Code for Docker image of FAI Fully Automatic Installation 4.3.3. With this image you may create FAI ISO's for Trusted Builds.
- To use this image:
docker run --name fai --privileged -it ricardobranco/fai:4.3.3
- Inside the container you must run fai-setup:
fai-setup -vl
- When the command is finished you may exit the container and commit a new image for reuse:
docker commit fai fai-setup && docker rm -v fai
- Then you can use the fai-setup image with your FAI configuration:
docker run --name fai -v ~/fai:/srv/fai/config --privileged -it fai-setup
NOTE: There's an example FAI config in the faiconfig directory to create an ISO that installs Ubuntu 16.04 and Docker.
- Inside the container you must run the script to create a suitable mirror: HOSTNAME
NOTE: The HOSTNAME argument must be already defined in faiconfig/class/50-host-classes.
- Validate the mirror with the script to check its integrity: /tmp/mirror
- You may commit a new fai-mirror image or save the mirror with docker-cp:
`docker cp fai:/tmp/mirror mirror.HOSTNAME
- Edit the menuentry at /etc/fai/grub.cfg. Change the XXX host with the name of the host used on faiconfig/class/50-hosts-classes.
vi /etc/fai/grub.cfg
NOTE: Don't forget to also change the Grub user and password, which defaults to "fai".
- Inside the container, run the script to generate a FAI ISO: HOSTNAME
- The ISO is /tmp/fai-full.iso. Use docker-cp to get it from the container:
docker cp fai:/tmp/fai-full.iso .
At this point you may exit and remove the container.
To reliably burn the ISO to an USB stick, use the script provided in the utils/ directory: /tmp/fai-full.iso
This image is based on Ubuntu 16.04 to create Ubuntu 16.04 ISO images. With minimal modifications (Dockerfile and fai/NFSROOT) it's possible to create Debian 7 & 8 images, as well as Ubuntu 14.04.
With a bit of tweaking, it should be possible to setup a container as a FAI server over the network.