- Display Manager: X11
- Window Manager: bspwm
- Shortcut Manager: sxhkd
- BSPWM Shortcuts
Shortcut | Description |
Super + Return | Open terminal (kitty) |
Super + P | Launch program launcher (rofi -show drun) |
Super + Escape | Reload sxhkd configuration files |
Super + Alt + R | Quit/restart bspwm |
Super + Q | Close or kill window |
Super + M | Toggle between tiled and monocle layout |
Super + T | Toggle tiled mode |
Super + Shift + T | Toggle pseudo-tiled mode |
Super + F | Toggle floating mode |
Super + S | Toggle fullscreen mode |
Super + Left/Down/Up/Right | Focus node in specified direction |
Super + Shift + Left/Down/Up/Right | Swap node with adjacent node in specified direction |
Super + 1-9/0 | Focus on or send window to specified desktop |
Super + Alt + Left/Right | Focus the next/previous desktop in the current monitor |
Super + Right Mouse | Move floating window |
Super + Left Mouse | Resize floating window |
Super + Alt + Control + Left/Down/Up/Right | Expand/contract window |
- Notification Manager: dunst
- Screenshot Manager: scrot
Wallpaper Manager: pywal
App Launcher: rofi
Status Bar: polybar
Lockscreen: betterlockscreen
Compositor: picom
JetBrains Mono - ttf-jetbrains-mono
Material Design Icons - ttf-material-design-icons-desktop-git
- verttj/dotfiles-ltint Providing inspiration for Polybar configuration.
- ericmurphyxyz/rofi-wifi-menu Rofi WiFi menu.