance on encryption, as well
+ as the amazing steps Apple is taking toward environmental
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- last_post_description: 'Location: Boston, Lincolnshire'
- last_post_date: "2024-05-27T12:44:00+01:00"
- last_post_link: https://marksuth.dev/photos/2024/05/boston-stump
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- - Politics
- - Environment
- - Punk
- - skateboarding
- - GEF
- - Photography
- - Science
- - Art
- - documentary
- - Video
- - protest
- - Music
- - hip-hop
- - '"school of Life"'
- - capitalism
- - inspiration
- - away memes
- - philosophy
- - humor
- - culture
- - vegan
- - Dump
- - film
- - religion
- - hip hop
- - history
- - education
- - occupy wall street
- - TV
- - Interview
- - Noam Chomsky
- - movies
- - vintage
- - Books
- - animation
- - punk rock
- - food
- - health
- - Henry Rollins
- - Beastie Boys
- - instagram
- - technology
- - health care
- - activism
- - future
- - government
- - media
- - Rare Photos
- - economy
- - comedy
- - life
- - obama
- - psychology
- - youth
- - internet
- - DJ
- - Public Enemy
- - DogTown
- - Architecture
- - Ian MacKaye
- - Jonathan Toubin
- - bernie sanders
- - corporations
- - economics
- - school of life
- - Revolution
- - pbs
- - politcs
- - Fugazi
- - Run-DMC
- - civil rights
- - exhibition
- - my rules
- - republikkkan
- - NYC
- - Space
- - New York City
- - classic
- - street art
- - Baseball
- - Democracy
- - Jay Adams
- - hiphop
- - propaganda
- - sociology
- - Michael Moore
- - Shepard Fairey
- - conservatives
- - ignorance
- - rock 'n' roll
- - kids
- - vegetarian
- - Ice-T
- - New York
- - UK
- - washington DC
- - Design
- - Earth
- - athiest
- - away tunes
- - cars
- - nature
- - photographs
- - Ian Svenonius
- - Jello Biafra
- - advertising
- - animal rights
- - animals
- - civil liberties
- - socialism
- - DEVO
- - Graffiti
- - literature
- - Bad brains
- - Live
- - Minor Threat
- - amerikkka
- - rap
- - rockNroll
- - work
- - 1970's
- - Chuck D.
- - Feminism
- - Talk
- - fox news
- - keith morris
- - law
- - race
- - Banksy
- - Jonathan Toubin DJ
- - climate change
- - conspiracy theories
- - guns
- - opinion
- - sex pistols
- - book signing
- - children
- - communication
- - cornel west
- - planet
- - racism
- - radio
- - greed
- - holiday
- - insanity
- - justice
- - movie
- - rock'N'roll
- - short film
- - usa
- - wu-tang clan
- - '#OWS'
- - "1977"
- - Business
- - Daily Show
- - NASA
- - YouTube
- - Z-Boys
- - away
- - black culture
- - consumerism
- - dead kennedys
- - fascism
- - ramones
- - surfing
- - tony alva
- - xmas
- - 45's
- - Africa
- - Apple
- - Beatles
- - Def Jam
- - News
- - War
- - automobiles
- - away. meme
- - diet
- - energy
- - factory farming
- - lance Mountain
- - los angeles
- - martin sprouse
- - marx
- - mash-up
- - old school
- - security
- - violence
- - 1960's
- - BBC
- - Funk
- - Japan
- - NRA
- - Podcast
- - Pussy riot
- - Ralph Nader
- - Woody Allen
- - buzzcocks
- - clouds
- - corruption
- - feel the bern
- - india
- - nuclear power
- - stacy peralta
- - "2016"
- - DUMP. politics
- - Global Warming
- - Intelligence
- - MLK
- - Rick Rubin
- - Work + Capitalism
- - california
- - chuck dukowski
- - community
- - gangs
- - george orwell
- - humans
- - jon stewart
- - karl marx
- - organic
- - press
- - publishing
- - truth
- - universe
- - BOOK
- - CBGB's
- - Dock Ellis
- - Fela Kuti
- - OG
- - Soul Proprietor
- - bullshit
- - censorship
- - christmas
- - circle jerks
- - classic music
- - classic vinyl
- - folk music
- - hardcore
- - hardcore punk
- - john oliver
- - live music
- - national geographic
- - production
- - rare
- - russia
- - the idealist
- - viral
- - water
- - women
- - Archive
- - Death
- - Dolphins
- - Entertainment
- - Financial Crisis
- - KRS-One
- - LL Cool J
- - Liars
- - MC5
- - New York Night Train
- - RIP
- - Rakim
- - SNL
- - SkateBoarder
- - Soul Train
- - advice
- - american history
- - animal agriculture
- - badass
- - comics
- - corporatocracy
- - depression
- - dischord
- - dope
- - eric b. and rakim
- - fast food
- - faux news
- - human nature
- - james bond
- - jazz
- - jimi hendrix
- - language
- - liberal
- - mash-up remixes
- - military industrial complex
- - music business
- - public library
- - recording
- - records
- - robots
- - self
- - style
- - t-shirt
- - terrorism
- - the Simpsons
- - united states of america
- - vote
- - voting
- - weather
- - zephyr
- - "1976"
- - "1985"
- - 70's
- - Crass
- - Facebook
- - Family
- - HR
- - Heavy Metal
- - Hero
- - IG
- - Jeff Ho
- - London
- - NPR
- - Ocean
- - Sundance
- - Thanksgiving
- - Together Forever
- - Travel
- - Whales
- - african american
- - american
- - atheism
- - bicycle
- - brain
- - charity
- - china
- - civil disobedience
- - climate
- - conservative
- - digital technology
- - drugs
- - electric car
- - event
- - flag
- - flight
- - home
- - lecture
- - money
- - peta
- - police violence
- - politicians
- - progressive
- - robert Reich
- - russell simmons
- - skateboarding hall of fame
- - society
- - sports
- - target video
- - taxes
- - the beatles
- - thieves
- - trees
- - visual traveling
- - 60's
- - 80's
- - Afro beat
- - BEEF
- - Black Panthers
- - Black Sabbath
- - Campaign Finance Reform
- - Chain and the Gang
- - Democracy Now
- - Dr.Seuss
- - Einstein
- - Jam Master jay
- - Jim Muir
- - King Tee
- - PMA
- - R.I.P.
- - Rollins
- - Sly and the family stone
- - Suicidal Tendencies
- - a tribe called quest
- - acting
- - asshole
- - assholes
- - basketball
- - beauty
- - birds
- - c. r. stecyk
- - clothing
- - creativity
- - debate
- - educational
- - ethics
- - ferguson
- - fun
- - germany
- - hall of fame
- - hollywood
- - hot rods
- - images
- - lies
- - martin luther king jr.
- - music video
- - nazi
- - parody
- - photo
- - photo manipulation
- - pirates
- - president
- - public spaces
- - ramps
- - reading
- - recognize
- - revolutionary
- - run dmc
- - safety
- - satire
- - shit
- - shithead
- - skate
- - smoking
- - social commentary
- - social media
- - stephen colbert
- - steve olson
- - straight edge
- - surveillance
- - the Spiv
- - 1st amendment
- - 35mm film. photography
- - AdRock
- - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- - Arté TV
- - DIY
- - Danzig
- - Ezio
- - FBI
- - Freud
- - Friends
- - Fuck You All
- - MLB
- - Mark Gonzales
- - Mars
- - Native American
- - Peggy Oki
- - Plato
- - Q&A
- - Rodney Mullen
- - Sea Shepherd
- - Single Payer
- - Snoop Dogg
- - Tesla
- - USSR
- - Union
- - Wall Street
- - X-Clan
- - age
- - alcohol
- - anarchy
- - angela davis
- - atheist
- - automation
- - bad ass
- - banks
- - birthday
- - brooklyn
- - camera
- - cherry hill
- - chomsky
- - civilization
- - collaboration
- - commentary
- - commercials
- - computers
- - cool stuff
- - daredevils
- - detroit
- - dog town
- - downloading
- - driving
- - duane peters
- - election
- - elizabeth warren
- - equality
- - eyes
- - fascist
- - football
- - genetically modified
- - genius
- - glen E. Friedman
- - god
- - golden era
- - good
- - google
- - grand master flash
- - graphic
- - hope
- - humanitarian
- - idiots
- - ill
- - independent
- - information
- - innovation
- - insects
- - integrity
- - interesting
- - james brown
- - john lennon
- - knowledge
- - little league
- - malcolm x
- - manners
- - marriage
- - mike watt
- - new book
- - no guns
- - oil
- - peanuts
- - physics
- - planets
- - plant based diet
- - plutocracy
- - police
- - power
- - prank
- - privacy
- - rebel culture
- - rebellion
- - resistance
- - riots
- - roberto clemente
- - sex
- - shogo kubo
- - ska
- - skateboarder magazine
- - sleep
- - snow
- - sound
- - stars
- - students
- - stupidity
- - subway
- - super heroes
- - supreme court
- - surf culture
- - tea party
- - the damned
- - tony hawk
- - transportation
- - vinyl
- - vision
- - waste
- - wisdom
- - workers
- - x-mas
- - yauch
- - "1971"
- - "1978"
- - "1979"
- - "1981"
- - "1982"
- - "1984"
- - A.O.C.
- - Alec mackaye
- - Alfred Hitchcock
- - Alva
- - Apocalypse
- - BDP
- - Brendan Canty
- - CIA
- - Daily Party Platter
- - Descendents
- - Earthquake
- - Elon Musk
- - Fanzine
- - Fuck
- - Glenn Danzig
- - Guitar Hero
- - Guy Picciotto
- - Hoax
- - Ice cube
- - Ireland
- - Joe Lally
- - John Robbins
- - John kricfuluci
- - Johnny Rotten
- - Juxtapoz
- - LA
- - Lance
- - Led Zeppelin
- - MAD magazine
- - Madonna
- - NSA
- - Nazism
- - Nietzsche
- - P.O.S.
- - Pepsi
- - Pete Shelly
- - Pittsburgh
- - Poland
- - Print
- - Seth Meyers
- - Simpsons
- - Skateparks
- - Skatistan
- - TED
- - The story of stuff
- - Universal Health Care
- - Wayne Kramer
- - adam yauch
- - agribusiness
- - air pollution
- - album cover
- - america
- - amnesty international
- - anthropology
- - astronomy
- - b-boy
- - beats
- - black lives matter
- - blues
- - boing boing
- - bones brigade
- - burning flags press
- - cinematography
- - cities
- - compassion
- - confederate flag
- - congress
- - consciousness
- - constitution
- - cool
- - copyright
- - craft
- - creationism
- - creative
- - currency
- - dance
- - dangerous Minds
- - democrats
- - dez cadena
- - dischord records
- - disney
- - dreams
- - elvis costello
- - empathy
- - evel knievel
- - evolution
- - extreme
- - extreme sports
- - facts
- - fashion
- - feminist
- - finance
- - fireworks
- - france
- - freedom of speech
- - fuck you heroes
- - gay
- - george clinton
- - graffiti rock
- - graphics
- - greg Ginn
- - gun violence
- - healthcare
- - honor
- - humanity
- - idealisim
- - idealism
- - idealist
- - ideas
- - iggy pop
- - incarceration
- - insane
- - john stewart
- - kkk
- - know your roots
- - kodachrome
- - labor
- - law enforcement
- - liar
- - light
- - lightning
- - lyrics
- - marxism
- - mcdonalds
- - meat
- - military
- - minutemen
- - misfits
- - monsanto
- - moon
- - murder
- - museum
- - nationalism
- - new wave
- - nuclear testing
- - nuclear weapons
- - nukes
- - oldschoool
- - olympics
- - parenting
- - peace
- - philanthropy
- - photograph
- - pittsburgh pirates
- - pizza
- - poetry
- - political theory
- - pool skating
- - pop music
- - reality
- - recordings
- - recycle
- - reggae
- - ren and stimpy
- - resilience
- - respect
- - seinfeld
- - skateboarding history
- - slayer
- - snowboarding
- - social justice
- - solar power
- - solar system
- - soul
- - south africa
- - spike lee
- - stories
- - study
- - sunday sermon
- - surfer
- - sustainable living
- - swearing
- - syria
- - t-shirts
- - thanksgiving meme's
- - the CRAMPS
- - time
- - time lapse
- - traffic
- - tricks
- - turntablism
- - twitter
- - waves
- - womens rights
- - wugazi
- - yoko ono
- - z-boy
- - zephyr team
- - ©
- - '#OccupyWallSt'
- - '#occupywallstreet'
- - "1963"
- - "1969"
- - "1970"
- - 1980s
- - "1986"
- - "2017"
- - 3 chord politics
- - 35mm film
- - 4th of july
- - 99%
- - AC/DC
- - ACLU
- - Adam Horovitz
- - Aerosmith
- - Afghanistan
- - Al Barile
- - Alice Cooper
- - Allison Wolfe
- - American masters
- - Anthony Pirog
- - Archaeology
- - Auschwitz
- - BOX
- - Beatniks
- - Bill maher
- - Biscuits
- - Black panther
- - Bobby Piercy
- - Boogie Down Productions
- - C.R. Stecyk III
- - CDC
- - California Über Alles
- - Chris Rock
- - Chuck Biscuits
- - Colin Kaepernick
- - Country
- - D. Boon
- - D.O.A.
- - DC
- - DJ Nu Mark
- - DNC
- - DVD
- - Darwin
- - Dave Chappelle
- - Detroit sound
- - Drunk
- - Dukowski
- - Eastern Philosophy
- - Era
- - Ethical
- - Fat Boys
- - Fela
- - GLAM
- - GMF
- - GMO
- - GZA
- - Glenn Greenwald
- - Go-Go
- - Gun Control
- - Guy Debord
- - H.R.
- - Iceland
- - Janis Joplin
- - Jerry Casale
- - KRS-1
- - Keep your eyes open
- - Kent senatore
- - Kool Herc
- - LIFE magazine
- - LP
- - LSD
- - Legal
- - Legend
- - Leonardo da Vinci
- - MTV
- - Make Up
- - Make-up
- - Mark Mothersbaugh
- - Martin Scorsese
- - Max Weber
- - Medicare
- - Metzger
- - Mike Tyson
- - Milo
- - NOU
- - NWA
- - Nate Dogg
- - Neil Blender
- - New Yorker
- - OWS
- - PC
- - PIL
- - Pier 62
- - Police Brutality
- - Raymond Pettibon
- - Renaissance
- - Roma
- - SS Decontrol
- - SST
- - Saturday Night
- - School Life Monday
- - Schooly D.
- - Situationist International
- - Slavery
- - Snoop
- - Softball
- - Space exploration
- - Stephen hawking
- - TRAP
- - The Allegory of the Cave
- - The Daily Show
- - The Intercept
- - UN
- - UTFO
- - Wake up
- - Western Philosophy
- - Wu tang clan
- - Z-Flex
- - abuse of power
- - activist
- - adjusters
- - aesthetics
- - aging
- - air
- - album art
- - aliens
- - american bandstand
- - angelicas kitchen
- - animal liberation
- - anti-fascist
- - anti-war
- - asia
- - athletes
- - attitude
- - austerity
- - australia
- - b-boying
- - backyard ramp
- - badge
- - beat box
- - behavior
- - beliefs
- - bible
- - bicycles
- - big boys
- - bill moyers
- - black nationalism
- - boards
- - book stores
- - border
- - bratmobile
- - break dancing
- - burger
- - campaign
- - cancer
- - car culture
- - carl dix
- - carnivore
- - cartoons
- - cell phones
- - child abuse
- - childhood
- - classic battle rap
- - cold
- - cold war
- - color
- - comic books
- - coming out
- - comments
- - commercial
- - communism
- - con
- - conspiracy
- - corporate greed
- - cows milk
- - crazy legs
- - creatives
- - criminals
- - cruelty
- - cuba
- - curiosity
- - darby crash
- - dean Delray
- - death metal
- - demo
- - devil
- - dick clark
- - disaster
- - discussion
- - dogtown & Z-Boys
- - donald trump
- - drones
- - ecology
- - eddie elguera
- - egypt
- - election 2016
- - elections
- - emo
- - etiquette
- - evil
- - fake
- - fame
- - fear
- - fight ignorance
- - film making
- - films
- - first world
- - flyers
- - fox
- - fracking
- - freedom of the press
- - freestyle
- - fuck all conservatives
- - fundamentalism
- - funny
- - gangster
- - garage
- - gaza
- - germs
- - girls
- - godfather
- - gopro
- - graphic design
- - guitar
- - halloween
- - hank shocklee
- - hard core
- - highways
- - hobby
- - hollis
- - homeless
- - honda
- - human interest
- - human rights
- - hygiene
- - idiot
- - iggy
- - inebriated
- - information commodity
- - infrastructure
- - injustice
- - institutionalized
- - introspection
- - investment
- - iran
- - iraq
- - it takes a nation of millions to hold us back
- - italy
- - jaywalking
- - jesus
- - jobs
- - john lydon
- - kent sherwood
- - kenter
- - killer mike
- - last week tonight
- - leadership
- - legendary
- - lego
- - lie
- - lifestyle
- - lightening
- - linguistics
- - liverpool
- - living
- - logos
- - love
- - luddites
- - lying
- - magazine
- - magic
- - malcolm McLaren
- - manchester
- - meaning
- - medical science
- - medicine
- - memorial
- - memory
- - mental health
- - milk
- - mods
- - morals
- - movie stars
- - muhammad ali
- - names
- - narcissist
- - nas
- - nazi trump fuck off
- - nerds
- - net neutrality
- - new year
- - night train
- - noir
- - non-violence
- - novelty
- - nutrition
- - "off"
- - old people
- - oliver stone
- - olson
- - parks
- - pee wee herman
- - pee-wee herman
- - people
- - perspective
- - peyote cody
- - pharma
- - pin
- - piracy
- - pizzanista
- - plant based
- - poet
- - political correctness
- - pollution
- - pop
- - pop culture
- - poseur
- - positive
- - positive force
- - poverty
- - powell peralta
- - presidential election
- - projection
- - public transportation
- - puerto rico
- - punk 1960's
- - putin
- - radicals
- - rakim allah
- - rant
- - rape
- - reagan
- - real estate
- - rebel
- - reservation
- - responsibility
- - reunion
- - review
- - right wing
- - riot grrrl
- - rise above
- - robert DeNiro
- - rock
- - rock n' roll
- - roller coaster
- - rolling jubilee
- - sampling
- - scandal
- - school
- - school D.
- - school house rock
- - schools
- - selfies
- - separation of church and state
- - shit head
- - shitpreme
- - shopping
- - sight
- - skateBoarder imagine
- - skateboarding saves
- - slalom
- - slick rick
- - smog
- - social Skills
- - social security
- - solutions
- - south park
- - speak out
- - special effects
- - specials
- - spiderman
- - spirituality
- - star wars
- - steve jobs
- - storms
- - strike debt
- - student loans
- - subculture
- - summer
- - superstition
- - swimming
- - tax
- - tech
- - techno
- - the Specials
- - the clash
- - the evens
- - the guardian
- - the new york times
- - the scream
- - the stooges
- - this is america
- - thrasher
- - tom groholski
- - tour
- - toys
- - treacherous three
- - trends
- - trivia
- - trouble funk
- - tupac Shakur
- - turkey
- - two tone
- - tyranny
- - unions
- - unreleased
- - us
- - values
- - vegetation
- - venice
- - wall
- - war on drugs
- - warfare
- - wealth
- - wi-fi
- - wikileaks
- - wild life
- - wild style
- - william f. buckley
- - win
- - winston Smith
- - wood
- - writing
- - wrong
- '"in the moment"'
+ - '"school of Life"'
- '#BlackLivesMatter'
+ - '#OWS'
+ - '#OccupyWallSt'
- '#RealTalk'
- '#handsup'
- '#occupy'
+ - '#occupywallstreet'
- '#real. NYC'
+ - $
- . 3 chord politics
- 1%
- 100%
- 1000fps
- 12th street and broadway
- 1920's
+ - 1960's
+ - "1963"
- "1965"
- "1966"
- "1967"
- "1968"
+ - "1969"
+ - "1970"
+ - 1970's
- 1970s
+ - "1971"
- "1972"
- "1973"
- "1975"
+ - "1976"
+ - "1977"
+ - "1978"
+ - "1979"
- "1980"
- 1980's
+ - 1980s
+ - "1981"
+ - "1982"
- "1983"
+ - "1984"
+ - "1985"
+ - "1986"
- "1987"
- "1988"
- 1990s
+ - 1st amendment
- 1st pub
- 2.13.61
- "2010"
- 2010 lists
- "2012"
- "2013"
+ - "2016"
+ - "2017"
- 2018 TSUNAMI
- "2019"
- "2020"
- 20th century
- 21st century
+ - 3 chord politics
- 3-3
- 3/11
- 35mm
+ - 35mm film
+ - 35mm film. photography
- "360"
- 3D
- 3d printing
- 42nd street
+ - 45's
+ - 4th of july
- 5%
- "50"
- 60 minutes
+ - 60's
- 60s
+ - 70's
- "77"
+ - 80's
- 9/11
+ - 99%
- '@Nationalschoolwalkout'
- A look Back at DogTown and Z-Boys
- 'A look Back: Dogtown and Z-Boys'
+ - A.O.C.
- A7
+ - AC/DC
+ - ACLU
- AI
@@ -1266,16 +117,30 @@ params:
+ - AdRock
- Adam Bomb
+ - Adam Horovitz
- Adams
- Adolescents
+ - Aerosmith
+ - Afghanistan
+ - Africa
- African American skateboarders
+ - Afro beat
+ - Al Barile
- Al FlipSide
+ - Alec mackaye
+ - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
+ - Alfred Hitchcock
- Algorithms
+ - Alice Cooper
+ - Allison Wolfe
+ - Alva
- Amazing
- Amchitka
- American dream
- American indian
+ - American masters
- Amery Smith
- Amsterdam
- Amy Goodman
@@ -1283,10 +148,18 @@ params:
- Anonymous
- Another Music in a different kitchen
- Ansel Adams
+ - Anthony Pirog
- Anton Chekhov
+ - Apocalypse
- Apocalypse Now
+ - Apple
+ - Archaeology
+ - Architecture
+ - Archive
- Arlington Va
+ - Art
- Arte
+ - Arté TV
- Ashly Judd
- Astrology
- Atari Teenage Riot
@@ -1294,22 +167,35 @@ params:
- Auguste Comte
- Augustine
- Aurora Borealis
+ - Auschwitz
- Avengers
- B&W
+ - BBC
+ - BDP
+ - BEEF
- BG
+ - BOOK
+ - BOX
- Bad Azz
+ - Bad brains
- Baltimore
+ - Banksy
- Bannon
- Barbara Kruger
- Barcelona
- Barry White
+ - Baseball
- Batman
+ - Beastie Boys
- BeastieBoys
+ - Beatles
+ - Beatniks
- Ben Nordberg
- Berkeley
- Bestie Boys
@@ -1321,8 +207,13 @@ params:
- Biggie Smalls
- Bill Daniel
- Bill de Blasio
+ - Bill maher
- Billy Ruff
- Binder clip
+ - Biscuits
+ - Black Panthers
+ - Black Sabbath
+ - Black panther
- Blackfish
- Blaise Pascal
- Blu
@@ -1331,30 +222,43 @@ params:
- Bob Hunter
- Bob Mohr
- Bob Woodward
+ - Bobby Piercy
- Boethius
- Bolster
- Bon Scott
+ - Boogie Down Productions
+ - Books
- Boom box
- Boston
- Bowie
- Boys
- Brenadan canty
+ - Brendan Canty
- British petroleum
- Bronx
- Brother Jay
- Bruce Lee
+ - Business
+ - C.R. Stecyk III
+ - CBGB's
- CC
- CD
+ - CDC
+ - CIA
- COP21
- COVID19-19
+ - California Über Alles
+ - Campaign Finance Reform
- Canada
- Candide Thovex
- Captain Paul Watson
@@ -1362,42 +266,64 @@ params:
- Carpool Karaoke
- Cassimus
- Cey Adams
+ - Chain and the Gang
- Charlie Blair
- Cheech and Chong
- Childish gambino
- Childrens programing
+ - Chris Rock
- Christian Hosoi
+ - Chuck Biscuits
- Chuck D
+ - Chuck D.
- Chung King house of Metal
- Cindy Sheehan
- Clash
- Class War
- Cleveland
+ - Colin Kaepernick
- Columbus day
- Comedy Central
- Concert
- Conspiracies
- Copenhagen
+ - Country
- Covid-19
+ - Crass
- Cuck D.
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- D E V O
+ - D. Boon
- D.Boon
- D.I.Y.
+ - D.O.A.
+ - DC
+ - DEVO
+ - DIY
+ - DJ
- DJ Lord
+ - DJ Nu Mark
- DJ's
- DJing
+ - DNC
- DUMP. Noam Chomsky
+ - DUMP. politics
+ - DVD
- Daewon Song
+ - Daily Party Platter
+ - Daily Show
- Dan Mancina
- Daniel Beltrá
- Danny Lyon
+ - Danzig
+ - Darwin
+ - Dave Chappelle
- Dave Roth
- David Attenborough
- David Lee Roth
@@ -1406,14 +332,24 @@ params:
- De-evolution
- Dead Boys
- Dear Kennedys
+ - Death
- DeathRow
- Debut
- Decline movie
+ - Def Jam
+ - Democracy
+ - Democracy Now
- Denis Kucinich
+ - Descendents
+ - Design
+ - Detroit sound
- Dinosaur
- Dinosaurs
- Divine Styler
+ - Dock Ellis
+ - DogTown
- Dogtown- The Legend of the z-boys
+ - Dolphins
- Don Cornelius
- Don Rickles
- Donald Clover
@@ -1422,56 +358,95 @@ params:
- Dr. DeMento. radio
- Dr. KNow
- Dr. Octagon
+ - Dr.Seuss
+ - Drunk
- Dublin
+ - Dukowski
+ - Dump
- Dylan to me
- Earl Liberty
+ - Earth
+ - Earthquake
- Earthsave
+ - Eastern Philosophy
- Economic Demand
- Ecstasy
- Ed Templeton
- Edvard Munch
- Edward Snowden
+ - Einstein
- El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz
+ - Elon Musk
- Emil Cioran
- Emma Gonzalez NO GUNS
+ - Entertainment
+ - Environment
- Epicurus
+ - Era
- Eric Dressen
- Eric Matthies
- Eric Pritchard
+ - Ethical
- Eugenics
- Evens
- Extra strength posse
+ - Ezio
+ - FBI
+ - Facebook
- Fake News
- Fall
+ - Family
+ - Fanzine
+ - Fat Boys
+ - Fela
+ - Fela Kuti
+ - Feminism
+ - Financial Crisis
- Flash
- Flavor
- Foreclosure
- Fred Rogers
- Freddie Gray
- Freelancers Union
+ - Freud
+ - Friends
+ - Fuck
- Fuck Trump
+ - Fuck You All
+ - Fugazi
+ - Funk
- Funky Drummer
- Funky Four Plus One
- G-20
- G.E.F.
+ - GEF
+ - GLAM
+ - GMF
+ - GMO
- GOAT Def Jam
+ - GZA
- Games
- Gary Harris
- Gary Harris RIP
@@ -1481,7 +456,12 @@ params:
- George Barris
- Geraldo Rivera
- Ginsberg
+ - Glenn Danzig
+ - Glenn Greenwald
- Global Protest Movements
+ - Global Warming
+ - Go-Go
+ - Graffiti
- Grandmaster Caz
- Green New Deal
- Green Party
@@ -1490,12 +470,19 @@ params:
- Greyson fletcher
- Guantanamo School Of Medicine
- Gucci Time
+ - Guitar Hero
+ - Gun Control
- Gustave Flaubert
+ - Guy Debord
- Guy Mariano
+ - Guy Picciotto
+ - H
+ - H.R.
+ - HR
- Ha Ha
- Haitian Earthquake
@@ -1503,12 +490,16 @@ params:
- Hardcore chronicles
- Harley Flanagan
- Harry Allen
+ - Heavy Metal
- Hells Angels
- Henry
- Henry Chalfant
- Henry David Thoreau
+ - Henry Rollins
- Herman hesse
+ - Hero
- High Five
+ - Hoax
- Holocaust
- Hopsin
- Horace Panter
@@ -1518,18 +509,27 @@ params:
- Hurricane
- Hüsker Dü
- I can't breathe
+ - IG
- IK
- Ian F Svenonius
- Ian F Svenonius - punk
+ - Ian MacKaye
+ - Ian Svenonius
+ - Ice cube
+ - Ice-T
+ - Iceland
- Impala
- In on the kill taker
- Indonesia
+ - Intelligence
- International Womans day
+ - Interview
- Interviews
- Inti Carboni
- Iraq war
+ - Ireland
- Irish pop punk
- Isaac Hayes
- It's Like That
@@ -1541,10 +541,14 @@ params:
- Jaffee
- Jakarta
- Jam
+ - Jam Master jay
- James Corden
- James Joyce
- Janette beckman
+ - Janis Joplin
+ - Japan
- Jason Mizell
+ - Jay Adams
- Jay Boy
- Jay Smith
- Jay Z
@@ -1552,104 +556,152 @@ params:
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Jeb Corliss
- Jeff Grosso
+ - Jeff Ho
- Jeff Nelson
- Jeffrey Wright
+ - Jello Biafra
- Jeremy Scahill
+ - Jerry Casale
- Jim Carrey
+ - Jim Muir
- Jimmy Plumer
- Joe Corré
- Joe Kennedy 3rd
+ - Joe Lally
- Joey Ramone
- Joey Shithead
- John Locke
+ - John Robbins
- John Ruskin
- John Sinclair
+ - John kricfuluci
- Johnny Cash
- Johnny Ive
+ - Johnny Rotten
+ - Jonathan Toubin
+ - Jonathan Toubin DJ
- Jony Ive
- Josh Harrison
- Juice Magazine
- Just Jay
+ - Juxtapoz
+ - KRS-1
+ - KRS-One
- Kafka
- Kareem Abdul Jabbar
- Kate Schellenbach
+ - Keep your eyes open
- Keith Albertan
- Keith Levine
- Kennedy center
+ - Kent senatore
- Kenter Canyon School
- Kerry king
- Keynes
- Kid Rock
- Kim Cespedes
- King James Cassimus
+ - King Tee
+ - Kool Herc
- Kool Keith
- Krush Groove
- L Train
- L.A. PUNK. Punk Rock
+ - LA
+ - LIFE magazine
- LL COOL Jm Public Enemy
+ - LL Cool J
- LL CoolJ
+ - LP
- LP. art
+ - LSD
- La ZAD
- Labron James
- Lagos
+ - Lance
- Langston Hughes
- Lao Tzu
- Larry David
- Larry King
- Late late Show
- Le Tigre
+ - Led Zeppelin
+ - Legal
+ - Legend
+ - Leonardo da Vinci
- Lester Rodney
- Liam Morgan
+ - Liars
- Libertarianism
- Licensed to Ill
+ - Live
- Live and direct
+ - London
- Lorax
- Love train
- Luck
- Lydon
- Lyndal Golding
- Lyre Bird
+ - MAD magazine
- MC Lyte
+ - MC5
- MC5. Video
- MC6
- MCA Day
+ - MLB
+ - MLK
+ - MTV
- MY RULES. London
- Machiavelli
- Mackaye
+ - Madonna
- Magazine cover
+ - Make Up
+ - Make-up
- Malcolm McClaren
- Malcolm Young
- Manufacturing Consent
- Marina skatepark
- Marine Mammals
- Mario Cuomo
+ - Mark Gonzales
+ - Mark Mothersbaugh
+ - Mars
- Martial Arts
+ - Martin Scorsese
- Marty Grimes
- Marvel Comics
- Maryland
- Matt Taibbi
+ - Max Weber
- Maya Angelou
+ - Medicare
- Meme
- Messthetics
- Messthetics's
- Metal
- Method Man
+ - Metzger
- Michael Bennet
+ - Michael Moore
- Michael More
- Michael Rapport
- Micke Alba
@@ -1658,8 +710,11 @@ params:
- Mike D. Adam Horovitz
- Mike McGill
- Mike Muir
+ - Mike Tyson
- Millennial
+ - Milo
- Milo Aukerman
+ - Minor Threat
- Minute Men
- Mixing
- Moby
@@ -1670,8 +725,10 @@ params:
- Mr. Motherbaugh
- Mr. Rogers
- Mug Shots
+ - Music
- My war
+ - NASA
- NBA. Pro Sports
@@ -1679,35 +736,62 @@ params:
- NO SKateboarding
+ - NOU
+ - NPR
+ - NRA
+ - NSA
+ - NWA
+ - NYC
- NYC subway performer
- NYtimes
- Nadya Tolokonnikova
- Nancy Barile
+ - Nate Dogg
+ - Native American
+ - Nazism
+ - Neil Blender
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
- Netherlands
+ - New York
+ - New York City
+ - New York Night Train
- New York Times
- New York new York
+ - New Yorker
+ - News
+ - Nietzsche
- Nina Mariah
- No Airport
+ - Noam Chomsky
- Norma-Jean Wofford
- Nugent
- O'Jays
+ - OG
+ - OWS
+ - Ocean
- Old city
- Oldschool
- Origins
- Orwell
+ - P.O.S.
- P2P
+ - PC
- PE
+ - PIL
+ - PMA
@@ -1717,29 +801,48 @@ params:
- Paul Haven
- Paul Schrader
- Paul's Boutique
+ - Peggy Oki
+ - Pepsi
- Peralta
- Peru
+ - Pete Shelly
- Philharmonic
+ - Photography
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
+ - Pier 62
- Pilgrim
+ - Pittsburgh
- Plastic
+ - Plato
- Pledge of Allegiance
+ - Podcast
+ - Poland
+ - Police Brutality
- Police building
+ - Politics
- Portlandia
- Positive Mental Attitude
- Predictions
- Press and Media
+ - Print
- Promise school
- Psychiatry
- Psychotherapy
+ - Public Enemy
- Public Image Ltd.
+ - Punk
+ - Pussy riot
+ - Q&A
- Queen Elizabeth
- Quincy Jones
- R&B
+ - R.I.P.
+ - RIP
@@ -1748,18 +851,25 @@ params:
- Racist
- Raising Hell
+ - Rakim
- Rally
+ - Ralph Nader
- Rammellzee
- Ramomes
- Rand
+ - Rare Photos
- Ravi Shankar
+ - Raymond Pettibon
- Raymond Scott
- Redondo beach
- Reich
+ - Renaissance
- Republicangovernment
- Revere
+ - Revolution
- Rhyme Syndicate
- Richard hell
+ - Rick Rubin
- Rick and Morty
- Ricky Powell
- Ride
@@ -1769,27 +879,35 @@ params:
- Robert De Niro
- Robert Redford
- Rockers
+ - Rodney Mullen
- Roger Moore
+ - Rollins
+ - Roma
- Romanticism
- Ron Reyes
- Roxanne Roxanne
- Roxanne Shanté
- Ru Paul
- Run The Jewels
+ - Run-DMC
- RunDmc
- Russ Howell
- S.S. Decontrol
- S.S.DeControl
- SF
+ - SNL
+ - SS Decontrol
+ - SST
- Saccharine Trust
- Sacha Baron Cohen
@@ -1801,34 +919,59 @@ params:
- San Pedro
- Sandy
- Sartre
+ - Saturday Night
- Saturn
- Saul Bass
+ - School Life Monday
+ - Schooly D.
+ - Science
- Scott Truax
+ - Sea Shepherd
- Segregation
- Senator
+ - Seth Meyers
- Sex Stains
+ - Shepard Fairey
- Simon Sinek
+ - Simpsons
- Sinatra
- Sinead O'Connor
+ - Single Payer
- Siouxsie
+ - Situationist International
- SkateBoard
+ - SkateBoarder
- Skateistan
+ - Skateparks
+ - Skatistan
+ - Slavery
- Sly Stone
+ - Sly and the family stone
- Snakes
+ - Snoop
+ - Snoop Dogg
- Snoop Doggy Dogg
- Snowden
- Socrates
+ - Softball
- Solidarity
- Sonics
+ - Soul Proprietor
+ - Soul Train
+ - Space
+ - Space exploration
- SpaceX
- Spock
- Stecyk
+ - Stephen hawking
- Steve Cutts
- Steve Soto
- Stimulators
- Stoics
- Strength
+ - Suicidal Tendencies
- Sun Ra
+ - Sundance
- Sunday
- Super Fly
- Super-X
@@ -1837,36 +980,49 @@ params:
- Susannah Mushatt Jones
- T-Shirt. Jay Adams
- T.S.O.L
+ - TED
- TOnyAlva
+ - TRAP
+ - TV
- TV Special
- TV. Documentary
- Taibbi
+ - Talk
- Taoism
- Tea Party Revenge Porn
- Ted Nugent
- Televangelists
- Ten years
- Terry Hall
+ - Tesla
+ - Thanksgiving
+ - The Allegory of the Cave
- The Brouhaha
- The Creator
- The Creep
+ - The Daily Show
+ - The Intercept
- The Messthetics
- The Superman
+ - The story of stuff
- They Live
- Thrasher magazine
- Tiananmen Square
- Tibet
- Tim Kerr
- Tiny Desk
+ - Together Forever
- Tolstoy
- Tom Jones
- Tom Sims
- Tommy Ryan
- Tragedy
+ - Travel
- Trespassing
- Triumph
- Turning Point ramp
@@ -1875,11 +1031,17 @@ params:
- UFO's
+ - UK
+ - UN
- US Army
+ - USSR
+ - UTFO
- Ultramagnetic. MC
- Unconscious
+ - Union
+ - Universal Health Care
- Universal healthcare
- Uno
@@ -1893,6 +1055,7 @@ params:
- Venice beach
- Vermeer
- Vicki Vickers
+ - Video
- Video Home Recorder
- Vietnam
- Virgin America
@@ -1901,17 +1064,24 @@ params:
- Vivian Maier
- Vivienne Westwood
- Voltaire
- WTF?
- WWW. views
+ - Wake up
+ - Wall Street
- Wall Street Journal
- Wally Inouye
+ - War
+ - Wayne Kramer
- Wendy bearer
- Wentzle Ruml IV
- Wes Humpston
+ - Western Philosophy
- Westwood
+ - Whales
- Whip
- White Nationalism
- Whitney Cummings
@@ -1919,59 +1089,105 @@ params:
- Whole Foods
- Wide world of sports
- Will Ferrell
+ - Woody Allen
+ - Work + Capitalism
+ - Wu tang clan
- Wyatt Cenac
- Wyoming
+ - X
+ - X-Clan
- X-Men
- Yamakasi
+ - YouTube
- Z-3 MC's
+ - Z-Boys
+ - Z-Flex
+ - a tribe called quest
- aaron swartz
- abolishing nuclear weapons
- abolishing nuclear weapons . film
- abuse
+ - abuse of power
- accident
+ - acting
- action adventure
- action now magazine
+ - activism
+ - activist
+ - adam yauch
- adbusters
- addiction
+ - adjusters
- adults
+ - advertising
+ - advice
- aerial photography
+ - aesthetics
- african
+ - african american
- african americans
- afrocentric
+ - age
+ - aging
+ - agribusiness
- agriculture
+ - air
+ - air pollution
- airwaves
- al Jaffee
- al jazeera
- al oliver
- album
+ - album art
+ - album cover
+ - alcohol
- alfred E. newman
+ - aliens
- all ways fodder for the con
- alt-right
- alt. right
- amazon.com
- ambassadors
+ - america
+ - american
+ - american bandstand
- american culture
- american diet
+ - american history
- amerikka
+ - amerikkka
+ - amnesty international
- amy farina
- anarchism
- anarchist
+ - anarchy
- anatomy
- ancient societies
- and magazine
- andy kessler
- andy warhol
+ - angela davis
+ - angelicas kitchen
+ - animal agriculture
- animal farm
+ - animal liberation
+ - animal rights
+ - animals
+ - animation
- animations
- another world is possible
- antarctica
- anthem
+ - anthropology
+ - anti-fascist
- anti-imperialist
- anti-semitism
- anti-violence
+ - anti-war
- anti-war. no nukes
- antibiotics
- antropologie
@@ -1983,34 +1199,59 @@ params:
- arrow
- art direction
- arts
+ - asia
+ - asshole
+ - assholes
+ - astronomy
+ - atheism
+ - atheist
+ - athiest
- athlete
+ - athletes
- atifa
- atmosphere
- attempted robbery
+ - attitude
- audio
+ - austerity
- austraila
+ - australia
- authoritarianism
- authority
- autobiography
- autobiography punk
+ - automation
- automobile fatalities
+ - automobiles
- awards
+ - away
+ - away memes
+ - away tunes
+ - away. meme
- awe
- awesome
+ - b-boy
+ - b-boying
- baby
- baby paul cullen
- back story
- backstage
- backyard
+ - backyard ramp
- bacteria
+ - bad ass
- bad food
+ - badass
+ - badge
- bail out
- balance
- banking
+ - banks
- banter
- bart simpson
- base junping
- baseball Major League baseball
+ - basketball
- basketball. sportsmanship
- baskin robbins
- bass
@@ -2018,11 +1259,21 @@ params:
- bbd
- beach culture
- beastie boys book
+ - beat box
+ - beats
+ - beauty
- beetles
+ - behavior
- being nice.
+ - beliefs
- believe her
- bernie
+ - bernie sanders
- biases
+ - bible
+ - bicycle
+ - bicycles
+ - big boys
- big brother
- big brother politics. laws
- big cities
@@ -2032,78 +1283,113 @@ params:
- bikinis
- bill
- bill Murray
+ - bill moyers
- bill stevenson
- bill withers
- billy yeron
- biography
+ - birds
- birth
+ - birthday
- birthday post
- black bloc
+ - black culture
- black friday
- black history month
+ - black lives matter
+ - black nationalism
- blaxploitation
- blindness
- blog
- blondie
+ - blues
- bo diddley
+ - boards
- bob avakian
- bob burnquist
- bob hoskins
- body
- body count
- boice
+ - boing boing
- boingboing
- bomb squad
- bombing Hills
+ - bones brigade
- book making
+ - book signing
+ - book stores
- bookstore
- bootlegs
+ - border
- botany
- bots
- boxing
- boy
- boy in the bubble
- boycots
+ - brain
- brains
+ - bratmobile
- brave new films
- brazil
+ - break dancing
- breaking
+ - brooklyn
- brotherhood
- buckminster fuller
- buddha
- bugging
- bugs
- bugs bunny
+ - bullshit
- bummer
+ - burger
- burger king
- burial
+ - burning flags press
- bush
+ - buzzcocks
- c-span
+ - c. r. stecyk
- c.r. stecyk lll
- cable
- cadillac wheels
+ - california
- cambodia
+ - camera
- camera phones
+ - campaign
- camus
+ - cancer
- canyon jump
+ - capitalism
- capitalism advertising
- captivity
- car crash
+ - car culture
- card
- card against humanity
- cards
- career
+ - carl dix
- carl reiner
- carl sagan
- carlsbad california
- carnival
+ - carnivore
- carol kaye
- carpenter trade
- carrots
+ - cars
- cartoon soundtraks
+ - cartoons
- caterpillar
- celebrity
+ - cell phones
+ - censorship
- center
+ - charity
- charles Dickens
- charles manson
- charlie brown
@@ -2112,28 +1398,51 @@ params:
- cheap skates
- check your head
- chemicals
+ - cherry hill
- chicago
- child
+ - child abuse
- child labor
+ - childhood
- childhood idols
+ - children
- children music
- children story
- chillaxing
+ - china
+ - chomsky
- christian
- christian hose
+ - christmas
+ - chuck dukowski
- cigarettes
- cinema
+ - cinematography
+ - circle jerks
+ - cities
- citizens united
- city government
- city living
+ - civil disobedience
+ - civil liberties
+ - civil rights
+ - civilization
- class
+ - classic
+ - classic battle rap
+ - classic music
- classic rock
+ - classic vinyl
- classsic
- clemente
+ - climate
+ - climate change
- climbing
- close talker
- closing
+ - clothing
- cloud appreciation society
+ - clouds
- clouds. recognize
- cloudspotting
- cnn
@@ -2143,50 +1452,98 @@ params:
- coincidence
- cointelpro
- coke
+ - cold
+ - cold war
- coldwar
- colin m day
+ - collaboration
- collectables
- collecting
- college
+ - color
- color. paint
- columbia house
- column
- combo
+ - comedy
+ - comic books
+ - comics
- coming of age
+ - coming out
- commencement
- comment
+ - commentary
+ - comments
+ - commercial
+ - commercials
+ - communication
- communications
+ - communism
- communist
+ - community
- companions
+ - compassion
- computer
+ - computers
+ - con
- coney island
+ - confederate flag
- confidence
+ - congress
- conman
+ - consciousness
+ - conservative
+ - conservatives
+ - conspiracy
+ - conspiracy theories
+ - constitution
- consumer society
+ - consumerism
- consumers
- contest
- cookbook
- cookie
+ - cool
+ - cool stuff
+ - copyright
+ - cornel west
- corner air
- corny
- coronavirus
+ - corporate greed
+ - corporations
+ - corporatocracy
- correspondents' dinner
+ - corruption
- cover song
- cow puss
- cows
+ - cows milk
- cowspiracy
+ - craft
- craig stecyk
- crass commercialism
+ - crazy legs
- crazy shit
- crd-mags
+ - creationism
+ - creative
- creative commons
+ - creatives
+ - creativity
+ - criminals
- cris dawson
- criterion collection
- criticism
- crosswalks
- crowds
+ - cruelty
- cruelty free
+ - cuba
- cults
+ - culture
+ - curiosity
+ - currency
- current listening
- current skating
- curse words
@@ -2196,18 +1553,26 @@ params:
- daggers
- dalai lama
- damned
+ - dance
- dance hall
- dancing
- danger
+ - dangerous Minds
+ - darby crash
- dare devils.
+ - daredevils
- dave markey
- david bowie
- david letterman
- dayglo
- dead
+ - dead kennedys
- dead prez
+ - dean Delray
- death by car
+ - death metal
- death.mortality
+ - debate
- debt
- decent
- decision making
@@ -2215,27 +1580,41 @@ params:
- def jam. beastie boys
- defensive
- deficit
+ - demo
- demo tape
+ - democrats
- demonstrations
+ - depression
- descendants
- desegregated
- desperate
- dessert
+ - detroit
- development
+ - devil
+ - dez cadena
- diapers
- dick cavett
+ - dick clark
+ - diet
- diet for a new america
- digital life
+ - digital technology
- dignity
- diplomacy
+ - disaster
- disaster Control
- discharge
+ - dischord
- dischord house
+ - dischord records
- discipline
- disco
+ - discussion
- discussion. talk
- disease
- dishonesty
+ - disney
- dissent
- distractions
- distress
@@ -2243,25 +1622,36 @@ params:
- distrust
- divorce
- do it yourself
+ - documentary
- documentary photographs
- documenting
- documents
- dog
+ - dog town
- dog town the legend of the z-boys
+ - dogtown & Z-Boys
- dominos
- don't sit back
- don'ts
+ - donald trump
- doodle
+ - dope
- doug E. Fresh
- downhill
+ - downloading
- doze
- dr. seuss
- drama
- drawing
+ - dreams
- drill sergeant
- drinking
- driverless
+ - driving
+ - drones
- drought
+ - drugs
+ - duane peters
- dumb people
- dumbass
- dumbing down
@@ -2270,136 +1660,230 @@ params:
- e-z listening
- east village
- echo
+ - ecology
- economic inequality
+ - economics
+ - economy
+ - eddie elguera
- editor
- editorial
+ - education
+ - educational
- educational film. film
+ - egypt
+ - election
+ - election 2016
+ - elections
- electoral college
+ - electric car
- electric cars
- electricty
+ - elizabeth warren
- ellen oneil
+ - elvis costello
- emancipation
- emma goldman
+ - emo
- emotions
+ - empathy
- empire
- employment
- end of the world
- endangered species
+ - energy
- engineer
- engineering
- environnent
+ - equality
- equity
+ - eric b. and rakim
- eric garner
- essay
- esteem
- etc.
- ethic
+ - ethics
- ethiopia
+ - etiquette
- europe
+ - evel knievel
+ - event
+ - evil
+ - evolution
- exercise
+ - exhibition
- expanded editions
- extinction
- extra extra
+ - extreme
+ - extreme sports
- eye sight
+ - eyes
- face book
+ - factory farming
- factory farms
+ - facts
- faith
+ - fake
- false news
- false self
+ - fame
- fan
- far right
- farm sanctuary
- farming
- farms
+ - fascism
+ - fascist
+ - fashion
+ - fast food
- father
- father and son
+ - faux news
- faux science
+ - fear
- feed
+ - feel the bern
+ - feminist
+ - ferguson
- fertility
- fife dawg
- fifty cent
- fight back
+ - fight ignorance
+ - film
+ - film making
+ - films
- final level
+ - finance
- fios outage
+ - fireworks
- first amendment
+ - first world
- fiscal cliff
+ - flag
- flags
- flat earth
+ - flight
- flip
- flooding
+ - flyers
- flying
- fog
- folk
+ - folk music
+ - food
- foot prints
+ - football
- for the people
- forced marriage
- forgiveness
- fort reno
- fossils
- foundation
+ - fox
+ - fox news
+ - fracking
+ - france
- frank nasworthy
- fraud
- free speech censorship
- freedom
+ - freedom of speech
+ - freedom of the press
+ - freestyle
- friend
- friendship
+ - fuck all conservatives
- fuck dump
- fuck the police
- fuck these shitheads
+ - fuck you heroes
- fucked
- fugazi joe lally
- fukushima
- fulfillment
+ - fun
+ - fundamentalism
- fundamentalists
- funk master wizard wiz
- funkadelic
- funky
+ - funny
+ - future
- future cars
- game
- game show
+ - gangs
+ - gangster
+ - garage
- garbage
- garbage. sugar
- gardens
- gary owens
+ - gay
- gay pride in the city
- gay rights
+ - gaza
- gemany
- gene research
+ - genetically modified
- genetics
+ - genius
- gentrification
- geography
- george carlin
+ - george clinton
- george forman
- george hurley
- george lucas
- george martin
+ - george orwell
+ - germany
+ - germs
- gerrymandering
- gift
- gil scott-heron
- giraffe
+ - girls
- girls first
- glasses
+ - glen E. Friedman
- glen e. friedman book signing event
- glove
- gluttony
- gnarly
- go go music
- go-go's
+ - god
- god save the queen
- god?
+ - godfather
- godzilla
+ - golden era
+ - good
- good use
- goodfellas
- goodwill
+ - google
- google Doodle
+ - gopro
- gordon willis
- gossip
+ - government
- government shutdown
+ - graffiti rock
- gramercy
- grand canyon
+ - grand master flash
+ - graphic
+ - graphic design
+ - graphics
- graphs
- gravity
+ - greed
- greeting cards
+ - greg Ginn
- greg sergeant
- grief
- groceries
@@ -2407,21 +1891,33 @@ params:
- group think
- grown up
- grown ups
+ - guitar
- guitar army
- gun law
+ - gun violence
+ - guns
- guy fawkes
- haa haa
- habitat
- hackers
+ - hall of fame
+ - halloween
+ - hank shocklee
- happiness
- happy birthday
- happy holidays
+ - hard core
- hard rock
- hard times
+ - hardcore
+ - hardcore punk
- harlem globetrotters
- harley
- hate
- hawaii
+ - health
+ - health care
+ - healthcare
- hearing
- heat
- heavens to betsy
@@ -2432,25 +1928,48 @@ params:
- herbivore
- heroes
- high school
+ - highways
- hip
+ - hip hop
- hip hope
+ - hip-hop
+ - hiphop
- hippie culture
+ - history
- hitchhiking
+ - hobby
- hobie
- hobo life
- holLand
+ - holiday
+ - hollis
- hollis queens
+ - hollywood
+ - home
- home purchase
+ - homeless
+ - honda
- hong kong
+ - honor
- hop
+ - hope
+ - hot rods
- housing
- howard stern
- human
- human existence
- human flying
- human genealogy
+ - human interest
+ - human nature
+ - human rights
+ - humanitarian
+ - humanity
+ - humans
+ - humor
- hungary
- hungry
+ - hygiene
- hype
- hypocrisy
- hysteria
@@ -2460,99 +1979,183 @@ params:
- ice
- icon
- icons
+ - idealisim
+ - idealism
+ - idealist
+ - ideas
- ideology
+ - idiot
+ - idiots
+ - iggy
+ - iggy pop
- ignoramus
+ - ignorance
- ignorant
- ikea
+ - ill
- illuminati
- illustration
+ - images
- immigration
- immune system
- impeach
- imperialism
- impossible burger
- improvement
+ - incarceration
- incredible
- independence day
+ - independent
+ - india
- inductees 2019
- industrialized
+ - inebriated
- inequality
- infection
- infographics
+ - information
+ - information commodity
+ - infrastructure
+ - injustice
- inner ear
+ - innovation
- innovator
+ - insane
+ - insanity
+ - insects
+ - inspiration
- inspiring
+ - instagram
- instagram GEF
- instalation
+ - institutionalized
- instrumental
- instruments
+ - integrity
- intellectual
- intellectuals
- intelligent life
+ - interesting
- international
+ - internet
+ - introspection
- investigation
- investigative reporting
+ - investment
- involvement
+ - iran
+ - iraq
- irony
- islam
- islamophobia
- israel
+ - it takes a nation of millions to hold us back
- italia
- italian
+ - italy
- jacked
+ - james bond
+ - james brown
- james cameron
+ - jaywalking
+ - jazz
- jem cohen
- jerry casle
- jerry seinfeld
+ - jesus
- jesus christ
- jim hightower
+ - jimi hendrix
- jingoism
- job
+ - jobs
- john carpenter
+ - john lennon
+ - john lydon
+ - john oliver
- john oliver. Dalai Lama
+ - john stewart
- john waters
- johnny cotton
+ - jon stewart
- joseph simmons
- journalism
- journey
- judgement
- junk food
- junkyard band
+ - justice
- justin timberlake
- k-1000
+ - karl marx
- kate
- kathleen Hanna
- keith Norris
+ - keith morris
+ - kent sherwood
- kent state
+ - kenter
+ - kids
+ - killer mike
- killings
- kindness
- kite surfing
+ - kkk
+ - know your roots
+ - knowledge
+ - kodachrome
- kodak
- kool moe dee
- la weekly
- label
+ - labor
+ - lance Mountain
- landscape
+ - language
- lasers
- last poets
+ - last week tonight
- latin
+ - law
+ - law enforcement
- leader
+ - leadership
- learning
+ - lecture
- left
+ - legendary
+ - lego
- lesbian
- lesson
- lets lynch the landlord
+ - liar
+ - liberal
- liberation
+ - lie
+ - lies
+ - life
- life hack
+ - lifestyle
+ - light
+ - lightening
+ - lightning
- lil nas x
- liner notes
+ - linguistics
- lion
- lion vs wildebeest
- listening
+ - literature
- litter bug
+ - little league
- little steven
+ - live music
+ - liverpool
+ - living
- living space
- local customs
- logo
+ - logos
- long form video
- lonodon MY RULES
- loom
@@ -2560,24 +2163,42 @@ params:
- looting
- lords of dogtown
- lorna doom
+ - los angeles
- loser
- louis C.K.. Hilary
+ - love
- love letters
- love police
- lsayer
+ - luddites
- lunar expeditions
+ - lying
- lyle preslar
+ - lyrics
- machines
- madness
+ - magazine
- magazines
+ - magic
- making a difference
+ - malcolm McLaren
+ - malcolm x
- malcom x
- malfunction
- malibu
- man
+ - manchester
- manipulation
+ - manners
- mark anderson
+ - marriage
+ - martin luther king jr.
+ - martin sprouse
+ - marx
+ - marxism
- mary poppins
+ - mash-up
+ - mash-up remixes
- mashup
- mass transit
- master mix
@@ -2586,12 +2207,21 @@ params:
- maxine waters
- mayor
- mc
+ - mcdonalds
- mean
+ - meaning
+ - meat
+ - media
- medicade
- medical debt
+ - medical science
- medicare for all
+ - medicine
- meditation
+ - memorial
- memorial event
+ - memory
+ - mental health
- mental illness
- merch
- merchandising
@@ -2600,11 +2230,17 @@ params:
- microbanking
- microsoft
- migrants
+ - mike watt
- miles davis
- militarization
+ - military
+ - military industrial complex
+ - milk
- minds
- mini-doc
- minute earth
+ - minutemen
+ - misfits
- misinformation
- missing words
- mission
@@ -2617,80 +2253,127 @@ params:
- modern art
- modern society
- modernbkating
+ - mods
+ - money
- mongolia
- monopoly
+ - monsanto
- monty python
+ - moon
+ - morals
- morons
- mosquitos
- mother jones
- motor city
- motorcycle
- motorhead
+ - movie
+ - movie stars
+ - movies
+ - muhammad ali
- muir
+ - murder
- muscle
+ - museum
- museum of natural history
- museums
+ - music business
- music culture
+ - music video
- music. Eric garner
- musicians
+ - my rules
- myth
- nadya riot
+ - names
- naomi klein
+ - narcissist
+ - nas
- nation
- nation magazine
- nation skate
+ - national geographic
- national parks
+ - nationalism
- native americans
+ - nature
+ - nazi
- nazi fascists
- nazi punks fuck off
+ - nazi trump fuck off
- nazis
- neftali williams
- negro league
- neil young
- nelson mandela
- neoliberal
+ - nerds
+ - net neutrality
- network TV
- new York Public Library
- new alliance
+ - new book
- new fly shit
- new music
- new school
- new shit
+ - new wave
- new works
+ - new year
- new year.
- newly expanded
- newsmen
- newspapers
- next generation
- nice guy
+ - night train
- night vision
- nightlife
- nirvana
- no fellings
+ - no guns
- no snow
- no-no a documentary
+ - noir
- noise
- noise pollution
+ - non-violence
- norway
- nostalgia
- not a communist
- not a socialist
- not punk
- nourishment
+ - novelty
+ - nuclear power
+ - nuclear testing
- nuclear waste
+ - nuclear weapons
- nude
+ - nukes
+ - nutrition
+ - obama
- obamacare
- obit
+ - occupy wall street
- ocean life
- october
+ - "off"
- off meat
- off the grid living
- office
- ohio
+ - oil
- ol' dirty bastard
+ - old people
+ - old school
- old tunes
- oldest person alive
+ - oldschoool
+ - oliver stone
- ollie
+ - olson
+ - olympics
- op ed
- op-doc
- op-ed
@@ -2698,8 +2381,10 @@ params:
- opening day
- opening titles
- opera
+ - opinion
- optimism
- options
+ - organic
- organizing
- orson wells
- oxford
@@ -2711,9 +2396,12 @@ params:
- paper airplane
- paraplegic
- pardon
+ - parenting
- park
- parkour
+ - parks
- parliment
+ - parody
- parody Ice-T
- parties
- party
@@ -2724,12 +2412,18 @@ params:
- patriotism
- paul Mccartney
- pauls boutique
+ - pbs
+ - peace
- peace sign
- peaceful protest
+ - peanuts
- pedestrians
- pedro Reyes
+ - pee wee herman
+ - pee-wee herman
- pentagon
- pentax
+ - people
- people of profits
- perceived democracy
- perception
@@ -2738,58 +2432,103 @@ params:
- personal
- personal grooming
- personality
+ - perspective
+ - peta
- petition
+ - peyote cody
+ - pharma
- phenom
- phife dawg
+ - philanthropy
- philly
+ - philosophy
- phones
+ - photo
+ - photo manipulation
+ - photograph
+ - photographs
- photos
- photozine
+ - physics
- pimpin' ain't easy
+ - pin
- pinball
- pink
- pipeline
+ - piracy
+ - pirates
- piss
- pitch fork
- pitchfork
+ - pittsburgh pirates
+ - pizza
+ - pizzanista
- plan
- plane
+ - planet
- planet earth
+ - planets
+ - plant based
+ - plant based diet
- playlist
+ - plutocracy
+ - poet
+ - poetry
- point loma
- poison
+ - police
+ - police violence
- policy
+ - politcs
- polite
- politeness
+ - political correctness
- political philosophy
- political science
- political science / rule of law / separation of powers
+ - political theory
+ - politicians
- politics.
- politics. chomsky
- poll
+ - pollution
- pool riding
+ - pool skating
- poor
+ - pop
+ - pop culture
- pop life
+ - pop music
- pope
- popular photography
- population
- porn
- portraits
- portraiture
+ - poseur
+ - positive
+ - positive force
- 'positive force: More than a witness'
- post modern art
- poster
- posters
- pov
+ - poverty
+ - powell peralta
+ - power
- power pop
- practical jokes
- practice
- prague
+ - prank
- pranks
- pregnancy
- prejudice
- premiere
+ - president
+ - presidential election
- presidents
+ - press
- press. pinocchio
- prevention
- pride
@@ -2797,89 +2536,155 @@ params:
- printing
- prison
- prison industrial complex
+ - privacy
- privatization
- pro sports
- problems
- producer
- producer.
- producing
+ - production
- professional sports
- progress
+ - progressive
+ - projection
+ - propaganda
- prophets of rage
+ - protest
- provocateur
- psa
- psychoanalysis
+ - psychology
- public
- public enemy. black panthers
- public enemy. dock ellis
+ - public library
- public parks
- public safety
- public service
+ - public spaces
+ - public transportation
- publicity
+ - publishing
+ - puerto rico
+ - punk 1960's
- punk hiphop
- punk pop
+ - punk rock
- pure self
+ - putin
- q-tip
- quarantine
- queen
- quest love
+ - r
+ - race
+ - racism
- radiation
- radical
+ - radicals
+ - radio
- raiders of the lost ark
- rain
+ - rakim allah
- ramellzee
+ - ramones
- ramp
- ramp.
+ - ramps
- random acts of kindness
+ - rant
+ - rap
- rap battle
+ - rape
+ - rare
- re-use
- readers
+ - reading
+ - reagan
- real
- real change
+ - real estate
- real talk
- real time
+ - reality
- reason
+ - rebel
+ - rebel culture
- rebelión
+ - rebellion
- recession
+ - recognize
- record
- record clubs
- record release
- record reviews
+ - recording
+ - recordings
+ - records
+ - recycle
- recycling
- red alert
+ - reggae
- reggie watts
- regulation
- rehab
- reissue
- relationships
- relgion
+ - religion
+ - ren and stimpy
- repost
+ - republikkkan
- republikkkans
- res
+ - reservation
+ - resilience
+ - resistance
+ - respect
+ - responsibility
- restaurants
- retrospective
+ - reunion
- revenge
- revenge. poachers
+ - review
- revolt
- revolutionarie
+ - revolutionary
- rhyme
- rich
- richard belzer
- rick ross
- right brigade
+ - right wing
- rights of spring
- riot
+ - riot grrrl
+ - riots
+ - rise above
- rituals
- roads
+ - robert DeNiro
+ - robert Reich
- roberto
+ - roberto clemente
+ - robots
+ - rock
+ - rock 'n' roll
- rock n roll
+ - rock n' roll
- rock steady crew
+ - rock'N'roll
- rock'n'o;;
- rockNRoll. John Lennon
+ - rockNroll
- rockabilly
- rocking
- rodney dangerfield
+ - roller coaster
- roller skates
+ - rolling jubilee
- rolling stones
- royalty
- rude
@@ -2887,16 +2692,21 @@ params:
- rudolph
- ruins
- rule of law
+ - run dmc
- run_DMC
- running
+ - russell simmons
+ - russia
- russian
- sacrifice
- sad
- sadistic
- sadness
+ - safety
- sale
- sample
+ - sampling
- san diego
- san francisco
- sand
@@ -2907,17 +2717,24 @@ params:
- sassy
- satan
- satellite
+ - satire
- satisfaction
- satre
- saturday morning
- savant
+ - scandal
- scared
- scarface
- scary
+ - school
- school D
+ - school D.
+ - school house rock
+ - school of life
- school of life monday
- school shooting
- schooling
+ - schools
- science. academics
- science. life. creepy
- science. pain
@@ -2926,89 +2743,148 @@ params:
- scum
- search engines
- sec pistols
+ - security
- sedition
+ - seinfeld
+ - self
- self actualization
- self awareness
- self defense
- self expression
+ - selfies
- senior citizen
- senseless violence
+ - separation of church and state
- separation of powers
- serenity
- sesame street
- seven deadly sins
+ - sex
+ - sex pistols
- sexual orientation
- sharks
- shawn kerri
- shell
- shindig
+ - shit
- shit animation
+ - shit head
+ - shithead
+ - shitpreme
- shoes
+ - shogo kubo
+ - shopping
- shopping carts
+ - short film
- short fim
- shovel
- sick
+ - sight
- signs
- silent movie
- silly
- singalong
- siri
- sixties
+ - ska
+ - skate
- skate and destroy
- skate culture
- skate rock
+ - skateBoarder imagine
+ - skateboarder magazine
+ - skateboarding
+ - skateboarding hall of fame
+ - skateboarding history
+ - skateboarding saves
- skating
- skiing
- skills
- sky diving
+ - slalom
+ - slayer
+ - sleep
- sleep. tired of the bullshit
- sleeper
+ - slick rick
- slot car racing
- smarts
+ - smog
+ - smoking
- snake river
- snob
- snobbery
+ - snow
- snow boarding
- snow. powder
+ - snowboarding
- social
+ - social Skills
- social beings
+ - social commentary
- social democrat
+ - social justice
+ - social media
- social network
+ - social security
+ - socialism
+ - society
+ - sociology
- soda
+ - solar power
+ - solar system
- solution
+ - solutions
+ - soul
+ - sound
- sound effects
- soundtrack
+ - south africa
- south bay
- south central
+ - south park
- soylent green
- space travel
- space x
- spaces
- spain
- spanish
+ - speak out
- speak up
- speaking out
+ - special effects
- special effects. mad max
+ - specials
- speech
+ - spiderman
+ - spike lee
+ - spirituality
- spoken word
- sponsor
- sport. law
+ - sports
- spring
- springa
- sprorts
- spying
- squirrels
+ - stacy peralta
- stadiums
- stamps
- stan lee
- stand up
- star trek
+ - star wars
+ - stars
- starvation
- 'state of the union #SOTU #FeelTheBern'
- stedicam
+ - stephen colbert
- stephen egerton
- steve alba
- steve caballero
+ - steve jobs
+ - steve olson
- steven colbert
- steven spielberg
- stevie caballero
@@ -3018,41 +2894,75 @@ params:
- stone roses
- stooges
- storage
+ - stories
+ - storms
- story
+ - straight edge
- streams
+ - street art
- street skating
- streets
+ - strike debt
+ - student loans
- student protests
+ - students
- studio
+ - study
- stunts
- stupid
+ - stupidity
+ - style
+ - subculture
+ - subway
- subway system
- subways
- success
- suckers
- suicidal
- suicide
+ - summer
- summer vacation continues
- sun
- sundance film festival
+ - sunday sermon
- super 8
+ - super heroes
- super rich
- supermarket
+ - superstition
+ - supreme court
+ - surf culture
+ - surfer
- surfers journal
+ - surfing
- surrealism
+ - surveillance
- survival
- survivor
- sustainability
+ - sustainable living
+ - swearing
- sweden
- sweet
- sweets
+ - swimming
- symbol
- symbols
- synth
+ - syria
+ - t-shirt
+ - t-shirts
- taking advantage
+ - target video
- tavis smiley
+ - tax
+ - taxes
- taxi driver
+ - tea party
- teach
+ - tech
+ - techno
+ - technology
- teenage
- teenagers
- telephone
@@ -3060,20 +2970,33 @@ params:
- temperature
- temples
- terrance malik
+ - terrorism
- texting
+ - thanksgiving meme's
+ - the CRAMPS
- the Matrix
- the Monkees
+ - the Simpsons
+ - the Specials
+ - the Spiv
- the Whisky
- the beat
+ - the beatles
- the bomb squad
+ - the clash
- the cloud appreciation society
+ - the damned
- the end is near
+ - the evens
- the exorcist
- the forms
- the fuck you heroes
- the gong
+ - the guardian
+ - the idealist
- the last word
- the meters
+ - the new york times
- the normal
- the president is responsible
- the pudding
@@ -3081,20 +3004,27 @@ params:
- the ritz
- the royals
- the saints
+ - the scream
- the selector
+ - the stooges
- the unspeakable
- the warriors
- therapy
- thief
+ - thieves
- think tanks
- thinkers
+ - this is america
- thought
+ - thrasher
- thrashin' skateboarding embarrassing moments
- three finger ring
- thrill seekers
- thug life
- tie
- tigers
+ - time
+ - time lapse
- times square
- times they are a changin'
- timothy leary
@@ -3103,40 +3033,66 @@ params:
- tipping
- toasting
- tokyo
+ - tom groholski
+ - tony alva
+ - tony hawk
- tool
- top gear
- tornado
+ - tour
- tourism
- toxic
+ - toys
- tracy marrow
- trader joes
- trading cards
+ - traffic
- tragic
- trailer
- train
- trains
+ - transportation
+ - treacherous three
+ - trees
+ - trends
- trent reznor
- tribecca film festival
- tribute
- trickle down
+ - tricks
- triptych
+ - trivia
- trolls
+ - trouble funk
- trumps
+ - truth
- truth and power
- tulsa
+ - tupac Shakur
+ - turkey
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Merci and thank you to all that made the opening night in Paris. A great time and inspiration for all!
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Email aus. Nicht nur, weil unsere Interessen und die Neugier, die uns treibt sich
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+ last_post_description: Long ago I decided to help taking Haskell a bit more outside
+ of its own walls; I mean, it is not fair that Haskell applications and tools _only_
+ have to be used by Haskell programmers (this is
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+ はてさて、トラッキングがかかっていない時計キットは今日朝、郵便受けに入っていることに気づきました。
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- alarms work with the other parts of OpenStack (warts-n-all). First some histroy
- Way back, Heat needed alarms to be able to do autoscaling
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About | Feed | Archive | Findings
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- last_post_title: Tumbling around in the back seat
- last_post_description: 'Related and unrelated, as is the way of blogging. I''ve
- been sitting on the harbour beach in Portree, reading this piece in the New Yorker
- about Judith Butler. It starts like this: "In January, the'
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+ run alongside the streets and over the roads and look very industrial. For some
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+ last_post_description: This is the release schedule the release team agreed on
+ https://community.kde.org/Schedules/KDE_Gear_24.08_ScheduleDependency freeze is
+ in around 4 weeks (July 18) and feature freeze one after that
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+description: SnapChat and its setting both are difficult to know
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+ last_post_title: Angel on Pool
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+ Seeing the holy angel number 333 is a specific event. It
+ might seem like just an incident, however many individuals see it frequently,
+ and it has a wide range of implications. Beneath, we take a
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+ - pools of Angels
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+ last_post_title: Conclusion of the Main Part of the Project
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Hi!
+ In this post, I will summarize the results obtained with the inclusion in Sage of Boost and igraph libraries. This was the main part of my Google Summer of Code project, and it was completed
+ last_post_date: "2015-08-16T13:59:00Z"
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+ last_post_title: Day One
+ last_post_description: I used to work doing Home Health Care. Often, on my way to
+ work, I would drive by a Baptist Church. I had never visited a Church other than
+ my own. So one day as I was going to work, I decided to
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- last_post_title: First Narrated Blog Post Experiment
- last_post_description: 'Hi everyone. I might be late to the party, but I finally
- sat down for a few minutes to test Micro.blog’s new feature: narrated blog posts.
- It is strange because this is my first use and I cannot'
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+ https://blog.numericcitizen.me/: true
+ last_post_title: Pondering
+ last_post_description: In a week, I’ll be preparing to fly to Croatia for a three-week
+ vacation with my wife. I’m still considering several aspects of the trip. How
+ much blogging should I do during this time? Should I
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-15T23:18:04+02:00"
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+title: Nibble Stew
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+description: A gathering of development thoughts of Jussi Pakkanen. Some of you may
+ know him as the creator of the Meson build system. jpakkane at gmail dot com
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+ last_post_title: Advanced text features and PDF
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+ last_post_date: "2024-06-24T20:35:14+03:00"
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+title: Jeff Zych's Internet Nook
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+description: Jeff is a product design leader, coder, writer, and letterer. He writes
+ about design, books, technology, creativity, and any other topics that interest
+ him.
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+ - https://visitmy.website/feed.xml
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+ last_post_title: Don’t let a linear design process snuff out your sparks of inspiration
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+ last_post_date: "2024-04-12T16:45:00Z"
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+ - https://frankmcpherson.blog/.well-known/recommendations.opml
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+ - http://scripting.com/rss.xml
+ - https://andysylvester.com/feed/
+ - https://bicycleforyourmind.com/feed.rss
+ - https://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/feed/
+ - https://buzzmachine.com/feed/
+ - https://crookedtimber.org/feed/
+ - https://feeds.feedburner.com/BrazenCareerist
+ - https://feeds.feedburner.com/NicholasBate
+ - https://feeds.kottke.org/main
+ - https://feeds.scottlowe.org/slowe/content/feed/
+ - https://frankmcpherson.blog/feed.xml
+ - https://freedom-to-tinker.com/feed/
+ - https://intellectualoid.com/feed/
+ - https://jabberwocking.com/feed/
+ - https://jvns.ca/atom.xml
+ - https://kimberlyhirsh.com/feed/
+ - https://ma.tt/feed/
+ - https://memex.naughtons.org/feed
+ - https://mitchw.blog/feed.xml
+ - https://om.co/feed/
+ - https://pluralistic.net/feed/
+ - https://prologuist.blogspot.com/rss.xml
+ - https://taoofmac.com/feed
+ - https://www.baty.net/index.xml
+ - https://www.jeffgeerling.com/blog.xml
+ - https://www.manton.org/feed
+ - https://www.stonekettle.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://andysylvester.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://baty.net/feed
+ - https://blog.penelopetrunk.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://blog.penelopetrunk.com/feed/
+ - https://blog.scottlowe.org/feed.xml
+ - https://boffosocko.com/category/mathematics/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/category/microcast/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/category/podcast/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/category/science/information-theory/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/home/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/instagram.xml
+ - https://boffosocko.com/kind/annotation/feed/
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+ - https://boffosocko.com/kind/listen/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/kind/note/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/kind/photo/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/kind/reply/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/kind/repost/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/kind/rsvp/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/kind/watch/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/kind/wish/feed/
+ - https://boffosocko.com/linkblog.xml
+ - https://boffosocko.com/microblog.xml
+ - https://boffosocko.com/read.xml
+ - https://granary-demo.appspot.com/url?hub=https%3A//bridgy-fed.superfeedr.com/&input=html&output=atom&url=http%3A//www.boffosocko.com/blog/
+ - https://stream.boffosocko.com/content/all?_t=rss
+ - https://doc.searls.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://doc.searls.com/feed/
+ - https://freedom-to-tinker.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://intellectualoid.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://jabberwocking.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://kimberlyhirsh.com/feed.xml
+ - https://kimberlyhirsh.com/podcast.xml
+ - https://ma.tt/comments/feed/
+ - https://memex.naughtons.org/comments/feed/
+ - https://memex.naughtons.org/feed/
+ - https://om.co/comments/feed/
+ - https://pluralistic.net/comments/feed/
+ - https://prologuist.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://prologuist.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://taoofmac.com/atom.xml
+ - https://www.manton.org/feed.xml
+ - https://www.manton.org/podcast.xml
+ - https://www.stonekettle.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ recommender:
+ - https://frankmcpherson.blog/feed.xml
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://frankmcpherson.blog/: true
+ last_post_title: A People's AI
+ last_post_description: Over the last year we’ve seen Microsoft, Google, and now
+ Apple demonstrate what they are doing with AI. As a somewhat casual observer,
+ it seems to me all of these announcements fall in what I will
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-13T10:24:37-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://frankmcpherson.blog/2024/06/13/a-peoples-ai.html
+ last_post_categories: []
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+ website: 2
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+ language: en
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-description: Learn faster, achieve more
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- - General
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- last_post_title: Talking About Getting Better
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- Some of my recent podcast appearances discussing Get Better at Anything.
- The post Talking About Getting Better appeared first on Scott H Young.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-28T16:31:22Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/2024/05/28/talking-about-getting-better/
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- - General
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-date: "2024-06-03T15:37:50-03:00"
+date: "2024-07-08T10:46:30-03:00"
description: The personal weblog of Peter Rukavina, a Charlottetown, Prince Edward
Island, Canada-based printer, writer and developer.
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- Society & Culture
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https://github.com/reinvented/: true
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7690-4909: false
https://ruk.ca/: true
- https://speakerdeck.com/reinvented: false
- https://vimeo.com/ruk: false
- https://wiki.ruk.ca/: false
- https://www.youtube.com/reinvented: false
- last_post_title: Shipping Offcut
- last_post_description: |-
- Thank you to everyone who ordered Offcut notebooks: they sold out in three days.
- Here’s a stack of envelopes ready for posting to Charlottetown, Stratford, Halifax, Toronto, Calgary, and The
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T15:37:50-03:00"
- last_post_link: https://ruk.ca/content/shipping-offcut
+ last_post_title: The Serrazzano Box
+ last_post_description: Over on the This Box is for Good site, I just posted a detailed
+ description of the box we designed and printed in Serrazzano, Italy in late April.
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T10:46:30-03:00"
+ last_post_link: https://ruk.ca/content/serrazzano-box
- - Notebook
- - Offcut
- - Shopping
- last_post_guid: e495363c8ce6a06ebe45deda3739de57
+ - Italy
+ - Serrazzano
+ - This Box is for Good
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: d51257dd5ba040676260ad493869728f
cats: 1
description: 3
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postcats: 3
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promotes: 0
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- - foss.in
- - translations
- - v4.14
- - barriers
- - partx
- - books
- - limits
- - prlimit
- - lpc
- - ulimit
- - caching
- - gpt
- - research
- - master boot record
- - partition tables
- - virtualization
- - userspace mutexes
- - v4.20
- - futex
- - memory model
- - block devices
- - mmu
- - caches
- - SMP
- - kernel
- - v4.19
- - store release
- - util-linux
- - dos
- - hash tables
- - memory management
- - C programming
- - assembler
- - systems
- - disks
- - v4.18
- - conference
- - trinity
- - VMX
- - efi
- - locks
- - shadow pages
- - stressing software
- - development
- - architecture
- - processor
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+ - IT
+ - MIUI
+ - Muminki
+ - My Desktop
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+ last_post_description: Kiedyś, jeszcze przed smartfonowymi czasami, bardzo przydatną
+ funkcją w telefonie było dla Mnie odrzucanie połączeń spoza listy kontaktów -
+ jak również ukrytych numerów. Niestety, nie
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+ 25 Posts, 13 Following, 76 Followers · Boosts, changelogs and speculation from the Librem One team.
+ See @purism for big announcements, and our following list for projects that we're excited
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+ last_post_title: 'doublerainbows: We have a status pag'
+ last_post_description: We have a status page! https://status.librem.oneEvery time
+ you hit F5, a sysadmin gets their coffee.
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+ last_post_title: Hello world, or at least blog readers
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+ There's always opportunities to start a new blog, but this was pretty straight forward.
+ Welcome to my blogger test blog.
+ ItemDescription
+ oneitem one
+ twoitem two
+ Table 1: items
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+ https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/lukask99: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on Infrastructure for heritage institutions by Maarten
+ Brinkerink
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Hey Lukas,
+ The picture you paint looks all too familiar to me. Very curious to learn about your progress and to share ideas about putting this topic higher on the agenda in our sector.
+ Best
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+description: The minds had long ago come up with a proper name for it; they called
+ it the Irreal, but they thought of it as Infinite Fun. That was what they really
+ knew it as. The Land of Infinite Fun. --Iain M.
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+ - General
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+ it believing that Emacs was a “lightweight” editor but upon discovering all its
+ features now believes it’s bloated and wonders if
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- in the community. As a non-developer I sometimes find it hard to navigate in the
- open source community and find that people often
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+ - games
+ - haskell
+ - laziness
+ - matrioshka
+ - oh crap that was dumb
+ - performance
+ - security
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- - ESX
- - Management
- - VMworld
- - Virtualization
- - vCenter
- - Tools
- - Troubleshooting
- - Cloud
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- - Scripting
- - OpenStack
- - PowerCLI
- - AWS
- - Microsoft
- - ESX4i
- - Windows
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- - Blogger
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- - Security
- - Upgrade
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- - Server
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- - "4.1"
- - Design
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- - Appliances
- - Learning
- - Licensing
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- - 3 things
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- - Workstation
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- - Book
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- - culture
- - vCloud
- - Announcement
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- - Razor
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- - Orchestrator
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- - "6.0"
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- - Linux
- - Network
- - OpenIndiana
- - Operations
- - Rant
- - Server 2008
- - Stencil
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- - Vancouver
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- - loadbalancer
- - "2014"
- - "5.1"
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- - Atlanta
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- - SDN
- - UCS
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- - Ansible
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- - Developer
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- - Veertu
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- - service
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+ last_post_title: Writing maketh the 10x Developer. More so the 10x development team.
+ last_post_description: Writing is thinking. Software is peoples' thoughts on repeat.
+ Developers who can pen their thoughts clearly multiply their impact. This matters
+ even more in group work. Common sense rules; no
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+ - TopLink
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+ open sourcing of Oracle TopLink in the EclipseLink (Eclipse Persistence Services)
+ Project at Eclipse I thought I'd better get back to
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- wasn't able to complete on my single-node Omnibus instance. The instance was on
- 16.3.4 and I do every upgrade on it. It has almost no data
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+ which altered the taxi business the whole way across the world. The Uber plan
+ of action is an enormous achievement. It was received
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+ last_post_title: Don't bring me solutions, bring me problems
+ last_post_description: A couple of weeks ago Emilia Bell published The problem with
+ solutions, an interesting take on some of the problems with the management mantra
+ I encountered a lot in my earlier years in the
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+ page. There you go: https://www.patreon.com/_sev. It is a way to support me personally
+ (if you care) and if there will be at least several'
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- - TV
- - Poly 101
- - legal
- - activism
- - polyamory
- - Canada
- - open marriage
- - books
- - research
- - kids
- - advice columns
- - polygamy
- - Australia/NZ
- - Friday Polynews Roundup
- - U.K.
- - millennials
- - Show Your Parents
- - marriage
- - conferences
- - critics of poly
- - New York
- - college
- - gay
- - gay/bi
- - celebrities
- - The Best
- - UK
- - history
- - SF Bay Area
- - therapists
- - Europe
- - The Next Generation
- - tabloids
- - politics
- - '#PolyamoryNews'
- - '#Polyamory'
- - Kamala Devi
- - movies/plays
- - polys of color
- - radio
- - triad
- - Seattle
- - Jenny Block
- - bisexual
- - religion/spirituality
- - Covid-19
- - '#polyactivism'
- - feminism
- - Wash. DC region
- - jealousy
- - '#PolyLegal'
- - Latin America
- - 'Polyamory: Married & Dating'
- - coming out
- - dating
- - holidays
- - '#PolyintheMedia'
- - humor
- - Boston
- - South Africa
- - comics
- - polyfamilies
- - '#polyfamilies'
- - China/Pacific
- - Español
- - Professor Marston movie
- - Showtime Season 1
- - children of polyamory
- - monogamy
- - plays
- - poly
- - '#PolyamoryintheNews'
- - Chicago
- - Dan Savage
- - Ireland
- - Oregon
- - Showtime Season 2
- - Wonder Woman
- - history of polyamory
- - poly parenting
- - '#Poly101'
- - Florida
- - Jewish
- - Português
- - Tristan Taormino
- - anthropology
- - black & poly
- - metamours
- - Book reviews by me
- - Deborah Anapol
- - Deutsch
- - Ethical Slut
- - Loving More
- - You Me Her
- - convention
- - lesbian
- - '#PolyamoryActivism'
- - India/South Asia
- - New Culture
- - advice
- - leftist/anarchist
- - relationship anarchy
- - science fiction
- - swinging
- - theory
- - '#PolyamoryBooks'
- - Brazil
- - Sierra Black
- - 'Supreme Court: Obergefell'
- - Valentine's Day
- - tech
- - Colorado
- - Franklin Veaux
- - Français
- - Southeast
- - advertising
- - art
- - children
- - coronavirus
- - עברית
- - '#PolyParenting'
- - '#enm'
- - polyamory books
- - polyamory on TV
- - '#OPEN'
- - '#PolyNews'
- - Chris Megan Leigh Ann
- - STDs
- - intentional community
- - movies
- - quads
- - unicorn
- - '#OpenRelationshipBooks'
- - '#PolyNormalization'
- - '#PolyamoryTV'
- - '#metamours'
- - BDSM
- - Buddhist
- - Diana Adams
- - Israel
- - More Than Two
- - Nederlands
- - Somerville
- - Ukraine
- - carrie jenkins
- - compersion
- - poly-mono
- - polyamory flag
- - reality show
- - songs
- - speeches by me
- - triads
- - video
- - weddings
- - '#CoupleToThrouple'
- - '#PolyOnTV'
- - '#PolyRights'
- - '#PolyamoryFlag'
- - Ask Amy
- - Cambridge
- - Dear Margo
- - Jaiya
- - Janet Hardy
- - Looks Like Love to Me
- - Metamour Day
- - Nico Tortorella
- - Russia
- - Terisa Greenan
- - Trigonometry series
- - Trump
- - What polyamory principles offer everyone
- - aging
- - agreements
- - autobiographies
- - discrimination against polyamory
- - music
- - queer
- - '#NewPolyamoryFlag'
- - '#OpenMarriage'
- - '#PolyAndChristian'
- - '#PolyAndQueer'
- - '#PolyDating'
- - '#PolyHistory'
- - '#PolyamoryFinances'
- - '#PolyamoryHistory'
- - '#PolyamoryLegal'
- - '#PolyamoryLegislation'
- - '#PolyamoryRights'
- - '#abuseinpoly'
- - '#cnm #openrelationship'
- - '#polycule'
- - Atlanta Poly Weekend
- - Blake Wilson
- - Eve Rickert
- - Hacienda Villa
- - Ixi Kirkilis
- - Joe Spurr
- - Kansas City
- - Multi-Love
- - Norsk
- - Poly Living
- - Polyamory Day
- - Ruban Nielson
- - 'Supreme Court: Windsor'
- - Svenska
- - Trigonometry
- - Zaeli Kane
- - academia
- - asexual
- - couple privilege
- - critics of polyamory
- - definition of polyamory
- - domestic partnerships
- - future of polyamory
- - monogamish
- - new polyamory flag
- - poly dating
- - polyamory history
- - polyandry
- - solo poly
- - today show
- - unicorns
- - по-русски
- - '#BadPolyamory'
- - '#Black&Poly'
- - '#ChildrenOfPolyamory'
- - '#Masyanya'
- - '#MetamourDay'
- - '#PandemicPolyamory'
- - '#PolyAndPsychedelics'
- - '#PolyDomesticPartnerships'
- - '#PolyFinances'
- - '#PolyHolidays'
- - '#PolyRecognition'
- - '#PolyWeddings'
- - '#PolyamorousFlag'
- - '#Polyamory rights'
- - '#PolyamoryBandwagon'
- - '#PolyamoryDay'
- - '#PolyamorySA'
- - '#PolyamoryUkraine'
- - '#PolyandCovid'
- - '#QueerPolyamory'
- - '#SeekingBrotherHusband'
- - '#Solopoly'
- - '#metamour #MetamourDay'
- - '#openrelationship'
- - '#polyamoryandneurodiversity'
- - '#polyfidelity'
- - '#throuples'
- - '#triads'
- - Alyce Grillet
- - Arlington MA
- - Brother Husbands
- - Caroline Giuliani
- - Colombia
- - Danske
- - Dedeker Winston
- - Destination America
- - Fox
- - HBO
- - Heinlein
- - Hidden in America
- - Japan
- - Kimchi Cuddles
- - Lisa Ling
- - Matt Bullen
- - Mississippi
- - Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart
- - NRE
- - New Mexico
- - Oberon Zell
- - Open
- - Our America
- - PLAC
- - Page Turner
- - Philadelphia
- - Poly celebrities
- - |-
- Polyamory Legal
- Advocacy Coalition
- - Polyamory Week
- - Polysecure
- - San Diego
- - Sartre
- - Sex at Dawn
- - She's Gotta Have It
- - Sister Wives
- - TNG
- - Tamron Hall
- - Terri Conley
- - The Bachelor
- - Three Dads and a Baby
- - Tilda Swinton
- - Unitarian Universalist
- - Unknown Mortal Orchestra
- - Utah
- - Utopia
- - abuse
- - abusers
- - atheism
- - christian poly
- - death
- - definition of open relationship
- - misuse of "polyamory"
- - philosophy
- - poetry
- - poly and christian
- - poly flag
- - poly weddings
- - poly101
- - polyamorous food trucks
- - polyamory conventions
- - polyamory in the military
- - polycon
- - polyfi
- - polyfidelity
- - skepticism
- - threesomes
- '#AlexAlberto'
- '#ArchieComics'
- '#BadPoly'
+ - '#BadPolyamory'
+ - '#Black&Poly'
- '#CNM'
- '#Challengers'
- '#ChallengersMovie'
+ - '#ChildrenOfPolyamory'
- '#ChosenFamily'
+ - '#CoupleToThrouple'
- '#CoupletToThrouple'
- '#CrappyPoly'
- '#Datinga Couple'
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- '#MaBelleMyBeauty'
- '#MarkMaryAndSomeOtherPeople'
+ - '#Masyanya'
- '#MemorialDay'
+ - '#MetamourDay'
- '#MonogamyAgreements'
- '#MoreMemoirofOpenMarriage'
- '#MoreaMemoirofOpenMarriage'
- '#NRE'
- '#NationalAnthemMovie'
+ - '#NewPolyamoryFlag'
- '#NewToPolyamory'
- '#NormalizePolyamory'
+ - '#OPEN'
+ - '#OpenMarriage'
+ - '#OpenRelationshipBooks'
+ - '#PandemicPolyamory'
- '#Poly10'
+ - '#Poly101'
+ - '#PolyAndChristian'
+ - '#PolyAndPsychedelics'
+ - '#PolyAndQueer'
- '#PolyBooks'
- '#PolyChristmas'
- '#PolyComics'
- '#PolyCommitmentCeremony'
+ - '#PolyDating'
+ - '#PolyDomesticPartnerships'
- '#PolyElders'
+ - '#PolyFinances'
+ - '#PolyGreenFlags'
- '#PolyHandfasting'
+ - '#PolyHistory'
+ - '#PolyHolidays'
- '#PolyKidsBooks'
+ - '#PolyLegal'
+ - '#PolyMono'
- '#PolyNeurodiversity'
+ - '#PolyNews'
+ - '#PolyNormalization'
+ - '#PolyOnTV'
- '#PolyOverTheHolidays'
- '#PolyPandemic'
+ - '#PolyParenting'
+ - '#PolyRecognition'
- '#PolyResearch'
+ - '#PolyRights'
- '#PolyUkraine'
- '#PolyVacation'
- '#PolyVeto'
+ - '#PolyWeddings'
+ - '#PolyamorousFlag'
+ - '#Polyamory'
+ - '#Polyamory rights'
+ - '#PolyamoryActivism'
+ - '#PolyamoryBandwagon'
+ - '#PolyamoryBooks'
- '#PolyamoryChristmas'
+ - '#PolyamoryDay'
+ - '#PolyamoryFinances'
+ - '#PolyamoryFlag'
+ - '#PolyamoryHistory'
+ - '#PolyamoryLegal'
+ - '#PolyamoryLegislation'
- '#PolyamoryMoneyManagement'
- '#PolyamoryMovies'
+ - '#PolyamoryNews'
- '#PolyamoryResearch'
+ - '#PolyamoryRights'
+ - '#PolyamorySA'
- '#PolyamorySongs'
- '#PolyamoryStories'
- '#PolyamoryStyles'
+ - '#PolyamoryTV'
+ - '#PolyamoryUkraine'
+ - '#PolyamoryintheNews'
- '#PolyandAging'
+ - '#PolyandCovid'
- '#PolyfamilyFinances'
- '#Polyfamory'
- '#PolygamyInTheBible'
+ - '#PolyintheMedia'
- '#PolyintheMedia. #PolyamoryNews'
+ - '#QueerAnimals'
+ - '#QueerPolyamory'
- '#RelationshipAgreements'
- '#Riverdale'
+ - '#SeekingBrotherHusband'
- '#SnugglePilePoly'
+ - '#Solopoly'
+ - '#SuccessfulPoly'
- '#TeenPoly'
- '#ThreeDadsAndaBaby'
- '#UCC'
- '#UUPoly'
- '#WhatPolyamoryOffersThe Monogamous'
- '#WhyIsPolyamoryPopular?'
+ - '#abuseinpoly'
- '#activism'
+ - '#cnm #openrelationship'
- '#compersion'
+ - '#enm'
- '#facebooklimitslove'
- '#group marriage'
+ - '#metamour #MetamourDay'
+ - '#metamours'
- '#nonmonogamyvisibility'
- '#oly101'
+ - '#openrelationship'
- '#po'
- '#poly'
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+ - '#polyactivism'
- '#polyamorous'
+ - '#polyamoryandneurodiversity'
+ - '#polyandAI'
- '#polycons'
+ - '#polycule'
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+ - '#polyfamilies'
+ - '#polyfidelity'
- '#polylessons'
- '#polymilitary'
- '#polynavy'
- '#threesomes'
- '#threeways'
- '#throuple'
+ - '#throuples'
+ - '#triads'
- '#unicorns'
- Allena Gabosch
+ - Alyce Grillet
- Amanda Palmer
- Amelia Earhart
+ - Arlington MA
- Ashley Madison
- Ashli Babbitt
+ - Ask Amy
- Asperger's
+ - Atlanta Poly Weekend
+ - Australia/NZ
+ - BDSM
- Bella Thorne
- Big Bang Theory
- Black Lives Matter
- Black Poly Nation
+ - Blake Wilson
+ - Book reviews by me
+ - Boston
- Brady Williams family
+ - Brazil
- Britney Spears
+ - Brother Husbands
+ - Buddhist
+ - Cambridge
+ - Canada
- Capitol riot
+ - Caroline Giuliani
- Charlie Sheen
+ - Chicago
+ - China/Pacific
- Chris Envy Angela Ashley polyamory polyamorous
+ - Chris Megan Leigh Ann
- Christopher Ryan
- Christopher Smith
- Clare Verduyn
+ - Colombia
+ - Colorado
- Covic-19
+ - Covid-19
- Covidc-19
- Craig Ivey
- Cunning Minx
+ - Dan Savage
+ - Danske
- David Brooks
+ - Dear Margo
+ - Deborah Anapol
- Dedeker
+ - Dedeker Winston
+ - Destination America
- Details magazine
+ - Deutsch
+ - Diana Adams
- Disabilities
- Elf Lyons
+ - Español
+ - Ethical Slut
+ - Europe
+ - Eve Rickert
- Facebook
+ - Florida
+ - Fox
+ - Franklin Veaux
+ - Français
- Friday Polyamory News Roundup
+ - Friday Polynews Roundup
- Gaby Dunn
- Gen Z
+ - HBO
+ - Hacienda Villa
+ - Heinlein
- Helen Fisher
+ - Hidden in America
- India
+ - India/South Asia
- Iran
+ - Ireland
+ - Israel
+ - Ixi Kirkilis
+ - Jaiya
+ - Janet Hardy
+ - Japan
- Jase Lindgren
+ - Jenny Block
- Jenny Yuen
- Jerry Falwell
- Jessica Fern
+ - Jewish
+ - Joe Spurr
- Joseph Freeney
- Juneteenth
+ - Kamala Devi
+ - Kansas City
- Karen Ruskin
- Kate Robards
- Kathy Labriola
@@ -474,12 +278,17 @@ params:
- Katie Hill
- Ken Haslam
- Kim Tallbear
+ - Kimchi Cuddles
- Kinsey Institute
- Kitty Striker
- Lady Gaga
+ - Latin America
- Leanna Yau
+ - Lisa Ling
+ - Looks Like Love to Me
- Love Sex and Neighbors
+ - Loving More
- Ma Belle My Beauty
- Magyar
@@ -487,79 +296,196 @@ params:
- Mark Sanford
- Marty Klein
- Mary Crumpton
+ - Matt Bullen
- Megyn Kelly
+ - Metamour Day
- Minneapolis
+ - Mississippi
- Mo'Nique
+ - More Than Two
+ - Morning Glory Zell-Ravenheart
- Moses Sumney
+ - Multi-Love
- My Five Wives
- NBC Out
+ - NRE
+ - Nederlands
- Neil Gaiman
+ - New Culture
+ - New Mexico
- New Monogamy
+ - New York
+ - Nico Tortorella
- Nikki Haley affair
- Nikki Haley cheating
- Nikki Haley extramarital
- No Exit
+ - Norsk
+ - Oberon Zell
- Oneida Colony
+ - Open
- Oprah Winfrey
+ - Oregon
+ - Our America
+ - PLAC
+ - Page Turner
- Paul Dalgarno
+ - Philadelphia
- Philippines
- Polska
- Polski
+ - Poly 101
+ - Poly Living
- Poly Philia
+ - Poly celebrities
- Poly novel
+ - Polyamory Day
- Polyamory Foundation
+ - |-
+ Polyamory Legal
+ Advocacy Coalition
- Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition
- Polyamory Today
+ - Polyamory Week
+ - 'Polyamory: Married & Dating'
- Polylogues
+ - Polysecure
+ - Português
+ - Professor Marston movie
- R. Crumb
- Rachel Krantz
- Rebecca Walker
- Right to Family Amendment Act of 2021
- Robyn Trask
- Roswell
+ - Ruban Nielson
- Ruby Bouie Johnson
+ - Russia
+ - SF Bay Area
+ - STDs
- STIs
+ - San Diego
- Sara Valta
+ - Sartre
+ - Seattle
- Sex Ed
+ - Sex at Dawn
- Shameless
+ - She's Gotta Have It
- Show Me What You Got
+ - Show Your Parents
+ - Showtime Season 1
+ - Showtime Season 2
+ - Sierra Black
- Simone de Beauvoir
+ - Sister Wives
+ - Somerville
+ - South Africa
+ - Southeast
- Spain
- Stage 3 polyamory
- Stephen Snyder
- Steve Pavlina
+ - 'Supreme Court: Obergefell'
+ - 'Supreme Court: Windsor'
+ - Svenska
- TEDx
+ - TNG
+ - TV
+ - Tamron Hall
- Tana Mongeau
- Teen Poly
+ - Terisa Greenan
+ - Terri Conley
- Texas
- Thanksgiving
+ - The Bachelor
+ - The Best
- The L Word
+ - The Next Generation
- The Politician
- The Polyamorists Next Door
- The State of Affairs
- There Is No 'I' in Threesome
+ - Three Dads and a Baby
+ - Tilda Swinton
- Tolstoy
+ - Trigonometry
+ - Trigonometry series
+ - Tristan Taormino
- True Life
+ - Trump
- Two Boyfriends and a Baby
+ - U.K.
+ - UK
+ - Ukraine
+ - Unitarian Universalist
- United Church of Christ
+ - Unknown Mortal Orchestra
+ - Utah
+ - Utopia
- Utopia show
+ - Valentine's Day
+ - Wash. DC region
- Wednesday Martin
- Wendy-O Matik
+ - What polyamory principles offer everyone
- Will and Jada Pinkett Smith
- Wisconsin
+ - Wonder Woman
- World Polyamory Association
- X-Men
+ - You Me Her
+ - Zaeli Kane
+ - abuse
+ - abusers
+ - academia
+ - activism
+ - advertising
+ - advice
+ - advice columns
+ - aging
+ - agreements
+ - anthropology
+ - art
+ - asexual
+ - atheism
- attachment theory in polyamory
+ - autobiographies
+ - bisexual
+ - black & poly
+ - books
+ - carrie jenkins
+ - celebrities
- cheating
+ - children
+ - children of polyamory
+ - christian poly
- christianity and polyamory
- civil union of 3
- co-housing
+ - college
+ - comics
+ - coming out
- communication
- communication skills
+ - compersion
+ - conferences
+ - convention
- corona cuddling
+ - coronavirus
+ - couple privilege
- covid
+ - critics of poly
+ - critics of polyamory
+ - dating
+ - death
+ - definition of open relationship
+ - definition of polyamory
+ - discrimination against polyamory
+ - domestic partnerships
- dying
- early poly in the media
- economics
@@ -568,97 +494,179 @@ params:
- esther perel
- eye-gazing
- falling in love
+ - feminism
- feminism in polyamory
+ - future of polyamory
- game changer
+ - gay
- gay triads
+ - gay/bi
- geek
- gingrich
+ - history
+ - history of polyamory
+ - holidays
- house hunters
+ - humor
- infidelity rate
- infinity heart
+ - intentional community
+ - jealousy
- jewelry/pins/clothing
+ - kids
+ - leftist/anarchist
+ - legal
- 'legal; #PolyBerkeley'
- 'legal; #PolyOakland'
+ - lesbian
+ - marriage
- merch
+ - metamours
+ - millennials
+ - misuse of "polyamory"
+ - monogamish
+ - monogamy
+ - movies
+ - movies/plays
+ - music
+ - new polyamory flag
- nikki haley
- north dakota
+ - open marriage
- pandemic
- pansexual
- parenting
+ - philosophy
- pi day
- pickup artist
- platonic
+ - plays
- podcasts
+ - poetry
- poliamor
+ - politics
+ - poly
- poly & neurodiversity
- poly and childbirth
+ - poly and christian
- poly and pregnancy
- poly animals
- poly as orientation
- poly conference
+ - poly dating
+ - poly flag
- poly humor
+ - poly parenting
- poly shaming
+ - poly weddings
+ - poly-mono
+ - poly101
- polyaffectivity
- polyamorous flag
+ - polyamorous food trucks
+ - polyamory
- polyamory and class
- polyamory as a spiritual path
+ - polyamory books
- polyamory community
+ - polyamory conventions
+ - polyamory flag
- polyamory flag stolen
- polyamory groups
+ - polyamory history
+ - polyamory in the military
- polyamory memes
- polyamory news
+ - polyamory on TV
- polyamory rights
- polyamory symbols
- polyamproud
+ - polyandry
+ - polycon
- polycule
- polydar
+ - polyfamilies
+ - polyfi
+ - polyfidelity
+ - polygamy
- polygamy. Mormon
+ - polys of color
- problem poly
+ - quads
+ - queer
+ - radio
+ - reality show
+ - relationship anarchy
+ - religion/spirituality
+ - research
+ - science fiction
- sex-positive organizations
- showtime
- siren
+ - skepticism
+ - solo poly
+ - songs
- sophie lucido johnson
- spaceflight
+ - speeches by me
+ - swinging
- tab
+ - tabloids
+ - tech
+ - theory
+ - therapists
+ - threesomes
- threeways
- throuples
+ - today show
- trans
+ - triad
+ - triads
- uniao poliafetiva
+ - unicorn
+ - unicorns
+ - video
- webseries
+ - weddings
- wife swap. Gina John Loudon
- will folks
- woodhull
- zoning
- Íslensku
+ - по-русски
+ - עברית
- 日本語
- https://www.blogger.com/profile/16008171792811719945: true
- last_post_title: Finally, a genuinely poly movie coming (queer too). The last word
- on the "Challengers" movie. Six new fiction books for summer reading. The AARP
- gets it. And, many upcoming events.
+ https://polyinthemedia.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Green flags to watch for in poly dating. The great poly/queer overlap.
+ Co-living. And, a total heartwarmer.
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+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T13:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://polyinthemedia.blogspot.com/2024/07/green-flags-to-watch-for-in-poly-dating.html
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+ - '#PolyGreenFlags'
+ - '#PolyMono'
+ - '#PolyamoryNews'
+ - '#PolyamoryintheNews'
+ - '#PolyintheMedia'
+ - '#QueerAnimals'
+ - '#QueerPolyamory'
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+description: Sophie builds fun things out of HTML, CSS & JavaScript, and writes blog
+ posts about tech and mental health.
+ feedlink: https://localghost.dev/feed.xml
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+ - https://joeross.me/feed.xml
+ - https://rknight.me/subscribe/posts/rss.xml
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+title: Initial Charge
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+description: A daily weblog written and produced by Mike Rockwell which focuses on
+ Apple products, mobile applications, the web, and other geek-related topics.
+ feedlink: https://initialcharge.net/feed/
+ feedtype: rss
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+ recommended: []
+ recommender:
+ - https://blog.numericcitizen.me/feed.xml
+ - https://blog.numericcitizen.me/podcast.xml
+ categories:
+ - Eugen Rochko
+ - Linked List
+ - Mastodon
+ - Online Publishing
+ - Open Web
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+ https://initialcharge.net/: true
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+ https://libertynode.net/@mike: true
+ https://mdrockwell.net/: true
+ last_post_title: Introducing the fediverse:creator Tag
+ last_post_description: 'Eugen Rochko: To reinforce and encourage Mastodon as the
+ go-to place for journalism, we’re launching a new feature today. You will notice
+ that underneath some links shared on Mastodon, the author'
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T13:41:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://initialcharge.net/2024/07/fediverse-creator-tag/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Eugen Rochko
+ - Linked List
+ - Mastodon
+ - Online Publishing
+ - Open Web
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-title: Experience.Computer
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- aphantasia, creativity, and the imagination. experience.computer"
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- - Arts
- - Society & Culture
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- last_post_title: Kirsten Lepore
- last_post_description: Jay Springett leads director and animator Kirsten Lepore
- through a series of imaginative exercises. Then they discuss:* The process of
- creating animation * The physicality of stop motion animation*
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+description: The ups and downs of my week in game development, with thoughts on the
+ creativity and the wider games industry.
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://tonywarriner.substack.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Progress!
+ last_post_description: Hi everyone! I’ve been running a devlog for my current projects
+ over on itch.io, but people started asking if they could subscribe… then I remembered
+ I have this substack. I’m basically
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-14T15:39:36Z"
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- last_post_description: Thanks very nice blog!|
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/08863672971675777868: true
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+description: Field recordings of visual art. By William Denton.
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ - Art
+ - Sound
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+ https://cosocial.ca/@wdenton: true
+ https://github.com/wdenton: true
+ https://listeningtoart.org/: true
+ https://staplr.org/: true
+ https://www.miskatonic.org/: true
+ last_post_title: '12.12: Marcel Duchamp, Fountain'
+ last_post_description: '12.12: Marcel Duchamp, Fountain'
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- In reply to David Barros .
- Moreover, I didn’t break the norms.
- The Git
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+ a trillion dollars in the next several years alone,
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+ The places I've been
+ The things I've seen<...
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+ In this post I will give a quick tutorial on how to set up fast Debian package builds using sbuild with mmdebstrap and apt-cacher-ng.
+ The usual tool for building Debian packages is dpkg-buildpackage,
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+ last_post_title: How to assess a software project
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+ the size and scope.
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+ sottotitoli all'incontro del LU...
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+ - Haskell
+ - Lisp
+ - Tutorial
+ - Virtual Machines
+ - darcs
+ - git
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+ - AVR
+ - Atmel
+ - Electronics
+ - FreeBSD
+ - OCXO
+ - PPS
+ - chrony
+ - timekeeping
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+ https://blahg.josefsipek.net/: true
+ last_post_title: Unsynchronized PPS Experiment
+ last_post_description: Late last summer I decided to do a simple experiment—feed
+ my server a PPS signal that wasn’t synchronized to any timescale. The idea was
+ to give chrony a reference that is more stable than the
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+ - D Conference 2007
+ - D programming language
+ - DSource
+ - Go programming language
+ - PySoy
+ - Pyd
+ - Python
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+ - Kevin O'Connor
+ - Peter Baker
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+ last_post_title: Peter Baker Argues Joe Biden Is Unfit because Peter Baker Is Too
+ Lazy to Read the Homework
+ last_post_description: Peter Baker read a report saying that Biden's physician added
+ a movement disorder neurologic specialist to treat Biden's gait problem, and instead
+ concluded that the movement disorder neurologic
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+ - Peter Baker
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+ - Improving Eclipse Search
+ - Integate and Connect your Clients
+ - Status
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+ - soc
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- tell them apart
- last_post_description: Bad things happen when hubristic aims collide at the midpoint
- of ambitions
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+ last_post_title: election night is calling
+ last_post_description: Plus AI video gets sporty with Wimbledon, gymnastics and
+ cycling
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+ - AtlanMod "atlantic zoo"
+ - CDO
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+ - MOSkitt
+ - Model analysis
+ - chad fowler
+ - complexity
+ - complexity elegant wrong
+ - model repository
+ - modeling versioning
+ - openarchitectureware
+ - papyrus
+ - semantic versioning
+ - the passionate programmer
+ - topcased
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+ last_post_title: Model Analysis / Transformation
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Here are a bunch of links which are interesting:
+ Mola
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+ - Model analysis
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+ - my brilliant friends
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+ - psychedelic cosmonauts
+ - public domain art
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+ - resource management
+ - resurrection of wormwood
+ - reviews
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+ - ryuutama
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+ - shadows of brimstone
+ - shameless self-promotion
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+ - treasures i want to steal
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+ - community projects
+ - lego rpg contest
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+ style of predicate logic is from
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+ - Idris
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+ - LogicalTypes
+ - WIP
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+ what do you know about whales?” Of course like most people, my answer was “Not
+ much,” but that marked the beginning of an important'
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+title: Wizard Thief Fighter
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: and the fabulous journeys of the stratometaship
+ feedlink: https://www.wizardthieffighter.com/feed/
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: 524fe1e0fadfa5c0e734edaeb6fc123d
+ websites:
+ https://www.wizardthieffighter.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender:
+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - Roleplaytime
+ - UVG
+ - car battles
+ - golem
+ - osr
+ - racing
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: Exploding Autogolems
+ last_post_description: Recently, someone on the stratometaship (my patreon discord
+ server) asked about thoughts on person-to-vehicle damage. Now, while I’ve always
+ had a fondness for RIFTS-style megadamage … I
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-05T03:03:15Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.wizardthieffighter.com/2024/exploding-autogolems/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Roleplaytime
+ - UVG
+ - car battles
+ - golem
+ - osr
+ - racing
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: b9b27cd59878341642a9aec85788b096
+ score_criteria:
+ cats: 0
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+ posts: 3
+ promoted: 5
+ promotes: 0
+ relme: 0
+ title: 3
+ website: 2
+ score: 20
+ ispodcast: false
+ isnoarchive: false
+ innetwork: true
+ language: en
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-title: Vimeo / Paul Downey’s videos
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-description: Videos uploaded by Paul Downey on Vimeo.
- feedlink: https://vimeo.com/pdowney/videos/rss
- feedtype: rss
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- last_post_title: Geofabrik
- last_post_description: Nice movie built using JQuery and static images
- last_post_date: "2008-11-28T07:31:49-05:00"
- last_post_link: https://vimeo.com/2369437
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-title: Trains for Europe
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: New night trains for cross-border routes
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- https://trainsforeurope.eu/: true
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- categories:
- - Analysis
- - Denmark
- - European Union
- - Germany
- - Sweden
- relme:
- https://gruene.social/@jon: true
- last_post_title: A different solution for night trains – a flexible leasing and
- operations company?
- last_post_description: From the start of this Trains for Europe campaign I have
- argued that the absence of enough couchette cars and sleeping cars is the main
- constraint on the expansion of night train services. You cannot
- last_post_date: "2022-10-12T14:57:30Z"
- last_post_link: https://trainsforeurope.eu/a-different-solution-for-night-trains-a-flexible-leasing-and-operations-company/
- last_post_categories:
- - Analysis
- - Denmark
- - European Union
- - Germany
- - Sweden
- last_post_guid: e93be8cdbcd89e36cac80f1440cd5ed5
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+title: Zach Leatherman
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+ - https://rknight.me/subscribe/posts/rss.xml
+ categories: []
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+ last_post_title: The Smorgasbord of Windows Terminal… Windows
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-30T00:00:00Z"
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+title: Mobalada Web
+date: "2023-06-20T09:33:20-03:00"
+description: |-
+ Mobalada Web: Protótipo Social de interagir e procurar as melhores baladas da sua cidade
+ (Atualmente: Recife - PE - Brasil)
+ feedlink: https://mobalada.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: 527897d63cb79737f1e15ce8362b4ace
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+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://mobalada.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Bares e boates
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2006-12-17T20:29:36-03:00"
+ last_post_link: https://mobalada.blogspot.com/2006/12/bares-e-boates.html
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+title: Following Flo
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+description: ""
+ feedlink: https://following-flo.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: 528e951f39b1f4ed80f39df4051609f1
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+ https://following-flo.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://following-flo.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/12987550199172473173: true
+ last_post_title: JWT moved to Eclipse SOA
+ last_post_description: 'The Eclipse SOA top-level project has a new member: the
+ Java Workflow Tooling (JWT) project finished the Move Review successfully. JWT
+ aims to build design time, development time and runtime workflow'
+ last_post_date: "2010-03-17T21:14:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://following-flo.blogspot.com/2010/03/jwt-moved-to-eclipse-soa.html
+ last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
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+date: "2024-04-10T00:00:00Z"
+description: Posts about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, accessibility and browsers from the
+ perspective of a curious front-end developer.
+ feedlink: https://hidde.blog/feed
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+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender:
+ - https://visitmy.website/feed.xml
+ categories: []
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+ last_post_title: Styleguides for better front-ends
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2013-11-18T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://hidde.blog/styleguides-for-better-front-ends/
+ last_post_categories: []
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+ cats: 0
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+title: Comments for Josh Betz
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: "Made with \U0001F9C0 in Madison"
+ feedlink: https://josh.blog/comments/feed
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: 52c96fde6273d329dd84556fbc72e475
+ websites:
+ https://josh.blog/: true
+ blogrolls:
+ - https://josh.blog/.well-known/recommendations.opml
+ recommended:
+ - http://scripting.com/rss.xml
+ - https://aaron.blog/feed/
+ - https://auth0.com/blog/rss.xml
+ - https://danielbachhuber.com/feed/
+ - https://daringfireball.net/feeds/main
+ - https://github.blog/feed/
+ - https://josepha.blog/feed/
+ - https://kareem.substack.com/feed
+ - https://ma.tt/feed/
+ - https://ntietz.com/atom.xml
+ - https://simonwillison.net/atom/everything/
+ - https://www.theverge.com/apple/rss/index.xml
+ - https://aaron.blog/comments/feed/
+ - https://danielbachhuber.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://github.blog/comments/feed/
+ - https://josepha.blog/comments/feed/
+ - https://ma.tt/comments/feed/
+ - https://www.theverge.com/rss/apple/index.xml
+ - https://www.theverge.com/rss/index.xml
+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://josh.blog/: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on Blogrolls by SoapDog
+ last_post_description:
This was great! I'm constantly impressed by how much you do and your willingness to try something new. I know this is about the painting, but I had to smile at both
- last_post_date: "2024-05-30T01:59:32Z"
- last_post_link: https://itself.blog/2024/05/28/my-brief-career-as-a-painter/#comment-61687
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-title: The Open Sourcerer
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Jeff on technology, business and society
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- blogrolls: []
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- categories:
- - Free/Open-Source software
- - Planet GNOME
- - GNOME Calendar
- - productivity
- - programming
- - standards
- - test-driven development
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Help us make GNOME Calendar rock-solid by expanding the test suite!
- last_post_description: GNOME Calendar 45 will be a groundbreaking release in terms
- of UX (more on that later?), performance, and to some extent, reliability (we’ve
- at least solved two complex crashers recently, including
- last_post_date: "2023-09-06T14:12:43Z"
- last_post_link: https://fortintam.com/blog/call-for-help-writing-gnome-calendar-compliance-unit-tests/
- last_post_categories:
- - Free/Open-Source software
- - Planet GNOME
- - GNOME Calendar
- - productivity
- - programming
- - standards
- - test-driven development
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- cats: 0
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-title: Trent Walton
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @TrentWalton@mastodon.social
- feedlink: https://mastodon.social/@TrentWalton.rss
- feedtype: rss
- feedid: 587451366a94f025296b3b4c3365a96c
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- categories: []
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- https://echowolfmusic.com/: false
- https://luroapp.com/: false
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-title: Coder's Block
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Will Boyd's portfolio and web development blog.
- feedlink: https://codersblock.com/rss.xml
- feedtype: rss
- feedid: 5889e0b2eee181163ee460b9c5fb8768
- websites:
- https://codersblock.com/: true
- blogrolls: []
- recommended: []
- recommender:
- - https://hacdias.com/feed.xml
- categories: []
- relme:
- https://front-end.social/@lonekorean: true
- last_post_title: Anchor Links and How to Make Them Awesome
- last_post_description: Anchor links (also called jump links) are an easy way to
- provide in-page navigation. For example, a table of contents could use anchor
- links to take readers straight to various sections in a page
- last_post_date: "2024-05-20T00:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://codersblock.com/blog/anchor-links-and-how-to-make-them-awesome/
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+description: ""
+ feedlink: https://blog.qgis.org/comments/feed/
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: 58a36bf73202fa99e4b2aa7f31fc7dcb
+ websites:
+ https://blog.qgis.org/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://blog.qgis.org/: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on QGIS 3.12 București is released! by Isah AbdulGaniyu
+ last_post_description: I have tried to install this software several times but not
+ working on my system, Lenovo IdeaPad 110
+ last_post_date: "2020-06-27T05:09:20Z"
+ last_post_link: https://blog.qgis.org/2020/02/26/qgis-3-12-bucuresti-is-released/comment-page-1/#comment-1345
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-title: Comments for James Bottomley's random Pages
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: A collection of information
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- last_post_title: Comment on Solving the Looming Developer Liability Problem by jejb
- last_post_description: |-
- In reply to Anon .
- I think the problem with that one is that it's not an OSI approved
- last_post_date: "2024-05-11T15:25:24Z"
- last_post_link: https://blog.hansenpartnership.com/solving-the-looming-developer-liability-problem/#comment-214222
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+ last_post_title: The history behind the venue for this years GUADEC
+ last_post_description: My good friend Jonas wrote a nice little piece on the history
+ behind the Folkets Hus and Folkets Park-movement and their relation with the labour
+ movement here. Interesting read in general I'd say,
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+ Would I be able to send an instant message
+ to an 800 number?You can send instant messages to 844
+ numbers if it is enlisted as a "text empowered" number. Complementary
+ content informing can be used to
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+ - 3 body problem
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+ - ATI Theater remote
+ - AWS EC2
+ - AWS S3
+ - Analytics
+ - Android Marshmallow
+ - Animation
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+ - Builder
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+ - CID Font
+ - CSS
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+ - Kent
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+ - Korean
+ - LISP interpreter
+ - LNB
+ - Linux
+ - Mi Red 2 Prime
+ - MinixFS
+ - Molly kernel
+ - Motion gaming
+ - Mozilla Readability
+ - Mozilla reader mode
+ - Multiselect
+ - MySQL
+ - OMS
+ - Oculus
+ - OffscreenWindow
+ - OpenCV
+ - Outline view
+ - PCB
+ - PDF
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+ - RF Remote
+ - RO
+ - SDL
+ - SES
+ - SMIL
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+ - SVG 2
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+ - SVG font
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+ - Satellite Dish
+ - Semantic
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+ - Television
+ - UPnP
+ - VR
+ - VRML
+ - Vim
+ - Virtual Reality
+ - Water Purifier
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+ - XPath
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+ - Xbox 360
+ - Xbox 360 with Kinect
+ - Xorg
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+ - alembic
+ - amazon api
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+ - assembly language
+ - audio
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+ - background
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+ - braille
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+ - gnuplot
+ - google
+ - gradient
+ - grid-tie inverter
+ - grub
+ - grub2
+ - gtk
+ - gtkplug
+ - gtksocket
+ - hard disk image
+ - hibernate
+ - hit-a-hint
+ - home appliances
+ - hyperbole
+ - i18n
+ - icons
+ - image library
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+ - inverter
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+ - jee
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+ - kids
+ - lazy load
+ - learning exercise
+ - learning workbook
+ - lg tv
+ - librsvg
+ - line number
+ - linearized
+ - listenbrainz
+ - live preview
+ - magit
+ - magnify
+ - map
+ - matching game
+ - maths
+ - micro emacs
+ - minix
+ - minix filesystem
+ - miracast
+ - mission control
+ - mood lighting
+ - mp3 tag
+ - mpv
+ - multimedia editing
+ - multithread
+ - multitouch
+ - mutex
+ - ncurses
+ - nested ifdef
+ - netflix
+ - ngspice
+ - nmcli
+ - no wallpaper
+ - note taking
+ - oauth2
+ - offscreen rendering
+ - order management system
+ - org-mode
+ - org-roam
+ - otc/ttc
+ - otf/ttf
+ - pattern recognition
+ - php
+ - piechart
+ - presentation
+ - print
+ - print CJK
+ - print image
+ - print unicode
+ - privacy
+ - pwm
+ - radar
+ - random color
+ - random face
+ - random number
+ - rclone
+ - reddit
+ - retail
+ - reveal.js
+ - rgb led
+ - rpi
+ - scatter plot
+ - schematics
+ - screen casting
+ - screen mirroring
+ - scribble
+ - senator
+ - shadow
+ - sheet music
+ - shell
+ - shop
+ - shopping app
+ - simulation
+ - slideshow
+ - slow
+ - snooping
+ - social media client
+ - solar
+ - spellcheck
+ - spider plot
+ - spreadsheet
+ - sprite sheet
+ - srecode
+ - stock heatmap
+ - streaming media
+ - stroke font
+ - surf browser
+ - swipe
+ - swype
+ - symbol library
+ - syntax-highlight
+ - table
+ - tag explorer
+ - tailor pattern
+ - telecom
+ - terminal
+ - text book
+ - text sort
+ - text wrap
+ - textpath
+ - thesaurus
+ - thread
+ - time series
+ - time wheel
+ - tinylisp
+ - tracking
+ - tramp
+ - transliteration
+ - transponder
+ - tree widget
+ - truetype font
+ - tshirt pattern
+ - tumblr
+ - tuning
+ - twitter
+ - type hierarchy
+ - url accelerator
+ - url hint
+ - vi
+ - video
+ - visualization
+ - vlc
+ - weather
+ - web
+ - webkit
+ - webkit2gtk
+ - webkitgtk2
+ - webos
+ - wheel of time
+ - widget
+ - widgets
+ - wifi display
+ - wifi p2p
+ - wpa_cli
+ - wpa_supplicant
+ - wrl
+ - wysiwyg print
+ - xembed
+ - xfce
+ - xfdashboard
+ - xmltv
+ - xwidget
+ - ytdl
+ - zoom
+ relme:
+ https://lifeofpenguin.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Text along a path (GNU Emacs)
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T21:30:33-07:00"
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+ - CSS
+ - SVG
+ - SVG 2
+ - gnu emacs
+ - inline-size
+ - librsvg
+ - text wrap
+ - textpath
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+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Announcement
+ - Commentary
+ - Encore Presentation
+ - Episode
+ - Field Recording
+ - Hot Take
+ relme:
+ https://armstrong-collection.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://geeklikemetoo.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://geekversusguitar.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://thebooksthatwroteme.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/04401509483200614806: true
+ last_post_title: Retiring This Blog
+ last_post_description: Beginning in May of 2023, I am no longer planning to add
+ new posts to this blog. All new podcast episodes will have blog posts on my podcast
+ archive page.
+ last_post_date: "2023-05-19T00:33:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://pottscast.blogspot.com/2023/05/retiring-this-blog.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Announcement
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: ee18a9d9e9aff4e24ecd3cdee2437223
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- - rochester
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- last_post_title: Flock 2015 – Report Day0 and Day1
- last_post_description: 'Day 0: I almost missed my flight at the san jose airport,
- My flight was supposed to take off by 2:55. There was a big queue at the airport
- around 2:30 pm. I cleared TSA around 2:40 pm. It was'
- last_post_date: "2015-08-18T23:46:54Z"
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- - rochester
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-title: Adam Keys is Learning
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Telling a joke, trying to, or making a joke of myself. Engineering lead
- and full-stack developer. Porsches, Disney parks, pub quiz, Star Wars, Destiny,
- music, television. We should all write more
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+title: ויזו'אל חופשי
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Bullet
+ - Cuda
+ - Cycles
+ - Darktable
+ - GIMP
+ - GIMP 2.8
+ - Linux
+ - LuxRender
+ - Tracker
+ - blender
+ - compositing
+ - kde
+ - krita
+ - yafa-ray
+ - אזור בחירה
+ - בלנדר
+ - גימפ
+ - מודולי צבע
+ - מידול
+ - מנוע רינדור
+ - מסכה
+ - מצלמה
+ - עריכת תמונות
+ - פיסול
+ - קהילה
+ - קוד פתוח
+ - תאורה
+ - תוספים
+ - תלת מימד
+ relme:
+ https://free-visual.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/02468277215955199582: true
+ last_post_title: חבר חדש Darktable, או איך לעשות Post Production בכמה שניות
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2014-04-13T08:49:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://free-visual.blogspot.com/2014/04/darktable-post-production.html
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+ - Darktable
+ - מודולי צבע
+ - מצלמה
+ - עריכת תמונות
+ - קוד פתוח
+ - תאורה
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+description: Stukjes over Haarlem, stadsgeschiedenis, cartografie, en dergelijke
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+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Haarlemse Stukjes
+ - haarlem
+ - vestingwerken
+ relme:
+ https://commonplace.net/: true
+ https://lukaskoster.nl/: true
+ https://masto.ai/@lukask: true
+ https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/lukask99: true
+ last_post_title: De twee Kruispoorten van Haarlem
+ last_post_description: De Haarlemse Kruispoort werd tijdens het Beleg van Haarlem
+ (1572-1573) verwoest. Net als andere beschadigde en verwoeste verdedigingswerken
+ werd de Kruispoort na enige jaren herbouwd, maar niet op
+ last_post_date: "2021-11-08T10:32:32Z"
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+ - Haarlemse Stukjes
+ - haarlem
+ - vestingwerken
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https://www.thingelstad.com/: true
- last_post_title: 'Omni Show 136: How Jamie Thingelstad Uses OmniFocus'
- last_post_description: Episode 136 of the Omni Show podcast just showed up with
- me as the guest! I recorded this a couple weeks ago with Andrew Mason and it is
- great to see it live. The Omni Show is also trying out video
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T22:20:21+01:00"
- last_post_link: https://www.thingelstad.com/2024/06/03/omni-show-how.html
+ last_post_title: Fiber Installed at Cabin
+ last_post_description: I met with Bevcomm on July 1 2023 to give them the go ahead
+ to install fiber at our cabin. They thought it would take about a year and today
+ — one year and two days later — it was installed and
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T21:23:20-05:00"
+ last_post_link: https://www.thingelstad.com/2024/07/03/fiber-installed-at.html
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-title: Ruarí Ødegaard
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-description: Public posts from @ruario@vivaldi.net
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+title: Eclipse by Planetary Transits
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+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Eclipse Sweden
+ - b3
+ - buckminster
+ - cloudsmith
+ - eclipse
+ - eclipse spaces publishing xdrive plugin bundle OSGi
+ - xtext
+ relme:
+ https://eclipse-buckminster.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://henrik-eclipse.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://henrik-lindberg.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/18131140901733897033: true
+ last_post_title: Implementing Date Support with Quickfix using Xtext
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2010-05-19T15:22:23-07:00"
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+ - b3
+ - eclipse
+ - xtext
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+ Québec (Canada)
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+ – un #GAFAM de moins sur mon site par MagicFab'
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+ En effet, je crois que c'est rendu pas mal pire surtout pour ce qui est des librairies Javascript.
+ Je crois que ton lien pourrait servir à faire une "checklist" même si incomplète de ce qu'un
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- We released a thing: st-1.0.0 Rasmus Dahlberg, 2024-05-12.
- On Thursday this week, the System Transparency project announced st-1.0.0. It is a collection of stable, tested, and documented components
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+ I noticed a lot of animated GIFs showing up in my Google+ feed recently. Mainly it was cats.
+ I thought, why not render "top" output as an animated GIF? It's not the most practical thing, but it
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+ - Cost of "old machines"
+ - Debian
+ - Familiarity
+ - First post
+ - GSM
+ - Hell freezes
+ - Laptop ACPI
+ - Lessons in file saving
+ - Linux radio ad.
+ - Microsoft
+ - PDF
+ - Philosophical ramblings
+ - RHCT
+ - Sheevaplug SoC
+ - Sheevaplug ideas
+ - Sheevaplug ideas?
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+ - Squeeze
+ - Squeeze 6.0
+ - UKUUG conference
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+ get on
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The past is a foreign country. They do things differently there
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+ last_post_description: Young medication misuse and adolescent liquor addiction ruin
+ a teenager's life and destroy their family. The high school years are described
+ by hazard taking conduct and impulsivity. An illustration
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+date: "2024-03-08T21:28:13-03:00"
+description: Ever had some strange idea that you think was neat... but never had the
+ time to think it all properly? And what when you want to resume working on the subject...
+ but can't remember exactly where did
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+ last_post_title: A solid balloon
+ last_post_description: 'Weird idea. I just had to post it somewhere. Think about
+ it: carbon nanospheres are strong, and light. Can they be vacuum-filled? (I''m
+ wondering if I even can write it like this, but it seems that'
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+ - Kaufvertrag
+ - Kompost
+ - Komposttoilette
+ - Konzept
+ - Video
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+ last_post_description: Ein Notar verlangt in der Regel 3% des Kaufpreises der Immobilie
+ als Honorar. Dazu können noch etwaige Treuhänderhonorare kommen, die wieder 1
+ bis 2 % des Kaufpreises ausmachen können. Bei 100,000
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+ - Grundbuch
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+description: All About Dda Debit and its benefit at one plate form so don't miss it.
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+ - Buckminster
+ - Build
+ - Cloudsmith
+ - Eclipse
+ - Modeling
+ - Platform
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/15537242570858268889: true
+ last_post_title: Can we build it? Yes we can!
+ last_post_description: Thomas Hallgren, Michal Ruzicka, and Kenn have been toiling
+ away since EclipseCon (Michal fulltime, Thomas and Kenn intermittently) on the
+ committer community's build problems. We haven't been
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+ - Buckminster
+ - Build
+ - Cloudsmith
+ - Eclipse
+ - Modeling
+ - Platform
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+date: "2024-07-08T13:25:52Z"
description: I write a blog about Accessibility, User Experience Design & Productivity.
New posts are released bi-weekly on Fridays.
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- https://kevquirk.com/feed
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- You might have heard of the hamburger menu.
- It's a user interface element that you can find all over the web.
- It's represented by three horizontal lines and when clicked, it opens up a menu.
+ I love the idea of blog post sequels:
- Its
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+ Write about a certain topic on your blog.
+ Let some time pass.
+ Revisit old ideas of yours and that certain topic you wrote about.
+ Write about it again with a new
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- last_post_description: There was definitely a lot of hate around systemd in the
- Linux community over the last few years as all the Linux distros moved over to
- it. Things change all the time, and I personally never
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+ - kids
+ - music theory
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/18373967098081701148: true
+ last_post_title: Online Music Lessons and Games for Kids
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+ - kids
+ - music theory
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- - http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
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+ - Allgemein
+ - democracy
+ - occupation
+ - police
+ - protest
+ - treehouse
+ relme:
+ https://blog.jabberhead.tk/: true
+ https://github.com/vanitasvitae: true
+ last_post_title: An Antidote to Apathy
+ last_post_description: Learning how to climb a tree as a form of protest feels massively
+ self-effective. Suddenly, you are no longer simply part of a protest that comes
+ and goes and is mostly ignored by those in power.
+ last_post_date: "2024-03-21T13:44:51Z"
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+description: "Hi! I'm Marisabel! \U0001F44B Puertorican living the Dutch life. This
+ is my personal web garden to make things grow. : I write about life, words and
+ colors. Sometimes about my kids."
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+ - https://aramzs.xyz/writing/feed.xml
+ - https://birming.com/feed/
+ - https://blogofthe.day/feed.xml
+ - https://buttondown.email/ownyourweb/rss
+ - https://cmdr-nova.online/rss
+ - https://darch.dk/feed/page:feed.xml
+ - https://dominikhofer.me/rss.xml
+ - https://exploration.work/index.xml
+ - https://feeds.feedburner.com/68131
+ - https://flower.codes/feed.xml
+ - https://gersande.com/blog/rss/
+ - https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=rss&url=https%3A//jamesg.blog
+ - https://ingrids.space/index.xml
+ - https://iwebthings.joejenett.com/feed.atom
+ - https://jessicajournals.com/index.xml
+ - https://kaushiksamba.bearblog.dev/feed/?type=rss
+ - https://lazybear.io/index.xml
+ - https://longest.voyage/index.xml
+ - https://manuelmoreale.com/feed/rss
+ - https://martinschuhmann.com/feed/
+ - https://mary.codes/rss.xml
+ - https://matanabudy.com/feed/
+ - https://mattstein.com/rss.xml
+ - https://mfashby.net/index.xml
+ - https://michal.sapka.me/index.xml
+ - https://mxb.dev/notes/feed.xml
+ - https://nora.codes/index.xml
+ - https://notes.ashsmash.com/rss
+ - https://notes.jeddacp.com/feed
+ - https://rachsmith.com/feed.xml
+ - https://rebeccatoh.co/feed/
+ - https://ritaottramstad.com/feed/
+ - https://robertkingett.com/feed/
+ - https://saneboat.com/posts_feed
+ - https://scottnesbitt.online/feed.xml
+ - https://squeaki.sh/rss.xml
+ - https://starbreaker.org/feeds/everything.xml
+ - https://stephango.com/feed.xml
+ - https://subtle-echo.pika.page/posts_feed
+ - https://tangiblelife.net/feed.rss
+ - https://theresmiling.eu/rss.xml
+ - https://theunderground.blog/feed.xml
+ - https://thoughts.uncountable.uk/feed/
+ - https://timharek.no/feed.xml
+ - https://wand3r.net/feed/
+ - https://winnielim.org/feed/
+ - https://www.softlandings.world/feed.rss
+ - https://www.zylstra.org/blog/category/metablogging/feed/
+ - https://yiming.dev/rss.xml
+ - https://alexandrawolfe.ca/feed/?type=rss
+ - https://birming.com/feed/?type=rss
+ - https://cmdr-nova.online/comments/feed/
+ - https://cmdr-nova.online/feed/
+ - https://iwebthings.joejenett.com/feed.xml
+ - https://iwebthings.joejenett.com/iwd.atom
+ - https://jamesg.blog/feeds/posts.xml
+ - https://kaushiksamba.bearblog.dev/feed/
+ - https://manuelmoreale.com/feed/instagram
+ - https://martinschuhmann.com/feed/?type=rss
+ - https://matanabudy.com/feed/?type=rss
+ - https://mxb.dev/feed.xml
+ - https://notes.ashsmash.com/rss.xml
+ - https://notes.jeddacp.com/feed/
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+ - https://rachsmith.com/rss/
+ - https://rebeccatoh.co/comments/feed/
+ - https://wand3r.net/feed/?type=rss
+ - https://winnielim.org/feed/?cat=2%2C4%2C8
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+ - ideas
+ - julyreply2024
+ - notes
+ - reactions
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+ https://im.marisabel.nl/: true
+ https://indieweb.social/@immarisabel: true
+ https://marisabel.nl/: true
+ https://marisabel.nl/public/blog.php: true
+ last_post_title: 'RE:My Notebook: A Place For My Ideas To Grow.'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ This is in reply to Jame's post on how he grows his ideas.
+ Hi James,
+ I love your idea of keeping an idea notebook in a single file! I started something similar a while ago —a sort of bullet journal
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://marisabel.nl/public/blog/RE:My_Notebook_A_Place_For_My_Ideas_To_Grow
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+ - ideas
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- last_post_title: whataya mean - pulled a Jack?
- last_post_description: I recently shared a ‘plain text note-taking assistant’ at
- the hub and decided to give Jack a heads-up before publishing the post - if for
- no other reason, it was a chance to razz him a bit (yet
- last_post_date: "2024-05-28T12:52:06Z"
- last_post_link: https://simply.joejenett.com/whataya-mean-pulled-a-jack/
+ last_post_title: Lonita’s Creative Idea of the Day
+ last_post_description: In his late teens, he would sometimes travel from school
+ in Gainesville to home in Miami Beach for the weekend. His BMW had a faring and
+ windshield and was great for the 6-hour trip. He loved that
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-12T18:26:53Z"
+ last_post_link: https://simply.joejenett.com/creative-idea-of-the-day/
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+title: Twin numbers of angels
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Keep visiting to my blogspot and get all information about angels number.
+ feedlink: https://bisnislogerr.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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+ last_post_title: Your 888 Angel Number in Relationships
+ last_post_description: |-
+ There are various types of 888 angel number heavenly messenger numbers. Some
+ amount to nothing, while others are signs from our heavenly messengers.
+ does planet fitness have showers.The number 333
+ last_post_date: "2022-01-23T11:10:00Z"
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- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- - Journal
- - Art
+ - Art
+ - Journal
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last_post_title: ASCIIerle
last_post_description: 'Ich besitze jetzt einen echten Doctor Popular! Thanks a
lot @docpop ❤️ …und hier noch zwei weitere Versionen:'
last_post_date: "2024-06-02T14:51:16Z"
last_post_link: https://notiz.blog/2024/06/02/asciierle/
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+ - adhd
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+ last_post_title: My ADHD founder toolbox
+ last_post_description: Since I last wrote about ADHD at length, I’ve had a zillion
+ conversations with people about it and heard from over a dozen people who’d pursued
+ diagnosis after reading some of my yammerings.
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- last_post_title: Tlon, Urbit, and Clawing Back Computing Freedom
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- - talking
- - star
- - model
- - data
- - bayes
- - statistics
- - spectroscopy
- - seminar
- - writing
- - imaging
- - code
- - exoplanet
- - sdss
- - Milky Way
- - galaxy
- - practice
- - meeting
- - time
- - dynamics
- - calibration
- - astrometry
- - gaia
- - cosmology
- - photometry
- - not research
- - machine learning
- - radial velocity
- - chemistry
- - kinematics
- - mathematics
- - information
- - graphical model
- - Kepler
- - literature
- - substructure
- - MCMC
- - regression
- - quasar
- - optimization
- - linear algebra
- - philosophy
- - proposal
- - TheCannon
- - computing
- - large-scale structure
- - decision
- - Gaussian process
- - disk
- - binary star
- - noise
- - visualization
- - telescope
- - galex
- - dark sector
- - funding
- - catalog
- - star formation
- - travel
- - theory
- - gravitational lensing
- - gravity
- - thinking
- - hardware
- - causation
- - black hole
- - asteroseismology
- - clustering
- - dust
- - supernova
- - point-spread function
- - halo
- - classification
- - life
- - proper motion
- - LSST
- - TESS
- - search
- - gastrophysics
- - particle physics
- - reading
- - Solar System
- - group theory
- - meta data
- - atlas
- - nucleosynthesis
- - cluster
- - tractor
- - engineering
- - electricity and magnetism
- - spitzer
- - cosmography
- - experiment
- - panstarrs
- - interstellar medium
- - open science
- - web 2.0
- - wise
- - white dwarf
- - microscopy
- - project management
- 2mass
- - HST
+ - ALMA
+ - API
+ - Bart
- - geometry
- - merging
- - testing
- - Terra Hunting
- - observing
- - radio
- - fundamental astronomy
- - intergalactic medium
- - database
+ - Cassini
+ - Chandra
+ - CoRoT
+ - DESI
- Earth
- Euclid
- - baryon acoustic feature
- - pulsar
- - eating
- - signal processing
- - comet
- - politics
- - citizen science
- - email
- - phase space
- - brown dwarf
- - transparency
- - LIGO
- - environment
+ - FRBs
- Fermi
- - Planck
- - Sun
+ - Gaussian process
- - PHAT
- - interferometry
- - planet
- - robot
- - cosmic ray
- - parallax
- - thermodynamics
+ - HST
- Herschel
- - atomic physics
- - design
- - gamma-ray burst
- - minor planet
- - thresher
- - nuclear physics
- - primus
- - rave
- - ultraviolet
- - charge-coupled device
- - compressed sensing
- - evolution
- - refereeing
- - relativity
- - roweis
- - accretion
- - causality
- - interpolation
- - neuroscience
- - selection function
- - units
- - digital camera
- - hipparcos
- - history
- - inflation
- - quantum mechanics
- - sailing
- - text
- - amateur
- - biology
- - deep learning
- - diffraction
- - drinking
- - optics
- - archive
- - education
- - string theory
- - anthropic
- - archetype
- - architecture
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- - hacking
- - usno-b
- - API
- - dissertation
- - intelligence
- - music
- - osss
- - reproducibility
- - science
- - astrobiology
- - coffee
- - pipeline
- - spherex
- - teaching
- - weather
+ - KNN
+ - Kepler
- - WMAP
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- - climate
- - correlation
- - density estimation
- - diagnosis
- - editing
- - geology
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- - ALMA
- - Bart
- - DESI
- - P1640
- - apass
- - compression
- - confusion
- - demographics
- - ethics
- - fail
- - farm machinery
- - learning
- - outreach
- - scattering
- - sonification
- - x-ray
- - Cassini
- - Chandra
+ - LIGO
- - Moon
- - NuSTAR
- - PTF
- - Saturn
- - ZTF
- - administration
- - aliens
- - balloon
- - bullshit
- - daft
- - flickr
- - frequentism
- - gambling
- - game theory
- - nasa
- - plasma
- - press
- - procrastination
- - sound
- - vlt-sphere
- - CoRoT
- - FRBs
- - KNN
- LMIRcam
+ - LSST
- Local Group
+ - MCMC
+ - Milky Way
+ - Moon
+ - NuSTAR
+ - P1640
+ - PHAT
+ - PTF
+ - Planck
+ - Saturn
+ - Solar System
+ - Sun
+ - TESS
+ - Terra Hunting
+ - TheCannon
+ - WMAP
- Willman 1
+ - ZTF
+ - accretion
+ - ad hockery
+ - administration
- advice
+ - aliens
+ - amateur
+ - anthropic
+ - anthropology
+ - apass
+ - archetype
+ - architecture
+ - archive
- askap
+ - asteroseismology
+ - astrobiology
- astrology
+ - astrometry
+ - atlas
+ - atomic physics
+ - balloon
+ - baryon acoustic feature
+ - bayes
+ - binary star
+ - biology
+ - black hole
+ - brown dwarf
+ - bullshit
+ - calibration
+ - catalog
+ - causality
+ - causation
- chaos monkey
+ - charge-coupled device
+ - chemistry
+ - citizen science
+ - classification
+ - climate
- clothing
+ - cluster
+ - clustering
+ - code
+ - coffee
- combinatorics
+ - comet
+ - compressed sensing
+ - compression
+ - computing
- condensed matter
+ - confusion
+ - correlation
+ - cosmic ray
+ - cosmography
+ - cosmology
+ - daft
+ - dark sector
+ - data
+ - database
+ - decision
+ - deep learning
+ - demographics
+ - density estimation
+ - design
+ - diagnosis
+ - diffraction
+ - digital camera
+ - discussion
+ - disk
+ - dissertation
- documentation
- dragonfly
+ - drinking
+ - dust
+ - dynamics
+ - eating
+ - editing
+ - education
+ - electricity and magnetism
+ - email
- emotions
+ - engineering
+ - environment
+ - ethics
- ethnography
+ - evolution
- exomoon
+ - exoplanet
+ - experiment
+ - fail
+ - farm machinery
+ - flickr
+ - frequentism
- frisbee
+ - fundamental astronomy
+ - funding
+ - gaia
+ - galaxy
+ - galex
+ - gambling
- game
+ - game theory
+ - gamma-ray burst
+ - gastrophysics
- gauge
+ - geology
+ - geometry
+ - graphical model
+ - gravitational lensing
+ - gravity
- group meeting
+ - group theory
+ - hacking
+ - halo
- handicapping
+ - hardware
+ - hipparcos
+ - history
+ - imaging
+ - inflation
+ - information
+ - intelligence
+ - interferometry
+ - intergalactic medium
+ - interpolation
+ - interstellar medium
+ - kinematics
+ - large-scale structure
- law
+ - learning
+ - life
+ - linear algebra
+ - literature
+ - machine learning
- making
+ - mathematics
+ - meeting
+ - mentoring
+ - merging
+ - meta data
+ - microscopy
+ - minor planet
+ - model
+ - music
+ - nasa
+ - neuroscience
+ - noise
+ - not research
+ - nuclear physics
+ - nucleosynthesis
+ - observing
+ - open science
+ - optics
+ - optimization
+ - osss
+ - outreach
+ - panstarrs
+ - parallax
+ - particle physics
+ - phase space
+ - philosophy
- phone
+ - photometry
+ - pipeline
+ - planet
+ - plasma
- point cloud
+ - point-spread function
- polarization
- polemic
+ - politics
+ - post-starburst
+ - practice
+ - press
+ - primus
+ - procrastination
+ - project management
+ - proper motion
+ - proposal
+ - pulsar
+ - quantum mechanics
+ - quasar
+ - radial velocity
+ - radio
- rant
+ - rave
+ - reading
+ - refereeing
+ - regression
- regret
+ - relativity
+ - reproducibility
- ring
+ - robot
+ - roweis
+ - sailing
+ - scattering
+ - science
+ - sdss
+ - search
+ - selection function
- semantics
+ - seminar
+ - signal processing
+ - social media
+ - sonification
+ - sound
+ - spectroscopy
+ - spherex
+ - spitzer
+ - star
+ - star formation
+ - statistics
- storytime
+ - string theory
+ - substructure
+ - supernova
- swift
+ - talking
+ - teaching
+ - telescope
+ - testing
+ - text
+ - theory
+ - thermodynamics
+ - thinking
+ - thresher
+ - time
- topology
+ - tractor
+ - transparency
+ - travel
- ukidss
+ - ultraviolet
+ - units
+ - usno-b
- virtual observatory
+ - visualization
+ - vlt-sphere
- volcanism
- water
- weapons
+ - weather
+ - web 2.0
+ - white dwarf
+ - wise
+ - writing
+ - x-ray
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+ and the first image I have published that I captured in my back garden with my
+ Vespera 2 smart telescope. A planetary nebula has
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+title: Ddos Function
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+description: Want to know all function about ddos simply scroll down.
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+ last_post_title: All Function of Ddos
+ last_post_description: Do you give point-by-point assault reports of is ddosing
+ illegal? Each DDoS security supplier will do this unique; some may have customer
+ dashboards that permit you to screen continuously, others
+ last_post_date: "2021-04-08T06:17:00Z"
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+ - dropchecker
+ - elegancy
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+ - framebuffer
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+ Switch to a ZNC that builds
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- Spitzfaden .\n\nI thought it was fun! It does have an awesome cover \U0001F604"
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- have their emotional catharsis through sophisticated art get annoyed at untrained
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+ need a guitar commemorating Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s immortal novella? That
+ person is not me. Also, I until this moment didn’t
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+ TL;DR: Configure CloudFront to set the Cloudfront-Forwarded-Proto in order to allow a Django application to know the client’s request protocol.
+ Recently, while developing an API that makes use of
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+ - here we go
+ - to wright way
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- Le développement professionnel'
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- ici : https://jarche.com/2014/02/the-seek-sense-share-framework/ […]'
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Seek > Sense > Share by The Blog and Wiki Combo – Interdependent
+ Thoughts
+ last_post_description: '[…] wikis are the original social software. My blog emerged
+ as a personal knowledge management tool (Harold Jarche is the go-to source for
+ PKM). Knowledge management to me has always been a very'
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- last_post_description: Super cool zine from Mat. Me, I like HTML, and I wanted to
- do something with a little texture to it. So I asked a bunch of people way more
- talented than I am if they were down to contribute to a zine
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- API – Authentication, Add User
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- that port number is not documented within the API
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+ - Aries
+ - BigDecimal
+ - Buildpack
+ - CICS
+ - CaseInsensitiveMap
+ - CloudFoundry
+ - Dolphin
+ - EBR
+ - EEG
+ - EclipeRT
+ - Eclipse
+ - EclipseRT
+ - Enterprise
+ - Equinox
+ - FFDC
+ - Felix
+ - Free Burma
+ - Gemini
+ - Geronimo
+ - GlassFish
+ - Gradle
+ - Grails
+ - Harmony
+ - Hotspot
+ - IIOP
+ - Interface21
+ - JBoss
+ - JCP
+ - JDK 7
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+ - JSR 291
+ - JSR 294
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+ - Java
+ - Java 7
+ - Java 8
+ - Java EE
+ - Jetty
+ - Jigsaw
+ - Juju
+ - Karaf
+ - Libra
+ - Mac OS X
+ - Mule
+ - Netweaver Cloud
+ - Newton
+ - OPS4J
+ - OSGi
+ - Open Source
+ - OpenJDK
+ - Oracle
+ - Osxa
+ - Pax Exam
+ - Pax Tipi
+ - RAP
+ - RFC 66
+ - Refactoring
+ - Ruby
+ - SAP
+ - SCA
+ - SOA
+ - SOAP
+ - Scala
+ - SourceTree
+ - Spring
+ - SpringSource
+ - SpringSource Application Platform OSGi
+ - Structure101
+ - Ubuntu
+ - VMware
+ - Virgo
+ - WebLogic
+ - WebSphere
+ - agile
+ - charm
+ - cloning
+ - cloud
+ - deadlock
+ - dependency injection
+ - design
+ - design patterns
+ - diagnostics
+ - dm Server
+ - docker
+ - eclipsecon
+ - error
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+ - gitx
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- last_post_title: Comment on security things in Linux v5.10 by Frank
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- Happy to see a new entry here! Looking forward to all the missing entries for 5.1{1..8} ;-)
- Thanks for these summaries, I didn't know about nosymfollow before.
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+ last_post_title: Building an Omeka website on AWS
+ last_post_description: Several years ago, I was given access to the digital files
+ of Bassett Associates, a landscape architectural firm that operated for over 60
+ years in Lima, Ohio. This award-winning firm, which
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- less time. All the tools you need in one app.
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- which area you''re talking about: as a developer you''re sharing screenshots all…'
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- last_post_title: Jungle Explorer Base Camp to feature interactive brick
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- A new product has cropped up at LEGO.com that appears to be part of a beta test, in which families in the UK are invited to participate.
- 60691 Jungle Explorer Base Camp, which "includes an
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-description: Things that Eric A. Meyer, CSS expert, writes about on his personal Web
- site; it's largely Web standards and Web technology, but also various bits of culture,
- politics, personal observations, and
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- last_post_description: I am pleased to inform you that I’m back on my generative
- art BS again.
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+ last_post_title: Just How Much Faster Are the GNOME 46 Terminals?
+ last_post_description: |-
+ VTE (Virtual TErminal library) is the library underpinning various GNOME terminal emulators.
+ It provides a GTK widget that shows a terminal view, which is used in apps like GNOME Terminal, Console,
+ last_post_date: "2024-04-06T12:00:00+04:00"
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+ categories:
+ - "6502"
+ - Afraid of the dark
+ - Loom
+ - PC Engine
+ - Scumm
+ - ScummVM
+ - TG16
+ - Teen Agent
+ - TeenAgent
+ - apple 2
+ - apple ii
+ - assembly
+ - disassembly
+ - fmv
+ - horrorsoft
+ - lucasarts
+ - maniac mansion
+ - metropolis software
+ - personal nightmare
+ - reverse engineering
+ - scummvm personal nightmare horrorsoft
+ - speaker
+ - umv
+ relme:
+ https://sanguinehearts.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/11114084552664045753: true
+ last_post_title: Maniac Mansion Apple II beeper
+ last_post_description: Hi, it has been a long time since my last update.TeenAgent
+ has been implemented into the main trunk of ScummVM, however it is not based upon
+ my engine, instead Vladimir approached the ScummVM team a
+ last_post_date: "2010-02-08T00:43:00Z"
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+ - "6502"
+ - Scumm
+ - ScummVM
+ - apple 2
+ - apple ii
+ - assembly
+ - maniac mansion
+ - reverse engineering
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+ Selling Melania Trump, 833 area code One NFT at a Time.
+ The Reason Every N.F.L. Season finisher Team Will Lose
+ The Visions of Penélope Cruz. Keep perusing
+ the whole story. Mr. Herndon said the
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+ just boils down to curiosity (Aaron Swartz).
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+ last_post_description: |-
+ RockWork is a community driven project that aims to provide an open-source unofficial
+ app to be able to use a Pebble smartwatch on an Ubuntu phone/device.
+ You can find it on Launchpad here
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+ last_post_description: Back in 2019, Nick Fitzgerald published always bump downwards,
+ an article making the case that for bump allocators, bumping “down” (towards lower
+ addresses) is better than bumping up. The biggest
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- Seirdy
- (0892b9dd)
- at
- 01 Jun 23:15
- Badges updates!
- ... and
- 1 more commit
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+ last_post_title: Como descargar y ver series o peliculas gratis en esta Cuarentena
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+ En estos nuevos días en los que vivimos una situación muy fuera de lo común en el mundo quiero ayudar a aquellas personas que quieran entretenerse un poco con el Septimo arte.
+ No entraré en
+ last_post_date: "2020-04-11T14:58:18-05:00"
+ last_post_link: https://desentropia.com/2020/04/11/como-descargar-y-ver-series-o-peliculas-gratis-en-esta-cuarentena/
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https://mas.to/@aloga: true
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last_post_title: 'Working remotely: Asynchronous vs synchronous communications'
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I am normally involved in several research projects, collaborating with people
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- last_post_title: Embrace the carnage.
- last_post_description: The web is back.Or, is it on its back?Google and OpenAI have
- been racing to see who can replace the web for you. Google isn’t even hiding it
- anymore.From Platformer via Daring Fireball:“This new
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-description: A blog about OpenStack, and other cloudy stuff
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- last_post_title: Comment on Deploying Ironic in OpenStack Newton with TripleO by
- Deploying Ironic in OpenStack Newton with TripleO - OpenStack Superuser
- last_post_description: '[…] post first appeared on the Tricky Cloud blog. Superuser
- is always interested in community content, email: […]'
- last_post_date: "2017-02-21T15:35:22Z"
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- last_post_title: 'Syntax Error #14: I don''t know'
- last_post_description: Approaching debugging sessions with humility and leaving
- your assumptions at the door can lead to quicker and less stressful process. In
- today's newsletter, I write about the importance of saying "I
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+ https://www.syntaxerror.tech/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Syntax Error #15: Walking the walk'
+ last_post_description: I started a new job a few weeks ago and in the middle of
+ figuring out the new job, new codebase, new tools and new environment, I made
+ a few silly bugs while in development. It put my debugging core
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- - Waves In An Impossible Sea
- - WavesInAnImpossibleSea
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- last_post_title: Speaking Event Today in Lenox, MA
- last_post_description: 'For those of you currently in western Massachusetts or eastern
- upstate New York, some news: I’ll be speaking about my book today, Monday, June
- 24th, 5:30 pm, in Lenox, MA. At this free event, held'
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- last_post_link: https://profmattstrassler.com/2024/06/24/speaking-event-today-in-lenox-ma/
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- - Public Outreach
- - Waves In An Impossible Sea
- - WavesInAnImpossibleSea
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+ recommender:
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
+ categories:
+ - Blog and journal.
+ - Random thoughts
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: I Will Luddite AI
+ last_post_description: Many people ask me what my position on AI is. Personally,
+ I think men should read some romance novels before telling investors that chatbots
+ from the early days of computing are going to turn us all
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T02:55:21Z"
+ last_post_link: https://robertkingett.com/posts/6593/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Blog and journal.
+ - Random thoughts
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- This is the last blog post about my Outreachy internship that will summarize what I have done.
- These are the 'main' additions to sushy and sushy tools project:
- initial version for BIOS resource
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-title: Comments for Nicolas' Blog
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Yet another Open Source developer blog
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- last_post_title: Comment on GStreamer support for the RIST Specification by Nicolas
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- The inclusion of RIST in the builds has now
- last_post_date: "2021-01-01T23:12:55Z"
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- - AI
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- Social Media
+ - Threads
+ - fediverse
+ - mastodon
https://masto.onemanandhisblog.com/@adders: true
- https://micro.blog/adders: false
- last_post_title: 'Social videos: No, AI can''t do them by itself'
- last_post_description: That AI isn't putting you out of a job yet — but it might
- be about to change it…
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- last_post_link: https://onemanandhisblog.com/2024/05/social-videos-no-ai-cant-do-them-by-itself/
+ https://onemanandhisblog.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Mastodon loves journalism — and even Threads is warming to it
+ last_post_description: A glimpse into a possible social media future for journalism.
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T17:26:51Z"
+ last_post_link: https://onemanandhisblog.com/2024/07/mastodon-loves-journalism-and-even-threads-is-warming-to-it/
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- Social Media
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- - https://hacdias.com/feed.xml
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- - Analysis
- - European Union
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- https://gruene.social/@jon: true
- last_post_title: Schlimmer geht immer – rumours about the transport portfolio in
- the next European Commission
- last_post_description: “Schlimmer geht immer” the Germans say. “It can always get
- worse” As regular readers of this blog know, I am not the biggest fan of current
- European Commissioner for Transport, Adina-Ioana
- last_post_date: "2024-05-23T17:36:13Z"
- last_post_link: https://jonworth.eu/schlimmer-geht-immer-rumours-about-the-transport-portfolio-in-the-next-european-commission/
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- - Analysis
- - European Union
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+title: Stonekettle Station
+date: "2024-07-08T17:44:36-05:00"
+description: Don't just embrace the crazy, sidle up next to it and lick its ear.
+ feedlink: https://www.stonekettle.com/feeds/posts/default
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+ websites:
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+ recommender:
+ - https://frankmcpherson.blog/feed.xml
+ categories:
+ - Alaska State Fair. Anemone. More Stupid
+ - Deep Thunder and Firey Angels
+ - Fraud Stonekette Merchandise
+ - Goals
+ - Plans
+ - Retired Life
+ - Stonekettle Station
+ - Things
+ - Things Hunter S. Thompson would do if he was still alive
+ - Things I blog about when I don't have anything to blog about
+ - Things I do
+ - Things I do at night
+ - Things I do for fun
+ - Things I do in the shop
+ - Things I do instead of writing
+ - Things I do so you don't have to
+ - Things I do to get motivated
+ - Things I do to save money
+ - Things I don't care about
+ - Things I don't forget
+ - Things I find Interesting
+ - Things I find just plain weird
+ - Things I find pathetic
+ - Things I like
+ - Things I like to eat
+ - Things I remember
+ - Things I used to do for a living
+ - Things I would rather not be doing
+ - Things I'm reading right now
+ - Things I'm thinking about
+ - Things Just Things
+ - Things about Sarah Palin
+ - Things about Stonekettle Station
+ - Things about Terrorism
+ - Things about cats
+ - Things about kids
+ - Things about music
+ - Things about the military
+ - Things happen
+ - Things in Alaska
+ - Things that I do for fun
+ - Things that I don't understand
+ - Things that I don't want to do - but have to anyway
+ - Things that I find Ironic
+ - Things that I love about Alaska
+ - Things that I should be doing
+ - Things that I want
+ - Things that amaze me
+ - Things that amuse and nauseate me
+ - Things that amuse me
+ - Things that both amuse and irritate me
+ - Things that chap my ass
+ - Things that concern me
+ - Things that confound me
+ - Things that confuse me
+ - Things that creep me out
+ - Things that depress me
+ - Things that entertain me
+ - Things that frustrate me
+ - Things that get hijacked
+ - Things that have to do with Alaska
+ - Things that hurt me
+ - Things that irritate me
+ - Things that just keep pissing me off
+ - Things that leave a funny taste in your mouth.
+ - Things that leave me cold
+ - Things that make living in Alaska fun
+ - Things that make me a little sceptical
+ - Things that make me apprehensive
+ - Things that make me go hmmm
+ - Things that make me insane
+ - Things that make me just want to get stinking drunk
+ - Things that make me mad with power
+ - Things that make me sleepy
+ - Things that make me want to poke my eyes out
+ - Things that make me want to punch people in the mouth
+ - Things that make my blood BOIL
+ - Things that make my head hurt
+ - Things that need to be said
+ - Things that offend me
+ - Things that perplex me
+ - Things that piss me off
+ - Things that revolt me
+ - Things that tickle me
+ - Things to do in Denver when you're dead
+ - Things to think about
+ - Trump
+ - UEU
+ - and Just Fading Away
+ - cell phones
+ - immigration
+ - politics
+ - thing abouts politics
+ - things I do by request
+ - things I do for you
+ - things I do so you'll know me better
+ - things I do to get a cool sticker
+ - things I do to make you dance so dance monkeys dance
+ - things I do to stick it to the man
+ - things I do with cool people I meet online
+ - things I get in the mail
+ - things I have to do but don't want to
+ - things I look forward to
+ - things I think are just plain cool
+ - things I use my blog for that I probably shouldn't but it's my blog so I will
+ if I want to
+ - things I'm listening to
+ - things about Michigan
+ - things about bailouts
+ - things about bowls
+ - things about pirates
+ - things about politics
+ - things about religion
+ - things about scifi
+ - things about the law
+ - things about top ten lists
+ - things about vacation
+ - things in the kitchen
+ - things that I'm not looking forward to
+ - things that amus me
+ - things that are all shiny
+ - things that concern writing
+ - things that fill me with disgust
+ - things that have to do with blogging
+ - things that have to do with camels
+ - things that have to with politics
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+ - things that make me crazy
+ - things that make me happy
+ - things that make me jealous
+ - things that make me laugh hysterically
+ - things that piss me off. NOT gay porn - go somewhere else.
+ - things that sadden me
+ - things that vex me mightily
+ - things various and sundry
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- In reply to Graham McQuade .
- Thanks, Graham!
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- the Amplitudes 2024 conference, so I can say something about Thursday and Friday’s
- talks. Thursday was gravity-focused. Zvi Bern’s
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- - Himalayas
- - India
- - Krugman
- - United States
+ - CERN
+ - CMB
- Europe
- - funding
- - postdocs
- - quasars
- - supernovae
- - BBC
+ - Eurozone
+ - Everest
- George Osborne
- Germany
- Greece
- - Merkel
- - Nobel Prize
- - Steven Weinberg
- - Sun
- - climbing
- - neutrinos
- - quantum mechanics
- - Everest
+ - Higgs boson
+ - Himalayas
+ - India
- Iran
+ - Krugman
+ - Merkel
- Milky Way
+ - Nobel Prize
- Olympics
- Oxford interviews
+ - Planck
+ - Steven Weinberg
+ - Sun
+ - United States
+ - astronomy
+ - biology
- blues
+ - climbing
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+ - dark energy
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+ - neutrinos
+ - particle physics
+ - peer review
+ - physics
+ - postdocs
+ - probability
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+ - publishing
+ - quantum mechanics
+ - quasars
+ - science
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+ - supernovae
+ - the universe
+ - whimsy
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+ - Health
+ - Norman Swan
+ - Politics
+ - Review
+ - Ways of Thinking
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+ last_post_description: So many things have bounced back now that COVID is magically
+ no longer a thing. However, one thing that remains in my life is the presence
+ of Dr Norman Swan (and Tegan Taylor) via the What's That
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+ - Politics
+ - Review
+ - Ways of Thinking
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last_post_title: 'Comment on Part One: Who Am I? by Paul Downey'
last_post_description: Ah, I need to make time to write part 2 which is about authentication,
including distributed identity schemes.
last_post_date: "2011-11-09T22:14:24Z"
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- published a month ago), the YaST Team is back with some news about the latest
- development sprint and some Hack Week experiments. Those news
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+ The Association for Software Testing yearly election process has started. We are looking for three people to join the Board.
+ Official announcement on AST site has all the details, including dates
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- last_post_title: Come on, Ubuntu, please add a mono output audio setting
- last_post_description: If you have a Mac or Windows computer, and for one reason
- or another want to set your audio for mono playback, it couldn’t be simpler. Both
- of those operating systems have simple toggles, as shown
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+ last_post_title: NY Times, how about obsessing on the dictatorship on our horizon?
+ last_post_description: The screenshot above is today’s installment in the New York
+ Times’ all-hands-on-deck campaign to get Biden to withdraw. I want to emphasize
+ — again — that I do not object to news
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T07:43:26Z"
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- Description: Tailnet SSO provider migration impacting invited users
- What happened?
- When tailnets are created, they are associated with an SSO
- provider such as Google or Microsoft, requiring all
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+description: Knowing about Ddosing. Much more at one place.
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+ last_post_description: I think that using Emacs is a type of life-long project.
+ It is deep, famously all-encompassing, and there are uncountable interesting rabbit
+ holes to go down and endless tweaking which can be done.
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- Featuring over 50 recipes from Stardew Valley, with photos, …
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+ F. Brüggemann / FlatSync
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+ Tim F. Brüggemann
+ (c9866992)
+ at
+ 06 Jul 15:52
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+ is condition.\n\n\n\nFlip it upside down and push on the side chines with your
+ weight, \ncalculating flex of hull. (Practice this first on a boat in"
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+title: Yet Another Traveller Blog
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - A-Z Blog Challenge
+ - Contact!
+ - Courier
+ - K'kree
+ - NPC
+ - System Defense Boat
+ - Traveller
+ - Vargr
+ - Zhodani
+ - adventure hook
+ - air/raft
+ - airlock
+ - alien
+ - ancients
+ - animal encounter
+ - anti-grav
+ - armory
+ - artifact
+ - bestiary
+ - bridge
+ - brig
+ - card game
+ - cargo
+ - combat
+ - common area
+ - conlang
+ - corridor
+ - crew lounge
+ - cryogenics
+ - deck plan
+ - design
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+ - downloads
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+ - dropship
+ - electronics bench
+ - encounter
+ - engineering
+ - equipment
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+ - fighter
+ - fresher
+ - galley
+ - gaming aid
+ - garage
+ - geomorph
+ - hangar
+ - humor
+ - hydroponics
+ - illustration
+ - interdiction
+ - iris valve
+ - lab
+ - landing bay
+ - launch
+ - low berth
+ - medical
+ - merchant
+ - miniatures
+ - piracy
+ - prison
+ - referee emulator
+ - repair bay
+ - robot
+ - ship's locker
+ - solo gaming
+ - space station
+ - star system
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+ For now this only
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+description: by Ton Zijlstra
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
+ categories:
+ - Day to Day
+ - IndieWeb
+ - metablogging
+ - postkinds
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: Disabled PostKinds Plugin
+ last_post_description: I disabled the PostKinds WordPress plugin, created by David
+ Shanske. I stopped using it 3 years ago for new postings but disabling it then
+ would have broken many older postings. What makes the plugin
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T08:02:17Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.zylstra.org/blog/2024/07/disabled-postkinds-plugin/
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+ - Day to Day
+ - IndieWeb
+ - metablogging
+ - postkinds
+ last_post_language: ""
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+title: Die kleine Computer Fibel
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+ categories:
+ - Backup
+ - Daten
+ - Datensicherung
+ - Sicherung
+ relme:
+ https://computerfibel.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://unicase.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/18196528196170889175: true
+ last_post_title: 'Bitte: Backup! Teil 2'
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+ last_post_date: "2010-10-29T03:15:42-07:00"
+ last_post_link: https://computerfibel.blogspot.com/2010/10/bitte-backup-teil-2.html
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+ - Backup
+ - Daten
+ - Datensicherung
+ - Sicherung
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+description: A blog on Scala, Swift and FP
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+ - anorm
+ - anorm-typed
+ - appcode
+ - apple
+ - cocoa
+ - combinators
+ - database
+ - dependencies
+ - functional-programming
+ - haskell
+ - haskell typing
+ - higher order functions
+ - i/o
+ - ide
+ - idea
+ - lift
+ - nodejs
+ - parallelism
+ - patterns
+ - play2
+ - recursion
+ - sbt
+ - sbt-0.10
+ - scala
+ - sql
+ - swift
+ - testing
+ - type-safety
+ relme:
+ https://moreindirection.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/09749479501125035513: true
+ last_post_title: Working on the Swift compiler with Jetbrains AppCode
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+ last_post_date: "2015-12-24T08:17:01-05:00"
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+ - appcode
+ - ide
+ - swift
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- last_post_title: Comment on the place of a non-developer in the openstack community
- by Liz Blanchard
- last_post_description: |-
- Hi Dafna,
- Thanks for posting this, I really enjoyed reading your thoughts and feel compelled to respond with my experience and ideas.
- As Kashyap mentioned, one role you might be able to play a big
- last_post_date: "2014-07-14T20:37:26Z"
- last_post_link: https://dronopenstack.wordpress.com/2014/07/10/the-place-of-a-non-developer-in-the-openstack-community/comment-page-1/#comment-7
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-description: I design. I develop. I do lots of things in between.
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
- - https://danq.me/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.me/feed/
- - https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- - https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- categories:
- - Notes
- - Anchor Positioning
- - CSS
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: CSS Anchor Positioning in Practice – Winging It Live
- last_post_description: Miriam Suzanne and James Stuckey Weber sat down to talk CSS
- Anchor Positioning, one of those things I’m certainly aware of by nature of what
- I do for a living but have not bothered to dedicate time
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- - Notes
- - Anchor Positioning
- - CSS
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+description: Geospatial strategy, research, design and consulting
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+ - Arctic
+ - Cartography
+ - Research
+ - Sea ice
+ - open data
+ - visualisation
+ relme:
+ https://www.spatialised.net/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Cartography as code: Cartopy'
+ last_post_description: This story calls back a long way to my mapping roots. I started
+ out making scientific maps using the venerable Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) to
+ plot bathymetry, ship tracks, sampling stations. Almost
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-28T10:24:54Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.spatialised.net/cartography-as-code-cartopy/
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+ - Arctic
+ - Cartography
+ - Research
+ - Sea ice
+ - open data
+ - visualisation
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-title: What's new
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Updates on my research and expository papers, discussion of open problems,
- and other maths-related topics. By Terence Tao
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- categories:
- - expository
- - math.CO
- - Ben Green
- - Freddie Manners
- - Luca Trevisan
- - Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture
- - Shannon entropy
- - Timothy Gowers
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: An abridged proof of Marton’s conjecture
- last_post_description: '[This post is dedicated to Luca Trevisan, who recently passed
- away due to cancer. Though far from his most significant contribution to the field,
- I would like to mention that, as with most of my'
- last_post_date: "2024-06-23T02:05:34Z"
- last_post_link: https://terrytao.wordpress.com/2024/06/22/an-abridged-proof-of-martons-conjecture/
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- - expository
- - math.CO
- - Ben Green
- - Freddie Manners
- - Luca Trevisan
- - Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture
- - Shannon entropy
- - Timothy Gowers
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+ last_post_title: YateBTS 3.0 is Here!
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- - perl
- - docker
- - release
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- last_post_title: Release 0.9.0 of Ebirah
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- I finally got around to making a release 0.9.0 of Ebirah. (0.8.0 was released October 2022)
- The Ebirah repository has see multiple updates, primarily targetting the infrastructure and all handled by
- last_post_date: "2024-06-26T13:47:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://dev.to/jonasbn/release-090-of-ebirah-1mio
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- - docker
- - release
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+ https://zinosat.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Risotto alla zucca
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+ last_post_date: "2009-02-07T11:04:14-08:00"
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- - Kubernetes
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- last_post_title: ': Kubernetes : plateforme "star" de l''IT et levier d''innovation
- des entreprises'
- last_post_description: 'Analyse de l''article d'' ITRNEWS : Kubernetes : plateforme
- "star" de l''IT et levier d''innovation des entreprises'
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-title: Radio Blogpocket
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Las últimas noticias sobre el mundo de los blogs, WordPress y el editor
- de bloques también conocido como Gutenberg.
- feedlink: https://www.blogpocket.com/feed/podcast/radio-blogpocket
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- - Technology
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- last_post_title: 'HECHO CON BLOQUES #53: Escritura mágica de Canva; Merlin; Hoja
- de ruta WordPress 6.6; y mucho más'
- last_post_description: Este episodio de HECHO CON BLOQUES se mencionan herramientas
- como la "escritura mágica" de Canva para corregir errores y una extensión de Chrome
- llamada Merlin que responde automáticamente a
- last_post_date: "2024-05-24T06:55:51Z"
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+ - Civilization III
+ - Diablo III
+ - StarCraft 2
+ - World of Warcraft
+ - blizzard
+ - cataclysm
+ - horde
+ - iPhone
+ - nerf
+ - raiding
+ - starcraft
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+ last_post_description: Since 2013-04 the presenter has been supporting SSC (the
+ Swedish Space Corporation) in operating the telecommunications satellite “Sirius
+ 3” from its Mission Control Center in Kiruna. Functions
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- 2017" event on 16th April, 2017 at Red Hat, Pune (India). The meetup was attended
- by over 40 people from varied backgrounds: startups'
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+ It’s late for a February recap but things rolled over into March and here we are, a February+ recap.
+ The days are getting milder temperature-wise, and noticeably longer too. The green things are
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- - https://colinwalker.blog/livefeed.xml
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+ - Bicycle
+ - Books
+ - Coding
+ - Configs
+ - Crypto
+ - Czech
+ - Debian
+ - Django
+ - Enca
+ - English
+ - GPL
+ - Gammu
+ - Gentoo
+ - History
+ - Howto
+ - IMAP
+ - Japan
+ - Life
+ - Linux
+ - Mailbox
+ - Maps
+ - Meego
+ - Misc
+ - Odorik
+ - OpenWrt
+ - Photography
+ - Pubs
+ - SUSE
+ - StarDict
+ - Synology
+ - Travelling
+ - Ukolovnik
+ - Wammu
+ - Weblate
+ - Website
+ - photo-uploader
+ - phpMyAdmin
+ - python-gammu
+ - uTidylib
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+ last_post_title: Spring cleanup
+ last_post_description: What you can probably spot from past posts on my blog, my
+ open source contributions are heavily focused on Weblate and I've phased out many
+ other activities. The main reason being reduced amount of
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+ - Debian
+ - English
+ - Gammu
+ - SUSE
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- - https://jlelse.blog/.rss
- - https://jlelse.blog/index.xml
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- - Unterwegs
- - Nachtzug
- - Schweden
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- https://mastodon.social/@zugpost: true
- last_post_title: 'Aufwachen am See: Im Nachtzug durch Schweden'
- last_post_description: Im Nachtzug von Umeå nach Göteborg kommen noch Schlafwagen
- aus den 1960er Jahren zum Einsatz. Warum das nichts Schlechtes heißt, spürt man
- am Morgen.
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- - Nachtzug
- - Schweden
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-description: It's all about the web here, at least that's what I'm trying to do. From
- opinions and practical guides to development projects and web technologies.
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- last_post_title: I'm sorry that nothing is happening here right now
- last_post_description: Very little is happening here at the moment. That's partly
- because I'm currently isolating myself from any news, and partly because I'm still
- working on my own solution for posting on Bluesky and
- last_post_date: "2024-05-28T10:18:05+02:00"
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+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: The latest articles on DEV Community by Camptocamp Geospatial Solutions
+ (@camptocamp-geo).
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+ - postgres
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+ last_post_title: Current trends in PostgreSQL - insights from PGConf.DE 2024
+ last_post_description: Greetings, PostgreSQL enthusiasts! Last week, on the 12th
+ of April in Munich, we had the pleasure of participating in PGConf.DE-2024, a
+ conference fully dedicated to PostgreSQL, where DB experts and
+ last_post_date: "2024-04-16T06:47:03Z"
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+ - opensource
+ - postgis
+ - postgres
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+ https://wikis.world/@aharoni: true
+ last_post_title: 'תגובה לפוסט: "אודות" מאת "aharoni"'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ בתגובה על ענת חקשור .
+ יש יתרונות לכל אחד מהם. אפשר להשתמש בשניהם למען השלמת
+ last_post_date: "2020-05-16T14:51:35Z"
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-description: Weblog von Stefan Grund
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- last_post_title: Astro Bot
- last_post_description: I don’t care about any of the announcements on Sony’s recent
- State of Play, except the sequel to their fantastic & free jump’n’run »Astro’s
- Playroom«. Coming to PS5 on September 6th.
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+ - Dead Buddhas
+ - Design
+ - Dungeon
+ - Dungeon23
+ - Errant
+ - GLOGtober
+ - GLoG
+ - Lore24
+ - Mega Dungeon
+ - OSR
+ - Play Report
+ - Resources
+ - Silk Road
+ - Talzur
+ - Urban Fantasy
+ - YADN
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+ last_post_title: Covenant with a Succubus (Jewish Demon Queen)
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+ - Design
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- Can WordPress run Doom? Yes. This post introduces the WP Doom plugin, and how to get it running in WP Playground.
- The post Can WordPress run Doom? (of course it can, here’s how) appeared first on
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+ - AdLib
+ - GSoC 2008
+ - GSoC 2009
+ - Kyrandia
+ - Lands of Lore
+ - ScummVM
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+ last_post_title: SCUMM v3/v4 AD resource player
+ last_post_description: A new blog post again, yay!Over the past weeks I used some
+ of my free time to implement a (standalone) player for SCUMM v3/v4 AdLib music
+ and sound effect resources. I published it in a git repo on
+ last_post_date: "2011-12-10T02:26:00Z"
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+ - AdLib
+ - ScummVM
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- last_post_title: A whole new world
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+title: EMACSPEAK The Complete Audio Desktop
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+description: Here is where I plan to Blog Emacspeak tricks and introduce new features
+ as I implement them.
