A MXChip IoT DevKit board with a Micro-USB cable.
Knowledge of using Ardunio & Visual Studio Code IDE
Please click the link below to set up your dnvironment
- Connect the board to your PC / MAC
- Verify & Upload
- OLED Screen should display the IP address
- Type the IP address on the web browser
On your web browser you should see,
- Red, Green and Blue button.
- Turn On/Off button
^Click the following button to control RGB LED
You can set any colour by using RGB Color Codes.
Red: rgbLed.setColor(255, 0, 0);
Green: rgbLed.setColor(0, 255, 0);
Blue: rgbLed.setColor(0, 0, 255);
For more colour, please visit https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/RGB_Color.html
Line 143 onward
client.println("<p><a href=\"/orange\"><button class=\"button\">orange</button></a></p>");
Line 125 onward
else if (header.indexOf("GET /orange") >= 0)
rgbLed.setColor(255, 128, 0);