NgModel is a ExtJS Model inspired modellayer for AngularJS.
NgModel is also inspired by angular-activerecord. This modellayer got some similarities since in the beginning I just extended angular-activerecord. But since I wanted some more advanced options I decided to rewrite the whole script without depending on angular-activerecord.
- create subclasses of models (OOP)
- supporting callParent method (exact same usage like in ExtJS)
- nearly everything is configurable like for example the api schema or resultRoot (by default it's set to the standart REST settings)
- fully customizable urls with automatic inserting of values from data object (like /myRestEndpoint/{{userId}}/success)
- data are not extended directly to the model class instead it got it's own data property
- read and write filtering through angular filters
- easy data exporting with range method
- no dependencies to other libraries (just AngularJS)
- nested data
module('myApp', ['NgModel']);
module('myApp').factory('Customer', function (NgModel) {
return NgModel.create({
//REST url to customer endpoint
url: '/custmer/',
//Default headers
headers: {
//Optional possibility to extend your own functions
buildUrl: function(){
return this.callParent(arguments);
module('myApp').controller('CustomerCtrl', function ($scope, Customer, $document) {
Customer.fetchOne(1).then(function (customer) { // Fetches '/customer/1'
//expose customer data to scope with property name "customer"
//change values in customer
customer.set('name','John Doe');
//send changes to REST endpoint{
module('myApp').factory('Sizes', function (NgModel) {
return NgModel.create({
//REST url to customer sizes endpoint
url: '/engine/{{customerId}}/sizes',
//Result root
resultRoot: 'payload',
//Default headers
headers: {
//Default data of record
defaultData: {
'locale': 'en'
}).controller('SettingsCtrl',function($scope, Sizes){
$scope.saveSizes = function(props){
var sizes = new Sizes(props);
//add customerId to sizes
//send changes to REST endpoint /engine/2/sizes;