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+ - "60.0"
+ - DreamDog
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+ https://emacspeak.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Emacspeak 60.0 (DreamDog) Unleashed!
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Announcing Emacspeak 60.0—DreamDog!
+ To express oneself well is impactful, but only when one has
+ something impactful to express! (TVR on Conversational Interfaces)
+ 1. For Immediate Release
+ last_post_date: "2024-05-03T18:39:00Z"
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-title: Comments for Colin Devroe
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-description: Photographer. Darkroom printer. Blogger. Antiquarian. Reverse Engineer.
- Art curator. YouTuber, lol. Senior Product Manager at NerdPress.
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- last_post_title: Comment on Switcheroo – An open source Little Arc for Safari by
- Colin Devroe
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- In reply to simon .
- Hello Simon! I'll send you an invite to the GitHub repository to your email. Look for that. :)
- last_post_date: "2024-03-20T13:45:29Z"
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+title: Coreutils project status updates
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+description: periodic coreutils project status
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+ categories:
+ - coreutils
+ - testing
+ - unix
+ - utilities
+ relme:
+ https://www.pixelbeat.org/patches/coreutils/: true
+ last_post_title: How the GNU coreutils are tested
+ last_post_description: Tools and techniques used to test coreutils
+ last_post_date: "2017-01-23T16:55:57Z"
+ last_post_link: http://www.pixelbeat.org/docs/coreutils-testing.html#1485190557
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+ - coreutils
+ - testing
+ - unix
+ - utilities
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+ - blaze-builder
+ - bytestring
+ - haskell
+ - performance
+ - talk
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17873513558398372917: true
+ last_post_title: 'Talk: A guided tour through the bytestring library'
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2012-01-20T15:28:23-08:00"
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+ - bytestring
+ - haskell
+ - talk
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-description: On Web Development, WordPress, and More
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- - https://frankmeeuwsen.com/feed.xml
- - https://hacdias.com/feed.xml
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- - 100Posts
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- - indieweb
- - web feeds
- - wordpress
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- https://github.com/janboddez: true
- https://jan.boddez.net/author/jan: false
- last_post_title: Blogrollin’
- last_post_description: I made my blogroll look a tiny bit nicer. I’m planning to
- still add actual RSS or Atom links, and remove any duplicate entries. (They’re
- there because I occasionally follow multiple versions of
- last_post_date: "2024-05-19T21:23:55Z"
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- - General
- - 100Posts
- - blogroll
- - indieweb
- - web feeds
- - wordpress
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-title: Feed of "Gabriel Garrido"
-date: "2024-06-04T13:45:11Z"
-description: Programmer, synthesizer fiddler, and tree planter from Costa Rica.
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- 858d9bbac66ae03a2c742e6360f61fc3ca4ce86d
- Update README
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+ recommender:
+ - https://roytang.net/blog/feed/rss/
+ categories:
+ - Uncategorized
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: 2023 Booklist
+ last_post_description: In February I left my beloved London flat that was so ideally
+ situated above a Waterstone’s (literally less than a minute out of my day to pop
+ in and buy a book, my bookshelves are still groaning
+ last_post_date: "2024-01-07T22:46:43Z"
+ last_post_link: https://triketora.com/2024/01/07/2023-booklist/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Uncategorized
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-title: openstack – Fleio Blog
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-description: OpenStack billing system and control panel
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- - OpenStack
- - release
- - fleio release
- - openstack
- - openstack billing
- - stable
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- last_post_title: Fleio 2024.03.1 stable now available
- last_post_description: We have just released Fleio version 2024.03.1, which is recommended
- for your production environment. The main new features announced in 2024.03.0
- beta are OpenStack region management and pricing
- last_post_date: "2024-03-19T09:15:55Z"
- last_post_link: https://fleio.com/blog/2024/03/19/fleio-2024-03-1-stable-now-available/
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- - Announcement
- - OpenStack
- - release
- - fleio release
- - openstack
- - openstack billing
- - stable
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+title: 'YANUB: yet another (nearly) useless blog'
+date: "2024-07-06T22:05:06+02:00"
+description: A blog from a scientist and former Debian developer (and occasional book
+ writer)... Tricks for data handling, programming, debian administration and development,
+ command-line and many other joyful
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+ - cmdline
+ - ctioga
+ - debian
+ - doxygen
+ - dvdcopy
+ - emacs
+ - france
+ - games
+ - git
+ - git-annex
+ - graphics
+ - hardware
+ - help-needed
+ - latex
+ - linux
+ - macbook
+ - macos
+ - meta-data
+ - metalloenzyme
+ - personal
+ - programming
+ - puzzle
+ - pymol
+ - qsoas
+ - qt4
+ - quiz
+ - rants
+ - ruby
+ - science
+ - sciyag
+ - scm
+ - scripts
+ - software
+ - summary
+ - tioga
+ - tips-and-tricks
+ - tutorial
+ - utils
+ - webgen
+ - wine
+ relme:
+ https://vince-debian.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: QSoas version 3.3 is out
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2024-04-22T12:50:08+02:00"
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+ - qsoas
+ - science
+ - software
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- - Linguistics
- - collective nouns
+ - Alistair Cooke
+ - Anne Sexton
+ - Henry Dreyfuss
+ - James Michener
+ - Marlon Brando
+ - Publishing
+ - Royal Quiet De Luxe
+ - Royal typewriters
+ - Stephen King
+ - Theodore Sturgeon
+ - Vera Nabokov
+ - Vladimir Nabokov
- typewriter collecting
+ - typewriter history
+ - typewriter identification
- typewriters
- - typosphere
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Collective Nouns for Typewriters and Typists
- last_post_description: The traditional collective noun for a group of typists is
- a “pool”, but this just doesn’t seem as creative or entertaining as many collective
- nouns can potentially be. As a typewriter collector
- last_post_date: "2024-05-25T19:16:52Z"
- last_post_link: https://chrisaldrich.wordpress.com/2024/05/25/collective-nouns-for-typewriters-and-typists/
+ - typewriters of authors
+ relme:
+ https://chrisaldrich.wordpress.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Users of the early Henry Dreyfuss Royal Quiet De Luxe Portable
+ Typewriters
+ last_post_description: Now that I’ve got exemplars of both the 1948 and 1949 Henry
+ Dreyfuss designed Royal Quiet De Luxe (QDL) typewriters, I’ve been delving into
+ others who would have used these iconic machines. The
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-25T17:17:14Z"
+ last_post_link: https://chrisaldrich.wordpress.com/2024/06/25/users-of-the-early-henry-dreyfuss-royal-quiet-de-luxe-portable-typewriters/
- - Linguistics
- - collective nouns
+ - Alistair Cooke
+ - Anne Sexton
+ - Henry Dreyfuss
+ - James Michener
+ - Marlon Brando
+ - Publishing
+ - Royal Quiet De Luxe
+ - Royal typewriters
+ - Stephen King
+ - Theodore Sturgeon
+ - Vera Nabokov
+ - Vladimir Nabokov
- typewriter collecting
+ - typewriter history
+ - typewriter identification
- typewriters
- - typosphere
- last_post_guid: e33fb4dfa0740a3993f31124bc7b42d8
+ - typewriters of authors
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: 5fd91ef82f630e084cf1a06bb8ca25ac
cats: 0
description: 0
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postcats: 3
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promotes: 0
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https://www.schneier.com/: true
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blogrolls: []
recommended: []
- http://scripting.com/rss.xml
- http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
+ - DHS
+ - Microsoft
+ - Russia
- Uncategorized
- - bitcoin
- - cryptocurrency
- - passwords
+ - cyberattack
+ - cyberespionage
+ - national security policy
relme: {}
- last_post_title: Breaking a Password Manager
- last_post_description: Interesting story of breaking the security of the RoboForm
- password manager in order to recover a cryptocurrency wallet password.Grand and
- Bruno spent months reverse engineering the version of the
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T11:08:16Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/06/breaking-a-password-manager.html
+ last_post_title: On the CSRB’s Non-Investigation of the SolarWinds Attack
+ last_post_description: ProPublica has a long investigative article on how the Cyber
+ Safety Review Board failed to investigate the SolarWinds attack, and specifically
+ Microsoft’s culpability, even though they were
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T17:59:33Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/07/on-the-csrbs-non-investigation-of-the-solarwinds-attack.html
+ - DHS
+ - Microsoft
+ - Russia
- Uncategorized
- - bitcoin
- - cryptocurrency
- - passwords
- last_post_guid: d2eedd579fe81a0599c9f95a7b384088
+ - cyberattack
+ - cyberespionage
+ - national security policy
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-title: '@martinfeld.bsky.social - Martin Feld'
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: |-
- Media researcher, podcaster and photographer
- https://martinfeld.info
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+title: Eclipse from the bottom up
+date: "2024-03-06T22:30:54-08:00"
+description: The view of the Eclipse world from the bottom of the stack
+ feedlink: https://eclipselowdown.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: 66282fce3d738e37e2f136994e883aec
+ websites:
+ https://eclipselowdown.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://eclipselowdown.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/06492420263178417384: true
+ last_post_title: 'Compare Merge Viewer Example: Merging Word Documents'
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2008-06-13T08:11:18-07:00"
+ last_post_link: https://eclipselowdown.blogspot.com/2008/06/compare-merge-viewer-example-merging.html
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+title: New Information About Area Code
+date: "2024-03-05T01:54:44-08:00"
+description: Does scam is legal?
+ feedlink: https://viajeespiritu.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: 66286a6a45e23bea9b415add5262cf30
+ websites:
+ https://viajeespiritu.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Scam is everywhere.
+ relme:
+ https://90to0100.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://123hpcomsetupme.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://7250radioscanning.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://lgbtcomics.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://pusatbisnisproduk-starla.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://rajasthanroutestrails.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://rofessorajaneandrade.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://saibamais-tecnologia.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://seocobweb.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://shopeetotolinkbaru.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://shotcit.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://sinhalalovesms.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://skinsheavytruck.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://song-khoe-tu-thien-nhien.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://survivology101.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://taisaomuacanhovincity.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://terceroprimoderivera.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://thedigiezone.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://theinspiredquilter.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://tintacomdo.blogspot.com/: true
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+ - Scam is everywhere.
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- last_post_title: Comment on Preconditions for Common OpenStack Client Library by
- Alejandro Cabrera
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- I learned about this common library while working on the python-marconiclient project. I love the idea of having a single http client that can be composed into other clients. That's awesome!
- Thanks
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- The sleep utility is something I’d hardly consider worth enhancing by
- features, the task is simple to sleep for a given time. Nothing else is needed
- when it’s used from scripts. However, it can
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- | Nebula Plus
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+ last_post_title: 'Pride Stream & Fiction Book Recs (Stream Highlights #2)'
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+ about the previous episode of the show ("I Read the Most Misunderstood Philosopher
+ in the World") and how we made it, plus some queer
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+ some of these issues a bit fresher, I think I was getting a bit too consumed by
+ thinking and rethinking this process that I lost a bit of what
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- - Virtualization
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- last_post_title: Documentation of QEMU Block Device Operations
- last_post_description: QEMU Block Layer currently (as of QEMU 2.10) supports four
- major kinds of live block device jobs – stream, commit, mirror, and backup. These
- can be used to manipulate disk image chains to
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+ - Diaries
+ - amsterdam
+ - graffiti
+ - map
+ - street art
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+ last_post_title: Urban graffiti
+ last_post_description: 'I love going around a city looking for street art. It feels
+ like a treasure hunt. You never know what you are going to get: a wonderful piece
+ of art that you love, art that you don’t quite like'
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+title: Geointerpolations
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+ - Eddy
+ - Geospatial Technologies
+ - Kiting
+ - Outhouse
+ - camping
+ - django
+ - geodjango
+ - kiteboarding
+ - pyKML conference
+ - python virtualenv pip pandas
+ - slicehost
+ relme:
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+ last_post_title: Getting ready for the PyCon Pandas tutorial
+ last_post_description: Today I received an email with a link to instructions for
+ preparing a computer for the PyCon Tutorial: Data analysis in Python with pandas,
+ complete with the following instructions for:Installing
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+ - python virtualenv pip pandas
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+ - https://roytang.net/blog/feed/rss/
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+ last_post_title: The Green Ray
+ last_post_description: 'Last week, early morning, the sky flushed that fuzzy summer
+ cirrus peach: I wake up inspired to send a brief newsletter with one nice idea.
+ An admirable goal—let’s finally get to writing! But of'
+ last_post_date: "2021-08-31T00:00:00Z"
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+ viennent d’annoncer le nom des lauréats des Prix d’excellence des professionnels
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+ sedang terisi)\n\nPendapatan Rumah Kost : Rp 70.000.000,- "
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- last_post_title: Advanced usage of Emacs isearch
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- about Emacs. I still enjoy using it as when I started from day one (around 1998).
- I did made some changes I have now moved out of the Emacs
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- last_post_title: Comment on Highlights of YaST Development Sprint 94 by Tony Su
- last_post_description: Noticed in my opening paragraph about XFCE running on Ubuntu
- that I didn't include it was in WSL... Which ordinarily supports only a text mode
- environment unless you set up an X server for itself
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+ - -XX:MaxPermSize
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+ - EPP
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+ - EclipseCon
+ - Equinox
+ - Galileo
+ - Launcher
+ - OpenDocument
+ - Orion
+ - PDE Build
+ - RCP
+ - Releng
+ - Signing
+ - Source Generation
+ - Splash Screen
+ - Swing
+ - Tips
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+ - Workspace Names
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+ - deltapack
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+ last_post_description: 'I often have multiple eclipse workspaces open. Windows
+ 7 stacks them nicely for me, but this presents a problem: it is difficult to distinguish
+ between them when switching between the applications'
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+ - Eclipse
+ - Tips
+ - Workspace Names
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+ last_post_title: Reviewing Ratings
+ last_post_description: Everyone's a critic now, and it's terrible
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Algo más que software by Sergio Acosta y Lara
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In reply to Gabi .
El privilegio es mío. Abrazo fuerte
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- last_post_title: '2024 W22: A big sticky arduous mess'
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- rain. As we waited out the dreary weather, Caroline and I sketched out the outlines
- of a Canadian road trip for our honeymoon. We’ll
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+ https://blog.chriswm.com/: true
+ last_post_title: '2024 W27: Ambient anxiety'
+ last_post_description: § Holding out four months since my last one, I caught a nasty
+ cold at the beginning of the week. The only consolation is that it is better to
+ get it over with now than pretty much any other time in
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+ - Eclipse Sweden
+ - b3
+ - buckminster
+ - cloudsmith
+ - eclipse
+ - eclipse spaces publishing xdrive plugin bundle OSGi
+ - xtext
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+ last_post_title: Implementing Date Support with Quickfix using Xtext
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+ Intro
+ Now that Xtext is at 1.0 RC1 I thought it was time to start using more of all the new features for Eclipse b3. One of the features I wanted to add was to support time stamps in a nice way in
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+ last_post_title: IR Receiver extension for Ambilight raspberry pi clone
+ last_post_description: After working with my ambilight clone for a few days, I discovered
+ the biggest annoyance was that it wouldn't turn off after turning off the TV.
+ I had some ideas on how I could remotely trigger it
+ last_post_date: "2014-04-23T05:48:00Z"
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title: Harsh Browns
-date: "2024-05-26T20:22:45+01:00"
+date: "2024-06-30T15:58:18+01:00"
description: Steve Messer’s website. Product manager. Web enthusiast, working in the
open. Black Country boy living in London, UK.
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- https://medium.com/feed/@kellyleeGDS
- https://medium.com/feed/@trillyc
- https://medium.com/feed/writing-by-if
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- last_post_title: The problems with making answers in data more findable
- last_post_description: 'Note: I wrote this way back in October 2022, when I was
- still working on the Secure Data Environment at NHS England. I’d started thinking
- about ways we could make the analyses performed inside the'
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+ last_post_title: The Best Away Day Ever
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+ No weeknotes last week as I was away with friends all weekend, so consider these two-week notes – or tw’eeknotes. It’s that or fort-notes, take your pick.
+ Still tired. In fact, I was so run
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-30T14:50:48+01:00"
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+ - Japan
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+ - Writing
+ - alice
+ - iA Writer
+ - iA.inc
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- last_post_title: I Want You Back (The Dropbox Remix)
- last_post_description: |-
- Dropbox finally has a native Files app integration. This is good news for iA Writer.
- The post I Want You Back (The Dropbox Remix) appeared first on iA.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-24T06:23:54Z"
- last_post_link: https://ia.net/topics/i-want-you-back-the-dropbox-remix
+ last_post_title: iAlice
+ last_post_description: "On 4 July Americans will celebrate Independence Day. And
+ so they should, as gloomy days may lie ahead. But did you know that 4 July is
+ also Alice Day? \nThe post iAlice appeared first on iA."
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-04T03:18:11Z"
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+ - Branding
+ - Japan
- Writer
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+ - iA Writer
+ - iA.inc
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
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+ last_post_title: linkylove.inspired 07-08-24
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- - gratis
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https://lewisdale.dev/: true
https://proven.lol/f730ca: true
https://social.lol/@lewis: true
- last_post_title: Trying out a cycling club
- last_post_description: For the last two years or so I’ve been cycling on my own,
- with a couple of small exceptions, like joining ad-hoc groups during events. When
- I have joined those groups, I’ve had a great time and
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T07:22:26Z"
- last_post_link: https://lewisdale.dev/post/trying-out-a-cycling-club/
+ last_post_title: Upgrading my tyres and tubes
+ last_post_description: I’ve never really bought into the idea that spending ludicrous
+ amounts of money on tyres for marginal gains was worth it. Up until now, I’ve
+ been really happy with my 28mm Contintental Ultra
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-28T09:33:33Z"
+ last_post_link: https://lewisdale.dev/post/upgrading-my-tyres-and-tubes/
+ - BikeTooter
- cycling
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+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Månhus är David Halls blogg om livet, Internet och annat.
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+ last_post_title: Saker du aldrig vill göra
+ last_post_description: En sak som irriterar mig med programvaruprojekt är när saker
+ som fungerat i en viss version helt plötsligt slutar fungera. I bästa fall finns
+ det tydligt dokumenterat hur man uppdaterar sina
+ last_post_date: "2017-01-01T23:12:56Z"
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+ - https://www.manton.org/podcast.xml
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+ - blogging
+ - digital_sovereignty
+ - indieweb
+ - programming
+ - web
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+ was like to build this site from scratch"
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+ categories:
+ - education
+ - mathematics
+ - teaching
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+ last_post_title: Happy Pi Day from MathLeap!
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+ - mathematics
+ - teaching
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-title: Damani blog - OpenStack
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- - openstack
- - zuul
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- last_post_description: The ensure-tox is a simple playbook for zuul.
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- Try to read each week’s Scripture once each day.
- Week 1: 8-14 Jan
- Reading: Exodus 1-4
- Week 2: 15-21 Jan
- Reading: Exodus 5-8
- Week 3: 22-28 Jan
+ Matt Levine is hilarious & spot-on, exhibit 389247 (likely paywalled unless you subscribe to his newsletter, which you should):
- Reading: Exodus 9-12
+ AI sorting
- Week 4: 29 Jan – 4
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+ A dumb simple model of artificial intelligence companies
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- In reply to ). However, browsers only update '
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- on Oracle Linux. We are pleased to tell you that you can use the Red Hat Enterprise
- Linux 8 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 repositories: for'
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+ Recent quality-of-life improvements to Evernote are making my system even better.
+ Better Synchronization
+ Remember that video I published a few months ago about Evernote moving away from the
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- Board of Directors membership
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- - scoble
- - search
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- - sprints
- - ssh
- - standups
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- - summits
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- - support
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- - syntax
- - t-shirts
- - tablets
- - tahoe
- - tcp
- - tea
- - templating
- - texas
- - tornado
- - trac
- - transparency
- - turing
- - turing machine
- - txamqp
- - txjsonrpc
- - uist
- - unity
- - usability
- - user-interface
- - vacation
- - validators
- - vde
- - vendors
- - video
- - virtual
- - visualization
- - von neumann
- - windowmaker
- - windows
- - world
- - writing
- - xtlang
- - yaws
- - zenoss
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- last_post_title: 'Firefox: Data protection breach in Android version – E-Mail an
- Mozilla'
- last_post_description: 'Aufgrund der Datenschutzverstöße in der aktuellen Android-Version
- von Firefox (Version 126.0) habe ich Mozilla kontaktiert und um Stellungnahme
- gebeten: Dear Mozilla team, I would like to draw your'
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- - ostsee
- - Tagebuchbloggen
- - Urlaub
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- last_post_title: Urlaubsblog Mai 2024
- last_post_description: Während die coolen Internetkids sich in Berlin auf der Republica
- tummeln, fahre ich mit meiner Frau ins Ostseebad Boltenhagen. Zum ersten Mal seit
- 16 Jahren ohne Kind (der zweite Versuch).
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last_post_description: |-
- The Weekly WABL Wrap is proudly sponsored by Woods Insurance Brokers. Here’s the Round 6 wrap-up of how all our teams […]
- The post Weekly WABL Wrap – Round 6 – 26 May 2024 first appeared
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+ The Weekly WABL Wrap is proudly sponsored by Woods Insurance Brokers. Here’s the Round 11 wrap-up of how all our teams […]
+ The post Weekly WABL Wrap – Round 11 – 30 June 2024 first
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+title: Permanent Cranial Damage
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Putting your children at risk since 1995.
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - 5e
+ - OSR
+ - brief brainworms
+ - campaign
+ - class
+ - d&d
+ - errant
+ - genre
+ - house rules
+ - monsters
+ - music
+ - random tables
+ - setting stuff
+ - the black hack
+ - the elixir
+ - thoughts
+ relme:
+ https://permacrandam.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: An OSR approach to Spotlight
+ last_post_description: This post is based on a conversation I had with Ben L. in
+ response to his recent post over on: http://maziriansgarden.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-problem-of-spotlight-management-in.htmlBen's
+ post
+ last_post_date: "2023-08-14T14:00:00Z"
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+ categories:
+ - '#LazarusBook #chapter1'
+ - '#LazarusBook #chapter2'
+ - '#firebird'
+ - '#gsoc2015'
+ - '#libreoffice'
+ - -fPIC
+ - .forward
+ - /etc
+ - 2g2
+ - 3d rage pro
+ - 3gp
+ - AppVeyor
+ - BSD
+ - Beer facts
+ - Chris Rock
+ - Ganymede
+ - Haikuos
+ - HowTo
+ - LISP
+ - LinkedIn
+ - Lubuntu
+ - MOTU
+ - Master Of The Universe
+ - Parangelion 2009
+ - QEMU
+ - RMS. GNU
+ - Romania
+ - SQL:2003
+ - Stallman
+ - Transport Tycoon Deluxe
+ - WebPositive
+ - X Forward
+ - Xc3028
+ - abrowser
+ - acpi
+ - activerecord
+ - adodb
+ - aircrack-ng
+ - amd
+ - amd64
+ - amr
+ - android
+ - android-x86
+ - ansi c
+ - apache
+ - apache 2.2
+ - apc
+ - apparmor
+ - appliance
+ - apt
+ - arora
+ - asus
+ - atheros
+ - ati
+ - audacious
+ - avant-window-navigator
+ - batman
+ - bazaar
+ - benchmarks
+ - bind9
+ - blog tutorial
+ - bochs
+ - bonie++
+ - bookmarks
+ - borkstation
+ - borland
+ - boston
+ - boxlinks
+ - bug
+ - bugzilla
+ - bush
+ - buttons
+ - c api
+ - c#
+ - c++
+ - cache control
+ - cacti
+ - cake php
+ - cakephp
+ - cast
+ - cbq
+ - centos
+ - cfq
+ - cgi
+ - chrome
+ - chromium
+ - clang++
+ - claud book
+ - claws
+ - clipse
+ - cloudbook
+ - cms
+ - compiz
+ - composite
+ - coreutils
+ - cpp
+ - cpus
+ - crashkernel
+ - crosscompiling
+ - csplit
+ - css
+ - customize
+ - cvs
+ - cx23885
+ - dark
+ - dark silhouettes
+ - date
+ - dbd-interbase
+ - debian
+ - debian arm
+ - debian experimental
+ - debian stable
+ - dell vostro
+ - delphi
+ - delphi programming
+ - designos
+ - devuan
+ - distcc
+ - distributedssh
+ - disturbed monkeys
+ - django
+ - dmesg
+ - dns
+ - doom
+ - dosbox
+ - dosemu
+ - dot-forward
+ - dovecot
+ - dream htc
+ - drm
+ - dstat
+ - du
+ - dual display
+ - dyndns
+ - ecli
+ - eclipse
+ - eeexubuntu
+ - egit
+ - eliberatica
+ - eog
+ - epiphany
+ - error
+ - everex
+ - evolution
+ - example
+ - ext3
+ - ext4
+ - extract
+ - fail
+ - fastcgi
+ - fbcon 2010
+ - fbexport
+ - feisty
+ - festy fawn
+ - ffmpeg
+ - final
+ - firebird
+ - firebird 2.0
+ - firebird 2.1
+ - firebird 2.5
+ - firebird 3.0
+ - firebird build
+ - firebird conference
+ - firebirdsql
+ - firebug
+ - firefox
+ - firefox 2.0
+ - firefox 3.0
+ - fireruby
+ - flamerobin
+ - flamerobin 0.8.5
+ - flamerobin 0.9.0
+ - flaps
+ - flash
+ - flash 64
+ - flash10
+ - flash64
+ - fleps
+ - flv live streaming
+ - fpc
+ - fpc 2.2.x
+ - fpm
+ - frames
+ - free pascal
+ - free time
+ - freebsd
+ - freemind
+ - fuse
+ - g++
+ - gbox
+ - geek pr0n
+ - gems
+ - gigabyte
+ - gingerbread
+ - git
+ - glibc
+ - gmail.com
+ - gnome
+ - gnome-gegl2
+ - gnu
+ - good pr
+ - goodbye-microsoft
+ - google
+ - google app
+ - gp3
+ - gpc3
+ - grub
+ - grub2
+ - gsl
+ - gsoc2015
+ - gtk
+ - gutsy
+ - gwibber
+ - gzip
+ - happy birthday
+ - hardy
+ - haxors
+ - hosting
+ - hp 4000
+ - htb
+ - htbtools
+ - html5
+ - i386
+ - ibase
+ - iceweasel
+ - icq
+ - icu
+ - ie6
+ - ie7
+ - ie8
+ - inbox
+ - inet
+ - inmures.ro
+ - innodb
+ - intel
+ - interbase
+ - ipython
+ - isc
+ - itrepid
+ - jabber
+ - jaun
+ - java
+ - java script
+ - jaws
+ - jdbc
+ - jeos
+ - joins
+ - jquery
+ - jre6
+ - json
+ - kFreeBSD
+ - kde4
+ - kde4.2
+ - kernel
+ - kernel 2.5.x
+ - kernel 2.6.26
+ - kernel 2.6.27
+ - kernel 2.6.28
+ - kernel 2.6.30
+ - kernel 2.6.x
+ - kernel vanilla
+ - kexec
+ - killie
+ - komodo
+ - komposer
+ - konqueror
+ - kubuntu
+ - kvm
+ - kvm-linux
+ - lamp
+ - lazarus
+ - lazarus 0.9.26
+ - leadtek pvr2200
+ - lemp
+ - lenny
+ - libdbi
+ - libdbi-drivers
+ - libreoffice
+ - libvirt
+ - libvirt-manager
+ - lighttpd
+ - linus
+ - linus torvalds
+ - linux
+ - linux 0.0.1
+ - linux 3.x.x
+ - linuz
+ - llvm
+ - load balancer
+ - locales
+ - locked
+ - lug mures
+ - lulu.com
+ - lwn
+ - lxde
+ - mach64
+ - madwifi
+ - man
+ - matrix
+ - mcrypt
+ - mdb2
+ - memcache
+ - mencode
+ - mencoder
+ - mercurial
+ - merge
+ - microsoft
+ - migrate ext3 to ext4
+ - mingw
+ - mod_expires
+ - modules
+ - monitor
+ - mono
+ - mono 2.0
+ - mono 2.6
+ - moonlight
+ - movable type
+ - mozilla
+ - mp3
+ - mp4
+ - mplayer
+ - mta
+ - music tracker
+ - my$QL
+ - mysql
+ - mysql2firebird
+ - nat
+ - net
+ - netbooks
+ - nginix
+ - nginx
+ - nmap
+ - nokia
+ - nokia 810
+ - non3d
+ - noop
+ - nouveau
+ - nsfw
+ - nvidia drivers 180
+ - ogg
+ - oo pascal
+ - openchrome
+ - opengl
+ - opengl rocks
+ - openoffice 3.0
+ - openorrifice
+ - openssh
+ - openssl
+ - openttd
+ - oracle
+ - oracle sux
+ - oszoo
+ - oxygen
+ - pacpl
+ - panoramic view
+ - parrot 0.6.3
+ - pascal
+ - patents
+ - pda
+ - pdo
+ - perl
+ - perl6
+ - phenom x3
+ - php
+ - php 4
+ - php 5
+ - php 5.3
+ - php ide
+ - php.net
+ - php5
+ - php5.3
+ - php6
+ - phpbb3
+ - phpmyfaq
+ - pidgin
+ - plaboy
+ - playogg
+ - plumbers
+ - pop3
+ - postfix
+ - postgresql
+ - powertop
+ - prince of persia
+ - privoxy
+ - pulse
+ - pvm
+ - pxe
+ - pyroom
+ - python
+ - qemu manager
+ - qmail
+ - qmailanalog
+ - qml
+ - qt
+ - qt 4.7
+ - qt4
+ - qt4.5
+ - qtcreator
+ - quake
+ - quake 1
+ - raid
+ - rails
+ - rants
+ - reactos
+ - recordmydesktop
+ - reea.net
+ - release party
+ - reverse
+ - rip nokia
+ - ripping
+ - ror
+ - rtfm
+ - ruby
+ - rubyforge
+ - rubyonfire
+ - samba
+ - schedulers
+ - scroolkeeper
+ - search applicance
+ - sed
+ - sekrity
+ - selinux
+ - sendmail
+ - sharp
+ - shorewall
+ - sid
+ - silverlight
+ - sis
+ - sixcore
+ - skype
+ - slackware
+ - smbfs
+ - snaps
+ - snmp
+ - snow
+ - soap
+ - softpedia
+ - songbird
+ - sourceforge
+ - sponsor
+ - sql server 2008
+ - sqlite
+ - ssh
+ - ssh tunnel
+ - sshfs
+ - stable
+ - stats
+ - streaming
+ - subclipse
+ - suhosin-patch
+ - super classic
+ - super server
+ - svk
+ - svn
+ - sylpheed
+ - targu mures
+ - tc
+ - tcc
+ - tccboot
+ - tentakel
+ - terminal
+ - testing
+ - tests
+ - themes
+ - theora
+ - thunderbird
+ - timestamp
+ - timstamp
+ - tiobe
+ - todo reading
+ - tor
+ - tpch
+ - tube
+ - turboc
+ - turboc 2.0
+ - tutorial
+ - tux sacrifice
+ - tuxguitar
+ - typo3
+ - ubufox
+ - ubuntu
+ - ubuntu 6.10 live cd
+ - ubuntu gutsy
+ - ubuntu hardy heron
+ - ubuntu intrepid ibex
+ - ubuntu jaunty
+ - ubuntu lite
+ - ubuntu live cd
+ - ubuntu server
+ - ubuntustudio
+ - ue4
+ - unetbootin
+ - unicode
+ - unicode art
+ - unrealengine
+ - upgrade
+ - use firebird
+ - usesql
+ - utf art
+ - uuid
+ - v4l
+ - v4l-dvb-experimental
+ - v4lctl
+ - v8
+ - vai
+ - vanilla
+ - vcl4php
+ - vederi
+ - veto files
+ - via
+ - virtualbox
+ - vista
+ - vlc
+ - vlc nightly
+ - vlc streaming
+ - vmstat
+ - vmware
+ - voodoo
+ - vorbis
+ - vsftp
+ - vulcanians
+ - web20
+ - webcam
+ - webgl
+ - webkit
+ - webkitgtk
+ - why git
+ - wibrain
+ - windmill
+ - windows
+ - wine
+ - winfast 2000 xp global
+ - wireless
+ - wma
+ - wordpress
+ - worm
+ - wubi
+ - x264
+ - x4
+ - x64
+ - x86
+ - xawtv
+ - xen
+ - xfce
+ - xfce4
+ - xmms
+ - xmpp
+ - xul
+ - xulrunner
+ - youtube
+ - zaurus
+ - zul
+ relme:
+ https://firebirdnews.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://mapopa.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/09862886782232467681: true
+ last_post_title: Firebird 5.0 Is Released
+ last_post_description: Firebird Project is happy to announce general availability
+ of Firebird 5.0 — the latest major release of the Firebird relational database
+ for Windows, Linux, MacOS and Android platforms.This
+ last_post_date: "2024-01-25T02:29:47-08:00"
+ last_post_link: https://mapopa.blogspot.com/2024/01/firebird-50-is-released.html
+ last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: 7b6efbdcab1a2baf791d4c9e6e7e4b8b
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-title: Forgejo
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+ to create value for businesses. This field combines mathematics, computer science,
+ and domain knowledge. Some professionals in the industry
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- is watch “ending EXPLAINED!!!” videos and read threads about the movie on Reddit.
- None of them had an interpretation that I liked, but
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+ stuck in a loop I put on "Dawn: Making an Effort" and I feel righted. (Related:
+ I love the RALLY refrain so much I made a little felt pennant'
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- want them any longer or after they passed away. Coming
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- by Stuart
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- information, but tend to send myself Messages on iOS rather than email. This happens
- especially when reading social media content,
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+ am Mailserver statt. Im Zuge dieser Arbeiten wird unter anderem das Authentifizierungsverfahren
+ CRAM-MD5 abgeschaltet. Die
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+ - Graph3DGL
+ - GraphViz
+ - HP DesignJet 500
+ - ModelBus
+ - OAW
+ - Pajek
+ - Sparx EA
+ - Stemmer
+ - Table
+ - UML
+ - VS 2010
+ - Word
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+ - type system
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+ last_post_title: Copy forms between visual studio solutions
+ last_post_description: "Copy the three files, .cs, .designer, resx to the target
+ solution folder.\nIn the target project, select Add existing item and add the
+ designer file first. \nModify the Namespace attribute. The .cs"
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+ The hands-on guide to creating GUI applications with Python gets a new translation'
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+ I am very happy to announce that my Python GUI programming book
+ Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt6 / PyQt6 Edition …
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+ last_post_description: A few days back, I went for the first time to the GNOME Users
+ and Developers Everywhere Conference (GUADEC). Even though I’m just a Google Summer
+ of Code intern, the GNOME Foundation was kind
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+ Tall, snarky Canadian.
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+ last_post_title: My impressions of ReScript
+ last_post_description: I maintain a GitHub Action called check-for-changed-files.
+ For the purpose of this blog post what the action does isn't important, but the
+ fact that I authored it originally in TypeScript is. See,
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+description: Boss Memes are coll Get numberless collection on Bad Boss Memes. Here
+ we go.
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+ last_post_description: I know from individual experience that when you are left
+ with administrative inadequacy consistently - and every one of your endeavors
+ to reason or speak with the manager have fizzled - it can feel
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+ contraint solver
+ last_post_description: Recently, David Overton presented the core of a finite-domain
+ constraint solver written in Haskell. Trying to extend the solver, I soon noticed
+ that the only way to look into the constraint store is
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+ - DIY
+ - Diane
+ - Easter
+ - Elena Marie
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+ - Family Life
+ - 'For Esme: with Love and Squalor'
+ - God
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+ - Mary
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+ - Mr. Darcy
+ - New Year
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+ - Peppermint Patty
+ - Pooh
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+ - Rite
+ - Salinger
+ - Service
+ - Sherlock Holmes
+ - Spring
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+ - Tao
+ - The South
+ - Thy Kingdom come
+ - Utopia
+ - '`pataphor'
+ - acknowledgement
+ - adoration chapel
+ - adversity
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+ - pater familias
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+ - tired
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+ - unpopular opinion
+ - vocation
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+ - zombies
+ - Übermensch
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+ last_post_description: My mom struggled with cancer. Three times. The last time
+ it killed her. But she loved us. And the best time we had was when I stayed with
+ her through chemo, and she did her sudoku and her news
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- - https://kevq.uk/feed
- - https://kevq.uk/feed.xml
- - https://kevq.uk/feed/
- https://kevquirk.com/feed
+ - https://kevquirk.com/feed/
+ - https://kevquirk.com/notes-feed
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- last_post_title: How the internet became shit
- last_post_description: The long, dark decent of the digital commons
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- last_post_link: https://herman.bearblog.dev/how-the-internet-became-shit/
+ last_post_title: Cities need more trees
+ last_post_description: A case for planting more trees in urban areas.
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+ last_post_link: https://herman.bearblog.dev/cities-need-more-trees/
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
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- https://danq.me/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
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- - https://danq.uk/feed/
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- last_post_title: The murky world of password leaks – and how to check if you’ve
- been hit
- last_post_description: Password leaks are increasingly common and figuring out whether
- the keys to your own kingdom have been exposed might be tricky – unless you know
- where to look
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T09:30:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.welivesecurity.com/en/how-to/the-murky-world-of-password-leaks-and-how-to-check-if-youve-been-hit/
+ last_post_title: Social media and teen mental health – Week in security with Tony
+ Anscombe
+ last_post_description: Social media sites are designed to make their users come
+ back for more. Do laws restricting children's exposure to addictive social media
+ feeds have teeth or are they a political gimmick?
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-04T14:31:24Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.welivesecurity.com/en/videos/social-media-teen-mental-health-week-security-tony-anscombe/
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+ Dual (in GNU/Linux) 4/5: Bringing back Sony’s stock camera app by Remco'
+ last_post_description: I have installed Lineage 21 this week but I used the camera
+ app from https://gitlab.com/xperiance/camera/-/releases (installed the camera-0.3.0-tama.zip
+ file using Magisk). I have not tried sideload
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+ For those of you out there who considered opening a course,
+ reading makes you squeamish, significantly less the expected problem of
+ purchasing, utilizing. Afterward, exchanging a course reading,
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+ introducing a decent air purifier in your vehicle. Along these lines, to get yourself
+ a unit, we recommend that you get your work done and
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+ Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP).
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+ - RPG
+ - Random Generator
+ - Tutorial
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+ - Warhammer Fantasy Role Play
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+ (Part 5)
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+ \n\nWelcome to the fifth part of my tutorial, you can find the first parte here,
+ second part, third part here and the 4th one here. Now"
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+ last_post_title: How To Get Cheggs Free Books
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+ No enduring worth. It would appear from the outset; leasing
+ has some innate imperfections. Consider everything - although you're saving at
+ first by leasing rather than level out purchasing, by the
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- last_post_title: TRUE STORY – Malcolm Jiyane Tree-O
- last_post_description: While the Tree-O’s previous outing UMDALI presented a snapshot
- of an inspired few days of spontaneity, TRUE STORY is a more deliberately crafted
- opus. Recorded in Johannesburg over three sessions
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+ by human".Subscribe to this blog's RSS Feed here.More info on RSS Club.In 1974,
+ Johnny Wakelin got the idea to write a song about a
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+ Symbian smartphones, Nokia Maemo (N900) and Nokia Harmattan (N9/N950) smartphones.
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+ a evolução espiritual e científica da humanidade de uma forma lógica e consistente.
+ O estudo do espiritismo permite
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+ last_post_title: An Unexpected Break
+ last_post_description: Last Friday, I began a four day weekend. I took a couple
+ of days off to get caught up on some chores and organize a few…
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+ - Communities
+ - Informal Learning
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https://mastodon.social/@harold: true
- last_post_title: road kill
- last_post_description: On the last Friday of each month I curate some of the observations
- and insights that were shared on social media. I call these Friday’s Finds. “Q.
- You know what AI is best at? A. Propaganda”
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- last_post_link: https://jarche.com/2024/05/road-kill/
+ last_post_title: ITA Jay Cross Award 2024
+ last_post_description: The Internet Time Alliance Memorial Award in memory of Jay
+ Cross is presented to a workplace learning professional who has contributed in
+ positive ways to the field of Informal Learning and is
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+ - commentary
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+ - realism
+ - writing
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+ last_post_title: The meaninglessness of the 'K/D ratio'
+ last_post_description: Kids these days.They come out of the battle simulator and
+ all they look at is their kills to see who 'won.' But then they also look at their
+ efficacy. You should hear the conversations around the
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+ - philosophy
+ - realism
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- - muons
- - new physics
- - Physics
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- last_post_title: CDF multi-muons, hmm
- last_post_description: So I’m way behind the bloggy curve on this one (e.g. here
- and here), but I thought I would at least read the paper before talking about
- it. The CDF collaboration (or two-thirds of it anyway) has
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+description: A website devoted to oneself has been described — by my own Father, no
+ less — as the greatest act of hubris. Welcome aboard!
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+ last_post_title: Ferris Bueller's Day Off
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+ Directed and written by John Hughes, 1986. IMDB
+ So, way back in my teen years, we had a VHS tape of this, which friends and I
+ played and played and played, probably racking up more rewatches than any
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- Longer hair than you.
- Chaotic Good.
- Doesn't work for The Man™ any more.
- Probably spending more time in Mastodon.
- If you're involved in Blockchain or Crypto you will be blocked on sight.
- Blog:
- feedlink: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:i6misxex577k4q6o7gloen4s/rss
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+ last_post_title: What's this blogging thing anyhow ?
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+ I'm being dragged into the blogosphere by forces beyond my control (i.e. work...;-). It's time that I started adding some content to the web rather than just absorbing what I can...
+ This initial
+ last_post_date: "2011-01-11T20:44:00Z"
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Q: That's too technical, what can I show my manager.
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- last_post_description: 'Midlas has prepared a submission to the Department of Communities
- consultation to develop the 10 Year Strategy into reducing Family and Domestic
- Violence. Our submission addresses key areas in:'
- last_post_date: "2019-06-04T04:31:47Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.midlas.org.au/10-year-strategy-for-reducing-family-and-domestic-violence/
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+description: Behdad Esfahbod's daily notes on GNOME, Pango, Fedora, Persian Computing,
+ Bob Dylan, and Dan Bern!
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+ - Chris Tyler
+ - ChrisWilson
+ - Dan Bern
+ - Dave
+ - DavidBolter
+ - EitanIsaacson
+ - Fedora
+ - Finding Ada
+ - GLyphy
+ - GNOME foot logo
+ - GregWilson
+ - Hollister
+ - Iran
+ - IranNastaliq
+ - Iranian
+ - Iverson
+ - Microsoft
+ - Mozilla Summit
+ - Nastaliq
+ - Netflix
+ - Persian
+ - PhotoSynth
+ - Sony
+ - Teddy bear
+ - Whistler
+ - WillieWalker
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+ - sigh
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+ - skydiving
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+ - xdc
+ - xiph.org
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+ relme:
+ https://mces.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: How to use custom application fonts with Pango
+ last_post_description: I am at the Libre Graphics Meeting in Toronto this week,
+ which means that I got to talk to GIMP and Inkscape developers after many years,
+ and was reminded that Pango still does not make it easy to
+ last_post_date: "2015-05-01T23:15:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://mces.blogspot.com/2015/05/how-to-use-custom-application-fonts.html
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+ - fonts
+ - gtk+
+ - pango
+ - pangocairo
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+title: 'Funkyware: ITCetera'
+date: "2024-03-07T11:58:27+02:00"
+description: 'Free Software entrepreneurship: Debian, Ubuntu and beyond.'
+ feedlink: https://q-funk.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
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+ - ALSA
+ - AMD
+ - APT
+ - Artec
+ - Backfire
+ - Blum IT
+ - Btrfs
+ - Bullseye
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+ - Cinnamon
+ - Citizenship
+ - Coreboot
+ - D430
+ - DHCP
+ - DHCPv4
+ - DHCPv6
+ - DHL
+ - Debian
+ - Dell
+ - EC800
+ - EXIF
+ - Eesti
+ - Ekiga
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+ - Entrepreneurship
+ - Estonia
+ - Estonian
+ - Estonie
+ - Estonya
+ - Etherboot
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+ - FSG
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+ - Fedora
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+ - Finlandiya
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+ - FreeBSD
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+ - GRUB
+ - GRsecurity
+ - Gaim
+ - Geode
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+ - Immigration
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+ - LG
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+ - LTSP
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+ - Life
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+ - Linutop
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+ - Neeger
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+ - Red Hat
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+ - Rustc
+ - SCSI
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+ - Soome
+ - Suomi
+ - TFCD
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+ - Turquie
+ - Türkiye
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+ - Ubuntu
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+ - Windows CE
+ - X.org
+ - bass
+ - bug
+ - business cards
+ - configuration
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+ - dhcpcd
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+ - dpkg
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+ - gThumb
+ - gcc
+ - hardware
+ - iPXE
+ - idea
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+ - iwlagn
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+ - libc6
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+ - printing
+ - privacy
+ - scam
+ - standards
+ - synthesizer
+ - systemd
+ - template
+ - upgrade-system
+ - utf8-migration-tool
+ - work
+ relme:
+ https://perkelix.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://q-funk.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/00394315280689943764: true
+ last_post_title: dhcpcd almost ready to replace ISC dhclient in Debian
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2023-11-16T11:38:58+02:00"
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+ - DHCP
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+ - DHCPv6
+ - Debian
+ - IPv6
+ - ISC
+ - Ubuntu
+ - dhclient
+ - dhcpcd
+ - dnsmasq
+ - ifupdown
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+ - politique
+ - syndicalisme
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+ https://pablo.plus/: true
+ https://pablockchain.fr/: true
+ last_post_title: 'L''impasse du macronisme : on en sort, ou on fonce dans le mur'
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+date: "2024-07-07T03:16:23-04:00"
description: It's in my eyes, and it doesn't look that way to me, In my eyes. - Minor
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- - keith morris
- - law
- - race
- - Banksy
- - Jonathan Toubin DJ
- - climate change
- - conspiracy theories
- - guns
- - opinion
- - sex pistols
- - book signing
- - children
- - communication
- - cornel west
- - planet
- - racism
- - radio
- - greed
- - holiday
- - insanity
- - justice
- - movie
- - rock'N'roll
- - short film
- - usa
- - wu-tang clan
- - '#OWS'
- - "1977"
- - Business
- - Daily Show
- - NASA
- - YouTube
- - Z-Boys
- - away
- - black culture
- - consumerism
- - dead kennedys
- - fascism
- - ramones
- - surfing
- - tony alva
- - xmas
- - 45's
- - Africa
- - Apple
- - Beatles
- - Def Jam
- - News
- - War
- - automobiles
- - away. meme
- - diet
- - energy
- - factory farming
- - lance Mountain
- - los angeles
- - martin sprouse
- - marx
- - mash-up
- - old school
- - security
- - violence
- - 1960's
- - BBC
- - Funk
- - Japan
- - NRA
- - Podcast
- - Pussy riot
- - Ralph Nader
- - Woody Allen
- - buzzcocks
- - clouds
- - corruption
- - feel the bern
- - india
- - nuclear power
- - stacy peralta
- - "2016"
- - DUMP. politics
- - Global Warming
- - Intelligence
- - MLK
- - Rick Rubin
- - Work + Capitalism
- - california
- - chuck dukowski
- - community
- - gangs
- - george orwell
- - humans
- - jon stewart
- - karl marx
- - organic
- - press
- - publishing
- - truth
- - universe
- - BOOK
- - CBGB's
- - Dock Ellis
- - Fela Kuti
- - OG
- - Soul Proprietor
- - bullshit
- - censorship
- - christmas
- - circle jerks
- - classic music
- - classic vinyl
- - folk music
- - hardcore
- - hardcore punk
- - john oliver
- - live music
- - national geographic
- - production
- - rare
- - russia
- - the idealist
- - viral
- - water
- - women
- - Archive
- - Death
- - Dolphins
- - Entertainment
- - Financial Crisis
- - KRS-One
- - LL Cool J
- - Liars
- - MC5
- - New York Night Train
- - RIP
- - Rakim
- - SNL
- - SkateBoarder
- - Soul Train
- - advice
- - american history
- - animal agriculture
- - badass
- - comics
- - corporatocracy
- - depression
- - dischord
- - dope
- - eric b. and rakim
- - fast food
- - faux news
- - human nature
- - james bond
- - jazz
- - jimi hendrix
- - language
- - liberal
- - mash-up remixes
- - military industrial complex
- - music business
- - public library
- - recording
- - records
- - robots
- - self
- - style
- - t-shirt
- - terrorism
- - the Simpsons
- - united states of america
- - vote
- - voting
- - weather
- - zephyr
- - "1976"
- - "1985"
- - 70's
- - Crass
- - Facebook
- - Family
- - HR
- - Heavy Metal
- - Hero
- - IG
- - Jeff Ho
- - London
- - NPR
- - Ocean
- - Sundance
- - Thanksgiving
- - Together Forever
- - Travel
- - Whales
- - african american
- - american
- - atheism
- - bicycle
- - brain
- - charity
- - china
- - civil disobedience
- - climate
- - conservative
- - digital technology
- - drugs
- - electric car
- - event
- - flag
- - flight
- - home
- - lecture
- - money
- - peta
- - police violence
- - politicians
- - progressive
- - robert Reich
- - russell simmons
- - skateboarding hall of fame
- - society
- - sports
- - target video
- - taxes
- - the beatles
- - thieves
- - trees
- - visual traveling
- - 60's
- - 80's
- - Afro beat
- - BEEF
- - Black Panthers
- - Black Sabbath
- - Campaign Finance Reform
- - Chain and the Gang
- - Democracy Now
- - Dr.Seuss
- - Einstein
- - Jam Master jay
- - Jim Muir
- - King Tee
- - PMA
- - R.I.P.
- - Rollins
- - Sly and the family stone
- - Suicidal Tendencies
- - a tribe called quest
- - acting
- - asshole
- - assholes
- - basketball
- - beauty
- - birds
- - c. r. stecyk
- - clothing
- - creativity
- - debate
- - educational
- - ethics
- - ferguson
- - fun
- - germany
- - hall of fame
- - hollywood
- - hot rods
- - images
- - lies
- - martin luther king jr.
- - music video
- - nazi
- - parody
- - photo
- - photo manipulation
- - pirates
- - president
- - public spaces
- - ramps
- - reading
- - recognize
- - revolutionary
- - run dmc
- - safety
- - satire
- - shit
- - shithead
- - skate
- - smoking
- - social commentary
- - social media
- - stephen colbert
- - steve olson
- - straight edge
- - surveillance
- - the Spiv
- - 1st amendment
- - 35mm film. photography
- - AdRock
- - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- - Arté TV
- - DIY
- - Danzig
- - Ezio
- - FBI
- - Freud
- - Friends
- - Fuck You All
- - MLB
- - Mark Gonzales
- - Mars
- - Native American
- - Peggy Oki
- - Plato
- - Q&A
- - Rodney Mullen
- - Sea Shepherd
- - Single Payer
- - Snoop Dogg
- - Tesla
- - USSR
- - Union
- - Wall Street
- - X-Clan
- - age
- - alcohol
- - anarchy
- - angela davis
- - atheist
- - automation
- - bad ass
- - banks
- - birthday
- - brooklyn
- - camera
- - cherry hill
- - chomsky
- - civilization
- - collaboration
- - commentary
- - commercials
- - computers
- - cool stuff
- - daredevils
- - detroit
- - dog town
- - downloading
- - driving
- - duane peters
- - election
- - elizabeth warren
- - equality
- - eyes
- - fascist
- - football
- - genetically modified
- - genius
- - glen E. Friedman
- - god
- - golden era
- - good
- - google
- - grand master flash
- - graphic
- - hope
- - humanitarian
- - idiots
- - ill
- - independent
- - information
- - innovation
- - insects
- - integrity
- - interesting
- - james brown
- - john lennon
- - knowledge
- - little league
- - malcolm x
- - manners
- - marriage
- - mike watt
- - new book
- - no guns
- - oil
- - peanuts
- - physics
- - planets
- - plant based diet
- - plutocracy
- - police
- - power
- - prank
- - privacy
- - rebel culture
- - rebellion
- - resistance
- - riots
- - roberto clemente
- - sex
- - shogo kubo
- - ska
- - skateboarder magazine
- - sleep
- - snow
- - sound
- - stars
- - students
- - stupidity
- - subway
- - super heroes
- - supreme court
- - surf culture
- - tea party
- - the damned
- - tony hawk
- - transportation
- - vinyl
- - vision
- - waste
- - wisdom
- - workers
- - x-mas
- - yauch
- - "1971"
- - "1978"
- - "1979"
- - "1981"
- - "1982"
- - "1984"
- - A.O.C.
- - Alec mackaye
- - Alfred Hitchcock
- - Alva
- - Apocalypse
- - BDP
- - Brendan Canty
- - CIA
- - Daily Party Platter
- - Descendents
- - Earthquake
- - Elon Musk
- - Fanzine
- - Fuck
- - Glenn Danzig
- - Guitar Hero
- - Guy Picciotto
- - Hoax
- - Ice cube
- - Ireland
- - Joe Lally
- - John Robbins
- - John kricfuluci
- - Johnny Rotten
- - Juxtapoz
- - LA
- - Lance
- - Led Zeppelin
- - MAD magazine
- - Madonna
- - NSA
- - Nazism
- - Nietzsche
- - P.O.S.
- - Pepsi
- - Pete Shelly
- - Pittsburgh
- - Poland
- - Print
- - Seth Meyers
- - Simpsons
- - Skateparks
- - Skatistan
- - TED
- - The story of stuff
- - Universal Health Care
- - Wayne Kramer
- - adam yauch
- - agribusiness
- - air pollution
- - album cover
- - america
- - amnesty international
- - anthropology
- - astronomy
- - b-boy
- - beats
- - black lives matter
- - blues
- - boing boing
- - bones brigade
- - burning flags press
- - cinematography
- - cities
- - compassion
- - confederate flag
- - congress
- - consciousness
- - constitution
- - cool
- - copyright
- - craft
- - creationism
- - creative
- - currency
- - dance
- - dangerous Minds
- - democrats
- - dez cadena
- - dischord records
- - disney
- - dreams
- - elvis costello
- - empathy
- - evel knievel
- - evolution
- - extreme
- - extreme sports
- - facts
- - fashion
- - feminist
- - finance
- - fireworks
- - france
- - freedom of speech
- - fuck you heroes
- - gay
- - george clinton
- - graffiti rock
- - graphics
- - greg Ginn
- - gun violence
- - healthcare
- - honor
- - humanity
- - idealisim
- - idealism
- - idealist
- - ideas
- - iggy pop
- - incarceration
- - insane
- - john stewart
- - kkk
- - know your roots
- - kodachrome
- - labor
- - law enforcement
- - liar
- - light
- - lightning
- - lyrics
- - marxism
- - mcdonalds
- - meat
- - military
- - minutemen
- - misfits
- - monsanto
- - moon
- - murder
- - museum
- - nationalism
- - new wave
- - nuclear testing
- - nuclear weapons
- - nukes
- - oldschoool
- - olympics
- - parenting
- - peace
- - philanthropy
- - photograph
- - pittsburgh pirates
- - pizza
- - poetry
- - political theory
- - pool skating
- - pop music
- - reality
- - recordings
- - recycle
- - reggae
- - ren and stimpy
- - resilience
- - respect
- - seinfeld
- - skateboarding history
- - slayer
- - snowboarding
- - social justice
- - solar power
- - solar system
- - soul
- - south africa
- - spike lee
- - stories
- - study
- - sunday sermon
- - surfer
- - sustainable living
- - swearing
- - syria
- - t-shirts
- - thanksgiving meme's
- - the CRAMPS
- - time
- - time lapse
- - traffic
- - tricks
- - turntablism
- - twitter
- - waves
- - womens rights
- - wugazi
- - yoko ono
- - z-boy
- - zephyr team
- - ©
- - '#OccupyWallSt'
- - '#occupywallstreet'
- - "1963"
- - "1969"
- - "1970"
- - 1980s
- - "1986"
- - "2017"
- - 3 chord politics
- - 35mm film
- - 4th of july
- - 99%
- - AC/DC
- - ACLU
- - Adam Horovitz
- - Aerosmith
- - Afghanistan
- - Al Barile
- - Alice Cooper
- - Allison Wolfe
- - American masters
- - Anthony Pirog
- - Archaeology
- - Auschwitz
- - BOX
- - Beatniks
- - Bill maher
- - Biscuits
- - Black panther
- - Bobby Piercy
- - Boogie Down Productions
- - C.R. Stecyk III
- - CDC
- - California Über Alles
- - Chris Rock
- - Chuck Biscuits
- - Colin Kaepernick
- - Country
- - D. Boon
- - D.O.A.
- - DC
- - DJ Nu Mark
- - DNC
- - DVD
- - Darwin
- - Dave Chappelle
- - Detroit sound
- - Drunk
- - Dukowski
- - Eastern Philosophy
- - Era
- - Ethical
- - Fat Boys
- - Fela
- - GLAM
- - GMF
- - GMO
- - GZA
- - Glenn Greenwald
- - Go-Go
- - Gun Control
- - Guy Debord
- - H.R.
- - Iceland
- - Janis Joplin
- - Jerry Casale
- - KRS-1
- - Keep your eyes open
- - Kent senatore
- - Kool Herc
- - LIFE magazine
- - LP
- - LSD
- - Legal
- - Legend
- - Leonardo da Vinci
- - MTV
- - Make Up
- - Make-up
- - Mark Mothersbaugh
- - Martin Scorsese
- - Max Weber
- - Medicare
- - Metzger
- - Mike Tyson
- - Milo
- - NOU
- - NWA
- - Nate Dogg
- - Neil Blender
- - New Yorker
- - OWS
- - PC
- - PIL
- - Pier 62
- - Police Brutality
- - Raymond Pettibon
- - Renaissance
- - Roma
- - SS Decontrol
- - SST
- - Saturday Night
- - School Life Monday
- - Schooly D.
- - Situationist International
- - Slavery
- - Snoop
- - Softball
- - Space exploration
- - Stephen hawking
- - TRAP
- - The Allegory of the Cave
- - The Daily Show
- - The Intercept
- - UN
- - UTFO
- - Wake up
- - Western Philosophy
- - Wu tang clan
- - Z-Flex
- - abuse of power
- - activist
- - adjusters
- - aesthetics
- - aging
- - air
- - album art
- - aliens
- - american bandstand
- - angelicas kitchen
- - animal liberation
- - anti-fascist
- - anti-war
- - asia
- - athletes
- - attitude
- - austerity
- - australia
- - b-boying
- - backyard ramp
- - badge
- - beat box
- - behavior
- - beliefs
- - bible
- - bicycles
- - big boys
- - bill moyers
- - black nationalism
- - boards
- - book stores
- - border
- - bratmobile
- - break dancing
- - burger
- - campaign
- - cancer
- - car culture
- - carl dix
- - carnivore
- - cartoons
- - cell phones
- - child abuse
- - childhood
- - classic battle rap
- - cold
- - cold war
- - color
- - comic books
- - coming out
- - comments
- - commercial
- - communism
- - con
- - conspiracy
- - corporate greed
- - cows milk
- - crazy legs
- - creatives
- - criminals
- - cruelty
- - cuba
- - curiosity
- - darby crash
- - dean Delray
- - death metal
- - demo
- - devil
- - dick clark
- - disaster
- - discussion
- - dogtown & Z-Boys
- - donald trump
- - drones
- - ecology
- - eddie elguera
- - egypt
- - election 2016
- - elections
- - emo
- - etiquette
- - evil
- - fake
- - fame
- - fear
- - fight ignorance
- - film making
- - films
- - first world
- - flyers
- - fox
- - fracking
- - freedom of the press
- - freestyle
- - fuck all conservatives
- - fundamentalism
- - funny
- - gangster
- - garage
- - gaza
- - germs
- - girls
- - godfather
- - gopro
- - graphic design
- - guitar
- - halloween
- - hank shocklee
- - hard core
- - highways
- - hobby
- - hollis
- - homeless
- - honda
- - human interest
- - human rights
- - hygiene
- - idiot
- - iggy
- - inebriated
- - information commodity
- - infrastructure
- - injustice
- - institutionalized
- - introspection
- - investment
- - iran
- - iraq
- - it takes a nation of millions to hold us back
- - italy
- - jaywalking
- - jesus
- - jobs
- - john lydon
- - kent sherwood
- - kenter
- - killer mike
- - last week tonight
- - leadership
- - legendary
- - lego
- - lie
- - lifestyle
- - lightening
- - linguistics
- - liverpool
- - living
- - logos
- - love
- - luddites
- - lying
- - magazine
- - magic
- - malcolm McLaren
- - manchester
- - meaning
- - medical science
- - medicine
- - memorial
- - memory
- - mental health
- - milk
- - mods
- - morals
- - movie stars
- - muhammad ali
- - names
- - narcissist
- - nas
- - nazi trump fuck off
- - nerds
- - net neutrality
- - new year
- - night train
- - noir
- - non-violence
- - novelty
- - nutrition
- - "off"
- - old people
- - oliver stone
- - olson
- - parks
- - pee wee herman
- - pee-wee herman
- - people
- - perspective
- - peyote cody
- - pharma
- - pin
- - piracy
- - pizzanista
- - plant based
- - poet
- - political correctness
- - pollution
- - pop
- - pop culture
- - poseur
- - positive
- - positive force
- - poverty
- - powell peralta
- - presidential election
- - projection
- - public transportation
- - puerto rico
- - punk 1960's
- - putin
- - radicals
- - rakim allah
- - rant
- - rape
- - reagan
- - real estate
- - rebel
- - reservation
- - responsibility
- - reunion
- - review
- - right wing
- - riot grrrl
- - rise above
- - robert DeNiro
- - rock
- - rock n' roll
- - roller coaster
- - rolling jubilee
- - sampling
- - scandal
- - school
- - school D.
- - school house rock
- - schools
- - selfies
- - separation of church and state
- - shit head
- - shitpreme
- - shopping
- - sight
- - skateBoarder imagine
- - skateboarding saves
- - slalom
- - slick rick
- - smog
- - social Skills
- - social security
- - solutions
- - south park
- - speak out
- - special effects
- - specials
- - spiderman
- - spirituality
- - star wars
- - steve jobs
- - storms
- - strike debt
- - student loans
- - subculture
- - summer
- - superstition
- - swimming
- - tax
- - tech
- - techno
- - the Specials
- - the clash
- - the evens
- - the guardian
- - the new york times
- - the scream
- - the stooges
- - this is america
- - thrasher
- - tom groholski
- - tour
- - toys
- - treacherous three
- - trends
- - trivia
- - trouble funk
- - tupac Shakur
- - turkey
- - two tone
- - tyranny
- - unions
- - unreleased
- - us
- - values
- - vegetation
- - venice
- - wall
- - war on drugs
- - warfare
- - wealth
- - wi-fi
- - wikileaks
- - wild life
- - wild style
- - william f. buckley
- - win
- - winston Smith
- - wood
- - writing
- - wrong
- '"in the moment"'
+ - '"school of Life"'
- '#BlackLivesMatter'
+ - '#OWS'
+ - '#OccupyWallSt'
- '#RealTalk'
- '#handsup'
- '#occupy'
+ - '#occupywallstreet'
- '#real. NYC'
+ - $
- . 3 chord politics
- 1%
- 100%
- 1000fps
- 12th street and broadway
- 1920's
+ - 1960's
+ - "1963"
- "1965"
- "1966"
- "1967"
- "1968"
+ - "1969"
+ - "1970"
+ - 1970's
- 1970s
+ - "1971"
- "1972"
- "1973"
- "1975"
+ - "1976"
+ - "1977"
+ - "1978"
+ - "1979"
- "1980"
- 1980's
+ - 1980s
+ - "1981"
+ - "1982"
- "1983"
+ - "1984"
+ - "1985"
+ - "1986"
- "1987"
- "1988"
- 1990s
+ - 1st amendment
- 1st pub
- 2.13.61
- "2010"
- 2010 lists
- "2012"
- "2013"
+ - "2016"
+ - "2017"
- 2018 TSUNAMI
- "2019"
- "2020"
- 20th century
- 21st century
+ - 3 chord politics
- 3-3
- 3/11
- 35mm
+ - 35mm film
+ - 35mm film. photography
- "360"
- 3D
- 3d printing
- 42nd street
+ - 45's
+ - 4th of july
- 5%
- "50"
- 60 minutes
+ - 60's
- 60s
+ - 70's
- "77"
+ - 80's
- 9/11
+ - 99%
- '@Nationalschoolwalkout'
- A look Back at DogTown and Z-Boys
- 'A look Back: Dogtown and Z-Boys'
+ - A.O.C.
- A7
+ - AC/DC
+ - ACLU
- AI
@@ -1267,16 +118,30 @@ params:
+ - AdRock
- Adam Bomb
+ - Adam Horovitz
- Adams
- Adolescents
+ - Aerosmith
+ - Afghanistan
+ - Africa
- African American skateboarders
+ - Afro beat
+ - Al Barile
- Al FlipSide
+ - Alec mackaye
+ - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
+ - Alfred Hitchcock
- Algorithms
+ - Alice Cooper
+ - Allison Wolfe
+ - Alva
- Amazing
- Amchitka
- American dream
- American indian
+ - American masters
- Amery Smith
- Amsterdam
- Amy Goodman
@@ -1284,10 +149,18 @@ params:
- Anonymous
- Another Music in a different kitchen
- Ansel Adams
+ - Anthony Pirog
- Anton Chekhov
+ - Apocalypse
- Apocalypse Now
+ - Apple
+ - Archaeology
+ - Architecture
+ - Archive
- Arlington Va
+ - Art
- Arte
+ - Arté TV
- Ashly Judd
- Astrology
- Atari Teenage Riot
@@ -1295,22 +168,35 @@ params:
- Auguste Comte
- Augustine
- Aurora Borealis
+ - Auschwitz
- Avengers
- B&W
+ - BBC
+ - BDP
+ - BEEF
- BG
+ - BOOK
+ - BOX
- Bad Azz
+ - Bad brains
- Baltimore
+ - Banksy
- Bannon
- Barbara Kruger
- Barcelona
- Barry White
+ - Baseball
- Batman
+ - Beastie Boys
- BeastieBoys
+ - Beatles
+ - Beatniks
- Ben Nordberg
- Berkeley
- Bestie Boys
@@ -1322,8 +208,13 @@ params:
- Biggie Smalls
- Bill Daniel
- Bill de Blasio
+ - Bill maher
- Billy Ruff
- Binder clip
+ - Biscuits
+ - Black Panthers
+ - Black Sabbath
+ - Black panther
- Blackfish
- Blaise Pascal
- Blu
@@ -1332,30 +223,43 @@ params:
- Bob Hunter
- Bob Mohr
- Bob Woodward
+ - Bobby Piercy
- Boethius
- Bolster
- Bon Scott
+ - Boogie Down Productions
+ - Books
- Boom box
- Boston
- Bowie
- Boys
- Brenadan canty
+ - Brendan Canty
- British petroleum
- Bronx
- Brother Jay
- Bruce Lee
+ - Business
+ - C.R. Stecyk III
+ - CBGB's
- CC
- CD
+ - CDC
+ - CIA
- COP21
- COVID19-19
+ - California Über Alles
+ - Campaign Finance Reform
- Canada
- Candide Thovex
- Captain Paul Watson
@@ -1363,42 +267,64 @@ params:
- Carpool Karaoke
- Cassimus
- Cey Adams
+ - Chain and the Gang
- Charlie Blair
- Cheech and Chong
- Childish gambino
- Childrens programing
+ - Chris Rock
- Christian Hosoi
+ - Chuck Biscuits
- Chuck D
+ - Chuck D.
- Chung King house of Metal
- Cindy Sheehan
- Clash
- Class War
- Cleveland
+ - Colin Kaepernick
- Columbus day
- Comedy Central
- Concert
- Conspiracies
- Copenhagen
+ - Country
- Covid-19
+ - Crass
- Cuck D.
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- D E V O
+ - D. Boon
- D.Boon
- D.I.Y.
+ - D.O.A.
+ - DC
+ - DEVO
+ - DIY
+ - DJ
- DJ Lord
+ - DJ Nu Mark
- DJ's
- DJing
+ - DNC
- DUMP. Noam Chomsky
+ - DUMP. politics
+ - DVD
- Daewon Song
+ - Daily Party Platter
+ - Daily Show
- Dan Mancina
- Daniel Beltrá
- Danny Lyon
+ - Danzig
+ - Darwin
+ - Dave Chappelle
- Dave Roth
- David Attenborough
- David Lee Roth
@@ -1407,14 +333,24 @@ params:
- De-evolution
- Dead Boys
- Dear Kennedys
+ - Death
- DeathRow
- Debut
- Decline movie
+ - Def Jam
+ - Democracy
+ - Democracy Now
- Denis Kucinich
+ - Descendents
+ - Design
+ - Detroit sound
- Dinosaur
- Dinosaurs
- Divine Styler
+ - Dock Ellis
+ - DogTown
- Dogtown- The Legend of the z-boys
+ - Dolphins
- Don Cornelius
- Don Rickles
- Donald Clover
@@ -1423,56 +359,95 @@ params:
- Dr. DeMento. radio
- Dr. KNow
- Dr. Octagon
+ - Dr.Seuss
+ - Drunk
- Dublin
+ - Dukowski
+ - Dump
- Dylan to me
- Earl Liberty
+ - Earth
+ - Earthquake
- Earthsave
+ - Eastern Philosophy
- Economic Demand
- Ecstasy
- Ed Templeton
- Edvard Munch
- Edward Snowden
+ - Einstein
- El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz
+ - Elon Musk
- Emil Cioran
- Emma Gonzalez NO GUNS
+ - Entertainment
+ - Environment
- Epicurus
+ - Era
- Eric Dressen
- Eric Matthies
- Eric Pritchard
+ - Ethical
- Eugenics
- Evens
- Extra strength posse
+ - Ezio
+ - FBI
+ - Facebook
- Fake News
- Fall
+ - Family
+ - Fanzine
+ - Fat Boys
+ - Fela
+ - Fela Kuti
+ - Feminism
+ - Financial Crisis
- Flash
- Flavor
- Foreclosure
- Fred Rogers
- Freddie Gray
- Freelancers Union
+ - Freud
+ - Friends
+ - Fuck
- Fuck Trump
+ - Fuck You All
+ - Fugazi
+ - Funk
- Funky Drummer
- Funky Four Plus One
- G-20
- G.E.F.
+ - GEF
+ - GLAM
+ - GMF
+ - GMO
- GOAT Def Jam
+ - GZA
- Games
- Gary Harris
- Gary Harris RIP
@@ -1482,7 +457,12 @@ params:
- George Barris
- Geraldo Rivera
- Ginsberg
+ - Glenn Danzig
+ - Glenn Greenwald
- Global Protest Movements
+ - Global Warming
+ - Go-Go
+ - Graffiti
- Grandmaster Caz
- Green New Deal
- Green Party
@@ -1491,12 +471,19 @@ params:
- Greyson fletcher
- Guantanamo School Of Medicine
- Gucci Time
+ - Guitar Hero
+ - Gun Control
- Gustave Flaubert
+ - Guy Debord
- Guy Mariano
+ - Guy Picciotto
+ - H
+ - H.R.
+ - HR
- Ha Ha
- Haitian Earthquake
@@ -1504,12 +491,16 @@ params:
- Hardcore chronicles
- Harley Flanagan
- Harry Allen
+ - Heavy Metal
- Hells Angels
- Henry
- Henry Chalfant
- Henry David Thoreau
+ - Henry Rollins
- Herman hesse
+ - Hero
- High Five
+ - Hoax
- Holocaust
- Hopsin
- Horace Panter
@@ -1519,18 +510,27 @@ params:
- Hurricane
- Hüsker Dü
- I can't breathe
+ - IG
- IK
- Ian F Svenonius
- Ian F Svenonius - punk
+ - Ian MacKaye
+ - Ian Svenonius
+ - Ice cube
+ - Ice-T
+ - Iceland
- Impala
- In on the kill taker
- Indonesia
+ - Intelligence
- International Womans day
+ - Interview
- Interviews
- Inti Carboni
- Iraq war
+ - Ireland
- Irish pop punk
- Isaac Hayes
- It's Like That
@@ -1542,10 +542,14 @@ params:
- Jaffee
- Jakarta
- Jam
+ - Jam Master jay
- James Corden
- James Joyce
- Janette beckman
+ - Janis Joplin
+ - Japan
- Jason Mizell
+ - Jay Adams
- Jay Boy
- Jay Smith
- Jay Z
@@ -1553,104 +557,152 @@ params:
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Jeb Corliss
- Jeff Grosso
+ - Jeff Ho
- Jeff Nelson
- Jeffrey Wright
+ - Jello Biafra
- Jeremy Scahill
+ - Jerry Casale
- Jim Carrey
+ - Jim Muir
- Jimmy Plumer
- Joe Corré
- Joe Kennedy 3rd
+ - Joe Lally
- Joey Ramone
- Joey Shithead
- John Locke
+ - John Robbins
- John Ruskin
- John Sinclair
+ - John kricfuluci
- Johnny Cash
- Johnny Ive
+ - Johnny Rotten
+ - Jonathan Toubin
+ - Jonathan Toubin DJ
- Jony Ive
- Josh Harrison
- Juice Magazine
- Just Jay
+ - Juxtapoz
+ - KRS-1
+ - KRS-One
- Kafka
- Kareem Abdul Jabbar
- Kate Schellenbach
+ - Keep your eyes open
- Keith Albertan
- Keith Levine
- Kennedy center
+ - Kent senatore
- Kenter Canyon School
- Kerry king
- Keynes
- Kid Rock
- Kim Cespedes
- King James Cassimus
+ - King Tee
+ - Kool Herc
- Kool Keith
- Krush Groove
- L Train
- L.A. PUNK. Punk Rock
+ - LA
+ - LIFE magazine
- LL COOL Jm Public Enemy
+ - LL Cool J
- LL CoolJ
+ - LP
- LP. art
+ - LSD
- La ZAD
- Labron James
- Lagos
+ - Lance
- Langston Hughes
- Lao Tzu
- Larry David
- Larry King
- Late late Show
- Le Tigre
+ - Led Zeppelin
+ - Legal
+ - Legend
+ - Leonardo da Vinci
- Lester Rodney
- Liam Morgan
+ - Liars
- Libertarianism
- Licensed to Ill
+ - Live
- Live and direct
+ - London
- Lorax
- Love train
- Luck
- Lydon
- Lyndal Golding
- Lyre Bird
+ - MAD magazine
- MC Lyte
+ - MC5
- MC5. Video
- MC6
- MCA Day
+ - MLB
+ - MLK
+ - MTV
- MY RULES. London
- Machiavelli
- Mackaye
+ - Madonna
- Magazine cover
+ - Make Up
+ - Make-up
- Malcolm McClaren
- Malcolm Young
- Manufacturing Consent
- Marina skatepark
- Marine Mammals
- Mario Cuomo
+ - Mark Gonzales
+ - Mark Mothersbaugh
+ - Mars
- Martial Arts
+ - Martin Scorsese
- Marty Grimes
- Marvel Comics
- Maryland
- Matt Taibbi
+ - Max Weber
- Maya Angelou
+ - Medicare
- Meme
- Messthetics
- Messthetics's
- Metal
- Method Man
+ - Metzger
- Michael Bennet
+ - Michael Moore
- Michael More
- Michael Rapport
- Micke Alba
@@ -1659,8 +711,11 @@ params:
- Mike D. Adam Horovitz
- Mike McGill
- Mike Muir
+ - Mike Tyson
- Millennial
+ - Milo
- Milo Aukerman
+ - Minor Threat
- Minute Men
- Mixing
- Moby
@@ -1671,8 +726,10 @@ params:
- Mr. Motherbaugh
- Mr. Rogers
- Mug Shots
+ - Music
- My war
+ - NASA
- NBA. Pro Sports
@@ -1680,35 +737,62 @@ params:
- NO SKateboarding
+ - NOU
+ - NPR
+ - NRA
+ - NSA
+ - NWA
+ - NYC
- NYC subway performer
- NYtimes
- Nadya Tolokonnikova
- Nancy Barile
+ - Nate Dogg
+ - Native American
+ - Nazism
+ - Neil Blender
- Neil deGrasse Tyson
- Netherlands
+ - New York
+ - New York City
+ - New York Night Train
- New York Times
- New York new York
+ - New Yorker
+ - News
+ - Nietzsche
- Nina Mariah
- No Airport
+ - Noam Chomsky
- Norma-Jean Wofford
- Nugent
- O'Jays
+ - OG
+ - OWS
+ - Ocean
- Old city
- Oldschool
- Origins
- Orwell
+ - P.O.S.
- P2P
+ - PC
- PE
+ - PIL
+ - PMA
@@ -1718,29 +802,48 @@ params:
- Paul Haven
- Paul Schrader
- Paul's Boutique
+ - Peggy Oki
+ - Pepsi
- Peralta
- Peru
+ - Pete Shelly
- Philharmonic
+ - Photography
- Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
+ - Pier 62
- Pilgrim
+ - Pittsburgh
- Plastic
+ - Plato
- Pledge of Allegiance
+ - Podcast
+ - Poland
+ - Police Brutality
- Police building
+ - Politics
- Portlandia
- Positive Mental Attitude
- Predictions
- Press and Media
+ - Print
- Promise school
- Psychiatry
- Psychotherapy
+ - Public Enemy
- Public Image Ltd.
+ - Punk
+ - Pussy riot
+ - Q&A
- Queen Elizabeth
- Quincy Jones
- R&B
+ - R.I.P.
+ - RIP
@@ -1749,18 +852,25 @@ params:
- Racist
- Raising Hell
+ - Rakim
- Rally
+ - Ralph Nader
- Rammellzee
- Ramomes
- Rand
+ - Rare Photos
- Ravi Shankar
+ - Raymond Pettibon
- Raymond Scott
- Redondo beach
- Reich
+ - Renaissance
- Republicangovernment
- Revere
+ - Revolution
- Rhyme Syndicate
- Richard hell
+ - Rick Rubin
- Rick and Morty
- Ricky Powell
- Ride
@@ -1770,27 +880,35 @@ params:
- Robert De Niro
- Robert Redford
- Rockers
+ - Rodney Mullen
- Roger Moore
+ - Rollins
+ - Roma
- Romanticism
- Ron Reyes
- Roxanne Roxanne
- Roxanne Shanté
- Ru Paul
- Run The Jewels
+ - Run-DMC
- RunDmc
- Russ Howell
- S.S. Decontrol
- S.S.DeControl
- SF
+ - SNL
+ - SS Decontrol
+ - SST
- Saccharine Trust
- Sacha Baron Cohen
@@ -1802,34 +920,59 @@ params:
- San Pedro
- Sandy
- Sartre
+ - Saturday Night
- Saturn
- Saul Bass
+ - School Life Monday
+ - Schooly D.
+ - Science
- Scott Truax
+ - Sea Shepherd
- Segregation
- Senator
+ - Seth Meyers
- Sex Stains
+ - Shepard Fairey
- Simon Sinek
+ - Simpsons
- Sinatra
- Sinead O'Connor
+ - Single Payer
- Siouxsie
+ - Situationist International
- SkateBoard
+ - SkateBoarder
- Skateistan
+ - Skateparks
+ - Skatistan
+ - Slavery
- Sly Stone
+ - Sly and the family stone
- Snakes
+ - Snoop
+ - Snoop Dogg
- Snoop Doggy Dogg
- Snowden
- Socrates
+ - Softball
- Solidarity
- Sonics
+ - Soul Proprietor
+ - Soul Train
+ - Space
+ - Space exploration
- SpaceX
- Spock
- Stecyk
+ - Stephen hawking
- Steve Cutts
- Steve Soto
- Stimulators
- Stoics
- Strength
+ - Suicidal Tendencies
- Sun Ra
+ - Sundance
- Sunday
- Super Fly
- Super-X
@@ -1838,36 +981,49 @@ params:
- Susannah Mushatt Jones
- T-Shirt. Jay Adams
- T.S.O.L
+ - TED
- TOnyAlva
+ - TRAP
+ - TV
- TV Special
- TV. Documentary
- Taibbi
+ - Talk
- Taoism
- Tea Party Revenge Porn
- Ted Nugent
- Televangelists
- Ten years
- Terry Hall
+ - Tesla
+ - Thanksgiving
+ - The Allegory of the Cave
- The Brouhaha
- The Creator
- The Creep
+ - The Daily Show
+ - The Intercept
- The Messthetics
- The Superman
+ - The story of stuff
- They Live
- Thrasher magazine
- Tiananmen Square
- Tibet
- Tim Kerr
- Tiny Desk
+ - Together Forever
- Tolstoy
- Tom Jones
- Tom Sims
- Tommy Ryan
- Tragedy
+ - Travel
- Trespassing
- Triumph
- Turning Point ramp
@@ -1876,11 +1032,17 @@ params:
- UFO's
+ - UK
+ - UN
- US Army
+ - USSR
+ - UTFO
- Ultramagnetic. MC
- Unconscious
+ - Union
+ - Universal Health Care
- Universal healthcare
- Uno
@@ -1894,6 +1056,7 @@ params:
- Venice beach
- Vermeer
- Vicki Vickers
+ - Video
- Video Home Recorder
- Vietnam
- Virgin America
@@ -1902,17 +1065,24 @@ params:
- Vivian Maier
- Vivienne Westwood
- Voltaire
- WTF?
- WWW. views
+ - Wake up
+ - Wall Street
- Wall Street Journal
- Wally Inouye
+ - War
+ - Wayne Kramer
- Wendy bearer
- Wentzle Ruml IV
- Wes Humpston
+ - Western Philosophy
- Westwood
+ - Whales
- Whip
- White Nationalism
- Whitney Cummings
@@ -1920,59 +1090,105 @@ params:
- Whole Foods
- Wide world of sports
- Will Ferrell
+ - Woody Allen
+ - Work + Capitalism
+ - Wu tang clan
- Wyatt Cenac
- Wyoming
+ - X
+ - X-Clan
- X-Men
- Yamakasi
+ - YouTube
- Z-3 MC's
+ - Z-Boys
+ - Z-Flex
+ - a tribe called quest
- aaron swartz
- abolishing nuclear weapons
- abolishing nuclear weapons . film
- abuse
+ - abuse of power
- accident
+ - acting
- action adventure
- action now magazine
+ - activism
+ - activist
+ - adam yauch
- adbusters
- addiction
+ - adjusters
- adults
+ - advertising
+ - advice
- aerial photography
+ - aesthetics
- african
+ - african american
- african americans
- afrocentric
+ - age
+ - aging
+ - agribusiness
- agriculture
+ - air
+ - air pollution
- airwaves
- al Jaffee
- al jazeera
- al oliver
- album
+ - album art
+ - album cover
+ - alcohol
- alfred E. newman
+ - aliens
- all ways fodder for the con
- alt-right
- alt. right
- amazon.com
- ambassadors
+ - america
+ - american
+ - american bandstand
- american culture
- american diet
+ - american history
- amerikka
+ - amerikkka
+ - amnesty international
- amy farina
- anarchism
- anarchist
+ - anarchy
- anatomy
- ancient societies
- and magazine
- andy kessler
- andy warhol
+ - angela davis
+ - angelicas kitchen
+ - animal agriculture
- animal farm
+ - animal liberation
+ - animal rights
+ - animals
+ - animation
- animations
- another world is possible
- antarctica
- anthem
+ - anthropology
+ - anti-fascist
- anti-imperialist
- anti-semitism
- anti-violence
+ - anti-war
- anti-war. no nukes
- antibiotics
- antropologie
@@ -1984,34 +1200,59 @@ params:
- arrow
- art direction
- arts
+ - asia
+ - asshole
+ - assholes
+ - astronomy
+ - atheism
+ - atheist
+ - athiest
- athlete
+ - athletes
- atifa
- atmosphere
- attempted robbery
+ - attitude
- audio
+ - austerity
- austraila
+ - australia
- authoritarianism
- authority
- autobiography
- autobiography punk
+ - automation
- automobile fatalities
+ - automobiles
- awards
+ - away
+ - away memes
+ - away tunes
+ - away. meme
- awe
- awesome
+ - b-boy
+ - b-boying
- baby
- baby paul cullen
- back story
- backstage
- backyard
+ - backyard ramp
- bacteria
+ - bad ass
- bad food
+ - badass
+ - badge
- bail out
- balance
- banking
+ - banks
- banter
- bart simpson
- base junping
- baseball Major League baseball
+ - basketball
- basketball. sportsmanship
- baskin robbins
- bass
@@ -2019,11 +1260,21 @@ params:
- bbd
- beach culture
- beastie boys book
+ - beat box
+ - beats
+ - beauty
- beetles
+ - behavior
- being nice.
+ - beliefs
- believe her
- bernie
+ - bernie sanders
- biases
+ - bible
+ - bicycle
+ - bicycles
+ - big boys
- big brother
- big brother politics. laws
- big cities
@@ -2033,78 +1284,113 @@ params:
- bikinis
- bill
- bill Murray
+ - bill moyers
- bill stevenson
- bill withers
- billy yeron
- biography
+ - birds
- birth
+ - birthday
- birthday post
- black bloc
+ - black culture
- black friday
- black history month
+ - black lives matter
+ - black nationalism
- blaxploitation
- blindness
- blog
- blondie
+ - blues
- bo diddley
+ - boards
- bob avakian
- bob burnquist
- bob hoskins
- body
- body count
- boice
+ - boing boing
- boingboing
- bomb squad
- bombing Hills
+ - bones brigade
- book making
+ - book signing
+ - book stores
- bookstore
- bootlegs
+ - border
- botany
- bots
- boxing
- boy
- boy in the bubble
- boycots
+ - brain
- brains
+ - bratmobile
- brave new films
- brazil
+ - break dancing
- breaking
+ - brooklyn
- brotherhood
- buckminster fuller
- buddha
- bugging
- bugs
- bugs bunny
+ - bullshit
- bummer
+ - burger
- burger king
- burial
+ - burning flags press
- bush
+ - buzzcocks
- c-span
+ - c. r. stecyk
- c.r. stecyk lll
- cable
- cadillac wheels
+ - california
- cambodia
+ - camera
- camera phones
+ - campaign
- camus
+ - cancer
- canyon jump
+ - capitalism
- capitalism advertising
- captivity
- car crash
+ - car culture
- card
- card against humanity
- cards
- career
+ - carl dix
- carl reiner
- carl sagan
- carlsbad california
- carnival
+ - carnivore
- carol kaye
- carpenter trade
- carrots
+ - cars
- cartoon soundtraks
+ - cartoons
- caterpillar
- celebrity
+ - cell phones
+ - censorship
- center
+ - charity
- charles Dickens
- charles manson
- charlie brown
@@ -2113,28 +1399,51 @@ params:
- cheap skates
- check your head
- chemicals
+ - cherry hill
- chicago
- child
+ - child abuse
- child labor
+ - childhood
- childhood idols
+ - children
- children music
- children story
- chillaxing
+ - china
+ - chomsky
- christian
- christian hose
+ - christmas
+ - chuck dukowski
- cigarettes
- cinema
+ - cinematography
+ - circle jerks
+ - cities
- citizens united
- city government
- city living
+ - civil disobedience
+ - civil liberties
+ - civil rights
+ - civilization
- class
+ - classic
+ - classic battle rap
+ - classic music
- classic rock
+ - classic vinyl
- classsic
- clemente
+ - climate
+ - climate change
- climbing
- close talker
- closing
+ - clothing
- cloud appreciation society
+ - clouds
- clouds. recognize
- cloudspotting
- cnn
@@ -2144,50 +1453,98 @@ params:
- coincidence
- cointelpro
- coke
+ - cold
+ - cold war
- coldwar
- colin m day
+ - collaboration
- collectables
- collecting
- college
+ - color
- color. paint
- columbia house
- column
- combo
+ - comedy
+ - comic books
+ - comics
- coming of age
+ - coming out
- commencement
- comment
+ - commentary
+ - comments
+ - commercial
+ - commercials
+ - communication
- communications
+ - communism
- communist
+ - community
- companions
+ - compassion
- computer
+ - computers
+ - con
- coney island
+ - confederate flag
- confidence
+ - congress
- conman
+ - consciousness
+ - conservative
+ - conservatives
+ - conspiracy
+ - conspiracy theories
+ - constitution
- consumer society
+ - consumerism
- consumers
- contest
- cookbook
- cookie
+ - cool
+ - cool stuff
+ - copyright
+ - cornel west
- corner air
- corny
- coronavirus
+ - corporate greed
+ - corporations
+ - corporatocracy
- correspondents' dinner
+ - corruption
- cover song
- cow puss
- cows
+ - cows milk
- cowspiracy
+ - craft
- craig stecyk
- crass commercialism
+ - crazy legs
- crazy shit
- crd-mags
+ - creationism
+ - creative
- creative commons
+ - creatives
+ - creativity
+ - criminals
- cris dawson
- criterion collection
- criticism
- crosswalks
- crowds
+ - cruelty
- cruelty free
+ - cuba
- cults
+ - culture
+ - curiosity
+ - currency
- current listening
- current skating
- curse words
@@ -2197,18 +1554,26 @@ params:
- daggers
- dalai lama
- damned
+ - dance
- dance hall
- dancing
- danger
+ - dangerous Minds
+ - darby crash
- dare devils.
+ - daredevils
- dave markey
- david bowie
- david letterman
- dayglo
- dead
+ - dead kennedys
- dead prez
+ - dean Delray
- death by car
+ - death metal
- death.mortality
+ - debate
- debt
- decent
- decision making
@@ -2216,27 +1581,41 @@ params:
- def jam. beastie boys
- defensive
- deficit
+ - demo
- demo tape
+ - democrats
- demonstrations
+ - depression
- descendants
- desegregated
- desperate
- dessert
+ - detroit
- development
+ - devil
+ - dez cadena
- diapers
- dick cavett
+ - dick clark
+ - diet
- diet for a new america
- digital life
+ - digital technology
- dignity
- diplomacy
+ - disaster
- disaster Control
- discharge
+ - dischord
- dischord house
+ - dischord records
- discipline
- disco
+ - discussion
- discussion. talk
- disease
- dishonesty
+ - disney
- dissent
- distractions
- distress
@@ -2244,25 +1623,36 @@ params:
- distrust
- divorce
- do it yourself
+ - documentary
- documentary photographs
- documenting
- documents
- dog
+ - dog town
- dog town the legend of the z-boys
+ - dogtown & Z-Boys
- dominos
- don't sit back
- don'ts
+ - donald trump
- doodle
+ - dope
- doug E. Fresh
- downhill
+ - downloading
- doze
- dr. seuss
- drama
- drawing
+ - dreams
- drill sergeant
- drinking
- driverless
+ - driving
+ - drones
- drought
+ - drugs
+ - duane peters
- dumb people
- dumbass
- dumbing down
@@ -2271,136 +1661,230 @@ params:
- e-z listening
- east village
- echo
+ - ecology
- economic inequality
+ - economics
+ - economy
+ - eddie elguera
- editor
- editorial
+ - education
+ - educational
- educational film. film
+ - egypt
+ - election
+ - election 2016
+ - elections
- electoral college
+ - electric car
- electric cars
- electricty
+ - elizabeth warren
- ellen oneil
+ - elvis costello
- emancipation
- emma goldman
+ - emo
- emotions
+ - empathy
- empire
- employment
- end of the world
- endangered species
+ - energy
- engineer
- engineering
- environnent
+ - equality
- equity
+ - eric b. and rakim
- eric garner
- essay
- esteem
- etc.
- ethic
+ - ethics
- ethiopia
+ - etiquette
- europe
+ - evel knievel
+ - event
+ - evil
+ - evolution
- exercise
+ - exhibition
- expanded editions
- extinction
- extra extra
+ - extreme
+ - extreme sports
- eye sight
+ - eyes
- face book
+ - factory farming
- factory farms
+ - facts
- faith
+ - fake
- false news
- false self
+ - fame
- fan
- far right
- farm sanctuary
- farming
- farms
+ - fascism
+ - fascist
+ - fashion
+ - fast food
- father
- father and son
+ - faux news
- faux science
+ - fear
- feed
+ - feel the bern
+ - feminist
+ - ferguson
- fertility
- fife dawg
- fifty cent
- fight back
+ - fight ignorance
+ - film
+ - film making
+ - films
- final level
+ - finance
- fios outage
+ - fireworks
- first amendment
+ - first world
- fiscal cliff
+ - flag
- flags
- flat earth
+ - flight
- flip
- flooding
+ - flyers
- flying
- fog
- folk
+ - folk music
+ - food
- foot prints
+ - football
- for the people
- forced marriage
- forgiveness
- fort reno
- fossils
- foundation
+ - fox
+ - fox news
+ - fracking
+ - france
- frank nasworthy
- fraud
- free speech censorship
- freedom
+ - freedom of speech
+ - freedom of the press
+ - freestyle
- friend
- friendship
+ - fuck all conservatives
- fuck dump
- fuck the police
- fuck these shitheads
+ - fuck you heroes
- fucked
- fugazi joe lally
- fukushima
- fulfillment
+ - fun
+ - fundamentalism
- fundamentalists
- funk master wizard wiz
- funkadelic
- funky
+ - funny
+ - future
- future cars
- game
- game show
+ - gangs
+ - gangster
+ - garage
- garbage
- garbage. sugar
- gardens
- gary owens
+ - gay
- gay pride in the city
- gay rights
+ - gaza
- gemany
- gene research
+ - genetically modified
- genetics
+ - genius
- gentrification
- geography
- george carlin
+ - george clinton
- george forman
- george hurley
- george lucas
- george martin
+ - george orwell
+ - germany
+ - germs
- gerrymandering
- gift
- gil scott-heron
- giraffe
+ - girls
- girls first
- glasses
+ - glen E. Friedman
- glen e. friedman book signing event
- glove
- gluttony
- gnarly
- go go music
- go-go's
+ - god
- god save the queen
- god?
+ - godfather
- godzilla
+ - golden era
+ - good
- good use
- goodfellas
- goodwill
+ - google
- google Doodle
+ - gopro
- gordon willis
- gossip
+ - government
- government shutdown
+ - graffiti rock
- gramercy
- grand canyon
+ - grand master flash
+ - graphic
+ - graphic design
+ - graphics
- graphs
- gravity
+ - greed
- greeting cards
+ - greg Ginn
- greg sergeant
- grief
- groceries
@@ -2408,21 +1892,33 @@ params:
- group think
- grown up
- grown ups
+ - guitar
- guitar army
- gun law
+ - gun violence
+ - guns
- guy fawkes
- haa haa
- habitat
- hackers
+ - hall of fame
+ - halloween
+ - hank shocklee
- happiness
- happy birthday
- happy holidays
+ - hard core
- hard rock
- hard times
+ - hardcore
+ - hardcore punk
- harlem globetrotters
- harley
- hate
- hawaii
+ - health
+ - health care
+ - healthcare
- hearing
- heat
- heavens to betsy
@@ -2433,25 +1929,48 @@ params:
- herbivore
- heroes
- high school
+ - highways
- hip
+ - hip hop
- hip hope
+ - hip-hop
+ - hiphop
- hippie culture
+ - history
- hitchhiking
+ - hobby
- hobie
- hobo life
- holLand
+ - holiday
+ - hollis
- hollis queens
+ - hollywood
+ - home
- home purchase
+ - homeless
+ - honda
- hong kong
+ - honor
- hop
+ - hope
+ - hot rods
- housing
- howard stern
- human
- human existence
- human flying
- human genealogy
+ - human interest
+ - human nature
+ - human rights
+ - humanitarian
+ - humanity
+ - humans
+ - humor
- hungary
- hungry
+ - hygiene
- hype
- hypocrisy
- hysteria
@@ -2461,99 +1980,183 @@ params:
- ice
- icon
- icons
+ - idealisim
+ - idealism
+ - idealist
+ - ideas
- ideology
+ - idiot
+ - idiots
+ - iggy
+ - iggy pop
- ignoramus
+ - ignorance
- ignorant
- ikea
+ - ill
- illuminati
- illustration
+ - images
- immigration
- immune system
- impeach
- imperialism
- impossible burger
- improvement
+ - incarceration
- incredible
- independence day
+ - independent
+ - india
- inductees 2019
- industrialized
+ - inebriated
- inequality
- infection
- infographics
+ - information
+ - information commodity
+ - infrastructure
+ - injustice
- inner ear
+ - innovation
- innovator
+ - insane
+ - insanity
+ - insects
+ - inspiration
- inspiring
+ - instagram
- instagram GEF
- instalation
+ - institutionalized
- instrumental
- instruments
+ - integrity
- intellectual
- intellectuals
- intelligent life
+ - interesting
- international
+ - internet
+ - introspection
- investigation
- investigative reporting
+ - investment
- involvement
+ - iran
+ - iraq
- irony
- islam
- islamophobia
- israel
+ - it takes a nation of millions to hold us back
- italia
- italian
+ - italy
- jacked
+ - james bond
+ - james brown
- james cameron
+ - jaywalking
+ - jazz
- jem cohen
- jerry casle
- jerry seinfeld
+ - jesus
- jesus christ
- jim hightower
+ - jimi hendrix
- jingoism
- job
+ - jobs
- john carpenter
+ - john lennon
+ - john lydon
+ - john oliver
- john oliver. Dalai Lama
+ - john stewart
- john waters
- johnny cotton
+ - jon stewart
- joseph simmons
- journalism
- journey
- judgement
- junk food
- junkyard band
+ - justice
- justin timberlake
- k-1000
+ - karl marx
- kate
- kathleen Hanna
- keith Norris
+ - keith morris
+ - kent sherwood
- kent state
+ - kenter
+ - kids
+ - killer mike
- killings
- kindness
- kite surfing
+ - kkk
+ - know your roots
+ - knowledge
+ - kodachrome
- kodak
- kool moe dee
- la weekly
- label
+ - labor
+ - lance Mountain
- landscape
+ - language
- lasers
- last poets
+ - last week tonight
- latin
+ - law
+ - law enforcement
- leader
+ - leadership
- learning
+ - lecture
- left
+ - legendary
+ - lego
- lesbian
- lesson
- lets lynch the landlord
+ - liar
+ - liberal
- liberation
+ - lie
+ - lies
+ - life
- life hack
+ - lifestyle
+ - light
+ - lightening
+ - lightning
- lil nas x
- liner notes
+ - linguistics
- lion
- lion vs wildebeest
- listening
+ - literature
- litter bug
+ - little league
- little steven
+ - live music
+ - liverpool
+ - living
- living space
- local customs
- logo
+ - logos
- long form video
- lonodon MY RULES
- loom
@@ -2561,24 +2164,42 @@ params:
- looting
- lords of dogtown
- lorna doom
+ - los angeles
- loser
- louis C.K.. Hilary
+ - love
- love letters
- love police
- lsayer
+ - luddites
- lunar expeditions
+ - lying
- lyle preslar
+ - lyrics
- machines
- madness
+ - magazine
- magazines
+ - magic
- making a difference
+ - malcolm McLaren
+ - malcolm x
- malcom x
- malfunction
- malibu
- man
+ - manchester
- manipulation
+ - manners
- mark anderson
+ - marriage
+ - martin luther king jr.
+ - martin sprouse
+ - marx
+ - marxism
- mary poppins
+ - mash-up
+ - mash-up remixes
- mashup
- mass transit
- master mix
@@ -2587,12 +2208,21 @@ params:
- maxine waters
- mayor
- mc
+ - mcdonalds
- mean
+ - meaning
+ - meat
+ - media
- medicade
- medical debt
+ - medical science
- medicare for all
+ - medicine
- meditation
+ - memorial
- memorial event
+ - memory
+ - mental health
- mental illness
- merch
- merchandising
@@ -2601,11 +2231,17 @@ params:
- microbanking
- microsoft
- migrants
+ - mike watt
- miles davis
- militarization
+ - military
+ - military industrial complex
+ - milk
- minds
- mini-doc
- minute earth
+ - minutemen
+ - misfits
- misinformation
- missing words
- mission
@@ -2618,80 +2254,127 @@ params:
- modern art
- modern society
- modernbkating
+ - mods
+ - money
- mongolia
- monopoly
+ - monsanto
- monty python
+ - moon
+ - morals
- morons
- mosquitos
- mother jones
- motor city
- motorcycle
- motorhead
+ - movie
+ - movie stars
+ - movies
+ - muhammad ali
- muir
+ - murder
- muscle
+ - museum
- museum of natural history
- museums
+ - music business
- music culture
+ - music video
- music. Eric garner
- musicians
+ - my rules
- myth
- nadya riot
+ - names
- naomi klein
+ - narcissist
+ - nas
- nation
- nation magazine
- nation skate
+ - national geographic
- national parks
+ - nationalism
- native americans
+ - nature
+ - nazi
- nazi fascists
- nazi punks fuck off
+ - nazi trump fuck off
- nazis
- neftali williams
- negro league
- neil young
- nelson mandela
- neoliberal
+ - nerds
+ - net neutrality
- network TV
- new York Public Library
- new alliance
+ - new book
- new fly shit
- new music
- new school
- new shit
+ - new wave
- new works
+ - new year
- new year.
- newly expanded
- newsmen
- newspapers
- next generation
- nice guy
+ - night train
- night vision
- nightlife
- nirvana
- no fellings
+ - no guns
- no snow
- no-no a documentary
+ - noir
- noise
- noise pollution
+ - non-violence
- norway
- nostalgia
- not a communist
- not a socialist
- not punk
- nourishment
+ - novelty
+ - nuclear power
+ - nuclear testing
- nuclear waste
+ - nuclear weapons
- nude
+ - nukes
+ - nutrition
+ - obama
- obamacare
- obit
+ - occupy wall street
- ocean life
- october
+ - "off"
- off meat
- off the grid living
- office
- ohio
+ - oil
- ol' dirty bastard
+ - old people
+ - old school
- old tunes
- oldest person alive
+ - oldschoool
+ - oliver stone
- ollie
+ - olson
+ - olympics
- op ed
- op-doc
- op-ed
@@ -2699,8 +2382,10 @@ params:
- opening day
- opening titles
- opera
+ - opinion
- optimism
- options
+ - organic
- organizing
- orson wells
- oxford
@@ -2712,9 +2397,12 @@ params:
- paper airplane
- paraplegic
- pardon
+ - parenting
- park
- parkour
+ - parks
- parliment
+ - parody
- parody Ice-T
- parties
- party
@@ -2725,12 +2413,18 @@ params:
- patriotism
- paul Mccartney
- pauls boutique
+ - pbs
+ - peace
- peace sign
- peaceful protest
+ - peanuts
- pedestrians
- pedro Reyes
+ - pee wee herman
+ - pee-wee herman
- pentagon
- pentax
+ - people
- people of profits
- perceived democracy
- perception
@@ -2739,58 +2433,103 @@ params:
- personal
- personal grooming
- personality
+ - perspective
+ - peta
- petition
+ - peyote cody
+ - pharma
- phenom
- phife dawg
+ - philanthropy
- philly
+ - philosophy
- phones
+ - photo
+ - photo manipulation
+ - photograph
+ - photographs
- photos
- photozine
+ - physics
- pimpin' ain't easy
+ - pin
- pinball
- pink
- pipeline
+ - piracy
+ - pirates
- piss
- pitch fork
- pitchfork
+ - pittsburgh pirates
+ - pizza
+ - pizzanista
- plan
- plane
+ - planet
- planet earth
+ - planets
+ - plant based
+ - plant based diet
- playlist
+ - plutocracy
+ - poet
+ - poetry
- point loma
- poison
+ - police
+ - police violence
- policy
+ - politcs
- polite
- politeness
+ - political correctness
- political philosophy
- political science
- political science / rule of law / separation of powers
+ - political theory
+ - politicians
- politics.
- politics. chomsky
- poll
+ - pollution
- pool riding
+ - pool skating
- poor
+ - pop
+ - pop culture
- pop life
+ - pop music
- pope
- popular photography
- population
- porn
- portraits
- portraiture
+ - poseur
+ - positive
+ - positive force
- 'positive force: More than a witness'
- post modern art
- poster
- posters
- pov
+ - poverty
+ - powell peralta
+ - power
- power pop
- practical jokes
- practice
- prague
+ - prank
- pranks
- pregnancy
- prejudice
- premiere
+ - president
+ - presidential election
- presidents
+ - press
- press. pinocchio
- prevention
- pride
@@ -2798,89 +2537,155 @@ params:
- printing
- prison
- prison industrial complex
+ - privacy
- privatization
- pro sports
- problems
- producer
- producer.
- producing
+ - production
- professional sports
- progress
+ - progressive
+ - projection
+ - propaganda
- prophets of rage
+ - protest
- provocateur
- psa
- psychoanalysis
+ - psychology
- public
- public enemy. black panthers
- public enemy. dock ellis
+ - public library
- public parks
- public safety
- public service
+ - public spaces
+ - public transportation
- publicity
+ - publishing
+ - puerto rico
+ - punk 1960's
- punk hiphop
- punk pop
+ - punk rock
- pure self
+ - putin
- q-tip
- quarantine
- queen
- quest love
+ - r
+ - race
+ - racism
- radiation
- radical
+ - radicals
+ - radio
- raiders of the lost ark
- rain
+ - rakim allah
- ramellzee
+ - ramones
- ramp
- ramp.
+ - ramps
- random acts of kindness
+ - rant
+ - rap
- rap battle
+ - rape
+ - rare
- re-use
- readers
+ - reading
+ - reagan
- real
- real change
+ - real estate
- real talk
- real time
+ - reality
- reason
+ - rebel
+ - rebel culture
- rebelión
+ - rebellion
- recession
+ - recognize
- record
- record clubs
- record release
- record reviews
+ - recording
+ - recordings
+ - records
+ - recycle
- recycling
- red alert
+ - reggae
- reggie watts
- regulation
- rehab
- reissue
- relationships
- relgion
+ - religion
+ - ren and stimpy
- repost
+ - republikkkan
- republikkkans
- res
+ - reservation
+ - resilience
+ - resistance
+ - respect
+ - responsibility
- restaurants
- retrospective
+ - reunion
- revenge
- revenge. poachers
+ - review
- revolt
- revolutionarie
+ - revolutionary
- rhyme
- rich
- richard belzer
- rick ross
- right brigade
+ - right wing
- rights of spring
- riot
+ - riot grrrl
+ - riots
+ - rise above
- rituals
- roads
+ - robert DeNiro
+ - robert Reich
- roberto
+ - roberto clemente
+ - robots
+ - rock
+ - rock 'n' roll
- rock n roll
+ - rock n' roll
- rock steady crew
+ - rock'N'roll
- rock'n'o;;
- rockNRoll. John Lennon
+ - rockNroll
- rockabilly
- rocking
- rodney dangerfield
+ - roller coaster
- roller skates
+ - rolling jubilee
- rolling stones
- royalty
- rude
@@ -2888,16 +2693,21 @@ params:
- rudolph
- ruins
- rule of law
+ - run dmc
- run_DMC
- running
+ - russell simmons
+ - russia
- russian
- sacrifice
- sad
- sadistic
- sadness
+ - safety
- sale
- sample
+ - sampling
- san diego
- san francisco
- sand
@@ -2908,17 +2718,24 @@ params:
- sassy
- satan
- satellite
+ - satire
- satisfaction
- satre
- saturday morning
- savant
+ - scandal
- scared
- scarface
- scary
+ - school
- school D
+ - school D.
+ - school house rock
+ - school of life
- school of life monday
- school shooting
- schooling
+ - schools
- science. academics
- science. life. creepy
- science. pain
@@ -2927,89 +2744,148 @@ params:
- scum
- search engines
- sec pistols
+ - security
- sedition
+ - seinfeld
+ - self
- self actualization
- self awareness
- self defense
- self expression
+ - selfies
- senior citizen
- senseless violence
+ - separation of church and state
- separation of powers
- serenity
- sesame street
- seven deadly sins
+ - sex
+ - sex pistols
- sexual orientation
- sharks
- shawn kerri
- shell
- shindig
+ - shit
- shit animation
+ - shit head
+ - shithead
+ - shitpreme
- shoes
+ - shogo kubo
+ - shopping
- shopping carts
+ - short film
- short fim
- shovel
- sick
+ - sight
- signs
- silent movie
- silly
- singalong
- siri
- sixties
+ - ska
+ - skate
- skate and destroy
- skate culture
- skate rock
+ - skateBoarder imagine
+ - skateboarder magazine
+ - skateboarding
+ - skateboarding hall of fame
+ - skateboarding history
+ - skateboarding saves
- skating
- skiing
- skills
- sky diving
+ - slalom
+ - slayer
+ - sleep
- sleep. tired of the bullshit
- sleeper
+ - slick rick
- slot car racing
- smarts
+ - smog
+ - smoking
- snake river
- snob
- snobbery
+ - snow
- snow boarding
- snow. powder
+ - snowboarding
- social
+ - social Skills
- social beings
+ - social commentary
- social democrat
+ - social justice
+ - social media
- social network
+ - social security
+ - socialism
+ - society
+ - sociology
- soda
+ - solar power
+ - solar system
- solution
+ - solutions
+ - soul
+ - sound
- sound effects
- soundtrack
+ - south africa
- south bay
- south central
+ - south park
- soylent green
- space travel
- space x
- spaces
- spain
- spanish
+ - speak out
- speak up
- speaking out
+ - special effects
- special effects. mad max
+ - specials
- speech
+ - spiderman
+ - spike lee
+ - spirituality
- spoken word
- sponsor
- sport. law
+ - sports
- spring
- springa
- sprorts
- spying
- squirrels
+ - stacy peralta
- stadiums
- stamps
- stan lee
- stand up
- star trek
+ - star wars
+ - stars
- starvation
- 'state of the union #SOTU #FeelTheBern'
- stedicam
+ - stephen colbert
- stephen egerton
- steve alba
- steve caballero
+ - steve jobs
+ - steve olson
- steven colbert
- steven spielberg
- stevie caballero
@@ -3019,41 +2895,75 @@ params:
- stone roses
- stooges
- storage
+ - stories
+ - storms
- story
+ - straight edge
- streams
+ - street art
- street skating
- streets
+ - strike debt
+ - student loans
- student protests
+ - students
- studio
+ - study
- stunts
- stupid
+ - stupidity
+ - style
+ - subculture
+ - subway
- subway system
- subways
- success
- suckers
- suicidal
- suicide
+ - summer
- summer vacation continues
- sun
- sundance film festival
+ - sunday sermon
- super 8
+ - super heroes
- super rich
- supermarket
+ - superstition
+ - supreme court
+ - surf culture
+ - surfer
- surfers journal
+ - surfing
- surrealism
+ - surveillance
- survival
- survivor
- sustainability
+ - sustainable living
+ - swearing
- sweden
- sweet
- sweets
+ - swimming
- symbol
- symbols
- synth
+ - syria
+ - t-shirt
+ - t-shirts
- taking advantage
+ - target video
- tavis smiley
+ - tax
+ - taxes
- taxi driver
+ - tea party
- teach
+ - tech
+ - techno
+ - technology
- teenage
- teenagers
- telephone
@@ -3061,20 +2971,33 @@ params:
- temperature
- temples
- terrance malik
+ - terrorism
- texting
+ - thanksgiving meme's
+ - the CRAMPS
- the Matrix
- the Monkees
+ - the Simpsons
+ - the Specials
+ - the Spiv
- the Whisky
- the beat
+ - the beatles
- the bomb squad
+ - the clash
- the cloud appreciation society
+ - the damned
- the end is near
+ - the evens
- the exorcist
- the forms
- the fuck you heroes
- the gong
+ - the guardian
+ - the idealist
- the last word
- the meters
+ - the new york times
- the normal
- the president is responsible
- the pudding
@@ -3082,20 +3005,27 @@ params:
- the ritz
- the royals
- the saints
+ - the scream
- the selector
+ - the stooges
- the unspeakable
- the warriors
- therapy
- thief
+ - thieves
- think tanks
- thinkers
+ - this is america
- thought
+ - thrasher
- thrashin' skateboarding embarrassing moments
- three finger ring
- thrill seekers
- thug life
- tie
- tigers
+ - time
+ - time lapse
- times square
- times they are a changin'
- timothy leary
@@ -3104,40 +3034,66 @@ params:
- tipping
- toasting
- tokyo
+ - tom groholski
+ - tony alva
+ - tony hawk
- tool
- top gear
- tornado
+ - tour
- tourism
- toxic
+ - toys
- tracy marrow
- trader joes
- trading cards
+ - traffic
- tragic
- trailer
- train
- trains
+ - transportation
+ - treacherous three
+ - trees
+ - trends
- trent reznor
- tribecca film festival
- tribute
- trickle down
+ - tricks
- triptych
+ - trivia
- trolls
+ - trouble funk
- trumps
+ - truth
- truth and power
- tulsa
+ - tupac Shakur
+ - turkey
- turntables
+ - turntablism
- tv party
+ - twitter
- two party system
+ - two tone
- txes
- type
+ - tyranny
- ultramagnetic MC's
- unauthorized
+ - unions
- united states
+ - united states of america
+ - universe
- university
- unknown
+ - unreleased
- unsigned
- upland
- urban living
+ - us
+ - usa
- usausausa
- utopia
- vacations
@@ -3145,13 +3101,18 @@ params:
- vagina
- valentines day
- value
+ - values
- various
- vatican
+ - vegan
- vegan.organic
+ - vegetarian
+ - vegetation
- vehicle
- vehicles
- velour
- venezuela
+ - venice
- venues
- verizon
- veteran
@@ -3159,28 +3120,45 @@ params:
- vid
- video days
- village Voice
+ - vintage
- vintage film
+ - vinyl
+ - violence
+ - viral
+ - vision
- vison
- visual
+ - visual traveling
- vocabulary
- voice assistant
- volkswagen
+ - vote
+ - voting
- waiting room
- walk of shame
+ - wall
- wallstreet
- walmart
- wannabe
+ - war on drugs
- war propaganda
+ - warfare
- warm
+ - washington DC
- washington square park
+ - waste
- wasteland
+ - water
- waterslide
- watt on bass
- watts
- wave pool
+ - waves
- we eat art
+ - wealth
- weapon
- weapons
+ - weather
- website
- well being
- wellness
@@ -3191,21 +3169,34 @@ params:
- white boy
- white castle
- white nationalists
+ - wi-fi
+ - wikileaks
+ - wild life
+ - wild style
- wildlife
+ - william f. buckley
+ - win
- windows
- winfsuit
- wing suit
- wingsuit
+ - winston Smith
- winter
+ - wisdom
- wise tale
- woman
- woman march
+ - women
- womens
+ - womens rights
+ - wood
- woodstock
- woody guthrie
- word
- words
+ - work
- work + capitalism status
+ - workers
- world
- world championships
- world cup
@@ -3215,40 +3206,58 @@ params:
- world wars
- worldwide
- worry
+ - writing
+ - wrong
+ - wu-tang clan
+ - wugazi
- ww2
- x-head
+ - x-mas
- x-rated
- x. punk. baseball. classics
- xenophobia
+ - xmas
+ - yauch
- yellow submarine
- yesterday & Today
+ - yoko ono
- you are not so smart
- young
- young music
- young people
+ - youth
- youth culture
- youth first
+ - z-boy
+ - zephyr
+ - zephyr team
- ziggy
- zine reports
+ - ©
- ‘Anarchy in the UK’
- https://www.blogger.com/profile/01146744056187558931: true
+ https://idealistpropaganda.blogspot.com/: true
last_post_title: My exhibition is up in Paris July 20th-August 6th
last_post_description: ""
last_post_date: "2023-07-28T09:45:15-04:00"
last_post_link: https://idealistpropaganda.blogspot.com/2023/07/burning-flags-photo-exhibition-in-paris.html
last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
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- last_post_title: 'Understand your work archetype: explorers, villagers, and town
- planners'
- last_post_description: What kind of work is the best fit FOR YOU? A quick assessment
- to help you optimize for a job that you'll actually enjoy.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-31T00:00:00Z"
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+description: Python is an amazing programming language that makes software development
+ productive and fun. Python is open source, was created by a community of thousands
+ of developers world-wide, and is used by
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+ https://pythonology.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Wingware at PyCon 2010
+ last_post_description: Wingware is a silver sponsor for PyCon 2010. If you will
+ be at the conference, please stop by our booth in the expo hall or come to one
+ of our open space events (times will be posted on the open
+ last_post_date: "2010-02-15T13:54:00Z"
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+ https://zpuino.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://zxinterfacez.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 'IoT: Idea for future'
+ last_post_description: In the age of low power, connected devices, one can imagine
+ a world where many IoT sensors (Internet of Things) are basically everywhere,
+ from water tube joints, light bulbs, gas pipes - basically in
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+ - emacs
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+ https://eshelyaron.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Fixing a Twenty Six Years Old Emacs Bug
+ last_post_description: |-
+ They got it backward those days…
+ Created on [2024-02-10], last updated [2024-02-11]
+ A couple of weeks ago, an interesting bug report landed on the Emacs
+ bug tracker:
+ Subject: bug#68762: 30.0
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-10T00:00:00Z"
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+ - emacs
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- Dropbox finally has a native Files app integration. This is good news for iA Writer.
- The post I Want You Back (The Dropbox Remix) appeared first on iA.
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- Contrary to stereotypes, not all tech enthusiasts are the same.
- Join Andrew 'The Business' Canion (https://andrewcanion.com/), tech-creative Jason Burk (https://grepjason.sh) and podcast researcher
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- - Technology
- - Leisure
- - Society & Culture
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- last_post_title: '112: Odd Canion, Even Feld!'
- last_post_description: You have no idea how stuffed this episode recording was—disaster
- around every corner. Huge thanks to Martin for salvaging it all into an actual
- episode! A new One Prime Plus member has entered the
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- last_post_title: Auto exit nodes
- last_post_description: 'New: You can now automatically select a recommended exit
- node based on client information (such as location).'
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- last_post_title: Camera Gear 2024
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- I’m a hobby photographer. It’s something I enjoy. I recently bought myself a new mirrorless camera and figured I’d
- post about the main bits of gear here.
- Camera Bodies
- Canon 7D
- I bought this
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+ last_post_title: Conclusion of the Main Part of the Project
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+ last_post_date: "2015-08-16T06:59:35-07:00"
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+ - 5e
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+ - Alignment
+ - Animals
+ - Apocalypse
+ - Arcana
+ - Arkbound
+ - Artifacts
+ - Ask the Stars
+ - Astral
+ - Auldskunterroy
+ - Automachines
+ - BSU
+ - Bastion
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+ - Blighters
+ - Bonehead
+ - Bricks
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+ - Bureaucracy
+ - Business
+ - Characters
+ - Choice
+ - Choose Your Own Oddventure
+ - Classes
+ - Clerics
+ - Collaboration
+ - Community
+ - Cores
+ - Crab
+ - Crusaders
+ - D&D
+ - Damage
+ - Deep Country
+ - Design
+ - Dice
+ - DieBoneheadDie!
+ - Difficulty
+ - Dinosaur Cleric
+ - Discord
+ - DnD
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+ - Editorial
+ - Electric Bastionland
+ - Encounters
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+ - Facebook
+ - Failed Cities
+ - Fallacies
+ - Far Lands
+ - Far Theories
+ - Fear
+ - Fighter
+ - Fighters
+ - Fighting Fantasy
+ - Five Star Chef
+ - Foreigners
+ - Free Game
+ - GMing
+ - Game Idea
+ - Game Release
+ - Goblinpunch
+ - Goblins
+ - Golden Lands
+ - Google+
+ - Hell-Hole
+ - Hellspace
+ - Hirelings
+ - Horror
+ - Horses
+ - Hotel
+ - Human
+ - ITOR
+ - Inheritance
+ - Instant
+ - Intergalactic Bastionland
+ - Interview
+ - Into the Dungeon
+ - Into the ODnD
+ - Invisible Eyes
+ - Islands
+ - Living Stars
+ - MOTO
+ - Mad Max
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+ - Planes
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+ - Playtest
+ - Primordial
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+ - Random Table
+ - Rant
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+ - Religion
+ - Risus
+ - Rituals
+ - Robot World
+ - Rogue
+ - Rules
+ - Saves
+ - Saving throws
+ - Scarytown
+ - Sci Fi
+ - SciFi
+ - Searchers of the Unknown
+ - Servers
+ - Ships
+ - Skull
+ - Skullados
+ - Space
+ - Spellbook
+ - Spirits
+ - Stone Lake
+ - Street Fighter
+ - Table
+ - Teen Island
+ - The Adventurer's Tale
+ - The Doomed
+ - Thief
+ - Thousand Spears
+ - Treasure
+ - Twitter
+ - Underworld and Overworld
+ - Unknown!
+ - Use This
+ - WIL
+ - Wanderhome
+ - Warfare
+ - Wizard
+ - Wuxia
+ - Xenofringe
+ - Zombies
+ - advancement
+ - aliens
+ - armour
+ - art
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+ - carnival
+ - chainsaws
+ - character advancement
+ - city
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+ - cults
+ - death
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+ - dungeon
+ - dungeon design
+ - dwarfs
+ - elves
+ - enterprise
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+ - example of play
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+ - feedback
+ - fighting machines
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+ - fluff
+ - foreground growth
+ - game design
+ - goals
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+ - greed
+ - guns
+ - hangout
+ - heroquest
+ - into the odd
+ - investigation
+ - kickstarter
+ - lessons learned
+ - lookouts
+ - magic
+ - magic items
+ - mass combat
+ - matrix game
+ - mechanics
+ - media
+ - module
+ - monsters
+ - muppets
+ - news
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+ With the core rules alone, MAC Attack focused entirely on the
+ MAC, not the pilot.
+ Now I'm testing out a few options to make the pilot feel
+ like more of a presence on the field.
+ Compared to Perks
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+ With eleven fabulous speakers and more than 60 participants this day was a great
+ success. \n\n\nErik Meijer opened the day by showing the"
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+ - 'Fi: A memoir'
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- - climate change
- - clouds
- - Da Yang
- - global warming
- - Zoë Schlanger
+ - acceptance
+ - control
+ - let go
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- predictable—factors in our climate models… “They are among the biggest uncertainties
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+ the very edges of existence, I mean. And those universal edges—birth, death—they’re
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+ The New Structure
+ This process added a couple of layers of complexity, so I started with
+ deeper nested headlines.
+ Roughly speaking, level-1 headlines now each correspond to a
+ high-level epic, which
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+ last_post_title: Chees lover in the world
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Cheddar curds are most certainly uncommon. what kind of cheese does chipotle use There are only a
+ modest bunch of created and delighted in as a reference. Although cheddar curds
+ are not accessible
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+ - vmware virtualbox
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+ at Italian Linux Society / ILSManager
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+ Valerio Bozzolan
+ (2a4aecce)
+ at
+ 09 Jul 00:01
+ Table account_rows: add missing foreign keys (and avoid DEFAULT 0)
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- world’s largest publishing network.
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+ — so that your workflow is never interrupted.
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This tiny corner of the internet is a place where I share my everyday thoughts. It also serves as a way for me to practice writing in English.
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+ last_post_title: Is your blog printer-friendly?
+ last_post_description: Learn the importance of print-specific styles for your blog
+ to save paper and ink, and how to easily add them to your site.
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+ last_post_title: Year in Review - 2023
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+ and a markedly different year than the first two. First, I want to say thank you
+ to everyone who has listened, shared, and engaged with
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+ - BIRT
+ - DemoCamp
+ - EMF
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+ - ESE 09
+ - ESE 10
+ - EclipseCon 08
+ - EclipseCon 09
+ - EclipseCon 10
+ - EclipseCon 11
+ - GEF
+ - ITU
+ - JFace
+ - NLS
+ - PDE
+ - RCP
+ - Testing a Plug-in
+ - Tycho
+ - UI Bindings
+ - bugs
+ - building
+ - conferences
+ - dependency injection
+ - documentation
+ - e4
+ - eclipse.dk
+ - extension points
+ - fun
+ - javagruppen
+ - menus
+ - p2
+ - releases
+ - resources
+ - technologies
+ - training
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+ - djangocon
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+ - glassfish
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+ - hg
+ - invokedynamic
+ - jruby
+ - jython
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+ - modjy
+ - mysql
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+ - parser
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+ - pylons
+ - python
+ - release
+ - rietveld
+ - saucelabs
+ - science
+ - selenium
+ - setuptools
+ - sqlalchemy
+ - sun
+ - turbogears
+ - twisted
+ - vim
+ - wsgi
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- 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours being an unprofessional front-end developer, then on my other 8 hours I poke my blog, take photos of my cat & try my best.
- Keen on IndieWeb, CSS, sustainability, plants,
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+ to my tiny digital home.\n\n{{ posts|limit:15 }}\n..."
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
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- uhh, we heard there’s never been a better time. We normally
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and people photography.
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- last_post_title: Pillars on sunny days is a photographic trigger I can rarely resist.
- This was also the case on Guidecca, a less touristic Venice island. No one was
- walking in this part of the city, but who needs
- last_post_description: Pillars on sunny days is a photographic trigger I can rarely
- resist. This was also the case on Guidecca, a less touristic Venice island. No
- one was walking in this part of the city, but who needs
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+ #blackandwhite #nice #france #street #streetphotography #fuji #fujifilm #photography
+ #LensCultureDiscoveries #lensculturestreets #spicollective"
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+ #blackandwhite #nice #france #street #streetphotography #fuji #fujifilm #photography
+ #LensCultureDiscoveries #lensculturestreets #spicollective"
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- to add a bit extra as it doesn't come pre cut to the lengths I need. The woodyard
- sell by the total length ordered - which can lead to a
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+ last_post_description: I signed up for the Modelu Paetron plan last year and pay
+ a small amount each month and in return I receive a zip file of five or six figures
+ on a theme for the month. These files are the .stl files
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- This is my regular digest of links and media I found notable over the last week. Did I miss something? Let me know!
- The 21 best science fiction books of all time – according to New Scientist
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+ This is my regular digest of links and media I found notable over the last week. (A lighter email than usual because I’ve been on holiday on the Oregon coast.)
+ Did I miss something? Let me know!
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- last_post_title: Comment on Is there a tension between creativity and accuracy?
- by Siva
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- I like to phrase it a little more provocatively: it's about smelling the fragrance in one's own BS.
- Humans have probably evolved to not waste cognitive resources. The simplest way to maximize
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- for the week just past. For more background on Lwood, please refer here. Basic
- Stats for the week 6 to 12 March for openstack-dev:'
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+ last_post_title: הלכות איסורי לשון הרע, כלל ב', ג' באדר
+ last_post_description: כל הנ"ל, מדגיש המחבר דיבר על חזרה על סיפור שכבר סופר; והוספה
+ לסיפור דברי גנאי משלך, אפילו מרומזים בשביל הכיף,
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+description: 'On programming and programming languages: because there has got to be
+ a better way.'
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+ - Arctic Slide
+ - Arduino
+ - Banking
+ - C
+ - C++
+ - ClearCase
+ - Dylan
+ - Forth
+ - GHC
+ - GHCi
+ - GTK
+ - GUI
+ - Geek Food
+ - Haskell
+ - Holiday 2007
+ - Io
+ - Joy
+ - Kernel
+ - Linux
+ - Lua
+ - MacPorts
+ - Math
+ - Monads
+ - Music Theory
+ - Newton
+ - Objective-C
+ - Programming
+ - Pthon
+ - Python
+ - Ruby
+ - Scala
+ - Scheme
+ - School of Expression
+ - Snow Leopard
+ - Sudoku
+ - Voodoo
+ - cvs
+ - rcs
+ - svn
+ - wxHaskell
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+ last_post_title: 'Arduino, Day 2: the Most Minimal Scripting Language, or, Reifying
+ Frozen Functions for Fun'
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+ Planet Haskell readers might want to skip this one.
+ Recently I've been thinking about the possibilities offered by embedded interpreters. This is becoming a common design pattern in commercial
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+ - Programming
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+ Laval
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+ - Campus
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+ - Conventions collective
+ - Dossiers
+ - FAQ
+ - Historique
+ - InfoSPPRUL
+ - Information
+ - Liens utiles
+ - Manifestation
+ - Médias
+ - Nouvelles
+ - Négociation
+ - Perfectionnement
+ - Profil de membre
+ - Reconnaissance
+ - Retraite
+ - Services aux membres
+ - Site Web
+ - développement durable
+ - publicité
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+ last_post_title: L’excellence des professionnelles et professionnels de recherche
+ récompensée
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+ last_post_title: 'PHP version stats: July, 2024'
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+ Every six months, I do an update on which PHP versions are used across the community. You can read the previous edition here, I'll also include historic data in this post.
+ Keep in mind note that I'm
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- last_post_title: Should Employees Be Paid? Why People Think It’s Time. “Others
- feel the...
+ last_post_title: The Onion highlights some of the lesser-known Project 2025 plans.
+ “Immigration through...
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- last_post_title: What is turbulence? (And why are helicopters never quiet?)
- last_post_description: Fluid mechanics is very often left out of the undergraduate
- physics curriculum. This is a shame, as it's very interesting and directly relevant
- to many broad topics (atmospheric science, climate,
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+ last_post_title: What is a Wigner crystal?
+ last_post_description: Last week I was at the every-2-years Gordon Research Conference
+ on Correlated Electron Systems at lovely Mt. Holyoke. It was very fun, but one
+ key aspect of the culture of the GRCs is that
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+ last_post_title: Interactive 3D Mars Visualization in Eclipse RCP
+ last_post_description: 'OpenGL support has been available in SWT for several years
+ and has enabled many useful visualization tools, particularly for the sciences
+ (for example: Earth science, chemistry and planetary science)'
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+ Code.
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- - http://scripting.com/rss.xml
- - http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
- categories:
- - Featured
- - Merits Cases
- - Cases in the Pipeline
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Justices add one new case to next term’s docket
- last_post_description: In a list of orders released on Monday morning, the Supreme
- Court added one new case to its argument docket for the 2024-25 term. With roughly
- one month remaining before the justices’ summer recess
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T14:17:03Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/06/justices-add-one-new-case-to-next-terms-docket/
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- - Featured
- - Merits Cases
- - Cases in the Pipeline
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https://mastodon.cloud/@Paolo: true
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last_post_title: Comment on GroceriesGPT by paolovalde
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In reply to
Euan .
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- - Tech
- - events
- - openstack
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- last_post_title: OpenStack PTG Dublin - Rocky
- last_post_description: |-
- I was so excited when it was first hinted in Denver that the next
- OpenStack PTG would be in Dublin. In my town! Zero jet lag! Commuting
- from home! Showing people around! Alas, it was not to be.
- last_post_date: "2018-03-09T11:57:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.jpichon.net/blog/2018/03/openstack-ptg-dublin-rocky/
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- - Tech
- - events
- - openstack
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+ - Core Java
+ - GenZGC
+ - Generational ZGC
+ - java
+ - java 21
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+ https://foojay.social/@alexius: true
+ https://jee.gr/: true
+ last_post_title: The Generational Z Garbage Collector (ZGC)
+ last_post_description: The Generational Z Garbage Collector (ZGC) The Generational
+ Z Garbage Collector (GenZGC) in JDK 21 represents a significant evolution in Java’s
+ approach to garbage collection, aiming to enhance
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-17T05:51:37Z"
+ last_post_link: https://jee.gr/the-generational-z-garbage-collector-zgc/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-generational-z-garbage-collector-zgc
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+ - Core Java
+ - GenZGC
+ - Generational ZGC
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+ - java 21
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+ https://lightdarknesspainting.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://on-software-architecture.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://osgithoughts.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://testblogaswebsite.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/13786738766478890804: true
+ last_post_title: Upcoming Courses in Light and Darkness Painting
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2023-12-14T00:31:21-08:00"
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-title: 'Ricardo Signes :sickos:'
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+ - Colibre
+ - Karasa Jaga
+ - Libre
+ - LibreOffice
+ - Windows
+ - elementary
+ - impress
+ - presenter console
+ - presenter screen
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+ https://derizal.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/09604074690410055948: true
+ last_post_title: Make Sifr More Eligible for Professional Use and Still Relevant
+ for Special Needs Users
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
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- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- https://frankmeeuwsen.com/feed.xml
- - Web Future
+ - Breakthroughs
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- last_post_title: The Analog Web
+ last_post_title: Where does SEO come from?
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- On reclaiming the web's lost humanity, and the people still very much trying to do it.
- The post The Analog Web appeared first on The History of the Web.
- last_post_date: "2024-04-16T19:30:10Z"
- last_post_link: https://thehistoryoftheweb.com/the-analog-web/
+ In 2007, one person tried to lay claim to the term SEO. But SEO had been invented by a community. It couldn't be owned.
+ The post Where does SEO come from? appeared first on The History of the Web.
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-19T15:11:06Z"
+ last_post_link: https://thehistoryoftheweb.com/where-does-seo-come-from/
- - Web Future
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+ https://ral-arturo.org/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Wikimedia Toolforge: migrating Kubernetes from PodSecurityPolicy
+ to Kyverno'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Christian
+ David,
+ CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
+ This post was originally published in the Wikimedia Tech blog, authored by Arturo Borrero Gonzalez.
+ Summary: this article shares the experience
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-04T09:00:00Z"
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-title: 'Thunderbird: Free Your Inbox'
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last_post_title: Comment on New UK coin design by philbowell
@ChrisJWilson Ha! See if any are in circulation by then. Are you visiting
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+description: Yet another Wordpress weblog
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+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: 77edf34377ded8bfdbfc9b477cd96626
+ websites:
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+ https://github.com/ximion: true
+ https://mastodon.social/@matk: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on Wayland really breaks things… Just for now? by Way
+ last_post_description: There are some things i like about Wayland but there are
+ some that i feel simply come down to bad design, poor choices and bad government.
+ I feel that the amount of work needed to implement support
+ last_post_date: "2024-03-15T13:12:44Z"
+ last_post_link: https://blog.tenstral.net/2024/01/wayland-really-breaks-things-just-for-now.html/comment-page-1#comment-376261
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+ last_post_description: We first got moved over to a smart meter some years ago.
+ It partially worked great for about a day, then stopped.The whole thing has been
+ a bit of a shambles. It wouldn't take electricity readings,
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- - Supersimetria
- - Higgs
- - Teoria de cordas
- - USP
- - string theory
- - CERN
- - Ciência
- - ESO
- - Bariloche
- - Buracos negros
- - Cometa Ison
- - Constante Cosmológica
- - Mecânica Quântica
- - Neutrinos
- - Radiação Cósmica de Fundo
- - Raios cósmicos
- - Relatividade Geral
- - Supernova
- - Teoria de Campos
- - greve
- - partículas elementares
- - universidade
+ - Bariloche
- Big Bang
- Brasil
+ - Buracos negros
- Bus fare rise
+ - Bóson de Higgs
+ - CERN
- Caderno Mais
- Carl Sagan
+ - Ciência
- Cometa
+ - Cometa Ison
- Cometa McNaught
+ - Constante Cosmológica
- Desigualdade de Bell
+ - ESO
- Eclipse
- Educação
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- Haroche
- Harvard
+ - Higgs
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- Hubble
- Instituto de Física
+ - LHC
- Lei de Hubble
- Lua
+ - Matéria Escura
- McNaught
- McNaught comet
+ - Mecânica Quântica
- Meteoro
- Método Científico
- Naturalidade
+ - Neutrinos
- Newtons law
- Observatório Teide
- Paradoxo EPR
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- Quarks
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- Rússia
- SN 2014J
- Satélite Planck
- Stephan Hawking
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- Swieca School
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+ - Teoria de Campos
+ - Teoria de cordas
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+ - USP
- Universo
- Vídeo
- Wineland
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- spin
- string school
+ - string theory
- strings
- supergravity
+ - universidade
- vídeos
- wimp
- Época
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- and federated social web
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- last_post_description: 'Ich besitze jetzt einen echten Doctor Popular! Thanks a
- lot @docpop ❤️ …und hier noch zwei weitere Versionen:'
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+ last_post_description: Recently, the Linux Mint Blog published [Monthly News – April
+ 2024](https://blog.linuxmint.com/?p=4675), which goes into detail about wanting
+ to fork and maintain older GNOME apps in collaboration
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+ Photographs
+ last_post_description: Claims of technical death are always overrated, but in the
+ hell mell rush and glee for the synthetic cartoon garish sadly robotic “style”
+ of generative AI imagery I for one remain thrilled by the
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- Amerikan Krazy.
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- is a flagship event for Pittsburgh organizers. The Summit creates opportunities
- for attendees to learn, connect, and act on
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+ last_post_title: Evil call to Character.getNumericValue(char)
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In the Eclipse compiler, to detect a valid unicode, we call the method:
+ Character.getNumericValue(char) and we check that the returned value is between 0 and 15 to validate that only character
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+description: www.openaddresses.org is an Open Source web portail for the management
+ of Open worldwide geolocated postal addresses.
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+ last_post_title: OpenAddresses receives an award at AGIT 2010
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+ last_post_date: "2010-07-10T00:29:27-07:00"
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+title: Mati@GSOC
+date: "2024-03-20T06:38:41+01:00"
+description: 'This blog is dedicated to my work on Google Summer of Code projects:
+ the "toString() generation" project from 2008 and more recent "Tree views for Zest".
+ Both projects are done for Eclipse.'
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+ last_post_title: Eclipse Mars - how to switch back to previous Java formatter?
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+ last_post_title: Update on class structure, lattice constructors, plotting
+ last_post_description: Sorry that I haven't posted to this blog for a while. That
+ doesn't mean that nothing happened in the meanwhile—on the contrary, I got quite
+ a lot done in the last weeks of this Summer of Code
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- last_post_description: Back in 2010 the continuous delivery meme was just grabbing
- traction. Today its extremely well established… except in F/LOSS projects. I want
- that to change, so I’m going to try and really bring
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- last_post_title: Mounting an encrypted zfs filesystem
- last_post_description: I got a new SSD and did a fresh Ubuntu 23.04 install. What
- I usually do, is connecting the old disk via USB and copy data over from the old
- disk to the new SSD. But my old disk used … Continue
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+ last_post_title: The Mozilla Monument in San Francisco
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+ For those who don't know, I have provided countless
+ contributions to the Mozilla project. This is to an extent, that I
+ have been added to our credits page (type about:credits into Firefox!)
+ more than
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In early 2020, it became really difficult to read books. I'm slowly starting to
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+ - oo
+ - rdbms
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+ - uml
+ - web
+ - xalan
+ - xerces
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+ - xpath
+ - xquery
+ - xslt
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+ https://mukulgandhi.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: XSLT 3.0 grouping use case
+ last_post_description: I've just been playing this evening, trying to improve XalanJ
+ prototype processor's XSLT 3.0 xsl:for-each-group instruction's implementation.
+ Following is an xsl:for-each-group instruction use case,
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+ - xml
+ - xslt
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+ - Declarative Services
+ - EJB
+ - HTTP Service
+ - JavaEE
+ - JavaSE 8
+ - JavaSE 9
+ - JavaSE8
+ - OSGi Connect
+ - OSGi PaaS
+ - PaaS
+ - PojoSR
+ - Servlet
+ - apache aries
+ - apache felix
+ - aries
+ - as7
+ - benefits of osgi
+ - blueprint
+ - c/c++
+ - cloud
+ - cloud computing
+ - eeg
+ - enterprise osgi
+ - felix
+ - java
+ - javascript
+ - jax
+ - jboss
+ - jboss osgi
+ - jbossas7
+ - jigsaw
+ - modularity
+ - native osgi
+ - openjdk
+ - osgi
+ - osgi community event
+ - osgi devcon
+ - osgi specifications
+ - penrose
+ - remote services
+ - rfc 119
+ - rfc 183
+ - universal osgi
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+ https://laarderhoogt.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://lightdarknesspainting.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://on-software-architecture.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://osgithoughts.blogspot.com/: true
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+ - benefits of osgi
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Hi, this is a comment.
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+title: Dino. Communicating happiness.
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+ last_post_title: Insufficient message sender validation in Dino
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Severity
+ Medium (5.3): AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:L/A:N
+ Affected versions
+ Release version 0.4.0 and 0.4.1
+ Release version 0.3.0 and 0.3.1
+ Release version 0.2.2 and earlier
+ Nightly version 0.4.1
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- last_post_description: My All-Time Favorite Science Discovery June 1, 1984—forty
- years ago today—is when it would be fair to say I made my all-time favorite science
- discovery. Like with basically all significant
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+ last_post_description: 'ProjectAdd support for the latest GIR attributes and GI-Docgen
+ formatting to ValadocMentorLorenz WildbergWeek 3 : default-value attribute for
+ propertyParsing the "default-value" attribute into a'
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+ For burning a hybrid media image to a USB stick
+ dd if=debian-10.1-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb obs=4M status=progress oflag=sync
+ The critical things here:
+ /dev/sdb is wherever your USB stick is
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- media of the year! This post is my favorite way to reflect on the year that…
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+ last_post_title: Backdating my Exercism Repo
+ last_post_description: Though I'd been solving Exercism puzzles for well over a
+ year, I hadn't taken the time to put my solutions in a git repo (publicly…
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- Today is my first day working for Red Hat where I will be joining the
- OpenStack teams. I will be specifically working on Tuskar under the newly
- incubated TripleO project. Tuskar is focused towards
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+ Zjawiska literackie oraz okołoksiążkowe ciekawostki.
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+ - Andrzej Pilipiuk
+ - Anki
+ - Apple
+ - Arthur C. Clarke
+ - Barbara Erskine
+ - Booth Tarkington
+ - Brian Herbert
+ - Diuna
+ - Dolores Cannon
+ - Eckhart Tolle
+ - Frank Herbert
+ - Gentry Lee
+ - Hamilton Peter
+ - Henry David Thoreau
+ - Henry De Vere Stacpoole
+ - IT
+ - Irving Stone
+ - Isaac Asimov
+ - Joseph Murphy
+ - Kerstin Gier
+ - Kevin J. Anderson
+ - Kuki Gallmann
+ - Leander Kahney
+ - Marie Corelli
+ - Maurycy Maeterlinck
+ - Melchior Wańkowicz
+ - Michael A. Cremo
+ - Mingmei Yip
+ - Molium Snippets
+ - Neale Donald Walsch
+ - Neil Gaiman
+ - Pan Samochodzik
+ - Rama
+ - Richard L. Thompson
+ - Richard Stallman
+ - Robert Ludlum
+ - Robert Monroe
+ - Stephen King
+ - Stephen R Donaldson
+ - Steve Wozniak
+ - Tunele
+ - Virginia Woolf
+ - William Wharton
+ - Zbigniew Nienacki
+ - Złote Myśli
+ - biografie
+ - ciekawostki
+ - cykl waldenowski
+ - lektorzy audiobooków
+ - news
+ - podcast
+ - przemyślenia i refleksje
+ - rozwój duchowy
+ - s.f.
+ - tożsamość
+ - wrażenia z lektury
+ - wywiady
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+ https://zrodlokreacji.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Molium #57 - Przeżyć, czy „przeczytać” życie?'
+ last_post_description: 'Dziś – inspirowany cytatami Henry’ego Thoreau oraz Eckharta
+ Tolle – opowiadam o kluczowych: relacji ze sobą samym/samą, oraz uważnym „czytaniu
+ duchowej treści życia”. Czas dla Siebie,'
+ last_post_date: "2020-03-21T19:00:00Z"
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+ Americans? Message to the French? Message to the Turks?
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+ last_post_title: to the Americans 5 - Julien
+ last_post_description: Julien comments to the American people about astronomy, telescopes
+ and the economy. In French, English subtitles.
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- past seven days.
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- last_post_description: Well the important thing is we've still found ways to scold
- each other over dumb shit instead of focusing on the actual problems. Never change.
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Last month, we sent the first issue of the Faculty newsletter since the pandemic. We didn’t know what to expect. Would people remember us? Did they want to hear from us?
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-title: Continuous Rambling
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-description: Writing about developer tools, SaaS, CI/CD, and every problem I encounter.
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- Clint's, and not those of whatever employer he has at the moment. Copyright (c)
- Clint Byrum, 2020
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- Recently I was lucky enough to be invited to attend the Linux Foundation
- Open Source Leadership Summit. The event was stacked with many
- of the people I consider mentors, friends, and definitely
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+ smacznej wirtualnej kawie :)
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+ - Chrome
+ - Inne
+ - OoBE
+ - ciekawostki
+ - komputery
+ - kulinarnie
+ - medytacja
+ - nauka
+ - rozwój duchowy
+ - rozwój osobity
+ - smartfony
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- In reply to Anand .
- Not sure if I posted my previous answer as a reply or not. Just check the
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- - OLPC
- - Curiosidades
- - Game Jam Brasil
- - Build
- - LIA
- - Python
- - Fotos
- - Oficina de Desenho
- - Sugar
- - UFSCar
- Ajuda
- Bug
+ - Build
- CSound
+ - Curiosidades
+ - Dicas
- Dúvidas
+ - Editor Musical
+ - FISL
- Flash Player
+ - Fotos
+ - Game Jam Brasil
- Global Game Jam
+ - LIA
+ - OLPC
+ - Oficina de Desenho
- Oficinas
+ - Projeto Piloto
- Pygame
+ - Python
- SBIE2007
+ - Sugar
+ - UFSCar
+ - X
- comics
- licitação
- mobilis
- pregão
- svg
- https://www.blogger.com/profile/02383077183505946406: true
+ https://olpcdesenvolvedores.blogspot.com/: true
last_post_title: First Global Game Jam
last_post_description: Acontecerá no dia 30 de janeiro de 2009 em São Carlos,
nas dependências do ICMC, a Global Game Jam.A Global Game Jam é uma iniciativa
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+title: Reggae And SKA
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+description: The power of philosophy floats through my head, light like a feather,
+ heavy as lead. - Bob Marley
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+ categories:
+ - 7Nin Matsuri - Summer Reggae Rainbow [Video Clip]
+ - Augustus Pablo - Jah Light
+ - Augustus Pablo - Skanking Easy
+ - Bad Manners - Walking in The Sunshine [Video Clip]
+ - BaroBax - Baba to ki hasti
+ - Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Forever Loving Jah [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - I know a Place [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Is This Love [Live]
+ - Bob Marley - Is This Love [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Jammin' [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Kinky Reggae [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - One Love [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Red Red Wine
+ - Bob Marley - Redemption Song [Live]
+ - Bob Marley - Redemption Song [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Skinhead Reggae - 1970 [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Three Little Birds [Video Clip]
+ - Bombskare - Fistful Of Dynamite
+ - Byron Lee And The DRAGONARiES - Ska Jamaica
+ - CASSIE Me and U reggae remix BOST and BIM
+ - Dance Hall Crashers - Mr. Blue [Live]
+ - Dawn Penn - You Don't Love Me (No
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - Hadirnya Cinta [Live]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - Mimpi [Live]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - Senyuman Ragamu [Video Clip]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - Terpesona [Video Clip]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - The Skinhead Superstar [Live]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - This Is SKA [Video Clip]
+ - Inspector Gadget - SKA Version [Video Clip]
+ - J. Boog
+ - Jah Maoli
+ - Jimmy Cliff - Reggae Night [Video Clip]
+ - Laurel Aitken - Skinhead Boss
+ - Laurel Aitken - Skinhead [Live]
+ - Les Skalopes - Kid Hunt - Chasse à l'enfant
+ - Mr. Symarip
+ - Mr. Vegas - Tek Weh Yuself
+ - Nina Hagen - African Reggae [Video Clip]
+ - No Doubt
+ - No No)
+ - ORE SKA BAND - Knife n Fork
+ - ORE SKA BAND - Wasuremono
+ - Ocho Y Media - MiniClip
+ - Ocho Y Media - SKACHA
+ - Oi Skall Mates - Sadness [Video Clip]
+ - PRiNCE BUSTER - Whine And Grine [LiVE'98]
+ - PUFFY x Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra - Hazumu Rhythm
+ - Peter Tosh - Get Up Stand Up [Live]
+ - Peter Tosh - Johnny B. Goode [Live]
+ - Peter Tosh - Legalize It [Video Clip]
+ - Peter Tosh - Veil Of Isis
+ - Peter Tosh and Bob Marley - TWO TRUE LEGENDS
+ - Phyllis Dillon - Picture On The Wall
+ - Polemic - Do SKA
+ - Polemic - Jah Live
+ - Polemic - Škandál
+ - PureVibracion
+ - Ray Darwin - Peoples Choice
+ - Republic Of Brickfields - Emansipasi [Live]
+ - Republic Of Brickfields - Reggae
+ - Rocksteady The Roots Of Reggae Trailer
+ - SKA - Special..From Jamaica To The UK
+ - SKA-P - Intifada
+ - SKA-P - Welcome To Hell
+ - Shaggy - Street Bullies Medley
+ - Sista Gracy - My Praises
+ - Sista Gracy - Spiritual A Humble
+ - Ska-P - Cannabis
+ - Skudap Skudip - Buktikanlah
+ - Skudap Skudip - Potret
+ - Skudap Skudip - SKA La La
+ - Spawnbreezie
+ - Steel Pulse - No More Weapons [Video Clip]
+ - Symarip - Must Catch A Train [Video Clip]
+ - Symarip - Skinheads Dem A Come
+ - The Aggrolites - Mr. Misery
+ - The Madness - Baggy Trousers [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - I Pronounce You [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - It Must Be Love [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - My Girl [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - One Step Beyond [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - Our House [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - Shame And Scandal [Video Clip]
+ - The Paragons - Tide Is High
+ - The Selecter - Missing Words [Video Clip]
+ - The Selecter - Three Minute Hero [Live]
+ - The Skatalites - Live in Barcelona [March 29:2006]
+ - The Specials - A Message To You Rudy [Live]
+ - The Specials - Gangsters [Video Clip]
+ - The Specials - Ghost Town [Video Clip]
+ - The Specials - Rat Race [Video Clip]
+ - The Specials - Rude Boys Outta Jail [Live]
+ - The Specials - Skinhead Moonstomp [Live]
+ - Tipe-X - Sakit Hati
+ - Tokyo SKA Paradise Orchestra - Skaravan [Live]
+ - Tony Q Rastafara - Republik Sulap
+ - Toots and the Maytals - Sweet and Dandy [Video Clip]
+ - Toots and the Maytals- 54-46 Was My Number-Trojan Reggae [Video Clip]
+ - Tribal Seeds
+ - Wayne Wade - I Love You Too Much
+ - Wayne Wade - Lady (Reggae)
+ - Winston Mc Anuff - Reggae On Broadway [Live]
+ relme:
+ https://reggae-and-ska.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Joe White & Chuck - One Nation
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2019-03-03T10:00:05+08:00"
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+title: ""
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Free Software, Civil Liberties, Copyright, Pirates and other stuff
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+ - english
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+ https://github.com/grote: true
+ https://gitlab.com/grote: true
+ last_post_title: Disable Google Android Instrumentation Test Tracking
+ last_post_description: Google has started to track Android developers that run instrumentation
+ tests sending all sorts of data about you and your device to Google Analytics.
+ The opt-out solution they give is to add these
+ last_post_date: "2019-11-13T17:04:59Z"
+ last_post_link: https://blog.grobox.de/2019/disable-google-android-instrumentation-test-tracking/
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+title: Throne of Salt
+date: "2024-07-07T16:45:01-04:00"
+description: Many Fantastic Things
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+ feedtype: atom
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+ recommender:
+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - '#DIY30'
+ - 1k vampire
+ - 20 questions
+ - 40k
+ - 5e
+ - 60yearsinspace
+ - DCC
+ - DCO with Randos
+ - DIY
+ - DM material
+ - Distant Lands of DIY
+ - Folk
+ - GLOG
+ - GM Exercises
+ - Hainish
+ - Henry Justice Ford
+ - Knave
+ - Lancer
+ - Le Guin
+ - Lighhouse
+ - Mother Stole Fire
+ - Mother Stole the Backgrounds
+ - OSR
+ - Orions Arm
+ - Pen & Tam
+ - QHW
+ - RPGaDAY2017
+ - SCP
+ - SSSS
+ - Salties
+ - Stars Without Number
+ - Tomb of Annihilation
+ - UVG
+ - WEG
+ - WoTC material
+ - abandoned project
+ - actually getting things played
+ - adventure
+ - aliens
+ - animals
+ - anime
+ - atumaic mysteries
+ - avatar
+ - backgrounds
+ - bad ideas
+ - banner saga
+ - barbarian prince
+ - bestiary
+ - biblical
+ - blood in the chocolate
+ - bookpost
+ - books
+ - call of cthulhu
+ - challenge
+ - characters
+ - chase the black rabbit
+ - class
+ - clerics
+ - conlang
+ - conlang notebook
+ - conversion
+ - cosmology
+ - critique
+ - crusader kings
+ - cyberpunk
+ - d&d
+ - dan's fanfiction hour
+ - danscape
+ - dawn of worlds
+ - deep carbon observatory
+ - deep time
+ - degenesis
+ - delta eclipse
+ - delta green
+ - design corner
+ - dog
+ - download
+ - dungeon
+ - dungeon bitches
+ - dungeon hobo
+ - eclipse phase
+ - ecstatic visions
+ - eerievember
+ - esoteric enterprises
+ - essay
+ - fear and hunger
+ - fiction
+ - filler
+ - food
+ - foppery and whim
+ - fwea
+ - games I made
+ - games in my folders
+ - goblinwatch
+ - gods
+ - great discape
+ - great screaming hell
+ - grimdark future
+ - guest post
+ - gvfl
+ - hack
+ - hellcrawl
+ - hexmap
+ - holiday
+ - holy shit it's finally done.
+ - horror
+ - hot springs island
+ - hubris
+ - humble art
+ - index
+ - ironsworn
+ - items
+ - jackalope
+ - justice bundle
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+ Carlos Eduardo's blog...
+ Build it now to enjoy it later.
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- the general availability of OpenStack 2023.2 Bobcat on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy
- Jellyfish). For more details on the release, please see
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+title: Elisa gayle As a Wife.
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Elisa gayle as a wife is so good.
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+ This article will depict every one of the three primary
+ methodologies and examine their relative benefits by posting their advantages
+ and disadvantages. I also desire to subdue any misguided judgment
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+ - Know about elisa .
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- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
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+ - تكنوضاد
+ - جريدة الاتحاد الاشتراكي
+ - د.محمد فتحي عبد العال
+ - دينا الهواري
+ - سيندي (Sendy)
+ - صونيا أسمهان حليمي
- صيدُ الشابكة
- - Jakob Greenfeld
- - James Cussen
- - Play Permissionless
- - The Living Philosophy
- - مهدي حسين
- - موقع SciDev.Net
- - مؤسسة “كنوز يوغرطا ” للنشر
- - نشرة Play Permissionless
- - نشرة The Living Philosophy
- - نشرة الخوارزمية لتحديثات الذكاء الاصطناعي
- - هارون حمادو
- - أحمد سمير عبد الحميد
- - بنزين سكينة
- - بروين حبيب
- - جوردان بيترسون
- - جوردان بِ. بيترسون
- - د. عبدالله المدني
- - د.أحمد الخميسى
- - عماد الدين حسين
+ - 'عالِم: مجلَّة الإيسيسكو للُّغة العربيَّة'
+ - عبد اللطيف أبي القاسم
+ - عبد المجيد سباطة
+ - فاطمة المزروعي
+ - فراس دالاتي
+ - مازن صاحب
+ - مجلة الإيسيسكو العلمية المحكمة للغة العربية (عالم)
+ - مدونة سالمة عيد
+ - مدونة ممدوح نجم
+ - مدوّنة سهام سلطان
+ - مركز اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها
+ - منظمة العالم الإسلامي للتربية والعلوم والثقافة (إيسيسكو)
+ - موقع درج
+ - نشرة Next Wave
+ - "نشرة طاقة نور⚡\U0001F305 البريدية"
relme: {}
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+ - Ali Kassim
+ - B2C e-commerce
+ - Copia
+ - Kenn Abuya
+ - Next Wave
+ - Sendy
+ - agritech
+ - e-logistics
+ - iProcure
+ - آي بروكيور (iProcure)
+ - آي بريكيور (iProcure)
+ - الإيسيسكو
+ - تكنوضاد
+ - جريدة الاتحاد الاشتراكي
+ - د.محمد فتحي عبد العال
+ - دينا الهواري
+ - سيندي (Sendy)
+ - صونيا أسمهان حليمي
- صيدُ الشابكة
- - Jakob Greenfeld
- - James Cussen
- - Play Permissionless
- - The Living Philosophy
- - مهدي حسين
- - موقع SciDev.Net
- - مؤسسة “كنوز يوغرطا ” للنشر
- - نشرة Play Permissionless
- - نشرة The Living Philosophy
- - نشرة الخوارزمية لتحديثات الذكاء الاصطناعي
- - هارون حمادو
- - أحمد سمير عبد الحميد
- - بنزين سكينة
- - بروين حبيب
- - جوردان بيترسون
- - جوردان بِ. بيترسون
- - د. عبدالله المدني
- - د.أحمد الخميسى
- - عماد الدين حسين
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+ - 'عالِم: مجلَّة الإيسيسكو للُّغة العربيَّة'
+ - عبد اللطيف أبي القاسم
+ - عبد المجيد سباطة
+ - فاطمة المزروعي
+ - فراس دالاتي
+ - مازن صاحب
+ - مجلة الإيسيسكو العلمية المحكمة للغة العربية (عالم)
+ - مدونة سالمة عيد
+ - مدونة ممدوح نجم
+ - مدوّنة سهام سلطان
+ - مركز اللغة العربية للناطقين بغيرها
+ - منظمة العالم الإسلامي للتربية والعلوم والثقافة (إيسيسكو)
+ - موقع درج
+ - نشرة Next Wave
+ - "نشرة طاقة نور⚡\U0001F305 البريدية"
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title: Meadow
-date: "2024-06-04T11:56:46Z"
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description: "Hi \U0001F343 Thanks for coming to my blog! My main goal here is to
discover how I can be more authentic to myself through explorations in writing.
I also write becau..."
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- astronomical, often cosmological, usually quite grumpy.
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- - Academia
- - Gyroscope
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+ last_post_title: Sending the initial workout configuration through HealthKit
+ last_post_description: '`HKWorkoutSession` will throw ''Remote session delegate
+ is not set up'' errors at you when sending data too soon. So how do we share data
+ before starting the actual workout?'
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+ ecosystems built around them.
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+ - maemo nokia
+ - maemo.org
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+ - n810
+ - n900
+ - nokia
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+ - sdk
+ - symbian
+ - trolltech
+ - ui
+ - ux
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- zogeheten ‘Open Data Maturity assessment’, waarbij Europese landen worden
- beoordeeld op verschillende indicatoren met betrekking
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+ - Vacatures
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+ last_post_title: Office manager gezocht!
+ last_post_description: The Green Land zoekt een office manager. Iemand die chaos
+ om kan zetten in waarde. Structuur kan bieden waar nodig. Die gewend is om met
+ eigenwijze, creatieve en activistische collega’s te werken.
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+ - marvel
+ - poll
+ - starfrontiers
+ - subsurveys
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+ https://deltasdnd.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Fearful Ends Now on Kickstarter
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+ last_post_date: "2023-10-09T08:00:00-04:00"
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+ writer.
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+ - https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
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+ categories:
+ - Debian
+ - netwalker
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+ https://goofying-with-debian.blogspot.com/: true
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-title: Nicky's Blog
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-description: The personal blog of a 30-something year old cis-male from the East of
- England. Topics include mental, physical, and emotional health, hobbies, and self-improvement.
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- last_post_title: 2024 - Year of Acceptance // Accountability
- last_post_description: At the end of my 2023 theme review I mentioned how I started
- the year thinking this would be the Year of Foundation Repair. A redo of my 2022
- theme, fixing all the cracks and damage done over 2023.
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- last_post_title: Deploying Ironic in OpenStack Newton with TripleO
- last_post_description: Introduction This post describes the process to enable Ironic
- in the Overcloud in a multi-controller deployment with director or TripleO, a
- new feature introduced in Red Hat OpenStack Platform 10
- last_post_date: "2017-01-15T20:07:40Z"
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- https://jabel.blog/podcast.xml
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- - civilization
- - collapse
- - Deep Adaptation
- - Doomer
- - hope
- - Michael Dowd
- - post-doom
relme: {}
- last_post_title: 'Hope Beyond Hope: in memoriam Michael Dowd'
- last_post_description: Michael Dowd invited us, at the end of the world, to love
- the world.
- last_post_date: "2024-02-18T21:15:47Z"
- last_post_link: https://anotherendoftheworld.org/2024/02/18/hope-beyond-hope-in-memoriam-michale-dowd/
+ last_post_title: Pandora & Prometheus
+ last_post_description: Hope is a curse because it keeps us from foreseeing our doom.
+ It is what keeps us chained to our fate, as surely as Prometheus was chained to
+ the rock.
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-10T02:20:02Z"
+ last_post_link: https://anotherendoftheworld.org/2024/06/09/pandora-prometheus/
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- - collapse
- - Deep Adaptation
- - Doomer
- - hope
- - Michael Dowd
- - post-doom
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- Cafe NUN
- Homebrew Website Club
- IndieWeb
+ - Journal
- Karlsruhe
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- https://www.xing.com/profile/Matthias_Pfefferle: false
+ https://notiz.blog/: true
+ https://notiz.blog/about/: true
+ https://profiles.wordpress.org/pfefferle/: true
last_post_title: 10. HWC Karlsruhe
last_post_description: "Gestern hatten wie unseren 10. Homebrew Website Club in
Karlsruhe \U0001F389\U0001F38A\U0001F37E (Ja, wir haben im Juni vergessen ein
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- - Journal
- Cafe NUN
- Homebrew Website Club
- IndieWeb
+ - Journal
- Karlsruhe
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-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Stories by Jeff Jarvis on Medium
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- - openai
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- https://twitter.com/jeffjarvis: false
- last_post_title: Demote the Doomsters
- last_post_description: The futility of guardrails on AI … or us. (All my Medium
- posts are crossposted and open on Buzzmachine)Continue reading on Whither news?
- »
- last_post_date: "2024-05-21T14:56:03Z"
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+ - Uncategorized
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+ https://david.shanske.com/: true
+ https://github.com/dshanske: true
+ https://profiles.wordpress.org/dshanske/: true
+ last_post_title: My IndieWeb Journey – 10 Years Of IndieWeb
+ last_post_description: This was originally part of an introduction at IWC Online
+ in 2020, but I’d never posted it. As my 10th anniversary of joining the Indieweb
+ chat is today, I thought I’d post on it. “Your high
+ last_post_date: "2024-03-30T22:00:24-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://david.shanske.com/2024/03/30/my-indieweb-journey-10-years-of-indieweb/
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+ - Uncategorized
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+title: 'YANUB: yet another (nearly) useless blog'
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: A blog from a scientist and former Debian developer (and occasional book
+ writer)... Tricks for data handling, programming, debian administration and development,
+ command-line and many other joyful
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+ categories:
+ - cmdline
+ - ctioga
+ - debian
+ - doxygen
+ - dvdcopy
+ - emacs
+ - france
+ - games
+ - git
+ - git-annex
+ - graphics
+ - hardware
+ - help-needed
+ - latex
+ - linux
+ - macbook
+ - macos
+ - meta-data
+ - metalloenzyme
+ - personal
+ - programming
+ - puzzle
+ - pymol
+ - qsoas
+ - qt4
+ - quiz
+ - rants
+ - ruby
+ - science
+ - sciyag
+ - scm
+ - scripts
+ - software
+ - summary
+ - tioga
+ - tips-and-tricks
+ - tutorial
+ - utils
+ - webgen
+ - wine
+ relme:
+ https://vince-debian.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: QSoas version 3.3 is out
+ last_post_description: Version 3.3 brings in new features, including reverse Laplace
+ transforms and fits, pH fits, commands for picking points from a dataset, averaging
+ points with the same X value, or perform singular
+ last_post_date: "2024-04-22T10:50:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://vince-debian.blogspot.com/2024/04/qsoas-version-33-is-out.html
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+ - qsoas
+ - science
+ - software
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+title: '#gta02-core news'
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+description: 'Weekly news about the #gta02-core project'
+ feedlink: https://gta02-core-news.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
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+ https://gta02-core-news.blogspot.com/: true
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+ - '#gta02-core'
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+ https://assassinosuicida.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://gta02-core-news.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17602200301602248416: true
+ https://zpuino.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://zxinterfacez.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Comment moderation
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2010-06-09T14:49:58-07:00"
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- - https://jlelse.blog/.min.rss
- - https://jlelse.blog/.rss
- - https://jlelse.blog/index.xml
- categories:
- - Tech
- - mac
- - macos
- - spotify
- relme:
- https://mastodon.social/@hesse: true
- last_post_title: SoundSeer packt Spotify-Songs in die macOS-Menüleiste
- last_post_description: SoundSeer ist eine App für die MacOS-Menüleiste, die dir
- anzeigt, welcher Spotify-Song gerade läuft. Mit dieser App kannst du einen Titel
- überspringen, direkt zum Song, Interpreten oder Album
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- - Tech
- - mac
- - macos
- - spotify
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-title: Jeroen Sangers ◦ brain tags
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: "Blogging since 1997 ✪ Personal effectiveness geek ✪ Nederlands/Lleidatà
- ✪ \U0001F375/\U0001F37A"
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- - https://jeroensangers.com/.well-known/recommendations.opml
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- - https://a.wholelottanothing.org/rss/
- - https://bakadesuyo.com/feed/
- - https://calnewport.com/feed/
- - https://chasem.co/feed.xml
- - https://feeds.kottke.org/main
- - https://frankmeeuwsen.com/feed.xml
- - https://hulry.com/rss/
- - https://jarche.com/feed/
- - https://maggieappleton.com/rss.xml
- - https://nesslabs.com/feed
- - https://nintil.com/rss.xml
- - https://raulhernandezgonzalez.com/feed/
- - https://rebeccatoh.co/feed/
- - https://sive.rs/en.atom
- - https://timharford.com/feed/
- - https://waitbutwhy.com/feed
- - https://world.hey.com/jason/feed.atom
- - https://www.cjchilvers.com/blog/rss/
- - https://www.densediscovery.com/feed/
- - https://www.farnamstreetblog.com/feed/
- - https://www.patrickrhone.net/feed/
- - https://www.swiss-miss.com/feed
- - https://xkcd.com/atom.xml
- - https://blog.strategicedge.co.uk/atom.xml
- - https://blog.strategicedge.co.uk/index.rdf
- - https://blog.strategicedge.co.uk/rss.xml
- - https://calnewport.com/feed/podcast
- - https://causasyazares.substack.com/feed
- - https://jarche.com/comments/feed/
- - https://raulhernandezgonzalez.com/comments/feed/
- - https://rebeccatoh.co/comments/feed/
- - https://robertoferraro.substack.com/feed
- - https://www.patrickrhone.net/comments/feed/
- - https://www.scotthyoung.com/blog/feed/
- - https://www.swiss-miss.com/feed/atom
- - https://xkcd.com/rss.xml
- recommender: []
- categories:
- - Society & Culture
- relme:
- https://canasto.es/: false
- https://github.com/jeroensangers: true
- https://keybase.io/jeroensangers: true
- https://linkedin.com/in/sangers/: false
- https://micro.blog/jeroensangers: false
- https://reddit.com/user/beltzanl: false
- https://twitter.com/JeroenSangers: false
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- - jekyll
- - update
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- last_post_title: Vulkan Video encoder in GStreamer
- last_post_description: Vulkan Video encoder in GStreamer
- last_post_date: "2023-12-10T00:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://dabrain34.github.io/jekyll/update/2023/12/10/GstVulkanVideoEncoderRelease.html
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- - jekyll
- - update
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- cats: 0
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+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Blog about SXEmacs
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ https://sxemacs-en.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - code
+ - wand
+ relme:
+ https://sxemacs-en.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Sudoku for (S)XEmacs
+ last_post_description: Once a night, there was no soft girlfriend at the side and
+ I decided to play in some game. Tetris is to fast and active, sokoban is completed
+ long ago and World of Goo heats CPU too much — so I
+ last_post_date: "2009-12-28T01:37:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://sxemacs-en.blogspot.com/2009/12/sudoku-for-sxemacs_27.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - code
+ last_post_language: ""
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+ score_criteria:
+ cats: 2
+ description: 3
+ feedlangs: 0
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+ title: 3
+ website: 2
+ score: 16
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+ innetwork: true
+ language: ""
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-date: "2024-06-13T13:30:31-07:00"
-description: the perl.org infrastructure weblog!
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- - cpansearch
- - cpanratings
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+ - Graph3DGL
+ - GraphViz
+ - HP DesignJet 500
+ - ModelBus
+ - OAW
+ - Pajek
+ - Sparx EA
+ - Stemmer
+ - Table
+ - UML
+ - VS 2010
+ - Word
+ - network
+ - type system
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+ An ancient house in the North of Westeros. Their words "Strength through Perseverance".
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+ “A system that operates by constructing and executing plans lives, to speak metaphorically, in a sort of fantasy world..."
+ -Agre and Chapman 1990
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+ - Proof
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+ - Ptolus
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+ - Tiefling
+ - Tomb of the Serpent Kings
+ - True Names
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+ - Undead
+ - Underwater
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+ - Vampire
+ - WTF
+ - Warlock
+ - Wavestone
+ - Wizard
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+ - Writing
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+ III contest has finally borne fruit. The NAP III anthology is now available on
+ itch.io at a PYWY price, suggested at $7. All proceeds go to
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In reply to Dan Q .
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- initial version for BIOS resource
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+ last_post_description: Com o anúncio do fim do Ubuntu One pela Canonical, complementado
+ pela polêmica indicação de Condoleeza Rice para o conselho do Dropbox, resolvi
+ testar novos serviços de armazenamento pessoal de
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- last_post_description: Block Device Mapping? Block Device Mapping(s)(BDMs) define
- how block devices are exposed to an instance by Nova. At present Nova accepts
- and stores data relating to these mappings in various ways
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+description: This blog is dedicated to the hundreds of developers in the Eclipse Community.
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+ - 3D
+ - Comments wildcard Imports Constrcutors
+ - Creativity Education
+ - Data Hiding Object OO
+ - Eclipse
+ - Eclipse Consultant Trainer
+ - Eclipse Day India 2010
+ - Eclipse Demo Camp
+ - Eclipse Demo Camp 2010
+ - Eclipse Demo Camp Bangalore GEF3D
+ - Eclipse Galileo
+ - Eclipse Galileo Motivation
+ - Eclipse Helios
+ - Eclipse India Summit
+ - Eclipse India Summit GEF Zest EMF Microsoft PDE
+ - Eclipse Startup Information
+ - Eclipse committers artist software engineer computer
+ - Eclipse day India 2010 Software Craftsmanship
+ - Eclipse samuel madhu Mind Graph Theory - Dreams Explained
+ - Eclipse static code analysis tool
+ - EclipseBible Eclipse Day India 2010
+ - Focus
+ - Future Eclipse Google EclipseBible
+ - GEF3D
+ - HTML5 Canvas 3D e4
+ - Modelling
+ - Multitasking
+ - Patterns in Eclipse Day India 2010
+ - Patterns in Eclipse EclipseBible
+ - Platform Chair
+ - Prioritise
+ - eclipse eclipseplugincentral eclipse.org IBM code
+ - eclipsebible Zero Defects Creativity
+ - eclipsebible eclipse commands
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+ - gtd
+ - gui
+ - haskell
+ - haskell wikibook
+ - haskell.fr
+ - house
+ - idea
+ - irc
+ - learning
+ - learning haskell
+ - library
+ - mac
+ - mail
+ - maybench
+ - mercurial
+ - monads
+ - mutt
+ - newbie
+ - nlp
+ - oops
+ - pandoc
+ - parallels
+ - quickcheck
+ - revctrl
+ - teaching
+ - tips
+ - tutorial
+ - vim
+ - wishlist
+ - wxhaskell
+ - yaht
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+ last_post_title: moved to erickow.com
+ last_post_description: Also if you have a Wordpress and/or Blogger blog you'd like
+ to import to hakyll, you may be interested in my hakyll-convert utility.
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+ last_post_title: Memory Barriers and GHC 6.12.1
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- last_post_title: My C Project Setup
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- For the last couple of months most of my projects have revolved around
- low-level C programming, with the most prominent one being
- Lander, my URL shortener.
- During this time I’ve developed a method
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+ last_post_title: Slack now concentrates HipChat and Stride users
+ last_post_description: This has been announced, as a partnership between Slack and
+ Atlassian. HipChat and Stride users will be migrated to Slack. End of this story.
+ Most of the too many Team Chat actors will disappear
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- last_post_title: Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5
- last_post_description: I use Ruby (specifically with Jekyll) for a lot of my clubs/projects
- while using my personal laptop (X220 ThinkPad) which is runs OpenBSD. Since I
- recently upgraded to OpenBSD 7.5 I thought it could
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+ last_post_title: Fixing Jekyll's dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD
+ last_post_description: I recently wrote about working with multiple Ruby versions
+ on OpenBSD which still works just fine, but I noticed a bug when trying to build
+ a couple of my Jekyll projects locally
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-30T15:10:39-05:00"
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-description: "hi! this is lili, you found my little digital corner. \n\ni made this
- as i wanted a space to write freely, to refine how i think about the world. expect
- raw ..."
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- We're all impatiently waiting on quantum-proof asymmetrical crypto algorithms to
- become commonplace. Until that happens, we must all live with the assumption
- that all currently used asymmetric crypto
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+description: Anthony's blog for anything Eclipse and Orion...
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+ - Eclipse
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+ last_post_title: GMF Runtime turns 20
+ last_post_description: This week had lots of Eclipse release activity. We are winding
+ down the Helios service release two by promoting RC2 this week. We also also in
+ the middle of Indigo promoting M5 this week. Double
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+ - Diseño
+ - Product Design
+ - Temas GDM
+ - aikido
+ - ajedrez
+ - android
+ - asterisk
+ - café
+ - cine
+ - comidas y bebidas
+ - creativity
+ - debian
+ - dibujo y pintura
+ - divagaciones
+ - emprendimiento
+ - empresa
+ - fotos
+ - hardware
+ - innovación
+ - innovation
+ - mashup
+ - medellin
+ - música y danza
+ - parcela
+ - política
+ - postea.me
+ - software libre
+ - telefonía IP
+ - twitter
+ - versando
+ - viajes
+ - videojuegos
+ - zen
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+ last_post_title: Competencias de un Ingeniero para afrontar el mercado laboral
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2014-09-01T12:30:06-05:00"
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-title: Comments for The Bounding Box
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- last_post_title: 'Comment on BOX106: What happens when everyone is a designer? by
- Lazy Reading for 2024/03/03 – DragonFly BSD Digest'
- last_post_description: '[…] Organising Design (or why you need to care about spreadsheets).
- (via) […]'
- last_post_date: "2024-03-03T13:06:05Z"
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- last_post_title: Some More Thoughts On Unit Testing
- last_post_description: Kinda want to avoid this blog descending into a series of
- “this is wrong with unit testing” posts, but something did occur to me this morning.
- We’ve kicked off a new service at work recently.
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T12:32:50+10:00"
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+ last_post_title: Asciidoc, Markdown, And Having It All
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Took a brief look at Asciidoc this morning.
+ This is for that Markdown document I’ve been writing in Obsidian. I’ve been sharing it with others using PDF exports, but it’s importance has grown
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-21T12:07:30+10:00"
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+ it - the JPA Diagram Editor! \n\nA few months ago the JPA Diagram Editor came
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+ The hands-on guide to creating GUI applications with Python gets a new translation'
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+ I am very happy to announce that my Python GUI programming book
+ Create GUI Applications with Python & Qt6 / PyQt6 Edition …
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- AKA: The Joy of juju run
- Package upgrades across an OpenStack cloud do
- not always happen at the same time. In most cases they may happen within an
- hour or so across your cloud but for a variety
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+ last_post_title: All About Area Code 800
+ last_post_description: Region code 800 was initially put to support on January 1,
+ 1966, and was the primary complementary region code in the United States, with
+ the other being 833, 844, 855, 866, 877, and 888. In
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+ - Area code
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- last_post_title: Trim the attention sails
- last_post_description: 'In America, the 2024 election cycle is unlikely to amuse
- anyone. Maybe this is a rallying point for “unifying” the country: a near-universal
- loathing of our politicians, how they get themselves'
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- Today, I found someone tweeting about a neat security bug in Chrome, that
- bypasses how Chrome disallows extensions from injecting JavaScript into
- special domains like chrome.google.com.
- The intention
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- at five hundred songs that shaped the genre.
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- Two”'
- last_post_description: For those who haven’t heard the announcement I posted , songs
- from this point on will sometimes be split among multiple episodes, so this is
- the second part of a two-episode look at the song “I
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- - Barrett Strong
- - Berry Gordy
- - Bert Berns
- - David Ruffin
- - Harvey Fuqua
- - Holland-Dozier-Holland
- - James Brown
- - Kim Weston
- - Luther Dixon
- - Martha and the Vandellas
- - Marvin Gaye
- - Mary Wells
- - Mickey Stevenson
- - Norman Whitfield
- - Smokey Robinson
- - Tammi Terrell
- - The Beatles
- - The Temptations
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+ - Fedora 18
+ - GNOME AISA 2012
+ - GNOME.ASIA.2014
+ - GNOME.ASIA.2017
+ - Glade
+ - Gtk
+ - IBUS
+ - Python
+ - Singapore
+ - Typing booster
+ - X-mas
+ - android
+ - app-development
+ - c++
+ - clojure
+ - clojurescript
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+ - mumbai
+ - node.js
+ - openshift
+ - openstack
+ - party
+ - react-native
+ - react-navigation
+ - socket.io
+ - statusapp
+ - taipei
+ - tokyo
+ - travel
+ - vala
+ - zanata
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+ last_post_date: "2019-06-16T06:43:53-07:00"
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+ - android
+ - app-development
+ - clojurescript
+ - react-native
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+description: The place where you go when you don't have where to go.
