Releases: rileyhales/geomatics
v0.12 Better time interpretation and file reading
This release:
adds the ability to read files from opendap url sources for any file that would typically be accessible through xarray and opendap. Be aware of the bottleneck that will come when extracting a time series from datasets being read exclusively from opendap sources.
adds 4 total options to format the timestamps for each data file. the best option is to try to interpret the Climate and Forecast standard's time unit string, followed by extracting the date from the file name, then using the numerical array values, then using the file name. This should help with datasets that do not conform to standards or otherwise behave irregularly.
Removes non-production-worthy code in the convert module. You should use geopandas or other similar utilities for conversions.
0.11 convert geotiff to netcdf
Adds the ability to convert geotiffs to netcdf compliant with the Common Data Model and therefore with THREDDS Data Server. This function was written by Riley Hales and Rohit Khattar for the NASA SERVIR Hackathon hosted virtually by BYU in August 2020
0.10.1 add missing install dependency
missing pygrib dependency for new pygrib engine
0.10 engine choices and optimization
See #8
Download NASA GLDAS Data
Added pygrib engine
Speed tests for wiser choice of file engine
0.9 n-dimensional data
- Use array masks built on geopandas and rasterio to improve speed of polygon extraction timeseries
- support for geojson and shapefiles
- support n-dimensional data (tested up to 5 dimensions) through reworked function mapping locations to array indices
- more statistics options
- ability to get many statistics at once
first attempt at support for hdf5 files
stop using kwargs, just list all variables explicitly as named variables
type hints to everything
classifiers in
use requirements.txt instead of listing all in
Tips on using GFS grib data with xarray in the docs
Beginnings of tests. Not unit tests but code that exercises most of the functions
v0.7 organize,, and download gfs function
0.6.1 Modifications for Conda-Forge
Include license in manifest
Include in manifest
modify recipe to match conda-forge specs
0.6 Inspect grib and geotiff
Beginning of grib file functions.
0.5 Geotiffs and _utilities
Geotiff conversion and timeseries functions. Organization of helper functions into the file.