Paper: Geoffrey Hinton. The Forward-Forward Algorithm: Some Preliminary Investigations
I have rethought and concluded that building FF-based layers into a Model is not flexible enough for researching new ideas. Therefore, I gave up the concept of Model that I had adopted in my last implementation, and re-implemented this work which only has FFLayers (but no FFModel). A FFLayer (e.g. FFDense
) class inherits the BaseFFLayer
that contains a Tensorflow Layer (e.g. Dense
The BaseFFLayer
enables a created FFLayer to perform 5 tasks:
. Perform the tensorflow layer's transformation;TASK_TRAIN_POS
. Positive pass training;TASK_TRAIN_NEG
. Negative pass training;TASK_EVAL
. Evaluation;TASK_EVAL_DUPED
. Evaluation specialized for supervised-wise FF's goodness layer.
Since there is no Model, a TrainMgr
is built to template the training loops and carry out metrics monitoring. It accepts a dict
of layers and a training sequence function that connects the layers. For example, the following describes an unsupervised-wise FF based sequence:
layers = dict(
# Utilities
input = tf.keras.layers.InputLayer(name='input'),
concat = tf.keras.layers.Concatenate(name='concat'),
flatten = tf.keras.layers.Flatten(name='flatten'),
preNorm = FFPreNorm(name='preNorm'),
# FF layers
b1 = FFDense(units=units, optimizer=Adam(0.0001), th_pos=.1, th_neg=.1, name=f'b1'),
b2 = FFDense(units=units, optimizer=Adam(0.0001), th_pos=.1, th_neg=.1, name=f'b2'),
b3 = FFDense(units=units, optimizer=Adam(0.0001), th_pos=.1, th_neg=.1, name=f'b3'),
b4 = FFDense(units=units, optimizer=Adam(0.0001), th_pos=.1, th_neg=.1, name=f'b4'),
# Classifiers
softmax = FFSoftmax(units=NUM_CLASS, optimizer=Adam(0.001), name=f'softmax'),
def train_seq(X, y, y_ff):
x = layers['input'](X)
x = layers['flatten'](x)
b1a = layers['b1'].ff_do_task(x, y_ff)
b1n = layers['preNorm'](b1a)
b2a = layers['b2'].ff_do_task(b1n, y_ff)
b2n = layers['preNorm'](b2a)
b3a = layers['b3'].ff_do_task(b2n, y_ff)
b3n = layers['preNorm'](b3a)
b4a = layers['b4'].ff_do_task(b3n, y_ff)
b4n = layers['preNorm'](b4a)
softmax_x = layers['concat']([b2n, b3n, b4n])
y_pred = layers['softmax'].ff_do_task(softmax_x, y)
In each epoch, for unsupervised-FF training, 3 datasets pass through the sequence.
- First comes the positive data. After an positive mini-batch passes through the first
, a gradient descent is done to update thatFFDense
. The transformed mini-batch then passes through the nextFFDense
, and another gradient descent is done to update the secondFFDense
, and the same sequence of operations are done for the otherFFDense
's and theFFSoftmax
. - Then comes the negative pass which goes through only all the
layers and performs gradient descent on them. - Last comes an evaluation dataset of only positive data.
The 3 datasets each requires the layers to perform a different set of tasks (among the 5 listed above). Therefore, 3 different tensorflow graphs can be built based on a train_seq
python function as demonstrated above. To avoid graph retracing, the TrainMgr
is responsible for storing built Graphs so that they can be reused from epoch to epoch.
My understanding is that an unsupervised-wise-FF-trained layer does not use any label information, whereas an supervised-wise-FF-trained layer uses it. Although the softmax that is appended as the last step of the unsupervised-wise FF algorithm uses the labels, it is not trained FF-wise, so the algorithm is still counted as unsupervised-wise-FF-trained.
An extra
layer is added to the top of the sequence which will overlays on the sample its one-hot encoded label. At evaluation (TASK_EVAL_DUPED
), the FFOverlay
will replicate a sample to 5 copies which will each have one of the 5 one-hot encoded labels.
An FFGoodness
replaces the FFSoftmax
to receive some FFDense
's outputs for computing goodness score.
Although this formula was used by the paper as an example for positive data, I used the same also for negative data.
This time, all digits were used as positive data, instead of just five of them in Result 1. However, unlike the paper (again), I didn't use hybrid digits as negative data for unsupervised-wise FF. Instead, I split the digits into two sets (A & B), and divide a layer into two halves. The first half took set A as positive data and set B sa negative, whereas the second half did the opposite. Three digit splitting were explored, including (for both supervised and unsupervised-wise FF) "random splitting", "same splitting", and (only for supervised-wise FF) "no splitting".
unsupervised-wise FF:
- 97.1% @
units = 2000
and Random splitting
- 97.1% @
supervised-wise FF:
- 94.7% @
units = 2000
and Random splitting - 95.1% @
units = 2000
and No splitting
- 94.7% @
(No hyperparameter tuning were done)
For more explanations and discussions, refer to this article.
Unlike the paper, I used digits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the MNIST dataset as the positive-pass's data, and the rest of the digits as the negative-pass's. At training, both positive and negative pass data are used. At evaluation, only a separate set of positive-pass data is done.
The basic supervised and unsupervised results use the following settings:
units = 100
(number of units in each hidden layer)batch_size = 128
- data shuffling enabled
- train all layers in every epoch
- epochs = 200
Their validation accuracies are:
- unsupervised-wise FF:
- 96.64% @ basic setting
- 98.44% @ changing to
units = 500
andbatch_size = 512
- 99.06% @ changing to
units = 2000
andbatch_size = 512
- supervised-wise FF:
- 76.41% @ basic setting
- 95.76% @ changing to
units = 500
andbatch_size = 512
- 97.42% @ changing to
units = 2000
andbatch_size = 512
A similar setting with backprop can reach over 99% easily within 20 epochs.
For other results, observations, validation curves, and the layers' details, refer to examples/five_digits_as_positive/main.ipynb.