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+ last_post_title: Volta da PyConBrasil, Sandboard e Calabresa
+ last_post_description: 'Bom, eu finalmente reservei um tempinho para fazer um novo
+ post e contar algumas das coisas que aconteceram durante o mês de Setembro, que
+ para variar, passou mais rápido do que eu gostaria... :'
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+ last_post_title: joe - A .gitignore magician in your command line
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+ A .gitignore magician in your command line. Joe generates .gitignore files from the command line for you.
+ https://github.com/karan/joe
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+ - squabbles
+ - tech
+ - traveling
+ - web
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+ last_post_title: 2nd grade math
+ last_post_description: There's old soviet animation "38 parrots". The plot of the
+ movie was the animals were measuring a boa, and they concluded that the boa is
+ longer in parrots than in monkeys. I always thought this is a
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+ as part of the GEF 4.0.0 (Neon) release, and we have since not kept still. As
+ its always hard to get a debut right, we first concentrated
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+ last_post_title: On Donella Meadows and Systems Thinking
+ last_post_description: |-
+ This weekend I started reading
+ Donella Meadows'
+ Thinking in Systems: A Primer
+ and I cannot overstate how profoundly glad I am
+ to have come across Systems Thinking
+ as a whole field of study.
+ It pulls
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-18T19:08:39+01:00"
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- - ActivityPub
- - Blog Idea
- - Networking
- - Social Networks
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- last_post_title: Friends with ActivityPub – Deine nachhaltige Identität im Web
- last_post_description: 'Kommerzielle Soziale Netzwerke können eine faszinierende
- Welt sein: Eine ansprechende Oberfläche, die es ermöglicht, zu lesen, zu schreiben
- und miteinander zu interagieren, ohne sich um lästige'
- last_post_date: "2023-10-22T08:45:52Z"
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+ blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah
+ blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah
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+title: Area Code 855 USA
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- last_post_title: DIY Submarine
- last_post_description: Not a lot of new content here recently. The last days, I
- attended 37c3, the annual hacker convention of the Chaos Computer Club which took
- place again in Hamburg . So, today, we will have some
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+ last_post_title: Provisioning a Raspberry Pi using ansible
+ last_post_description: |-
+ These are my notes on how to get started provisioning Raspbian with
+ ansible.
+ Before using ansible
+ We have to get a working Raspbian installation before using ansible on
+ the device.
+ Installing
+ last_post_date: "2019-01-08T00:00:00Z"
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- - Ashford and Simpson
- - Barrett Strong
- - Berry Gordy
- - Bert Berns
- - David Ruffin
- - Harvey Fuqua
- - Holland-Dozier-Holland
- - James Brown
- - Kim Weston
- - Luther Dixon
- - Martha and the Vandellas
- - Marvin Gaye
- - Mary Wells
- - Mickey Stevenson
- - Norman Whitfield
- - Smokey Robinson
- - Tammi Terrell
- - The Beatles
- - The Temptations
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: 'Song 174B: “I Heard it Through the Grapevine” Part Two, “It Takes
- Two”'
- last_post_description: For those who haven’t heard the announcement I posted , songs
- from this point on will sometimes be split among multiple episodes, so this is
- the second part of a two-episode look at the song “I
- last_post_date: "2024-05-24T20:58:55Z"
- last_post_link: https://500songs.com/podcast/song-174b-i-heard-it-through-the-grapevine-part-two-it-takes-two/
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- - Ashford and Simpson
- - Barrett Strong
- - Berry Gordy
- - Bert Berns
- - David Ruffin
- - Harvey Fuqua
- - Holland-Dozier-Holland
- - James Brown
- - Kim Weston
- - Luther Dixon
- - Martha and the Vandellas
- - Marvin Gaye
- - Mary Wells
- - Mickey Stevenson
- - Norman Whitfield
- - Smokey Robinson
- - Tammi Terrell
- - The Beatles
- - The Temptations
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+description: Weotta be hacking
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+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - jinja
+ - monitoring
+ - mysql
+ - permissions
+ - programming
+ - salt
+ - scalyr
+ - security
+ - yaml
+ relme:
+ https://streamhacker.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Salt Recipe for Creating a MySQL User with Grants for Scalyr
+ last_post_description: Salt is a great tool for managing the configuration of many
+ servers. And when you have many servers, you should also be monitoring them with
+ a tool like Dataset (aka Scalyr). The scalyr agent can
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+ - jinja
+ - monitoring
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+ - salt
+ - scalyr
+ - security
+ - yaml
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- NFC Nails!\n\nMore to come soon \U0001F92B"
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- - MQTT
- - Open Source
- - OpenStack
- - Cloud
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- last_post_description: This is the first post in what’s going to be a multi post
- series exploring how MQTT can be leveraged in the cloud. The series will look
- at several different models for deploying applications in the
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- last_post_link: https://blog.kortar.org/?p=565
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- - MQTT
- - Open Source
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- To.
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- said that her team has been more successful overall and
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- stopping for a couple of months. Since then I’ve been trying to do it more regularly,
- hoping to incorporate it as a...
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+ – Singapore is about 50km from east to west so we can’t do any local travelling.
+ Travelling is vital...
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- 7 VM in OpenStack by Successfully resetting the root password of a CentOS 7 VM
- in OpenStack | Welcome To Prasad Linux Blog
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+ and apologies it's taken so long to approve them - I was expecting to get an email
+ when I had an unmoderated comment but I haven't
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+ last_post_title: Country Area Code
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+ Determining if an aged dementia patient has
+ left a care facility
+ The region accuracy required for 855 area code location LDS varies
+ from service to provider. For instance, flip via turn navigation
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+ - Ddosing is care
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+ last_post_title: Ddosing is About Care
+ last_post_description: In networks, even on the web, all frameworks have their cutoff
+ points. One approach to make a framework secure and survivable is to build its
+ cutoff points or all in all strength. The more assets
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- sdl
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https://mastodon.social/@vegard: true
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+ https://www.vegardno.net/: true
last_post_title: Stigmergy in programming
last_post_description: Ants are known to leave invisible pheromones on their paths
in order to inform both themselves and their fellow ants where to go to find food
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- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- Health
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- last_post_title: What do unicorn tongues and snails have to do with sex?
- last_post_description: The innovation in sex toys seems exponential. Almost like
- an engineer goes -- SciFi character + sexual anatomy + something that has never
- been done before = latest pleasure creation. Adam & Eve, a
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+ last_post_title: '"How Can I Build Confidence to Approach Women?" A Letter to Dr.
+ Doe'
+ last_post_description: This episode is almost pure questions, tiny answers. I've
+ chosen to read verbatim an email from one of you to illustrate -- how other people
+ think, worry, and reach out for help. I think there's
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T14:58:59Z"
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+ last_post_title: Using Org Mode to keep track of exercise
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Introduction
+ I have been using Org mode to keep a daily journal of useful notes for around a year now. One such type of note is the amount of exercise I’ve done on a particular day. While this is a
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+ Since a few weeks ago, librsvg is now in oss-fuzz —
+ Google's constantly-running fuzz-testing for OSS projects — and the
+ crashes have started coming in. I'll have a lot more to say soon
+ about
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+ last_post_title: Lab Infra Rebuild Part 5
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+ This is an ongoing post about rebuilding my lab infrastructure, see the initial post here.
+ Today let’s look at VMs and Baremetals and Operating Systems.
+ Virtual Machines
+ As I mentioned I’ve been
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+ - Adamas
+ - Administrivia
+ - Amplifiers
+ - Aphorisms
+ - Babicz
+ - Bandcamp
+ - Carvin
+ - Chords
+ - Creative Commons
+ - Demos
+ - EMG
+ - Fernandes Telecaster Copy
+ - Fingerpicking
+ - Godin
+ - Godin LG
+ - Guitar Parts
+ - Guitar Pron
+ - Guitar Synth
+ - Guitars
+ - Heil PR-40
+ - Inverse T. Clown
+ - Jag-Stang
+ - Joe "Covenant" Lamb
+ - Jonathan Coulton
+ - Lake Superior
+ - Mackinac Bridge
+ - Munising Falls
+ - Ovation
+ - Parker Fly
+ - Peavey
+ - Peavey Limited
+ - Practice Videos
+ - Riffs
+ - Roland Cube Street
+ - Rush
+ - Song Fu
+ - Sony PCM-D1
+ - Sony PCM-D50
+ - SpinTunes
+ - Squier Super-Sonic
+ - Squier Venus
+ - Steinberger
+ - Steinberger Synapse
+ - Steinberger XP
+ - Synapse
+ - T-15
+ - T-60
+ - Tahquamenon Falls
+ - The Mandelbrot Set
+ - Today's the Day
+ - YouTube Video
+ - eBay
+ - mandolin
+ - ukulele
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+ last_post_title: 'Comment on Tutorial: Home-made OMEMO client by Abbas'
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+ Hi.
+ encryptForExistingSessions is not existed in smack 4.4.8!
+ Please suggest an alternative.
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- last_post_title: Weeknote, Sunday 2nd June 2024
- last_post_description: 'First of all, how the hell is it June already? Is it just
- me? Is time passing at a ludicrously fast pace? OK, maybe it is just me. This
- week was, in work terms, truncated: A bank holiday plus a day'
- last_post_date: "2024-06-02T20:52:38Z"
- last_post_link: https://ianbetteridge.com/2024/06/02/weeknote-sunday-2nd-june-2024/
+ https://ianbetteridge.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Ten Blue Links, “delayed by the election” edition
+ last_post_description: 1. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you Surprise! The use of energy-intensive
+ AI to make stupid graphics that look instantly like AI and write words that it
+ would take you five minutes to right have
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T17:37:31Z"
+ last_post_link: https://ianbetteridge.com/2024/07/07/ten-blue-links-delayed-by-the-election-edition/
- - Weeknotes
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+ - Linkblogs
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postcats: 1
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- - https://chrisburnell.com/feed.xml
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- - work
- - Working
+ - Designers
https://front-end.social/@zeldman: true
- last_post_title: The gift of a three-month sabbatical
- last_post_description: It was late winter when my sabbatical began, and it’s late
- spring as it comes to an end. Next week I return to my post after three months’
- paid leave, courtesy of Automattic’s sabbatical
- last_post_date: "2024-05-28T20:22:04Z"
- last_post_link: https://zeldman.com/2024/05/28/the-gift-of-a-three-month-sabbatical/
+ https://zeldman.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Designer Jonathan Lee
+ last_post_description: The post Designer Jonathan Lee appeared first on Zeldman
+ on Web and Interaction Design.
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-20T13:32:46Z"
+ last_post_link: https://zeldman.com/2024/06/20/designer-jonathan-lee/
- - automattic
- - glamorous
- - work
- - Working
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+ - Designers
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- last_post_title: Inner Workings
- last_post_description: If I complain that modern software is too generic and boring,
- I should take my own advice and try something fun and borderline silly.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-30T04:17:19Z"
- last_post_link: https://tyler.io/2024/05/inner-workings/
+ https://tyler.io/: true
+ last_post_title: Light Switch in a Dark Room
+ last_post_description: We're over a decade into the industry's voice assistant experiment,
+ and given the same input, the output doesn't feel reliably deterministic. Voice
+ is an interface that is not stable or discoverable.
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-08T16:57:49Z"
+ last_post_link: https://tyler.io/2024/06/light-switch-in-a-dark-room/
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- https://alexsci.com/blog/rss.xml
- - https://hacdias.com/feed.xml
+ - WolfSSL
- cURL and libcurl
- - Open Source
+ - wolfSSL
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- last_post_title: My BDFL guiding principles
- last_post_description: The thing about me being a BDFL for curl is that it has the
- D in there. I have the means and ability to push for or veto just about anything
- I like or don’t like in the project, should I decide to.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-27T06:09:03Z"
- last_post_link: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/05/27/my-bdfl-guiding-principles/
+ last_post_title: curl for QNX
+ last_post_description: Starting now, there are official curl releases for QNX hosted
+ on the curl.se website. See https://curl.se/qnx. QNX is a commercial real-time
+ operating system and these curl release packages are
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-05T07:57:34Z"
+ last_post_link: https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2024/07/05/curl-for-qnx/
+ - WolfSSL
- cURL and libcurl
- - Open Source
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+ - wolfSSL
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+description: A working library is a blog about work, reading & technology by Mandy
+ Brown
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+ - http://scripting.com/rss.xml
+ - http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
+ - https://colinwalker.blog/dailyfeed.xml
+ - https://colinwalker.blog/livefeed.xml
+ categories: []
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: “Laborsaving”
+ last_post_description: Things that were heralded as “laborsaving” devices gave rise
+ to a whole new industry, and to more labor.
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-29T14:15:00-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://aworkinglibrary.com/writing/laborsaving
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+description: |-
+ Alon Zakai aka kripken | Compiling to the Web: Emscripten, Binaryen, asm.js, WebAssembly, etc.
+ New posts at: https://kripken.github.io/blog/
+ feedlink: https://mozakai.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
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+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - box2d
+ - e10s
+ - emscripten
+ - ipc
+ - javascript
+ - meego
+ - n900
+ - performance
+ - power
+ - pypy
+ - python
+ - sqlite
+ - xpcom
+ relme:
+ https://mozakai.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 2 recent Emscripten stories
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2015-01-06T14:29:04-08:00"
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+title: Reggae And SKA
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: The power of philosophy floats through my head, light like a feather,
+ heavy as lead. - Bob Marley
+ feedlink: https://reggae-and-ska.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
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+ websites:
+ https://reggae-and-ska.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - 7Nin Matsuri - Summer Reggae Rainbow [Video Clip]
+ - Augustus Pablo - Jah Light
+ - Augustus Pablo - Skanking Easy
+ - Bad Manners - Walking in The Sunshine [Video Clip]
+ - BaroBax - Baba to ki hasti
+ - Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Forever Loving Jah [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - I know a Place [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Is This Love [Live]
+ - Bob Marley - Is This Love [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Jammin' [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Kinky Reggae [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - No Woman No Cry [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - One Love [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Red Red Wine
+ - Bob Marley - Redemption Song [Live]
+ - Bob Marley - Redemption Song [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Skinhead Reggae - 1970 [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Sun Is Shining [Video Clip]
+ - Bob Marley - Three Little Birds [Video Clip]
+ - Bombskare - Fistful Of Dynamite
+ - Byron Lee And The DRAGONARiES - Ska Jamaica
+ - CASSIE Me and U reggae remix BOST and BIM
+ - Dance Hall Crashers - Mr. Blue [Live]
+ - Dawn Penn - You Don't Love Me (No
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - Hadirnya Cinta [Live]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - Mimpi [Live]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - Senyuman Ragamu [Video Clip]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - Terpesona [Video Clip]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - The Skinhead Superstar [Live]
+ - Gerhana SKA Cinta - This Is SKA [Video Clip]
+ - Inspector Gadget - SKA Version [Video Clip]
+ - J. Boog
+ - Jah Maoli
+ - Jimmy Cliff - Reggae Night [Video Clip]
+ - Laurel Aitken - Skinhead Boss
+ - Laurel Aitken - Skinhead [Live]
+ - Les Skalopes - Kid Hunt - Chasse à l'enfant
+ - Mr. Symarip
+ - Mr. Vegas - Tek Weh Yuself
+ - Nina Hagen - African Reggae [Video Clip]
+ - No Doubt
+ - No No)
+ - ORE SKA BAND - Knife n Fork
+ - ORE SKA BAND - Wasuremono
+ - Ocho Y Media - MiniClip
+ - Ocho Y Media - SKACHA
+ - Oi Skall Mates - Sadness [Video Clip]
+ - PRiNCE BUSTER - Whine And Grine [LiVE'98]
+ - PUFFY x Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra - Hazumu Rhythm
+ - Peter Tosh - Get Up Stand Up [Live]
+ - Peter Tosh - Johnny B. Goode [Live]
+ - Peter Tosh - Legalize It [Video Clip]
+ - Peter Tosh - Veil Of Isis
+ - Peter Tosh and Bob Marley - TWO TRUE LEGENDS
+ - Phyllis Dillon - Picture On The Wall
+ - Polemic - Do SKA
+ - Polemic - Jah Live
+ - Polemic - Škandál
+ - PureVibracion
+ - Ray Darwin - Peoples Choice
+ - Republic Of Brickfields - Emansipasi [Live]
+ - Republic Of Brickfields - Reggae
+ - Rocksteady The Roots Of Reggae Trailer
+ - SKA - Special..From Jamaica To The UK
+ - SKA-P - Intifada
+ - SKA-P - Welcome To Hell
+ - Shaggy - Street Bullies Medley
+ - Sista Gracy - My Praises
+ - Sista Gracy - Spiritual A Humble
+ - Ska-P - Cannabis
+ - Skudap Skudip - Buktikanlah
+ - Skudap Skudip - Potret
+ - Skudap Skudip - SKA La La
+ - Spawnbreezie
+ - Steel Pulse - No More Weapons [Video Clip]
+ - Symarip - Must Catch A Train [Video Clip]
+ - Symarip - Skinheads Dem A Come
+ - The Aggrolites - Mr. Misery
+ - The Madness - Baggy Trousers [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - I Pronounce You [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - It Must Be Love [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - My Girl [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - One Step Beyond [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - Our House [Video Clip]
+ - The Madness - Shame And Scandal [Video Clip]
+ - The Paragons - Tide Is High
+ - The Selecter - Missing Words [Video Clip]
+ - The Selecter - Three Minute Hero [Live]
+ - The Skatalites - Live in Barcelona [March 29:2006]
+ - The Specials - A Message To You Rudy [Live]
+ - The Specials - Gangsters [Video Clip]
+ - The Specials - Ghost Town [Video Clip]
+ - The Specials - Rat Race [Video Clip]
+ - The Specials - Rude Boys Outta Jail [Live]
+ - The Specials - Skinhead Moonstomp [Live]
+ - Tipe-X - Sakit Hati
+ - Tokyo SKA Paradise Orchestra - Skaravan [Live]
+ - Tony Q Rastafara - Republik Sulap
+ - Toots and the Maytals - Sweet and Dandy [Video Clip]
+ - Toots and the Maytals- 54-46 Was My Number-Trojan Reggae [Video Clip]
+ - Tribal Seeds
+ - Wayne Wade - I Love You Too Much
+ - Wayne Wade - Lady (Reggae)
+ - Winston Mc Anuff - Reggae On Broadway [Live]
+ relme:
+ https://reggae-and-ska.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Joe White & Chuck - One Nation
+ last_post_description: Joe White & Chuck - One Nation
+ last_post_date: "2019-03-03T02:00:00Z"
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-title: Comments for Shores of the Dirac Sea
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-description: A blog about physics... mostly.
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- last_post_title: Comment on Whoop! by Wyrd Smythe
- last_post_description: They detected that first big one on my 60th birthday ,
- so that's kind of cool!
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
- https://danq.me/comments/feed/
- https://danq.me/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
categories: []
https://github.com/mattstein: true
https://keybase.io/mattstein: true
- https://ko-fi.com/mattstein: false
+ https://mattstein.com/: true
https://pixelfed.social/mattrambles: true
- https://read.cv/mattstein: false
- https://www.printables.com/social/238086-mattts: false
+ https://read.cv/mattstein: true
last_post_title: The Left Hand of Darkness
last_post_description: ""
last_post_date: "2024-05-20T00:00:00Z"
last_post_link: https://mattstein.com/books/left-hand-of-darkness/
last_post_categories: []
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+ Robotic and Technology
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+ - ActiveState
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+ - Android
+ - C Programming
+ - C++ Programming
+ - Cheat Code
+ - Cloud Computing
+ - Command Line
+ - Computer Science
+ - DevOps
+ - HTML
+ - Hackers
+ - HitungHari
+ - LISP
+ - Linux Optimization
+ - Linux shell script
+ - Microsoft TechNet
+ - MySQL
+ - OSDC.my
+ - Operating System
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+ - Perl Express
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+ - Profound Vibra
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+ - Python Server Page
+ - SSH
+ - Scripting Games
+ - SendMessage
+ - Socket
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+ - StretchBlt
+ - TS-ARM
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+ - how to
+ - install
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+ - pentium processor
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+ - php programming
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+ - unrar
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+ - web master
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+ - weird al yankovic
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+ - world's smallest website
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+ - xss
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+ last_post_title: 'Understanding vm.swappiness: Improving Linux Performance and Memory
+ Management'
+ last_post_description: As a Linux user, you may have stumbled across the enigmatic
+ 'vm.swappiness' setting when examining your system's configuration. The variable
+ 'vm.swappiness' is important in Linux memory management
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+ - Operating System
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- last_post_description: QEMU Block Layer currently (as of QEMU 2.10) supports four
- major kinds of live block device jobs – stream, commit, mirror, and backup. These
- can be used to manipulate disk image chains to
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+ last_post_title: 'Early Twitter: the golden age of social-to-IRL community'
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+ Early Twitter was amazing for social community building—the absolute golden era of social media, imo.
+ I was reminded of that when I ran across some photos from a coworking space’s anniversary
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+ - Epson Office BX305F
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+ - Puglia Vendola Microsoft
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+ - ScreenSaver ubuntu terminale
+ - Shotwell UbuntuOne One
+ - Ubuntu 11.04
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+ know him as the creator of the Meson build system. jpakkane at gmail dot com
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+ last_post_title: Advanced text features and PDF
+ last_post_description: The basic text model of PDF is quite nice. On the other hand
+ its basic design was a very late 80s "ASCII is everything everyone really needs,
+ but we'll be super generous and provide up to 255 glyphs
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+ last_post_title: Formalising a High-Performance Microkernel
+ last_post_description: Formalising a High-Performance Microkernel Abstract This
+ paper argues that a pragmatic approach is needed for integrating design and
+ formalisation of complex systems. We report on our
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- I usually write in this blog about technical things, and i will
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last_post_title: How the ARPANET Protocols Worked
- last_post_description: The ARPANET changed computing forever by proving that computers
- of wildly different manufacture could be connected using standardized protocols.
- In my post on the historical significance of the
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+ hierarchy.
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+ - ciclofaixa
+ - circuito das estações
+ - corja
+ - corrida
+ - corrida cidade de aracaju
+ - corrida das pontes
+ - diário
+ - ecorun
+ - escocia
+ - etapa paiva
+ - eu amo recife
+ - fernando de noronha
+ - galo da madrugada
+ - goiania
+ - highlands
+ - história
+ - ibirapuera
+ - inverness
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+ - jaqueira
+ - joao pessoa
+ - lochness
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+ - maratona
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+ - maratona do rio
+ - maratona lochness
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+ - meia maratona
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+ - meia maratona do sol
+ - meia maratona eu amo recife
+ - meia maratona internacional de joão pessoa
+ - meia maratona internacional de são paulo
+ - monte dos guararapes
+ - natal
+ - oficina brennand
+ - olinda
+ - orla aracaju
+ - orla boa viagem
+ - paraiba
+ - parque da caicara
+ - parques
+ - percursos
+ - pernambuco
+ - picos
+ - porto alegre
+ - praia do paiva
+ - primeira maratona
+ - quartel do derby
+ - recife
+ - recife runners
+ - reino unido
+ - rotas
+ - royal tumbridge wells
+ - sanharó
+ - sao miguel dos milagres
+ - serra das russas
+ - soledade
+ - são paulo
+ - são silvestre
+ - tamandaré
+ - unic running
+ - volta internacional da pampulha
+ - we are rec
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+ https://www.corriporai.com.br/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Meia Maratona eu Amo Recife - 10 anos :: Obrigado 2023! Sub-2
+ na trave!'
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+ last_post_date: "2023-10-17T21:48:13-03:00"
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+ - database
+ - ideas
+ - lepton
+ - movie
+ - perlin noise
+ - postgres
+ - psycopg
+ - pyglet
+ - python
+ - shader
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- site; it's largely Web standards and Web technology, but also various bits of culture,
- politics, personal observations, and
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- last_post_description: A quick way to load all the comments on a GitHub issue.
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This is a brief check in to indicate that I (and this blog) am still alive.
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+ - BLM
+ - Blockchain
+ - Books
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+ - Climate Change
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+ - Comics
+ - Communication
+ - Computing
+ - Concurrency
+ - Copyright
+ - Covid-19
+ - Cryptocurrency
+ - Cycling
+ - DRM
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+ - Distributed Computing
+ - Dynamic and Static Typing
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+ - Edinburgh
+ - Education
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+ - Scheme
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+ - Status
+ - Strange Loop
+ - Sweden
+ - Technology
+ - Theatre
+ - Theory
+ - Types
+ - UK
+ - US
+ - University
+ - Web
+ - Writing
+ - Yes!
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+ you)
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- and more by Jeff Brixhamite'
- last_post_description: Of the two authentication methods (OTP via SMS and Google
- authenticator) the google authenticator method is the more secure (SMS is vulnerable
- to sim swaps etc).
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- a few other things
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- last_post_title: Comment on Automating Kerberos Authentication by DJERK GEURTS
- last_post_description: Indeed, all the information is there. I would add that for
- Debian the default location of the client.keytab file is different. But this is
- easy to find as issuing `kinit -ki` will point you in the
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+date: "2024-05-05T03:35:47-07:00"
+description: Information about the development of Lusca, a Squid-2.x derivative aimed
+ at performance, stability and flexibility. More information can be found at the
+ home page - http://www.lusca.org/ .
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+ - cacheboy
+ - caching
+ - cdn
+ - concurrency
+ - coss
+ - fail
+ - ipv6
+ - lusca
+ - modularity
+ - oprofile
+ - performance
+ - profiling
+ - proxy
+ - squid
+ - threading
+ - tproxy
+ - wccp
+ - windowsupdates
+ relme:
+ https://adrianchadd.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://cacheboy.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17496219706861321916: true
+ https://xenionhosting.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Blog has moved!
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+ last_post_date: "2010-03-09T21:34:37-08:00"
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+ - lusca
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+ categories:
+ - bindings
+ - development
+ - glib
+ - gnome
+ - gobject
+ - introspection
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+ https://mastodon.social/@ebassi: true
+ https://www.bassi.io/: true
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+ last_post_description: In which I go over the plans for gobject-introspection
+ last_post_date: "2023-10-25T09:43:52+01:00"
+ last_post_link: https://www.bassi.io/articles/2023/10/25/introspections-edge/
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+ - bindings
+ - development
+ - glib
+ - gnome
+ - gobject
+ - introspection
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- on with all of this LLM stuff and I agree; they aren’t trying to solve problems
- any actual workers have, just those that plague
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+ last_post_description: "The annual music festival that happens in my town kicks
+ off this evening. It has been running for 30ish years and we have been attending
+ it for the last nine or ten years. \nIt is relatively small as"
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+ last_post_title: Het ruikt hier naar sinaasappels
+ last_post_description: Na 14 dagen kan ik mezelf eindelijk “best oké” en “hoogstwaarschijnlijk
+ niet meer besmettelijk” verklaren. Nu drie keer een COVID test gedaan en allemaal
+ negatief. Niet dat mijn lijf al
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+ bash from source
+ last_post_description: 'UPDATED: I have updated the post to include the post from
+ gb3 as well as additional patches and some tests Just a quick post to help those
+ who might be running older/unsupported distributions of'
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
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- https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
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- - books
+ - Humble Choice
+ - humble choice
relme: {}
- last_post_title: The Best Video Games Based on Books
- last_post_description: Books and video games are inextricably intertwined, with
- many popular games directly or indirectly inspired by some of the book literature
- authors offer. A good book adaptation is often successful
- last_post_date: "2024-05-28T01:06:55Z"
- last_post_link: https://blog.humblebundle.com/2024/05/27/the-best-video-games-based-on-books/
+ last_post_title: Explore and exterminate in July’s Humble Choice!
+ last_post_description: July’s Humble Choice games are here, and this month’s mix
+ features harrowing historical drama, fast-hitting cyberpunk action, bug-splattering
+ real-time strategy and more! Survive the Black Death
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-02T17:00:00Z"
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+ last_post_title: Smart Meters and electricity use at Tribble Towers
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- still add actual RSS or Atom links, and remove any duplicate entries. (They’re
- there because I occasionally follow multiple versions of
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https://social.lol/@tylerhall: true
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can now search all of your Hook links in addition to your web browser bookmarks.
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- - https://kevq.uk/feed/
- https://kevquirk.com/feed
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+ - https://kevquirk.com/notes-feed
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
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last_post_description: "Hi All! \U0001F917\nImagine, just for a second, a future
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+ last_post_title: 'Iosevka: a nice fixed-width-font'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Iosevka is a nice, slender monospace font with a lot of configurable variations. Check it out:
+ https://typeof.net/Iosevka/
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+ - audycje
+ - pismo a druk
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+ https://aboutthomasleigh.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://jaktamjaponski.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://moliumpodcast.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://smartthemesfor.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://zrodlokreacji.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Kanji w piśmie, a w druku: machająca noga ;) - 足 vs 距.'
+ last_post_description: Uważnie ucząc się kolejnych Kanji z biegiem czasu zauważymy,
+ iż nierzadko występują w nich części łudząco podobne do znanych już nam znaków.
+ Miejscami potrafi to być nieco mylące, jako
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+ - pismo a druk
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- last_post_description: The 12th edition of State of the Browser, a yearly conference
- organised by London Web Standards. A one-day, single-track conference with widely
- varying talks about the modern web, accessibility, web
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+ The savvy vendor will gauge the advantages and activate chase debit card disadvantages of every approach concerning security, responsibility, and
+ handling cost and afterward plan her strategic
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+ last_post_title: Smartson testar MyMoment drickyogurt
+ last_post_description: Jag har ju en viss förkärlek för att testa drycker och den
+ nya drickyogurten MyMoment verkar intressant. Smartson kommer att köra ett test
+ och jag är nyfiken på vad de kommer att komma fram
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- last_post_title: Douglas Adams Sums Up Technology Perfectly
- last_post_description: 'I’ve come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions
- to technologies: 1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and
- ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the'
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+ last_post_title: Spring cleanup
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+ open source contributions are heavily focused on Weblate and I've phased out many
+ other activities. The main reason being reduced amount of
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+ - java
+ - java posse
+ - javaone
+ - jsr294
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+ - modularity
+ - oredev
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+ - yahoo
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+ the package renaming problem which the Jakarta EE community now faces. Regardless
+ of whether the community chooses big bang or
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- last_post_title: Tree of Mt Tam
- last_post_description: |-
- California, February 2024.
- From the video Making art inevitable.
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T19:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://aows.co/blog/2024/6/3/tree-of-mt-tam
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- - photographs
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-title: TheFrugalGamer.Net Updates Log
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- last_post_title: Various changes and updates
- last_post_description: Among other small updates here and there, I've added some
- fun little icons that I've been making with the Pico-8 palette. I've also added
- a new little platformer that I made to the main games page.
- last_post_date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.thefrugalgamer.net/pixels.php#tiny
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+ https://ibegynnelsen.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://josefsblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/13272830598221833253: true
+ last_post_title: What a wonderful couple of years it has been
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2014-02-15T20:59:22+01:00"
+ last_post_link: https://josefsblog.blogspot.com/2014/02/what-wonderful-couple-of-years-it-has.html
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-title: Björgvin Ragnarsson
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @bjorgvin@vivaldi.net
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+ https://necroticgnome.com/blogs/news: true
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories: []
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+ last_post_title: OSE Player's Tome Reprint Coming June
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-05T15:24:42-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://necroticgnome.com/blogs/news/ose-players-tome-reprints
+ last_post_categories: []
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@@ -12,268 +12,34 @@ params:
recommended: []
recommender: []
- - gnome
- - totem
- - bluetooth
- - fedora
- - guadec
- - gnome-bluetooth
- - football
- - films
- - hackfest
- - funny
- - control-center
- - kernel
- - manutd
- - epiphany
- - freedesktop
- - gnome-shell
- - gstreamer
- - gtk+
- - ps3
- - grilo
- - gvfs
- - linux
- - rhythmbox
- - bugs
- - flatpak
- - fprint
- - gnome 3
- - videos
- - webkit
- - bluez
- - freefa
- - geoclue
- - thumbnailer
- - design
- - gnome-settings-daemon
- - pulseaudio
- - stripes
- - apple
- - gcds
- - glib
- - gnome-phone-manager
- - hardware
- - wayland
- - NetworkManager
- - browser plugin
- - dell
- - empathy
- - france
- - gnome-media
- - lirc
- - obex
- - power
- - upower
- - xdg
- - youtube
- - dbus
- - drivers
- - flash
- - games
- - gnokii
- - google
- - keyboard
- - laptop
- - libfprint
- - lua
- - nautilus
- - podcast
- - power-profiles-daemon
- - red hat
- - shared-mime-info
- - systemd
- - tablet
- - telepathy
- - touch
- - ubuntu
- - wacom
- - xorg
- - afc
- - amazon
- - bbc
- - fifa
- - gnome-control-center
- - gnome-lirc-properties
- - gnome-user-share
- - gnome3
- - gom
- - guardian
- - mythtv
- - opengl
- - playlist parser
- - remote control
- - upnp
- - volume control
- - xdg-app
- - arm
- - blog
- - bugzilla
- - chip
- - clutter
- - codec buddy
- - dual-gpu
- - dvd
- - ebay
- - features
- - firefox
- - flathub
- - foundation
- - freebox
- - gdk-pixbuf
- - git
- - gjs
- - gnome-session
- - gobject-introspection
- - iio-sensor-proxy
- - iphone
- - itunes
- - jdll
- - libgweather
- - low-memory-monitor
- - lyon
- - movie
- - nokia
- - optimus
- - pocket
- - politics
- - rawhide
- - release
- - releases
- - retro
- - ross
- - settings
- - sony ericsson
- - subtitles
- - suspend
- - switcheroo-control
- - theme
- - thomson
- - toys
- - translations
- - tv
- - udev
- - video
- - wishlist
- - a11y
- - accelerometer
- - als
- - application
- - birthday
- - bluetooth-sendto
- - builder
- - ca va pas
- - champions
- - cheese
- - cinema
- - comics
- - compass
- - contacts
- - critics
- - cross compilation
- - desktop summit
- - development
- - documentation
- - dvb
- - ebook
- - ebooks
- - eeepc
- - epub
- - euro 08
- - ffmpeg
- - firewall
- - fprintd
- - gdb
- - geeksphone
- - geocoding
- - gnome-books
- - gnome-builder
- - gnome-power-manager
- - google video
- - hadouken
- - humble bundle
- - icons
- - igalia
- - iio
- - interviews
- - ipad
- - ipod touch
- - javascript
- - joypad
- - kde
- - languages
- - libimobiledevice
- - libreoffice
- - light
- - macos x
- - moblin
- - motorola
- - multitouch
- - nautilus-sendto
- - ninja gaiden
- - nintendo ds
- - notifications
- - office-runner
- - ogg
- - old age
- - old farts
- - olivier
- - online desktop
- - pedant
- - playstation
- - plumbers
- - privacy
- - python
- - qemu
- - radio
- - rip
- - rotation
- - rpm
- - samsung
- - script
- - search
- - security
- - series
- - shit-in-a-box
- - sixaxis
- - sms
- - sound
- - sound-juicer
- - spam
- - speaker
- - stripes-guy
- - svn
- - symbolic
- - tango
- - tracker
- - usability
- - usb
- - vim
- - website
- - wine
- - wireless
- - xcompile
- - xfce
- - xine-lib
- 10 years
- 3g
- 5 years
- 8-bit
- C.H.I.P.
+ - NetworkManager
- PolicyKit
+ - a11y
- abrt
+ - accelerometer
- acme
- adafruit
- adb
- adobe
- adreno
- adwaita
+ - afc
- airplane mode
+ - als
- alsa
+ - amazon
- ambient light sensor
- android
- animation
+ - apple
+ - application
+ - arm
- article
- audio
- avahi
@@ -283,11 +49,17 @@ params:
- bambulab
- bank holidays
- basket-ball
+ - bbc
- beer
- bemused
- berlin
- best practices
+ - birthday
+ - blog
- blu-ray
+ - bluetooth
+ - bluetooth-sendto
+ - bluez
- board
- bolso
- boo hiss
@@ -298,8 +70,13 @@ params:
- brightness
- brno
- broadband
+ - browser plugin
- bug day
+ - bugs
+ - bugzilla
+ - builder
- bundle
+ - ca va pas
- cairo
- calendar
- call for papers
@@ -307,45 +84,62 @@ params:
- capitalism
- captive
- cfp
+ - champions
+ - cheese
- chema
+ - chip
- chpe
- chrome
- chrome os
- chuck norris
+ - cinema
- clang
- click
- client-side windows
- clocks
- clothes
+ - clutter
- clutter-gtk
+ - codec buddy
- comedy club
- comic relief
+ - comics
+ - compass
- compression
- computer
- con
- conduit
- contact-lookup-applet
+ - contacts
- content apps
- contest
- contributors
+ - control-center
- corey
- corporation
- coscup
- crack
+ - critics
+ - cross compilation
- culture beat
- d420
- daily mail
- danny stone
+ - dbus
- dbusmock
- dd-wrt
- deadly snail
- debian
- debugging
- defective bodyparts
+ - dell
- dell mini
- delta airlines
- den haag
+ - design
- desktop
+ - desktop summit
+ - development
- devicekit
- devil
- diego
@@ -354,16 +148,29 @@ params:
- displaylink
- divx
- dns
+ - documentation
- domestic
- dri3
+ - drivers
- ds4
+ - dual-gpu
+ - dvb
+ - dvd
+ - ebay
- ebbsfleet united
+ - ebook
+ - ebooks
+ - eeepc
- elantech
- elsass
- embedded
- emoji
+ - empathy
- endless
+ - epiphany
+ - epub
- esperanto
+ - euro 08
- event box
- everton
- evil
@@ -371,58 +178,116 @@ params:
- fail
- fake
- fallback
+ - features
+ - fedora
+ - ffmpeg
+ - fifa
- filesystems
+ - films
- fingerprint reader
+ - firefox
+ - firewall
+ - flash
- flashforge
- flashprint
+ - flathub
+ - flatpak
- fleet street
- floods
- fluendo
- folks
- fonz
+ - football
+ - foundation
+ - fprint
+ - fprintd
+ - france
- france inter
- français
+ - freebox
+ - freedesktop
- freedreno
+ - freefa
- freestylers
- freud
- frog
+ - funny
- gadget
- galago
+ - games
- gandi
+ - gcds
+ - gdb
+ - gdk-pixbuf
+ - geeksphone
+ - geoclue
+ - geocoding
- geoip
- gesture
- gettext
- gift
- gimp
+ - git
- gitlab
- giveaway
- gizmo
+ - gjs
+ - glib
- gmyth
- gnapplet
+ - gnokii
+ - gnome
+ - gnome 3
+ - gnome-bluetooth
+ - gnome-books
+ - gnome-builder
+ - gnome-control-center
- gnome-documents
+ - gnome-lirc-properties
+ - gnome-media
- gnome-multiwriter
- gnome-music
- gnome-obex-send
- gnome-obex-server
- gnome-online-accounts
+ - gnome-phone-manager
- gnome-pilot
+ - gnome-power-manager
+ - gnome-session
+ - gnome-settings-daemon
+ - gnome-shell
+ - gnome-user-share
+ - gnome3
- gobject
+ - gobject-introspection
- gog
- golf
+ - gom
+ - google
+ - google video
- goom
- gps
+ - grilo
- gromit
+ - gstreamer
- gthread
- gtk
+ - gtk+
- gtk-parasite
+ - guadec
+ - guardian
- guilfest
- gupnp
+ - gvfs
- gwladys
- gypsy
- hackergotchi
+ - hackfest
- hacking
- hacks
+ - hadouken
- halloween
+ - hardware
- harry
- headphones
- headset
@@ -430,10 +295,15 @@ params:
- hidden
- house arrest
- huawei
+ - humble bundle
- i18n
- icedtea
- icns
+ - icons
- id theft
+ - igalia
+ - iio
+ - iio-sensor-proxy
- illustrator
- im
- imdb
@@ -443,25 +313,45 @@ params:
- intel
- intel rapid start
- interruptions
+ - interviews
+ - ipad
+ - iphone
+ - ipod touch
- iso
- istanbul
+ - itunes
- jack sensing
- java
+ - javascript
+ - jdll
- jds
- jmp
- job
+ - joypad
+ - kde
- kerberos
+ - kernel
+ - keyboard
- kid
- kiosk
- kobo
- krita
+ - languages
+ - laptop
- last.fm
- lazy
- libarchive
- libcanberra
+ - libfprint
+ - libgweather
+ - libimobiledevice
+ - libreoffice
- licences
+ - light
- lightning talk
+ - linux
- linux magazine
+ - lirc
- liverpool
- llvm
- locale
@@ -470,13 +360,18 @@ params:
- london
- lovefilm
- lovelock
+ - low-memory-monitor
+ - lua
+ - lyon
- mac mini
+ - macos x
- maemo
- mailman
- maintainer
- making
- manchester
- mandriva
+ - manutd
- maps
- margarita
- megadrive
@@ -487,27 +382,47 @@ params:
- microsoft
- mo5
- mobi
+ - moblin
- moron
+ - motorola
+ - movie
- mpris
- mpv
- mugshot
- multimedia
+ - multitouch
- music
- mypaint
+ - mythtv
+ - nautilus
+ - nautilus-sendto
- nba
- neologism
- new statesman
+ - ninja gaiden
- nintendo
+ - nintendo ds
- noddy
+ - nokia
- nostalgia
+ - notifications
- nurnberg
- nutella
- nvidia
+ - obex
+ - office-runner
+ - ogg
+ - old age
+ - old farts
- oled
+ - olivier
+ - online desktop
+ - opengl
- openismus
- openraster
- opensubtitles
- opera
+ - optimus
- opw
- osd
- owncloud
@@ -518,6 +433,7 @@ params:
- party
- patches
- paypal
+ - pedant
- performance
- perl
- peter serafinowicz
@@ -526,24 +442,44 @@ params:
- pidgin
- pimusicbox
- pipewire
+ - playlist parser
+ - playstation
+ - plumbers
- poche
+ - pocket
+ - podcast
+ - politics
- portuguese
- português
- poulsbo
+ - power
+ - power-profiles-daemon
- powertop
- presentation
- printer
+ - privacy
- proxy
+ - ps3
- ps4
+ - pulseaudio
+ - python
+ - qemu
- qmi
- qualcomm
- quicktime
+ - radio
- rar
- raspberry pi
- ratchet and clank
+ - rawhide
- record
+ - red hat
+ - release
+ - releases
+ - remote control
- rental
- resolv.conf
+ - retro
- retroarch
- retrode
- retromancave
@@ -551,10 +487,15 @@ params:
- review
- rfkill
- rhel
+ - rhythmbox
- rio
- rio500
+ - rip
+ - ross
+ - rotation
- router
- rpi
+ - rpm
- rtl8723bs
- rugby
- running man
@@ -562,27 +503,42 @@ params:
- safari
- sagem
- salü
+ - samsung
- scratch
- screencast
- screensaver
+ - script
- sd card
+ - search
+ - security
- security errata
- sega
- sensor
+ - series
- service
+ - settings
+ - shared-mime-info
- sharing
- shinobi
+ - shit-in-a-box
- shop
- silly
- simple pairing
- simpsons
- sitcoms
+ - sixaxis
- smoking
+ - sms
- snes
- social
- socks
- software
+ - sony ericsson
+ - sound
+ - sound-juicer
- soundbox
+ - spam
+ - speaker
- speaker testing
- spice
- sponsors
@@ -597,50 +553,84 @@ params:
- stormy
- strasbourg
- streaming
+ - stripes
+ - stripes-guy
- stupid
+ - subtitles
- summer of code
- sun
- surface
- suse
+ - suspend
+ - svn
+ - switcheroo-control
+ - symbolic
+ - systemd
+ - tablet
- taipei
+ - tango
- taxi
- teensy
+ - telepathy
- templates
- test suite
- the register
+ - theme
- theora
+ - thomson
+ - thumbnailer
- tizen
- tla
- tmk
- tories
- toshiba
+ - totem
+ - touch
- touchpad
- touchscreen
+ - toys
- trackball
+ - tracker
+ - translations
- triage
- tripes
+ - tv
- tvcatchup
- twitter
+ - ubuntu
+ - udev
- udraw
- ui hell
- umockdev
- unity
- unlocking
+ - upnp
+ - upower
- upstream
+ - usability
+ - usb
- utc
- uwb
- vaio
- vichy
+ - video
+ - videos
+ - vim
- vimeo
- vino
- vlc
- vnc
+ - volume control
- vorbis
- vt
- vuntz
+ - wacom
- wake-ups
- walk500
- wasting time
+ - wayland
+ - webkit
+ - website
- wedding
- west wing
- wetab
@@ -649,18 +639,29 @@ params:
- windowmaker
- windows 8
- windows media player
+ - wine
+ - wireless
+ - wishlist
- woking
- work
- xan
- xbmc
+ - xcompile
+ - xdg
+ - xdg-app
+ - xfce
+ - xine-lib
- xiph
- xlib
+ - xorg
+ - youtube
- zip
- zlib
- zombies
- zonbu
https://www.blogger.com/profile/14621847888418739807: true
+ https://www.hadess.net/: true
last_post_title: New and old apps on Flathub
last_post_description: 3D Printing Slicers I recently replaced my Flashforge Adventurer
3 printer that I had been using for a few years as my first printer with a BambuLab
@@ -674,17 +675,22 @@ params:
- flashprint
- flathub
- rhythmbox
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last_post_guid: 1526a70b6c4b77c8ece7e2129c1d8e98
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description: 0
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postcats: 3
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promoted: 0
promotes: 0
relme: 2
title: 3
website: 2
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+ score: 18
ispodcast: false
isnoarchive: false
+ innetwork: true
+ language: ""
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-title: Andreas Gohr
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @splitbrain@octodon.social
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- Retrospectives will hopefully resume in a month or
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- rapid progress” with 25 co-authors (Harari?) is getting quick attention. The paper
- leans heavily toward the AI doom, warning of “an
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+ last_post_title: As complicated as Black and white
+ last_post_description: 'Here are two attempts to redraw the binary political taxonomies
+ of today: Yet he offers a balm for the nerves: “But liberals should not panic.
+ Dismantling American or French democracy would be no'
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+ In the past, I've written up configuring NFS in Solaris, FreeBSD,
+ and Linux. Now I'll turn my focus to SmartOS. Briefly, NFS
+ (network file system) provides access to remote filesystems which
+ appear
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+title: Good refrigerator
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+ last_post_title: All about Refrigerator
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+ In a period where How Many Amps Does a Refrigerator Use we are on the whole delicate to our
+ apparatuses hanging out in our kitchen comes counter profundity fridges. A
+ fridge that is worked to mix
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+ - Events
+ - News
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+ last_post_title: GUADEC 2024 Call for BoFs and Workshops
+ last_post_description: We have opened an additional call for submissions for Birds-of-a-Feather
+ (BoF) sessions and Workshops for GUADEC 2024! BoF and Workshop sessions will be
+ scheduled in one or two-hour blocks on Monday,
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-04T14:55:24Z"
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+title: Tribblix
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+description: An OpenSolaris-derived distribution based on the illumos core with a
+ retro feel.
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+ last_post_title: Changes in 0m34 prerelease
+ last_post_description: Give zap the ability to manage additional package and overlay
+ reposIn future, packaging should manage editable files (such as configurationfiles)
+ correctly, and preserve changes across
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+ - ipv6
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+ - libraries
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+ - mozilla
+ - networking
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+ - openwrt
+ - pam
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+ - planet-ubuntu
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+ last_post_title: Exploring xsd.core
+ last_post_description: I mentioned in the previous blog that the getProperty() method
+ under the class XSDSchemaAdapter in org.eclipse.wst.xsd.core, XSDImpl.java calculates
+ the name space of an attribute. However, as i
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+ - vmware virtualbox
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+ last_post_title: 'Major Price Cuts: Deepnote Versus Cocalc --- Compute Server Pricing'
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+ Deepnote is one of CoCalc's direct competitors. Today (November 30, 2023) they announced a major price cut on their pay-as-you-go rates:
+ "As you may have already heard, starting December 1, we're
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+ and photography.
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+ - seereason
+ - steel-cut oats
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+title: Its Eclipse in Clips ...
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+description: This blog site is a symbol of our Passion towards Eclipse and a contribution
+ to the Eclipse Community ... Eclipse Team, ANCiT Consulting
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+ - ANT
+ - ActionSet
+ - Activator
+ - Adding Palette Item's In GEF...
+ - Background Image To GEF Editor
+ - Build
+ - Code Generator
+ - Code RasPIde
+ - Code to print your Gef Editor
+ - Command
+ - Commit Information
+ - Community Meeting
+ - Connection in GEF
+ - ConnectionEndpointLocator
+ - ContentPane
+ - Control Decoration
+ - Custom splash screen templates…
+ - Decoration
+ - Demo Camp
+ - DemoCamp
+ - DemoCamp09
+ - Deploy and Configuration Tool
+ - Developing RAP Application
+ - DirectEditing label
+ - Document Partitioning in TextEditor
+ - E-Core
+ - E-Core Properties
+ - E-Core Properties Unleashed
+ - ECP
+ - EMF
+ - EMF Compare
+ - EMF Forms
+ - EMF Validation
+ - Eclipse
+ - Eclipse Con
+ - Eclipse Conference
+ - Eclipse Day
+ - Eclipse Demo
+ - Eclipse Demo Camp
+ - Eclipse Developer Camp
+ - Eclipse Editors
+ - Eclipse Event
+ - Eclipse Forum India 2008
+ - Eclipse GEF
+ - Eclipse IDE
+ - Eclipse India Summit
+ - Eclipse PDE
+ - Eclipse Plugin Developer
+ - Eclipse Summit
+ - Eclipse Training
+ - Eclipse UI
+ - Eclipse Utility
+ - Eclipse jobs
+ - Eclipsw Day
+ - Ecore
+ - Edapt
+ - Europe
+ - Extension Point
+ - FTP
+ - Field Decoration
+ - Forking
+ - Form Editor
+ - Form UI
+ - GEF
+ - GEF Editor Image
+ - GEF...
+ - GMF
+ - Ganymede
+ - Git
+ - Git Repositories View
+ - Github
+ - Glossary
+ - Google Search
+ - Graphical Editor
+ - Graphiti
+ - Horizontal to Vertical
+ - IRC Chat
+ - Image Registry
+ - Installing And developing RAP Application
+ - Installing RAP Application
+ - IoT
+ - ItemProviders
+ - JUnit
+ - JUnit Programmatically
+ - Jenkins
+ - Jobs
+ - Juno
+ - Key Binding
+ - M2M Tools
+ - Makes Label to Grow Vertically
+ - Maven
+ - Maven Tycho Integration
+ - Mavon
+ - MidpointLocator
+ - Model Comparison
+ - Model Migration
+ - Model Validation
+ - Modelling
+ - Modelling Training
+ - Multiple ContentPane
+ - OSGI
+ - OSGI Server
+ - PDE
+ - PDE Build
+ - PI4J
+ - Perspective Customisation
+ - Plugin
+ - PreferencePage
+ - PreferenceStore
+ - Principles of Eclipse
+ - Print Gef Editor
+ - Print your Gef Editor
+ - Public Classroom
+ - PullRequest
+ - PullRequest utility
+ - RAP Application
+ - RCP
+ - RCP Training
+ - Raspberry PI
+ - Remote System Explorer
+ - Removing Actions from Perspective
+ - Rules of Eclipse
+ - Run JUnit Programmatically
+ - SWT
+ - Scroll Panel
+ - Scroll Panel on Compartment Figure
+ - Section Creation
+ - Selection Provider
+ - Selection Service
+ - Setting Background Image
+ - Setting text to the Section
+ - Sirius
+ - Spell Check
+ - Sphinx
+ - State Persistence
+ - TableViewer
+ - Telnet
+ - Template Feature In Ganymede Edition...
+ - Terms
+ - Testing Eclipse Plugins
+ - TextHover...
+ - Tips & Tricks
+ - Toolbar to the Section
+ - Training
+ - Tycho
+ - UI Context
+ - UI Tester
+ - Validation
+ - View
+ - Visualisation
+ - Whats New
+ - Workshop
+ - Workspace related
+ - Zest
+ - ancit
+ - ancitconsulting
+ - camp
+ - connection without overlap in gef
+ - e4 training
+ - eGit
+ - eGit-Extensions
+ - ecore properties
+ - github mylyn connector
+ - github utils
+ - horizontal and vertical scrolling
+ - horizontal scrolling
+ - i18n
+ - java
+ - label Grow Vertically
+ - label to Connection Line
+ - org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages
+ - plugins
+ - translator
+ - unoverlap connection in gef
+ - unoverlap figures in gef
+ - vertical scrolling
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+ last_post_title: Eclipse Summit India 2016 @ Bangalore
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+ Hey Guys
+ Thanks to Eclipse Foundation and IBM, this year Eclipse Day has been upgraded to a 2 Day Conference 'Eclipse Summit'. It is open for Registration. Happening in the Month of Aug from 25th to
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+ - Eclipse Summit
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+ last_post_title: OMEMO
+ last_post_description: GSoC is over, but we're far from done. For those of you who
+ have been following along for a while, OMEMO is now the official name of this
+ protocol. Since it's not actually exactly axolotl, it would
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+ - market release wakeme
+ - references
+ - release
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/14337030496107875313: true
+ last_post_title: Experiences with the Android Market
+ last_post_description: 'I finally released WakeMe@ on the Android Market on 2nd
+ August. I''m pretty happy with the state of it at the moment: everything works
+ (as far as I can see). At least it does now, after two rapid'
+ last_post_date: "2011-08-09T20:30:00Z"
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+ - market release wakeme
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-description: Primarily a film photographer who travels a lot.
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- a conference back in April. These photos of are the spring, so hopefully it will
- remind you what is at the end of the incipient winter.My
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- year ago. The project is being developed by many developers from VMware, Red Hat,
- IBM, eBay and other companies and individuals. If you
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+ - JSON
+ - PouchDB
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+ Bila aplikasi mobile kita membutuhkan data dari Internet, kita akan mendapatkannya dari web service API tertentu. Biasanya data akan ditransfer dalam format JSON.
+ JSON adalah format berbasis
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+ - java posse
+ - javaone
+ - jsr294
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+ - mobile
+ - modularity
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+ - yahoo
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+ last_post_title: Outage…
+ last_post_description: "# \n \n This is an RSS-only post. It's a secret! Read
+ more about RSS Club.\nLast night my friend Joschua alerted me that my website
+ was giving a 522 error. I poked at it a little bit on my phone, but"
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- Threads is a new app, built by the Instagram team, for sharing text updates and joining public conversations.
- The post Introducing Threads: A New Way to Share With Text appeared first on Meta.
- last_post_date: "2023-07-05T23:30:45Z"
- last_post_link: https://about.fb.com/news/2023/07/introducing-threads-new-app-text-sharing/
+ last_post_title: What Is the Fediverse?
+ last_post_description: "The fediverse is a global social network of interconnected
+ servers that allows people to communicate across different platforms. \nThe post
+ What Is the Fediverse? appeared first on Meta."
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-25T17:10:26Z"
+ last_post_link: https://about.fb.com/news/2024/06/what-is-the-fediverse/
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+ - '#2Dgeometry #python #infiniteslope'
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+ - '#C#'
+ - '#Csharp'
+ - '#Gtk'
+ - '#Gtk.Calendar'
+ - '#Gtk.TreeView'
+ - '#InternetExplorer'
+ - '#IronPython'
+ - '#IronPython #unicode #python #.NET'
+ - '#JavaScript #ZenofPython'
+ - '#JavaScript #ZenofPython #W3Cvalidator'
+ - '#PDF #Bookmarks #PyPDF2 #Python'
+ - '#Python'
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+ - '#vectormath'
+ - '#win32com'
+ - 7-ZipJBinding
+ - 7zip
+ - BSDA
+ - IPv4
+ - OpenBSD
+ - 'Python #unicode #python3.1 #UnicodeDecodeError'
+ - Python Python3 Unicode Unicodenormalization Unicodedecomposition unicodedatamodule
+ Umlaut PyconUS
+ - Python3.x Python unittest bytes
+ - SSRS
+ - Thinkpad
+ - VBA
+ - X201
+ - assert
+ - base64
+ - bcp
+ - bytea
+ - columns
+ - coroutines
+ - csv
+ - devilinthedark
+ - dia
+ - drillholes
+ - fan
+ - feh
+ - freebsd python
+ - generators
+ - geology
+ - grouping
+ - hardware
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+ - java
+ - jpeg
+ - jython
+ - jython unicode unicodeblock
+ - linear regression formulas
+ - maintainablecode
+ - modeltrains
+ - netmask
+ - openbsd python
+ - postgresql
+ - psql
+ - pyconus python3 robots
+ - pyrite
+ - python
+ - python openbsd DoubleAssociation dictionarystructure
+ - python python3 Unicode unicodedata Telugu Hindi virama
+ - python python3 Unicode unicodedata normalization decomposition malayalam
+ - python python3 foreignlanguage pythoncommunity
+ - python python3.1 UTF-8 Unicode
+ - python python3.1 UTF-8 Unicode Arabic
+ - python3.5
+ - showimagefromdatabasequery
+ - sound
+ - sqlcmd
+ - storeimageastext
+ - storeimageindatabase
+ - toydatabase
+ - y=mx+b
+ - yield
+ relme:
+ https://pyright.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Graphviz - Editing a DAG Hamilton Graph dot File
+ last_post_description: companylogo [label="" image="fauxcompanylogo.png" shape="box",
+ width=5.10 height=0.6 fixedsize=true]The DAG Hamilton logo listed first appears
+ to end up in the upper left part of the diagram most of
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+ last_post_title: OpenAddresses receives an award at AGIT 2010
+ last_post_description: The OpenAddresses poster have been awarded during AGIT 2010.Have
+ a look a this poster (also pdf):Congratulations to Hans-Jörg !
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+ https://sarahjamielewis.com/: true
last_post_title: Call for Board Member Nominations
last_post_description: We are open to nominations for new people to join the Open
Privacy Research Society’s Board of Directors! In particular, we are looking for
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+ content about Ddosing illegal.
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+ Who ought to be stressed over a DOS Attack?
+ In case you're running a monetary help, betting, severe
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- Couldn’t agree more!
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- of work for Deno. - The complexities of testing image'
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+ A quickie one -- sometimes we need named constants -
+ just like "True" and "False" are in Python - and we'd like they to behave
+ like named constants - not just a variable pointing to an int
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+ 333.
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+ last_post_description: 'Summary: I’ve loved my last five years at the Eclipse Foundation. It’s
+ time for me to move on. I’m going to Oracle to work on OpenJDK and other things. The
+ longer version: It was over five'
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- My head hath aked all night, and all this morning, with my last night's debauch.
- Called up this morning by Lieutenant Lambert, who is now made Captain of the Norwich, and he and I went down by water
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+ last_post_title: Monday 8 July 1661
+ last_post_description: '[Pepys wrote no diary entries from this date until 13th
+ July. P.G.]'
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- Tuesday Tune Two-fer
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- last_post_title: 'Tuesday Tune Two-Fer: Mach 5-String'
- last_post_description: Two tunes with people playing banjo much, much better than
- I ever will
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+ last_post_description: Pride month is over, so let's turn it back over to the Breeders
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+ - datasources jpa eclipselink
+ - eclipselink jpa sql query
+ - eclipselink moxy jaxb spring webservices
+ - eclipselink spring
+ - jpa xmltype eclipselink oracle xml
+ - toplinkgrid
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+ last_post_title: Mapping XMLTYPE
+ last_post_description: A recent posting on the TopLink Forum made it clear that
+ previous descriptions of how to map a JPA entity attribute of type org.w3c.dom.Document
+ to an Oracle database XMLTYPE column didn't provide
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+ - jpa xmltype eclipselink oracle xml
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+title: Stonekettle Station
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Don't just embrace the crazy, sidle up next to it and lick its ear.
+ feedlink: https://www.stonekettle.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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+ categories:
+ - Alaska State Fair. Anemone. More Stupid
+ - Deep Thunder and Firey Angels
+ - Fraud Stonekette Merchandise
+ - Goals
+ - Plans
+ - Retired Life
+ - Stonekettle Station
+ - Things
+ - Things Hunter S. Thompson would do if he was still alive
+ - Things I blog about when I don't have anything to blog about
+ - Things I do
+ - Things I do at night
+ - Things I do for fun
+ - Things I do in the shop
+ - Things I do instead of writing
+ - Things I do so you don't have to
+ - Things I do to get motivated
+ - Things I do to save money
+ - Things I don't care about
+ - Things I don't forget
+ - Things I find Interesting
+ - Things I find just plain weird
+ - Things I find pathetic
+ - Things I like
+ - Things I like to eat
+ - Things I remember
+ - Things I used to do for a living
+ - Things I would rather not be doing
+ - Things I'm reading right now
+ - Things I'm thinking about
+ - Things Just Things
+ - Things about Sarah Palin
+ - Things about Stonekettle Station
+ - Things about Terrorism
+ - Things about cats
+ - Things about kids
+ - Things about music
+ - Things about the military
+ - Things happen
+ - Things in Alaska
+ - Things that I do for fun
+ - Things that I don't understand
+ - Things that I don't want to do - but have to anyway
+ - Things that I find Ironic
+ - Things that I love about Alaska
+ - Things that I should be doing
+ - Things that I want
+ - Things that amaze me
+ - Things that amuse and nauseate me
+ - Things that amuse me
+ - Things that both amuse and irritate me
+ - Things that chap my ass
+ - Things that concern me
+ - Things that confound me
+ - Things that confuse me
+ - Things that creep me out
+ - Things that depress me
+ - Things that entertain me
+ - Things that frustrate me
+ - Things that get hijacked
+ - Things that have to do with Alaska
+ - Things that hurt me
+ - Things that irritate me
+ - Things that just keep pissing me off
+ - Things that leave a funny taste in your mouth.
+ - Things that leave me cold
+ - Things that make living in Alaska fun
+ - Things that make me a little sceptical
+ - Things that make me apprehensive
+ - Things that make me go hmmm
+ - Things that make me insane
+ - Things that make me just want to get stinking drunk
+ - Things that make me mad with power
+ - Things that make me sleepy
+ - Things that make me want to poke my eyes out
+ - Things that make me want to punch people in the mouth
+ - Things that make my blood BOIL
+ - Things that make my head hurt
+ - Things that need to be said
+ - Things that offend me
+ - Things that perplex me
+ - Things that piss me off
+ - Things that revolt me
+ - Things that tickle me
+ - Things to do in Denver when you're dead
+ - Things to think about
+ - Trump
+ - UEU
+ - and Just Fading Away
+ - cell phones
+ - immigration
+ - politics
+ - thing abouts politics
+ - things I do by request
+ - things I do for you
+ - things I do so you'll know me better
+ - things I do to get a cool sticker
+ - things I do to make you dance so dance monkeys dance
+ - things I do to stick it to the man
+ - things I do with cool people I meet online
+ - things I get in the mail
+ - things I have to do but don't want to
+ - things I look forward to
+ - things I think are just plain cool
+ - things I use my blog for that I probably shouldn't but it's my blog so I will
+ if I want to
+ - things I'm listening to
+ - things about Michigan
+ - things about bailouts
+ - things about bowls
+ - things about pirates
+ - things about politics
+ - things about religion
+ - things about scifi
+ - things about the law
+ - things about top ten lists
+ - things about vacation
+ - things in the kitchen
+ - things that I'm not looking forward to
+ - things that amus me
+ - things that are all shiny
+ - things that concern writing
+ - things that fill me with disgust
+ - things that have to do with blogging
+ - things that have to do with camels
+ - things that have to with politics
+ - things that keep me busy
+ - things that make me crazy
+ - things that make me happy
+ - things that make me jealous
+ - things that make me laugh hysterically
+ - things that piss me off. NOT gay porn - go somewhere else.
+ - things that sadden me
+ - things that vex me mightily
+ - things various and sundry
+ relme:
+ https://www.stonekettle.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Raggedy Man
+ last_post_description: Out of the ruinsOut from the wreckageCan't make the same
+ mistake this timeWe are the childrenThe last generation (the last generation,
+ generation)We are the ones they left behindAnd, I wonder when we
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-05T16:56:00Z"
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
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+ - Books
+ - Learning
+ - Self-Improvement
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: Experts vs. Imitators
+ last_post_description: 'If you want the highest quality information, you have to
+ speak to the best people. The problem is many people claim to be experts, who
+ really aren’t. Safeguard: Take time to distinguish real'
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-13T12:45:24Z"
+ last_post_link: https://fs.blog/experts-vs-imitators/
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+ - Books
+ - Learning
+ - Self-Improvement
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+title: Corporate Strategy, Open Source Facts, Knowledge, Wisdom, Thoughts
+date: "2024-03-19T13:26:52+01:00"
+description: The views expressed here are my own, and do not necessarily - unless
+ specifically mentioned - reflect those of my employers, past, current, or future.
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+ - adobe
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+ - source
+ - strategy
+ - wipro
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+description: 'Welcome to the meta-bubble. A ressource for software and computer language
+ modeling and meta-modeling. Topics include: eclipse emf, OMG MOF, textual modeling
+ and agile language engineering.'
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+ last_post_title: Textual Editing Framework Tutorial
+ last_post_description: 'Its done: the first major release for our Textual Editing
+ Framework is out. After watching all the TEF screencasts, you can finally try
+ it yourself. We provide a small tutorial, based on plug-in'
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+ last_post_title: Mastering Async Communication in a Remote World
+ last_post_description: This is one of my favorite posts/documents I have written.
+ I wrote it during the pandemic (2020–21), when InfraCloud, the organization I
+ work with, decided to go fully remote. It was published at
+ last_post_date: "2023-04-11T00:00:00+05:30"
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+ last_post_title: Learning to Say "I Don't Know"
+ last_post_description: A short musing on three words that more than a few people
+ are unwilling or unable to say
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Versioned permalinks from source code pages are
- now available
Title: Rendering .md
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+ In 1990, four nerdy little boys met in a Jacksonville 6th grade center. Where are they now?
+ A collective video blog.
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- synaptic, semantic, structured, distributed, (re-)decentralized, independent, microformatted
- and federated social web
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- last_post_title: 'Scaling Success: Key Insights And Practical Takeaways'
- last_post_description: The web is still a young platform, and we’re only now beginning
- to recognize what “success” looks like for large projects. In his recent Smashing
- book, [Success at Scale](https://www
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+ last_post_title: Useful Customer Journey Maps (+ Figma & Miro Templates)
+ last_post_description: Visualize the user experience with user journey maps. Here
+ are some helpful templates, real-world applications, and insights on the importance
+ of mapping both successful and unsuccessful touchpoints.
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A special lo-fi casual episode, never to be repeated.
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+ categories:
+ - Context Tips
+ - Facebook Bubble
+ - Golden Thoughts
+ - Moving in Time
+ - News
+ - Smart Tools
+ - Tag Slider
+ - Turning the Pages
+ - Welcome Message
+ - Welcome Page
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+ last_post_title: Tag Slider
+ last_post_description: 'Laura presents tags (labels) in a form of a horizontally
+ scrolled slider. You may choose which variant You prefer: picture per tag/label
+ *, each tag/label has the same picture **, tags/label without'
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+ - Smart Tools
+ - Tag Slider
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-title: Tech – Thoughts From Eric
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Things that Eric A. Meyer, CSS expert, writes about on his personal Web
- site; it's largely Web standards and Web technology, but also various bits of culture,
- politics, personal observations, and
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- last_post_title: 'Bookmarklet: Load All GitHub Comments'
- last_post_description: A quick way to load all the comments on a GitHub issue.
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- - World of Warcraft
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- last_post_description: 'The Weekly Route Series showcases Mythic+ strategies that
- are tailored towards Beginner and Intermediate levels of Mythic+ with the following
- criteria in mind: Easy to execute - particularly in pick'
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+title: Corporate Strategy, Open Source Facts, Knowledge, Wisdom, Thoughts
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: The views expressed here are my own, and do not necessarily - unless
+ specifically mentioned - reflect those of my employers, past, current, or future.
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+ Dear readers, I will be exploring Medium for my future blogging. You can find my Medium blog here.
+ I might, for some time, post copies of my Medium articles here... But the main source will be
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+ In reply to Stuart Lamble .
+ Oh, brilliant! Thanks Stuart :-)
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-11T06:13:42Z"
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- last_post_description: In my last blog post, I discussed why people often view the
- web as a uniquely unsuited platform for implementing end-to-end encryption (E2EE).
- This view is that the web doesn’t offer a long-term
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+ last_post_title: Why even a little plaintext matters
+ last_post_description: This blog post is an expanded version of a Twitter thread
+ I posted several years ago about why every website should use HTTPS. Twitter seems
+ less… readily citable these days, so I thought it would
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- Hi Sebastian,
- Excellent post. I have a similar condition where I have a pipeline with tee branches where one of the branch I do object detection with AI and try to assign the PTS value of the GST
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- Society & Culture
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+ last_post_title: Dark forest of the web
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- Six years ago, we launched our $10/month plan with podcast hosting. Since then we’ve added several big features to the plan, which is now called Micro.blog Premium:
+ Jeremy Keith follows up on fighting AI bots, quoting a couple things I’ve said. He closes with:
- Create up to 5 blogs, each with
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+ There is nothing inevitable about any technology. The actions we take today are what determine our
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+ & Passions.
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+ last_post_title: Häufig gestellte Fragen.
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+ Aktualisiert: 23. Juli 2020
+ Kurze Übersicht, um was es geht:
+ Was sind die Unterschiede zwischen den HNR-Versionen auf Google Play und F-Droid?
+ Wie ist die Haltung zu Werbung?
+ Ich möchte die App
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+ last_post_description: The Tribblix live ISO and related images are put together
+ every so slightly differently in the latest m34 release.All along, there's been
+ an overlay (think a group package) called base-iso that lists
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as ‘information theory’ – Math Solution
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+ out to me with links that might be helpful for
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+ results. Before I introduced to notify JUnit results to Grows Eclipse Plugin beforeThen
+ Ketan's comment, "+1 for a custom command line
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+ - https://colinwalker.blog/livefeed.xml
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+ last_post_title: '"It''s been a couple of weeks since I started... · Žan Černe'
+ last_post_description: '"It''s been a couple of weeks since I started my 10k km
+ run preparations. I''m primarily focused on Zone 2 training for now. I began with
+ a c...'
+ last_post_date: "2023-07-20T22:00:00Z"
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- last_post_title: Writing a Unix clone in about a month
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- I needed a bit of a break from “real work” recently, so I started a new
- programming project that was low-stakes and purely recreational. On April 21st,
- I set out to see how much of a Unix-like
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/12377163704610747036: true
+ last_post_title: ハンバーガー、鯛焼き、バール
+ last_post_description: ハンバーガー:Brozersはいける!中央区日本橋人形町2丁目28−5月村マンションNo25 1F03-3639
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+ - patent
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+ - politics broadband
+ - politics organisation antipattern Bruce_Sterling
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+ - chafa
+ - release
+ - terminal graphics
+ - textmode
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+ last_post_title: 'Chafa 1.14: All-singing, all-dancing'
+ last_post_description: Dear friends, comrades, partners in crime and moderate profit!
+ I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Chafa 1.14.0.
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- each day that you appreciate or like. \n\nOver the next thirty days I’ll be updating
- this post each day with a new link. My goal is to pick"
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- Partially to validate them, but also to normalize them or get specific parts out
- of the URL. The URL API in browsers lets you do that, but
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+ last_post_title: 'Home Assistant: using target in blueprints'
+ last_post_description: TL;DR Here’s a snippet for use in Home Assistant for turning
+ an arbitrary target selector into a list of entity idsAlso here’s a low-battery
+ warning Blueprint that uses it.I’ve been using
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- last_post_title: Comment on Developing Knative pipelines on IBM Cloud. by Develop
- Knative pipelines on the cloud – IBM Developer
- last_post_description: '[…] blog post, I will describe how to set up the CD pipeline.
- This post was originally published at andreafrittoli.me on Feb 5th, […]'
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- last_post_title: Marbles2 - 16-Jul 2021
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- The game went live just under a week ago and the feedback has been really nice to see.
- There's been a balance of "regular" players and power players, and in those power players is where the game got
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+ - announcements
+ - features
+ - functions
+ - howto
+ - notations
+ - previews
+ - releases
+ - reviews
+ - screenshots
+ - smalltalk
+ - translations
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+ https://helderfoo.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://speedcrunch.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/06430233725902328852: true
+ last_post_title: SpeedCrunch 0.12 Released
+ last_post_description: If you're curious, check out the complete list of enhancements and
+ bug fixes. Or go straight to the downloads page. For better productivity, learn
+ about all the user interface quirks at your
+ last_post_date: "2016-11-29T01:25:00Z"
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
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+ last_post_title: A Love Letter to the Playdate
+ last_post_description: I was so excited when I heard about the Playdate in the summer
+ of 2021! I made sure to be ready for the pre-order and was lucky enough to get...
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- Physics:Time, and The Higgs Boson and Beyond'
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- In reply to Dinesh Lohokare .
- Thanks Dinesh.
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+ A quick look at the movies, television shows, and books that have captured my attention over the past two months.
+ Shrinking TV shows about father-daughter relationships will always have a cherished
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+ last_post_title: Cidade de São Carlos - SP
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+ Link principal: http://www.saocarlos.sp.gov.br/
+ Acesso direto: http://geo.saocarlos.sp.gov.br/
+ Instituição: Prefeitura Municipal de São Carlos
+ Framework: próprio
+ Servidor: não
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- Libvirt. Xen Project community is pleased...
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+ cooperations, opening functions of the new plant,
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- with Angela Burton'
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- advocate against the destruction of Black families, Burton states how all Black
- people want is to be left alone and collectively self-determine'
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- last_post_description: Happy Monday! I’m doing a bit of admin at the moment in relation
- to bringing Piccalilli back. Some of you might remember the Piccalilli newsletter.
- It was the precursor to this newsletter. I’m
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- last_post_description: My team and I set out to build a simple note taking aide,
- which transcribes and summarizes our meetings using Bedrock. Today, we’re making
- the proof of concept available to everyone.
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+ (WKD), un servizio per individuare una chiave OpenPGP associate ad un indirizzo
+ e-mail utilizzando un servizio Web e il protocollo HTTPS
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+ I am slowly getting my shape back after a very exhausting week, full of interesting discussions and beers at Hotel Nestor's bar!
+ I'm very glad I had the opportunity to meet many peers of the Eclipse
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- year ago. The project is being developed by many developers from VMware, Red Hat,
- IBM, eBay and other companies and individuals. If you
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- Doe, doctor of human sexuality and clinical sexologist.
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- last_post_description: TikTok offered the Biden administration a kill switch. Today
- on “Post Reports,” why the U.S. government declined.Read more:In 2022, TikTok
- offered the U.S. government an extraordinary deal. The
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+ last_post_title: France is in turmoil. Will the Olympics be okay?
+ last_post_description: Last week, France was preparing for the possibility of its
+ first far-right government since World War II. Now, it faces a political crossroads,
+ just weeks before the Olympics kick off in Paris.French
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T22:10:47Z"
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+description: A blog on Java, performance, scalability, concurrency, object-relational
+ mapping (ORM), Java Persistence API (JPA), persistence, databases, caching, Oracle,
+ MySQL, NoSQL, XML, JSON, EclipseLink,
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+ - concurrency
+ - eclipselink
+ - hierarchical
+ - history
+ - index
+ - java
+ - join-fetch
+ - jpa
+ - jpql
+ - json
+ - jvm
+ - kryo
+ - lists
+ - maps
+ - mongo-db
+ - moxy
+ - no-sql
+ - partitioning
+ - pof
+ - reflection
+ - sequence
+ - serialization
+ - sql
+ - synchronized
+ - tuning
+ - volatile
+ - xml
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+ last_post_title: Optimizing Java Serialization - Java vs XML vs JSON vs Kryo vs
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+description: In this blog I talk about some of the personal programming I do as a
+ hobby. From Java to Rust via Haskell, I've played around with a lot of technologies
+ and still try to have fun with new languages
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+ categories:
+ - Android
+ - Artificial Intelligence
+ - Aspects
+ - Cabal
+ - Compilation
+ - Concurrent Programming
+ - Debugging
+ - Design By Contract
+ - Dynamic languages
+ - Eclipse
+ - EclipseFP
+ - FRP
+ - Flex
+ - Functional Programming
+ - GHC
+ - GUI
+ - Genetic Programming
+ - Genetic algorithms
+ - HGL
+ - HTML 5
+ - Haskell
+ - Hibernate
+ - Hoogle
+ - HughesPJ
+ - IDE
+ - JSON
+ - Java
+ - JavaFX
+ - JavaScript
+ - Linux
+ - Mobile
+ - Monads
+ - NXT
+ - Network
+ - Neural Network
+ - Object Oriented Programming
+ - Parsec
+ - PostgreSQL
+ - Python
+ - RIA
+ - Rhino
+ - Rust
+ - SQL
+ - SWT
+ - Scala
+ - Scion
+ - Security
+ - Software design
+ - Ubuntu
+ - WebAssembly
+ - Windows
+ - algorithms
+ - annotations
+ - bevy
+ - buildwrapper
+ - cassandra
+ - closures
+ - databases
+ - development
+ - docker
+ - elastic
+ - fun
+ - functions
+ - game
+ - games
+ - generics
+ - golang
+ - graph databases
+ - graphql
+ - hidden markov model
+ - jobs
+ - maths
+ - mazes
+ - natural language processing
+ - parsing
+ - performance
+ - properties
+ - rant
+ - robotics
+ - scripting
+ - self-indulgence
+ - self-pity
+ - self-publicity
+ - testing
+ - tooling
+ relme:
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/09964251063221757176: true
+ last_post_title: Experimenting with car physics in Bevy
+ last_post_description: I was curious about how a racing game, say, would implement
+ the physics of a car (accelerating, braking) in a ECS setting. I found this page
+ https://asawicki
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+ last_post_title: Create a Bitcoin node into your Raspberry PI with only a few GBs,
+ even for the installation
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+ Which is the main purpose of this?
+ Run a Bitcoin node needs over 1/2 TB of hard disk. It's not so much, but if you have a Raspberry PI or any other small computer, the space is a problem.
+ A pruned
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+ - annotations
+ - aspectj
+ - grails
+ - groovy
+ - introductory
+ - java
+ - jdt
+ - ltw
+ - release
+ - sts
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+ last_post_title: AspectJ 1.9.0.RC1 released
+ last_post_description: The first release candidate of AspectJ 1.9 is out. This is
+ the version to use if working on Java 9 - but it also works on Java 8 too. It
+ includes a recent version of the Eclipse Java9 compiler (from
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+description: Hey! I'm Stefano, the Founder and CEO at DatoCMS. Follow my thinking
+ on business, society, programming, and whatever else is on my mind.
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
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+ last_post_title: 10 days of Vipassana meditation
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In my quest to try new things for short periods of time, I had the opportunity to participate in a 10-day Vipassana meditation course, "as taught by Goenka".
+ What is Vipassana? It's a meditation
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+description: Hi and welcome to my personal lil corner of the internet. I hope you
+ enjoy your stay!
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
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+ https://mastodon.design/@dominik: true
+ last_post_title: Adapting to the algorithm
+ last_post_description: It’s really weird when you discover that you have developed
+ a behaviour, that you despise in others, unconsciously yourself.
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-29T00:00:00Z"
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- last_post_description: Anywho I found the export button and did a little formatting
- to present a snapshot of all the feeds I'm following right now.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-17T08:09:21Z"
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+ last_post_title: 'zeroheight x Storybook: Design system workflow tips'
+ last_post_description: I was joined by Rosie from our Product Team and Varun from
+ Chromatic (Storybook) about the features and benefits of using Storybook with
+ zeroheight.
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-02T14:00:00Z"
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+title: Look Beyond the Code
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: A software developer's perspective on issues beyond the code that he
+ writes.
+ feedlink: https://lookbeyondthecode.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
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+ - Blogging
+ - Setting a Good Example
+ - defining terminology
+ - google
+ - internet access
+ - net neutrality
+ - telcos
+ - think before you speak
+ - web 2.0
+ relme:
+ https://eclipsetacy.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://lookbeyondthecode.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/10420435504140055673: true
+ last_post_title: Defining Web 2.0
+ last_post_description: I was recently sitting in a presentation at a conference
+ about the latest offerings from Myspodblog. This presentation, not unlike several
+ others I've heard, was being given by Dan. (Obviously
+ last_post_date: "2006-12-10T21:09:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://lookbeyondthecode.blogspot.com/2006/12/defining-web-20.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - defining terminology
+ - think before you speak
+ - web 2.0
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+title: Linux Australia
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Representing Free Software and Open Source Communities
+ feedlink: https://linux.org.au/feed/
+ feedtype: rss
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+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Grants and Grant Applications
+ - Linux Australia
+ - grant application
+ - grants
+ - grants program
+ relme:
+ https://linux.org.au/: true
+ last_post_title: Linux Australia’s 2024 Grants Program is now open
+ last_post_description: Linux Australia is pleased to announce that the 2024 Grants
+ Program is now open. Applications are welcome from all members of Linux Australia.
+ Membership of Linux Australia is free. As in 2023, there
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-18T10:49:29Z"
+ last_post_link: https://linux.org.au/linux-australias-2024-grants-program-is-now-open/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Grants and Grant Applications
+ - Linux Australia
+ - grant application
+ - grants
+ - grants program
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-title: I am busy changing the world
-date: "2024-06-15T13:00:34+07:00"
-description: I write, therefore I am.
- feedlink: https://www.dangtrinh.com/feeds/posts/default/-/openstack
- feedtype: atom
- feedid: 8d2e0677c482526255d5dc638473ab37
- websites: {}
- blogrolls: []
- recommended: []
- recommender: []
- categories:
- - python
- - ubuntu
- - django
- - linux
- - error
- - php
- - openstack
- - script
- - wordpress
- - edx
- - bash
- - quote
- - shell
- - user
- - javascript
- - mysql
- - edx-platform
- - nginx
- - moodle
- - html
- - command line
- - fix
- - windows
- - Open edX
- - Searchlight
- - course
- - configuration
- - docker
- - active directory
- - jquery
- - list
- - api
- - bug
- - csv
- - plugin
- - issue
- - server
- - ssh
- - template
- - database
- - ldap
- - convert
- - email
- - file
- - mariadb
- - pip
- - query
- - search
- - stein
- - Google
- - Multisite
- - css
- - form
- - password
- - update
- - delete
- - google apps script
- - upgrade
- - xubuntu
- - book
- - container
- - filter
- - pdf
- - reset
- - ssl
- - PowerSchool
- - SQLAlchemy
- - celery
- - cli
- - command
- - education
- - image
- - install
- - online
- - task
- - Oracle
- - Seth Godin
- - Udemy
- - admin
- - apt-get
- - authentication
- - config
- - db
- - get
- - hack
- - module
- - permission
- - rabbitmq
- - setting
- - virtualenv
- - check
- - console
- - exercise
- - git
- - google drive sdk
- - migrate
- - migration
- - music
- - photography
- - service
- - string
- - table
- - theme
- - tool
- - wp-cli
- - Freelancer
- - Kubernetes
- - Redmine
- - ansible
- - crontab
- - excel
- - export
- - installation
- - lecture
- - local
- - model
- - tacker
- - video
- - AD
- - Android
- - Apache
- - CMS
- - LMS
- - Microsoft
- - Ruby
- - cool
- - curl
- - dashboard
- - data
- - debug
- - deploy
- - devstack
- - dpkg
- - js
- - login
- - opensource
- - path
- - philosophy
- - read
- - snippet
- - sql
- - test
- - utility
- - web
- - "14.04"
- - backup
- - blog
- - dictionary
- - editor
- - free
- - import
- - key
- - life
- - love
- - memory
- - movie
- - photo
- - remove
- - rename
- - restore
- - seminar
- - settings
- - text
- - Atom
- - DN
- - ElasticSearch
- - account
- - app
- - aws
- - cache
- - change
- - cloud
- - custom
- - day
- - dns
- - find
- - function
- - great
- - gunicorn
- - hide
- - missing
- - remote
- - report
- - review
- - root
- - session
- - sort
- - source
- - spreadsheet
- - supervisord
- - troubleshoot
- - virtualbox
- - Gitlab
- - Internet
- - POST
- - URL
- - VMware
- - VNF
- - Vyatta
- - awesome
- - certificate
- - cmd
- - code
- - copy
- - debian
- - domain
- - download
- - github
- - images
- - inkscape
- - json
- - mindtouch
- - multiple
- - network
- - paramiko
- - php5-fpm
- - proxy
- - rake
- - registry
- - smtp
- - start
- - ubuntu 16.04
- - upload
- - username
- - vagrant
- - weekly report
- - "2015"
- - Calendar
- - Chrome
- - Field
- - GUI
- - Gmail
- - Google App Engine
- - Kolla
- - MOOCs
- - OpenEdX
- - PyCon
- - REST
- - Rails
- - SSO
- - Steve Jobs
- - UI
- - Upstart
- - Vancouver
- - VyOS
- - ajax
- - all
- - auth
- - basic
- - batch
- - command prompt
- - community
- - customization
- - default
- - dict
- - directory
- - documentary
- - driver
- - drupal
- - empty
- - existed
- - film
- - firewall
- - folder
- - gateway
- - google app
- - handy
- - heroku
- - ingress
- - istio
- - k8s
- - keystone
- - kong
- - link
- - npm
- - number
- - object
- - open
- - option
- - package
- - page
- - process
- - project management
- - purge
- - quote of the day
- - random
- - registration
- - release
- - repository
- - rss
- - school
- - students
- - supervisor
- - svg
- - trusty
- - users
- - varnish
- - vnfd
- - weekly
- - widget
- - wxPython
- - "2013"
- - "2018"
- - BeagleBone Black
- - Bootstrap
- - CPU
- - Canada
- - DHCP
- - Da Lat
- - GAE
- - Google Drive
- - HTTP
- - IMAP
- - IdP
- - ImageField
- - JAVA
- - Juju
- - Loop
- - Montreal
- - Moosh
- - NFV
- - NoSQL
- - OpenWRT
- - PPA
- - PostgreSQL
- - PowerShell
- - PySAML2
- - Redis
- - SFC
- - Summit
- - UserProfile
- - Vietnamese
- - W3 Total Cache
- - Windows Server 2008 R2
- - attribute
- - block
- - browser
- - build
- - bundle
- - clip
- - column
- - comment
- - core
- - cover
- - date
- - datetime
- - design
- - development
- - django-auth-ldap
- - dsquery
- - element
- - example
- - expired
- - extension
- - feed
- - formset
- - fullstack
- - generate
- - genius
- - gitlab-ce
- - grep
- - groups
- - happiness
- - history
- - host
- - idea
- - if
- - insert
- - inspired
- - instance
- - interface
- - language
- - lists
- - log
- - mass
- - media
- - meetup
- - menu
- - merge
- - message
- - mp4
- - name
- - note
- - notification
- - odoo
- - of
- - openldap
- - openssl
- - os
- - output
- - packages
- - panel
- - parent
- - pdftk
- - php.ini
- - php5-ldap
- - platform
- - port
- - production
- - profile
- - programmatically
- - project
- - push
- - question
- - redirect
- - replace
- - request
- - resize
- - rotate
- - row
- - rule
- - saml2
- - save
- - security
- - server block
- - server-vars.yml
- - service mesh
- - setup
- - share
- - sheet
- - song
- - spam
- - static
- - storage
- - story
- - student
- - studio
- - sublime text
- - talk
- - terminal
- - the
- - unicode
- - upstream training
- - usage
- - version
- - view
- - views
- - vulnerability
- - webinar
- - work
- - workaround
- - world
- - xml
- - xqueue
- - yaml
- - "12.04"
- - "16.04"
- - "17.04"
- - "2014"
- - 3D printer
- - Apple
- - BIOS
- - Bill Gates
- - CPU load
- - ChromiumOS
- - Denver
- - GAM
- - HCMC
- - IDE
- - Internet Explorer
- - JPG
- - Korean drama
- - Linux Foundation
- - Logstash
- - M3D
- - Mac OSX
- - ModelForm
- - ORA-01109
- - ORA-10873
- - OpenStack Korea User Group
- - PEM
- - Plone
- - PyCon2014
- - Rest API
- - RubyOnRails
- - SAML
- - SSLv3
- - Seoul
- - Stop and Go Boutique
- - TED
- - The Heirs
- - Tiki wiki
- - Tikiwiki
- - Trusty Tahr
- - VNFM
- - VTC
- - VietOpenInfra
- - Wordpress Multisite
- - XBlock
- - XFDE
- - access
- - add
- - address
- - administration
- - administrator
- - age
- - alive
- - alter
- - apps
- - apt
- - architecture
- - archive
- - array
- - articles
- - audio
- - automation
- - awk
- - background
- - bashrc
- - beautiful
- - beginner
- - bicycle
- - birthday
- - blocked
- - blueprint
- - branch
- - broker
- - buffer
- - bulk
- - button
- - bypass
- - category
- - certbot
- - change the world
- - cherrypy
- - clean
- - client
- - collection
- - commandline
- - compute
- - conf
- - conference
- - conjure-up
- - cookie
- - count
- - crap
- - create
- - credentials
- - crown
- - crt
- - cx_Oracle
- - cycle
- - dash
- - datastore
- - deb
- - demo
- - deployment
- - desktop
- - digital forensics
- - disable
- - discussion
- - display
- - django-admin
- - django-celery
- - djcelery
- - dms
- - document
- - dpkg-reconfigure
- - dream
- - e-commerce
- - ebook
- - echo
- - ecs
- - edxapp
- - effect
- - embedded
- - enroll
- - environment
- - exclude
- - execute
- - existing
- - facebook
- - failed
- - fast
- - fastcgi
- - feature
- - featured image
- - features
- - feeling
- - fetch
- - ffmpeg
- - files
- - find and replace
- - firefox
- - flags
- - flask
- - flower
- - foreach
- - forloop
- - forms
- - forwarding graph
- - freeradius
- - fun
- - functions
- - functions.php
- - gem
- - google apps
- - grid
- - group
- - grub
- - head
- - heart
- - highlights
- - home
- - hook
- - howto
- - include
- - integer
- - ip
- - isdigit
- - item
- - jinja2
- - just married
- - kernel
- - keycloak
- - kill
- - korean
- - last
- - layout
- - lenovo
- - letsencrypt
- - limit
- - line
- - links
- - lms.env.json
- - logs
- - mac
- - machine
- - make
- - manage
- - management
- - map
- - mapping
- - master
- - meeting
- - message framework
- - milestone
- - mind
- - mode
- - mongo
- - mongodb
- - monitor
- - moodle2.7
- - morning
- - mozilla
- - mp3
- - my.cnf
- - nat
- - navigation
- - neat
- - neutron
- - new
- - node
- - nodejs
- - nova
- - openpyxl
- - opensourced
- - order
- - overwrite
- - p770
- - pagination
- - parser
- - paver
- - pear
- - phantomjs
- - photos
- - piano
- - plan
- - playbook
- - policy
- - portrait
- - postgres
- - print
- - programming
- - project update
- - projects
- - ps
- - public
- - pull
- - python-dev
- - quick
- - re-install
- - reader
- - real
- - reinstall
- - remember
- - repl
- - repo
- - repositories
- - research
- - reserved ip
- - responsive
- - restart
- - result
- - rewrite
- - rsync
- - scanner
- - schedule
- - second
- - secret
- - sed
- - select
- - shortcut
- - show
- - simplesamlphp
- - single sign on
- - site
- - slapd
- - social
- - sock
- - software
- - sources
- - south
- - sp
- - sshd_config
- - streaming
- - sudo
- - sync
- - syntax
- - sys
- - tag
- - tail
- - teacher
- - team
- - template course
- - text editor
- - thing
- - think
- - time
- - timezone
- - tip
- - toggle
- - tox
- - train
- - translate
- - transparent
- - travel
- - type
- - ubuntu 12.04
- - university
- - unmet dependencies
- - up
- - upstream
- - vCenter
- - value
- - vector
- - virtual machine
- - vm
- - website
- - wedding
- - wifi
- - wiki
- - words
- - write
- - wsgi
- - wxr
- - xfce
- - yml
- - youtube
- - '#13'
- - '#adminmenu'
- - $PATH
- - .NET
- - .zshrc
- - '/bin/bash/ '
- - /bin/echo
- - /bin/sh
- - /usr/local
- - "04"
- - "1.7"
- - 100%
- - 100th
- -
- - "13.10"
- - "1698"
- - "16:9"
- - "180"
- - "2.7"
- - 2008 R2
- - 2008 sp2
- - "2017"
- - "2019"
- - "2030"
- - "2042"
- - "28000"
- - 2D
- - "401"
- - "443"
- - "45"
- - 6 minutes
- - 7.8.1
- - 8.14.0
- - "80"
- - "8614"
- - "9.0"
- - ADB
- - AI
- - Aaron Swartz
- - Admin Console
- - AirBnB
- - Alchemist
- - Apache Directory Studio
- - AppleScript
- - April
- - Artificial Intelligencel
- - Atto
- - Augustine
- - AuthenticationForm
- - B2B
- - BBB
- - BC
- - BFS
- - BIND
- - Back to top
- - BeagleBone
- - Blogger
- - Butterfly
- - C++
- - CC
- - CFG
- - CORS
- - CQL
- - CR2
- - CRUB
- - CanCham
- - Chinese
- - Chris Hart
- - Chrome Dev Tool
- - ChromeOS
- - Cleanmgr.exe
- - Codeready
- - Collaboration
- - Computer
- - Copernicus
- - Craig Newmark
- - Craigslist
- - Cryptography
- - Cryptography_HAS_SSL_ST
- - DBMS
- - DIY
- - DKIM
- - Desktop Experience
- - Destiny
- - Disaster recovery
- - Disk Clean Up
- - Django 1.7
- - DockerHub
- - Dongmyo
- - Dynamic DNS
- - EDID
- - ENTER key
- - EOL
- - ERROR 1698
- - ETSI
- - Edison
- - Elon Musks
- - English
- - FTP
- - Fabric
- - FileField
- - FileSystemStorage
- - FilteredSelectMultiple
- - Frank Miller
- - FreeTDS
- - Freedom
- - French
- - G minor
- - GADS
- - GIMP
- - Gates
- - Gemfile
- - Gemfile.lock
- - Google API Console
- - Google App API
- - Google App Engine SDK
- - Google Apps For Education
- - Google Email Settings API
- - Google Feed API
- - Hack Jam
- - Hacker Meetup
- - Harvard
- - Helen Hayes
- - Ho Chi Minh City
- - HttpResponseRedirect
- - ICMP
- - IE
- - IFS
- - IIS
- - IP Protocal
- - IP addresses
- - ISNA
- - ImportError
- - InfiniteWP
- - Innovator
- - Internet Options
- - InvalidTabsException
- - Japanese
- - Jay Chou
- - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- - Jim Carrey
- - John Stuart Mill
- - Kabana
- - Ken Robinson
- - Kindle
- - Korea
- - LAN
- - LTP Self Service Password
- - Launchpad
- - Learning Revolution
- - Liberty
- - LibreOffice
- - LinkedIn
- - Linux course
- - Logtash
- - M$
- - M2Crypto
- - MANO
- - MG
- - MS AD
- - MS Active Directory
- - MSAD
- - MailerHandler
- - Maker
- - ManyToMany
- - Mars
- - Maxim Gorky
- - Maximum Worker Processes
- - Memorial
- - Multisites
- - MySQL-python
- - NLA
- - NS
- - NSD
- - NTP
- - Natalie Portman
- - OIDC
- - ORM
- - OSM
- - OST
- - OU
- - October
- - Oliver Sacks
- - OneToOneField
- - Open Infrastructure Summit
- - Open Source MANO
- - OpenAcademy
- - OpenDNS
- - OpenFiler
- - OpenInfra day
- - OpenJDK
- - OpenStack Foundation
- - OpenVAS
- - OrderedDict
- - Oregan
- - Oscar Wilde
- - PEAP
- - PIL
- - PL
- - PLA
- - PM
- - PNG
- - PTG
- - PacktPub
- - Parent Portal
- - Parental Control
- - PasteDeploy
- - Patrick Modiano
- - Paul Graham
- - Paulo Coelho
- - Pearson
- - Percona
- - PowerCLI
- - Prelude
- - PyCon 2015
- - PyCon2016
- - QoS
- - Quebec
- - QuerySet.datetime
- - R-18
- - R-19
- - R-26
- - R-6
- - R-7
- - R-8
- - RAW
- - RDP
- - RETURN key
- - ROT13
- - Red Hat
- - Reddit
- - RequestContext
- - SAM
- - SFTP
- - SMS
- - SSIS
- - SaveFileDialog
- - Saving the Light
- - Screen Options
- - Search-Replace-DB
- - September
- - Shakespeare
- - Sites
- - Slimming Paint
- - Snow
- - So You Don't Get Lost in the Neighbourhood
- - Socrates
- - Soongsil University
- - SpaceX
- - Spring break
- - StackTableJS
- - Standford theme
- - Statue
- - Storyboard
- - Super_L
- - System32
- - T-Shirt
- - Taiga
- - Terry Fox
- - Terry Fox Run 2016
- - Tet
- - The Arrow
- - The Book Thief
- - The Verge
- - Thich Nhat Hanh
- - TinyMCE Advanced
- - Toni Morrison
- - Tor
- - TreeView
- - UCI
- - UDF
- - UEFI
- - US
- - USB
- - USB to Ethernet adapter
- - USR2
- - UTC
- - Ubuntu 14.04
- - Ubuntu 17.04
- - Udacity
- - Unicorn
- - User Group
- - VIM
- - VMware Workstation
- - VNC
- - VPS
- - VT
- - VT-x
- - Viet Nam
- - Viet OpenInfra
- - Viet OpenStack
- - VietStack
- - Vietnam
- - Vietnam OpenInfra User Group
- - Vietnam Tech Conference
- - Vietnamese schools
- - Vietnamese. Job-alike
- - Vine
- - Visual Studio Code
- - WPA2 Enterprise
- - WPScan
- - WWW
- - Web-CAT
- - Windows Active Directory Domain Services
- - Windows Management Framework
- - Windows Server
- - Wittgenstein
- - Xenial
- - Yann Arthus-Bertrand
- - Yiruma
- - Zhuang Zhou
- - Zhuangzi
- - Zope
- - _io
- - a4
- - absolute path
- - academia
- - accents
- - access denied
- - accounts
- - ace
- - achieving
- - activate
- - activation
- - activity
- - adapter
- - add_action
- - addon
- - addons
- - admin app
- - advanced settings
- - afraid
- - after
- - afternoon
- - agile
- - album
- - algorithm
- - alias
- - alien
- - aligment
- - allocated
- - allow_root
- - alock
- - alpha channel
- - alternate
- - amazing
- - amazon
- - ampq
- - amqp
- - amr shortcode any widget
- - angularjs
- - animation
- - annoying
- - antispambee
- - apache 2.4
- - apc
- - api_interface
- - apis
- - apk
- - appearance
- - applet
- - application
- - application pools
- - approve
- - aptitude
- - args
- - argument
- - art
- - article
- - ascending
- - asset
- - asterisk
- - asynchromous
- - attachment
- - attacks
- - attendance
- - attitude
- - aura window manager
- - auth_socket
- - authenticate
- - author
- - authorized_keys
- - auto enroll
- - auto-mount
- - auto_now
- - auto_now_add
- - autocomplete
- - automate
- - automatic grading
- - automatically
- - autoremove
- - autostart
- - avatar
- - away
- - bPopup
- - background-image
- - backup mode
- - backuppc
- - balcony
- - barcamp
- - bare repository
- - base
- - bastion
- - beautify
- - beauty
- - bellschedule
- - best
- - best practices
- - beta
- - binary
- - binlog_format
- - bitmap
- - bitnami
- - blocks
- - blog_id
- - blogging
- - board
- - boot
- - boot repair
- - boot-repair
- - boris
- - bower
- - breadcrumb
- - breakfast
- - brick
- - bridge
- - browser detect
- - bruteforce
- - bug. developer tool
- - buildout
- - built-in
- - bulk action
- - bulk email
- - bulk update
- - bundler
- - business
- - byobu
- - ca
- - cached
- - cafe
- - calculate
- - callable
- - camera
- - candy
- - canteen
- - capture
- - car
- - cartoon
- - cassandra
- - cat
- - celerycam
- - cell
- - central
- - ceremony
- - cgi
- - chage
- - challenge
- - changecase
- - changes
- - characters
- - cherrymusic
- - child
- - childhood dreams
- - choices
- - chown
- - chromedriver
- - chromium
- - chroot
- - chsh
- - chuyện
- - ci
- - cipher
- - circular imports
- - ckeditor
- - class-based
- - class-based view
- - classattendance
- - clean up
- - clean url
- - cleanup
- - click
- - clone
- - close
- - clustering
- - cms.env.json
- - cms_site_name
- - coconut
- - code editor
- - collaboration tool
- - collapse
- - collectstatic
- - combine
- - combined
- - comic
- - comm
- - commands
- - commencement
- - comments
- - commit
- - compare
- - compatible
- - compile
- - compile assets
- - compress
- - computer science
- - concatenate with condition
- - concatenateif
- - condition
- - config. lib. auth
- - config.bat
- - configure
- - conflicts
- - confused
- - confusing
- - connection
- - context
- - contrib
- - contributor
- - control
- - controller
- - conversation
- - coordinator
- - copy folder
- - counter
- - course builder
- - course format
- - course mode
- - coursecatlib.php
- - courses
- - creative
- - credential
- - cron
- - crossDomain
- - cs253
- - csrf_exempt
- - csvde
- - currency
- - custom field
- - custom menu
- - custom page
- - custom-title
- - customizatin
- - cut
- - cvt
- - cygwin
- - daemon
- - daily build
- - darklang
- - data. sheet
- - databases
- - date & time
- - date based
- - date of birth
- - dateutil
- - db_sync
- - dbeaver
- - dbtype
- - dead
- - death
- - debt
- - decorator
- - default domain policy
- - default storage
- - deflation
- - degree
- - dekiwiki
- - delay
- - delegated account
- - delimiter
- - dependencies
- - depression
- - descending
- - designer
- - desired count
- - dev
- - develop
- - developer tool
- - dhclient
- - dictionaries
- - diff
- - different
- - digital ocean
- - digitalocean
- - dir
- - directories
- - directory synced
- - disabled
- - disappear
- - discussion service
- - diskspace
- - distraction
- - distribute
- - div
- - django-mailer
- - django-suit
- - django-toolbelt
- - django-wiki
- - djangosaml2
- - dnsmasq
- - dob
- - docker-ce
- - docker-compose
- - docker-compose.yml
- - docker.sock
- - dockerize
- - documentation
- - documentroot
- - documents
- - documentviewer
- - domain controller
- - domain-wide
- - done
- - drama
- - drawing
- - drivedroid
- - drop
- - dropdown
- - drupal-core
- - drush
- - dsadd
- - dsget
- - dsmod
- - dsrm
- - due
- - dump
- - duplicate
- - duplicate dict
- - duplicate file
- - dynamic
- - dynamodb
- - easy_install
- - eat
- - ebooks
- - eclipse-che
- - ecommerce
- - economic
- - edtech
- - edx-sga
- - efibootmgr
- - egrep
- - eks
- - electronic
- - emails
- - embed
- - emotion
- - enable
- - enabled
- - encrypt
- - end backup
- - end-of-life
- - end-user authentication
- - engine
- - enjoy
- - enrollment
- - enrolment
- - entrepreneur
- - environment variable
- - environment variables
- - envoy
- - epub
- - equality
- - equalize
- - err
- - erro
- - essays
- - etc
- - event
- - event id
- - event viewer
- - eventlet
- - eventvwr
- - ex machina
- - exception
- - exec
- - execution
- - expand
- - expiration
- - expire
- - expire_on_commit
- - explain
- - exploits
- - expose_php
- - extend
- - external
- - external database
- - facebox
- - fail-overs
- - fake
- - fame
- - family
- - family_ident
- - fargate
- - fastcgi_param
- - fastcgi_read_timeout
- - fastest
- - fatal error
- - favorite
- - fclose
- - fence
- - fgetcsv
- - file_managed
- - filebrowser
- - filename
- - files manager
- - filetype
- - filming
- - firefoxos
- - first time
- - fixed ip
- - fixed size
- - fixture
- - flac
- - flag
- - flake8
- - flash
- - flight
- - floating
- - flood
- - flow
- - flowed text
- - flowers
- - flush
- - follet
- - follow
- - fopen
- - force
- - force-overwrite
- - format
- - forum
- - forums
- - founder
- - fragmented
- - freeradius-config
- - friendship
- - from
- - fstab
- - full
- - full path
- - function keys
- - function-based
- - function-based view
- - functional tests
- - fundraise
- - gallery
- - garden
- - gcc
- - geany
- - geek squad
- - generic views
- - get()
- - get-aduser
- - get_query_var
- - get_record
- - get_records
- - getacl
- - getting started
- - ghost
- - gitlab-ctl
- - gitlab-psql
- - gitlab-rake
- - give
- - glob
- - global variables
- - globals.yml
- - gmt_offset
- - gnome
- - go home
- - god
- - gone
- - good life
- - google api
- - google code
- - googlechrome
- - gpg
- - granted
- - graph
- - graph api
- - greatness
- - group policy
- - growth
- - gsettings
- - gspread
- - guide
- - guitar
- - hack.
- - hackermonthly
- - hacks
- - handle
- - hang
- - hangs
- - happy
- - haproxy
- - harden
- - hash
- - hashicorp
- - header
- - heroku-toolbelt
- - highest distinction
- - homepage
- - horizon
- - horizontally
- - host_ip
- - how
- - how-to
- - howtos
- - href
- - htpasswd
- - httplib
- - human being
- - human resource
- - humanity
- - iOS
- - iam
- - ibus
- - ibus-bogo
- - ibus-daemon
- - icacls
- - icon
- - icon tray
- - icons
- - identity
- - idnumber
- - ifconfig
- - iframe
- - ignorance
- - illustration
- - imagemagick
- - img
- - import-csv
- - income
- - incompatibility
- - indentation guides
- - index
- - indexing
- - indicator-sound-gtk2
- - indicator-sound-service
- - inflation
- - info
- - infographic
- - information
- - information overload
- - inheritance
- - init
- - init script
- - init.d
- - injection
- - inline
- - innodb
- - inside
- - installed
- - installtion
- - instructor dashboard
- - integration
- - interact
- - intermediate
- - internal
- - intersect
- - intro
- - invisible characters
- - invitation only
- - ip_proto
- - ipcs
- - iptables
- - isfile
- - isotope
- - issue. lost
- - issues
- - japanese song
- - join
- - joke
- - jquery terminal
- - july
- - jwysiwyg
- - kernal
- - kernel 4.10
- - keyboard
- - keymap
- - keypad
- - keys
- - keyserver
- - keystore
- - killall
- - koding
- - kolla-ansible
- - kolla-build
- - kolla-genpwd
- - kong-ingress-controller
- - konga
- - kubectl
- - kungfu
- - kwargs
- - label
- - lambda
- - lame
- - large file
- - last lecture
- - latest posts
- - launch
- - lavender
- - layer
- - lcrypto
- - ldconfig
- - ldif
- - leadership
- - leading
- - learn
- - learning
- - learnt
- - length
- - lessons
- - letter
- - libcurl
- - libffi-dev
- - liblber
- - libldap
- - libpq-dev
- - librabbitmq
- - library
- - library management system
- - library.
- - libxml2-dev
- - libxmlsec1-dev
- - lie
- - lightbox
- - lightdm
- - lightning
- - linux-headers-server
- - linux-image
- - linux-image-server
- - linux. ubuntu
- - listdir
- - literature
- - live
- - livecd
- - liveusb
- - lms_base
- - load
- - load balancer
- - loadbalancer
- - locales
- - localhost
- - lock
- - lock screen
- - locked
- - locked out
- - logging
- - login required
- - login_required
- - logs management
- - loops
- - ls
- - lssl
- - lxc
- - lxd
- - lxd-stable
- - lxml
- - mTLS
- - made
- - mail
- - mail_handler
- - mainipulation
- - maintenance
- - making
- - manifesto
- - manipulate
- - market
- - mass apply
- - mass enroll
- - mass import
- - masterpieces
- - matched
- - max length
- - mayan
- - media_root
- - mediaplayer
- - medium
- - member
- - memcached
- - memory segment
- - menu_order
- - metallb
- - method
- - microcontroller
- - microk8s
- - microservices
- - mindtouch.js
- - mini
- - minumum
- - mismatched
- - missing information
- - mobi
- - models
- - modify
- - moment
- - money
- - mongoengine
- - monster
- - moodle 3.3
- - motherboard
- - motivation
- - mount
- - mountain
- - mouse
- - move OU
- - movies
- - mplayer
- - mu-plugins
- - multi-cloud
- - multilevel
- - multiple courses
- - multiple profiles
- - multiple projects
- - my wedding
- - myself
- - mysql_
- - mysql_native_password
- - mysqladmin
- - mysqld
- - mysqld_safe
- - mysqlfragfinder
- - mùa đông
- - nameserver
- - namespace
- - nanny
- - nano
- - nautilus
- - navetive
- - nemo
- - network-manager
- - never get up
- - new age
- - new line
- - next
- - nginx-extras
- - nginx. apache2
- - nginx.conf
- - nirvana
- - nmap
- - no sound
- - no version
- - no-provision
- - noise
- - non fiction
- - not found
- - notes
- - novel
- - ntfs
- - ntfsfix
- - ntlm
- - ntpd
- - "null"
- - nursing
- - oci8
- - odbc
- - office
- - office 365
- - old
- - old-releases
- - omnibus
- - onboard
- - onboarding
- - once
- - one-click
- - onerror
- - online book
- - online. lecture
- - only
- - open in new window
- - open-ssh
- - openerp
- - openid connect
- - openvz
- - operation
- - opportunity
- - options
- - outside
- - overlap
- - overlay
- - override
- - own file
- - page not found
- - page restriction
- - pages
- - papersize
- - paradise
- - parameter
- - parameters
- - parking
- - parse
- - partial install
- - partition
- - passowrd
- - password age
- - patch
- - pdfjam
- - pdfjoin
- - pecl
- - pending
- - people
- - pep8
- - perl
- - person
- - philosopher
- - phone
- - php-fpm
- - php5-apc
- - php7
- - php7-fpm
- - physics
- - pidof
- - pike
- - ping
- - pipes
- - pix
- - pixar
- - placeholder
- - planning
- - play
- - plugin. permission
- - pointer
- - pointer-events
- - poor
- - porcelain
- - portal
- - portfolio
- - post_save
- - postfix
- - power
- - powerful
- - pray
- - prc
- - pre-wedding
- - pre_get_posts
- - precheck
- - preferences.
- - prepare
- - prepopulated_fields
- - presentation
- - preview_lms_base
- - price
- - primary_key
- - private course
- - privilege-separated
- - privileges
- - problem
- - proc
- - process_new_icon
- - processes
- - product key
- - productivity
- - profile manager
- - progress bar
- - prompt
- - pros and cons
- - provider
- - proxmox
- - proxy_read_timeout
- - pseudo
- - psycopg2
- - pulse
- - pulse-access
- - purity
- - purpose
- - pursuing
- - putty
- - pwd
- - pycharm
- - pyopenssl
- - python 2
- - python 3
- - python-ldap
- - python-redmine
- - python-requests
- - python. active directory
- - python3
- - pytz
- - qtranslate
- - questions
- - quiet
- - quit
- - r-15
- - r-16
- - r-17
- - r-20
- - r-21
- - r-22
- - r-23
- - r13
- - r14
- - rabbit
- - rabbitmqclt
- - radio
- - radio streaming
- - radius
- - rc1
- - re-size
- - reactivate
- - read-only
- - reading
- - readline
- - ready
- - real ip
- - real time
- - reblog
- - reboot
- - record
- - recovery
- - recruiting
- - recursion
- - regex
- - regular text
- - release upgrade
- - reminder
- - remmina
- - remote branch
- - remote desktop
- - renew
- - reopen
- - repadmin
- - replication
- - repos
- - requests
- - require_once
- - required fields
- - resolution
- - resources
- - reverse
- - revisions
- - revolve
- - right
- - right click
- - rights
- - rm
- - robot
- - role
- - rom
- - root browser
- - root folder
- - rooted
- - rpm
- - rpmdb
- - run
- - run-one
- - rust
- - s3
- - safe
- - saigon
- - sales
- - saltstack
- - samba
- - same
- - same name
- - sass
- - saturday
- - saucy
- - scale
- - scan
- - scheduled tasks
- - schema
- - schimmel
- - scoped_session
- - screen
- - screen solution
- - scrolltop
- - scss
- - sdk
- - search all
- - search and replace
- - sec.day
- - seconhand
- - selector
- - selenium
- - self
- - send
- - serverless
- - service account
- - service function chaining
- - services
- - session key
- - sessionmaker
- - sesskey
- - set
- - set-aduser
- - setfacl
- - sevice
- - sex
- - sfc_flow_classifiers
- - sga
- - sh
- - sha
- - shadow
- - shared memory
- - shell script
- - shellscript
- - shmall
- - shmmax
- - shoot
- - shortcode
- - show space
- - shuf
- - siblings
- - side
- - sidebar
- - sidecar
- - signal
- - signals
- - signing key
- - silent
- - simple
- - single board pc
- - site url
- - site_category
- - site_name
- - sitename
- - skin
- - skype
- - slack
- - sleep
- - slots
- - slug
- - slugfield
- - small stones
- - snaps
- - snapshots
- - social auth
- - social media
- - socket
- - solitude
- - solution
- - solve
- - sophie
- - sorted
- - soul
- - sound
- - soundtracks
- - source code
- - sources.list
- - space
- - speak
- - special character
- - speech
- - speed
- - spirit
- - split
- - split string
- - sqlplus
- - squeeze
- - ss
- - sshd
- - sshpass
- - ssl-cert-check
- - ssvnc
- - stack
- - stack.sh
- - staff grade assignment
- - staging
- - stanalone
- - standalone
- - standalone script
- - start small
- - startup
- - state
- - statement
- - static page
- - static_root
- - static_url
- - status
- - stein-1
- - steve
- - stimulate
- - stop
- - str
- - strange
- - stress
- - strpos
- - strstr
- - student information system
- - student photo
- - study
- - stuff
- - stupid
- - style
- - subclass
- - subprocess
- - subscribe
- - sucks
- - sudoers
- - superuser
- - support
- - survey
- - sweet
- - switcher
- - syncdb
- - synced
- - synthetic response
- - sysctl.conf
- - system
- - systemd
- - tables
- - tablesorter
- - tadv_settings
- - targets
- - tasks
- - taxonomy
- - teach
- - telco
- - templates
- - term
- - terraform
- - test runner
- - testing
- - textfield
- - the micro
- - the world
- - theming
- - therapy
- - therefore
- - thesis
- - things
- - think big
- - though
- - thought
- - thread
- - timeout
- - timux
- - tips
- - title bar
- - tlist
- - tlist_sql
- - tmp
- - togetherjs
- - tombstone lifetime
- - tomcat7
- - too large
- - touchpad
- - trailing
- - training
- - trans
- - transients
- - translate-shell
- - translationg
- - transpose
- - trash
- - trick
- - trip
- - "true"
- - trusted sites
- - truth
- - try
- - tuning
- - tunnel
- - tunnelling
- - tutorial
- - twitter
- - txt
- - typography
- - tzdata
- - tzinfo
- - ubuntu 16
- - uname
- - unbox
- - unidecode
- - unikey
- - unique
- - unity-panel-service
- - unix
- - unlock
- - unpacking
- - updatable
- - update-rc
- - updater
- - upgrade checker
- - upload_to
- - uploads
- - uploads.json
- - url redirect
- - urlparse
- - usb network
- - user_passes_test
- - usermod
- - utf8
- - utf8mb4
- - utilities
- - utils
- - vSphere
- - valid
- - valuable
- - variables
- - varnish 4
- - vault
- - vbs
- - vcl_recv
- - vcl_synth
- - ve
- - verification
- - version migration
- - versioned nova notifications
- - vga
- - vhost
- - vi
- - video/mp4
- - virtual
- - virtual environment
- - virtual router id
- - virtualbox 4.3
- - virtualization
- - visibility level
- - visible
- - vision
- - visual
- - visual basic
- - visual c++
- - visudo
- - vnffgd
- - vorbis-tools
- - vzctl
- - vzlist
- - w3wp.exe
- - walker
- - war
- - warning
- - wc
- - wealth
- - web developers
- - web development
- - web interface
- - web2py
- - week
- - weekend
- - wget
- - wheel
- - while
- - whl
- - whoami
- - widgets
- - width
- - wifi password
- - wildcard
- - wildcards
- - windows 7
- - wireless
- - wizard
- - words wrap
- - work around
- - workbook
- - worker
- - worker processes
- - working
- - workplace
- - wp-admin
- - wp-config
- - wp-config.php
- - wp2 enterprise
- - wp_delete_user
- - wpdb
- - wrap up
- - writeup
- - wx.Dialog
- - x64
- - xamp
- - xfconfig-query
- - xflock4
- - xibo
- - xkcd
- - xmlsec
- - xmodmap
- - xmodule
- - xqueue_consumer
- - xrandr
- - xscreensaver
- - xtrabackup
- - xubuntu 13.10
- - year
- - yq
- - zenity
- - zesty
- - zfs
- - zoneinfo
- - zsh
- - zshell
- - zuul
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: '"Searchlight for U" at the Korea&Vietnam OpenInfra User Group
- meetup'
- last_post_description: ""
- last_post_date: "2019-10-02T09:08:29+07:00"
- last_post_link: https://www.dangtrinh.com/2019/10/searchlight-for-u.html
- last_post_categories:
- - community
- - meetup
- - openstack
- - OpenStack Korea User Group
- - project update
- - Searchlight
- - Vietnam OpenInfra User Group
- last_post_guid: 0e2c575730ec2a827c404b8a476efad1
- score_criteria:
- cats: 5
- description: 3
- postcats: 3
- promoted: 0
- promotes: 0
- relme: 0
- title: 3
- website: 0
- score: 14
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+title: Snapchat Pictures.
+date: "2024-06-02T03:13:21-07:00"
+description: Snapchat photo makes your life easy.
+ feedlink: https://microkinetours.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: 8d41896e961ea909d2d91611130d181f
+ websites:
+ https://microkinetours.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Snap Chat photos
+ relme:
+ https://90to0100.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://123hpcomsetupme.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://7250radioscanning.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://aix-administration.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://antrenmanlarlamatematik.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://asianpsychiatry.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://astrofame.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://bisnislogerr.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://bluedayschile.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://bollywooddatabase.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://buzzbgoneus.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://caminheiro-mg.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://canhocaocapvincity.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://daily-expert.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://database-axio.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://deepsky28.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://dichvuquangcao247.blogspot.com/: true
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- browser on iPad has always behaved more like the Safari browser on iOS versus
- the version built for Macs. Just yesterday I had to log'
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- last_post_link: https://cdevroe.com/2024/05/30/safari-ipados/
+ last_post_title: Manuel Moreale on “The Browser Company”
+ last_post_description: 'Manuel Moreale: It’s called The Browser Company but what
+ they make is a wrapper around the Chromium web browser. So the browser company
+ is making everything but the actual browser. Can you imagine'
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+ - evolution
+ - ruby
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+ last_post_title: 'Vignettes on language evolution: discovering an old syntax feature
+ history'
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+ One Ruby thing I never noticed before.
+ While working on Ruby Evolution-themed articles (and looking for a shape for the future book), I am starting to look deeper and deeper into the history of the
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+ - Arizona
+ - Avahi/Bonjour/Rendevous
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+ - BugDays
+ - Canonical
+ - Columbus
+ - Dallas
+ - England
+ - GPL
+ - Goldenware
+ - IronPython
+ - LPUG
+ - Leipzig Python User Group
+ - Microsoft
+ - Notes
+ - OLPC
+ - Ohio
+ - Plone
+ - Pyglet
+ - Python
+ - Python Ireland
+ - 'PythonBarcamp2010 #pybar'
+ - PythonNorthWest
+ - Silverlight
+ - Snaplogic
+ - Sprinting
+ - Storm
+ - Texas
+ - Tucson
+ - TuxDroid
+ - Twisted
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+ - Unconference
+ - VPython
+ - WashingtonDC
+ - Wing IDE
+ - amfast
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+ - pyCologne Announcement
+ - pyCologne Notes
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+ - pycon
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+ - pyugat
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+ - qt
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+ - vienna
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+ last_post_description: Please visit our home page for upcoming events. Meetups are
+ scheduled one month in advance and we always meet at Metalab.
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- data format like csv or txt. In those instances
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+ categories:
+ - Colibre
+ - Karasa Jaga
+ - Libre
+ - LibreOffice
+ - Windows
+ - elementary
+ - impress
+ - presenter console
+ - presenter screen
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+ last_post_title: Make Sifr More Eligible for Professional Use and Still Relevant
+ for Special Needs Users
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+ - https://roytang.net/blog/feed/rss/
+ categories:
+ - Chrome DevTools
+ - eviltester
+ - practice
+ - tools
+ - web testing
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: 'One of my best friends: Chrome DevTools'
+ last_post_description: A colleague recently shared in one of the channels at work
+ that there’s this YouTube video covering Chrome DevTools for web testing. I pretty
+ much use Chrome DevTools day in and day out so of
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+ last_post_link: https://testkeis.wordpress.com/2022/09/24/one-of-my-best-friends-chrome-devtools/
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+ - Chrome DevTools
+ - eviltester
+ - practice
+ - tools
+ - web testing
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+ last_post_title: Clipboard content to file. New app
+ last_post_description: |-
+ A simple, easy, fast and useful way to paste your clipboard content (text or image) into a file!
+ Previously, you had to open editor, paste your clipboard, save file, close editor. Now, right click
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+ categories:
+ - EMF Maps
+ - EMF Resource
+ - EMap
+ - EclipseCon 2009
+ - EclipseDay India
+ - Ed Merks
+ - Modeling
+ - RCP
+ - XMLHelper
+ - eclipse
+ - eclipse 3.4
+ - extension locations
+ - ganymede
+ - help assistant
+ - keyboard shortcuts Eclipse editors planeteclipse
+ - manage configuration
+ - save
+ - serialize
+ - without namespace
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+ https://chetukuli.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://tweakeclipse.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://uncctriveni.blogspot.com/: true
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+ last_post_title: Family day tomorrow @ Bangalore
+ last_post_description: Kim Moir pointed out in her post the other day that Eclipse
+ community is like family. Rightly said! The Eclipse Indian "Family" is huddling-up
+ tomorrow at Bangalore for Eclipse Day India. Its an
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+ last_post_link: https://tweakeclipse.blogspot.com/2010/04/family-day-tomorrow-bangalore.html
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+ - EclipseDay India
+ - eclipse
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- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T16:04:40Z"
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+ last_post_title: Photos from 7 July 2024
+ last_post_description: 1 photo.
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T11:49:25Z"
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- - https://alistairshepherd.uk/feed.xml
- - https://alpinelinux.org/atom.xml
- - https://ar.al/index.xml
- - https://austinhenley.com/blog/feed.rss
- - https://barryfrost.com/feed.json
- - https://beepb00p.xyz/rss.xml
- - https://ben.page/rss
- - https://benjamincongdon.me/feed.xml
- - https://berjon.com/feed.atom
- - https://blog.acolyer.org/feed/
- - https://blog.benjojo.co.uk/rss.xml
- - https://blog.codinghorror.com/rss/
- - https://blog.izs.me/feed/feed.json
- - https://blog.jethro.dev/index.xml
- - https://blog.jim-nielsen.com/feed.xml
- - https://blog.joinmastodon.org/index.xml
- - https://blog.pesky.moe/index.xml
- - https://brainbaking.com/index.xml
- - https://brunty.me/index.xml
- - https://buttondown.email/ownyourweb/rss
- - https://codersblock.com/rss.xml
- - https://cprss.s3.amazonaws.com/golangweekly.com.xml
- - https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/feed/
- - https://daverupert.com/atom.xml
- - https://decentralizedthoughts.github.io/feed.xml
- - https://drewdevault.com/blog/index.xml
- - https://explog.in/rss.xml
- - https://feed.ctrl.blog/latest.atom
- - https://feeds.feedburner.com/mariusschulz
- - https://feross.org/atom.xml
- - https://garrit.xyz/rss.xml
- - https://git.sr.ht/~emersion/gamja/refs/rss.xml
- - https://git.sr.ht/~emersion/soju/refs/rss.xml
- - https://go.dev/blog/feed.atom
- - https://goblog.app/.rss
- - https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=rss&url=https%3A//jamesg.blog
- - https://gregorlove.com/articles.atom
- - https://hacdias.com/feed.xml
- - https://herman.bearblog.dev/feed/?type=rss
- - https://heyokyay.com/feed/
- - https://jan.boddez.net/feed
- - https://jfenn.me/blog/feed.xml
- - https://jlelse.blog/.min.rss
- - https://jonworth.eu/feed/
- - https://jvns.ca/atom.xml
- - https://kevquirk.com/feed
- - https://macwright.com/rss.xml
- - https://manuelmoreale.com/feed/rss
- - https://max-inden.de/index.xml
- - https://meowni.ca/atom.xml
- - https://mew.tv/feeds/news.atom
- - https://mikestone.me/feed.xml
- - https://miniflux.app/feed.xml
- - https://mtlynch.io/index.xml
- - https://mxb.dev/feed.xml
- - https://neustadt.fr/rss.xml
- - https://niqwithq.com/feed.xml
- - https://notes.eatonphil.com/rss.xml
- - https://ohhelloana.blog/feed.xml
- - https://oscarbenedito.com/blog/index.xml
- - https://paulstamatiou.com/posts.xml
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- - https://rusingh.com/feed/
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- - https://schollz.com/index.xml
- - https://seblog.nl/feed.rss
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- - https://simonsafar.com/index.xml
- - https://simonwillison.net/atom/entries/
- - https://snarfed.org/feed
- - https://stanislas.blog/atom.xml
- - https://tantek.com/updates.atom
- - https://timharek.no/feed.xml
- - https://vmx.cx/cgi-bin/blog/index.cgi/feed/
- - https://werd.io/content/posts?_t=rss
- - https://whimsical.club/feed.xml
- - https://wizardzines.com/index.xml
- - https://words.filippo.io/rss/
- - https://write.as/matt/feed/
- - https://www.arp242.net/feed.xml
- - https://www.commitstrip.com/en/feed/
- - https://www.dannyvankooten.com/feed.xml
- - https://www.engineersneedart.com/rss.xml
- - https://www.jvt.me/kind/articles/feed.xml
- - https://www.kytta.dev/blog/atom.xml
- - https://www.paritybit.ca/feed.xml
- - https://www.security.nl/rss/headlines.xml
- - https://www.zylstra.org/blog/feed/
- - https://xeiaso.net/blog.json
- - https://xkcd.com/rss.xml
- - https://zalberico.com/feed.xml
- - https://zdimension.fr/feed.xml
- - https://zerokspot.com/index.xml
- - https://barryfrost.com/rss
- - https://blog.acolyer.org/comments/feed/
- - https://blog.izs.me/feed/feed.xml
- - https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/comments/feed/
- - https://dannyvankooten.com/feed.xml
- - https://goblog.app/.atom
- - https://golangweekly.com/rss/
- - https://herman.bearblog.dev/feed/
- - https://heyokyay.com/comments/feed/
- - https://jamesg.blog/feeds/posts.xml
- - https://jan.boddez.net/comments/feed
- - https://jlelse.blog/.atom
- - https://jlelse.blog/.rss
- - https://macwright.com/atom.xml
- - https://manuelmoreale.com/feed/instagram
- - https://mew.tv/feeds/www.atom
- - https://mxb.dev/notes/feed.xml
- - https://ohhelloana.blog/feed.links.xml
- - https://seirdy.one/notes/atom.xml
- - https://seirdy.one/posts/atom.xml
- - https://simonwillison.net/atom/everything/
- - https://snarfed.org/comments/feed
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- - https://werd.io/content/all?_t=rss
- - https://werd.io/content/bookmarkedpages?_t=rss
- - https://www.alistairshepherd.uk/feed.xml
- - https://www.commitstrip.com/feed/
- - https://www.jvt.me/kind/articles/feed.articles.xml
- - https://www.zylstra.org/blog/comments/feed/
- - https://xeiaso.net/blog.rss
- - https://xkcd.com/atom.xml
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- - https://chrisburnell.com/feed.xml
- - https://hacdias.com/feed.xml
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- last_post_date: "2024-05-31T15:02:01+02:00"
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+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Anniversary
+ - Art
+ - Branding
+ - Brandnig
+ - Conference
+ - Design
+ - Design Team
+ - General
+ - Idea
+ - LibO
+ - Private
+ - Usability
+ - User Experience
+ - Website
+ - Writer
+ relme:
+ https://luxate.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/05038500172913638423: true
+ last_post_title: Comments Ruler Control
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+ last_post_date: "2012-06-09T12:18:14-07:00"
+ last_post_link: https://luxate.blogspot.com/2012/06/comments-ruler-control.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Design
+ - User Experience
+ - Writer
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: c9e91bd06fbb3f17bc113050aad830f3
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+ cats: 5
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+ blogrolls: []
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+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://gitlab.gnome.org/andyholmes: true
+ last_post_title: 'Andy Holmes opened issue #748: Google Drive access through Nautilus
+ not working: Unable to access "myname@gmail.com" Timeout was reached
+ at GNOME / gvfs'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ When I attempt to mount my Google Drive in Nautilus it waits for a while then gives me an error message:
+ Unable to access "myname@gmail.com"
+ Timeout was reached
+ I tried some commands from the
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+ - https://alexsci.com/blog/rss.xml
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+ - News
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+ last_post_title: How to Consume Microformats 2 Data
+ last_post_description: A (very) belated follow up to Getting Started with Microformats
+ 2, covering the basics of consuming and using microformats 2 data. Originally
+ posted on waterpigs.co.uk. More and more people are using
+ last_post_date: "2022-02-19T19:48:15Z"
+ last_post_link: https://microformats.org/2022/02/19/how-to-consume-microformats-2-data
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+ - News
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-title: Comments for OpenStack India
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-description: blog page for OpenStack India USer Group.
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- last_post_title: 'Comment on OpenStack India Day 2013 announced by Dell Open Source
- Ecosystem Digest #28. Issue Highlight: “DevOpsDays Barcelona 2013” - Dell TechCenter
- - TechCenter - Dell Community'
- last_post_description: '[…] OpenStack India Day Sep 21, 2013 – Bangalore Details
- […]'
- last_post_date: "2013-08-30T08:33:07Z"
- last_post_link: https://openstackindia.wordpress.com/2013/08/14/openstack-india-day-2013-announced/comment-page-1/#comment-5
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last_post_title: Comment on How (Not) to Enter Clubs in New South Wales by Anonymous
last_post_description: A cold rainy night we had to walk back 3 blocks to our accommodation
, because my wife didn’t have id I did we’re in our 70s . Rules are rules
last_post_date: "2023-11-03T01:33:13Z"
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+ - openscad
+ - reprapbr
+ - wiki
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+ last_post_title: Atualizações no Wiki da RepRapBR
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- ActivityPub
- Fediverse
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+ https://notiz.blog/: true
+ https://notiz.blog/about/: true
+ https://profiles.wordpress.org/pfefferle/: true
last_post_title: The next big social network is just the Web
last_post_description: The next big social network is just the Web Jeremiah Lee
Schöner kann man das Fediverse nicht beschreiben ❤️ Thanks @Jeremiah
last_post_date: "2023-10-23T08:17:38Z"
last_post_link: https://notiz.blog/2023/10/23/the-next-big-social-network-is-just-the-web/
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- ActivityPub
- Fediverse
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- last_post_title: "Latest episode: Women Butchers.\r\n\r\nCheap supermarket meat
- has ..."
- last_post_description: |-
- Latest episode: Women Butchers.
- Cheap supermarket meat has made life hard for butchers. At the same time, a few younger people are taking an interest in butchery. I shouldn’t have been surprised
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T09:33:40Z"
- last_post_link: https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/2024/latest-episode-women-butcherscheap-supermarket-meat-has
+ https://stream.jeremycherfas.net/content/all: true
+ last_post_title: Interesting article on whether LLMs are writing ...
+ last_post_description: Interesting article on whether LLMs are writing PubMed articles,
+ that seems to conclude that on balance they aren’t. Yet. Perhaps unsurprisingly
+ for a linguistic analysis, says nothing about the
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T07:21:49Z"
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+title: GNU Emacs on Free Range Bits
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Recent content in GNU Emacs on Free Range Bits
+ feedlink: https://freerangebits.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ feedtype: rss
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+ categories: []
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+ https://freerangebits.com/tags/emacs/: true
+ last_post_title: Patching Instead of Pinning
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In a previous post I showed how to work around a deadlock
+ between GnuPG and Emacs. As a brief recap, GnuPG 2.4.1 introduced a
+ change in its output which breaks a protocol that Emacs relied on, so
+ I
+ last_post_date: "2024-01-06T11:44:19-07:00"
+ last_post_link: https://freerangebits.com/posts/2024/01/patch-instead-of-pin/
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- categories:
- - Mexico
- - Politics
- - income
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- last_post_title: The myth of Mexico’s extreme poverty
- last_post_description: Recently it came to my attention that according to some sources,
- Mexico’s extreme poverty increased during Obrador’s administration. I was skeptical
- of this conclusion because according to my own
- last_post_date: "2024-06-09T06:42:30Z"
- last_post_link: https://felipec.wordpress.com/2024/06/09/the-myth-of-mexicos-extreme-poverty/
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- - Mexico
- - Politics
- - income
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-title: Pádraig Brady - OpenStack
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Pádraig Brady's OpenStack musings
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- last_post_title: The life of an OpenStack libvirt image
- last_post_description: Details on the transformations and formats involved
- last_post_date: "2013-02-25T03:53:32Z"
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- - openstack
- - libvirt
- - image
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+title: random thoughts of a F/OSS Developer...
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+ last_post_title: Building Packages with Buildah in Debian
+ last_post_description: |-
+ 1 Building Debian Packages with buildah
+ Building packages in Debian seems to be a solved problem. But is it? At the bottom, installing the dpkg-dev package provides all the basic tools needed.
+ last_post_date: "2020-04-25T12:51:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://tauware.blogspot.com/2020/04/building-packages-with-buildah-in-debian.html
+ last_post_categories: []
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- bare metal automation
- virtualization
- vmware operations
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+ relme:
+ https://rackn.com/: true
last_post_title: Choose your own VMware exit adventure!
last_post_description: Moving away from VMware can be complex. Our latest flowchart
shows how to move away from single-source VMware Broadcom towards becoming a multi-vendor
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- virtualization
- vmware operations
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+description: The Alphastream Game Design Blog
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - Campaigns
+ - DM Advice
+ - campaigns
+ relme:
+ https://alphastream.org/: true
+ https://dice.camp/@Alphastream: true
+ last_post_title: The Campaign Our Players Want?
+ last_post_description: Our next RPG campaign will be more successful if we consider
+ what will appeal to our players.
+ last_post_date: "2024-05-28T05:42:52Z"
+ last_post_link: https://alphastream.org/index.php/2024/05/27/the-campaign-our-players-want/
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+ - Campaigns
+ - DM Advice
+ - campaigns
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- last_post_title: Making VMs from the Inside Out
- last_post_description: "Making VMs from the Inside Out \n 2024/06/01 \n\n
- \ \n ... originally titled \"Making VMs the Borg Way\"... which
- kind of makes sense for the beginning of the process; \"stuff"
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- - windows
- "11"
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- older
- systems
- - cpu
+ - windows
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https://keybase.io/pb: true
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+ https://www.pixelbeat.org/: true
last_post_title: Installing windows 11 on unsupported systems
last_post_description: Using windows 11 on an X1 Yoga Gen2 laptop
last_post_date: "2023-10-11T17:04:24+01:00"
last_post_link: http://www.pixelbeat.org/systems/x1-yoga-gen2/#1697040264
- - windows
- "11"
+ - cpu
- older
- systems
- - cpu
+ - windows
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-description: The online journal of Jeremy Keith, an author and web developer living
- and working in Brighton, England.
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- I can’t resist bookshelves.
- If I’m shown into someone’s home and left alone while the host goes and does something, you can bet I’m going to peruse their bookshelves.
- I don’t know why.
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- - Report
- - News
+ - April Fools
+ - Distraction
- Jest
- Musing
+ - News
+ - Report
- Review
- - April Fools
- - Distraction
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https://www.blogger.com/profile/08947218566941608850: true
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+date: "2024-07-09T03:20:36Z"
+description: 'Not All Who Wander Are Lost: Longform thoughts and shorter reflections
+ as I journey along.'
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+ last_post_description: A review of the week ending on July 5, 2024
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- kernel is Linux 6.3, released by Linus Torvalds on Sunday, April 23rd, 2023. The
- latest mainline (development) kernel is 6.3. The Linux
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+ - AI
+ - Category Theory
+ - Lens
+ - Neural Networks
+ - Optics
+ - Profunctors
+ - Programming
+ - Tambara Modules
+ relme:
+ https://bartoszmilewski.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Neural Networks, Pre-lenses, and Triple Tambara Modules, Part II
+ last_post_description: I will now provide the categorical foundation of the Haskell
+ implementation from the previous post. A PDF version that contains both parts
+ is also available. The Para Construction There’s been a
+ last_post_date: "2024-03-24T15:02:04Z"
+ last_post_link: https://bartoszmilewski.com/2024/03/24/neural-networks-pre-lenses-and-triple-tambara-modules-part-ii/
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+ - AI
+ - Category Theory
+ - Lens
+ - Neural Networks
+ - Optics
+ - Profunctors
+ - Programming
+ - Tambara Modules
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+ - blog
+ - organizing
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+ https://mamot.fr/@KekunPlazas: true
+ last_post_title: One Device to Do it All
+ last_post_description: 'On January 1st 2023 at 00:30, my Android smartphone died,
+ and it made me realize how dependent on that device I was. I used it for many
+ aspects of my life: to stay organized, to be informed, to be'
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+ - blog
+ - organizing
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+ - ARK
+ - Catmandu
+ - DC
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+ - ETL
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+ - LAM
+ - Library
+ - OAI
+ - Triply
+ - api's
+ - authority files
+ - collections
+ - content negotiation
+ - heritage
+ - infrastructure
+ - interoperability
+ - library systems
+ - licensing
+ - linked data
+ - marc
+ - metadata
+ - open data
+ - persistent identifiers
+ - rdf
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+ https://commonplace.net/: true
+ https://lukaskoster.nl/: true
+ https://masto.ai/@lukask: true
+ https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/lukask99: true
+ last_post_title: Infrastructure for heritage institutions – Open and Linked Data
+ last_post_description: 'In my June 2020 post in this series, “Infrastructure for
+ heritage institutions – change of course ” , I said: “The results of both Data
+ Licences and the Data Quality projects (Object'
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+ - ARK
+ - Catmandu
+ - DC
+ - Data
+ - EDM
+ - ETL
+ - Infrastructure
+ - LAM
+ - Library
+ - OAI
+ - Triply
+ - api's
+ - authority files
+ - collections
+ - content negotiation
+ - heritage
+ - infrastructure
+ - interoperability
+ - library systems
+ - licensing
+ - linked data
+ - marc
+ - metadata
+ - open data
+ - persistent identifiers
+ - rdf
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- Fin del proyecto WP A DAY (podcast hecho con IA) y lecciones aprendidas
- Finalizado el proyecto WP A DAY, nuestro podcast de WordPress hecho con IA, es hora de reflexionar acerca de las lecciones
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+ - dripdexon
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+ - games
+ - gnome
+ - migration
+ - ndk
+ - open-source
+ - redmine
+ - tutorial
+ - valawhole
+ - work
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On Hemispheric Views it has become a bit of a running gag that when I become interested in something new or different, the phrase, “I’m an insert interest here guy!” is unleashed.
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+ last_post_title: Introducing alsa-mixer
+ last_post_description: Besides being "that cabal test guy"... Actually, that was
+ about it, until now. Having recently discovered that the complement of ALSA bindings
+ on Hackage lacked an interface to the mixer API, I
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- 22, 2018. This is very convenient for me since it is only an hours drive. I had
- volunteered to help out with the video cameras. Jim
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+ advocate.
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+ - css
+ - quick-tip
+ - theme
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+ last_post_description: Creating custom website skins with the uBlock Origin ad blocker.
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+ - theme
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+ last_post_description: Hi, Wojtek here. See the short list of changes from this
+ past week.
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- last_post_title: Episode 32 - Switching from being a developer to being a manager
- last_post_description: We're back again with Kim Rowan. Listen to her thoughts about
- what it's like to become a manager of technical teams. Read about how she got
- into tech.
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- This story share by Robert Rackley on his blog Canned Dragons reminded me of a story that I heard about a Tibetan Buddhist nun.
- A friend of mine, herself a Buddhist nun at the time, was studying at
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+ last_post_title: 'The Story Behind the Photograph: The Taj Mahal'
+ last_post_description: While going through my mixed up and messily catalogued, that
+ is a very generous term, slides, I came across these two images of the Taj Mahal.
+ I am pretty sure that I have some more, but the state of
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+ - decision making
+ - fear
+ - optionality
+ - ✨ Better Thinking
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- to discovering the most insightful, inspiring, and transformative books on mindful
- productivity, creative growth, holistic ambition, and
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+ last_post_description: You’re about to launch a new product, but you can’t decide
+ on the tech stack. You’ve been researching for weeks, worried that you might miss
+ out on the perfect solution. Sounds familiar? This
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- - Best Books
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+ - ✨ Better Thinking
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- last_post_title: Witnessing the death of the web as a news medium
- last_post_description: As some of you may know, I started out as a radio journalist.
- And when I discovered the web in around 1996, I knew that, to me, radio and TV
- were not the dominant news media any longer. Nowhere but
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+ конешно!
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+ - Europe
+ - Finlande
+ - Immigration
+ - anarchie
+ - droit
+ - démocratie
+ - déracinement
+ - expatriation
+ - justice
+ - outrage
+ - ras-le-bol
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+ https://perkelix.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17644077996431326998: true
+ last_post_title: Mille Regretz - A paraphrase
+ last_post_description: Mille regretz de vous abandonner Et d'eslonger vostre fache
+ amoureuse, J'ay si grand dueil et paine douloureuse, Qu'on me verra brief mes
+ jours definer. I regret abandoning you a thousand
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
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+ categories:
+ - Palestinian Fiction
+ - books
+ - 'thyme travellers: an anthology of palestinian speculative fiction'
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+ last_post_description: 'By popular demand, here is a list of places where you can
+ preorder Thyme Travellers: An Anthology of Palestinian Speculative Fiction. Ebooks
+ are at a discount until August 15, 2024. Firstly, if'
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+ - Palestinian Fiction
+ - books
+ - 'thyme travellers: an anthology of palestinian speculative fiction'
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+ - PDT
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+ - Virgo
+ - WTP
+ - Zend Studio
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# Introduction
- If you are using SSH quite often, it is likely you use an SSH agent which stores your private key in memory so you do not have to type your password every time.
+ This guide explains how to setup a WireGuard tunnel on Linux using a dedicated network namespace so you can choose to run a program on the VPN or over clearnet.
- This method is
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+ for development to the point that I don’t want to use anything else anymore. Even
+ with a bunch of tricks at our disposal, there are
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+ “law”. I do that, sometimes. I’m not obnoxious
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+ - Bawal Bayan
+ - Book of War
+ - Dagger RPG
+ - Dwimmermount
+ - Homeguard
+ - Learning the Dungeon
+ - Lesson Plan
+ - Marvel Super Heroes
+ - Olde School Wizardry
+ - Original Artwork
+ - Sheberoth
+ - Stonehell
+ - actual play
+ - campaign concept
+ - middle school
+ - summer
+ - white star
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+ are celebrating another momentous day ...Olde School Wizardry: The Nine Ancient
+ Runes of Magic is now available for general sales both as a'
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+ for just "what the heck why not" projects, I need to work with my time a lot more
+ strategically now. I've taken up Taekwando and Hapkido,
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+title: Dank are World
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+description: Dank memes are truly inspire for me therefore i like to share this one
+ with you.
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+ last_post_title: Dank Memes
+ last_post_description: Richard Dawkins first thought of the possibility of an image
+ in his 1976 book "The Selfish Gene". Basically, images are thoughts that advance
+ as per similar rules that administer organic development.
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+ last_post_title: An API that tries too hard
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+ last_post_date: "2011-03-21T05:08:58-07:00"
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+title: DS in Chablais
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+description: |-
+ Après DS in Paris, et les autres blogs
+ d'utilisateurs de Nintendo DS dans le
+ monde... voici le Chablais, aux portes de Genève, capitale
+ internationale s'il en est! A vos (3)DS!
+ On va tenter
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/18374683443794882592: true
+ last_post_title: Nouvelle page facebook pour DS in Chablais
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Hop!
+ La page facebook de DS in Chablais existe maintenant! Allez-y en cliquant ici!
+ A bientôt!
+ Gilles.
+ last_post_date: "2013-04-18T19:38:00Z"
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https://fosstodon.org/@mike: true
- last_post_title: Back to School
- last_post_description: Well, the title pretty much gives it all away. I’m going
- back to school. I’ve gotten classes signed up for and I’m ready to begin.
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+ https://mikestone.me/: true
+ last_post_title: Housekeeping
+ last_post_description: It’s looking pretty dusty around here. As I noted yesterday,
+ it’s been a while since I’ve put anything up. Also, it’s been a while since I’ve
+ done any kind of work on this site in general.
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+ / envoy-prometheus-exporter-rs
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Christian Luijten
- (573f5786)
+ (69bb3513)
- 30 May 18:37
+ 30 Jun 07:41
+ Finish it!
- Aanmelden
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+ ... and
+ 1 more commit
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+ les logiciels libres
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+ - AnyDesk
+ - Apache Guacamole
+ - Debian
+ - LogMeIn
+ - RDP
+ - SSH
+ - Self-hosted
+ - TeamViewer
+ - VNC
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+ last_post_title: Apache Guacamole 1.4.0 disponible !
+ last_post_description: La communauté Apache Guacamole est fière d’annoncer la disponibilité
+ d’Apache Guacamole 1.4.0. Apache Guacamole est une passerelle d’accès à distance
+ sans client qui supporte les
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+ - Apache Guacamole
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+ - LogMeIn
+ - RDP
+ - SSH
+ - Self-hosted
+ - TeamViewer
+ - VNC
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+ - ESRI shape files
+ - Editing GIS data
+ - FOSS
+ - GSoC
+ - GSoC 2011
+ - MySQL spatial indexes
+ - OpenGIS support
+ - OpenLayers
+ - OpenStreetMaps
+ - SVG
+ - Visualizing GIS data
+ - WKB
+ - WKT
+ - jQuery SVG
+ - p
+ - phpMyAdmin
+ - phpMyAdmin Developer
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+ weeks
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+title: Gilles Gravier's Blog
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+description: Ravings about many things... but not about work (mostly). I post to this
+ blog various things I see while walking around carrying my cell phone, or that I
+ think are important enough to mention. I blog
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+ - fraudeur
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+ - mysql
+ - oscillococcinum
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+ - sante
+ - suivi
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+ last_post_title: Comment on How to Make Rough Cider by Jeremy Warnes
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In reply to tserong .
+ Thanks Tim.
+ The residual cider that was left after the sediment settled tasted fine and
+ last_post_date: "2023-08-07T07:41:50Z"
+ last_post_link: https://downsouthfarm.com/2017/01/how-to-make-rough-cider/#comment-304331
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- - Planet WebKitGtk+
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- - eme
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- - Encrypted Media Extensions
- - gstreamer
- - media
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- for encrypted media in the web. This way, media providers such as Hulu, Netflix,
- HBO, Disney+, Prime Video, etc. can provide their contents
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+ last_post_title: 'Unlocking Advanced Facilitation Skills: Insights from Georgetown
+ University''s Transformational Leadership Facilitation Certification'
+ last_post_description: In February, I had the privilege of completing Georgetown
+ University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership’s Facilitation Certification
+ course. It was an amazing experience and one that a
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- last_post_title: Building an all-in-one container to create PDFs with Browsershot
- last_post_description: In the past few months, I've encountered several situations
- where I needed to capture web page screenshots or convert HTML templates into
- PDF files for printing. Fortunately, we now have the
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+ - Assembler
+ - Basic
+ - BugHunting
+ - Calc
+ - Draw
+ - Excel
+ - IBM
+ - IRC-канал
+ - LibreOffice
+ - Linux
+ - MS Excel
+ - MS Word
+ - Open Font Library
+ - Open Source
+ - OpenOffice.org
+ - Oracal
+ - SUM
+ - TDF
+ - The Document Foundation
+ - Writer
+ - XY
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+ - bugs
+ - gimp
+ - macros
+ - patch
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+ - ВПР
+ - ВССиТ
+ - ГПР
+ - Ганта
+ - Линии
+ - Программирование
+ - Сердце
+ - Торнадо
+ - автоформат
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+ - миграции
+ - навигация
+ - научно-популярное
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+ - нумерация
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+ - область
+ - общество
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+ - переводы
+ - почтовая рассылка
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+ - форматирование
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- - data
- - bayes
- - statistics
- - spectroscopy
- - seminar
- - writing
- - imaging
- - code
- - exoplanet
- - sdss
- - Milky Way
- - galaxy
- - practice
- - meeting
- - time
- - dynamics
- - calibration
- - astrometry
- - gaia
- - cosmology
- - photometry
- - not research
- - machine learning
- - radial velocity
- - chemistry
- - kinematics
- - mathematics
- - information
- - graphical model
- - Kepler
- - literature
- - substructure
- - MCMC
- - regression
- - quasar
- - optimization
- - linear algebra
- - philosophy
- - proposal
- - TheCannon
- - computing
- - large-scale structure
- - decision
- - Gaussian process
- - disk
- - binary star
- - noise
- - visualization
- - telescope
- - galex
- - dark sector
- - funding
- - catalog
- - star formation
- - travel
- - theory
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- - gravity
- - thinking
- - hardware
- - causation
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- - asteroseismology
- - clustering
- - dust
- - supernova
- - point-spread function
- - halo
- - classification
- - life
- - proper motion
- - LSST
- - TESS
- - search
- - gastrophysics
- - particle physics
- - reading
- - Solar System
- - group theory
- - meta data
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- - nucleosynthesis
- - cluster
- - tractor
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- - spitzer
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- - experiment
- - panstarrs
- - interstellar medium
- - open science
- - web 2.0
- - wise
- - white dwarf
- - microscopy
- - project management
- 2mass
- - HST
+ - ALMA
+ - API
+ - Bart
- - geometry
- - merging
- - testing
- - Terra Hunting
- - observing
- - radio
- - fundamental astronomy
- - intergalactic medium
- - database
+ - Cassini
+ - Chandra
+ - CoRoT
+ - DESI
- Earth
- Euclid
- - baryon acoustic feature
- - pulsar
- - eating
- - signal processing
- - comet
- - politics
- - citizen science
- - email
- - phase space
- - brown dwarf
- - transparency
- - LIGO
- - environment
+ - FRBs
- Fermi
- - Planck
- - Sun
+ - Gaussian process
- - PHAT
- - interferometry
- - planet
- - robot
- - cosmic ray
- - parallax
- - thermodynamics
+ - HST
- Herschel
- - atomic physics
- - design
- - gamma-ray burst
- - minor planet
- - thresher
- - nuclear physics
- - primus
- - rave
- - ultraviolet
- - charge-coupled device
- - compressed sensing
- - evolution
- - refereeing
- - relativity
- - roweis
- - accretion
- - causality
- - interpolation
- - neuroscience
- - selection function
- - units
- - digital camera
- - hipparcos
- - history
- - inflation
- - quantum mechanics
- - sailing
- - text
- - amateur
- - biology
- - deep learning
- - diffraction
- - drinking
- - optics
- - archive
- - education
- - string theory
- - anthropic
- - archetype
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- - discussion
- - hacking
- - usno-b
- - API
- - dissertation
- - intelligence
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- - osss
- - reproducibility
- - science
- - astrobiology
- - coffee
- - pipeline
- - spherex
- - teaching
- - weather
+ - KNN
+ - Kepler
- - WMAP
- - ad hockery
- - anthropology
- - climate
- - correlation
- - density estimation
- - diagnosis
- - editing
- - geology
- - mentoring
- - post-starburst
- - social media
- - ALMA
- - Bart
- - DESI
- - P1640
- - apass
- - compression
- - confusion
- - demographics
- - ethics
- - fail
- - farm machinery
- - learning
- - outreach
- - scattering
- - sonification
- - x-ray
- - Cassini
- - Chandra
+ - LIGO
- - Moon
- - NuSTAR
- - PTF
- - Saturn
- - ZTF
- - administration
- - aliens
- - balloon
- - bullshit
- - daft
- - flickr
- - frequentism
- - gambling
- - game theory
- - nasa
- - plasma
- - press
- - procrastination
- - sound
- - vlt-sphere
- - CoRoT
- - FRBs
- - KNN
- LMIRcam
+ - LSST
- Local Group
+ - MCMC
+ - Milky Way
+ - Moon
+ - NuSTAR
+ - P1640
+ - PHAT
+ - PTF
+ - Planck
+ - Saturn
+ - Solar System
+ - Sun
+ - TESS
+ - Terra Hunting
+ - TheCannon
+ - WMAP
- Willman 1
+ - ZTF
+ - accretion
+ - ad hockery
+ - administration
- advice
+ - aliens
+ - amateur
+ - anthropic
+ - anthropology
+ - apass
+ - archetype
+ - architecture
+ - archive
- askap
+ - asteroseismology
+ - astrobiology
- astrology
+ - astrometry
+ - atlas
+ - atomic physics
+ - balloon
+ - baryon acoustic feature
+ - bayes
+ - binary star
+ - biology
+ - black hole
+ - brown dwarf
+ - bullshit
+ - calibration
+ - catalog
+ - causality
+ - causation
- chaos monkey
+ - charge-coupled device
+ - chemistry
+ - citizen science
+ - classification
+ - climate
- clothing
+ - cluster
+ - clustering
+ - code
+ - coffee
- combinatorics
+ - comet
+ - compressed sensing
+ - compression
+ - computing
- condensed matter
+ - confusion
+ - correlation
+ - cosmic ray
+ - cosmography
+ - cosmology
+ - daft
+ - dark sector
+ - data
+ - database
+ - decision
+ - deep learning
+ - demographics
+ - density estimation
+ - design
+ - diagnosis
+ - diffraction
+ - digital camera
+ - discussion
+ - disk
+ - dissertation
- documentation
- dragonfly
+ - drinking
+ - dust
+ - dynamics
+ - eating
+ - editing
+ - education
+ - electricity and magnetism
+ - email
- emotions
+ - engineering
+ - environment
+ - ethics
- ethnography
+ - evolution
- exomoon
+ - exoplanet
+ - experiment
+ - fail
+ - farm machinery
+ - flickr
+ - frequentism
- frisbee
+ - fundamental astronomy
+ - funding
+ - gaia
+ - galaxy
+ - galex
+ - gambling
- game
+ - game theory
+ - gamma-ray burst
+ - gastrophysics
- gauge
+ - geology
+ - geometry
+ - graphical model
+ - gravitational lensing
+ - gravity
- group meeting
+ - group theory
+ - hacking
+ - halo
- handicapping
+ - hardware
+ - hipparcos
+ - history
+ - imaging
+ - inflation
+ - information
+ - intelligence
+ - interferometry
+ - intergalactic medium
+ - interpolation
+ - interstellar medium
+ - kinematics
+ - large-scale structure
- law
+ - learning
+ - life
+ - linear algebra
+ - literature
+ - machine learning
- making
+ - mathematics
+ - meeting
+ - mentoring
+ - merging
+ - meta data
+ - microscopy
+ - minor planet
+ - model
+ - music
+ - nasa
+ - neuroscience
+ - noise
+ - not research
+ - nuclear physics
+ - nucleosynthesis
+ - observing
+ - open science
+ - optics
+ - optimization
+ - osss
+ - outreach
+ - panstarrs
+ - parallax
+ - particle physics
+ - phase space
+ - philosophy
- phone
+ - photometry
+ - pipeline
+ - planet
+ - plasma
- point cloud
+ - point-spread function
- polarization
- polemic
+ - politics
+ - post-starburst
+ - practice
+ - press
+ - primus
+ - procrastination
+ - project management
+ - proper motion
+ - proposal
+ - pulsar
+ - quantum mechanics
+ - quasar
+ - radial velocity
+ - radio
- rant
+ - rave
+ - reading
+ - refereeing
+ - regression
- regret
+ - relativity
+ - reproducibility
- ring
+ - robot
+ - roweis
+ - sailing
+ - scattering
+ - science
+ - sdss
+ - search
+ - selection function
- semantics
+ - seminar
+ - signal processing
+ - social media
+ - sonification
+ - sound
+ - spectroscopy
+ - spherex
+ - spitzer
+ - star
+ - star formation
+ - statistics
- storytime
+ - string theory
+ - substructure
+ - supernova
- swift
+ - talking
+ - teaching
+ - telescope
+ - testing
+ - text
+ - theory
+ - thermodynamics
+ - thinking
+ - thresher
+ - time
- topology
+ - tractor
+ - transparency
+ - travel
- ukidss
+ - ultraviolet
+ - units
+ - usno-b
- virtual observatory
+ - visualization
+ - vlt-sphere
- volcanism
- water
- weapons
+ - weather
+ - web 2.0
+ - white dwarf
+ - wise
+ - writing
+ - x-ray
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title: Jonstraveladventures
-date: "2024-06-16T19:38:39+02:00"
+date: "2024-07-07T08:28:53+02:00"
description: Dr Shock searches for some enlightenment in the strange world of string
theory in the hope that he may stumble across some great food and interesting experiences
on this preposterous quest (England -
@@ -14,348 +14,50 @@ params:
recommended: []
recommender: []
- - photography
- - China
- - Beijing
- - physics
- - Spain
- - Galicia
- - Santiago de Compostela
- - videos
- - work
- - atmospheric optics
- - food
- - talks
- - travel
- - astronomy
- - japan
- - music
- - couchsurfing
- - books
- - travels
- - Chinese
- - astrophotography
- - tips
- - science
- - South Africa
- - papers
- - string theory
- - korea
- - video
- - 22 degree solar halo
- - Munich
- - art
- - language
- - news
- - reviews
- - Germany
- - cooking
- - Oxford
- - England
- - Spanish
- - Seoul
- - TED
- - lectures
- - scitalks
- - Kyoto
- - Moon
- - Tokyo
- - conferences
- - eclipse
- - movies
- - research
- - Links
- - architecture
- - languages
- - update
- - updates
- - Festival
- - HDR
- - Kruger National Park
- - London
- - Toomanytribbles
- - advertising
- - computers
- - flights
- - technology
- - weather
- - Argentina
- - BAblog
- - Cape Town
- - Christmas
- - Dublin
- - Morocco
- - Olympics
- - Shanghai
- - UK
- - Wudaokou
- - Wuhan
- - blogs
- - nature
- - storms
- - sundogs
- - Africa
- - Baoji
- - Barcelona
- - Blogger
- - Buenos Aires
- - Flickr
- - Jupiter
- - Pingliang
- - South America
- - animals
- - computing
- - education
- - films
- - friends
- - madrid
- - mathematics
- - rain
- - seminars
- - sightseeing
- - sunset
- - AdS/QCD
- - CERN
- - California
- - Chinese food
- - D22
- - France
- - Gansu
- - Internet
- - Jiuzhaigou
- - Kabuki
- - Korean food
- - LHC
- - Mathematica
- - New Year
- - Porto
- - Portugal
- - TED conference
- - air pollution
- - blogging
- - complex systems summer school
- - fireworks
- - hints
- - holidays
- - maths
- - recipes
- - review
- - software
- - stars
- - summary
- - trains
- - venus
- - 22 degree lunar halo
- - Asturias
- - B physics
- - Bariloche
- - Cargese
- - Carnival
- - Geneva
- - Haiku
- - Ireland
- - Kimchi
- - Korean
- - Lijiang
- - Mac
- - Monterey
- - Mozambique
- - Paris
- - Patagonia
- - Perseids
- - Pimsleur
- - Politics
- - Santiagiago de Compostela
- - Shaanxi
- - Steinbeck
- - Stephen Hawking
- - USA
- - Yunnan
- - animations
- - block
- - culture
- - drink
- - evolution
- - inspiration
- - juggling
- - meteors
- - molecular gastronomy
- - motivation
- - particle physics
- - pipes
- - rainbow
- - recipe
- - stories
- - strings 2007
- - stupidity
- - telescopes
- - traffic
- - upper tangent arc
- - web 2.0
- - wedding
- - ACER
- - API
- - Aboriginal culture
- - Burt Rutan
- - CMS
- - Capoeira
- - Chengdu
- - Chinglish
- - Cine Europa
- - Coursera
- - Croatia
- - Data
- - Dave Feldman
- - Dubai
- - Dubrovnik
- - Eiffel tower
- - English corner
- - Fes
- - Gamma ray burster
- - Genius
- - Gijon
- - Greece
- - Hangul
- - Japanese
- - Jonathan Tel
- - Kongtong shan
- - Kubrick
- - La Coruna
- - LaTeX
- - Macro
- - Marrakech
- - May day
- - Michel Thomas
- - Milos
- - Monte Pindo
- - NASA
- - Nav
- - Nicholas Negroponte
- - Phil Plait
- - Pohang
- - Pollution
- - QFT
- - Semana Santa
- - Sichuan
- - Sidney Coleman
- - Sitges
- - Solar cooking
- - Study
- - Switzerland
- - Tate Modern
- - Ted talks
- - Television
- - Tim Ferris
- - Titan
- - Udacity
- - Windows Vista
- - Wolfram Alpha
- - ads/cft
- - apology
- - atmosperic optics
- - bills
- - biology
- - bird's nest
- - blog
- - cameras
- - cathedral
- - chicken soup
- - clubs
- - coastline
- - concerts
- - conjunction
- - experiments
- - extra solar planets
- - fair
- - family
- - fiction
- - flashcards
- - genetic algorithms
- - google
- - google reader
- - guide
- - hacks
- - hair cuts
- - history
- - hospitals
- - insect
- - jazz
- - lamprey
- - life
- - literature
- - magazines
- - mandarin
- - medicine
- - midi festival
- - milky way
- - mobile phones
- - moonrise
- - museum
- - net nanny
- - nostalgia
- - obituary
- - octopus
- - one laptop per child
- - opening ceremony
- - operating systems
- - outreach
- - photgraphy
- - photograpy
- - planets
- - police
- - program
- - random
- - reading
- - reflections
- - religion
- - rocket launch
- - schools
- - scientists
- - search
- - solar halo
- - spiders
- - string cosmology
- - summer
- - summer school
- - sushi
- - tannery
- - temples
- - tiredness
- - trees
- - trip
- - turing machine
- - views
- - visa
- - writing
- 120 degree parhelion
+ - 22 degree lunar halo
+ - 22 degree solar halo
- "798"
- A coruna
+ - ACER
- AI
+ - API
+ - Aboriginal culture
- AdS Collective
+ - AdS/QCD
- Addons
- Adobe Acroread
+ - Africa
- Akihabara
- Alday
- Alzheimer's
- Amazonian Giant Centipede
+ - Argentina
- Artificial Intelligence
+ - Asturias
- Atlantic
- Australia
- Austria
- Awards
+ - B physics
+ - BAblog
- BBC news
+ - Baoji
- Baoli
- Barajas
+ - Barcelona
+ - Bariloche
- Basque country
+ - Beijing
- Beijing City Weekender
- Bergman
- Berlin
- Big Sur
+ - Blogger
- Boingboing
- Bookworm
- Borough Market
@@ -371,22 +73,38 @@ params:
- Brussels
- Buckingham Palace
- Budapest
+ - Buenos Aires
- Burj Dubai
+ - Burt Rutan
- Buster Keaton
- CCTV tower
+ - CERN
+ - CMS
+ - California
- Cambridge
+ - Cape Town
- Cape of Good Hope
+ - Capoeira
+ - Cargese
- Carl Sagan
+ - Carnival
- Carolyn Porco
- Casa Marcelo
- Cassini
- Catholicism
- Changgyeongung
- Chaoyang
+ - Chengdu
- Cherry blossom
- Chin
+ - China
- China's Instant Cities
+ - Chinese
+ - Chinese food
- Chinesepod
+ - Chinglish
+ - Christmas
+ - Cine Europa
- Cineuropa
- Clay Shirky
- Comet 17/P holmes
@@ -396,8 +114,11 @@ params:
- Copenhagen
- Cory Doctorow
- Cosmos
+ - Coursera
- Craig Venter
- Craigs list
+ - Croatia
+ - D22
- Daegu
@@ -405,6 +126,8 @@ params:
- Dan Dennet
- Danial Tammat
- Dashanzi
+ - Data
+ - Dave Feldman
- Dawson Bros
- Denmark
- Descartes
@@ -415,39 +138,60 @@ params:
- Dreaming in Code
- Dreamtime
- Dropbox
+ - Dubai
+ - Dublin
+ - Dubrovnik
- Dunhuang
- Earth day
- Earth hour
- Earthshine
- Echineselearning
+ - Eiffel tower
- El Ateneo
- Elliott Sharp
- Encounters at the end of the world
+ - England
- English Garden
+ - English corner
- Everest
+ - Fes
+ - Festival
- Fiesta
- Firefox
- First impressions
- Fisterra
+ - Flickr
- Fonseca Prize
+ - France
- Francis Elizabeth Allen
- Freemind
- Freud
- Fuji
- Gaia
+ - Galicia
+ - Gamma ray burster
+ - Gansu
- Gatecrasher
+ - Geneva
+ - Genius
+ - Germany
+ - Gijon
- Glory
- Gobi
- Gongti
- Goodbyes
- Google squared
- Grease Monkey
+ - Greece
- Green flash
- Guinness
- Gwoyeu Romatzyh
+ - HDR
- Haidian park
+ - Haiku
- Halloween
+ - Hangul
- Harvard
- Health
- Henning Samtleben
@@ -466,92 +210,144 @@ params:
- Indian
- Inhambane
- International Space Station
+ - Internet
- Internet access
+ - Ireland
- Isla de Cies
- Italian
- James Glazier
- James Lovelock
+ - Japanese
- Jerry Fodor
- Jiayuguan
- Jinan park
- Jingshan
+ - Jiuzhaigou
- Johannesburg
- John Armstrong
+ - Jonathan Tel
- July 22nd 2009
+ - Jupiter
+ - Kabuki
- Kenkoku Kinenbi
- Kevin Rudd
- Kim Ki Duk
+ - Kimchi
- Kiyomizu
+ - Kongtong shan
+ - Korean
+ - Korean food
- Korean independence day
+ - Kruger National Park
+ - Kubrick
- Kurt Vonnegut
+ - Kyoto
+ - LHC
- LHC startup
+ - La Coruna
- La Plata
+ - LaTeX
- Lagoon nebula
- Lanzhou
- Leon
+ - Lijiang
+ - Links
+ - London
- London Eye
- M42
- MIT media lab
- MITx
+ - Mac
+ - Macro
- Maldacena
- Mario Vargas Llosa
- Marquez
+ - Marrakech
- Mars
+ - Mathematica
- Max Roach
+ - May day
- Meebo
- Mercury
- Michael Standaert
+ - Michel Thomas
- Michelin Star
- Microsoft
+ - Milos
- Mind maps
- Mnemosyne
- Money Jungle
+ - Monte Pindo
+ - Monterey
+ - Moon
+ - Morocco
+ - Mozambique
- Mozamique
+ - Munich
- Muros
- Museum of contemporary art
- Museum of natural history
- Museum of the Pobo Galego
+ - NASA
- Namsan
- Nara
- National Aquatics centre
- National Gallery
+ - Nav
- Neil Turok
+ - New Year
- Newton Institute
+ - Nicholas Negroponte
- Nishiki
- Noche de San Juan
- Noctilucent clouds
- Noia
- Ochanomizu
- Olympic Games
+ - Olympics
- Orion
- Orion nebula
- Ourense
- Oviedo
+ - Oxford
- PC
- Palacio de Congresos
- Pamelia Kursten
- Panba
- Pandora
+ - Paris
- Park
- Park Chan Wook
- Parque de Bonaval
+ - Patagonia
- Paths of glory
- Pattie Maes
- Peking Duck
+ - Perseids
- Pharyngula
+ - Phil Plait
- Phineas Gage
- Phoenix
- Photograhy
- Pico Sacro
+ - Pimsleur
+ - Pingliang
- Planck
+ - Pohang
- Poland
+ - Politics
+ - Pollution
- Port
+ - Porto
+ - Portugal
- Praia das Catedrais
- Pub Fuco Luis
- Pudong
- Puppetry
+ - QFT
- Qing Ming Jie
- RAW format
@@ -567,32 +363,55 @@ params:
- San Francisco
- San Nak Ji
- San Pedro
+ - Santiagiago de Compostela
- Santiago de Chile
+ - Santiago de Compostela
- Saturn
- Scaled Composites
+ - Semana Santa
+ - Seoul
- Seoul Shinmun
- Seoul tower
- Setsubun
+ - Shaanxi
+ - Shanghai
- Shinjuku
- Shinkansen
+ - Sichuan
- Sichuan pepper
+ - Sidney Coleman
- Sir Ken Robinson
+ - Sitges
- Slovakia
+ - Solar cooking
- Solstice
- Soom
+ - South Africa
+ - South America
- Southampton
+ - Spain
+ - Spanish
- Sphere
- St Paul's
+ - Steinbeck
- Stellarium
+ - Stephen Hawking
- Steven Pinker
+ - Study
- Summer Palace
- Sundays
+ - Switzerland
+ - TED
+ - TED conference
- TED prize
- TEDtalks
- TV
- Taegu
- Takoyaki
+ - Tate Modern
+ - Ted talks
+ - Television
- Thai green curry
- The Adventures of the Pisco Kid
- The Beijing of Possibilities
@@ -603,7 +422,11 @@ params:
- Tian Tan
- Tiananmen
- Tim
+ - Tim Ferris
- Tim Minchin
+ - Titan
+ - Tokyo
+ - Toomanytribbles
- Torres Strait Islanders
- Transformers
- Trey Ratcliff
@@ -612,6 +435,9 @@ params:
- Turing Prize
- Tussock moth
- Txalaparta
+ - UK
+ - USA
+ - Udacity
- Uranus
- Valdivia
- Vapourer
@@ -623,23 +449,40 @@ params:
- Westin Hotel
- Whale watching
- Wild Strawberries
+ - Windows Vista
+ - Wolfram Alpha
+ - Wudaokou
+ - Wuhan
- X-price
- XP
- Yahoo Pipes
- Yuan Ming Yuan
- Yukawa Institute
+ - Yunnan
- Zhangye
- Zhejiangh
- abiogenesis
+ - ads/cft
+ - advertising
+ - air pollution
+ - animals
+ - animations
- anniversary
- apan
+ - apology
- appendicitis
- aquarium
+ - architecture
- architecture.
- arranged marriage
+ - art
- artWALK
- articles
- arxiv
+ - astronomy
+ - astrophotography
+ - atmosperic optics
+ - atmospheric optics
- atoptics
- autism
- autumn
@@ -652,11 +495,19 @@ params:
- beetle
- beginnings
- bhuna
+ - bills
+ - biology
+ - bird's nest
- birds
- black holes
+ - block
+ - blog
- blog rolling
+ - blogging
+ - blogs
- boat
- boing boing
+ - books
- bookshops
- border controls
- boycott
@@ -668,34 +519,48 @@ params:
- but that's ok
- cafe culture
- call my bluff
+ - cameras
- cards
- catchup
- caterpillars
+ - cathedral
- celebrations
- chaos
- chemistry
- chicken
+ - chicken soup
- circumscribed halo
- cloning
- clothing
- cloud seeding
- cloud shadow
- clouds
+ - clubs
+ - coastline
- coding
- coffee
- comedy
- comet
- comments
- complaints
+ - complex systems summer school
- computation
+ - computers
+ - computing
+ - concerts
- cone snail
+ - conferences
+ - conjunction
- conservation
+ - cooking
+ - couchsurfing
- counterculture
- creativity
- crepuscular rays
- crescent
- criteo
- cross
+ - culture
- culture shock
- cycling
- cyclists
@@ -707,7 +572,10 @@ params:
- devendra bernhardt
- dish
- dragonfly
+ - drink
- earthquake
+ - eclipse
+ - education
- eel
- elephant
- endings
@@ -716,61 +584,94 @@ params:
- epiphany
- ethics
- events
+ - evolution
- exercise
- experience
+ - experiments
- explanations
- explosion
- extra dimensions
+ - extra solar planets
- extra terrestrial intelligence
- faces
- factory
+ - fair
+ - family
- fashion
- feed reader
+ - fiction
- fiestas
+ - films
- fire
- fire jumping
+ - fireworks
- fish
+ - flashcards
- flat
- flat-hunting
+ - flights
- flowers
+ - food
+ - friends
- future
- gadgets
- games
- gastronomy
- gauged supergravity
+ - genetic algorithms
- geometry
- giraffe
- gluon scattering
+ - google
+ - google reader
- google system blog
- gravitational waves
+ - guide
+ - hacks
+ - hair cuts
- health service
- heat
- heavens above
- hiking
+ - hints
+ - history
- history in the making
- hole in the universe
- holiday
+ - holidays
- homatropine
- home
- homeopathy
- honking
- horses
+ - hospitals
- hyena
- ice pillars
- impala
- information extraction
+ - insect
- insomnia
+ - inspiration
+ - japan
- jaw
+ - jazz
- jet-lag
+ - juggling
- kafkaesque
- killer's kiss
- kitchenalia
+ - korea
+ - lamprey
+ - language
- language exchange
+ - languages
- leather
- leaves
- leaving
+ - lectures
- leopard
- lessons
+ - life
- lifehacks
- lighthouse
- lightning
@@ -778,58 +679,94 @@ params:
- linear confinement
- linguistics
- link
+ - literature
- lollamprey
- lowitz arcs
- lunar halo
+ - madrid
+ - magazines
- manatees
+ - mandarin
- manga
- market
+ - mathematics
+ - maths
+ - medicine
- memes
- memories
- memory
+ - meteors
- methane
+ - midi festival
+ - milky way
+ - mobile phones
+ - molecular gastronomy
- moods
+ - moonrise
+ - motivation
- mountains
+ - movies
- moving food
- msn
+ - museum
- museums
+ - music
- mydriasis
- myriapod
- n-gram
- national geographic
- natto
+ - nature
- nebula
+ - net nanny
- neuroscience
+ - news
- newspaper
- night and day
- nightscene
- nightsky
- nigiri
+ - nostalgia
+ - obituary
+ - octopus
- old man
+ - one laptop per child
- onion puree
- online learning
- onnagata
- onomatopoeia
- open letter
+ - opening ceremony
+ - operating systems
- optics
+ - outreach
- packing
- paella
- panoramas
+ - papers
- parhelic circle
- parthenogenesis
- particle accelerators
+ - particle physics
- party
- perigee
+ - photgraphy
+ - photography
+ - photograpy
- photoshop
- photosynth
+ - physics
- pictures
- pig's trotters
- pinyin
+ - pipes
+ - planets
- plans
- playing
- podcast
- poetry
- poisoning
+ - police
- prado
- preserved lemons
- pressure cooking
@@ -837,33 +774,55 @@ params:
- problems
- procession
- productivity
+ - program
- psychology
- public figures
- queuing
- quotations
- radio
+ - rain
+ - rainbow
+ - random
- rants
+ - reading
+ - recipe
+ - recipes
- recordings
+ - reflections
+ - religion
+ - research
- researhch
- restaurants
- return
+ - review
+ - reviews
- roads
+ - rocket launch
- routine
- satellites
- scenery
+ - schools
- sci-fi
+ - science
+ - scientists
+ - scitalks
- sculpture
+ - search
- seasons
- secret plans
+ - seminars
- sequences
- shooting stars
+ - sightseeing
- skype
- skyscraper
- slideshow
- social commentary
- social networking
+ - software
- solar eclipse
- solar filter
+ - solar halo
- solar photography
- solar pilar
- somerset house
@@ -872,29 +831,48 @@ params:
- space flight
- spare ribs
- sperm whale
+ - spiders
- spiral staircase
- stadium
- star gazing
+ - stars
- startup
- stock
+ - stories
+ - storms
- stream of consciousness
+ - string cosmology
+ - string theory
+ - strings 2007
- students
+ - stupidity
- subconscious
- subsun
- success
- sufjan stevens
+ - summary
+ - summer
+ - summer school
- sun pillars
+ - sundogs
+ - sunset
- sunspots
- supergravity
- supersymmetry
- surrealism
+ - sushi
- swimming
+ - talks
- tallest building
- tangent arc
+ - tannery
- tap water
- taxis
- tea
- teaching
+ - technology
+ - telescopes
+ - temples
- the onion
- the technology singularity
- the universe
@@ -902,20 +880,40 @@ params:
- thermodynamics
- thoughts
- timewasting
+ - tips
+ - tiredness
- totality
- tourism
- tourist
- tradition
+ - traffic
+ - trains
+ - travel
- traveladventures
- traveling
+ - travels
+ - trees
- trekking
+ - trip
- trips
- troubles
+ - turing machine
+ - update
+ - updates
+ - upper tangent arc
- valentine
+ - venus
+ - video
+ - videos
+ - views
+ - visa
- water cooler
+ - weather
- web
+ - web 2.0
- web technology
- webcast
+ - wedding
- whaling
- whisky
- widgets
@@ -923,28 +921,38 @@ params:
- windows media player
- winter school
- words
+ - work
- worlfram
- writers
+ - writing
- www
- yuba
+ https://alittleplaceiknowincapetown.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://emergingbehaviour.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://jonstraveladventures.blogspot.com/: true
https://www.blogger.com/profile/11667852535983804885: true
last_post_title: Reflections
last_post_description: ""
last_post_date: "2018-02-20T21:28:36+01:00"
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- world of playing high stakes blackjack.
