The input and output matrices of type-convert instructions are both accumulation registers and always with size mtilem x mtilen
. The type convert of tile registers can be implemented by combining data move instructions (such as mmve*.a.t
and mmve*.t.a
# Convert integer to integer
mcvt.x.xu.m md, ms1 # uint to int
mcvt.hb.uhb.m md, ms1 # uint4 to int4
mcvt.b.ub.m md, ms1 # uint8 to int8
mcvt.h.uh.m md, ms1 # uint16 to int16
mcvt.w.uw.m md, ms1 # uint32 to int32
mcvt.dw.udw.m md, ms1 # uint64 to int64
mcvt.xu.x.m md, ms1 # int to uint
mcvt.uhb.hb.m md, ms1 # int4 to uint4
mcvt.ub.b.m md, ms1 # int8 to uint8
mcvt.uh.h.m md, ms1 # int16 to uint16
mcvt.uw.w.m md, ms1 # int32 to uint32
mcvt.udw.dw.m md, ms1 # int64 to uint64
mwcvtu.xw.x.m md, ms1 # uint to double-width uint
mwcvtu.xq.x.m md, ms1 # uint to quad-width uint
mwcvtu.xo.x.m md, ms1 # uint to oct-width uint
mwcvtu.b.hb.m md, ms1 # uint4 to uint8
mwcvtu.h.hb.m md, ms1 # uint4 to uint16
mwcvtu.w.hb.m md, ms1 # uint4 to uint32
mwcvtu.h.b.m md, ms1 # uint8 to uint16
mwcvtu.w.b.m md, ms1 # uint8 to uint32
mwcvtu.w.h.m md, ms1 # uint16 to uint32
mwcvtu.dw.w.m md, ms1 # uint32 to uint64
mwcvt.xw.x.m md, ms1 # int to double-width int
mwcvt.xq.x.m md, ms1 # int to quad-width int
mwcvt.xo.x.m md, ms1 # int to oct-width int
mwcvt.b.hb.m md, ms1 # int4 to int8
mwcvt.h.hb.m md, ms1 # int4 to int16
mwcvt.w.hb.m md, ms1 # int4 to int32
mwcvt.h.b.m md, ms1 # int8 to int16
mwcvt.w.b.m md, ms1 # int8 to int32
mwcvt.w.h.m md, ms1 # int16 to int32
mwcvt.dw.w.m md, ms1 # int32 to int64
mncvtu.x.xw.m md, ms1 # double-width uint to single-width uint
mncvtu.x.xq.m md, ms1 # quad-width uint to single-width uint
mncvtu.x.xo.m md, ms1 # oct-width uint to single-width uint
mncvtu.hb.b.m md, ms1 # uint8 to uint4
mncvtu.hb.h.m md, ms1 # uint16 to uint4
mncvtu.hb.w.m md, ms1 # uint32 to uint4
mncvtu.b.h.m md, ms1 # uint16 to uint8
mncvtu.b.w.m md, ms1 # uint32 to uint8
mncvtu.h.w.m md, ms1 # uint32 to uint16
mncvtu.w.dw.m md, ms1 # uint64 to uint32
mncvt.x.xw.m md, ms1 # double-width int to single-width int
mncvt.x.xq.m md, ms1 # quad-width int to single-width int
mncvt.x.xo.m md, ms1 # oct-width int to single-width int
mncvt.hb.b.m md, ms1 # int8 to int4
mncvt.hb.h.m md, ms1 # int16 to int4
mncvt.hb.w.m md, ms1 # int32 to int4
mncvt.b.h.m md, ms1 # int16 to int8
mncvt.b.w.m md, ms1 # int32 to int8
mncvt.h.w.m md, ms1 # int32 to int16
mncvt.w.dw.m md, ms1 # int64 to int32
# Convert float to float md, ms1 # fp16 to bf16 md, ms1 # bf16 to fp16
mfwcvt.fw.f.m md, ms1 # single-width float to double-width float md, ms1 # fp8 to fp16
mfwcvt.f.hf.m md, ms1 # fp16 to fp32
mfwcvt.d.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to fp64
mfncvt.f.fw.m md, ms1 # double-width float to single-width float md, ms1 # fp16 to fp8
mfncvt.hf.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to fp16
mfncvt.f.d.m md, ms1 # fp64 to fp32
# Convert integer to float
mfcvtu.f.x.m md, ms1 # uint to float
mfcvtu.hf.h.m md, ms1 # uint16 to fp16
