#1dv610 - Laboration3
Status: Based on https://github.com/dntoll/1dv610/blob/master/assignments/A2_resources/TestCases.md I have implented following things
All testcases in 1.
All testcases in 2.
All testcases in 3 except 3.4, 3.5, 3.7 and 3.8
All testcases in 4 except 4.9, 4.10 and 4.11
An extra thing that I added as an extra function is a countdown. If you are logged in a button appears and if you click on the button a countdown to the weekend shows. It says wether it's a weekend (Friday after 17 pm to Sunday) or not. And if it's not a weekend, it shows how many days, hours, minutes and seconds that's left.
Describe how to install? There's nothing that needs to be installed just navigate to the link below. You'll find information as username and password in .gitignore's ignored file. Describe how to test? You test it on on this link: https://1dv610-l03.000webhostapp.com/1dv610-L03/1dv610-L03/index.php