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- card cheat, Dustin Marks. \nDustin: Https://dustinmarks.com \nFollow me: https://twitter.com/stevenbridges
- & https://instagram"
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everything else I find interesting.
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- last_post_title: They might not make it
- last_post_description: Months ago I ranted about Arc Search. My thoughts on the
- subject have not changed. Not long after that post, the fun people at The Browser
- Company released a teaser video for an upcoming 5 video
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+ last_post_title: A moment with my 35th bday
+ last_post_description: I’m turning 35 today. For the first time in 35 years a birthday
+ managed to sneak up on me without me realizing it. There will be a time to share
+ and elaborate on all the mental struggles and the
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- last_post_title: Comment on VCR to WebM with GStreamer and hardware encoding by
- Rigel
- last_post_description: Sorry for your loss. I hope those old tapes bring you some
- measure of comfort.
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- last_post_description: Back from Japan (reluctantly). Having a blog makes you realise
- how quickly time passes. Easily a month can pass by without any new entries here.
- But that month would feel like a blink to me. So I did
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+ last_post_description: Time is bizarre and life equally so. So many mixed feelings
+ about these two things and so many thoughts that cannot find expression because
+ I’m just not good enough of a writer. So I fall back on
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+ last_post_title: Comment connaître les limites de sa circonscription ?
+ last_post_description: Les élections législatives se profilent, et certain.e.s militant.e.s
+ vont tracter, coller des affiches etc. Mais pour cela il faut bien connaître les
+ limites de sa circonscription, car rien ne
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+ - Eclipse JPA Diagram Editor
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+ last_post_title: JPA Diagram Editor released with Indigo
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-description: The relevant news on the Fediverse
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- last_post_description: @LaurensHof how about this for a fediverse report? :) Cory Doctorow .
- Hi, thanks for the reply! I think Google Photos counts as a success -- for example I see this
- last_post_date: "2020-07-06T20:45:54Z"
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-description: Public posts from @therealadam@ruby.social
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+title: OSGi thoughts
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+description: ""
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ https://osgithoughts.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Declarative Services
+ - EJB
+ - HTTP Service
+ - JavaEE
+ - JavaSE 8
+ - JavaSE 9
+ - JavaSE8
+ - OSGi Connect
+ - OSGi PaaS
+ - PaaS
+ - PojoSR
+ - Servlet
+ - apache aries
+ - apache felix
+ - aries
+ - as7
+ - benefits of osgi
+ - blueprint
+ - c/c++
+ - cloud
+ - cloud computing
+ - eeg
+ - enterprise osgi
+ - felix
+ - java
+ - javascript
+ - jax
+ - jboss
+ - jboss osgi
+ - jbossas7
+ - jigsaw
+ - modularity
+ - native osgi
+ - openjdk
+ - osgi
+ - osgi community event
+ - osgi devcon
+ - osgi specifications
+ - penrose
+ - remote services
+ - rfc 119
+ - rfc 183
+ - universal osgi
+ relme:
+ https://boardgamethoughts.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://coderthoughts.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://hikersthoughts.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://laarderhoogt.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://lightdarknesspainting.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://on-software-architecture.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://osgithoughts.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://rockabillfilmsoc.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://rockabillfilmsociety.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://testblogaswebsite.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/13786738766478890804: true
+ last_post_title: 'Presentation: The Benefits of OSGi in Practise'
+ last_post_description: A little while ago I created a presentation around how I
+ see the benefits of OSGi. It can serve as an introduction to those who like to
+ learn more about OSGi and how it can solve real-world problems
+ last_post_date: "2013-08-12T09:50:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://osgithoughts.blogspot.com/2013/08/presentation-benefits-of-osgi-in.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - benefits of osgi
+ - osgi
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+title: DSHR's Blog
+date: "2024-07-08T17:28:08-07:00"
+description: I'm David Rosenthal, and this is a place to discuss the work I'm doing
+ in Digital Preservation.
+ feedlink: https://blog.dshr.org/feeds/posts/default
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+ websites:
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+ - AGI
+ - CNI2009spring
+ - CNI2012Fall
+ - CNI2013Spring
+ - CNI2016Spring
+ - CNI2017Spring
+ - CNI2018Fall
+ - CNI2105Fall
+ - DRM
+ - ElPub2013
+ - EndTimes
+ - EverCloud
+ - IoT
+ - OAIS
+ - P2P
+ - advertising
+ - amazon
+ - anadp
+ - annotations
+ - anonymity
+ - anti-trust
+ - audit
+ - autonomous vehicles
+ - benchmarks
+ - big data
+ - bitcoin
+ - blog-science
+ - chatbots
+ - cloud economics
+ - copyright
+ - crowdfunding
+ - deduplication
+ - digital preservation
+ - distributed web
+ - e-books
+ - e-journals
+ - e-science
+ - emulation
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+ - fast13
+ - fast14
+ - fast15
+ - fast16
+ - fast17
+ - fast18
+ - fast19
+ - fast20
+ - fast2009
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+ - format obsolescence
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+ - green preservation
+ - human error
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+ - idcc15
+ - idcc2008
+ - idcc2013
+ - iipc13
+ - iipc2016
+ - institutional repositories
+ - intellectual property
+ - ipres2008
+ - ipres2010
+ - ipres2013
+ - ipres2016
+ - ipres2017
+ - iso16363
+ - jcdl2010
+ - kryder's law
+ - library of congress
+ - link rot
+ - linux
+ - long-lived media
+ - malware
+ - memento
+ - metadata
+ - metastablecoins
+ - moore's law
+ - named data networking
+ - national hosting
+ - networking
+ - normalization
+ - nvidia
+ - object storage
+ - open access
+ - patent
+ - pda2011
+ - pda2012
+ - peer review
+ - personal
+ - personal digital preservation
+ - platform monopolies
+ - publishing business
+ - scholarly communication
+ - seagate
+ - security
+ - social networks
+ - software preservation
+ - stock buybacks
+ - storage costs
+ - storage failures
+ - storage media
+ - techno-hype
+ - terms of service
+ - theatre
+ - trac
+ - twitter
+ - union mounts
+ - unix
+ - venture capital
+ - web archiving
+ - web3
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+ https://dshr-hikes.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/14498131502038331594: true
+ last_post_title: X Window System At 40
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-04T06:58:45-07:00"
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+ - libxml2
+ - lxml
+ - microsoft
+ - multiprocessing
+ - psf
+ - python
+ - python multiprocessing
+ - ubuntu
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+ https://lipyrary.blogspot.com/: true
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+ on The Horizon of Reason'
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+ last_post_title: The Bidirectional Relationship Between Magic and Science
+ last_post_description: Magicians present theatrical illusions that seemingly breach
+ the laws of the physical sciences. Still, they often deploy the principles of
+ these and other sciences to create these illusions.
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- last_post_title: Comment on FreeIPA integration with Foreman by Hamid
- last_post_description: Thanks, Complete and useful.
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+ the latest version of SvelteKit. We're going to build a developer portfolio and
+ blog website, that fetches data from your RSS feed, as well
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- of open-source projects, their maintainers, and the entire community of contributors.
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+ last_post_title: Gun crime graph
+ last_post_description: I've been getting in an argument with some Americans about
+ gun ownership and associated legislation. I decided to take a look at some figures
+ for the UK. Here's a graph, with Poisson errors:UK
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- (formerly The Teaching Company): Dark Matter and Dark Energy, Mysteries of Modern
- Physics:Time, and The Higgs Boson and Beyond'
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+ - birds
+ - chuck gliders
+ - contact cleaner
+ - covering
+ - fixes
+ - fuselage
+ - gliders
+ - glueing
+ - kit
+ - plane
+ - senator
+ - tailplane
+ - telescope
+ - tissue
+ - tools
+ - undercarriage
+ - vintage computers
+ - wakefield
+ - webcam
+ - wing
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+ https://conquering-entropy.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: West Wings "de Havilland D.H. 80A Puss Moth" - wings and tail completed
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+ last_post_title: Transformation de formats 3D (OBJ, PLY, STL, VTP) vers PostGIS
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- Business Pulse
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+ last_post_title: Xplorate expanding aerial intelligence presence globally
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- Australia’s Fair Work Commission has lifted the national minimum and award wages by 3.75% from July 1, raising it to $913.91 a week or $24.10 an hour.
- The post FWC lifts minimum wage by 3.75%
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T07:41:26Z"
- last_post_link: https://cciwa.com/business-pulse/fwc-lifts-minimum-wage-by-3-75/
+ WA-based aerial intelligence company Xplorate anticipates at least four-fold growth in the next 12 months and beyond, as it expands internationally.
+ The post Xplorate expanding aerial intelligence
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T08:54:39Z"
+ last_post_link: https://cciwa.com/business-pulse/xplorate-expanding-aerial-intelligence-presence-globally/
- Business Pulse
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- last_post_title: Email DNS Records Cheatsheet
+ last_post_title: Whose CIDR is it anyway?
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- A quick
- summary of the SMTP related DNS records together with
- brief examples.
- last_post_date: "2024-04-12T16:02:49-04:00"
- last_post_link: https://www.netmeister.org/blog/email-dns-records.html
+ A look at
+ CIDR block ownership from a RIR-, country-, and
+ organization level. Originally presented at RIPE88.
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-12T21:04:41-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://www.netmeister.org/blog/cidr-allocations.html
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- has ..."
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- Latest episode: Women Butchers.
- Cheap supermarket meat has made life hard for butchers. At the same time, a few younger people are taking an interest in butchery. I shouldn’t have been surprised
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+ last_post_title: Interesting article on whether LLMs are writing ...
+ last_post_description: Interesting article on whether LLMs are writing PubMed articles,
+ that seems to conclude that on balance they aren’t. Yet. Perhaps unsurprisingly
+ for a linguistic analysis, says nothing about the
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+ - meia maratona eu amo recife
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+ - picos
+ - porto alegre
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+ - serra das russas
+ - soledade
+ - são paulo
+ - são silvestre
+ - tamandaré
+ - unic running
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+ - we are rec
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+ last_post_title: 'Meia Maratona eu Amo Recife - 10 anos :: Obrigado 2023! Sub-2
+ na trave!'
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+ Antigo em direção a via Mangue pela Avenida Sul, retornando na altura o colégio
+ GGE no mesmo percurso de volta até o pórtico de largada.
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+ last_post_title: Monica Anderson Biography
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- were one of history's largest environmental disasters. Around 700 oil wells were
- set ablaze, spewing thick smoke for months. An
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- last_post_link: https://nebula.tv/videos/realengineering-the-biggest-fire-fighting-operation-ever/
+ last_post_title: The Problem with Wind Energy
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Wind energy has great potential, but building a grid with wind comes with issues
+ Credits:
+ Producer/Writer/Narrator: Brian McManus
+ Head of Production: Mike Ridolfi
+ Senior Editor: Dylan Hennessy
+ Cinema
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-29T14:21:33Z"
+ last_post_link: https://nebula.tv/videos/realengineering-the-problem-with-wind-energy/
- Engineering
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+ world
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+ - CDT
+ - DITA
+ - EclipseCon
+ - Indigo
+ - Plugin Spy
+ - TOC
+ - beta
+ - bio
+ - bugzilla
+ - cheat sheets
+ - docs
+ - documentation
+ - eclipse
+ - help
+ - index
+ - intro
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+ last_post_description: With the release of the latest Eclipse 3.6 and CDT 7.0 in
+ Helios we on the CDT team have taken a deep breath, stepped back, and looked hard
+ at what the needs of C/C++ developers will be for the
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+ - Freedom
+ - Internet
+ - Online Life
+ - Technology
+ - email
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+ https://github.com/jgoerzen: true
+ last_post_title: Review of Reputable, Functional, and Secure Email Service
+ last_post_description: I last reviewed email services in 2019. That review focused
+ a lot of attention on privacy. At the time, I selected mailbox.org as my provider,
+ and have been using them for these 5 years since.
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+ - Freedom
+ - Internet
+ - Online Life
+ - Technology
+ - email
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+title: Toothpast for teeth
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Keep visiting to my blogspot page and get all information about chiclets
+ teeth.
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+ last_post_title: Have delightful teeth
+ last_post_description: |-
+ We love taking photographs of ourselves and chiclets teeth others. We make
+ it a highlight to carry our helpful camera to save superb recollections we can
+ carry on through life during events. So
+ last_post_date: "2022-02-14T12:46:00Z"
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+ last_post_title: EmacsConf 2021
+ last_post_description: |-
+ EmacsConf 2021 happened in November last year. Same as last two years, it was an online conference. Thanks to all the volunteers and organizers, it was a great experience.
+ EmacsConf is the conference
+ last_post_date: "2022-01-30T13:46:12+05:30"
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+title: Eclipse and Java Blog by Michael Scharf
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+ categories:
+ - '@alexwg'
+ - AI
+ - Alan Cooper
+ - Alexander D. Wissner-Gross
+ - C/C++ entwicklung
+ - CDT
+ - CDT buch
+ - ConcurrentModificationException
+ - Crevasse of Doom
+ - DDD
+ - Domain Driven Design
+ - Douglas Crockford
+ - Dreyfus model of skill acquisition
+ - EMF text editor
+ - Eric Evens
+ - IDE
+ - IllegalAccessError
+ - Interaction design
+ - IxD
+ - JavaScript
+ - Martin Fowler
+ - The Good Parts
+ - Yawning Dan North
+ - blog
+ - bloggers.com
+ - break into blog
+ - closures
+ - databinding
+ - diversity
+ - download
+ - dpunkt
+ - eclipse
+ - eclipse plugin
+ - eclipsecon2008
+ - editor
+ - emfatic plugin
+ - equation of intelligence
+ - extension location
+ - force of intelligence
+ - fragment
+ - full screen
+ - fullscreen
+ - fund raising
+ - future
+ - future of eclipse
+ - google
+ - hijack
+ - java memory model
+ - junit
+ - launches
+ - learning
+ - link file
+ - links directory
+ - mobile
+ - open source
+ - p2
+ - pde
+ - peep pressure
+ - plugin
+ - protoypte based language
+ - pydev
+ - python
+ - robust iterators
+ - runtime application
+ - sample projects
+ - slides
+ - spam
+ - spammers
+ - tragedy of the commons
+ - update manage
+ - web
+ - wrong plugins
+ relme:
+ https://draft.blogger.com/profile/16708708879318235495: true
+ https://michaelscharf.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: How to make eclipse attractive to new communities?
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+ last_post_date: "2014-10-15T18:13:31+02:00"
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+ - IDE
+ - JavaScript
+ - eclipse
+ - editor
+ - future
+ - mobile
+ - python
+ - tragedy of the commons
+ - web
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- last_post_description: In the modern age, it takes a real strategy to protect yourself
- from invasive mega-corporations who want to track you, bad actors on the malware
- front and in your face non-stop advertising. Whatever
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+ last_post_title: Downie - Video Downloader
+ last_post_description: If you want to download video from YouTube, there are a variety
+ of ways. There is a Raycast Extension. There is the great free YouTube muti-action
+ app, Freetube. For CLI folks, there is yt-dlp.
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+ recommended: []
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+ categories:
+ - Haskell
+ - Lisp
+ - Tutorial
+ - Virtual Machines
+ - darcs
+ - git
+ relme:
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/04274984206279511399: true
+ last_post_title: Beyond Package Version Policies
+ last_post_description: When I read the announcement of the latest GHC release candidate,
+ I did not feel excitement but rather annoyance. The reason is that now I have
+ to go and check all my packages' dependency
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+ - Haskell
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+ - JUMP
+ - OpenLayers
+ - QGIS
+ - REST
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+ - algorithms
+ - big data
+ - bing
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+ - computer art
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+ - conference
+ - conflation
+ - coverage
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+ - esri
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+ - overlay
+ - population explosion
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+ - postgres
+ - pre-cambrian-pc
+ - presentations
+ - raster
+ - robotics
+ - software
+ - spatial index
+ - topology
+ - uml
+ - visualization
+ - web
+ - web mapping
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+ https://call-of-the-wild.blogspot.com/: true
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+ - geometry
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+ - topology
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+ last_post_title: The Quick Fix - a Build Post
+ last_post_description: For years, when I got a new haircut or color I have wanted
+ to go out to celebrate it.So tonight we went to Lowe's (and Home Depot) — proving
+ I am Officially Old. Though we did run into another
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+ categories: []
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+ last_post_title: Deer Evie Video
+ last_post_description: Timelapse of some nursery art, this time with little or no
+ colour.
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+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2011-07-08T00:13:00-07:00"
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-description: Web Developer based in Leicester, UK
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- "bug fixes and performance improvements", as I've spent more time going to the
- gym than I have for years, sorted various things out and
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- - Planet Igalia
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- - eme
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- - Encrypted Media Extensions
- - gstreamer
- - media
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- last_post_title: Serious Encrypted Media Extensions on GStreamer based WebKit ports
- last_post_description: Encrypted Media Extensions (a.k.a. EME) is the W3C standard
- for encrypted media in the web. This way, media providers such as Hulu, Netflix,
- HBO, Disney+, Prime Video, etc. can provide their contents
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- - Planet GStreamer
- - Planet Igalia
- - Planet WebKit
- - Planet WebKitGtk+
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- - eme
- - encrypted media
- - Encrypted Media Extensions
- - gstreamer
- - media
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+ The Decanters are
+ extraordinary present for the luxurious setting as well, as there are numerous
+ collectable pieces too in the market befitting each location impeccably. The most famous
+ collectable
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- Previous articles on Open Source First have been more strategy than recipe. You need a clear, easy to understand plan...
- The post 10 Steps for the Boss to Understand Your Upstream Project appeared
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+ to be published! I apologise for this!Posts will be going out shortly, so please
+ stay tuned!
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-title: A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs
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-description: Andrew Hickey presents a history of rock music from 1938 to 1999, looking
- at five hundred songs that shaped the genre.
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- - Society & Culture
- - History
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- last_post_title: 'Song 174B: “I Heard it Through the Grapevine” Part Two, “It Takes
- Two”'
- last_post_description: For those who haven’t heard the announcement I posted , songs
- from this point on will sometimes be split among multiple episodes, so this is
- the second part of a two-episode look at the song “I
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- - Barrett Strong
- - Berry Gordy
- - Bert Berns
- - David Ruffin
- - Harvey Fuqua
- - Holland-Dozier-Holland
- - James Brown
- - Kim Weston
- - Luther Dixon
- - Martha and the Vandellas
- - Marvin Gaye
- - Mary Wells
- - Mickey Stevenson
- - Norman Whitfield
- - Smokey Robinson
- - Tammi Terrell
- - The Beatles
- - The Temptations
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+ last_post_title: Chart Data Tables
+ last_post_description: Chart data table is a feature of charts, that presents in
+ the chart area a data table with the values that are visualised by the chart.
+ The data table is positioned automatically at the bottom of the
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- last_post_description: This is the second post in my series about the Oslo.Messaging
- library. The previous post gave a high level introduction to Oslo.Messaging.
- In this post we’ll dig a little deeper. Climb Aboard
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+ last_post_title: Potentially Scattered Thoughts on Web Components and Frameworks
+ last_post_description: Chances are pretty good that you’ve seen at least one of
+ the many articles and tweets flying around lately about Web Components and Frameworks.
+ For the past week I’ve watched as all sorts of
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+ last_post_link: https://briankardell.wordpress.com/2016/09/06/potentially-scattered-thoughts-on-web-components-and-frameworks/
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+ - -XX:MaxPermSize
+ - Compiler Arguments
+ - Cycles
+ - EPP
+ - Eclipse
+ - EclipseCon
+ - Equinox
+ - Galileo
+ - Launcher
+ - OpenDocument
+ - Orion
+ - PDE Build
+ - RCP
+ - Releng
+ - Signing
+ - Source Generation
+ - Splash Screen
+ - Swing
+ - Tips
+ - Tips Tricks
+ - Versions
+ - Workspace Names
+ - console
+ - deltapack
+ - docs
+ - e4
+ - examples
+ - feature patches
+ - git
+ - p2
+ - parallel
+ - permgen
+ - tests
+ - version suffixes
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+ - Eclipse
+ - Tips
+ - Workspace Names
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- - https://alexink.micro.blog/feed.xml
- - https://blog.cheribaker.com/feed/
- - https://blog.martin-haehnel.de/feed.xml
- - https://cliffordbeshers.micro.blog/feed.xml
- - https://maique.eu/feed.xml
- - https://mastodon.social/@sundogplanets.rss
- - https://micro.anniegreens.lol/feed.xml
- - https://micro.welltempered.net/feed.xml
- - https://www.crossingthethreshold.net/feed.xml
- - https://www.estebantxo.com/feed.xml
- - https://cliffordbeshers.micro.blog/podcast.xml
- - https://www.crossingthethreshold.net/podcast.xml
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- - https://jabel.blog/podcast.xml
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- last_post_title: Vulcan Hello 91 - “Life, Itself”
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+ - Bacula
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+ - Coral Travel
+ - DBMS
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+ - DTrace
+ - Debian
+ - Education
+ - Extensions
+ - FIDO
+ - FPM
+ - FreeBSD
+ - French
+ - Gnome
+ - HA
+ - Hipster
+ - Huawei
+ - Hybernate
+ - IP
+ - IPS
+ - Illumian
+ - Illumos
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+ - Kemer
+ - Konqueror
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+ - LibreOffice
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+ - OpenNMS
+ - OpenNode
+ - OpenOffice
+ - OpenSolaris
+ - OpenVZ
+ - Oracle
+ - PHP
+ - PocketBook
+ - Politics
+ - PostgreSQL
+ - Private
+ - Programming Languages
+ - Proxmox
+ - Qt
+ - Redmine
+ - Ruby
+ - SMS
+ - SQL
+ - Sea Gull Hotel
+ - Shell
+ - Skype
+ - Solaris
+ - Sun
+ - Turkey
+ - UFS
+ - Ubuntu
+ - Ukraine
+ - Unix
+ - VMware
+ - Vim
+ - Webrick
+ - Wheezy
+ - Windows
+ - Work
+ - X11
+ - XCP
+ - Yandex.Server
+ - ZFS
+ - Zabbix
+ - Zones
+ - amd64
+ - hstore
+ - loopback
+ - raidz
+ - wine
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+ https://alp-notes.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/05703436685982405026: true
+ last_post_title: Creating a simple foreign data wrapper for PostgreSQL
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+ last_post_date: "2023-01-06T02:52:00-08:00"
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+ - PostgreSQL
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+ HTTP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, & Web Components
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - architecture
+ - bestpractices
+ - courses
+ - css
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: 'Building Courseware I Can Understand: The Launch of CSS Nouveau'
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+ last_post_description: Een uitgebreidere en verbeterde versie van dit verhaal is
+ gepubliceerd in het Haerlem Jaarboek 2021 van de Historische
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+ See news about the NASA DART mission (https://www.space.com/dart-asteroid-mission).
+ The collision is expected to occur at 2314 GMT on Sept. 26, 2022 (0214 Israeli DST on Sept. 27, 2022).
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- Ana Tudor, as always, shows excellent methods to create (what I'd call) retro print effects to images using CSS.
- This is something I've typically turned to PhotoShop to (struggle) with, but Ana shows
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- last_post_title: Comment on Building Chef on the BeagleBone Black by David Wolf
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- In reply to mattray .
- Thank you for you're fast answer!
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+ last_post_title: Is ddosing is Good
+ last_post_description: You can pay special mind to an organisation offering undeniable
+ DDoS ensured facilitating that can stop all. Assaults like the UDP floods, TCP
+ floods, SYN floods, ICMP assaults, HTTP assaults, DNS
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+ - Ddos is legal
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+ IPS based avoidance and counteraction through proactive testing. It is just a
+ question of perseverance and examination when you pick the
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- A-Block (1:44) SPECIAL COMMENT: The light bulbs may have finally gone off over the heads of the Biden Campaign at 2:03 P-M Eastern yesterday.
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+ PUSH TO OUST HIM - 7.6.23'
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+ (1:44) COUNTDOWN BULLETIN: In a disturbing end to an otherwise low-news interview
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+ Marathon Taboo'
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+ any longer than a sprint – and commentators declared that a marathon would kill
+ them, or leave them unable to have children. Rubbish, of
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+ 2007. Most contest-related matters have been finished by now.If you want to read
+ more about the ICFP Programming contest, you should
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+ It uses the XMPP (Jabber) protocol for decentralized communication.
+ We aim to provide an intuitive and enjoyable user interface.
+ The 0.4
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- of a Black Lives Protester, and College Students Get the Last Word
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+ last_post_title: “Elder Abuse” is Refusing to Give the President a Neurological
+ Exam — and Instead PUSHING Him to “Soldier On”
+ last_post_description: 'It’s Definitely a Unique Strategy: Defeat Trump by Letting
+ Biden Have a Stroke (or worse)'
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T20:50:10Z"
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+ - Gentoo
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+ - Howto
+ - IMAP
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+ - Life
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+ - Mailbox
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+ - Meego
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+ - SUSE
+ - StarDict
+ - Synology
+ - Travelling
+ - Ukolovnik
+ - Wammu
+ - Weblate
+ - Website
+ - photo-uploader
+ - phpMyAdmin
+ - python-gammu
+ - uTidylib
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+ https://blog.cihar.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Spring cleanup
+ last_post_description: What you can probably spot from past posts on my blog, my
+ open source contributions are heavily focused on Weblate and I've phased out many
+ other activities. The main reason being reduced amount of
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+ last_post_description: Just a quick note since I realise I haven't been too good
+ at writing updates of late...I'm currently working on a complete revamp of the
+ AST, lexer and parser to allow for exact source info to be
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- https://blog.numericcitizen.me/feed.xml
- https://blog.numericcitizen.me/podcast.xml
+ - https://josh.blog/comments/feed
- https://josh.blog/feed
- - https://www.manton.org/feed
- https://www.manton.org/feed.xml
- https://www.manton.org/podcast.xml
categories: []
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https://mastodon.social/@gruber: true
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+title: Comments for The Musings of Chris Samuel
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://www.csamuel.org/: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on Vale Dad by Chris Samuel
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In reply to Miss X .
+ I'm afraid my name isn't Tom.
+ For information on the documentary that's in development
+ last_post_date: "2018-07-06T13:47:32Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.csamuel.org/2018/02/25/vale-dad/comment-page-1#comment-149009
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+title: Coder's Log
+date: "2024-05-24T14:24:00-07:00"
+description: Views and journeys of a hopeless programmer, named Zeeshan Ali Khan.
+ feedlink: https://zee-nix.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
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+ - "0.10"
+ - "3.12"
+ - "3.2"
+ - "3.8"
+ - A Coruña.
+ - A-GPS
+ - A/V
+ - API
+ - ATM
+ - AV
+ - Aero-car
+ - Android
+ - Ansku
+ - Arc
+ - Automobile
+ - Automotive
+ - Berlin
+ - Boxes
+ - C
+ - C#
+ - C++
+ - CV
+ - Cambridge
+ - Camera
+ - Canada
+ - Cancer
+ - Cellink
+ - Chalmers University
+ - Closures
+ - Clutter
+ - Coherence
+ - Collabora
+ - Comic
+ - Conference
+ - D-Bus
+ - DIDL-Lite
+ - DLNA
+ - DVB
+ - DVB Daemon
+ - Desktop Summit
+ - Developer experience
+ - Embedded Systems
+ - EuroKaution
+ - Fedora
+ - Finland
+ - Finnish
+ - Firefox
+ - Firefox OS
+ - Flatpak
+ - Forest
+ - Free Software
+ - Friends
+ - GDP
+ - GIO
+ - GIR
+ - GJS
+ - GNOME Foundation
+ - GNOME Shell
+ - GOPW
+ - GObject
+ - GPS
+ - GPSD
+ - GSlice
+ - GSoC
+ - GStreamer
+ - GUADEC 2012
+ - GUPnP
+ - Garbage collection
+ - Geek
+ - Genivi
+ - Geoclue
+ - Germany
+ - Git
+ - Go
+ - Google
+ - Gothenburg
+ - Gtk
+ - Gtk+
+ - Guile
+ - Helsinki
+ - Humor
+ - Huopalahti
+ - IGD
+ - IRC
+ - Istanbul
+ - Java
+ - JavaScript
+ - Jeff Waugh
+ - Job
+ - Jolla
+ - Jussi Kukkonen
+ - KDE
+ - KVM
+ - Karachi
+ - Karl-Lattimer
+ - Kinvolk
+ - LEGO
+ - Lassi
+ - Lennart
+ - Linux
+ - Lisp
+ - Logo
+ - London
+ - MAFW
+ - MLS
+ - Maemo
+ - Maintainer
+ - Mango
+ - Maps
+ - Mark Shuttleworth
+ - Marriage
+ - MediaRenderer
+ - MediaServer
+ - Meego
+ - Memory Management
+ - Meritähti
+ - Mexico
+ - Microsoft
+ - Mindstorm
+ - Modem
+ - ModemManager
+ - Mom
+ - Mono
+ - Moonlight
+ - Move
+ - Mozilla
+ - Murray Cumming
+ - Mutex
+ - N81
+ - N900
+ - NMEA
+ - Network
+ - Network Light
+ - Nokia
+ - Nominatim
+ - OGG
+ - OHMan
+ - OPW
+ - OVF
+ - Open Source
+ - OpenStreetMap
+ - OpenWLANMap
+ - OpenedHand
+ - PPL(H)
+ - PS3
+ - Party
+ - Pelagicore
+ - Pyhon
+ - Qemu
+ - Qt
+ - Quality
+ - Rant
+ - Rc
+ - Red Hat
+ - Reference counting
+ - Remote Access
+ - Rust
+ - Rygel
+ - SQLite
+ - SSDP
+ - Sampo
+ - Sauna
+ - Scheme
+ - Scripting
+ - Security
+ - Skiing
+ - South Park
+ - Spice
+ - Star trek
+ - Strasbourg
+ - Summer
+ - Sweden
+ - Swedish
+ - Thessaloniki
+ - Tools
+ - Transcoding
+ - UK
+ - UPnP
+ - USB
+ - Ubuntu
+ - Ubuntu phone
+ - VCS
+ - VNC
+ - Vacation
+ - Vala
+ - Valgrind
+ - Vodafone
+ - Windows 7
+ - Windows XP
+ - WoW
+ - Xbox
+ - Xchat
+ - Zaheer
+ - Zeeshan
+ - ZeroConf
+ - Zhaan
+ - agent
+ - async
+ - automated installation
+ - bank
+ - bazaar
+ - binding
+ - blog move
+ - bluetooth
+ - c't
+ - canon
+ - cats
+ - data
+ - debian
+ - depression
+ - device
+ - distro
+ - driving
+ - driving test
+ - encryption
+ - evolution
+ - exopc
+ - express installation
+ - filesystem
+ - flying
+ - foundation
+ - framework
+ - geocode-glib
+ - geocoding
+ - geoip
+ - geolocation
+ - gmail
+ - gnome-continuous
+ - gnome-system-monitor
+ - gnome-user-share
+ - gource
+ - gps-share
+ - gypsy
+ - hackfest
+ - hardware
+ - helicopters
+ - history
+ - hostel
+ - hotel
+ - introspection
+ - irssi
+ - italy
+ - kaisla
+ - libosinfo
+ - libsoup
+ - libvirt
+ - libvirt-glib
+ - life
+ - lifetimes
+ - location
+ - love
+ - malloc
+ - meme
+ - mollymalones
+ - mother
+ - moving in
+ - mpeg
+ - multimedia
+ - oFono
+ - operating system
+ - optimization
+ - ostikka
+ - performance
+ - pets
+ - pilot
+ - poo
+ - portability
+ - printer
+ - pulse-audio
+ - pygtk
+ - python
+ - release
+ - religion
+ - rover
+ - science
+ - screenshots
+ - segfault
+ - sh
+ - skills test
+ - snapshot
+ - sound server
+ - tablet
+ - talk
+ - theory
+ - threads
+ - thumbnails
+ - tracker
+ - video
+ - virt-manager
+ - virt-tools
+ - virtual machine
+ - virtualization
+ - visualization
+ - vorbis
+ - wedding
+ - wifi
+ - wifi-geolocation
+ - win32
+ - windows
+ - winter
+ - xml
+ - zbus
+ relme:
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+ last_post_title: zbus and Implementing Async Rust API
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2021-02-21T09:38:36-08:00"
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+ - D-Bus
+ - Rust
+ - async
+ - zbus
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- last_post_title: Tips and Tricks for Bluesky Search
- last_post_description: Let’s dive into all the tips and tricks for advanced Bluesky
- search!
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+ last_post_description: Create a starter pack today — personalized invites that bring
+ friends directly into your slice of Bluesky.
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- I argue autotools' convoluted nature is what enabled the xz backdoor in the first place.
- The truth is nobody needs to use autotools, and I show why.
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- In reply to Chris .
- Thanks for pointing this out. Unfortunatly, up to now,
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- And just like that, another month is over! Here's a brief review.
- Health
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+ of The Past'
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+ fall apart at the feet of monetization, enshitifiction, AI, and whatever other
+ Bullshit trend they’re chasing this week. This
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- last_post_description: "Summary: We know that LLMs hallucinate. And we know that
- we can overcome some of that problem with better prompts. But can LLMs provide
- references for their work? I conducted an experiment.\n\n\n\n\n "
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+ last_post_title: What Is Decentralized Identity?
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Summary: What is decentralized identity and why is it important? My attempt at a simple explanation.
+ In Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, nah, Alan Mayo references my recent blog post,
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+ last_post_title: Cooking 2.0
+ last_post_description: In my last post I proposed some refactorings on the current
+ implemention of the EMF Compare match engine and tried to explain (from my point
+ of view) the reasoning behind it. In this post I'll
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+ last_post_title: coverity 2022.6.0 and LibreOffice
+ last_post_description: After a long slog since November when the previous version
+ of coverity was EOLed and we had to start using 2022.6.0 with its new suggestions
+ for std::move etc, LibreOffice is now finally back to a 0
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- last_post_description: This is the second article in a series about building a modern
- five-reel slot machine game for the browser.
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- last_post_title: Comment on How do photonic Bell measurements work? by Michael Grimaila
- last_post_description: Thank you for providing a very good explanation of this topic.
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- last_post_title: Remotely access any system with a PiKVM and Tailscale
- last_post_description: "What happens when you want to access your remote access
- tool remotely? Tailscale, that's what! \nJoin Alex as he walks you through configuring
- a PiKVM with Tailscale."
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+title: 'Salvus: Distributed scalable online mathematical software'
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+ last_post_title: The Architecture of Salvus (or, a bunch of my favorite programs)
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Components
+ VPN : tinc, connects all computers at all sites into one unified network address space with secure communication
+ SSL : stunnel
+ Client : CoffeeScript
+ last_post_date: "2012-12-18T05:29:00Z"
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+ last_post_title: Mount Samba Shares using CLI on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
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- the 8th according to my calendar reminder — I never know my exact age), and June
- is generally an awesome month, and so I am planning a few
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+ last_post_title: Weeklog — July 5th, 2024
+ last_post_description: |-
+ It's funny, every time I start writing these I have to open up my projects and go through what I actually was doing so that I can write these.
+ Scribbles
+ Not much of front-facing changes here this
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description: A twice-weekly newsletter that takes a deep-dive into the depths of the
long tail. Our goal with Tedium? We're trying to reach the bottom.
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https://social.tedium.co/@tedium: true
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https://writing.exchange/@ernie: true
- last_post_title: The Bargain Bin Evolves
- last_post_description: Thoughts on modern commerce from going to a bin store. It’s
- a place where e-commerce returns go to die.
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- last_post_link: https://feed.tedium.co/link/15204/16700690/daabin-bin-store-retail-ecommerce-returns
+ last_post_title: Mind The Pregap
+ last_post_description: 'Pondering the compatibility issues and complications of
+ a clever element of the audio CD hidden track boom: The before-album pregap.'
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T14:15:00-04:00"
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last_post_title: Why I migrated my website from Next.js to Eleventy
last_post_description: Here's why I switched from Next.js to Eleventy, opting for
a lightweight static site approach for my blog site. I describe the benefits,
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+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Prism
+ - RuboCop
+ - Ruby
+ - posts
+ relme:
+ https://metaredux.com/: true
+ last_post_title: RuboCop 1.62 Introduces (Experimental) Support for Prism
+ last_post_description: Recently I wrote that it was already possible to run RuboCop
+ with Ruby’s new Prism parser, but that required a bit of manual work. I also outlined
+ some plans to add built-in Prism support in
+ last_post_date: "2024-03-09T10:12:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://metaredux.com/posts/2024/03/09/rubocop-1-62-introduces-experimental-support-for-prism.html
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+ - Prism
+ - RuboCop
+ - Ruby
+ - posts
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- - http://scripting.com/rss.xml
- - http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
- categories:
- - East Village streetscenes
- - Tompkins Square Park
- - East Village
- - EV Grieve Etc.
- - Avenue A
- - music videos
- - new restaurants
- - Week in Grieview
- - St. Mark's Place
- - the Bowery
- - Avenue B
- - street art
- - Second Avenue
- - East Village crime
- - CB3
- - NYPD
- - Fridays at 5
- - First Avenue
- - RIP
- - snow
- - Avenue C
- - Out and About in the East Village
- - red-tailed hawks
- - every Friday at 5
- - restaurant closings
- - signs around the East Village
- - Seventh Street
- - graffiti
- - concerts in Tompkins Square Park
- - Astor Place
- - Christmas trees
- - Mars Bar
- - Ray's Candy Store
- - Stacie Joy
- - pizza
- - rats
- - fire
- - dogs
- - March 26 explosion
- - Lower East Side
- - Citi Bikes
- - murals
- - for rent
- - Halloween
- - looking at old New York
- - Urban Etiquette Signs
- - trees
- - Third Avenue
- - 121 and 123 Second Ave.
- - construction hell
- - Union Square
- - new development
- - 7-Eleven
- - COVID-19
- - East River Park
- - Hurricane Sandy
- - 14th Street
- - Cooper Union
- - NY See
- - NYU
- - St. Brigid's
- - Ben Shaoul
- - community gardens
- - ads
- - community spirit
- - Coronavirus
- - signs
- - 51 Astor Place
- - MTA
- - closings 2020
- - sunset
- - East Houston Street
- - the apocalypse
- - Gruber MacDougal
- - closings 2019
- - filming around Tompkins Square Park
- - P.S. 64
- - WTF
- - New York Post
- - 35 Cooper Square
- - State Liquor Authority
- - Superdive
- - red-tailed hawk
- - EV Grieve is high or something
- - New York City streetscenes
- - liquor licenses
- - Citi Bike
- - Christo and Dora
- - Icon Realty
- - excellent photography
- - sinkholes
- - PS 64
- - FDNY
- - CBGB
- - EVG Etc.
- - restaurants that are now closed
- - the Houston/Bowery Mural Wall
- - EV Grieve -- covering the REALLY IMPORTANT NEWS since December 2007
- - Hurricane Irene
- - crime
- - Gem Spa
- - 9th Precinct
- - Christodora House
- - East Village skyline
- - Starbucks
- - trash
- - 13th Street
- - Con Ed
- - closings 2018
- - East 14th Street
- - cats
- - Financial District
- - Craigslist
- - East Village street scenes
- - Films in Tompkins Square Park
- - bike lanes
- - East 10th Street
- - The moon
- - mom and pop shops continue to close
- - Christo and Amelia
- - La Plaza Cultural
- - noise
- - A visit to
- - Cooper Square
- - East Seventh Street
- - red-tailed hawklets
- - sunsets
- - Cooper Square Hotel
- - East Village nightlife
- - MoRUS
- - St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery
- - East Ninth Street
- - the sunset
- - Extra Place
- - Key Food
- - new bars
- - the L train
- - buildings for sale
- - mystery lot
- - rain
- - DOH
- - this really has nothing to do with the East Village
- - Manhattan skyline
- - East Village history
- - Tompkins Square Park holiday tree
- - East Side Coastal Resiliency Project
- - Steve Croman
- - Tompkins Square Library
- - filming in New York City
- - great bars
- - rumors
- - Chico
- - Stuy Town
- - Zoltar
- - mysteries
- - closings 2022
- - fliers
- - street fairs
- - 11th Street
- - Avenue D
- - ConEd
- - closed for renovations
- - East Village fires
- - McSorley's
- - 119 Second Ave.
- - SantaCon
- - closings 2023
- - 100 Avenue A
- - 10th Street
- - Gregg Singer
- - Raphael Toledano
- - '"closed for renovations"'
- - bank branches everywhere
- - protests
- - East Village construction
- - Joe Strummer
- - The Marshal
- - accidents
- - filming around the East Village
- - this has really nothing to do with the East Village
- - Tompkins Square Park dog run
- - Veselka
- - the Ramones
- - East Fifth Street
- - Lucy's
- - Ninth Street
- - expensive homes
- - City Cinemas Village East
- - St. Mark's Bookshop
- - clouds
- - new restaurants sort of
- - 12th Street
- - East Sixth Street
- - Houston Street
- - MulchFest
- - Shepard Fairey
- - laundromats
- - Duane Reade
- - Thanksgiving
- - Mary Help of Christians Catholic Church
- - blizzard
- - closings 2021
- - sunrise
- - 3 St. Mark's Place
- - David Schwimmer
- - IHOP
- - Peter Stuyvesant Post Office
- - Rite Aid
- - Santa
- - St. Patrick's Day
- - 500 E. 14th Street
- - FroYo
- - Sex and the City
- - Theatre 80
- - Red Square
- - Webster Hall
- - curbside dining
- - dessert
- - East Second Street
- - Maria Hrynenko
- - Wall Street
- - fall
- - pigeons
- - smoke shops
- - the Bean
- - Generation Bloomberg
- - bike share
- - film shoots in New York
- - missing pets
- - 331 East Sixth Street
- - Howl Festival
- - Sixth Street
- - empty storefronts
- - The Villager
- - 347 Bowery
- - Mayor Bloomberg
- - Penistrator
- - This is what
- - Ukraine
- - expensive condos
- - nice houses
- - sinkhole
- - slow news day
- - tech hub
- - Anthology Film Archives
- - baby hawks
- - coffee
- - squirrels
- - B&H Dairy
- - birds
- - 1980s New York
- - 200 Avenue A
- - East Fourth Street
- - dumpsters
- - flea markets
- - 1 St. Mark's Place
- - Billy's Antiques
- - Jared Kushner
- - Lady GaGa
- - sidewalk cafes
- - street festivals
- - Fulton Street
- - Loisaida Festival
- - Middle Collegiate Church
- - Tompkins Square Bagels
- - bars
- - docking stations
- - killing trees
- - the sky
- - 23 Third Ave.
- - East Third Street
- - Mary Help of Christians
- - Odessa
- - Valentine's Day
- - Zum Schneider
- - bikes
- - lost and found
- - the TSP Ratstravaganza
- - Cooper Union Engineering Building
- - Gallery Watch
- - Landmark Sunshine Theater
- - Sophie's
- - Target
- - Ukrainian Festival
- - Verizon
- - holidays
- - humiliating teddy bears
- - slow news day my ass
- - Subway sandwich shops
- - Twitter
- - Upright Citizens Brigade
- - holiday lights
- - lost cats
- - new buildings
- - sidewalk bridges
- - Basquiat
- - DBGB
- - Hells Angels
- - July 4
- - Life Cafe
- - No 7-Eleven
- - Sex and the City ruined New York CIty
- - Subway Sandwich Shop
- - The New York Times
- - economic collapse
- - ping pong
- - reader mail
- - reader reports
- - the Alamo
- - 11-17 Second Avenue
- - 250 E. Houston St.
- - Amelia and Christo
- - Bob Arihood
- - Easter
- - Lucky Cheng's
- - Ravi DeRossi
- - hawks
- - 112-120 E. 11th Street
- - East River
- - Lower East Side streetscenes
- - Max Fish
- - Nino's
- - The New York City Marble Cemetery
- - The Standard East Village
- - gas stations
- - 2 Cooper Square
- - 37 St. Mark's Place
- - Christmas in April
- - Extell Development
- - French things
- - I Am a Rent-Stabilized Tenant
- - L-train shutdown
- - Le Souk
- - The Grassroots Tavern
- - Trader Joe's
- - condos
- - frozen yogurt
- - ghost signage
- - notes around the East Village
- - rainbows
- - storefronts
- - storms
- - the Mystery Lot
- - toilets
- - 421 E. Sixth St.
- - 98-100 Avenue A
- - Blarney Cove
- - Howl! Happening
- - New York City
- - New York City Marble Cemetery
- - Second Street
- - 74-84 Third Avenue
- - ATMs
- - Christmas in March
- - Church of the Nativity
- - Donald Trump
- - East Village weather
- - Katz's
- - Kmart
- - L train
- - Rosie Mendez
- - Sin Sin
- - bubble tea
- - fireworks
- - mannequins
- - one yogurt shop for every two people who live in New York
- - store closings
- - 128 Second Ave.
- - 7B
- - Chase
- - First Street
- - LinkNYC
- - Mikey Likes It
- - Mount Sinai Beth Israel
- - bicycles
- - collisions
- - development site
- - moons
- - skateboarding
- - Astor Place reconstruction
- - BMW Guggenheim Lab
- - Eighth Street
- - Essex Card Shop
- - Landmarks Preservation Commission
- - Love Saves the Day
- - New York Times
- - President Trump
- - Sidewalk Cafe
- - cannabis
- - dumb ads
- - for sale
- - models
- - psychics
- - pub crawls
- - 9/11
- - BP
- - East First Street
- - Fourth Avenue
- - Iggy Pop
- - King Bloomberg
- - Manhattanhenge
- - McDonald's
- - Mosaic Man
- - Smurfs
- - Sunshine Cinema
- - Third Street
- - demolition
- - pianos
- - sidewalks
- - spending too much time on YouTube
- - 14th Street fire
- - 7A
- - Broadway
- - Charlie Parker
- - Christmas in May
- - DeRobertis Pasticceria and Caffe
- - East 12th Street
- - East Village fire
- - East Village sunrise
- - Hitchcocktober
- - Joey Ramone
- - John Penley
- - John Varvatos
- - Keith Haring
- - Theater for the New City
- - dicks
- - rumormongering
- - spring
- - summer streets
- - very large cranes
- - 123 Third Avenue
- - 438 E. 12th St.
- - Cabrini Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation
- - Coney Island
- - Fifth Street
- - Kita the Wonder Dog of East 10th Street
- - Nevada Smith's
- - New York City crime
- - Odessa Cafe and Bar
- - The Clash
- - The Village Voice
- - Village View
- - bank branches
- - closings 2024
- - filming in New York
- - high rents
- - holiday trees
- - peter radley
- - the Copper Building
- - the East Village
- - 4 St. Mark's Place
- - Coyote Ugly
- - Death Star
- - EV Grieve has lost his mind
- - EV Lambo
- - East 13th Street
- - Felton Davis
- - Films on the Green
- - Merchant's House
- - New York Yankees
- - New York magazine
- - The Jefferson
- - Tompkins Square Library branch
- - art
- - books
- - buses
- - the IBM Watson building
- - the cube
- - the recession
- - thrift stores
- - 196 Orchard St.
- - 20 St. Mark's Place
- - 34 Avenue A
- - 360 Bowery
- - Aces and Eights
- - Art Around the Park
- - Bowery
- - Dallas BBQ
- - East 11th Street
- - East Village restaurant news
- - Fourth Steet
- - L-train
- - LeSouk
- - Moxy Hotels
- - Niagara
- - Stage Restaurant
- - Times Square
- - Yankee Stadium
- - bagels
- - block parties
- - cabs
- - expensive cars
- - lines
- - listicles
- - the Odessa
- - 11 Avenue C
- - 24 First Ave.
- - 240 Houston
- - 644 E. 14th St.
- - 6th and B Garden
- - 75 First Avenue
- - Amato Opera
- - Associated
- - Astor Place cube
- - Bowery Poetry Club
- - George Floyd
- - Halloween Dog Parade
- - Lou Reed
- - Lower East Side Girls Club
- - Peter M. Brant
- - Streecha Ukrainian Kitchen
- - The Church of the Most Holy Redeemer
- - Tompkins Square Greenmarket
- - Vazac's
- - cut-and-paste journalism
- - flyers
- - hamburgers
- - local record stores
- - reader report
- - relief efforts
- - the Stage
- - 171 Avenue A
- - 21 E. First St.
- - 24 Second Ave.
- - 6 Avenue B
- - Allen Ginsberg
- - Artichoke
- - Black Lives Matter
- - Drag March
- - EV Grieve is leaving notes from EV Grieve
- - Holiday Cocktail Lounge
- - Jesus
- - Q-and-A
- - SLA
- - St. Brigid School
- - Tompkins Square Park playground
- - beer
- - christmas in New York
- - everything is about the Penistrator now
- - famous people from Yonkers
- - manholes
- - mattresses
- - recession
- - smoke shop
- - stuffed animals
- - travelers
- - 154 Second Avenue
- - 1970s New York
- - 55 Third Avenue
- - B Bar & Grill
- - Billy Leroy
- - Carlina Rivera
- - Cromanated
- - EV Grieve is now taking photos of the sky
- - East Village real estate
- - Graceland
- - Madonna
- - Momofuku
- - New York CIty weather
- - New York Sports Clubs
- - Stomp
- - TV shows that I will never watch
- - The Continental
- - balloons
- - bedbugs
- - construction watch
- - crusties
- - delis
- - gas
- - high rents in New York City
- - restaurants that may possibly be closed now
- - shitshows
- - the L-train
- - 75 First Ave.
- - Christmas in June
- - Dunkin Donuts
- - E2E4
- - M15
- - Nicholas Figueroa
- - Occupy Wall Street
- - Otto's Shrunken Head
- - Page Six Magazine
- - President Obama
- - Subway
- - Sunburnt Cow
- - Trash and Vaudeville
- - Village East Cinema
- - asylum seekers
- - butts
- - cars of the East Village
- - dog poop
- - mulch
- - open streets
- - parking
- - summer
- - too many condos
- - 190 Bowery
- - 200 E. Sixth Street
- - 438 E. 14th St.
- - 98 Avenue A
- - Centre-fuge
- - Deitch Wall
- - EV Grieve will post anything
- - Financial District streetscenes
- - HOWL
- - Hyatt Union Square
- - Jimmy McMillan
- - Ludlow Street
- - Manitoba's
- - Mary Help of Christians Church
- - New York history
- - Record Store Day
- - Robin Raj
- - San Loco
- - Steiner East Village
- - Superiority Burger
- - The Brant Foundation Art Study Center
- - University Place
- - dead trees
- - dorms
- - heatwave
- - historic Willow trees
- - new stores
- - on the Bowery
- - penthouses
- - pigs
- - pumpkins
- - ramen
- - summer in the city
- - 16 Handles
- - 52 E. Fourth Street
- - Bloom 62
- - Christmas
- - Ciao for Now
- - Community Board 3
- - Diablo Royale Este
- - East Village Farm and Grocery
- - East Village Radio
- - Empire Biscuit
- - Japadog
- - Jerry Delakas
- - John's of 12th Street
- - Kim's Video
- - LES Jewels
- - Moxy East Village
- - S'MAC
- - Two Boots Pizza
- - Yaffa Cafe
- - bad weather
- - chain stores
- - dba
- - fog
- - gentrification
- - hookah bars
- - ice
- - winter 2017
- - winter weather
- - 147 First Ave.
- - 185-193 Avenue B
- - 20 Avenue A
- - 350 E. Houston St.
- - 432-438 14th St.
- - 52E4
- - 7th Street
- - Bleecker Bob's
- - Blizzard 2015
- - Bowlmor Lanes
- - C&B
- - Chipotle Mexican Grill
- - Christmas in July
- - Croxley Ales
- - David Bowie
- - Dive bars
- - Douglas Steiner
- - Dunkin' Donuts
- - East Village Vintage Collective
- - Engine 28 and Ladder 11
- - First Street Green Art Park
- - Great Jones Cafe
- - Karl Fischer
- - Kenny Scharf
- - Mobil
- - Moishe's Bake Shop
- - Mondo Kim's
- - Pee Phone
- - Pinc Louds
- - President Bloomberg
- - Richard Hell
- - Scott Stringer
- - Shake Shack
- - Sidewalk Bar and Restaurant
- - The Bowery Mission
- - The Neighborhood School
- - Time Out New York
- - Trinity Lower East Side Lutheran Parish
- - Westminster
- - Zero Irving
- - artists can't afford to live in the East Village
- - bank robberies
- - coffee shops
- - free things
- - great bars that are now closed
- - missing people
- - movies that we will never see
- - nail salons
- - now and then
- - sink holes
- - stretch limos
- - voting
- - 118 E. First St.
- - 145 Avenue A
- - 167 Avenue A
- - 2 Bros. Pizza
- - 316-318 E. Third St.
- - 326-328 E. Fourth St.
- - 415 E. Sixth St.
- - 444 E. 13th St.
- - 45 E. 7th St.
- - 99-101 E. Second St.
- - ABC No Rio
- - Banksy
- - Beastie Boys
- - Benny's Burritos
- - Butter Lane
- - Caffe Bene
- - Cemusa
- - Clinton Street
- - DanceFest
- - Economakis
- - Hop Devil Grill
- - IHOP Way
- - International Bar
- - James and Karla Murray
- - Lower Eastside Girls Club
- - M14A
- - Mount Sinai Downtown Beth Israel
- - New York weather
- - Orpheum Theatre
- - Papa John's
- - Papaya King
- - Peels
- - Peter Brant
- - Prune
- - Ramy Isaac
- - Salvation Army
- - Scoopy
- - Sushi Lounge
- - TF
- - The Earth School
- - The Sock Man
- - The Wayland
- - Union Square Tech Training Center
- - Veselka Bowery
- - Via Della Pace
- - Walter De Maria
- - Whole Earth Bakery and Kitchen
- - World Cup
- - brunch
- - cupcakes
- - election 2008
- - flea market
- - free ads
- - icons
- - landlords
- - lost dogs
- - noise complaints
- - package thief
- - plywood
- - slow news weekend
- - small businesses
- - summer storms
- - tacos
- - too many high rises
- - wind
- - 2018 store closing
- - 31-33 Second Avenue
- - 42-46 Second Ave.
- - 50-58 East Third Street
- - 770 Broadway
- - 94-96 Avenue A
- - 99-cent pizza
- - Avalon Bowery Place
- - Big Belly
- - Big Gay Ice Cream
- - Blarney Stone
- - Book Club
- - Campos Plaza
- - First Park
- - Google maps
- - Michael Sean Edwards
- - Most Holy Redeemer and Nativity Church
- - Nicoletta
- - Ricky's
- - The Bowery Market
- - Village East by Angelika
- - billboards
- - cyclists
- - fires
- - new coffee shop
- - nice homes
- - notes
- - oops
- - outdoor dining
- - porta-potties
- - posts that I never got around to posting
- - starting rumors
- - the 13th Step
- - the economy
- - tourists
- - trash cans
- - 14th @ Irving
- - 170-174 E. Second St.
- - 315 E. 10th St.
- - 36 St. Mark's Place
- - 71 Fourth Avenue
- - 89 First Ave.
- - 9th Street Espresso
- - Ageloff Towers
- - Andre Balazs
- - Andy Warhol
- - Blondie
- - Bloomberg
- - Bowery Wine Company
- - Boys' Club of New York
- - C-Squat
- - Charlie Parker Jazz Festival
- - Con Ed plant
- - ConEd substation
- - Cookie Walk
- - Cooper Square Committee
- - East Village institutions
- - Eats Village streetscenes
- - Essex Street
- - Giuseppi Logan
- - Gossip Girl
- - Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation
- - Hare Krishna tree
- - HiFi
- - J. Baczynsky's East Village Meat Market
- - Jupiter 21
- - Kate's Joint
- - La Salle
- - Mayor de Blasio
- - Metrograph
- - Most Holy Redeemer
- - New York in the movies
- - New York streetscenes
- - Nexus Building Development Group
- - Nice Guy Eddie's
- - OTBs
- - One World Trade Center
- - Other Music
- - Pangea
- - Performance Space New York
- - Pride and Joy BBQ
- - Rent
- - St. Brigid-St. Emeric
- - St. Dymphna's
- - St. Stanislaus
- - Stuyvesant Street
- - Super Bowl
- - The Cock
- - Trailer Park Santa
- - bad movies we love
- - bears
- - boobs
- - doomed locations
- - double rainbows
- - excuse for a gratuitous photo
- - lawsuits
- - rent hikes
- - rentals
- - shootings
- - sidewalk bridge
- - sidewalk sheds
- - signage
- - sky over the East Village
- - the Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space
- - trends
- - 110 Third Ave.
- - 132 Fourth Avenue
- - 137 Avenue C
- - 174-176 First Ave.
- - 175 Avenue B
- - 200 E. 11th St.
- - 205 Avenue A
- - 255 E. Houston St.
- - 280 E. Houston St.
- - 334 Bowery
- - 45 Rivington St.
- - 5 Napkin Burger
- - 515 E. Fifth St.
- - 524 E. 14th St.
- - 605 E. Ninth St.
- - 79-89 Avenue D
- - 84 Second Ave.
- - A Building
- - Angelina Jolie
- - Bar 82
- - Black Seed
- - Blizzard16
- - CVS
- - Christmas in August
- - Christo
- - Croman Realty
- - Debbie Harry
- - EV Grieve is rooting through trash
- - East Second Street. East Village streetscenes
- - East Side Community School
- - East Village restaurants
- - Eric Pagan
- - Good Friday
- - Gov. Cuomo
- - Immaculate Conception Church
- - Jacob Riis Houses
- - James Bond
- - Jimmy Webb
- - John Legend
- - Law and Order
- - Luke's Lobster
- - M14
- - NYU dorms
- - Nexus Flea
- - Nicky's
- - Os Gêmeos
- - Parkside Lounge
- - Punjabi Grocery & Deli
- - SantaCon 2013
- - Something Sweet
- - Sweet Generation
- - Swiss Institute
- - Tompkins Square Park riots
- - Two Boots Pioneer Theater
- - Union Market
- - Village Green
- - Washington Square Park
- - Wegmans
- - affordable housing
- - bars that are now closed
- - fire hydrants
- - garbage
- - gourmet delis
- - ice cream
- - leaves
- - snowmen
- - stretch Hummers
- - swimming pools
- - the Beastie Boys
- - the Coen Brothers
- - the bad old days
- - the richies
- - weed
- - 117 Second Ave.
- - 12C Outdoor Art Gallery
- - 26 Avenue B
- - 47 E. Third St.
- - 64 E. First St.
- - Airbnb
- - Anthony Bourdain
- - Bao
- - Ben's Deli
- - Bill De Blasio
- - Billy Hurricane's
- - Boris and Horton
- - Brookhill Properties
- - Caffe Buon Gusto
- - Citizen app
- - Congregation Mezritch Synagogue
- - DOB
- - Delancey Street
- - EV Grieve is now posting photos of squirrels
- - EV Loves NYC
- - East Village Cheese Shop
- - Ess-A-Bagel
- - Exit9
- - Fillmore East
- - Flea Market Cafe
- - GG's
- - Hearth
- - Hot Kitchen
- - Irving Plaza
- - Joe's Bar
- - John Street
- - Kiehl's
- - Kiss
- - Kurve
- - La Mama
- - La Vie
- - Lightstone Group
- - Luca Bar
- - Mermaid Inn
- - Metropolis
- - Nassau Street
- - New Year's Eve
- - New York Marble Cemetery
- - Now I'm just being stupid
- - Paul Kostabi
- - Permanent Brunch
- - Pyramid Club
- - South Street Seaport
- - Star Wars
- - Steiner Town
- - The Children's Workshop School
- - Whole Foods Bowery
- - an appreciation
- - barf
- - bed bugs
- - brown paint
- - crime scene
- - dangerous intersections
- - don't fuck with 12th Street
- - dry cleaners
- - everything is expensive
- - great storefronts
- - hijinks
- - local bands
- - more room for condos
- - new business
- - opossum
- - restaurants
- - scams
- - shit you can't make up
- - spring cleaning
- - stolen bicycles
- - the East Fifth St. Tree Committee
- - the sun
- - vans
- - wisteria
- - $1 pizza
- - 114 Third Ave.
- - 139 E. Houston St.
- - 188 First Ave.
- - 211 E. 13th St.
- - 215 Avenue B
- - 222 E. 13th Street
- - 253 E. Seventh St.
- - 2A
- - 327 E. Ninth St.
- - 38-48 Second Ave.
- - 47 E. 3rd St.
- - 50 Avenue A
- - 57 Great Jones St.
- - 787 Coffee
- - Agata Olek
- - Alphabet Plaza
- - Anton van Dalen
- - Bond Street
- - Bowery Mural Wall
- - Brick Lane Curry
- - CBGB movie
- - Cienfuegos
- - DF Mavens
- - EV Grieve is now posting photos of rainbows
- - EVGB
- - East Eighth Street
- - Emmy Squared
- - Foot Gear Plus
- - Foxface
- - Google
- - Icicle Audi
- - John Holmstrom
- - Karaoke
- - Kim's
- - L-train slowdown
- - Lit Lounge
- - Loews Village 7
- - Maiden Lane
- - Midtown
- - Mona's
- - Morrison Hotel
- - New York Mets
- - O'Flaherty's
- - PS 122
- - Page Six
- - Popeyes
- - Prince
- - Pulino's Bar and Pizzeria
- - Rev. Billy
- - Russian Doll
- - Second Avenue Star Watchers
- - Sonic Youth
- - Ten Thousand Saints
- - The Telephone Bar
- - Tonda
- - Unsilent Night
- - Village Pourhouse
- - Whole Foods
- - Wylie Dufresne
- - Zips
- - art exhibits
- - book stores
- - chairs
- - cool cats
- - crowdfunding
- - dead things
- - empty lots
- - fruit vendor
- - gyms
- - hipsters
- - milling and pavement
- - movie posters
- - music videos we really like
- - reader comments
- - summer 2013
- - the Con Ed plant
- - the Novogratz family
- - the Rolling Stones
- - the sunrise
- - toilet humor
- - trends we didn't need to read about
- - water main breaks
- - why am i in this neighborhood
- - winter 2018
- - woo
- - wretched excess
- - yuppie scum
- - 110 University Place
- - 14 Second Ave.
- - 157 Second Ave.
- - 219 First Avenue
- - 277 E. Seventh St.
- - 28 Avenue A
- - 2x4
- - 3rd & B’Zaar
- - 6 and B Garden
- - 6BC Botanical Garden
- - 97 Second Ave.
- - 98 Bowery
- - 9th St. Bakery
- - Alder
- - Angel's Share
- - Angels and Kings
- - Boukiés
- - Bush Tetras
- - Cafe Orlin
- - Cafe Pick Me Up
- - Casa Adela
- - Christmas 2014
- - Crazy Landlord
- - Duane Reade by Walgreens
- - East Fifth Street Block Association
- - East Village Community Coalition
- - East Village accidents
- - East Village bars
- - Eddie Boros
- - Evolution
- - F train
- - Green Oasis Community Garden
- - Jean-Michel Basquiat
- - Jennifer's Way Bakery
- - Jeremiah's Vanishing New York
- - Life on Mars
- - Little Poland
- - Madison Realty Capital
- - Mercadito Cantina
- - Moises Ismael Locón Yac
- - Mono + Mono
- - Native Bean
- - Nevada Smiths
- - New Order
- - New York City parks
- - Orpheum
- - Ottendorfer Library
- - P.C. Richard
- - Panda Express
- - Physical Graffiti
- - Punjabi Grocery and Deli
- - Quad Cinema
- - Rent Guidelines Board
- - Salt
- - Sandy
- - SantaCon 2015
- - Social Tees
- - South Brooklyn Pizza
- - St. Denis Hotel
- - Stuyvesant Grocery
- - The Juice Press
- - Thirteen East + West
- - Veniero's
- - Westside Market
- - Whitehouse
- - Winter Friday Flashback
- - air conditioners
- - anniversaries
- - arrests in Tompkins Square Park
- - bars that had a lot of names
- - bendy tree
- - cars
- - cool
- - cops
- - cycling
- - dioramas
- - drinking
- - flowers
- - flurries
- - food carts
- - hot dogs
- - lightning
- - lost pets
- - pets
- - poop
- - street signs
- - stupid ads
- - the International
- - the New York Dolls
- - the Strand
- - urban etiquette
- - vandalism
- - 100 Third Avenue
- - 141 E. Houston St.
- - 193 Avenue B
- - 2 Bros.
- - 227 Seventh St.
- - 298 E. Second St.
- - 319 Bowery
- - 32 Avenue C
- - 397-401 E. Eighth St.
- - 532 E. Fifth St.
- - Adam Purple
- - Alex Stupak
- - Arcane
- - August Laura
- - Benny's
- - Block Drugs
- - Blockbuster
- - Bluestockings
- - Boardwalk Empire
- - Bounce Deuce
- - Brook Hill Properties
- - Build the Block
- - Bullet Space
- - CBD
- - Chinatown
- - Chloe Sevigny
- - Christmas in February
- - Christopher Gamble
- - Citibank
- - Curt Hoppe
- - Delancey
- - East Fifth Bliss
- - East Houston Reconstruction Project
- - East Village Loves Queens
- - East Village sinkholes
- - Essex Crossing
- - FABnyc
- - Film Forum
- - Forbidden City
- - Germans
- - Grassroots Tavern
- - Great Jones
- - Grieve goes to the movies
- - Heathers
- - Howl 2009
- - Joey Pepperoni
- - Johnny Thunders
- - Lakeside Lounge
- - Lamborghini
- - Lanza's
- - Lower East Side (LES) History Month
- - Mamoun's
- - Marc H. Miller
- - Mary Ann's
- - Meatball Factory
- - Mighty Quinn's
- - Moby
- - Neptune
- - New Colossus Festival
- - Obscura Antiques and Oddities
- - Papaya Dog
- - Patricia Field
- - Polonia
- - Robert Pattinson
- - Russ and Daughters
- - Russo's
- - Santa Claus
- - SantaCon 2014
- - SantaCon 2016
- - Sixth Street Community Center
- - Sock Man
- - St. Mark's Market
- - Suffolk Street
- - Sunny and Annie's
- - Sunny's
- - TV shoots
- - Taco Bell
- - Thai
- - The Charles
- - The Pyramid Club
- - The Redhead
- - The Wild Son
- - Thunder Blizzard
- - Tompkins Square Park basketball courts
- - UFOs
- - Village Preservation
- - art galleries
- - autumn in new york
- - bees
- - bus shelters
- - couches
- - crows
- - curbed
- - documentaries
- - east village icons
- - election 2016
- - expensive things
- - fights
- - food trucks
- - good news
- - grocery stores
- - gut renovations
- - local music
- - marijuana
- - masks
- - motorcycles
- - moving
- - real estate in Manhattan
- - rooftop ragers
- - stickers
- - the East Coast Resiliency Project
- - the Living Room
- - things that we like
- - tower of toys
- - tragedies
- - tree pit
- - vape
- - water main break
- - you always take photos of cranes
- - 120 St. Mark's Place
- - 131 Avenue A
- - 14-16 Avenue B
- - 14th Street busway
- - 23 St. Mark's Place
- - 238-240 E. Third St.
- - 264 E. Seventh St.
- - 300 Lafayette
- - 313 Bowery
- - 321 E. Third St.
- - 33-37 1st Ave.
- - 331 E. Houston St.
- - 340 Bowery
- - 3rd & B'zaar
- - 538 E. 14th St.
- - 699 E. Sixth St.
- - 77 E. Third St.
- - Ada Calhoun
- - Ariel Palitz
- - Art on A Gallery
- - B Bar
- - Babu Ji
- - Bad Burger
- - Banjo Jim's
- - Bar Veloce
- - Barnyard Cheese Shop
- - Birdbath Bakery
- - Black Market
- - Blank Street
- - Bowery Electric
- - Brant Foundation
- - C&B Cafe
- - Cafe Hanover
- - Cafe Rakka
- - Cake Shop
- - Caracas Arepa Bar
- - Christmas 2013
- - Christmas 2015
- - Christmas in October
- - ConEd plant
- - Cucina Di Pesce
- - Dahlia's
- - DeathStar
- - Dee Dee Ramone
- - Derek Berg
- - Downtown Auto
- - Dress Shoppe II
- - EV Grieve
- - EVGrieve Etc.
- - East Houston
- - East Village Cheese
- - East Village Eye
- - East Village Organic
- - East Village Tavern
- - East Village development
- - East Village streeetscenes
- - El Jardín del Paraíso
- - Essex Street Market
- - Exit 9
- - Films in Tompkins Park
- - First Avenue Pierogi and Deli
- - First Avenue bike lanes
- - Fontana Shoes
- - Fourth Street
- - Fu Sushi
- - Funkiberry
- - Goat Town
- - Goldmark Property Management
- - Gothamist
- - H Mart
- - HDFCs
- - Happy New Year
- - Hello Mary
- - Ink on A
- - Jim Power
- - KFC
- - Kembra Pfahler
- - Kushnerville
- - Lafayette Street
- - Law & Order
- - Lower East Side nightlife
- - Mee Noodle Shop
- - Mercadito
- - Met Foods
- - Michael Jackson
- - Mikey's Pet Shop
- - Moonstruck Diner
- - New York CIty subway
- - Niagra
- - Northern Spy
- - Nuyorican Poets Café
- - Open Road Park
- - Out East
- - Patti Smith
- - Phil Kline
- - Pinkberry
- - Rainbow Music
- - Ralph’s Famous Italian Ices
- - Rivington House
- - SBS
- - Schnitz
- - Sing for Hope
- - Spice
- - Suicide
- - The Ainsworth
- - The Cramps
- - The March Hare
- - The New Museum
- - Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Parade
- - Tompkins Square Park field house
- - Tree Riders
- - Tribeca Film Festival
- - Tuome
- - Under St. Marks
- - Virgin Megastore
- - Yippie Cafe
- - Zaragoza
- - animals
- - apartment rentals
- - bikinis
- - blood
- - canopies
- - car accidents
- - celebrity homes
- - chickens
- - city pools
- - cold weather
- - community fridge
- - development sites
- - free shit
- - garbage trucks
- - good bars
- - guy looking for girlfriend
- - helicopters
- - hot chicks
- - milling
- - mural
- - music history
- - newsstands
- - night mayor
- - party buses
- - pride
- - rallies
- - rent stabilization
- - scaffolding
- - sink hole
- - smoothies
- - snowstorm
- - stolen bikes
- - street fair
- - summer 2014
- - sushi
- - teneleven
- - the Cadillac with the Tiger in it
- - the Shadow
- - the creepy guy with a camera
- - unhoused
- - vomit
- - water mains
- - wheatpaste
- - year in review
- - yuppies
- - 10 Bond Street
- - 12 St. Mark's Place
- - 120 First Ave.
- - 123 E. 10th Street
- - 130 E. 7th St.
- - 15 Avenue A
- - 165 Avenue B
- - 222 E. Seventh Street
- - 269 E. Houston St.
- - 316 Bowery
- - 32 E. First St.
- - 324 E. 4th Street
- - 372 Lafayette
- - 442 E. 13th St.
- - 47-53 Third Avenue
- - 48 E. Seventh St.
- - 500 E. 11th St.
- - 58 St. Mark's Place
- - 6 St. Mark's Place
- - 699 E. 6th St.
- - 76 E. Houston St.
- - 827 Broadway
- - 9300 Realty
- - Abraco
- - Academy Records
- - Alamo
- - Anarchy Row
- - Aqueduct Racetrack
- - Astor Place Greenmarket
- - Baker Falls
- - Bali Kitchen
- - Banjara
- - Bareburger
- - Bikes by George
- - Blank Street coffee
- - Blink
- - Blizzard of the Feb. 8
- - Boca Chica
- - Butcher Bay
- - CSA
- - Cafe Himalaya
- - Casimir
- - Catholics
- - Checkers
- - Christmas lights
- - Civic Hall
- - Commodities
- - Crif Dogs
- - Davey's Ice Cream
- - David Peel
- - Desi Galli
- - Donald Suggs
- - Earth Day
- - East Village Community Fridge
- - East Village Farms
- - Eleventh and Third
- - Elvis Guesthouse
- - Empanada Mama
- - Empellon Cocina
- - Eros
- - FDR
- - Facebook
- - Fall Friday Flashback
- - Federal Hall
- - Finnerty's
- - Flaco
- - Frank Ape
- - Gaia Italian Cafe
- - Gelarto
- - Instagram
- - J Crew
- - Jane's Sweet Buns
- - JoeDough
- - Jonas
- - Jonas Mekas
- - Kati Roll Company
- - Keith McNally
- - Klean and Kleaner
- - Labor Day weekend
- - Lafayette
- - Le Sia
- - Liquiteria
- - Little Tong Noodle Shop
- - Loisaida Open Streets
- - MUD Coffee
- - Mama's Food Shop
- - Mariana Bracetti Plaza
- - Martina
- - Michael "Bao" Huynh
- - Miss Lily's 7A Cafe
- - Mother's Day
- - Mudspot Café
- - NYPress
- - Naked New Yorkers
- - New York City nightlife
- - New York Daily News
- - Nick Tosches
- - Ninth Avenue
- - No Wave
- - Nolita
- - Open Pantry
- - Printed Matter/St. Mark’s
- - RBG
- - Regal Union Square 14
- - Rent is too Damn High
- - Riis Houses
- - Root and Bone
- - Rosario Dawson
- - Saifee Hardware
- - Samuel S. Cox
- - Sarah Jessica Parker
- - SoHo
- - St. Mark's Comics
- - Step Up
- - Supper
- - Thai Direct
- - The 101 Condominium
- - The Adele
- - The Bourgeois Pig
- - The Damned
- - The Kitchen Sink
- - The New Yorker
- - The Stand
- - Tom Cruise
- - Tuck Shop
- - Turntable Lab
- - Van Da
- - Village East Cinemas
- - Wagamama
- - Wall Street Journal
- - Water Street
- - Williamsburg
- - Williamsburg Bridge
- - Winter 2020
- - Xoom Juice
- - awnings
- - beating a horse that is really dead
- - being depressing
- - benches
- - bus lanes
- - cabin fever
- - chain stores are everywhere
- - cheap pizza
- - closures 2022
- - condoplexes
- - copyright violations
- - drunk Santas
- - dumplings
- - eggs
- - expensive rentals
- - fancy cocktails
- - funny signs
- - gelato
- - good signs
- - holiday weekends
- - idiots
- - limos
- - missing bird
- - nests
- - new developments
- - pee
- - preserving old New York
- - reader requests
- - remembering
- - retail
- - rhinos
- - seizures
- - sensitive headlines
- - sidewalk sales
- - skeletons
- - slacktivists
- - small business
- - spas
- - teddy bears
- - the A Building
- - the East Side Coastal Resiliency Project
- - the Pyramid
- - the Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black
- - there goes the neighborhood again and again
- - toilet paper
- - too lazy for flickr
- - umbrellas
- - weather
- - window displays
- - '''MericaNYC'
- - 104 E. 10th St.
- - 118-120 E. Fourth St.
- - 13 Portals
- - 131 First Ave.
- - 14 Avenue B
- - 180 2nd Ave.
- - 186-188 First Ave.
- - 189 Avenue C
- - 189 E. 7th St.
- - 197 E. Third St.
- - "1984"
- - 212 E. 14th St.
- - 21E12
- - 287 E. Houston St.
- - 330 Bowery
- - 356 E. Eighth St.
- - 3rd & B’Zaar Holiday Market
- - 427 E. 12th St.
- - 436 E. 13th St.
- - 57 Second Ave.
- - 58-72 Avenue A
- - 650 E. Sixth St.
- - 67 Avenue C
- - 688 Broadway
- - 799 Broadway
- - 80 E. 10th St.
- - 80 St. Mark's Place
- - 86 E. Fourth St.
- - 95 Avenue A
- - ': East Village streetscenes'
- - A Gathering of Tribes
- - A Repeat Performance
- - Adinah's Farm
- - Albert's Garden
- - AlphaBet Cafe
- - American Apparel
- - American Felt Building
- - Apartment 13
- - Arabella 101
- - Archie and Sons
- - Australian Homemade
- - B-Side
- - BARA
- - Bagel Boss
- - Bait & Hook
- - Bank of America
- - Barcade
- - Barnyard
- - Basics Plus
- - Bea Arthur
- - Blessing of the Animals
- - Bloomberg for president
- - Bobwhite Lunch and Supper Counter
- - Boss Hog
- - Bowery Hotel
- - Box Kite Coffee
- - Bubbleology Tea
- - Cafe Mogador
- - Chelsea Thai
- - Christmas 2019
- - Christmas in September
- - City Hall
- - Clayton Patterson
- - Coat Drive
- - Coney Island Baby
- - David Barton
- - Department of Sanitation
- - Dirt Candy
- - Doc Holliday's
- - Dojo
- - Domino Sugar Refinery
- - Downtown Bakery
- - DumplingGo
- - EV Grieve is now taking photos of the sun
- - EV Grieve is really 13 years old
- - EVE
- - East Village homes
- - El Sombrero
- - Feast of San Gennaro
- - Fine Fare
- - FlyeLyfe
- - Food Emporium
- - Fourth of July
- - Free Willie Nelson
- - Funzi's Pizzeria
- - Gracefully
- - Haley Joel Osment
- - Hayne Suthon
- - Heart Break
- - Horus Cafe
- - Hotel Toshi
- - Hummus Place
- - I Need More
- - I see dick people
- - Il Posto Accanto
- - Jiang Diner
- - Jim Jarmusch
- - Joe and Pat's
- - Joe's
- - Joey Ramone Place
- - Joseph C. Sauer Park
- - Juicy Lucy
- - Kabin
- - Karma
- - Katie Holmes
- - King Kong
- - Korilla BBQ
- - Kushner Cos.
- - L'Apicio
- - Liberty Toye
- - Lions & Tigers & Squares
- - Little Italy
- - Lorcan Otway
- - M8
- - MCA
- - Mary O's
- - Matthew Kenney
- - Matty's
- - Max
- - Memorial Day weekend
- - Middle Collegiate
- - Morton Tabak
- - Nelson Sullivan
- - New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission
- - New York City Marathon
- - New York City rooftops
- - New York Healthy Choice
- - Nicolina
- - Ninth Precinct
- - Ninth Street Community Garden
- - Ninth Ward
- - NoHo
- - Nobletree Coffee
- - Obama
- - Organic Avenue
- - PC Richard and Son
- - PS122
- - Paul's Da Burger Joint
- - Pete Wentz
- - Pinky's Space
- - Planet Taco
- - Polish G. I. Delicatessen
- - Pride Weekend
- - Proto's Pizza
- - Puebla Mexican Food
- - Puke Island
- - R S Strauss
- - RVs
- - Red Mango
- - Rev. Jen
- - Royal Tailor Shop
- - Ruan Wen Hui
- - SantaCon 2017
- - Sapporo East
- - Sauce Pizzeria
- - Snack Dragon
- - Sophie's bar
- - Spider Man
- - Spiderman
- - St. George's Ukrainian Catholic School
- - St. Mark's Ale House
- - Stanley Kubrick
- - Stanton Street
- - Steven Hirsch
- - Stogo
- - Stromboli Pizza
- - Subway Inn
- - Suffolk Arms
- - Sunny's Florist
- - Surprise! Surprise!
- - TV shows we may actually watch
- - Taberna
- - TakeMeHome Rotisserie Chicken
- - Taylor Mead
- - The Birdman
- - The Edge
- - The Ukrainian Museum
- - The Wall Street Journal
- - Three of Cups
- - Tompkins Sqaure Park
- - Treetops
- - Tribeca
- - Turntable Retro Bar & Restaurant
- - UCBeast
- - Unidentified Flying Chickens
- - Urban Wine & Spirits
- - Verso
- - Village Fabrics
- - Violet
- - Walgreens
- - Yunnies
- - apartment signs
- - bad movies we may love
- - barbers
- - bendy thing
- - big dogs
- - break-ins
- - cadillacs
- - car fires
- - churches
- - classic cars
- - co-naming streets
- - condos with slides
- - dog shit
- - drugs
- - dry cleaning
- - falafel
- - fat cats
- - fucked up
- - good samaritans
- - great homes
- - great signs
- - hit and run
- - hot weather
- - indoor dining
- - kids today
- - life in the East Village
- - maps
- - meatballs
- - moon
- - moonlighting
- - movie ads
- - neon
- - new retail
- - noted
- - photo shoots
- - playgrounds
- - pool at Sophie's
- - pot
- - predatory equity landlords
- - proof that EV Grieve will post anything
- - rent hike
- - sex
- - shopping
- - smoking
- - snowffiti
- - spring 2021
- - steam
- - street co-naming
- - summer of bedbugs
- - tattoos
- - the Beagle
- - the Belgian Room
- - the China Star
- - the Sunburnt Cow
- - the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire
- - tree branches
- - tree chair
- - tumors
- - unfortunate typos
- - viral
- - weddings
- - zines
- - zoning
- - $1.50 pizza
- - 10 Degrees Bistro
- - 101 E. 10th St.
- - 115 Avenue A
- - 117 Avenue A
- - 119-121 Second Ave.
- - 127 Avenue C
- - 151 Avenue C
- - 152 Second Ave.
- - 152-154 Second Ave.
- - 192-194 First Ave.
- - "1967"
- - "1978"
- - 1990s East Village
- - 2 Bros
- - 2 St. Mark's Place
- - 202 Avenue A
- - 222 Seventh Street
- - 238 E. Fourth St.
- - 24 St. Mark's Place
- - 25 Avenue B
- - 28 Avenue B
- - 3 E. Third St.
- - 300 E. 5th St.
- - 306 Bowery
- - 40 Avenue B
- - 50-64 Third Ave.
- - 535 E. 12th St.
- - 536 E. 13th St.
- - 6 train
- - 72 E. First St.
- - 72 Gallery
- - 84 E. 10th Street
- - 92 Seventh Street
- - A Place to Bury Strangers
- - A-1 Records
- - Abracadabra Field Trip Mobile
- - Ace Bar
- - Al Diaz
- - Alfred Hitchcock Presents
- - Alphabet Scoop
- - Amaran
- - Angelica Kitchen
- - Anyway Cafe
- - April 1
- - Arturo Vega
- - Asian Taste
- - Avant Garden
- - Avenue A Wine and Liquor
- - Baoguette
- - Bar None
- - Bar Virage
- - Batman
- - Belmont Park
- - Ben and Jerry's
- - Billy the Artist
- - Black Seed bagels
- - Blatt Billiards
- - Blockheads
- - Bluebird
- - Boukies
- - Boulton and Watt
- - Bowery Mission
- - Brazen Fox
- - Bruce Willis
- - Bruno Pizza
- - Cadence
- - Cafe Centosette
- - Cafe DeVille
- - Cafecito
- - Café Cortadito
- - Calexio
- - Campos Community Garden
- - Carrie Bradshaw
- - Cedar Tavern
- - Children’s Magical Garden
- - China Wok
- - Citizens Bank
- - Club Cumming
- - Con Ed substation
- - Congregation Mezritch Synagogue
- - Contrada
- - Cornell Edwards
- - Crunch
- - Dan Efram
- - Dan and John's Wings
- - Dance Parade 2013
- - Danny Meyer
- - Daylight Saving Time
- - Destination
- - Dig Inn
- - Dim Sum Go Go
- - Dolphin Gym
- - Donut Social
- - East River park amphitheater
- - East Side Ink
- - East Village Thai
- - East Village apartments
- - East Village bikes
- - East Village residents
- - El Camion
- - El Rinconcito
- - El Sol Brillante
- - Empellón al Pastor
- - Feast
- - Fifth Avenue
- - Finest Pizza and Deli
- - First Avenue kiosk
- - First Lamb Shabu
- - Fleet Week
- - Frank James
- - Gawker
- - Gin Palace
- - Gino DiGirolamo
- - Girls
- - Golden Cadillac
- - Han Dynasty
- - Historic District
- - Holland Bar
- - Ideal Glass
- - Idle Hands
- - Irving Place
- - Jeff Buckley
- - Jesse Malin
- - Jimmy's No. 43
- - Joe's Steam Rice Roll
- - Josie's
- - Jules Bistro
- - King of the Hill
- - Kita
- - Knitting Factory at Baker Falls
- - Koko Wings
- - L train entrances
- - L'asso EV
- - La Lucha
- - La Plaza
- - Lan Cafe
- - Lavagna
- - Lebrini's Pizzeria
- - Louis 649
- - Lower East Side is too expensive
- - Lyric Diner
- - MTV
- - Manny the Peddler
- - Marble Cemetery
- - Martha Cooper
- - Mary Spink
- - Marymount Manhattan College
- - Max Brenner
- - May Day
- - Meatpacking District
- - Midtown South
- - Miscelanea NY
- - Momofuko Ko
- - Motor City Bar
- - Motorino
- - NYC Anarchist Book Fair
- - NYSE
- - New Double Dragon
- - New York Central Art Supply
- - New York Giants
- - New York movies
- - Nowon
- - Nublu
- - Old Monk
- - Otto's Tacos
- - PS 19
- - Panna II
- - Paper Daisy
- - Paquito's
- - Paul and Monica Shay
- - Pearl Street
- - Percy's
- - Percy's Tavern
- - Peter Cooper
- - Phebe's
- - Pinks
- - Poetica Coffee
- - Pretty Boy
- - Puddin'
- - Pudgie's
- - Pure Green
- - Quantum Leap
- - RS Strauss
- - Reciprocal Skateboards
- - Rent Guidleines Board
- - Rockrose
- - Rodeo Bar
- - Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New York
- - Rossy's Bakery
- - Ryan's Irish Pub
- - SMØR
- - Sam Chang
- - Sanitation Department
- - SantaCon 2019
- - Santander
- - Sen. Brad Hoylman
- - Serendipity
- - Sigmund Pretzel Shop
- - Silver Spurs
- - Soothsayer
- - Sounds
- - Spiegel
- - Squish Marshmallows
- - Streit's
- - Suki
- - Sunrise Market
- - Surma Books and Music
- - Sweetgreen
- - TD Bank
- - TMZ Grieve
- - TV commercials
- - Tacos Morelos
- - Tarallucci e Vino
- - Taxi Driver
- - Teavana
- - Temperance Fountain
- - The Black Rose
- - The Deuce
- - The Elephant
- - The Halal Guys
- - The Joyce Theater
- - The Robyn
- - The Velvet Underground
- - This Little Piggy Had Roast Beef
- - Tifereth Israel Town & Village Synagogue
- - Tim Ho Wan
- - Tim Hortons
- - Time Warner Cable
- - Triangle Factory Fire
- - Two Boots Video
- - Umbrella House
- - University House at Tompkins Square Park
- - Upper West Side
- - Vampire Freaks
- - Vella Market
- - Village Works
- - Vinny Vincenz
- - Virage
- - Virgola
- - Westville East
- - Williamsburg Pizza
- - Yakiniku West
- - Yippie Museum
- - Yonah Schimmel
- - Yuca Bar
- - abandoned couches
- - advertising
- - an.mé
- - apartment listings
- - artisanal cocktail bars
- - asbestos
- - bacon
- - bad headlines
- - bakeries
- - barber shops
- - beer pong
- - beheadings
- - bicycle thief
- - bodegas
- - bomb cyclone
- - boots
- - city council
- - clowns
- - composting
- - conspiracies
- - cumgirl8
- - discarded furniture
- - drunk brunch
- - dummies
- - excuse for a gratuitous photo of boobies
- - falling air conditioners
- - film classics
- - flags
- - free ad
- - free stuff
- - gas leak
- - great moments in advertising
- - holes
- - homelessness
- - hotels
- - jokesters
- - kegs
- - legs
- - life in New York City
- - lousy Photoshop skills
- - luxury housing
- - mannequinns
- - mansions
- - marriage proposals
- - mattress police joke possible
- - milling and paving
- - mischief
- - movies filmed in New York City
- - old movie theaters
- - our youth
- - package theft
- - paving
- - pay phones
- - pet stores
- - photos
- - pierogis
- - pizza rat
- - post office
- - ramen for everyone
- - rolled ice cream
- - roof decks
- - serial cartoon beheaders
- - shit
- - shop local
- - sketchy pink boxes
- - smells
- - snow in March
- - stray voltage
- - the B Bar
- - the Depression
- - the International Center of Photography
- - the Local 269
- - the Parkside
- - the Stone
- - the Strokes
- - the beginning of the end
- - the boot
- - the future
- - the grocery cart garden
- - the old days
- - things that aren't really subtle
- - topless
- - townhouses
- - tree stumps
- - turtles
- - vegan ice cream
- - vegans
- - watermelons
- - winter 2015
- - zombies
- - '#SaveNYC'
- - 115 St. Mark's Place
- - 118 1st Ave.
- - 119-121 2nd Ave.
- - 125 First Avenue
- - 127 Avenue D
- - 128 E. 13th St.
- - 130 St. Mark's Place
- - 133 Avenue D
- - 133 Third Ave.
- - 14 Avenue C
- - 149 First Ave.
- - 14th Street Y
- - 159 Second Ave.
- - 179 Suffolk St.
- - 180 Second Ave
- - 183 Avenue B
- - 2 Boots
- - 200 Allen St.
- - 200 Water Street
- - "2013"
- - 204 Avenue A
- - 227 E. Seventh St.
- - 229 E. Second St.
- - 24 Avenue A
- - 25 Great Jones
- - 325 Bowery
- - 342 Bowery
- - 348 Bowery
- - 3rd and B'zaar
- - 424 E. 9th St.
- - 438-440 E. 13th St.
- - 48 E. 7th St.
- - 50-62 Clinton St.
- - 524 E. 14th Street.
- - 534 E. 14th St.
- - 58 E. First St.
- - 5C Cultural Center and Cafe
- - 7-11
- - 7th Street Village Farm
- - 8 Stuyvesant St.
- - 8-14 Stuyvesant St.
- - 85 E. 10th St.
- - 93 Avenue A
- - 99 Second Ave.
- - A&C Kitchen
- - A.K. Shoe Repair
- - ABC Beer Co.
- - Acme Bar and Grill
- - Ai Weiwei
- - Alphabets
- - And how was your weekend
- - Angelina Cafe
- - Anna
- - Anwar Grocery
- - Atomic Wings
- - Avenue B flea
- - Bad Brains
- - Bad Pussies mural
- - Bagel Belly
- - Baker's Pizza
- - BaoHaus
- - Barbao
- - Barrier Free Living
- - Ben & Jerry's
- - Bereket
- - Bespoke Chocolates
- - Big Lee's
- - Black Iron Burger
- - Bleecker Street Bar
- - Blimpie
- - Blue Door Video
- - Blue Ribbon Fried Chicken
- - Bon Vivant
- - Bong World
- - Bowery Ballroom
- - Brasserie Saint Marc
- - Bread and Butta
- - Brian Rose
- - Brooklyn Bridge
- - Brooklyn Dumpling Shop
- - Brownstone East Village
- - Buffalo Exchange
- - Burkina
- - Cafe Mocha
- - Capital One
- - Carma East
- - Casey Rubber Stamps
- - Chad Marlow
- - Charlie Brown
- - Che Cafe
- - Cheers Cut
- - Cherche Midi
- - Chinese food
- - Chloë Sevigny
- - Chocolate by the Bald Man
- - Cholo Noir
- - Chubby Mary's
- - Ciala
- - Citi Field
- - Cocoa Grinder
- - Confessional
- - Cults
- - Cure
- - DEP shaft site
- - Dance Parade 2012
- - Dance Parade 2018
- - Dance Parade 2023
- - Daniel Craig
- - David McWater
- - David's Shoe Repair
- - Derek Jeter
- - Dig
- - Dinosaur Hill
- - Discovery Wines
- - Dojo Izakaya
- - Domino's Pizza
- - Don't fuck with East Fifth Street
- - Donohue's Steak House
- - EV Grieve has lost his or her mind
- - EV Grieve is now taking photos of vomit
- - EV Grieve is real mature
- - EV Grieve is taking pictures of trees
- - EV Heave
- - EVG podcast
- - East 12th Osteria
- - East Vilage
- - East Village Dance Project
- - East Village Shoe Repair
- - East Village businesses
- - Echo and the Bunnymen
- - Edi and the Wolf
- - Elizabeth Lee
- - Enz's Boutique
- - Esperanto
- - Everyman Espresso
- - Figaro Villaggio
- - Film Academy Cafe
- - Fire and Water
- - First Avenue Laundry Center
- - First Avenue Pierogi and Deli Co.
- - Flamingos Vintage Pound
- - Fonda
- - Forcella — La Pizza di Napoli
- - Fresh & Co.
- - Friday at 5
- - Fulton Street follies
- - Gemma
- - Gen Korean BBQ House
- - Giuliani
- - Gizmo
- - Golden Food Market
- - Gotham Pizza
- - Grace and Hope Mission
- - Greenmarket
- - Greenwich Marketplace
- - Guayoyo
- - Habibi Lounge
- - Handsome Dick Manitoba
- - Haveli
- - Headless Santa
- - Heart N' Soul
- - Hotel Chelsea
- - Houston Street Corridor Reconstruction
- - Houston Street Mystery Lot
- - Howl! Arts/Howl! Archive
- - Huertas
- - Il Bagatto
- - Isaac Hopper Home
- - Ivana Trump
- - Jamie the check-cashing guy
- - Jane's Exchange
- - Jason Hennings and Robert Giraldi
- - Jennifer Esposito
- - Jerry
- - Joe and Pat’s
- - Joe's Pub
- - Joey Bats
- - Joseph "Count Slima" Williams
- - Juice Press
- - Keanu Reeves
- - Kellogg's NYC Café
- - King Bee
- - Kingsley
- - Kitchen Sink
- - Kotobuki
- - La Sirena
- - LaMama
- - Ladybird
- - Le Fournil
- - Load Out
- - Lower East Side Coffee Shop
- - Lui's Thai Food
- - Lula’s Apothecary
- - Lumos Kitchen
- - M14D
- - M2M
- - Maharlika
- - Maison Kayser
- - Mamani Pizza
- - Manco Studio
- - March 26
- - Markey Hayden Bena
- - Marlis Momber
- - Marshalls
- - Mayor Adams
- - Meltzer Tower
- - Memphis Seoul
- - Mercury Lounge
- - Michael Shenker
- - Milk Bar
- - Molecule
- - Morris Adjmi
- - Mosaic Cafe
- - Mother of Pearl
- - Mr. Purple
- - Mr. White
- - NYU 2031
- - Naked Pizza
- - NatureEs
- - New York Observer
- - New York Theatre Workshop
- - New Yorkers
- - New Yorkers Food Market
- - Nick Zedd
- - Niko
- - No Malice Palace
- - No Reservations
- - No gas
- - Nuyorican Poets Cafe
- - OddFellows
- - Odessa Cafe
- - Olivo's
- - One Manhattan Square
- - Open Restaurants
- - Orchard Street
- - P and G Cafe
- - P.S. 19
- - Park Row
- - Pearl Street diner
- - Phil Mushnick
- - Phony Express
- - Poco
- - Poppy's Gourmet Corner
- - Porchetta
- - Post
- - Pouring Ribbons
- - President Biden
- - Pride Month
- - Professor Thom's
- - Proletariat
- - Provident Loan Society Building
- - Punk Magazine
- - Rhong Tiam
- - Rhong-Tiam
- - Richard Leck
- - Roastown Coffee
- - Roberta's
- - Rockit Scientist
- - Rolf's
- - Russian Souvenirs
- - Ryan Gosling
- - San Marzano
- - Second Avenue Deli
- - Sesame Street
- - Seth Rogen
- - Shakespeare & Company
- - Shaun Martin
- - Short Stories
- - Sidewalk
- - Simone
- - Sixth Avenue
- - Space Mabi
- - St. Emeric
- - St. George's Ukrainian Catholic Church
- - St. Mark’s Church Greenmarket
- - St. Nicholas of Myra Orthodox Church
- - Stage
- - Steve Jobs
- - Storm of the Jan. 3
- - Streit’s Matzo Factory
- - Sugar
- - Sugar Cafe
- - Summer 2017
- - Sunshine Hotel
- - Surfbort
- - Susan Seidelman
- - Sutra Lounge
- - Tac N Roll
- - Taste Wine
- - Television
- - The Acute
- - The Chillmaster
- - The De La Vega Museum
- - The Fugs
- - The Hat
- - The Immigrant
- - The Ludlow
- - The New York Post
- - The Source Unltd Copy Shop
- - The Taking of Pelham One Two Three
- - The VNYL
- - The Wash House
- - Theater 80
- - Thee Oh Sees
- - Third Street Music School Settlement
- - Thurston Moore
- - Tink's Cafe
- - Tofu House
- - Tompkins Square Park mini pool
- - Tony's Pizza
- - Trader Joe's Wine Shop
- - Treeman
- - Tribe
- - Trinity's Services and Food for the Homeless
- - Tu Casa Recording Studio
- - Two Hands
- - Uncle Johnny
- - Van Leeuwen
- - Vector Gallery
- - Virginia's
- - Wafels and Dinges
- - Westville Bakery
- - WiFi
- - Winter Storm Gail
- - World Cup 2014
- - Xi’an Famous Foods
- - Yonekichi
- - '[plant-baked]'
- - aerial views
- - anarchy
- - apartment ads
- - artists
- - awful bars
- - bad videos we love
- - bars for pregnant women
- - bending elm
- - benefits
- - bike racks
- - bitcoins
- - booze
- - broken windows
- - burglary
- - chains are evil
- - cheap shots
- - cheese
- - cherry blossoms
- - cinema classics
- - construction noise
- - cool cars
- - covering the East Villages of America
- - crashes
- - d.b.a.
- - danger
- - deals
- - defacing posters
- - desserts
- - destroying New York in the movies
- - douche
- - downed trees
- - e-bikes
- - earthquakes
- - fetishes
- - filming in the East Village
- - fledge
- - flu
- - football
- - former squats
- - frathouse
- - fruit salad
- - giant TVs
- - great diners
- - greed
- - grifter
- - gunshots
- - hair
- - heat wave
- - holy fucking shit
- - homeless
- - homes for sale
- - horse heads
- - horse racing
- - hunts that involve Easter eggs
- - hurricanes
- - igloos
- - it's better than a bank or a Starbucks
- - juice craze
- - kids
- - lead
- - letters
- - lights
- - live music venues
- - living in the East Village
- - lofts
- - lots that are mysteries
- - miracles
- - missing puppets
- - mosaics
- - moving wars
- - musical interludes
- - new apartments
- - new bakeries
- - new cafes
- - nice apartments
- - nice toilets
- - old New York TV commercials
- - payphones
- - pet blessings
- - pink
- - poems
- - poke
- - pop-up shop
- - potholes
- - rabbits
- - raccoons
- - records
- - recycle
- - retail diversity
- - richies
- - slashing
- - small business closure
- - smoke
- - spring 2020
- - stalled construction sites
- - store closing
- - summer 2016
- - that empty lot on 13th Street
- - the Aston Martin DBS Volante Convertible
- - the Baroness
- - the Blarney Cove
- - the Emerald Inn
- - the Lazy llama
- - the Lillian Wald Houses
- - the Nativity Church
- - the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai
- - the New York Marble Cemetery
- - the Public Theater
- - the rich
- - there goes the neighborhood
- - traffic
- - trash bags
- - vans of the East Village
- - vote
- - walking around
- - weekend in review
- - what am I doing on the Upper West Side
- - winter 2016
- - winter 2022
- - yoga
- - you always take photos of transformers
- - '"Walk Man"'
- - 102 E. 7th St.
- - 103 Third Avenue
- - 111 E. Seventh St.
- - 11th Street Bar
- - 123 St. Mark's Place
- - 125 E. 10th Street
- - 130 Second Ave.
- - 132 2nd Ave.
- - 133 Second Avenue
- - 14th Street and First Avenue
- - 176 E. Third Street
- - 180 Ludlow
- - 182 Avenue B
- - 188 Second Ave.
- - 189 E. Third St.
- - 19 St. Mark's Place
- - "1971"
- - "1993"
- - 20 Pine
- - "2012"
- - "2014"
- - 2021 closings
- - 204 E. 13th St.
- - 21-23 Avenue B
- - 215 E. 12th St.
- - 218 E. 9th St.
- - 22 Bond St.
- - 224 E. 14th St.
- - 243 E. Second St.
- - 245 E. Second St.
- - 29 Second Ave.
- - 2B n 2C sculpture garden
- - 302 E. Second St.
- - 309 E. Eighth St.
- - 31 Third Ave.
- - "311"
- - 338 E. Sixth St.
- - 351 E. 10th St.
- - 363 Lafayette
- - 4 train
- - 402 E. 12th St.
- - 432-438 E. 14th St.
- - 44 Avenue A
- - 445 E. 9th St.
- - 4Knots Festival
- - 50 Avenue B
- - 535 E. 11th St.
- - 54 Second Ave.
- - 542 E. Fifth St.
- - 56 Leonard Street
- - 60 Third Ave.
- - 619 E. Sixth St.
- - 62 Avenue B
- - 642 E. 14th St.
- - 82 St. Mark's Place
- - 88 E. 2nd St.
- - 9 Bleecker St.
- - 9-17 Second Avenue
- - 96 Avenue B
- - 96-98 St. Mark's Place
- - 97 St. Mark's Place
- - 98 Avenue
- - 99 Avenue B
- - 99 Favor Taste
- - 9th Street Community Garden
- - A7
- - AMC Village 7
- - AT&T
- - ATM skimmers
- - Affaire
- - Al Pacino
- - Alan Cumming
- - Albert Hammond Jr.
- - All-Star game
- - Alphabet CIty
- - Ankara Turkish Restaurant
- - Archie's Press
- - Arepa Factory
- - Arun Bhatia
- - Astor Place Hairstylists
- - Atelier Jolie
- - AuH20 Thriftique
- - Ave. A Mini Market
- - Avenue A Deli and Grill
- - Ayat
- - Ayios Greek Rotisserie
- - Azaleas
- - Baby Yoda
- - Baji Baji
- - Ballaro
- - Bar on A
- - Barry McGee
- - Beauty Bar
- - Beloved Cafe
- - Bernie Madoff
- - Bernie Sanders
- - Best Housekeeping
- - Bhakti Center
- - Biang
- - Black Hound New York
- - Black and White
- - Blackbird
- - Bleecker Street
- - Blue
- - Boilermaker
- - BoingBoing
- - Bonnie Slotnick Cookbooks
- - Bowery Bar
- - Bowery Wine Company Protest
- - British things
- - Britney Spears
- - Brix Wine Shop
- - Brodo
- - Broken Coconut
- - Brooklyn
- - Busy Bee
- - C & B Cafe
- - Cabrini Nursing Center for Rehabilitation
- - Cafe 81
- - Cafe Cambodge
- - Cafe Colonial
- - Call Harvey
- - Calliope
- - Calvin Klein
- - Central Village
- - ChaShaMa
- - Champagne nightmares
- - Cheap Trick
- - Cherry Tavern
- - Chichen Itzá
- - Cindy Adams
- - Citi-Spaces
- - Coal Yard
- - Columbia Care
- - Compilation Coffee
- - Continuum Coffee
- - Courtney Love
- - Coyi Cafe
- - Crab Du Jour
- - Croissanteria
- - Croxely Ales
- - Cupcake Market
- - D.L. Cerney
- - Dahlia's Tapas Wine Bar
- - Dan & John's
- - Dance Parade 2011
- - Dance Parade 2017
- - Dance Parade 2019
- - Daniel Root
- - Death and Company
- - Delta Phi
- - Desi Shack
- - Desi Stop
- - Desperately Seeking Susan
- - Dickchicken
- - Dixon Place
- - Doc Hollidays
- - Don Ceviche
- - Donostia
- - Dorian Grey Gallery
- - Downtown Yarns
- - Drunken Dumpling
- - Duane Readed
- - Duke's
- - Dun-Well Doughnuts
- - E Smoke Shop
- - EV Grieve is fun to hang out with
- - EVIL
- - EVLambo
- - East Village Postal
- - East Village flea
- - East Village mornings
- - East Village retail
- - Eastern Bloc
- - Eastside Bakery Net
- - Edwin and Neal's Fish Bar
- - El Diablito Taqueria
- - El Sol Brillante Community Garden
- - Ella
- - Elvis Presley
- - Empire State Building
- - Endangered New York
- - Engine 28/Ladder 11
- - Engine Company 5
- - Ethos Meze
- - Everytable
- - Extell
- - Factory Tamal
- - Fares Deli
- - Fashion Week
- - Fat Buddha
- - Fat Sal's
- - Feltman’s of Coney Island
- - Fiaschetteria Pistoia
- - Film Anthology Archives
- - First Houses
- - First Street Garden
- - Five Roses Pizza
- - Flaming Pablum
- - Forbes
- - Frances Goldin
- - Fresco
- - Friend House
- - Gabay's Outlet
- - Gandhi
- - Gena's Grill
- - Ghostbuster references
- - Gimme Gimme Records
- - Gingersnap's Organic
- - Godzilla
- - Good Guys
- - Good Night Sonny
- - Green Garden Buffet
- - Gruppo
- - Guaco Taco
- - Guggenheim
- - HAGS
- - Halloween Adventure
- - Hamptons Market
- - Hank Penza
- - Hanoi House
- - Hare Krishnas
- - Haven Plaza
- - Hea
- - Henri
- - Hillary Clinton
- - Holy Basil
- - Honk
- - Hot Box
- - Hotel Tortuga
- - Houston
- - Houston House
- - Humans of New York
- - Hunan Slurp Shop
- - Iconic Hand Rolls
- - Irreplaceable Artifacts
- - Jay-Z
- - Jeremiah Moss
- - Jerry's Artarama
- - Jerry's Newsstand
- - Jillery
- - Jodie Lane
- - Joe Jr.
- - Joe's Pizza
- - JoeDoe
- - John Travolta
- - Jon Spencer
- - Jon Spencer Blues Explosion
- - Jugger-nut
- - Julie's Vintage
- - Julius Klein
- - Karen Lillis
- - Karma Gallery
- - Kelly Hurley
- - Kentucky Derby
- - Key Master
- - Khyber Pass
- - Ki Smith Gallery
- - Kikoo
- - King Gyro
- - Knitting Factory
- - Koi sushi
- - Korzo
- - L.E.S. Jewels
- - La Esquina Bar & Grill
- - La La Laundromat
- - La Mia Pizza
- - LaVie
- - Lazarides on the Bowery
- - Le Jardin Bistro
- - Le Petit Versailles
- - Lenin
- - Leonardo DiCaprio
- - Lime Tree Market
- - Lindsay Lohan
- - Link5G towers
- - Lions BeerStore
- - Little Man parking garage
- - Little Tong
- - Local 92
- - Loisaida CommUnity Fridge and Pantry
- - Loisaida Open Streets Community Coalition
- - Long Bay
- - Love Thy Beast
- - Lower East Side rezoning
- - Luca Lounge
- - Lucien
- - Lucky
- - Ludlow Hotel
- - Lydia Lunch
- - Mace
- - Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
- - Major League Baseballl
- - Make Me Famous
- - Manco Studios
- - Mani in Pasta
- - Marfa
- - Maria's Cafe
- - Marion's
- - Mark Burger
- - Mast Books
- - Matcha Cafe Wabi
- - Matt Harvey
- - Melt Shop
- - Merlin
- - Met Food
- - Michelin
- - Mikey Likes It Ice Cream
- - Milk Money Kitchens
- - Milk and Hops
- - Milon
- - Minca Ramen Factory
- - Miracle on 9th Street
- - MoMa
- - Mochinut
- - Momofucko
- - Moonstruck Eatery
- - Mr. C's
- - Mr. Lower East Side
- - Mr. Throwback
- - Muzzarella Pizza
- - Nai Tapas Bar
- - Neapolitan Express
- - Nestor
- - New Amici
- - New York City history
- - New York Press
- - Night Music
- - Nike
- - Ninth Street Espresso
- - Nizga Liquors
- - Nomad
- - North River
- - Nón Lá
- - Oaxaca Taqueria
- - Organic Grill
- - Original Nicky's Vietnamese Sandwiches
- - Orologio
- - Overthrow
- - Overthrow Hospitality
- - P&T Knitwear
- - Paloma Rocket
- - Pardon My French
- - Penny Farthing
- - Perbacco
- - Petco
- - Peter Jarema Funeral Home
- - Phase 2
- - Picnic
- - Pie Face
- - Pizza Bagel Cafe
- - Plump Dumpling
- - Port 41
- - Pourt
- - Prima Strada
- - Project Renewal
- - Pushcart Coffee
- - Pussy Galore
- - Queens
- - RCN Cable
- - Raclette
- - Raising Cane's
- - Rakka Cafe
- - Ranger Rob
- - Raul Candy Store
- - Raul's Barber Shop
- - Rawvolution
- - Raíz Modern Mexican
- - Rite-Aid
- - Robataya
- - Rockwood Music Hall
- - Ruby's
- - Rue-B
- - Ruffian Wine Bar
- - Russian & Turkish Baths
- - Saint's Alp Teahouse
- - Sammy's Roumanian Steak House
- - Saturday nights
- - Saul Leiter
- - Scooter LaForge
- - Search & Destroy
- - Sexyflow
- - Sheen Brothers
- - Shoolbred's
- - Sintir
- - Sirovich Senior Center
- - Sixth Street and Avenue B Community Garden
- - Soho Billiards
- - Solas
- - Southern Cross Coffee
- - Spazio Amanita
- - Spider-man
- - Spina
- - St. James Place
- - St. Mark's Church-in-the-Bowery
- - St. Mark's horror show
- - Standings
- - Steamy Hallows
- - Steve Cannon
- - Stiv Bators
- - Strings Ramen
- - Sugar Sketch
- - SummerStage
- - Sundays
- - Sustainable NYC
- - Tacos Cholula
- - Tamam
- - Tatsu Ramen
- - The 4th Street Food Co-op
- - The Cardinal
- - The Chippery
- - The Coffee Shop
- - The Cure
- - The Dumpling Shop
- - The East Luxe
- - The Fourth
- - The Gorgeous Ladies of Bloodwrestling
- - The Hard Swallow
- - The Living Gallery
- - The Nathaniel
- - The New Museum of Contemporary Art
- - The Pigeon lady
- - The Russian Orthodox Cathedral
- - The Smith
- - The Tang
- - The Third Man
- - The Village Scandal
- - The Warriors
- - Third Rail Coffee
- - Thursday Kitchen
- - Tim Burton
- - Toasted Deli
- - Ton-Up Cafe
- - Tower Brokerage
- - Town and Village Synagogue
- - Trash & Vaudeville
- - Trayvon Martin
- - Tree Bistro
- - Trek
- - Trinity Lower East Side
- - Trumps
- - Twin Peaks
- - Twist
- - Two Boots Restaurant
- - USA Super Stores
- - Ummburger
- - Union Square holiday market
- - Vandaag
- - Vasmay Lounge
- - Via Della Scrofa
- - Viking Waffles
- - Villacemita
- - Village Kids Footwear
- - Wai? Cafe
- - Weekend at Bernie's
- - Wendigo
- - West Village
- - What About Me
- - Wicked Wolfe BBQ
- - William Barnacle Tavern
- - Willie Nelson
- - Wonder
- - World Trade Center
- - Wyndham Garden Hotel
- - Yogurt Station
- - Yuan Noodle
- - Zaragoza Mexican Deli & Grocery
- - Zerza
- - Zoning for Quality and Affordability
- - Zucker
- - a good start
- - a gradient of glazing apertures
- - abandoned Citi Bikes
- - activism
- - ad campaigns
- - additions
- - another hotel
- - apartment ads are terrible
- - baby Luna
- - bad movies
- - bands
- - bars without TVs
- - bike thieves
- - bomb squad
- - boners
- - books that we will buy
- - brass bands
- - bro
- - bus ads
- - car alarms
- - car crashes
- - carpet
- - christmas ruined
- - city budget
- - condoms
- - corn dogs
- - corner delis
- - corners
- - crane tragedy
- - dewatering
- - discarded things
- - dorm
- - driveways
- - driving in the East Village
- - drones
- - drunch
- - drunks
- - e-waste-apalooza
- - eBay
- - egg cream
- - election day
- - expensive co-ops
- - faded ads
- - fall 2017
- - fallen limbs
- - falling bricks
- - film crews
- - fire jumping
- - fire trucks
- - fish
- - fledgling
- - floods
- - frathole
- - gags
- - ghost bikes
- - gloom and doom
- - golf clubs
- - good songs
- - gorillas
- - graffiti artists
- - great movies
- - green
- - grilled cheese
- - harassment
- - hate crime
- - haunted houses
- - heartthrobs we've never heard of
- - hey kids get off my lawn
- - high jinx
- - highjinks
- - holy shit
- - iPad
- - iPhones
- - juvenile hawks
- - liquor stores
- - look it's 14th Street
- - lost turtles
- - manhole explosion
- - massage
- - microwaves
- - monsters
- - movies
- - murder
- - music
- - neighbor battles
- - new Yankee Stadium
- - new building
- - new businesses
- - night heron
- - not better than a Duane Reade or Starbucks
- - open fire hydrants
- - open house
- - papier-mâché man
- - parking lots
- - parking tickets
- - parrots
- - pavers gonna pave
- - peeing in public
- - penthouse I could never afford
- - photo follies
- - photography
- - pile driver
- - pirates
- - plants
- - police barricades
- - politics
- - porn
- - puddles
- - reader mailbag
- - reindeers
- - renovations
- - renters
- - rezoning
- - ridiculous amenities
- - sandwiches
- - save the Bowery
- - schools
- - selfies
- - sex sells
- - slow zone
- - slush
- - small cars
- - snow news day
- - so many L train labels
- - soccer
- - splatter
- - splops
- - spring 2019
- - squats
- - stop work orders
- - storm damage
- - stormy weather
- - street photography
- - studios
- - summer 2012
- - summer rentals
- - sunflower plants
- - sunrises
- - surveys
- - swine flu epidemic
- - terrible ads
- - that kind of weird sushi place on the Bowery
- - the Connelly Theater
- - the Half Gallery
- - the Library
- - the Stranglers
- - the Stuyvesant Polyclinic
- - the Wild Project
- - the homeless
- - the police
- - the pope
- - the reflective pond of Avenue A
- - the way we live now
- - things we like
- - trucks
- - turkey
- - ugly buildings
- - unfunny humor
- - vodka
- - we'll always have the L train
- - weeds
- - white lacquered kitchen cabinetry
- - wigs
- - wind of the century
- - your new neighbors
- - zpizza
- - "007"
- - 109 E. 9th St.
- - 11-13 Avenue D
- - 114 E. 10th St.
- - 115 Avenue C
- - 115 E. 9th St.
- - 116 St. Mark's Place
- - 122 Second Ave.
- - 125 Second Ave.
- - 126-128 E. 13th St.
- - 128-130 First Avenue
- - 130 First Ave.
- - 133 Second Ave.
- - 137 Avenue A
- - 14+C
- - 145 Second Ave.
- - 153 Avenue B
- - 170 Avenue A
- - 171 1st Ave.
- - 179 Ludlow Street
- - 181 Avenue A
- - 188 Allen Street Gallery
- - 19-23 St. Mark's Place
- - "1985"
- - "1987"
- - "1997"
- - 2 Gold Street
- - 201 E. Second St.
- - "2016"
- - 21 E. Second St.
- - 212 Arts
- - 225 Avenue B
- - 225 E. Houston St.
- - 229 E. 13 St.
- - 23 Wall Street
- - 249 E. Second St.
- - 265 E. Houston St.
- - 273 Mott Street
- - 276 E. Third St.
- - 29 Third Ave.
- - 305 E. 11th St. and 310 E. 12th St.
- - 315 Bowery
- - 32 St. Mark's Place
- - 320 E. Sixth St.
- - 325 E. 10th St.
- - 325 E. 10th Street
- - 333 E. 14th St.
- - 35 Stuyvesant St.
- - 350 E. 10th St.
- - 350 E. Ninth St.
- - 355 Bowery
- - 358 Bowery
- - 42 E. 2nd St.
- - 420 E. 12th St.
- - 432 E. 13th St.
- - 48 Clinton St.
- - 5 Napkin Burger Express
- - 511 E. Fifth St.
- - 55 Avenue C
- - 56 E. 1st St.
- - 58 E. 1st St.
- - 606 Broadway
- - 619 E. 6th St.
- - 64 Second Ave.
- - 64 Seventh St.
- - 6B Community Garden
- - 710 E. Ninth St.
- - 75 Degrees Cafe & Bakery
- - 751 E. 6th St.
- - 809 Broadway
- - 82 E. 10th St.
- - 85 Second Ave.
- - "886"
- - 8bc
- - 95 Avenue B
- - 98 Favor Taste
- - 99 Second Avenue
- - AO Bowl
- - Abraço Espresso
- - Afandi Grill
- - Ahimsa
- - Albert Trummer
- - Aliens of Brooklyn
- - All The King's Horses Cafe
- - Allen Street
- - Allied Hardware
- - Alphaville
- - Amanda Bynes
- - Amor Bakery
- - Angelika Kitchen
- - Animal House
- - Antifolk Festival
- - Apiary
- - Apollo Bagels
- - Arnold Schwarzenegger
- - Arthur Russell
- - Asher Levy Playground
- - Atlas Cafe
- - Attorney Street
- - Aubreve Espresso
- - Auriga Cafe
- - Avenue A Sushi
- - Avenue A cornfield
- - B and H
- - BBQ
- - Back Forty
- - Bagel Market
- - Bago
- - Bait and Hook
- - Bakeri
- - Bar Bacon
- - Bar Primi
- - Bar Taco
- - Barnyard Express
- - Bastille Day
- - Beard Papa's
- - Becky's Bites
- - Beekman Street
- - Beetle House
- - Beijing Express
- - Belcourt
- - Ben Stiller
- - Bento Burger
- - Beyond Sushi
- - Beyond Vape
- - Bib Gourmand
- - Bin 141
- - Bingbox Snow Cream
- - Black & White
- - Black Ant
- - Black Emperor
- - Black Friday
- - Blah Blog Blah
- - Blank City
- - Blast of Silence
- - Blick
- - Blue & Gold Tavern
- - Blue 9 Burger
- - Blue and Cream
- - Blue and Gold Tavern
- - Bluestone Lane Coffee
- - Bodhi Tree
- - Bowery Beef
- - Bowery Coffee
- - Bowery Market
- - Bowery Poetry
- - Brandon Sines
- - Brindle Room
- - Bronx Brewery
- - Brooklyn Bean Roastery
- - Brooklyn Dark Hemp Bar
- - Brooklyn Piggies
- - Burrata Pizza
- - By Chloe
- - Cabrini Nursing Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation
- - Cafe Sandra
- - Cafe Silan
- - Caffe Corretto
- - Caffe Cotto
- - Café Social 68
- - Caleta
- - Camellia
- - Can't Stop the Music
- - Candace Bushnell
- - Cannabis Parade
- - Carmen Pabon
- - Carmine's
- - Cat Power
- - Central Park
- - Central bar
- - Chao Chao
- - Chef's Local Harvest
- - Chi Ken
- - Chinese Graffiti
- - Christ
- - Christmas 2016
- - Christmas in December
- - Christo and everyone
- - Churro Cone
- - Cinnamon Girl
- - Citi bank
- - CityRacks
- - Clay Pot
- - Clint Mario
- - Clinton Street Baking Company
- - Cloister Cafe
- - Club 57
- - CoCo Fresh Tea and Juice
- - Columbia students
- - Come Back Daily
- - Commerce Bank
- - Common Ground
- - Community Council
- - Company
- - Company Bar and Grill
- - Con Edison
- - Cooper Station
- - Cooper Station Post Office
- - Cornerstone Cafe
- - Cosmic Cantina
- - Cowgirl Cupcake
- - Cristina Martinez
- - Cro-Mags
- - Crocodile Lounge
- - Crossroads Trading
- - Cup and Saucer
- - Cure Thrift Shop
- - Cutlets
- - DOT
- - DSNY
- - Daily News
- - Dance Parade 2009
- - Dance Parade 2014
- - Dance Parade 2015
- - Dance Parade 2022
- - Danny's Cycles
- - Dante and Diego
- - Darinka
- - David Duchovny
- - David Godlis
- - David Lynch
- - David's Bagels
- - David's Cafe
- - Davidovich Bakery
- - Daylight Savings Time
- - De-Flea Market
- - Dempsey's
- - Di Bella Bros.
- - Dia
- - Dian Kitchen
- - Dick Tracy
- - Dim Sum Palace
- - Dorothy Day
- - Double Down Saloon
- - Double Wide
- - Downtown Beirut
- - Downtown Burritos Cocina Mexicana
- - Downtown Music Gallery
- - Dr. Doom 6 First St.
- - Dry Dock Playground
- - Dual Specialty Store
- - Dunkin'
- - Durden
- - Dwell95
- - EV Grieve is now interviewing bikes
- - EV Grieve leaves a note from EV Grieve
- - Earth School
- - East Third Street
- - East 9th Street
- - East River Park Track
- - East River bandshell
- - East Side Tavern
- - East Village Books
- - East Village History Project
- - East Village Podcasts
- - East Village Social
- - East Village Village street scenes
- - East Village Wines
- - East Village streetreetscenes
- - East Village weekends
- - East Yoga
- - East of Bowery
- - EastVille Comedy Club
- - Economy Candy
- - Eighth Avenue
- - Eileen Fisher
- - El Churro
- - El Colmado
- - El Maguey y La Tuna
- - El Primo Red Tacos
- - Election 2012
- - Election 2013
- - Eleven Consignment Boutique
- - Eli Manning
- - Elizabeth Street
- - Eric Garner
- - Essex Squeeze
- - Etherea Records
- - Evelyn Drinkery
- - Everything Bagels
- - Evil Katsu
- - Exchange Alley
- - Extell Lake
- - Fasta
- - Fat Cat Kitchen
- - Father's Heart Ministry Center
- - FedEx
- - Federal Reserve
- - Fiona Silver
- - Five Tacos
- - Flinders Lane
- - Flo Fox
- - Florent
- - Flywheel Sports
- - Fourth Arts Block
- - Frank
- - Friday the 13th
- - Fries Factory
- - Frisson Espresso
- - Fuku
- - Fun City Tattoo
- - Furry Land Pet Supplies
- - GG Allin
- - GNC
- - Gabriel Stulman
- - Gale Brewer
- - Gavin DeGraw
- - Gia
- - Ginger
- - Glaze
- - Glizzy's
- - Gnocco
- - Gods
- - Good Beer
- - Good Records NYC
- - Gothic Cabinet Craft
- - Grace Farrell
- - Gramercy Cafe
- - Grand Sichuan
- - Grape and Grain
- - Great Jones Street
- - Greekito
- - Green Thumb
- - Greenwich Village
- - Guac
- - Guerra Paint & Pigment Corp.
- - Gusto House
- - HSBC
- - Hakata Hot Pot
- - Hamilton Fish Park
- - Hamilton Fish Park Library
- - Hanjoo
- - Hanksy
- - Hanoi Soup Shop
- - Hanukkah
- - Harry & Ida's
- - Harry and Ida's Meat & Supply Co.
- - Harvest Arts Festival
- - Hattie Hathaway
- - Heath Ledger
- - HiLa tHe KiLLA
- - High Vibe
- - Himalayan Vision
- - Hollywood in the East Village
- - Honest Chops
- - Honeybee
- - Hospital Productions
- - Hot Pot Central
- - Hotel Indigo
- - Hotel Reserve
- - Hou Yi Hot Pot
- - Housing Works Cannabis Co.
- - Houston Village Farm
- - Hub Thai
- - Hurricane Maria
- - I Coppi
- - INA
- - Ian Schrager
- - Ichibantei
- - Ikinari Steak
- - In Vino
- - Instant Noodle Factory
- - Intermix
- - Iris Bakery Cafe
- - It's hot
- - Ivanka Trump
- - J-Mar Special Touch barber shop
- - J-Spec
- - J. Baczsky's East Village Meat Market
- - JAM Paper & Envelope
- - Jakobson Properties
- - Jaws
- - Jazba
- - Jeepney
- - Jeff Bridges
- - Jeff Koons
- - Jell & Chill
- - Jen the bookseller
- - Jeremy Lin
- - Jersey Shore
- - Jimi Hendrix
- - Jimmy Carbone
- - Jolene
- - Jones LES
- - JuiceGo
- - Julian Casablancas
- - Juneteenth
- - Just for Fen
- - KC Gourmet Empanadas
- - Kamakura Coffee Shop
- - Katinka
- - KavasutrA
- - Kebab Garden
- - Ken Friedman and April Bloomfield
- - Keybar
- - Khiladi
- - Kids Dental
- - Km1
- - Kona Coffee and Company
- - Korean hot dogs
- - Kung Fu Tea
- - La Palapa
- - Lancelotti Housewares
- - Le Gamin Cafe
- - Leftover Crack
- - Leonard Abrams
- - Lexington Avenue
- - Liberty Street
- - Librae Bakery
- - Limited to One
- - Lion Beerstore
- - Little Amal
- - Lois
- - Lollo Italian Restaurant
- - Lords of the New Church
- - Los Tacos
- - Lovecraft Bar
- - Low Life
- - Lucky bar
- - Luzzo's
- - M9
- - Mad Hatters
- - Mad Men
- - Mad for Chicken
- - Madame Vo BBQ
- - Madman Espresso
- - Mahalo New York Bakery
- - Makki Deli & Grocery
- - Mama's Bar
- - Mambo Italiano Pizzeria
- - Mancora
- - Marc Jacobs
- - Marcha Cocina
- - Marinara Pizza
- - Martin Luther King Jr.
- - Martin Scorsese
- - Mary O'Hallorans
- - Mayahuel
- - McCain
- - McKinley Playground
- - Meet Noodles
- - Meg
- - Meineke Car Care Center
- - Mermaid Parade
- - MetroCard
- - Mi Tea
- - Milk Burger
- - Mimi's Hummus
- - Miracle Grill
- - Mister Softee
- - Mitali East
- - Mitt Romney
- - Modern Love Club
- - Moira Johnston
- - Moko
- - Mona's Bar
- - Monk
- - Montauk Salt Cave
- - Moral Panic
- - Morrissey
- - Mr. Bing
- - Mr. Pizza
- - Mr. Robot
- - Mug & Cup
- - NY Grill & Deli
- - NYC Anarchist Film Festival
- - NYC Icy
- - NYPD Tweet Tower
- - Nathan Kensinger
- - National Night Out
- - Navy Yard Cocktail Lounge
- - Netflix
- - New Corner Magazine
- - New York City business
- - New York Comedy Club
- - New York Jets
- - New York Knicks
- - New York Macaroni Co.
- - New York Public Library
- - New York Stock Exchange
- - New York bands
- - Night of 1000 Stevies
- - Nonna's Pizza
- - Nor'easter
- - Norman's Sound & Vision
- - Nutella Cafe
- - O'Hanlon's
- - Octavia's Porch
- - Octoberfest
- - Oh K-Dog
- - Oktoberfest
- - Olivier Sarkozy
- - Olympic Restaurant
- - One Great Jones Alley
- - Ori Carino
- - P.F. Chang's
- - PJ O’Rourke
- - PYT
- - Pabst Blue Ribbon
- - Pado
- - Pak Punjab Deli and Grocery
- - Panache Cafe
- - Patisserie Florentine
- - Patrick Swayze
- - Paul Dougherty
- - Pearl Diner
- - Pearl Theatre Company
- - Peet's Coffee
- - Penn Badgley
- - Penn Station
- - Peridance
- - Peter Hujar
- - Petopia
- - Philip Seymour Hoffman
- - Pier 42
- - Pinks Cantina
- - Pizza Rollio
- - Pizza Shop
- - Poke Village
- - Pop's Eat-Rite
- - Port Authority
- - Portal
- - Porto Rico Importing Co.
- - Pretty Sick
- - Prime and Beyond New York
- - Prince Tea House
- - Puck Fair
- - Punto Rojo
- - Queen Vic
- - Quintessence
- - Quiznos
- - RIchard Sandler
- - Ralph's Famous Italian Ices
- - Rapture Cafe
- - Ravagh Persian Grill
- - Ray Deter
- - Red & Gold Crab Shack
- - Red Gate Bakery
- - Red Hook Lobster Pound
- - Reverend Billy
- - Rififi
- - Robert Ceraso
- - Robert DeNiro
- - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
- - Rolling Stone
- - Roseland Ballroom
- - Rosemary's Baby
- - Rosie's Mexican
- - Royale
- - Ruby's Cafe
- - Rue B
- - Rue St. Denis
- - Rustico
- - S & P Liquor & Wine
- - SMØR Bakery
- - Sage Kitchen
- - Sahara East
- - Sally Davies
- - Sammy
- - Sammy's Halal
- - Sammy's Roumanian Steakhouse
- - Sanatorium
- - Sandwicherie
- - Sanpoutei Ramen
- - Sanshi Noodle House
- - Santa Barbara Deli Superette
- - Sarge's
- - Savor Por Favor
- - Schmackary's
- - Scooby-Doo
- - Screaming Mimi's
- - Seasoned Vegan
- - Second on Second
- - Sei Shin Dojo
- - Sensitive Skin
- - Sestina
- - Shakespeare
- - Shakespeare in the Parking Lot
- - Shepard Fairy
- - Shima
- - Shops of Fifth Street
- - Sid Vicious
- - Siggy's
- - Silky Kitchen
- - Sister Midnight
- - Sixth Street Specials
- - Skateboard Gardener
- - Smithereens
- - Smoke and Beer
- - Soho House
- - Somtum Der
- - Spark Pretty
- - Spicy Moon
- - Spinner's
- - Spiritea
- - Spooksvilla + Friends
- - Spots' Cafe
- - St. Mark's Burger
- - St. Mark's Hotel
- - St. Marks Cinema
- - Steve Cuozzo
- - Steve's on the Bowery
- - Steven Croman
- - Stonewall
- - Stranded Records
- - Sun's Laundry
- - Sunny & Annie's
- - Sunrise Mart
- - Sweet Smell of Success
- - Sweet Village Marketplace
- - Sylvain Sylvain
- - T-Mobile
- - T-shirts
- - T.G.I. Friday's
- - TIle Bar
- - TK Kitchen
- - TabeTome
- - Table 12
- - Tableside
- - Tai Thai
- - Tal Bagels
- - Tamam Falafel
- - Taqueria St. Mark's
- - Tasti D-Lite
- - Tau Delta Phi
- - Taylor Swift
- - Teriyaki Boy
- - Teso Life
- - Thailand Cafe
- - Thaimee Box
- - Thanks
- - The Alley
- - The Asphalt Jungle
- - The Avenue Cafe
- - The Beach Boys
- - The Boiler Room
- - The Boilery
- - The Bowery District
- - The Brownstone
- - The Burger Shop
- - The Carrie Diaries
- - The Commodore
- - The Dead Boys
- - The Dolly llama
- - The Donut Pub
- - The Drift
- - The East Village of Iowa
- - The Empire Strips Back
- - The Four-Leaf Clover Lady
- - The Grayson
- - The Honey Fitz
- - The Jones
- - The Knickerbocker Bar & Grill
- - The L.E.S. Dwellers
- - The Lower East Side
- - The Musical Box
- - The Málà Project
- - The New School
- - The Official Animal Rights March
- - The Onion Tree Pizza Co.
- - The Phoenix
- - The PokéSpot
- - The Porch
- - The Roost
- - The San Isidoro y San Leandro Western Orthodox Catholic Church of the Hispanic
- Mozarabic Rite
- - The Surprise Garden
- - The Vanishing City
- - The Whiskey Ward
- - The Winslow
- - They Might Be Giants
- - Three Seat Espresso
- - Tiger Lily Kitchen
- - Times Up
- - Timna
- - Timna NYC
- - Tits Dick Ass
- - Tokio7
- - Tommy Ramone
- - Tompkins Finest Deli & Grill
- - Tompkins Square
- - Tompkins Square Middle School
- - Tompkins Square Park Greenmarket
- - Top A Nails
- - Tower Records
- - Tribal Soundz
- - Triona's
- - Tut
- - USPS
- - UWS
- - Ukrainian Sports Club
- - Ukrainian community
- - Uluh Tea House
- - Unemployment Olympics
- - Uniqlo
- - University Diner
- - Unregular Pizza
- - Uogashi
- - Urban Bike Etiquette Signs
- - Vanity Fair
- - Verameat
- - Vietnamese sandwiches
- - Villa Capri
- - Village Square Pizza
- - Village Style
- - Vitamin Shoppe
- - Viva Herbal Pizzeria
- - WTF Johnny Damon
- - Wacky Wok
- - Waikiki Wally's
- - Wall 88
- - Wall 88 Restaurant
- - Wall Street the movie
- - Wara
- - Water Witch
- - Whim Golf
- - White Negro
- - Wild Combination
- - Winnie the Pooh
- - Wise Men
- - WitchsFest
- - Y7
- - Yahoo
- - Yelp
- - Yerba Buena
- - Your Desire in Food
- - Yummy House
- - Zadie's Oyster Room
- - Zen Yai Pho Shop
- - Zine Fair
- - a bedraggled man spat in anger
- - abandoned bikes
- - accidents waiting to happen
- - album cover art
- - almost summer
- - animal-loving snow shoveler
- - attack dogs
- - auctions
- - bailout
- - balls
- - banks
- - bars for sale
- - bartenders
- - baseball
- - basketball
- - beQu Juice
- - because we need more fucking hotels around here
- - beds
- - bike shares
- - birthdays
- - biscuits and jam
- - blimps
- - blizzards
- - block association
- - blog mafia
- - blogs
- - blue jays can be annoying
- - bones
- - bongs
- - boutiques
- - bras
- - building collapse
- - buildings in danger
- - buildings sold
- - burlesque
- - cafes with themes
- - candy
- - car chases
- - celebrity hangouts
- - cheap rents
- - chocolate
- - cigarettes
- - clocks
- - closed by court order
- - co-ops
- - college students
- - communists
- - concerts
- - continuing to pick on the Post
- - converted firehouses
- - cottage
- - cows
- - curbs
- - d.b.a. holiday shopping
- - davey drill
- - deaths
- - deer heads
- - derecho
- - destroying the past
- - development watch
- - dinosaurs
- - dogs in cars
- - dogs in windows
- - doomed
- - dream homes
- - eggy sauce
- - end of the world
- - epoxy finishes
- - eviction
- - evil clouds
- - explosion
- - explosions
- - fake snow
- - fakes ads
- - fall 2019
- - fall 2020
- - false alarms
- - fashion
- - fast-food mascots
- - filming in Tompkins Square Park
- - firefighters
- - fiscal crisis
- - fuck music let's paint
- - fun with Flickr
- - future development sites
- - gas explosion trial
- - gas issue
- - gas issues
- - glazed bricks
- - golf
- - golf bags
- - grass
- - gripped with fear
- - gun shots
- - hats
- - heads
- - heat
- - help wanted
- - heroin
- - high heels
- - high rents in New York City streetscenes
- - hipster vatican
- - hot air
- - hot news
- - huh
- - iSouvlaki
- - ice cream trucks
- - inflatable rats
- - interesting-looking boiler-service trucks
- - jokes that aren't funny
- - junk
- - kittens
- - laundro-bar
- - let it snow
- - lists
- - live like a rock star
- - lottery
- - manhole
- - marching bands
- - marriage murals
- - menus
- - missing heads
- - mosque
- - moving away from Manhattan
- - mysterious smells
- - needless remakes
- - new devlopment
- - new hotels
- - new shops
- - news bars
- - nice cars
- - nightmares
- - now hiring
- - nude sushi models
- - obituaries
- - old electronics
- - outdoors
- - overheard
- - pancakes
- - parking garages
- - pastel-hued townhouses
- - patios
- - patrol tower
- - pedicabs
- - peep shows
- - people who complain about buses
- - pep talks
- - phone books
- - phones
- - photo club
- - pickles
- - pipes
- - pizza run
- - preservationists
- - prom
- - public access
- - radio
- - ramenators
- - readers reports
- - restaurant openings
- - rhyme and reason
- - rich jerks
- - road work
- - rooftop parties
- - ruining the neighborhood one glitzy shop after another
- - sculpture
- - shooting fish in a barrel
- - shoplifting
- - short-term rentals
- - sidewalk collapse
- - skies
- - slices
- - slush puddles
- - smart cars
- - smashed windows
- - snakes
- - snow in July
- - solar eclipse
- - speed bumps
- - speeding
- - sports bars
- - spring 2022
- - spring break
- - steam vents
- - stereotypes
- - sticker art
- - stoop sales
- - strippers
- - stupid headlines
- - summer 2020
- - summer fridays
- - summer rain
- - sun
- - supermodels
- - supermoon
- - swearing
- - swimming in dumpsters
- - swimsuit season
- - the Chinese Hawaiian Kenpo Academy
- - the EVAC
- - the East Village Mini Market
- - the East Village Neighbors Fridge
- - the George Jackson Academy
- - the Hamilton-Holly House
- - the Horsebox
- - the Joker
- - the Lower Manhattan Congregation Jehovah's Witness
- - the Rockettes
- - the Royal WIgs
- - the Shops on East Fifth Street
- - the Superdive Diaries
- - the Ugly Duckling
- - the Village People
- - the Whitehouse
- - the same shit that you always see
- - the truth is out there
- - theater
- - things that I like
- - things that melt
- - things we don't need
- - this really has nothing to do with he East Village
- - tigers
- - tires
- - tomfoolery
- - too many bars
- - total solar eclipse
- - tour buses
- - trainwrecks
- - trash can fire
- - tree house living rooms
- - tropical storm Isaias
- - true love
- - ugh
- - urban wildlife
- - vaccinations
- - vaping
- - vegan desserts
- - vintage
- - vintage New York City TV commercials
- - warnings
- - water
- - welcome to the East Village
- - wild horses
- - window shopping
- - wings
- - winter flowers
- - yarn
- - yarn carts
- - yellow DensGlass® Sheathing
- - young love
- - '"The Limits of Control"'
- - '"closed for renovations'
- - '#Baonanas'
- - 1 Avenue B
- - 100 Gates
- - 100 Second Ave.
- - "10003"
- - 104 Second Ave.
- - 109 Avenue A
- - 10Below
- - 10th Congressional District
- - 10th Street Free Press
- - 11 Essex Street
- - 110 2nd Ave.
- - 110 St. Mark's Place
- - 116 Second Ave.
- - 116 University Place
- - 118 Second Ave.
- - 118 St. Mark's Place
- - 119 St. Mark's Place
- - 11th Street Community Garden
- - 120 E. 10th St.
- - 122 Community Center
- - 123 Avenue A
- - 128 E. Seventh St.
- - 129 Fourth Ave.
- - 12th Street bike lane
- - 132 E. Seventh St.
- - 133 E. 7th St.
- - 135 Bowery
- - 136 Second Ave.
- - 137 Second Ave.
- - 137 Second Ave. the Stuyvesant Polyclinic
- - 13th
- - 140-150 E. Seventh St.
- - 145 Avenue C
- - 149 Avenue B
- - 14D
- - 14th St. Candy & Grocery
- - 151 Avenue A
- - 151 Avenue B
- - 169 1st Ave.
- - 170 2nd Ave.
- - 172 Stanton St.
- - 175 First Ave.
- - 188 Allen
- - 194 E. Second St.
- - 194 First Ave.
- - 194-196 Avenue A
- - 195 Avenue A
- - 1960s
- - "1969"
- - "1973"
- - "1976"
- - "1977"
- - 1990s
- - "1994"
- - "1995"
- - 2003 blackout
- - "2007"
- - "2017"
- - "2018"
- - 202 First Ave.
- - 209 E. Second St.
- - 215 Chrystie
- - 220 E. 9th St.
- - 225 First Ave.
- - 231 1st Ave.
- - 235 E. 4th St.
- - 23rd Street
- - 25 Bleecker St.
- - 250 Bowery
- - 250 E. 14th St.
- - 253 E7
- - 260 Bowery
- - 263 Bowery
- - 268 E. Seventh St.
- - 27 Avenue D
- - 27 E. Seventh St.
- - 27 Second Ave.
- - 287/LES
- - 290 Mulberry
- - 292 Theatre/Gallery
- - 29B
- - 2nd Street
- - 3 E. 3rd St.
- - 30 Rock
- - 30 St. Mark's Place
- - 301 E. 10th St.
- - 308 E. Sixth St.
- - 311 E. Sixth St.
- - 327 E. 12th St.
- - 329 E. Ninth St.
- - 33 St. Mark's Place
- - 332 Bowery
- - 332 E. 6th St.
- - 337 E. 8th St.
- - 338 Bowery
- - 341 E. 10th St.
- - 343 E. Sixth St.
- - 350 W. Broadway
- - 356 Bowery
- - 37 Avenue B
- - 37 Great Jones
- - 38 Avenue B
- - 399 E. Eighth St.
- - 403 E. 8th St.
- - 404 E. 14th St.
- - 41 St. Mark's Place
- - 42 Avenue B
- - 42nd Street
- - 432-438 14th St. 438 E. 14th St.
- - 433 E. 13th St.
- - 44 Avenue B
- - 44 E. First St.
- - 44 Stuyvesant St.
- - 44. E. First St.
- - 441 E. 9th St.
- - 45 Great Jones Street
- - 45-47 Second Ave.
- - 4th Street Food Co-op
- - 5 Napkin Express
- - 50 Third Ave.
- - 50-54 Second Ave.
- - 503 E. Sixth St.
- - 503-505 E. 12th St.
- - 505 E. 12th St.
- - 51 Astor
- - 514-516 E. Sixth St.
- - 526 E. Fifth St.
- - 531-533 E. 12th St.
- - 536 E. 14th St.
- - 55 Express Tailor Repair
- - 56 St. Mark's Place
- - 58 Third Ave.
- - 5C Café and Cultural Center
- - 602 E. Sixth St.
- - 61 Fourth Avenue
- - 615 E. Sixth St.
- - 629 E. Fifth St.
- - 638 E. 12th St.
- - 639 E. 9th St.
- - 64 E. 7th St.
- - 645 E. 9th St.
- - 65 E. Second St.
- - 656 E. 12th St.
- - 7 Spices
- - 7 p.m. cheer
- - 701 E. Sixth St.
- - 72 Avenue A
- - 74 E. 4th St.
- - 746 E. 5th St.
- - 77 E. 3rd St.
- - 7th Street Burger
- - 8 Bit and Up
- - 80 E. Second St.
- - 82 Second Ave.
- - 85 Avenue A
- - 86 E. 10th St.
- - 87 E. Houston St.
- - 8th Street Winecellar
- - 9 Avenue B
- - 9 Second Avenue
- - 9 St. Mark's Place
- - 90 Third Ave.
- - "911"
- - 92 E. 7th Street
- - 92 Second Ave.
- - 92 St. Mark's Place
- - 92-94 Second Avenue
- - 94 St. Mark's Place
- - 95 First Avenue
- - 95 Wall Street
- - 96 Tears
- - 96 Third Ave.
- - 97 E. Seventh St.
- - 98 Favor
- - 99 Miles to Philadelphia
- - 9th Street Community Garden & Park
- - ': East Village history'
- - A & C Kitchen
- - A Sustainable Village
- - A'more Caffè
- - A-Rod
- - A1 Records
- - AA
- - AIG
- - Abraço
- - Absinthe
- - Academy Awards
- - Ace Frehley
- - Ace Hardware
- - Ada Louise Huxtable
- - Addiction
- - Adela Fargas
- - Afternoon
- - Ahimsa Garden
- - Akina Sushi
- - Akkas Ali
- - Al Horno Lean Mexican Kitchen
- - Alamo Drafthouse
- - Alex Harsley
- - Alex Rodriguez
- - Alphabet City Deli & Grill
- - Alphabet Lounge
- - Altes House
- - Alumni Hall
- - Amazon
- - American Deli & Grocery
- - Amigo
- - Amona Deli & Grocery
- - Amor y Amargo
- - Amore Opera
- - Amoun
- - Angels on A
- - Anonymous
- - Anthony Pisano
- - Apple
- - Après
- - Arata
- - Archangels Antiques
- - Argosy
- - Arleen Schloss
- - Arlene's Grocery
- - Army and Navy Bags
- - Arrow Bar
- - Art Bike Parade
- - Art+Ray
- - Arthur Nersesian
- - Ashlee Simpson
- - Astor Barber All-Stars
- - Astor Plate
- - Astroland
- - Astroturf
- - Atino Eyewear Optical
- - Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman
- - Audrey Hepburn
- - Aura
- - Autre Kyo Ya
- - Avenida Cantina
- - Avenue C
- - Avenue A Classic Food
- - Avenue A ice sculpture
- - Avenue Apizza
- - Avenue B Cleaners
- - Avenue C Restaurant
- - Awash
- - B Cup Cafe
- - B-52's
- - BBQ Chicken
- - BMW
- - Babel Lounge
- - Baci e Vendetta
- - Back 40
- - Back to the Future
- - Backhoe Beamer
- - Bad Habit
- - Bake Culture
- - Baked Cravings
- - Banana Leaf
- - Bar Akuda
- - Baraza
- - Barnacle Bill
- - Barney
- - Baron's Dim Sum
- - Bars at dawn
- - Bartender Wars
- - Basics
- - Be Juice
- - Beastie Boys Square
- - Bedlam
- - Beekman Tower
- - Beer & Smoke Shop
- - BeetleBug
- - Bela Lugosi
- - Bella McFadden
- - Belmont Stakes
- - Berlin — Under A
- - Best Price Deli & Grocery
- - Between the Seas Festival
- - Beyoncé
- - Big Pink
- - Biker Bill
- - Bill Murray
- - Bill Rice
- - Biomed Drugs & Surgical Supply Co.
- - Birria LES
- - Bishops and Barons
- - Bistro Cafe and Grill
- - Bite Me Best
- - Blarney Rock
- - Blessing of the Bicycles
- - Blind Barber
- - Bloom Bloom
- - Blue Bloods
- - Blue Bottle
- - Blue Bottle Coffee Company
- - Blue Man Group
- - Blue Mercury
- - Bob Gruen
- - Bob Sheppard
- - Bond Street Chocolate
- - Bondy's
- - Borkot Ullah
- - Borscht
- - Boticarios
- - Bowery Alliance of Neighbors
- - Bowery Neighbors Alliance
- - Bowery Pizza
- - Bowery at Midnight
- - Bowlmor
- - Bret Easton Ellis
- - Brighton Beach
- - Brix
- - Brix Wine Bar
- - Brix Wines
- - Broad City
- - Broadway Panhandler
- - Brooke Smith
- - Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company
- - Brothers Deli
- - Brownstone Bar & Grill
- - Bud Light
- - Buffalo Wild Wings
- - Bugs
- - Buka
- - Bulb Concepts
- - Bull McCabe's
- - Bungalow
- - Burgers on B
- - Burkelman
- - Bush
- - Butch Judy's
- - Butch Morris
- - Butterdose
- - C & B Convenience Store
- - C-Town
- - CB#
- - CBGB Gallery
- - CR7 Gourmet Deli
- - CTown
- - Cabin Down Below
- - Cacio e Vino
- - Cadillac's Castle
- - Cafe Amore
- - Cafe Brama
- - Cafe Che
- - Cafe Chrystie
- - Caffe Pepe Rosso
- - Café Charbon
- - Cake Shake
- - Campout New York Post
- - Canada
- - Capitol One
- - Captain Cookie & the Milk Man
- - Caracas
- - Caravan of Dreams
- - Carlisle Brigham
- - Casey Neistat
- - Caswell-Massey
- - Cava Grill
- - Cellar 58
- - Champion Coffee
- - Chase Plaza
- - Chat N Chew
- - Cheep's Pita Creations
- - Chef Hans
- - Cherin Sushi
- - Cheska's
- - Chewy
- - Chi Snack Shop
- - Chick-N-Smash
- - Chicken & the Egg
- - Chickpea
- - Cho-Ko
- - Chocolate Bar
- - Choice Cleaners
- - Chopt
- - Chouchou
- - Chrissy's Pizza
- - Christmas in January
- - Christmas in November
- - Chrome Cranks
- - Chrystie NYC
- - Cicadas
- - Cigkoftem
- - Cinco de Mayo
- - CineKink
- - Cinema Paradiso
- - Citizens of the Anthropocene
- - City Harvest
- - City Lore
- - City of Saints Coffee Roasters
- - City of Yes
- - Clash City Tattoo
- - Classic Man Barber Lounge
- - Clayworks Pottery
- - Cloud99 Vapes
- - Cocaine Bear
- - Cocktail
- - Coddiwomple
- - Coffee Project New York
- - Coinstar
- - Cold Stone Creamery
- - Collateral Beauty
- - Confectionery
- - Conflux festival
- - Conor's Goat
- - Continuum
- - Cookout Grill
- - Cooktop Garden
- - Cooper Craft and Kitchen
- - Cork 'n Fork
- - Count Dankula
- - Counter
- - Crab Shack
- - Craft+Carry
- - Crispy Burger
- - Crooked Tree
- - Cupid
- - Curly's
- - D-Lish Pita
- - D-list celebrities
- - DA Alvin Bragg
- - DHS
- - DL
- - Dan Witz
- - Dance Parade 2020
- - Dance Parade 2024
- - Dance Tracks
- - Daniel Boulud
- - Darth Vader
- - Dash Snow
- - David Choe
- - David Cross
- - David Dunlap
- - Day of the Dead
- - Day of the Dead Ride
- - Daydream
- - Daytripper
- - Dean & Deluca
- - Dear Rufino
- - Debi the Gardener
- - Deborah Harry
- - Dec. 25
- - Deep-set casement windows
- - Delaney Fried Chicken
- - Dennis Edge
- - Deno's
- - Desert Rose Cafe
- - Die Hard with a Vengenace
- - Dim Sum
- - Dinah Hookah Lounge
- - Dion Cleaners
- - Dok Suni
- - Dokodemo
- - Dollface Diner
- - Don Holley
- - Don Juan’s Barbershop
- - Donna Harris
- - Dorian Gray Tap & Grill
- - Dorian Grey
- - Downtown Threads
- - Döner Haus
- - Dr. Smood
- - Drom
- - Dryden Gallery
- - Dua Kafe
- - Dua Kafe Wine + Beer
- - Duane Park
- - Ducks Eatery
- - Dumpling Lab
- - DumplingGuo
- - Dunhuang East Village
- - Dutch Elm Disease
- - Dyke March
- - DöKham
- - E7 Deli & Cafe
- - EV Grieve is helpful
- - EV Grieve is now posting photos of old menus
- - EV Grieve is now posting photos of steam vents
- - EV Grieve is romantic
- - EV Grieve is vain
- - EV Grieve is writing headlines about him or herself
- - EV Grieve will burn in Hell
- - EV Grieve's favorite baseball players
- - EV Scharfman Coalition
- - EVG Etc. EV Grieve Etc.
- - East Berlin
- - East Side Gourmet Deli
- - East Side Outside Community Garden
- - East Sixth Street fire
- - East Union Square
- - East Village Acupuncture & Massage
- - East Village Bed & Coffee
- - East Village Burritos & Bar
- - East Village Buyers
- - East Village Community Cookbook
- - East Village Finest Deli
- - East Village Fruit and Vegetable
- - East Village Howler
- - East Village Independent Merchants Association
- - East Village Loves NYC
- - East Village Music Store
- - East Village Mutual Aid
- - East Village Neighbors
- - East Village Pharmacy
- - East Village artists
- - East Village map
- - East Village proposals
- - East Village rent
- - East Village s
- - East Village streetscene
- - East Villlage
- - Easter Sunday
- - Eastville ComedyClub
- - Eastville Gardens
- - Eat Pray Love
- - Ed. Varie
- - Eddie Huang
- - Edgar Oliver
- - Educational Alliance
- - Edward Arrocha
- - Eggloo
- - Eiyo Bowl
- - Electric Burrito
- - Electric Circus
- - Ella Funt & Club 82
- - Elsa
- - Elsewhere Espresso
- - Emilia by Nai
- - Emily Rubin
- - Empire Gyro
- - Enchantments
- - End of Avenue A Block Association
- - Equinox
- - Ergot Records
- - Esperanto Fonda
- - Essex Market
- - Etérea
- - Etna Tool and Die
- - Euro 2012
- - Eurocobble
- - Excel Art and Framing Store
- - Express Thali
- - Eye Beauty Spa
- - FAB Festival
- - Fab 208
- - Fabulous Fanny's
- - Fahim Saleh
- - Fair Folks & a Goat
- - Fairway
- - Faith and Hope Mission
- - Fantastic Tea Shop
- - Farmwich
- - Federal Cafe
- - Fineline Tattoo
- - Firemen's Garden
- - First Avenue and 14th Street
- - First Street Green
- - Fish Bar
- - Fit Ritual
- - Fithouse
- - Five Guys
- - Flaming Cactus
- - Flatbush
- - Flordel Florist
- - Florence and the Machines
- - Flower Power
- - Flowerbox
- - Forbidden Planet
- - Fortnight Institute
- - Forum
- - Four Four South Village
- - Four Loko
- - Fourth Street Arts Block
- - Frank Prisinzano
- - Freakfest
- - Freddy Sez
- - FreshDirect
- - 'Friday The 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan'
- - Frigid New York Festival
- - FringeNYC on Fourth
- - Friterie Belgian Fries
- - FryGuysNYC
- - Funny Face
- - Future You Café
- - G's Cheesesteaks
- - Gaia Cafe
- - Gala
- - Galleria J. Antonio
- - Gap
- - Garland Jeffreys
- - Gas Mask Bongs
- - Gemini Rosemont Development
- - Gentlemen this is Hell
- - Gil Scott-Heron
- - Gino Sorbillo
- - Girl Scout Cookies
- - Gjelina
- - Glasgow Vintage
- - Glenn Branca
- - Glinda the Good Bus
- - Gnocchi on 9th
- - God help us
- - Golody Halal Buffet
- - Gone but Not Forgotten
- - Gong Cha
- - Good Old Lower East Side
- - Good Time Pilates
- - Goofy wore a hate and drove a car
- - Google Glass
- - Google's 10th anniversary
- - Gordon Gekko
- - Gorin Ramen
- - Gothic Renaissance
- - Gov. Paterson
- - Grace Church of New York
- - Grace Exhibition Space
- - Grace Jones
- - Gramercy Kitchen
- - Grand Openings
- - Great GoogaMooga
- - Greecologies
- - Green Land Gourmet Deli
- - Gregoire Alessandrini
- - Groupon
- - Ha Noi House
- - Habib's Place
- - Haile Bistro
- - Hakata Zen
- - Half Gallery
- - Handsome Dan's
- - Hans Gruber
- - Happy Days
- - Harry Potter
- - Hash Halper
- - Hawkeye
- - Healthfully
- - Healthy Choice Foods Market
- - Heap of Ruins
- - Heaven Can Wait
- - Heavenly Market
- - Hecho en Dumbo
- - Hekate Café & Elixir Lounge
- - Helen Mirren
- - Helen the accordion lady
- - Hell's Angels
- - Hello
- - Hemingway the cat
- - Henry Street
- - Here Nor There
- - Herringbone pattern Cambric Persian White Classico honed marble tile floors
- - Hester Street Fair
- - Hetal Convenience Store
- - Hi Noona
- - Hi-Fi
- - Hibachi Dumpling Express
- - Hickey's
- - Hilary Duff
- - Hilly Kristal
- - Ho Foods
- - Hokkaido Baked Cheese Tart
- - Holiday
- - Holy Reedemer
- - Holyland Market
- - Home Town Village Convenience Store
- - Honey House
- - Honeybee's
- - Honeyfitz
- - Horridor
- - Horse Trade Theater Company
- - Hospital
- - Hot Dog
- - Hotel Carter
- - Hotel Edison
- - Hotel Ludlow
- - Housing Works
- - Howard Johnson's
- - Hummers
- - Hurri
- - Hurricane
- - I Cipressi
- - I Love Panzerotti
- - I can't sleep thinking about what might go in here
- - I don't REALLY think Predator is the greatest film ever made
- - I hate Time Warner
- - I love New York campaign
- - I posted a Rush video
- - I'd rather go swimming
- - IG-Fit
- - IHOb
- - IHOb Way
- - IQ Decor
- - Ice-T
- - Icys
- - Identity Bar and Lounge
- - Idlewild Coffee Co.
- - If You Don't like...
- - Immaculate Conception School
- - Improv Everywhere
- - Indian video store
- - Inkstop Tattoo
- - Insomnia Cookies
- - Iron Chef
- - Irving Farm New York
- - Isabella
- - J. Crew
- - JQK Floral Tea
- - JR
- - JUICE Gallery
- - James Cagney
- - James Chance
- - James Maher
- - James Panitz
- - Jane Doe
- - Jiang's Kitchen
- - Jim Andralis
- - Jim Carroll
- - Jim Joe
- - John Farris
- - John Leguizamo
- - John Lurie
- - Johnny Favorites
- - Johnny Ramone
- - Joli Beauty Bar
- - Jones Diner
- - Joselito
- - Joya Loves Louie
- - Joyface
- - Juice Vitality
- - Julep
- - Julie and Julia
- - Jum Mum
- - KGB Bar
- - Kajitsu
- - Kambi Ramen House
- - Karma Books
- - Kasadela Izakaya
- - Kate Moss
- - Kavasutra Kava bar
- - Kebabwala
- - Kelly's Sports Bar
- - Ken Schles
- - Ken and Barbie
- - Kenkeleba House
- - Kenmare Street
- - Kenneth Cole
- - Kent's Dumpling House
- - Kermit
- - Kevin Durant
- - Key Foods
- - Keyapalooza
- - Kim Kardashian
- - Kin Asian Bistro
- - Kindred
- - King Samson
- - King Tut's Wah-Wah Hut
- - Kinofest
- - Kips Bay
- - Klatch
- - Knickerbocker Village
- - Knit New York
- - Kobe Bryant
- - Koi
- - Kojak
- - Kolachi
- - Kolkata Chai Cafe
- - Kraine Theater
- - Krust
- - Kumo Sushi
- - Kuppi Coffee
- - Kyuramen
- - Kōbo by Nai
- - LES Dwellers
- - LES Ecology Center
- - LRC
- - La Cabra
- - La Colombe
- - La Contrada
- - La Isla
- - La MaMa Galleria
- - La Zarza Lounge
- - Lab 321
- - Lamia's Fish Market
- - Lana Del Rey
- - Land of Buddha
- - Landmark Bicycles
- - Lard lane
- - Larry David
- - Launderette
- - Le Burger
- - Le Phin
- - Leekan Designs
- - Legs McNeil
- - Lehman Brothers
- - Leif Garrett
- - Lena Dunham
- - Lenny Kaye
- - Lent
- - Leo the cat
- - Leonard Cohen
- - Lhasa
- - Life
- - Lil' Frankies Grocery
- - Lilly Coogan's
- - Lilly's Shakes & Crepes
- - Lily Donaldson
- - Little Joe's Pizza
- - Little Missionary's Day Nursery
- - Little Pakistan
- - Little Rebel
- - Lobster Joint
- - Loew's Avenue B
- - Loisaida
- - Loisaida Ave. Deli
- - Loisaida Center
- - Loisaida Open Street Community Coalition
- - Looker
- - Lord Hamm's
- - Lori McLean
- - Lost Lady
- - Lot Stop
- - Lot6C
- - Love Gang
- - Love Shine
- - Lovecraft
- - Lovenburg
- - Loverboy
- - Lovewild Design
- - Lower East Side People's Federal Credit Union
- - 'Lower East Side: An Endangered Place'
- - Lower Manhattan
- - Lucky Chengs
- - Lucky Star
- - Lucky's Famous Burgers
- - Lui's
- - Lume
- - Lunasa
- - Lux Living
- - M Sonii
- - M. White
- - MAD Toast House
- - Madame Vo
- - Madison Avenue
- - Madison Square Garden
- - Madison Street
- - Madonna's old house
- - Make Sandwich
- - Make love not war
- - Malcriada
- - Mama Fina
- - Mandolino Pizzeria
- - Manhattan Pawffice
- - Mannequin
- - Manon Macasaet
- - Mara's Homemade
- - March
- - March 14
- - March 2019
- - March Madness
- - March gallery
- - Mardi Gras
- - Mariah Carey
- - Mariah Carey is my inspiration
- - Marilyn Monroe
- - Markand Thakar
- - Mars Bars
- - Martha Stewart
- - Marufuku Ramen
- - Masak
- - Mascot Studio
- - Mast
- - Master Softee
- - Matt Damon
- - Matt Wolf
- - Mattress Mobile
- - Max's Kansas City
- - MedRite Urgent Care
- - Medan Pasar
- - Medina's Turkish Kitchen
- - Meet Fresh
- - Meet Me in the Bathroom
- - Melrose Place
- - Meltzer Towers
- - Memorial Day
- - Meow Parlour
- - Merica NYC
- - Meskel Ethiopian Restaurant
- - Met Fresh
- - Metropolitan Playhouse
- - Mi Casa Latina
- - Mi Garba
- - Mi Salsa Kitchen
- - Michael Brody
- - Michael Brown
- - Michael Cohen
- - Michael White
- - Mick Jagger
- - Mickey Mantle
- - Mickey Mouse
- - Middle Church
- - Mighty Mighty Bosstones
- - Mike Brown
- - Mike Doughty
- - Mila Kunis
- - Milano's
- - Millions March NYC
- - Minnie McSorley
- - Missed Connections
- - Mister Paradise
- - Mocha Red
- - Mod World
- - Momofuko
- - Monsieur Vo
- - Morton Williams
- - Motel No Tell
- - Mott Street
- - Movie Under the Stars
- - Mr. Kim
- - Mr. Moustache
- - Mud Truck
- - Mudspot
- - Muhammad Ali
- - Mulberry Street
- - Mumbles
- - Muppets
- - Murray Hill
- - My Bloody Valentine
- - Möge Tee
- - NASA
- - NY Village Deli
- - NYC Convenience Gifts
- - NYC skyline
- - NYPL
- - NYU Village
- - Nan Xiang Xiao Long Bao
- - National Ukrainian Home restaurant
- - National Youth Climate Strike
- - Natori
- - Neighborhood Loading Zone
- - Neither More Nor Less
- - Nepal
- - Nevada's Smiths
- - New Jersey
- - New Year's Day
- - New York CIty subway movies
- - New York City in the movies
- - New York City landmarks
- - New York Dolls
- - New York nightlife
- - New York radio
- - Nic Cage
- - Niconeco Zakkaya
- - Nightengale Lounge
- - Nightmarket
- - Nimble Fitness
- - Nite Owl
- - No Relation
- - Nobody is Perfect
- - Nolita Pizza
- - Noor
- - Norfolk Street
- - Norman's Sound and Vision
- - Northwest East Village
- - Nostro
- - Not Jesus
- - Novum EV
- - Now Yoga
- - NuNoodle
- - Nudibranch
- - Numero 28 Pizzeria
- - Nuovo York Pizza
- - O.O.T.D.
- - ODA House
- - OWS
- - Ocean's 8
- - Odd Eye NYC
- - Office of Nightlife
- - Offside Tavern
- - Oh-K Dog
- - Oishi Village Sushi
- - Old Fashioned Pizza
- - Old Flat Top
- - Olde Brooklyn Bagel Shoppe
- - Olivia
- - On the Mark Cleaners
- - One Zo
- - Orange is the New Black
- - Orchard Alley
- - Otafuku
- - Our Lady of Guadalupe
- - Our Lady of PMS
- - Oyama
- - O’Flaherty’s
- - P.S. 20
- - PLNT Burger
- - PS4
- - Palladium
- - Panera Bread
- - Panya
- - Papilles
- - Paradiso
- - Paris Baguette
- - Parlor
- - Parmys
- - Partea
- - Patti Astor
- - Paul Newman
- - Paul Richard
- - Penn State
- - Penny Pollak
- - People's Pops
- - Perk Espresso and Coffee Bar
- - Perry Farrell
- - Pete's Tavern
- - Pete's-A-Place
- - Peter Bennett
- - Peter Missing
- - Peter's
- - Petit Chou
- - Photo Tech
- - Photobooth
- - Piccola Positano
- - Pier 17
- - Pig & Butter
- - Pillow-Cat Books
- - Pink Bear Ice Cream
- - Pink Louds
- - Pink Olive
- - Pirate's Booty
- - Planet Rose
- - Planeta Space
- - Plantshed
- - Plantworks
- - Podunk
- - Poke N' Roll
- - Pommes Frites
- - Pope Francis
- - Popeye
- - Poppy Lofts
- - Porchetta.Hog
- - Porsena
- - Potenza Centrale
- - Predator
- - Prim Thai
- - Printed Matter
- - Public Access T.V.
- - Public Hotel
- - Puerto Rico
- - Pukk
- - Pulaski Day Parade
- - Purple Ginger
- - Q&A
- - Q. Sakamaki
- - Rachel Amodeo
- - Rake Wine Bar
- - Ralph Feldman
- - Ramen Setagaya
- - Ramen Zundo-ya
- - Ray LeMoine
- - Rebelmatic
- - Red Onion
- - Red Pepper
- - Regal Union Square Stadium 17
- - Relaxation Garden
- - Remember Me
- - Restaurant (turnover) Row
- - Restaurant Week
- - Revel
- - Revival
- - Revolutionary Road
- - Rickshaw Spidey
- - Riff
- - Rob Sacher
- - Robert Sietsema
- - Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Annex
- - Roe v. Wade
- - Roll It Up
- - Ron English
- - Root & Bone
- - Rose and Basil
- - Rose&Basil
- - Rowdy Rooster
- - Roxana Sorina Buta
- - Royal Bangladesh Indian Restaurant
- - Ruff Club
- - Run DMC
- - Run-DMC
- - Russ & Daughters
- - Russ and Daughters Cafe
- - Ryan Adams
- - Rybak Development
- - SEO baby
- - SOS Chefs
- - Saabsicle
- - Sacco
- - Saint Pizza
- - Sal's
- - Sally Beauty
- - Salter House
- - Saltwater NYC
- - Sam & Sadie Koenig Garden
- - San Franciso
- - SantaCon 2018
- - SantaCon 2022
- - SantaCon 2023
- - Sao Mai
- - Sara Curry
- - Sara D. Roosevelt Park
- - Saramsam
- - Savings Paradise
- - Scooping Sam Champion and Al Roker
- - Scully and Mulder
- - Second Hand Rose
- - Second Street Cathedral
- - Select Bus
- - Sembrado’s Tacos al Pastor
- - Sen Ya
- - Sen. Chuck Schumer
- - Serenity Spa
- - Seymour Burton
- - Shampoo Avenue B
- - Shape of Lies
- - Shaun White
- - Shea Stadium
- - Sheldon Silver
- - Shibuyala
- - Shinbashi
- - Shinbashi Sushi
- - Shinn East
- - Sid and Nancy
- - Sidney's Five
- - Sioné
- - Skinny Buddha
- - Sleepy's
- - Slider's
- - Sliders
- - Sly Fox
- - Smell it like Beckham
- - Smokey and the Bandit references
- - Snack Bowery
- - Snickers
- - Snowdays
- - Snowvember
- - Soda Club
- - Solo Pizza
- - Song 7.2
- - Sorbet Cray Cray
- - Sorbillo
- - Souen
- - South Bronx
- - South Florida
- - Spice Cove
- - Spike's
- - Spot Dessert Bar
- - Spot Dessert Shoppe
- - Spotted Lanternfly
- - Spring Into Pride
- - St Mark's Place
- - St. John's
- - St. Marks Bar and Grill
- - St. Marks Barbershop
- - St. Mark’s Comics
- - Standard East Village
- - Starbanks
- - Stargirl
- - Staten Island Ferry
- - Staten Island Yankees
- - Stealing images from I Am Legend
- - Steve Keene
- - Still House
- - Stoned Gourmet Cannabis Pizza
- - Stop Asian Hate
- - Storm of the Feb. 8
- - Straight Outta Tompkins
- - Strauss
- - StuyTown
- - Stuyraq
- - Stuyvesant Gourmet Deli
- - Subman
- - Sugared+Bronzed
- - Sullivan St. bakery
- - Sunday Dreamin'
- - Sunflower
- - Sunflower Bean
- - Supercuts
- - Surprise! Surprise! high rents
- - Sushi Fan
- - Sushi by M
- - Switch
- - Szechuan Mountain House
- - T Swirl Crepe
- - T-swirl crêpes
- - TKettle
- - TR Crandall Guitars
- - TV Grieve
- - Tabby Twitch
- - Table Verta
- - Tacombi
- - Tacos El Porky
- - Tahini
- - Tailors Atelier of NY
- - Taiwan Bear House
- - Takahachi
- - Talking Heads
- - Taqueria Diana
- - Tasty Garden
- - Tatyana
- - Taverna Kyclades
- - Tea Dealers
- - Tea Drunk
- - Ten Degrees Bistro
- - Terroir
- - Tesla
- - Thai Terminal
- - Thai me up
- - Thaimee Table
- - Thayer
- - The Athenian NYC
- - The Bank
- - The Barrel
- - The Black 6 Coffee Trading Co.
- - The Blacklist
- - The Blind Pig
- - The Braised Shop
- - The Brant Foundation
- - The Deep End Club
- - The Dip
- - The Dolar Shop
- - The East Village Brownstone
- - The East Village Film Series
- - The East Village New Deli
- - The Eddy
- - The Eyes of Laura Mars
- - The French Connection
- - The High Line
- - The Hole
- - The Immigrant Tap Room
- - The Joint
- - The Lions Bar & Grill
- - The Marvelous Mrs. Marvel
- - The Mayfly
- - The Mighty Quinn
- - The Nite Owl
- - The Nugget Spot
- - The Pink Elephant
- - The Red Room
- - The Royal
- - The Space at Tompkins
- - The Standard hotel
- - The Summer of Bees
- - The Swarm
- - The Thirsty Scholar
- - The University of the Streets
- - The Upper Rust
- - The V-Spot
- - The Village
- - The Virgins
- - The Wren
- - Theatre Condos
- - Think Coffee
- - Third Avenue East Village streetscenes
- - Third North dorm
- - Thirstea Café tea shop
- - Three Seat Espresso & Barber
- - Tiffany's
- - Timbuktu
- - Time Square
- - Tina's Cuban Cuisine
- - Tinkersphere
- - Tiny Empire
- - Tio Pio
- - Todd Hase
- - Tokmpkins Square Greenmarket
- - Tom Verlaine
- - Tom's Juice
- - Tompkins Square Bar
- - Tompkins Square Dog
- - Tompkins Square Park Art Bar
- - Tompkins Square Park Bagels
- - Tompkins Square Park quinzhee
- - TonkatsuYa
- - Tony's Famous Pizza
- - Topshop
- - Toucan and the Lion
- - Town Hall Meeting
- - Trader Joe's Pronto
- - Tramonti Pizza
- - Tre Scalini
- - Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
- - Tribeca Pediatrics
- - Tsukimi
- - Tyson Beckford
- - Ukrainian National Home
- - Union Square Greenmarket
- - Union Square Supply
- - Unleashed by Petco
- - Untitled
- - Urban Lobster
- - Urban Tree Etiquette Signs
- - Utrecht
- - VVN’s Tea
- - Vanessa's Dumpling House
- - Vanishing New York
- - Veeray Da Dhaba
- - Vegan Grill
- - Vegtown Juice
- - Veloce Pizzeria
- - Verdigreen
- - Vicky's
- - Village Cafe & Grill
- - Village Farm and Grocery
- - Village Joker
- - Village X
- - Vin Sur Vingt Wine Bar
- - Vincent D'Onofrio
- - Vinyl
- - Viva Cucina
- - Vogue
- - Vspot
- - W.H. Auden
- - WNYC
- - Walmart
- - Walter Kühr
- - Walter Wlodarczyk
- - Wanyoo Café
- - Washington Mutual
- - Wen Hui Ruan
- - Wen Ruan Hui
- - Wendy O. WIlliams
- - Wi-Fi
- - Wild Mirrors
- - Wild Rabbit Coffee
- - Will Smith
- - William Burroughs
- - Wingstop
- - Wolfgang Puck
- - Woody Allen
- - XEO Cantina
- - XYZ
- - Xi'an Famous Foods
- - Xing Fu Tang
- - Y Cafe
- - YGF Malatang
- - Yam!
