This 2-day workshop will introduce you to the statistical program R, a freely available language and environment which provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques: linear and nonlinear modelling, statistical tests, time series analysis, classification, clustering, etc.
You can register for either one or both days, where the first day will be starting with an introduction to R and then we introduce the key components of (generalized) linear models. In the afternoon we will be fitting our first models and produce graphs and visualizations. Day two is more advanced and will build on what we have done on day one. We will start with mixed-effects models (i.e. random effects) and generalized linear models (i.e. non-normal error distributions). In the afternoon we will move on to generalized linear mixed-effects models and introduce you to the information theoretic approach, as well as model validation and predictions.
In preparation for the workshop please work your way through an online course on R, so you have some basic understanding of R and we can delve right into the workshop when we meet. Here the link to the free online course we would like you to take (estimated course length 2-3 hours):
For the workshop, please bring your own laptop and install the program R ( and the environment RStudio ( in advance.