# Install "age" https://github.com/FiloSottile/age
sudo apt install age
# Password secured key
age-keygen | age -p > ~/.ssh/jacq.age
# Print public key:
age -d ~/.ssh/jacq.age | grep "public key" | awk -F': ' '{print $2}' > ~/.ssh/jacq.age.pub
# Install SOPS:
# Run commands: https://github.com/getsops/sops/releases
# Create a new .env file
cat > .env <<- EOM
# Encrypt .env file
export SOPS_AGE_PUB_KEY=$(cat ~/.ssh/jacq.age.pub)
sops encrypt --age $SOPS_AGE_PUB_KEY .env > .env.enc
# Edit .env.env file
SOPS_AGE_KEY=$(age -d ~/.ssh/jacq.age) sops edit --input-type dotenv --output-type dotenv ./.env.enc
This repository contains two options to manage the Hetzner Cloud infrastructure:
- Deno: src/
- OpenTofu: tf/
# First time use - install dependencies
deno task cache
# Create a new volume and server
deno task create
# Delete an existing volume and server
deno task delete
docker compose up
Portainer Admin password:
docker run --rm httpd:2.4-alpine htpasswd -nbB admin 'PASSWORD_HERE' | cut -d ":" -f 2