- - Yankee Tavern
- - Yi Fang Taiwan Fruit Tea
- - Yiddish Theatre Walk of Fame
- - Yo La Tengo
- - Yoli Restaurant
- - Yoo's Convenience Store
- - You'll never eat lunch in this Roastown again
- - Young Republicans
- - Yubu
- - Yummy Hive
- - ZaabVer Thai
- - Zagat's
- - Zaitzeff
- - Zen Palate
- - Zhe Zhe
- - Zi Pep
- - Ziegfeld Theatre
- - Zipper
- - Zucker Bakery
- - a dive bar no more
- - abs
- - afternoon delight
- - air
- - air pollution
- - alarms
- - aliens
- - angry neighbors
- - animal rights
- - annoying people
- - apartments for rent
- - art in odd places
- - asphalt
- - assholes
- - backhouses
- - backpacks
- - baked apple
- - banana
- - band ads
- - bands that make you go zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
- - bandshell
- - bars that I've never been to
- - basements
- - bats
- - bawdy turbulence
- - being an asshole
- - being boring talking about how much better things were then
- - being really dramatic
- - being too earnest
- - big-ass condos
- - bike corrals
- - bikers
- - bikini models covered in mud
- - black duvetyne
- - bling
- - block party
- - blond-tailed squirrel
- - bobbleheads
- - bomb scare
- - bombogenesis
- - book excerpt
- - books that we will never read
- - bookstores
- - bouncy rides
- - bowling
- - break ins
- - breakfast
- - bricks
- - broken hips
- - brokers
- - bubble man
- - buildings
- - buses that caught fire
- - cafes
- - camels
- - campers
- - cat cafe
- - celebrities
- - chairs in trees
- - cheap beer
- - cheesy TV commercials
- - chess tables
- - classic New York
- - classics
- - clever ideas
- - closed for some reasons
- - closings
- - clothing exchange
- - cobblers
- - cold case
- - collision
- - comments
- - community affairs
- - community journalism at its finest
- - community spirt
- - complaints
- - compost
- - concrete blocks
- - cone-eating sewer grates
- - controversies
- - cooling centers
- - costumes
- - crack
- - cracks
- - crime beat
- - crimes
- - crosses
- - curb your dog
- - curfew
- - dancing
- - dangerous chicken
- - date night
- - dating
- - de-dorm isn't really a word
- - deliveries
- - dessert trucks
- - dicks Penetrator
- - diners
- - disappearing New York
- - disaster relief
- - discarded hearts
- - discarded toilets
- - disco
- - divorces
- - do not try this at home
- - doors
- - dorks with cameras
- - driving in New York
- - drug store wars
- - dude
- - duh
- - easter bunnies
- - eat me
- - economy
- - election 2022
- - electrical shock
- - every Friday at 5. music videos
- - fake news
- - fake orgasms
- - famous bikes
- - father's day
- - ferrets
- - film shoots
- - fire escapes
- - fire scare
- - fireballs
- - first world problems
- - fish heads
- - fish market
- - flashbacks
- - food halls
- - foosball
- - for lease
- - former snow
- - found photos
- - free meals
- - free screenings
- - friendly as the DMV
- - fruit stand
- - fuck yeah
- - fun landlords
- - fun with the media
- - fungi
- - gangsters
- - gardens
- - giant pencils
- - giving cats a bad name
- - glinting East River
- - goats
- - good day for a road trip to the far ends of the Earth
- - good deals
- - good morning
- - good things
- - great bands
- - great concerts
- - great horse races
- - great places
- - great songs
- - groceries
- - gross-looking food
- - gumball machines
- - guns
- - gushers
- - hackers
- - halal carts
- - happy hours
- - hardcore
- - have bedbugs will travel
- - headlines like Time Out New York coverlines
- - heh
- - hide
- - hit-and-run
- - hmm -- beer and cupcakes
- - hoarding
- - hoaxes
- - holiday decorations
- - holiday markets
- - homemade videos
- - horror shows
- - horses
- - hostels
- - hot ass
- - hot dog vendors
- - hot pot
- - housing costs
- - how many exclamation points can I use in one post
- - iGirl
- - ice skates
- - ices
- - idiots who drive stupid cars
- - if you see something say something
- - important questions
- - important research
- - in memorium
- - independent stores
- - inflatables
- - jet skis
- - jugs of urine
- - just another Saturday night
- - kale
- - killjoys
- - kissing
- - kitchen sinks
- - knitty gritty
- - lakes
- - landmarks
- - laundro-cafe
- - le Petit Parisien
- - leads
- - leaks
- - legal washer dryers
- - let's get drunk
- - life's a beach
- - lingerie
- - linkbaiting
- - litter
- - little puppies
- - local TV news sucks
- - local businesses
- - looting
- - lowriders
- - lunar eclipse
- - luxury
- - mail
- - mailboxes
- - matcha tea
- - matresses
- - meat
- - memorials
- - mh PROJECT nyc
- - mice
- - mirrors
- - missing paintings
- - mistakes
- - mom and pop
- - movie theaters
- - moving on up
- - moving to Manhattan
- - my Maserati does 185
- - mysterious holes
- - mysterious vans
- - n'eat
- - nasty-smelling smoke
- - new
- - new hotel
- - new storefront
- - new url
- - ngine 28 and Ladder 11
- - nice days
- - no ball playing
- - nude paintings
- - nudity
- - oil
- - old TV shows
- - op-ed
- - open fire hyrdrant
- - open houses
- - opening parties
- - openings 2019
- - order from Odessa
- - original photography
- - ousting tenants
- - owls
- - packages
- - panic shopping
- - panuozzo
- - parakeet
- - parking meters
- - parlors
- - partying
- - pass me a tuna roll
- - pasta your way
- - pastrami
- - pathmark
- - pavement
- - peace
- - peeing on the subway
- - pests
- - petitions
- - pilates
- - pillows
- - pink houses
- - pink shirts
- - pink sports bras
- - pit bulls
- - pitbulls
- - pity purchases
- - pizza wars
- - places that I love
- - plastic
- - polar vortex
- - police cars
- - population
- - pork pie hats
- - possum
- - potato chips
- - pretty much lost all control of this site now
- - puns
- - pussies
- - putting naked woman as a tag to see how many people will be disappointed
- - ragers
- - rain and wind
- - rainbow
- - random acts of kindness
- - readers report
- - reality shows
- - record covers
- - red zebra sweaters
- - red-taild hawks
- - refrigerator
- - renderings
- - rent control
- - rent regulations
- - robot butlers
- - roof parties
- - rooftop garden
- - rotisserie chicken
- - running a joke into the ground
- - salons
- - salt spreader
- - sand
- - sandbox
- - sausage
- - saying fuck
- - scandals
- - scanvenger hunt
- - screams
- - secret bars
- - seized
- - sharks
- - shattered glass
- - shaved ice
- - shoddy reporting
- - shoe repair shops
- - shoes
- - shorts at the office
- - sidewalk fires
- - single-story buildings
- - sketchy blue boxes
- - sleeping
- - sleet
- - slow deaths
- - small apartments
- - small victories in the East Village
- - smashing pumpkins
- - smokeshop
- - snow cream
- - snow in April
- - snow in November
- - snowboarding
- - snuggies
- - spring 2016
- - spring 2018
- - spring 2023
- - spring forward
- - star girl
- - starfucking
- - stolen dogs
- - stop the violence
- - street repairs
- - street scenes
- - streetscenes
- - stupid names
- - sublets
- - subways
- - summer 2018
- - summer 2019
- - summer 2021
- - swanky apartments
- - synagogues
- - table tennis
- - tacky marketing
- - taco carts
- - tag sale
- - tall people
- - tax day
- - tea
- - tearing apart the East Village
- - teddy bars
- - teeth
- - tenant rights
- - the Batmobile
- - the Buzzcocks
- - the Citizens of the Anthropocene
- - the Cooper Building
- - the Copper Still
- - the Dessert Kitchen
- - the Gap
- - the Gas Station
- - the Gray Mare
- - the Hairy Lemon
- - the Jam
- - the Kardashians
- - the Lisa Project
- - the Long Pour
- - the Low Line
- - the Mecca of Hair
- - the Middle Collegiate Church
- - the Pineapple Club
- - the Plaza
- - the Specials
- - the Wayside
- - the Who
- - the World Class Learning Academy
- - the dildo of darkness
- - the doorshitter
- - the end of the world
- - the fast and the furious
- - the future of the East Village
- - the good ol bad days
- - the great dry cleaning war of 2009
- - the price of things
- - the race for mayor
- - the way we were
- - theft
- - things that aren't funny
- - things that moo
- - things that sound dirty
- - things to do that don't involve bars
- - things we probably don't really need
- - think this is funny fuckers?
- - thrift
- - tow trucks
- - traditions
- - tree stump art
- - tree well
- - trenches
- - trendspotting
- - tubes of beer
- - turkey vultures
- - typewriters
- - typos
- - udder nonsense
- - unemployment
- - unhoused residents
- - unicorns
- - vacant storefronts
- - vanity plates
- - vegetables
- - video shoots
- - video tapes
- - videos we will never watch
- - watch out
- - water tanks
- - water towers
- - waxing
- - we're No. 1
- - we're going to need my bank branches then
- - weather channel
- - weiners
- - welcome to the neighborhood
- - what the fuck is bubble tea?
- - what things cost
- - whippets
- - why it's tough to find a parking spot
- - wildly speculating
- - will EV Grieve ever use the Gary Busey tag
- - winter
- - winter 2019
- - winter 2021
- - your cheatin' heart
- - youth is wasted on the young
- - yuck
- - yule log
- - Íxta
- - '" the Bowery'
- - '"Automats'
- - '"Midsummer: A Banquet"'
- - '#TrashTara'
- - $1
- - '&Beer'
- - '&pizza'
- - '''Most Interesting Man in the World'''
- - 00 + Co.
- - 000 Steps A Hungarian Bookstore
- - 1 Eleven
- - 1 Great Jones
- - "10"
- - 100 Norfolk Street
- - 100 Second Ave
- - 100% Healthy
- - 10000 Steps A Hungarian Bookstore
- - "10009"
- - 103 St. Mark's Place
- - 104 2nd Ave.
- - 104 E. 7th St.
- - 105 Avenue B
- - 106 Avenue C
- - 106 E. 10th St.
- - 107 First Avenue
- - 10th Avenue
- - "11"
- - 11 Avenue A
- - 11 Great Jones
- - 11 Tigers
- - 110 E. 10th Street
- - 110 E. Seventh St.
- - 110 First Ave.
- - 111 Fourth Ave.
- - 111 St. Mark's Place
- - 111 Third Ave.
- - 112 4th Ave.
- - 113 E. Second St.
- - 114 E. First St.
- - 114 E. Seventh St.
- - 114 First St.
- - 115 Fourth Avenue
- - 115 Second Ave.
- - 116 E. 4th St.
- - 119 Avenue A
- - 12 Avenue A
- - 121 St. Mark's Place
- - 122 E. 10th St.
- - 122 E. Seventh St.
- - 125 E. Fourth St.
- - 125 E. Seventh St.
- - 127 E. 7th St.
- - "128"
- - 129-131 Avenue C
- - 12th Street Al House
- - 13 E. Seventh St.
- - 13 First Ave.
- - 130 E. 12th St.
- - 130 E. 7th S.
- - 131 1st Ave.
- - 132 1st Ave.
- - 135 3rd Ave.
- - 135 First Ave.
- - 136 E. Third St.
- - 138 Ludlow St.
- - 139 E. Houston St. Sunshine Cinema
- - 139-141 Ludlow St.
- - 14 Second Ave
- - 14 St. Mark's Place
- - 14 Words
- - 141 E. Houston Street
- - 141 Houston St.
- - 145 Fourth Ave.
- - 147 1st Ave.
- - 147 E. Houston St.
- - 149 1st Ave.
- - 14A
- - 14t Street
- - 14th St Lotto & Magazine
- - 15 Avenue B
- - 150 E. Second St.
- - 153 First Ave.
- - 154 Ludlow St.
- - 155 Avenue B
- - 155 Avenue C
- - 159 E. Second Ave.
- - 16 St. Mark's Place
- - 161 Ridge St.
- - 165-167 Avenue A
- - 166 Second Ave.
- - 166 Second Avenue
- - 169 Avenue A
- - 169 Bar
- - 171 Suffolk St.
- - 172 Avenue B
- - 174 Rivington Street Bar and Gallery
- - 175 E. Houston St.
- - 179 E. Third St.
- - 179 Essex St.
- - 180 1st Ave.
- - 182 E. Seventh St.
- - 182-184 Avenue A
- - 186 Avenue A
- - 188 E. Second St.
- - 1889 Lexington Ave.
- - 189 Avenue A
- - "1913"
- - 192 Second Ave.
- - "1928"
- - "1929"
- - "1933"
- - 1940s
- - "195"
- - 195 Avenue C
- - "1968"
- - 197 2nd Ave.
- - 197 E. 3rd St.
- - 197 E. Seventh St.
- - "1970"
- - "1972"
- - "1974"
- - "1975"
- - 198 Avenue A
- - "1983"
- - "1986"
- - "1988"
- - "199"
- - 199 Avenue B
- - 199 E. Fourth St.
- - 199 Second Ave.
- - "1998"
- - "1999"
- - 1st Avenue
- - 20 St. Mark's Place. Grassroots Tavern
- - 201 Second Ave.
- - 201 and 203 East Fourth Street
- - "2010"
- - "2011"
- - 2014 sucks
- - "2019"
- - 2020 openings
- - "2021"
- - |-
- 2021
- Oh-K! Another Korean-style hot-dog chain to give the East Village a go
- Oh-K Dog
- - 2021 closures
- - "2022"
- - "2023"
- - 203 E. 13th St.
- - 204 Seventh Street
- - 206 First Ave.
- - 207 E. 4th. St
- - 21 Club
- - 21-23
- - 210 Avenue A
- - 210 E. 5th St.
- - 210 First Ave.
- - 212Wall
- - 214 E. 9th St.
- - 216 Bowery
- - 216 E. 13th Street
- - 217 E. 3rd St.
- - 220 Avenue a
- - 222 Bowery
- - 222 E. 12th St.
- - 224 Avenue B
- - 226 E. 13th St.
- - 226 E. 14th St.
- - 227 E. 14th St.
- - 228 Avenue B
- - 228 E. 13th St.
- - 22nd Street
- - 23 Avenue A
- - 230 E. Seventh St.
- - 234 E. Seventh St.
- - 235 Second Ave.
- - 237 First Ave.
- - 24 Avenue C
- - 24 John Street
- - 243 E. Seventh St.
- - 244 E. 7th St.
- - 244 E. Seventh St.
- - 245 E. Sixth St.
- - 246 E. Fourth St.
- - 249 E. Houston St.
- - 25 E. Seventh St.
- - 250 E. Hoouston St.
- - 250 E. HoustonSt.
- - 251 E. Houston St.
- - 255 E. Second St.
- - 262 E. Seventh St.
- - 264 Bowery
- - 264 E. 10th St.
- - 266 Bowery
- - 269 E. 10th St.
- - 27 Cooper Square
- - 27 E. Fourth St.
- - 27 Stuyvesant St.
- - 276 Bowery
- - 279 E. Houston
- - 280 Bowery
- - 282 Bowery
- - 29 Avenue B
- - 292 Theatre
- - 294 Houston St.
- - 295 E. 8th St.
- - 298 Mulberry St.
- - 299 Bowery
- - 2nd Ave. Convenience Store
- - 2nd Street Block Association
- - 300 E. Fifth St.
- - 302 Bowery
- - 303 E. 12th St.
- - 304 Mulberry St.
- - 309 E. 5th St.
- - 310 E
- - 310 E. Ninth St.
- - 311 will get a workout
- - 317 E. Eighth St.
- - 319 E. 10th St.
- - 319 E. Sixth St.
- - 320-326 E. Sixth St.
- - 321 E. Sixth St.
- - 325 E. 14th St.
- - 326 E. 14th St.
- - 328 E. Sixth St.
- - 329 E. 10th St.
- - 33 1st Ave.
- - 330 E. Sixth St.
- - 331 E. 14th St.
- - 331 E. Ninth St.
- - 332 E. 14th St.
- - 33rd Street
- - 33rd and Madison
- - 345 Cantina
- - 347 E. 4th St.
- - 347 E. Fifth St.
- - 348 Lafayette
- - 35 E. Seventh St.
- - 35 First. Ave.
- - 350 Bowery
- - 350 Lafayette
- - 352 Bowery
- - 353 Bowery
- - 354 Bowery
- - 36 Third Ave.
- - 364 E. 8th St.
- - 367 Bowery
- - 36th Street
- - 37 Avenue A
- - 37 Vibrations
- - 371-373 E. 10th St.
- - 377 E. 10th St.
- - 377 E. 10th Street
- - 38 E. First St.
- - 3E3
- - 3rd Avenue
- - 3rd Avenue EL
- - 4/20
- - 40 Bleecker St..
- - 40 Gold Street
- - 404 E. 9th St.
- - 405 E. 13th St.
- - 406 E. 13th St.
- - 407 E. 6th St.
- - 41 Cooper Square
- - 41 Great Jones
- - 41-43 E. Seventh St.
- - 417 E. Ninth St.
- - 424 E. 10th St.
- - 426-420 E. 14th St.
- - 428 E. 10th St.
- - 428 E. 13th St.
- - 428 E. 14th St.
- - 428 E. 9th St.
- - 43 St. Mark's Place
- - 432 E. 10th St.
- - 440 E. 14th St.
- - 441-445 E. Ninth St.
- - 448 E. 13th St.
- - 45 Bond St.
- - 45 E. 1st St.
- - 45 John Street
- - 45-51 Avenue D
- - 47 Avenue A
- - 47 St. Mark's Place
- - 49 E. Seventh St.
- - 49 Seventh St.
- - 4DX
- - 4th Street
- - 50 years
- - 504-508 E. 11th St.
- - 506 E. 13th St.
- - 507 E. 6th Street
- - 508 E. 12th St.
- - 51 Avenue B
- - 510 E. 12th St.
- - 52 E. 7th St.
- - 52 E. Seventh St.
- - 520 E. 11th St.
- - 521-523 E. 12th St.
- - 528 E. 13th St.
- - 529 E. 13th St.
- - 53 Avenue B
- - 53-55 First Ave.
- - 530 E. Fifth St.
- - 534 E. Fifth Street
- - 536 E. Fifth St.
- - 53rd Street
- - 54-56 Third Ave.
- - 540 E. Sixth Street
- - 57 1st Ave.
- - 57 St. Mark's Place
- - 57th Street
- - 58 3rd Ave.
- - 58 Avenue B
- - 58 E. Seventh St.
- - 6 E. Second St.
- - 6 First St.
- - 6 shots
- - 600 E. Sixth St.
- - 601 E. 12th St. for rent
- - 602 E. 12th St.
- - 61 E. Seventh St.
- - 610 E. 9th Street
- - 62 Third Ave.
- - 624 E. Ninth St.
- - 629 E. Sixth St.
- - 64 Third Ave.
- - 646 E. 14th Street
- - 65 St. Mark's Place
- - 66 E. Seventh St.
- - 66 Second Ave.
- - "666"
- - 67 Avenue D
- - 67 Second Ave.
- - 68 2nd Ave.
- - 6th Street Kitchen
- - 6th Street community center
- - 7 Second Avenue
- - 7-Eleve
- - 70 Avenue A
- - 73-75 E. Third St.
- - 735 E. Ninth St.
- - 743 E. Sixth St.
- - 75 E. Second St.
- - 77 E. 3rd S
- - 77 Ludlow
- - 77. E. Seventh St.
- - 79 E. Second St.
- - 79 Second Ave.
- - 7th Precinct
- - 7th and A
- - 8 Ball Community
- - 8 Crown Trade
- - 8 tracks
- - 8-Bit Bites
- - 813 Broadway
- - 82 E. Third St.
- - 827-831 Broadway
- - 86 E. Seventh St.
- - 87 Second Avenue
- - 88 3rd Ave.
- - 90 E. 10th St.
- - 91 E. Seventh St.
- - 93 E. 7th St.
- - 94 Avenue C
- - 95 E. Seventh St.
- - 96-98 Avenue A
- - 99-cent store
- - 99¢ and Up Magic Deals
- - 9th Street
- - ': 13th Street'
- - ': 38-48 Second Ave.'
- - ': East River Park'
- - A Day Without Immigrants
- - A Walk Around the Block
- - A-1 Music
- - A10 Kitchen
- - ABC
- - ABC Animal Hospital
- - ABC Playground
- - Aaron Spelling
- - Ab Lounge
- - Abby Rosen
- - Abe Lebewohl
- - Abe Vigoda
- - Abetta Boiler & Welding Service
- - Abraham Lincoln
- - Abrons Arts Center
- - Aby Rosen
- - Accidental Bar
- - Ace of Cuts
- - Acme
- - Adam Zhu
- - Adam from Canarsie
- - Adam's Deli
- - Adda Indian Canteen
- - Adler
- - Aeon Bookstore
- - Affirmed
- - Afrika Bambaataa
- - After Earth
- - Against the Grain
- - Agave Azul
- - Agavi Juice
- - Agozar
- - Aisling House
- - Alan Shenker
- - Alan Vega
- - Alanis Morissette lyrics for headlines
- - Albert Ayler
- - Alec Baldwin
- - Alex Picken
- - Alex Shoe Repair
- - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- - Alexi Lubomirski
- - Ali Smith
- - Alibaba Smoke Shop
- - All Tomorrow's Parties
- - Allan Tannenbaum
- - Allegro Coffee Roasters
- - Allen Henson
- - Allouche Gallery
- - Ally Sheedy
- - Alpha Women
- - Alphabet 99-Cent Fresh Pizza
- - Alphabet City Neighbors
- - Alphabet City Sanctuary
- - Alphabet Grocery
- - Alphabet Pizza and Deli
- - Alright Frankie
- - Alton Sterling
- - Ama Raw Bar
- - Amalgamated Lithographers of America
- - Amanda Burden
- - Amazon Fresh
- - Ambiance
- - American Buffalo
- - American Dream Gourmet Deli
- - Amos Poe
- - Amsterdam Avenue
- - Amsterdam Billiards
- - Amy Adams
- - Anarchy Road
- - Anders Fogh Rasmussen
- - Anderson Cooper
- - Anderson Theatre
- - Ando Patisserie
- - Andrea Fabano
- - Andrea Peyser
- - Andrew Glover
- - Andrew Kowalczyk
- - Andrew McCarthy
- - Andy Gil
- - Angel "LA II" Ortiz
- - Angel Memorial House
- - Angelika Film Center
- - Angels Boutique
- - Anheuser-Busch trucks
- - Anjelly
- - Anna Colombia
- - Anna Wintour
- - Anne Frank
- - Anne Hathaway
- - Anne Shirley
- - Annie
- - Anthony Lane
- - Anthony Weiner
- - Aoi Kitchen
- - Appas Pizza
- - Apple Bank
- - Apple Maps Car
- - Appolodine
- - April 15
- - April 2018
- - April 2019
- - April 2020
- - April 2021
- - April 2022
- - April 2023
- - April 2024
- - April Fools on April 8
- - April in review
- - Archie
- - Area 140 First
- - Arka
- - Arlo and Esme
- - Arpad Miklos
- - Art Gotham
- - Art Loisaida Foundation
- - Art on A
- - Art on A Gallery and Shop
- - Artists Row
- - Ash Wednesday
- - Ashiya Sushi
- - Ashley Kristen Alexandra Nina Vanetta DiPietro Dupre
- - Asian American International Film Festival
- - Asian Wave
- - Asian hate
- - AssCastles
- - Astor Barber All Stars
- - Astor Place 6 train
- - Astor Wines & Spirits
- - Astpr Place cube
- - Atelier Sucré
- - Atla
- - Atlantic City
- - Au Za'atar
- - Au Za’atar
- - Aubrey O'Day
- - Audio Visual Arts
- - Augers Well
- - Augurs Well
- - August 10
- - August 2018
- - August 2020
- - August 2022
- - August 2023
- - August Fridays
- - Aum Namaste Book & Crystal Gallery
- - Aum Shanti
- - Aureus Contemporary
- - Austin Mahone
- - Austrian wine taverns
- - Autre Kyo-ya
- - Autumn
- - Avalon Chrystie Place
- - Ave. A Deli and Food
- - Avenue
- - Avenue A Copy Center
- - Avenue A Copy Center & Shipping Outlet
- - Avenue A Mini Market
- - Avenue A pipeline
- - Avenue C Laundromat
- - Avenue C Studio
- - Avenue D and 3rd Street
- - Avenues
- - Avenues for Justice Way
- - Avrenue B
- - Avänt Candle
- - Axe
- - Azure Arts
- - B Cup
- - B-Bar & Grill
- - BAM
- - BBC
- - BLT
- - BRUD
- - Ba
- - Baar Baar
- - Babe Ruth
- - Babeland
- - Babs Home and Pantry
- - Baby Jane
- - BabyCakes
- - Babyland
- - Baci & Vendetta
- - Back in the New York Groove
- - Backstreet Boys
- - Bad Company
- - Bad Lieutenant
- - Bagel Deli
- - Bald Eagles
- - Balducci's
- - Balinese paintings
- - Ball Park Lanes
- - Balloon Porn
- - Baltimore
- - Banco Popular
- - Bandslam
- - Bank Street Head Start
- - Bank the Nine
- - Bar 81
- - Bar Lula
- - Bar Lulu
- - Bar Miller
- - Bar Show 08
- - Bar Verde
- - BarBacon
- - Barbara Corcoran
- - Barbara Feinman Millinery
- - Barbara Shaum
- - Barbie
- - Barbone
- - Barclays Cycle Hire
- - Bargain
- - Barney Rosset
- - Barry Manilow refrigerator magnets
- - Basic Plus
- - Bathhouse Studios
- - Batsu
- - Baya Bar
- - Becky's Dips
- - Bed-Stuy
- - Bee Liquors
- - Beer & Cigars
- - Beer Factory
- - Beer Store
- - Beetlehouse
- - Beetlejuice
- - Beijing
- - Bejeweled NYC
- - Belgian fries
- - Bella Tiles
- - Bella's Beauty Supply
- - Belle Helmets
- - Bellevue
- - Below 7th
- - Belse
- - Belse Restaurant
- - Ben Ari Arts
- - Ben Gazzara
- - Ben's Deli & Grill
- - Benemon
- - Benjamin Restaurant & Bar
- - Benton's old fashioned
- - Bergdorf Goodman
- - Berlin
- - Berlin East
- - Beronberon
- - Berry Mania
- - Best Buy
- - Betelnut
- - Betola Espresso Bar
- - Bibi
- - Bibi Wine Bar
- - Big A
- - Big Arc Chicken
- - Big Ash
- - Big Bar
- - Big Daddy
- - Big in England
- - BikeFix NYC
- - Bill Binzen
- - Bill Murray throw pillows
- - Bistro Avenue
- - Bites of Xi'an
- - Black Gumball
- - Black History Bowl
- - Black Seed Pizza
- - Blake Lively
- - Blind Pig
- - Blizzard 2015 No. 2
- - Block Fair
- - Bloods
- - Bloomberg's Robot Army
- - Blue & Cream
- - Blue Angels
- - Blue Bird
- - Blue Owl
- - Blue Quarter
- - Blue Velvet
- - Blueestockings
- - Bluemercury
- - Blythe Ann's
- - Boats N Hoes
- - Bob Dylan
- - Bobby
- - Bobby 'Books' Brooks
- - Bobby Gorman
- - Bobby Hill
- - Bobby Steele
- - Bobby Williams
- - Bobby’s Night Out
- - Bodhi
- - Body Shop
- - Boglioli
- - Bohemian Rhapsody
- - Bon Jovi
- - Bona Fides
- - Bonaparte's Consignment
- - Bonefade
- - Bonnie and Clyde
- - Book Club Bar
- - Book Swap
- - Bored 2 Death
- - Bored Ape Yacht Club
- - Boris and Norton
- - Borrachito
- - Boston Globe
- - Boston Red Sox
- - Boulevard of Broken Dreams
- - Boulton & Watt
- - Boutique 67
- - Bowery Bliss
- - Bowery Boogie
- - Bowery Bums
- - Bowery Dish
- - Bowery Road
- - Bowery Social Justice Short Film Festival
- - Brad Hoylman
- - Bravo Pizza
- - Bravo Supermarkets
- - Brazilia Café
- - Breathless
- - Breeze Nails
- - Breonna Taylor
- - Brick Wine Bar
- - Brickman and Sons
- - Bright Audio
- - Bright Horizons
- - Bring It Back
- - Bring it On references in headlines
- - Bristol Palin
- - BroHerds
- - Broadway Apothecary
- - Broadway Windows
- - Brock Turner
- - Brooklyn Roasting Company
- - Brownies
- - Bruce Lee
- - Bryant Park
- - Bud Light Lime Display Tree
- - Buddha Garden
- - Budget car rental
- - Budweiser
- - Burger Town
- - Burger-Klein
- - Burritoville
- - Bushwick
- - Busy Bee Bikes
- - Butch Cassidy
- - Butthole Bandits
- - Buy Nothing Day
- - Buzzcocks
- - By Name
- - C is for Charlie
- - C'est Magnifique
- - C-Lounge
- - CB
- - CBGBs
- - CC Cyclery & Co.
- - CC Cyclery and Company
- - CHristmas in Rockefeller Center
- - CJ Tattoo
- - CNBC
- - CNN
- - COVID 19
- - COVID-29
- - Cabaret Law
- - Cabin
- - Cabin on 9th
- - Caddy swim
- - Cadet
- - Cafe Adela
- - Cafe Bari
- - Cafe Edison
- - Cafe Gigi
- - Cafe Joah
- - Cafe La Fe
- - Cafe Rama
- - Cafe Zaiya
- - Cafe de L'Enfe
- - Caffe Bene Bistro
- - Café Floral Delight
- - Café Maud
- - Cagen
- - Cakes by Klein
- - Cakeshake
- - Calexico
- - Californication
- - Call Me By Your Name
- - Camp David
- - Canal Pizza
- - CannaCulture NYC
- - Cantina Cubana
- - Capa Café
- - Captain America
- - Cara Marie Piazza
- - Carnegie Deli
- - Carnitas Ramirez
- - Carnitas Ramírez
- - Casa Bond
- - Casa Gusto
- - Casablanca
- - Casse-Cou Chocolate
- - Cassette Store Day
- - Casual Grill
- - Catherine Keener
- - Catherine Muller
- - Catholic Worker
- - Caviarteria
- - Celebrating the Crone
- - Cellino & Barnes
- - Cello's Pizzeria
- - Census 2010
- - Census 2020
- - Central Park SummerStage
- - Certain Lives
- - Cha-An Bonbon
- - Chaim Joseph
- - Champions Martial Arts
- - Change of Habit
- - Channel 7
- - Charles
- - Charles Cushman
- - Charlie
- - Charlie Kaufman
- - Charlie Sheen
- - Charlie Victor Romeo
- - Charlie's
- - Charshanbe Suri
- - Che
- - CheLi
- - Cheer New York
- - Cheese Grille
- - Cheetah Chrome
- - Chef Tan
- - Chelsea Girls
- - Cher
- - Cherry trees
- - Chest of Pleasure
- - Chewie
- - Chewie Get Us Out of Here
- - Chez Betty
- - Chi Snacks
- - Chic-hen
- - Chick-In
- - China 1
- - China Town Restaurant
- - Chinatown fire
- - Chinese restaurants
- - Chino Garcia
- - Chizza
- - Chomp Chomp Thai Kitchen
- - Chong Qing Xiao Mian
- - Chow Mein
- - Chris Santana
- - Chris Stein
- - Christeene
- - Christian Slater
- - Christmas 2012
- - Christmas 2017
- - Christmas 2018
- - Christmas 2020
- - Christmas Day
- - Christmas Eve
- - Christmas in May. Gruber MacDougal
- - Christmas on Mars
- - Christopher Street
- - Christopher Walken
- - Chrysler Building
- - Chrystie Street
- - Chuck Berry
- - Chuck Close
- - Chupa Barbara Insurance
- - Cienfuego
- - Cinderella
- - Cinema
- - Cinema Nolita
- - Cinema Village
- - Cinnamon Garden
- - Cipriani
- - Circa Tabac
- - Citadel Property Management Corp.
- - Citizens Committee for New York City
- - City Fun
- - City Gourmet Cafe
- - City MD
- - Citysearch East Village
- - Citysearch. Ryan's Sports Bar
- - Claire Forlani's disembodied scotch ad hands
- - Classic Kicks
- - Classic Stage Company
- - Clearview Cinemas
- - Clemente Soto Vélez Cultural & Educational Center
- - Cleveland
- - Cliff Mott
- - Cliff Street
- - Clockwork Bar
- - Clover Deli
- - Clyde Romero Memorial Garden
- - Co-Op Sale
- - Coca Crystal
- - Cockshark
- - Coco Fresh Juice and Tea
- - Coco McPherson
- - Codex
- - Coffee Project
- - Coldplay
- - Cole Porter
- - Colin Simpson
- - Collective Hardware
- - College Food Pantry
- - Colonnade Row
- - Colors
- - Colt 45
- - Columbua Avenue
- - Columbus Day
- - Community 54
- - Community Grocery & Candy
- - Compare Foods
- - Con Ed ConEd substation
- - Conan O'Brien
- - Condo Fucks
- - Condo finishes
- - Connelly Theater Upstairs
- - Connie Bush
- - Continuum Cycles
- - Convive Wine & Spirits
- - Cool Gear
- - Cooper 35
- - Cooper Hotel
- - Cooper Square Residence Hall
- - Copper Square Hotel
- - Corey Capers
- - Cornell Edwards Way
- - Corner Soul
- - Cosmic Cat Cafe
- - Cotan
- - Couchon3rd
- - Coup
- - Cozy Lounge
- - Crack Pie
- - Cragslist
- - Crain's
- - Crazy Burger
- - Crazy Legs Conti
- - Creative Little Garden
- - Crepe Master
- - CroNuts
- - Croman' in the rain
- - Cromanation
- - Crops for Girls
- - Crossfit East Village
- - Crown Heights
- - Crown of shit
- - Cubo New York
- - Culturefix
- - Cuomo
- - Curley's
- - Current Coffee
- - Curry Flavor
- - Curtis Blow
- - CycleBar
- - Cáit O’Riordan
- - Côte
- - C’est Magnifique
- - D & D Salvage
- - DIY
- - DJ Lenny M
- - DM Restaurant
- - DNA
- - DNAInfo
- - DV Mavens
- - DVD Funhouse
- - DVDs
- - Daddy Burger
- - Dairy Dan
- - Dairy Queen
- - Dallas
- - Damages
- - Dan Goldman
- - Dan Marino
- - Dance Parade 2008
- - Dance Parade 2016
- - Daniel Delaney
- - Daniel's Bike Shop
- - Danny Stiles
- - Darkstar Coffee
- - Darth Vaper
- - Daryl Hall closed my banh mi shop for a night
- - Dashane Santana
- - Dave Crish
- - David Blaine
- - David Carradine
- - David France
- - David Freeland
- - David Harbour
- - David Johanse
- - David Lee Roth
- - David S
- - DayLife
- - December 2018
- - December 2019
- - December 2020
- - December 2021
- - December 2023
- - Decision 2016
- - Deep Playa Bike Ride
- - Deli Convenience
- - Delicacy
- - Delicatessen
- - Delphine le Goff
- - Deluge
- - Dennis Hopper
- - Department of Efficiency
- - Depeche Mode
- - Desnuda
- - Deth Killers of Bushwick
- - Dev Hynes
- - Devo
- - DexterDexterDexter
- - Dharma Punx
- - Dhom
- - 'Diablo Royale Este opens today: features two bars'
- - Diamond Jim Brady's
- - Diane McLean
- - Diaper Genie
- - Dieci
- - Digital Society
- - Ding a Ling
- - Dinosaur Hare
- - Dirty Dancing
- - Dirty Dancing references
- - Disco Donut
- - Disco-O-Rama
- - District attorney
- - Divya's Kitchen
- - Dockers
- - Dodge Landesman
- - Dodge balls
- - Dog Beach
- - Dog shit days of summer
- - Doja Cat
- - Dollar Plus
- - Dollar and More
- - Dolly Parton
- - Doma Food and Drinks
- - Dominic Philbert
- - Dominic Pisciotta
- - Domino
- - Don Fleming
- - Don King
- - Don't fuck with Joe
- - Donahue
- - Donald
- - Donner and Blitzen's Reindeer Lounge
- - Donnybrook
- - Dora Park
- - Dora and Winston
- - Dora's Restaurant
- - Dore Ashton
- - Double Chicken Please
- - Double Crown
- - Doublewide
- - Doughnut Plant
- - Down & Out NYC
- - Downtime
- - Downtown Girls
- - Dr. Dave
- - Dr. David Ores
- - Dr. Robert Glatter
- - Dr. Toothy
- - Dragon Fest
- - Drained
- - Drake
- - Dream Baby
- - Drew Carey
- - Drew Hubner
- - Drexler's
- - Drinking Water Sampling Stations
- - Drv-In
- - Dry Bar
- - Dry Dock Pool
- - Dumpling Man
- - Dumpling N' Dips
- - Dunae Reade
- - Dunzo Journalism
- - Duo Cafe
- - Duo NYC
- - Duran Duran
- - Dusty Buttons
- - Dutch Street
- - E-Nail
- - E-smoke
- - E. 10th St. Finest Deli
- - E. 64th Street
- - E. 7th St.
- - E. Vil
- - E.U.
- - E14 MedArts
- - EMTs
- - ESPN
- - EV Grieve doesn't know a thing about Lord of the Rings
- - EV Grieve drinks lead
- - EV Grieve has heatstroke
- - EV Grieve is blind
- - EV Grieve is lazy
- - EV Grieve is now taking Vines of the sun
- - EV Grieve is now writing his xtc cassette
- - EV Grieve is taking photos of Celine Dion perfume sets
- - EV Grieve is taking photos of private documents
- - EV Grieve keeps leaving notes from EV Grieve
- - EV Grieve keeps posting photos of Citi Bikes
- - EV Grieve likes the first few snowfalls of the season
- - EV Grieve needs some more hobbies
- - EV Grieve never leaves the city
- - EV Grieve was walking in Murray Hill
- - EV Groeve Etc.
- - EV grieve is now interviewing 7 year olds
- - EV3
- - EVCS
- - EVG is not even trying with headlines like this
- - EVG weather
- - EVLazarus
- - EXPG Studio
- - Eak the Geek
- - East
- - East 10 Street
- - East 4th Street Rehab
- - East 6th Street shooting
- - East 7th Street shooting
- - East Fifth Diss
- - East Hardware
- - East Harlem
- - East Houston St.
- - East Houston Street Wine & Liquor
- - East Houston Wine and Liquor
- - East River Blueway
- - East River Park Action
- - East River Promenade
- - East River Side
- - East Second Street lot
- - East Second Street. East Village
- - East Village 3
- - East Village Barber Shop
- - East Village Brewery and Beer Shop
- - East Village Building Blocks
- - East Village Burritos and Bar
- - East Village Caffé
- - East Village Christmas
- - East Village Community Cokbook
- - East Village Community School
- - East Village Deli & Grill
- - East Village Exotics
- - East Village Farm
- - East Village Jim Joe
- - East Village Pizza
- - East Village Relief
- - East Village Tattoo
- - East Village Visitors Center
- - East Village Visitors Center and Cafe
- - East Village bands
- - East Village buildings
- - East Village crimee
- - East Village crimes
- - East Village is popular
- - East Village life
- - East Village street scene
- - East Village streets
- - East Village streetscens
- - East Village stretscenes
- - East Village tsunami warnings
- - East Villager
- - East Villlages
- - East Yoga Center
- - Easter in November
- - Eastside Market
- - Eastside Tavern
- - Easy Village
- - Eataly
- - Eater
- - Eats Khao Man Gai
- - Eats Village crime
- - Eat’s Khao Man Gai
- - Eben Klemm
- - Ecological City
- - Economy Foam
- - Ed Hamilton
- - Ed Koch
- - Ed Shostak
- - Ed Skyler
- - Edgard Mercado
- - Edmund V. Gillon
- - Eight Avenue
- - Eights Pizza
- - Eighty East Tenth
- - Eisenberg's Sandwich Shop
- - El Carnaval
- - El Muchacho
- - El Pulpo
- - El Sol Brillante Jr. Garden
- - Eldridge Street
- - Eleanor Rigby
- - Election 08
- - Electric Company
- - Eleven
- - Elim House of Worship
- - Eliot Spitzer
- - Eliza's Local
- - Elk Hotel
- - Elk Street
- - Ella FItzgerald
- - Ellen Turrietta
- - Ellesd
- - Elliman
- - Elmo
- - Elvis
- - Embassy Suites
- - Emey Hoffman
- - Eminem
- - Emma's Dillemma
- - Empanadas
- - Empellón Cocina
- - Empire Cannabis Clubs
- - Empire Smoke Shop
- - Eric Bogosian
- - Eric Mabius
- - Eric Paulin
- - Escape from New York
- - España en Llamas
- - Espoleta
- - Essex Flowers
- - Ethan Minsker
- - Etherea
- - Etiquette Vigilantism
- - Euphoria Loves Rawvolution
- - European Wax Center
- - Euzkadi
- - Evening Dew Spa
- - Everythings Fine Vintage
- - Evidence Rule 901
- - Exclusive Smoke Shop
- - Exile Above 2A
- - Exotic Minature Breeds
- - Exquisite Cleaners
- - Eyes on Second
- - F train Daily News
- - FA
- - FLicKeR
- - FTC Skateboarding
- - Fab 5 Freddie
- - Fabulous Nobodies
- - Factory 380
- - Fall Out Bar
- - Fall into the City
- - Famous 99-cent Pizza
- - Famous Cuts
- - Famous Original Ray's Pizza
- - Fancy Juice
- - FangVan
- - Farmers Market
- - Farrah Fawcett
- - Fast Times at Ridgemont High
- - Fat Cat Cafe
- - Fatal Attraction
- - Fatburger
- - Father Pat
- - Father’s Heart Ministry Center
- - Faye Dunaway
- - February 2019
- - February 2020
- - February 2021
- - February 2022
- - February 2023
- - February 2024
- - Fei Ma
- - Felix Roasting Co.
- - Fennec fox
- - Fern Cliff Delicatessen
- - Ferrarris
- - Festival Calle 6
- - Festival of Ideas
- - Fetus Squat
- - Fierce Pussy
- - Fifth S
- - Fifty Paces
- - Filing around the East Village
- - Fire TV Stick
- - First & First Finest Deli
- - First Communion
- - First Flight Music
- - Fisher Space Pen
- - Five Points
- - Flame Job
- - Flamin' Jesus Shots
- - Flaming Lips
- - Flavorwire
- - Fluffy
- - Fly
- - Fly Girl NYC
- - Flyfish Club
- - Follia
- - Fontana's
- - Fonzie
- - Food Bank for New York City
- - Food for Life at Tompkins Square Park
- - Foot Locker
- - Foreigner
- - Forever 21
- - Forever Yogurt
- - Forgotten NY
- - Formula Retail Zoning
- - Forrest Myers
- - Forsythia
- - Fort Apache the Bronx
- - Foul Witch
- - Fountains of Wayne
- - Fran Lebowitz
- - Francis Bacon
- - Frani Bruni
- - Frank O'Hara
- - Frank Restaurant
- - Frank Sinatra
- - Frank Stella
- - Franklin Park
- - Franz Ferdinand
- - Frederic Tuten
- - Free Cooper Union
- - Freeman's Sporting Club
- - Freemans Alley
- - Fresh Apple Fries
- - Fresh Direct
- - Freud
- - Fridays at 5 Thursdays
- - Friend of a Barber
- - Friends of Tompkins Square Park
- - Frisbee-catching dogs
- - From Lucie
- - Fucking Awesome
- - Full Tank Moto Cafe
- - FultonHaus
- - Funky Town
- - Future You Cafe
- - GBGB Gallery
- - GOP Hard
- - Gaia Lounge
- - Gallagher's Steakhouse
- - Galleria J Antonio
- - Gallery Vercon
- - Game of Thrones
- - Garage Sale Vintage
- - Gardens Rising
- - Gary Busey
- - Gary Kurfirst
- - Gary Oldman
- - Gary's Papaya
- - Gas House District
- - Gelatoville
- - Gem Saloon
- - Gemina Coffee Shop
- - Gen Spa
- - Gene Frankel Theater
- - Gene SImmons
- - Gene Wilder
- - Genshinkan Aikido
- - Gentrification in Progress
- - George Carlin
- - George Clooney
- - George Hecht Viewing Gardens
- - George Schneeman
- - Gestations
- - Getir
- - Giblet
- - Gilbert Gottfried
- - Gilmore Girls
- - Girl Dick
- - Gizmo's
- - Glenn O'Brien
- - Globe Slicers
- - Glosslab
- - Go Nightclubbing
- - GoLocker
- - God
- - Gold Street
- - Golden Crêpes
- - Golden Market
- - Golden Nugget
- - Goldie Hawn
- - Goldman Sachs
- - Goloka Juice Bar & Health Shop
- - Gomi
- - Gonzalez y Gonzalez
- - Good Friday 2019
- - GoodFellas
- - Goodbye New York
- - Google Street View
- - Got it 4 cheap™
- - Gotham
- - Gotham Smash
- - Gotti
- - Gourmet Garage
- - Governors Island
- - Grabstein's Bagels
- - Grace Church School
- - Grace School
- - Gramercy Park
- - Gramercy Typewriter
- - Gramstand
- - Grassroots
- - Gratin
- - Great videos
- - Green Acres
- - Green Wave
- - Greenstreets
- - Greenwich Village Country Club
- - Greg Masters
- - Gregg Allman
- - Grey Era
- - Griddle Melts
- - Grocer John's
- - GrowNYC
- - Guerrilla gardening
- - Gumball
- - Gummy bear carnage
- - Guns N' Roses
- - Guss' Pickles
- - Gym NYC
- - Gyu-Kaku
- - HBO
- - Hair of the Dog
- - Haiti
- - Hal Steinbrenner
- - Hall and Oates
- - HallowNor'easter
- - Hallowee
- - Hamilton Fish Recreation Center
- - Hampton Jitney
- - Hanky Panky
- - Hannah Montana
- - Hannah Storm
- - Hans Smit
- - Hanson
- - Happy Days references
- - Happy Wok
- - Hard to Explain
- - Harold Hunter
- - Harvey Epstein
- - Harvey Milk High School
- - Harvey Weinstein
- - HaveAHeart Studio
- - Hawaiian Tropic
- - Hawkers
- - Hayaty Hookah Bar
- - Headless Widow
- - Health department
- - Healthy Green Gourmet
- - Healthy Greens Gourmet
- - HearUSA
- - Heart of India
- - Heathily Deli
- - Hedgehog Coffee
- - Heidi Klum
- - Heidi and Spencer
- - Heights + Kenchi
- - Heights+Kenchi
- - Helen Levitt
- - Hell's Village
- - Hello Banana Vintage
- - Hen House NYC
- - Henry
- - Henry Miller
- - Henry Street Settlement
- - Hercules
- - Hester Street
- - Heterosexuals
- - Heyday
- - Hi Society
- - Hi-Note
- - HiLot
- - Hidden Grounds Chai & Coffee House
- - High Teen Boogie
- - Higher Empire
- - Hilary Swank
- - Hoboken
- - Holland
- - Holland Tunnel
- - Hollywood Hair
- - Honey Crepes
- - HoneyBrains
- - Honeyhaus
- - Hook and Ladder II
- - Hooters
- - Hop Devil Lounge
- - Hopper House
- - Hot and Crust
- - Hotel East Houston
- - Hotel New Yorker
- - House
- - House of Fluff
- - House of Munchies
- - House of Physical Therapy
- - Houston St.
- - Howie Pyro
- - Howl Arts
- - Hudson East
- - Huey Lewis and the News
- - Hulk Hogan
- - Huminska
- - Hurr
- - Hype Lounge
- - I Am Legend
- - I Love New York
- - I actually liked Roger Moore
- - I cannot blow out matches
- - I know what you did last summer
- - I love the East Village
- - I love you man
- - I see rich people looking at dead people
- - I see stupid people
- - I want to believe
- - I want to know what love is
- - I'll never look at Cocoon the same way again
- - I'll pretty much post anything today
- - I'm Keith Hernandez
- - IFC
- - IRS
- - IT
- - Ice Cream University
- - Ice Spice
- - Ichabod's
- - Ichi 88
- - Ichimi Cosme
- - Icon
- - Icon EV
- - If Lucy Fell
- - Iftar in the City
- - Iggy and the Stooges
- - Iggy's pizza
- - Iglesia Pentecostal El Divino Maestro
- - Ikea
- - Il Bagato
- - Il Cantinori
- - Il Mattone
- - Illumina East
- - Immaculate Conception
- - Imogene Beauty Salon
- - Impossible Burger
- - In Living Stereo
- - In the Air Tonight
- - In-N-Out Burger
- - InCircles
- - Inauguration
- - Independence Day references
- - Indian food
- - Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
- - Interfaith Community Services Food For Life
- - International Transgender Day of Visibility
- - International Women's Day 2017
- - Inutilious Retailer
- - Ippin
- - Ippudo
- - Ipswich Watch & Clock Shop
- - Iran
- - Ireland
- - Iron Fairies
- - Iron Sushi
- - Ironside
- - Is this how the Plain White T's got started?
- - Ise Restaurant
- - Itzocan Café
- - Ivy
- - Ixta
- - Izakaya NYC
- - Izods
- - J and R Music World
- - JAPAN Fes
- - JVC TV-VHS VCR combo
- - Jack Henry Abbott
- - Jack Kerouac
- - Jack Lemmon
- - Jack Nicholson
- - Jackdaw
- - Jacuzzi
- - Jade Mountain
- - Jade Tourniquet
- - Jager
- - Jairo Pastoressa
- - James Franco
- - James Jowers
- - James Romberger
- - James Wolcott
- - Jan. 24
- - Jane
- - Jane Pratt
- - Janko Puls
- - January 2020
- - January 2021
- - January 2022
- - January 2023
- - January 2024
- - Janus
- - Japapdog
- - Jason Bourne
- - Jason Wang
- - Javascripts
- - Jay Joe's Classic Cuts
- - Jay McInerney
- - Jebon Sushi & Noodle
- - Jeff Goldblum
- - Jefferson Theater
- - Jehangir Mehta
- - Jehovah's Witnesses
- - Jen Fisher
- - Jennie Willink
- - Jennifer Blowdryer
- - Jennifer Connelly
- - Jennifer Convertible
- - Jennifer Convertibles
- - Jerk off the Grill
- - Jerry O'Connell
- - Jersey Shore Store
- - Jesper Haynes
- - Jessica Alba
- - Jessica Delfino
- - Jessica Jones
- - Jessie Malin
- - Jesus candles
- - Jewel Bako
- - Jewel bake
- - Jewel of India
- - Jews
- - Jian Bing Man
- - Jiang Kitch
- - Jiang Kitchen
- - Jill Anderson
- - Jim Dolan
- - Jimi Zhivago
- - Jimmy Tarangelo
- - Jin Soon Natural Hand & Foot Spa
- - Jo Laurie Loves
- - Jo's Tacos
- - Joan Crawford
- - Joan Rivers
- - Joe & MissesDoe
- - Joe Ades
- - Joe Franklin
- - Joe Hug
- - Joe Junior
- - Joe Pesci
- - Joe Stummer
- - Joe and Misses Doe
- - Joe's Custom Tailors
- - Joe's Locksmith
- - Joe's Tavern
- - Joe's Wine Co.
- - Joey Fatone
- - Joey Skaggs
- - Joe’s Steam Rice Roll
- - John Cale
- - John Giorno
- - John Lennon
- - John Lydon
- - John Marshall Mantel
- - John Milisenda
- - John Strausbaugh
- - John's
- - Johnny Air Cargo
- - Johnny Cash
- - Jonas Brothers
- - Jones Beach
- - Jordan Neely
- - Jose Luis
- - Jose Reyes
- - Joseph Papp Way
- - Josh Ozersky
- - Joshua Coombes
- - Joy
- - Joy Ryder
- - Judd Apatow
- - Judith Warner
- - Jugo
- - Juice Generation
- - Juke
- - Jule's Bistro
- - Julia
- - Julia Roberts
- - Julian Baczynsky
- - Julie Salamon
- - July 2019
- - July 2020
- - July 2022
- - July 2023
- - June 2019
- - June 2020
- - June 2021
- - June 2022
- - June 2023
- - June First Skincare
- - Juno
- - Justin Bieber
- - Justin Binder
- - K'ook
- - KGB
- - Kadidja Kabore-Lamport
- - Kafana
- - Kaley Roshitsh
- - Kamaran Deli & Grocery
- - Kamaran Deli and Grocery
- - Kamui Den
- - Kane Hodder as the directory of photography
- - Kanoyama
- - Kanye West
- - Kardashianism
- - Karen
- - Kasadoro Deli
- - Kate Hudson
- - Kate Millett
- - Kate and William
- - Katz's After Dark
- - Kavanaugh
- - Kaz
- - Keith Hernandez
- - Keith Masco
- - Keith Richards
- - Keith Urban
- - Kelly Cogswell
- - Ken Cro-Ken
- - Kenkeleba House Garden
- - Kennedy Fried Chicken
- - Kenneth Moreno
- - Kenny Shopsin
- - Kentucky Fried Chicken
- - Ketamine
- - Kevin Bacon
- - Khiladi NYC
- - Kiang Diner
- - Kickstarter
- - Kid Creole and the Coconuts
- - Kid Cudi
- - Kids the movie
- - Kiev
- - Killer's Kiss
- - Kim Petras
- - Kimoni Pet
- - King Tut
- - Kings Hairstyling
- - Kingston Hall
- - Kinka
- - Kissaki
- - Ko
- - Koffeecake Corner
- - Kolkata Chai Co.
- - Korean Street Foods
- - Kosmic Community Anti Bar
- - Kossar's Bialy
- - Kraut
- - Kuboya
- - Kulture
- - Kura
- - Kurt Russell
- - Kyp Malone
- - Kyu Ramen
- - LES Bid
- - LES Clothing Co.
- - LES Convenience
- - LES Puerto Rican Parade & Festival
- - LES Unity Rally
- - LES amis
- - LIRR
- - LPC
- - La Betola
- - La Bonne Bouffe
- - La Botanica
- - La Flaca
- - La Fleur Café
- - La Linea
- - La Newyorkina
- - La Pizza
- - La Vera Pizza
- - La Zerza
- - LaSalle
- - Lab -321
- - Lady Bunny
- - Lady Wong
- - Lahore Deli
- - Lake Mars
- - Lanaza's
- - Lancelotti's
- - Landlord Greed
- - Landmark Preservation Commission
- - Laroc
- - Larry Fagin
- - Latin Bar Lounge
- - Laura Dern
- - Laura Levine
- - Laurie Anderson
- - Lazarides the Bowery
- - Le Café Coffee
- - Le Village
- - LeBron James
- - Lead Belly
- - Leah Tinari
- - Led Zeppole
- - Legacy Russell
- - Lemmy
- - Lenwich
- - Leon's Cafe
- - Leshko's
- - Let them Chirp Away
- - Lettertown
- - Lexus
- - Li'l Park Drag Show
- - Liev Schreiber
- - Life - Kitchen and Bar
- - Life Time
- - Life magazine
- - Liftonic
- - Lil BUB
- - Lilly Dancyger
- - Linda Scott
- - Linen Cafe
- - Lingerie Football
- - Linus Coraggio
- - Lionel Richie
- - Lionel Ziprin
- - Lipstick Jungle
- - Liquid Liquid
- - Listen.fm
- - Little Dartmouth Gangsta's Paradise
- - Little Free Library
- - Little Fugitive
- - Little Gio's Pizza
- - Little India
- - Little Kirin
- - Little Myanmar
- - Little Tokyo
- - Little Uluh
- - Live Fast
- - Liz Christy Community Garden
- - Liz Colby Sound
- - Local 138
- - Lodging House
- - Lola
- - Lolita Bar
- - London
- - Lorc
- - Lord of the Rings references
- - Los Angeles
- - Los Angeles Times
- - LosLES
- - Lost City
- - Lost New York
- - Loud Fast Jews
- - Louis C.K.
- - Louis Rodriguez
- - Love & Sex on 10th Street
- - Love Not Money
- - Love is a Battlefield
- - Lovewild Designs
- - Lower East Side Democratic Club
- - Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union
- - Lower East Side Rehab Group 5
- - Lower East Side Sports Academy
- - Lower East Side stereotypes
- - Lower East Village
- - Lower Eats Side
- - Luc Sante
- - Ludlow Garage
- - Ludlow Guitars
- - Ludlow House
- - Luigi's 3rd Ave. Pizza
- - Lukka
- - Lululemon Athletica
- - Luna
- - Luna Cafe Lounge
- - Luscious Market Deli
- - Luster Photo & Digital
- - Lux Interior
- - Luxury Home Improvement
- - Luz Market + Restaurant
- - Lydia's
- - M & J Asian Cuisine
- - M&G Foodstuff
- - M-8
- - M. Henry Jones
- - M103
- - MAGA
- - MIA
- - MLB playoffs
- - MTV2
- - Mable's Hacienda and Tex Mex
- - Macaron Parlour
- - Mace 503-505 E. 12th St.
- - Macs
- - Mad Max references
- - Madam Vo BBQ
- - Madame Vo I presume
- - Made Up There Farms
- - Maggie Estep
- - Magnetic Fields
- - Magnolia Bakery
- - Majesty Pizza and Grill
- - Majorie Ingall
- - Make Music New York
- - Makiinny
- - Man in the Van
- - Mandala Tibetan Store
- - Mandolino Pizza
- - Mangoo Mango
- - Mangora
- - Manhattan Bridge
- - Manhattan Marketplace
- - Manhattan Marriage Bureau
- - Manhattan is expensive
- - Manhattan's first Water Taxi Beach
- - Manhattan45
- - Manny Cantor Center
- - Manuel Plaza
- - Mar Bar
- - Marathon Man
- - Marble Dust
- - Marc Miller
- - March 2018
- - March 2020
- - March 2021
- - March 2022
- - March 2023
- - March 2024
- - March Craneness
- - Margarita March
- - Margot Gayle
- - Maria Bartiromo
- - Mario Batali
- - Mario Lopez
- - Marjory Warren
- - Mark Spink
- - Mark's Place
- - Marky Ramone
- - Marlboro Reds
- - Marmaduke
- - Maroon 5
- - Marquee
- - Marshall Stack
- - Mary-Kate Olsen
- - Maryhouse
- - Marylou
- - Mashawsha to go
- - Mashbill
- - Mathieu Lehanneur
- - Matiell Consignment Shop
- - Matilda
- - Matt Dillon
- - Matt Weber
- - Matto Espresso
- - Maximum Overdrive
- - Maxx Starr
- - May 2018
- - May 2019
- - May 2020
- - May 2021
- - May 2022
- - May 2023
- - May 2024
- - May in review
- - MayRee
- - Mayamezcal
- - Mayanoki
- - Maybelline
- - Mayor Fiorello La Guardia
- - McMansions
- - Me Cue
- - Mealz
- - Meat + Bread
- - Meatball
- - Meatball Factory IHOP Way
- - Mechanix Illustrated
- - Medieval frog thing
- - Mehayne
- - Memorial House
- - Memory Motel
- - Menkui Tei
- - Mercury East Presents
- - Merle Ratner
- - Merry Christmas
- - Meryl Meisler
- - MetroPCS
- - Metropolitan City Market
- - Mezcla
- - Mi Salsa
- - MiGarba
- - MiMa
- - Michael Alan Alien
- - Michael Bao Huynh
- - Michael Douglas
- - Michael Largo
- - Michael Lydon
- - Michael Moore
- - Michael Mutt Gallery
- - Michelle Alteration & Boutique
- - Michelle Obama
- - Microsoft
- - Middle Collegi
- - Midnight Cowboy
- - Midnight Wednesday
- - Midtown Express
- - Midtown West
- - Midwinter Kitchen
- - Mike Bakaty
- - Mike Hamm
- - Mil Mundos Books
- - Milady's
- - Miley Cyrus
- - Milk and Honey
- - Mill Quality Cleaners
- - Millenium Film Workshop
- - Millennium Film Workshop
- - Miller High Life
- - Min Sushi
- - Min's Market
- - Minetta Tavern
- - Mini Burger
- - Mink DeVille
- - Minor Threat
- - Miracle on 12th Street
- - Miriam Friedlander
- - Miron Properties
- - Misirizzi
- - Miso Sushi
- - Miss Manhattan Non-Fiction Reading Series
- - Miss Pakistan
- - Missing Foundation
- - Mission Cafe
- - Mixed Blood
- - Mixed Use
- - Mo' Eats
- - MoMaCha
- - Mocha Dream Lounge
- - Mochii
- - Mohan's Tattoo Inn
- - Mokyo
- - Molly Fitch
- - Molly Ringwald
- - Mom's Liquor
- - Momofuku Ko
- - Momofuku Ssäm Bar
- - Montessori school
- - Moonraker
- - Morgenstern's
- - Morningwood
- - Moroccan arts and crafts
- - Moskowitz & Lupowitz
- - Motek
- - Motörhead
- - Mount Sinai Union Square
- - Mousey's Bar
- - Movie Nights On The Elevated Acre
- - Moxie
- - Mozzarella Pizza
- - Mr. Lower East Side Pageant
- - Mug Lounge
- - Muji
- - Mulan East
- - Mulberry Street Bar
- - Murphy's
- - Museum of the American Gangster
- - Museum of the City of New York
- - My Dead Boyfriend
- - My Little Village Postal Store
- - Mystery Puddle
- - N25
- - NFTs
- - NLYU
- - NY Copy & Printing
- - NY Health Choice
- - NYC Bodypainting Day
- - NYC Bridge Runners Legends Never Die
- - NYC Cannabis Parade & Rally
- - NYC Convenience
- - NYC Exotic Snax
- - NYC Municipal Archives
- - NYC Velo
- - NYC eye candy appetite
- - NYC history
- - NYC streets
- - NYPD Blue
- - NabeWise
- - Nacho Fries
- - Nadja Rose
- - Nair
- - Naks
- - Natalie Portman
- - Nathaniel Hunter Jr.
- - National Hummus Day
- - National Preparedness Month
- - National Underwear Day
- - Nationall Debt
- - Neil Young
- - Neil's Coffee Shop
- - Neon by Cheng
- - Never Ending Taste
- - New Amsterdam Market
- - New Arc Chicken
- - New Herbal World
- - New Post
- - New Swan Valet Cleaners
- - New Up & Up Laundromat
- - New Yok City
- - New York City videos
- - New York CIty men
- - New York Cares
- - New York Cheesecake Heads
- - New York City Poker Tour
- - New York City anecdotes
- - New York City on TV
- - New York City politics
- - New York City radio stations
- - New York City streets
- - New York City videos
- - New York Compost
- - New York Health Choice
- - New York Health and Racquet Club
- - New York Hot Tracks
- - New York I Love You
- - New York Inn
- - New York Jazz Festival
- - New York Punk and Underground Record Fair
- - New York Sal's Pizza
- - New York Sports Club
- - New York Sun
- - New York is competitive
- - New York is dead
- - New York music history
- - New York traditions
- - New Yorkers are punished
- - New Yorkiversary
- - New Yorok Post
- - Newsies
- - Newt Gingrich
- - Niagata
- - NiceBrow
- - Nicholas Fraser
- - Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist
- - Nicki Minaj
- - Nighthawks
- - Nirvana
- - Nirvavna
- - No Bar
- - No Fun
- - No Kids in Cages
- - No More Cafe
- - No Nukes
- - No Pants
- - No Standing
- - No Tell Motel
- - NoEVil
- - Noah Baumbach
- - Noho Food Market
- - Noho Star
- - Nohohon
- - Nolita hot spots
- - Noot Seear
- - Noreetuh
- - Not as Bitter
- - Not for Tourists
- - November 2018
- - November 2019
- - November 2020
- - November 2021
- - November 2022
- - November 2023
- - Now You're Clean
- - Nydia M. Velázquez
- - O Ramen & Dim Sum M
- - O Ramen Dim Sum
- - OJ Gallery
- - OMG
- - OO + Co.
- - Oak Bar
- - Oak Room
- - Occupy East 4th Street
- - Oct. 21
- - October 2018
- - October 2019
- - October 2020
- - October 2021
- - October 2022
- - October 2023
- - October's Very Own
- - Odin
- - Officer Tubbs
- - Ohio Theatre
- - Oiji
- - Okiboru Udon
- - Old Good Things
- - Old OLD Essex Market
- - Olde Good Things
- - Oliva
- - Olsen Twins
- - Omakase Sushi
- - Omega Salad Bar & Deli
- - Ommatt Cruz
- - On the Mark Barber Shop
- - On the Town
- - One Avenue B
- - One Crazty Summer
- - One Fifth Avenue
- - One Plus One
- - One and One
- - OneTigris
- - Only Love Strangers
- - Open Strees
- - Open Your Lobby
- - Ophelia
- - Opheum
- - Opportunity Zone
- - Oprah
- - Optyx
- - Orange
- - Orange-Dusted Fingerprints
- - Orangetheory Fitness
- - Organic SOul Cafe
- - Orlando
- - Osaka Grub
- - Osakana
- - Oscar
- - Oscar Wilde
- - Osees
- - Ost Cafe
- - Othello
- - Otis WIlliams Jr.
- - Otto's Tqacos
- - Our Town Downtown
- - Out of the Box Theatrics
- - P.S
- - P.S 64
- - P.S. 34
- - P.S. 63
- - PDA
- - PDT
- - PJ Hanley's
- - PS General Slocum
- - PSAs
- - PTA
- - Pac Lab
- - PadMapper
- - Paint Puff "N" Peace
- - Pan
- - Pandemic Pee Glove
- - Panic in Needle Park
- - Panificio
- - Paprika
- - Paradise Gourmet Deli
- - Paris Hilton
- - Paris Hilton for president
- - Parker and Lily
- - Party WIth Sluts
- - Passing Stranger
- - Past Lives
- - Pasta de Pasta
- - Pastel Spa and Nails
- - Pat Benatar
- - Pata Negra
- - Patagonia
- - Patis Bakery
- - Paul Giamatti
- - Paul Rudd
- - Paul's Boutique
- - Paulie Gee's Slice Shop
- - Pause Cafe
- - Pearl of India
- - Pee Phone imposter
- - Peeler Man
- - Peggy Noonan
- - Pelican Bay
- - Peng's Body Work
- - Penny
- - Penny Arcade
- - Peppermint Lounge
- - Peps-Cola sign
- - Pere Ubu
- - Perfect Glow
- - Pete Davidson
- - Pete Margolis
- - Peter Corbin
- - Peter Kane
- - Petrella's Point
- - Phase 1
- - Phase 3
- - Philip Glass
- - Piccolo Cafe
- - Pie by the Pound
- - Pila de Boba
- - Pilar's
- - Pilotworks
- - Pimbeche Vintage
- - Pinche taqueria
- - Pinisi Cafe and Bakery
- - Pinkey's Brow Bar
- - Pinks 242
- - Pinky's Village Spa
- - Pinto
- - Piola
- - Pita Pan
- - Pita Shop
- - Pitbull
- - Pizza Girls
- - Pizza Loves Sauce
- - Pizza Pazzo
- - Pizza Pusha
- - Plado
- - Planet Fitness
- - Planters Grove
- - Plantmade
- - PlayHardLookDope
- - Plaza Athénée
- - Please Kill Me
- - Plum Pizzeria
- - Poetry Project
- - Pogopalooza 10
- - Poke Kitchen
- - Pokemon Go
- - Pokespot
- - Polish history
- - Poop Emoji Slippers
- - Poppy Seed Bagel Sparrow's Nest
- - Porky's
- - Porsche
- - Pound and Pence
- - Powerball
- - Prefab Sprout
- - Presidents Day
- - Pressed Juicery
- - Prince Harry
- - Princess Madeleine of Sweden
- - Princess Pamela
- - Pringle-izing
- - Prohibition
- - Prohibition Bakery
- - Provincetown Playhouse
- - Prunce
- - Psychedelic Furs
- - Psychedelic Furs references in headlines
- - Public School 64
- - Puck Building
- - Puerto Rican Day Parade
- - Puff & Puff Convenience
- - Punk Art
- - Punk lives (online)
- - Punk lives kind of but not really
- - Puppydog Poop Mitts
- - Pure Wine
- - Purple Rain
- - Pussycat Lounge
- - Q&As
- - Quartino Bottega Organica
- - Queen
- - Queens Museum
- - Queensboro Bridge
- - Quentin Crisp
- - Quiet Reading
- - 'Quintessence: East Village history'
- - R Bar
- - R.A. Dickey
- - RAE
- - REEC
- - RSS
- - Rabbit
- - Radio Shack
- - Radiohead
- - Rafael Toledano
- - Rafael's Barber Shop
- - Rag & Bone
- - Rag and Bone
- - Rai Rai Ken
- - Ralphabet CIty
- - Ramadan
- - Random Accessories
- - Raphael Ward
- - Rapid Realty
- - Raquel Shapira
- - Raquel's garden
- - Ras Redemption
- - Ray's Pizza & Bagel Cafe
- - Ray's the bar
- - Raymour & Flanigan
- - ReBoot
- - Ready New York City
- - Reagan Youth
- - Rebecca Lepkoff
- - Recreational Cannabis Dispensary
- - Recycle-A-Bicycle
- - Red Boutique
- - Red Bull
- - Red Hook
- - Red Horse Hopper
- - Red Koi
- - Red Room Projects
- - Redrum
- - Regal Cinemas theater
- - Regal Essex Crossing
- - Remedy Diner
- - Remix
- - Renegade Mermaid
- - Retna
- - Revered Billy
- - Rexobox
- - Ric Ocasek
- - Rice Bird NYC
- - Rice Thief
- - Rice to Riches
- - Richard Gere
- - Richard Kern
- - Richard Ocejo
- - Richard Woods
- - Ricky Gervais
- - Rico
- - Rihanna
- - Rikers Island
- - Risotteria
- - Risotteria Melotti
- - Ritz Thrift Shop
- - Rizzo's
- - Roast Kitchen
- - Roasted NYC
- - Robert DeNior
- - Robert Frank
- - Robert Galinsky
- - Robert Lesko
- - Robin Hoods
- - Robin WIlliams
- - Robins
- - Robokid
- - Robot Dreams
- - Rock & Roll Explorer Guide to New York City
- - Rocky’s Crystals & Minerals
- - Rod Stuart
- - Roger Clark
- - Roger Clemens
- - Roger's Garden
- - Rogue House Salon
- - Roman and Williams
- - Ron Jeremy
- - Ronald McDonald's long-lost half brother
- - Roosevelt Island
- - Rosella
- - Rosemary Home
- - Rosemary's
- - Rosenberg atomic-bomb spy case
- - Ross Global Academy Charter School
- - Roy Scheider
- - Ruby Lounge
- - Rude New York
- - Rudolph references
- - Rudy Volcano
- - Rudy's
- - Ruffian
- - Rumba Bar & Grill
- - Run Rudolph Run
- - Russian Tea Room
- - Russian spies
- - Ruth Ades-Laurent
- - Ruth Greenglass
- - Ryan John Lee
- - Rynn
- - S Klein
- - SAFH
- - SHI MIAODAO Yunnan Rice Noodle
- - SLCT Stock
- - SRO
- - SS General Slocum
- - SSHH
- - Sa Aming Nayon
- - Saan Saan
- - Sabrina's bear coat
- - Sabu
- - Sade
- - Sadie's Ward
- - Sahara Citi
- - Saints Tavern
- - Sakagura
- - Sal's Pizza
- - Salad Days
- - Salma
- - Salon Chérie Chéri
- - Salon Seven
- - Salvador Dalí
- - Sam Rockwell
- - Same Old Gallery
- - Sami & Susu
- - Sammy L Coffee
- - Sammy’s Roumanian Steakhouse
- - Samuel Mark
- - San Diego
- - San Francisco
- - Sanpoutei Gyoza & Ramen
- - Sanshi Rice Noodle
- - SantCon 2022
- - Santa Claud
- - Santa Con for Dogs
- - SantaCon Detour
- - Santcon
- - Santo Mollica
- - Santos Variety Shop
- - Sara Kay Gallery
- - Saturday
- - Saturday filler
- - Sauce City
- - Sauced
- - Sauced Up
- - Sauced Up!
- - Sauced Up! new restaurants
- - Save NYC
- - Save the Lower East Side
- - Saxon & Parole
- - Saxon and Parole
- - Scarab Lounge
- - Scarr's Pizza
- - Schinasi Mansion
- - School for the Dogs
- - Scotland
- - Scott James
- - Scouting NY
- - Screamin' Jay Hawkins
- - Screme gelato bar
- - Sculpture for Intimacy
- - Scumbags and Superstars
- - Sea Salt
- - Sean Connery
- - Sean Spicer
- - Search and Destroy
- - Searchlight Sculptures
- - Sebastian Brecht
- - Secara Restaurant
- - Secchu Yokota
- - Second Avenue Subway
- - Second Avenue and Houston
- - Secret Garden
- - Secretariat
- - Segway
- - Senya
- - Sept. 11
- - September 2018
- - September 2019
- - September 2020
- - September 2021
- - September 2022
- - September 2023
- - Seth Tobocman
- - Seventh Avenue
- - Seward Park
- - Señor Pollo
- - Shadowman
- - Shake and Tail
- - Shalom Harlow
- - Sham 69
- - Shaquille O'Neal
- - Sharaku Japanese Restaurant
- - Shark Bar
- - Sharknado
- - Shawarma House
- - She NYC Arts Summer Theater Festival
- - Shearson Hammill
- - Shiina
- - Shinzo Omakase
- - Shiti Bikes
- - Shop Fare
- - Shorty's
- - Showgirls
- - Shrek
- - Shu Han Ju II
- - Sidney Lumet
- - Siempre Verde Community Garden
- - Sigiri
- - Signs of the Yunnipocalypse
- - Silver Monuments Works
- - Silverstone Property Group
- - Sincerely
- - Sinead O'Connor
- - Sing Sing
- - Sing Sing Karaoke
- - Single and the City
- - Siouxsie and the Banshees
- - Sip + Co.
- - Sir Shadow
- - Siren Festival
- - Sirovich Center
- - Siskel and Ebert
- - Sister Jane
- - Six-dollar doughnuts
- - Sixth Street Yoga Junction
- - Sizzler balloons
- - Skippy's Palace
- - Sky East
- - Slowear
- - Slum Goddess
- - Smacked LLC
- - Smart Smokers
- - Smileys
- - SmithStone
- - Snickers Bar Squirrel
- - Sniff
- - Snoopy
- - Snow Gallery
- - So I Married An Axe Murderer
- - SobaKoh
- - Sogie Mart Rolls & Puffs
- - Soho Grand
- - Solas Gone Wild
- - Solil Management
- - Sonar Gaow
- - Sonny Rollins
- - Sons and Daughters
- - Sony Walkman
- - Soogil
- - Soon Beauty Lab
- - Sophie's. Jeremiah's Vanishing New York
- - Sorcerer's Apprentice
- - South Street
- - Spa Belles
- - Space 194
- - Spaceballs
- - Spandau Ballet
- - Speakeasy
- - Special
- - Special Special
- - Spice Brothers
- - Spicewala Bar Indian Cuisine
- - Spicy House
- - Spicy Noodle Hot Pot
- - Spin
- - Spin City
- - Spinal Tap
- - Spinmaster Elmo Giggle and Shake Chair
- - Spinning into Butter
- - Spotted Owl Tavern
- - Spring Spa
- - Squatter's Opera
- - Squeaky fences
- - Squeegee men
- - Squeegee traveler
- - Squeeze
- - Ssäm Bar
- - St Marks Wine and Liquor
- - St.
- - St. Bridget School
- - St. Jerome's
- - St. Joseph House
- - St. Mark's E-Smoke
- - St. Mark's Is Dead
- - St. Mark's Vegan Food Court
- - St. Marks Is Dead
- - St. Marks Place
- - St. Patrick's Cathedral
- - St. Patrick's Day 2019
- - St. Vincent's
- - Stable Court
- - Stairs Bar
- - Stand Coffee
- - Stand by Me
- - Stand-Up MRI
- - Standings Bar
- - Stanley Cohen
- - Stanton Street CSA
- - Stanton Street Yoga
- - Staple Street
- - Staples
- - Stapleton Shoe Company
- - Star Fucking Hipsters
- - Star Shoe Shop
- - Star Team
- - Star Trek
- - 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens'
- - Starland Vocal Band
- - Station B
- - Stay
- - Stay Classy
- - Stcie Joy
- - Stella
- - Stella LES
- - Stephen Colbert
- - Steve Buscemi
- - Steven Harvey Fine Art Projects
- - Steven Tyler
- - Stickett Inn
- - Sticky's Finger Joint
- - Stik
- - Stillwater Bar & Grill
- - Stinky Toys
- - Stone Temple Pilots
- - Stop Drop and Go
- - Stop N Swap
- - Stop the Bans
- - Storefront Tracker
- - Straight to Hell
- - Street Safety Managers
- - Street Wars
- - Studio 55C
- - Stuffed Ice Cream
- - StuyFitness
- - Stuyvesant Casino
- - Stuyvesant Cove Park
- - Stuyvesant Deli Grocery
- - Stuyvesant Organic
- - Stuyvesant Swim Club
- - Stylus
- - Subject Bar
- - Subway bathrooms
- - Suds Buds
- - Sugar Mouse
- - Sujan Sarkar
- - Suki Japanese Kitchen
- - Summer Solstice
- - Summit
- - Sunday C&C Eatery
- - Sunflower Cafe
- - Sunrise Cleaners
- - Super Bad Brad
- - Super Girl
- - Supreme
- - Surnburnt Cow
- - Susan Blond
- - Susan Cheever
- - Susan Schiffman
- - Susan Setzer
- - Sushi & Sake
- - Sushi Dojo
- - Sushi Kai
- - Sushi Mumi
- - Sushi Park
- - Swap NYC
- - Sweet Cake
- - Sweet Chick
- - Sweet and Sour Smoke Shop
- - SweetHaus
- - Sweetie
- - Sweetooth
- - Swift Hibernian Lounge
- - Sympathy for the Kettle
- - Synecdoche New York
- - Synergy
- - T Magazine
- - T-swirl Crêpe
- - TGI Friday's
- - TLC Tea House
- - TLK
- - TMC
- - TV
- - TV on the Radio
- - TV pilots
- - TVs
- - TaPea
- - TabeTomo
- - Tacos Mary
- - Taj Mahal
- - Taj Majl
- - Tammy Faye Starlite
- - Tampa
- - Tao Group
- - Tapanju Turntable
- - Taproom 307
- - Taqueria Ramirez
- - Taqueria St. Mark's Place
- - Tarallucci e Vino East Village
- - Taras Shevchenko Place
- - Taser
- - Taste of 7th Street
- - Taste of East Village
- - Taste of India
- - Taste of the East Village
- - Tasty Tasty
- - Tatum O'Neal
- - Taureau
- - Taxi Dances
- - Taxi Parts
- - Taxi of Tomorrow
- - Taylor Hawkins
- - Tea Dealers & Ceramics
- - Tears for Fears
- - Ted Danson
- - Temakase
- - Tempo
- - Ten Degrees
- - Tenants Taking Control
- - Tepito
- - Terminal 5
- - Terminal B
- - Terminator
- - Terra Thai
- - Terry Galmitz
- - Tetchy
- - Thayer Press
- - The 12C Canvas for Positivity
- - The 2nd Ave. Smoke Shop & News
- - The A-Building
- - The Albert
- - The Albino Bowler
- - The Alchemist's Kitchen
- - The Apartment
- - The Avenue C Studio
- - The B
- - The Bad Lieutenant
- - The Baltimore Sun
- - The Battle Hymn of the Republic
- - The Beacon
- - The Big Dip
- - The Boneyard
- - The Bowery Diner
- - The Bowery Poet Tree
- - The Catcher in the Rye
- - The Central bar
- - The Champagne Diet
- - The Chocolate Bar
- - The Crack™
- - The Creeper
- - The Crusaders
- - The Dance
- - The Dark Knight
- - The Design Trust for Public Space
- - The Detox Market
- - The Drunken Canal
- - The East Village Eviction Free Zone
- - The East Village Experience
- - The East Village Other
- - The East Village is dead
- - The East Village of Austin
- - The Economist
- - The Eldridge
- - The English Beat
- - The Exterminator
- - The Fern
- - The Food Network
- - The Foreigner
- - The Forward
- - The Frenchmen
- - The Go-Betweens
- - The Godfather
- - The Graduate
- - The Grafton
- - The Grey Art Museum
- - The Hills
- - The Hummus & Pita Co.
- - The Internet sucks just like Tina Fey said
- - The Irish Times Pub and Eatery NYC
- - The Izakaya
- - The Last Shadow Puppets
- - The Last Three
- - The Laurels
- - The Little Tree That Could
- - The Loop
- - The Love Boat
- - The Main Event
- - The Mediterranean Grill
- - The Might Be Giants
- - The Mildred
- - The Misfits
- - The Modern Lovers
- - The New Stand
- - The New York City Rescue Mission
- - The New York Nobody Sings
- - The Newsroom
- - The Nolitan Hotel
- - The Nook NYC
- - The Panic in Needle Park
- - The Paris Review
- - The Pastry Box
- - The Pied Pipers of the Lower East Side
- - The Popup Florist
- - The Poseidon Adventure
- - The Professional Bull Riders 2009 Invitational
- - The Rainbow Room
- - The Really Really Free Market
- - The Red and Gold Boil
- - The Rise and Fall of CBGB
- - The Sabieng Thai
- - The Schumacher
- - The Secret Garden
- - The Shack
- - The Shaloms
- - The Shell-Shocked Nut
- - The Shining
- - The Simpsons
- - The Slipper Room
- - The Smell
- - The Stand Presents Night Market
- - The Step
- - The Swiss Water® Coffee Studio
- - The Theater For The New City Building
- - The Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Festival
- - The Trash Bags
- - The Tree
- - The Tree Shop NYC
- - The Treehouse
- - The Trouble With Bliss
- - The UPS Store
- - The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America
- - The Universe & Everything
- - The Unusuals
- - The Velvet Undergound
- - The Village Veterinarian
- - The Waterfall
- - The Whale Tea
- - The White Shirt Bar
- - The Wineshop
- - The Witty Brothers
- - The York
- - The elusive Tompkins Square Park white rat
- - The other Bowery Wall
- - Theater in Quarantine
- - Theaters at 45 Bleecker Street
- - There shall be NO cabaret
- - Thirft NYC
- - This could be Heaven or this could be Hell
- - Three Jewels
- - Three Kings Day
- - Three Kings Tattoo
- - Three Seat Espresso and Barber
- - Tiengarden
- - Tiger
- - Tikbuk2
- - Tiki on 12th
- - Tilted Axes Mobile Electric Guitar Procession
- - Tim Tebow
- - Time magazine
- - Times
- - Tina Turner
- - Tina Turnstile
- - Tinto Fino
- - Tiny's
- - Tish and Snooky
- - To Eat Sushi
- - Todaro Bros.
- - Tokio 7
- - Tokuyama Salon Cafe
- - Tokyo Rebel
- - Toll Brothers
- - Tom & Jerry's
- - Tom Brady
- - Tom DiCillo
- - Tom Mulligan
- - Tom Petty
- - Tom Selleck
- - Tom Snyder
- - Tommy Hilfiger
- - Tompkin
- - Tompkins Spring
- - Tompkins Square Halloween Dog Festival
- - Tompkins Square Park Library Branch
- - Tompkins Square Park Tompkins S
- - Tompkins Square Park diets
- - Tompkins Square Park. Temperance Fountain
- - Tompkins Square Psrk
- - Tompkins Square Station
- - Tompkins Village Cafe
- - Tompkns Square Park
- - Tony Rosenthal
- - Toots Shor
- - Top Hops
- - Topless male models
- - Torishiki
- - Toronto Film Festival
- - Toshio Tomita
- - Totally Clueless
- - Touchy Blinky
- - Toy Tokyo
- - Toyo Tsuchiya
- - Toyota East Children's Learning Garden
- - Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players
- - Tramezzini NYC
- - Travel and Leisure
- - Travis Barker
- - Treasure Chest
- - Tree Tops
- - TreeCycle
- - Tribeca Grand Hotel
- - Tribes of Morocco
- - Tribute in Light
- - Trilby
- - TripAdvisor
- - Triple Crown
- - Trocha Gallery
- - Tropic Bowl
- - Trump Soho
- - Trump magazine
- - Tu-Lu's Gluten Free Bakery
- - Tuesday
- - Twinkies
- - Twister
- - Two Boots Pionner Theater
- - Two Bridge's Diner
- - Two Perrys
- - Two for Tuesday
- - Typhoon Lounge
- - Tyra Banks
- - U.S. Air Force
- - U.S. Open
- - U2
- - UPS
- - UPS Store
- - Uber
- - Ugly Betty
- - Ugly Kitchen
- - Ultimate weekends
- - Uncle Buck
- - Uncle Floyd
- - Unemployed Olympics
- - Uni K Wax Center
- - Uni Wax Center
- - Union Square Park
- - Unique Antique & Estate Sales
- - Unique Omakase
- - United Copy & Print
- - Unprofessional Variety Show
- - Unregular Bakery
- - Untitled Queen
- - Uogasji
- - Upworthy headline jokes are so May 2014
- - Urbain J. Ledoux
- - Urban Air
- - Urban Design Week
- - Urban Etiquette Signs on Bags
- - Urban Juicery
- - Urban Outfitters
- - Urbanite
- - Urbanspace
- - Urge Lounge
- - Utshob Restaurant
- - V ❤️ U
- - VHS
- - VIPs
- - VK Nagrani
- - Valentine Six
- - Valentine's Day. community gardens
- - Valentines
- - Vamos a Sembrar
- - Vaness Hudgens
- - Vape Lounge NYC
- - Vape N Smoke
- - Variety
- - Variety Theater
- - Vegan Love
- - Velvet Cigar Lounge
- - Velvet Underground
- - Veniero's Pasticceria
- - Venus Body Arts
- - Venus Over Manhattan
- - Vermont
- - Versace
- - Very Berry
- - Very Thai
- - VeryThai
- - Veterans Day
- - Via Della Pace Pizza
- - Via Delle Zoccolette
- - Vic's
- - Vic's Pizza
- - Victory Tattoo NYC
- - VideoGamesNewYork
- - Vietnamese
- - Vigilant Hotel
- - Villa Cemita
- - Village Bean
- - Village Craft Beer and Smoke
- - Village Creperie
- - Village Crêperie
- - Village Farm Grocery
- - Village Grannies
- - Village Happy House Convenience
- - Village Voices
- - Village of the Damned
- - Village s
- - Vincent Gallo
- - Vincent Spano
- - Vinyl Market
- - Vio
- - Vita Rat
- - Vitamin Shop
- - Vivi Bubble Tea
- - VolaVida Gallery
- - Vortexity Books
- - W magazine
- - WOOf deck
- - WPA
- - WQXR
- - WaMu
- - Wafels & Dinges
- - Waga
- - Waiting on a Friend
- - Wal-Mart
- - Waldorf Hysteria
- - Walid Menswear
- - Wall Dogs
- - Walter's
- - Warwick
- - Wasan
- - Water Taxi Beach
- - Wattle Cafe
- - Wayne Kramer
- - We pack and deliver like UPS trucks
- - We're No. 4
- - Websiter Hall
- - Wechsler's Currywurst & Bratwurst
- - Wechsler's Currywurst and Bratwurst
- - Wednesdays at A's
- - Week in Griview
- - Wells Fargo
- - West 8th Street
- - West Broadway
- - Westerlind
- - Westville
- - Whale and Crown
- - What Pints
- - When Caitlin met Cáit
- - Whiskers Holistic Pet Care
- - Whiskey Dick's
- - Whiskey Ward
- - White Glove Bandit
- - White Rabbit
- - White Slab Palace
- - Whitebox
- - Whitehouse Hotel
- - Whitney Houston
- - Who killed Heath Ledger
- - Whodini
- - Whynot Coffee
- - Wicked Heathens
- - WienerMobile
- - Wiggle Room
- - Wigstock
- - WikiLeaks
- - Wikipedia
- - Wild Style
- - William Gottlieb
- - William S. Burroughs
- - Wilmer Jennings Gallery
- - Winebar
- - Wing Stop
- - Winter Store Gail
- - Winter Storm Gale
- - Wire
- - WitchsFest USA
- - Wolfie
- - Wollman Rink
- - Womp
- - Wonder Woman
- - Wood Vibz
- - Woodward Gallery
- - Woody Woodpecker
- - Woolworth Building
- - World Aids Day
- - World Cup 2018
- - World Naked Bike Ride
- - World Series
- - Wowfulls
- - X-Files
- - X-Men
- - Xe May Sandwich Shop
- - Yaki Sushi
- - Yankees Stadium
- - Yellow Page
- - Yellow Rose
- - Yippies
- - Yo! Sushi
- - Yoga to the People
- - Yokox Omakase
- - Yon Chome
- - York Avenue
- - Yoshino New York
- - Yoshitomo Nara
- - You're gonna make it after all
- - Young Chow III
- - Youth
- - Youthquake
- - Yuba
- - Yummy Asian Food
- - Zabb City
- - Zafi’s Luncheonette
- - Zen 6
- - Zibalee
- - ZipCar
- - Zoku Sushi
- - Zoubi
- - Zumiez
- - a dramatic Thermador vented range hood
- - a grand single-family home
- - a sticky addictiveness
- - a threading and waxing salon
- - abandoned Vespas
- - abandoned cars
- - abandoned pizza
- - acupuncture
- - advertisers aren't even trying anymore
- - affordable housing. 302 E. 2nd St.
- - after midnight
- - air rights
- - airy things
- - alligators
- - aloha
- - alt.coffee
- - alternate snow
- - amazing cat paintings
- - ambulances that once belonged to the Shriners
- - and Vaudeville."
- - and stay out
- - angled parking
- - anniversary
- - apartment hunting
- - apes
- - archery
- - architecture
- - arf
- - arrows
- - art shows
- - articles that have been done to death
- - aseball tickets
- - ashes
- - asking for toruble
- - ast Village
- - ast Village streetscenes
- - awful ads
- - awk
- - açaí bowls
- - b4
- - baby Isabella Jane
- - baby Jesus
- - baby lambs
- - backyards
- - bad ideas
- - bad landlords
- - bad puns
- - bad reviews
- - bad storefronts
- - bad timing
- - bag snatchers
- - bags
- - bags full of guns
- - bake news
- - baking soda
- - banana peels
- - banana pudding
- - banana roller skates
- - bangs
- - bank brqanches
- - banners
- - barbed wire
- - barber poles
- - bars are loud
- - bars that need a jukebox
- - baseball references
- - bathtubs
- - be careful
- - beans
- - beautiful day
- - because we need more expensive fucking apartments here
- - beeps
- - beer cup holders
- - beer guts
- - beer is good
- - being whiny
- - bending tree
- - bespoke finishes
- - best cities to live in America
- - best hoods
- - better than a Duane Reade or Starbucks
- - big balls
- - big news
- - big things
- - big-ass vehicles
- - bike helmets
- - bike lane
- - bike messengers
- - bike shop
- - biking
- - bikini bars
- - biting people
- - black bloc
- - black mold
- - blackout
- - blaming Albany
- - blanking
- - bleeding heart carnivores
- - blobs
- - blog post headlines that make little or no sense
- - bloggers make so many mistakes
- - blue picket fence
- - blue skies
- - bocce
- - body work
- - bogus stats
- - bohemia
- - boisterous bacchanals
- - bologna
- - book readings
- - book signings
- - books are good and stuff
- - books that we will read
- - bouncy castles
- - bounties
- - bowling balls
- - bozos
- - branding
- - bread dumps
- - break-in
- - breaking news
- - breaking the law
- - breathing fire
- - brickhouses
- - bridge-and-tunnel
- - broken lamps
- - broken wheels Second Avenue
- - bros
- - brown furry things stuck in trees
- - buck wild
- - budget cuts
- - buidling
- - building permits
- - building sales
- - bull riding
- - bulletproof plastic
- - bumper stickers
- - bunnies
- - buns
- - burgers
- - bus
- - bus bulbs
- - bus lane
- - bus lines
- - bus stops
- - busts
- - buzz
- - cabanas
- - cable access TV
- - cactus
- - calamari
- - candles
- - canned poison
- - cans
- - canvassers
- - car bomb drinks
- - carbs
- - cardboard
- - cardigan sweaters
- - cardigan sweaters. Wall Street
- - cargo shorts
- - carnivals
- - carrots
- - cars vs. cranes
- - cartoon ham
- - carts
- - cash
- - cash mob
- - cash registers
- - cash-free businesses
- - cassettes
- - cat art
- - cat fight
- - catalytic converters
- - catch basins
- - catheters
- - celebrations
- - cellos
- - chainsaws
- - chameleons UK
- - change freaks
- - charmers
- - cheap food
- - cheerleaders
- - cheesy TV shows
- - chess
- - childlike drawings of President Obama urinating
- - chimneys
- - church bells
- - cigars
- - circus amok. Tompkins Square Park
- - city cuts
- - city living
- - class acts
- - class rings
- - classical music
- - clean getaways
- - cliches
- - climbing walls
- - closed
- - closed for
- - closing 2020
- - closoings 2021
- - closures 2021
- - clothes make the man
- - clubs
- - clusterfucks
- - cocaine
- - cockatiels
- - cockroaches
- - coffee art
- - coffins
- - cole slaw
- - collapse
- - combacks
- - comedy clubs
- - comets
- - coming soon
- - commercial rent
- - commercials of the 1970s
- - community gardens
- - community center
- - community facility
- - community garden
- - compound modifiers
- - computers
- - congestion pricing
- - construction as harassment
- - construction crates
- - consumerism
- - convenience stores
- - convertibles
- - cookies
- - cop
- - copious custom white wood cabinetry
- - cornhole
- - country music jamboree
- - cover bands
- - cow tipping
- - cows decorated like the American flag
- - craft beers
- - cranes
- - cranks
- - crap
- - crappy music
- - crappy places to work
- - crash virgins
- - cream cheese
- - creativity
- - creatures
- - credit card debt
- - credit cards
- - credit collapse
- - crepes
- - crispy and wispy
- - crosswalks
- - crowds
- - crêpes
- - curbside
- - curious decisions
- - cussing
- - d.b.a. DBA
- - dancers
- - dares
- - day drunk
- - dead bodies
- - dead ends
- - dead hamsters
- - dead icons
- - dead tree benches
- - deal
- - death of a view
- - death of bohemia
- - debates
- - decent housing at a resonable cost
- - decorative camels
- - deep dryer
- - demonstrations
- - dentist
- - depressing places we recommend
- - depression
- - dessert. desserted island
- - diapers
- - dice
- - diplomats
- - dipping
- - dirty bombs
- - discarded TVs
- - discarded paintings of Swiss Villages
- - discovering New York
- - discussions that I missed
- - dives
- - do you remember?
- - doag shit
- - dog attacks
- - dog carriers in trees
- - dogs in sweaters
- - dogs of the East Village
- - dogs on motorcycles
- - doll parts
- - dolls
- - dominos
- - don't we have enough problems without going and looking what's happening on the
- West Coast?
- - donkey ball
- - doofy guys in pleated slacks get all the good seats
- - doorways
- - drag
- - drag racing
- - dreadful buildings
- - dreams
- - drink and draw
- - drinking and shopping is fun
- - drinking makes you hot
- - drinking on Sunday afternoons
- - drinks to go
- - drips
- - dropping dead
- - drug stores
- - ducks
- - dumb drinks
- - dumb ideas
- - dumps
- - dying a little more every day
- - eVil Sublet
- - eagles
- - ebola
- - eclipse
- - economy cars
- - eek
- - eerie after-storm glow
- - eerie splendors
- - election 2017
- - elephants
- - elevators
- - emails
- - empty catchphrases
- - end of summer
- - entrapment
- - essays
- - euphemisms for masterbation
- - everyone loves cyclists
- - evflorist
- - evgrieve.com
- - extra floors
- - eye of the tiger
- - eyebrow threading
- - faith communities
- - fake ad
- - fake rain
- - fake train stops
- - falling branches
- - falling debris
- - fancy digs
- - fancy drinks
- - fashion disasters
- - fast food
- - fast food trifecta
- - fatalities
- - fatcats
- - feds
- - fiddle players
- - film festivals
- - filming around the East Village Double Down Saloon
- - filmmakers
- - finger painting
- - finger sucking
- - fingers
- - fire alarms
- - fire boxes
- - fire breathing
- - fire excapes
- - fire extinguisher
- - fire pits
- - fireflies
- - fireplaces
- - first dates
- - fishing
- - flagpole
- - flake news
- - flaky pies
- - flat tires
- - flaunting it
- - fleabag hotels
- - flippers
- - floating East River pool
- - flophouses
- - floppy sweats
- - fluted glass
- - fonts
- - food
- - food festivals
- - food on a stick
- - foodies
- - fool's good
- - football season
- - for rent
- - forgive me
- - former East Village residents
- - found art
- - four more months until winter
- - franchises
- - fratty heat spots
- - free ad for New York magazine
- - free ads for Microsoft
- - free booze
- - free clothes give-a-way
- - free falling -- and not related to Tom Petty
- - free shows
- - free vodka
- - fried stuff
- - fro-yo
- - frozen hydrants
- - frozen pipes
- - fuck art let's protest
- - fuck you
- - fucking Brooklyn
- - fucking fuckers
- - fueds
- - full body shots
- - full moon
- - fully glazed façade
- - fundraisers
- - funeral homes
- - funny
- - fur
- - furry fish
- - furry vests
- - gangs
- - gas mains
- - gas station kitty
- - gaudy insults to centuries past
- - getting floppy with it
- - ghost guns
- - ghosts
- - giant antennas
- - giant chipmunks
- - giant praying mantis
- - giant rubbers
- - giant sushi rolls
- - gift ideas
- - gingerbread houses
- - giving thanks
- - glass towers
- - glorified pub crawls
- - gluten-free
- - gnomes
- - go-go dancers
- - golf carts
- - good causes
- - good reading
- - good shops
- - good storefronts
- - good timing
- - goodsugar
- - gorilla hands
- - gotta go to Mo's
- - gourmet cannabis edibles
- - graduation day
- - graffiti 11th and 2nd
- - grainy photos
- - greasy spoons
- - great articles
- - great offers
- - great records
- - great tastes in restaurants
- - green beer
- - green things
- - grid greats
- - grindhouse
- - gripes
- - grumps
- - guardian angels
- - guilty pleasures
- - guinea pigs
- - guitars
- - gunfire
- - gurgling tub
- - guys in loinclothes
- - gypsies
- - ha-ha
- - hair in New York City
- - ham
- - hammocks
- - hand jobs
- - hand-cut in Italy
- - hands
- - hangovers
- - happy clouds
- - happy ending for new spa
- - happy returns
- - hard-core kids
- - harmful products
- - harmonicas
- - harps
- - hash
- - hashish
- - hate crimes
- - headless giraffes
- - headlines that are longer than the actual post
- - headlines that sound dirty
- - headlines that sound like a Russ Meyer movie
- - health and wellness
- - health care
- - health clubs New York Yankees
- - health permits
- - hearts
- - heavenly empty bars
- - heesy TV commercials
- - hell
- - hello Doggy Daddy
- - here comes another new apartment building
- - hidden gems of New York City
- - high gluten flour
- - high-pitched screeching
- - highway robbery
- - hip college neighborhood
- - hip-hop
- - hippies
- - hipster assholes
- - his stuff
- - history
- - history of buildings
- - ho's
- - hoarders
- - hockey
- - holding your breath
- - holiday 2017
- - holidays 2018
- - holidays 2019
- - holy cow
- - home prices
- - homeless models
- - honoring firefighters
- - hoodies
- - hookups
- - hope
- - hope that you're not hungry
- - hornswoggled
- - hot cheese nachos
- - hot tubs
- - houses of the week
- - housing slump
- - hoverboards
- - how to behave in a bar
- - how will I get to work
- - humanitarians
- - hunks
- - hype
- - iL Matone
- - icicles
- - idling trucks
- - if you don't like nice fall Saturdays
- - illegal bag searches
- - illegal hotels
- - illegal parking
- - image
- - important decisions
- - impromptu concerts
- - inclusionary housing
- - incubating
- - ineffective sunshine
- - inflation
- - influencers
- - ironing boards
- - isn't it ironic
- - it has come to this
- - it really does look at little like Miami
- - it's electric
- - it's nice up there
- - jackets of the East Village
- - jackhammers
- - jazz
- - jello wrestling
- - jellyfish
- - jiggle joints
- - job opportunities
- - jobs
- - juice
- - jukebox
- - junk food
- - just another Saturday nightnot
- - just asking
- - just give me a goddamn beer
- - kava
- - keeping it raunchy
- - keyboards
- - kicking it
- - kids would pay top dollar for that outfit in Williamsburg
- - kitchens
- - kitsch
- - knights in shining armor
- - knitting
- - knives
- - kung-fu fighting
- - large grasshoppers
- - large mouths
- - lasers
- - last call
- - last night
- - last of its kind
- - late night
- - law firms
- - layoffs
- - lead. construction as harassment
- - leaf blowers
- - leg lights
- - let it go
- - lettuce
- - liars
- - libeling Sesame Street characters
- - life in America
- - life of the party
- - limes
- - literally
- - live music
- - living downtown
- - local cuisine
- - locksmith
- - lofts with missing walls
- - logs
- - loitering
- - looking at New York circa 1998
- - looking at old New York circa 2001
- - looking at older New York
- - losing my mind
- - lost photos
- - lots
- - low-income housing
- - lowest common denominator
- - luggage
- - lunch
- - macaroni and cheese
- - machete
- - malls
- - man caves
- - man's best friend
- - manholes. Con Ed
- - manure
- - marauding drunks
- - marches
- - maryjane
- - mascots
- - matchbooks
- - maybe the world won't end soon
- - meat pie
- - meat slicers
- - mechanical exhaust fan in proposed toilet
- - memorabilia
- - men dressed as trees
- - men with swords
- - men with vans
- - men without vans
- - mermaids
- - messes
- - meteor woo
- - micro lofts
- - middle class
- - milk
- - mimes
- - mini food truck movement
- - mini-pitch
- - misery
- - missing a chance to make a priceless joke
- - missing a chance to make a tasteless joke
- - missing pets. lost dogs
- - mist
- - mobile boilers
- - mobile homes
- - mockingbirds
- - model homes
- - modeling agencies
- - modern Australian
- - modern riffs
- - mold
- - moles
- - money-grubbers
- - monopolies
- - moose head
- - more bars
- - motorhomes
- - movie shoots
- - movie tickets
- - movies that we will see
- - mumblecore
- - munchies
- - murder of Seventh Street
- - murder on Seventh Street
- - music that we would never listen to
- - music video
- - music videos.
- - mutant plants
- - mystery l
- - naming condos
- - narcotics
- - nasty kiddie pools
- - navelgazing
- - needles
- - neighborhood bars
- - net worth
- - neurotic
- - new buildngs
- - new construction
- - new jack cornballs
- - new old restaurants
- - new places that close for renovation
- - new political parties
- - new res
- - new restaurant
- - new stores kind of
- - new to New York
- - new-fangled retainers
- - newcomers
- - news releases
- - nice views
- - nickel beer
- - nightlife horror shows
- - ninja turtles
- - nipples
- - no credit to the people who have been reporting on the story all along
- - no filter
- - nobody can eat 50 eggs
- - noisy bars
- - noisy sex
- - nose jobs
- - nosh Up
- - nostalgia
- - not biased or anything
- - nothing is gonna stop us now
- - novelty T-shirts
- - now I got worry
- - now I want you to cup your breasts
- - nuclear attack
- - obsessing
- - off-off-Bowery
- - oh God
- - oh fuck
- - old New
- - old mattresses that may or may not have a large blood stain on them
- - old photos
- - old theaters
- - old things
- - old war stoiries
- - one man's Shrek is another man's trash
- - one screening room and spit-roast pigs in the backyard
- - one-level structures are extinct
- - open
- - open hydrants
- - open summons warrants
- - opera
- - opinion
- - optical illusions
- - orange juice
- - orange quilt
- - ostriches
- - ouch
- - out of place
- - out of season
- - outdoor laundry rooms
- - overdose
- - overhead projectors
- - oxymorons
- - packing peanuts
- - paint splatter
- - pandas
- - pants of shame
- - paper plates
- - parties
- - passive aggressive
- - peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
- - pear tree
- - pedestrian mall
- - peeing on the roof
- - penis balloons
- - pens and pencils
- - people I've never heard of who live in the East Village
- - people dressed as trees
- - people dressed like chickens
- - people we continue to write about for no good reason
- - people we like
- - people we wish would go away
- - people who go to Trader Joe's in their pajamas
- - pepper spray
- - performances
- - personal lubricants
- - pet lizards
- - pets for sale
- - phew
- - phoning it in
- - phoning it on
- - photo projects
- - photos of men walking around with cats perched on their head
- - physical therapy
- - piano bars
- - pickets
- - picking your nose on national TV
- - piles of shoes
- - ping-pong
- - pink boas
- - pink sweaters
- - pizza pigeon
- - piñatas
- - plagues
- - planets
- - plant bandit
- - plant thief
- - plastic bags
- - please explain
- - please indulge me with this post
- - pleasure carts
- - podcasts
- - poetry
- - pointless conversations
- - poker
- - polar bears
- - police chase
- - police lights
- - ponies
- - ponzi scheme
- - pool
- - poor EVG
- - pop ups
- - pork
- - port-a-potties
- - possible good news
- - post no bills
- - pot.
- - power tools
- - print shop
- - printers broken or not
- - private party rooms
- - promos
- - pronghorn
- - psych
- - psycho-sexual youth
- - public advocate
- - public art
- - public service announcements
- - public urination
- - pudgy purse snatchers
- - punk
- - punk-hippie girls
- - punks
- - purses
- - putting naked woman as a tag to see how people will be disappointed
- - quality of life
- - queer cinema
- - questions
- - quotation marks
- - quoting Footloose in the headline
- - racial quality
- - racism
- - radiation
- - rains
- - raves
- - real-life Bourne Ultimatum
- - real-tailed hawks
- - really big houses
- - rebel scum
- - recipes
- - recording studios
- - red blobs
- - red hot pokers
- - red tailed hawks
- - red-tails hawks
- - redevelopment
- - references to Starship songs
- - relief
- - religion
- - reminders
- - removable codpiece
- - renaming neighborhoods
- - rent abatement
- - rent increase
- - rent laws
- - restaurant closures
- - restaurants for sale
- - restaurants named after horses
- - restaurnt closings
- - resurfacers gonna resurface
- - retail to residential
- - reverse psychology
- - rewards
- - rice krispie treats
- - rich people
- - rich zip codes
- - right place
- - road trip
- - road wok
- - roadwork
- - robot drummers
- - robot lawnmowers
- - rock
- - rock stars and their baby names
- - rockets
- - rogue rings
- - roll-down gates
- - roll-down gates. 100 Gates
- - rolldown gates
- - roller derby
- - roller skating
- - rompers
- - rooftop pools
- - rooftop santa
- - rotten tenants
- - rub
- - ruckus
- - rude behavior
- - rudy mancuso
- - ruining the neighborhood one bonbon at a time -- ha
- - rules
- - rum
- - rumos
- - runaway dogs
- - rusty fridge
- - s and m clubs
- - sad cat photos
- - safer streets
- - saints
- - sales
- - saloons
- - same as it ever was
- - same-sex marriage
- - scalies
- - scavenger hunts
- - scofflaw patrol
- - scotch
- - screeches
- - seasons
- - see you in the emergency room
- - seize the day
- - send help
- - sensible footwear
- - serial evictees
- - severed arms
- - severed dog heads
- - severed party heads on a stick
- - severed stuffed zebra heads
- - sewage repairs
- - sex parties
- - sexism
- - sexy
- - shameless plugs
- - sheep
- - shilling
- - shirtless shopping
- - shitholes
- - shithows
- - shitter's clogged
- - shitty gifts
- - shockers
- - shooting around the East Village
- - shop
- - shop shops
- - shot heard 'round the world
- - shots fired
- - shrubs
- - shut up
- - sidewalk repairs
- - sidewalk scenes
- - signal poles
- - silly inventions
- - singalongs
- - single-screen movie theaters
- - sit-ups
- - six-foot subs
- - skateboarders
- - skind row
- - skywriters
- - slugs
- - sluts
- - smartphones
- - smoking Puff & Pass
- - smooth shaves
- - sneakers
- - snow bills
- - snow in August
- - snow in October
- - snow man
- - snow squall
- - snow tires are for pussies
- - snowplow
- - snowplows
- - social experiments
- - social workers
- - socks
- - sofas
- - solidcore
- - some view
- - songs we've always liked
- - sonkhole
- - soon
- - soothing our jangled nerves
- - soul
- - soup
- - space shuttle
- - special retail district
- - speechless
- - spelling
- - spending too much time on Flickr
- - spider webs
- - spiders
- - spit-roasting cow
- - spray paint
- - spring?
- - squash
- - squirt guns
- - stage freight
- - stairwell collapses
- - standard-of-living bubble
- - standing around
- - stargazing
- - statues
- - staycation
- - stealing cabs
- - stealing table settings
- - steam pipes
- - stern signs
- - still got it
- - still talking about the damn stoop
- - stock market
- - stolen artwork
- - stolen benches
- - stolen flower pots
- - stolen menus
- - stolen plants
- - stoop
- - stories of neighbors
- - storm of the Saturday
- - storm sex
- - strange but true probably
- - straw
- - strawberries
- - street
- - street art. murals
- - street cleaning
- - street festival
- - street lights
- - street sweepers
- - street-smart attire
- - streetart
- - streeteateries
- - streetlights
- - string cheese
- - stuck cats
- - student newspapers
- - stunt burgers
- - stunt parking
- - stupid magic tricks
- - stupid stuff people throw away
- - subprime-mortgage crisis
- - suburbs in Times Square
- - subway ads
- - subway grates
- - subway series
- - summer 2015
- - summer concerts
- - summer ruined
- - sun soakers
- - sunglasses
- - suntans
- - super blood moon
- - super moon
- - super sugary breakfast cereal
- - supportive housing
- - surfing
- - surprises
- - sutra
- - sweeps
- - sxxssxz
- - t-rex
- - tages
- - tags
- - tailors
- - tales from the crypt
- - tapas
- - tar
- - tarot cards
- - tattoo artists
- - tattooed bartenders
- - tax photo collection
- - taxi relief stand
- - taxidermy
- - technology
- - tenant harassment
- - tenant notification
- - tenant relocator
- - tenement life
- - tents
- - terraces
- - terrestrial snails
- - thank you Jesus
- - thank you motherfuckers
- - that motorcycle
- - that nerdy guy who looks like he could be in Weezer
- - that sinking feeling
- - that weird-looking sky last night
- - that woman who sits on newspaper boxes
- - the
- - the 292 Theatre/Gallery
- - the Bhakti Center
- - the Black Keys
- - the Bling Pig
- - the Blue Door
- - the Bowery Hotel
- - the Bowery Presents
- - the Bowery. zoning
- - the Breeders
- - the Brindle Room
- - the Calyx
- - the Clemente Center
- - the Colonel
- - the Cornelia Connelly Center
- - the Dark Side
- - the Dictators
- - the Drunken Clam
- - the Dugout
- - the E. 10th St. Finest Deli
- - the East Village Book Club
- - the East Village Community Coalition
- - the East Village and Lower East Side Bike Friendly Business District
- - the Empire Strikes Back
- - the Famous Cozy Soup 'n' Burger
- - the Financial District
- - the Fleshtones
- - the Fragile Flour
- - the Gatsby Hotel
- - the Giants
- - the God of Gambling
- - the Goodies
- - the Gun Club
- - the Hamptons
- - the Historic Landmarks Preservation Center
- - the Incubator Arts Project
- - the Inn on Irving Place
- - the LGBTQ History Project
- - the Lee
- - the Little Laptop Shop
- - the Lower East Side Playground Field
- - the Market Line
- - the Masalawala
- - the Metropolitan Museum of Art
- - the Miracle Garden
- - the MoniMonimax 4000W
- - the Monimax 4000W
- - the Museum of the City of New York
- - the NYC Department of Pedestrian Etiquette
- - the New York City Pharmacy
- - the New York Funny Songs Fest
- - the New York Shock Exchange
- - the Nightlife Advisory Board
- - the Oasis Cafe
- - the Office of Mr. Moto
- - the Parish of Calvary-St. George’s
- - the Pizza Spot
- - the Ramone
- - the Soho/Noho upzoning plan
- - the Spin Doctors
- - the Swankery
- - the Tower of Toys
- - the Train
- - the Unicorn Frame Shop
- - the Village Winery Club
- - the Voidoids
- - the Whole Foods Market® Bowery
- - the Williamsburg Bridge
- - the Wowery
- - the Yeah Yeah Yeahs
- - the barricaded chair of 5th Street
- - the book man
- - the bull
- - the city that never sleeps cliches
- - the country
- - the death star
- - the downturn
- - the east village is fun
- - the fast and the curious
- - the flu
- - the goes the neighborhood again and again
- - the good life
- - the goold old days
- - the humanity
- - the majestic aroma of the neighborhood
- - the most important story of the year
- - the old man is still talking
- - the one day when we recall that song by Arcadia
- - the person taking photos of his check
- - the rat
- - the rat pack?
- - the rece
- - the rules of journalism
- - the sky is falling
- - the sperm bank neighborhood
- - the subway
- - the sunsets
- - the superficial
- - the three-wheeled Polaris Slingshot
- - the worst people in the world
- - theaters
- - then move to
- - these grow so fast
- - these models have no public hair
- - thew Boiler Room
- - things in fur
- - things that I can do
- - things that I don't get
- - things that I'll never do
- - things that are dead
- - things that are long
- - things that are saturated
- - things that are vague
- - things that aren't dogs
- - things that no one cares about
- - things that vibrate
- - things that we don't need any more of
- - things that you can't make up
- - things that you dip
- - things to do at midnight
- - things we can't afford
- - think about the children
- - thinking too much about things
- - this is Henry Hudson's fault
- - this is just wrong
- - this joke never gets old
- - this really has noting to do with the East Village
- - thongs
- - three base movements of heave
- - thrifty
- - thunderstorm
- - tide pods
- - timber
- - time capsules
- - time warps
- - time-lapse
- - to submerge yourself
- - toe tappers
- - toga parties
- - tomorrow
- - too many storylines in one post
- - toothless children
- - tourism
- - towing
- - townhouse conversions
- - tranhumanism
- - treadmills
- - tree
- - tree wells
- - trendy places
- - trombones
- - trophies
- - truck bombs
- - truck nuts
- - trust funds
- - try decaf
- - tubas
- - turkey-stuffed donuts
- - u turns
- - ugly stereotypes
- - unapproved menacing
- - underage drinking
- - underewear
- - underwear
- - unicycles
- - unions
- - unlocked front door
- - unrest
- - unshoveled sidewalks
- - upscale lounges
- - urballoon
- - urban gardens
- - urban legends
- - urban pioneers
- - urbanites of our new age
- - used books
- - user reviews
- - vacations
- - vaccinatiopns
- - vaccines
- - vegan doughnuts
- - vibrators
- - vice presidential debates
- - videos
- - vikings
- - vintage TV
- - visit these sites
- - visitnyc.com
- - volt
- - voting Election 2020
- - vowels
- - walk-don't walk
- - walk-up building
- - walks of shame
- - walnut vanities
- - warlocks
- - warming centers
- - water gun assassinations
- - waterfalls
- - wax
- - wax on
- - way off point
- - we OWN this fucking story
- - we don't know what to do with our money
- - we'd still rather buy coffee from the guy at the coffee cart next to our office
- - wean you off Ukrainian delivery
- - weapons
- - wedding crashers
- - wedding destination
- - week in review
- - wet paint
- - wet red paint
- - what lies beneath
- - what would Hilly think
- - what year is this
- - what's for dinner
- - whatever
- - whatever happened to...
- - wheat paste
- - where did it all go wrong
- - where the streets have no green
- - whips
- - white lines
- - white noise
- - who gives a shit
- - who's running this town anyway
- - who's who
- - whoa
- - why EV Grieve doesn't write about food
- - why I went to journalism school
- - why am i walking in the snow at this hour?
- - why bother even saying anything
- - why does someone need 12 bathrooms?
- - why this is horrible
- - wicker vanity tables
- - wilding
- - wildlife
- - wind chimes
- - window lentel
- - window lintel
- - window washing
- - windows
- - wine bars
- - wine stores
- - winter 2024
- - winter storms
- - wires
- - wishful thinking
- - wolfwomen
- - woo is me
- - woo — we were on TV
- - wood chips
- - wood lathe
- - woodcock
- - woomageddon
- - worse idea ever
- - wrong time
- - yarn hammocks
- - yarn-covered rickshaws on Avenue A
- - yoga with dogs
- - you beautiful beast you
- - you can really deep fry anything
- - you're a llama
- - you're a mean one Mr. Grinch
- - you're old
- - young Flanagan
- - young lawyers
- - young professionals
- - young real-estate moguls
- - your source for mannequin sightings
- - yuk yuk
- - zebra chairs
- - zipper bench
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Greenmarket season begins on Astor Place
- last_post_description: The Astor Place Greenmarket returns today. GrowNYC's seasonal
- market is here Tuesdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. through Nov. 26.Confirmed participants
- this first week: • Kernan Farms Vegetables —
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T09:26:00Z"
- last_post_link: http://evgrieve.com/2024/06/greenmarket-season-begins-on-astor-place.html
- last_post_categories:
- - Astor Place Greenmarket
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- last_post_title: The mystery of the Confucian Girl
- last_post_description: We finished Season 1 of Girls’ High Mystery Class, which
- was fun. The mysteries were well-designed (though, I don’t think I actually solved
- any of them), and it was good times to watch the
- last_post_date: "2024-02-07T19:00:00-05:00"
- last_post_link: http://jimkang.com/weblog/articles/mystery-of-the-confucian-girl/
+ last_post_title: The Daily Sutra
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Last Friday, I found myself a liturgical space while listening to a news podcast.
+ The Daily is a daily news podcast. It’s hit-or-miss, but one segment I do appreciate consistently is the
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-04T20:00:00-04:00"
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- last_post_description: They're completely different, but often coupled.
- last_post_date: "2024-04-24T01:00:00Z"
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+ categories: []
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/15526193185905577771: true
+ last_post_title: Mission Report
+ last_post_description: Well, that's the end of my GSoC project and I'm pleased to
+ inform you that Scoutess was a success! While it hasn't been smooth sailing for
+ every minute of the journey, I've learnt a lot and am very
+ last_post_date: "2012-08-15T18:06:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://projectscoutess.blogspot.com/2012/08/mission-report.html
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-description: Links I've liked.
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- last_post_title: Jack Dorsey, Bluesky, decentralised social networks and the very
- common crowd via David Gerard
- last_post_description: Twitter founder Jack Dorsey has been interviewed in Pirate
- Wires by Mike Solana about social media and why he left the Bluesky social network
- site and the Bluesky company board.
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T01:38:00Z"
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - Change
+ - Change Harvesting
+ - Leading Technical Change
+ - Muses
+ relme:
+ https://www.geepawhill.org/: true
+ last_post_title: Optimize for Our Humans
+ last_post_description: 'Leading Technical Change is a small, live, remote seminar
+ aimed squarely at a single topic: Real Change in the Real World. A new cohort
+ is open now: March 11,12,14, & 15, 10am to noon Eastern (UTC-5)'
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-23T17:38:01Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.geepawhill.org/2024/02/23/optimize-for-our-humans/
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+ - Change
+ - Change Harvesting
+ - Leading Technical Change
+ - Muses
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-title: Learn With Jason Episodes RSS Feed
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-description: Learn from the web’s leading experts. Build something new. Grow your
- career. Let’s do it together.
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- last_post_title: AnalogJS is the full-stack meta-framework for Angular (with Brandon
- Roberts)
- last_post_description: There’s a whole lot of interesting innovation happening in
- AnalogJS. Creator Brandon Roberts will teach us why it’s exciting, whether you’re
- an Angular dev or not.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-30T16:30:00Z"
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+description: Helping you help build Firefox - Medium
+ feedlink: https://medium.com/feed/firefox-test-pilot
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: 9d47f372af74850833602fb6babb68ae
+ websites:
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+ - firefox
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+ https://medium.com/firefox-test-pilot?source=rss----46b1a2ddb811---4: true
+ last_post_title: Adios, Amigo
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2019-01-15T21:00:45Z"
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+title: Paco's Miscellaneous Stuff
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+description: Miscellaneous stuff done mostly by me. Almost all of it is for Warhammer
+ Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP).
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+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: 9d4b4754202c5fa6265e7953789cbc31
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - 1st edition
+ - 2nd edition
+ - 4th edition
+ - CC0
+ - Images
+ - JavaScript
+ - Maps
+ - Oldenhaller
+ - RPG
+ - Random Generator
+ - Tutorial
+ - WFRP
+ - Warhammer Fantasy Role Play
+ - Zweihander
+ - castellano
+ - español
+ relme:
+ https://pacomiscelaneousstuff.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Quick, dirty and ugly JavaScript tutorial for random generators
+ (Part 5)
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2023-03-26T12:13:35+02:00"
+ last_post_link: https://pacomiscelaneousstuff.blogspot.com/2023/03/quick-dirty-and-ugly-javascript.html
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+ - CC0
+ - JavaScript
+ - Maps
+ - Random Generator
+ - Tutorial
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-title: Email is good.
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: A site about email productivity.
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- - https://kevq.uk/feed
- - https://kevq.uk/feed.xml
- - https://kevq.uk/feed/
- - https://kevquirk.com/feed
- categories:
- - Uncategorized
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- last_post_title: Stop signing your emails?
- last_post_description: I don’t 100% know what Michael Lopp means here but my guess
- is that you don’t need any email signature at all. Not a big crazy one that is
- longer than the email itself like your last realtor had.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-28T15:42:30Z"
- last_post_link: https://email-is-good.com/2024/05/28/stop-signing-your-emails/
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- - Uncategorized
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-description: Latest releases of all packages.
- feedlink: https://packagist.org/feeds/releases.rss
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- last_post_title: helsingborg-stad/wpservice (1.25.1)
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- WpService that exposes global WordPress functions in a streamlined manner. Simplify
- your development workflow and enhance WordPress
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ categories:
+ - BGP
+ - anycast
+ - as250
+ - cacheboy
+ - cacheboy ipv6
+ - cdn
+ - cyberduck
+ - dns
+ - downtime
+ - freebsd
+ - geoip
+ - ipv6
+ - lighttpd
+ - lusca
+ - mozilla
+ - news
+ - nnrp
+ - nntp
+ - olpc
+ - oprofile
+ - performance
+ - proxy
+ - quagga
+ - squid
+ - sugarlabs
+ - usenet
+ - videolan
+ - wiki
+ - wishlist
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+ https://cacheboy.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://lusca-cache.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17496219706861321916: true
+ https://xenionhosting.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Where's cacheboy been hiding?
+ last_post_description: I've had a few people ask where Cacheboy has been hiding
+ since late 2009.In short - I had a lack of reliable traffic nodes and my bachelor's
+ degree to finish off.Now, the long version.The university
+ last_post_date: "2011-07-16T02:04:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://cacheboy.blogspot.com/2011/07/wheres-cacheboy-been-hiding.html
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+ - cacheboy
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+ Build
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- last_post_title: Manage our tendency to anthropomorphize
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- This article in general is an argument against the idea of using science fiction to think critically about AI
- Instead, I ask whether science fiction is sometimes not only an inadequate context for
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Wieder mehr bloggen… by Steffen Voß
+ last_post_description:
+ Willkommen Zuhause!
Einfach bloggen, als ob es keiner liest!
I've decided to take a new job as an early engineering manager/tech
+ lead, at a data analytics/database startup. And I hope to begin
+ blogging/journaling here more about software development and
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+ and economic models. Discussions about software engineering, Eclipse, SOA, game
+ theory, project management, and other
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- As the year comes to a close, it’s an opportune moment to reflect on the journey of NewPipe over the past year and to cast a glance toward the project’s future.
- NewPipe in 2023
- In 2023,
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- last_post_description: Free to Use and Reuse Sets ⇾ [alastc]
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+ last_post_title: linkylove.inspired 07-08-24
+ last_post_description: "Jacob Hall↪linkroll↪wordways CogDogBlog↪Barking Dog Studio↪CogDog
+ is Alan Levine indieblog.page ⇦↪List of all Blogs↪\U0001F3B2 Open Random Blog
+ Post → → Graham’s Island Size Of Life"
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+description: Design, Discussion and Documentation from around the Java GIS world.
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+ - Drink-Eat-Enjoy
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+ - java apple
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+ - udig
+ - udig release
+ - user guide
+ - version hell
+ - welcome
+ - win32
+ - wps
+ - xml
+ - xsd
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/10376195727731958785: true
+ https://www.how2map.com/: true
+ last_post_title: FOSS4G 2018
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+ last_post_date: "2018-11-07T05:12:51+11:00"
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+ - foss4g
+ - geoserver
+ - geotools
+ - locationtech
+ - osgeo
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last_post_title: Update from the GNOME board
last_post_description: It’s been around 6 months since the GNOME Foundation was
joined by our new Executive Director, Holly Million, and the board and I wanted
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+title: 'GSoC 2022: GNOME'
+date: "2024-03-08T23:23:56+05:30"
+description: This blog is about my experiences as a contributor for the GNOME Foundation
+ in GSoC'22.
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+ last_post_title: 'GSoC 2022: Third Update!'
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+ last_post_date: "2022-08-10T17:30:27+05:30"
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+ last_post_title: Shed Skin restricted-Python-to-C++ compiler 0.9.9
+ last_post_description: I have just released version 0.9.9 of Shed Skin, a restricted-Python-to-C++
+ compiler. It comes with many changes under the hood to improve the code base.
+ For example, Shakeeb has started adding type
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-27T08:11:00Z"
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+title: Craig Maloney
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+description: More than you cared to know
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+ - A Day In The Life
+ - Cancer
+ - Zen Habits
+ - misc
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+ https://decafbad.net/: true
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+ last_post_title: 'Checking In: 2024-03-25'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Checking in for 2024-03-25:
+ Buckle up. This is a big update.
+ Yesterday I felt like I was going to explode. I compared it to the video game "Dig Dug", which has been an interesting litmus test for
+ last_post_date: "2024-03-25T15:34:00-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://decafbad.net/2024/03/25/checking-in-2024-03-25/
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+ - A Day In The Life
+ - Cancer
+ - Zen Habits
+ - misc
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+ categories:
+ - ARM
+ - Busybox
+ - CD
+ - CI
+ - Caiman
+ - DTrace
+ - DevOps
+ - IRIX
+ - Jenkins X
+ - MilaX
+ - Octane
+ - OpenSolaris
+ - Rust
+ - SGI
+ - Silicon Graphics
+ - Solaris
+ - Sparc
+ - SunStudio
+ - Ubuntu VM
+ - boot
+ - ddu
+ - failsafe
+ - fdisk
+ - firefly
+ - gnome
+ - illumos
+ - istatd
+ - kstat
+ - mdb
+ - osstat
+ - pipeline automation
+ - ripgrep
+ - smbios
+ - tardist
+ - unleashed
+ - v9os
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- last_post_description: We had our bi-monthly company hack day last week. I had the
- pleasure of teaming up with a colleague who isn’t in engineering (yet), but would
- love to move into the backend engineering space. We
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+ last_post_title: Spring 3 session level Model Attributes with Multi Tab browsers
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-description: All the moments AKA posts with a picture and a caption published on my
- website. I thought some of you might want to have this content as a separate feed
- so there you have it.
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- stressful, joyful, surprising 3 years of my life. You being in my life didn’t
- make it any easier but I’m still grateful to have you
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+ - https://kevquirk.com/blogroll/kevquirk.opml
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+ - https://baty.net/everything.rss
+ - https://brandonwrites.xyz/feed/
+ - https://btxx.org/index.rss
+ - https://buttondown.email/ownyourweb/rss
+ - https://chriscoyier.net/feed
+ - https://email-is-good.com/feed
+ - https://gkeenan.co/avgb/feed.xml
+ - https://herman.bearblog.dev/feed/?type=rss
+ - https://jlelse.blog/index.xml
+ - https://manuelmoreale.com/feed/rss
+ - https://niqwithq.com/feed.xml
+ - https://rknight.me/subscribe
+ - https://robinrendle.com/feed.xml
+ - https://thejollyteapot.com/feed.rss
+ - https://www.eddiedale.com/blog-feed
+ - https://www.lkhrs.com/blog/index.xml
+ - https://baty.net/feed
+ - https://btxx.org/index.atom
+ - https://chriscoyier.net/feed/
+ - https://email-is-good.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://email-is-good.com/feed/
+ - https://herman.bearblog.dev/feed/
+ - https://jlelse.blog/.atom
+ - https://jlelse.blog/.rss
+ - https://manuelmoreale.com/feed/instagram
+ - https://rknight.me/subscribe/posts/atom.xml
+ - https://rknight.me/subscribe/posts/rss.xml
+ - https://robinrendle.com/cascadefeed.xml
+ - https://robinrendle.com/essayfeed.xml
+ - https://robinrendle.com/newsletterfeed.xml
+ - https://www.lkhrs.com/index.xml
+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://fosstodon.org/@kev: true
+ https://github.com/kevquirk: true
+ https://kevquirk.com/: true
+ https://social.lol/@kevquirk: true
+ last_post_title: 5 July 2024 at 16:38
+ last_post_description: "There's me, resizing and reformatting all my images like
+ some kind of caveman, when all it needed was 4 lines of code in a @getkirby blueprint
+ to automate the whole thing. \U0001F926♂️\ncreate:\n "
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-05T16:40:00+01:00"
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+ categories:
+ - Plugin update
+ relme:
+ https://blog.qgis.org/: true
+ last_post_title: Plugin Update – April to May, 2024
+ last_post_description: Between April and May there were 33 new plugins published
+ in the QGIS plugin repository. Here follows the quick overview… Read more Plugin
+ Update – April to May, 2024
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T07:04:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://blog.qgis.org/2024/07/08/plugin-update-april-to-may-2024/
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+ - Plugin update
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+description: Reflections on JNode, Java, software developement and other things of
+ interest
+ feedlink: https://lsantha.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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+ https://lsantha.blogspot.com/: true
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+ recommended: []
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+ categories:
+ - eos
+ - first post
+ - fosdem
+ - java quine
+ - jedit
+ - jnode
+ - openjdk
+ - self-reference
+ - swing
+ - swtswing
+ relme:
+ https://lsantha.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/07461860174464006430: true
+ last_post_title: Why JNode?
+ last_post_description: There seems to be a certain confusion in the community about
+ the motivation of the JNode project and specifically the unusual choice of the
+ Java language for implementing it. I think some explanation
+ last_post_date: "2009-03-04T19:18:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://lsantha.blogspot.com/2009/03/why-jnode.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - jnode
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+description: A Blog of Jiri Eischmann
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+ websites:
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+ blogrolls: []
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+ categories:
+ - Mastodon
+ - Software
+ - Vivaldi
+ - Web
+ - fediverse
+ - migrace
+ - sociální sítě
+ relme:
+ https://blog.eischmann.cz/: true
+ https://eischmann.cz/: true
+ https://enblog.eischmann.cz/: true
+ https://social.vivaldi.net/@sesivany: true
+ last_post_title: Změnil jsem instanci Mastodonu
+ last_post_description: Před několika dny jsem po několika letech změnil instanci
+ Mastodonu. Proč jsem se k tomu odhodlal? Podle čeho jsem vybíral novou? Co obnáší
+ samotná migrace a jak jsem na nové instanci
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-04T06:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://blog.eischmann.cz/2024/07/04/zmenil-jsem-instanci-mastodonu/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Mastodon
+ - Software
+ - Vivaldi
+ - Web
+ - fediverse
+ - migrace
+ - sociální sítě
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+description: Timj’s bits and tests
+ feedlink: https://testbit.eu/rss2.xml
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: a049ad3b83f678a091e10cd5388a01d0
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+ categories:
+ - cgroup
+ - cpuset
+ relme:
+ https://social.tchncs.de/@timj: true
+ https://testbit.eu/: true
+ last_post_title: Profiling with CPUset Isolation
+ last_post_description: |-
+ I recently worked on some hashtable lookup code that could benefit from
+ SIMD optimizations and microbenchmarking of modulus and hash functions
+ to improve the code quality. However, modern CPUs are
+ last_post_date: "2023-12-30T23:38:09Z"
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+ - cgroup
+ - cpuset
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- last_post_description: Airport, interior Faro, Thursday afternoon. Quote of the
- Day “We don’t know who discovered water, but we know it wasn’t the fish.” Marshall
- McLuhan Musical alternative to the morning’s
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+ last_post_description: Washing up Provence, June 2024. Quote of the Day “Loneliness
+ as a situation can be corrected, but as a state of mind it is an incurable illness”
+ Vladimir Nabokov Musical alternative to the
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- of choice is to obsess, research, and then buy things – my mind recently decided
- to zoom in on re-doing my videoconferencing setup. I
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+ Academy and more.
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+ last_post_description: We'll introduce the basics of the debug gem before diving
+ into its more advanced features.
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+ - transition
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+ last_post_description: Do you like your computers to be big, fire-prone and inflexible?
+ Then you'll love macOS Sequoia, another missed naming opportunity from the company
+ that should have brought you macOS Mettler, macOS
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to others if you buy and love something. Most of the time, this is correct. Except
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+description: Dan McDonald -- illumos engineer and RTI advocate at Joyent. This blog
+ formerly resided on Sun's blog roll as, "End-to-end... and everything in between."
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+ - hg
+ - illumos
+ - scm
+ - zfs
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+ First off, long time no blog!
+ This is the last post I'm putting on the
+ Blogspot site. In the spirit of
+ eating my own dogfood, I've now set up a
+ self-hosted blog on my HDC. I'm sure it
+ won't be
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+description: Every body is worried about qualities of chees here are many.
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+ last_post_title: Good quality Cheeses
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Blues:The determination of blue cheeses would fuse solid, medium,
+ gentle, and extra velvety cheeses. It would likewise be helpful to give lesser
+ referred to blue cheeses to tastings as English blue
+ last_post_date: "2021-04-27T17:59:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://astrofame.blogspot.com/2021/04/good-quality-cheeses.html
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+ - Quality of Chess Have a matter.
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+ last_post_title: PGP keys on Yubikey, with a side of Mutt
+ last_post_description: |-
+ How do you use your PGP keys on the Yubikey on other systems?
+ Go to another system, if it does have a ~/.gnupg directory already move it
+ somewhere else.
+ Import your public key:
+ gpg -k
+ gpg -
+ last_post_date: "2024-04-05T15:22:40+02:00"
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+title: All Area Code
+date: "2024-03-08T01:06:31-08:00"
+description: We have all Details About area code information.
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- - Ceres
- - CMS
- - LHC restart
- - LHCb
- - B physics
- - Planck
- - Rosetta
- - direct detection
- - excess
- - neutrinos
- - Mars
- - Pluto
- - arXiv
- - diphoton
- - galactic centre excess
- - long-lived
- - naturalness
- - AMS
- - Fermi
- - cosmic rays
- - dark photon
- - diboson
- - BICEP2
- - LIGO
- - New Horizons
- - Stawell
- - portal
- - string theory
+ - '''t Hooft'
- 2HDM
- 3.5 keV line
- - DES
- - Interstellar
- - Kepler
- - Randall
- - SUPL
- - Weinberg
- - Wilczek
- - Z'
- - annual modulation
- - climate change
- - eclipse
- - exoplanet
- - extinctions
- - hierarchy problem
- - leptogenesis
- - multiverse
- - neutrinoless double beta
- - pentaquark
- - scalar
- - self-interaction
- - top quark
- - '''t Hooft'
+ - AMS
- Andromeda
- Apollo
- Arkani-Hamed
+ - B physics
+ - BICEP2
- BaBar
- Big Bang Theory
- Bjorken
+ - CMS
- Cassini
+ - Ceres
- CosPA
+ - DES
- Dawid
- Dilbert
- Einstein ring
- Europa
+ - Fermi
- Fitch
- Hawking
+ - Higgs
- Hubble
+ - Interstellar
+ - Kepler
- Kibble
+ - LHC
+ - LHC restart
+ - LHCb
+ - LIGO
- MT2
+ - Mars
- MiniBooNE
- Moriond
- N3LO
- NA48/2
- NOvA
+ - New Horizons
- Nobel Prize
- Opportunity
+ - Planck
+ - Pluto
+ - Randall
- Reticulum II
+ - Rosetta
- SHiP
+ - SUPL
+ - Stawell
- The Simpsons
- Vub
- W'
+ - Weinberg
+ - Wilczek
- Witten
+ - Z'
- Zhang
- annihilation
+ - annual modulation
+ - arXiv
- asteroid
- aurora
- black holes
+ - climate change
+ - cosmic rays
- cosmology
- dakr matter
+ - dark matter
+ - dark photon
- data
+ - diboson
+ - diphoton
+ - direct detection
- displaced
+ - eclipse
- effective field theory
+ - excess
+ - exoplanet
+ - extinctions
+ - galactic centre excess
- game of thrones
+ - hierarchy problem
- indirect detection
- inflation
- lattice QCD
+ - leptogenesis
+ - long-lived
- mono-Z'
+ - multiverse
+ - naturalness
+ - neutrinoless double beta
+ - neutrinos
- normal ordering
- on-Z
+ - pentaquark
- pheno15
- poetry
+ - portal
- pulsars
- razor variables
- rotation curve
- satellite galaxies
+ - scalar
- see-saw
+ - self-interaction
+ - string theory
- supernova
- tau
- top mass
+ - top quark
+ https://syymmetries.blogspot.com/: true
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- Infrared
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+ Data
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Terence Eden
- (5a695ad3)
+ (28a38bb2)
- 04 Jun 13:54
+ 08 Jul 20:30
- Upload all
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+ Latest Update
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T20:30:17Z"
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+ LLMs and generative AI for the past couple years. One thing I find interesting
+ about discussions of bias is how different the reaction is in
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- I've been running software book clubs almost continuously since last
- summer, about 12 months ago. We read through Designing Data-Intensive
- Applications, Database
- Internals,
- Systems
- Performance,
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+ - Programming Tips
+ - engineering
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+ https://chainofcommand.hashnode.dev/: true
+ last_post_title: The Purple Link Effect
+ last_post_description: Hello, once again friends and foes! I wasn't told I'll be
+ writing to you again this soon. It was on such short notice, but I guess it is
+ what it is. I'm probably just bored and looking for someone to
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- On Hemispheric Views it has become a bit of a running gag that when I become interested in something new or different, the phrase, “I’m an insert interest here guy!” is unleashed.
- Most recently
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+ last_post_title: Oppenheimer, 2023 - ★★★½
+ last_post_description: A 4-hour flight was the catalyst needed to watch this marathon
+ movie. I didn’t realise I was signing up for a political thriller. It kept me
+ engaged so it must have been okay.
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+ last_post_title: Wooey v. 0.9.3 released
+ last_post_description: This was an often requested feature that is now implemented.
+ The output of scripts as well and execution status of a script will be updated
+ in real time so there is no need to reload a page for job
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- last_post_description: I’ve been in Austin, TX for a week primarily to attend the
- ATX Television festival but also just because I like Austin (and bbq, tacos and
- dive bars – of which Austin has plenty.) The biggest
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+ last_post_description: Hello from my very nice hotel room in very rainy Manchester.
+ I’m up here for Open Data Camp ~ where I made a cameo today just to check in but
+ attended a few sessions yesterday, caught up with some
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+title: Area Code 855 USA
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+description: All you know about area Code please keep visiting to my blogspot.
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+ last_post_title: City Area Code
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+ Whatever their end game, 855 area code location these tricks work
+ by imparting the requirement for guaranteed activity. The alleged
+ "grandparent trick" utilizes this technique, with the guest
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+ last_post_title: Measure your program's power consumption
+ last_post_description: Understand how much power you are using
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+ last_post_description: Klaverjassen is a very traditional Dutch card game which
+ also exists in similar or slightly different forms in other countries. There are
+ several variants played in the Netherlands, this is the one I
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+ last_post_title: Komentář k příspěvku Změnil jsem instanci Mastodonu od Kepi
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Odpověď na Jiří Eischmann .
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T18:27:01Z"
+ last_post_link: https://bankuei.wordpress.com/2024/07/08/mechanical-fiction-spectrum/
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+ - theory
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+title: Philip Withnall
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Free software, the outdoors and the environment.
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+ - talks
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+ last_post_title: GUADEC 2023
+ last_post_description: I attended GUADEC 2023 this year in-person in Rīga. It was
+ nice to be able to see more people in person than last year’s mini-GUADEC in Berlin,
+ and nice to be able to travel overland/oversea to
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+ - talks
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+description: About Linux, programming in Python and Music
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+ - Allgemein
+ - Planet Python Articles
+ - Python
+ - heroku
+ relme:
+ https://mas.to/@mindofjudge: true
+ https://www.marc-richter.info/: true
+ last_post_title: Heroku’s attempt to scare away users and its impact on my Heroku-Fanboy
+ position
+ last_post_description: Anyone who may have read my past posts on this blog or knows
+ my personal-IT life is most certainly aware of my preference to host personal
+ and pre-MVP projects on Heroku – a formerly great choice
+ last_post_date: "2022-08-28T19:23:30Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.marc-richter.info/herokus-attempt-to-scare-away-users-and-its-impact-on-my-heroku-fanboy-position/
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+ - Allgemein
+ - Planet Python Articles
+ - Python
+ - heroku
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+description: Getting the most from each and every frequent flier mile,.
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+ last_post_title: Turning SkyPesos into SkyMiles aka Finding Low Delta Awards (part
+ 1)
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+ last_post_date: "2010-11-10T18:02:52-08:00"
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
- - post
+ - cascade layers
- code
- css
- - preferences
+ - eleventy
+ - post
+ - webc
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+ https://business-business.business/: true
https://front-end.social/@mia: true
https://github.com/mirisuzanne: true
- https://www.miriamsuzanne.com/feed.xml: false
- last_post_title: User Styles
+ https://www.miriamsuzanne.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Eleventy Buckets & Cascade Layers
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- You’re allowed to have preferences.
- Set your preferences.
- last_post_date: "2024-01-24T00:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.miriamsuzanne.com/2024/01/24/have-preferences/
+ Solving a problem I created
+ I’m re-working this site from scratch –
+ sticking with Eleventy,
+ but moving from
+ Nunjucks templates/macros
+ to WebC
+ and web components.
+ Outside of static-site templates
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.miriamsuzanne.com/2024/07/06/buckets-layers/
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- code
- css
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+description: Leigh Honeywell's Blog
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ websites:
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+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://hypatia.ca/: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on The Ministry for the Future of Slightly Confusing Narrators
+ by Leigh Honeywell
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In reply to hughesmanthonygmailcom .
+ Hey Mark! Great to hear from you. It's been a
+ last_post_date: "2021-07-22T13:55:25Z"
+ last_post_link: https://hypatia.ca/2021/07/20/the-ministry-for-the-future-of-slightly-confusing-narrators/#comment-867
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+ innetwork: true
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-title: Hypercode Blog
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Weblog des Digital Product Studio Hypercode aus Köln.
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- Web-Analytics an der HMKW'
- last_post_description: 'In der kommenden Woche ist es wieder soweit: Die Vorlesungszeit
- beginnt und mit ihr das dritte Seminar unseres Geschäftsführers und Co-Founders
- Stefan Grund an der HMKW Hochschule für Medien,'
- last_post_date: "2024-04-04T16:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://hypercode.de/blog/lehre-web-technologien-und-ux/
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+title: James Bennett (b-list.org)
+date: "2023-12-24T21:08:26-06:00"
+description: ""
+ feedlink: https://www.b-list.org/feeds/entries/
+ feedtype: atom
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+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Django
+ - Python
+ relme:
+ https://github.com/ubernostrum: true
+ https://infosec.exchange/@ubernostrum: true
+ https://www.b-list.org/: true
+ last_post_title: Know your Python container types
+ last_post_description: This is the last of a series of posts I’m doing as a sort
+ of Python/Django Advent calendar, offering a small tip or piece of information
+ each day from the first Sunday of Advent through Christmas
+ last_post_date: "2023-12-24T21:08:26-06:00"
+ last_post_link: https://www.b-list.org/weblog/2023/dec/24/python-container-types/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Django
+ - Python
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: 6d90b7ecb11ec5f9a65f64b92bf2bdce
+ score_criteria:
+ cats: 0
+ description: 0
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+ posts: 3
+ promoted: 0
+ promotes: 0
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+ website: 2
+ score: 13
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+ innetwork: true
+ language: en
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+title: 'Mobidéia: Idéias & Mobilidade'
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Repositório de idéias, projetos e alguns "delírios" durante essa vida
+ pessoal,acadêmica e profissional de Marcel Caraciolo
+ feedlink: https://mobideia.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: a40b6d5db48ef326b3a2e58b545c6d71
+ websites:
+ https://mobideia.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - .NET
+ - 3G
+ - Apple
+ - Artificial Intelligence
+ - BlackBerry
+ - Grafos
+ - I.A.
+ - IDE
+ - Inteligencia artificial
+ - Iphone
+ - Java
+ - JavaFX
+ - JavaME
+ - MAS
+ - Modelagem
+ - S60
+ - Wap
+ - Wireless
+ - a
+ - acelerometro
+ - agenda
+ - algoritmos
+ - android
+ - api
+ - aplicativos
+ - apresentaçao
+ - arduino
+ - arte
+ - artigo
+ - ase
+ - assistentes virtuais
+ - atepassar
+ - aula
+ - aulas
+ - automação
+ - biometria
+ - bionica
+ - blog
+ - bluetooth
+ - bots
+ - bugs
+ - c++
+ - carbide
+ - celulares
+ - checkin
+ - cin
+ - citi
+ - classificadores
+ - comparacoes
+ - compras
+ - compras coletivas
+ - computacao pervasiva
+ - computacao ubiqua
+ - computação científica
+ - computação ubíqua
+ - comunidade
+ - contatos
+ - controle
+ - convegencia
+ - crab
+ - crowdsourcing
+ - curso
+ - data mining
+ - depoimento
+ - desafios
+ - desempenho
+ - design patterns
+ - devmedia
+ - dicas
+ - django
+ - educação
+ - emulador
+ - encontro
+ - ensol
+ - esportes
+ - evento
+ - expressoes regulares
+ - facebook
+ - flashlite
+ - fotos
+ - foursquare
+ - framework
+ - geotagging
+ - google
+ - google maps
+ - gps
+ - graficos
+ - gtk
+ - hardware
+ - humor
+ - ideas
+ - ideias
+ - ifpe
+ - image recognition
+ - inteligencia coletiva
+ - interface
+ - internet
+ - ipython
+ - joblib
+ - jogos
+ - lg
+ - linguagens
+ - livro
+ - location
+ - lojas
+ - lua
+ - mac os
+ - maemo
+ - mapas
+ - marketing
+ - mashups
+ - matplotlib
+ - mercado
+ - metodologias
+ - mineracao de dados
+ - mobile
+ - mobile marketing
+ - mobile sensing
+ - mobile sensor
+ - motorola
+ - mp3
+ - musica
+ - n900
+ - n97
+ - netbeans
+ - nlp
+ - nokia
+ - nokia maps
+ - numpy
+ - oauth
+ - oculos
+ - opensource
+ - operadora
+ - otimizaçao
+ - ovi
+ - palestra
+ - pdf
+ - perceptron
+ - perguntas e respostas
+ - pernambuco
+ - pervasive computing
+ - pesquisa
+ - pingmind
+ - plataformas
+ - playstation
+ - portais
+ - powerpoint
+ - programação
+ - projeto
+ - propaganda
+ - publicidade
+ - pug
+ - pyS60
+ - pycursos
+ - pyfoursquare
+ - pygame
+ - pyqt
+ - python
+ - pythonBrasil
+ - qt
+ - realidade aumentada
+ - recomendação
+ - recommendation systems
+ - reconhecimento de imagens
+ - redes neurais
+ - redes sociais
+ - remobile
+ - rest
+ - reuso
+ - ringtones
+ - rotas
+ - scanner
+ - scipy
+ - scrum
+ - sdk
+ - sincronizaçao
+ - sistemas de recomendação
+ - slides
+ - sms
+ - social networks
+ - socket
+ - software livre
+ - sun
+ - symbian
+ - syncML
+ - tablet
+ - tags
+ - touchscreen
+ - tracking
+ - transito
+ - turismo
+ - tutorial
+ - tv digital
+ - tweephoto
+ - twitpic
+ - twitter
+ - ubiquitous computing
+ - ufpe
+ - video
+ - videos
+ - web
+ - web services
+ - widgets
+ - wiki
+ - windows
+ - windows mobile
+ - workshop
+ - wrt
+ - xp
+ - yahoo maps
+ relme:
+ https://mobideia.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Slides das Palestra Novas tendências para a Educação a Distância
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Olá pessoal,
+ Semana passada tive a oportunidade de apresentar 2 palestras a convite do CITI (Empresa Júnior do Centro de Informática) e do PET (Programa Educação para Todos) no Centro de
+ last_post_date: "2012-06-19T16:51:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://mobideia.blogspot.com/2012/06/slides-das-palestra-novas-tendencias.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - atepassar
+ - educação
+ - palestra
+ - pingmind
+ - pycursos
+ - redes sociais
+ - slides
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- - http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
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- - video game library
- - video game preservation
- - video games
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- last_post_title: 'You Don’t Own The Video Games You’ve Bought: The Death Edition'
- last_post_description: In my basement at home, I have a handful of old gaming consoles
- that were left to our family after other family members either got too old to
- want them any longer or after they passed away. Coming
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T03:09:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.techdirt.com/2024/06/03/you-dont-own-the-video-games-youve-bought-the-death-edition/
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- - Coding Help
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- last_post_title: How do create a whatsapp webhook? for multiagent
- last_post_description: I’m a doctor not a coder but I’m learning. How do I create
- a WhatsApp webhook so there is one business number available but the message will
- go to different agents’ numbers and only one agent
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T12:35:01Z"
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+title: Snap Happy
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: |-
+ Hi, I'm Alexandra
+ Welcome to my photography blog, here you'll find photos of:
+ The places I've been
+ The things I've seen<...
+ feedlink: https://snaphappy.me/feed/?type=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: a41f11809e89364e827e15515e95c0e0
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+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://alexandrawolfe.ca/: true
+ https://snaphappy.me/: true
+ https://social.lol/@alexandra: true
+ last_post_title: Half a Door
+ last_post_description: Quebec doesn't like to do things by halves, or so I am told.
+ But there's one thing they love to split in half and I'm not talking cake. I'm
+ talking doors ... or, to be more exact, addresses. Check
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T19:25:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://snaphappy.me/half-a-door/
+ last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: 92ae102828093dc629f1022ed05e8877
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- last_post_description: Tracking monthly active users, posts, and comments on MetaFilter
- and subsites. Automatically updated whenever the Infodump updates.There have been
- various activity stats produced over the years,
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+ Alon Zakai aka kripken | Compiling to the Web: Emscripten, Binaryen, asm.js, WebAssembly, etc.
+ New posts at: https://kripken.github.io/blog/
+ feedlink: https://mozakai.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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+ - box2d
+ - e10s
+ - emscripten
+ - ipc
+ - javascript
+ - meego
+ - n900
+ - performance
+ - power
+ - pypy
+ - python
+ - sqlite
+ - xpcom
+ relme:
+ https://mozakai.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 2 recent Emscripten stories
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In case you missed them:
+ First, DOSBox is an open source emulator that lets you run old DOS programs (which means, mostly games ;) . It simulates a PC compatible machine, complete with Intel CPU and
+ last_post_date: "2015-01-06T22:29:00Z"
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+title: Comments for Tom Lokhorst's blog
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+description: Writings from a happy Swift coder.
+ feedlink: https://tom.lokhorst.eu/comments/feed
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+ https://nonstrict.eu/: true
+ https://tom.lokhorst.eu/: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on Server Driven UI by Olayeni Ogundimu
+ last_post_description:
Fantastic Article and Video! Looking into implement server
+ driven UI for an app, but it will only be needed for sending UI instructions to
+ the client, because actual files may be too big. I want
+ last_post_date: "2021-06-07T12:53:08Z"
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+ - Eclipse RAP Rich Ajax Platform Java
+ - Fiction
+ - Gene Machine Biography System Architecture Xtext EMF Eclipse RAP Java
+ - Grady Booch Perspective
+ - I Like Eclipse PlanetEclipse committment dedication
+ - Inception
+ - Java Getters Setters Software Object Oriented Programming OOPS
+ - Mind Graph Theory MindGraph Dreams Explained Nightmare Map brain imagination God
+ Concentration Mediation subconscious consious
+ - rules
+ - software tool development passion enthusiasm java hard work hardwork eclipse
+ relme:
+ https://dummywebsite.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://eclipse-info.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://iosdribbles.blogspot.com/: true
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+ last_post_title: Coronavirus Spread, is it time to follow the Koreans?
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+ last_post_date: "2020-03-18T21:45:43-07:00"
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-title: Hacktoberfest
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @hacktoberfest@hachyderm.io
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+description: The personal website of Mary Knize. Web development, art, and tinkering
+ with fun projects.
+ feedlink: https://mary.codes/rss.xml
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+ https://mary.codes/: true
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://github.com/captainpainway: true
+ https://graphics.social/@mary: true
+ https://mary.codes/: true
+ last_post_title: I started painting again
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2024-04-01T20:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://mary.codes/blog/art/i_started_painting_again/
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+title: Gilles Gravier's Blog
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Ravings about many things... but not about work (mostly). I post to this
+ blog various things I see while walking around carrying my cell phone, or that I
+ think are important enough to mention. I blog
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+ - boiron
+ - carrefour
+ - colis
+ - ddpp
+ - dgccrf
+ - fedex
+ - fraude
+ - fraudeur
+ - homeopathie
+ - la poste
+ - mysql
+ - oscillococcinum
+ - promotions
+ - sante
+ - suivi
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+ https://ggravier.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://thinkingopensource.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/18374683443794882592: true
+ last_post_title: Is Your Open Source Strategy Serving Your Corporate Strategy ?
+ last_post_description: |-
+ I just posted a new article on Wipro's corporate page about how to leverage your open source strategy to better serve your corporate strategy.
+ The article is posted here : http://www.wipro
+ last_post_date: "2016-12-05T13:58:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://ggravier.blogspot.com/2016/12/is-your-open-source-strategy-serving.html
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last_post_title: Comment on Contextual Policies & LAN Protection (ABE Quantum) in
NoScript 11.3! by MadManMoon
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last_post_title: '''An Eye for an Ear'' at Micro Camp March 2022'
last_post_description: I had the pleasure of giving a video presentation online
at Micro Camp March 2022, titled ‘An Eye for an Ear’. Micro Camp is an opportunity
to meet and learn from users of the Micro.blog service,
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+ last_post_date: "2022-03-12T14:42:00+10:00"
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+ man Dokumente erstellen und teilen kann, die Live-Code, mathematische Gleichungen,
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+ last_post_description: With the Post-etch frenzy, I installed Debian 4.0 stable
+ as soon as I could. I used the same system used a few months ago for the google
+ Summer of Code. Under the same conditions, the system required
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- Intel videocard, […]
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- me to move onto the next section of work. It shouldn't be
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- a myriad of editors and related tooling, it seems I've finally settled on a
- satisfactory set-up that is both performant, reliable
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+ On Wednesday, I had a presentation about the latest features implemented for LibreOffice / Collabora Online in the past year at the annual LibreOffice Conference:
+ Please enjoy, there's a lot of
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+ Québec (Canada)
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+ procurer ?
+ last_post_description: La technologie eSIM (pour embedded SIM en anglais), également
+ connue sous le nom de SIM intégrée, est une technologie relativement nouvelle
+ qui a été introduite pour la première fois en 2016.
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+description: Don't be fool please visit all site.
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+ last_post_title: Ddos is on it Best
+ last_post_description: Technomantic is circulated disavowal of administration assaults
+ is turning into a typical danger on the web. They've gotten simpler to dispatch,
+ harder to stop. Energized by massive botnets, DDoS
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- and other maths-related topics. By Terence Tao
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- Hacker News: Front Page - Bharat Courses'
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+ - Five
+ - Grupo de Usuários
+ - Linguagem de Programação
+ - Lisp
+ - Manipulação de arquivos
+ - Plone
+ - Python
+ - RelStorage
+ - Scheme
+ - Social Network Service
+ - Threads
+ - ZODB
+ - Zope
+ - buildout
+ - pythonbrasil
+ - twitter
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+ last_post_title: '18 de junho agora é #dornelesday'
+ last_post_description: 'Hoje é um dia muito especial, pois hoje é dia de homenagear
+ uma grande pessoa: Dorneles Treméa. Pois ele, com seus gestos simples, paciência,
+ perseverança e generosidade, se tornou um exemplo'
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+ - Indigo
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+ photos start out looking all "Wow! so punchy and clean!" but the excitement fades
+ over time. Film photographs start out "Meh, it's soft and
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- رديف'
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- الحاجة لذلك بواسطة يونس بن عمارة
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- ردًا على Ahmad .
- نحتاج إلى صحافة
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+ something myself. Took the opportunity to get familiar with all the new C++11
+ constructs. Don't know yet if I'll take this prototype much
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- challenge\n\n\n You are given an array of strings and allowed string having distinct\ncharacters.\n\n
- \ \n A string is consistent if"
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+ wizji Androida na rynku: MIUI autorstwa Xiaomi.Dzięki temu opracowaniu:poznasz
+ najbardziej drobiazgowe funkcje MIUI, o których'
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- Mediocre middle-aged white man from Ireland living in Brighton, England working with Clearleft.
- I play traditional Irish music on mandolin and I play slide bouzouki in the band Salter Cane.
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- Post
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- newsroom Sunday night were still being felt on Monday. Sally Buzbee’s abrupt resignation
- as executive editor, as well as the plan
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+ job one'
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+ Imagine you had virtually unlimited money, time and resources to develop an AI technology that would be useful to journalists. What would you dream, pitch and design? And how would […]
+ The post The
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- and steals the empty glass bottles we leave on our doorstep.
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+ highly-convenient, at the risk of questions about its authenticity. \nThen humans
+ invented GPTs, which made accessing information even more"
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Ubuntu bug fix anniversary by OliverPropst
+ last_post_description: Nice blog post Jeremy I think your story and journey can
+ serve as an important inspiration for every inspiring open source developer:)
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+ last_post_title: New area Code
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+ Even though there are various varieties of
+ this con, 855 area code location the ongoing idea is that the con artist endeavors to make a need to
+ keep moving. When you get the telephone, the guest
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- the Collabora Multimedia adventure,7 years of challenges, struggles, and proving
- we could tackle them7 years of success, pushing FOSS'
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- probably done a load of times. Each time you would have written a grouping function
- by hand or perhaps reached for lodash's groupBy function
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+ last_post_title: Réussir sa migration vers le cloud
+ last_post_description: Migrer vers le cloud n’a rien de trivial. Selon la taille
+ de votre infrastructure existante, la complexité de l’opération pourra devenir
+ rapidement ingérable si elle n’est pas menée
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- finding signals of change and imagining better futures in technology, society, and
- culture.
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- Getting materials out of the lab
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- AI Office ⊗ A sociotechnical approach to AI policy ⊗ Giant offshore freshwater
- aquifers
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- Clint's, and not those of whatever employer he has at the moment. Copyright (c)
- Clint Byrum, 2020
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- drop in NYC, or fireworks in Las Vegas, I found myself outside in the rain, holding
- a screw gun and cursing like a sailor, watching my pool
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+ Since the Strict Haskell pragma just landed in HEAD, thanks to the hard work of my GSoC student Adam Sandberg Ericsson, I thought I'd share my thoughts behind the design.
+ First, is this making
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- - https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
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- - WAI
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- use RSS to read and/or share content. These posts are embargoed from my regular
- post feed and the socials for an arbitrary period of time. You
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+ Years and years ago I was visiting the region of Lyon - of course by bike. At one morning I entered a little village early and visited the local market to get me some nice fruit and vegs.
+ One of the
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+description: Whiskey and coca make taste awesome.
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+ - Coca and whiskey.
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+ still in the \nVR winter: the devices aren’t good enough or cheap enough and the
+ user base \nis flat. But no matter how good the devices"
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- encountered such funny referees and editors. If you are
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+ - Blog
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+ last_post_title: My First 10km Marathon
+ last_post_description: Ran my first ever 10km marathon — a minor achievement for
+ veteran runners, but a milestone that will stay with me for a long time. I used
+ to be the vice president of the bodybuilding club, and
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+ last_post_description: Movement is part of a large portion of games. When jumping
+ between platforms, shooting against a horde of enemies, piloting a space ship
+ and running through the streets, we are causing movement and
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+ - D
+ - DLisp
+ - Iteration-Zero
+ - RPG
+ - WTF
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+ last_post_description: I am proud to release version o.100.o of dLISP, the LISP
+ interpreter for D.This is still experimental software, but is used already as
+ a scripting language for a free game under development. During
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+ - AGE System
+ - Adventures
+ - Advice
+ - Arrows of Indra
+ - Battle Machine
+ - Blackmarsh
+ - Boog
+ - Borderlands
+ - COGS Con
+ - Con on the Cob
+ - D_D Next
+ - Delving ADnD
+ - Delving Deeper
+ - DnD 5e
+ - DnD 5e DMG
+ - DnD 5e SRD
+ - DnD Next
+ - DnD One
+ - Dnd 5e Advice
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+ - DriveThruRPG
+ - Dungeon Fantasy
+ - Dwarven Forge
+ - Dwimmermount
+ - Eastgate
+ - Ephemera
+ - Fantasy Grounds
+ - Fate
+ - Fight On
+ - Fluff
+ - Frog God Games
+ - Fudge
+ - GM Games
+ - Gaming Ballistic
+ - Gold Star Anime
+ - Google Plus
+ - Gormmah campaign
+ - Gothridge Manor
+ - Greyhawk
+ - Hairsticks
+ - Hirst Arts
+ - Hobbit
+ - Inspiration
+ - Judges Guild
+ - Kickstarter
+ - Kindle
+ - LARP
+ - Legacy DnD
+ - Legends
+ - Legos
+ - Lost Book of Magic
+ - Lost Lands
+ - Lulu
+ - Majestic Fantasy RPG
+ - Majestic Fantasy Realms
+ - Majestic Stars
+ - Majestic wilderlands fudge
+ - Making it your own
+ - Middle Earth
+ - Midkemia Press
+ - Nbos_IPP
+ - New
+ - News
+ - News. Personal
+ - ODnD
+ - OS Esstentials
+ - OSR
+ - OSR.
+ - OSRCon
+ - Old School Esstentials
+ - Openquest
+ - Orbiter
+ - Origins
+ - Other Systems
+ - Pateron
+ - Petty Gods
+ - Phandelver
+ - Play
+ - Playing at the World
+ - Points of Light
+ - RPG Blog 2
+ - RPG Tech
+ - Random Party Generator
+ - Really Funny Stuff
+ - Reaper
+ - Referee Rumbles
+ - Roll20
+ - SJ Games
+ - Sandbox In Detail
+ - Scourge of the Demon Wolf.
+ - Software
+ - Southland
+ - Space
+ - Spears of the Dawn
+ - Stack Overflow
+ - Star Trek
+ - Swords Wizardry
+ - Tabletop
+ - The Fantasy Trip
+ - The Manor
+ - Thieves Guild
+ - Tolkein
+ - Tolkien
+ - Tools
+ - Traveller
+ - Viridistan 2017
+ - Wanderer
+ - War System
+ - Weekly Game
+ - Wheaton
+ - White Star
+ - Wild North
+ - Wilderlands of High Fantasy
+ - alternate history
+ - bat in the attic games
+ - board games
+ - building feudal setting
+ - character sheets
+ - computers
+ - cyberpunk
+ - family
+ - from the attic
+ - game stores.
+ - gaming
+ - gaming accessory
+ - gaming convention
+ - gaming stories
+ - goodman games
+ - harn
+ - hero system
+ - iPad
+ - inkscape
+ - inspiration mapping
+ - lotfp
+ - majestic realms rpg
+ - majestic wilderlands
+ - making dungeons
+ - managing sandbox campaigns
+ - mapping
+ - miniatures
+ - minimal dungeons
+ - movies
+ - nbos
+ - news gurps kickstarter
+ - news kickstarter
+ - old school
+ - podcast
+ - publishing
+ - refereeing
+ - religion
+ - review
+ - reviews
+ - runequest
+ - sandbox fantasy
+ - scouge of teh Demon Wolf.
+ - superhero
+ - wargames
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+ https://batintheattic.blogspot.com/: true
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+ last_post_date: "2024-06-27T07:13:59-04:00"
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+ - bat in the attic games
+ - sandbox fantasy
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+ categories:
+ - Avington
+ - Itchen
+ - Meon Springs
+ - Test
+ - grayling
+ - trout
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+ https://glynblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://underlap.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://winchesterflyfishing.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/08741529390385812080: true
+ last_post_title: Grayling fishing at Timsbury
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+ last_post_date: "2011-03-04T05:12:48-08:00"
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+ - Test
+ - grayling
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+ - .net
+ - FirebirdConference
+ - LWN
+ - access
+ - amazon
+ - amd
+ - apache
+ - atlassian
+ - bug
+ - classic
+ - cluster
+ - cvs
+ - db2
+ - dbd-InterBase
+ - dbi
+ - debian
+ - delphi
+ - dlm
+ - dotnet
+ - ec2
+ - fedora core
+ - fedora core 6
+ - firebird
+ - firebird 2.1
+ - firebird 2.1.1
+ - firebird 2.5
+ - firebird bugs
+ - firebird classic
+ - firebird conference
+ - firebird database
+ - firebird embedded
+ - firebird vs mssql
+ - firebird vs mysql
+ - firebirdnews
+ - fisheye
+ - flamerobin
+ - free pascal
+ - freebsd
+ - g++
+ - gambas
+ - gcc
+ - gfs
+ - git
+ - github
+ - gnome-db
+ - gtk+
+ - hosting
+ - ibphoenix
+ - itanium
+ - jdbc
+ - kde
+ - lazarus
+ - libgda
+ - linq
+ - linux
+ - make
+ - mssql
+ - mysql
+ - odbc
+ - opteron
+ - oracle
+ - pdo
+ - perl
+ - php
+ - pos
+ - postgresql
+ - qt
+ - redhat
+ - romanian translations
+ - ruby
+ - sql
+ - sqllite
+ - svn
+ - ubuntu
+ - windows
+ - wordpress
+ - xen
+ - xinetd
+ - xml
+ - zeos
+ relme:
+ https://firebirdnews.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://mapopa.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/09862886782232467681: true
+ last_post_title: Django and Firebird support
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2013-09-11T02:06:41-07:00"
+ last_post_link: https://firebirdnews.blogspot.com/2009/03/django-and-firebird-support.html
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+ Bob Dylan, and Dan Bern!
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+ - 10year
+ - "2.18"
+ - "2008"
+ - "2009"
+ - AFF
+ - AdaLovelaceDay09
+ - AndyOram
+ - Asimov
+ - Baldwin
+ - Ben
+ - Boston
+ - Boston Summit
+ - Bravia
+ - C
+ - California
+ - ChangeLog
+ - Chris Tyler
+ - ChrisWilson
+ - Dan Bern
+ - Dave
+ - DavidBolter
+ - EitanIsaacson
+ - Fedora
+ - Finding Ada
+ - GLyphy
+ - GNOME foot logo
+ - GregWilson
+ - Hollister
+ - Iran
+ - IranNastaliq
+ - Iranian
+ - Iverson
+ - Microsoft
+ - Mozilla Summit
+ - Nastaliq
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+ - Teddy bear
+ - Whistler
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- After seeing a few too many availability zone-related issues popping up in OpenShift clusters of late, I’ve decided it
- might make sense to document the situation with OpenStack AZs on OpenShift
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+ last_post_description: Today is the last day of WeblogPoMo2024, and this is my 31st
+ post of the series meaning that I managed to get something written everyday! I’m
+ equally surprised and proud...
+ last_post_date: "2024-05-31T19:15:48Z"
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- last_post_description: One of the biggest changes in my personality with middle
- age is that I no longer really enjoy travel beyond local weekend getaways. Almost
- no destination has a pain/novelty ratio that makes it worth
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+ last_post_title: Covid and Noun-Memory Effects
+ last_post_description: 'Ever since I got a bout of Covid a couple of years ago (late
+ 2022), I’ve noticed memory problems of a very specific sort: Difficulty remembering
+ names. Especially people names, but also other sorts'
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- CD pipeline using Knative pipeline. The pipeline takes a helm chart from a git
- repository and performs the following steps: it builds three'
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+ - ACID
+ - AGI
+ - Asterisk
+ - FastAGI
+ - HAppS
+ - HSP
+ - HTML
+ - Haskell
+ - templating
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+ https://alchymiastudio.blogspot.com/: true
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+ seu espaço...
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- - https://rknight.me/subscribe/posts/rss.xml
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- last_post_title: A very masturbatory WeblogPoMo2024 retrospective, featuring me,
- your favorite idiot, Keenan
- last_post_description: It seems like it was only 35 days ago that I committed myself
- to embarking on the challenge of posting on my blog every day for the month of
- May. Despite the pessimism wrapped in a nice little
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+title: Ddosing is about Emotions.
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: all emotions aout to know ddosing.
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+ - ddosing is internet.
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+ last_post_description: While searching for the web hosting administrations, it is
+ critical to look at whether they have the equipment and programming answers for
+ bringing to the table DDoS assurance to your sites with 99%
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- for displaying maps. One of these features includes creating and placing markers
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+ last_post_description: Yesterday I bought a new camera - the Twike is always worth
+ a picture!
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+ last_post_title: Bee to the blossom, moth to the flame; Each to his passion; what's
+ in a name?
+ last_post_description: I like the sentiment of Helen Hunt Jackson in that quote
+ and it generally applies double for computer system names. However I like to think
+ when I named the first NetSurf VM host server phoenix
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+ - GM Exercises
+ - Hainish
+ - Henry Justice Ford
+ - Knave
+ - Lancer
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+ - Lighhouse
+ - Mother Stole Fire
+ - Mother Stole the Backgrounds
+ - OSR
+ - Orions Arm
+ - Pen & Tam
+ - QHW
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+ - zine
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+ last_post_title: Mothership Patches 3
+ last_post_description: '100 Patches, 100 Trinkets , 100 More Patches, 100 More Trinkets
+ F.O.M.O.Red giant w/ sunglassesHarpooned heartFerret biting its tailLogo: Iago
+ Prime Clown ReserveGorilla throwing up the'
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+ last_post_title: Generating Video
+ last_post_description: |-
+ One thing I’m very interested in is computer graphics. This could be
+ complex 3D graphics or simple 2D graphics. The idea of getting a
+ computer to display visual data fascinates me. One fundamental
+ last_post_date: "2020-04-06T23:00:00Z"
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+description: Amnesty International’s Security Lab leads cutting-edge technical investigations
+ into cyber-attacks against activists and journalists. The Lab builds tools and services
+ to help protect activists
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+ last_post_title: Amnesty International’s Security Lab unveils new tools to support
+ civil society against digital threats
+ last_post_description: Amnesty International’s Security Lab has launched new features
+ on its website, adding to the existing range of tools, resources and research
+ to support human rights defenders, activists,
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- enables (and defaults to) collapsing the table for the posts by year. You can
- expand the table by clicking the “Show Posts by Year”
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+ whether it’s reading or writing. Nothing feels exciting or enticing. Writing quick
+ thoughts is easy, but it’s much more challenging
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+ last_post_description: Don’t work on your vacation. Instead, explore, write, think,
+ cook, eat, be, sleep, read, chat…. But no, don’t work.
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+ last_post_description: Once again, I have collected far too many links over far
+ too long a period of time. Anyhow, here is a collection of blog posts and links
+ from around the web that I found to be good reading over the
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last_post_description: Maia is a large camera comprising a grid of film canisters
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- last_post_description: I mean, I'm not entirely surprised with a family like yours
- around her.
- last_post_date: "2024-06-02T15:53:45+01:00"
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+ last_post_title: Comment on [Article] Quickly Solving Jigidi Puzzles by Metaltrol
+ last_post_description: Thank you for the quick response Dan, appreciate it. Can't
+ change it but it works with the other color to. Have a nice day!
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-05T08:14:37+01:00"
+ last_post_link: https://danq.me/2021/08/26/jigidi-solver/#comment-251368
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+ - 01.Еврейское наследие
+ - 02.Лидерский тренинг
+ - 03.Положение женщины в обществе
+ - 04.Развитие толерантных отношений
+ - 05.Здоровье женщины - здоровье нации
+ - 06.Мой Израиль
+ - 07.Работа в группах
+ - 08.Личные истории
+ - 09.Наши достижения
+ - 10.Акции в блоге
+ - 11.Кошерная Кухня
+ - 12.Народная мудрость
+ - 13.Гражданская позиция
+ - 14.Социальные проекты
+ - 15.Иврит
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+ - 17. Технические темы
+ - 7.Разное
+ - Александра
+ - Алла Кучеренко
+ - Алла Ланцман
+ - Валентина
+ - Инна
+ - Ирина Баркан
+ - Ирина Лутт
+ - Ирина Черний
+ - Ирина-Ривка-Рут
+ - Катя Рашковская
+ - Керен
+ - Лариса Табачник
+ - Лилия Полозова
+ - Любовь Малышева
+ - Людмила Горра
+ - МааЯна
+ - Офра
+ - Светлана-Леора
+ - Тамара
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+ last_post_title: '"Виртуальный Песах-2014". Задание 2. "Есть или
+ не есть, пить или не пить?""'
+ last_post_description: Во Втором Задание мы поговорим о том, что в ходе Седера не
+ едят и чего не пьют.Вкушаем ли мы в ходе Седера
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+ - 10.Акции в блоге
+ - Валентина
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+ - Dickinson
+ - Dylan Thomas
+ - Frost
+ - Goethe
+ - Gryphius
+ - Jessenin
+ - Joyce
+ - Lasker-Schüler
+ - Nietzsche
+ - Rilke
+ - Trakl
+ - Wilde
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+ last_post_title: 'Big Tech platforms: mall, newspaper, or something else?'
+ last_post_description: The Pruneyard is “an iconic destination and experience designed
+ to make the everyday extraordinary.” It’s also, according to the US Supreme Court,
+ a business establishment that is open to the
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+ - Ask the Stars
+ - Astral
+ - Auldskunterroy
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+ - Bastion
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+ - Into the ODnD
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+ - Scarytown
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+ - SciFi
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+ - Skullados
+ - Space
+ - Spellbook
+ - Spirits
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+ - The Adventurer's Tale
+ - The Doomed
+ - Thief
+ - Thousand Spears
+ - Treasure
+ - Twitter
+ - Underworld and Overworld
+ - Unknown!
+ - Use This
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+ - Wanderhome
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+ - Zombies
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- of the profound political and cultural shifts about to occur, and an entire generation
- was thirsty for more than the'
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- # Bathroom Reno Update
- Much was accomplished yesterday on our main bathroom renovation. While not a complete tear out and new start, it is close. Given limited funds and the likelihood that we’ll
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- startup. It''s a case of "in theory, it shouldn''t work", with "working" defined
- in the most damning way: probably not even raising'
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+ Michael Lewis (author of a recent book on FTX)'s Blind Side
+ Xylitol bad?
+ Demons and Internal Family Systems
+ GLP1 analogues do not cause muscle loss in excess to what one would expect via caloric
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+ they do not make it under self-selected circumstances, but under circumstances existing
+ already, given and transmitted from the'
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+ - Dungeon23
+ - Ethics of Play
+ - Exploration
+ - Gygax '75
+ - New Games
+ - Nonsense
+ - Old Games
+ - Orienteering
+ - Plague Ships
+ - Play Report
+ - Proceduralism
+ - Published Items
+ - Review
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+ - Terms
+ - Threat
+ - Time
+ - Tombrobbers
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+ last_post_description: Joseph Grady - The Bank of England - 1830Imagining One's
+ Capital in Ruins...When the sky is clear and the rain breaks on the coast of Blackacre a
+ brown smudge beneath dark clouds mars the horizon...
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+ - Ethics of Play
+ - Nonsense
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+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://robbmann.io/posts/: true
+ last_post_title: Getting Emacs 29 to Automatically Use Tree-sitter Modes
+ last_post_description: Recently, /u/casouri posted a guide to getting started with
+ the new built-in tree-sitter capabilities for Emacs 29.
+ last_post_date: "2023-01-22T00:00:00-05:00"
+ last_post_link: https://robbmann.io/posts/emacs-treesit-auto/
+ last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
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- Society & Culture
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+ https://analogoffice.net/: true
last_post_title: 'Office Toy: The Automatic Numbering Machine'
last_post_description: |-
Okay. So. This truly is an office toy for me.
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+title: Moshe on Technology
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Software, technology, programming, security, open source and general
+ thoughts.
+ feedlink: https://technomosh.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: ab51d502ea8bf5d63fb34a92801681c7
+ websites:
+ https://technomosh.blogspot.com/: true
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+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - General
+ - OpenSource
+ - Security
+ - Technology
+ relme:
+ https://technomosh.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17093538398827635912: true
+ last_post_title: Securing Your Firefox
+ last_post_description: While its popularity suffers from a decline in the past year
+ or two, Firefox is still a great browser which has a lot of things to offer. One
+ of those things is the ability to control whether a plug
+ last_post_date: "2013-11-24T20:57:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://technomosh.blogspot.com/2013/11/securing-your-firefox.html
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+ - OpenSource
+ - Security
+ - Technology
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+title: Bit Of Cheese
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Highlighting interesting packages in the Cheese Shop (aka PyPI)
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+ relme:
+ https://bitofcheese.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Local PyPI Options
+ last_post_description: Having a central package repository has helped the Python
+ community immensely through sharing reusable code. There's a few issues that arise
+ when you start depending on such a resources though, and
+ last_post_date: "2013-05-07T21:39:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://bitofcheese.blogspot.com/2013/05/local-pypi-options.html
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
- - https://danq.me/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.me/feed/
- - https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- - https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- categories:
- - Inteligencia artificial
- - Links in the rain
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: 'Links in the rain #18: Sonidos con la IA de IIElevenLabs; De ChatGPT
- a Gemini; George Lucas y la IA; y muchas más noticias de IA'
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- Links in the rain #18: Sonidos con la IA de IIElevenLabs; De ChatGPT a Gemini; George Lucas y la IA; y muchas más noticias de IA
- Descubre cómo la Inteligencia Artificial está siendo implementada
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T06:00:00Z"
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-description: Public posts from @thomasp@vivaldi.net
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+ relme:
+ https://leftyfb.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on Earth Hour by Earth hour 2010
+ last_post_description: '[…] Mike Rushton: Earth Hour (leftyfb.com) […]'
+ last_post_date: "2017-06-07T07:59:40Z"
+ last_post_link: https://leftyfb.com/2010/03/26/earth-hour/comment-page-1/#comment-8423
+ last_post_categories: []
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+title: Zach Leatherman
+date: "2024-06-30T00:00:00Z"
+description: A web development blog written by @zachleat.
+ feedlink: https://www.zachleat.com/web/feed/
+ feedtype: atom
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+ - https://alexsci.com/blog/rss.xml
+ categories: []
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+ last_post_title: The Smorgasbord of Windows Terminal… Windows
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-30T00:00:00Z"
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-description: Ben Frain – author and web developer
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
- - https://danq.me/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.me/feed/
- - https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- - https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- categories:
- - Web Dev
- - neovim
- - Text Editing
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Neovim – how to do project-wide find and replace?
- last_post_description: There are plenty of occasions when using an LSP to ‘rename’
- a symbol isn’t possible. Perhaps you are amending JSON files, or some other basic
- data format like csv or txt. In those instances
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- last_post_link: https://benfrain.com/neovim-how-to-do-project-wide-find-and-replace/
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- - Web Dev
- - neovim
- - Text Editing
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+ feedlink: https://sxemacsen.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
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+ recommended: []
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+ categories:
+ - bsoy
+ - ffi
+ - internals
+ - macos
+ - rus
+ - wand
+ - xwem
+ relme:
+ https://sxemacsen.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Гестуры в xwem
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2010-04-22T23:51:42+04:00"
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+ - xwem
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+ recommender:
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
+ categories:
+ - '#WeblogPoMo2024,'
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: End Of WeblogPoMo 2024
+ last_post_description: 'As it is the final day in this year’s month-long #WeblogPoMo2024,
+ I’ve decided to write today’s post reflecting on the month, what I liked about
+ participating, what I struggled with, and what I'
+ last_post_date: "2024-05-31T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://jessicajournals.com/end-of-weblogpomo-2024/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - '#WeblogPoMo2024,'
+ last_post_language: ""
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+title: Computational Thoughts
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+description: The ramblings of a passionate computer scientist
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://ardetnattattha.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://computationalthoughts.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://futurealm.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://ibegynnelsen.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://josefsblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/13272830598221833253: true
+ last_post_title: Powers of minus one and some bit twiddling
+ last_post_description: Since the start of this year I'm employed as a postdoc on
+ a project for designing a new domain specific language for writing dsp algorithms.
