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Anthony Short edited this page May 25, 2014 · 1 revision

Interpolation gives you the ability to write expressions within your HTML to display data. It can be used with attribute values or in text nodes.

Let's say you have some HTML that looks like this:

<div class="user" hidden="{{inactive}}">
  <img src="{{avatar}}" />
  <span class="user-name">{{name}}</span>

You can create a view to render this as template:

var template = require('./template.html');
var Person = ripple(template);

var person = new Person({
  name: 'Tom',
  inactive: false,
  avatar: ''

Now person.el will render as this when mounted:

<div class="user">
  <img src="" />
  <span class="user-name">Tom</span>

Complex Expressions

You can perform complex expressions within the bindings. Within the expression you have access to every property on the view.

{{ 30 * now.getHours() + now.getMinutes() / 2 }}

Whatever is returned from the expression will be what replaced the interpolation string. You can imagine this being:

return 30 * now.getHours() + now.getMinutes() / 2;

Automatic Updates

Whenever a property used in an expression changes, the expression will be re-evaluated and rendered.

person.set('name', 'Fred');
<div class="user">
  <img src="" />
  <span class="user-name"><mark>Fred</mark></span>

Attribute Bindings

You can use interpolation within attribute values as well.

<img src="{{avatar}}" />

These will also be automatically updated. You can also use full strings with expressions in them:

<img title="Avatar for {{user}}" />

Boolean Attributes

Boolean attributes are special HTML in that their value is true of false depending on whether the attribute exists. For example, these two examples will both consider hidden to be true.

<img hidden />
<img hidden="false" />

The interpolator will know if the attribute is a boolean attribute and add or remove it as needed. For example, using this template:

<img hidden="{{inactive}}" />
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