mfcvtu.f.w.m md, ms1 # uint32 to fp32
mfcvtu.d.dw.m md, ms1 # uint64 to fp64
mfcvt.f.x.m md, ms1 # int to float
mfcvt.hf.h.m md, ms1 # int16 to fp16
mfcvt.f.w.m md, ms1 # int32 to fp32
mfcvt.d.dw.m md, ms1 # int64 to fp64
mfwcvtu.fw.x.m md, ms1 # single-width uint to double-width float
mfwcvtu.fq.x.m md, ms1 # single-width uint to quad-width float md, ms1 # single-width uint to oct-width float
mfwcvtu.hf.hb.m md, ms1 # uint4 to fp16
mfwcvtu.f.hb.m md, ms1 # uint4 to fp32
mfwcvtu.hf.b.m md, ms1 # uint8 to fp16
mfwcvtu.f.b.m md, ms1 # uint8 to fp32
mfwcvtu.f.h.m md, ms1 # uint16 to fp32
mfwcvtu.d.w.m md, ms1 # uint32 to fp64
mfwcvt.fw.x.m md, ms1 # single-width int to double-width float
mfwcvt.fq.x.m md, ms1 # single-width int to quad-width float md, ms1 # single-width int to oct-width float
mfwcvt.hf.hb.m md, ms1 # int4 to fp16
mfwcvt.f.hb.m md, ms1 # int4 to fp32
mfwcvt.hf.b.m md, ms1 # int8 to fp16
mfwcvt.f.b.m md, ms1 # int8 to fp32
mfwcvt.f.h.m md, ms1 # int16 to fp32
mfwcvt.d.w.m md, ms1 # int32 to fp64
mfncvtu.f.xw.m md, ms1 # double-width uint to float
mfncvtu.hf.w.m md, ms1 # uint32 to fp16
mfncvtu.f.dw.m md, ms1 # uint64 to fp32
mfncvt.f.xw.m md, ms1 # double-width int to float
mfncvt.hf.w.m md, ms1 # int32 to fp16
mfncvt.f.dw.m md, ms1 # int64 to fp32
# Convert float to integer
mfcvtu.x.f.m md, ms1 # float to uint
mfcvtu.h.hf.m md, ms1 # fp16 to uint16
mfcvtu.w.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to uint32
mfcvtu.dw.d.m md, ms1 # fp64 to uint64
mfcvt.x.f.m md, ms1 # float to int
mfcvt.h.hf.m md, ms1 # fp16 to int16
mfcvt.w.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to int32
mfcvt.dw.d.m md, ms1 # fp64 to int64
mfwcvtu.xw.f.m md, ms1 # single-width float to double-width uint
mfwcvtu.w.hf.m md, ms1 # fp16 to uint32
mfwcvtu.dw.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to uint64
mfwcvt.xw.f.m md, ms1 # single-width float to double-width int
mfwcvt.w.hf.m md, ms1 # fp16 to int32
mfwcvt.dw.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to int64
mfncvtu.x.fw.m md, ms1 # double-width float to single-width uint
mfncvtu.x.fq.m md, ms1 # quad-width float to single-width uint md, ms1 # oct-width float to single-width uint
mfncvtu.hb.hf.m md, ms1 # fp16 to uint4
mfncvtu.hb.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to uint4
mfncvtu.b.hf.m md, ms1 # fp16 to uint8
mfncvtu.b.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to uint8
mfncvtu.h.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to uint16
mfncvtu.w.d.m md, ms1 # fp64 to uint32
mfncvt.x.fw.m md, ms1 # double-width float to single-width int
mfncvt.x.fq.m md, ms1 # quad-width float to single-width int md, ms1 # oct-width float to single-width int
mfncvt.hb.hf.m md, ms1 # fp16 to int4
mfncvt.hb.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to int4
mfncvt.b.hf.m md, ms1 # fp16 to int8
mfncvt.b.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to int8
mfncvt.h.f.m md, ms1 # fp32 to int16
mfncvt.w.d.m md, ms1 # fp64 to int32