+ The language is called Feldspar and if you want to check
+ last_post_date: "2010-10-01T19:47:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://computationalthoughts.blogspot.com/2010/10/powers-of-minus-one-and-some-bit.html
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-title: Comments for Enriquetaso
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-description: OpenStack-Cinder-Ceph Outreachy FOSS
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- last_post_title: Comment on Let’s play with Cinder and RBD (part 2) by enriquetaso
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- In reply to chewrafa .
- Hola! Perdon por la demora en la respuesta, creo que
- last_post_date: "2017-05-25T20:11:30Z"
- last_post_link: https://enriquetaso.wordpress.com/2016/07/29/lets-play-with-cinder-and-rbd-part-2/comment-page-1/#comment-52
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+ And some photography: http://mahmoud.photos'
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+ https://sedimental.org/: true
+ last_post_title: 'mahmoud: “Fediverse woes: Just noticed I''m missing a bunch of
+ updates …”'
+ last_post_description: 'Fediverse woes: Just noticed I''m missing a bunch of updates
+ from fosstodon. E.g., @pybay and @djangolondon both show months-dormant accounts
+ despite having posted in the last 3 days.Not really sure'
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-26T18:32:20Z"
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+ We’re excited to announce the details of our upcoming 2024 Linux Display Next
+ Hackfest in the beautiful city of A Coruña, Spain!
+ This year’s hackfest will be hosted by Igalia and will take
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- last_post_description: 'Things have diverged a bit from the docs. Just want to document
- here what I got working: I had already checked out Keystone and run the unit tests.
- I needed uwsgi Then a modified command line to run'
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- last_post_title: Query to check the size of each table in a database
- last_post_description: Sometimes the database keeps growing and you want to figure
- out which table(s) are causing the issue. It happens sometimes for me on Craft
- CMS projects.I then find it useful to be able to isolate the
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+ last_post_title: Sanity Content Lake - Their data, not yours
+ last_post_description: 'I have an issue with the Sanity Content Lake. The Sanity
+ Content Lake is where your content is stored and accessed. It runs in the cloud
+ and is fully managed by us.What I read: your data is ours, and'
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-12T00:00:00Z"
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- last_post_title: Week 145 - Robot
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- I was happy to be back home after my US trip, with a bank holiday to catch up on sleep. I think I'm just about readjusted now.
- It's been half-term holidays for the boys. My in-laws stayed with us for
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+ - עברית
+ - תל אביב
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+ https://aprenent.wordpress.com/: true
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+ https://wikis.world/@aharoni: true
+ last_post_title: טרטטה
+ last_post_description: חלמתי שקיבלתי מעיריית תל־אביב מכתב שדורש ממני למלא איזשהו
+ טופס או לשלם איזשהו קנס. המכתב היה מנומס בצורה
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- last_post_title: When Will Thunderbird For Android Be Released?
- last_post_description: When it's done.
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+title: Uber Memes
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Uber is so popular and therefore we have good collection of Uber Memes.
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+ last_post_description: Uber is inseparable from taxis, with travelers, and to drivers.
+ It's essentially a reference administration. The application is entrenched in
+ the business world. Even though we've all pondered where
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- Trove security by Architectural nuances of OpenStack. Databases as a Service,
- Trove Implementation - TechBurst Magazine
- last_post_description: '[…] of components with keys K1, K2, K3. Diagram of Blog
- one of the developers, where he explains the security […]'
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- - https://danq.uk/feed/
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+ - AgainstMe!
+ - AustinLucas
+ - Transgender
+ - country
+ - punk
+ - queer
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- last_post_title: Your computer keyboard is prejudiced against some programming languages
- last_post_description: German computer user discovered that programming is much
- easier on an American ANSI keyboard than his native German ISO-DE keyboard...
- in most programming languages except HTML (which is a Markup
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+ last_post_title: I Don't Want to Be Alone in Mephis
+ last_post_description: Austin Lucas [previously] is a country punk performer whose
+ soulful and angry music is quite something. Anyway, they have relatively recently
+ come out as queer and trans.A few songs to get you
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- Owner: https://code-red.uk
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+ - JUMP
+ - OpenLayers
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+ - conference
+ - conflation
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+ - database
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+ - raster
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+ - software
+ - spatial index
+ - topology
+ - uml
+ - visualization
+ - web
+ - web mapping
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+ last_post_title: RelateNG Performance
+ last_post_description: A previous post introduced a new algorithm in the JTS Topology
+ Suite called RelateNG. It computes topological relationships between geometries
+ using the Dimensionally-Extended 9 Intersection
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+ last_post_title: Spring Season 2023
+ last_post_description: 'Dir: Claire Denis, 2022, France, 116 mins, Cert: 16 (IFCO)Cast:
+ Juliette Binoche, Vincent Lindon, Grégorie ColinLanguage: FrenchTrailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBTJTtOiuzgRadio
+ presenter'
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+ - /plays
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+ https://www.open-dev.de/: true
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+ last_post_description: Wir sind zurück und haben direkt in die Vollen gegriffen
+ – Tom Clancy’s The Division ist unser Thema und wir erzählen, was wir von dem
+ Titel halten. Also – press play to join – und hör uns
+ last_post_date: "2016-05-18T16:30:14Z"
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+ - /plays
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-title: Thoughts From Eric
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Things that Eric A. Meyer, CSS expert, writes about on his personal Web
- site; it's largely Web standards and Web technology, but also various bits of culture,
- politics, personal observations, and
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- - Hacks
- - JavaScript
- - Tools
- - Web
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- last_post_title: 'Bookmarklet: Load All GitHub Comments'
- last_post_description: A quick way to load all the comments on a GitHub issue.
- last_post_date: "2024-02-05T14:49:46Z"
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- - Hacks
- - JavaScript
- - Tools
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- last_post_description: At the core of nearly all digital transformation initiatives
- is technology that helps companies move faster, drive innovation and fuel growth—all
- without missing a beat in day-to-day operations.
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- to keep them private. It’s no surprise that we do keep uncomfortable experiences
- private. There is a lot at stake: hanging on to a paycheck,'
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+ last_post_description: '[Last week, it was my privilege to participate in an event
+ celebrating the anniversary of centers and institutes that have...'
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- new. Sometimes it turns into something real, and last for years. Sometimes it
- goes no where. Normally, I have an idea of what I’m going
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+ software testing;
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+ - eclipse; testing; plug-in systems; event; call for papers
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+ - software engineering
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+ - Eclipse; grounded theory; plug-in architectures; open source software development;
+ software testing;
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+ I’m taking pictures with an iPhone every now and then.
+ My Pics are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/)
+ You can also find me on https://chaos
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+ Stormy stairway
+ #northsea #iPhonePhotography #sea #föhr #föhrliebt
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+ Stormy stairway
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+description: Advice at the intersection of work and life
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+ - https://frankmcpherson.blog/feed.xml
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+ - Networking
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+ last_post_title: Questionnaire for everyone who stopped talking to me
+ last_post_description: I’ve developed a survey to give to people who slipped me
+ into their not-friend category. Since I’m a person with no ability to cope with
+ nuance, answers to all questions are yes/no. 1. Were you
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-09T20:05:11Z"
+ last_post_link: https://blog.penelopetrunk.com/2024/06/09/questionnaire-for-everyone-who-stopped-talking-to-me/
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+ - Networking
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+title: Henri Bergius
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Hacker and an occasional adventurer. Author of Create.js and NoFlo, founder
+ of Flowhub UG. Decoupling software, one piece at a time. This blog tells the story
+ of that.
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+ last_post_title: Flow-Based Programming, a way for AI and humans to develop together
+ last_post_description: I think by now everybody reading this will have seen how
+ the new generation of Large Language Models like ChatGPT are able to produce somewhat
+ useful code. Like any advance in software
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+ last_post_title: Daniel Brötzmann deleted project branch fix-muc-nick-completion
+ at gajim / gajim
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+ Daniel Brötzmann
+ (fb0a92a9)
+ at
+ 08 Jul 20:54
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+ last_post_title: 'GSoC 2022: Overview'
+ last_post_description: IntroductionThroughout this summer I've been working on making
+ the New Documents feature discoverable in Nautilus, a file manager for GNOME as
+ part of the GSoC project. This post is an overview with
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- RC F'13, F2'17
- Cryptogopher / Go cryptography maintainer
- Professional open source maintainer
- https://filippo.io / https://github.com/FiloSottile
- https://mkcert.dev / https://age-encryption.org
- https
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- last_post_description: Grafana Labs is looking for Enterprise Account Executive who
- will be responsible for prospecting and closing new business across the DACH region.
- You will identify, nurture and close opportunities
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+ with designs and dreams that last for months or minutes. This blog is a place to
+ share what my team has access to for the
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- last_post_description: Happy Monday! I’m doing a bit of admin at the moment in relation
- to bringing Piccalilli back. Some of you might remember the Piccalilli newsletter.
- It was the precursor to this newsletter. I’m
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+title: Happstack
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+ - ANN
+ - acid-state
+ - database
+ - happstack
+ - happstack-lite
+ - hsx
+ - jmacro
+ - persistence
+ - routing
+ - safecopy
+ - templating
+ - type-safe
+ - web-routes
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+ last_post_title: Announcing Happstack 7
+ last_post_description: |-
+ We are pleased to announce the release of Happstack 7!
+ Happstack is a fast, modern, web application framework written in Haskell. Please check out the brand new happstack.com website to read
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- last_post_title: Comment on Van der Waals Forces by raphaelberger4f0aa1a9cc
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- In reply to Raphael Berger .
- Btw, the reference is really excellent! Than you very much for that!!
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+ - merepek
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+ last_post_title: Tengah design template baru untuk Coder's Talk
+ last_post_description: Aku dah boring dah tengok template Coder's Talk aku tu. Jadi,
+ aku sedang cuba membuat template baru untuk blog tu. Andaikata engkorang tengok
+ template blog ni jadi pelik2 dengan tajuk yang merepek
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- last_post_description: "\U0001F1FA\U0001F1F8 Guilty on all 34 charges. Unanimously.
- We'll see what sentencing actually brings, but justice seems to be working. Curious
- how the 3 other trials go. Completely unrelated, can felons vote in"
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+ last_post_title: 'The Week #210'
+ last_post_description: "\U0001F363 There was a time when all sushi didn't rotate
+ and rotating sushi was different. But times change and now most sushi in Japan
+ is of the rotating variety and sushi that doesn't rotate is different"
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+ last_post_date: "2021-12-25T16:54:41+01:00"
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- - OpenStack Foundation Board Meeting
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- The OpenStack Foundation met in Denver on September 10th for a Joint
- Leadership
- Meeting
- involving the foundation Board of Directors, the Technical Committee,
- and the User Committee.
- The usual
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- last_post_title: Comment on Installing Debian Stretch on a Cubox-i by Vlado Plaga
- last_post_description: I found this documentation through the Debian Wiki, and I'm
- quite happy with the result! Before I had to rely on images produced by others,
- and could not get a plain Debian 9. Now, having installed a
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- @davew RSS as a sort of database.
- Kristian .
+ I suggest to join the discussion in https://github.com/qgis/qgis-docker/issues/101
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-05T17:12:32Z"
+ last_post_link: https://anitagraser.com/2024/04/20/qgis-server-docker-edition/#comment-25915
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last_post_title: Delia’s Third Happening
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- Nottingham, we’re putting on a show! Join us in beautiful St John’s, Carrington, for a high summer evening of Japanophilia on Sat 20th July. Tickets on sale now.
- Reply via email
- last_post_date: "2024-06-02T12:00:00+01:00"
- last_post_link: https://colly.com/stream/delia-s-third-happening
+ last_post_description: Not long now, Nottingham! Join us in beautiful St John’s,
+ Carrington, on Saturday 20th July and witness The Young Vanish perform the Lost
+ in Translation OST, preceded by a 45-minute set from me,
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description: Logging the Switch is een weblog van Christian Luijten, die in 2004 besloot
dat hij zou stoppen met PCs en switchen naar de Mac. In eerste instantie was het
plan om te switchen van Linux op de PC
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wedstrijd gereden. Het was afwachten wat de overhand zou hebben; de verbetering
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- last_post_description: 'One of my favorite Apache pictures is this one: I’m pretty
- sure it was taken by Chris Davis. It’s me and Ken Coar riding up in the elevato
- at ApacheCon Stuttgart in 2005. I wish I had more'
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+ last_post_title: Widening the heart's window
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- - New Features
- - affiliate program
- - affiliates
+ - Features
+ - Plugins
- WordPress
+ - WordPress Editor
+ - WordPress developers
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+ covered, no plugin needed.
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- Virtual machines in general have been somewhat behind the
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- last_post_description: Even in a cloud world, sometimes you need to find a way to
- get inside your VM when SSH doesn’t work. Maybe your Ansible script broke the
- SSH configuration and you need to debug it, or you lost the
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- Fimo
+ - J
+ - V
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- science
+ - sculpture
- shelf
- sign
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+ - stamp
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+ - table
+ - tool
+ - wax
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+ - wood
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- All images were shot with the Olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark IV and Leica DG Summilux 9 F1.7 on 28 May 2024.
- Forest Path
+ All images were taken with the OM System TG-7 at Lake Illawarra and in Kiama on 6 July 2024.
+ Kiyong to Keira
- ƒ/1.8, 1/10s, ISO 1250
+ 100mm, ƒ4.9, 1/500s, ISO 100
- Crash Landing
+ Storm Bay
- ƒ/2, 1/800s, ISO 3200
+ 25mm, ƒ2, 1/800s, ISO 100
- Meet the
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+ last_post_description: 'Note: This article was originally published on “HEY World”
+ on Oct 25, 2021. I’m moving it to my main blog, as I’ve decided to close my HEY
+ account.'
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+ som vi betalar till Copyswede. Den ger ju oss rätt att dela exempelvis musik med
+ familj och nära vänner. Jag har nu
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You missed out!
Oaxaca, Mexico is one of the most wonderful places on Earth, although I'm biased, having gone there on my
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- | Vater x2 | Tel. 555-NASE | Feminist in Ausbildung | \U0001F37Aernst\nBlog: bielinski.de"
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- last_post_title: Comment on Celestron Firmware Manager on Linux by Mike Clements
- last_post_description: Thanks for this useful guide. There’s one more trick I had
- to do to make mine work with Ubuntu 16 and a Celestron 6SE. In the CFM software,
- Select Options|Connections from the menu. In the dialog
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+ In reply to Sergei .
+ Hi Sergei, you are right, but while SHA-1 was explicitly
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+ Great to read about QGIS user meetings and view your presentations. It's always such a big inspiration for my every day work.
+ I'm really happy hat we are having a QGIS.pl meeting next week in Poznan.
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+ Nonetheless, before joining, check whether your school
+ offers a portion of similar assets remembered for your educational cost. If
+ you're an understudy on a careful spending plan, there's no sense in
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+ - qnap
+ - truenas
+ relme:
+ https://blog.ganneff.de/: true
+ last_post_title: From QNAP QTS to TrueNAS Scale
+ last_post_description: History, SetupSo for quite some time I have a QNAP TS-873x
+ here, equipped with 8Western Digital Red 10 TB disks, plus 2 WD Blue 500G M2 SSDs.
+ The QNAPitself has an “AMD Embedded R-Series RX
+ last_post_date: "2022-11-19T13:20:33+01:00"
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+ - qnap
+ - truenas
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- last_post_title: Did you see it in the theater?
- last_post_description: We’re in the middle of a huge and unusual shift. The magazine
- publisher acted like the best sales were newsstand sales, even though the profit
- came from subscriptions and most people simply visited
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- last_post_title: Comment on Please help test (and fix) GTG’s GTK 4 port by MarkDuyba
- last_post_description: I'd like to help, however PR 894 does not apply successfully
- to the master branch.
- last_post_date: "2023-08-09T20:10:27Z"
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+ - research
+ - sage
+ - software
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+ https://salvusmath.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://skate389.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/09206974122359022797: true
+ last_post_title: Higher rank curves with nontrivial Sha
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2011-01-31T11:28:32-08:00"
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+title: Coder's Log
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Views and journeys of a hopeless programmer, named Zeeshan Ali Khan.
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+ - "0.10"
+ - "3.12"
+ - "3.2"
+ - "3.8"
+ - A Coruña.
+ - A-GPS
+ - A/V
+ - API
+ - ATM
+ - AV
+ - Aero-car
+ - Android
+ - Ansku
+ - Arc
+ - Automobile
+ - Automotive
+ - Berlin
+ - Boxes
+ - C
+ - C#
+ - C++
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+ - Cambridge
+ - Camera
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+ - Cancer
+ - Cellink
+ - Chalmers University
+ - Closures
+ - Clutter
+ - Coherence
+ - Collabora
+ - Comic
+ - Conference
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+ - DVB Daemon
+ - Desktop Summit
+ - Developer experience
+ - Embedded Systems
+ - EuroKaution
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+ - Friends
+ - GDP
+ - GIO
+ - GIR
+ - GJS
+ - GNOME Foundation
+ - GNOME Shell
+ - GOPW
+ - GObject
+ - GPS
+ - GPSD
+ - GSlice
+ - GSoC
+ - GStreamer
+ - GUADEC 2012
+ - GUPnP
+ - Garbage collection
+ - Geek
+ - Genivi
+ - Geoclue
+ - Germany
+ - Git
+ - Go
+ - Google
+ - Gothenburg
+ - Gtk
+ - Gtk+
+ - Guile
+ - Helsinki
+ - Humor
+ - Huopalahti
+ - IGD
+ - IRC
+ - Istanbul
+ - Java
+ - JavaScript
+ - Jeff Waugh
+ - Job
+ - Jolla
+ - Jussi Kukkonen
+ - KDE
+ - KVM
+ - Karachi
+ - Karl-Lattimer
+ - Kinvolk
+ - LEGO
+ - Lassi
+ - Lennart
+ - Linux
+ - Lisp
+ - Logo
+ - London
+ - MAFW
+ - MLS
+ - Maemo
+ - Maintainer
+ - Mango
+ - Maps
+ - Mark Shuttleworth
+ - Marriage
+ - MediaRenderer
+ - MediaServer
+ - Meego
+ - Memory Management
+ - Meritähti
+ - Mexico
+ - Microsoft
+ - Mindstorm
+ - Modem
+ - ModemManager
+ - Mom
+ - Mono
+ - Moonlight
+ - Move
+ - Mozilla
+ - Murray Cumming
+ - Mutex
+ - N81
+ - N900
+ - NMEA
+ - Network
+ - Network Light
+ - Nokia
+ - Nominatim
+ - OGG
+ - OHMan
+ - OPW
+ - OVF
+ - Open Source
+ - OpenStreetMap
+ - OpenWLANMap
+ - OpenedHand
+ - PPL(H)
+ - PS3
+ - Party
+ - Pelagicore
+ - Pyhon
+ - Qemu
+ - Qt
+ - Quality
+ - Rant
+ - Rc
+ - Red Hat
+ - Reference counting
+ - Remote Access
+ - Rust
+ - Rygel
+ - SQLite
+ - SSDP
+ - Sampo
+ - Sauna
+ - Scheme
+ - Scripting
+ - Security
+ - Skiing
+ - South Park
+ - Spice
+ - Star trek
+ - Strasbourg
+ - Summer
+ - Sweden
+ - Swedish
+ - Thessaloniki
+ - Tools
+ - Transcoding
+ - UK
+ - UPnP
+ - USB
+ - Ubuntu
+ - Ubuntu phone
+ - VCS
+ - VNC
+ - Vacation
+ - Vala
+ - Valgrind
+ - Vodafone
+ - Windows 7
+ - Windows XP
+ - WoW
+ - Xbox
+ - Xchat
+ - Zaheer
+ - Zeeshan
+ - ZeroConf
+ - Zhaan
+ - agent
+ - async
+ - automated installation
+ - bank
+ - bazaar
+ - binding
+ - blog move
+ - bluetooth
+ - c't
+ - canon
+ - cats
+ - data
+ - debian
+ - depression
+ - device
+ - distro
+ - driving
+ - driving test
+ - encryption
+ - evolution
+ - exopc
+ - express installation
+ - filesystem
+ - flying
+ - foundation
+ - framework
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+ - gmail
+ - gnome-continuous
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+ - gource
+ - gps-share
+ - gypsy
+ - hackfest
+ - hardware
+ - helicopters
+ - history
+ - hostel
+ - hotel
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+ - italy
+ - kaisla
+ - libosinfo
+ - libsoup
+ - libvirt
+ - libvirt-glib
+ - life
+ - lifetimes
+ - location
+ - love
+ - malloc
+ - meme
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+ - mother
+ - moving in
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+ - multimedia
+ - oFono
+ - operating system
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+ - ostikka
+ - performance
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+ - pilot
+ - poo
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+ - python
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+ - rover
+ - science
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+ - sh
+ - skills test
+ - snapshot
+ - sound server
+ - tablet
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+ - theory
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+ - tracker
+ - video
+ - virt-manager
+ - virt-tools
+ - virtual machine
+ - virtualization
+ - visualization
+ - vorbis
+ - wedding
+ - wifi
+ - wifi-geolocation
+ - win32
+ - windows
+ - winter
+ - xml
+ - zbus
+ relme:
+ https://zee-nix.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: zbus and Implementing Async Rust API
+ last_post_description: |-
+ zbus
+ As many of the readers already know, for the past (almost) 2 years, I've been developing a
+ Rust-crate for D-Bus, called zbus. With this being my
+ first big Rust project to start from scratch done
+ last_post_date: "2021-02-14T12:40:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://zee-nix.blogspot.com/2021/02/zbus-and-implementing-async-rust-api.html
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+ - D-Bus
+ - Rust
+ - async
+ - zbus
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+ last_post_title: Building Packages with Buildah in Debian
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+ last_post_date: "2020-04-25T08:57:43-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://tauware.blogspot.com/2020/04/building-packages-with-buildah-in-debian.html
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+ last_post_title: Pablo Rauzy pushed to project branch work/pablo/makefileactions
+ at Pablo Rauzy / Dolphin Plugins
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Pablo Rauzy
+ (f16d2115)
+ at
+ 09 Aug 17:55
+ Merge branch dolphin-plugins:master into work/pablo/makefileactions
+ ... and
+ 1 more commit
+ last_post_date: "2023-08-09T17:55:35Z"
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- last_post_title: Comment on WebKitGTK and WPE gain WebRTC support back! by hoschi
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- Hello!
- Thanks for your work. Can you tell me, when WebRTC will be available inside WebKit2Gtk, repectivley Epiphany? As it looks currently, Epiphany 3.30 doesn't support WebRTC generllay,
- last_post_date: "2018-10-08T08:05:30Z"
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+ - Beasiswa
+ - Lomba
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+ https://uwanmr.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Info PSB Bina Siswa SMA Plus Cisarua
+ last_post_description: Pada Tahun Pelajaran 2009/2010 Bina Siswa SMA Plus Cisarua
+ Yayasan Darmaloka Provinsi Jawa Barat memberikan kesempatan kepada para putra/putri
+ daerah sebanyak 60 s.d. 70 orang terdiri dari
+ last_post_date: "2009-04-25T13:49:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://uwanmr.blogspot.com/2009/04/info-psb-bina-siswa-sma-plus.html
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+ - Beasiswa
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- - https://jlelse.blog/.rss
- - https://jlelse.blog/index.xml
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- last_post_title: New Year, New Me
- last_post_description: I've been reluctant to write this post. I have a history
- of writing blog posts where I announce my mental health has improved .
- But…
- last_post_date: "2024-01-15T00:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://ashfurrow.com/blog/new-year-new-me/
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+title: Best Job Online
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: We have Best online Job for All but especially for teens.
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+ Essential obligations: One of the least demanding approaches to
+ bring in cash online is by finishing on the web studies or audits. Huge
+ organizations are consistently looking for assessments from
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+ last_post_title: Mutable Syntax in Mercury
+ last_post_description: IntroductionThe Mercury programminglanguage is a compiled,
+ strict, pure, type-safe logical andfunctional programming language. Its programming
+ methodology isbased on predicate logic, with syntax and
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+description: Recent content on Alan Pope's blog
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+ last_post_title: The Joy of Code
+ last_post_description: A few weeks ago, in episode 25 of Linux Matters Podcast I
+ brought up the subject of ‘Coding Joy’. This blog post is an expanded follow-up
+ to that segment. Go and listen to that episode - or not -
+ last_post_date: "2024-04-27T09:00:00+01:00"
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-title: Lou Plummer's Obsidian Posts
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: I jumped back into the IndieWeb after a 25-year absence. I lean towards
- Mac flavored tech, but I also enjoy Internet culture, internationalism and not taking
- things too seriously.
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- last_post_title: Comment on NFS backend for Openstack Glance/Cinder/Instance-store
- by kimizhang
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- In reply to Akshik .
- Sorry I have no experience with ESXi
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- beer, travel, pink gadgets and her life near the city where little cable cars climb
- halfway to the stars.
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- last_post_description: The boys love the beach. I’ve had this little fact tucked
- away in my head since we brought them to their first beach in San Francisco last
- year, but it’s tricky in northern California. Even
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+ g zucca tagliata a fettine * 100 g ricotta * 25 g burro * 340 g acqua *
+ 1/4 cipolla * 2 cucchiaini di dado bimby * 1/2 mis'
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+ content about Ddosing illegal.
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- last_post_title: Why I Built Litestream
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- our applications require more machines than ever because of architectural decisions
- made 25 years ago. You can eliminate much of your
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- last_post_title: Microsoft has not stopped forcing Edge on Windows 11 users
- last_post_description: Microsoft announces vague changes to the default web browser
- setting for Windows Insider. Nothing but wishful thinking. Still force-opens web
- links in Edge.
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- last_post_description: Now that Nova’s device role tagging feature talked about
- in a previous blog post is getting some real world usage, I’m starting to realise
- that it’s woefully under-documented and folks are
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+description: 'Business and IT are intertwined today. This blog touches both sides
+ with thoughts on #vr #fintech #IoT #ai and #blockshain.'
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+ last_post_title: Breaking Banks - Brett King and Anthony Jenkins
+ last_post_description: All working for incumbents in financial services (and for
+ all other interested in fintech) should listen to the breaking banks talk between
+ Brett King and Anthony Jenkins. Anthony is the former CE of
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- Los vídeos del sótano #16: Studio, Wordfence y Manolo Rodríguez
- En los Vídeos del sótano se recopilan los antiguos clips de la serie Blogpocketies, lo mejor de HECHO CON BLOQUES, junto a vídeos
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- in the cloud
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- - Fedora
- - Hadoop
- - OpenStack
- - RDO
- - Savanna
- - Tutorial
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- last_post_description: OpenStack Savanna can already help you create a Hadoop cluster
- or run a Hadoop workload all through the Horizon dashboard. What it could not
- do until now is let you do that through a command-line
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- - OpenStack
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- - Tutorial
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+title: Fridge and Freezer.
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Freezer and fridge benefits.
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+ - refrigerator and its freez
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+ last_post_title: Fridge Vs Freezer
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Home machines have
+ turned into a vital part of every single family. They have made our life such a
+ great deal simpler than it is exceedingly difficult for us to ponder living
+ without these machines.
+ last_post_date: "2021-10-17T11:33:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://shopeetotolinkbaru.blogspot.com/2021/10/fridge-vs-freezer.html
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+ - refrigerator and its freez
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+ - '#EmacsA11yTips'
+ - '#Using_the_SSH_server'
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+ https://pvagner.sk/tag/EmacsA11yTips: true
+ last_post_title: 'Emacs A11y Tip #3: Emacs with speechd-el running on Termux for
+ Android'
+ last_post_description: 'After a long while I am here with another post in my collection
+ of #EmacsA11yTips.This time I am not going to talk about emacs environment with
+ speech as provided by speechd-el, I will try to'
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-23T09:55:36Z"
+ last_post_link: https://pvagner.sk/2024/emacs-a11y-tip-3-emacs-with-speechd-el-running-on-termux
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+ - '#EmacsA11yTips'
+ - '#Using_the_SSH_server'
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- \U0001F1F3\U0001F1F1, interested in web infrastructure, decentralised systems, and
- making tools for developers and users. https://hacdias.com."
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- This post is part of a series for WeblogPoMo 2024. Each day in May, I’m sharing my appreciation for my favorite Pokémon card art. View all of the posts in this series.
- For the final entry in this
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+ Spake
+ Last week when I was hanging out in the omg.lol chat, I saw this:
+ There should be a really easy way to audio blog
+ blogcast?
+ No I mean like low rent lofi
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+ Withnall
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+ In reply to Allan Day .
+ tl;dr: seat61.com will get you most of the way.
+ My
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+ last_post_title: Cheese is Life
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+ Hard: Cheddars stay perhaps the most generally bought cheeses, and
+ no cheddar board would be finished without one!. A decent reach would have
+ those from a year to 2 years in development, and this
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+ - Chees makes life.
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+ last_post_title: 'Day 32-37: Fun in Costa Rica (or how I bought a bus ticket in
+ español) ...'
+ last_post_description: Ugh, I really need to be more diligent in keeping this thing
+ up to date. So, after departing my week of hell in California, I landed in Costa
+ Rica, and promptly got screwed by immigration (and my own
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+description: In this blog I talk about some of the personal programming I do as a
+ hobby. From Java to Rust via Haskell, I've played around with a lot of technologies
+ and still try to have fun with new languages
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+ - Android
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+ - Aspects
+ - Cabal
+ - Compilation
+ - Concurrent Programming
+ - Debugging
+ - Design By Contract
+ - Dynamic languages
+ - Eclipse
+ - EclipseFP
+ - FRP
+ - Flex
+ - Functional Programming
+ - GHC
+ - GUI
+ - Genetic Programming
+ - Genetic algorithms
+ - HGL
+ - HTML 5
+ - Haskell
+ - Hibernate
+ - Hoogle
+ - HughesPJ
+ - IDE
+ - JSON
+ - Java
+ - JavaFX
+ - JavaScript
+ - Linux
+ - Mobile
+ - Monads
+ - NXT
+ - Network
+ - Neural Network
+ - Object Oriented Programming
+ - Parsec
+ - PostgreSQL
+ - Python
+ - RIA
+ - Rhino
+ - Rust
+ - SQL
+ - SWT
+ - Scala
+ - Scion
+ - Security
+ - Software design
+ - Ubuntu
+ - WebAssembly
+ - Windows
+ - algorithms
+ - annotations
+ - bevy
+ - buildwrapper
+ - cassandra
+ - closures
+ - databases
+ - development
+ - docker
+ - elastic
+ - fun
+ - functions
+ - game
+ - games
+ - generics
+ - golang
+ - graph databases
+ - graphql
+ - hidden markov model
+ - jobs
+ - maths
+ - mazes
+ - natural language processing
+ - parsing
+ - performance
+ - properties
+ - rant
+ - robotics
+ - scripting
+ - self-indulgence
+ - self-pity
+ - self-publicity
+ - testing
+ - tooling
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+ - Rust
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+ - AVR
+ - Atmel
+ - Electronics
+ - FreeBSD
+ - OCXO
+ - PPS
+ - chrony
+ - timekeeping
+ relme:
+ https://blahg.josefsipek.net/: true
+ last_post_title: Unsynchronized PPS Experiment
+ last_post_description: Late last summer I decided to do a simple experiment—feed
+ my server a PPS signal that wasn’t synchronized to any timescale. The idea was
+ to give chrony a reference that is more stable than the
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+ - chrony
+ - timekeeping
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- you, I might be referring to Mr. Lukacs. One morning, before the first bell rang,
- I found him wandering among the lockers, wearing a white
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+ - Britney Spears
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+ - Colbert
+ - Conan OBrian
+ - Creative
+ - Cross Hatching
+ - David Letterman
+ - Designer Resources
+ - Digital Art
+ - Digitizer tablet
+ - EclecticAsylum
+ - Featured Artists
+ - GIMP
+ - Google Reader
+ - Graphic Tablets
+ - Graphics Design
+ - Graphire3
+ - Guido Daniele
+ - Guitar
+ - Illustration
+ - Jay Leno
+ - Joe Lateshow
+ - Kerawang Collections
+ - Logo Design
+ - Martial Arts
+ - Music
+ - My List
+ - Open Source
+ - Oud
+ - Phil Hansen
+ - Photography
+ - Photoshop
+ - Photoshop Brushes
+ - Samtriggy
+ - Save our child
+ - TATU
+ - Talk Show
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+ - Tutorials
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+ - Video
+ - Wacom
+ - abstract
+ - actress
+ - ada
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+ - ballpen on paper
+ - brands
+ - cake design
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+ - celebrity
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+ - free manga screentones
+ - graffiti
+ - host
+ - icon
+ - inkscape
+ - linux
+ - manga
+ - mybloglog
+ - oil pastel
+ - old sketch
+ - painting
+ - pen tablet
+ - pencil on paper
+ - practice
+ - reggae
+ - royalty free vector
+ - screentones
+ - ska artworks
+ - sketch
+ - soft pastel on paper
+ - speed painting
+ - ubuntu
+ - usb graphic tablet
+ - wacom sketch
+ - youtube
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+ last_post_title: ApOgEE is Blogging Again
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+ - AdLib
+ - GSoC 2008
+ - GSoC 2009
+ - Kyrandia
+ - Lands of Lore
+ - ScummVM
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+ - rus
+ - wand
+ - xwem
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+ last_post_title: Гестуры в xwem
+ last_post_description: Совсем забыл про классную фукнциональность в xwem — гестуры
+ aka strokes. Это когда рисуешь что-нибудь на экране, а
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+ last_post_title: The Labour “narrative”
+ last_post_description: Business as usual, just better managers.
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- to Mixcloud Pro has been cancelled (something I never requested). When I looked
- at my profile it said “Spam profile disabled”. Just so
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-title: Elizabeth K. Joseph
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @pleia2@floss.social
- feedlink: https://floss.social/@pleia2.rss
- feedtype: rss
- feedid: bb92a009917982e1baf55a2211a6828d
- websites:
- https://floss.social/@pleia2: true
- blogrolls: []
- recommended: []
- recommender: []
- categories: []
- relme:
- https://princessleia.com/journal: false
- https://www.flickr.com/people/pleia2/: false
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- cats: 0
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- isnoarchive: false
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+title: Nithin Bekal
+date: "2024-07-04T03:46:35Z"
+description: Nithin Bekal's blog about programming - Ruby, Rails, Vim, Elixir.
+ feedlink: https://nithinbekal.com/feed.xml
+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: bb9a3819a3f181cd596eb15b776dd005
+ websites:
+ https://nithinbekal.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender:
+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - rails
+ - ruby
+ relme:
+ https://github.com/nithinbekal: true
+ https://nithinbekal.com/: true
+ https://ruby.social/@nithinbekal: true
+ last_post_title: Script to bump Ruby version in Rails app
+ last_post_description: Any time I need to bump a Ruby version in a Rails repo, I
+ need to find which files have hardcoded references to the version. The 3 files
+ that usually have hardcoded versions are Dockerfile, Gemfile
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://nithinbekal.com/posts/bump-ruby-script/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - rails
+ - ruby
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: 4029d13da00bcd79b2f43947cbde508e
+ score_criteria:
+ cats: 0
+ description: 3
+ feedlangs: 0
+ postcats: 2
+ posts: 3
+ promoted: 5
+ promotes: 0
+ relme: 2
+ title: 3
+ website: 2
+ score: 20
+ ispodcast: false
+ isnoarchive: false
+ innetwork: true
+ language: ""
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-title: Ronald Bradford | Enterprise Data Architect | MySQL Subject Matter Expert | Author
- | Speaker » » OpenStack
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: ""
- feedlink: https://ronaldbradford.com/blog/category/cloud/openstack/feed/
- feedtype: rss
- feedid: bbcd00a0f1b0382eab45730e985fbced
- websites: {}
- blogrolls: []
- recommended: []
- recommender: []
- categories:
- - Cassandra
- - Cloud Computing
- - Databases
- - DBaaS
- - Mongodb
- - MySQL
- - OpenStack
- - Oracle
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Utilizing OpenStack Trove DBaaS for deployment management
- last_post_description: Trove is used for self service provisioning and lifecycle
- management for relational and non-relational databases in an OpenStack cloud.
- Trove provides a RESTful API interface that is same regardless
- last_post_date: "2016-06-14T18:18:18Z"
- last_post_link: http://ronaldbradford.com/blog/utilizing-openstack-trove-dbaas-for-deployment-management-2016-06-14/
- last_post_categories:
- - Cassandra
- - Cloud Computing
- - Databases
- - DBaaS
- - Mongodb
- - MySQL
- - OpenStack
- - Oracle
- last_post_guid: 2d0cd69126f87e465e8cd59d0350b775
- score_criteria:
- cats: 0
- description: 0
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- promoted: 0
- promotes: 0
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- title: 3
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- score: 6
- ispodcast: false
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-title: Hachyderm
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @hachyderm@hachyderm.io
- feedlink: https://hachyderm.io/@hachyderm.rss
- feedtype: rss
- feedid: bbd1578d2b135cbae8ff6b2d8d97ea37
- websites:
- https://hachyderm.io/@hachyderm: true
- blogrolls: []
- recommended: []
- recommender: []
- categories: []
- relme:
- https://community.hachyderm.io/: false
- https://community.hachyderm.io/approved: true
- https://grafana.hachyderm.io/public: false
- last_post_title: ""
- last_post_description: ""
- last_post_date: ""
- last_post_link: ""
- last_post_categories: []
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- score_criteria:
- cats: 0
- description: 3
- postcats: 0
- promoted: 0
- promotes: 0
- relme: 2
- title: 3
- website: 2
- score: 10
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- isnoarchive: false
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+title: Lodahl's blog
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: LibreOffice, open source software and open standards. These are the three
+ things you can read about on my blog. I'll try to keep you updated on news and events
+ in Denmark.
+ feedlink: https://lodahl.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: bbeb0224f03f4a88470e7de3dbdce92b
+ websites:
+ https://lodahl.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - "2.4"
+ - 2.4.1
+ - 2D barcode
+ - "3.0"
+ - 3.1.1
+ - "4.1"
+ - API
+ - Aarhus
+ - Active Directory
+ - Adverts
+ - Alfresco
+ - Ambitions
+ - Android
+ - Animal
+ - Annual report
+ - Apache Foundation
+ - Apache Open Office
+ - Appeal
+ - Approval
+ - Article
+ - Avoid the pitfalls
+ - Award
+ - B103
+ - BRM
+ - Barbecue
+ - Basic
+ - Beta
+ - Bibliographies
+ - Birthday
+ - Blog
+ - Bluetooth
+ - Bob Sutor
+ - Bouncer
+ - Burton Group
+ - Business
+ - Business Intelligence
+ - CBS
+ - CMIS
+ - Calc
+ - Calendar
+ - Cars
+ - Certification
+ - Chart
+ - Chichewa
+ - China
+ - Christmas
+ - City
+ - Clip art
+ - Comments
+ - Community
+ - Community Innovation Award Program
+ - Compatibility
+ - Complaint
+ - Composite
+ - Conference
+ - Contest
+ - Crime
+ - Crop
+ - Cross reference
+ - Culture
+ - DR1
+ - DS
+ - Danish
+ - Danish Consumer Agency
+ - Danish Standards
+ - Demonstration
+ - Denmark
+ - Desktop
+ - Digitaliser
+ - Document Foundation
+ - Download
+ - Draw
+ - E-government
+ - E-mail
+ - ECMA
+ - EU
+ - Education
+ - Election
+ - Enterprise
+ - Entrepreneurs
+ - Expeditor
+ - Export
+ - Extensions
+ - F/OSS
+ - FAIR
+ - Facebook
+ - Family
+ - Firefox
+ - Flash movie
+ - Forum
+ - Foundation
+ - Free
+ - Free software
+ - FreeMind
+ - Freedom
+ - French
+ - Friends
+ - Fun
+ - Gadgets
+ - GlassFish
+ - Google
+ - Google Docs
+ - Google Drive
+ - Government
+ - Grammar
+ - Gribskov
+ - HTC Hero
+ - HTML
+ - Hacking
+ - Help content
+ - IBM
+ - ISO
+ - Impress
+ - Internet
+ - Interoperability
+ - Italian
+ - JTC
+ - Java
+ - KMD
+ - Knife
+ - LDraw
+ - Language
+ - Language Tools
+ - LanguageTools
+ - Learning
+ - Lego
+ - LibreOffice
+ - LibreOffice 4.0. OpenClipart.org
+ - LibreOffice 4.1
+ - License
+ - Lightning
+ - LinusForum
+ - Linux
+ - LinuxForum
+ - Localizatio
+ - Localization
+ - Lorem Ipsum
+ - Lotus
+ - Lotus Notes
+ - Lotus Symphony
+ - LotusPhere
+ - Lyngby-Taarbæk
+ - MacOS
+ - Macro
+ - Magenta ApS
+ - Malawi
+ - Maps
+ - Master thesis
+ - McKinsey
+ - Microsoft
+ - Midsummer
+ - MindMap
+ - Minister of Science and Technology
+ - Mobile
+ - Monopoly
+ - Mozilla
+ - Municipals
+ - Munipality
+ - Music
+ - NetBeans
+ - New Zealand
+ - New features
+ - Newsletter
+ - Nokia
+ - Norway
+ - Notes 8.5
+ - Novell
+ - Nuxeo
+ - OCAL
+ - ODF
+ - ODF Alliance
+ - OOoCon
+ - OSL
+ - OSM
+ - Objections
+ - Office
+ - Open
+ - Open Content
+ - Open Source
+ - Open Source Days
+ - Open Standards
+ - OpenClipart.org
+ - OpenDocument Format
+ - OpenJdk
+ - OpenOffice
+ - OpenOffice.org
+ - OpenOffice.org 3.0
+ - OpenOffiice.org
+ - OpenProj
+ - OpenSPARC
+ - OpenSolaris
+ - OpenStreetMap
+ - Openness
+ - PDF
+ - Parliament
+ - Personal
+ - Petition
+ - Philosophy Knowledge
+ - Phone
+ - Pictures
+ - Pidgin
+ - Police
+ - Press
+ - Progress
+ - Project
+ - QMS
+ - Rambøll
+ - Raspberry Pi
+ - Redflag
+ - Release
+ - Release candidate
+ - Reports
+ - Rødovre
+ - SVG
+ - SVG import
+ - Schools
+ - Screencast
+ - Search
+ - Settings
+ - Sharepoint
+ - Sidebar
+ - Sidepanel
+ - SlotusPhere
+ - Snow
+ - Software
+ - Software Fredom Day
+ - Spain
+ - Spelling
+ - Squirrel
+ - Standards
+ - Statistics
+ - Storm
+ - Styles
+ - Summer house
+ - Sun
+ - Support
+ - Swift
+ - Swing Software
+ - Swiss army knife
+ - Symfoni Software
+ - Symfony Software
+ - System integration
+ - Technical
+ - Template changer
+ - Templates
+ - The Danish Competition Authority
+ - The Document Foundation
+ - Therapy
+ - Thunderbird
+ - Track and Trace
+ - Trade unions
+ - Training
+ - Tram
+ - Translation
+ - Travel
+ - Tricks
+ - Tutorials
+ - Twitter
+ - Tønder
+ - UNI-C
+ - Ubuntu
+ - Usability
+ - Vacation
+ - Vestas
+ - Video
+ - Weather
+ - WebDAV
+ - WebODF
+ - Weblog
+ - West coast
+ - Widgets
+ - Wife
+ - Wiki
+ - Windmill
+ - Windows
+ - Windows Registry
+ - Wine
+ - Witches
+ - Word count
+ - Writer
+ - XML
+ - XML parser
+ - Young
+ - Youtube
+ - accessibility
+ - administration
+ - barcode
+ - batch
+ - bootstrap
+ - change control
+ - chemestry
+ - chemical formulas
+ - clker.com
+ - commmittee
+ - copyleft
+ - crowd source
+ - design
+ - donate
+ - e-learning
+ - embedded fonts
+ - extension
+ - fonts
+ - formula
+ - gui
+ - installation
+ - integration
+ - merchandise
+ - msi
+ - msiexec
+ - mst
+ - openSourceDays
+ - ownCloud
+ - poetry
+ - python
+ - server
+ - shop
+ - silent
+ - silent install
+ - task panel
+ - test
+ - victory
+ relme:
+ https://libreofficedk.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://lodahl.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/08960229448622236930: true
+ last_post_title: Templates - Avoid the pitfalls
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2015-09-26T17:55:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://lodahl.blogspot.com/2015/09/templates-avoid-pitfalls.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Avoid the pitfalls
+ - LibreOffice
+ - Templates
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: 733c85c6b0ed27c3b64382d17a215015
+ score_criteria:
+ cats: 5
+ description: 3
+ feedlangs: 0
+ postcats: 3
+ posts: 3
+ promoted: 0
+ promotes: 0
+ relme: 2
+ title: 3
+ website: 2
+ score: 21
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+ isnoarchive: false
+ innetwork: true
+ language: ""
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+title: Latest articles from Crooks and Liars
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: The latest articles from Crooks and Liars
+ feedlink: https://crooksandliars.com/feeds/latest
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: bc1980c72b21706969a0a372848194e0
+ websites:
+ https://crooksandliars.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender:
+ - http://scripting.com/rss.xml
+ - http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
+ categories:
+ - Late Night Open Thread
+ - Roswell
+ - UFO's
+ relme:
+ https://crooklyn.social/@crooksandliars: true
+ https://crooksandliars.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Roswell 1947 Kicked Off The UFO Craze
+ last_post_description: On this day in 1947, rancher WW Brazel discovered some debris
+ near Roswell, and the front pages of the Roswell Daily Record reported the RAAF
+ captured a "flying saucer," which kicked off the UFO
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-09T03:00:01Z"
+ last_post_link: https://crooksandliars.com/2024/07/roswell-1947-kicked-ufo-craze
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Late Night Open Thread
+ - Roswell
+ - UFO's
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: 9cee10ee575d39ee9235c2ffa70aca76
+ score_criteria:
+ cats: 0
+ description: 3
+ feedlangs: 1
+ postcats: 3
+ posts: 3
+ promoted: 5
+ promotes: 0
+ relme: 2
+ title: 3
+ website: 2
+ score: 22
+ ispodcast: false
+ isnoarchive: false
+ innetwork: true
+ language: en
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-title: ShopTalk
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: A podcast about web design and development.
- feedlink: https://shoptalkshow.com/feed/podcast/
- feedtype: rss
- feedid: bc19a424894ad55af51b564f07ca1883
- websites: {}
- blogrolls: []
- recommended: []
- recommender:
- - https://chrisburnell.com/feed.xml
- categories:
- - Technology
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: '618: Matt Visiwig on SVGBackgrounds'
- last_post_description: Show DescriptionMatt Visiwig stops by to chat with us about
- his site, SVGBackgrounds.com, a membership site for copy-and-paste website graphics
- built around SVG. We talk about why he built the site,
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T08:08:44Z"
- last_post_link: https://shoptalkshow.com/618/
- last_post_categories: []
- last_post_guid: 8a2ab19076f32cc2ba7b0d94385c4f4c
- score_criteria:
- cats: 1
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- isnoarchive: false
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-title: Tech – Thoughts From Eric
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Things that Eric A. Meyer, CSS expert, writes about on his personal Web
- site; it's largely Web standards and Web technology, but also various bits of culture,
- politics, personal observations, and
- feedlink: https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/category/tech/rss2/full
- feedtype: rss
- feedid: bc2eaca158ec1df1bf09e6c8c1a9e906
- websites:
- https://meyerweb.com/: false
- https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts: true
- blogrolls: []
- recommended: []
- recommender: []
- categories:
- - Hacks
- - JavaScript
- - Tools
- - Web
- relme:
- https://codepen.io/meyerweb: false
- https://dribbble.com/meyerweb: false
- https://flickr.com/photos/meyerweb/: false
- https://github.com/meyerweb: false
- https://mastodon.social/@meyerweb: false
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/meyerweb: false
- last_post_title: 'Bookmarklet: Load All GitHub Comments'
- last_post_description: A quick way to load all the comments on a GitHub issue.
- last_post_date: "2024-02-05T14:49:46Z"
- last_post_link: https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2024/02/05/bookmarklet-load-all-github-comments/
- last_post_categories:
- - Hacks
- - JavaScript
- - Tools
- - Web
- last_post_guid: 12b659133495cb7ecbaeb5cb27993f0d
- score_criteria:
- cats: 0
- description: 3
- postcats: 3
- promoted: 0
- promotes: 0
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- title: 3
- website: 2
- score: 12
- ispodcast: false
- isnoarchive: false
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-title: Planet – Nicolas' Blog
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Yet another Open Source developer blog
- feedlink: https://ndufresne.ca/category/planet/feed/
- feedtype: rss
- feedid: bc521521242de67129b8c557d26256c1
- websites: {}
- blogrolls: []
- recommended: []
- recommender: []
- categories:
- - Planet
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: GStreamer Echo Canceller
- last_post_description: For a long time I believed that echo cancellers had no place
- inside GStreamer. The theory was that GStreamer was too high level and would never
- be able to provide accurate enough delay information
- last_post_date: "2016-06-30T22:14:06Z"
- last_post_link: https://ndufresne.ca/2016/06/gstreamer-echo-canceller/
- last_post_categories:
- - Planet
- last_post_guid: 810ac82056940eba800ed13691286df7
- score_criteria:
- cats: 0
- description: 3
- postcats: 1
- promoted: 0
- promotes: 0
- relme: 0
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- website: 0
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title: everything changes
-date: "2024-05-30T10:19:23-04:00"
+date: "2024-07-02T15:11:10-04:00"
description: Work coaching with Mandy Brown.
feedlink: https://everythingchanges.us/feed.xml
@@ -12,24 +12,30 @@ params:
recommended: []
recommender: []
categories: []
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Just jobs
- last_post_description: S.E. Smith writes in YES! about the intersections of remote
- work and accessibility.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-29T14:27:00-04:00"
- last_post_link: https://everythingchanges.us/blog/just-jobs/
+ relme:
+ https://everythingchanges.us/: true
+ last_post_title: Leaving and arriving
+ last_post_description: “To get there, I had to first understand I’m not cut
+ for the web industry anymore.�
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-02T14:50:00-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://everythingchanges.us/blog/leaving-and-arriving/
last_post_categories: []
- last_post_guid: 50e4a4ec645493767184d34651cf3d5c
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: ae5d4bec83e3addfa762d86d803612b5
cats: 0
description: 3
+ feedlangs: 0
postcats: 0
+ posts: 3
promoted: 0
promotes: 0
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+ relme: 2
title: 3
website: 2
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+ score: 13
ispodcast: false
isnoarchive: false
+ innetwork: true
+ language: ""
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-title: Dave Rupert
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @davatron5000@mastodon.social
- feedlink: https://mastodon.social/@davatron5000.rss
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- last_post_title: Meta AI explains the backdoors in Meta Messenger & WhatsApp’s end-to-end
- encryption
- last_post_description: Hi Peter, my name is Meta Al. Think of me like an assistant
- who’s here to help you learn, plan, and connect. I speak English. What can I help
- you with today? Are my Messenger conversations now all
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+ in Digital Preservation.
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+ - unix
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+ last_post_title: X Window System At 40
+ last_post_description: I apologize that this post is a little late. On 19th June
+ the X Window System celebrated its 40th birthday. Wikipedia has a comprehensive
+ history of the system including the e-mail Bob Scheifler sent
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+description: 'Open Source Software: Operating Systems and Beyond.'
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+ last_post_title: Difficult Hardware
+ last_post_description: |-
+ This content can also be found as part of https://github.com/tinkerbell/ipxedust/pull/88 in DifficultHardware.md.
+ Most modern hardware is capable of PXE booting just fine. Sometimes strange
+ last_post_date: "2023-09-11T17:25:53Z"
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+ Teknik Elektro ITB
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+ last_post_title: Paper Penelitian Basis Data Semantic YAGO
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Berikut link ke paper tentang YAGO semantic knowledge base: http://www.mpi-inf.mpg.de/departments/databases-and-information-systems/research/yago-naga/yago/publications/
+ Menurut saya kelebihan
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+ - YAGO
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+ RSS feed for new releases.
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+ last_post_title: Reactive Web Dashboards with Shiny
+ last_post_description: There are dozens of ways to build web applications in Python.
+ You can use Django or FastAPI with a Javascript front-end, or build a simple dashboard
+ using a tool like Streamlit. However, almost all
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+ - Technology
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+title: MetaGrrrl
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+description: Hello. My name is Dinah Sanders. I've been blogging for over twenty years.
+ I'm a web geek and writer. I like it that way.
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+ - https://roytang.net/blog/feed/rss/
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+ - The Web
+ - Web/Tech
+ - warnings & kvetches
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+ https://metagrrrl.com/: true
+ last_post_title: So Much For There Being Any Corporate Good Guys
+ last_post_description: So I just found out that WordPress / Automattic is preparing
+ to sell user data to Midjourney and OpenAI. So it seems that unless I opt out,
+ my creative work will be sold for AI training. Sold by the
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+ - The Web
+ - Web/Tech
+ - warnings & kvetches
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
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+ - 3e
+ - 5e
+ - Al-Riyah
+ - Alternate Bulette Challenge
+ - British Old School
+ - Camalos
+ - Christmas
+ - City-States
+ - Company of Boars' Heads
+ - Covered Path
+ - DM advice
+ - Dragon Quest
+ - Dragon Warriors
+ - Elementalism
+ - Empire of the Petal Throne
+ - Eostre
+ - Faerie
+ - Fate
+ - Flintstonism
+ - Freeport
+ - Freikantons
+ - Friday Encounter
+ - Games Workshop
+ - Gods of the Lunar Lands
+ - Golnir
+ - Green Ronin
+ - Gwennert
+ - Halloween
+ - Hell
+ - Highlands
+ - Hynden
+ - Keep on the Borderlands
+ - Kerne
+ - Kord
+ - Kvesland
+ - Land of the Dead
+ - Lescatie
+ - Levic Marches
+ - Lew Pulsipher
+ - Lunar Lands
+ - Lynnery
+ - Madoka Magica
+ - 'Magic: the Gathering'
+ - Marseah
+ - Meili
+ - Middle-Earth
+ - Midwinter
+ - Mimir
+ - Modern AGE
+ - Morthanos
+ - Nehalennia
+ - Nutcracker
+ - Nuwapians
+ - Old Faith
+ - Olmo
+ - Orctober
+ - Quel'Ahma
+ - Realms Beyond
+ - Reynard
+ - Seidra
+ - Solenna
+ - Sonderlund
+ - Swordbrothers
+ - Taldameer
+ - The Heavens
+ - The Lunar Lands Guide to Combat
+ - The Princess Bride
+ - Togarmah
+ - Tolkien
+ - Torvald
+ - Ukiah
+ - Ultraman
+ - Usalia
+ - Valossa
+ - Vardessy
+ - Voltan
+ - Warhammer
+ - West Marches
+ - Weyland
+ - White Dwarf
+ - World Beneath
+ - Year of the Gazetteer
+ - adventure design
+ - adventures
+ - alchemy
+ - anime
+ - antiquity
+ - art
+ - backgrounds
+ - bar brawls
+ - bard
+ - bulette
+ - challenge
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+ - lore
+ - lotr
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+ - meaningless kvetching
+ - medieval
+ - merp
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+ - monsters
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+ - owlbear
+ - paladin
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+ - rituals
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+ - settlements
+ - sorcerer
+ - spells
+ - tables
+ - terrain
+ - tokusatsu
+ - undead
+ - video games
+ - warlock
+ - weebery
+ - werewolves
+ - wfrp
+ - wilderness
+ - wizard
+ - worldbuilding
+ - wotc
+ relme:
+ https://tales-of-the-lunar-lands.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Friday Encounter: To Catch a Pickpocket'
+ last_post_description: AladdinThis encounter is best suited for an urban setting
+ - specifically, an outdoor area where there will be dense crowds of people. A
+ marketplace is probably the most obvious, but it could just as
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-05T23:53:00Z"
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+ - 5e
+ - Friday Encounter
+ - Lunar Lands
+ - dnd
+ - encounters
+ - fantasy
+ - house rules
+ - settlements
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+ last_post_title: AI in Emacs
+ last_post_description: Everything is better with emacs. Lets see how we can plug
+ in ollama into it. We are going to use ellama and they like the zephyr, so lets
+ pull that. You can configure it to use other things, but lets
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-29T10:45:21Z"
+ last_post_link: https://willschenk.com/labnotes/2024/ai_in_emacs/
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+title: All Area Code
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: We have all Details About area code information.
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+ - area
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+ last_post_title: City Area Code
+ last_post_description: |-
+ What telephone Area code is 800?
+ The region code 800 area code goes about as a complementary code for
+ North America, Canada, the United States, and 22 nations. It is accessible for
+ American clients
+ last_post_date: "2022-01-03T15:15:00Z"
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-title: OpenStack – Cloud Architect Musings
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- - OpenStack
- - Private Cloud
- - Cloud computing
- - OpenStack Summit
- - Rackspace
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- last_post_title: 'OpenStack Summit Day 2 Recap: The Future is Multi-Cloud'
- last_post_description: Jonathan Bryce, Executive Director of the OpenStack Foundation,
- kicked off day two of the Summit by tying it back to the first day’s keynote about
- the challenge of meeting the scalability
- last_post_date: "2016-11-22T18:19:08Z"
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- - Cloud
- - Cloud Computing
- - OpenStack
- - Private Cloud
- - Cloud computing
- - OpenStack Summit
- - Rackspace
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-title: reverie v. reality
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-description: "hello there, wanderer! \\\nI’m (or you can call me ). \n\nhere you
- will find a mish-mash of:\n\n\n\n\n\nwelcome, if you are venturing in. \\\n& if
- you’re going - ..."
- feedlink: https://reverie.bearblog.dev/feed/?type=rss
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- last_post_title: listening | january - may 2024
- last_post_description: Figured it's been a minute since my last listening post,
- so here are some songs I've been enjoying this year. I've been trying to separate
- my songs into monthly playlists on my Spotify, just so I can
- last_post_date: "2024-05-30T12:34:41Z"
- last_post_link: https://reverie.bearblog.dev/listen-jan-may-24/
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-description: Phil Nash is a developer, speaker, blogger, developer advocate, sausage
- dog owner and beer lover.
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- last_post_title: JavaScript is getting array grouping methods
- last_post_description: Grouping items in an array is one of those things you've
- probably done a load of times. Each time you would have written a grouping function
- by hand or perhaps reached for lodash's groupBy function
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+description: Read is to write, write is to respond
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+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Health
+ - Norman Swan
+ - Politics
+ - Review
+ - Ways of Thinking
+ relme:
+ https://collect.readwriterespond.com/: true
+ https://github.com/mrkrndvs: true
+ https://readwriterespond.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 'REVIEW: So You Want To Live Younger Longer? (Dr. Norman Swan)'
+ last_post_description: So many things have bounced back now that COVID is magically
+ no longer a thing. However, one thing that remains in my life is the presence
+ of Dr Norman Swan (and Tegan Taylor) via the What's That
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-01T11:11:31Z"
+ last_post_link: https://readwriterespond.com/2024/07/review-so-you-want-to-live-younger-longer/
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+ - Health
+ - Norman Swan
+ - Politics
+ - Review
+ - Ways of Thinking
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-title: opengers - openstack
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-description: Posts categorized as 'openstack'
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- last_post_title: 理解openstack统一认证组件keystoneauth
- last_post_description: "openstack api && client\n keystoneauth组件\n keystoneauth的使用
- \ \n 获取token\n 服务发现\n 使用Session对象直接发送api请求\n client集成keystoneauth\n
- \ \n "
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+title: Go deh!
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Mainly Tech projects on Python and Electronic Design Automation.
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+ categories:
+ - J-language programming-language.
+ - advocacy
+ - algorithms
+ - awk
+ - crunchy python tutorials
+ - duck typing
+ - duck typing type python
+ - europython EDA python
+ - maths Kaprekar
+ - meritocracy
+ - nice community
+ - python
+ - python example
+ - python example training
+ - python truth-table boolean
+ - rosettacode
+ - script
+ - wide finder
+ relme:
+ https://paddy3118.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Recreating the CVM algorithm for estimating distinct elements gives
+ problems
+ last_post_description: Someone at work posted a link to this Quanta Magazine article.
+ It describes a novel, and seemingly straight-forward way to estimate the number
+ of distinct elements in a datastream. Quanta describes
+ last_post_date: "2024-05-27T19:06:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://paddy3118.blogspot.com/2024/05/recreating-cvm-algorithm-for-estimating.html
+ last_post_categories: []
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horrific episode in Meta’s past. I hadn’t planned to revisit the topic immediately,
but here we are, with Threads federation with the
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+ SFF to litfic. Come on in to see my top picks.
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- can’t be interacted with? by Colin
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- problem, trying to get a popover element to be interactive after being opened
- from within a dialog.\n\nThe div element with the popover"
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- Despite my best efforts, I sometimes write code.
- I also exist on [Mastodon].
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+ last_post_title: Quality and productivity are not necessarily mutually exclusive
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+ One of my pet peeves is when people pit quality and
+ productivity against each other in engineering management discussions
+ because I don’t always view them as competing priorities.
+ And I don’t
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+title: Swords & Stitchery - Old Time Sewing & Table Top Rpg Blog
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: A blog about sewing machine repairs,but mainly my hobbies which include
+ old school role playing games, science fiction,films, horror, and general geekery.
+ Sit down and stay a spell.
+ feedlink: https://swordsandstitchery.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: be7691a529eea359e914ed3ecf572106
+ websites:
+ https://swordsandstitchery.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - '" The Complete Psionics Handbook'
+ - '" The Mad Mansion of Professor Ludlow"'
+ - '"&" Magazine'
+ - '"100 Oddities for a Thieves'' Guild"'
+ - '"100 Signs of Prior Dungeon Explorers (C&C)"'
+ - '"Al Aaraaf"'
+ - '"Amazing Planet"'
+ - '"Basic or Advanced?"'
+ - '"Black Sword: Pursuit of the White Wolf"'
+ - '"Coldheart Canyon"'
+ - '"Doc"'
+ - '"Empire of the Necromancers" By Clark Aston Smith'
+ - '"Heroes of Wargaming"'
+ - '"In Wretched Depravity"'
+ - '"La Baionnette #32"'
+ - '"Lair of the White Wyvern" adventure'
+ - '"Level of the Lost'''
+ - '"M2: "Vengeance of Alphaks" (1986)'
+ - '"Marvel-Phile #72 Shanna the She-Devil From the Unofficial Canon Project"'
+ - '"More Excerpts from the Journals of Hald Sevrin"'
+ - '"Ogra'
+ - '"Oh My Lost Darklords'
+ - '"Quick Vehicle File: Stalwart Class ATV"'
+ - '"Random Esoteric Creature Generator for Classic Fantasy Role-Playing Games "'
+ - '"Stealer of Souls: A Quest For Vengeance in Ilmiora "'
+ - '"The Anthropophagi of Xambaala"'
+ - '"The Concepts of Spacial'
+ - '"The Goblins o''f Mount Shadow"'
+ - '"The Goblins of Mount Shadow"'
+ - '"The Invisible College" rpg'
+ - '"The Orcus Tapes"'
+ - '"The Ruins of Andril"'
+ - '"The Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022'''
+ - '"Thunder Rift" (1992)'
+ - '"Vice: Sandcove Gets the Blues"'
+ - '"Wendy''s Guide to the Fleets of Earth Sector'
+ - '"What Dreams May Come"'
+ - '"World of Bastards: Furry Bastards"'
+ - '"Wretched Apocalypse Quickstart rpg "'
+ - '"Wretched Verses Issue 3: Blood in the Arena"'
+ - '"X7: "The War Rafts of Kron" (1984)'
+ - '#1 Shadow of the Necromancer'
+ - '& Ken St. Andre'
+ - '& Magazine'
+ - '& An Encounter With ''Dr. Theophilus'' Traveling Show'''
+ - '& Heroes'
+ - '& Heroes By Robert Kuntz & James Ward'
+ - '& Heroes'''
+ - '& Independence Games'
+ - '& Infernal Monsters'
+ - '& Jodi Moran-Mishler'
+ - '& John White'
+ - '& Magazine'
+ - '& Old School 2d6 Science Fiction Rpg''s'
+ - '& Private Eyes'
+ - '& Rolls blog'
+ - '& Ships of War'''
+ - '& The Cabal'
+ - '& Wasteland Kings'
+ - ''''
+ - |-
+ '
+ Dig Me No Grave'
+ - ''' Andrew Marrington'
+ - ''' Blood A Southern Fantasy '''
+ - ''' Cults of Chaos'''
+ - ''' Free'' material'
+ - ''' Ghost Ship'''
+ - ''' House of the Rising Sun'' (Arduin Grimoire volume 6)'
+ - ''' It Came from the Scriptorium'''
+ - ''' Outworld Authority'''
+ - ''' Pay what you want'' adventures'
+ - ''' Personalities of the Frontiers of Space'''
+ - ''' Post Cards From Avalidad'' rpg'
+ - ''' The Thing in the Ice'''
+ - ''' The Tomb Spawn'
+ - ''' Thirsty For More'''
+ - ''' We Hunted the Promethean'''
+ - '''&" Magazine issue eleven'
+ - '''&'' Magazine'
+ - '''''The Wilderlands of High Fantasy'''
+ - '''A Beacon In The Night'''
+ - '''A New View on Dwarves'''
+ - '''A Pay What You Want'''
+ - '''A Pay What You Want'' Adventure'
+ - '''A Princess of Mars'
+ - '''A Shadowed House'''
+ - '''AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn'''
+ - '''ACKS and Crafts'''
+ - '''Abyss'''
+ - '''Aesirhamar'''
+ - '''After the Bomb'''
+ - '''All That Glitters Is Not Gold '''
+ - '''And The Sea Shall Give Up Her Dead'
+ - '''And The sun shined brightly'''
+ - '''Artificial: Robots in Clement Sector'''
+ - '''At The Earth''s Core'''
+ - '''Atlantandria Port City Of Accursed Atlantis'''
+ - '''B/X Essentials Classes & Equipment'''
+ - '''B1 The Lost City'''
+ - '''Back To The Dungeon'' fanzine'
+ - '''Beneath The Black Moon'''
+ - '''Black Top Vale'''
+ - '''Boarding action'''
+ - '''Chuckles the Clown'''
+ - '''City Beyond The Gate'''
+ - '''Codex Celtarum 2nd Printing'''
+ - '''Crime In The Clement Sector'''
+ - '''Crimson Escalation'''
+ - '''Daughters of Darkness'
+ - '''Dawn of Man'''
+ - '''Day of the Triffids'''
+ - '''Day of the Worm'
+ - '''Death Ziggurat in Zero-G (2015)'''
+ - '''Dig Me No Grave'''
+ - '''Dire Invasion'''
+ - '''Down We Go'' gamezine'
+ - '''Dwellers Within the Mirage'''
+ - '''Eldritch Tales: Lovecraftian White Box Role-Playing'''
+ - '''Flower Liches of the Dragon Boats'''
+ - '''Free'' material'
+ - '''Freeze'''
+ - '''Fugitive (AJ1)'
+ - '''Game Master Like A $%#$ing Boss'''
+ - '''Gods'
+ - '''Guarding Galaxy XXX '''
+ - '''Haven 2 Secrets of the Labyrinth'''
+ - '''His Flesh Becomes My Key'''
+ - '''Hydra'''
+ - '''I Come In Peace'' Aka Dark Angel'
+ - '''In The Shadows of Evil'''
+ - '''In Wretched Depravity'' adventure'
+ - '''In the Mouth of Hell'''
+ - '''Into The Great Sunken Library'
+ - '''Into the Caves of the Pestilent Abomination: An OSR adventure'''
+ - '''Issue 4 Wretched Verses ''The Ritual'''
+ - '''Jewel In Seven Stars '''
+ - '''John Carpenter''s Thing'' film'
+ - '''Journey to The Stars'' source book'
+ - '''Kevin'''
+ - '''Lord of All Turpitudes'''
+ - '''Mage vs Machine'''
+ - '''Magical Beasts for Fun & Profit'' James Mishler'
+ - '''Mini Quest: Curse of the Amber Princess'''
+ - '''Night Shift Veterans of The Supernatural War'' rpg'
+ - '''Night Shift Veterans of TheSupernatural War'' rpg'
+ - '''Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror'
+ - '''OLDSKULL LIBRARY - The Shadow over Innsmouth'''
+ - '''Of Gods & Monsters'' By James M. Ward'
+ - '''Off on A Comet'''
+ - '''Old Earth'
+ - '''Old Earth'''
+ - '''Old Mars'
+ - '''Old Mars'''
+ - '''Old Solar System'''
+ - '''Outworld Authority'''
+ - '''Pay What You Like'''
+ - '''Pay What You Like'' titles'
+ - '''Pay What You Want'''
+ - '''Pay what you want'' Supplements'
+ - '''Pay what you want'' adventures'
+ - '''Pay what you''d like'''
+ - '''Pay what you''d want'''
+ - '''Pay what you''d want'' adventures'
+ - '''Play Your Character Like A Fucking Boss'''
+ - '''Post Cards From Avalidad'' rpg'
+ - '''Prelude To Freedom'''
+ - '''Q'' The Winged Serpent'
+ - '''Queen Xiombarg'''
+ - '''Rathgarus The Skull Taker'''
+ - '''Requiem for Methuselah'''
+ - '''Ruins: Rotted & risky - but rewarding'''
+ - '''S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks'''
+ - '''SURVIVE THIS!! What Shadows Hide - Core Rules'''
+ - '''Sea Kings of Mars'''
+ - '''Sea Kings of The Of the Purple Towns'''
+ - '''Signs of Life'''
+ - '''Silent Running'' OSR Adventure Commentary'
+ - '''Strange Stars'''
+ - '''Sword of Cepheus'''
+ - '''Ten Questions In Gaming'''
+ - '''Terror under the Sea'' Joseph Mohr'
+ - '''The Fantasy Gamer''s Compendium'
+ - '''The Giallo: Orpheum Lofts'''
+ - '''The Obelisk of Forgotten Memories'''
+ - '''The Pay What You Want'''
+ - '''The Voice of El-Lil'''
+ - '''The Adventurers Spellbook'''
+ - '''The Balor-Kin Racial Class'''
+ - '''The Bastard King'''
+ - '''The Bastions of Balo'''
+ - '''The Bat'''
+ - '''The Book of the Dead'''
+ - '''The Broken Nail'' By The Great Lestrade'
+ - '''The Case of Charles Dexter Ward'''
+ - '''The Cepheus Engine'''
+ - '''The Chaos Cults: Bubonica'
+ - '''The City That Dripped Blood'''
+ - '''The Codex Germania'''
+ - '''The Collectors'''
+ - '''The Colony of Death'''
+ - '''The Company of Wolves'''
+ - '''The Dark Eidolon'''
+ - '''The Demonic Tome'''
+ - '''The Devils of The Black Circle'''
+ - '''The Doom That Came To Sarnath'
+ - '''The Dragon Magazine issue#8'
+ - '''The Dreamquest of Unknown Kadath'''
+ - '''The Drive In Effect'''
+ - '''The Equinox... A Journey into the Supernatural'''
+ - '''The Falcon'''
+ - '''The Giant''s Stair'
+ - '''The Giants Wrath'''
+ - '''The Girl Who Dreamed Tomorrow'''
+ - '''The Gladius Battalion Handbook'''
+ - '''The Hall of Mystery'' - A Section of the Greenlands Dungeon'
+ - '''The Hanged Man'' adventure'
+ - '''The Horror At The Westmore Hotel'''
+ - '''The Invisible College" rpg'
+ - '''The Islands of Purple-Haunted Putrescene'''
+ - '''The Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride'''
+ - '''The Killer Out of Space'''
+ - '''The Lost Continent'''
+ - '''The Lost Treasures of Atlantis'''
+ - '''The Martian Circe'''
+ - '''The Metallic Tome'''
+ - '''The Milenian Empire'' OSR Campaign Commentary'
+ - '''The Milenian Empire'' OSR Campaign Commentary'
+ - '''The Mist'' film'
+ - '''The Mound'''
+ - '''The Mysterious Island'''
+ - '''The Nameless One'''
+ - '''The New Marvel - Phile Issue #9 ''The Pages of The Defenders'''
+ - '''The Pale Lady'' Adventure'
+ - '''The Politics of Hell'' Books III'
+ - '''The REF4 The Book of Lairs II (1e)'''
+ - '''The Rook'''
+ - '''The Ruins of the River Gates'''
+ - '''The Sea King''s Malice'''
+ - '''The Sea-Wolf''s Daughter'''
+ - '''The Solomons'''
+ - '''The Starship From Hell'''
+ - '''The Taming of Brimstone '''
+ - '''The Tentacles From Planet X'''
+ - '''The Thing in the Ice'''
+ - '''The Time Lost'''
+ - '''The Tomb Spawn'''
+ - '''The Vampire"'
+ - '''The Weird Enclave of Blackmoor'' Sourcebook'
+ - '''The White Ship Has Come'''
+ - '''The Wilderlands of High Fantasy'''
+ - '''The monster That Challenged The World'''
+ - '''The unofficial canon project Marvel Super Heroes'
+ - '''The unofficial canon project Marvel Super Heroes Facebook Group'
+ - '''The unofficial canon project Marvel Super Heroes Rpg'
+ - '''The unofficial canon project Marvel Super Heroes The Eternals'''
+ - '''These Stars Are Ours'''
+ - '''Thieves of Fortress Badaraskor'''
+ - '''Thieves'' Guild 2'''
+ - '''Thrill of the Thirties! 2D6 Adventure in the Pulp Era'''
+ - '''Tourist Trap'''
+ - '''Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea'''
+ - '''Under the Sand-Seas'''
+ - '''V'' Original TV series'
+ - '''Victorious Hunter & Hunter Catalogue'''
+ - '''Vitulya Reborn'''
+ - '''Warrriors of Mars The Warfare of Barsoom in Miniature'''
+ - '''Welcome To St.Cloud'''
+ - '''White Wolf: Temples'
+ - '''Who Goes There'''
+ - '''Winds of Chance (Arduin Grimoire volume 8)'''
+ - '''Womb Cult'''
+ - '''X4 Master of the Desert Nomads'''
+ - '''the Unofficial Canon Project... Marvel Vampires"'
+ - '''the Zombie'''
+ - '''volume of Lexicon Geographicum Arcanum'''
+ - (In)Sanatorium By Sílvia Clemente
+ - +Heroes
+ - |-
+ -
+ #0 Village on the Borderlands
+ - '- Clark Aston Smith''s The Charnal God'
+ - -The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak - Tankar's Landing Hex 15/12
+ - -The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak
+ - . A. E. van Vogt
+ - '. Axioms issue #12'
+ - . Old School Cyberpunk Adventures
+ - .Godbound
+ - .retro clone
+ - .retro clone. terminal space
+ - 000 Fathoms
+ - 10 Short Adventures
+ - 100 Oddities For A Wizard's Tower
+ - 100 Oddities for a Chaotic Mutation
+ - 100 Oddities for a Creepy Old House
+ - 100 Oddities for a Graveyard
+ - 100 Oddities for a Wizard's Library
+ - 100 Random Encounters for on the Road or in the Wilderness (C&C)
+ - 100 Undead (Dark Fantasy)
+ - 100 Wasteland Urbanites
+ - 13 Character classes
+ - 1870 War
+ - 1950's sci fi cultclassic films
+ - 1970's 2d6 Retro Rules
+ - 1970's Sci Fi artwork
+ - "1976"
+ - 1978 The Godzilla Power Hour
+ - 1981 D&D Basic Set
+ - 1984 Warren Comic Magazines
+ - 1984)
+ - 1991 Tales of Lankhmar (LNR2)
+ - 1E Softcover Book
+ - 1d10 Random Star Wars Salvage Encounters Table
+ - 1d20 Random Sword & Sorcery Traits of The Nephilim Background Table
+ - 1d20 Space Brothel Finds Table
+ - 1edition AD&D
+ - 1st Ed AD&D
+ - 1st Ed AD&D adventures
+ - 1st Edition AD&D
+ - 1st Edition AD&D
+ - 1st Edition AD+D
+ - 20 bookplate spirits
+ - 2000 AD
+ - 2001 A Space Odyssey film
+ - 2016 Magnificent Seven film
+ - 21 Vehicles 2nd Edition
+ - 21 Villains
+ - "2100"
+ - 2d6 Cepheus Engine Powered Rpg's
+ - 2d6 Cepheus Engine rpg
+ - 2d6 Fantasy Rpging
+ - 2d6 Magic
+ - 2d6 Monsters
+ - 2d6 OSR Campaigns
+ - 2d6 Old School Rpging
+ - 2d6 Old School Science Fiction Rpg Campaigns
+ - 2d6 Old School Science Fiction Rpg
+ - 2d6 Old School Science Fiction Rpg Campaigns
+ - 2d6 Old School Science Fiction Rpg's
+ - 2d6 Old School Science Fiction rpgs
+ - 2d6 Post Apocalytic Campaigns
+ - 2d6 Rpg Powdered Games
+ - 2d6 Rpg Science Fiction
+ - 2d6 Science Fantasy
+ - 2d6 Sword & Sorcery
+ - 2d6 Traveller rpg
+ - 2d6 Wild West
+ - 2d6 science fiction rpg's
+ - 2nd Edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
+ - 2nd Edition Wretched Space Rpg
+ - 2nd Wretched Space Rpg
+ - 2nd edition
+ - 2nd edition (Atlantean Trilogy)
+ - 3 Toad Stool Publishing
+ - 3 Toad Stool Publishing
+ - 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons
+ - "4"
+ - 43 A.D.
+ - 43 A.D. Rpg
+ - 4C rpg
+ - 50 Wasteland Caravan Haulers
+ - 50's Sci Fi
+ - 5e
+ - 5th Edition D&D
+ - 5th Edition Softcover
+ - 5th edition Amazing Adventures
+ - 650 Fantasy City Encounter Seeds & Hooks
+ - 70's sci fi
+ - "75"
+ - "76"
+ - 80's
+ - 80's Sword + Sorcery
+ - 80's sci fi
+ - 90's Godzilla Cartoon
+ - "91"
+ - "911"
+ - ': AD&D 1st Edition'
+ - ': Actual Play Event'
+ - ': Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition'
+ - ': Adventure Fodder'
+ - ': Adventure OSR Campaign Commentary'
+ - |-
+ : Adventurer Conquer
+ or King rpg system
+ - ': Adventurer Conqueror King rpg system'
+ - ': Adventures'
+ - ': Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea Second Edition'
+ - ': Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea Second Edition rpg'
+ - ': Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea rpg'
+ - ': Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea rpg Third Edition'
+ - ': Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea rpg System'
+ - ': Autarch LLC By This Axe: The Cyclopedia of The Dwarven Civilization'
+ - ': Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu'
+ - ': Campaign Settings'
+ - ': Carcosa'
+ - ': Clark Ashton Smith'
+ - ': Classic Gamma World Modules'
+ - ': Colonial Troopers: Knight Hawks'
+ - ': Drugs'
+ - ': Free Material'
+ - ': HG Wells'
+ - ': OSR Campaign Commentary'
+ - A 'Pay What You Want' title
+ - A Book of Miscellaneous Spells Volume 2
+ - A Druids Lament
+ - A Fist of Blood & Dust
+ - A Groats-worth of Grotesques
+ - A Hundred Hellish Hordlings
+ - A Martian Odyssey
+ - A Myriad of Magic Items
+ - A Night for Jackals
+ - A Red and Pleasant Land
+ - A Sweet Serenade)
+ - A&D 1st Edition
+ - A'agrybah
+ - A. Merritt
+ - A.Bertram Chandler
+ - A.I. Gods Of The Wastes
+ - A.Merritt
+ - 'A0-A4: Against the Slave Lords'
+ - A1 Slave Pits of The Undercity
+ - A2 'Slag Heap'
+ - A2 Secret of The Slaver's Stockade
+ - 'A2: "Secret of the Slavers Stockade"'
+ - A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords
+ - A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords
+ - ABC Warriors
+ - AC1 The Shady Dragon Inn
+ - AC10 Bestiary of Dragons & Giants
+ - AC4 - The Book of Marvelous Magic By Gary Gygax & Frank Mentzer
+ - AC9 Creature Catalog
+ - 'AC9: D&D Creature Catalogue'
+ - 'AC9: D&D Creature Catalogue (Basic)'
+ - ACK's rpg
+ - AD 2000
+ - AD&D
+ - AD&D 1st Edition
+ - AD&D 1st Edition Carnivorous Apes
+ - AD&D 1st Edition Dungeon Master's Guide
+ - AD&D Manual of the Planes
+ - AD&D Rogues Gallery
+ - AD&D first edition
+ - AD+D
+ - AD+D 1st edition
+ - AFS Magazine
+ - AS&SH rpg
+ - 'ASE1: Anomalous Subsurface Environment'
+ - 'ASE2-3 : Anomalous Subsurface Environment'
+ - 'ASEII: Anomalous Subsurface Environment'
+ - 'AX1: The Sinister Stone of Sakkara'
+ - 'AX2: Secrets of the Nethercity'
+ - AX3 The Capital of The Borderlands
+ - 'AX3: Capital of the Borderlands'
+ - 'AX4: Ruined City of Cyfandir'
+ - AX5 Eyrie of the Dread Eye
+ - 'AX6: Sepulcher of the Sorceress-Queen'
+ - 'AX6: Sepulcher of the Sorceress-Queen (SoSQ)'
+ - Aaron Allston
+ - Aaron Kavli
+ - Abandon Places
+ - 'Abandoned Parking Lot: Lot A From Fishwife Games'
+ - Abyss
+ - Ac
+ - Accessory PX2 Extra Planar Primer
+ - Ace Comics
+ - Action Toys
+ - Actual Play
+ - Actual Play Event
+ - Actual Play Events
+ - Actual Play Report
+ - Ad
+ - Ad Astra campaign setting book
+ - Ade Stewart
+ - Adult Content
+ - Advanced Ape Class
+ - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
+ - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition
+ - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Deities & Demigods
+ - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide
+ - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons First Edition Dungeon Master's Guide By Gary Gygax
+ & Mike Carr
+ - Advanced Dungeons & Dragons first edition
+ - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons
+ - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st Edition
+ - Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 2st Edition
+ - Advanced Edition Companion (Labyrinth Lord)
+ - Advanced Labyrinth Lord
+ - Advdenturer
+ - Adventuer
+ - Adventuerer
+ - Adventure
+ - Adventure & Campaign Set Up
+ - Adventure Anthologies
+ - Adventure Campaign Construction
+ - Adventure Collections
+ - Adventure Construction
+ - Adventure Creation
+ - Adventure Design
+ - Adventure Dramune Run
+ - Adventure Encounter Table
+ - Adventure Encounters
+ - Adventure Fodder
+ - Adventure FodderOld School Sword & Sorcery Gaming
+ - Adventure Generation
+ - Adventure Ideas
+ - Adventure In Lemuria ·
+ - Adventure Incidents
+ - Adventure Jump Off
+ - Adventure Location
+ - Adventure Locations
+ - Adventure Module
+ - Adventure Modules
+ - Adventure OSR Campaign
+ - Adventure OSR Campaign Commentary
+ - Adventure OSR Campaign Design
+ - Adventure OSR Campaign Supplement Reviews
+ - Adventure OSR Campaign
+ - Adventure OSR Campaign Commentary
+ - Adventure Packages
+ - Adventure Plot Hooks
+ - Adventure Reviews & Commentaries
+ - 'Adventure Seeds: Islands'
+ - Adventure Settings
+ - Adventure Writing Like A Fucking Boss II
+ - Adventure arches
+ - Adventure hook
+ - Adventure hooks
+ - Adventure location Fodder
+ - Adventure location commentary
+ - Adventure ocations
+ - Adventure resources
+ - Adventurer
+ - Adventurer Conquer or King rpg system
+ - Adventurer Conqueror King
+ - Adventurer Conqueror King rpg
+ - Adventurer Conqueror King rpg system
+ - Adventurer Conqueror King rpg system Lairs & Encounters
+ - Adventurers
+ - Adventures
+ - Adventures Dark & Deep Swords of Cthulhu
+ - Adventures Dark & Deep rpg
+ - Adventures Dark & Deep rpg line
+ - Adventures In Highwold
+ - Adventures In Parn blog
+ - Adventures In The Razor Trade
+ - Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers
+ - Adventures on Mars By ODD74
+ - After Man
+ - Afterday rpg setting
+ - Against the Giants
+ - Against the Giants G1-2-3
+ - Against the Slave Lords
+ - Age of Conan
+ - Agents of Shield
+ - Agents of W.R.E.T.C.H.
+ - Ahimsa Kerp
+ - Air Ships
+ - Aircel Comics
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+ - Alexander Marcis
+ - Alexander Marcus
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+ - Alien Breeds
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+ - Alien Treasures
+ - Alien Treasures Treasures
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+ - Aliens Androids & Aberrations
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+ - Allan Dean Foster
+ - Allan Hammack
+ - Allen Hammack
+ - Allen Hammack.
+ - Allen Quartermain
+ - Allen Varney
+ - Alpha Blue
+ - Alpha Blue Campaign Manager
+ - Alpha Blue Rpg
+ - Alphatia
+ - Alterative Histroy
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+ - Alternative Players Handbooks
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+ - Amazing Adventure! Rpg
+ - Amazing Adventure! Rpg OSR Campaign Commentary
+ - Amazing Adventure! Rpg. OSR Campaign Commentary
+ - Amazing Adventures
+ - Amazing Adventures ! rpg
+ - Amazing Adventures 5E Wild Stars
+ - Amazing Adventures 5E rpg
+ - Amazing Adventures Fifth Edition
+ - Amazing Adventures Manual of Monsters
+ - Amazing Adventures Manual of Monsters
+ - Amazing Adventures rpg
+ - Amazing Adventures!
+ - Amazing Adventures! Rpg
+ - Amazing Man
+ - Amazing Stories
+ - Amazons
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+ - American Heroes
+ - Amtor
+ - An American Werewolf In London
+ - An Encounter With 'Dr. Theophilus' Traveling Show'
+ - An Occurrence at Howling Crater
+ - An Unfortunate Discovery
+ - Ancient + Accursed Terra
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+ - Ancient Kingdoms D20 Mesopotamia
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+ - Ancient Vaults & Eldritch Secrets
+ - Ancient Vaults & Eldritch Secrets blog
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+ - Androids For The Frontiers of Space
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+ - Ape Victorious Rpg
+ - Apes
+ - Apes Victorious rpg system
+ - Apologies
+ - Appendix 'F'
+ - Appendix M
+ - Appendix N
+ - Appendix S
+ - Appendix S & S
+ - Appenix 'S'
+ - Arachne
+ - Arachni-Lobster
+ - Arcanum
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+ - Arch devils
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+ - Arduin
+ - Arduin Eternal
+ - Arduin Grimoire
+ - 'Arduin Monster spotlight: Ibathene'
+ - Arduin Rpg Triliogy
+ - Arduin rpg
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+ - 'Artificial: Robots In The Clement Sector'
+ - Artists
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+ - Arwork
+ - Aryxymaraki’s Almanac of Unusual Magic
+ - Ascendant
+ - Ascendant rpg
+ - Ascendant rpg system
+ - Ashen Void
+ - Ashes of Sunset
+ - Asteroid Ships
+ - Asteroid belt
+ - Astonishing Swordmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea second edition
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea Second Edition
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea rpg
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea 2nd edition
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen & Sorcerers of Hyperborea rpg
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea Second Edition
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea Second Edition rpg
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea rpg
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea rpg 2nd Edition Rpg
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea rpg Third Edition
+ - Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea rpg System
+ - Astral Plane
+ - Astrologers
+ - At The Earth's Core
+ - At The Mountains of Madness
+ - Atari Force
+ - Athurian Rpg's
+ - Atlantandria Port City Of Accursed
+ - Atlantandria Port City Of Accursed Atlantis
+ - Atlantandria Port City Of Accursed Atlantis Campaign
+ - Atlantis
+ - Atlas/Seaboard
+ - Atom Age Combat Comics
+ - Atomic Age Vampire
+ - Atomic War Comics
+ - Attack Squadron Roswell
+ - Auhr Lanse
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+ - Autarch
+ - Autarch LLC
+ - 'Autarch LLC By This Axe: The Cyclopedia of The Dwarven Civilization'
+ - Authors
+ - Avalon Hill
+ - Avalon Hill Runequest
+ - Averoigne
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+ - Avon Fantasy Reader
+ - 'Avon Fantasy Reader #14'
+ - 'Avon Fantasy Reader #5'
+ - 'Avon Fantasy Reader #7'
+ - 'Avon Fantasy Reader Issue #1'
+ - Avon Periodicals
+ - Awful Good Games
+ - Axioms Compendium 1-8
+ - 'Axioms Issue 10: Grim Heroes and Night Terrors'
+ - 'Axioms Issue 13: Machinery to the Max'
+ - 'Axioms Issue 19: Cohorts & Dynasties'
+ - Axioms issue#1
+ - Axioms issue#2
+ - B&W Comic Book Implosion
+ - B.A.T.S.
+ - B.Poire
+ - B/X
+ - B/X Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 1st Edition Hybrid
+ - B/X Campaign Construction
+ - B/X D&D
+ - B/X D&D Adventures
+ - B/X Dungeons & Dragons
+ - B/X Essentials
+ - B/X Essentials:Core Rules Retro-clone rpg systems
+ - B/X Gangbusters
+ - B/X Mars
+ - B/X Retroclones
+ - B1 In Search of the Unknown
+ - B1 Insearch of the Uknown Sourcebook
+ - B1-9 In Search of Adventure
+ - 'B1-9 In Search of Adventure: The Grand Duchy of Karameikos Anthology'
+ - B10 Night's Dark Terror
+ - 'B10: Night’s Dark Terror'
+ - 'B10: Night’s Dark Terror (1986)'
+ - B11 King's Festival
+ - B2
+ - B2 Keep on the Borderlands
+ - B2 The Keep on the Borderlands
+ - B2.5 Caves of the Unknown
+ - B3 Palace of the Silver Princess
+ - B4 The Lost City
+ - B5 Horror on the Hill
+ - B5 The Horror on The Hill
+ - B6 The Veiled Society
+ - B8 Journey To The Rock
+ - B9 Castle Caldwell and Beyond
+ - BASH Rpg System
+ - BCEMI Dungeons & Dragons system
+ - BECMI Dungeons & Dragons
+ - 'BH2: Lost Conquistador Mine'
+ - BL1-2 Adventure
+ - 'BL1-2: The Ruined Hamlet/Terror in the Gloaming'
+ - BRW Games
+ - BRW Games LLC
+ - BTRC
+ - BX3 The Temple of Mercy
+ - Baba Yaga's Miraculous Transformation
+ - Babblers
+ - Babylon 5
+ - Background Traits
+ - Badge Law Enforcement In The Clement Sector
+ - Baggage Games
+ - Baker
+ - Balo
+ - Balrogs
+ - Bandits
+ - Bandits And Battle Cruisers
+ - Bandits and Battle Cruisers rpg
+ - Barbarian Conquerors of Kanahu
+ - Barbarian Treasures
+ - Barbarians of Kanahu
+ - Barbaric
+ - Barbaric!
+ - Barbaric! 2nd Edition
+ - Barbaric! rpg
+ - Barbian hordes
+ - Barbie Wilde
+ - Bard Class
+ - Bard Games
+ - Bards
+ - Barrataria
+ - Barrataria Games
+ - Barrel Rider Games
+ - Barrens of Carcosa
+ - Barsoom
+ - Basic Dungeons & Dragons
+ - Basic Fantasy Rpg
+ - Battle Beyond The Stars
+ - Battle For The Purple Islands
+ - Battle Star Galactica
+ - Battle Star Galactica.
+ - Battlestar Galactica
+ - Be Awesome At Dungeon Design
+ - Beards
+ - Beards & Beer rpg
+ - Bears
+ - Beast From The Haunted Cave
+ - Beasties Loathsome Horrors
+ - Beer
+ - Beggars
+ - Beginning Adventures
+ - Behind The Walls
+ - Below the Isle of Dread
+ - Ben Ball
+ - Ben Bell
+ - Ben Laurence
+ - Beneath Black Towen
+ - Beneath The Comet
+ - Beneath The Ruins
+ - Benoist Poire
+ - Beowulf
+ - Beserker PC Class
+ - Best of Dragon Volume 1
+ - Best of White Dwarf scenarios volume III
+ - Beta Heavy Laser Rifle Relic
+ - Beta Max Black Hartford Edition Campaign
+ - Better Then Any Man Adventure By James Raggi
+ - Between Star & Void
+ - Beyond Belief Games
+ - Beyond The Ice Fall
+ - Beyond The Ice Falls
+ - Bible
+ - Big Ass Reptile
+ - Big Geek Emporium
+ - Big Jim's P.A.C.K.
+ - Bill Faust
+ - Bill King
+ - Bill Owen
+ - Bill Slavicsek
+ - Bill Willingham
+ - Bio Cyberpunk 2d6 Retro Rules
+ - Birthdays
+ - Bizarre Old School Adventures
+ - Black Pudding Heavy Helping Vol. One
+ - Black Blade of the Demon King
+ - Black Box Books
+ - 'Black Box Books -- Tome Three: Cannibals and Confusion'
+ - Black Dogs 'zine - issue 1
+ - Black Dragons
+ - Black Market Inc.
+ - 'Black Pudding #1'
+ - 'Black Pudding #5'
+ - Black Pyramid
+ - Black Shield
+ - Black Star
+ - Black Streams Rpg
+ - Black Swan Press
+ - Black magick rites
+ - Blackburg Tactical Role Playing Group
+ - Blackguard
+ - Blackguards Mini Campaign
+ - Blackmoor
+ - Blackwall Games
+ - Blade Runner
+ - Blake Mobley
+ - Blaster Bolts - RPG Omnibus
+ - 'Blaster Bolts Issue #1'
+ - Blink Dogs
+ - Bloat Games
+ - Bloat Games's SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City - Core Rules
+ - Blog
+ - Blog Commentary
+ - BlogAncient + Accursed Terra
+ - Blogs
+ - Bloke's Terrible Tomb of Terrors Comic Anthology
+ - 'Blood & Bronze: rules'
+ - Blood on the Hands of The Dwarves
+ - Bloodstone
+ - Bloody
+ - Bloody Arduin
+ - Bloody Bloody Arduin
+ - Blue Dragon
+ - Blueholmes
+ - Boar Thing Kaiju
+ - Board Games
+ - Bob Blake
+ - Bob Bledsaw
+ - Bob Bledsaw Sr.
+ - Bob Greyvenstein
+ - Bogeyman Gaming
+ - Bond
+ - Bonnie Dodson
+ - Book
+ - Book Influences
+ - Book of Powers
+ - Bookmark Guide Spirits
+ - Bookplate Guardian Spirit
+ - Boost The Signal
+ - Boot Hill Rpg
+ - Border Realms
+ - 'Bounded Fortune: Independent Merchants in The Clement Sector'
+ - Bounty Hunter Handbook
+ - Box Sets
+ - Bradley K. McDevitt
+ - Bradley Warnes
+ - Brains In A Jar
+ - Bram Stroker
+ - Brave Halfling
+ - 'Brave the Labyrinth - Issue #5'
+ - Bravestarr Cartoon
+ - Bravestarr cartoom
+ - Bree Orlock
+ - Brett Slocum
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+ - Brian M. Young
+ - Brian N. Young
+ - Brian Shutter
+ - Brian Young
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+ - Britomart
+ - Bronze Age Comic books
+ - Bronze Age Marvel
+ - Brothels
+ - Brothers of Man Mini Campaign
+ - Bruce A. Heard
+ - Bruce Cordell
+ - Bruce Heard
+ - Bruce Humphrey
+ - Bruce Nesmith
+ - Bruxelles-class battlecruisers
+ - Bryan Hinnen
+ - Bryan Steele
+ - Bryan Talbot
+ - Buck Rogers In The 25th Century film
+ - Bucky The Black Ball
+ - Bugs
+ - Bullet Trains
+ - Bundle of Holding
+ - Bussard Ram Jet
+ - By James Mishler
+ - By Robert Kuntz & James Ward
+ - 'By This Axe: The Cyclopedia of Dwarven Civilization'
+ - C&C Adventures
+ - C.H.U.D.D.
+ - C.L. Moore
+ - C.L.Moore
+ - C.S.Lewis
+ - C1 "The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan"
+ - C1 "The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan" (1980)
+ - C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan
+ - C1 The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan Adventure
+ - C1.5 Ghost City of the Hidden Shrine
+ - C2 ""The Ghost Tower of Inverness" (1980)
+ - C2 The Ghost Tower of Inverness
+ - C3 The Lost Island of Castanamir
+ - CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Dragons
+ - CASTLE OLDSKULL - Oldskull Gonneslingers
+ - CBI-2 The Thonian Rand Source book
+ - 'CC1: Creature Compendium'
+ - CC5 Assault on R'lyeh
+ - CM1
+ - 'CM1: "Test of the Warlords"'
+ - CM2
+ - CM2 Death Rides
+ - CM2 Death's Ride
+ - CM3 Sabre River
+ - CM4 Earthshaker
+ - CROM FASERIPopedia sourcebook
+ - CX1 Extra Gnomes
+ - Caanan
+ - Cabin In The Woods
+ - Cabin In The Woods film 2012
+ - Cabin in the Woods 2012
+ - Cacozealot Class
+ - Caliban
+ - Caliban Arduin Dungeon Number One
+ - Calidar
+ - Calidar Campaign Setting
+ - Call of Cthulhu
+ - Call of Cthulhu rpg
+ - Camelot
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+ - Campaign Commentary.
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+ - Campaign Workshops
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+ - Campaigns
+ - CampaignsAstonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea rpg
+ - Candlestick
+ - Candlestick maker
+ - Cannibals
+ - Cannon Films
+ - 'Capital City Casefiles #1: High Summer'
+ - 'Capital City Casefiles #2: Served Cold'
+ - Captain America
+ - Captain America!
+ - Carbuncles
+ - Carcosa
+ - Carcosa Grimoire
+ - Carcosa rpg
+ - Carcosa rpg setting
+ - Career paths
+ - 'Career: Nightstalker'
+ - Careers of The Old West
+ - Cargo
+ - Cargoes
+ - Cargos
+ - Carl Kolchak
+ - Carl Sagan
+ - Carl Sargent
+ - Carl Smith
+ - Carlos a.s. Lising
+ - Carlton comic books
+ - Carnictis sordicus (Vile Meat-Weasel)
+ - Carocsa
+ - Cartography
+ - Cartridge Games
+ - Castes & Crusades
+ - Castle Amber
+ - Castle Brass (2008)
+ - Castle Frankenstein Magazine
+ - Castle Gargantua
+ - Castle Keeper's Guide
+ - Castle Old Skull Campaign Setting
+ - CastleOldSkull
+ - Castles & Crusade rpg
+ - Castles & Crusade's Classic Monsters & Treasure book
+ - Castles & Crusade's The Codex Celtarum
+ - Castles & Crusades
+ - Castles & Crusades Adventurers Spellbook
+ - Castles & Crusades Castle Keeper's Guide
+ - Castles & Crusades Castle Keeper's Guide Kickstarter
+ - Castles & Crusades Classic Monsters & Treasure
+ - Castles & Crusades Classic Monsters & Treasure book
+ - Castles & Crusades Codex Egyptium
+ - Castles & Crusades Codex Germania
+ - Castles & Crusades Codex Nordica
+ - Castles & Crusades Codex Slavorum
+ - Castles & Crusades Gods & Legends
+ - Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure book
+ - Castles & Crusades Monsters & Treasure of Aihrde 3rd printing pdf
+ - Castles & Crusades Mystical Companions
+ - Castles & Crusades Mythos Series
+ - Castles & Crusades Player's Archive
+ - Castles & Crusades Player's Handbook
+ - Castles & Crusades Rpgl.Monsters & Treasure Book
+ - Castles & Crusades Tomb of the Unclean
+ - Castles & Crusades rpg
+ - Castles & Crusades rpg Player's Hand book
+ - 'Castles & Crusades: Brimstone & The Borderhounds RPG Quick Start'
+ - Castles and Crusades
+ - Castles and Crusades Of Gods & Monsters
+ - Cat & Mouse Episode
+ - Catacombs Of Death
+ - Catalyst Games
+ - Catalyst series
+ - Caterwaul
+ - Cats
+ - Caveman
+ - Cavemen
+ - Cecil B. Demille
+ - Celestials
+ - Celtic Mythology
+ - Cepheue Engine rpg
+ - Cepheus Atom
+ - Cepheus Atom rpg
+ - Cepheus Barbaric!
+ - Cepheus Barbaric! Rpg
+ - Cepheus Deluxe
+ - Cepheus Deluxe Rpg
+ - Cepheus Engine
+ - Cepheus Engine rpg
+ - 'Cepheus Engine Journal Issue #11'
+ - 'Cepheus Engine Journal Issue #16'
+ - 'Cepheus Engine Journal issue #8'
+ - 'Cepheus Engine Journal issue #9'
+ - Cepheus Engine Lite
+ - Cepheus Engine Modern rpg supplement
+ - Cepheus Engine Powered 2d6 Rpg's
+ - Cepheus Engine Rpg Vehicle Design Guide
+ - Cepheus Engine Rpg Vehicle Design Guide
+ - Cepheus Engine Universal
+ - Cepheus Engine based Rpg's
+ - Cepheus Engine rpg
+ - Cepheus Engine rpg Games
+ - Cepheus Engine rpg powered games
+ - Cepheus Engine rpg system
+ - Cepheus Journal
+ - 'Cepheus Journal issue #007'
+ - 'Cepheus Journal issue #10'
+ - Cepheus Journal issue#8
+ - 'Cepheus Journal – Issue #012'
+ - 'Cepheus Journal – Issue #015'
+ - Cepheus Light rpg
+ - Cepheus Modern
+ - Cepheus Quantum rpg system
+ - Cepheus Universal Rpg
+ - 'Cepheus Universal: Player''s Book'
+ - Cepheus lite
+ - Cha'alt
+ - Cha'alt Chartreasure Shadows
+ - Cha'alt Ascended
+ - Cha'alt Campaign setting
+ - Cha'alt Chartreasure Shadows
+ - Cha'alt Fuchia Mailaise
+ - Cha'alt Pre-Generated
+ - Cha'alt X-Cards
+ - Cha'alt mega dungeon
+ - Cha'alt rpg
+ - Cha'alt rpg setting
+ - Cha'alt setting
+ - Cha'alt trilogy
+ - 'Cha''alt: Chartreuse Shadows'
+ - 'Cha''alt: Fuchsia Malaise'
+ - 'Cha''alt: Fuchsia Malaise hard back'
+ - 'Cha''alt: Fuchsia Malaise hard back'
+ - Chad Bowser
+ - Chainsaw
+ - Chal'alt
+ - Challenge of the Frog God
+ - Chance & Seven Eleven
+ - Chandler
+ - Chaos
+ - Chaos Fey
+ - Chaos Gods Come To Meatlandia
+ - Chaos Rift
+ - Chaos vs Law
+ - Chaosium
+ - Chaosium Hawkmoon Box Set
+ - Chaosuim's Thieves World 1981 Box Set
+ - Character Classes
+ - Character Creation
+ - Character Workshops
+ - Charity
+ - Charles Green
+ - Charlie Krank
+ - Charlie Mason
+ - Charlton
+ - Charlton Comics
+ - Chartreuse Shadows
+ - Children of The Gods
+ - Children of the Wolf (Cardstock Characters™)
+ - Chopping Mall movie
+ - Chris Claremont
+ - Chris Cotgrove
+ - Chris Gonnerman
+ - Chris Kutalik
+ - Chris McDowall
+ - Chris Tamm
+ - Chris Van Deleen
+ - Christmas Hauls
+ - Christmas Mini Campaign
+ - Christopher Shy
+ - Christopher Tamm
+ - Chronicles of Mhoriedh Map 00 Olden Lands Continent
+ - Chronicles of Yerth
+ - Chthonic Codex
+ - Church of Starry Wisdom
+ - Cities Without Number rpg
+ - City State of the Invincible Overlord
+ - Citybook I Butcher
+ - Citybook VI Up Town
+ - 'Citybook VI: Up Town'
+ - Citybook series
+ - CitybookI Butcher
+ - Citystate of the Invincible Overlord
+ - Clark
+ - Clark Ashton Smith
+ - Clark Ashton Smith Hyperborea Cycle
+ - Clark Ashton Smith Zothique Cycle
+ - Clark Ashton Smith's
+ - Clark Ashton Smith's 'The Seven Geases'
+ - Clark Aston Smith
+ - Clash of the Titans
+ - Clash of the Titans 1981 film
+ - Classes
+ - Classic AD&D Modules
+ - Classic AD&D monsters
+ - Classic CT- DT-Deluxe Traveller
+ - Classic D&D Modules
+ - 'Classic Dragon magazine isssu #54'
+ - Classic Era TSR
+ - Classic Gamma World Modules
+ - Classic Gamma. World Modules
+ - Classic Horror Films
+ - Classic Marvel Super Heroes Rpg
+ - 'Classic Module Twist Up #1: The Desert of Desolation'
+ - Classic Modules
+ - Classic Old School Post Apocalyptic Rpging
+ - Classic Role Playing
+ - Classic Sci Fi Art
+ - Classic Sci Fi Television and Movies
+ - Classics
+ - Claude M. LeBrun
+ - Claw Carver
+ - Claw’s Carvery
+ - Claw’s Carvery 1
+ - Clement Sector
+ - 'Clement Sector 13: Strikemaster Class Brig'
+ - Clement Sector Campaign Setting
+ - Clement Sector Core Setting Book
+ - Clement Sector Setting
+ - Clement Sector rpg
+ - Clement Sector rpg & setting
+ - Clement Sector third Edition rpg Setting
+ - Clerics
+ - Clint Krause
+ - Clint Staple
+ - Clint Staples
+ - Clint and Cassie Krause
+ - Clinton R. Nixon
+ - Clipart Critters 609-OSR Goat Fiend
+ - Clive Barker
+ - Clones
+ - Clukkatrix
+ - Codex Classicum
+ - Codex Egyptium
+ - Codex Slavorum
+ - Cold Drake Canyon Adventure
+ - Colin Dunn
+ - Colin McComb
+ - Colonial Troopers
+ - Colonial Troopers Rpg
+ - 'Colonial Troopers: Knight Hawks'
+ - Colony Builder
+ - Colony Death
+ - Colony Earth
+ - Colony Wars
+ - Colony World - Earth
+ - Colony Worlds
+ - Colosseum
+ - Colour Out Of Space
+ - Combat Rules
+ - Come To Daddy
+ - Comes Chaos
+ - Comic Book Anthologies
+ - Comic Book artists
+ - Comic Books
+ - Comics
+ - Comlink
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+ - Commentary
+ - Commentary On Vornheim The Complete City Kit From Zak Smith & The Lamentations
+ Of The Flame Princess Rpg For Your Old School Campaigns
+ - Comments
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+ - Community Projects
+ - Companion Expansion
+ - Companion Level Adventures
+ - Complete Campaign Settings
+ - Complete Game Systems
+ - Conan
+ - Connecticut
+ - Cononal Troopers rpg
+ - Conqeuror
+ - Conqueror
+ - Conspiracy Rules Rpg
+ - Conspiracy theory
+ - Consumerism
+ - Content thief
+ - Contraband
+ - Convention Event Set Up
+ - Conversions
+ - Converting Material
+ - Cordwainer Smith
+ - Corey Ryan Walden
+ - Corner Stones of the Hobby
+ - Corpse Tearer
+ - Corum 'The Prince With A Silver Hand'
+ - Corum Heroic Adventures Across The Five Planes 2001
+ - Corum rpg
+ - Cosmic Balance
+ - Cosmic Enforcers
+ - Cosmic Entities
+ - Cosmic Tales
+ - Cosmic level heroes
+ - Council of Wyrms
+ - Count Zaroff
+ - Courtney Campbell
+ - Courtney Campbell's Eyrie of the Dread Eye
+ - Cover Art
+ - Crash & Burn
+ - CrawlJammer Issue
+ - 'CrawlJammer Issue #1'
+ - 'CrawlJammer Issue #3'
+ - CrawlJammer Issues
+ - Crawling Under A Broken Moon
+ - 'Crawling Under A Broken Moon Issue # 13'
+ - 'Crawling Under A Broken Moon Issue #10'
+ - 'Crawling Under A Broken Moon Issue #11'
+ - 'Crawling Under A Broken Moon Issue #12'
+ - 'Crawling Under A Broken Moon Issue #17'
+ - 'Crawling Under A Broken Moon Issue #2'
+ - Crawling Under A Broken Moon The Unamerican Survival Guide
+ - Creations Unlimited
+ - Creative Mountain Games
+ - Creature Catalog
+ - Creature Catalog II
+ - Creatures & Foes
+ - Creatures from Unknown Lands
+ - Creep Show Film
+ - Creeping Eddies
+ - Creeping Pete The Menace From Reno
+ - Crew Expendable
+ - Crime Pays
+ - 'Crimson Blades 2: The Dark Fantasy RPG'
+ - Crimson Blades Rpg
+ - Crimson Dragon Slayer rpg
+ - Crom
+ - Crows
+ - Crusader's Handbook
+ - Crying Blades
+ - Cryptic Creatures By Paolo Greco
+ - Crypts
+ - Crypts & Things rpg
+ - Crypts + Things
+ - Crypts +Things
+ - Crystal Egg
+ - Crystal Skull
+ - Cthulhu
+ - Cthulhu Invictus rpg
+ - Cthulhu Live
+ - Cthulhu Mythos
+ - Cthulhu Now
+ - Cult Classic Films
+ - Cult Classic Movies
+ - Cult Classic Television Shows
+ - Cult Classic Televison Shows
+ - Cult Classics
+ - Cult ecology
+ - Cult of Darkness
+ - 'Cult of Diana: The Amazon Witch book'
+ - Cult of the Blue Crab
+ - Cultclassic Seventies TV Series
+ - Cultclassic Seventies TV Series Reimagined
+ - Cultclassic Eighties Films
+ - Cultclassic Films
+ - Cultclassic Lovecraft Films
+ - Cultclassic Science Fiction Films
+ - Cultclassic Seventies TV Series
+ - Cultclassic movies
+ - Cults
+ - Cults of Chaos
+ - Curse of Xanathon
+ - Curtis Horror Magazine Imprint
+ - Cyberknight
+ - Cybernetics
+ - Cyberpunk 2020
+ - Cybersneaks Hacking In The Clement Sector
+ - Cyclopean Games
+ - Cyclops
+ - Cylon Raider Mark I
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+ - D&D Cartoon
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+ - D&D Companion Set
+ - D&D Encyclopedia
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+ - D&D Rules Cyclopedia (Basic)
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+ - Five Cultclassic Eighties Films
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+ - G2 Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
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+ - 'GAZ1: "The Grand Duchy of Karameikos" Frank Mentzer'
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+ - 'GMA2: They Devour'
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+ - Gamma World Rpg
+ - Gamma World Second Edition
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+ - 'Gamma World: Legion of Gold GW1 Exploration Module 1981.'
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+ - Geoffrey McKinney Carcosa rpg
+ - Geoffrey McKinney
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+ - Geoffry O'Dale's Judge's Guild Inferno
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+ - Ghost Ship of the Desert Dunes
+ - Ghost of Lion Castle
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+ - Godbound rpg
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+ - Gods of Law in the New Kingdoms'
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+ - Godstar Campaign Setting
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+ - Godzilla King of the Monsters 2019
+ - 'Godzilla: The Series'
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+ - Goldenrod's Guide To Combat
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+ - Gonzo Nightshift Veterans of the Supernatural Wars Rpg Campaign
+ - Goodman Games
+ - Goodman Games Original Adventures Reincarnated series 2 The Isle of Dread
+ - Goodman Games Original Adventures Reincarnated series S3 Expedition To The Barrier
+ Peaks
+ - 'Goodman Games Classics Reimagined #2 Isle of Dread'
+ - Goodman Games Original Adventures Reincarnated series 2 The Isle of Dread
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+ - Great Race of Yith
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+ - Green Skeleton Gaming Guild
+ - Green Sorceress
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+ - Greg Gorgonmilk
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+ - Gregg Stafford
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+ - 'Gregorius21778: 10 Demons of Hell From Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778'
+ - 'Gregorius21778: 20 Encounters in the Ruins of the Elder Beings By Kai Pütz a.k.a.
+ Gregorius21778'
+ - 'Gregorius21778: 20 Sacred Sites'
+ - 'Gregorius21778: 30 Items of the Dwarfs'
+ - 'Gregorius21778: Looks & Details Of Post-Apocalyptic Marauders'
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+ - Griffon Publishing Studio
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+ - Grimm Aramil Publishing
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+ - Grimtooth's Ultimate Traps Collection
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+ - Guardians of the Galaxy Marvel Movie
+ - Guardians rpg
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+ - H.P.Lovecraft
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+ - HG Wells
+ - 'HM6: The Equinox Demon'
+ - HOSTILE Situation Report 007
+ - HOSTILE Situation Report 007 - The Ark
+ - HOSTILE Situation Report 011 - Black Moon
+ - HP Lovecraft
+ - HR1-HR7 Historical Reference Series
+ - HS1 The Lost Shrine of Sirona
+ - HS3 Incursion of the Chain Devils
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+ - Hack & Slash Compendium II
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+ - Half Orcs
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+ - Halloween game.
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+ - Hammers Slammers
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+ - Harbinger Down
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+ - Harpoon Cannon Gaming
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+ - Harvard Blackmoor
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+ - Havard Blackmoor
+ - Havard Blackmoor Blog
+ - Havard's Blackmoor blog
+ - Have Death Ray
+ - Haven The Free City
+ - Hawk Maiden
+ - Hawk The Slayer
+ - Hawk The Slayer Film
+ - Hawkmoon rpg
+ - Hawkmoon rpg box set
+ - 'Hawkmoon: The Roleplaying Game'
+ - Hawkmoor Geographica -- A Shadowdark Campaign Setting
+ - Heavy Metal Magazine
+ - Helix
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+ - Hell Night Hijinks
+ - Hell' Paradise
+ - Hellbound Media
+ - Help Needed
+ - Helping To Spread The Word
+ - Henchmen Sing the Blues
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+ - Hereticworks
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+ - Heroic Fantasy Handbook
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+ - High Tech Mysticism & High Caliber Adventure
+ - High Tech Mysticism & High Caliber Adventure OSR Campaign
+ - High Tech Mysticism & High Caliber Adventure OSR Campaign
+ - High Tech Mysticism & High Caliber Adventures
+ - High Weirdness
+ - High level Adventures
+ - High level Treasures
+ - Hill Cantons
+ - 'Historical Ships of Clement Sector 1: Trent-class Destroyer'
+ - Hobgoblins
+ - Holidays
+ - Hollow World
+ - Holmes
+ - Holmes D&D
+ - Home brew adventures
+ - Homebrew campaign
+ - Horde Wars Basic D12 Rpg System
+ - Hordlings
+ - Horib
+ - Horizons Survey space craft
+ - Horror Comic Books
+ - Horror Express
+ - Horror Movies
+ - Horror On The Hill
+ - Horror Rpging
+ - Horror Rpgs
+ - Horror Stories
+ - Horror moves
+ - Horrors
+ - Hostil rpg setting
+ - Hostile
+ - Hostile Explorers
+ - Hostile Redesign
+ - Hostile Rough Necks
+ - Hostile Roughhecks
+ - Hostile Roughnecks
+ - Hostile Rules
+ - Hostile Session Report 001 Ghostship
+ - 'Hostile Situation Report #010 Street Scum'
+ - Hostile Solo rpg
+ - Hostile rpg
+ - Hostile rpg setting
+ - Hostile setting book
+ - Hostile universe
+ - Hostile's Crew Expendible
+ - Hotzone
+ - Hour of the Dragon
+ - House 1985
+ - House Dungeons & Dragons Systems
+ - House II
+ - House Rules
+ - House Two The Second Story
+ - House of the Rising Sun (Arduin Grimoire volume 6)
+ - House on Hangman's Hill
+ - How To Game Master Like A F$#$ing Boss
+ - How To Game Master Like A Fucking Boss
+ - How To Hexcrawl
+ - How To Write Adventures Like A F$#$ing Boss
+ - Howard Hawks
+ - Hubris
+ - Hulks & Horrors rpg
+ - Hulks + Horrors
+ - Human Space Empires
+ - Human Space Empire
+ - Human Space Empires
+ - Humanoid Races
+ - Humanoids From The Nightmare World
+ - Humor
+ - Hundred Years War
+ - Hunt In The Dark
+ - Hunter I
+ - Hunter Rose
+ - Hyberborea Rpg
+ - Hyboria Gazetteer
+ - Hydra
+ - Hydra Collective
+ - Hydra Cooperative
+ - Hydras
+ - Hydrogen Gas
+ - Hyperborea
+ - Hyperborea Adventure Three-Pack by Jeffrey Talanian
+ - Hyperborea Otherworldly Tales
+ - Hyperborea Rpg system
+ - Hyperborea rpg
+ - Hyperborea rpg third edition
+ - Hyperborea third edition rpg
+ - Hyperspace
+ - I Important NPC's
+ - I1 "Dwellers of the Forbidden City"
+ - I1 "The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan"
+ - I1 Dwellers In The Forbidden City
+ - I1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City
+ - 'I10: "Ravenloft II: House on Gryphon Hill"'
+ - 'I11: "Needle"'
+ - I12 Egg Of The Phoenix By Frank Mentzer And Paul Jaquays
+ - 'I13: Adventure Pack I'
+ - I2 Tomb of the Lizard King
+ - I3 Pharaoh
+ - I3 Pharoah
+ - I3-5 Desert of Desolation
+ - I4 Oasis of the White Palm (1e)
+ - I5 Lost Tomb of Martek
+ - I7 Baltron's Beacon
+ - I7 Baltron's Beacon (1e)
+ - IM1 Immortal Storm
+ - IM2 The Wrath of Olympus (Basic)
+ - Ian Melluish
+ - Ian Stead
+ - Ian Stead Tim Price Ade Stewart
+ - Ice Borers
+ - Ice Kingdoms Map
+ - Ideas
+ - Illusionists
+ - Ilusionists
+ - Imagine Magazine
+ - 'Imagine magazine #12 ~ TSR (March'
+ - Immortal Rules
+ - Immortality Inc
+ - Immortals Box set
+ - Immortals Companion
+ - Important NPC's
+ - In Memorium
+ - In Search Of The Unknown
+ - In Search of Games
+ - In The Cities Word Press
+ - In The Mouth Of Madness
+ - Incredible Science Fiction
+ - Independance Games
+ - Independence Games
+ - Independence Games Clement Sector
+ - Independent Gaming
+ - Indiegogo
+ - Inferno
+ - Inferno Bestiary
+ - Inferno By Geoffry O. Dale
+ - Infinite Stars Issue#1
+ - Infinite Stars Issue#2
+ - Influences
+ - Inhumanoids
+ - Inner Earth
+ - Inspirations
+ - 'Insults & Injuries: A Pathfinder Sourcebook for Medical Maladies'
+ - 'Interface: Cybernetics'
+ - 'Interface: Cybernetics in Clement Sector'
+ - 'Interface: Cybernetics in Clement Sector. Michael Johnson'
+ - International Crimson Dragon Slayer Day!
+ - International Dave Hargrave Day
+ - Internet Archive
+ - Interstellar Colonies
+ - Interviews
+ - Into The Odd
+ - Introductory Adventure
+ - Inzae
+ - Io
+ - Io9
+ - Iron Maiden
+ - Ishihara Gōjin
+ - Islands In The Stream
+ - Islands of Purple Putrescence
+ - Isle Of The Unknown
+ - Isle of Dread
+ - Isle of the Torturers
+ - 'Issue #2 of the Wretched Verses'
+ - Issue 27
+ - Issue 3 Single Issue Magazine - January 1
+ - Issue 32
+ - Italian folklore
+ - Ivan Cantero Muñoz "The Fictionaut"
+ - Ivanhoe Unbound
+ - Ixian Wizards
+ - Ixians
+ - J Major Influences
+ - J. Eric Holmes
+ - J. Miskimen
+ - J.D. Neal
+ - J.G. Ballard
+ - J.G. Desborough
+ - J.J. Abrams
+ - J.K. Rowlings
+ - JG 88 Dark Tower
+ - 'JG3: Dark Tower D20'
+ - JN2 Monkey Isle
+ - Jabberwocky
+ - Jack 'King of Comics' Kirby
+ - Jack Kirby
+ - Jack Kirby's Fourth World Omibus
+ - Jack London
+ - Jack O' Lantern's MSH Blog
+ - Jack She
+ - Jack Shear
+ - Jack Vance
+ - Jame M. Ward
+ - James & Jodi Mishler
+ - James & Jodi Moran - Mishler
+ - James D. Kramer
+ - James Edward Raggi IV
+ - James M Spahn
+ - James M. Spahn
+ - James M. Ward
+ - James M. Ward Run
+ - James M.Ward
+ - James McKinney's Carcosa
+ - James Mishler
+ - James Mishler & Jodi Moran-Mishler
+ - James Mishler Games
+ - James Mishler Games Short Cuts to Adventure The Lost Gnome Mine
+ - James Mishler. Jodi Moran-Mishler
+ - James Mishlers Games
+ - James Panarella
+ - James Raggi
+ - James Spahn
+ - James V West
+ - James V. West
+ - James Ward
+ - James Wards
+ - James Wards Tainted Lands
+ - January 1941 issue
+ - Japan
+ - Jason & The Argonauts
+ - Jason Kuhl
+ - Jason Marker
+ - Jason Sholtis
+ - Jason Vey
+ - Jean Rabe
+ - Jean Wells
+ - Jeff Bowes
+ - Jeff Dee
+ - Jeff Grubb
+ - Jeff Grubbs
+ - Jeff Rients
+ - Jeff Talanian
+ - Jeffrey Talanian
+ - Jennell Jaquays
+ - Jeremy Reaban
+ - Jerry Cornelius
+ - Jerry Stratton
+ - Jim Bambra
+ - Jim Hensen's Labyrinth
+ - Jim Holloway
+ - Jim McGurk
+ - Jimm Johnson
+ - Jinn
+ - Jirel of Joiry
+ - Jobe Bittman
+ - Jodi Moran Misher
+ - Jodi Moran-Mishler
+ - Joe Coombs
+ - Joe Johnston
+ - Joe Pearce
+ - Joe's Diner
+ - John Aman
+ - John Berkey
+ - John Bolton
+ - John Boorman
+ - John Brunner
+ - John Campell
+ - John Carpenter
+ - John Carpenter's The Thing
+ - John Carter Of Mars
+ - John Carter Warlord of Mars
+ - John Cocking
+ - John D. Rateliff
+ - John Keefe
+ - John Large
+ - John Nephew
+ - John Ostrander
+ - John S. Berry III
+ - John Watt
+ - John Watts
+ - John Watts 'Clement sector'
+ - John Wood Campbell Jr.
+ - John Wyndham
+ - Johnny Melniboné
+ - Johnny Rook Games
+ - Jon Mattson
+ - Jonathan Becker
+ - Jonathan Nolan
+ - Jonathan Rowe
+ - Jordoba
+ - Jorge Luis Borges
+ - Joseph A. Mohr
+ - Joseph Bloch
+ - Joseph D. Salvador
+ - Joseph Moar.
+ - Joseph Mohr
+ - Joseph Salvador
+ - Josh Palmer
+ - Josh Peters
+ - Josh Sinsapaugh
+ - Jotunn
+ - Journey To The Center of The Earth
+ - Journey through Malebolge Book One
+ - Journey through Malebolge Book Two
+ - Jr
+ - Jr.
+ - Judge's Guild
+ - Judge's Guild Products
+ - Judge's Guild Products.
+ - Judge's Guild modules
+ - Judge's Guild's The Wilderlands of High Fantasy
+ - Judge's Guilds The Wilderlands of High Fantasy
+ - Judges Guild
+ - Judges Guild modules
+ - Juiblex
+ - Jules Verne
+ - Julien Blondel (Author)
+ - Jungle Tomb of the Mummy Bride
+ - Jungles of the K'naanothoa
+ - Justice Denied
+ - Justice Machine
+ - Justin Davis
+ - Kabuki Kaiser
+ - Kai Pütz a.k.a Gregorius21778
+ - Kaiju
+ - Kaiju Disaster Response Vehicle
+ - Kalthalax
+ - Kamadan
+ - Kane
+ - Kane of Old Mars
+ - 'Karameikos: Kingdom of Adventure box set'
+ - Karen S. Boomgarden
+ - Karl Edward Wagner
+ - Karl Gustav
+ - Kasimir Urbanski
+ - Kayla Lee
+ - Keep Off The Borderlands
+ - Keep On The Borderlands
+ - Keith Kilburn
+ - Kellri
+ - Ken Kelly
+ - Ken Rolston
+ - Ken St. Andre
+ - Kenner Toy Company
+ - Kennith Hite
+ - Kent David Kelly
+ - Kerry Lloyd
+ - Kevin Crawford
+ - Kevin Culp
+ - Kevin Freeman
+ - Kevin Hassall
+ - Kevin Siembieda
+ - Kevin Watson
+ - Keys & Gates
+ - Kick Starter
+ - Kickstarrter
+ - Kickstarter
+ - Kickstarters
+ - Kickstater
+ - Kicstarter
+ - Kiel Chenier
+ - Kill Kittens
+ - Killraven
+ - Kim Hartsfield
+ - King
+ - King In The Mountain
+ - King Kong
+ - King Kong (2005 film)
+ - King Kull
+ - King Lu-gan
+ - King Retroclone System
+ - King Rpg Companion
+ - King Rpg system
+ - King Solomon's Mines
+ - King System
+ - King rpg
+ - King's rpg
+ - Kingdoms of the Undead
+ - Kirby and Morris.
+ - Kirt A.Dankmyer
+ - Knightly Orders
+ - Kolchak The Night Stalker
+ - Kong Skull Island
+ - Konstantin Tsiolkovsky
+ - Kopru
+ - Kort'thalis Publishing
+ - Kort'thalis Publishing. Old school Horror gaming
+ - Kortthalis Publishing
+ - Kort’thalis Publishing
+ - Kos
+ - Kosmos 68
+ - Kosmos 68 blog
+ - Krull
+ - Kuiju
+ - Kuiper belt
+ - Kull of Atlantis
+ - Kult
+ - Kult Rpg
+ - Kuntz & Wards Gods
+ - K’nyanian Atomic Healing Chamber of The Black Gulf
+ - L.O.O.K.E.R. Gun Relic
+ - L1 'The Secret of Bone Hill'
+ - L1 'The Secret of Bone Hill'.Venger Satanis
+ - L1 Dwellers of the Forbidden City
+ - L1 The Secret Of Bone Hill
+ - L4 Devil's Spawn
+ - 'L5B: The Kroten Adventures'
+ - 'LG1: Terror Terror in the Forest of Gizzick'
+ - 'LG1: Terror in the Forest of Gizzick'
+ - 'LG3: Evil in the Borderlands'
+ - LLC
+ - LNA1 Thieves of Lankhmar. OSR Commentary
+ - LNR1 Wonders of Lankhmar
+ - Labyrinth Lord
+ - Labyrinth Lord Advanced book
+ - Labyrinth Lord Advanced
+ - Labyrinth Lord rpg
+ - Lady Adventurers
+ - Lady Satan 1974
+ - Lair of the Freebooters
+ - Lairs & Encounters
+ - Lamenations of the Flame Princess rpg
+ - Lamentations Of The Flame Princesses
+ - Lamentations Of The Flame Princesses Rpg
+ - Lamentations of The Flame Princess
+ - Lamentations of the Flame Princes rpg
+ - Lamentations of the Flame Princess Reference Book
+ - Lamentations of the Flame Princess rpg
+ - Lamentations of the Napoleonic Princess Campaign Idea
+ - Lance-class Gunboat
+ - Land of the Lost
+ - Lands Beyond Kos
+ - Landscape Giants
+ - Lankhmar
+ - 'Lankhmar: City of Adventure (2nd edition)'
+ - Larry DiTillio
+ - Larry Elmore
+ - Larry Smith
+ - Last Gasp Grimoire
+ - Last Starfighter 1984 film
+ - Laura Hickman
+ - Laurel Nicholson
+ - Law Vs Chaos
+ - Lawrence Schick
+ - Lawrence Whitaker
+ - Legacy Of The Gods
+ - Legacy Of The Lost Grimiore (Arduin Grimoire volume 4
+ - Legendary Lands of Arduin
+ - Legion of Gold
+ - Leigh Brackett
+ - Lemurian Death Angels
+ - Lenard "Len" Lakofka
+ - Lenard Lakofka
+ - Leonard Lakofka
+ - Leopoldo Rueda
+ - Lesser Gnome Games
+ - Lesser Gnome's Creature Catalog
+ - Levels 1-3
+ - Levi Combs
+ - Leviathan Publishing
+ - Lewis Carol
+ - Liar
+ - Liberation of the Demon Slayer
+ - Liches
+ - Light House
+ - Linnoworms
+ - Lion & Dragon
+ - Lion & Dragon retroclone system
+ - Lion & Dragon rpg
+ - Lions & Dragon rpg
+ - Literary Influences
+ - Lizardmen
+ - Lizardmen Empire
+ - LoFP Carcosa
+ - LoFP's Carcosa
+ - Loan Sloane
+ - Lobo Blanco
+ - Locations
+ - Logan's Run
+ - Lomar
+ - Lone Animator
+ - Lone Play
+ - Loot
+ - Lord Dunsany
+ - Lord Dusany
+ - Lord Matteus
+ - Lord Randy Be Praised!
+ - Lord of Illusions
+ - Lords of Order
+ - Lost Carcosa
+ - Lost Caverns of Tsojconth (1976)
+ - Lost Finds
+ - Lost In Space
+ - Lost Orders
+ - Lost Pages
+ - Lost Worlds
+ - Lou Ferrigno
+ - Lovecraft
+ - Lovecraftian Monster Ecology
+ - Lovecraftian Monsters
+ - Lovecraftian Adventures
+ - Lovecraftian Campaign Settings
+ - Lovecraftian Commentary
+ - Lovecraftian Dream Monsters
+ - Lovecraftian Encounters
+ - Lovecraftian Factions
+ - Lovecraftian Monster Ecology
+ - Lovecraftian Monsters
+ - Lovecraftian Role Playing
+ - Lovecraftian Space Opera
+ - Lovecraftian Spells
+ - Lovecraftian Sword & Sorcery
+ - Lovecraftian Treasures
+ - Lovecraftian artifacts
+ - Lovecraftian relics
+ - Low Level Cosmic Ritual Spells
+ - Low Level Occult Adventure Locations
+ - LudiCreations
+ - Lulu
+ - Lulu.
+ - Lum The Mad
+ - Luna
+ - 'Luther Arkwright: Roleplaying Across the Parallels'
+ - Luz
+ - Luz The Evil
+ - Lycanoid Mutates
+ - Lynn Sellers
+ - M.A.R. Barker
+ - M.A.R.K. 13
+ - M1 Into the Maelstrom Beatrice Heard
+ - 'M2 Marvel Super Heroes RPG: The Unofficial Canon Project Darkhold'
+ - M4 Five Coins For A Kingdom
+ - M6 The Unofficial Canon Project Marvel Superheroes Werewolf By Night Supplement
+ - M6 Werewolf by Night for the Marvel Super Heroes RPG
+ - MA 10 The Unofficial Canon Project Marvel Super Hereos Reed Richard's Guide To
+ The Universe
+ - MA11 The Unofficial Marvel Super Heroes Rpg Marvel Vampires By The Unofficial
+ Cannon Project
+ - 'MA12 the Marvel Super Heroes RPG: The Unofficial Canon Project Monsters Unleashed
+ Pdf'
+ - MA15 The Unofficial Canon Project Marvel Super Heroes Rpg Heroes of The North
+ - MA6 The Silver Age Sourcebook
+ - 'MHL3: Imperious Rex! Realms of the Deep'
+ - MHR6 Conan The Barbarian Box Set
+ - ML Straus
+ - MM#7 Dread Swamp of the Banshee
+ - MUTT Powered Armor
+ - MX1 Nightmares of Future Past
+ - Macbeth
+ - Machin Level
+ - Machinations of the Space Princess
+ - Mad God's Jest
+ - Mad Martian Games
+ - Mad Max
+ - Mad Monks of Kwantoom
+ - Mad Scribe Games
+ - Mad Scribe Games. OSR Commentary
+ - Magazines
+ - Magic
+ - Magic Item Generator
+ - Magic Items
+ - Magic Pig Media
+ - Magic Systems
+ - Magic of the Old West
+ - Magical Caskets of the Damned & Unclaimed
+ - Magical Ceremonies
+ - Magical Chalices
+ - Magnificent Miscellaneum Volume two
+ - Mail Call
+ - Major Events
+ - Major Figures
+ - Major Figures!
+ - Major Influences
+ - Major Items
+ - Major NPC's
+ - Major Plot
+ - Maker
+ - Malcon's Tome of Infinite Spells
+ - Mammon
+ - Man After Man
+ - Mandy
+ - Manga
+ - Manifest Destiny
+ - Manticores
+ - Manual of the Planes
+ - Manuel Sousa
+ - Manuel Souza
+ - Map
+ - Map pack
+ - Mapping
+ - Maps
+ - |-
+ Mar 1974
+ Science Fiction Adventure Classics (1969 Ultimate) Pulp
+ - Marc Miller
+ - Marcelo P Augusto
+ - Marine Corps Handbook 2215
+ - Mark A.Hunt
+ - Mark Acres
+ - Mark Adams
+ - Mark Allen
+ - Mark Charters
+ - Mark Ellis
+ - Mark Harris
+ - Mark Hess
+ - Mark Hunt
+ - Mark Janselewitz
+ - Mark Sandy
+ - Mark Taormino
+ - 'Mark Taormino''s Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #0 Village of the Borderlands Module'
+ - Mark of Amber
+ - Marmoreal Tomb Campaign Starter
+ - Marrow Gnome
+ - Mars
+ - Mars Actual Play
+ - Mars.
+ - Martial Arts
+ - Martians
+ - Martin F. King
+ - Martin Hirchak
+ - Marv
+ - Marvel
+ - Marvel Cinematic Universe
+ - Marvel Conan
+ - Marvel Movie
+ - Marvel Movies
+ - Marvel Star Wars Comics
+ - Marvel Super Hero Role Playing
+ - Marvel Super Heroes
+ - 'Marvel Super Heroes RPG: The Unofficial Canon Project'
+ - Marvel Super Heroes Rpg
+ - Marvel Super Heroes The Golden Age
+ - Marvel comics
+ - Master of the Desert Nomads
+ - Masters of the Universe Film
+ - Mathew Skail
+ - Matt Finch
+ - Matt Wagner
+ - Matt Williams
+ - Mattel
+ - Matthew Schmeer's Die Drop Tables
+ - Matthew Schmeer's Magic Ring Die Drop Table
+ - Mature Content
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeon #2: Secret Machines of the Star Spawn'
+ - Maximum Mayhem Dungeons
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #0: Village on the Borderlands'
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #10: Fantastic Quest of the Whimsical One'
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #3: Villains of the Undercity"'
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #4: Vault of the Dwarven King'
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #5 Palace of the Dragon’s Princess'
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #7: Dread Swamp of the Banshee'
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeons #8: Funhouse of the Puppet Jester'
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeons - Mini Adventure #2: Slime Pits of the Sewer Witch'
+ - 'Maximum Mayhem Dungeons Monsters of Mayhem #1'
+ - 'Maxinum Mayhem''s #0: Village on the Borderland'
+ - May 1983
+ - Mayfair Demons II Box Set (Role Aids)
+ - Mayfair Games
+ - Mazinger Z
+ - Mead and Mayhem
+ - Mecha
+ - Mecha Caper
+ - Mechanized Men of Mars
+ - Medicine
+ - Medusa
+ - Mega City One
+ - Mega Corporations
+ - Mega Dungeon
+ - Mega Dungeons
+ - Mega structures
+ - 'Megadungeon issue #1'
+ - Megapede
+ - Megavolt Monsters episode
+ - Mekton Rpg
+ - Melissa Fisher
+ - Melsonian Arts Council
+ - Men & Monsters of Ethiopia
+ - Mentalists
+ - Mentzer Dungeons & Dragons
+ - Mephits
+ - Mercenaries
+ - Mercenary Armies
+ - Merle M. Rasmussen
+ - Metal Earth blog
+ - Metal Hurlant
+ - Metallic Tome
+ - Metamorphosis
+ - Metamorphosis Alpha
+ - Metamorphosis Alpha 1st edition
+ - Metamorphosis Alpha 1st edition 'The House on the Hill
+ - Metamorphosis Alpha Rpg
+ - Methods & Madness blog
+ - Mexico
+ - Mi Go
+ - MiGo
+ - Michael Allen Straus
+ - Michael Brown
+ - Michael Curtis
+ - Michael H. Stone
+ - Michael Johnson
+ - Michael L Staus
+ - Michael L Straus
+ - Michael L. Gray
+ - Michael Malone
+ - Michael Moorcock
+ - 'Michael Moorcock''s Elric Vol. 1: The Ruby Throne Hardcover'
+ - Michael Price
+ - Michael Stackpole
+ - Michael Tierney
+ - Michael Watkins
+ - Micheal Moorcock's Elric
+ - Midderlands Campaign Setting
+ - Midderzine
+ - Miguel Ribeiro
+ - Mike Carr
+ - Mike Evans
+ - Mike Nystul
+ - Mike Stewart
+ - Military Assets
+ - Military Science Fiction
+ - Milk Run
+ - Mind Flayers
+ - Mindok The Mind Menace
+ - Mini Adventure
+ - Mini Campaigns
+ - 'Mini Quest: Madness of the Mouther'
+ - Mini campaign settings
+ - Mini game
+ - Mini series
+ - Mini series.
+ - Miniatures
+ - Minor Infernal Treasures
+ - Minor Items
+ - Minor Magic Items
+ - Minor Relics
+ - Mishler Games
+ - Mission to Alcazzar (SF4)
+ - Misty Isles of the Eld
+ - Mnar
+ - Mobius
+ - Modern Combat rpg
+ - Modern OSR
+ - Modern War
+ - Modern War rpg
+ - 'Modern War: 1944 Fortress Europe'
+ - 'Modern War: Conversion System'
+ - Modron
+ - Module X1 Isle of Dread
+ - Module Xs2 Thunderdelve Mountain
+ - Modules
+ - Modvay & Cook Edition D&D
+ - Moldvay & Cook Edition D&D
+ - Moldvay Dungeons & Dragons
+ - Moloch
+ - Monastic Knights
+ - Mongo
+ - Mongoose Games
+ - Mongoose Publications
+ - Mongoose Traveller
+ - Monkey Blood Design
+ - MonkeyBlood Design
+ - Monster Ecologies
+ - Monster Ecology
+ - Monster Encounters
+ - Monster Manual
+ - Monster Manual II
+ - Monster Placement
+ - Monster books
+ - Monster of Law
+ - Monsters & Treasure
+ - Monsters & Treasures
+ - Monsters Ecology
+ - Monsters of Mayhem
+ - 'Monsters of Mayhem #1'
+ - Monsters of Myth & Legend
+ - 'Monstrous Miscellany #01'
+ - 'Monstrous Miscellany #02'
+ - Monte Cook
+ - Moon Toad Publishing
+ - Moon Toad Publishing'
+ - Moonglum
+ - Moontoad Publishing
+ - Mordiggian
+ - More 3G3 Rpg
+ - More G3G book
+ - More Guns 3G3 sourcebook
+ - Morgan Le Fey
+ - Morlocks
+ - Morrow Project Rpg 4th Edition
+ - Mournblade
+ - Mov
+ - Movie
+ - Movie Influences
+ - Movie Inspirations
+ - Movie Themes
+ - Movies
+ - Movies Influences
+ - Movies Influences
+ - Movies inspirations
+ - Multivers
+ - Mummies
+ - Murcanto's Lair
+ - Murderbots
+ - Murray Leinster
+ - Music
+ - Mutant Crawl Classics
+ - Mutant Epoch
+ - Mutant Epoch Rpg
+ - Mutant Future
+ - Mutant Future Retroclone Rpg
+ - Mutant Future Rpg
+ - Mutant Menaces
+ - Mutant Monster Menace
+ - Mutant Monsters
+ - Mutant Plant Monsters
+ - Mutants
+ - Mutation Solution II
+ - Mutations
+ - Mystara
+ - Mystery At Port Greely
+ - Mystic Ancestor Mammoth
+ - Mystic Bull Games
+ - Mythology
+ - Mythos Bundle
+ - Mythos Wars
+ - Mythos series
+ - N'rsae Worm Zomvies
+ - N1 Against the Cult of the Reptile God
+ - N2 ' The Forest Oracle'
+ - N2 The Forest Oracle
+ - N3 series of adventures
+ - N3 'Destiny of Kings'
+ - N3 Destiny of Kings
+ - N3 series of adventures
+ - 'N8: ''Monsters in the Mist'''
+ - NPC Adventuresses
+ - NPC Alien Factions
+ - NPC Classes
+ - NPC Classics
+ - NPC Occult Factions
+ - NPC builds
+ - NPC's
+ - NPCs
+ - NTRPG CON 2017 Module KK2 The Mystic Cup of Gygax
+ - NUELOW games
+ - Named Relics
+ - Named Weapons
+ - Names
+ - Narcosa
+ - Narcosa rpg supplement
+ - Nash Press
+ - Nazi Mega Dungeons of Antarctica
+ - Near Clones
+ - Necromancer Class
+ - Necromancer Class – Masters of Death and Undeath
+ - Necromancer Games
+ - Necromancy
+ - Necrotic Gnome
+ - Necrotic Gnome Productions
+ - Nellysyr manor
+ - Neo Trerrax Strikes Back!
+ - Neo England
+ - Neo Ibbians
+ - Neo Traxx
+ - Neo-Terraxx
+ - NeoPlastic
+ - Neoplastic Press
+ - Neoplastic Press's Night of the Slashers
+ - Nephilim Mummies
+ - Neutra-Laser
+ - New Big Dragon Games Unlimited
+ - New Drow City
+ - New England Bouys
+ - New Episode
+ - New Free Starship Maps From 'The Girls Gone Rogue' Kickstarter By Venger Satanis
+ - New Infinities
+ - New Liberty
+ - New Liberty campaign setting
+ - New Marvel Phile
+ - New Monsters
+ - New Players
+ - New School Gaming
+ - New Spells
+ - New Worl
+ - 'New World: 2D6 Adventure in a Cyberpunk America'
+ - New York
+ - New York City Monsters
+ - New material
+ - Newt Newport
+ - Nexus The Infinite City
+ - Nicholas Cage
+ - Nick LS Whelan
+ - Nicolas Dessaux
+ - Nicolas Kaczmarczyk
+ - Nigel D.Finley
+ - 'Night Land and Other Perilous Romances: The Collected Fiction of William Hope
+ Hodgson'
+ - Night Owl Workshop
+ - Night Owl Workshp
+ - Night Roads
+ - 'Night Shift: Veterans of the Supernatural Wars Quick Start Kit'
+ - Night Stalkers
+ - Nighterror
+ - Nightowl Workshop
+ - Nightscreams
+ - Nightshift Veterans Supernatural Wars rpg
+ - Nightshift Veterans of the Supernatural Wars rpg
+ - Nightstalker
+ - Ningen
+ - Ninja Beat Down
+ - Ninja City!
+ - No Comments Needed
+ - No Escape From New York
+ - No Salvation For Witches
+ - 'No comments:'
+ - Noah Stevens
+ - Noble Knight Games
+ - Nodens
+ - Noir
+ - Norse Gods
+ - North West Smith
+ - North Wind Adventures
+ - Northern Edge
+ - Novanexus
+ - Novellas
+ - Novels
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+ - Old School Sword & Sorcery Adventures
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+ - 'RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1'
+ - 'RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1 From Spectre Press'
+ - 'RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1 From Spectre Press.'
+ - 'RQ1: "Night of the Walking Dead"'
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+ - Raiders! of the Lost Artifacts Rpg System
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+ - Random Table.
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+ - Random Treasures
+ - Random table.retro clone. terminal space
+ - Random tables
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+ - Retro clone Systems
+ - Retro clones
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+ - Retro-clone systems
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+ - Retroclone Adventures Resource
+ - Retroclone Adventures Resources
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+ - Retroclone rpg systems
+ - Retroclone systems
+ - Retroclones
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+ - Retroclones systems
+ - Retroclones.
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+ - Retrolclones
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+ - Rev.Ryan J Thompson
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+ - Review & Commentary of "Crime City Blues Part II Knuckles of Steel"
+ - Review & Commentary On Manavores -- A Shadowdark Supplement
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+ - Review and Commentary
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+ - Reviews.
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+ - Richard Hazlewood
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+ - Richard Matheson
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+ - Richard T. Meyer
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+ - Rick Random
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+ - Rifts Manhunter rpg
+ - Rifts rpg
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+ - Robert E.Howard
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+ - Robert Howard
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+ - Robert Kuntz
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+ - Ruins of Arduin retroclone
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+ - Ryan Denison
+ - S.C.A.R.B.
+ - S.N.A.K.E.'s
+ - S1 Heart of Glass
+ - S1 Tomb of Horrors
+ - S1-4 Realms of Horror
+ - 'S1: Tomb of Horrors'
+ - 'S2 ''Castles and Crusades: Dwarven Glory'''
+ - S2 White Plume Mountain
+ - 'S2: White Plume Mountain'
+ - S3 'Expediation To The Barrier Peaks'
+ - S3 'Expediation to The Barrier Peaks' by Gary Gygax
+ - S3 'The Expedition to the Barrier Peaks'
+ - S3 Expedition to the Barrier Peaks
+ - 'S3: Expedition to the Barrier Peaks'
+ - S4 The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth
+ - 'S4: The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth'
+ - S7 Stains Upon The Green
+ - S7 Stains Upon The Green.
+ - 'S9: Ransom of the Riverboat Queen'
+ - SAMAS armor
+ - SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City - Core Rules Rp
+ - SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City - Core Rules Rpg
+ - SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City - Villain's Guide From Bloat Games
+ - SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City - Villain’s Guide
+ - SURVIVE THIS!! What Shadows Hide - Cthulhu Sourcebook
+ - Sabre River (CM3)
+ - Sacks
+ - Sacrosanct Games
+ - Saga Mini Game
+ - Saga of Crystar 1983 Comic Book
+ - Saga of the Giants
+ - Saga of the Victims
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+ - Salvage Rite
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+ - Saturnalia
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+ - Saving Cha'alt
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+ - Schweig's Themed Dungeon Generator
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+ - Science Fiction rpg Gaming.
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+ - Scrap Princess
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+ - Screamers
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+ - September 11
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+ - Serpentmen
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+ - Session Report
+ - |-
+ Session Report
+ No comments:
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+ - Session Report Update
+ - Session Reports
+ - Session report.
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+ - Severed Fate
+ - Shadow Dark rpg
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+ - Shadowfall campaign setting
+ - Shadowfell
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+ - Shadows Over Olisipo
+ - Shakespeare
+ - Shambleau
+ - Shane Ward
+ - Shawn Fisher
+ - Sheet Ghouls
+ - Sheet Phantoms
+ - Shemarrian Nation Adventure Rifts Sourcebook
+ - Shield Maidens of Sea Rune (JG1010)
+ - Shield Maidens of Sea Rune
+ - Shield of Faith Studios
+ - Shieldmaidens of Sea Rune
+ - Shiny Object Syndrome
+ - 'Ship Book: Chiron Class Hunter'
+ - Ship Book:A2L Far Trader
+ - Ship Book:Panga Class Merchant
+ - Ship Book:Type S Scout/Courier
+ - 'Ship Files: RAX Type Protected Merchant'
+ - 'Ships of Clement Sector 10-12: Workhorses'
+ - 'Ships of Clement Sector 15: Milligan-class Hospital Ship'
+ - 'Ships of Clement Sector 16: Rucker-class Merchant'
+ - Ships of the Clement Sector rpg 10-12
+ - ShireCon
+ - Shockwave Rider
+ - Shogun Warriors
+ - Short
+ - Short Stories
+ - Short films
+ - 'Shortcuts to Adventure #01: Shrine of the Slime God'
+ - 'Shortcuts to Adventure #3: Monstrous Reflections'
+ - Shot & the Weird
+ - Shoulder of Orion
+ - Shoulder of Orion campaign
+ - Shub niggurath
+ - Shub-Niggurath
+ - Sick Stick Relic
+ - Side Abilites
+ - Siege Engine
+ - Silent Legions Rpg
+ - Silvia Clemente
+ - Silvia Moreno Garcia
+ - Simian Apes
+ - Simon Washbourne
+ - Simple Modernity
+ - Sin City 2005
+ - Sinbad & The Eye of The Tiger
+ - Sine Nomine Publishing
+ - Sinful Whispers
+ - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
+ - Sites
+ - 'Sixteen Stars: Creating Places of Perilous Adventure'
+ - Sixties Marvel Comic Books
+ - Skalds
+ - Skeeter Green
+ - Skimisher Games
+ - Skirmisher Games
+ - Skirmisher Publishing
+ - Skull Crawlers
+ - Skull Faced Formorians
+ - Skull Mountain
+ - Skull The Slayer
+ - 'Skull and Crossbones: Piracy in Clement Sector'
+ - Skulls of Thasaidon
+ - Sky Ships
+ - Skywald Publishing
+ - Skywald PublishingCampaign Settings
+ - Slaughter Grid
+ - 'Slave Girl Comics Issue #1'
+ - 'Slave Girl Comics Issue #2'
+ - Slave Raiders From Mercury
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+ - Slaves of Tsathoggua
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+ - Stars Without Number
+ - Stars Without Number Revised Rpg
+ - Stars Without Number Rpg
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+ - Stars Without Numbers Revised
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+ - |-
+ TSAO: These Stars Are Ours!
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+ - 'TSAO: These Stars Are Ours! Setting'
+ - 'TSAO: Wreck in the Ring'
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+ - Tegel Manor
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+ - The Ares Section of Dragon Magazine
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+ - The Best Of Dragon Magazine Volume II
+ - The Best Of Vol. 4
+ - The Best Of Vol. 5
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+ - The Black Hole 1979 movie
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+ - The Book of Ebon Bindings
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+ - The Cha'alt Rpg
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+ - The Cities Without Number Kickstarter
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+ - The Clasic TSR Marvel Super Heroes Rpg
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+ - "The Clement \n Sector"
+ - The Clement Sector
+ - The Clement Sector Campaign Setting
+ - The Clement Sector Core Setting Book
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+ - The Cult of Typhon
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+ - The Demonic Tome
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+ - 'The Dragon #73'
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+ - The Dragon magazine#27
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+ - The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun
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+ - 'The Free Full Thrust: Project Continuum rules'
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+ - The Free Introductory Adventure Wretched Verses Issue 19 – Ten Thousand Miles
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+ - The Gar’Haden Family Crypt
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+ - The Green Jewel They Must Possess
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+ - The HOSTILE Situation Report 006 - Hunted
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+ - The Haunted Palace
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+ - The Holy Therns
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+ - The Hostile Rpg Referee Screen
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+ - The Hostile Technical Manual
+ - The Hostile Tool kit
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+ - The Ice Kingdoms Source book
+ - The Ice Kingdoms Sourcebook
+ - The Ice Kingdoms Sourcebook.
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+ - The Lost Temple of Forgotten Evil
+ - The Lost Treasure of Atlantis
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+ - The Marvel Super Hereoes Rpg
+ - The Marvel Super Hereos rpg Golden Age of Heroes book
+ - The Marvel Super Heroes Rpg
+ - The Master Mind Of Mars By Edgar Rice Burroughs
+ - The Memorial
+ - The Merry Pirates
+ - The Metal Monster
+ - The Metallic Tome
+ - 'The Michael Moorcock Library: Erekose'
+ - The Midderlands
+ - The Mighty Servant of Leuk-o
+ - The Mines Of Keridav
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+ - The Moon Pool
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+ - The Mystery At Port Greely
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+ - The Mythos Society Guide To New England
+ - The Necropolis of Nuromen
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+ - The New Easy-to-Master Dungeons & Dragons Game (1991)
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+ - The New Hartford DM's Network
+ - The New Marvel - Phile Return of the Nova Corps 2 Annual 2019
+ - The New Marvel Phile
+ - The New Marvel Phile 'The Shadowline Saga'
+ - 'The New Marvel Phile Issue #82 Curtis Horror'
+ - 'The New Marvel Phile issue #30 Serpents of the World Unite!'
+ - The Next Frontier
+ - The Night Lands
+ - The Nightmare Lands Box Set
+ - The OSR Amazon Warrior
+ - The OSR Class The Warlock
+ - The OSR Exorcist
+ - The OSR Warlock
+ - The Octagon of Chaos
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+ - The Old Solar System
+ - The Oort Cloud
+ - The Opus Magi Rpg
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+ - The Outer Presence rpg
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+ - The Palace of the Vampire Queens
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+ - The Pleiades Light Freighter
+ - The Pleiades-class Light Freighter
+ - The Possessors
+ - The Post Apocalyptic Solar System
+ - The Price of Evil
+ - The Primal Order
+ - The Primal Order rpg
+ - 'The Primal Order: Chess Boards: The Planes of Possibility'
+ - The Prodigy (Bard)
+ - The Psionic Hand Book
+ - The Pulps
+ - The Purple Spandex Wars
+ - The Quantum Dark Rpg
+ - 'The Quick Ship File: Catino Class Fast Armed Trader'
+ - 'The Quick Ship File: Starguard System Defence Boat'
+ - The Quixote Type ST Class Scout
+ - The R'tiqurllothi
+ - 'The RPG Pundit Files The Invisible College: 1930''s Campaign'
+ - 'The RPGPundit Presents #92: The Elven Tomb'
+ - 'The RPGPundit Presents: The Old School Companion 1'
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+ - The Raiders of 'Naa-zsh'
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+ - The Red Demon In The Vile Fen
+ - The Red God
+ - The Red Headed Slurposaur
+ - The Red Rom
+ - The Red Room
+ - The Remberance of Robert E.Howard
+ - The Resort of the Dead
+ - The Return of the Blue Baron
+ - The Rider Rpg
+ - The Rifter Issue#21
+ - The Ritual Mundix
+ - The Rize and Fall of Zamzer
+ - The Rock Well Inn
+ - The Rod Of Vulthoom
+ - The Rogue's Gallery
+ - The Rook - Return of an American Legend
+ - The Roosevelt Intercepter Distroyer
+ - The Rose War
+ - The Royalty of Undeath
+ - The Rump family
+ - The Rumps
+ - The S'rulyan Vault
+ - The S'rulyan Vault II
+ - The SURVIVE THIS!! Vigilante City - Core Rules
+ - The Salem Horror
+ - The Savage Afterworld
+ - The Savage Sword of Conan
+ - The Scribes of Sparn
+ - The Scrying Dutchman
+ - The Sea Kings of the Purple Town
+ - The Sea-Wolf's Daughter.
+ - The Second American Civil War
+ - The Second Movement Campaign
+ - The Secret of Cykranosh
+ - The Seven Sisters of The Sins
+ - The Seven Sisters of The Sins (Wretched Version
+ - The Seventh Sister
+ - The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad
+ - The Sexual Holocaust Adventure
+ - The Shade
+ - The Shadow
+ - The Shadow Kingdom
+ - The Shadowdark rpg
+ - The Sheep Look up
+ - 'The Ship Files: RAX Type Protected Merchant'
+ - The Shoulder of Orion
+ - The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
+ - The Skirmisher Group
+ - The Skull as a Complete Gentleman Co
+ - The Sons of Kyuss
+ - The Sorcerer Scroll
+ - The Sound of Madness
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+ - The Space Noble
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+ - The Spawn of Pan
+ - The Special Golden Lhasa Sauce
+ - The Spinward Marches Campaign
+ - The Squid
+ - The Star Ship Warden Kickstarter
+ - The Starlight Caper
+ - The Stars Without Number Revised Rpg
+ - The Stars Without Number The Starship Database
+ - The Starship From Hell
+ - The Starship Warden rpg
+ - The Starship Warden rpg Kickstarter
+ - The Stellar Legion
+ - The Stone Alignments of Kor Nak
+ - The Stormbringer rpg
+ - The Strategic Review Magazine
+ - The Stygian Garden of Abelia Prem
+ - The Swarm
+ - The Sword & The Sorcerer
+ - The Sword of Kas
+ - The Tainted Lands
+ - The Tallman
+ - The Talon Sector
+ - The Talon Sector Treasure
+ - The Talon Sector Treasures
+ - The Talon Sector Campaign
+ - The Tamashī no tanzōrite Rites
+ - The Tavern from Hell By James Mishler
+ - The Tech Update 2350
+ - The Temple of Elemental Evil
+ - The Temple of Set Accursed By Ra Adventure
+ - The Temple of The Ape God
+ - The Terra Arisen Campaign Setting
+ - The Thing
+ - The Time A Tree Saved Me
+ - The Time Machine
+ - The Tomb Of Gardag
+ - The Tomb Spawn
+ - The Tomb Spawn'
+ - The Tomorrow People
+ - The Towers Two
+ - The Transmaniacon
+ - The Tribe of Ogg and the Gift of Suss
+ - The Type R Subsidized Merchant Starship
+ - The Undead Crypt Ape
+ - The Underworld
+ - The Updated & Expanded Castles & Crusades Crusader's Companion
+ - The Vargouille
+ - The Vaults of Pandius
+ - The Vegepygmy
+ - The Veriddien Crystal Sphere
+ - The Victorious Rpg
+ - The Village With No Name
+ - The Village of Greenhaven
+ - The Villains of the Undercity
+ - 'The Violation of Truth: 2D6 Adventure in a World of Spies and Secrets Rpg'
+ - The Warhound & The World's Pain
+ - The Warriors of the Red Planet Rpg
+ - The Way
+ - The White People
+ - The White Ship
+ - The White Star Galaxy Edition Rpg
+ - The White Star Rpg
+ - The Whole the MSH RPG Unofficial Canon Project Crew
+ - 'The Wicked Encounters #1: Slakt the Slayer and the Seven Dread Dwarves'
+ - The Wilderlands of High Fantasy
+ - The Winter Between Realms
+ - The Winter Realms
+ - The Wizard's Inheritance
+ - The Wizard's Scroll issue#1
+ - The World Book of Khaas
+ - 'The World Book of Khaas: Legendary Lands of Arduin'
+ - The World of Thudarr The Barbarian Sourcebook
+ - The Worm Ouroboros
+ - The Wrenchploitation rpg
+ - The Wretch Space Rpg 2nd Edition
+ - The Wretched Apocalypse Rpg
+ - The Wretched Bastards Rpg
+ - The Wretched Bastards Rpg Quick Start
+ - The Wretched Bastards Second Edition
+ - The Wretched Bestiary
+ - The Wretched Country Rpg
+ - The Wretched Epogue rpg
+ - The Wretched Flesh Rpg
+ - The Wretched New Flesh Post Cards From Avalidad rpg
+ - The Wretched New Flesh Post Cards From Aviladad rpg
+ - The Wretched New Flesh Post Cards From Aviladad rpg 2nd edition
+ - The Wretched Role Playing Game
+ - The Wretched Rpg
+ - The Wretched Space rpg
+ - The Wretched Époque Rpg
+ - The Wretchedverse rpg
+ - The Wretchedverse rpg System
+ - The Wretchploitation Rpg
+ - The Wretchploitation Rpg
+ - The Wretchploitation role-playing game
+ - The Yugoloth
+ - The Zenopus Archive
+ - The Zozer Games
+ - The alignment system
+ - The collectors store
+ - The free Bi-Ethnic Characters of Hyperborea Phamplet
+ - The hordes of Hell
+ - The machine of Lum The Mad
+ - The third edition of The Anderson and Felix Guide to Naval Architecture
+ - The Áylgibrá
+ - Theorems & Thaumaturgy Revised
+ - These Stars Are Ours
+ - Thief
+ - Thieves
+ - Thieves Guild
+ - Thieves Guild 2
+ - Thieves Guild Rpg Setting & System
+ - Thieves Guilds
+ - Thieves World Roleplaying Game
+ - Thirty Year War
+ - This Island Earth
+ - This Magazine Is Haunted
+ - Thom Wilson
+ - Thomas Barnes
+ - Thomas Carnacki
+ - Thomas Denmark
+ - Thomas M. Reid
+ - Thorpe Class Merchant Vessel
+ - Thouls
+ - Thowi Games
+ - Three Hearts & Three Lions
+ - Three Hearts & Three Lions. Paul Anderson
+ - Three Hearts & Three Lions. Poul Anderson
+ - Three Shops article
+ - Three Toad Stool Games
+ - Threshold Magazine
+ - Threshold Magazine Issues 13 & 14
+ - 'Threshold Magazine issue #3'
+ - Thrift Store Finds
+ - Thrilling Wonder Stories
+ - Through Sunken Lands and Other Adventures Rpg
+ - Through Ultan's Door Issue
+ - |-
+ Through Ultan's Door Issue
+ No comment
+ - Through Ultan's Door Issue 1
+ - Through Ultan's Doors
+ - Thundarr The Barbarian
+ - Thunder Fighter Space Craft
+ - Thy Name is Evil
+ - Tiamat
+ - Tim Brannan
+ - Tim Dry
+ - Tim Harper
+ - Tim Kask
+ - Tim Krause
+ - Tim Price
+ - Tim Snider
+ - Tim Truman
+ - Timeline Ltd
+ - Timothy Brannan
+ - To The Vanishing Point
+ - Todd Hughes
+ - Tolkien
+ - Tom Corbett Space Cadet Comics
+ - Tom Cruise
+ - Tom Kirby
+ - Tom Knauss
+ - Tom Moldvay
+ - Tom Moldvay.
+ - Tom Sutton
+ - Tomb Robber
+ - Tomb of Doom
+ - Tomb of Hecate
+ - Tomb of Horrors
+ - Tomb of the Over Fiend
+ - Tombs
+ - Tombstone (Alpha Playtest)
+ - 'Tome Eight: Handlist of Horrors'
+ - 'Tome Seven: Goetics and Gnostics'
+ - Tome of the Unclean
+ - Tony Hicks
+ - Tony Vasinda
+ - Tope Hooper
+ - Total War rpg
+ - Tower of The Star Gazer
+ - Tower of the Mammoth
+ - Town of Baldemar
+ - Towns of The Outlands
+ - Toy
+ - Tracy Hickman
+ - Trade Empire-class Commercial Freighter
+ - Trading Posts
+ - Trailers
+ - Transmaniacon
+ - Tranzar's Redoubt
+ - Traps
+ - Traveller
+ - Traveller rpg
+ - Treasue
+ - Treasure
+ - Treasure.
+ - Treasures
+ - |-
+ Treasures
+ No comments:
+ - Treasures of the Ancients (GWA1)
+ - 'Tree of Life: Altrants in Clement Sector'
+ - Trey Causey
+ - Triffids
+ - Trinity of Awesome +1
+ - Trinity of Awesome Returns
+ - Tristan Tanner
+ - Tristen Tanner
+ - Troll Lord Games
+ - Troll Lords
+ - Troll Lords Castle Keeper's Guide 3rd Printing
+ - Troll Lords Games
+ - Trolls
+ - Tumbleweed Tales Volume 1
+ - Tunnels & Trolls
+ - Twenty Rules
+ - Twilight 2000 rpg
+ - Twilight Nightmares
+ - Twisted Christmas
+ - Tyrannical Conquerors
+ - 'Tyrannosapien: Creatures of the Apocalypse 11'
+ - Tyrannosaurus rex. Monster Ecology
+ - Tyrfing
+ - U.F.O. television show
+ - U.K.1 Beyond The Crystal Cave
+ - U1 Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
+ - U1 The Sinister Secret of Salt Marsh
+ - U1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
+ - U2 Danger At Dunwater
+ - U2 Danger at Dunwater (1e)
+ - U2 The Final Enemy
+ - U3 The Final Enemy
+ - UK series of adventures
+ - UK1 Beyond The Crystal Cave By Brown
+ - UK1 The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh
+ - UK2 Danger At Dunwater
+ - UK2 The Sentinel
+ - UK3 The Final Enemy
+ - UK3 The Gauntlet
+ - UK4 When a Star Falls
+ - UK5 Eye of the Serpent
+ - USSP
+ - 'UX02: Mind Games'
+ - 'Ugotuturch : Limbo Harpy Things'
+ - 'Ultan''s Door issue #3 Kickstarter'
+ - Ulysses 31
+ - Unboxing
+ - Undead
+ - 'Under Western Skies: 2D6 Adventure on America''s Frontier'
+ - Under Xylarthen’s Tower
+ - Underworld
+ - Underworld Campaigns
+ - Underworld Kingdoms
+ - Underworld Lore Fanzine
+ - 'Underworld Lore Issue #4'
+ - Unholy Land
+ - Unique
+ - Universal Exploits
+ - Unmerciful Frontier
+ - 'Unmerciful Frontier: The CCA Sourcebook Third Edition'
+ - Upcoming Products
+ - Updates
+ - Upgrade
+ - Uranium Fever
+ - Urban Locations
+ - Usherwood Adventures
+ - Usherwood Publishing
+ - 'Using Quick Ship File: Roanoke and Raccoon Class Ships'
+ - VHS covers
+ - 'Vacant Ritual Assembly Issue #1'
+ - 'Vacant Ritual Assembly Issue #2'
+ - 'Vacant Ritual Assembly Issue #3'
+ - 'Vacant Ritual Assembly Issue #4'
+ - 'Vacant Ritual Assembly Issue #5'
+ - 'Vacant Ritual Assembly Issue #6'
+ - Valpyrs
+ - Vampire PC class
+ - Vampire Queens
+ - Vampires
+ - Vampires of the Olden Lands From James Mishler Games
+ - Vans
+ - Variant Classes
+ - Varlets & Vermin
+ - 'Vault of Cha''alt #1'
+ - Vault of The Drow
+ - Vault of the Weaver
+ - Vaults
+ - Vaults of Pandius
+ - Vaults of the Weaver
+ - Vechicles
+ - Vehicles
+ - Venger As'Nas Satanis
+ - Venger Satanis
+ - Venus
+ - Vergama's sphere
+ - Veterans
+ - Veterans of the Supernatural Wars Rpg
+ - Veteres Guardians
+ - Victorious Hunter & Hunter Catalogue
+ - Victorious Phantasmagoria
+ - Victorious Rpg
+ - Victorious Rule Britania
+ - 'Victorious: Victorian Role Playing Adventure in the age of Supermankind'
+ - Videos
+ - ViewScream Second Edition
+ - Vigilance Press
+ - Viking Treasures
+ - Vikings
+ - Villain NPC's
+ - Villains of The Undercity
+ - Vincent Price
+ - Viper Mark I Star Fighter
+ - Void Haven Outpost
+ - Voidjammers
+ - Volgan War
+ - Voltorians
+ - 'Volume #3 The Underworld & Wilderness Adventures'
+ - Volume 4
+ - Volume 4"
+ - Vorheim
+ - Voyage of the Space Beagle
+ - Vultoom
+ - Vultursaur Swarm
+ - WG4
+ - WG4 The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun by Gary Gygax
+ - 'WG4: The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun (1982)'
+ - WGR1 Greyhawk Ruins (2e)
+ - 'WL1: Tower Hill'
+ - WW1
+ - WWI
+ - 'WWII: Operation WhiteBox'
+ - Wagner
+ - Walkers
+ - 'Walking the Way: A Mysticism Sourcebook [Swords & Wizardry]'
+ - Wally Wood
+ - Wand of Orcus
+ - War & Pieces
+ - War Games
+ - War Machines
+ - War of Darkness
+ - War of The Worlds
+ - War of the Immortals
+ - War of the Roses
+ - War of the World
+ - Warband
+ - Warduke
+ - Wargame Commentary
+ - Wargames
+ - Wargaming
+ - Warhammer Fantasy Rpg
+ - Warhammer Rpg
+ - Warlords of Atlantis
+ - Warlords of Atlantis rpg campaign setting
+ - Warlords of The Outer Worlds
+ - Warlords of The Outer Worlds Campaign
+ - Warlords of The Outer Worlds Campaign Setting
+ - Warp First Comics Series
+ - Warpland Rpg
+ - Warren comic books
+ - Warren publishing magazine
+ - Warrens of the Great Goblin Chief (Revised and Expanded Edition)
+ - Warriors
+ - Warriors Of The Red Planet Rpg System
+ - Warriors of the Lost Planet
+ - Warriors of the Red Planet
+ - Warriors of the Red Planet rpg
+ - Warriors of the Red Planet Rpg
+ - Warriors of the White Light Adventure
+ - Washington Sector
+ - Waste World rpg
+ - Waste land horrors!
+ - Wasted West Hell on Earth Rpg
+ - Wasteland
+ - Wasteland Armor
+ - Wasteland Domain Level Play
+ - Wasteland Finds
+ - Wasteland Oracles
+ - Wasteland Treasures
+ - Wasteland horrors!
+ - Watch on Line
+ - Wayne's Books
+ - Weaponary
+ - Weapons
+ - Weather
+ - Weird Adventures
+ - Weird Horror
+ - Weird Romance
+ - Weird Tales
+ - Weird War II
+ - Weird Westerns
+ - Weird finds
+ - Welcome To Rock Junction
+ - Well of Urd Press
+ - Welsh Mythology
+ - Werebears
+ - Wererats
+ - Werewolves
+ - Werewolves and Wretched Hunters
+ - West End Star Wars
+ - West World Television show
+ - Westerns
+ - Weta-Rex
+ - Whamagedon
+ - What's Nuked Scooby Doomsday
+ - When A Star Falls
+ - When The Sleeper Wakes
+ - Where The Fallen Jarls Sleep
+ - 'White Box : Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game'
+ - White Box Arcana
+ - White Box Gothic
+ - White Box Omnibus [Swords & Wizardry]
+ - 'White Box: Fantastic Medieval Adventure Game'
+ - 'White Box: Unearthed Trove'
+ - White Dwarf
+ - White Dwarf 095
+ - White Dwarf 097
+ - White Dwarf issue# 30
+ - White Dwarf magazine
+ - White Plume Mountain
+ - White Star
+ - White Star Rpg Retroclone System
+ - White Star Galaxy Edition
+ - White Star Rpg Retroclone System
+ - White Star rpg
+ - White Wolf
+ - White Wolf Temples
+ - Wil Huygen
+ - Wild Stars Comic book
+ - Wild West Bounty Generator
+ - Wilderlands of High Fantasy
+ - Wilderness
+ - Wilderness Adventuring
+ - Will O The Wisps
+ - Will Travel
+ - Will Travel Campaign Setting
+ - William Hooker Gillette
+ - William Hope Hodgeson
+ - William McAusland
+ - William Nolan
+ - William Thresher
+ - William Tracy
+ - Willis E. McNelly
+ - Willow film (1988)
+ - Wind Lothamer
+ - Winds of the Ice Forest From Random Order Creations Adapted To Your Sword and
+ Sorcery Campaigns As Well As The Astonishing Swordsmen And Sorcerers of Hyperborea
+ Rpg System
+ - Winter Monster Ecology
+ - Wisdom From The Wastelands
+ - 'Wisdom From The Wastelands Issue # 21'
+ - 'Wisdom From The Wastelands Issue # 22'
+ - Wisdom From The Wastelands Issue 51
+ - Witch Hunter.
+ - Witches
+ - Wizardry Continual Light
+ - Wizards
+ - Wizards Mutants Laser Pistols Fanzine Issue 7
+ - Wizards movie
+ - Wizards of the Coast
+ - Wolf Attack
+ - Wolves From Strange Aeons
+ - Womb Cult From Grimm Aramil Publishing
+ - Wonder & Wickedness
+ - Wonder Stories Quarterly
+ - Woodland
+ - World Building
+ - World Design
+ - World Of The Lost
+ - World War One
+ - World War Two
+ - World at Weird War II Rpg
+ - World of Bastards
+ - World of Jordoba Player Guide
+ - World of Ortix blog
+ - World of Weird War II
+ - Worlds
+ - Worlds Unknown
+ - Worlds Without End rpg
+ - Worlds Without Number
+ - Worlds Without Number rpg
+ - Worm Skin magazine
+ - Worthy Causes
+ - Wraith of the Immortals
+ - Wraiths
+ - Wreckside District
+ - Wretched Apocalypse - Second Edition
+ - Wretched Armageddon Vol.1 War
+ - Wretched Bastards
+ - Wretched Bastards Rpg
+ - Wretched Conspiracies campaign Setting
+ - Wretched Country second edition Rpg
+ - Wretched Darkness
+ - Wretched Darkness 1st edition
+ - Wretched Darkness Rpg
+ - |-
+ Wretched Darkness Rpg
+ No comments:
+ - Wretched Darkness Rpg Revised Edition
+ - Wretched Darkness Rpg second edition
+ - Wretched Epoque
+ - Wretched Flesh
+ - Wretched Game Master's Screen (Landscape Inserts)
+ - Wretched Interbellum campaign setting
+ - 'Wretched Minions Issue 7: Wretched Minions from the Beyond'
+ - Wretched New Flesh - Postcards from Avalidad Rpg
+ - Wretched New Flesh - Rpg
+ - Wretched New Flesh Post Cards From Avalidad Rpg
+ - Wretched New Flesh Second Edition
+ - Wretched OSR
+ - Wretched Role Playing Game
+ - Wretched Rpg
+ - Wretched Space
+ - Wretched Space 1.4 rpg
+ - Wretched Space Revised
+ - Wretched Space Rpg
+ - 'Wretched Verses #1'
+ - Wretched Verses Issue 11 – Vampires
+ - 'Wretched Verses Issue 18 – Wretched Minions: Cryptids'
+ - 'Wretched Verses Issue 23: Gangs of Avalidad'
+ - Wretched Verses issue#14 Undead
+ - Wretched Vigilantes
+ - Wretched Vigilantes Campaign Settting
+ - Wretched Vigilantes rpg
+ - Wretched World
+ - Wretched rpg Games
+ - Wretched Époque
+ - Wretched Époque Quickstart Rpg
+ - Wretched Époque Rpg
+ - Wretchedverse
+ - Wretchedverse Rpg
+ - Wretchedverse Rpg Setting
+ - Wretchedverse rpg Games
+ - 'Wretchedverses issue #5'
+ - Wretchploitation Rpg
+ - Wrethedverse rpg
+ - X - plorers Box Set
+ - X plorers
+ - X plorers Edit | V
+ - X-Plorers
+ - X1 Isle of Dread
+ - X1 Isle of Dread.
+ - X10
+ - X12 Skarda's Mirror
+ - X13 Crown of Ancient Glory
+ - 'X1: The Sinister Stone of Sakkara'
+ - X2 Castle Amber
+ - X3
+ - 'X3: "Curse of Xanathon'
+ - X4
+ - X4 Master of the Desert Nomads
+ - 'X4: "Master of the Desert Nomads"'
+ - X5
+ - X5 The Temple of Death
+ - 'X5: "Temple of Death" (1983)'
+ - X6
+ - X6 Quagmire
+ - X6 Quagmire by Merle M. Rasmussen
+ - X7 The War Rafts of Kron
+ - |-
+ X7 The War Rafts of Kron
+ No comments:
+ - X9 The Savage Coast
+ - XC Catacombs of Death
+ - 'XL1: "Quest for the Heartstone'
+ - XQ1 The Castle that Fell from the Sky
+ - Xenomorphs
+ - Xiccarph
+ - Xill
+ - Xiticix
+ - Xmen
+ - Xoth.net publishing
+ - Xplorers
+ - Xulhlan
+ - YOG·SOTHOTH (the key and guardian of the gate)
+ - YS1 The Outpost of the Outer Ones
+ - YS1 The Outpost of the Outer Ones by Jeremy Reaban
+ - 'Yhe Violation of Truth: 2D6 Adventure in a World of Spies and Secrets rpg'
+ - Yog Sothoth
+ - You're On Your Own No. 1
+ - Young Kingdoms
+ - Your Old School Campaigns
+ - 'Yragael: Urm'
+ - 'ZA1: The Temple Of Chaos'
+ - 'ZA5: Flayers of the Mind.Free Material'
+ - 'ZA6: Journey to the Astral Plane'
+ - 'ZA7: Temple of the Ice Gods'
+ - ZZ7729 The A.I. Entity
+ - Zaibatsu rp
+ - Zaibatsu rpg
+ - Zaibatsu rpg adventure
+ - Zak S
+ - Zak Smith
+ - Zarak
+ - Zeb Cook
+ - Zebulara
+ - Zenobia rpg setting
+ - Zenopus Archives
+ - Zero Session Workshop
+ - Zombies
+ - Zone Troopers
+ - Zor Draxtau
+ - Zothique
+ - Zothique D20
+ - Zozer Gam
+ - Zozer Games
+ - Zozer Games Colonial Freighter
+ - Zozer Games Hostile campaign Setting
+ - Zyan
+ - Zzarchov Kowolski
+ - ']The RPG Pundit'
+ - and Homebrew Blog
+ - and Ships of War
+ - animation
+ - arcosa
+ - art Del Teigeler
+ - artifacts
+ - books
+ - by Bruce Nesmith
+ - by Gary Gygax
+ - cartoon
+ - caskets
+ - classic Traveller rpg
+ - comic anthologies
+ - cult of Druaga
+ - d-Infinity magazine
+ - d12
+ - demon blades
+ - dinosaurs
+ - disease
+ - etc
+ - etween The Cracks Of Reality Campaign Set Up
+ - fanzines
+ - fanzines.
