AclMan is a PHP library designed to manage access control list (ACL).
PHP >= 5.4
AclMan has various features:
It provides an
whose goal is to deliver the assertions (i.e.,AssertionInterface
objects) -
Contains a class,
, that is a container of permission options (e.g., a role, a resource, a privilege, an assertion) -
Resources and roles
It provides a set of traits aimed to check the validity of resources and roles and instantiate their relative classes
AclMan allows you to save the ACL configuration in several layers persistence, via
objects and adapters (e.g.,ArrayAdapter
) -
A set of classes aimed at the instantiation of ACL objects
Add ripaclub/aclman
to your composer.json
"require": {
"ripaclub/aclman": "~0.2.0"
AclMan library has only two configuration nodes:
to configure the persistence layer in which to save your ACL rules -
to configure your services (e.g., a storage and optionally a plugin manager)
So, here is an example of use. You first need to configure the factories.
Put this PHP array into your configuration file.
'abstract_factories' => [
'factories' => [
'AclMan\Assertion\AssertionManager' => 'AclMan\Assertion\AssertionManagerFactory'
Then we configure our service.
'aclman_services' => [
'AclService\Ex1' => [
'storage' => 'AclStorage\Ex1',
'plugin_manager' => 'AclMan\Assertion\AssertionManager',
'aclman-assertion-manager' => [
'invokables' => [
'assertAlias' => 'assertionClass',
Finally, our storage configuration.
'aclman_storage' => [
'AclStorage\Ex1' => [
'roles' => [
// Config specific permission for role Role1 to resources Resource1 and Resource2
'Role1' => [
'resources' => [
'Resource1' => [
'assert' => null,
'allow' => true,
'privilege' => 'add'
'Resource2' => [
'assert' => [
'assertAlias' => [
'config' => 'test'
'allow' => true,
'privilege' => 'view'
// Config specific permission for all roles to resource Resource1 (e.x public resource)
StorageInterface::ALL_ROLES => [
'resources' => [
'Resource3' => [
'allow' => true,
// Config specific permission for Admin to all resource (e.x access to al resource to the admin)
'Admin' => [
'resources' => [
StorageInterface::ALL_RESOURCES => [
'allow' => true,
Our first ACL configuration is now complete. Use it:
$aclService1 = $serviceLocator->get('AclService\Ex1');
$aclService1->isAllowed('Role1', 'Resource1', 'view'); // FALSE
$aclService1->isAllowed('Role1', 'Resource1', 'add'); // TRUE
// ...
Notice the behaviour ...
$aclService1 = $serviceLocator->get('AclService\Ex1');
$aclService1->isAllowed('Role1', 'Resource1', 'add'); // TRUE
$aclService1->isAllowed('Role1', 'Resource2', 'view'); // FALSE
// ...