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Anthony Short edited this page May 25, 2014 · 2 revisions

Creating plugins

Plugins are a core part of ripple. They allow you to add new filters, directives, and components. They can also be used to extend the functionality of the View.

A common plugin is the events plugin. This replicates some of the on-event things you might be used to in Angular or other libraries, and is similar to doing onClick={this.method} in React.

First we need to add the plugin. You can get it at ripplejs/events. This will allow us to bind methods in the View to DOM elements declaratively:

<button on-click="submit">Save</button>

Then we use the plugin and give it some methods:


Person.prototype.submit = function(event) {
  // Button clicked  

Creating Plugins

Plugins use the use pattern. Each View has a a .use method for applying plugins. This expects a function. That function will be passed the current View.

function plugin(View) {
  // Do things


This pattern allows us to chain .use calls:


And allow use to pass options in by making our plugin a function that returns a function:

function plugin (options) {
  return function (View) {
    // Do things

  duration: 300

Within plugins you'll usually be adding filters or directives.

function plugin(View) {
  View.directive('test', function(value, el, view){


This allows you to easily share functionality between views.

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