+ - funk
+ - gamezine projects
+ - iZombie television show
+ - imonsters
+ - inspiration
+ - item Random tables
+ - items
+ - kosmos68com.wordpress.com
+ - lair encounter
+ - linnorm
+ - 'ls: Astonishing Swordsmen + Sorcerers of Hyberborea rpg'
+ - monster
+ - monsters
+ - nega Dungeons
+ - news
+ - old school 2d6 Science Fiction based rpg's
+ - or Cosmic Grass... No One Warps For Free
+ - organizations
+ - p
+ - public domain comic books
+ - random table
+ - random table Items
+ - random table.Items
+ - retro-clones
+ - rimm Aramil Publishing
+ - rpg
+ - rpg book
+ - 's: Adventures'
+ - sci fi movies
+ - science fantasy
+ - science fiction
+ - science fiction films
+ - setting material
+ - space carriers
+ - supermodule S1-4 Realms of Horror.
+ - sword & sorcery
+ - 'sword & sorcery No comments:'
+ - system
+ - techno-sorcery
+ - television
+ - 'the "Monster & Treasure Assortment Sets One-Three: Levels One-Nine"'
+ - the Atlas Orbis Factus est ignis
+ - the Labyrinth Lord rpg
+ - the Stairway of V'dreen.
+ - 'the "Monster & Treasure Assortment Sets One-Three: Levels One-Nine"'
+ - the 'Arduin Grimoire Trilogy' book
+ - the 'Vulth' russ'
+ - the Abbernoth Campaign Setting
+ - the Belle Époque
+ - the Belle Époque. The Red Room
+ - the Cascadia Colonization Authority
+ - the Castles & Crusades Codex Celtarum 2nd Edition
+ - the Castles & Crusades Players Guide to Aihrde.
+ - the Cepheus Engine Rpg
+ - the Clement Sector rpg
+ - the D&D Rules Cylopedia
+ - the Fermi paradox
+ - the Ghorli
+ - 'the Glantri: Kingdom of Magic (1995) box set'
+ - the Grand Duchy of Karameikos
+ - the Hub Federation Navy
+ - the Incorporeal Undead
+ - the Labyrinth Lord Basic
+ - the Lamentations of the Flame Princess rpg
+ - 'the Marvel Super Heroes RPG: The Unofficial Canon Project'
+ - the Original Traveller rpg
+ - the Original Traveller rpg
+ - the Orion Mutuality
+ - the Scooby Apocalypse
+ - 'the Slavers of A0-A4: Against the Slave Lords'
+ - the Stairway of V'dreen.
+ - the Teratic Tome
+ - the Unofficial Marvel Superheroes Cannon Project's Marvelous Myths & Monsters
+ volume 6 The Otherworld By Andrew Goldstein
+ - the Wretched Rpg
+ - the d'Ambreville family
+ - the first issue of Ulfire Tablets
+ - the original Traveller rpg box set
+ - the sea spirit"
+ - western
+ - “Ynys Bach”
+ relme:
+ https://swordsandstitchery.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Marvel Super Heroes Rpg Thoughts on Marvel Comics Crystar The Crystal
+ Warrior Saga
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+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T19:38:00Z"
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+ - '''The unofficial canon project Marvel Super Heroes Facebook Group'
+ - Classic Marvel Super Heroes Rpg
+ - Saga of Crystar 1983 Comic Book
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- last_post_title: Justices add one new case to next term’s docket
- last_post_description: In a list of orders released on Monday morning, the Supreme
- Court added one new case to its argument docket for the 2024-25 term. With roughly
- one month remaining before the justices’ summer recess
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T14:17:03Z"
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- - Featured
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+title: 'GSoC 2022: GNOME'
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+description: This blog is about my experiences as a contributor for the GNOME Foundation
+ in GSoC'22.
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+ last_post_title: 'GSoC 2022: Third Update!'
+ last_post_description: "Hello everyone! \U0001F604 In my previous blog post, I explained
+ why we use a dialog box and its advantages over the GtkPopoverMenu for the templates
+ submenu.Since the last update, I'm glad to announce"
+ last_post_date: "2022-08-10T12:00:00Z"
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+title: Robb Knight • Posts • Atom Feed
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+description: Maker of web things, Lego builder, sometimes blogger, sporadic pizzaiolo,
+ fortnightly podcaster. Cat dad and human dad.
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+ last_post_title: Fetching Achievements and Trophies for my Game Collection Page
+ last_post_description: How I'm fetching trophy and achievements to show on my game
+ collection
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+description: Writings from a happy Swift coder.
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+ - Swift
+ - Talk
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+ last_post_title: Swift Package Manager Plugins [talk]
+ last_post_description: Last week, I gave an impromptu talk at the CocoaHeadsNL November
+ meetup. I’ve recently been working on R.swift version 7, which adds Swift Package
+ Manager Plugin support. After a brief overview of
+ last_post_date: "2022-12-02T15:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://tom.lokhorst.eu/2022/12/swift-package-manager-plugins-talk
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+ - Swift
+ - Talk
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+description: '.: Art iS eVeRyThiNg WhEn YoU sEE EvErYtHinG iS ArT!! - ApOgEE :.'
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+ - Art Of ApOgEE
+ - Britney Spears
+ - Bruce Lee
+ - Colbert
+ - Conan OBrian
+ - Creative
+ - Cross Hatching
+ - David Letterman
+ - Designer Resources
+ - Digital Art
+ - Digitizer tablet
+ - EclecticAsylum
+ - Featured Artists
+ - GIMP
+ - Google Reader
+ - Graphic Tablets
+ - Graphics Design
+ - Graphire3
+ - Guido Daniele
+ - Guitar
+ - Illustration
+ - Jay Leno
+ - Joe Lateshow
+ - Kerawang Collections
+ - Logo Design
+ - Martial Arts
+ - Music
+ - My List
+ - Open Source
+ - Oud
+ - Phil Hansen
+ - Photography
+ - Photoshop
+ - Photoshop Brushes
+ - Samtriggy
+ - Save our child
+ - TATU
+ - Talk Show
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+ - Tutorials
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+ - Video
+ - Wacom
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+ - celebrity
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+ - drawing tablet
+ - facebook
+ - free fonts
+ - free manga screentones
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+ - host
+ - icon
+ - inkscape
+ - linux
+ - manga
+ - mybloglog
+ - oil pastel
+ - old sketch
+ - painting
+ - pen tablet
+ - pencil on paper
+ - practice
+ - reggae
+ - royalty free vector
+ - screentones
+ - ska artworks
+ - sketch
+ - soft pastel on paper
+ - speed painting
+ - ubuntu
+ - usb graphic tablet
+ - wacom sketch
+ - youtube
+ relme:
+ https://artofapogee.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: ApOgEE is Blogging Again
+ last_post_description: My previous last post in this blog is in 2013. Therefore,
+ it is been 6 years that I didn't write anything on this blog. Perhaps all of my
+ fellow readers and followers of this blog have already
+ last_post_date: "2019-02-26T22:00:00Z"
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+ https://musicadelosgen.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/15324115095939507036: true
+ last_post_title: GSoC - Push Notify test examples.
+ last_post_description: |-
+ To show a simple usage of push notifications I developed 2 test examples.
+ I really want to thank FPComplete for giving me the possibility of hosting the Yesod app.
+ The tests are available online on
+ last_post_date: "2013-09-23T03:59:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://gsoc2013cwithmobiledevices.blogspot.com/2013/09/gsoc-push-notify-test-examples.html
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+ - android
+ - fbreader
+ - kindle
+ - локализация
+ - читанка
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+ https://hitrini.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://kaloyanraev.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/01871652990952962890: true
+ last_post_title: Локализация на български език за Kindle Keyboard (Kindle 3)
+ last_post_description: Kindle са прекрасни устройства, може би най-добрите електронни
+ книги, но и те имат някои недостатъци. Един такъв
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+ - kindle
+ - локализация
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-description: Latest stories tagged with Perl on Medium
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- - chmod
- - asynchronous
- - perl
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- last_post_title: What is causing asynchronous changes of permissions after usage
- of chmod in backticks in perl
- last_post_description: TL;DR — Go down to the UPDATE for a toy example. The following
- was my original question before I was able to reproduce the issue in a…Continue
- reading on Medium »
- last_post_date: "2024-06-05T23:01:59Z"
- last_post_link: https://medium.com/@fixitblog/what-is-causing-asynchronous-changes-of-permissions-after-usage-of-chmod-in-backticks-in-perl-12c0d1ca1cc1?source=rss------perl-5
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-title: Matt Stein
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+ customers. There is some reasons. When you work for a customer, it’s funny because
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- and my way of handling it is to not start another thing until I use up the current
- cord. Even if I'm only using the last scraps to
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- the Linux kernel. More about it can be found for example on
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- held in Gladstone, Queensland. Alas I’m not there :/ I’ve had the good fortune
- to attend CALU-99 as well as something like 20+ years of
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- several times a week, as do a lot of women in my life. \nWe spend a lot of time
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+ Z hardware overview. On the first part\n we looked with some detail at the expansion
+ connector and the power \nsupplies, the second part\n "
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+ highlight of the event for me was going around the main auditorium asking and
+ taking photos of so many wonderful beautiful people.
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+ EclipseCon last week?Here''s your chance of having your own personal copy in high
+ definition!'
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+ awakening of XMPP | [Nÿco's blog] open standards & free/libre/opensource
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+ XMPP… […]'
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+ last_post_title: The Capture
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- Klaas Ariaans was jarenlang directeur Personal Banking bij ABN AMRO. In 2017 heeft hij in één dag 95% van het […]
- Het bericht Klaas Ariaans over ‘de sprong’ naar zelforganisatie bij ABN AMRO
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+ In het eerste seizoen maakten we kennis met DI Rachel Carey (gespeeld door Holliday Grainger), die onderzoek doet naar een […]
+ Het bericht The Capture verscheen eerst op Koneksa Mondo.
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+ A friend of mine is working on a new project: http://www.snip2code.com
+ It's very much oriented to programmers: it's the place to go when you're looking for a code snippet and you don't want to
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+ last_post_title: Week Notes July 1-7
+ last_post_description: I missed writing this yesterday, let alone posting it, as
+ this weekend saw the start of our summer holidays. And, with a flotilla of naval
+ vessels in port for a mini (weekend) tour, we were a little
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- last_post_title: Issues building Kolla images with recent versions of Python requests
- last_post_description: 'If you find yourself having issues building Kolla docker
- container images with errors like this: INFO:kolla.common.utils:Using engine:
- docker INFO:kolla.common.utils:Found the container image folder'
- last_post_date: "2024-06-01T01:02:58Z"
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+ ruminate (v). 1. To turn a matter over and over in the mind. 2. To chew cud.
+ The views displayed here are my own, and do not represent those of my employer.
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+ - equinox
+ - expressions
+ - ide
+ - junit
+ - osgi
+ - plugin
+ - team explorer
+ - testing
+ - tfs
+ - visual studio
+ - windowtester
+ - xml
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+ - Basic 3E
+ - Character
+ - HMS Apollyon
+ - Halbardier
+ - Halberts
+ - Helmbarten
+ - RASP
+ - Savage Worlds
+ - Shadowrun
+ - Work In Progress
+ - prose.sh
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-title: Hogg's Research
-date: "2024-06-29T04:57:37-04:00"
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- - P1640
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- - observing
- - radial velocity
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- - email
- - digital camera
- - radio
- - kinematics
- - nucleosynthesis
- - plasma
- - code
- - linear algebra
- - merging
- - education
- - Moon
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- - diffraction
- - dark sector
- - gaia
- - HST
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- - Sun
- - exomoon
- - SDO
- - swift
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- - astrology
- - LSST
- - inflation
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- - star
- - bayes
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- - SVM
- - gamma-ray burst
- - pipeline
- - 2mass
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- - comet
- - aliens
- - vlt-sphere
- - storytime
- - theory
- - refereeing
- - bullshit
- - ultraviolet
- - reproducibility
- - press
- - information
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- - astrobiology
- - apass
- - JWST
- - Earth
- - hacking
- - PHAT
- - nuclear physics
- - ZTF
- - philosophy
- - rant
- - Fermi
- - open science
- - dragonfly
- - intelligence
- - time
- - FRBs
- - Planck
- - Bart
- - Cassini
- - classification
- - Local Group
- - thinking
- - point cloud
- - engineering
- - game
- - travel
- - proper motion
- - spectroscopy
- - roweis
- - planet
- - archetype
- - semantics
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- - VLA
- - meta data
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- - visualization
- - rave
- - geology
- - learning
- - editing
- - balloon
- - MCMC
- - asteroseismology
- - text
- - statistics
- - neuroscience
- - string theory
- - proposal
- - emotions
- - NuSTAR
- - intergalactic medium
- - catalog
- - galaxy
- - volcanism
- - LMIRcam
- - supernova
- - drinking
- - teaching
- - experiment
- - compressed sensing
- - calibration
- - Chandra
- - LISA
- - post-starburst
- - photometry
- - binary star
- - environment
- - ALMA
- - signal processing
- - Gaussian process
- - testing
- - eating
- - music
- - gravitational lensing
- - API
- - HMF
- - model
- - quantum mechanics
- - sound
- - Euclid
- - biology
- - water
- - cosmic ray
- - scattering
- - clustering
- - chemistry
- - geometry
- - interferometry
- - optimization
- - galex
- - outreach
- - osss
- - TESS
- - ethnography
- - point-spread function
- - atomic physics
- - amateur
- - anthropic
- - reading
- - DESI
- - farm machinery
- - sailing
- - LIGO
- - causation
- - minor planet
- - selection function
- - CoRoT
- - quasar
- - halo
- - robot
- - anthropology
- - mathematics
- - transparency
- - polemic
- - Saturn
- - star formation
- - Solar System
- - graphical model
- - history
- - ring
- - talking
- - CDM
- - ukidss
- - not research
- - diagnosis
- - x-ray
- - web 2.0
- - density estimation
- - practice
- - computing
- - group theory
- - nasa
- - astrometry
- - climate
- - combinatorics
- - regret
- - handicapping
- - TheCannon
- - relativity
- - architecture
- - design
- - units
- - compression
- - wise
- - thresher
- - life
- - regression
- - evolution
- - ad hockery
- - archive
- - disk
- - dust
- - condensed matter
- - PTF
- - advice
- - daft
- - dynamics
- - demographics
- - brown dwarf
- - spitzer
- - virtual observatory
- - cluster
- - fundamental astronomy
- - gambling
- - pulsar
- - coffee
- - meeting
- - thermodynamics
- - frisbee
- - polarization
- - accretion
- - dissertation
- - phone
- - tractor
- - Herschel
- - KNN
- - black hole
- - exoplanet
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- - sdss
- - Milky Way
- - primus
- - askap
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- - Terra Hunting
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- - Willman 1
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- users tackle common obstacles
- last_post_description: The 10th iteration of the OpenStack User Survey highlights
- expanding footprint of OpenStack clouds, reinforcing architecture trends and introducing
- new usage patterns Over the past 10 years, over
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+ - PyCon
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+ - matplotlib
+ - science
+ - tutorials
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+ https://python-academy.blogspot.com/: true
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+ last_post_title: 'Spanish or Bust: Attaining fluency in 90 days or else ...'
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+ "How do you have an adventure?"
+ "You take a stupid idea, and follow through ..."
+ Perhaps, I've truly lost my mind for once, but I've decided to embark on a personal project to try and achieve some
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- how quickly time passes. Easily a month can pass by without any new entries here.
- But that month would feel like a blink to me. So I did
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- – Arrival of night train, Budapest – Pécs – Beli Manastir – Osijek – Zagreb'
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- Today’s background | Today’s route The best way to follow #CrossBorderRail as
- the trip develops is on social mediaThere are always'
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+ last_post_title: Buckminster and Corona
+ last_post_description: Had a very interesting meeting the other day and saw a demo
+ of the latest version of the Eclipse Corona collaboration project. We found some
+ very useful functionality that Buckminster and Corona
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+ together to spread the good news about the Python programming language and grow
+ the community.
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+ - unconference
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+ last_post_description: The first regional Python unconference is coming to Houston
+ on September 15-16 (Sat-Sun). Being held at the Texas Learning & Computing Center
+ on the University of Houston main campus, this is a FREE
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+ - unconference
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+title: Tech insights
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: ""
+ feedlink: https://lifeofpenguin.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: c294940a8d909d0b21001d907888ac4d
+ websites:
+ https://lifeofpenguin.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - 3 body problem
+ - 3D model
+ - 3D render
+ - AR
+ - ASM
+ - ATI Theater remote
+ - AWS EC2
+ - AWS S3
+ - Analytics
+ - Android Marshmallow
+ - Animation
+ - Arabic
+ - Augmented Reality
+ - Bengali
+ - Builder
+ - CCU
+ - CID Font
+ - CSS
+ - CWM recovery
+ - Chinese
+ - Circle Packing
+ - DB
+ - DTH
+ - DTH India
+ - DVB-C
+ - DVB-S
+ - DVB-T
+ - DVBSky S960
+ - DWH&BI
+ - Dance Central
+ - Denon
+ - Denon 2113
+ - EDE
+ - EPG
+ - Electronic Program Guide
+ - Elisp snippets
+ - FBP
+ - Facebook
+ - Formula Editor
+ - GIOChannel
+ - GNU Linux
+ - GeM OS
+ - Gujarati
+ - HP3545
+ - HTML
+ - HTML entity
+ - HTPC
+ - Hebrew
+ - Hershey font
+ - Hindi
+ - IBM
+ - IBM Watson
+ - IDE
+ - IVR
+ - Interactive
+ - IoT
+ - JSON Path
+ - Japanese
+ - Java IDE
+ - Kannada
+ - Kent
+ - Kent maintenance
+ - Kinect
+ - Kinect Adventures
+ - Kodi
+ - Korean
+ - LISP interpreter
+ - LNB
+ - Linux
+ - Mi Red 2 Prime
+ - MinixFS
+ - Molly kernel
+ - Motion gaming
+ - Mozilla Readability
+ - Mozilla reader mode
+ - Multiselect
+ - MySQL
+ - OMS
+ - Oculus
+ - OffscreenWindow
+ - OpenCV
+ - Outline view
+ - PCB
+ - PDF
+ - PDF form
+ - REST API test
+ - RF Remote
+ - RO
+ - SDL
+ - SES
+ - SMIL
+ - STB
+ - SVG
+ - SVG 2
+ - SVG animation
+ - SVG font
+ - Samsung Gear VR
+ - Satellite Dish
+ - Semantic
+ - TV
+ - Tamil
+ - Television
+ - UPnP
+ - VR
+ - VRML
+ - Vim
+ - Virtual Reality
+ - Water Purifier
+ - Windows
+ - XBMC
+ - XPath
+ - Xbox
+ - Xbox 360
+ - Xbox 360 with Kinect
+ - Xorg
+ - adblock
+ - alembic
+ - amazon api
+ - aspell
+ - assembly language
+ - audio
+ - auto-suggest
+ - background
+ - bigbasket
+ - blank wallpaper
+ - bootable
+ - braille
+ - browser
+ - bubble graph
+ - build
+ - business intelligence
+ - c++
+ - calc
+ - calculator
+ - call tree
+ - cbr
+ - cbz
+ - chronological view
+ - cms
+ - code format
+ - comic book reader
+ - comics
+ - comics builder
+ - compose emoji
+ - condition variable
+ - context menu
+ - cool effect
+ - cross-compile
+ - customer care
+ - data entry
+ - data science
+ - data warehousing
+ - database
+ - debain stretch
+ - debian
+ - desktop widget
+ - devanagari
+ - dictionary
+ - display engine
+ - donut
+ - draw
+ - drupal integration
+ - ebook
+ - ecommerce
+ - editing
+ - electronics
+ - elisp
+ - elle
+ - eltorrito
+ - emacs
+ - emacs theme
+ - emacsen
+ - email
+ - embed application
+ - emms
+ - face detection
+ - fancy fonts
+ - fastboot
+ - ffap
+ - ffmpeg
+ - file explorer
+ - filter
+ - find file at point
+ - firefox
+ - firefox reader view
+ - firefox tags
+ - flatten
+ - floating window
+ - flow based programming
+ - font-lock
+ - forms mode
+ - g++
+ - gVim
+ - gerber
+ - gestures
+ - ghostscript
+ - git
+ - git graph
+ - git log
+ - gnu
+ - gnu emacs
+ - gnuplot
+ - google
+ - gradient
+ - grid-tie inverter
+ - grub
+ - grub2
+ - gtk
+ - gtkplug
+ - gtksocket
+ - hard disk image
+ - hibernate
+ - hit-a-hint
+ - home appliances
+ - hyperbole
+ - i18n
+ - icons
+ - image library
+ - image magnifier
+ - inline-size
+ - inverter
+ - java
+ - javascript
+ - jee
+ - jiomart
+ - jit
+ - just in time
+ - kids
+ - lazy load
+ - learning exercise
+ - learning workbook
+ - lg tv
+ - librsvg
+ - line number
+ - linearized
+ - listenbrainz
+ - live preview
+ - magit
+ - magnify
+ - map
+ - matching game
+ - maths
+ - micro emacs
+ - minix
+ - minix filesystem
+ - miracast
+ - mission control
+ - mood lighting
+ - mp3 tag
+ - mpv
+ - multimedia editing
+ - multithread
+ - multitouch
+ - mutex
+ - ncurses
+ - nested ifdef
+ - netflix
+ - ngspice
+ - nmcli
+ - no wallpaper
+ - note taking
+ - oauth2
+ - offscreen rendering
+ - order management system
+ - org-mode
+ - org-roam
+ - otc/ttc
+ - otf/ttf
+ - pattern recognition
+ - php
+ - piechart
+ - presentation
+ - print
+ - print CJK
+ - print image
+ - print unicode
+ - privacy
+ - pwm
+ - radar
+ - random color
+ - random face
+ - random number
+ - rclone
+ - reddit
+ - retail
+ - reveal.js
+ - rgb led
+ - rpi
+ - scatter plot
+ - schematics
+ - screen casting
+ - screen mirroring
+ - scribble
+ - senator
+ - shadow
+ - sheet music
+ - shell
+ - shop
+ - shopping app
+ - simulation
+ - slideshow
+ - slow
+ - snooping
+ - social media client
+ - solar
+ - spellcheck
+ - spider plot
+ - spreadsheet
+ - sprite sheet
+ - srecode
+ - stock heatmap
+ - streaming media
+ - stroke font
+ - surf browser
+ - swipe
+ - swype
+ - symbol library
+ - syntax-highlight
+ - table
+ - tag explorer
+ - tailor pattern
+ - telecom
+ - terminal
+ - text book
+ - text sort
+ - text wrap
+ - textpath
+ - thesaurus
+ - thread
+ - time series
+ - time wheel
+ - tinylisp
+ - tracking
+ - tramp
+ - transliteration
+ - transponder
+ - tree widget
+ - truetype font
+ - tshirt pattern
+ - tumblr
+ - tuning
+ - twitter
+ - type hierarchy
+ - url accelerator
+ - url hint
+ - vi
+ - video
+ - visualization
+ - vlc
+ - weather
+ - web
+ - webkit
+ - webkit2gtk
+ - webkitgtk2
+ - webos
+ - wheel of time
+ - widget
+ - widgets
+ - wifi display
+ - wifi p2p
+ - wpa_cli
+ - wpa_supplicant
+ - wrl
+ - wysiwyg print
+ - xembed
+ - xfce
+ - xfdashboard
+ - xmltv
+ - xwidget
+ - ytdl
+ - zoom
+ relme:
+ https://lifeofpenguin.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Text along a path (GNU Emacs)
+ last_post_description: SVG 2 specifications allows flowing text along a curve via
+ textPath element. This opens up possibilities for cool text effects e.g. Formula
+ Editor in GNU Emacs.GNU Emacs uses librsvg for SVG
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-22T08:44:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://lifeofpenguin.blogspot.com/2024/06/text-along-path-gnu-emacs.html
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+ - CSS
+ - SVG
+ - SVG 2
+ - gnu emacs
+ - inline-size
+ - librsvg
+ - text wrap
+ - textpath
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/15030366957025845249: true
+ last_post_title: More tests
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+ last_post_date: "2010-02-18T18:18:25+01:00"
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+ recommender: []
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+ - misc
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+ last_post_title: The Mozilla Monument in San Francisco
+ last_post_description: |-
+ For those who don't know, I have provided countless
+ contributions to the Mozilla project. This is to an extent, that I
+ have been added to our credits page (type about:credits into Firefox!)
+ more than
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-05T00:00:00+02:00"
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+ - misc
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- https://www.rhyswynne.co.uk/?well_known_recommendations=1
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- - https://dwinrhys.com/feed/
+ - https://www.retrogarden.co.uk/comments/feed/
- https://www.retrogarden.co.uk/feed/
- https://www.simoncox.com/feed.xml
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- Digital
- - My Life
- - Personal
+ - WordPress
+ https://dwinrhys.com/: true
https://toot.wales/@rhyswynne: true
- last_post_title: My Computing History
- last_post_description: 'In my birthday post a few months ago (eek!) I mentioned
- how I struggle to blog when things are going okay. Spoiler alert: things still
- are, however I feel this place has been neglected. One of my'
- last_post_date: "2024-05-21T09:51:44Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.rhyswynne.co.uk/my-computing-history/
+ https://www.rhyswynne.co.uk/: true
+ last_post_title: The Ballad of The Blogroll
+ last_post_description: Another lament on a web gone by. I recently had to use The
+ Link Manager in WordPress. For those of you who are unaware, the Link Manager
+ was the first high profile thing dropped from WordPress. In
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-02T10:22:47Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.rhyswynne.co.uk/the-ballad-of-the-blogroll/
- Digital
- - My Life
- - Personal
- last_post_guid: 89809eb011c9fb07bc3a18e219c361f4
+ - WordPress
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+description: Keep visiting to our page.
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- - https://danq.blog/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.blog/feed/
- https://danq.me/comments/feed/
- https://danq.me/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- - web development
- - technology
- - music
- film
+ - music
- photography
+ - technology
+ - web development
relme: {}
- last_post_title: Weeknotes 2nd June 2024
- last_post_description: Back from my holiday, jet lagged to hell, but thinking about
- all the good memories.it’s a glorious day, so I’ve done the minimal amount of
- gardening to earn the wine I’m now enjoying before
- last_post_date: "2024-06-02T15:40:56Z"
- last_post_link: https://polytechnic.co.uk/blog/2024/06/weeknotes-2nd-june-2024/
+ last_post_title: Design is about humans
+ last_post_description: God I love this.Design is about humans, about sense-making,
+ systems thinking, and craft. It’s as much a process of discovery and decision-making
+ as it is a deep work. ChirpyLogos412 doesn’t give
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T10:25:05Z"
+ last_post_link: https://polytechnic.co.uk/blog/2024/07/design-is-about-humans/
- - me
- - home
- - diary
- - weeknotes
- - garden
- last_post_guid: dd54c4d07d8653faa9a1674d2ca15637
+ - artificialintelligence
+ - creativity
+ - design
+ - design thinking
+ - quotation
+ - quote
+ - society
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+title: Extending Matroid Functionality Google Summer of Code 2016
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+ - lista de desejos
+ - power shell
+ - programação
+ - python
+ - recuperação
+ - web framework
+ - windows 8
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- last_post_title: Every dependency is a potential vulnerability
+ last_post_title: The Japanese Edo period and modern web development
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- Every piece of code is a potential vulnerability, really. Not just dependencies.
- But code that you don’t own, that’s outside your control, is particularly vulnerable.
- One of the big myths of
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+ Over the weekend, I read an article about the Japanese Edo period, and its culture of ecological sustainability…
+ Partly due to the government’s policy of not trading with outside nations, there
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+description: This blog deals almost exclusively with my Python coding activities.
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+ - crunchy
+ - ghop
+ - i18n
+ - pycon
+ - rur-ple
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+ last_post_title: Better NameError messages for Python
+ last_post_description: Python 3.11 is barely out and already the 3.12 alpha has
+ some improvements for NameError messages. I suspect that these will be backported
+ to 3.11 in time for the next release. On Ideas Python
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- last_post_title: GStreamer support for the RIST Specification
- last_post_description: During last few months I had the chance to work with Net
- Insight implementing the RIST TR-06-1 Simple Profile support in GStreamer. You
- may wonder what this specification is and were it comes from.
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- - EPSCoR
- - For Colleges & Universities
- - Get Involved
- - Grants & Opportunities
- - ISS Research
- - Learning Resources
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- last_post_title: NASA Awards University Research Projects to Support Agency Missions
- last_post_description: NASA announced the recipients of the Established Program
- to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) grants, which will support scientific
- and technical research projects for more than 20 universities
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- last_post_title: With Samourai Indictment, the DOJ is Attacking Your Financial Privacy
- last_post_description: '"With Samourai Indictment, the DOJ is Attacking Your Financial
- Privacy". David Z. Morris in Dark Markets on April 30, 2024.'
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- - ADMD - Essays
- - SEO
- - marketing
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- https://hachyderm.io/@mariyadelano: true
- last_post_title: It's Not Google's Fault. It's Yours.
- last_post_description: According to a recent Google leak, we’re all to blame for
- poor quality search results. Summary and thoughts on Rand Fishkin's and Mike King's
- dropped dual reports on a large-scale leak of Google
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+ - Komputer
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+ - Registry Editor
+ - Techno
+ - Ubuntu
+ - Wi-Fi
+ - Windows
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- organized a Rule the Stack contest. That's the third one, after Atlanta a year
- ago and Paris six months ago. In case you missed earlier
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+ last_post_title: When the Noise Falls Away
+ last_post_description: I found my room remarkably quiet. I returned passed sunset,
+ yet my suitemates hadn’t arrive at our dorm yet. I swung my room’s door open and…
+ nothing. Nothing grand, not that I was expecting
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+ last_post_title: 9x Cyprichromis leptosoma Mpulungu fry RIP
+ last_post_description: March 2011. Nine 7-day old leoptosoma fry were moved to a
+ 40 litre rearing tank away from the community they were born in. Fry appeared
+ in good condition the evening of the move, though the following
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+ - GSoC
+ - Hopkins
+ - Kingdom
+ - MADS
+ - Mortevielle
+ - Rex
+ - Robin
+ - ScummVM
+ - StarTrek
+ - Translation
+ - TsAGE
+ - Voyeur
+ - Wasteland
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/12856865024254202896: true
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- - estimate
- - textbook
- - child
- - dimensional analysis
- - force
- - high school
- - mathematics
- - Earth
- - education research
- - elementary school
- - kinematics
- - problem
- - reading
- - symmetry
- - engineering
- - environment
- - geometry
- - mechanics
- - momentum
- - numerical integration
- - olpc
- - pre-health
- - rotation
- - sport
- - statistics
- - thermodynamics
- - Sun
- - astrophysics
- - atom
- - automobile
- - ballistics
- - biomechanics
- - classroom
- - college
- - contact force
- - drag
- - evaluation
- - exam
- - impedance matching
- - information
- - optics
- - planetarium
- - radiation
- - regret
- - scientific method
- - star
- - stress
- - syllabus
- - vector
- - weight
- Brahe
- Copernicus
+ - Earth
- Einstein
- Galileo
- Hooke
- Kepler
- Moon
+ - Sun
- admissions
+ - air resistance
- approximation
- architecture
- arithmetic
- assessment
+ - astronomy
+ - astrophysics
- atmosphere
+ - atom
- attention
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+ - ballistics
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- bet
+ - biomechanics
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+ - child
+ - classroom
- code
+ - college
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+ - contact force
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+ - environment
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+ - force
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+ - geometry
- grading
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+ - high school
- history
+ - impedance matching
+ - information
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+ - kinematics
- lagrangian
+ - mathematics
- measurement
+ - mechanics
- memory
+ - misconception
+ - momentum
- movie
- neuroscience
- non-inertial
- nuclear physics
+ - numerical integration
- odds
+ - olpc
+ - optics
- orbit
- paradox
- particle physics
- photometry
+ - planetarium
- politics
+ - pre-health
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+ - problem
+ - radiation
+ - reading
- reading memo
+ - regret
- rocket
+ - rotation
+ - scientific method
- society
- software
- solid
- sound
- spectroscopy
+ - sport
- spring
+ - star
+ - statistics
- strain
+ - stress
- structure
+ - syllabus
+ - symmetry
- testing
+ - textbook
+ - thermodynamics
- time
- torque
- transport
- units
- unschooling
+ - vector
- vision
- visualization
- water
- weaponry
- web
+ - weight
- writing
+ https://hoggideas.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://hoggmaker.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://hoggresearch.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://hoggteaching.blogspot.com/: true
https://www.blogger.com/profile/18398397408280534592: true
last_post_title: girls aren't the problem; the World is the problem!
last_post_description: My whole educational world is sharing this New York Times
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
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+ last_post_title: Light-weight setup of LF console file manager with image, source
+ code and archive previews
+ last_post_description: lf, or “list files”, is a single binary file manager, inspired
+ by the ranger file manager, but written in Go. Using this tool, you can navigate
+ really quickly, build up a mental model of the
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-title: Thoughts on automating all the things
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- OpenStack and other Open Source work.
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- last_post_description: The Ansible 2.8 documentation about tags includes a section
- about tag inheritance, explaining how it is that tags are inherited when using
- include_tasks vs import_tasks. A little more explanation is
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Booting up an AMD EPYC server at packet.net by jack
+ hicks
+ last_post_description: You can try something like Micro servers https://serverorbit.com/pc-and-servers/micro-server/
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+ https://gitlab.com/grote: true
+ last_post_title: 'Torsten Grote commented on issue #2823 at F-Droid / Client'
+ last_post_description: 'needs to be fixed in the upstream library providing the
+ scanner: https://github.com/journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded'
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+ - Brian Potts
+ - Cameron Ford
+ - Camp Chedwel
+ - Carson Ford
+ - Castro Valley High School
+ - Chap
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+ - Civil War
+ - Clara Bucklin
+ - Clara Lynch
+ - Clarke siblings
+ - Conway
+ - Cook Forest
+ - David Joy
+ - Dennis Armstrong
+ - Dick Zahner
+ - Don Joy
+ - Donald Joy
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+ - Ella Grace Findley
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+ - Harrison Bucklin
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+ - Henry Elliot Clarke
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+ - Isabel Bucklin Clarke
+ - Joan Joy
+ - John Bucklin
+ - Jospeph Clarke
+ - Katie Ford
+ - Kees
+ - Kennewick
+ - Lenore Frimoth
+ - Linda Joy
+ - Marcella Armstrong
+ - Marshall Bucklin
+ - Mary Potts
+ - Maude Bucklin
+ - Organizing
+ - Paul R. Potts
+ - Preservation
+ - Rhoda Bucklin
+ - Richard Armstrong
+ - Richard Potts
+ - Ruth Beck
+ - Sally Potts
+ - Samuel Potts
+ - Scanning
+ - Shannon Ford
+ - Susan Zahner
+ - Ted Potts
+ - Tidioute
+ - Unknown date
+ - Veronica Potts
+ - W. E. Bagley
+ - Wedding of Brian and Amy
+ - Wedding of Marcella and Richard
+ - Wedding of Susan and Richard
+ - Wedding of Susan and Ted
+ - Wences Witkowski
+ - Will Clarke
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+ Ada situs bagus untuk mendapatkan informasi cara membuat bisnis online di Internet... namanya Cari Duit Internet .com.
+ Selalu up-to-date dengan tips-tips baru dan bermanfaat. Keren nih...
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+ Adolescents are leaving Facebook, and why? Since guardians
+ are hopping on and getting more associated with the most significant online
+ media stage worldwide. That doesn't mean your kids have become
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+ - Internet
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+ - Standards
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+title: Genealogy
+date: "2024-03-07T10:55:51-08:00"
+description: Links, advice and articles collected and up-dated. New links and feedback
+ always welcome. Click for -=INDEX=- Mastodon, Twitter
+ feedlink: https://genweblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: c510263e05fa602246782617451af5b1
+ websites:
+ https://genweblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - 23&me
+ - 23andme
+ - Alsace
+ - Alsatian
+ - Ancestry
+ - Ancestry.com
+ - Armistice Day
+ - Army nurse
+ - Australia
+ - Autosomal DNA
+ - BMD
+ - BMDs
+ - Bas-Rhin
+ - Baysinger
+ - Belfort
+ - Bitche
+ - Blake
+ - Booth
+ - Boyd
+ - British
+ - Buller
+ - CSS
+ - Callaway
+ - Canada
+ - Canada West
+ - Celtic
+ - Conaway
+ - Conferate
+ - Conway
+ - Cowan
+ - DAR
+ - DNA
+ - Dane
+ - Danish
+ - Danmark
+ - Death records
+ - Denmark
+ - Disney
+ - Ellis Island
+ - England
+ - Europe
+ - FHC
+ - FHL
+ - FTdna
+ - Family History Library
+ - FamilySearch
+ - FamilyTreeDNA
+ - Ferguson
+ - FindAGrave
+ - France
+ - French
+ - GPS
+ - Genealogical Proof Standard
+ - Genetic Genealogy in Practice
+ - Ger
+ - German
+ - German research
+ - Germany
+ - Goosic
+ - Gothic
+ - Gramps
+ - Great Hunger
+ - Harbottle
+ - Haut-Rhin
+ - Holden
+ - Hollingsworth
+ - Holocaust
+ - Ireland
+ - Jack
+ - Jamieson
+ - Jewish
+ - LDS
+ - Linkpendium
+ - Lorraine
+ - Lothringen
+ - Lutheran
+ - Massachusetts
+ - McAninch
+ - McBee
+ - McFarland
+ - McPhatter
+ - Meuse
+ - MitoYdna
+ - Mormon
+ - Moselle
+ - MyHeritage
+ - NARA
+ - Naismith
+ - Norwegian
+ - Ontario
+ - POW
+ - Pfalz
+ - Potato Famine
+ - Promethease
+ - Puritans
+ - Purple Heart
+ - Puslinch
+ - Quebec
+ - Robertson
+ - Rootsweb
+ - Rootsweb mail lists archives search
+ - Roszell
+ - Sawyer
+ - Scandanavian
+ - Schell
+ - Scotch-Irish
+ - Scotland
+ - Scots
+ - Scottish
+ - Seattle
+ - Security
+ - Selkirkshire
+ - South Carolina
+ - Suseberry
+ - Sutterlin
+ - Sweden
+ - Swedish
+ - Thomas W. Jones
+ - Triplett
+ - US
+ - UW
+ - Union
+ - Upper Canada
+ - Veteran's Day
+ - Vosges
+ - WWI
+ - WWII
+ - Wainman
+ - Walters
+ - Warren County Iowa
+ - Washington State
+ - Washington State GS
+ - Whitby
+ - Wikitree
+ - YFull
+ - abbreviations
+ - accreditation
+ - acronyms
+ - address
+ - alphabet
+ - anthropology
+ - archaeology
+ - archive
+ - archive.org
+ - archives
+ - arhives
+ - atlas
+ - auDNA
+ - authoring
+ - backup
+ - biography
+ - birth
+ - blogs
+ - book
+ - burial records
+ - carte-de-viste
+ - cartography
+ - casualties
+ - catalog
+ - cemeteries
+ - census
+ - certification
+ - charts
+ - cholera
+ - chromosome
+ - churchbooks
+ - citations
+ - city directory
+ - civil war
+ - classes
+ - communes
+ - communication
+ - conclusion
+ - counties
+ - cousins
+ - death
+ - decipher
+ - design
+ - directories
+ - directory
+ - disasters
+ - disease
+ - divorce
+ - documents
+ - draft
+ - education
+ - email
+ - emigration
+ - enlistment
+ - enumeration
+ - epidemics
+ - ethics
+ - eudora
+ - evidence
+ - exhaustive research
+ - facts
+ - family history
+ - family research
+ - federal
+ - firefox
+ - firewall
+ - flu
+ - foreign
+ - forms
+ - forum
+ - free
+ - friends
+ - gazeteer
+ - gazeteers
+ - gazetteer
+ - gedmatch
+ - genealogy
+ - genetics
+ - genocide
+ - genome
+ - google
+ - graphics
+ - gravestones
+ - handwriting
+ - history
+ - html
+ - humanities
+ - immigrants
+ - immigration
+ - index
+ - influenza
+ - international
+ - jewish research
+ - knoppix
+ - land records
+ - language
+ - lectures
+ - linux
+ - list
+ - list archives
+ - lists
+ - literature
+ - locality
+ - maps
+ - marriage
+ - medicine
+ - message boards
+ - microfiche
+ - microfilm
+ - military
+ - mitosearch
+ - mozilla
+ - mtDNA
+ - mysteries
+ - naturalization
+ - newspapers
+ - newsreaders
+ - obituaries
+ - office
+ - opera
+ - organization
+ - original
+ - orphan
+ - paleography
+ - passenger lists
+ - pc
+ - pegasus
+ - periodicals
+ - photo
+ - podcasts
+ - popup
+ - portaits
+ - preservation
+ - primary
+ - professional
+ - proof
+ - prosopography
+ - public records
+ - questions
+ - racism
+ - railroad
+ - relatives
+ - research
+ - restoration
+ - scholar
+ - scholarship
+ - script
+ - search
+ - search engine
+ - sex
+ - ships
+ - slave
+ - slavery
+ - socialogy
+ - soundex
+ - spyware
+ - state
+ - surname
+ - telephone
+ - tests
+ - timelines
+ - tombstones
+ - topographical
+ - towns
+ - transcribe
+ - translation
+ - triangulation
+ - tutorial
+ - validation
+ - veteran
+ - village
+ - virus
+ - vital records
+ - vocabulary
+ - war
+ - war between the states
+ - web standards
+ - website
+ - windows
+ - workshops
+ - world
+ - yDNA
+ - ysearch
+ relme:
+ https://genweblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://linuxgrandma.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://mastodon.social/@valorie: true
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+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2021-05-05T10:00:00-07:00"
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+ last_post_categories:
+ - DNA
+ - citations
+ - conclusion
+ - evidence
+ - proof
+ last_post_language: ""
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-description: A feed to test sending art around the net with RSS 2.0 enclosure elements.
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- - https://colinwalker.blog/livefeed.xml
- categories: []
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- last_post_title: A ChatGPT diagram of artcasting
- last_post_description: After explaining the idea of artcasting, I asked ChatGPT
- to draw me a schematic. This is what it came up with. Some people focus on how
- wrong it is, but we're watching a mind develop. A few weeks ago
- last_post_date: "2023-11-21T16:55:29Z"
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+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: c52ed318ec675fcb47fc24898fe2675b
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+ https://javaclipse.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - anyedit
+ - debugging
+ - eclipse
+ - egit
+ - findbugs
+ - fun
+ - gtk
+ - java
+ - java eclipse job
+ - job
+ - linux
+ - mars
+ - neon
+ - spotbugs
+ - swt
+ - tests
+ - xtext
+ relme:
+ https://javaclipse.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/09548188399628810900: true
+ last_post_title: Xtext job
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2023-08-15T16:16:51+02:00"
+ last_post_link: https://javaclipse.blogspot.com/2023/04/xtext-job.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - eclipse
+ - job
+ - xtext
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+ promotes: 0
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title: Scripting News
-date: "2024-06-04T11:31:49Z"
+date: "2024-07-08T23:13:50Z"
description: Dave Winer, OG blogger, podcaster, developed first apps in many categories.
Old enough to know better. It's even worse than it appears.
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- https://www.manton.org/feed.xml
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- - https://www.oreilly.com/radar/feed/podcast
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- https://www.printmag.com/feed/
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- https://www.schneier.com/comments/feed/
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- https://www.scotusblog.com/feed/
+ - https://www.smays.com/comments/feed/
- https://www.techdirt.com/comments/feed/
- https://www.techdirt.com/feed/
- https://www.theframelab.org/latest/rss/
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- https://www.wnyc.org/feeds/shows/bl
- https://xkcd.com/atom.xml
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+ - https://zettelkasten.de/feed.atom
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- http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
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- https://colinwalker.blog/dailyfeed.xml
- https://colinwalker.blog/livefeed.xml
+ - https://frankmcpherson.blog/feed.xml
- https://frankmeeuwsen.com/feed.xml
- https://joeross.me/feed.xml
+ - https://josh.blog/comments/feed
- https://josh.blog/feed
- - https://www.manton.org/feed
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- https://www.manton.org/podcast.xml
categories: []
relme: {}
- last_post_title: Trump today
- last_post_description: I try not to post pictures of Trump on this blog since he
- left office in 2021, but this is too good not to share. Pretty sure this is a
- meme, not an actual New Yorker cover.
- last_post_date: "2024-06-01T18:36:37Z"
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+ last_post_title: It's that time
+ last_post_description: This is the time, every four years, when we have to confront
+ the corruption of American journalism. Most of the time we can turn our attention
+ elsewhere, until we get a Bush or Trump in the White
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T13:56:47Z"
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+ last_post_title: A List of Interests
+ last_post_description: Here's a list with all the things (though I probably forgot
+ some) I have been interested in so far in my life. Some of them I participated
+ in extensively for many years. Some are just topics of
+ last_post_date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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- It was another somewhat tiring and stressful week bringing together research from design and tech people on my current project with GDS in order to attempt to map a journey for my prototyping.
- Just
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+ - SymEngine
+ - SymPy
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+ categories:
+ - .esa
+ - .esa file
+ - AOP
+ - Android
+ - Apache Camel
+ - Aspect Oriented Programming
+ - Cloud Discovery
+ - Cloud Provisioning
+ - Cloud Repurposing
+ - Cloud Workshop
+ - EMF Java text adventure
+ - Eclipse
+ - Equinox
+ - GMF
+ - IRC
+ - JAX-RS
+ - JSR311
+ - Jersey
+ - MTP
+ - OSGi
+ - OSGi Java cardgame Eclipse Equinox
+ - OSGi Remote Services
+ - OSGi Services
+ - OpenJDK 8
+ - OpenJDK Penrose
+ - OpenShift
+ - Penrose
+ - Photos
+ - RFC 167
+ - Remote Services
+ - ServiceLoader
+ - ServiceMix
+ - Spring-DM
+ - Swing
+ - ZooKeeper
+ - acl
+ - ajax
+ - ant
+ - apache aries
+ - apache cxf
+ - apache felix
+ - applications
+ - audio
+ - bnd-maven-plugin
+ - bndtools
+ - branch by abstraction
+ - c905
+ - cloud
+ - crypto currency
+ - distributed osgi
+ - eclipse EMF
+ - eclipse features
+ - eos
+ - ethereum
+ - free software osx
+ - gogo command
+ - gogo shell
+ - google calendar
+ - handbrake
+ - handbrake settings
+ - html5
+ - iPod
+ - jasmine
+ - java
+ - java.util.ServiceLoader
+ - javascript
+ - jboss
+ - jmx
+ - karaf
+ - karaf command
+ - karaf features
+ - karaf shell
+ - keepass osx
+ - keepassx
+ - mac unix
+ - maven
+ - mobile devices
+ - navigator.getUserMedia
+ - opensource osx
+ - osgi applications
+ - osgi subsystems
+ - raspberry pi
+ - rfc 119
+ - sd card corruption
+ - security
+ - service
+ - services
+ - smart contract
+ - subsystems
+ - unit testing
+ - unit tests
+ - video
+ - virgo plans
+ - webrtc
+ - xbmc
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+ last_post_title: Blockchain Smart Contracts are the new Serverless!
+ last_post_description: You can even take this a little bit further. As shown with
+ the CryptoKitty the smart contract does not need to have anything to do with transferring
+ money from a to b or writing some sort of
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+ - crypto currency
+ - eos
+ - ethereum
+ - smart contract
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- Today, I found someone tweeting about a neat security bug in Chrome, that
- bypasses how Chrome disallows extensions from injecting JavaScript into
- special domains like chrome.google.com.
- The intention
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+title: Skinny Area Code
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: you can find here all about 800 area code so keep visiting to my blogspot.
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+ last_post_title: World Area Code
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Challenges / Opportunities of Business
+ LocationA commercial enterprise, either micro or 800 area code or small or medium or big, faces several demanding situations/threats. The
+ essential
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- - dennis rice
- - happy valley school
- - HVS
- - morning assembly
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+ - disruption
+ - life
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- us?
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+ last_post_title: The Switch
+ last_post_description: If I don't understand it, anything might switch it off again.
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T17:59:14Z"
+ last_post_link: https://lucybellwood.com/the-switch/
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- - Ojai
- - Aldous Huxley
- - besant hill school
- - dennis rice
- - happy valley school
- - HVS
- - morning assembly
+ - CSA
+ - Seacritters
+ - audiobooks
+ - creative practice
+ - disruption
+ - life
+ - neil gaiman
- ojai
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- synaptic, semantic, structured, distributed, (re-)decentralized, independent, microformatted
- and federated social web
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- last_post_description: Nova is the Compute engine of the OpenStack project. Based
- on the currently available code (commit 114109dbf4094ae6b6333d41c84bebf6f85c4e48
- – 2012-09-13) This is a deep dive into what happens (and
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- last_post_description: 'Related and unrelated, as is the way of blogging. I''ve
- been sitting on the harbour beach in Portree, reading this piece in the New Yorker
- about Judith Butler. It starts like this: "In January, the'
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+title: Ddosing World
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+ last_post_description: Like My Ddos PostA DDoS assault is capable when there is
+ a synergistic exertion to make the network access expected to gather PCs not to
+ work proficiently. The purposes for the assaults may shift
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+description: All my experiences, bugs, hacks, tricks, ... with CentOS and Linux in
+ general.
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+ - Hardware
+ - Storage
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+ last_post_title: What is up with the CentOS project
+ last_post_description: Some people may have noticed the open letter to Lance Davis
+ that has appeared on the CentOS website (www.centos.org) or the CentOS mailing
+ list (http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos/2009
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+ - CentOS
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+ - Const
+ - D 2.0
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+ - D Programming Language
+ - Metaprogramming
+ - Mixins
+ - Silly buggers
+ - Software
+ - Walter says...
+ - mercuial
+ - source control
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- Biden and the Democrats could acknowledge that the economy is a problem and just blame Republicans, writes Stephen Robinson.
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+ Of 287 congressional Democrats and governors, five House members have publicly called on Biden to drop out. “The dam is breaking”? No.
+ The post ‘Deepening divisions’ among Democrats highly
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+ last_post_title: snapchat is Makes Photos Better.
+ last_post_description: You presumably, as of now, have a "Like us on Facebook" and
+ "Follow us on Twitter" on your site. So add your snap steaks into similar territory,
+ connecting the logo to your customized URL, which
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- - Artikel
- - Android
- - Browser
- - Datenschutz
- - Datensendeverhalten
- - Sicherheitsmaßnahme
- relme:
- https://social.tchncs.de/@kuketzblog: true
- last_post_title: 'Sichere und datenschutzfreundliche Browser: Meine Empfehlungen
- – Teil 1'
- last_post_description: 1. Schlüssel zum Internet Ein Webbrowser ist der »Schlüssel«
- zum Internet bzw. zum World Wide Web, mit dem wir unsere privaten und beruflichen
- Aufgaben erledigen. Daher ist es wichtig, einen
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- last_post_title: A crowned bird and flower, from inspiration to carving
- last_post_description: Here’s a crowned bird and flower design from inspiration
- to carving. The original artist is unknown, but little paintings like this one
- (c. 1840) were sometimes given by teachers as rewards to
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-title: Polytechnic - The personal brain-dump of Garrett Coakley
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- geekery as web development, technology, music, film, and photography.
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- last_post_title: Weeknotes 2nd June 2024
- last_post_description: Back from my holiday, jet lagged to hell, but thinking about
- all the good memories.it’s a glorious day, so I’ve done the minimal amount of
- gardening to earn the wine I’m now enjoying before
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+title: Stranger's Geospatial
+date: "2023-11-15T20:13:37+01:00"
+description: I will be posting mainly about various geospatial topics concerning the
+ deegree project. Other topics will include technical details about dealing with
+ Java, maven and so forth, and possibly other
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+description: Rascal is a tabletop roleplaying game and culture outlet striving to
+ sustainably publish voicey journalism that is compelling, deeply-reported, and fearlessly
+ honest. We’re also a little cheeky.
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+ - Gen Con
+ - awards
+ - culture
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: Your kind, annual reminder that awards aren’t that important
+ last_post_description: Let’s all politely clap and get on with our lives.
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+ - culture
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- - OpenStack
- - RDO
- - SFC
- - tripleo
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- last_post_title: Installing networking-sfc RPM in a TripleO setup
- last_post_description: After a short detour on how Skydive can help debugging Service
- Function Chaining, in this post I will give details on the new RPM files now available
- in RDO to install networking-sfc. We will go
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+title: A check debit card is a bank-given
+date: "2023-11-15T06:06:24-08:00"
+description: Keep visiting to my blogspot and get all information about debit card.
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+ categories:
+ - database
+ - ideas
+ - lepton
+ - movie
+ - perlin noise
+ - postgres
+ - psycopg
+ - pyglet
+ - python
+ - shader
+ relme:
+ https://eatthedots.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: The Power to do it Wrong
+ last_post_description: I believe I am not alone in finding myself, more often then
+ I might like, having to make less than ideal decisions in the world of software
+ development. I find myself lamenting inconsistencies and
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- last_post_title: Comment on Testing MySQL/MariaDB/Percona versions with Docker by
- Shantanu Oak
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- Is there any way to enable it withing container?
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- Als Antwort auf Jürgen :verified_gay: :iceshrimp: .
- Ja oder? ☺️
+ Als Antwort auf DORN .
- (Hmmm, ich muss mal schauen wie ich die Icons/Emojis in deinem Namen
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+ finalists are ranked by popular vote and the vote of previous contestants. So
+ I''m off the hook, a bit, for trying to decide which song of the'
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-title: Aurae
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-title: VCP 2.0
+title: vladcampos.com
date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
description: IndieWeb, Fediverse, ActivityPub, and note-taking apps and devices, such
as Evernote, Obsidian, and Supernote, are some of the topics you can expect to hear
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- https://otavio.cc/feed.xml
- https://www.manton.org/feed.xml
- - https://www.manton.org/podcast.xml
recommender: []
- Society & Culture
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- last_post_title: 'VCP 5 - #Substack: is the honeymoon over?'
- last_post_description: If someone is following you on Substack, there is no email
- address, and if you want to switch services, you won’t be able to take the followers
- with you. That’s not a newsletter. It’s social
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+ https://vladcampos.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 'VCP 6 - Voicenotes: The Inspiring Story & Future Plans (with:
+ Jijo Sunny)'
+ last_post_description: In this conversation, we explore the journey of Voicenotes,
+ from its inspiring origins to its exciting future. Jijo Sunny talks about his
+ journey and how Buy Me a Coffee and Voicenotes came about. As
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-14T18:32:03+01:00"
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+title: Librarian of Things
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+description: Mita Williams. Her blog.
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+ https://www.uwindsor.ca/law/library/mita_williams_law_library: true
+ last_post_title: Collaborative Intelligence with Scholars Portal
+ last_post_description: Yesterday I had the honour to be part of the opening panel
+ of the first half of Scholars Portal Day 2024. Here's my introductory remarks
+ from that day.
+ last_post_date: "2024-05-02T17:44:23Z"
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+title: From the Inside Looking In
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+ categories:
+ - conference
+ - foss4g
+ - live dvd
+ - postgis
+ - pug
+ - speaking
+ - udig
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+ last_post_title: PostGIS in Action
+ last_post_description: As an enthusiastic user, advocate and sometimes even developer
+ on the PostGIS project, I'm always happy to see new material hit the market to
+ help curious newbies figure out where to start. Unlike
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- last_post_title: Comment on Switch on to OpenStack :) by bilurkar_namrata
- last_post_description: |-
- In reply to exploreshaifali .
- Thanks Shaifali, will do. :)
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-description: A periodic summary of Linux Kernel Development
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- last_post_title: Kernel Podcast S2E1 – 2023/01/21
- last_post_description: The Linux "Kernel Podcast" returns from a long hiatus for
- a new "season 2". Our host Jon Masters introduces the new season, and summarizes
- recent happenings during Linux 6.2 development.
- last_post_date: "2023-01-22T09:11:00Z"
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- last_post_title: Upcoming Polyamory Events,next 12 months
- last_post_description: "Any I missed? Fixes needed?\n \n \n Write
- me at alan7388 (at) gmail.com\n \n \n —Alan M., Polyamory
- in the News\n \n \n \n "
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+title: Leitura Espírita
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: O espiritismo é mais que uma religião; é uma doutrina que procura conciliar
+ a evolução espiritual e científica da humanidade de uma forma lógica e consistente.
+ O estudo do espiritismo permite
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+ categories: []
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+ https://leituraespirita.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Cano enferrujado
+ last_post_description: Cuidado com canos enferrujados.A ferrugem se acumula lentamente
+ dentro de canos antigos, de ferro, e vai bloqueando o fluxo de água. Chega uma
+ hora em que não passa mais nada. É hora de fazer uma
+ last_post_date: "2007-12-19T00:30:00Z"
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+title: Its Eclipse in Clips ...
+date: "2024-07-08T02:50:58-07:00"
+description: This blog site is a symbol of our Passion towards Eclipse and a contribution
+ to the Eclipse Community ... Eclipse Team, ANCiT Consulting
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+ - ANT
+ - ActionSet
+ - Activator
+ - Adding Palette Item's In GEF...
+ - Background Image To GEF Editor
+ - Build
+ - Code Generator
+ - Code RasPIde
+ - Code to print your Gef Editor
+ - Command
+ - Commit Information
+ - Community Meeting
+ - Connection in GEF
+ - ConnectionEndpointLocator
+ - ContentPane
+ - Control Decoration
+ - Custom splash screen templates…
+ - Decoration
+ - Demo Camp
+ - DemoCamp
+ - DemoCamp09
+ - Deploy and Configuration Tool
+ - Developing RAP Application
+ - DirectEditing label
+ - Document Partitioning in TextEditor
+ - E-Core
+ - E-Core Properties
+ - E-Core Properties Unleashed
+ - ECP
+ - EMF
+ - EMF Compare
+ - EMF Forms
+ - EMF Validation
+ - Eclipse
+ - Eclipse Con
+ - Eclipse Conference
+ - Eclipse Day
+ - Eclipse Demo
+ - Eclipse Demo Camp
+ - Eclipse Developer Camp
+ - Eclipse Editors
+ - Eclipse Event
+ - Eclipse Forum India 2008
+ - Eclipse GEF
+ - Eclipse IDE
+ - Eclipse India Summit
+ - Eclipse PDE
+ - Eclipse Plugin Developer
+ - Eclipse Summit
+ - Eclipse Training
+ - Eclipse UI
+ - Eclipse Utility
+ - Eclipse jobs
+ - Eclipsw Day
+ - Ecore
+ - Edapt
+ - Europe
+ - Extension Point
+ - FTP
+ - Field Decoration
+ - Forking
+ - Form Editor
+ - Form UI
+ - GEF
+ - GEF Editor Image
+ - GEF...
+ - GMF
+ - Ganymede
+ - Git
+ - Git Repositories View
+ - Github
+ - Glossary
+ - Google Search
+ - Graphical Editor
+ - Graphiti
+ - Horizontal to Vertical
+ - IRC Chat
+ - Image Registry
+ - Installing And developing RAP Application
+ - Installing RAP Application
+ - IoT
+ - ItemProviders
+ - JUnit
+ - JUnit Programmatically
+ - Jenkins
+ - Jobs
+ - Juno
+ - Key Binding
+ - M2M Tools
+ - Makes Label to Grow Vertically
+ - Maven
+ - Maven Tycho Integration
+ - Mavon
+ - MidpointLocator
+ - Model Comparison
+ - Model Migration
+ - Model Validation
+ - Modelling
+ - Modelling Training
+ - Multiple ContentPane
+ - OSGI
+ - OSGI Server
+ - PDE
+ - PDE Build
+ - PI4J
+ - Perspective Customisation
+ - Plugin
+ - PreferencePage
+ - PreferenceStore
+ - Principles of Eclipse
+ - Print Gef Editor
+ - Print your Gef Editor
+ - Public Classroom
+ - PullRequest
+ - PullRequest utility
+ - RAP Application
+ - RCP
+ - RCP Training
+ - Raspberry PI
+ - Remote System Explorer
+ - Removing Actions from Perspective
+ - Rules of Eclipse
+ - Run JUnit Programmatically
+ - SWT
+ - Scroll Panel
+ - Scroll Panel on Compartment Figure
+ - Section Creation
+ - Selection Provider
+ - Selection Service
+ - Setting Background Image
+ - Setting text to the Section
+ - Sirius
+ - Spell Check
+ - Sphinx
+ - State Persistence
+ - TableViewer
+ - Telnet
+ - Template Feature In Ganymede Edition...
+ - Terms
+ - Testing Eclipse Plugins
+ - TextHover...
+ - Tips & Tricks
+ - Toolbar to the Section
+ - Training
+ - Tycho
+ - UI Context
+ - UI Tester
+ - Validation
+ - View
+ - Visualisation
+ - Whats New
+ - Workshop
+ - Workspace related
+ - Zest
+ - ancit
+ - ancitconsulting
+ - camp
+ - connection without overlap in gef
+ - e4 training
+ - eGit
+ - eGit-Extensions
+ - ecore properties
+ - github mylyn connector
+ - github utils
+ - horizontal and vertical scrolling
+ - horizontal scrolling
+ - i18n
+ - java
+ - label Grow Vertically
+ - label to Connection Line
+ - org.eclipse.ui.preferencePages
+ - plugins
+ - translator
+ - unoverlap connection in gef
+ - unoverlap figures in gef
+ - vertical scrolling
+ relme:
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+ https://meomalai.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://quickfix-bpm.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/04319454473329758815: true
+ last_post_title: Eclipse Summit India 2016 @ Bangalore
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2016-06-03T21:47:44-07:00"
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+ - Eclipse Conference
+ - Eclipse Day
+ - Eclipse Summit
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-title: Comments for Collider Blog
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Commentary on Research at the Tevatron and the LHC
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+ last_post_title: Speaking of Packman mirrors...
+ last_post_description: Speaking of Packman mirrors... we're in a pretty sorry state
+ regarding that so if you're aware of sites that do mirror Packman but never told
+ us (I'm aware of the one at yandex.ru, have to get it on
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+ simples em Go (Golang) - a refatoração
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+ last_post_title: Sova
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+ has it’s version of the 1e AD&D bard, like the AD&D version, it is a triple class
+ PC, that passes through levels of mercenary
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+ so I do not forget them. Hopefully you can learn something useful from it too!
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+ and photoshop, and so I keep making the same discoveries over and over. So, I
+ have decided to try keeping a journal, so I can look
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- last_post_title: “Just” One Line
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- From Jeremy Keith’s piece “Responsibility”:
- Dropping in one line of JavaScript seems like a victimless crime. It’s just one small script, right? But JavaScript can import more JavaScript
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+ https://www.jim-nielsen.com/: true
+ last_post_title: All About That Button, ’Bout That Button
+ last_post_description: "In modern SPAs it’s common to immediately escape baked-in
+ browser behaviors. For example, using often looks like this: \n\n
+ \
+ Hi,
+ danke Dir. Ja, ich versuch im ganzen Trubel nun wieder in konstante Zeitplanungen für
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- last_post_description: 'March 24th is Ada Lovelace day. For more information,
- see http://www.pledgebank.com/AdaLovelaceDay Here is my Ada Lovelace post: I really
- struggled to come up with a woman in technology to write'
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- - Physics
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last_post_title: Death is in the room
last_post_description: A few weeks ago, one of Z’s teammates lost his dad. I didn’t
know the man, and I don’t know the details. But I used to see him at every one
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- Podcast RSS Feed'
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- last_post_title: Alsatian dialect, France
- last_post_description: I need to learn Alsatian again, I was getting decent when
- I was studying it in Strasbourg.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-29T22:18:48-07:00"
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+ - Art
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+ https://iamadamsteer.com/: true
+ last_post_title: A new ski print!
+ last_post_description: A new print has arrived in the Spatialised store! This is
+ enormous news not just because it is a really nice design (IMO) – it represents
+ a breaking of a near 6 month creative drought. Some light
+ last_post_date: "2023-05-31T00:59:11Z"
+ last_post_link: https://iamadamsteer.com/a-new-ski-print/
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+ - Art
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On Hemispheric Views it has become a bit of a running gag that when I become interested in something new or different, the phrase, “I’m an insert interest here guy!” is unleashed.
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+ - https://jeroensangers.com/feed.xml
+ - https://jeroensangers.com/podcast.xml
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+ - Uncategorized
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+ last_post_title: Dispatch from a Writing Shed
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+ I’m writing this from a rental property, on a hillside overlooking the northern reach of the Taconic Mountains. A key feature of this property is ... Read more
+ The post Dispatch from a Writing Shed
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T13:40:55Z"
+ last_post_link: https://calnewport.com/dispatch-from-a-writing-shed/
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+ - Uncategorized
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- - https://danq.uk/feed/
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- last_post_title: Spending a Day in London at “Craft and Work”
- last_post_description: |-
- Spending some days in London at “Craft and Work”, an event by my friend Keir Whitaker.
- Reply via Email
- last_post_date: "2024-05-31T11:15:00+02:00"
- last_post_link: https://marcthiele.com/notes/spending-a-day-in-london-at-craft-and-work
+ last_post_title: Berlin Letters 2024
+ last_post_description: I won’t get tired of telling you about why events like Berlin
+ Letters and in-person events in general are worth attending. Next to the talks
+ – which where excellent – this one has proven once
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T20:04:00+02:00"
+ last_post_link: https://marcthiele.com/notes/berlin-letters-2024
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-title: Comments for Enthusiasms
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: All my interests in one place
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- last_post_title: Comment on Banktivity Revisited by Moneywiz to Banktivity – Enthusiasms
- last_post_description: '[…] Despite some bad experiences in my free trial period,
- I subscribed and have now been using Banktivity for several months. I felt forced
- to change the app I use for my personal finances.'
- last_post_date: "2023-12-08T12:12:02Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.curtisfamily.org.uk/technology/banktivity-revisited/#comment-6
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - hermeneuthenics
+ - networked-learning
+ relme:
+ https://gretzuni.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Learning to defer through infraculture
+ last_post_description: A video presentation for a Faculty of Education conference
+ entitled “Art (of) Education in a Changing World.�
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-02T12:22:59Z"
+ last_post_link: https://gretzuni.com/articles/learning-to-defer-through-infraculture
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+ - hermeneuthenics
+ - networked-learning
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-title: Things
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-description: Public posts from @things@mastodon.online
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+title: Project Metacube Devlog
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: A thoroughly logged and fairly insane attempt to create a virtual world
+ similar to There and Second Life in 30 days. Well, one that can be shown off as
+ "Look what I did in 30 days!" anyway. Stickin
+ feedlink: https://metacube.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: cdbe03a5c2a1c5105fc5c6a8b29a345d
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+ https://metacube.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://metacube.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://skrylonia.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/12971261898351359471: true
+ last_post_title: Day 4
+ last_post_description: Back to work on the project for day four. This day I've fixed
+ up my servlet structure so it's almost functional. In a little bit more time I
+ can get some basic ones working and make it easy to write
+ last_post_date: "2006-08-12T22:58:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://metacube.blogspot.com/2006/08/day-4.html
+ last_post_categories: []
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- recommended: []
- recommender: []
- categories:
- - Lincoln Network
- - 5G
- - CBRS
- - Citizens Broadband Radio Systems
- - Department of Defense
- - DoD
- - DSS
- - Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
- - FCC
- - Federal Communications Commission
- - google
- - Internet of Things
- - IoT
- - Lincoln Shorts
- - National Telecommunications and Information Administration
- - NTIA
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: DoD Throws US 5G Implementation into Doubt
- last_post_description: |-
- The latest discussion with Peter Rysavy, Wireless Technology Analyst from Rysavy Research on the DoD Throws US 5G Implementation into Doubt
- The post DoD Throws US 5G Implementation into Doubt
- last_post_date: "2020-10-19T19:23:52Z"
- last_post_link: https://sarob.com/2020/10/dod-throws-us-5g-implementation-doubt/
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- - Lincoln Network
- - 5G
- - CBRS
- - Citizens Broadband Radio Systems
- - Department of Defense
- - DoD
- - DSS
- - Dynamic Spectrum Sharing
- - FCC
- - Federal Communications Commission
- - google
- - Internet of Things
- - IoT
- - Lincoln Shorts
- - National Telecommunications and Information Administration
- - NTIA
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+title: Necropraxis
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Classic fantasy roleplaying games and loosely associated thoughts
+ feedlink: https://www.necropraxis.com/feed/
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: cddc87dfd565ef3f970197d5ee18f2ce
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+ https://www.necropraxis.com/: true
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - Rules
+ - advancement
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: XP Potential as Inverse Encumbrance
+ last_post_description: Back in March, prompted by a discussion on Discord, I was
+ perusing Jon Peterson’s Playing at the World to see if there was any discussion
+ of rerolling HP on level up. Sadly, I was unable to locate
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-21T22:18:02Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.necropraxis.com/2024/06/21/xp-potential-as-inverse-encumbrance/
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+ - Rules
+ - advancement
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-title: Comments for Christian F.K. Schaller
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Blog talking about Fedora, GNOME, GStreamer and related topics. Anything
- I write in this blog is me speaking as a member of the open source community, official
- Red Hat communication happens on Redhat
- feedlink: https://blogs.gnome.org/uraeus/comments/feed/
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- categories: []
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Comment on Fedora Workstation development update – Artificial Intelligence
- edition by uraeus
- last_post_description: |-
- In reply to Anton Raves .
- Yeah, you need to
- last_post_date: "2024-06-17T13:27:41Z"
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/04202246218394712738: true
+ last_post_title: TDD is dead? Probably not :)
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Just read an interesting post related to testing:
+ http://david.heinemeierhansson.com/2014/tdd-is-dead-long-live-testing.html
+ After reading it, for me, the thought that remained is that it says that
+ last_post_date: "2014-05-08T12:43:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://sw-thought.blogspot.com/2014/05/tdd-is-dead-probably-not.html
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- last_post_title: I found an apartment
- last_post_description: Good news, everyone! I just signed a lease agreement and
- will be moving back to Hamburg soon. I couldn't be happier right now.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-30T16:11:00+02:00"
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+title: Lunk Alarm and Senitizer
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Alarming At many sides have dfferent tones
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+ last_post_title: Alarming At Boarder
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+ The supervisor of the exercise center will be at you right
+ away, asking you not to make a commotion. Humiliating, correct? However, that
+ is why planet wellness is tied in with giving their
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+ - Techno Alarming
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+ last_post_title: First Thoughts on Op. 59 No. 1
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+ After a week of intense listening to the first two "Razumovsky" quartets. I decided to jot down some of my initial reactions about the first quartet, Op. 59, No 1.
+ The first movement is like a child
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+ emacs on
+ A Scripter's Notes
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+ Recent content in emacs
+ on A Scripter's Notes
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+ - magit
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+ last_post_title: Using Git Delta with Magit
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+ Git Delta is a command line utility that beautifies git diffs in the
+ terminal. But did you know that it can do the same in Magit too?
+ Delta is a highly configurable
+ I am not kidding. Check out the
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+ - 100DaysToOffload
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- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- - Fediverse
- - sharing buttons
- - web development
+ - a man can't just sit around
+ - larry walters
+ - lawnchair larry
+ - tribute
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- last_post_description: Share with the fediverse!
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+ last_post_title: Larry Walters Tribute Page
+ last_post_description: '"A man can’t just sit around."'
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- - web development
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+ - a man can't just sit around
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+ - JS
+ - PHP
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+ - coding
+ - movies
+ - opinion
+ - politics
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+ last_post_title: JavaScript rules!
+ last_post_description: |-
+ There's a question I often ask myself: What's missing in Linux? In F/OSS world?
+ I have a list of answers for this question but there's one answer that might surprise you: We miss a general-purpose
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+ - Apple
+ - Mac
+ - MacBook Pro
+ - PC
+ - Retina
+ - Thunderbolt
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+ https://sparcv9.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://unixosx.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/01676564270085723379: true
+ last_post_title: Mountain Lion is out
+ last_post_description: Mountain Lion has been released, if your are a new Mac user
+ with UNIX background or just need to know what works in this new release I'we
+ made a list of the tools I use that works for me
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- last_post_title: Some More Thoughts On Unit Testing
- last_post_description: Kinda want to avoid this blog descending into a series of
- “this is wrong with unit testing” posts, but something did occur to me this morning.
- We’ve kicked off a new service at work recently.
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+ last_post_title: A Bit of 'Illuminating' Computer Humour
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Here’s some more computer-related humour to round out the week:
+ How many software developers does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one.
+ How many software developers does it take to change 2
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- last_post_description: WordPress was launched on this day 21 years ago. It started
- a fork of a the B2 platform and over the last 21 years has slowly but surely revolutionized
- the web. With a marketshare of over 40%, its
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+ last_post_title: WordCamp Europe 2024, Recap of the 10th Edition
+ last_post_description: This is a tough one. I’ve been staring at this draft for
+ well over a week now. I don’t usually find it difficult to write about a topic
+ I care deeply about, but I guess the topic of WordCamp
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-27T10:29:05Z"
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+ - WordPress Community
+ - wceu
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+ last_post_description: This is from Spain.
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last_post_description: In the bustle of life I missed it a week or so ago, so Happy
8th IndieWeb Birthday to BoffoSocko.com! I’ve been worrying about other things
for the …
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+ - Book
+ - Conversation
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+ - Dark Energy
- Dark Matter
- - Physics
- - PAndAS
- - Numerical Methods
- - Big Bang
- - Media
+ - GPGPUs
- Galactic Cannibalism
- - Conversation
+ - Gyroscope
- History
- - Dark Energy
+ - Intermission
+ - Media
+ - Movies
+ - Numerical Methods
- Observing
- - papers
+ - PAndAS
+ - Physics
+ - Quasars
- The Conversation
- - Black holes
- - Movies
- Zombies
- - 2-d Universe
- - Quasars
- - Book
- - Academia
- - GPGPUs
- - Gyroscope
+ - papers
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- - Physics
- - Numerical Methods
- Black holes
+ - Numerical Methods
+ - Physics
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+description: '"The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." —
+ Plutarch'
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+ - Basic
+ - Calc
+ - LibreOffice
+ - Philosophic
+ - Styles
+ - Templates
+ - Writer
+ - bugs
+ - chart
+ - command line
+ - design team
+ - enterprise
+ - function
+ - government
+ - history
+ - icon themes
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+ - migration
+ - numbering
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+ - page
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+ - sundries
+ - variable
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+ last_post_title: Migration to LibreOffice in the Russian Federation
+ last_post_description: |-
+ The article goal is to throw light upon a condition of affairs with migration to LibreOffice in the Russian Federation territory, for the LibreOffice community of users.
+ Read more »
+ last_post_date: "2018-03-27T06:32:00Z"
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+ - LibreOffice
+ - enterprise
+ - government
+ - migration
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- last_post_title: Deap dive into using Heat Alarms
- last_post_description: So this is just some output from me debugging how Heat’s
- alarms work with the other parts of OpenStack (warts-n-all). First some histroy
- Way back, Heat needed alarms to be able to do autoscaling
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-title: Secret Blogging Seminar
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-description: Representation theory, geometry and whatever else we decide is worth
- writing about today.
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- last_post_title: Using discord for online teaching
- last_post_description: On Wednesday, I asked several of my students what tools they
- use to collaborate online on their problem sets. Several of them mentioned Discord.
- I am currently trying to set up a Discord channel for
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-description: Summer Study Group 2015
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- - Resources
- - online lectures
- - Steven Roman
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- last_post_title: Category Theory Lecture series from Steven Roman
- last_post_description: 'Steven Roman has a series of six lectures on category theory
- from 2015:'
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- - Resources
- - online lectures
- - Steven Roman
- - video lectures
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-title: 'Kommentare zu: Buch: Einfach autofrei leben'
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- last_post_title: 'Von: Kai'
- last_post_description: Tolles Buch, hat mir geholfen die letzte Hürde zu nehmen
- und jetzt zumindest im ersten Schritt den Zweitwagen zu verkaufen. Ãœber den Verkauf
- hatte ich in den zwei Corona Jahren schon
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+ - gsoc
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+ - mandriva
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+ - red hat
+ - rhythmbox
+ - spice
+ relme:
+ https://cfergeau.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: SPICE on OSX, take 2
+ last_post_description: A while back, I made a Vinagre build for OSX. However, reproducing
+ this build needed lots of manual tweaking, the build was not working on newer
+ OSX versions, and in the mean time, the recommended
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-title: Sum Over Histories
-date: "2024-05-05T02:47:07-03:00"
-description: "News on quantum gravity, strings and other interesting stuff in physics.
- \nNovidades em gravitação quântica, cordas e outras coisas interessantes em física."
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- - Desigualdade de Bell
- - Homeopatia
- - Caderno Mais
- - USP
- - Extra-sensorial
- - Gliese
- - Haroche
- - Supersimetria
- - paradoxo da informação
- - EXO
- - ensino e pesquisa
- - Cometa McNaught
- - Naturalidade
- - Bariloche
- - massa
- - Observatório Teide
- - McNaught comet
- - Satélite Planck
- - Big Bang
- - particulas elementares
- - Ciência
- - DAMA
- - Constante Cosmológica
- - particle physics
- - Brasil
- - Gravity Probe B
- - McNaught
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- - Método Científico
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- - Stephan Hawking
- - Pósitron
- - greve
- - Lei de Hubble
- - Bus fare rise
- - Cometa Ison
- - justiça
- - Quarks
- - Realidade
- - Relatividade Geral
- - Supernova
- - ensino de física
- - Efeito Placebo
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- - Hubble
- - ESO
- - Teoria de Campos
- - Passe Livre
- - paridade
- - SN 2014J
- - Instituto de Física
- - Newtons law
- - CERN
- - Grave
- - partículas elementares
- - string school
- - Planeta extrasolar
- - Física
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- - onda de choque
- - universidade
- - XMM-Newton
- - Emaranhamento Quântico
- - Harvard
- - Carl Sagan
- - espaço
- - Matéria Escura
- - Radiação Cósmica de Fundo
- - Vídeo
- - meson Bs
- - Swieca School
- - LHC
- - pós-graduação
- - string theory
- - Rússia
- - Higgs
- - Bóson de Higgs
- - Paradoxo EPR
- - Universo
- - Lua
- - Raios cósmicos
- - radiação de Hawking
- - Teoria de cordas
- - AMS
- - Tetraquarks
- - Teoria das Variáveis Ocultas
- - Premio Nobel
- - CDMS
- - Meteoro
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- - Época
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- - Expansão Acelerada
- - Educação
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+ Lisp days was the different meanings of nil in that language: you use it to represent
+ a false boolean value, but also an empty list. And its'
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- Kong Summit attracted more than 3,000 developers, users, investors, media and
- analysts this week. Presentations and panels in which'
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+ similar to There and Second Life in 30 days. Well, one that can be shown off as
+ "Look what I did in 30 days!" anyway. Stickin
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+title: Du är vad du läser
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+ - 10 år med geocaching
+ - 100 sätt att rädda världen
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+ - 11/22/63
+ - 17 dikter
+ - 20th century ghosts
+ - 3d-skrivare
+ - 4chan
+ - Ergün Poyraz
+ - a clash of kings
+ - a feast for crows
+ - a game of thrones
+ - a place of snow angels
+ - a place so foreign
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+ - a storm of swords
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+ - alice kuipers
+ - alice munro
+ - alice sheldon
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+ - alkoholimport
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+ - alla spelar spel
+ - allt har sin tid
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+ - alternate reality game
+ - alternativ luna
+ - alternativhistoria
+ - alvarfonden
+ - alvaro tapia
+ - amanda hellberg
+ - amanda spikol
+ - amatka
+ - amazon.com
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+ - among others
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+ - annonser
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+ - anteckningar
+ - anteckningsbok
+ - antikvariat
+ - antonio tabucchi
+ - antwerpen
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+ - arg
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+ - arne dahl
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+ - arthur miller
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+ - asyl
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+ - atlas litterära tillägg
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+ - augustpriset
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+ - b.c. rides again
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+ - baby jane
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+ - berättelser
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+ - boel bermann
+ - boingboing
+ - bokbinderi
+ - bokbloggar
+ - bokbyteskväll
+ - bokcirkel
+ - bokens dag
+ - bokens dagar
+ - bokfemman
+ - bokfynd
+ - bokhora
+ - bokkedjan
+ - bokkollo
+ - bokmässan
+ - bokpris
+ - bokpublicering
+ - bokrea
+ - boksson
+ - bokus
+ - boneshaker
+ - bonnier carlsen
+ - book of dreams
+ - bookerpriset
+ - bookmooch.com
+ - boris pasternak
+ - born to run
+ - borås spelkonvent
+ - boven i mitt drama kallas kärlek
+ - bowling
+ - box 21
+ - boxer
+ - bram stoker
+ - brasilien
+ - breven till nattens drottning
+ - brevhemlighet
+ - brian power
+ - brief lives
+ - britt engdal
+ - brott
+ - brott och trakt
+ - bruce sterling
+ - brudarnas källa
+ - bruno k. öijer
+ - bryan talbot
+ - brädspel
+ - bränt järn
+ - bröderna benzinis spektakulära cirkusshow
+ - bsk
+ - bwo
+ - bärbar
+ - båthuset
+ - böcker
+ - bön för tjernobyl
+ - börge hellström
+ - bübins unge
+ - c. j. håkansson
+ - caitlin sweet
+ - call of cthulhu
+ - camera
+ - camilla ceder
+ - camilla läckberg
+ - camino
+ - caretakers
+ - carin gerhardsen
+ - carina rydberg
+ - carl henner
+ - carl johan de geer
+ - carl schlyter
+ - carl-henning wijkmark
+ - carlos ruiz zafón
+ - carnival
+ - caroline l. jensen
+ - carrie vaugn
+ - casemod
+ - casual day has gone too far
+ - cat rambo
+ - catahya
+ - catching fire
+ - cathys bok
+ - cd
+ - cdon.com
+ - cecilia wennerström
+ - cees nooteboom
+ - cementträdgården
+ - censur
+ - 'century: 1910'
+ - 'century: 1969'
+ - 'century: 2009'
+ - charles stross
+ - charles vess
+ - charlie adlard
+ - charlie christensen
+ - chatt
+ - cheeta
+ - cherie priest
+ - chiang kai-shek
+ - chimamanda ngozi adichie
+ - china miéville
+ - chitra
+ - chris anderson
+ - chris bachalo
+ - chris baty
+ - christer hermansson
+ - christian engström
+ - christina brönnestam
+ - christina jutterström
+ - christina källstrand
+ - christine
+ - christine falkenland
+ - christopher mcdougall
+ - christopher priest
+ - chrono crusade
+ - cirkeln
+ - cirkus
+ - citat
+ - clamp
+ - clark ashton smith
+ - clockworks
+ - club 300
+ - codex gigas
+ - colleen doran
+ - colossal cave
+ - come lady death
+ - comiccon
+ - compricer
+ - computer sweden
+ - computersweden.se
+ - conan
+ - condense
+ - confuse
+ - conjure wife
+ - conor mcpherson
+ - content
+ - conviction
+ - cool it
+ - copyright
+ - copyriot
+ - cormac mccarthy
+ - cornelia funke
+ - corren
+ - cory doctorow
+ - cosplay
+ - cosy crime
+ - craft
+ - creative commons
+ - critters.org
+ - crown of shadows
+ - cthulhu
+ - culture smart
+ - cyberpunk
+ - d. richard pearce
+ - dag öhrlund
+ - dagbok
+ - daisuke mariyama
+ - dakota lane
+ - dan brown
+ - dan buthler
+ - dan hörning
+ - dan walsh
+ - daniel ahlgren
+ - daniel goldberg
+ - daniel pennac
+ - daniel sjölin
+ - danny wattin
+ - dark fantasy
+ - darkside blues
+ - daryl gregory
+ - datalagringsdirektivet
+ - dator
+ - datorer
+ - datorspel
+ - datorsäkerhet
+ - dave gibbons
+ - dave mckean
+ - david a. trampier
+ - david lloyd
+ - david nessle
+ - david nickle
+ - day
+ - de byggde internet i sverige
+ - de döda fruktar födelsen
+ - de fattiga i łódź
+ - de förlorade sidornas bok
+ - de icke synliga
+ - de odöda
+ - de rätta
+ - de små tingens gud
+ - de vandrande städerna
+ - de övergivnas armé
+ - dean koontz
+ - death
+ - death of a salesman
+ - deckare
+ - deltagarkultur
+ - demokrati
+ - demoner
+ - den azurblå stäppen
+ - den döda arméns general
+ - den fantastiske flyvefisk
+ - den femte årstiden
+ - den flamsäkra katten
+ - den förlorade symbolen
+ - den förälskade stenens tid
+ - den långa vägen ut ur helvetet
+ - den mörka materian
+ - den mörka ängeln
+ - den nya gröna vågen
+ - den nya människan
+ - den sanna historien
+ - den siste kejsaren
+ - den sjätte natten
+ - den som älskar något annat
+ - den stora gåtan
+ - den stygga flickans rackartyg
+ - den svarta hunden
+ - den tjugosjunde natten
+ - den tomma stolen
+ - den utvalde
+ - denise rudberg
+ - dennis g. jerz
+ - depression
+ - derek walcott
+ - desperation
+ - det drömda japan
+ - det där som nästan kväver dig
+ - det fria ordet
+ - det förlorade paris
+ - det gröna huset
+ - det gyllene språnget
+ - det kluvna minnet
+ - det mörka tornet
+ - det röda fältet
+ - det vita rummet
+ - detta är verkligheten
+ - dewey
+ - diane duane
+ - dick giordano
+ - dick harrison
+ - didi örnstedt
+ - dieselverkstaden
+ - digibok
+ - digitalisering
+ - digitaltv
+ - dikter
+ - dilbert
+ - discworld
+ - disgrace
+ - disney
+ - disneyworld
+ - distant replay
+ - djur
+ - djävulsbibeln
+ - dmitrij gluchovskij
+ - dn
+ - doctor sleep
+ - doktor glas
+ - doktor joseph
+ - doktor zjivago
+ - domedagen gryr
+ - don delillo
+ - don woods
+ - doris lessing
+ - dork covenant
+ - dork shadows
+ - dork tower
+ - dorothy sayers
+ - dossier k
+ - douglas adams
+ - douglas coupland
+ - down and out in the magic kingdom
+ - downshifting
+ - dracula
+ - drakar och demoner
+ - drama
+ - dramacon
+ - dramaten
+ - drapet på harriet krohn
+ - drm
+ - droger
+ - drömmen förde dig vilse
+ - du gamla du fria
+ - du vinträd rena
+ - dude where's my country
+ - duma key
+ - dumhet
+ - dungeons and dragons
+ - durch die wüste
+ - dvärgar
+ - där världen slutar
+ - dénis lindbohm
+ - dö och låta leva
+ - döda fallet
+ - döden på en blek häst
+ - döden skall du tåla
+ - döden steker en flamingo
+ - dödsfall
+ - eastern standard tribe
+ - ebba grön
+ - ebok
+ - eböcker
+ - ecoshopping.se
+ - ed gein
+ - ed kramer
+ - eddie campbell
+ - edens nyckel
+ - edgar allan poe
+ - edmond hamilton
+ - edward finnigans upprättelse
+ - efter mörkrets inbrott
+ - egen död
+ - egoboo
+ - egosurfning
+ - ekokritik
+ - ekologi
+ - ekologiskt
+ - ekonomi
+ - eld
+ - eldbärare
+ - eldfloder
+ - electra
+ - elektra
+ - elektrisk elegi
+ - elektronik
+ - elektrubadur
+ - elfquest
+ - elib
+ - elin holmerin
+ - elisabeth hermon
+ - elisabeth höglund
+ - elizabeth bear
+ - elizabeth george
+ - elsie johansson
+ - embassytown
+ - emma
+ - emma söderhjelm
+ - emmy moréns dubbla liv
+ - en bok för alla människor
+ - en bra dag att dö
+ - en dåres försvarstal
+ - en död ängel
+ - en ensam människas bibel
+ - en gåtfull vänskap
+ - en helt annan historia
+ - en händig man
+ - en komikers uppväxt
+ - en köpfri dag
+ - en levande själ
+ - en liten död
+ - en man som heter ove
+ - en plats i solen
+ - endless nights
+ - engelska
+ - england
+ - enhörningen
+ - enid blyton
+ - eniro
+ - envar
+ - eoin colfer
+ - eon
+ - epostlista
+ - epub
+ - erich honecker
+ - erik andersson
+ - erik granström
+ - erik löfvendahl
+ - erin kelly
+ - erin morgenstern
+ - erlend loe
+ - ernest hemingway
+ - ernst brunner
+ - erotik
+ - escape pod
+ - escapix
+ - eskapix
+ - espresso book machine
+ - etgar keret
+ - ett kolon
+ - ett kort uppehåll på vägen från auschwitz
+ - ett sista livstecken
+ - ett ufo gör entre
+ - ett år av magiskt tänkande
+ - ett öga rött
+ - eu
+ - eugene oneill
+ - eurocon
+ - eva hemmungs wirtén
+ - eva-marie liffner
+ - everything's eventual
+ - evig exil
+ - evig natt
+ - expressen
+ - extrapolation
+ - extremt högt och otroligt nära
+ - f-stop fitzgerald
+ - fables and reflections
+ - face to face with dice
+ - facebook
+ - facing the bridge
+ - facklitteratur
+ - fallen ängel
+ - fallvatten
+ - fan fiction
+ - fandom
+ - fanfic
+ - fanspan
+ - fantasy
+ - fantomen på operan
+ - fantomerna
+ - fantomsmärtor
+ - fear of rain
+ - feedburner.com
+ - fel science fiction
+ - felipe massafera
+ - fenix
+ - fever pitch
+ - fienden
+ - fienden inom oss
+ - fildelning
+ - film
+ - filosofi
+ - filter
+ - filtrering
+ - fingerartryck
+ - finns det liv på mars
+ - first they came
+ - fiskarens garn
+ - fjällvandring
+ - fjärilen från tibet
+ - fjärilen i min hjärna
+ - fjärrkontroll
+ - flashing blades
+ - flickan med glasfötter
+ - flickan och trollet
+ - flickan under gatan
+ - flyg
+ - flykt och förvandling
+ - flykten från nova
+ - flytt
+ - for fear of dragons
+ - for the win
+ - forrest j. ackerman
+ - forskning
+ - forum
+ - fotboll
+ - foto
+ - foxtrot
+ - fra
+ - fra-lagen
+ - framtiden
+ - frances hardinge
+ - frank zappa
+ - frankenstein
+ - frans kafka
+ - françois cérésa
+ - freakonomics
+ - fred
+ - fredrik backman
+ - fredrik colting
+ - fredrik härén
+ - fredrik lindblom
+ - freedom with a small f
+ - frestelsernas berg
+ - fri
+ - fri marknad
+ - friform
+ - frihandel
+ - frimärken
+ - fritz leiber
+ - frode grytten
+ - from hell
+ - frost
+ - frostnätter
+ - fruits basket
+ - frukost i skymningen
+ - fruset ögonblick
+ - främlingarna
+ - främmande fågel
+ - fråga månskenet om vägen
+ - från atlantis till blekinge
+ - fugitive from the cubicle police
+ - ful eller snygg?
+ - full dark no stars
+ - funny fanny
+ - future
+ - futurologi
+ - fyrvaktaren
+ - fågelskådning
+ - fåglar
+ - får
+ - födelsedag
+ - följeslagarna
+ - för fin för denna världen
+ - för levande och döda
+ - för mycket lycka
+ - förbannade fred
+ - förbundsbryterskan
+ - föreningen balans
+ - författande
+ - författare
+ - förlag
+ - förrädarens guld
+ - först när givaren är död
+ - förstärkare
+ - försvinna
+ - gabriel rodriguez
+ - gabriela mistral
+ - gainax
+ - gainea
+ - galaxy
+ - galtmannen
+ - game of thrones
+ - game over
+ - gao xingjian
+ - garanterad författarpenning
+ - garfield minus garfield
+ - gargoyler
+ - gary gygax
+ - gaston leroux
+ - geisha
+ - gender
+ - generalsekreteraren
+ - generosity
+ - geocaching
+ - george monbiot
+ - george pratt
+ - george r. r. martin
+ - george w. bush
+ - georges perec
+ - gerald murnane
+ - gespensterjäger in der gruselburg
+ - getingfabriken
+ - ghosts and the gothic
+ - giorgos seferis
+ - giovanni battista piranesi
+ - glasbruket
+ - glasnyckeln
+ - glennkill
+ - globalisering
+ - go
+ - god child
+ - goda intentioner
+ - golf
+ - golfnyheter.com
+ - golfresor.com
+ - google
+ - google analytics
+ - google-koden
+ - googolplex
+ - gosho aoyama
+ - gothcon
+ - gothic lolita
+ - gotik
+ - gps
+ - graham joyce
+ - graham saunders
+ - grand final i skojarbranschen
+ - gratis
+ - gravity's rainbow
+ - greenpeace
+ - greg rucka
+ - grenar av gift
+ - grottor
+ - gräsklippare
+ - grön design
+ - grön storm
+ - gröngöling
+ - gtd
+ - gudrun salevid
+ - guitar hero 3
+ - guitar hero world tour
+ - guldkompassen
+ - gull åkerblom
+ - gunnar barbarotti
+ - gyllene tider
+ - gängkrig 145
+ - gävle
+ - gå på lina
+ - gör det nu
+ - gör vad du vill
+ - göran rosenberg
+ - göran willis
+ - göteborgs filmfestival
+ - h. g. wells
+ - h. p. lovecraft
+ - hacking
+ - hajk
+ - hal duncan
+ - halfdan freihow
+ - halldor kiljan laxness
+ - hallsta ängar
+ - halting state
+ - halvmaraton
+ - hamilton
+ - hammarbyserien
+ - handarbete
+ - handduk
+ - handel med döden
+ - handla
+ - hangaren
+ - hannah nyala
+ - hanne ørstavik
+ - hannu rajaniemi
+ - hans arnold
+ - hans nilsson
+ - hans-roland johnsson
+ - hantverk
+ - happy trails
+ - hare
+ - harlan ellison
+ - harlequin valentine
+ - harold pinter
+ - harriet klausner
+ - harry martinson
+ - harry potter
+ - harry roos
+ - haruki murakami
+ - hasseludden
+ - haunted heart
+ - haunted mansion
+ - head games
+ - heart-shaped box
+ - hedersmord
+ - heja heja!
+ - helena dahlgren
+ - helena ferry
+ - helena östlund
+ - helenas dagar
+ - heligt blod
+ - hellsing
+ - hembiträdet
+ - hemligheter på vägen
+ - hemlös - med egna ord
+ - hemlöshet
+ - henrik örnebring
+ - henry garnet
+ - henry james
+ - herge
+ - herman hesse
+ - herta müller
+ - het
+ - hetta och vitt
+ - hideyuki kikuchi
+ - hikaru no go
+ - hillary clinton
+ - hiphop
+ - hiroshima
+ - hisashi inoue
+ - historia
+ - hitomi kanehara
+ - hjalmar söderberg
+ - hjärtdjur
+ - hobbiten
+ - hollywood
+ - home
+ - homeland
+ - homifobi
+ - homosexuella
+ - honest man
+ - horace engdahl
+ - horn
+ - horror
+ - hotel iris
+ - how fiction works
+ - hpl
+ - htc
+ - hugin
+ - hugo
+ - hugo-priset
+ - humor
+ - hundra år av envishet
+ - hundraåringen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann
+ - hur låter svenska ejengklien?
+ - hus
+ - hy bender
+ - häftad
+ - händelser vid vatten
+ - häpna
+ - härskarringen
+ - håkan nesser
+ - hållbar utveckling
+ - hårdvara
+ - höstoffer
+ - i det heliga rysslands tjänst
+ - i döda språks sällskap
+ - i dödsskuggans dal
+ - i huvudet på en orolig komiker
+ - i should be writing
+ - i utförsbacken
+ - i will marry when i want
+ - i'll flip you for it
+ - iaido
+ - iain banks
+ - ian mcdonald
+ - ian mcewan
+ - idealisten
+ - idg
+ - if on a winter's night a traveler
+ - igelkottens elegans
+ - ika johannesson
+ - ikea
+ - ikoner
+ - illusionen om gud
+ - im
+ - imagicon
+ - imperiet
+ - imre kertész
+ - inbunden
+ - indisk nocturne
+ - indonesia
+ - indonesien
+ - infocom
+ - information
+ - infranet
+ - inga hamngren
+ - ingate
+ - ingen liten lort
+ - inger edelfeldt
+ - inger frimansson
+ - ingmar bergman
+ - ingmarie nilsson
+ - ingrid remvall
+ - innan jag dör
+ - inredning
+ - insekter
+ - instructables
+ - inte ens det förflutna
+ - integration
+ - interacting arts
+ - interactive fiction
+ - internet
+ - internetbokhandel
+ - intervju
+ - into the wild
+ - investeringar
+ - iok
+ - iphone
+ - ipred
+ - ira levin
+ - irak
+ - iris
+ - iriver
+ - irvine walsh
+ - isaac bashevis singer
+ - isabelle
+ - ismaïl kadaré
+ - it-ceum
+ - it-gryning
+ - italo calvino
+ - ivan bunin
+ - j. d. california
+ - j. d. salinger
+ - j. g. ballard
+ - j. k. rowling
+ - j. m. coetzee
+ - jack kerouac
+ - jack the ripper
+ - jag ska skydda dig från allt
+ - jag är ozzy
+ - jagannath
+ - jakarta
+ - james patterson
+ - james tiptree
+ - james wood
+ - jan guillou
+ - jan myrdal
+ - jan odhnoff
+ - jan sylvan
+ - jane austen
+ - janni lee simner
+ - japan
+ - japanska
+ - jasper fforde
+ - javier marías
+ - jay lake
+ - jean-claude forest
+ - jean-marie gustave le clézio
+ - jean-marie le clézio
+ - jeff parker
+ - jeff vandermeer
+ - jeffrey r. derego
+ - jennifer staten
+ - jenny
+ - jenny downham
+ - jenny milewski
+ - jens lapidus
+ - jeppe wikström
+ - jeremiah tolbert
+ - jerry määttä
+ - jerry scott
+ - jesper högström
+ - jessica schiefauer
+ - jiingijamborii
+ - jill thompson
+ - jim borgman
+ - jim davis
+ - jo forty
+ - jo walton
+ - joakim andersson
+ - joan didion
+ - jobb
+ - joe hill
+ - joel andersson
+ - joel arnold
+ - johan anglemark
+ - johan holm
+ - johan jönsson
+ - johan kling
+ - johan staël von holstein
+ - johan tell
+ - johan theorin
+ - johanna strömqvist
+ - johanne hildebrandt
+ - johannes heldén
+ - johannes källström
+ - johannes åman
+ - john ajvide lindqvist
+ - john ashbery
+ - john bolton
+ - john kovalic
+ - john steinbeck
+ - john-henri holmberg
+ - johnny hart
+ - jokern
+ - jon courtney grimwood
+ - jon fosse
+ - jon j. muth
+ - jon jefferson klingberg
+ - jon krakauer
+ - jonas eckel
+ - jonas gardell
+ - jonas hassen khemiri
+ - jonas jonasson
+ - jonas wessel
+ - jonathan hayes
+ - jonathan safran foer
+ - jonathan strange and mr. norell
+ - jonglering
+ - jord vindar hav
+ - jordan weisman
+ - jorden vi äter
+ - jorge luis borges
+ - jorun modén
+ - jorvik viking centre
+ - journalistik
+ - joyce carol oates
+ - joyland
+ - jpod
+ - jubiléum
+ - jukka halme
+ - jul
+ - jules verne-magasinet
+ - julgran
+ - julkalender
+ - junji ito
+ - juridik
+ - just after sunset
+ - just kids
+ - justina robson
+ - jvm
+ - järnringen
+ - jättepanda
+ - jörgen forsberg
+ - k-märkta ord och andra klyschor
+ - k. g. johansson
+ - kadaverlandet
+ - kafka
+ - kafka på stranden
+ - kajsa ingemarsson
+ - kallakak's cousins
+ - kalle anka
+ - kalle dixelius
+ - kallet romanen
+ - kamera
+ - kampsport
+ - kamratfesten
+ - kaori ekuni
+ - kaoru mori
+ - kapitalism
+ - kapten nova vid planetpolisen
+ - karen joy fowler
+ - karin alvtegen
+ - karin fossum
+ - karin tidbeck
+ - karl johansson
+ - karl-erik tallmo
+ - karma boulevard
+ - karnevalens tid
+ - kartonnage
+ - kartor
+ - kassar
+ - katarina frostenson
+ - katarina juvander
+ - katarina mazetti
+ - kate mosse
+ - kazuo ishiguro
+ - kb
+ - kelley jones
+ - kelly link
+ - ken macleod
+ - ken scholes
+ - kenneth j. harvey
+ - kent björnsson
+ - kerstin ekman
+ - kerstin engman
+ - kevin o'neill
+ - keys to the kingdom
+ - kf
+ - kina
+ - kindle
+ - kinesiska
+ - kjell espmark
+ - klas östergren
+ - klassiker
+ - klevberget
+ - klimat
+ - klubb tomt 100
+ - kläder
+ - klättring
+ - knasen
+ - knud larn
+ - ko un
+ - koll
+ - kommunikation
+ - konkarong.se
+ - konkurrens
+ - konrad sejer
+ - konsert
+ - konst
+ - konstigheter
+ - konsumtion
+ - kontext
+ - konvent
+ - kopiering
+ - kopieringsskydd
+ - korkek
+ - kouta hirano
+ - kraken
+ - krav
+ - krig och fred
+ - krigarens väg
+ - krigets år
+ - kristina hård
+ - kristina ohlsson
+ - kristoffer holmén
+ - kritik
+ - kryptan
+ - kryptering
+ - kult
+ - kultur
+ - kulturell allemansrätt
+ - kulturhuvudstad
+ - kulturrevolutionen
+ - kultursidor
+ - kungliga biblioteket
+ - kurt vonnegut
+ - kvartalsrapport
+ - kvinna i grönt
+ - kvinnomisshandel
+ - kvinnor
+ - kyckling med plommon
+ - kyoto och fjärilarna
+ - kyrkogårdsboken
+ - käglor
+ - kära agnes
+ - kära gabriel
+ - kårsavagge
+ - kök
+ - kön
+ - köp inte den här boken
+ - köpstopp
+ - kött
+ - köttets lustar
+ - l. frank baum
+ - ladugård 206
+ - lajv
+ - laptop
+ - lars forsell
+ - lars forssell
+ - lars jakobson
+ - lars östling
+ - lasse eriksson
+ - lauren kelly
+ - lay your love on me
+ - lazarus
+ - lee child
+ - leena krohn
+ - leif g. w. persson
+ - lek för själen
+ - lena törnqvist
+ - lennart ramberg
+ - leo falk
+ - leo tolstoy
+ - leo van der heijdt
+ - leonie swann
+ - les murray
+ - lettland
+ - lev grossman
+ - lewis shiner
+ - library lovers
+ - librivox
+ - liftarens guide till galaxen
+ - ligga som ett o
+ - light of thy countenance
+ - lilith
+ - lilla stjärna
+ - lincon
+ - linda som i lindamordet
+ - lindans
+ - linköping
+ - linköpings slott
+ - linköpings universitet
+ - linus larsson
+ - linux
+ - lisa rogak
+ - lisbet salander
+ - lise bidstrup
+ - lise myhre
+ - liseys berättelse
+ - listor
+ - litauen
+ - litteratur
+ - litteraturvetenskap
+ - little brother
+ - livet deluxe
+ - livet på en kylskåpsdörr
+ - livin' la vida dorka
+ - living in sepia
+ - livstid
+ - liz williams
+ - liza marklund
+ - ljud
+ - ljudböcker
+ - locke and key
+ - lois lowry
+ - lolita
+ - london observed
+ - long days journey into night
+ - long tail
+ - lotten
+ - love kölle
+ - lovecraft
+ - lp
+ - lsff
+ - lucky luke
+ - luftslottet som sprängdes
+ - lugnet före...
+ - lust
+ - lyktbärarnas återkomst
+ - läckberg och rudberg
+ - läsare
+ - läsning
+ - läsplatta
+ - låt de gamla drömmarna dö
+ - låt den rätte komma in
+ - löjtnant von sterners detektivbragd
+ - löpning
+ - löpträning
+ - magdalena graaf
+ - magdalena ribbing
+ - maggie stiefvater
+ - magi
+ - magic the gathering
+ - magisk realism
+ - magnus andersson
+ - magnus redin
+ - mahir
+ - mail
+ - mainspring
+ - maj sjöwall
+ - maken
+ - makers
+ - making money
+ - maktens vägar
+ - maktmissbruk
+ - malcolm jones iii
+ - malena janson
+ - malin
+ - malin fors
+ - malin ullgren
+ - malmslätt
+ - malmslätt - rätt och slätt
+ - mana
+ - manga
+ - manga mania
+ - mangismo
+ - mani
+ - mannen på balkongen
+ - mannen som gick upp i rök
+ - mannen under trappan
+ - manus
+ - manövrer i mörkret
+ - mara från ulthar
+ - marcus svensson
+ - mardrömmar i midvintertid
+ - mare kandre
+ - margaret atwood
+ - margery kempe
+ - mari akasaka
+ - mari jungstedt
+ - maria eriksson
+ - maria fagerberg
+ - maria turtschaninoff
+ - maria vedin
+ - maria wern
+ - maria wetterstrand
+ - marie hermanson
+ - marie ohlsén
+ - marilyn manson
+ - mario vargas llosa
+ - marjane satrapi
+ - mark buckingham
+ - mark fredel
+ - marknadsekonomi
+ - marknadsföring
+ - markus nummi
+ - markus zusak
+ - martin beck
+ - martin gellerstam
+ - martin kindgren
+ - martin niemöller
+ - martina haag
+ - martina lowden
+ - mary shelley
+ - mat
+ - mat för planeten
+ - mats g. larsson
+ - mats strandberg
+ - matt mason
+ - matt wagner
+ - matt wallace
+ - mattias johnsson
+ - maul
+ - max barry
+ - max von sydow
+ - me cheeta
+ - mecha
+ - meddelandeskydd
+ - media
+ - medicin
+ - medison
+ - mejl
+ - melodifestivalen
+ - memoirs of a master forger
+ - men inte om det gäller din dotter
+ - metal
+ - metalitteratur
+ - metro 2033
+ - meänkieli
+ - micael dahlén
+ - michael anthony
+ - michael bindefeld
+ - michael cunningham
+ - michael farr
+ - michael lark
+ - michael moorcock
+ - michael moore
+ - michael nyqvist
+ - michael ondaatje
+ - michael swanwick
+ - michael zulli
+ - michail sjolochov
+ - michelle paver
+ - microsoft
+ - midvinterblod
+ - mig äger ingen
+ - mikael niemi
+ - mike dringenberg
+ - mike resnick
+ - mikkel birkegaard
+ - milan kundera
+ - miljö
+ - miljömärkning
+ - millennium
+ - mills mess
+ - min far hade en dröm
+ - min skugga
+ - min skuld är min
+ - mina kära döda
+ - mineko iwasaki
+ - minimalism
+ - miniput
+ - minotauren
+ - mitjas kärlek
+ - mitrania
+ - mitt liv som pingvin
+ - mjukdjur
+ - mjärdevi
+ - mjärdevistafetten
+ - mo yan
+ - moa martinson
+ - mobil
+ - mockingjay
+ - mode
+ - mono
+ - mons kallentoft
+ - monsieur x
+ - monty python
+ - moralpanik
+ - mord.net
+ - mordets praktik
+ - mort
+ - mort walker
+ - morvern callar
+ - mosca mye och de bannlysta böckerna
+ - motion
+ - moto hagio
+ - moyoco anno
+ - mp3
+ - multiclip
+ - mumiens blod
+ - mundana
+ - mur lafferty
+ - murasaki shikibu
+ - muriel barbery
+ - mus
+ - museum
+ - musik
+ - musselstranden
+ - mustafa can
+ - mutant
+ - mylanguageexchange.com
+ - mynt
+ - mysteriet på heavyfängelset
+ - mystery
+ - män
+ - män som hatar kvinnor
+ - människa utan hund
+ - människohamn
+ - människor helt utan betydelse
+ - mänskliga rättigheter
+ - mästerdetektiven conan
+ - månadsjournalen
+ - månskensdans
+ - mörk jord
+ - mörkrädd
+ - möss och människor
+ - möte med rama
+ - naguib mahfouz
+ - naja marie aidt
+ - namnbrunnen
+ - nanowrimo
+ - naomi kritzer
+ - nation
+ - nationalencyklopedin
+ - natsuo kirino
+ - natt till den fjärde november
+ - nattens cirkus
+ - nattfåk
+ - natur
+ - natur och kultur
+ - naturen till din tjänst
+ - naturskyddsföreningen
+ - ne
+ - nebula
+ - nedladdning
+ - nefilim
+ - neil gaiman
+ - neil strauss
+ - nelly sachs
+ - nemea
+ - nemi
+ - nene ormes
+ - neon genesis evangelion
+ - ner med monarkin
+ - never let me go
+ - new weird
+ - nextopia
+ - ngugi wa mirii
+ - ngugu wa thiongo
+ - ni älskar dem inte
+ - nick hornby
+ - nick montfort
+ - niclas salomonsson
+ - nightmares in the sky
+ - niklas krog
+ - nikon
+ - nils leijer
+ - nima sanandaji
+ - nina hemmingsson
+ - nintendo
+ - no plot no problem
+ - nobelpris
+ - nobelpristagare
+ - nobels testamente
+ - noomi rapace
+ - nordisk familjebok
+ - nordiska priset
+ - norstedt
+ - norwegian wood
+ - nova sf
+ - noveller
+ - nuut
+ - nyckeln
+ - när djävulen håller ljuset
+ - nära hem
+ - nära äventyr
+ - näthandel
+ - nätverk
+ - någon i din säng
+ - och en grej till
+ - octavio paz
+ - odd and the frost giants
+ - odjuret
+ - odling
+ - offerrit
+ - office ladies
+ - offret
+ - ofärd
+ - ogg
+ - okunnigheten
+ - okänd planet
+ - ola skogäng
+ - ola wikander
+ - olle engstrand
+ - olle sahlberg
+ - olycksfågeln
+ - omberg
+ - on the rocks
+ - ondvinter
+ - one more time
+ - onoff
+ - open source
+ - opera
+ - opålitlig berättare
+ - ordning
+ - orhan pamuk
+ - ormar och piercing
+ - orwell
+ - os
+ - oscar levertin
+ - oscar zarate
+ - oskuld
+ - otto witt
+ - overclocked
+ - ozzy osbourne
+ - p. c. jersild
+ - p. craig russell
+ - p3300
+ - p900
+ - pacman
+ - page2rss
+ - pajala
+ - pandemonium
+ - paolo bacigalupi
+ - pappas lilla flicka
+ - papper
+ - pappersväggar
+ - paradiset
+ - paradiset förlorat
+ - partenon
+ - pass
+ - patent
+ - patrick white
+ - patti smith
+ - paul auster
+ - pebbles karlsson ambrose
+ - peking
+ - pen-klubben
+ - pendragon
+ - pengar
+ - pepparkakshuset
+ - per gessle
+ - per wahlöö
+ - per wersén
+ - persepolis
+ - personlig integritet
+ - personval
+ - peter bergting
+ - peter blom
+ - peter f. hamilton
+ - peter jackson
+ - peter m. eronson
+ - peter s. beagle
+ - peter straub
+ - philip k. dick
+ - philip pullman
+ - philip reeve
+ - philip roth
+ - phonephucker
+ - pierre bayard
+ - piraterna
+ - piratkopiering
+ - piratpartiet
+ - pkd
+ - playing for keeps
+ - pluto klockan x-12
+ - plånbok
+ - pocket
+ - podcast
+ - podcastle
+ - poesi
+ - pojkarna
+ - pojke försvunnen
+ - pokémon
+ - polisen
+ - polismördaren
+ - politik
+ - pompeji
+ - poppy z. brite
+ - porträtt av herge
+ - potatis
+ - preludes and nocturnes
+ - presidentval
+ - pressetik
+ - prins pierre
+ - print on demand
+ - priser
+ - prisma
+ - privatpolislagen
+ - project natal
+ - prs-505
+ - prs-t2
+ - pseudopod
+ - psykisk sjukdom
+ - pul
+ - pulp
+ - på drift
+ - pål eggert
+ - påskekrim
+ - péter nádas
+ - rabindranath tagore
+ - racoona sheldon
+ - radio
+ - railsea
+ - rapport från kriget
+ - real world
+ - rebusrally
+ - recensioner
+ - recensionsexemplar
+ - recept för domedagen
+ - redaktör
+ - redigering
+ - reklam
+ - releasefest
+ - religion
+ - remixkultur
+ - renovering
+ - reprap
+ - reseguider
+ - resor
+ - resor i skriptoriet
+ - rfc
+ - richard bachman
+ - richard dawkins
+ - richard morgan
+ - richard powers
+ - rick riordan
+ - rickard falkvinge
+ - ridley scott
+ - ringens herre
+ - risu akizuki
+ - rita emmett
+ - robert a. heinlein
+ - robert e. howard
+ - robert harris
+ - robert jordan
+ - robert kirkman
+ - robert langdon
+ - robert louis stevenson
+ - robert mapplethorpe
+ - robert silverberg
+ - robert t. jeschonek
+ - role-playing mastery
+ - rollspel
+ - rom
+ - roman
+ - roman polanski
+ - ronnie sandahl
+ - rss
+ - rude crude and tattooed
+ - rule 34
+ - runequest
+ - rymmaren
+ - rysare
+ - rättssäkerhet
+ - röd skymning
+ - rökning
+ - saam
+ - saam kapadia
+ - sab
+ - sagan om rand
+ - sagan om ringen
+ - saint-john perse
+ - saknad
+ - salka valka
+ - salman rushdie
+ - salt
+ - saltön
+ - sam ghazi
+ - sam j. lundwall
+ - sam keith
+ - sam sundberg
+ - samael
+ - samhällets olycksbarn
+ - samhällskritik
+ - samlade svenska kulter
+ - samlande
+ - samtyckets tidsålder
+ - samurai deeper kyo
+ - sandisk sansa clip
+ - sandman
+ - sankta psyko
+ - saol och tidens flykt
+ - sara bergmark elfgren
+ - sara gruen
+ - satir
+ - saturn's children
+ - saul bellow
+ - sayonara september
+ - scanner
+ - schakt
+ - schismatrix
+ - schwartz between the galaxies
+ - science fiction
+ - science fiction i sverige 1950-1968
+ - scott adams
+ - scott mccloud
+ - scott westerfeld
+ - scouting
+ - sean stewart
+ - season of mists
+ - self-made man
+ - semester
+ - seo
+ - serafers drömmar
+ - serier
+ - sex
+ - sf
+ - sf-bokhandeln
+ - sf-kongresser
+ - sf-nytt
+ - sfinx
+ - shakespeare
+ - shawn mcmanus
+ - sherlock holmes
+ - shirahime-syo
+ - shirley
+ - shojo
+ - shojo stars
+ - shonen jump
+ - shosha
+ - siddhartha
+ - signal
+ - signaler från sverok
+ - sigrid combüchen
+ - silvertrådarna
+ - similar monsters
+ - simon kernick
+ - singin' in the rain
+ - singulariteten
+ - sip
+ - sipit20
+ - situation stockholm
+ - sjukdom
+ - själens begär
+ - själens osaliga längtan
+ - självporträtt i en konvex spegel
+ - sjöjungfrun
+ - skalpelldansen
+ - skandinaviska deckarsällskapet
+ - skatter
+ - skeppet i kambrium
+ - skip beat
+ - skola
+ - skridskor
+ - skrivande
+ - skrivare
+ - skrivarkurs
+ - skryt
+ - skräck
+ - skräckletaren och hans vardag
+ - skröna
+ - skugga
+ - skuggbiblioteket
+ - skuggsida
+ - skumtimmen
+ - skändlighetsutställningen
+ - skåne
+ - skördedrottningen
+ - slaktare små
+ - slam
+ - slba
+ - slips
+ - slätterna
+ - slöjd
+ - smaken
+ - small press
+ - small world
+ - smoke and mirrors
+ - smolles varuhus
+ - små citroner gula
+ - snabba cash
+ - snablar
+ - snf
+ - snuff
+ - snö
+ - snöns rike
+ - snöstorm och handeldoft
+ - snövit
+ - so you want to be a wizard
+ - sociala nätverk
+ - sof
+ - sofi oksanen
+ - sofia bergting
+ - sofokles
+ - solitude
+ - som en roman
+ - someone comes to town someone leaves town
+ - somliga linor brister
+ - sommardöden
+ - sommaren är inte att lita på
+ - song of susannah
+ - sony
+ - sonyericsson
+ - sophokles
+ - sothebys
+ - spa
+ - spam
+ - speglarnas herre
+ - spel
+ - spelkonstruktion
+ - spelkonvent
+ - spex
+ - spill
+ - spiralportens väktare
+ - spook country
+ - sport
+ - språk
+ - sputnikälskling
+ - spökhistoria
+ - squeezebox
+ - sr
+ - ssk
+ - staden som slutade andas
+ - staffan bengtsson
+ - stan woch
+ - stanley g. weinbaum
+ - statens kulturråd
+ - statens ljud- och bildarkiv
+ - statistik
+ - steampunk
+ - stefan lundström
+ - stefan spjut
+ - stella
+ - steph swainston
+ - stephanie burgis
+ - stephen dubner
+ - stephen king
+ - stereo
+ - steve jobs
+ - steve lieber
+ - steve parkhouse
+ - steve savile
+ - steve sem-sandberg
+ - steven levitt
+ - steven spielberg
+ - steven vander ark
+ - stf
+ - stickning
+ - stieg larsson
+ - stiga
+ - stilistik
+ - stockholm
+ - stockholms spelkonvent
+ - stockholmsdetektiven
+ - stocon
+ - storebror
+ - storebrorssamhälle
+ - storm
+ - storm of the century
+ - stormen
+ - stormens vandrare
+ - story hd
+ - stranger things happen
+ - strangers
+ - studentspex
+ - studier
+ - stum sitter guden
+ - stundande natten
+ - sture allén
+ - sture lönnerstrand
+ - städning
+ - stålsprånget
+ - sugar sugar rune
+ - sultanbrudens skugga
+ - summer in paris light from the sky
+ - susanna alakoski
+ - susanna clarke
+ - suzanne collins
+ - suzanne öhman-sundén
+ - svamp
+ - svampkungens son
+ - svart som silver
+ - svart stig
+ - svavelvinter
+ - sven christer swahn
+ - svensk bokhandel
+ - svenska
+ - svenska akademien
+ - svenska deckarakademin
+ - svenska hackare
+ - svenska kulter
+ - svenska leder
+ - svenska parker
+ - svenska scener
+ - svenska turistföreningen
+ - sverige
+ - sveriges radio
+ - svetlana aleksijevitj
+ - svetlana chmakova
+ - svinalängorna
+ - svt
+ - svårmod
+ - swecon
+ - synnöve solbakken
+ - säkerhet
+ - säkerhetskopiering
+ - sällskapsspel
+ - särskild
+ - sättunaviken
+ - sången ur det kinesiska rummet
+ - sökare i dödsskuggan
+ - sökning
+ - tabitha king
+ - tahar ben jelloun
+ - taichi yamada
+ - takeshi kovacs
+ - takeshi obata
+ - tandläkare
+ - tanja suhinina
+ - tatuering
+ - taxfree
+ - taxi
+ - te
+ - teater
+ - tecken i aska och eld
+ - teej grant
+ - telefon
+ - telefonkatalog
+ - telekompaketet
+ - terminator 2
+ - termosmugg
+ - terra hexa
+ - terrorism
+ - terry jones
+ - terry jones krig mot kriget mot terrorismen
+ - terry pratchett
+ - tetris
+ - textäventyr
+ - the 39 clues
+ - the atrocity archive
+ - the big guy
+ - the caryatids
+ - the case for copyright reform
+ - the catcher in the rye
+ - the children of hurin
+ - the city and the city
+ - the colorado kid
+ - the da vinci code
+ - the dark tower
+ - the dervish house
+ - the doll's house
+ - the english patient
+ - the eye of the heron
+ - the eyre affair
+ - the face of jizo
+ - the fantasy trip
+ - the fifth child
+ - the girl least likely to
+ - the guardian
+ - the high cost of living
+ - the hitch-hiker's guide to the galaxy
+ - the hobbit
+ - the hunger games
+ - the kindly ones
+ - the last temptation
+ - the league of extraordinary gentlemen
+ - the magicians
+ - the maze of bones
+ - the old man and the sea
+ - the one i love
+ - the pattern scars
+ - the pirate bay
+ - the pirates dilemma
+ - the quantum thief
+ - the quest for the holy grail
+ - the reality dysfunction
+ - the return of b.c. rides again
+ - the road
+ - the sandman companion
+ - the sloan men
+ - the sons of carbon county
+ - the strange case of dr. jekyll and mr. hyde
+ - the tales of beedle the bard
+ - the time machine
+ - the time of your life
+ - the turn of the screw
+ - the uncommon reader
+ - the wake
+ - the walking dead
+ - the warlord of the air
+ - the weir
+ - the wild y
+ - the windup girl
+ - theodor kallifatides
+ - theos ockulta kuriositeter
+ - thhgttg
+ - this my body
+ - thomas bodström
+ - thomas lange
+ - thomas pynchon
+ - thorbjörn fälldin
+ - thriller
+ - thåström
+ - tid
+ - tideline
+ - tidningen kulturen
+ - tidningen vi
+ - tids
+ - tidskrifter
+ - tidsresenärens hustru
+ - tidsresor
+ - tills döden skiljer oss åt
+ - tim davys
+ - timmar av väntan
+ - timmarna
+ - tindalos
+ - tintin
+ - tintin i kongo
+ - tio tankar om tid
+ - tio år senare
+ - tiveden
+ - tjetjenien
+ - tjuvarnas marknad
+ - tjärven
+ - toast
+ - toffs bok
+ - tolkien
+ - tolv gånger pinter
+ - tomas alfredson
+ - tomas tranströmer
+ - tommy patterson
+ - tomrum
+ - tony moore
+ - topplista
+ - tord jöran hallberg
+ - torgny nordin
+ - tornet
+ - tornets skugga
+ - torsten jungstedt
+ - total recall
+ - totalt jävla mörker
+ - towel day
+ - trainspotting
+ - tramp
+ - tre gälder i england
+ - tre sekunder
+ - tricia sullivan
+ - trollegater
+ - trollkarlen från oz
+ - trudvang
+ - tryckfrihet
+ - tryggt förvar
+ - trädgård
+ - träning
+ - trådlöst
+ - tshirt
+ - tullmurar
+ - turkiet
+ - tv
+ - tv-spel
+ - två soldater
+ - twelfth night
+ - twingly
+ - twinkle twinkle
+ - twisty little passages
+ - txtr
+ - tyska
+ - tyska spel
+ - tyskland
+ - tyskungen
+ - tärningar
+ - tätt intill dagarna
+ - tävling
+ - tårar
+ - ubik
+ - udda verklighet
+ - uglies
+ - ulf staflund
+ - ulf stolt
+ - ulla wagner
+ - un lun dun
+ - under the dome
+ - underground
+ - understanding comics
+ - understanding gamers
+ - undervisning
+ - ung pirat
+ - union dues
+ - unni drougge
+ - unseen academicals
+ - upp till toppen av berget
+ - uppcon
+ - uppdrag devi
+ - uppdrag granskning
+ - upphovsrätt
+ - uppslagsverk
+ - urban fantasy
+ - ursula k. le guin
+ - usa
+ - utbildning
+ - utmaning
+ - utrensning
+ - utrotning
+ - utvandring
+ - uzumaki
+ - v for vendetta
+ - v. s. naipaul
+ - vad jag pratar om när jag pratar om löpning
+ - vadslagning
+ - vampyrer
+ - varför har inte fler bibliotekarier läderbyxor?
+ - varg gyllander
+ - vargarna i calla
+ - vargsläkte
+ - varumärkesskydd
+ - vattenmärkning
+ - vattenstämpling
+ - veckans chock
+ - veckorevyn
+ - vegan
+ - vegetarian
+ - vegetariskt
+ - vellum
+ - vem ska bort?
+ - vem är arvid pekon?
+ - verner von heidenstam
+ - vesuvius
+ - vetsaga
+ - vi läser
+ - vi ses i öknen
+ - vi som aldrig sa hora
+ - vibrator
+ - victor estby
+ - victor hugo
+ - vid världens strand
+ - vigsel
+ - vikingar
+ - viktor johansson
+ - viktor nilsson
+ - vilddjuret vaknar
+ - vilhelm moberg
+ - vill gå hem
+ - vince locke
+ - vindens skugga
+ - vingmästarens dotter
+ - vinter
+ - vinterlampor
+ - vinterträdgården
+ - vinyl
+ - viola von wachendorf
+ - viridianism
+ - virus
+ - visualisering
+ - viveca lärn
+ - vladimir nabokov
+ - vladimir sorokin
+ - voodoo vid vatten
+ - vulkan.se
+ - väder
+ - vägen
+ - vännerna
+ - världsbokdagen
+ - växter
+ - vålnader
+ - vår
+ - vårlik
+ - w juliet
+ - wall-e
+ - walter isacson
+ - waltic
+ - warhammer fantasy role play
+ - warp
+ - watchmen
+ - wela
+ - welcome to lovecraft
+ - wettcon
+ - wheel of time
+ - white noise
+ - who's afraid of wolf 359?
+ - whuffie
+ - wifi
+ - wii
+ - wii sports
+ - wikipedia
+ - will crowther
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+ - william heaney
+ - wired
+ - wireless
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+ - with a little help
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+ - wlan
+ - world book day
+ - world of warcraft
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+ - worlds end
+ - wormy
+ - wounds
+ - wow
+ - xbox
+ - xlibris.se
+ - yamato
+ - yasunari kawabata
+ - yasuragi
+ - yellow blue tibia
+ - yoko ogawa
+ - yoko tawada
+ - yttrandefrihet
+ - yuho ashbe
+ - yumi hotta
+ - zits
+ - zombies
+ - ztorm
+ - äkta svenskt
+ - äktenskap
+ - älg
+ - ängeln i groznyj
+ - änglamakerskan
+ - änglar och demoner
+ - änglarösten
+ - äventyrliga familjer
+ - äventyrsspel
+ - åka
+ - åke edwardsson
+ - ålder
+ - åsa anderberg strollo
+ - åsa ekström
+ - åsa larsson
+ - åsa linderborg
+ - åsa schwarz
+ - åsne seierstad
+ - återvinning
+ - åtta procent av ingenting
+ - öl
+ - öl - kunskap ger mersmak
+ - öland
+ - önskelista
+ - övergiven värld
+ - överkonsumtion
+ - översättare
+ - översättarens anmärkningar
+ - översättning
+ - övervakning
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+ last_post_description: |-
+ These are the ten most rated questions at Stack Overflow last week.
+ Between brackets: [question score / answers count]
+ Build date: 2021-12-25 15:54:16 GMT
+ Combine 2 string columns in pandas with
+ last_post_date: "2021-12-25T15:54:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://python-weekly.blogspot.com/2021/12/cccvii-stackoverflow-python-report.html
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+ - python
+ - stackoverflow
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
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+ - Uncategorized
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+ last_post_title: Housekeeping 2024
+ last_post_description: Coactus Illustration © Heather Gwinn. A gift she gave me
+ in 2013 for an edition of Miscreated Creatures which I hope exists someday. Coloring
+ by me. I am abysmal at keeping you folk in the loop.
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- last_post_title: Quantum Frontiers salutes an English teacher
- last_post_description: If I ever mention a crazy high-school English teacher to
- you, I might be referring to Mr. Lukacs. One morning, before the first bell rang,
- I found him wandering among the lockers, wearing a white
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-title: OpenCost — open source cost monitoring for cloud native environments Blog
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- Blog
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- last_post_title: PXE Booting on the Steam Deck
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- supports Linux. When I first saw the specifications released for it, I hoped it
- would be a great device to tinker with so I put my pre
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+ last_post_title: 'CHAs V: More Hopf Algebra morphisms'
+ last_post_description: Last time we looked at the descending tree morphism between
+ the combinatorial Hopf algebras SSym and YSym with fundamental bases consisting
+ of (indexed by) permutations and binary trees respectively.
+ last_post_date: "2012-06-10T17:42:00Z"
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+ last_post_title: Comment on The Official Timeline for the Forgotten Realms and Its
+ Adventures by Alphastream
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In reply to Illia .
+ Very cool! I agree that Neverwinter
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T03:03:11Z"
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-title: Nottingham Hackspace
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- creatives!
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- last_post_title: Minimum Membership Fees
- last_post_description: Since the hackspace was founded in 2010, membership fees
- have always been set by the member – whatever you feel the hackspace is worth,
- is [...]
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+ last_post_title: Boiling the Ocean, Incrementally - How Stylo Brought Rust and Servo
+ to Firefox
+ last_post_description: Two weeks ago, we released Firefox Quantum to the world.
+ It’s been a big moment for Mozilla, shaping up to be a blockbuster release that’s
+ changing how people think and talk about Firefox. It’s
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+ last_post_title: Switching with the Shelly 1
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+ I’m a bit of a home automation hobbyist. I bought my first few Philips Hue
+ lights before anyone knew what Hue was, and I wrote one of the first couple
+ hundred Amazon Alexa integrations (they even
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+ last_post_title: How do online calendars even work?
+ last_post_description: |-
+ This is a pretty rough post of my (meager) understanding of how online calendars work. Details may not be complete or 100% correct, but I needed to record this somewhere anyway.
+ Online calendars are
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-03T03:31:28Z"
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- US elections this cycle, and they’re just getting started
- last_post_description: As election season kicks into high gear, we need to watch
- how cryptocurrency companies are influencing US politics.
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+ - Weekly recaps
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+ last_post_title: Issue 61 – Soft war by the enemy
+ last_post_description: How will recent Supreme Court decisions affect the crypto
+ world? Also, more absurdity from the crypto lobby, and some new regulatory actions.
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-05T23:54:15Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.citationneeded.news/issue-61/
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- the 1.20 release'
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- Management (KMM) Operator so you can can run AI workloads on top of Intel Data
- Center GPU Flex 140.
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- the Interactivity API outside of WordPress. Theoretically, this should be possible,
- as it's available as a standalone npm package. Join me in
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- output
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- Trust.
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+ last_post_title: Emacs 在行末实时显示错误信息
+ last_post_description: VSCode 中 Error Lens
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-05T22:41:40+08:00"
+ last_post_link: https://emacs.liujiacai.net/post/043-error-lens/
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+ last_post_title: 'Comment on 2023: Year in Review by nigelb'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In reply to Gail at Large .
+ It's great to hear from you again too! I've slowly been writing some posts that are not ready
+ last_post_date: "2024-03-24T21:23:31Z"
+ last_post_link: https://nigelb.me/2024-01-14-2023-year-in-review#comment-690
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- ik zelden bij het lezen van een boek. Lessen in chemie (Lessons in Chemistry)
- van Bonnie Garmus is een boek dat ik niet wilde uitlezen,
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+ zijn er twee woorden die door mijn hoofd blijven spoken: digitale autonomie. Bert
+ Hubert gebruikte deze woorden als titel voor zijn praatje'
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- last_post_title: Stepping down as a (rust-) libp2p maintainer
- last_post_description: |-
- I don’t see myself making major contributions to (rust-) libp2p in the near future and thus I am stepping down as a maintainer.
- As announced before, I have left Protocol Labs in December 2023.
- last_post_date: "2024-02-29T00:00:00Z"
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- last_post_description: "go back \n\t\tWord count: 649\n \n\n Dreams as
- emotional regulators and the role of anger in evolution\nMay 21, 2024 in dreams,
- emotions, writing, ideas \nDreams as emotional regulators and the"
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- last_post_description: Hello Xen Community! We have some thrilling news to share
- with you all. The highly anticipated talks from this year’s Xen Summit are now
- live on YouTube! Whether you attended...
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+ EclipseLink and Oracle TopLink.
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+ - EclipseLink
+ - JavaSE
+ - NoSQL
+ - cloud
+ - eclipse
+ - eclipse eclipselink toplink jpa
+ - eclipse eclipselink toplink jpa persistence performance scalability
+ - html5
+ - java
+ - jpa
+ - juno
+ - mobile
+ - persistence
+ - topink
+ - topink jpa spatial
+ - toplink jpa history
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+ last_post_title: 'Behind the Code: On The Move!'
+ last_post_description: Devin Kelly-Sneed has been at Double Fine since 2016 and
+ he's one hell of a programmer. Some of you might remember his Amnesia Fortnight
+ project from 2017, Darwin's Dinner. For Psychonauts 2, Devin
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-description: – Harry Roberts – Web Performance Consultant
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- last_post_title: Correctly Configure (Pre) Connections
- last_post_description: |-
- A trivial performance optimisation to help speed up third-party or other-origin
- requests is to preconnect them: hint that the browser should preemptively open
- a full connection (DNS, TCP, TLS) to the
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+ - Development
+ - Performance
+ - Uncategorised
+ - Web
+ relme:
+ https://mastodon.social/@Cwiiis: true
+ https://www.chrislord.net/: true
+ last_post_title: WebKit frame delivery
+ last_post_description: Part of my work on WebKit at Igalia is keeping an eye on
+ performance, especially when it concerns embedded devices. In my experience, there
+ tend to be two types of changes that cause the biggest
+ last_post_date: "2022-04-19T12:08:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.chrislord.net/2022/04/19/webkit-frame-delivery/
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+ - Development
+ - Performance
+ - Uncategorised
+ - Web
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-title: openstack – Cloud {Native}
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-description: Swapnil Kulkarni's Blog
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- - Community
- - openstack
- - PyCharm
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- last_post_title: My Interview at JetBrains for OpenStack Development with Pycharm
- last_post_description: I was recently interviewed by Dmitry Filippov, Product Marketing
- Manager at JetBrains related to OpenStack Development with PyCharm. Here is the
- link for the interview.
- last_post_date: "2018-02-07T02:37:35Z"
- last_post_link: https://cloudnativetech.wordpress.com/2018/02/07/my-interview-at-jetbrains-for-openstack-development-with-pycharm/
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- - Community
- - openstack
- - PyCharm
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+title: Sidhant Nagpal
+date: "2024-02-01T12:33:35Z"
+description: Hi, I am Sidhant Nagpal. Welcome to my blog.
+ feedlink: https://sidhantnagpal.github.io/rss.xml
+ feedtype: rss
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+ last_post_title: 'Concluding GSoC 2018: SymPy'
+ last_post_description: This post summarises the work that I have done during GSoC
+ for SymPy. The links to the Pull Requests are in chronological order under each
+ header. For following the progress made during GSoC, see my
+ last_post_date: "2018-08-14T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://sidhantnagpal.github.io/2018/08/gsoc-conclusion
+ last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
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+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Patrick McKenzie (patio11) blogs on software development, marketing,
+ and general business topics
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+ - https://roytang.net/blog/feed/rss/
+ categories: []
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+ last_post_title: Tether's Troubles in November 2022
+ last_post_description: Tether's November 2022 attestation, even if believed, strongly
+ suggests it blew up (again) during the recent crypto route.
+ last_post_date: "2022-11-12T01:25:00+09:00"
+ last_post_link: https://www.kalzumeus.com/2022/11/11/tether-required-recapitalization-again/
+ last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
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-title: Really Specific Stories
-date: "2024-04-08T13:45:04Z"
-description: Join Martin Feld (podcast studies researcher and co-host of Hemispheric
- Views) as he delves into narratives of tech-podcast fandom and the role of open
- RSS, featuring producers and their listeners.
- feedlink: https://www.rsspod.net/rss
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- feedid: d2f426531ca33517e239ae9a024e6a8e
- websites:
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- categories:
- - Technology
- - Arts
- - Education
- relme:
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- last_post_title: Scott Willsey
- last_post_description: Scott discusses his long history of listening to Apple-centric
- podcasts and what it has been like to co-host and produce his own podcasts. He
- also asserts the importance of accessibility and the
- last_post_date: "2024-04-08T23:00:00+10:00"
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+ last_post_title: Stockholm beer and whisky.
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+ last_post_date: "2007-09-29T20:45:13+01:00"
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+title: Disruptive Library Technology Jester
+date: "2024-07-08T12:58:53Z"
+description: We're Disrupted, We're Librarians, and We're Not Going to Take It Anymore
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+ categories:
+ - Hachette v. Internet Archive
+ - Internet Archive
+ - L/IS
+ - Profession
+ - controlled digital lending
+ - copyright
+ - publishers
+ relme:
+ https://code4lib.social/@dltj: true
+ https://dltj.org/: true
+ https://github.com/dltj: true
+ https://keybase.io/dltj: true
+ last_post_title: 'Digital versus Digitized: On the Hachette v. Internet Archive
+ Appeal Oral Argument'
+ last_post_description: One thing that would dramatically clarify the controlled
+ digital lending concept in general and the Hachette v. Internet Archive lawsuit
+ in particular is having distinct terms for types of ebooks. I
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-06T22:44:34Z"
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+ - Hachette v. Internet Archive
+ - Internet Archive
+ - L/IS
+ - Profession
+ - controlled digital lending
+ - copyright
+ - publishers
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+ - Broken Sword
+ - Mission Supernova
+ - NSDockTilePlugIn
+ - OS X
+ - ScummVM
+ - translation
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+ https://criezy.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/06034157834254576896: true
+ last_post_title: GSoC 2019 mentor summit lightning talk
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+ last_post_date: "2019-11-10T19:05:10Z"
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- last_post_description: WordPress was launched on this day 21 years ago. It started
- a fork of a the B2 platform and over the last 21 years has slowly but surely revolutionized
- the web. With a marketshare of over 40%, its
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+description: Experiências culinárias para os domingos em família.
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+ last_post_title: Torta de bacalhau
+ last_post_description: 'Hoje minha esposa me pediu para anotar uma receita ou guardar
+ o bookmark, aí eu pensei, porque não guardar no blog? Não estava atualizando,
+ agora quem sabe acho uma sócia.Foi assim: fizemos hoje'
+ last_post_date: "2006-10-28T17:12:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://cozinheiro-de-domingo.blogspot.com/2006/10/torta-de-bacalhau.html
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+ https://www.nukeador.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Comentario en Sanitas Milenium Dental, que no te engañen por sandra
+ milena marin morales
+ last_post_description: Hola buenos días me está pasando exactamente lo mismo. Después
+ de haber ido con una infección a Sanitas Milenium me mandaron penicilina y me
+ dijeron que fuera a la Clínica Quirón para la
+ last_post_date: "2023-06-13T09:08:22Z"
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+title: Finding Palindromes
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Where do palindromes come from, where do they appear, en how do you find
+ them?
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+ https://finding-palindromes.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://johanjeuring.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/14035760811349164958: true
+ last_post_title: The history of finding palindromes
+ last_post_description: I have given several programs to find palindromes in the
+ blog posts on this blog. Who was the first to construct those? The history of
+ finding palindromes is not as long as the history of palindromes
+ last_post_date: "2012-10-28T10:04:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://finding-palindromes.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-history-of-finding-palindromes.html
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+description: Random thoughts about everything...
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Bicycle
+ - Books
+ - Coding
+ - Configs
+ - Crypto
+ - Czech
+ - Debian
+ - Django
+ - Enca
+ - English
+ - GPL
+ - Gammu
+ - Gentoo
+ - History
+ - Howto
+ - IMAP
+ - Japan
+ - Life
+ - Linux
+ - Mailbox
+ - Maps
+ - Meego
+ - Misc
+ - Odorik
+ - OpenWrt
+ - Photography
+ - Pubs
+ - SUSE
+ - StarDict
+ - Synology
+ - Travelling
+ - Ukolovnik
+ - Wammu
+ - Weblate
+ - Website
+ - photo-uploader
+ - phpMyAdmin
+ - python-gammu
+ - uTidylib
+ relme:
+ https://blog.cihar.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Spring cleanup
+ last_post_description: What you can probably spot from past posts on my blog, my
+ open source contributions are heavily focused on Weblate and I've phased out many
+ other activities. The main reason being reduced amount of
+ last_post_date: "2019-05-29T10:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://blog.cihar.com/archives/2019/05/29/spring-cleanup/?utm_source=rss2
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+ - Debian
+ - English
+ - Gammu
+ - SUSE
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+title: La Photographie de Gilles Gravier
+date: "2024-02-20T10:17:03+01:00"
+description: |-
+ Toutes les photos dans ce blog sont copyright Gilles@Gravier.org. Si vous voulez en réutiliser une, demandez-moi et on en parlera.
+ Every photo in this blog is copyright Gilles@Gravier.org. If you
+ feedlink: https://gillesgravierphotography.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: d3cf598944d12ca087112c3e37746496
+ websites:
+ https://gillesgravierphotography.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
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+ categories:
+ - aigle
+ - arraignee
+ - black and white
+ - bridge
+ - canion
+ - cascade
+ - chair
+ - chaise
+ - chapeau
+ - city
+ - daddy
+ - dead
+ - dew
+ - dry
+ - eagle
+ - eiffel
+ - fleuve
+ - france
+ - frelon
+ - frog
+ - green
+ - grenelle
+ - grenouille
+ - hat
+ - homme
+ - hornet
+ - kintzheim
+ - kuala lumpur
+ - landscape
+ - leaves
+ - lycosa
+ - lycose
+ - malta
+ - maltais
+ - malte
+ - maltese
+ - man
+ - momie
+ - morte
+ - mummy
+ - mur
+ - narbonensis
+ - narbonne
+ - nature
+ - navire
+ - noir et blanc
+ - ocean liner
+ - opera
+ - papa
+ - paquebot
+ - paris
+ - paysage
+ - petronas
+ - pigeon
+ - plantes
+ - plants
+ - pont
+ - portrait
+ - queen victoria
+ - river
+ - riviere
+ - rivierre
+ - rosée
+ - sciez
+ - seche
+ - seine
+ - ship
+ - siesta
+ - sieste
+ - sleep
+ - spider
+ - sydney
+ - tarente
+ - tijuana
+ - tour
+ - tower
+ - verdure. feuilles
+ - vert
+ - ville
+ - volerie
+ - wall
+ - water
+ relme:
+ https://ds-in-chablais.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://ggravier.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://gillesgravierphotography.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://thinkingopensource.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/18374683443794882592: true
+ last_post_title: Le soleil vient de se coucher sur Sciez....
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2013-04-14T21:54:18+02:00"
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+ categories: []
+ relme:
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+ last_post_title: Why content providers need IPv6
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+ last_post_date: "2024-06-23T22:43:53Z"
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+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: ""
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+ last_post_title: LUCE
+ last_post_description: "INTRO: DO* SOL* LAm* FA*\n\n\n\n \n\n\nDO* SOL*
+ \ LAm* FA*\n\n\n \n\n\n\n\n\n\n LAm* FA*\n\n\n \n\nDO*
+ \ SOL* LAm* FA*\n\n\nQue aún pequeña tu estás.\n
+ \ \n\n\n\nDO* "
+ last_post_date: "2015-12-26T20:47:00Z"
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+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: A place for thoughts on hybrid archives and manuscripts at the Bodleian
+ Library.
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+ - ATA
+ - Amatino Manucci
+ - BBC
+ - BEAM architecture
+ - CompuServe
+ - D-Link
+ - DAMS
+ - DCMA
+ - DGE-530T
+ - DODA12
+ - DV
+ - DVD
+ - DayofDigArc
+ - Desktop
+ - DoDA 2011
+ - Eudora
+ - FRED
+ - FireWire
+ - Future of the Past of the Web
+ - Gigabit
+ - HDV
+ - IPs
+ - JISC
+ - Microsoft Works
+ - MiniDV
+ - PCI
+ - SAS
+ - SATA
+ - SCSI
+ - Sharp font writer
+ - TikaFileIdentifier
+ - USB
+ - abandonware
+ - access
+ - accession
+ - accessioning
+ - acquisition
+ - acquisitions
+ - adapter
+ - advisory board
+ - agents
+ - agrippa
+ - analysis
+ - apple
+ - appraisal
+ - arch enemy
+ - archival dates
+ - archival interfaces
+ - archiving habits
+ - audio
+ - authority control
+ - autogenerated metadata
+ - autumn
+ - backup
+ - bit-level preservation
+ - blu-ray
+ - buzz
+ - cais
+ - case studies
+ - cd
+ - cerp
+ - chat
+ - collection analysis
+ - collectionBuilder
+ - community
+ - conference
+ - content model
+ - copyright review
+ - corruption
+ - creator curation
+ - crowdsourcing
+ - cunning plan
+ - damage
+ - data capture
+ - data extraction
+ - data recovery
+ - dead media
+ - dealers
+ - development
+ - digital archaeology
+ - digital audio
+ - digital forensics
+ - digital legacy
+ - digital preservation
+ - digital video
+ - digitalArchivesDay
+ - digitallivesconference
+ - disk imaging
+ - disks
+ - documents
+ - donors
+ - dpc
+ - drupal
+ - dundee
+ - eSATA
+ - eac
+ - ead
+ - electronic records
+ - email
+ - emcap
+ - emulation
+ - emulators
+ - estate planning
+ - etdf
+ - facebook
+ - faceted browser
+ - file carving
+ - file format recognition
+ - file format specifications
+ - file signatures
+ - filemerlin
+ - film
+ - finding aids
+ - fits
+ - flash media
+ - floppy disks
+ - folk lore
+ - forensics
+ - formats
+ - friday post
+ - funny
+ - futureArch
+ - gaip
+ - geocities
+ - gmail
+ - google
+ - googledocs
+ - graduate traineeship
+ - guidance
+ - hard drive
+ - highslide
+ - holidays
+ - html5
+ - http://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif
+ - hybrid archives
+ - hybridity
+ - hypertext exhibitions writers
+ - iPres2008
+ - images
+ - indexing
+ - ingest
+ - interfaces
+ - interoperability
+ - intrallect
+ - ipaper
+ - ipr
+ - island of unscalable complexity
+ - iso8601
+ - java
+ - javascript
+ - jif08
+ - job
+ - jodconverter
+ - kryoflux
+ - lightboxes
+ - linked data
+ - linux
+ - literary
+ - mac
+ - manuscripts
+ - markup
+ - mashup
+ - may 2010
+ - mbox
+ - media
+ - media players
+ - media recoginition
+ - metadata
+ - microsoft
+ - migration tools
+ - mobile
+ - moon landings
+ - multimedia content
+ - multitouch
+ - music blogs
+ - n-grams
+ - namespaces
+ - never say never
+ - normalisation
+ - object characteristics
+ - obsolescence
+ - odd
+ - oed
+ - office documents
+ - old
+ - online data stores
+ - open source
+ - open source development
+ - open source software
+ - optical media
+ - osswatch
+ - pages
+ - par2
+ - parchive
+ - planets
+ - planets testbed
+ - plato
+ - preservation planning
+ - preservation policy
+ - preservation tools
+ - projects
+ - pst
+ - publication pathway
+ - quick disk
+ - rdf
+ - repositories
+ - researchers
+ - resource description framework
+ - saa2009
+ - scat
+ - scholars
+ - scooters
+ - scoping
+ - scribd
+ - searchability
+ - semantic
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+ - sensitivity review
+ - sers seminar
+ - significant properties
+ - slideshare
+ - smart phones
+ - snow
+ - software
+ - solr
+ - sound
+ - spectrum
+ - steganography
+ - storage
+ - tag clouds
+ - tags
+ - tape
+ - tape drive
+ - technical metadata
+ - transcription
+ - transfer bagit verify
+ - transfers
+ - travan
+ - twapperkeeper
+ - tweets
+ - twitter
+ - use cases
+ - users
+ - validation
+ - value
+ - video
+ - vintage computers
+ - weavers
+ - webarchives
+ - webarchiving
+ - whiteboard
+ - word cloud
+ - workshop
+ - xena
+ - xml
+ - xmp
+ - zip disks
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/04962583988591861531: true
+ last_post_title: This blog is no longer being updated
+ last_post_description: 'But you will find posts on some of our digital archives
+ work here: http://blogs.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/archivesandmanuscripts/category/activity/digital-archives/'
+ last_post_date: "2016-09-05T16:33:00Z"
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- In November 2023, Pachli applied to be a Nivenly
- member project. We have learned our lesson from how we approach Haidra’s
- application, so we put the question of whether we should support Pachli
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+ last_post_title: 'Emacs: Filtered Buffer Switching'
+ last_post_description: "Emacs: Filtered Buffer Switching \n\n\nThere are a lot
+ of different ways to switch buffers. A lot. I use four myself:Toggle between
+ the two most recently used buffers\nChoose buffer by name\nChoose"
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+ last_post_title: Way to go - Gluon Creator
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- - https://jlelse.blog/.min.rss
- - https://jlelse.blog/.rss
- - https://jlelse.blog/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
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- last_post_title: The Go team explains compiler optimizations
- last_post_description: ▶ Boosting Performance of Go Apps with Optimizations — Three
- members of the Go team gave a talk at last week’s Google I/O about a topic we’ve
- covered a lot lately – using Go 1.20+’s
- last_post_date: "2024-05-21T00:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://golangweekly.com/issues/508
+ last_post_title: Writing generic collection types
+ last_post_description: 'Writing Generic Collection Types: The Missing Documentation
+ — Go 1.18 introduced generics, but the author found practical examples and documentation
+ on creating generic collections to be lacking.'
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-02T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://golangweekly.com/issues/513
last_post_categories: []
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+ - 2.4 GHz
+ - "433"
+ - "868"
+ - "915"
+ - ARM
+ - BLE
+ - Bluetooth
+ - Bluetooth Low Energy
+ - HackerBoxes
+ - Nordic Semiconductor
+ - Purple Panda
+ - RY82530
+ - Sensors
+ - ai
+ - air hockey
+ - arduino
+ - astro-phys
+ - audio
+ - author detection
+ - authorship
+ - bare conductive
+ - bell state
+ - c
+ - camera
+ - canakit
+ - canvas
+ - capacitive touch
+ - chebyshev
+ - christmas
+ - classifier
+ - cnot
+ - coefficients
+ - computers computing computers
+ - concurrency
+ - csrf
+ - davy's law
+ - developers
+ - development board
+ - display
+ - diy
+ - electric paint
+ - emulation
+ - ephemeride
+ - ephemeris
+ - esp32
+ - esp32-cam
+ - espruino
+ - example
+ - feature reduction
+ - game
+ - gaming
+ - golang
+ - gps
+ - grover's algorithm
+ - guitar
+ - hadamard
+ - halloween
+ - http
+ - ili9341
+ - infinite recursion
+ - internet of things
+ - iot
+ - javascript
+ - jpl
+ - jquery
+ - json
+ - kali linux
+ - keybase
+ - lcd
+ - learning algorithm
+ - linear algebra
+ - linux
+ - localhost
+ - logistic regression
+ - lora
+ - lorawan
+ - lov grover
+ - machine learning
+ - manjaro
+ - microphone
+ - micropython
+ - mixed-content
+ - music
+ - nRF52
+ - nRF52840
+ - naive bayes
+ - nasa
+ - network
+ - neural network
+ - numeric
+ - numericjs
+ - numpy
+ - pca
+ - pi cap
+ - pixl.js
+ - principle component analysis
+ - procedural
+ - programming
+ - pyaudio
+ - pygame
+ - pyrtlsdr
+ - python
+ - qualia
+ - quantum
+ - quantum algorithm
+ - quantum circuit
+ - quantum circuit diagram
+ - quantum circuit simulator
+ - quantum computing
+ - quantum search
+ - quantum simulator
+ - qubit
+ - query
+ - radio
+ - raspberry pi
+ - raspbian
+ - retropie
+ - reyax
+ - rfm95
+ - rfm98
+ - rpi
+ - scipy
+ - security
+ - server
+ - software defined radio
+ - strategy
+ - string pluck
+ - superposition
+ - synthesizer
+ - tcp
+ - tor
+ - tower defense
+ - tracking
+ - tutorials
+ - ubuntu
+ - underscore
+ - video game
+ - vulnerabilities
+ - waveforms
+ - wireless
+ relme:
+ https://davywybiral.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: A Lesson in LoRa Module P2P Standards (or the Lack Thereof)
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+ last_post_date: "2020-08-31T15:03:33-07:00"
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+ - arduino
+ - esp32
+ - espruino
+ - internet of things
+ - iot
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+ - micropython
+ - network
+ - python
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+ - reyax
+ - rfm95
+ - rfm98
+ - wireless
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- last_post_description: Keystone deploy and upgrade with an OpenShift/Kubernetes
- Operator
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+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Prius
+ - TV
+ - Toyota
+ - USB電源増設
+ - ZVW50
+ - ナビキット
+ relme:
+ https://goofing-and-tweaking.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://goofing-with-computer.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://goofying-with-debian.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://osamu-aoki.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://osamu-in-japan.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/12377163704610747036: true
+ last_post_title: USB電源追加、動作の事前確認と極性
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+ USB電源追加の大まかなアクセス手順は、別ページに書きましたが、こっちは事前に行った電気関係の現況確認と機器の動作確認です。
+ 常識ではシガ
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+ - Prius
+ - Toyota
+ - USB電源増設
+ - ZVW50
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+title: Lambda Sandwich
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Cabal development for Google Summer of Code
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+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://lambdasandwich.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/14119411646979915342: true
+ last_post_title: Ending GSoC
+ last_post_description: |-
+ As the firm pencils down date for Google Summer of Code is coming up Monday, I figure I'd better make sure everyone understands what I've done and how to use it.
+ GhcOptions Record
+ This record has
+ last_post_date: "2011-08-18T18:27:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://lambdasandwich.blogspot.com/2011/08/ending-gsoc.html
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+ - Chicago
- Ecology
+ - Emily Monosson
+ - Fire
+ - Steve Brussate
+ - The Field Museum
+ - The Rise and Reign of the Mammals
- ancestor worship
- ancient fossils
- biology
- blight
- chewing
- - Chicago
- climate change
- cooking
- decline of reptiles
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- - Emily Monosson
- evolution
- evolutionary biology
- fall of dinosaurs
- - Fire
- fire myths
- first mammal
- fossils
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- - Steve Brussate
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- - The Field Museum
- - The Rise and Reign of the Mammals
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+ - Chicago
- Ecology
+ - Emily Monosson
+ - Fire
+ - Steve Brussate
+ - The Field Museum
+ - The Rise and Reign of the Mammals
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- chewing
- - Chicago
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- decline of reptiles
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- - Emily Monosson
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- - Fire
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- fossils
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-title: That Trippi Show
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: If you're looking for someone who actually knows how presidential and
- national politics works to explain what's going on in 30 minutes or less, this is
- the show for you. Joe Trippi is a longtime
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- last_post_title: '"They can''t get their party back" with Celinda Lake'
- last_post_description: With all the new entrants into the 2024 GOP primary - does
- it really matter? Pollster and longtime Democratic strategist Celinda Lake joins
- Joe and Alex - and you won't be surprised at what her
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- last_post_title: Missing Everything Open 2024 :/
- last_post_description: This week sees the second Everything Open conference being
- held in Gladstone, Queensland. Alas I’m not there :/ I’ve had the good fortune
- to attend CALU-99 as well as something like 20+ years of
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+ some other IT materials.
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+ - 32-bit
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+ - KISS
+ - abstract
+ - alignment
+ - ast
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+ - bug
+ - compiler
+ - contravariant
+ - cubemap
+ - demoscene
+ - design
+ - directx
+ - divisible
+ - dropchecker
+ - elegancy
+ - environment
+ - existential
+ - framebuffer
+ - framework
+ - frameworks
+ - free
+ - functor
+ - gadt
+ - geometries
+ - git
+ - glsl
+ - gpipe
+ - graphics
+ - haskell
+ - haskell openal pkg-config
+ - hlsl
+ - impure
+ - index
+ - intel
+ - interfacing
+ - io
+ - lambdacube
+ - lexer
+ - lifetimes
+ - luminance
+ - meta
+ - obj
+ - opengl
+ - outline
+ - parser
+ - phaazon
+ - postmortem
+ - principle
+ - prompt
+ - pure
+ - quantification
+ - reader
+ - release
+ - render
+ - revision
+ - rust
+ - sample
+ - shader
+ - shading
+ - shell
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+ - soon
+ - spir-v
+ - ssbo
+ - stackage
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+ - wavefront
+ - zsh
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/06180476773002153033: true
+ last_post_title: State of luminance
+ last_post_description: 'I’ve been a bit surprised for a few days now. Some rustaceans
+ posted two links about my spectra and luminance crates on reddit – links here
+ and here. I didn’t really expect that: the code is'
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+title: Improving Darcs' network performance
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/15653410551704557324: true
+ last_post_title: 'GSoC 2010 Progress Report #3'
+ last_post_description: Last week I was developing a smart server for Darcs. The
+ main challenge in designing a server was that the current code that works with
+ the repository is rather low-level and work on file basis, and
+ last_post_date: "2010-08-09T03:30:00Z"
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-title: 'NPC: Next Portable Console'
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ https://goofying-with-debian.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://osamu-aoki.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://osamu-in-japan.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/12377163704610747036: true
+ last_post_title: debmake and debamke-doc and debian-handbook
+ last_post_description: While updating the maintainer's guide, I had faced with several
+ issues to update it as it is, since it was based on the dh-make package and does
+ not play nice with new features such as multi-arch etc
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - Community
+ - Techtivism
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: 'The Programmers’ Identity Crisis: how do we use our powers for
+ ‘good’?'
+ last_post_description: 'Reading Time: 12 minutes In December of 2021, an itinerant
+ sci-fi and fantasy gathering called Worldcon came under scrutiny for accepting
+ a sponsorship from an American defense company. Critics'
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T02:36:53Z"
+ last_post_link: https://chelseatroy.com/2024/07/03/programmers-identity-crises-and-moral-panic/
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+ - Community
+ - Techtivism
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+ Complete Chaos - a feel, a religion, a bond
+ ...chaos, is the new order
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+ - Gangotri
+ - KedarGanga
+ - KedarTaal trek
+ - Thalaysagar
+ - condolences
+ - home
+ - house
+ - power of music
+ - social protocol
+ - words
+ relme:
+ https://chetukuli.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://tweakeclipse.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://uncctriveni.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/12901447063650143488: true
+ last_post_title: Poker Face
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- readers on project progress, security issues, advisories and general security curiosities.
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- For this post I will explain what OpenStack Security notes are, and how
- they benefit operators in securing an OpenStack Cloud.
- OpenStack Security Notes (OSSN’s) are solely to notify operators of
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- last_post_title: Apple Notes priorities
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- In a blog post about Journal, John Gruber makes a detour to highlight the lack of full import and export in Apple Notes:
- I worry that import and export aren’t priorities for Apple. Apple Notes can
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+ - D&D
+ - Essay
+ - For GMs
+ - Magic
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+ - Science
+ - TTRPGs
+ - fantasy
+ - ttrpg
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+ last_post_title: 'Science: The Inverted Expectation of Fantasy'
+ last_post_description: “A novelist can do anything he wants so long as he makes
+ people believe in it.”– Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s particular
+ form of magical realism was once described to me as
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+ - D&D
+ - Essay
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+ - Magic
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+ - TTRPGs
+ - fantasy
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+ - Zeitungen
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+ last_post_title: Über die Selbstabmeldung einer Journalisten-Schicht aus dem kritischen
+ Diskurs
+ last_post_description: 'Dass die Springer-Presse und die FAZ das irische "No" als
+ Effekt populistischer Verdummung geißeln, war ja nicht anders zu erwarten. Merke:
+ Populist ist immer derjenige, der politische Ideen hat,'
+ last_post_date: "2008-06-14T09:07:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://bluenotebooks1979.blogspot.com/2008/06/ber-die-selbstabmeldung-einer.html
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- May 24-31, 2024
Recent EventsFrom events.indieweb.org/archive:
- Wednesday, May 29 at 7:00pmJoin us online in Zoom for demos of personal sites, recent breakthroughs, discussions about the independent
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- last_post_link: https://indieweb.org/this-week/2024-05-31.html
+ Wednesday, July 3 at 6:00pm
+ Wednesday, July 3 at 7:00pmJoin us online in Zoom for demos of personal sites, recent breakthroughs, discussions about
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+ - parsing
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+ last_post_title: On the subject of my recent blog about funding Eclipse committers
+ with taxes...
+ last_post_description: |-
+ On the subject of my recent blog about funding Eclipse committers with taxes...
+ Some people have commented saying it's the worst idea they've ever heard.
+ That was kind of the point :-)
+ I
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- last_post_title: Integrating a (somewhat) custom CMS with Eleventy
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- leveraging a CMS to manage the content on this site. It started with improving
- my self-hosted scrobbling setup, importing yet more of my
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+ last_post_description: This is my first post after a long time....................Some
+ friends asked me what is meant by "Eka Badakachi Diary"Some frnds called me badak
+ so i named it
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+ https://stgraber.org/: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on One year of freelancing by Oleg Nenashev
+ last_post_description: Nice update! I wish you all the best with your independent
+ journey. Starting a similar one though not yet ready to go all-in. I hope Zabbly
+ remains self-sustainable and keeps growing, at least in
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+ - BIRT
+ - DemoCamp
+ - EMF
+ - ESE
+ - ESE 08
+ - ESE 09
+ - ESE 10
+ - EclipseCon 08
+ - EclipseCon 09
+ - EclipseCon 10
+ - EclipseCon 11
+ - GEF
+ - ITU
+ - JFace
+ - NLS
+ - PDE
+ - RCP
+ - Testing a Plug-in
+ - Tycho
+ - UI Bindings
+ - bugs
+ - building
+ - conferences
+ - dependency injection
+ - documentation
+ - e4
+ - eclipse.dk
+ - extension points
+ - fun
+ - javagruppen
+ - menus
+ - p2
+ - releases
+ - resources
+ - technologies
+ - training
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/16918201005715446635: true
+ last_post_title: Tycho and pre-p2 update sites
+ last_post_description: During the development the next version of our AGETOR product,
+ we recently had this exact problem with the Elver update site, which contains
+ the needed plug-ins if you want to work with Teneo. In
+ last_post_date: "2013-05-29T22:34:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://tonnymadsen.blogspot.com/2013/05/tycho-and-pre-p2-update-sites.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - Tycho
+ - p2
+ last_post_language: ""
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+ - https://amerpie.lol/feed.xml
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+ - BLM's National Conservation Lands
+ - Places
+ - Writing
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+ https://onephoto.club/@scott: true
+ https://rscottjones.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Where I Go To Explore Like a Kid Again: Agua Fria National Monument'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ A piece I wrote for Vrai Magazine in July 2017 that I'm republishing here.
+ *Like most of the National Conservation Lands, Agua Fria National Monument is a place that's meant to be explored and
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T22:36:37Z"
+ last_post_link: https://rscottjones.com/where-i-go-to-explore-like-a-kid-again-agua-fria-national-monument/
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+ - BLM's National Conservation Lands
+ - Places
+ - Writing
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+ last_post_title: Why I stopped coding - and why I would like to do it again
+ last_post_description: Sometimes I wonder why I stopped coding. No,the above mentioned
+ link isn't about me, but I couldn't state it better than this. I feel that I miss
+ today the drive to just "fuss around" with stuff. Now
+ last_post_date: "2007-01-19T10:53:01-08:00"
+ last_post_link: https://pythonnotes.blogspot.com/2007/01/why-i-stopped-coding-and-why-i-would.html
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+ - c++
+ - gecko
+ - mozilla
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+ https://mathstodon.xyz/@jaredhirsch: true
+ last_post_title: Gecko C++ notes
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Probably not useful for anybody, but something I told myself I’d do: share out some C++ notes.
+ These notes are based on the 2016? Mozilla C++ and Gecko onboarding presentation by froydnj: https
+ last_post_date: "2021-12-10T23:42:55Z"
+ last_post_link: https://6a68.net/2021/gecko-cpp/
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+ - c++
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+ - mozilla
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+title: Notes from Underground ...
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+description: Notes about Ubuntu and Debian development.
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+ - android
+ - arm
+ - armel
+ - bootstrap
+ - d-i
+ - dak
+ - debian
+ - dependnencies
+ - gcc
+ - goals
+ - hlfs
+ - life
+ - lpia
+ - panda
+ - pie
+ - porting
+ - ports
+ - security
+ - specs
+ - touch
+ - travel
+ - trusted-computing
+ - ubuntu
+ - ubuntu-mid
+ - video
+ - wii
+ - wiibuntu
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17676152296271896899: true
+ last_post_title: 'Spanish or Bust: Attaining fluency in 90 days or else ...'
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2013-09-30T18:37:18-07:00"
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+description: Recent content on but she's a girl...
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+ last_post_title: On the 'Emacs From Scratch' cycle
+ last_post_description: I think that using Emacs is a type of life-long project.
+ It is deep, famously all-encompassing, and there are uncountable interesting rabbit
+ holes to go down and endless tweaking which can be done.
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-09T16:55:35+01:00"
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- - Rolleiflex
- - travels
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- last_post_description: When our son came to visit us in Prague for his spring break,
- we took his second week as an opportunity to explore Madeira, a destination we’d
- always been curious about. Over five days, we immersed
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- - Portugal
- - Rolleiflex
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-title: Comments for Pittsburgh Racial Justice Summit
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: The Racial Justice Summit, formerly known as the Summit Against Racism,
- is a flagship event for Pittsburgh organizers. The Summit creates opportunities
- for attendees to learn, connect, and act on
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+ - languages
+ - parsing
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+ last_post_title: On the subject of my recent blog about funding Eclipse committers
+ with taxes...
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2013-10-17T13:55:52-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://recoskie.blogspot.com/2013/10/on-subject-of-my-recent-blog-about.html
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+description: Ramblings about Functional Programming
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+ last_post_title: FTP dangers
+ last_post_description: |-
+ I am concerned about the Foldable Traverable Proposal (FTP) (https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/wiki/Prelude710) :
+ My first and biggest concern is simply that it's harder to read code which uses
+ last_post_date: "2015-02-11T11:55:00Z"
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - Calidar
+ - D&D
+ - Gygaxian Democracy
+ - Lore24
+ - Mechanus
+ - RPGVienna
+ - Scaledlands
+ - Sholtipec
+ - Spelljammer
+ - Towers of Krshal
+ - actual play
+ - blog carnival
+ - blog gubbins
+ - book goblinism
+ - brancalonia
+ - bundles
+ - dnd
+ - domain play
+ - dungeons & data
+ - flying rules
+ - gehenna
+ - generator
+ - glog
+ - gygax75
+ - hex maps
+ - iou
+ - jams and challenges
+ - kickstarter
+ - kobolds
+ - lessons learned
+ - meetup
+ - menagerie world
+ - nanowrimo
+ - neural network
+ - osr
+ - planescape
+ - random table
+ - review
+ - slush pile
+ - unused ideas
+ - weekly links
+ - worldbuilding
+ - ysyp
+ - zines
+ relme:
+ https://seedofworlds.blogspot.com/: true
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+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T10:06:10+02:00"
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+ - weekly links
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- personal Substack.
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-title: GStreamer – Happy coding
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: A Free Software developer weblog
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- - GStreamer
- - Hacking (english)
- - gstreamer
- - gstsegment
- - synchronization
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Dissecting GstSegments
- last_post_description: During all these years using GStreamer, I’ve been having
- to deal with GstSegments in many situations. I’ve always have had an intuitive
- understanding of the meaning of each field, but never had
- last_post_date: "2024-04-30T06:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://eocanha.org/blog/2024/04/30/dissecting-gstsegments/
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- - GStreamer
- - Hacking (english)
- - gstreamer
- - gstsegment
- - synchronization
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+ categories:
+ - eclipse
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+ https://think-on-the-brink.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/00607658376213561341: true
+ last_post_title: Cooking 2.0
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2010-08-10T19:22:30+02:00"
+ last_post_link: https://think-on-the-brink.blogspot.com/2010/08/cooking-20.html
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+ - eclipse
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+description: Recent content on RustTalk
+ feedlink: https://rusttalk.github.io/index.xml
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+ feedid: d74da7d79b47a5a7badaea3f8784fbc3
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+ relme:
+ https://emacs.liujiacai.net/: true
+ https://en.liujiacai.net/: true
+ https://mastodon.social/@liujiacai: true
+ https://rusttalk.github.io/: true
+ last_post_title: 011. 碎碎念:黄光星 2023 年的工作与生活
+ last_post_description: |-
+ 链接
+ Bazel:Tensorflow 构建工具
+ Poetry:Python packaging and dependency management made easy
+ 训练 LLM 的两个常用项目:
+ https://github.com/NVIDIA/Megatron-LM
+ https://github
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-04T21:24:33+08:00"
+ last_post_link: https://rusttalk.github.io/podcast/011/
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-title: Shores of the Dirac Sea
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: A blog about physics... mostly.
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- last_post_title: What’s on my mind
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- last_post_date: "2017-11-16T20:34:43Z"
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- - Uncategorized
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+ https://haecker.io/: true
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+ last_post_title: 'Felix Häcker accepted merge request !35: general: Resolve string
+ papercuts at Sophie Herold / Key Rack'
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+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T07:11:00Z"
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+title: Mati@GSOC
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: 'This blog is dedicated to my work on Google Summer of Code projects:
+ the "toString() generation" project from 2008 and more recent "Tree views for Zest".
+ Both projects are done for Eclipse.'
+ feedlink: https://eclipse-n-mati.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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+ - Eclipse
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+ https://eclipse-n-mati.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/07838615634557567581: true
+ last_post_title: Eclipse Mars - how to switch back to previous Java formatter?
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Update: the Luna formatter plugin now lives on GitHub, thanks to Asier Lostalé!
+ Java code formatter in Eclipse 4.5 has been completely rewritten. There's a lot less of bugs, the behavior is more
+ last_post_date: "2015-06-12T23:26:00Z"
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+title: Unkansas
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+ expect to play
+ feedlink: https://unkansas.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: d78375dea03821c1113a22bafc561813
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - Dice Pool
+ - HouseRules
+ - OSR
+ - Play Report
+ - RPG Notes
+ - Solo RPG
+ - The Enemy Within
+ - WFRP
+ relme:
+ https://unkansas.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 'WFRP 4e House Rules: Chases'
+ last_post_description: For city based chases.Set an Extended Athletics Test with
+ SL Target, probably 5+ (1d6+3 if stuck).The first side to reach the target wins
+ - note this is not an opposed test.Add Player Character
+ last_post_date: "2024-03-25T21:29:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://unkansas.blogspot.com/2024/03/wfrp-4e-house-rules-chases.html
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+ - HouseRules
+ - WFRP
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories: []
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+ last_post_title: Declarative filesystem management with Emacs & Org Mode
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+ last_post_date: "2023-11-11T00:00:00Z"
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- - https://danq.blog/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.blog/feed/
- https://danq.me/comments/feed/
- https://danq.me/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
+ - DHS
+ - Microsoft
+ - Russia
- Uncategorized
- - artificial intelligence
- - LLM
- - phishing
+ - cyberattack
+ - cyberespionage
+ - national security policy
relme: {}
- last_post_title: AI Will Increase the Quantity—and Quality—of Phishing Scams
- last_post_description: A piece I coauthored with Fredrik Heiding and Arun Vishwanath
- in the Harvard Business Review:Summary. Gen AI tools are rapidly making these
- emails more advanced, harder to spot, and significantly
- last_post_date: "2024-06-01T11:22:58Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/06/ai-will-increase-the-quantity-and-quality-of-phishing-scams.html
+ last_post_title: On the CSRB’s Non-Investigation of the SolarWinds Attack
+ last_post_description: ProPublica has a long investigative article on how the Cyber
+ Safety Review Board failed to investigate the SolarWinds attack, and specifically
+ Microsoft’s culpability, even though they were
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T17:59:33Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2024/07/on-the-csrbs-non-investigation-of-the-solarwinds-attack.html
+ - DHS
+ - Microsoft
+ - Russia
- Uncategorized
- - artificial intelligence
- - LLM
- - phishing
- last_post_guid: 67ed82f2824d540bd7f8914cc83f2d69
+ - cyberattack
+ - cyberespionage
+ - national security policy
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+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Recent content in Org-Mode on Ross A. Baker
+ feedlink: https://rossabaker.com/tags/org-mode/index.xml
+ feedtype: rss
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+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://rossabaker.com/tags/org-mode/: true
+ last_post_title: Ox. Hugo. Why not both?
+ last_post_description: This site is built on a static site generator (SSG). They
+ are a dime a dozen. I chose a less mainstream one, ox-hugo. After recently questioning
+ that choice, I have new clarity on why it’s right
+ last_post_date: "2022-11-22T15:53:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://rossabaker.com/blog/ox-hugo-why-not-both/
+ last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
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-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: One centralized feed of Eleventy activity across the web.
- feedlink: https://www.zachleat.com/follow/
- feedtype: rss
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- relme: {}
- last_post_title: 'Mastodon: June 2, 2024 at 3:53:14 PM UTC'
- last_post_description: “pause the game—the dungeon master has to go potty” is something
- that was just announced at my house
- last_post_date: "2024-06-02T15:53:14Z"
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-title: English (UK)
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Learn more on Twitter's Official Blog.
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- - http://scripting.com/rss.xml
- - http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
- categories: []
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- last_post_title: 'Combatting online racist abuse: an update following the Euros'
- last_post_description: In February, we outlined the steps we have been taking to
- combat racist abuse on Twitter. We condemn racism in all its forms - our aim is
- to become the world’s most diverse, inclusive platform.
- last_post_date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
- last_post_link: https://blog.x.com/en_gb/topics/company/2020/combatting-online-racist-abuse-an-update-following-the-euros
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+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://baedert-gsoc.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: GTK+ Hackfest 2018
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+ last_post_date: "2018-02-05T04:25:46-08:00"
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+ - Configs
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+ - Gammu
+ - Gentoo
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+ - Meego
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+ - Weblate
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+ - python-gammu
+ - uTidylib
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+ open source contributions are heavily focused on Weblate and I've phased out many
+ other activities. The main reason being reduced amount of
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+ for more.
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+ the ideas I want to write about have grown terrifyingly large. Rather than squeezing
+ each in a large post, I wanted to try writing a'
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+ last_post_title: Corruption !!!!why it is immpossible to remove ?
+ last_post_description: Imagine a you are leaving in India with no corruption,ummm
+ wondering!!!!!!!!!!To find out the root cause if you introspect then you will
+ get the answer You and only YOU is responsible for it still
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+ programming in general, and Python in particular. I've watched a great presentation
+ by the BDFL himself, talking about Python 3.0. Great
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+ of #EmacsA11yTips.This time I am not going to talk about emacs environment with
+ speech as provided by speechd-el, I will try to'
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+title: 'תגובות לפוסט: "חיפושים כמשל"'
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: אָמִיר אַהֲרוֹנִי לָמַד עִבְרִית, אָמִיר אַהֲרוֹנִי לָמַד עִבְרִית
+ feedlink: https://haharoni.wordpress.com/comments/feed/
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: d867f4a1ab2dde6c20b2d8078371fc08
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+ https://aprenent.wordpress.com/: true
+ https://haharoni.wordpress.com/: true
+ https://hasagot.wordpress.com/: true
+ https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Amire80: true
+ https://wikis.world/@aharoni: true
+ last_post_title: 'תגובה לפוסט: "חתיכות" מאת "Yehezkel"'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ משמח מאוד לקבל ממך אות חיים :)
+ מאחל לך ולבתך הרבה אושר יחד ובנפרד
+ Deepak S.
- Hmm, I have not tested it with RDO packages, but "it works on
- last_post_date: "2017-05-19T17:18:55Z"
- last_post_link: https://blog.cafarelli.fr/2017/03/installing-networking-sfc-rpm-in-a-tripleo-setup/#comment-1819
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+title: Fedora Planet Archives – /home/jwf/
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Free & Open Source, technology, travel, and life reflections
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ blogrolls: []
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+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - 2020s
+ - Fedora Linux
+ - Fedora Planet
+ - Open Source
+ - Outreachy
+ - Red Hat
+ - internship
+ - open source communities
+ - reflections
+ relme:
+ https://blog.jwf.io/tag/fedora-planet/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Outreachy May 2024: A letter to Fedora applicants'
+ last_post_description: |-
+ The post Outreachy May 2024: A letter to Fedora applicants appeared first on /home/jwf/.
+ /home/jwf/ - Free & Open Source, technology, travel, and life reflections
+ To all Outreachy May 2024 applicants
+ last_post_date: "2024-05-02T13:05:05Z"
+ last_post_link: https://blog.jwf.io/2024/05/outreachy-may-2024-letter-fedora-applicants/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - 2020s
+ - Fedora Linux
+ - Fedora Planet
+ - Open Source
+ - Outreachy
+ - Red Hat
+ - internship
+ - open source communities
+ - reflections
+ last_post_language: ""
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-title: OpenStack – Sascha Peilicke
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Open Source, All Things Android, (Astro) Photography and Personal Opinion.
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-title: Jake Weidokal
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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+title: Writing JavaScript games in Haskell
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+description: Exploring writing browser games with Haskell
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+ last_post_title: Breakout - Improved and with netwire
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2013-08-21T23:08:29-07:00"
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-title: Arun Raghavan
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @arun@fantastic.earth
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+title: Glyn Normington's blog
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: This is my personal blog and does not necessarily reflect the views of
+ my employer (VMware).
+ feedlink: https://glynblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: d9673916905a92216bbb39b8a4e1c772
+ websites:
+ https://glynblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Christianity
+ - Iraq
+ - blogging
+ - iPod shuffle
+ - iTunes
+ relme:
+ https://about.me/glyn.normington: true
+ https://glynblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://underlap.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://winchesterflyfishing.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/08741529390385812080: true
+ last_post_title: Using iPod shuffle with multiple Macs
+ last_post_description: With Ben's help, got the following scheme working. Put the
+ Music folder and iTunes library on the disk portion of the iPod shuffle and then
+ start iTunes by Alt-clicking to select the library on the
+ last_post_date: "2009-06-18T19:03:00Z"
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+ - iPod shuffle
+ - iTunes
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+title: debian on Website of Jamie McClelland
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Recent content in debian on Website of Jamie McClelland
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+ last_post_title: Users without passwords
+ last_post_description: |-
+ About fifteen years ago, while debugging a database probem, I was horrified to
+ discover that we had two root users - one with the password I had been using
+ and one without a password. Nooo!
+ So, I
+ last_post_date: "2023-10-22T08:27:10-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://current.workingdirectory.net/posts/2023/users-without-passwords/
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-title: Pete Brown
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-title: Pixel Envy
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @pxlnv@mastodon.social
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+title: Daten|teiler
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Kopieren als Kulturtechnik
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+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Gnu/Linux
+ - Open Source
+ - Powershell
+ relme:
+ https://www.datenteiler.de/: true
+ last_post_title: PowerShell und Jupyter Notebooks unter Linux in VS Code
+ last_post_description: Jupyter Notebook ist eine Open Source-Webanwendung, mit der
+ man Dokumente erstellen und teilen kann, die Live-Code, mathematische Gleichungen,
+ Visualisierungen von Daten und beschreibenden Text
+ last_post_date: "2022-10-24T17:11:33Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.datenteiler.de/powershell-und-jupyter-notebooks-unter-linux-in-vs-code/
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+ - Gnu/Linux
+ - Open Source
+ - Powershell
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-title: Sara Hendren
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: ""
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- last_post_title: an unconditioned whole
- last_post_description: “If more thinkers were willing, like William Egginton, to
- extend and elucidate the philosophical implications of physics in the actual physics
- classroom, we’d quickly realize much more of the so
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+title: Yiming Chen
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+description: My rants against Life and Software.
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
+ categories: []
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+ last_post_title: How "let it fail" leads to simpler code
+ last_post_description: The biggest lesson I learned from the "Let it fail" philosophy,
+ is to distinguish expected errors and unexpected errors. So we can safely ignore
+ the unexpected, and only handle the expected errors in
+ last_post_date: "2022-07-12T00:00:00Z"
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+ - Eclipse
+ - Egit
+ - Git
+ - Tutorial
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+ https://unicase.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/18196528196170889175: true
+ last_post_title: EGit Tutorial for Beginners
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2012-12-13T09:32:52-08:00"
+ last_post_link: https://unicase.blogspot.com/2011/01/egit-tutorial-for-beginners.html
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+ - Eclipse
+ - Egit
+ - Git
+ - Tutorial
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+ - libxml2
+ - lxml
+ - microsoft
+ - multiprocessing
+ - psf
+ - python
+ - python multiprocessing
+ - ubuntu
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+ https://lipyrary.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: 'Python and Linux kernel 3.0: sys.platform != ''linux2'''
+ last_post_description: It's getting more and more challenging to compile Python.
+ Half a year ago Python 2.x's build system broke caused by multiarch support in
+ Ubuntu Natty. Now Linux kernel 3.0 is going to reveal yet
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- last_post_description: 'A couple weeks ago, I had to test a printer, and the first
- text file I found to test-print was this, quazza-purchases.txt:'
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+ last_post_title: trying to cope with Slack’s BlockKit
+ last_post_description: The other day, a concatenation of circumstances led me to
+ thinking about the lousy state of sending formatted text to Slack. We have a bot
+ called Synergy at work, and the bot posts lots of content.
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+ - 4e
+ - 5e
+ - ADnD
+ - AnE
+ - CAS
+ - CnS
+ - CoC
+ - D101 Games
+ - DnD
+ - PCs
+ - SnS
+ - T
+ - VnV
+ - a to z
+ - ability scores
+ - abstraction
+ - acks
+ - acres
+ - adams
+ - ads of dragon
+ - adventure games publishing
+ - advertising
+ - ahmed
+ - albie fiore
+ - alehouse
+ - alignment
+ - allston
+ - anagrams
+ - anderson
+ - animal kings
+ - anime
+ - appendix n
+ - appenix n
+ - arduin
+ - ares magazine
+ - arkham house
+ - armor class
+ - arneson
+ - art
+ - articles of dragon
+ - asprin
+ - assistance
+ - atari
+ - atlantis
+ - avalon hill
+ - averoigne
+ - backhaus
+ - ball
+ - bard
+ - barker
+ - barrett's raiders
+ - bath
+ - baum
+ - bell
+ - bellairs
+ - bezio
+ - black blade
+ - blackmoor
+ - bledsaw
+ - bloch
+ - blue book
+ - blume
+ - boardgames
+ - boney
+ - books
+ - boot hill
+ - brackett
+ - bradbury
+ - bran mak morn
+ - brandification
+ - braunstein
+ - brave halfling
+ - breig
+ - brooks
+ - brown
+ - brp
+ - brundage
+ - bsg
+ - buck rogers
+ - bulwer-lytton
+ - burroughs
+ - calithena
+ - campaigns
+ - campbell
+ - carcosa
+ - carr
+ - carter
+ - castle zagyg
+ - chadwick
+ - chainmail
+ - chalk
+ - chambers
+ - champions
+ - chandler
+ - chaosium
+ - character classes
+ - character sheets
+ - charette
+ - charrette
+ - charts
+ - chesterton
+ - christopher
+ - citadel
+ - cleric
+ - clerics
+ - cnc
+ - combat
+ - comics
+ - computers
+ - conan
+ - conley
+ - contest
+ - conventions
+ - copyright
+ - cosmology
+ - costikyan
+ - counters
+ - crichton
+ - crompton
+ - crossby
+ - csio
+ - cthulhu
+ - cyberpunk
+ - cyoa
+ - dancey
+ - danforth
+ - dangerous journeys
+ - dark sun
+ - darlene
+ - darren mcgavin
+ - david cook
+ - davidson
+ - dawn patrol
+ - dc
+ - dccrpg
+ - decamp
+ - dee
+ - definitions
+ - demons
+ - derleth
+ - dever
+ - dice
+ - dietrick
+ - different worlds
+ - disney
+ - diterlizzi
+ - ditko
+ - diy rpg
+ - do it yourself
+ - doc smith
+ - donaldson
+ - doyle
+ - dragon magazine
+ - dragonlance
+ - dragonquest
+ - dragons
+ - drow
+ - druid
+ - dungeons
+ - dunsany
+ - dwarves
+ - dwimmermount
+ - easley
+ - eddings
+ - eddison
+ - ehara
+ - eisenstein
+ - elf lair games
+ - elmore
+ - elric
+ - elves
+ - emaindor
+ - encounter critical
+ - endgame
+ - ept
+ - escapism
+ - espinoza
+ - evil
+ - experience
+ - fantasy cartographic
+ - fanzines
+ - farmer
+ - fasa
+ - faster monkey
+ - fgu
+ - fight on
+ - fighter
+ - fighting fantasy
+ - finch
+ - finieous fingers
+ - finlay
+ - flash gordon
+ - flying buffalo
+ - foglio
+ - forbidden isle
+ - forbidden lands
+ - forgotten realms
+ - fox
+ - frazetta
+ - free league
+ - frog god games
+ - future of gaming
+ - gamebooks
+ - gamelords
+ - games workshop
+ - gamescience
+ - gamma world
+ - gangbusters
+ - gardner
+ - garrett
+ - gdw
+ - gemmell
+ - gilsdorf
+ - glen cook
+ - glorantha
+ - gnomes
+ - goblinoid games
+ - goblins
+ - gods
+ - gold
+ - golden age
+ - goodgames games
+ - goodman games
+ - green ronin
+ - greenwood
+ - grenadier
+ - greyhawk
+ - grognard's grimoire
+ - grognards
+ - grohe
+ - grubb
+ - gsl
+ - gurps
+ - gygax
+ - gygaxo-arneson
+ - h. beam piper
+ - hackmaster
+ - haggard
+ - halflings
+ - hammack
+ - hammer
+ - hargrave
+ - harn
+ - harrison
+ - harryhausen
+ - hasbro
+ - hawkmoon
+ - hce
+ - heald
+ - heinlein
+ - henchmen
+ - hendryx
+ - henson
+ - heritage
+ - hexographer
+ - hickman
+ - hildebrandt
+ - hirelings
+ - historical fantasy
+ - history
+ - hit points
+ - hodgson
+ - holloway
+ - holmes
+ - horror
+ - house of worms
+ - house rules
+ - howard
+ - howard thompson
+ - humans
+ - hume
+ - humor
+ - hyperborea
+ - ice
+ - idiocy
+ - imagine magazine
+ - imagine the hell out of it
+ - imaro
+ - interview
+ - iridia zine
+ - jackson
+ - japan
+ - jaquays
+ - jaquet
+ - johnson
+ - jones
+ - jorune
+ - judges guild
+ - kane
+ - kanterman
+ - kask
+ - keith brothers
+ - kellri
+ - kennig
+ - kenzer
+ - kickstarter
+ - killer DM
+ - king arthur
+ - kirby
+ - kline
+ - knockspell
+ - known world
+ - kothar
+ - krebs
+ - kull
+ - kummer
+ - kuntz
+ - kurtz
+ - kuttner
+ - labyrinth lord
+ - laforce
+ - lakofka
+ - lamb
+ - languages
+ - lanier
+ - leason
+ - lego
+ - leiber
+ - lejendary adventure
+ - level
+ - lewis
+ - lewis carroll
+ - livingstone
+ - loomis
+ - lords of creation
+ - lotfp
+ - lovecraft
+ - ludibrium games
+ - machen
+ - magic
+ - magic-user
+ - malory
+ - mapes
+ - maps
+ - marcela-froideval
+ - mars
+ - marsh
+ - marvel
+ - mayfair
+ - mayle
+ - mccaffrey
+ - mckinney
+ - megadungeon
+ - megarry
+ - mehlem
+ - meints
+ - melan
+ - memories
+ - mentzer
+ - merp
+ - merritt
+ - merry mushmen
+ - metagaming
+ - metal
+ - metamorphosis alpha
+ - midderlands
+ - miller
+ - minaria
+ - mind flayers
+ - mini-con
+ - miniatures
+ - mishler
+ - mmo
+ - modules
+ - mohan
+ - moldvay
+ - mongoose
+ - monk
+ - monkey blood
+ - monsters
+ - monte cook
+ - moorcock
+ - moore
+ - mork borg
+ - mornard
+ - morris
+ - morrow project
+ - movies
+ - music
+ - musing
+ - musings
+ - musings. memories
+ - mutant future
+ - mythmere games
+ - mythus
+ - mörk borg
+ - naturalism
+ - necromancer games
+ - new infinities
+ - newport
+ - news
+ - nice guys
+ - nicholson
+ - niles
+ - ninja
+ - niven
+ - norman
+ - norton
+ - nostalgia
+ - o'bannon
+ - odd
+ - offut
+ - og
+ - ogc
+ - ogl
+ - ogre
+ - old school
+ - open friday
+ - ose
+ - osr
+ - osrcon
+ - osric
+ - other
+ - other blogs
+ - other games
+ - otus
+ - oubliette
+ - owen
+ - oz
+ - pacesetter
+ - packard
+ - page
+ - paizo
+ - paladin
+ - palladium
+ - palmer
+ - pangborn
+ - pao
+ - pathfinder rpg
+ - pdf
+ - peake
+ - pelinore
+ - pendragon
+ - perrin
+ - petersen
+ - peterson
+ - petty gods
+ - pied piper publishing
+ - planes
+ - planet stories
+ - podcast
+ - poe
+ - poll
+ - polyhedron
+ - pondsmith
+ - post-apocalyptic
+ - pratt
+ - predictions
+ - priestley
+ - proctor
+ - projects
+ - psionics
+ - pulp fantasy
+ - pulp fantasy gallery
+ - pulp fantasy library
+ - pulps
+ - quinn
+ - r. talsorian
+ - raggi
+ - rahman
+ - random roll
+ - ranger
+ - rasmussen
+ - ravenloft
+ - red sonja
+ - refereeing
+ - reiche
+ - religion
+ - retraction
+ - retro-clones
+ - retrospective
+ - review
+ - rice
+ - rients
+ - ringworld
+ - ritchie
+ - robertson
+ - robinson
+ - rolemaster
+ - rolston
+ - roslof
+ - ross
+ - roy thomas
+ - rpga
+ - rules
+ - runequest
+ - russ
+ - saberhagen
+ - salvatore
+ - samurai
+ - sandbox
+ - sapkowski
+ - saunders
+ - saving throws
+ - saxman
+ - schick
+ - science fantasy
+ - science fiction
+ - sha-arthan
+ - shaver
+ - shea
+ - shook
+ - siembieda
+ - silver age
+ - silver john
+ - simbalist
+ - sine nomine
+ - skills
+ - snarfquest
+ - snider
+ - snw
+ - soapbox games
+ - software
+ - solomon kane
+ - space gamer
+ - space opera
+ - spi
+ - st andre
+ - st. clair
+ - stackpole
+ - stafford
+ - star frontiers
+ - star trek
+ - star wars
+ - steve jackson games
+ - stormbringer
+ - strategic review
+ - sullivan
+ - superheroes
+ - sustare
+ - sutherland
+ - sword-and-planet
+ - swords-and-sorcery
+ - symbaroum
+ - t2k
+ - talanian
+ - tanith lee
+ - task force games
+ - tekumel
+ - television
+ - tetv
+ - the fantasy trip
+ - the hobby
+ - the industry
+ - the witcher
+ - thief
+ - thomson
+ - thousand suns
+ - tierney
+ - tnt
+ - tolkien
+ - top secret
+ - tournaments
+ - trampier
+ - traveller
+ - treasure
+ - tri tac
+ - tricky owlbear
+ - troll lord
+ - tsr
+ - tubb
+ - tucholka
+ - undead
+ - urheim
+ - vaesen
+ - vampires
+ - van vogt
+ - vance
+ - venus
+ - verisimilitude
+ - vey
+ - victory games
+ - video games
+ - von daniken
+ - wagner
+ - walker
+ - war
+ - ward
+ - warden
+ - wargames
+ - warhammer
+ - wayfarers
+ - wee warriors
+ - weinbaum
+ - weird tales
+ - weis
+ - wellman
+ - wells
+ - wesely
+ - wesley
+ - west end
+ - westerns
+ - wfrp
+ - wham
+ - whats his story
+ - white dwarf
+ - wilderlands
+ - wilderness
+ - williams
+ - willingham
+ - willis
+ - winter
+ - wisdom
+ - wiseman
+ - wodehouse
+ - wolfe
+ - wonderland
+ - world of warcraft
+ - wormy
+ - wotc
+ - writing
+ - xrp
+ - ya'govian
+ - yaquinto
+ - zelazny
+ - zieser
+ - zocchi
+ - zothique
+ relme:
+ https://grognardia.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: A (Very) Partial Pictorial History of Trolls
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T00:00:00-04:00"
+ last_post_link: https://grognardia.blogspot.com/2024/07/a-very-partial-pictorial-history-of_0297871625.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - 2e
+ - ADnD
+ - anderson
+ - art
+ - dee
+ - diterlizzi
+ - grenadier
+ - holloway
+ - miniatures
+ - monsters
+ - nicholson
+ - sutherland
+ - trampier
+ - tsr
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+ posts: 3
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+ promotes: 0
+ relme: 2
+ title: 3
+ website: 2
+ score: 26
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+ isnoarchive: false
+ innetwork: true
+ language: ""
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-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: "I make things that help people make things. \nW3C TAG member, HCI researcher
- at MIT, CSS WG Invited Expert, CSS Secrets book author. Shy extrovert.\L I ♥ standards,
- code, design, UX, food, life!"
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+ I was having a bad day, and couldn’t run Ironsworn. Instead we played WABW, which I had found after watching A.A. Voigt's video essay about it.
+ It was really nice to play. Not a lot of games are so
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- the first post you might want to go back and read the
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+ of Retro Tech & More…'
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+ Software and Aaron Fothergill previously from Argonaut Games and now with Shifty
+ Eye Games as we discuss more gaming,
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+ last_post_description: Condo tenants with tank-farming nurseries should be extra
+ cautious since mishaps can conceivably affect those living around them. No one
+ needs to get expelled, given a misstep. Let me share a story
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+ last_post_description: Wow, I got a lot of feedback because of my last P2 bashing
+ blog post. A guy from compeople even called me the other day, telling me they
+ had the same problem and that they can provide a ready to use
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+ under gensim 3.8.3. (Or so I hope, based on the poetry.lock file.) Current stable
+ is 4.3.0, so…I have some updating to do. In theory I
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- one, but good in the vernacular, at least when it came to one of the most consequential
- things he did in his life: helping build the George'
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+ Details
+ Gitlab migration: see the other blogpost
+ Fix connections to Snikket instances:
+ Snikket decided to forbid PLAIN
+ authentication, which …
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+ last_post_title: New fundraising campaign
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Our current development iPhone 8, which we bought in 2020, is getting on in years, is not able to run iOS 17 and the battery is broken.
+ So it’s that time again: we are launching a new fundraising
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- last_post_title: Protecting artists on the fediverse
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- moving to Cara, a social network for artists founded by Jingna Zhang, herself
- an accomplished photographer.The fediverse is a decentralized
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+ - politics organisation antipattern Bruce_Sterling
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+ - real-time
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+ last_post_description: In my work life I have spent the past two years writing the
+ Diametric Safety Case Manager (DSM). This uses Goal Structuring Notation to represent
+ safety arguments and bow-tie diagrams to represent
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+ Conference speaker \U0001F427 GNU/Linux user \U0001F951 Free Software advocate"
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+ programming language.
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- provider and external networks. No doubt countless words have been spent trying
- to tease apart these concepts, so I thought that it’d be a'
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+ - Writer
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+ en is niet gediend met verwijdering en geweld
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- last_post_title: Comment on “Lightning” Headphones That Require Bluetooth by Dan
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- Going the Bluetooth route for audio transmission is kind of genius, I have to say.
- On the other hand, this shows how Lightning was protecting the market for iPhone peripherals. USB-C to analog audio
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+ - IT
+ - MIUI
+ - Muminki
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+ most of the way, so it was quite an empty trail with some magical views and lots
+ of deer. #ireland #hiking #nature'
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+ rainy most of the way, so it was quite an empty trail with some magical views
+ and lots of deer. #ireland #hiking #nature'
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+ d'utilisateurs de Nintendo DS dans le
+ monde... voici le Chablais, aux portes de Genève, capitale
+ internationale s'il en est! A vos (3)DS!
+ On va tenter
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- for this. These days, the most common major upgrade is from
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+ Onze samenleving zit door de corona-crisis in een ongekende situatie, met angst,
+ spanningen, onzekerheden en verdriet. En zelfs geweld
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+ https://tintacomdo.blogspot.com/: true
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+ - Techno Alarming
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+ https://blog.gerv.net/: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on A Case for the Total Abolition of Software Patents by
+ Priya Khanna
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Thanks for sharing the post.
+ NetSet Software stands as a leading web app development company India, renowned for delivering cutting-edge web solutions. With a focus on innovation and quality, NetSet
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-18T07:31:30Z"
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-description: Particle Physicist. In the wild.
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- last_post_title: Christmas Project
- last_post_description: Every Christmas I try to do some sort of project. Something
- new. Sometimes it turns into something real, and last for years. Sometimes it
- goes no where. Normally, I have an idea of what I’m going
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+ last_post_title: Interview at Geomob Podcast
+ last_post_description: Earlier this week an episode of the Geomob Podcast was published
+ where Steven Feldman interviews yours truly. It was a lot of fun to chat with
+ Steven about Elastic, my experience in the geospatial
+ last_post_date: "2024-03-20T15:19:49+01:00"
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- Operator
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
- https://danq.me/comments/feed/
- https://danq.me/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- Uncategorized
- bass guitar
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- memory palace
- mnemonic
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+title: 'Martin-Éric Racine: Perkelix'
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Récits d'une utopie européenne, Suomen tavalla. Blogitud quebeci keeles,
+ конешно!
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+ categories:
+ - Europe
+ - Finlande
+ - Immigration
+ - anarchie
+ - droit
+ - démocratie
+ - déracinement
+ - expatriation
+ - justice
+ - outrage
+ - ras-le-bol
+ relme:
+ https://perkelix.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://q-funk.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/00394315280689943764: true
+ last_post_title: Blogeur sur Magma.fi
+ last_post_description: À compter d'aujourd'hui, mon blog de langue anglaise est
+ désormais syndiqué sur le site du think-tank suédophone finlandais Magma, pour
+ les items traitants de question d'immigration et
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+description: A blog about life and nature in Huggenberg. Huggenberg is a part of Hofstetten
+ ZH and is located between Winterthur and Wil near the Ruetschberg pass.
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+ categories:
+ - Art
+ - Cross-Country Skiing
+ - Exhibition
+ - Good Friday
+ - Hiking Trail
+ - Hofstetten
+ - Huggenberg
+ - Landbote
+ - Loipen Schauenberg
+ - On the move
+ - SNow
+ - Schauenberg
+ - School Hofstetten
+ - Seelmatten
+ - Sommer skating
+ - Steam rail road
+ - Säntis
+ - Tiefenstein
+ - bauma
+ - baumpilz
+ - bichelsee
+ - bird
+ - burning car
+ - carnival
+ - cross-country ski track
+ - hagenbuch
+ - huestel
+ - ice cristals
+ - ice cystals
+ - icicled
+ - school
+ - school christmas poem sketch
+ - sea of fog
+ - smiling elephant
+ - snow shoe
+ - sun
+ relme:
+ https://4urit.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://huggenberg.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://madmeiersadventures.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://madmeierscloud.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://madmeierslife.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://madmeierstwike.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://mmsketches.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/14628306885093928732: true
+ last_post_title: The end of the rain ... now spring (or summer) is here
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+ last_post_date: "2013-06-06T17:59:24+02:00"
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-title: Kuketz IT-Security » Blog
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
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- - Artikel
- - Android
- - Browser
- - Datenschutz
- - Datensendeverhalten
- - Sicherheitsmaßnahme
- relme:
- https://social.tchncs.de/@kuketzblog: true
- last_post_title: 'Sichere und datenschutzfreundliche Browser: Meine Empfehlungen
- – Teil 1'
- last_post_description: 1. Schlüssel zum Internet Ein Webbrowser ist der »Schlüssel«
- zum Internet bzw. zum World Wide Web, mit dem wir unsere privaten und beruflichen
- Aufgaben erledigen. Daher ist es wichtig, einen
- last_post_date: "2024-06-03T09:24:19Z"
- last_post_link: https://www.kuketz-blog.de/sichere-und-datenschutzfreundliche-browser-meine-empfehlungen-teil-1/
- last_post_categories:
- - Artikel
- - Android
- - Browser
- - Datenschutz
- - Datensendeverhalten
- - Sicherheitsmaßnahme
- last_post_guid: 38ab5fe7e6a1c7fb104505c9672d52ca
- score_criteria:
- cats: 0
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+title: Take on Rules
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Recent content for Take on Rules
+ feedlink: https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: dd3e0e05ff98cb3933ebb88f4c394eef
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+ https://takeonrules.com/: true
+ https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/: false
+ blogrolls:
+ - https://takeonrules.com/blogroll.xml
+ recommended:
+ - https://adrianroselli.com/feed
+ - https://ag91.github.io/rss.xml
+ - https://ajroach42.com/feed.xml
+ - https://alegisdownport.wordpress.com/feed
+ - https://alexschroeder.ch/wiki/feed/full/
+ - https://alldeadgenerations.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://alphastream.org/index.php/feed/
+ - https://amoreconviviallife.wordpress.com/feed/
+ - https://arialdomartini.github.io/atom
+ - https://arne.me/articles/atom.xml
+ - https://atthis.link/rss.xml
+ - https://avdi.codes/feed/
+ - https://bankuei.wordpress.com/feed/
+ - https://baskauf.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://batintheattic.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://baty.net/feed
+ - https://blog.aaronbieber.com/posts/index.xml
+ - https://blog.adambark.com/index.xml
+ - https://blog.appsignal.com/category/ruby-feed.xml
+ - https://blog.jethro.dev/index.xml
+ - https://blog.meain.io/feed.xml
+ - https://blog.testdouble.com/index.xml
+ - https://burnafterrunningrpg.com/feed/
+ - https://bxblackrazor.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/
+ - https://campaignwiki.org/files/osr-discord.xml
+ - https://campaignwiki.org/podcast/feed.xml
+ - https://campaignwiki.org/rpg/feed.xml
+ - https://cepheusjournal.com/feed/
+ - https://cestlaz.github.io/rss.xml
+ - https://characteralchemyrpg.wordpress.com/feed/
+ - https://chelseatroy.com/feed/
+ - https://citizen428.net/blog/
+ - https://communick.news/feeds/c/emacs.xml?sort=Active
+ - https://cprss.s3.amazonaws.com/golangweekly.com.xml
+ - https://darjanix.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://daydreamsinruby.com/rss.xml
+ - https://decafbad.net/feed
+ - https://deltasdnd.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://diyanddragons.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://dripping-tap.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://dwelleroftheforbiddencity.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://edstrom.dev/posts.atom
+ - https://eshelyaron.com/rss.xml
+ - https://espharel.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://ethanmarcotte.com/wrote/feed.xml
+ - https://feeds.jamesmead.org/floehopper-blog
+ - https://frotz.weaponvsac.space/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases.atom
+ - https://githyankidiaspora.com/feed/
+ - https://go.dev/blog/feed.atom
+ - https://gretzuni.com/atom/
+ - https://grognardia.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://half-baked-dungeons.bearblog.dev/feed/?type=rss
+ - https://inclusive-components.design/rss/
+ - https://irreal.org/blog/?feed=rss
+ - https://juanjose.garciaripoll.com/blog/rss.xml
+ - https://jxself.org/rss20.xml
+ - https://karl-voit.at/feeds/lazyblorg-all.atom_1.0.links-and-content.xml
+ - https://kristofferbalintona.me/index.xml
+ - https://lambdaland.org/index.xml
+ - https://laurakalbag.com/index.xml
+ - https://library.mausritter.com/language/english/feed/
+ - https://lichvanwinkle.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://majesticflywhisk.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://matthiasott.com/rss
+ - https://maziriansgarden.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://monstersandmanuals.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://mythlands-erce.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://necroticgnome.com/blogs/news.atom
+ - https://nesslabs.com/feed
+ - https://nithinbekal.com/feed.xml
+ - https://noelrappin.com/blog/index.xml
+ - https://oaksmokingdoomage.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://oldeschoolwizardry.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://osr.smolderingwizard.com/feed.xml
+ - https://pacomiscelaneousstuff.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://permacrandam.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://planet.emacslife.com/atom.xml
+ - https://plundergrounds.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://pluralistic.net/feed/
+ - https://protesilaos.com/master.xml
+ - https://roytang.net/blog/feed/rss
+ - https://ruby.libhunt.com/newsletter/feed
+ - https://rubycentral.org/news/rss/
+ - https://rubyonrails.org/feed.xml
+ - https://rubyweekly.com/rss/
+ - https://sachachua.com/blog/feed
+ - https://sachagoat.blot.im/feed.rss
+ - https://seedofworlds.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://shkspr.mobi/blog/feed/atom/
+ - https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/feeds/all.atom.xml
+ - https://soniasulaiman.com/feed/
+ - https://spacecockroach.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://sqrtminusone.xyz/posts/index.xml
+ - https://svbck.org/blog/rss.xml
+ - https://swordsandstitchery.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://tales-of-the-lunar-lands.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://thedicesociety.com/index.xml
+ - https://throneofsalt.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://tracydurnell.com/feed/
+ - https://travellerrpgblog.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://tychoish.com/index.xml
+ - https://unkansas.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
+ - https://victoria.dev/index.xml
+ - https://vsca.blog/feed/
+ - https://vxlabs.com/index.xml
+ - https://webaim.org/blog/feed
+ - https://weblog.masukomi.org/index.xml
+ - https://www.3d6downtheline.com/blog?format=rss
+ - https://www.baldurbjarnason.com/feed.xml/
+ - https://www.bastionland.com/feeds/posts/default
+ - https://www.dyerdwelling.family/index.xml
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+ the usability of inline documentation provided by the active language server.\n\n
+ \ Over the last few months, I’ve been writing Go Lang"
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+ the world, so I probably keep track of more time zones
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+ Discovering paying
+ work As a young person is significantly simpler today than it was previously.
+ Notwithstanding conventional adolescent positions, for example, working in a
+ supermarket or café,
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+ at syntaxerrormmm/dotfiles
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+ 7be9e0086a1e099e2ae5d962adc757e3d86b3e91
+ Riabilito cache zsh per la completion, visto che non è lei che blocca.
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+ - 2018 Exclusive
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- - Soundgarden
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- - Lightning Bolt
- - Ten Club
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+ - American Death Squad
+ - Ames Bros.
+ - Amsterdam
+ - Andrew Watt
+ - Andrew Wood
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+ - Avocado
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- - March Madness
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- - The Home/Away Shows
- - Josh Evans
- - Merch
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- - Painted Shield
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- - Shadow 86
- - Judd Apatow
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- - 3rd Secret
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- - Heaven/Hell
- - I Should Be Outside
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- - Live at Easy Street
- - Lullabies
- - Mirror Ball
- - PJ25
- - Regan Hagar
- - Skin Yard
- - nugs.tv
- - Cavedweller
+ - Deep
- Deranged Diction
+ - Drop in the Park
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- - Exhibits
- - Into The Wild
- - Levee Walkers
- - The Glamour & The Squalor
- - While My Heart Beats
- - 1991-2013 Boxed Set
- - Citizen Dick
- - HankKhoir
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- - Malfunkshun
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- - SiriusXM
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- - Deep
+ - Earthling
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+ - Flight to Mars
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+ - Guided Tour
+ - Guitars
+ - Hall of Fame
+ - Halloween
+ - HankKhoir
+ - Harper Vedder
+ - Heaven/Hell
+ - HockeyTalker Records
- Hype!
- I Am No Guide
- - Live on Two Legs
- - New Music
- - Three Fish
- - collaborations
- - 2018 Exclusive
- - American Death Squad
- - Amsterdam
- - Bad Radio
- - Bam Bam
- - Bridge School Benefit
- - Can't Deny Me
- - Drop in the Park
- - Guitars
+ - I Should Be Outside
- Indian Style
+ - Infinite Color & Sound
+ - Into The Wild
+ - Jack Irons
+ - Jeff Ament
- Jill Vedder
- Jimmy Shoaf
+ - John Wicks
+ - Josh Evans
+ - Josh Klinghoffer
+ - Judd Apatow
- Judgement Night
+ - KEXP
+ - Kelly Curtis
- Key Arena
- Knowlden
- Lance Mercer
+ - Let's Play Two
+ - Levee Walkers
+ - Lightning Bolt
+ - Live
+ - Live at Easy Street
- Live at the Orpheum Theatre
+ - Live on Ten Legs
+ - Live on Two Legs
+ - Loosegroove Records
+ - Lost Dogs
+ - Lullabies
- Luv Co.
- M.A.C.C.
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+ - Mad Season
+ - Malfunkshun
+ - March Madness
+ - Matt Cameron
+ - Matt Chamberlain
+ - Merch
+ - Mike McCready
+ - Mirror Ball
+ - Misc
+ - MoPOP
+ - Moonlander
+ - Mother Love Bone
- Music
+ - New Music
- Nighttime Boogie Association
+ - No Code
- Nude Dragons
+ - Olivia Vedder
+ - P.E.S.T.
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+ - PJ20 Book
+ - PJ20 Movie
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+ - PJ25
- PJ30
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+ - Pluralone
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+ - Regan Hagar
+ - Richard Stuverud
+ - Rick Parashar
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+ - Singles
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+ - Stone Gossard
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+ - Temple of the Dog
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+ - Ten Club
+ - Ten Commandos
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- The Edgewater Hotel
+ - The Glamour & The Squalor
+ - The Home/Away Shows
- The Little Ships
+ - The Rockfords
+ - Three Fish
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+ - Tour
+ - Tres Mts.
- Tuatara
+ - Ukulele Songs
+ - Vault
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+ - Video Game
+ - Video-DVD-TV
+ - Vitalogy
+ - Vs.
+ - While My Heart Beats
+ - Yield
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+ - homage
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+ - movie
+ - nugs.tv
+ - podcast
+ - prank
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+ last_post_title: When Rigor becomes Rigor Mortis
+ last_post_description: 'I''ve worked in the field of computer science and software
+ engineering research off-and-on for almost ten years: first, as a software developer
+ and research associate and then, in the last 3 years, as'
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
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+ posts.
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+ Putting the "tess" in "delicatessen" since 5739.
+ Mom. Queer trans lady.
+ @eryn's partner.
+ Half of @hodykee.
+ I work in a large donut made of metal and glass, but please don't expect much in the way
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+ - butlerian%20jihad%20time
+ - shitchost
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- - https://kevquirk.com/feed
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- Some links don’t call for a full blog post, but sometimes I still want to share some of the good stuff I encounter on the web.
- Orangutan seen treating wound with medicinal herb in first for wild
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+ - ARM
+ - AVR
+ - Eingebettete Systeme
+ - English
+ - RTOS
+ - Rigol
+ - Rigol DS1052D
+ - SCT
+ - STM32F4
+ - STMicroelectronics
+ - Sensors
+ - Statecharts
+ - TSL2561
+ - Yakindu
+ - arduino
+ - atmega
+ - c programming
+ - embedded systems
+ - enterprise
+ - erika
+ - gyroscope
+ - itemis
+ - linux
+ - logic analyzer
+ - mecanum
+ - microcontroller
+ - microprocessor
+ - odomerty
+ - omnidirectional
+ - oscilloscope
+ - robot
+ - scope
+ - statechart
+ - swedish wheels
+ - trafficlight
+ - ultrasonic
+ - xbox360
+ relme:
+ https://scholtyssek.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: TSL2561 light sensor with STM32F4
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2015-01-14T11:58:25-08:00"
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+ - ARM
+ - Eingebettete Systeme
+ - English
+ - STM32F4
+ - Sensors
+ - TSL2561
+ - embedded systems
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- - https://chrisburnell.com/blogroll.opml
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- - https://11ty.dev/blog/feed.xml
- - https://11ty.rocks/feed
- - https://11tybundle.dev/feed.xml
- - https://aaronparecki.com/feed.xml
- - https://ada.is/feed
- - https://adactio.com/articles/rss
- - https://adactio.com/journal/rss
- - https://adrianroselli.com/feed/
- - https://alistairshepherd.uk/feed.xml
- - https://alwaystwisted.com/rss.php
- - https://amerpie.lol/feed.xml
- - https://amyhupe.co.uk/atom.xml
- - https://andy-bell.co.uk/feed.xml
- - https://anhvn.com/feed.xml
- - https://benmyers.dev/feed.xml
- - https://birming.com/feed/
- - https://bitsofco.de/feed/feed.xml
- - https://blakewatson.com/feed/
- - https://blog.darylsun.page/atom.xml
- - https://blog.rumyra.com/feed.xml
- - https://blog.yoav.ws/feed/feed.xml
- - https://brainbaking.com/index.xml
- - https://brucelawson.co.uk/feed/
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/rss
- - https://cassie.codes/feed.xml
- - https://charlottedann.com/rss.xml
- - https://chenhuijing.com/feed.xml
- - https://chriscoyier.net/feed/
- - https://christianheilmann.com/feed/
- - https://clearleft.com/thinking/rss
- - https://codepen.io/spark/feed/
- - https://css-irl.info/rss.xml
- - https://danleatherman.com/feed.xml
- - https://danmall.com/feed.xml
- - https://darn.es/rss.xml
- - https://darthmall.net/feed.xml
- - https://daverupert.com/atom.xml
- - https://doubleloop.net/feed/
- - https://ericwbailey.website/feed/feed.xml
- - https://ethanmarcotte.com/wrote/feed.xml
- - https://feedpress.me/coryd
- - https://feeds.feedburner.com/andydavies
- - https://feeds.feedburner.com/brad-frosts-blog
- - https://feeds.feedburner.com/csswizardry
- - https://flamedfury.com/feed.xml
- - https://flyknifecomics.com/feed.xml
- - https://frills.dev/rss.xml
- - https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=atom&url=https%3A//jacky.wtf/channel/all
- - https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=rss&url=https%3A//jamesg.blog
- - https://grislyeye.com/rss.xml
- - https://hacdias.com/feed.xml
- - https://hamatti.org/feed/feed.xml
- - https://helloyes.dev/feeds/blog/feed.xml
- - https://heydonworks.com/feed.xml
- - https://hidde.blog/feed/
- - https://infrequently.org/feed/
- - https://ishadeed.com/feed.xml
- - https://jakearchibald.com/posts.rss
- - https://jason.energy/feed.xml
- - https://jefklakscodex.com/index.xml
- - https://jeremycherfas.net/blog.rss
- - https://joelchrono.xyz/feed.xml
- - https://joshwcomeau.com/feed.xml
- - https://katydecorah.com/feed.xml
- - https://keithjgrant.com/posts/index.xml
- - https://kilianvalkhof.com/feed
- - https://kittygiraudel.com/rss/index.xml
- - https://lars-christian.com/feed/
- - https://laurakalbag.com/index.xml
- - https://lea.verou.me/feed.xml
- - https://letorey.co.uk/feed.xml
- - https://lifeofpablo.com/feed/folder:blog/page:feed.xml
- - https://localghost.dev/feed.xml
- - https://lynnandtonic.com/feed.xml
- - https://manuelmoreale.com/feed/rss
- - https://marksuth.dev/feed/posts.xml
- - https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/rss2/full
- - https://moderncss.dev/feed/
- - https://mxb.dev/feed.xml
- - https://neocities.org/site/xandra.rss
- - https://nicolas-hoizey.com/feeds/articles.xml
- - https://nicolas-hoizey.com/feeds/notes.xml
- - https://noahliebman.net/feed/index.xml
- - https://notes.skyhold.org/feed.xml
- - https://ohhelloana.blog/feed.xml
- - https://paulrobertlloyd.com/feed.xml
- - https://philna.sh/feed.xml
- - https://podcast.clearleft.com/podcast.xml
- - https://rachelandrew.co.uk/feed/
- - https://rachsmith.com/rss/
- - https://remysharp.com/feed.xml
- - https://rknight.me/subscribe/posts/rss.xml
- - https://robinrendle.com/feed.xml
- - https://rusingh.com/feed/
- - https://ryanmulligan.dev/feed.xml
- - https://sallylait.com/blog/index.xml
- - https://sarajoy.dev/rss.xml
- - https://set.studio/feed/
- - https://shoptalkshow.com/feed/podcast/
- - https://sia.codes/feed/feed.xml
- - https://sindresorhus.com/rss.xml
- - https://snook.ca/jonathan/index.rdf
- - https://sohwatt.com/rss/
- - https://starbreaker.org/feeds/recent.xml
- - https://surma.dev/index.xml
- - https://tink.uk/feed.xml
- - https://tracydurnell.com/feed/
- - https://trentwalton.com/feed.xml
- - https://trysmudford.com/blog/index.xml
- - https://vincentp.me/feeds/articles.xml
- - https://voxpelli.com/all.xml
- - https://webplatform.news/feed.xml
- - https://www.bobmonsour.com/feed.xml
- - https://www.erikkroes.nl/feed.xml
- - https://www.hawksworx.com/feed.xml
- - https://www.juanfernandes.uk/rss/feed.xml
- - https://www.lenesaile.com/en/feed.xml
- - https://www.lkhrs.com/blog/index.xml
- - https://www.matthewhowell.net/atom.xml
- - https://www.matuzo.at/feed.xml
- - https://www.mayank.co/blog/rss.xml
- - https://www.miriamsuzanne.com/feed.xml
- - https://www.sarasoueidan.com/blog/index.xml
- - https://www.serendavies.me/feed.xml
- - https://www.thatsmood.com/feed.xml
- - https://www.thefrugalgamer.net/rss.xml
- - https://yequari.com/blog/index.xml
- - https://zachleat.com/web/feed
- - https://zeldman.com/feed/
- - https://11ty.dev/firehose/firehose.rss
- - https://11ty.rocks/feed/
- - https://11tybundle.dev/firehosefeed.xml
- - https://adactio.com/links/rss
- - https://adactio.com/notes/rss
- - https://adactio.com/rss/
- - https://adrianroselli.com/feed
- - https://www.alistairshepherd.uk/feed.xml
- - https://birming.com/feed/?type=rss
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/all/atom
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/all/rss
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/articles/atom
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/articles/rss
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/atom
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/bookmarks/atom
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/bookmarks/rss
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/notes/atom
- - https://calumryan.com/feeds/notes/rss
- - https://clearleft.com/posts/rss.xml
- - https://feedpress.me/coryd-all
- - https://feedpress.me/coryd-artist-charts
- - https://feedpress.me/coryd-books
- - https://feedpress.me/coryd-follow
- - https://feedpress.me/coryd-links
- - https://flamedfury.com/bookmarks-feed.xml
- - https://frills.dev/all.xml
- - https://frills.dev/bookmarks.xml
- - https://frills.dev/changelog.xml
- - https://hidde.blog/feed
- - https://granary.io/url?hub=https%3A//bridgy-fed.superfeedr.com/&input=html&output=atom&url=https%3A//jacky.wtf/channel/all/
- - https://jamesg.blog/feeds/posts.xml
- - https://jeremycherfas.net/blog.atom
- - https://www.joshwcomeau.com/rss.xml
- - https://notes.keithjgrant.com/index.xml
- - https://kilianvalkhof.com/feed/
- - https://lars-christian.com/comments/feed/
- - https://laurakalbag.com/atom.xml
- - https://lifeofpablo.com/feed/page:feed.xml
- - https://lifeofpablo.com/podcast/page:podcast.xml
- - https://localghost.dev/articles.xml
- - https://localghost.dev/books.xml
- - https://localghost.dev/games.xml
- - https://localghost.dev/linkss.xml
- - https://localghost.dev/musics.xml
- - https://localghost.dev/podcasts.xml
- - https://localghost.dev/recipes.xml
- - https://manuelmoreale.com/feed/instagram
- - https://marksuth.dev/feed/photos.xml
- - https://marksuth.dev/feed/stream.xml
- - https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/category/personal/rss2/full
- - https://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/category/tech/rss2/full
- - https://meyerweb.com/feeds/excuse/rss20.xml
- - https://mxb.dev/notes/feed.xml
- - https://nicolas-hoizey.com/feeds/all.xml
- - https://nicolas-hoizey.com/feeds/billets.xml
- - https://nicolas-hoizey.com/feeds/links.xml
- - https://ohhelloana.blog/feed.links.xml
- - https://rachelandrew.co.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://remysharp.com/blog.xml
- - https://remysharp.com/books.xml
- - https://remysharp.com/devlog.xml
- - https://remysharp.com/links.xml
- - https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?playlist_id=PLXmT1r4krsTr8vT7enGZSsENjE2jyTsgW
- - https://rknight.me/subscribe/posts/atom.xml
- - https://robinrendle.com/cascadefeed.xml
- - https://robinrendle.com/essayfeed.xml
- - https://robinrendle.com/newsletterfeed.xml
- - https://set.studio/feed
- - https://shoptalkshow.com/feed/podcast
- - https://sindresorhus.com/rss-apps.xml
- - https://tracydurnell.com/comments/feed/
- - https://www.trysmudford.com/blog/index.xml
- - https://voxpelli.com/english.xml
- - https://www.lkhrs.com/index.xml
- - https://www.matuzo.at/feed_100dayscss.xml
- - https://www.matuzo.at/feed_all.xml
- - https://www.matuzo.at/feed_til.xml
- - https://www.miriamsuzanne.com/feed.atom
- - https://www.sarasoueidan.com/blog/index.xml/
- - https://www.sarasoueidan.com/desk/index.xml/
- - https://www.sarasoueidan.com/newsletter/index.xml/
- - https://yequari.com/index.xml
- - https://zachleat.com/follow/
- - https://zachleat.com/web/feed/
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- - https://ttntm.me/blog/feed.xml
- - https://ttntm.me/everything.xml
- - https://ttntm.me/likes/feed.xml
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- https://github.com/chrisburnell: true
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- https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrisburnell: false
- last_post_title: WeblogPoMo 2024 Wrap Up
- last_post_description: 'It’s officially June now, which means #WeblogPoMo2024 has
- come to a close! Let’s review what I wrote about and what I’m taking away from
- participating in this event.'
- last_post_date: "2024-06-02T20:55:41+08:00"
- last_post_link: https://chrisburnell.com/article/weblogpomo2024-wrap-up/
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- - https://hacdias.com/feed.xml
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- - Unix
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- A long time ago when the Unix greybeards were slightly less grey beards everyone
- was using hardware terminals to talk to some mainframe. Those terminals had
- wildly different feature sets and ways to
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- - Unix
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+ - lucid
+ - maverick
+ - mtf
+ - nokia
+ - qml
+ - qt
+ - qt components
+ - qt quick
+ - ubuntu
+ relme:
+ https://achipa.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://qt-funk.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/11082060370940070595: true
+ last_post_title: QtMobility 1.1.1 and 1.2TP on Maemo
+ last_post_description: The Qt SDK 1.1 Tech Preview's Maemo target unfortunately
+ ships with only QtMobility 1.0.2, however this should not discourage developers
+ wishing to explore new functions (or, well, simply get rid of
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last_post_description: There is reason to suppose that this, all this, is a simulation.
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+ - GIMP
+ - buku lakaran
+ - pen
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+ https://bukulakaran.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Graffiti Wall - Azlan Punya Hasil Tangkapan
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- Photography
+ - Social Media
- Writing
- - Apple
- - iOS
- - WWDC
relme: {}
- last_post_title: WWDC 2024 What Do I (Still….) Want To See?
- last_post_description: A couple years ago I posted what I wanted for WWDC 2022.
- I figured that I’d go through the past list and cross off the items that have
- arrived over the past two major updates to iOS. And then I’m
- last_post_date: "2024-05-28T03:54:46Z"
- last_post_link: https://excited-pixels.com/2024/05/27/wwdc-2024-what-do-i-still/
+ last_post_title: Structured Thoughts on Social Media
+ last_post_description: Neale James, host of the Photowalk, put out a call last month
+ where he asked listeners to the podcast to offer some thoughts about social media.
+ The episode that arose from listeners’
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+ last_post_link: https://excited-pixels.com/2024/07/04/structured-thoughts-on-social-media/
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+ - Social Media
- Writing
- - Apple
- - iOS
- - WWDC
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+ last_post_title: reStructuredText 中文:如何讓連結不要有多餘的空格
+ last_post_description: reStructuredText 的文內語法周圍需要有空格,但這樣的話中文連結不就必須要有多餘的空格了嗎?(像是
+ 這個 樣子) 我解釋一下為什麼會這樣覺得:Org
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- - softies
- - stencil
- - yarn
- - altered couture
- - dog
- - life
- - life hacks
- - openstack
- - plain cooking
- - gadgets
- - soap
- - tie dye
- - travel
- - blanket
- - cooking
- - functional fashion
- - german food
- - gloves
- - intarsia
- - jewelry
- - leftover ham
- - lip balm
- - paleo
- - shrinky dinks
- - soup
- - thai
- - yarn shop
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17602200301602248416: true
+ https://zpuino.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://zxinterfacez.blogspot.com/: true
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+ last_post_description: 'Due to excessive spam in #gta02-core blog (mostly porn links)
+ I''m enabling comment moderation. I''m sure you understand.Álvaro'
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+ Phosh 0.40.0 Link to heading A new major release of Phosh is out. See below for a list of changes in individual components:
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+ of developers world-wide, and is used by
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- curious coder based in Jönköping, Sweden. If you spot someone hiking deep into the
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+ plugins. Unfortunately hunting them down is quite a task that involves finding
+ plugins that contain the icons, opening jar files and
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- Roberts)
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- AnalogJS. Creator Brandon Roberts will teach us why it’s exciting, whether you’re
- an Angular dev or not.
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+ This is my test blog, it is not a real blog.
+ But feel free to read it anyway.
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- - "Forest Bed \U0001F3B8"
+ - "Blogging \U0001F468\U0001F4BB"
- "Weeknotes \U0001F5D3️"
+ - agitator pod
+ - anna bingham
- attention
- - crypto
- - Forest Bed
- - lisbon
- - phones
- - sam kriss
- - tobias revell
- - website
- - work
+ - blogging
+ - bots
+ - cade diehm
+ - deepfates
+ - hollywood
+ - ideas
+ - isles of blogging
+ - paul czege
+ - warren ellis
+ - writing
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- last_post_title: Other Things First
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- It's been a super busy week for me. Mostly taken up with working on my talk @ Human Entities in Lisbon on Wednesday.
- The post Other Things First appeared first on thejaymo.
- last_post_date: "2024-06-02T20:09:53Z"
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+ https://www.thejaymo.net/: true
+ last_post_title: Somewhere Inside The Network
+ last_post_description: "The idea is fully expressed somewhere inside the network
+ of links and discussions between people. Not anywhere in particular. \nThe post
+ Somewhere Inside The Network appeared first on thejaymo."
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T19:04:38Z"
+ last_post_link: https://www.thejaymo.net/2024/07/07/246-somewhere-inside-the-network/
- - "Forest Bed \U0001F3B8"
+ - "Blogging \U0001F468\U0001F4BB"
- "Weeknotes \U0001F5D3️"
+ - agitator pod
+ - anna bingham
- attention
- - crypto
- - Forest Bed
- - lisbon
- - phones
- - sam kriss
- - tobias revell
- - website
- - work
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+ - blogging
+ - bots
+ - cade diehm
+ - deepfates
+ - hollywood
+ - ideas
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+ - warren ellis
+ - writing
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+ last_post_title: Still Going With The Flow
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+ our Redflow ZCell battery and Victron Energy inverter/charger system. To understand
+ what follows it will help to read the earlier posts in
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+ - redflow
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+ - victron
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Urban graffiti by nkimagecollection
+ last_post_description: You should share photos of your favorite ones!
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- Approach: A Guide for Leaders.'
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- overcome common challenges in digital transformation and achieve optimal outcomes.
- This approach involves treating platforms as
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+ כותבים אותה בכתיב מלא: ירושה. באבן־שושן המודפס שיש לי,'
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+ - europython EDA python
+ - maths Kaprekar
+ - meritocracy
+ - nice community
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+ - python example
+ - python example training
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+ - rosettacode
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+ problems
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Affinity and Screw Adobe by Jason McFadden
+ last_post_description: Sorry to hear your poor experience with Adobe. I used to
+ be much more into photography and used Lightroom before it turned into a subscription.
+ I miss that. I've looked at Affinity, tried it, and
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- hope there's no juicy ear gunk on them when you pull 'em
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- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- - security
- - Authenticode
- - signing
- - SmartAppControl
+ - life
+ - storytelling
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- last_post_description: My 2021-2024 Authenticode certificate expired yesterday,
- so I began the process of getting a replacement last week. As in past years, I
- again selected a 3 year OV certificate from DigiCert.
- last_post_date: "2024-05-22T16:08:03Z"
- last_post_link: https://textslashplain.com/2024/05/22/authenticode-in-2024/
+ last_post_title: Memento Mori – Farewells
+ last_post_description: A sad part of getting older is losing friends along the way.
+ But it’s an important reminder that every day is a gift, and no tomorrow has been
+ promised. Last week brought the sad news that David
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+ last_post_link: https://textslashplain.com/2024/06/10/memento-mori-farewells/
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- - Authenticode
- - signing
- - SmartAppControl
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+ - Blog Tips
+ - BlueTooth
+ - Computer
+ - Email
+ - Flashdisk
+ - Gadget
+ - Internet
+ - News
+ - Pirate
+ - Registry
+ - Tutorial
+ - Wi-Fi
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- Particpate in the OpenInfra User Survey, meet the newest OpenInfra Foundation Members, join us at the OpenInfra Summit Asia and more!
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+ Weekly Update Past I wanted to share my experience for the weeks 5 and 6, but I did not find the time for a blog post.
+ To be brief:
+ I started to work on a side project, the stack is Django for the
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- scales to your site was to copy & paste the generated CSS. A “downside” of this
- delivery system is we have absolutely no idea who uses
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+title: Pores inside your teeth
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+ In any case, most importantly, how do you have chiclets teeth any idea
+ about which item is incredible?
+ what time is brunch.As you most likely are aware, we are genuinely defenseless
+ to teeth
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+ over short distances?DSLADSLIDSLVDSLThe answer is simple - VDSL, or Very High
+ Speed Digital Subscriber Line.DSL is the generic name for a
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+ pip install MySQL-python
+ and you're done... if you have the prerequisites. That's
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+ last_post_title: Unique jobs at Land Information New Zealand
+ last_post_description: I am working at Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) for almost
+ one year now and my finding is that New Zealand is so unique country, unlike any
+ other. Over the time, I have slowly realized, that
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+ - 2024 - Nelson's A Life Well Lived (Ecclesiastes)
- Christian Leadership
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- one tradition we have is for members to highlight their favorite verses and put
- notes of encouragement in Bibles presented to the students
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+ last_post_title: Do the Right Thing
+ last_post_description: One man aptly noted, “Sow a thought, reap a deed; sow a deed,
+ reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a lifestyle; sow a lifestyle, reap a destiny.”
+ Little choices will define our long-term legacy for
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T10:00:00Z"
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- - Book Summaries
+ - 2024 - Nelson's A Life Well Lived (Ecclesiastes)
- Christian Leadership
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+ - monads
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+ last_post_description: It's been a while since my last update. Anyway, last year,
+ I participated in the seminar Dependently typed programming given by Andres Löh
+ and Doaitse Swierstra. I gave a presentation, or more of a
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+ - set on boot
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+ - veneer
+ - wood
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Text Classification for Sentiment Analysis – Naive Bayes
+ Classifier by Jacob Perkins
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+ In reply to Abhijeet Adhikary .
+ Thanks, take a look at
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- podcast!
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+ entertainment, a nugget of wisdom, or just a
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+ last_post_description: Welcome to a new podcast by me, Matt Langford. I’m calling
+ it Micro Matt for two reasons. First as a nod to the platform that will be hosting
+ it (Micro.blog), and secondly to represent the style of
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+ - .esa file
+ - AOP
+ - Android
+ - Apache Camel
+ - Aspect Oriented Programming
+ - Cloud Discovery
+ - Cloud Provisioning
+ - Cloud Repurposing
+ - Cloud Workshop
+ - EMF Java text adventure
+ - Eclipse
+ - Equinox
+ - GMF
+ - IRC
+ - JAX-RS
+ - JSR311
+ - Jersey
+ - MTP
+ - OSGi
+ - OSGi Java cardgame Eclipse Equinox
+ - OSGi Remote Services
+ - OSGi Services
+ - OpenJDK 8
+ - OpenJDK Penrose
+ - OpenShift
+ - Penrose
+ - Photos
+ - RFC 167
+ - Remote Services
+ - ServiceLoader
+ - ServiceMix
+ - Spring-DM
+ - Swing
+ - ZooKeeper
+ - acl
+ - ajax
+ - ant
+ - apache aries
+ - apache cxf
+ - apache felix
+ - applications
+ - audio
+ - bnd-maven-plugin
+ - bndtools
+ - branch by abstraction
+ - c905
+ - cloud
+ - crypto currency
+ - distributed osgi
+ - eclipse EMF
+ - eclipse features
+ - eos
+ - ethereum
+ - free software osx
+ - gogo command
+ - gogo shell
+ - google calendar
+ - handbrake
+ - handbrake settings
+ - html5
+ - iPod
+ - jasmine
+ - java
+ - java.util.ServiceLoader
+ - javascript
+ - jboss
+ - jmx
+ - karaf
+ - karaf command
+ - karaf features
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+ - keepassx
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+ - maven
+ - mobile devices
+ - navigator.getUserMedia
+ - opensource osx
+ - osgi applications
+ - osgi subsystems
+ - raspberry pi
+ - rfc 119
+ - sd card corruption
+ - security
+ - service
+ - services
+ - smart contract
+ - subsystems
+ - unit testing
+ - unit tests
+ - video
+ - virgo plans
+ - webrtc
+ - xbmc
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+ - crypto currency
+ - eos
+ - ethereum
+ - smart contract
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- last_post_title: 'Comment on Episode 140: “Trouble Every Day” by the Mothers of
- Invention by Andrew Hickey'
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- In reply to Ron .
- I'm very sorry you think it's overly judgemental of
- last_post_date: "2023-08-06T09:46:51Z"
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+ last_post_description: I spent a week at GUADEC 2022 in Guadalajara, Mexico. It
+ was an excellent conference, with some good talks, good people, and a delightful
+ hallway track. I think everyone was excited to see each other
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- Buzzword'
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- data and processing depots, the concept of the sovereign IT providers has emerged
- like a knight in shining armor. But what are
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+ - Debian
+ - GSoC
+ - Python
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+ - python extension packaging
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+ Summer of Code project for Debian, Python Multi-Build for Python Extensions Packaging.During
+ the Google's Summer of Code 2011 period, I
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+ - Dickinson
+ - Dylan Thomas
+ - Frost
+ - Goethe
+ - Gryphius
+ - Jessenin
+ - Joyce
+ - Lasker-Schüler
+ - Nietzsche
+ - Rilke
+ - Trakl
+ - Wilde
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+ https://deathhasnodominion.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://strohlehmholz.blogspot.com/: true
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+ last_post_title: In deinen Augen
+ last_post_description: "Blau wird es in deinen Augen -\nAber warum zittert all mein
+ Herz \nvor deinen Himmeln. \n\nNebel liegt auf meiner Wange \nund mein Herz beugt
+ sich zum Untergange."
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+ last_post_title: Running the operating system that you're currently using in a virtual
+ machine (with Secure Boot and TPM emulation)
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+ In this article I will show you how to start your current operating system
+ inside a virtual machine. That is: launching the operating system (with all
+ your settings, files, and everything), inside a
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- - https://danq.me/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.me/feed/
- - https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- - https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- categories:
- - bloggen
- - indieweb
- - mededeling van de directie
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- last_post_description: 'Sinds dit weekend ben ik actief bezig op een nieuwe plek:
- frankmeeuwsen.com. Ik heb deze gekoppeld aan de dienst van micro.blog. De combinatie
- van een eenvoudige weblogdienst met korte status-updates'
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title: Cosmic Horizons
-date: "2024-06-29T18:11:01+10:00"
+date: "2024-07-09T00:03:23+10:00"
description: My personal take on what's going on within our Event Horizon. Mostly
astronomical, often cosmological, usually quite grumpy.
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- - Intermission
+ - 2-d Universe
+ - Academia
- Astro-ph
+ - Big Bang
+ - Black holes
+ - Book
+ - Conversation
- Cosmology
+ - Dark Energy
- Dark Matter
- - Physics
- - PAndAS
- - Numerical Methods
- - Big Bang
- - Media
+ - GPGPUs
- Galactic Cannibalism
- - Conversation
+ - Gyroscope
- History
- - Dark Energy
+ - Intermission
+ - Media
+ - Movies
+ - Numerical Methods
- Observing
- - papers
+ - PAndAS
+ - Physics
+ - Quasars
- The Conversation
- - Black holes
- - Movies
- Zombies
- - 2-d Universe
- - Quasars
- - Book
- - Academia
- - GPGPUs
- - Gyroscope
+ - papers
+ https://cosmic-horizons.blogspot.com/: true
https://www.blogger.com/profile/12515740423567038683: true
last_post_title: 'Falling into a black hole: Just what do you see?'
last_post_description: ""
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last_post_link: https://cosmic-horizons.blogspot.com/2017/05/falling-into-black-hole-just-what-do.html
- - Physics
- - Numerical Methods
- Black holes
+ - Numerical Methods
+ - Physics
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+ español) ...'
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- There's a thread on the openstack-discuss mailing list, started in
- September
- and then continuing in
- October,
- about limiting planned scope for Nova in the Ussuri cycle so that
- stakeholders'
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+ requirements in order to work as expected. Tab interfaces, for example, have a
+ prescribed structure and a set of interaction
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- A three day week, Ratchet and Clank: A Rift Apart and a nice weekend in Cambridge:
- With the bank holiday Monday, Anna and I had a nice date day in town, going to Pho for - you guessed it - pho
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+ last_post_title: Adarsh G M commented on merge request !3665 at GNOME / mutter
+ last_post_description: Hi @sri , Thanks for your feedback. I Agree. The plan is
+ to place an UI slider under display settings (which definitely needs rounds of
+ conversation with the design team). While doing so the idea
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+ last_post_title: Aliyah
+ last_post_description: 'Intro comment 1: This post was originally written on Quora
+ as an answer to this question: What was it like for a Russian Jew to escape to
+ Israel in the 1990s? It was updated a bit, but the general'
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+ last_post_description: Several months ago, YouTube began "a global effort" to prevent
+ users from blocking advertisements. This process included allowing users with
+ an adblocker, once detected, a few videos, then a warning,
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+ last_post_title: Using Org Mode to keep track of exercise
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Introduction
+ I have been using Org mode to keep a daily journal of useful notes for around a year now. One such type of note is the amount of exercise I’ve done on a particular day. While this is a
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+ last_post_description: I have spent the past few weeks working on a small personal
+ project, because I do not know when to stop. I think Mingle is mostly feature
+ complete at this point. It lets you play with Google's Emoji
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+ - Forest Peoples
+ - Guinea
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+ - NSFW but not like that
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+ - Response Posts??
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+ - San
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+ - The Lakelands
+ - Volcano City Soukous
+ - West Africa
+ - Writing
+ - Ye Olde Discourse
+ - ive finally lost it
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+ - Response Posts??
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+ - Airflow
+ - BigData
+ - Docker
+ - ETL
+ - Hadoop
+ - Mesos
+ - Pentaho
+ - REST
+ - Spark
+ - Yarn
+ - build
+ - continuous integration
+ - eclipse
+ - eclipsecon
+ - gef
+ - hudson
+ - java
+ - joking
+ - learning
+ - magic
+ - p2
+ - pdt
+ - php
+ - php 5.3
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+ - rcp
+ - spring
+ - swt
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+ - tips
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+ Recently, I thought about some one-click way to profile Spark applications, so it could be easily integrated in any work environment without the need to configure the system.
+ The modern way to
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+ - Airflow
+ - BigData
+ - Spark
+ - profiling
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- last_post_title: Instant Onboarding and Instant Message Delivery
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- \nWith the rolling 1.46 app releases you can start chatting without a pre-existing
- e-mail address. \nJust provide a name and then tap “Agree"
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+ Mobalada Web: Protótipo Social de interagir e procurar as melhores baladas da sua cidade
+ (Atualmente: Recife - PE - Brasil)
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+ last_post_title: Bares e boates
+ last_post_description: Adicionei algumas boates e bares durante esse fim de semana:***
+ Deu Bode Bar (Espinheiro)*** Paço Alfandega***Cuba do Capibaribe (bar)*** Downtown
+ (Boate)
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+ - LibreOffice
+ - desenvolvimento
+ - dicas
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/10071573791335443154: true
+ last_post_title: Exporting LibreOffice Guides to XHTML (Part II)
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In the previous blog
+ post I explained the reasons and some issues on exporting LibreOffice
+ Guides to the xHTML format. Now it is time to give more technical
+ details.
+ I choose to use the
+ extension
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- and working in Brighton, England.
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+description: Recurring thoughts on food, functional programming (Haskell), diving
+ and photography.
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+ - cooking
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+ - seereason
+ - steel-cut oats
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+ last_post_title: April Fools' Joke Exposes Weakness in Twitter Verification
+ last_post_description: There was a prank in my Twitter feed today (April 1) that,
+ on top of being very elegant, exposed a subtle loophole in Twitter's verification
+ procedures. (Here is a screenshot, in case the prank has
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+ - GSoC
+ - SymEngine
+ - SymPy
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+ This week we announced the release of SymEngine on Sage list. For that, I made some changes into the build system for versioning and to use SymEngine from other C/C++ projects.
+ First,
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+ engines. This includes all SCUMM-based adventures by LucasArts, Simon the Sorcerer
+ 1&2 by AdventureSoft, Beneath a Steel
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+ Moonbase Commander, one of the very last games ever created in the SCUMM engine, is now finally supported and ready for public testing!
+ Although not an adventure game, Moonbase Commander, developed
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+title: Ddosing is Wonderful
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: It is about ddosing in internet world
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+ - Ddos
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+ last_post_title: What is Ddosing?
+ last_post_description: The Ddos AnswerLike these assaults, there are likewise numerous
+ ways that you can shield yourself from these sorts of episodes. In the first place,
+ there are firewalls. These are the essential
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- - France
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- - Nicholas Negroponte
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- - Mac
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- - onnagata
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- - Isla de Cies
- - sufjan stevens
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- - abiogenesis
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- - eel
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- - Inhambane
- - Ochanomizu
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- - Txalaparta
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- - subsun
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- - South America
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- - apan
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- - Santiago de Chile
- - architecture.
- - Comet Lulin
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- - Tian Tan
- - Casa Marcelo
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- - Ourense
- - but that's ok
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- - counterculture
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- - Houhai
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- - sequences
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- - Museum of the Pobo Galego
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- - Korean independence day
- - The General
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- - Trey Ratcliff
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- - Bergman
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- - Noche de San Juan
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- - update
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- - totality
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- - researhch
- - Geneva
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- - elephant
- - July 22nd 2009
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- last_post_title: Juan Fernandes pushed to project branch master at Juan Fernandes
- / Kuk Sool Won Woodbridge
- last_post_description: |-
- Juan Fernandes
- (bbadd2de)
- at
- 18 Apr 22:19
- Fix mobile rwd issues
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+ - Uncategorized
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+ last_post_title: 'Memoirs of an actually pretty decent telemark skier: part 3'
+ last_post_description: I started writing about a little revolution of my own involving
+ a pair of skis and these bindings that don’t attach at the heel quite a while
+ back. Part 1 is here, and port 2 is here. What’s
+ last_post_date: "2023-12-25T03:15:40Z"
+ last_post_link: https://toolsfortherevolution.com/memoirs-of-an-actually-pretty-decent-telemark-skier-part-3/
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- last_post_title: micro:bit fun and a bug
- last_post_description: I just found this post in my drafts, last edit September
- 2023, the bug mentioned is still there and I think it is worth remembering the
- creativity shown by my class. For the past couple of weeks, we
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+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: 'Bookmarked: How France Adopts An Open Source-Based Education Strategy'
+ last_post_description: Kauffmann said that France has never officially embraced
+ big tech in schools, which makes the project easier, and that the public generally
+ is skeptic towards monopolies and the abuse of private data
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+ - opensource
+ - posse
- wwwd
- - classroom
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- last_post_description: '“Warning: martial law now in effect.� That’s what
- the sign said. It dangled to the...'
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- - AI
- - Events
- - Future tech
- - Law
- - Power
- - Privacy
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- last_post_description: In one sense, the EU’s barely dry AI Act and the other complex
- legislation – the Digital Markets Act, Digital Services Act, GDPR, and so on -=
- is a triumph. Flawed it may be, but it’s a genuine
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+ - Bulgarian community
+ - CSS
+ - EJB Tools
+ - JPA Diagram Editor
+ - Libra
+ - OSGi
+ - PDE
+ - PDT
+ - User experience
+ - Virgo
+ - WTP
+ - Zend Studio
+ - android
+ - eclipse
+ - git
+ - performance
+ - releng
+ - sapnwcloud
+ - sourceforge
+ - update site
+ - zend
+ relme:
+ https://hitrini.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://kaloyanraev.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/01871652990952962890: true
+ last_post_title: Why Does 'Building Workspace' Block Launching Programs?
+ last_post_description: How often have you imported a large project in Eclipse and
+ then immediately tried to launch it? But instead of going straight to the running
+ program, you are stuck with the "User Operation is
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+ - eclipse
+ - performance
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
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- https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- Art
+ - Neil Gaiman
- artisanat
- bijoux
- collaborations
- créativité
- interviews
- - Neil Gaiman
https://eldritch.cafe/@LaLuneMauve: true
- https://twitter.com/LaLuneMauve: false
- https://www.facebook.com/lalunemauve/: false
+ https://lalunemauve.fr/: true
last_post_title: Interview de Mathyld (under the pyramids), artisane-créatrice de
bijoux en argent
last_post_description: En ce solstice d’hiver, j’ai la joie de publier l’interview
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- Art
+ - Neil Gaiman
- artisanat
- bijoux
- collaborations
- créativité
- interviews
- - Neil Gaiman
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- last_post_title: Action item template
- last_post_description: We’re thrilled that you want to contribute to improving the
- system in the wake of an incident! For each post-incident action that you are
- proposing, we would appreciate it if you would fill out the
- last_post_date: "2024-06-02T19:45:08Z"
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- - banshee
- - pipeline
- alpha
+ - banshee
- bug
- comparison
+ - dialogs
+ - encodingprofiles
+ - gsoc
+ - gst
+ - pipeline
+ - plugins
- registry
+ - ui
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+ https://gstmediaservices.blogspot.com/: true
https://www.blogger.com/profile/16090334046714792429: true
last_post_title: An alpha for python version
last_post_description: Today I'm releasing an alpha version of gstreamer-media-services,
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+title: Unfamiliar area code
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: It all about Area Code so keep visiting to my blogspot page.
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+ last_post_title: Massive wide variety of Area Code
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Since there is a massive wide variety of
+ 530 area code used within Northwestern California, scammers also use this opportunity to
+ rip off human beings. Callers related to scammers can also use 707
+ last_post_date: "2022-02-13T16:47:00Z"
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+ כל הכבוד על היוזמה! בהחלט דבר חשוב.
+ לגבי ה"חפץ חיים" (שהפך לכינויו של הרב ישראל מאיר הכהן מראדין, ולא רק שם ספרו),
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+ of Romancelandia. I manage multiple chronic illnesses. I love books and games. \U0001F308♿"
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+ Transcript:
+ Hello friends. I wanted to write a blog post about sweetweird and its relationship to hopepunk and other narrative aesthetics, we’ll call them, because they’re not exactly genres. But
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- It's best viewed on the website
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+ last_post_title: How a LEGO restroom sign beats every enterprise software out there
+ last_post_description: Introduction To me, ever since occasionally needing to use
+ it, ‘enterprise software’ is the definition of software that makes people feel
+ unhappy. Except perhaps for the people that make money of
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+ last_post_description: Some speculations on why programmers find discipline scary
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+ last_post_description: Personlig utveckling är viktigt för att hänga med i dagens
+ föränderliga värld. Här går vi in på varför självledarskap är en nödvändighet
+ för att lyckas både i din karriär och
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- Support
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- and introduces the Message Pool–a set of evergreen messages you can instantiate
- and schedule whenever you want. Here's all you need to know
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+ Or on the other hand, it could likewise be 888 angel number an indication
+ that your affection life is in balance, which can regularly be deciphered as
+ two individuals being on a similar degree of
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- In reply to Chad .
- I still just use the Photos application, to be honest. Though
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+ - IRC
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+ - Inte
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+ I compute, therefore I am.
+ Essays on Life, Science, and Technology.
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+ - Mobile phone
+ - North Africa
+ - One Laptop per Child
+ - Open source
+ - OpenWrt
+ - Proprietary software
+ - Technology
+ - Wireless mesh network
+ - Wireless network
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+ - Wireless network
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- last_post_title: Comment on Validating a keystone token by mikal
- last_post_description: I've updated this with a slightly better version based on
- more Googling and arguing with friends on the internet.
- last_post_date: "2024-01-04T03:16:20Z"
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- last_post_title: Comment on Professional Jealousy by Ilja Schmelzer
- last_post_description: "I would suggest you to look at \nCaticha, A. (2011). Entropic
- Dynamics, Time and Quantum Theory, J. Phys. A 44 , 225303, arxiv:1005.2357\nIt
- should be interesting for you already because it is a"
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Japanse boeken zijn duidelijk hip. De afgelopen weken
- heb ik […]
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+ last_post_title: Reactie op Overstappen naar Ghost? Of toch maar niet? door elmine
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+ In antwoord op Fabio .
+ Toevallig al geluisterd! Zeker interessant interview.
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-28T15:17:16Z"
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- Suspense works brilliantly in films. It arouses attention. Suspense works brilliantly in life, too. But unlike films, every moment in life can be suspenseful if you want to make it so.
- I can live my
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+ last_post_title: My daughter loves her music
+ last_post_description: My daughter loves her music. Listening to it. Making it.
+ Learning it. She enjoys her music classes and recently started self-learning Ukelele
+ through YouTube. It didn’t take her long to get the
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- last_post_title: Spring tune-up + ride
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- 9-to-5 work week, I often feel my brain is pretty fried on Fridays (fried-days?),
- as well as a general depletion of energy for socializing,
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- last_post_link: https://kwon.nyc/notes/spring-ride/
+ last_post_title: Stubs
+ last_post_description: An interesting blog post. I liked this note about trees in
+ Johannesburg by Herman. In our last apartment, the bedroom faced a quiet tree-filled
+ backyard despite the apartment itself being on a major
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-03T08:51:52-04:00"
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+ last_post_title: Against Innovation Tokens
+ last_post_description: The “innovation token� model for selecting technologies
+ is bad, and here’s why.
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- last_post_title: OpenStack Summit Boston 2017
- last_post_description: Before start this post, I want to thank the OpenStack Foundation
- to help me attend the OpenStack Summit BOSTON! ❤ Outreachy Second, but no less
- important I had the opportunity to meet the
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+ last_post_title: A New Beginning
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+ For close to a decade, I dedicated myself to building out Grafana Labs and subsequently took some personal time to recharge.
+ I came out of these experiences as a different person, and am ready to
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-22T09:15:47+02:00"
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- https://kevquirk.com/feed
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- last_post_title: Went to bookclub
- last_post_description: Went to bookclub last night. It’s a secret music venue within
- walking distance that you’d pass right on by if you didn’t know what to look for.
- One of the smallest venues I’ve ever been to,
- last_post_date: "2024-05-31T18:08:19-05:00"
- last_post_link: https://www.lkhrs.com/blog/2024/went-to-bookclub/
+ last_post_title: New job, and adventures on public transit
+ last_post_description: After three months of searching, I started work at my first
+ job in Chicago this past week! I’m on a network deployment team doing hardware
+ setup and wireless signal strength heat mapping, which is
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+description: Random musings about programming, software, technical interviews, and
+ of course Emacs - a tip every week for new and experienced users.
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+ - abstraction
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+ - emacs-tip
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+ - vnc
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+ last_post_title: I'm so out of it
+ last_post_description: I didn't even realize that Emacs 26.1 was released 3 months
+ ago!
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+ last_post_title: I played Unpacking
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+ last_post_date: "2024-03-08T11:24:17-05:00"
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- last_post_title: Comment on Got a Question? by John G
- last_post_description: Re. your mass/weight discussion, one place to see this clearly
- is at docks. It is easily possible to pull for a while to get a, say, 5 ton boat
- moving fairly well. But it is very easy to get injured
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- last_post_title: Managing a Business in a Crazy World, 43
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- of spreadsheets, mails and PPT decks. They need attention: direction, passion
- re-kindled and appropriate praise. They need leadership.'
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+ (@camptocamp-ops).
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+ - kubernetes
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+ last_post_title: Unveiling the Simplicity of Cluster Mesh for Kubernetes Deployments
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Unveiling the Simplicity of Cluster Mesh for Kubernetes Deployments
+ During Kubecon EU 2024, among a crowd of tech enthusiasts and Kubernetes aficionados, Liz Rice the Queen bee, demo’ed multi
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+ in the summer of 2004.
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+ - Business
+ - Education
+ - History
+ - Society & Culture
+ - Technology
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+ I'm on this tape proposing that Apple and Microsoft work together on interapplication
+ communication, which is the pre-Internet precursor to
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- that is called “ipcpipeline”. This plugin provides elements that make it possible
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- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
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- Function Chaining, in this post I will give details on the new RPM files now available
- in RDO to install networking-sfc. We will go
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+ A picture, for you all:
+ Now with framebuffer support :) Simple 640x480x16 bit. That's why I love FPGA and Linux - hardware is easily designed, and easy to put it to work.
+ Alvie
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+ A charge card behaves like a Visa and is frequently
+ connected with a cash app bank name Mastercard brand like VISA or MasterCard. The distinction is
+ that assets are quickly deducted from the
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+ Meteor, say hello to cross-platform native app-development. Qt, say hello to a modern, reactive web back-end.
+ TL;DR You can write a native Qt / QML app and have Meteor as the back-end for real-time
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- I do for a living but have not bothered to dedicate time
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+ last_post_description: On last Saturday I talked online (using our jitsi) about
+ QA process in LibreOffice for some Russian people who want to be QA engineer in
+ near future. One smart person made the record of my video
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+ last_post_description: Given how much time we spend our phones and how much of our
+ lives are online now I decided I wanted to brush up on my digital security and
+ privacy. I’m already on Linux, so it was our Android
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+ / QEMU
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+ Alex Bennée
+ (d65b310b)
+ at
+ 08 Jul 08:40
+ tests/tcg/x86_64: add test for plugin memory access
+ ... and
+ 401 more commits
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Hi that a different way of developing one B &W film. What is the fixer you use is it normal Ilford fixer.
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+ last_post_title: Jolly Old England
+ last_post_description: 5:18am local time. Not unusual for me to be up this early
+ which, hopefully, means I’m somewhat adjusted to local time. But the kids just
+ woke up which would prove the lie, as they’re three hours
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lot @docpop ❤️ …und hier noch zwei weitere Versionen:'
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+ last_post_description: Rilasciata una implementazione C# di OpenPGP Web Key Directory
+ (WKD), un servizio per individuare una chiave OpenPGP associate ad un indirizzo
+ e-mail utilizzando un servizio Web e il protocollo HTTPS
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- folding electric bike
- last_post_description: In what should come as a surprise to absolutely nobody, Lectric
- Ebikes has done it again. North America’s leading value e-bike brand has just
- unveiled another doozy, this time upgrading the popular
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+ last_post_title: Elon goes to war, Model Y refresh, EV lease deals, and 1300 hp
+ electric NASCAR
+ last_post_description: 'On today’s episode of Quick Charge, we ask: What does war
+ look like to someone who “narrowly avoided” military conscription in South Africa?
+ Apparently it involves lots and lots of robots, and'
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+ last_post_description: This post describes how I’m using semantic-release on gitlab-ci
+ to manage versioning automatically for different kinds of projects following a
+ simple workflow (a develop branch where changes are
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+ - database
+ - dependencies
+ - functional-programming
+ - haskell
+ - haskell typing
+ - higher order functions
+ - i/o
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+ - idea
+ - lift
+ - nodejs
+ - parallelism
+ - patterns
+ - play2
+ - recursion
+ - sbt
+ - sbt-0.10
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+ - sql
+ - swift
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+ last_post_description: 'Just a few weeks ago, Apple open-sourced the Swift compiler
+ and standard library. This is exciting news for the Swift community: not only
+ will Swift development now be done in the open, but the'
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+ - ide
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+ last_post_description: 'LiClipse 11 is now out and includes the newer version of
+ PyDev, which has a whole new debugging mode using sys.monitoring (which translates
+ to a much faster debugging experience overall -- see: https'
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- 3.0 now uses ESM, has a new config structure and uses web components.'
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Bye-bye, Akan Wikipedia. Come Help the Ones in Twi and
+ Fante Grow by Tim Starling
+ last_post_description: For a while we did process new language requests manually.
+ We researched languages, mostly using the SIL Ethnologue. But there were so many
+ requests, it was becoming a chore. Deferring to authority
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- - Higgs
- - Ceres
- - CMS
- - LHC restart
- - LHCb
- - B physics
- - Planck
- - Rosetta
- - direct detection
- - excess
- - neutrinos
- - Mars
- - Pluto
- - arXiv
- - diphoton
- - galactic centre excess
- - long-lived
- - naturalness
- - AMS
- - Fermi
- - cosmic rays
- - dark photon
- - diboson
- - BICEP2
- - LIGO
- - New Horizons
- - Stawell
- - portal
- - string theory
+ - '''t Hooft'
- 2HDM
- 3.5 keV line
- - DES
- - Interstellar
- - Kepler
- - Randall
- - SUPL
- - Weinberg
- - Wilczek
- - Z'
- - annual modulation
- - climate change
- - eclipse
- - exoplanet
- - extinctions
- - hierarchy problem
- - leptogenesis
- - multiverse
- - neutrinoless double beta
- - pentaquark
- - scalar
- - self-interaction
- - top quark
- - '''t Hooft'
+ - AMS
- Andromeda
- Apollo
- Arkani-Hamed
+ - B physics
+ - BICEP2
- BaBar
- Big Bang Theory
- Bjorken
+ - CMS
- Cassini
+ - Ceres
- CosPA
+ - DES
- Dawid
- Dilbert
- Einstein ring
- Europa
+ - Fermi
- Fitch
- Hawking
+ - Higgs
- Hubble
+ - Interstellar
+ - Kepler
- Kibble
+ - LHC
+ - LHC restart
+ - LHCb
+ - LIGO
- MT2
+ - Mars
- MiniBooNE
- Moriond
- N3LO
- NA48/2
- NOvA
+ - New Horizons
- Nobel Prize
- Opportunity
+ - Planck
+ - Pluto
+ - Randall
- Reticulum II
+ - Rosetta
- SHiP
+ - SUPL
+ - Stawell
- The Simpsons
- Vub
- W'
+ - Weinberg
+ - Wilczek
- Witten
+ - Z'
- Zhang
- annihilation
+ - annual modulation
+ - arXiv
- asteroid
- aurora
- black holes
+ - climate change
+ - cosmic rays
- cosmology
- dakr matter
+ - dark matter
+ - dark photon
- data
+ - diboson
+ - diphoton
+ - direct detection
- displaced
+ - eclipse
- effective field theory
+ - excess
+ - exoplanet
+ - extinctions
+ - galactic centre excess
- game of thrones
+ - hierarchy problem
- indirect detection
- inflation
- lattice QCD
+ - leptogenesis
+ - long-lived
- mono-Z'
+ - multiverse
+ - naturalness
+ - neutrinoless double beta
+ - neutrinos
- normal ordering
- on-Z
+ - pentaquark
- pheno15
- poetry
+ - portal
- pulsars
- razor variables
- rotation curve
- satellite galaxies
+ - scalar
- see-saw
+ - self-interaction
+ - string theory
- supernova
- tau
- top mass
+ - top quark
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+description: Snap chat is very useful app for talking each other.
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+ - Snap chat is Good for chating.
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+ last_post_title: Snap chat Vs Nimbuz Chat App
+ last_post_description: I added not many brands by utilizing their username and began
+ following them. However much I was utilizing this application, the more I love
+ it. I jump into the accounts of various brands just as
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+ - Snap chat is Good for chating.
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+ last_post_title: Another Way of integrating Mozilla Readability in Emacs EWW
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+ I was browsing Planet Emacslife yesterday when I came across Anand Tamariya’s post Mozilla Readability in GNU Emacs.
+ I recently wrote a minor mode that had achieves the same thing, but Anand and I
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+ About fifteen years ago, while debugging a database probem, I was horrified to
+ discover that we had two root users - one with the password I had been using
+ and one without a password. Nooo!
+ So, I
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- The song Live Till I Die by the Swedish artist Elliphant popped up in my earbuds while I was doing the laundry. Ellinor Olovsdotter, which is her real name, sings:
- You die and never live live
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- and nothing.
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- - https://kayserifserif.place/feed.xml
- - https://kld.dev/rss.xml
- - https://victoria.dev/blog/index.xml
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- - https://www.kuketz-blog.de/feed/
- - https://www.lkhrs.com/blog/index.xml
- - https://www.mikestreety.co.uk/rss-all.xml
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- - https://www.kuketz-blog.de/category/microblog/feed/
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- - https://www.mikestreety.co.uk/rss-notes.xml
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+ - Increase Blog Traffic
+ - Make Money Online
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+ - New Kid On The Blog
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+ - problogger
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+ - raba
+ - research and development
+ - rojak story meh...
+ - scrap blog
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+ - spaceutm
+ - streamyx
+ - ultratone
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+ last_post_title: Building out a books page
+ last_post_description: I had a ton of fun reading about how Melanie put together
+ her reading page that I thought I'd write up a quick post on how I built mine.I've
+ cycled from Goodreads to Oku to Goodreads to The
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+ last_post_title: Release Notes 2023.1.0 “Standing on the Shoulders of Giants”
+ last_post_description: For Debians 30th birthday we today release "Standing on the
+ Shoulders of Giants". Happy birthday, Debian. You are giants
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+ YateBTS 3.0 is here. We (Legba and SS7Ware) are a little off of our original one-release-per-month schedule, but not by much.
+ The two big new features in YateBTS 3.0 are
+ support for the Nuand
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- last_post_title: OpenStack Stein for Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- last_post_description: The Ubuntu OpenStack team at Canonical is pleased to announce
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- Cloud Archive. Details of the Stein release can be found
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+ last_post_title: Just How Much Faster Are the GNOME 46 Terminals?
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+ VTE (Virtual TErminal library) is the library underpinning various GNOME terminal emulators.
+ It provides a GTK widget that shows a terminal view, which is used in apps like GNOME Terminal, Console,
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- last_post_title: OpenStack Summmit 2016 – Barcelona
- last_post_description: OpenStack is much more than just a specific set of software
- with discrete features. OpenStack is also the community that comes together to
- collaboratively creates technology, innovate and puh the
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+ last_post_title: 'Guest Opinion: Prison social media bans silence important voices'
+ last_post_description: Incarcerated journalists already have little to no meaningful
+ access to social media. A proposed change to federal Bureau of Prisons rules would
+ make things even worse. "Federal Prison" by jtuason is
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+title: Praise, Curse, and Recurse
+date: "2024-03-12T22:48:39-04:00"
+description: 'On programming and programming languages: because there has got to be
+ a better way.'
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+ categories:
+ - Administrivia
+ - Arctic Slide
+ - Arduino
+ - Banking
+ - C
+ - C++
+ - ClearCase
+ - Dylan
+ - Forth
+ - GHC
+ - GHCi
+ - GTK
+ - GUI
+ - Geek Food
+ - Haskell
+ - Holiday 2007
+ - Io
+ - Joy
+ - Kernel
+ - Linux
+ - Lua
+ - MacPorts
+ - Math
+ - Monads
+ - Music Theory
+ - Newton
+ - Objective-C
+ - Programming
+ - Pthon
+ - Python
+ - Ruby
+ - Scala
+ - Scheme
+ - School of Expression
+ - Snow Leopard
+ - Sudoku
+ - Voodoo
+ - cvs
+ - rcs
+ - svn
+ - wxHaskell
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+ last_post_title: 'Arduino, Day 2: the Most Minimal Scripting Language, or, Reifying
+ Frozen Functions for Fun'
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+ - Programming
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-title: WP Tavern
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-description: The WP Tavern Jukebox is a podcast for the WordPress community. We interview
- people who are pushing change in how WordPress evolves. Plugins, Blocks, Themes,
- Community, Events, Accessibility and
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- last_post_title: '#122 – Adam Zielinski on How Playground Is Transforming WordPress
- Website Creation'
- last_post_description: On the podcast today we have Adam Zielinski. He works as
- a WordPress developer at Automattic and in this episode, we talk about Playground,
- a groundbreaking project that is redefined the way we
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-title: Rhoneisms
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-description: by Patrick Rhone
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- last_post_title: 'The Democracy Pie Eating Contest: Stuck'
- last_post_description: Hey, I get it. You know it’s a pie eating contest and you
- are stuck at a party you don’t belong to. As much as you’d like to be at the other
- party, doing your part, eating that pie, it’s just
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+ last_post_title: Patching Instead of Pinning
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In a previous post I showed how to work around a deadlock
+ between GnuPG and Emacs. As a brief recap, GnuPG 2.4.1 introduced a
+ change in its output which breaks a protocol that Emacs relied on, so
+ I
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+ Wait! Just like yesterday when I was accepted as an Outreachy intern and the first half of the internship is finished😲. How time flies when you are having a good time🎃
+ As part of the
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+ - debugging
+ - internships
+ - linux for beginners
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+ last_post_description: Emacs' lack of a slick graphical interface might discourage
+ new users. Unfortunately, most software developers confuse user-friendliness with
+ a smooth design and using a mouse. However, the graphical
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- with Eleventy 3.0:1️⃣ `.ts` and `.tsx`: https://www.11ty.dev/docs/languages/typescript/
- (TypeScript configuration too)2️⃣ `.jsx`: https"
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+ - brennand
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+ - calçadão
+ - ciclofaixa
+ - circuito das estações
+ - corja
+ - corrida
+ - corrida cidade de aracaju
+ - corrida das pontes
+ - diário
+ - ecorun
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+ - etapa paiva
+ - eu amo recife
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+ - galo da madrugada
+ - goiania
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+ - maratona lochness
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+ - meia maratona
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+ - meia maratona do sol
+ - meia maratona eu amo recife
+ - meia maratona internacional de joão pessoa
+ - meia maratona internacional de são paulo
+ - monte dos guararapes
+ - natal
+ - oficina brennand
+ - olinda
+ - orla aracaju
+ - orla boa viagem
+ - paraiba
+ - parque da caicara
+ - parques
+ - percursos
+ - pernambuco
+ - picos
+ - porto alegre
+ - praia do paiva
+ - primeira maratona
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+ - reino unido
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+ - sao miguel dos milagres
+ - serra das russas
+ - soledade
+ - são paulo
+ - são silvestre
+ - tamandaré
+ - unic running
+ - volta internacional da pampulha
+ - we are rec
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+ last_post_title: 'Meia Maratona eu Amo Recife - 10 anos :: Obrigado 2023! Sub-2
+ na trave!'
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+ last_post_date: "2023-10-17T21:48:13-03:00"
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- healthcare industry. Discover how telehealth enables remote consultations, patient
- monitoring, and online health education.
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+ - Customer Support
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+ last_post_title: Customer Service Operations Roles & Job Descriptions
+ last_post_description: Customer service operations is a fast-growing subset of the
+ customer service field, providing advanced support to sprawling customer service
+ teams to help them stay on task, drive customer
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+ last_post_title: Higher rank curves with nontrivial Sha
+ last_post_description: 'I wonder if all of the problems are open. Here we consider
+ pairs (E,p) where E is an elliptic curve over Q and p is a prime. Prove there
+ are infinitely many pairs (E,p) such that: (a) E(Q) has rank'
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+ chez Evolix.
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+ last_post_title: Donner son sang, son plasma, ses plaquettes
+ last_post_description: Je donne régulièrement mon sang depuis quelques années. Je
+ suis O- donc c’est bien recherché. Pour la première fois, j’ai donné plasma et
+ plaquettes.
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+ last_post_title: Create a Bitcoin node into your Raspberry PI with only a few GBs,
+ even for the installation
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Which is the main purpose of this?
+ Run a Bitcoin node needs over 1/2 TB of hard disk. It's not so much, but if you have a Raspberry PI or any other small computer, the space is a problem.
+ A pruned
+ last_post_date: "2023-06-11T18:22:45+02:00"
+ last_post_link: https://costales.github.io/posts/bitcoin-pruned-node/
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- Anthotype
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last_post_description: Anthotype, spinach coated on watercolohr paper. One day long
exposure of a digital negative under mid-summer sun.
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+ last_post_title: Links and References For My PyCon US Keynote
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+description: Step on up and play some games!
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
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+ - Uncategorized
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+ last_post_title: 'Lavender Hack: Tarantula Hawk Wasp Edition Print Version Available'
+ last_post_description: 'Lavender Hack: Tarantula Hawk Wasp edition is now available
+ via print on demand here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/308733/Lavender-Hack-Tarantula-Hawk-Wasp-Edition'
+ last_post_date: "2021-09-13T21:46:50Z"
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+ - Uncategorized
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+description: A blog about life and nature in Huggenberg. Huggenberg is a part of Hofstetten
+ ZH and is located between Winterthur and Wil near the Ruetschberg pass.
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+ categories:
+ - Art
+ - Cross-Country Skiing
+ - Exhibition
+ - Good Friday
+ - Hiking Trail
+ - Hofstetten
+ - Huggenberg
+ - Landbote
+ - Loipen Schauenberg
+ - On the move
+ - SNow
+ - Schauenberg
+ - School Hofstetten
+ - Seelmatten
+ - Sommer skating
+ - Steam rail road
+ - Säntis
+ - Tiefenstein
+ - bauma
+ - baumpilz
+ - bichelsee
+ - bird
+ - burning car
+ - carnival
+ - cross-country ski track
+ - hagenbuch
+ - huestel
+ - ice cristals
+ - ice cystals
+ - icicled
+ - school
+ - school christmas poem sketch
+ - sea of fog
+ - smiling elephant
+ - snow shoe
+ - sun
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+ https://madmeierslife.blogspot.com/: true
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+ https://mmsketches.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/14628306885093928732: true
+ last_post_title: The end of the rain ... now spring (or summer) is here
+ last_post_description: The transition from Winter to Summer started with a spectacular
+ sky.
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+ last_post_title: Chinese Zodiac Time for Emacs
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In the spirit of Chinese New Year, I hacked up a small extension for
+ Emacs to render the current time of day using emoji and Chinese
+ characters:
+ Various configurations for your mode line.
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-12T21:22:33-06:00"
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+ categories:
+ - '''t Gooi'
+ - Amsterdam
+ - Blaricum
+ - Gerrit Rietveld
+ - Hilversum
+ - Laren
+ - Netherlands
+ - art villa
+ - design villa
+ - for sale
+ - house for sale
+ - large home
+ - large house
+ - villa
+ - villa for sale
+ relme:
+ https://boardgamethoughts.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://coderthoughts.blogspot.com/: true
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+ last_post_title: 'For Sale: Large Villa designed by Gerrit Rietveld'
+ last_post_description: This highly unique house is situated on a large plot with
+ a private forest and gardens. The house itself can be considered a piece of art.
+ Another house designed by Gerrit Rietveld has been
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+ - '''t Gooi'
+ - Amsterdam
+ - Blaricum
+ - Gerrit Rietveld
+ - Hilversum
+ - Laren
+ - Netherlands
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+ - design villa
+ - for sale
+ - house for sale
+ - large home
+ - large house
+ - villa
+ - villa for sale
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-title: Adam Young's Web Log
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: The Notebook of a Programmer Climber Musician Ex-Soldier Woodworker and
- a few other things
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- - DevOps
- - Linux
- - package management
- - Software
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- last_post_title: Overriding %{dist} in an RPM build
- last_post_description: Before code goes up stream, it should be rigorously tested.
- In order to do so, we build Kernels based on the corresponding Fedora version,
- as Fedora tracks Linux Stable fairly closely. However, we
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- - Software
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+ creator of the Python programming language.
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+ - algorithms
+ - appengine
+ - book review
+ - computer science
+ - google
+ - memcache
+ - meta
+ - personal
+ - politics
+ - programming languages
+ - python
+ - technology
+ - windows
+ relme:
+ https://neopythonic.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Reasoning about asyncio.Semaphore
+ last_post_description: In Silicon Valley is a very exclusive fast-food restaurant,
+ which is always open. There is one table, where one guest at a time is served
+ an absolutely fabulous hamburger. When you arrive, you wait
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+ https://wikis.world/@aharoni: true
+ last_post_title: Comment on Batiscafo Katiuscas by Roger Mas and Antonia Font –
+ Natastrophe
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+ - Infrastructure
+ - PKI
+ - Privacy & Security
+ - Security
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+ last_post_description: By Henry Birge-Lee, Grace Cimaszewski, Liang Wang, Cyrill
+ Krähenbühl, and Prateek Mittal “Multi-Perspective Issuance Corroboration” (or
+ “MPIC”) is currently under discussion as an industry
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+ - Amazon Kindle
+ - Amazon Web Services
+ - American Library Association
+ - Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
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+ - Bell Labs
+ - Bibliocommons
+ - Big Library Read
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+ - Book Digitization
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+ - Book Rights Registry
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+ - Bruce Springsteen
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+ - Clayton M. Christensen
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+ - Electronic Journals
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+ - Evan Ratliff
+ - Evert Taube
+ - FRBR
+ - Fair use
+ - Fan Fiction
+ - File sharing
+ - Firefox
+ - Forms of government
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+ - GNU Affero General Public License
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+ - Gluejar
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+ - Google Book Search Settlement
+ - Google Books
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+ - Hachette Book Group
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+ - Hal Varian
+ - HarperCollins
+ - Hugh Howie
+ - Hurricane Sandy
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+ - Ian Davis
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+ - Infochimps
+ - Infrastructure
+ - Instant Messaging
+ - Intel
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+ - Internet Archive
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+ - John Sundman
+ - Jon Stewart
+ - Just Kidding
+ - Kickstarter
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+ - Koha
+ - Lawrence Lessig
+ - Liblime
+ - Libraries
+ - Library
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+ - LibraryThing
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+ - Macmillan
+ - Metcalfe's Law
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+ - Neal Stephenson
+ - Neil Gaiman
+ - Network Effect
+ - Neurobiology
+ - New Jersey
+ - New York Public Library
+ - New York Times
+ - Newspaper industry
+ - Nook
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+ - Open Database License
+ - Open Knowledge Foundation
+ - Open Library
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+ - OpenSource
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+ - Project Gutenberg
+ - Proxy server
+ - PubMed
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+ - Public library
+ - Publishing
+ - Publishing Point
+ - Qin Dynasty
+ - Qin Shi Huangdi
+ - RA21
+ - RDF
+ - RDFa
+ - RV Guha
+ - Radiolab
+ - Ralph Waldo Emerson
+ - Random House
+ - Rush Holt
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+ - Star Wars
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+ - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
+ - Tim O'Reilly
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+ - Truth
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+ - Zola Books
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+ - shibboleth
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+ - swedish music
+ - technology
+ - tr.im
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+ - wikipedia
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- discover how I can be more authentic to myself through explorations in writing.
- I also write becau..."
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- outgoing person (not that the two are the same). When singing was involved I would
- usually remain silent, worrying that I would sound off key
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+ last_post_description: The Island of Skrylar has burned down and been evacuated.
+ You can find the newly created blog of the depressed mac-using conglomerate-hating
+ cynical maniac at WordPress. Because WordPress gives you
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+title: Mani Area Code
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Thanks to come here.Keep visiting to this page.
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+ last_post_title: Town Area Code
+ last_post_description: 321 Area code area code 877 is the code serving Brevard County,
+ Florida. After a fruitful request to recognize the Space Coast's effect on the
+ district, it was relegated to the space. The code 3-2-1
+ last_post_date: "2022-01-09T11:48:00Z"
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+ Read: The Coddling of the American Mind by Greg Lukianoff and Jonathan Haidt
+ Recommended
+ INTRODUCTION The Search for Wisdom
+ This is a book about three Great Untruths that seem to have spread widely
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+ point he asked:‘Are you writing a story about what we’ve done? Is it a story about
+ me?’His grandmother stopped writing her letter and
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+ Hari Rana
+ (e1595c18)
+ at
+ 08 Jul 20:54
+ css: Adjust numbered heading margin
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+ Thanked for Photographs by Eric Likness
+ last_post_description: 'Always Be Attributing,... We need Alec Baldwin (or a synthetic
+ Alec Baldwin) to reprise that monologue from the movie version of Glenngary Glenn
+ Ross with: Always Be Attributing as the catch phrase.'
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+ What kind of cheese does chipotle use assuming cheddar is at the highest point of your 'most loved
+ food list', then, at that point, you should cautiously (and I mean, completely)
+ read this article.
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+title: 'Mythlands: The Setting to End All Settings'
+date: "2024-07-07T22:39:38+02:00"
+description: I write about D&D, mostly old school, sometimes new, settings, game analysis
+ and all things elf games.
+ feedlink: https://mythlands-erce.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
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+ feedid: f1082572eeb8c8a59aa4f62964bbbc2e
+ websites:
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - 1e
+ - 2e
+ - 3e
+ - 4e
+ - 5TD
+ - 5e
+ - AD&D
+ - AD&D-Appraisal
+ - Alignment
+ - Arneson
+ - B/X
+ - Dark Sun
+ - DnD-tropes
+ - Dwarves
+ - Fantastic Heroes & Witchery
+ - Fighting-Fantasy
+ - Game Balance
+ - Gygax
+ - Hit Points
+ - Into The Unknown
+ - O5R
+ - OD&D
+ - OSR
+ - Setting
+ - Swords & Wizardry
+ - Writeup
+ - XP
+ - ability-scores
+ - adventures-in-middle-earth
+ - aihrde
+ - alternate-oerths
+ - assh
+ - bard
+ - beast-men
+ - beyond-the-wall
+ - birthright
+ - bugbears
+ - class-work
+ - classes
+ - cleric
+ - commentary
+ - controversy
+ - critters
+ - critters. goblins
+ - d20
+ - demographics
+ - domain-play
+ - dragonlance
+ - epic-destinies
+ - erce
+ - fighter
+ - forgotten realms
+ - genre-conventions
+ - giants
+ - gods
+ - greyhawk
+ - hags
+ - halflings
+ - hexcrawl
+ - high-level-play
+ - history
+ - hobgoblins
+ - houserules
+ - how-to-osr
+ - humanoids
+ - humans
+ - iuz
+ - journey-fantasy
+ - keep-on-the-borderlands
+ - kickstarter
+ - kobolds
+ - lamentations-of-the-flame-princess
+ - languages
+ - low-fantasy
+ - maps
+ - middle-earth
+ - mystara
+ - mythic-greyhawk
+ - nentir vale
+ - not-elfgames
+ - ogres
+ - old-school
+ - old-school-art
+ - orcs
+ - playtest
+ - race-as-class
+ - races
+ - rant
+ - reblog
+ - rednext
+ - release-announcement
+ - review
+ - sandbox
+ - setting-review
+ - skills
+ - social-commentary
+ - sword-n-sorcery
+ - system-analysis
+ - thule
+ - tips
+ - trolls
+ - wallpaper
+ relme:
+ https://mythlands-erce.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Medieval Demographics re-visited & Greyhawk Demographics Finally
+ Resolved
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-11T10:54:06+02:00"
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+ - demographics
+ - greyhawk
+ - rant
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-title: OpenCost — open source cost monitoring for cloud native environments Blog
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- Blog
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- - external costs
- - IT cost monitoring
- - Datadog costs
- - IT costs
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+title: Jevopi's Developer Blog
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+description: If the meaning of the blog isn't clear, there really should be more of
+ a description here...
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+ - 3D
+ - AsciiDoc
+ - CIB
+ - Code
+ - EMF
+ - Eclipse
+ - Events
+ - GEF3D
+ - Java
+ - JavaScript
+ - Logging
+ - MDD
+ - Mac OS X
+ - N4JS
+ - OCL
+ - UML
+ - Xtend
+ - Xtext
+ - academic
+ - e4
+ - modeling
+ - transformation
+ relme:
+ https://jevopisdeveloperblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/14089732885850015120: true
+ last_post_title: Setup a Github Triggered Build Machine for an Eclipse Project
+ last_post_description: 'Disclaimer 1: This blog post literally is a "web log", i.e.,
+ it is my log about setting up a Jenkins machine with a job that is triggered on
+ a Github pull request. A lot of parts have been described'
+ last_post_date: "2019-10-29T13:55:56+01:00"
+ last_post_link: https://jevopisdeveloperblog.blogspot.com/2019/10/setup-github-triggered-build-machine.html
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+ - N4JS
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-description: Welcome to my psyche.
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- - Firefox
- - Synology
- - Docker
- - MastodonSG
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- last_post_title: Firefox Browser in Synology Docker
- last_post_description: Hosting a Firefox browser in a Synology
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- - Docker
- - MastodonSG
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- last_post_title: Laser Cutting a Jigsaw Puzzle
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- I took part in Remote Hack today, which is a monthly event where peeps get online and do some hacking together. No theme, no pressure, just whatever you want.
- Last week I did a jigsaw puzzle, I'm not
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+description: What exactly does that do, anyway?
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+ - CTFE
+ - Const
+ - D 2.0
+ - D Nation
+ - D Programming Language
+ - Metaprogramming
+ - Mixins
+ - Silly buggers
+ - Software
+ - Walter says...
+ - mercuial
+ - source control
+ relme:
+ https://while-nan.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/02909587337938463354: true
+ last_post_title: NOCOMMIT for Mercurial
+ last_post_description: |-
+ One problem with DVCSes (DVCSii?) is that because they encourage committing often, I sometimes accidentally end up committing temporary debugging code I didn't mean to.
+ So here's a simple little
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+ last_post_link: https://while-nan.blogspot.com/2010/04/one-problem-with-dvcses-dvcsii-is-that.html
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+ - mercuial
+ - source control
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+ - 2012 Washington GIS Conference
+ - AGIT 2012
+ - Anwendertreffen
+ - Arduino
+ - CartoDB
+ - Freie GIS-Softwar
+ - GGL2
+ - Jahresbericht 2012
+ - Jornadas Girona
+ - Labels
+ - R
+ - SAGA
+ - Terra GIS
+ - User Meeting
+ - eLearning
+ - gvSIG
+ - gvSIG CE
+ - gvSIG Starter Package
+ - survey2gis
+ relme:
+ https://csgisblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://gvsigce.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/04518422302925054438: true
+ last_post_title: Foss Academy Schulungen (3 in einer Woche!)
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2014-09-23T01:13:40-07:00"
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-title: Annoying Technology
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+ - BlueTooth
+ - Computer
+ - Gadget
+ - Jaringan
+ - Komputer
+ - News
+ - Registry Editor
+ - Techno
+ - Ubuntu
+ - Wi-Fi
+ - Windows
+ relme:
+ https://derizal.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://diggingcomputers.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://libreofficemaster.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://selamkomputer.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/09604074690410055948: true
+ last_post_title: Cara Mengetahui Range IP Address
+ last_post_description: Dalam dunia jaringan, terutama Internet, kita sering mengenal
+ istilah IP Address. Lalu apakah IP Address itu? IP Address merupakan alamat yang
+ dimiliki oleh host/device/komputer. Alamat ini dibuat
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+ last_post_link: https://selamkomputer.blogspot.com/2010/10/cara-mengetahui-range-ip-address.html
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+ - Jaringan
+ - Komputer
+ last_post_language: ""
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-title: Tim Chambers
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-description: Fascinated by how new technology impacts new politics and vice versa.
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+description: Alejandro Rios | Buscando belleza, bondad y Buda...
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+ - Diseño
+ - Product Design
+ - Temas GDM
+ - aikido
+ - ajedrez
+ - android
+ - asterisk
+ - café
+ - cine
+ - comidas y bebidas
+ - creativity
+ - debian
+ - dibujo y pintura
+ - divagaciones
+ - emprendimiento
+ - empresa
+ - fotos
+ - hardware
+ - innovación
+ - innovation
+ - mashup
+ - medellin
+ - música y danza
+ - parcela
+ - política
+ - postea.me
+ - software libre
+ - telefonía IP
+ - twitter
+ - versando
+ - viajes
+ - videojuegos
+ - zen
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+ https://alerios-en.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://alerios.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17804942289789120050: true
+ last_post_title: Competencias de un Ingeniero para afrontar el mercado laboral
+ last_post_description: "Hola,\n\nMuchas gracias por tenerme en cuenta para esto,
+ para mí el cierre de la \nbrecha entre empresa y academia siempre ha sido una
+ preocupación desde \nque estaba en la universidad.\n\nHay varias"
+ last_post_date: "2014-09-01T17:29:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://alerios.blogspot.com/2014/09/competencias-de-un-ingeniero-para.html
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- - http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
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+ just boils down to curiosity (Aaron Swartz).
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+ A lot of time has passed since my previous post on my work to make dhcpcd the drop-in replacement for the deprecated ISC dhclient a.k.a. isc-dhcp-client. Current status:
+ Upstream now regularly
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- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- https://frankmeeuwsen.com/feed.xml
- - https://hacdias.com/feed.xml
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https://mastodon.social/@davatron5000: true
- last_post_title: A common web component learning blunder
- last_post_description: 'Through stalking the #WebComponents hashtag and my Frontend
- Masters course, I’m privy to a lot of developers’ first experiences with web components.
- There’s a wide range of people digging in,'
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+ last_post_title: Mini 4WD
+ last_post_description: 'The algorithm sucked me into another model craft hobby:
+ Mini 4WD racing (ミニ四駆). A Mini 4WD is a 1:32 scale model that is a mix between
+ slot cars and RC cars. You don’t control these cars'
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+ Dates: 2/7/21
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+ Louis (FM 2)
+ Osan (Elf F/MU 2/1)
+ Omes (Half FM 2)
+ Arro (MU 1)
+ Habru (Cleric 2)
+ NPCs:
+ Habru's war dog, named Dog
+ Horace - Habru's retainer - Cleric 1
+ Bunco - Omes'
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“Hello! I don’t remember how I found Analog Office but I love it. It’s so comforting to read about processes and techniques that speak so loudly to me. My question is this:
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- - Presentation
- - Python
- - Social media
- Tips and tricks
+ - Web development
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- What would open-source software (OSS) contributors have known before they started? I asked and got lots of answers.
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+ An assortment of quick tips to help you make your technical documentation (docstrings, READMEs) easier to read.
+ Below are several quick tips to help you make your technical documentation (docstrings,
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- use and changing directions where we need. With some software, I have lots of
- leeway, with others there’s none. But it looks like
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+ last_post_title: 'Episode 1: Welcome to Micro Matt'
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+ it Micro Matt for two reasons. First as a nod to the platform that will be hosting
+ it (Micro.blog), and secondly to represent the style of
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+ - project proposal
+ - snipmatch
+ - vision
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+ The next step in our GitHub for Beginners series is learning how to add files and folders to your GitHub repository.
+ The post Beginner’s guide to GitHub: Uploading files and folders to GitHub
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+ last_post_link: https://github.blog/2024-07-08-beginners-guide-to-github-uploading-files-and-folders-to-github/
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- - GitHub Actions
- - GitHub Mobile
- - How GitHub builds GitHub
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- beer, travel, pink gadgets and her life near the city where little cable cars climb
- halfway to the stars.
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- last_post_description: The boys love the beach. I’ve had this little fact tucked
- away in my head since we brought them to their first beach in San Francisco last
- year, but it’s tricky in northern California. Even
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+ - Adrianne Lenker
+ - Black Ops
+ - Charli xcx
+ - Hari Kunzru
+ - How to With John Wilson
+ - Jon Ronson
+ - Richard Linklater
+ - Shogun
+ - Snowfall
+ - The Outlaws
+ - TikTok
+ - Veep
+ - We Are Lady Parts
- weeknotes
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+ last_post_title: Media, May & June 2024
+ last_post_description: Adrianne Lenker, Charli xcx, ‘How to with John Wilson’, ‘Veep’,
+ ‘Snowfall’, ‘Black Ops’, ‘The Outlaws’, ‘We Are Lady Parts’, ‘Hit Man’, Hari Kunzru's
+ ‘Red Pill’, Jon
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+ - Adrianne Lenker
+ - Black Ops
+ - Charli xcx
+ - Hari Kunzru
+ - How to With John Wilson
+ - Jon Ronson
+ - Richard Linklater
+ - Shogun
+ - Snowfall
+ - The Outlaws
+ - TikTok
+ - Veep
+ - We Are Lady Parts
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- last_post_description: It’s 2024 so there’s got to be a post about AI. My only perspective
- about AI is from a consumer’s standpoint. I don’t understand AI much aside from
- a few basic concepts I learned in a machine
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+ - Debian
+ - GSoC
+ - Python
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+ - py3multibuild
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+ - python extension packaging
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- 21 years in, the landscape around open source evolved a lot. In
- part 1 and
- part 2 of this 3-part series,
- I explained why today, while open source is more necessary than ever, it
- appears to no longer
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- last_post_title: Hassle-free Migration and Disaster Recovery from VMware vSphere
- to Proxmox VE with Coriolis
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- of uncertainty within the private virtualized infrastructure space has reached
- an all-time high. With many companies now put on the spot
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+ - Internet
+ - Linux kernel autokernconf
+ - Standards
+ - blog
+ - init
+ - me
+ - ntp
+ - shell
+ - wikipedia
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+ last_post_description: On debian planet. I read the C and multithreading post of
+ Miriam Ruiz, but I don't agree with some conclusions:First of all, I don't agree
+ with Linus. C standard doesn't allow such optimizations. One
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+ - C
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+title: Nyquil Memes in Deep Sky
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+ last_post_title: Nyquil Memes Are Famous in Sky
+ last_post_description: Such are exceptionally uncommon situations of Nyquil MemesWithout
+ better information on the human condition some time ago, when Siddhartha Gautama's
+ representationalism more likely than not been in
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+ last_post_title: Comment on Release Notes 2023.1.0 “Standing on the Shoulders of
+ Giants” by Ruben Gomez
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Esta es mi forma de mostrar a la gente esta gran distribución.
+ Un saludo.
+ https://youtu.be/BHAbLqB0j7E
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-27T12:30:29Z"
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-title: I wanted lifshi.tz
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- last_post_title: Virtual device role tagging, better explained
- last_post_description: Now that Nova’s device role tagging feature talked about
- in a previous blog post is getting some real world usage, I’m starting to realise
- that it’s woefully under-documented and folks are
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+ last_post_description: A couple of weeks ago, Stanislas Wawrinka won the Australian
+ Open as the eighth seeded player. He is the winner with the lowest seeding since
+ Gaston Gaudio (unseeded) won Roland Garros in 2004. I
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+ it work with firebird without issues \n\nBellow are the instructions for Chapter
+ 2 : Getting started \n\n\n\n\nInstall django using pip\n\npip install"
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- Grizzly cluster of Xen compute nodes and thought it useful to write a short blog
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+ EclipseLink 2.4.0 Juno - RELEASED
+ As part of the Juno Eclipse release train the EclipseLink project has released EclipseLink 2.4.0. The release landing page describes some of the new and noteworthy
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+ with thoughts on #vr #fintech #IoT #ai and #blockshain.'
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+ tl;dr; We are willing to commercially support CPython C API in PyPy,
+ so if you want pypy to support library X, get in touch with me
+ at fijal@baroquesoftware.com. Read further for more details.
+ Python
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energy and astro folks have all the fun?
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Video recap is here: youtu.be/558DAEw-T…
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- for at least an hour. He also wasn’t answering calls from his frazzled staff.
- I hope he’s OK and glad that my need wasn’t urgent
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+ last_post_title: What Does "Learn to Code" Actually Mean?
+ last_post_description: Over the years, the phrase "learn to code" has gained a lot
+ of popularity, most notoriously as a sort of cheeky suggestion to throw at folks
+ that aren't happy with their job. However, I can't count
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- last_post_description: This is the second post in my series about the Oslo.Messaging
- library. The previous post gave a high level introduction to Oslo.Messaging.
- In this post we’ll dig a little deeper. Climb Aboard
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+ - 1551 drive
+ - "5170"
+ - 6510T
+ - "802.11"
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+ - 802.11h
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+ - "80286"
+ - 8devices
+ - A-MSDU
+ - AR5210
+ - AR8327
+ - AR9100
+ - AR9132
+ - AR9170
+ - ATF
+ - BGP
+ - IPv4
+ - Iusca
+ - Linux
+ - MSDU
+ - PCI
+ - QCA9558
+ - RTL8188SU
+ - RTL8192SU
+ - TS-430S
+ - TS-440S
+ - UDP
+ - acorn
+ - adsb
+ - amateur
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+ - amiga 2000
+ - amiga 500
+ - amigaos
+ - amplifier
+ - amstrad
+ - anycast
+ - apple
+ - aprs
+ - ar9331
+ - ar9344
+ - ar9380
+ - arduino
+ - arm
+ - armsrace
+ - as250
+ - ath10k
+ - atheros
+ - atheros 802.11n
+ - avr
+ - ax25
+ - bitx
+ - bluetooth
+ - books
+ - broadcom
+ - cache
+ - cacheboy
+ - cacheboy ipv6
+ - caching
+ - carambola
+ - carambola-2
+ - cardbus
+ - cdn
+ - censorship
+ - chelsio
+ - commodore
+ - commodore 16
+ - commodore plus/4
+ - compsci
+ - concurrency
+ - coss
+ - cpc
+ - cpc464
+ - cpc6128
+ - cyberduck
+ - cygwin
+ - ddio
+ - dfs
+ - dns
+ - dnsmasq
+ - downtime
+ - dragonflybsd
+ - dropbear
+ - dwds
+ - electron
+ - electronics
+ - embedded
+ - emulator
+ - ethernet
+ - fail
+ - family
+ - fcc
+ - filtering
+ - firefox
+ - freebsd
+ - geoip
+ - git
+ - github
+ - glibc
+ - google
+ - hamradio
+ - heinlein
+ - holiday
+ - http
+ - hwpmc
+ - ibm
+ - ibook
+ - intel
+ - internet
+ - ipv6
+ - kenwood
+ - libevent
+ - libevhtp
+ - life
+ - lighttpd
+ - logic
+ - lua
+ - lusca
+ - meatpies
+ - meraki
+ - mesh
+ - microsoft
+ - mindwave
+ - mips
+ - modularity
+ - mozilla
+ - nat
+ - nbn
+ - net80211
+ - netflix
+ - news
+ - newyork
+ - nnrp
+ - nntp
+ - nocleanfeed
+ - norse
+ - numa
+ - olpc
+ - openbsd
+ - opengl
+ - openpower
+ - opensource
+ - openvpn
+ - openwrt
+ - oprofile
+ - packet radio
+ - part15
+ - pc/at
+ - performance
+ - pmc
+ - power8
+ - powerpc
+ - powersave
+ - profiling
+ - programming
+ - proxy
+ - quagga
+ - qualcomm
+ - retrocomputing
+ - rfi
+ - rss
+ - rsu
+ - rtl-sdr
+ - sandy bridge
+ - scheduling
+ - sdl
+ - security
+ - slashdot
+ - solar
+ - sparky
+ - squid
+ - sudoroom
+ - sugarlabs
+ - tdma
+ - terriblefire
+ - threading
+ - timers
+ - tproxy
+ - ubiqiti
+ - ubiquity
+ - ubitx
+ - unit-testing
+ - university
+ - usb
+ - usenet
+ - videolan
+ - waste
+ - wccp
+ - wds
+ - wiki
+ - windows
+ - windowsupdates
+ - wishlist
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+ https://cacheboy.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://lusca-cache.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/17496219706861321916: true
+ https://xenionhosting.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: On "repairing this commodore 1551 drive" and "don't plug in the
+ head cable backwards"
+ last_post_description: I bought a "dead" 1551 drive a few months ago. It's a european
+ model, only 220v, and they said "it smoked when it was on". Well, i figured it
+ was dead but I figured maybe not dead dead.So, step one
+ last_post_date: "2024-04-25T02:11:00Z"
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+ - 1551 drive
+ - 6510T
+ - commodore
+ - commodore 16
+ - commodore plus/4
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+title: Mind the Gap
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+description: ""
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+ feedtype: rss
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+ https://underlap.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - Apache
+ - Apple mail
+ - Aries
+ - BigDecimal
+ - Buildpack
+ - CICS
+ - CaseInsensitiveMap
+ - CloudFoundry
+ - Dolphin
+ - EBR
+ - EEG
+ - EclipeRT
+ - Eclipse
+ - EclipseRT
+ - Enterprise
+ - Equinox
+ - FFDC
+ - Felix
+ - Free Burma
+ - Gemini
+ - Geronimo
+ - GlassFish
+ - Gradle
+ - Grails
+ - Harmony
+ - Hotspot
+ - IIOP
+ - Interface21
+ - JBoss
+ - JCP
+ - JDK 7
+ - JSIG
+ - JSR 277
+ - JSR 291
+ - JSR 294
+ - JVM
+ - Java
+ - Java 7
+ - Java 8
+ - Java EE
+ - Jetty
+ - Jigsaw
+ - Juju
+ - Karaf
+ - Libra
+ - Mac OS X
+ - Mule
+ - Netweaver Cloud
+ - Newton
+ - OPS4J
+ - OSGi
+ - Open Source
+ - OpenJDK
+ - Oracle
+ - Osxa
+ - Pax Exam
+ - Pax Tipi
+ - RAP
+ - RFC 66
+ - Refactoring
+ - Ruby
+ - SAP
+ - SCA
+ - SOA
+ - SOAP
+ - Scala
+ - SourceTree
+ - Spring
+ - SpringSource
+ - SpringSource Application Platform OSGi
+ - Structure101
+ - Ubuntu
+ - VMware
+ - Virgo
+ - WebLogic
+ - WebSphere
+ - agile
+ - charm
+ - cloning
+ - cloud
+ - deadlock
+ - dependency injection
+ - design
+ - design patterns
+ - diagnostics
+ - dm Server
+ - docker
+ - eclipsecon
+ - error
+ - example
+ - git
+ - gitx
+ - go#
+ - go++
+ - go-2
+ - go-II
+ - golang
+ - google apps
+ - interfaces
+ - interoperation
+ - jconsole
+ - jps
+ - kernel
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+ last_post_description: 'After several years of not blogging, I''ve started writing
+ the occasional post, but this time on the Fediverse. Visit my new blog on wordsmith.social: Postscript:
+ in December 2023, the new blog moved'
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- The selected partition command is working fine. Is any other option to take a dump for total partition table.
- Also the dialect option working only csv and tsv.Is it possible to work json, or any
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+ - ubuntu
+ - wxpython
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+ last_post_title: Why I am going to talk at Pycon ...
+ last_post_description: I started to develop SPE when I was still using Windows back
+ in 2002. By using Python and wxPython, I hoped SPE would run smoothly on all platforms.
+ That was wishful thinking. Luckily the community
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+ - think before you speak
+ - web 2.0
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+ | Tech n Tips
+ last_post_description: '[…] Reference: GeePaw Hill article “How TDD Makes Change
+ Faster“ […]'
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+ Numskull Alarm is probably the most entertaining thing that
+ Planet wellness has. It is essentially a standard that you can't make clamor
+ higher than a specific decibel, and on the off chance you do,
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- vydavatelství No Starch Press […]'
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+ There are a small set of common boolean operations that you can
+ perform on two polygons: union (a∪b), intersection (a∩b), subtraction
+ (a−b and b−a), and exclusive-or (a xor b) (also
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+ How might I get an 800 number?
+ To get an 800 number, you will undoubtedly
+ need to go through the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Frequently organizations
+ who look to acquire a
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- is one of our many internal SUSE OpenStack Cloud deployments for use by R&D. In
- 2016-06 we started the deployment with SOC6 on 4 nodes. 1
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+title: Area code Universe
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- last_post_title: Meldestufe 3
- last_post_description: Auf dem Rückweg aus Österreich tickern im Autoradio die Wasserstandsmeldungen
- aus ganz Süddeutschland durch. Zurück in München erjogge ich erst mal das Isarufer.
- Offiziell ist wohl noch
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- ending up improving third-party projects that WebKitGTK and WPEWebKit depend on.
- I’ve been working on WebKit’s
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+ last_post_description: "Overview The idea was about The UI testing framework
+ in LibreOffice. The UITesting Framework is based on introspection code in c++
+ \ninteracting with a testing framework in python through a"
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+ last_post_title: How to debug react-native app on Android Avd using clojurescript
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+ To get started with react-native and clojurescript please refer to my previous blogs(https://anish-patil.blogspot.com/2019/02/how-to-create-react-native-project-with.html)
+ However for RN
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- Tasmanian Devil by pen_ash on #Pixabay https://pixabay.com/photos/tasmanian-devil-marsupial-wildlife-6479685/
- #Photography #Australia #Taz #Marsupial
+ Mama and the 3 kittens, born last week.
+ She's moved them a lot, the basket being the 4th and latest (so far) place in 8 days. (Had to move them out the kitchen cupboard, where she tried to settle
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- Tasmanian Devil by pen_ash on #Pixabay https://pixabay.com/photos/tasmanian-devil-marsupial-wildlife-6479685/
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+ Mama and the 3 kittens, born last week.
+ She's moved them a lot, the basket being the 4th and latest (so far) place in 8 days. (Had to move them out the kitchen cupboard, where she tried to settle
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+ - Benchmark
+ - Code generation
+ - Compilation
+ - DSL
+ - Dependent types
+ - Haskell
+ - LLVM
+ - Lambda calculus
+ - Modules
+ - OCaml
+ - overloading
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+ last_post_title: A commentary on 24 days of GHC extensions, part 3
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+ It's time for some more Haskell opinions.Day 13: Functional DependenciesSee day 12.
+ The addition of functional dependencies to multi-parameter type classes all of a sudden opened up the possibility
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+ If then such praise the Macedonian got
+ For having rudely cut the Gordian Knot...
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+ - CDO
+ - EMF
+ - Eclipse
+ - EclipseCon
+ - JAX
+ - Java
+ - Maven
+ - Modeling
+ - Proposals
+ - Tycho
+ - eclipse foundation project funding
+ - eclipse modeling
+ - eclipse modeling emf cdo
+ - eclipse modeling emf cdo eclipsecon
+ - eclipse modeling emf cdo ese summit
+ - eclipse modeling emf cdo p2 repository listing
+ - eclipse modeling emf cdo thread safety
+ - eclipse modeling emf cdo top committer award webinar
+ - eclipse modeling stammtisch berlin
+ - emf tips generate editor
+ - emf tips generate model
+ - emf tips tweak genmodel properties
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+ - installer
+ - juno
+ - modeling open source gource cdo
+ - offline
+ - online
+ - oomph
+ - p2
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+ - thread pool
+ - threading
+ - version bytecode
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+ - shell
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+ last_post_description: Recently I've been reading Effective Modern C++ by Scott
+ Meyers. It's a great book that contains tons of practical advice, as well as horror
+ stories to astound your friends and confuse your enemies.
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- you can make a molecule of two helium atoms! Yes, He2 is a thing! It’s called
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+ last_post_title: MIP, my proposal for a high-performance analysis pipeline for
+ whole exome sequencing
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Hi all,
+ It has been a while since my last post, but the reason is worth the long time absent. Since January I am co-leading the bioinformatics and I.T department of one of Genomika Diagnósticos
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+ - genomika
+ - next-gen sequencing
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- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- https://frankmeeuwsen.com/feed.xml
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- - Culture
- - Ponderings
- - community
- - hosting
- - libraries
- - maker space
- - risograph
- - self-publishing
- - zines
+ - Weeknotes
+ - personal
relme: {}
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- last_post_description: 'This is brilliant: becoming an advocate for the kinds of
- books people want that don’t exist, transforming archives into new formats, preserving
- local history and lore. I think libraries could step'
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- last_post_link: https://tracydurnell.com/2024/05/31/libraries-as-publishers/
+ last_post_title: 'Weeknotes: June 29-July 5, 2024'
+ last_post_description: "Win of the week: finally getting to some pruning I’ve been
+ thinking about for a while Looking forward to: setting up my new computer when
+ it comes next week \U0001F603 Stuff I did: 7.5 hours consulting"
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- - maker space
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- in the last year #'
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+ last_post_title: Ghost federates its first newsletter
+ last_post_description: 'they also open-sourced their ActivityPub server built with
+ Fedify #'
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+ last_post_link: https://techcrunch.com/2024/07/08/substack-rival-ghost-federates-its-first-newsletter/?guccounter=1
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+ categories:
+ - Buckminster
+ - Build
+ - Cloudsmith
+ - Eclipse
+ - Modeling
+ - Platform
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+ https://www.blogger.com/profile/15537242570858268889: true
+ last_post_title: Can we build it? Yes we can!
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+ last_post_date: "2010-07-13T11:10:26-07:00"
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+ - Buckminster
+ - Build
+ - Cloudsmith
+ - Eclipse
+ - Modeling
+ - Platform
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+ - дочь
+ - жизнь
+ - исправлять до опупения
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+ - сострадание
+ - споры
+ - стимул
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+ - тюрки
+ - эго
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+ больше месяца. \nЕсли вы не знаете, то \"200 дней\" это программа"
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+ Post and a consultant. Tech solutions for journo problems.
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- conversations with our friends in the open-source software space.
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- Hours sessions, and the most recent was an open forum Q&A that focused largely
- on K-9 Mail and Thunderbird for Android. We also answered
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- will be moving back to Hamburg soon. I couldn't be happier right now.
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+ - Eclipse
+ - Eclipse Summit Europe 2010
+ - Enterprise Modeling Platform
+ - Persistence Service
+ - Twike 108
+ - agility
+ - architecture management
+ - artop
+ - cdo
+ - eclipse modeling platform
+ - eclipse modling platform
+ - ese
+ - guenter dueck
+ - papyrus
+ - payrus
+ - rosetta stone
+ - sphinx
+ - xtext
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+ - backup
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+ - google
+ - html
+ - lista de desejos
+ - power shell
+ - programação
+ - python
+ - recuperação
+ - web framework
+ - windows 8
+ relme:
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+ last_post_title: Simplificando a vida (coisas que eu não sei se preciso mais)
+ last_post_description: 'Estou pensando se não é hora de simplificar a vida. Sempre
+ que eu instalo ou reinstalo um PC tradicional, tenho que fazer mais ou menos a
+ mesma coisa: instalar Windows, Office (com o Access e o'
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+ last_post_description: This is a short post. I’m excited to announce that my keynote
+ at PyCon Philippines is now available for everyone on YouTube. Have a watch and
+ let me know what you think in the comment section on
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+ last_post_title: Inventing the Future vs. Extrapolating It
+ last_post_description: We predict obvious and silly things, but look right past
+ the big ones...
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+ last_post_link: https://spyglass.org/inventing-the-future-vs-extrapolating-it/
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+ Kefir - 081220023911 - BBM 54FECDA9
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+ last_post_description: Banyak orang menganggap kefir menjadi solusi alami yang sangat
+ efektif untuk mengatasi jerawat. Telah terbukti mampu bekerja untuk mengendalikan
+ kolesterol, menurunkan kadar gula darah, menurunkan
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- last_post_title: 'Comment on Grandma’s Retweets: How Suburban Seniors Spread Disinformation
- by Anonymous Coward'
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- In reply to Matthew M Bennett .
- things no conservative
- last_post_date: "2024-06-04T12:08:52Z"
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+title: Knowledge Base Lumen Robot Friend
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+description: Catatan perjalanan thesis mahasiswa Teknologi Media Digital & Game, Magister
+ Teknik Elektro ITB
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+ recommender: []
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+ - DevOps
+ - Matematika
+ - Natural Language Processing
+ - OpenCog
+ - Semantic Reasoning
+ - YAGO
+ relme:
+ https://eclipsedriven.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://emfmodeling.blogspot.com/: true
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+ - Semantic Reasoning
+ - YAGO
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+title: Linux Grandma
+date: "2024-06-26T00:15:40-07:00"
+description: Adventures in Linux, KDE, Kubuntu and Linuxchix. Twitter, Mastodon
+ feedlink: https://linuxgrandma.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
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+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
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+ - Ada Lovelace
+ - Ada Lovelace Day
+ - Akademy
+ - Alsachat
+ - Alzheimer's
+ - Amarok
+ - Amarok Handbook
+ - Amber Graner
+ - Artful
+ - Assault
+ - Audex
+ - Barbados
+ - Belarus
+ - Bellingham
+ - Berlin
+ - Blogger
+ - Brno
+ - Budapest
+ - Bugs
+ - CLI
+ - CLS
+ - CWG
+ - Calibre
+ - Canonical
+ - Cantor
+ - Code of Conduct
+ - Deb Richardson
+ - Debian
+ - Dementia
+ - Desktop Summit
+ - Digikam
+ - Documentation
+ - Dropbox
+ - EFF
+ - Essen
+ - FOSS
+ - Falkon
+ - Flossmanuals
+ - Folding@Home
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+ - GIT
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+ - Galicia
+ - Gcompris
+ - Gentoo
+ - Global Jam
+ - Gnome
+ - Gobby
+ - Google
+ - Google Code In
+ - Google Code-In
+ - Google Summer of Code
+ - IRC
+ - ISO
+ - Insider
+ - Iraq
+ - Israel
+ - Jews
+ - Join the Game
+ - Junior Jobs
+ - KDE
+ - KDE Akademy
+ - KDE Code of Conduct
+ - KDE Frameworks
+ - KDE Manifesto
+ - KDE e.V
+ - KDE-Apps
+ - KDE-Multimedia
+ - KDE.Conf.in
+ - KDE4
+ - Kate
+ - Kaudiocreator
+ - Kaziranga
+ - KdenLive
+ - Kdevelop
+ - Kget
+ - Kmix
+ - Konversation
+ - Kopete
+ - Krita
+ - Kstars
+ - Kubuntu
+ - LFNW
+ - Labplot
+ - Launchpad
+ - Linuxchix
+ - LinuxfestNW
+ - Lithuania
+ - LoCo
+ - Lucid
+ - Magni Onsøien
+ - Mailman
+ - Mandriva
+ - Marble
+ - Maverick
+ - Minuet
+ - Music
+ - NPR
+ - Neon5
+ - Nobel Prize
+ - OpenRespect
+ - PCT
+ - PPAs
+ - Palestine
+ - Phonon
+ - Plasma
+ - Plasma 5
+ - Plasma Next
+ - Poland
+ - Portland
+ - Pulseaudio
+ - Qimo
+ - Qt
+ - Qt.con
+ - Qt5
+ - Quassel
+ - Randa
+ - Ripping CDs
+ - Rippit
+ - Rootsweb
+ - Samba
+ - Science
+ - Season of KDE
+ - Skype
+ - SoK
+ - SoK2014
+ - Somalia
+ - Sound Juicer
+ - Spain
+ - Student Programs
+ - Suse
+ - Switzerland
+ - Tallinn
+ - Tomboy
+ - UCADay
+ - UDS
+ - UDS-N
+ - UDS-O
+ - Ubuntu
+ - Ubuntu-Women
+ - Userbase
+ - VLC
+ - Vienna
+ - Washington LoCo
+ - Wikidata
+ - Wikipedia
+ - Wikitolearn
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+ - Zsync
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+ - correction
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+ - gpg
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+ - grub2
+ - gtk
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+ - history
+ - holocaust
+ - honesty
+ - host keys
+ - human nature
+ - humans
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+ - imprisonment
+ - innovation
+ - installation
+ - institutions
+ - jetlag
+ - jobs
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+ - kcm
+ - kde e.v.
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+ - keysigning
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+ - kindness
+ - ksysguard
+ - language
+ - leadership
+ - life
+ - linguistics
+ - linux
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+ - loss
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+ - make
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+ - rape-prevention
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+ - redshift
+ - religion
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+ - sex-positive
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+ - students
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+ - tarball
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+ - teams
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+ - torrents
+ - torture
+ - totalitarianism
+ - touch
+ - translation
+ - travel
+ - trust
+ - truth
+ - ubuntu-bug
+ - ufyh
+ - user docs
+ - vegetables
+ - virtualbox
+ - war
+ - weddings
+ - welcoming
+ - wget
+ - wikis
+ - women
+ - women in FOSS
+ - work
+ - xkcd
+ - yogurt
+ relme:
+ https://genweblog.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://linuxgrandma.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://mastodon.social/@valorie: true
+ last_post_title: Open Letter to KDE GSoC Students We Could Not Accept
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2020-05-30T14:36:03-07:00"
+ last_post_link: https://linuxgrandma.blogspot.com/2020/05/open-letter-to-kde-gsoc-students-we.html
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+ - GSoC
+ - KDE
+ - KDE Akademy
+ - Season of KDE
+ - community
+ - mail list
+ - mentoring
+ - students
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+ - LibreOffice doesn't start
+ - Lubuntu
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+ - Personal use only?
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+ - Windows is a bullshit
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+ - you are crazy
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- - https://danq.blog/feed/
- https://danq.me/comments/feed/
- https://danq.me/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/article/feed/
- https://danq.me/kind/note/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/comments/feed/
- - https://danq.uk/feed/
- Animation
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- - https://weidok.al/feed.xml
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- last_post_description: My life is a mess at the moment, and I have no idea what
- I’m doing anymore. The last thing I want to think about is this online space,
- so for now, I’m taking a break. I have no idea for how long.
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+ feedlink: https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
+ feedtype: rss
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+ https://marisabel.nl/: true
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+ - https://marisabel.nl/public/feeds/feed.opml
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+ - https://alexandrawolfe.ca/feed/
+ - https://aramzs.xyz/writing/feed.xml
+ - https://birming.com/feed/
+ - https://blogofthe.day/feed.xml
+ - https://buttondown.email/ownyourweb/rss
+ - https://cmdr-nova.online/rss
+ - https://darch.dk/feed/page:feed.xml
+ - https://dominikhofer.me/rss.xml
+ - https://exploration.work/index.xml
+ - https://feeds.feedburner.com/68131
+ - https://flower.codes/feed.xml
+ - https://gersande.com/blog/rss/
+ - https://granary.io/url?input=html&output=rss&url=https%3A//jamesg.blog
+ - https://ingrids.space/index.xml
+ - https://iwebthings.joejenett.com/feed.atom
+ - https://jessicajournals.com/index.xml
+ - https://kaushiksamba.bearblog.dev/feed/?type=rss
+ - https://lazybear.io/index.xml
+ - https://longest.voyage/index.xml
+ - https://manuelmoreale.com/feed/rss
+ - https://martinschuhmann.com/feed/
+ - https://mary.codes/rss.xml
+ - https://matanabudy.com/feed/
+ - https://mattstein.com/rss.xml
+ - https://mfashby.net/index.xml
+ - https://michal.sapka.me/index.xml
+ - https://mxb.dev/notes/feed.xml
+ - https://nora.codes/index.xml
+ - https://notes.ashsmash.com/rss
+ - https://notes.jeddacp.com/feed
+ - https://rachsmith.com/feed.xml
+ - https://rebeccatoh.co/feed/
+ - https://ritaottramstad.com/feed/
+ - https://robertkingett.com/feed/
+ - https://saneboat.com/posts_feed
+ - https://scottnesbitt.online/feed.xml
+ - https://squeaki.sh/rss.xml
+ - https://starbreaker.org/feeds/everything.xml
+ - https://stephango.com/feed.xml
+ - https://subtle-echo.pika.page/posts_feed
+ - https://tangiblelife.net/feed.rss
+ - https://theresmiling.eu/rss.xml
+ - https://theunderground.blog/feed.xml
+ - https://thoughts.uncountable.uk/feed/
+ - https://timharek.no/feed.xml
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+ - learning
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+ - scripts
+ - snippets
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+ https://marisabel.nl/: true
+ https://marisabel.nl/public/blog.php: true
+ last_post_title: Rejillita Calendar
+ last_post_description: Last week, I created something cute to display the number
+ of posts I've written on my micro-blog. I often lost track of when I posted, so
+ this serves as a nice visual way to show my activity levels
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-22T00:00:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://marisabel.nl/public/tech-blog/Rejillita_Calendar
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+ - scripts
+ - snippets
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- - Cotton
- - Frogs
- - Pesticides
- - PesticideUse
- - Spiders
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- its act
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- up its act. Once devoid of insect life, Australian cotton paddocks are now teeming
- with spiders and other animals as the cotton industry
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+ - android
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- or so, I’ve started getting more questions from project developers and PTL’s.
- In most cases, they’re interested to know whether things
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- much like the fediverse is revitalizing community in social networks?
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+ last_post_description: My blog now uses the Hugo blog framework
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+ last_post_description: I had a lot of fun with Green's Opinion, but with a change
+ in priorities blogging moved to the back-burner. Priorities have changed again,
+ and once again I'm blogging - only this time I've moved to
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- OpenStack Foundation - Board Meeting : 2019/04/08
- New OIP (Open Infrastructure Projects)
- In a long running program, started in Sydney at the OpenStack Foundation Board
- meeting, the OpenStack
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-date: "2024-06-26T14:04:47+02:00"
+date: "2024-07-09T04:31:02+02:00"
description: What comes to my mind. Physics, politics, computers, rants. All CC-BY-SA
unless otherwise stated.
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- last_post_description: if you use external snapshots to make backups of those I
- assume you end up with one (committed) image as your production system (because
- you commit snapshots once in a while assumingly) and a very
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- natively as one of the btrfs checksum algorithms. Sounds fun but there’s always
- more to it, even if this sounds easy to implement
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- Tips and tricks
+ - Web development
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+ last_post_title: Technical documentation writing quick tips
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- What would open-source software (OSS) contributors have known before they started? I asked and got lots of answers.
- What would open-source software (OSS) contributors have known before they started?
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+ An assortment of quick tips to help you make your technical documentation (docstrings, READMEs) easier to read.
+ Below are several quick tips to help you make your technical documentation (docstrings,
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- - Conference
- - Django
- - OSS contribution
- - Presentation
- - Python
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- design and engineering. Making WordPress.
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- In reply to Nol .
- It's a work in progress; the biggest challenge is making sure all areas of the admin are accounted for properly in
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- and other maths-related topics. By Terence Tao
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- - Ben Green
- - Freddie Manners
- - Luca Trevisan
- - Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture
- - Shannon entropy
- - Timothy Gowers
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- last_post_description: '[This post is dedicated to Luca Trevisan, who recently passed
- away due to cancer. Though far from his most significant contribution to the field,
- I would like to mention that, as with most of my'
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- - expository
- - math.CO
- - Ben Green
- - Freddie Manners
- - Luca Trevisan
- - Polynomial Freiman-Ruzsa conjecture
- - Shannon entropy
- - Timothy Gowers
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- - classification
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- - mining
- - simulation
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- - Astrometry.net
- - HST
- - Milky Way
- - astrometry
- - camera
- - charge-coupled device
- - meta-data
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- - unsupervised
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- - binary star
- - catalog
- - computing
- - dust
- - electromagnetism
- - gravity
- - literature
- - machine learning
- - regression
+ - Astrometry.net
- Chandra
- Euclid
- Gaia
+ - HST
+ - Kepler
+ - Milky Way
+ - SDSS
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- arXiv
+ - asteroseismology
+ - astrometry
+ - astronomy
- atmosphere
- bayes
+ - binary star
+ - calibration
+ - camera
+ - catalog
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- chemistry
+ - classification
- code
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- computer science
+ - computing
+ - cosmology
+ - data
- deconvolution
+ - dust
+ - electromagnetism
+ - engineering
+ - galaxy
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+ - gravity
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+ - imaging
+ - literature
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- signal processing
+ - simulation
- software
+ - spectroscopy
+ - star
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+ - theory
+ - unsupervised
- video
- visualization
- x-ray
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last_post_title: detect the stars during the day
last_post_description: The daytime sky (the blue sky) is bright but transparent.
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+description: There Are 10 Types of People in the World....
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+ - PHP
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+ last_post_description: As you can read in my previous post related to MySQL 9 and
+ authentication, the old mysql_native_password plugin has been removed. In that
+ post, I showed an example using PHP 7.2, the default version
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-description: "Speculations on astronomy, astrophysics, news I find interesting,\nscience
- and science policy. \nIn particular: gravitational radiation\nsources, black holes,
- exoplanets and astrobiology. \nI will"
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-title: Blank On The Map
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+ the back of the pack. I was chatting to Phil at Black Castle, where we awaited
+ being called to the start line. Phil is a fast runner and a
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+ last_post_description: Today I wanted to record some demonstrations and I found
+ the Telestream ScreenFlow application. It is a really competent recording and
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+ as a team you’re wasting time by doing code reviews. You should instead rely on
+ automated tests to catch bugs. This surprises me because
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- upstate New York, some news: I’ll be speaking about my book today, Monday, June
- 24th, 5:30 pm, in Lenox, MA. At this free event, held'
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+ The setup
+ Imagine you are living on a riverbank. Every now and then, the river swells and you have high water. The first few times this may come as a surprise, but soon you learn that such floods are
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+ everyday.
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- In reply to Michael Walsh .
- This is typical of politicians in India -- they just create enough doubt about the data itself. I have talked to
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+ course-poursuite depuis Lyss. Yvonne est partie en roller (avec également 1.5
+ km de course à pied) pour rejoindre Neuchâtel. Puis
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- to Proxmox VE with Coriolis
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- of uncertainty within the private virtualized infrastructure space has reached
- an all-time high. With many companies now put on the spot
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- last_post_title: 'Song 174B: “I Heard it Through the Grapevine” Part Two, “It Takes
- Two”'
- last_post_description: For those who haven’t heard the announcement I posted , songs
- from this point on will sometimes be split among multiple episodes, so this is
- the second part of a two-episode look at the song “I
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- - Kim Weston
- - Luther Dixon
- - Martha and the Vandellas
- - Marvin Gaye
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+title: Area Code location
+date: "2024-03-20T06:33:11-07:00"
+description: The Blog is all about area code and its prospect. Stay with us.
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+ - 800 Area code related to.
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+ The thought for this
+ Christmas can be many Whiskey Decanters, and it is a valuable and consistent
+ object that the beneficiary will appreciate. An intriguing actuality that
+ surfaced in look for is
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+description: "I'm thinking of maybe starting to attempt trying to write a few things
+ somewhat fairly regularly. \n\nBe astounded by my conviction. Aspire to it in your
+ ..."
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+title: Pores inside your teeth
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+ years since I wrote something like this, but with WWDC starting tonight and Apple
+ announcing lots of new software features I’m
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-10T09:11:33Z"
+ last_post_link: https://philbowell.com/my-wwdc-2024-wishes/
- Articles
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+title: Happenings in Python Usergroups
+date: "2024-07-04T01:56:05-04:00"
+description: Here are collected postings from the various Python usergroups around
+ the world, giving notice of upcoming events or summaries of meetings just past.
+ feedlink: https://python-groups.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
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+ - AppEngine
+ - Arizona
+ - Avahi/Bonjour/Rendevous
+ - Boston
+ - BugDays
+ - Canonical
+ - Columbus
+ - Dallas
+ - England
+ - GPL
+ - Goldenware
+ - IronPython
+ - LPUG
+ - Leipzig Python User Group
+ - Microsoft
+ - Notes
+ - OLPC
+ - Ohio
+ - Plone
+ - Pyglet
+ - Python
+ - Python Ireland
+ - 'PythonBarcamp2010 #pybar'
+ - PythonNorthWest
+ - Silverlight
+ - Snaplogic
+ - Sprinting
+ - Storm
+ - Texas
+ - Tucson
+ - TuxDroid
+ - Twisted
+ - UK
+ - Unconference
+ - VPython
+ - WashingtonDC
+ - Wing IDE
+ - amfast
+ - anniversary
+ - announcement
+ - austria
+ - barcamp
+ - beer
+ - brazil
+ - cologne
+ - django
+ - flex
+ - grupy-sp
+ - italy
+ - meeting
+ - meetup
+ - metalab
+ - mod_python
+ - nebraska
+ - omaha
+ - perugia
+ - pub
+ - pyCologne
+ - pyCologne Announcement
+ - pyCologne Notes
+ - pyamf
+ - pycon
+ - pyinstaller
+ - pypg
+ - pyside
+ - pyugat
+ - qml
+ - qt
+ - são paulo
+ - vienna
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+ last_post_title: PyUGAT - future events
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+ last_post_date: "2013-08-25T14:07:41-04:00"
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- in flow/global/env inputs⏱ Timestamp formatting options\U0001F522 A better, faster,
- more compliance CSV nodeAnd plenty more still to come"
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-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: One centralized feed of Eleventy activity across the web.
- feedlink: https://www.11ty.dev/firehose/firehose.rss
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- with Eleventy 3.0:1️⃣ `.ts` and `.tsx`: https://www.11ty.dev/docs/languages/typescript/
- (TypeScript configuration too)2️⃣ `.jsx`: https"
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+description: Recent content on KeepCoding
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+ last_post_title: Embed git commit in Zig programs
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Whether you are writing a fancy database, or simple CLI program, it's always helpful to embed git commit into the binary.
+ With it, you can know which exact lines of code is to be blamed when users
+ last_post_date: "2023-06-29T21:57:47+08:00"
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+ last_post_title: Python C API, PyPy and the road into the future
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+ last_post_date: "2015-11-16T09:19:12-08:00"
+ last_post_link: https://lostinjit.blogspot.com/2015/11/python-c-api-pypy-and-road-into-future.html
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- - 100Posts
- - blogroll
- - indieweb
- - web feeds
- - wordpress
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- last_post_title: Blogrollin’
- last_post_description: I made my blogroll look a tiny bit nicer. I’m planning to
- still add actual RSS or Atom links, and remove any duplicate entries. (They’re
- there because I occasionally follow multiple versions of
- last_post_date: "2024-05-19T21:23:55Z"
- last_post_link: https://jan.boddez.net/articles/blogrollin
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- - General
- - 100Posts
- - blogroll
- - indieweb
- - web feeds
- - wordpress
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+title: FLOSSLinux
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+description: Random musings about Free/Libre/Open Source Software - and also about
+ Linux and the way that the world is, gadgets and trends
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+ - 3G
+ - Apache
+ - Blog
+ - Bluetooth
+ - Book
+ - Cambridge
+ - Canonical
+ - Cost of "old machines"
+ - Debian
+ - Familiarity
+ - First post
+ - GSM
+ - Hell freezes
+ - Laptop ACPI
+ - Lessons in file saving
+ - Linux radio ad.
+ - Microsoft
+ - PDF
+ - Philosophical ramblings
+ - RHCT
+ - Sheevaplug SoC
+ - Sheevaplug ideas
+ - Sheevaplug ideas?
+ - Social media
+ - Squeeze
+ - Squeeze 6.0
+ - UKUUG conference
+ - Useful stuff - cross platform
+ - Windows install
+ - added extras
+ - advice
+ - barbeque
+ - booting
+ - chilli popcorn
+ - community
+ - demo
+ - effort
+ - file system
+ - gateway
+ - licence
+ - manifesto
+ - mirror
+ - release
+ - source code
+ - wifi
+ - wisdom of crowds
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+ https://linuxbitsandscripts.blogspot.com/: true
+ https://poetryandstuffforfun.blogspot.com/: true
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+ last_post_title: Lessons from (and for) colleagues - and, implicitly, how NOT to
+ get on
+ last_post_description: I have had excellent colleagues both at my day job and, especially,
+ in Debian over the last thirty-odd years. Several have attempted to give me good
+ advice - others have been exemplars. People retire
+ last_post_date: "2024-02-12T22:13:00Z"
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+title: Google Summer of Code
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: ""
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+ feedid: fd4d4c62d06179a0339085c5f6050cc1
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+ https://spectrum-gsoc12.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: GSoC Coding Phase Ends
+ last_post_description: GSoC coding phase officially ends on Monday, 20th August
+ 2012. I enjoyed working on the Twitter-Backend project over the past three months.
+ Thanks my mentor Jan Kaluza (hanzz) and the library
+ last_post_date: "2012-08-19T05:48:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://spectrum-gsoc12.blogspot.com/2012/08/gsoc-coding-phase-ends_18.html
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+title: Creating Carbide
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+ - Bugzilla
+ - Voting
+ - adt
+ - austin
+ - carbide
+ - cdt
+ - downloads
+ - eclipse
+ - releases
+ - symbian
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+ https://creatingcarbide.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Builds Just Keep on Rolling
+ last_post_description: High above downtown Austin you would think it's easy to forget
+ how many people depend on the timely delivery of Carbide in order to pursue their
+ daily goals in developing Symbian programs. Let me be
+ last_post_date: "2010-01-20T13:36:50-08:00"
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+ - carbide
+ - downloads
+ - symbian
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+ promotes: 0
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- - technology
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+ - society
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- last_post_title: All My Thoughts After 40 Hours in the Vision Pro
+ last_post_title: The 2024 Trump-Biden Debate
last_post_description: |-
- Welcome to the 2030s.
- The post All My Thoughts After 40 Hours in the Vision Pro appeared first on Wait But Why.
- last_post_date: "2024-02-09T18:24:38Z"
- last_post_link: https://waitbutwhy.com/2024/02/vision-pro.html
+ Jeez
+ The post The 2024 Trump-Biden Debate appeared first on Wait But Why.
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-28T12:46:16Z"
+ last_post_link: https://waitbutwhy.com/2024/06/debate2024.html
- Uncategorized
- - future
- - science
- - technology
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-title: Comments for Notes In The Margin
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: The Margin Is Too Narrow
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- last_post_title: Comment on Boojum’s knife by boojum
- last_post_description: I could not have entrusted a more talented and thoughtful
- friend with this task! I think you were more worried about the riskiness of working
- on such a sentimental project than I was. I knew that you
- last_post_date: "2024-05-17T15:26:22Z"
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- last_post_title: 'Zellij 0.40.0: Welcome Screen, Filepicker, Pipes, Plugin Aliases'
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- Zellij 0.40.0 has just been released! Grab it while it’s hot!
- Some highlights:
- Welcome Screen New Filepicker Pipes Open Floating Panes at Specific Coordinates Rearrange Tabs Disconnect other
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- I am pleased to announce the release of scikit-survival 0.22.0.
- The highlights for this release include
- Compatibility with scikit-learn 1.3.
- Missing value support for SurvivalTree.
- A reduced memory
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- podcast, hosted by Matt Godbolt and Ben Rady; two programmers who both grew up wanting
- to make video games. One of them
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+ last_post_title: Sanoid on TrueNAS
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+ syncoid to TrueNAS In my homelab, I have 2 NAS systems:
+ Linux (Debian) TrueNAS Core (based on FreeBSD) On my Linux box, I use Jim Salter’s sanoid to periodically take snapshots of my ZFS pool. I
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+ - random tables
+ - setting stuff
+ - the black hack
+ - the elixir
+ - thoughts
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+ - Chromium
+ - Coral Travel
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+ - DLink
+ - DRBD
+ - DTrace
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+ - Extensions
+ - FIDO
+ - FPM
+ - FreeBSD
+ - French
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+ - Hybernate
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+ - Illumian
+ - Illumos
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+ - OpenNode
+ - OpenOffice
+ - OpenSolaris
+ - OpenVZ
+ - Oracle
+ - PHP
+ - PocketBook
+ - Politics
+ - PostgreSQL
+ - Private
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+ - Qt
+ - Redmine
+ - Ruby
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+ - Sun
+ - Turkey
+ - UFS
+ - Ubuntu
+ - Ukraine
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+ - Webrick
+ - Wheezy
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+ - Work
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+ - Zones
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+ last_post_title: Creating a simple foreign data wrapper for PostgreSQL
+ last_post_description: |-
+ Today I'd like to describe how to create own minimal usable foreign data wrapper (FDW) for PostgreSQL.
+ Common information about FDW interfaces
+ I suppose you know C and have basic PostgreSQL DBA
+ last_post_date: "2023-01-06T10:51:00Z"
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+ - DoS
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+ last_post_title: Sick PCs should be banned from the net
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+ A lunatic from MS suggests that "Sick PCs should be banned from the net".
+ I have an easier to implement and more effective idea:Let's ban companies selling sick Operating-Systems.
+ Anyone who looks
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+ online. Navegando pela maior biblioteca viva da história da humanidade, encontramos
+ aqui e ali assuntos e idéias que merecem
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- last_post_description: 'President Biden plans to sign an executive order that would
- effectively close the border to asylum seekers. Atrios isn''t impressed: This
- will solve an undefinable problem and satisfy all the people'
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+ last_post_title: Behold the 2024 Republican Party platform
+ last_post_description: Apparently the Republican National Committee, under the direction
+ of Comrade Trump, has decided to do away with long, boring fights over the party
+ platform at this year's Republican Convention. I
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+ how to remove permanent hair dye from grey hair1. Most importantly, your hair structure is torn open2. Then, at that point, all standard colors are taken out
+ 3. At last, they are supplanted by
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+ de 2024, nous voilà finalement face à l'inéluctable choix entre la social-démocratie
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- dass wir etwas getan oder nicht getan haben. Das wirkt nicht
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+ smacznej wirtualnej kawie :)
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+ - nauka
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+ słowa (brak cenzury). Szybkość, ergonomia. Jakość (błyskotliwe, częstokroć
+ konkurencyjne funkcje). Przykładowe'
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+ - Music is most beautiful sound
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+ The expert muscle head is consistently genuine about
+ wellbeing, and it is expected that they visit the extravagance exercise center,
+ yet planet wellness is one least expensive wellness place. There
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+ - Music is most beautiful sound
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- last_post_title: 'Everyone wins: document whatever resists simplification'
- last_post_description: The traditional prescription for keeping software easy to
- work with and amenable to change is “refactoring”. As we’re fixing bugs, adding
- features, and making new possibilities, we investigate
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+ last_post_title: Slash pages & micro-features
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+ a standard, root-level slug like /now, /about, or /uses. They tend to describe
+ the individual behind the site and are distinguishing
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- last_post_title: Save the Web by Being Nice
- last_post_description: A common complaint amongst the old guard bloggers is that
- the old web as we knew it is dying. This is false.The old web has actually been
- dead for many...
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+ https://sheep.horse/: true
+ last_post_title: Safety and Performance - Threadsafe Datastructures in C++
+ last_post_description: Multithreading is something that is often misunderstood by
+ even senior programmers. I do a lot of interviewing and I have noticed that a
+ large proportion of candidates have only vague...
+ last_post_date: "2022-05-23T02:24:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://sheep.horse/2022/5/safety_and_performance_-_threadsafe_datastructures.html
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+ last_post_title: Setting up fast Debian package builds using sbuild, mmdebstrap
+ and apt-cacher-ng
+ last_post_description: |-
+ In this post I will give a quick tutorial on how to set up fast Debian package builds using sbuild with mmdebstrap and apt-cacher-ng.
+ The usual tool for building Debian packages is dpkg-buildpackage,
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+ - https://takeonrules.com/site-map/updates/index.xml
+ - https://takeonrules.com/tags/emacs/index.xml
+ categories:
+ - Ants
+ - Supplements
+ - firearms
+ - warfare
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: 'Colony: Black Ops'
+ last_post_description: 'Colony: Black Ops is a third-party add-on from the Mausritter
+ Library.'
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+ last_post_link: https://discord.com/channels/688172243619938305/1259318205487251496/1259332103565213767
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+ - Ants
+ - Supplements
+ - firearms
+ - warfare
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- - Particle Physics
- - CDF
- - muons
- - new physics
- - Physics
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- last_post_title: CDF multi-muons, hmm
- last_post_description: So I’m way behind the bloggy curve on this one (e.g. here
- and here), but I thought I would at least read the paper before talking about
- it. The CDF collaboration (or two-thirds of it anyway) has
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- - Particle Physics
- - CDF
- - muons
- - new physics
- - Physics
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+title: 'Mythlands: The Setting to End All Settings'
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: I write about D&D, mostly old school, sometimes new, settings, game analysis
+ and all things elf games.
+ feedlink: https://mythlands-erce.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
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+ - 1e
+ - 2e
+ - 3e
+ - 4e
+ - 5TD
+ - 5e
+ - AD&D
+ - AD&D-Appraisal
+ - Alignment
+ - Arneson
+ - B/X
+ - Dark Sun
+ - DnD-tropes
+ - Dwarves
+ - Fantastic Heroes & Witchery
+ - Fighting-Fantasy
+ - Game Balance
+ - Gygax
+ - Hit Points
+ - Into The Unknown
+ - O5R
+ - OD&D
+ - OSR
+ - Setting
+ - Swords & Wizardry
+ - Writeup
+ - XP
+ - ability-scores
+ - adventures-in-middle-earth
+ - aihrde
+ - alternate-oerths
+ - assh
+ - bard
+ - beast-men
+ - beyond-the-wall
+ - birthright
+ - bugbears
+ - class-work
+ - classes
+ - cleric
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+ - critters. goblins
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+ - erce
+ - fighter
+ - forgotten realms
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+ - gods
+ - greyhawk
+ - hags
+ - halflings
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+ - hobgoblins
+ - houserules
+ - how-to-osr
+ - humanoids
+ - humans
+ - iuz
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+ - keep-on-the-borderlands
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+ - kobolds
+ - lamentations-of-the-flame-princess
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+ - low-fantasy
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+ - middle-earth
+ - mystara
+ - mythic-greyhawk
+ - nentir vale
+ - not-elfgames
+ - ogres
+ - old-school
+ - old-school-art
+ - orcs
+ - playtest
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+ - races
+ - rant
+ - reblog
+ - rednext
+ - release-announcement
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+ - sandbox
+ - setting-review
+ - skills
+ - social-commentary
+ - sword-n-sorcery
+ - system-analysis
+ - thule
+ - tips
+ - trolls
+ - wallpaper
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+ last_post_title: Medieval Demographics re-visited & Greyhawk Demographics Finally
+ Resolved
+ last_post_description: We've all read S. John Ross' seminal Medieval Demographics
+ Made Easy [MDME], I presume. I for one adore S. John Ross and have spent long
+ hours on his excellent gaming blog. Trouble, his piece not
+ last_post_date: "2024-06-10T13:48:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://mythlands-erce.blogspot.com/2024/06/medieval-demographics-re-visited.html
+ last_post_categories:
+ - demographics
+ - greyhawk
+ - rant
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+ cats: 5
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+ promotes: 0
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+ innetwork: true
+ language: ""
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+ websites:
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- https://josh.blog/.well-known/recommendations.opml
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- https://www.theverge.com/apple/rss/index.xml
- https://aaron.blog/comments/feed/
- https://danielbachhuber.com/comments/feed/
+ - https://github.blog/comments/feed/
- https://josepha.blog/comments/feed/
- https://ma.tt/comments/feed/
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- https://www.theverge.com/rss/index.xml
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+ - http://scripting.com/rssNightly.xml
- https://alexsci.com/blog/rss.xml
- - Life
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- - nature
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- last_post_title: Dog Park Saturday Mornings
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- last_post_date: "2024-05-18T22:07:12Z"
- last_post_link: https://josh.blog/2024/05/dog-park-saturday-mornings
+ - Web
+ - WordPress
+ - blurhash
+ - imgproxy
+ relme:
+ https://josh.blog/: true
+ last_post_title: Dynamically Resize and Optimize WordPress Images with imgproxy
+ last_post_description: Imgproxy is an open source image processing proxy service.
+ You supply image URLs and processing parameters in the URL. It downloads the image
+ and applies the filters you’ve specified. It can also
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-07T19:35:25Z"
+ last_post_link: https://josh.blog/2024/07/dynamically-resize-and-optimize-wordpress-images-with-imgproxy
- - Life
- - dogs
- - nature
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+ - Web
+ - WordPress
+ - blurhash
+ - imgproxy
+ last_post_language: ""
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cats: 0
description: 3
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postcats: 3
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promoted: 5
promotes: 9
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+ relme: 2
title: 3
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+ website: 2
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ispodcast: false
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title: 3
website: 2
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-title: Just another Linux geek
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Fortiter Et Recte
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- categories:
- - Uncategorized
- - memcached
- - swift
- - systemd
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Making a systemd service which binds to an IP start on boot
- last_post_description: By default, most services will start just fine on boot when
- they bind to on the host to listen on any IP that might happen to appear.
- However, if […]
- last_post_date: "2022-10-19T21:49:37Z"
- last_post_link: https://blog.christophersmart.com/2022/10/20/making-a-systemd-service-which-binds-to-an-ip-start-on-boot/
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- - Uncategorized
- - memcached
- - swift
- - systemd
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+title: Bit Of Cheese
+date: "2024-03-14T02:51:28-07:00"
+description: Highlighting interesting packages in the Cheese Shop (aka PyPI)
+ feedlink: https://bitofcheese.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default
+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: ff941aecd2dce66874754dbe113a2459
+ websites:
+ https://bitofcheese.blogspot.com/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories: []
+ relme:
+ https://bitofcheese.blogspot.com/: true
+ last_post_title: Local PyPI Options
+ last_post_description: ""
+ last_post_date: "2013-05-08T16:57:56-07:00"
+ last_post_link: https://bitofcheese.blogspot.com/2013/05/local-pypi-options.html
+ last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: 96bd5682ad58debe2cf53ea091759f1b
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+ cats: 0
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+ postcats: 0
+ posts: 3
+ promoted: 0
+ promotes: 0
+ relme: 2
+ title: 3
+ website: 2
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+ innetwork: true
+ language: ""
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-title: donuts
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: Public posts from @dlr@mastodon.social
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+title: Homepage on Michał Sapka's website
+date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
+description: Recent content in Homepage on Michał Sapka's website
+ feedlink: https://michal.sapka.me/index.xml
+ feedtype: rss
+ feedid: ffc40425b9d3e7cdb1f4e63f6d8726dd
+ websites:
+ https://michal.sapka.me/#bsd: false
+ https://michal.sapka.me/#emacs: false
+ https://michal.sapka.me/cool-emacs/: false
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender:
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/blog.php
+ - https://marisabel.nl/feeds/tech-blog.php
+ categories: []
+ relme: {}
+ last_post_title: Computing happy
+ last_post_description: |-
+ One thing I’ve noticed about myself and my relationship with technology is that I care.
+ Not about productivity, getting stuff done and all those things.
+ I do them at my job, they pay bills.
+ But
+ last_post_date: "2024-07-08T23:24:00+02:00"
+ last_post_link: https://michal.sapka.me/blog/2024/computing-happy/
+ last_post_categories: []
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: 7b63af26deeae8bbc0a5dd4b3089b43d
+ score_criteria:
+ cats: 0
+ description: 3
+ feedlangs: 1
+ postcats: 0
+ posts: 3
+ promoted: 5
+ promotes: 0
+ relme: 0
+ title: 3
+ website: 1
+ score: 16
+ ispodcast: false
+ isnoarchive: false
+ innetwork: true
+ language: en
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-title: Linkblog
-date: "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"
-description: ""
- feedlink: https://www.splitbrain.org/feed/links
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- websites:
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- recommended: []
- recommender: []
- categories: []
- relme: {}
- last_post_title: Forget Subtext - People Don't Even Get Surtext
- last_post_description: Once in a while, you'll see some blowhard railing about the
- modern world. I recently saw someone decrying the fact that Star Trek had "gone
- woke".This Star Trek?OK, you can argue about whether Kirk
- last_post_date: "2024-05-22T13:01:51Z"
- last_post_link: https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2024/05/forget-subtext-people-dont-even-get-surtext/
- last_post_categories: []
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- score_criteria:
- cats: 0
- description: 0
- postcats: 0
- promoted: 0
- promotes: 0
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- title: 3
- website: 1
- score: 4
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- isnoarchive: false
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+title: stafwag Blog
+date: "2024-07-01T17:12:17Z"
+description: Hi, I'm staf.
+ feedlink: https://stafwag.github.io/blog/atom.xml
+ feedtype: atom
+ feedid: ffe702707bc381305c44882de5f3e14e
+ websites:
+ https://stafwag.github.io/blog/: true
+ blogrolls: []
+ recommended: []
+ recommender: []
+ categories:
+ - homepage
+ - hugo
+ - wagemakers.be
+ - webgui
+ relme:
+ https://stafwag.github.io/blog/: true
+ last_post_title: www.wagemakers.be
+ last_post_description: https://www.wagemakers.be I’ve finally found the time to
+ give my homepage a complete makeover. Yes, HTTPS is enabled now ;-) The content
+ has been migrated from WebGUI to Hugo. It still contains the
+ last_post_date: "2024-05-30T07:45:00Z"
+ last_post_link: https://stafwag.github.io/blog/blog/2024/05/30/wagemakers.be/
+ last_post_categories:
+ - homepage
+ - hugo
+ - wagemakers.be
+ - webgui
+ last_post_language: ""
+ last_post_guid: b844f48f6745019ced7998257a3fcd49
+ score_criteria:
+ cats: 0
+ description: 3
+ feedlangs: 0
+ postcats: 3
+ posts: 3
+ promoted: 0
+ promotes: 0
+ relme: 2
+ title: 3
+ website: 2
+ score: 16
+ ispodcast: false
+ isnoarchive: false
+ innetwork: true
+ language: ""
diff --git a/content/languages/_index.md b/content/languages/_index.md
new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/content/standalone/opml-archive.md b/content/opml/opml-archive.md
similarity index 100%
rename from content/standalone/opml-archive.md
rename to content/opml/opml-archive.md
diff --git a/content/standalone/opml.md b/content/opml/opml.md
similarity index 100%
rename from content/standalone/opml.md
rename to content/opml/opml.md
diff --git a/content/standalone/scoring.md b/content/standalone/scoring.md
index 098e136fd..649027496 100644
--- a/content/standalone/scoring.md
+++ b/content/standalone/scoring.md
@@ -99,3 +99,10 @@ A feed should have a title to help readers identify the blog.
A feed should have a description to help readers understand what the blog is about.
+## Has a feed language
+***1 point***
+A feed should specify the language it uses.
diff --git a/feeds.yaml b/feeds.yaml
index 7f9505371..e5af6613e 100644
--- a/feeds.yaml
+++ b/feeds.yaml
@@ -4,7 +4,104 @@ feed_urls:
- https://blogs.openstreetmap.org/opml.xml
- https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/~distler/planet/opml.xml
- https://gstreamer.freedesktop.org/planet/opml.xml
+ - https://jakartablogs.ee/opml.xml
+ - https://planet-im.com/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.bugzilla.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.classpath.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.clojure.in/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.code4lib.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.documentfoundation.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.dsource.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.evolix.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.freedesktop.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.fsfe.org/en/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.grep.be/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.hamakor.org.il/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.haskell.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.igalia.com/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.luv.asn.au/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.openmoko.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.osgeo.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.osmocom.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.phpmyadmin.net/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.postgis.net/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.qt.io/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.sagemath.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.samba.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.scummvm.org/custom/people.opml
+ - https://planet.symlink.ch/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.sympy.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.twistedmatrix.com/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.ucc.asn.au/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.videolan.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.wordpress.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planete.april.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planeteclipse.org/planet/opml.xml
+ - https://planetillumos.org/opml.xml
+ - https://raimonster.com/satellite-lua/opml.xml
+ - https://www.lysator.liu.se/planet/opml.xml
+ - https://www.planetpuppet.org/opml.xml
+ - https://fdroid.gitlab.io/planet/opml.xml
+ # Linux
+ - https://planet.linux.it/ils/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.linux.it/lug/opml.xml
+ # Debian
+ - https://planet.debian.org/deriv/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.debian.org/es/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.debian.org/fr/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.debian.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.debianforum.de/opml.xml
+ # Mozilla
+ - https://planet.mozilla.org/ateam/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.mozilla.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.mozilla.org/participation/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.mozilla.org/projects/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.mozilla.org/research/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.mozilla.org/thunderbird/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.moztw.org/opml.xml
+ # Ubuntu
+ - https://planet.ubuntu-it.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.ubuntu.com/opml.xml
+ # Kernel
- https://kernelplanet.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.kernel.org/opml.xml
+ # Python
+ - https://planet.python.org.br/opml.xml
+ - https://www.planetpython.org/opml.xml
+ # Emacs
+ - https://planet.emacslife.com/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.emacslife.com/ru/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.emacslife.com/zh/opml.xml
+ # GNU
+ - https://planet.gnu.org/opml.xml
+ - https://www.gnuheter.com/opml.xml
+ # Gnome
+ - https://planet.gnome.gr/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.gnome.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planeta.br.gnome.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planeta.es.gnome.org/opml.xml
+ - https://planeta.gnome.cl/opml.xml
+ # Jabber
+ - https://planet.jabber.org/news/opml.xml
+ - https://planet.jabber.org/opml.xml
+ # Mageia
+ - https://planet.mageia.org/en/custom/people.opml
+ - https://planet.mageia.org/es/custom/people.opml
+ - https://planet.mageia.org/de/custom/people.opml
+ - https://planet.mageia.org/fr/custom/people.opml
+ - https://planet.mageia.org/it/custom/people.opml
+ - https://planet.mageia.org/pt/custom/people.opml
# Via repos
- https://codeberg.org/mclemens/Ham-Radio-RSS-Feeds/raw/branch/main/hamradio.opml
@@ -15,14 +112,21 @@ feed_urls:
- https://davorg.theplanetarium.org/opml.xml
- https://perl.theplanetarium.org/opml.xml
+ # commandline
+ - https://planet-commandline.org/+emacs/opml.xml
+ - https://planet-commandline.org/+german/opml.xml
+ - https://planet-commandline.org/+snippets/opml.xml
+ - https://planet-commandline.org/opml.xml
# Watch here for more:
# - https://github.com/ArchiveTeam/urls-sources
# Disqualified as seeds: ADs
#- https://skeptic.theplanetarium.org/opml.xml
#- https://mps.theplanetarium.org/opml.xml
+ #- https://x-berg.de/opml.xml
- # Delay, this is a big disorganized list
+ # Delay, this is a singular big list
#- https://github.com/outcoldman/hackernews-personal-blogs/raw/master/list.opml
#- https://github.com/outcoldman/hackernews-personal-blogs/raw/master/listx.opml
@@ -61,6 +165,7 @@ remove_old_content: False
# I don't need avatars
- gravatar.com
# Login wall
- www.instagram.com
diff --git a/go.mod b/go.mod
index d998b6c93..211b3980e 100644
--- a/go.mod
+++ b/go.mod
@@ -6,5 +6,10 @@ require github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 v1.14.22
require (
github.com/go-yaml/yaml v2.1.0+incompatible // indirect
+ github.com/jinzhu/inflection v1.0.0 // indirect
+ github.com/jinzhu/now v1.1.5 // indirect
github.com/jmoiron/sqlx v1.4.0 // indirect
+ github.com/looplab/tarjan v0.1.0 // indirect
+ gorm.io/driver/sqlite v1.5.6 // indirect
+ gorm.io/gorm v1.25.10 // indirect
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index 488a73f95..efdd95a85 100644
--- a/go.sum
+++ b/go.sum
@@ -2,8 +2,18 @@ filippo.io/edwards25519 v1.1.0/go.mod h1:BxyFTGdWcka3PhytdK4V28tE5sGfRvvvRV7EaN4
github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql v1.8.1/go.mod h1:wEBSXgmK//2ZFJyE+qWnIsVGmvmEKlqwuVSjsCm7DZg=
github.com/go-yaml/yaml v2.1.0+incompatible h1:RYi2hDdss1u4YE7GwixGzWwVo47T8UQwnTLB6vQiq+o=
github.com/go-yaml/yaml v2.1.0+incompatible/go.mod h1:w2MrLa16VYP0jy6N7M5kHaCkaLENm+P+Tv+MfurjSw0=
+github.com/jinzhu/inflection v1.0.0 h1:K317FqzuhWc8YvSVlFMCCUb36O/S9MCKRDI7QkRKD/E=
+github.com/jinzhu/inflection v1.0.0/go.mod h1:h+uFLlag+Qp1Va5pdKtLDYj+kHp5pxUVkryuEj+Srlc=
+github.com/jinzhu/now v1.1.5 h1:/o9tlHleP7gOFmsnYNz3RGnqzefHA47wQpKrrdTIwXQ=
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{{- time.Now.Format "02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 UT" -}}
+ http://opml.org/spec2.opml
{{ $ctx := . }}
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deleted file mode 100644
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{{- printf "" | safeHTML }}
+{{- printf "" | safeHTML }}
{{ .Title }}
@@ -14,19 +15,24 @@
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{{ if and ($link) (not (in $seenLinks $link) ) }}
{{ if or (not $ctx.Params.isArchiveOnly) (not .Params.isnoarchive) }}
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+ {{ if gt $postTime.Unix $decadeCutoffEpoch }}
{{ $seenLinks = $seenLinks | append $link }}
{{ transform.XMLEscape .Params.last_post_title }}
{{ transform.XMLEscape .Params.last_post_link }}
{{ if .Params.last_post_date }}
- {{ (time.AsTime .Params.last_post_date).Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" | safeHTML }}
+ {{ $postTime.Format "Mon, 02 Jan 2006 15:04:05 -0700" | safeHTML }}
{{ end }}
{{ transform.XMLEscape .Params.last_post_guid }}
@@ -41,6 +47,7 @@
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
+ {{- end }}
{{ end }}
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--- a/main.go
+++ b/main.go
@@ -2,8 +2,6 @@ package main
func main() {
a := NewAnalysis()
- defer a.Close()
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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