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File metadata and controls

141 lines (117 loc) · 8.39 KB


This is a collection of helper classes and functions for training OpenNLP models.


Training Parameters

The following properties are supported for creating TrainingParameters objects:

Parameter Type Values Default
training.algorithm enumeration maxent, perceptron maxent
training.iterations integer 100
training.cutoff integer 5
training.threads integer 4

Sentence Detector Factory

The following properties are supported for creating SentenceDetectorFactory objects:

Parameter Type Values Default
language string ISO 639 en
abbreviations.dictionary path
use.token.end boolean true, false false
eos.characters string

Tokenizer Factory

The following properties are supported for creating TokenizerFactory objects:

Parameter Type Values Default
language string ISO 639 en
abbreviations.dictionary path
alphanumeric.optimization boolean true, false false
alphanumeric.pattern regex ^[A-Za-z0-9]+$

Part of Speech Tagger Factory

The following properties are supported for creating POSTaggerFactory objects:

Parameter Type Values Default
pos.dictionary path

Training Applications

The applications have the following command line arguments:


The TRAINING_FILE has one of the following supported extensions:

  1. conllx for CoNLL-X treebank files;
  2. conllu for CoNLL-U treebank files.

The OUTPUT_MODEL_FILE is the name of the file to save the created model to, e.g. en-tokens.bin. Any missing directories will be created.

The PROPERTIES_FILE is a Java properties file (property=value lines). Each application supports different sets of properies.

Sentence Model Trainer

The following properties are supported by the application to train a SentenceModel:

Parameter Type Values Default
training.algorithm enumeration maxent, perceptron maxent
training.iterations integer 100
training.cutoff integer 5
training.threads integer 4
language string ISO 639 en
abbreviations.dictionary path
use.token.end boolean true, false false
eos.characters string
sentences.per.sample integer 5
upos.tagset enumeration upos, upenn upos
xpos.tagset enumeration upos, upenn upenn

Tokenier Model Trainer

The following properties are supported by the application to train a TokenizerModel:

Parameter Type Values Default
training.algorithm enumeration maxent, perceptron maxent
training.iterations integer 100
training.cutoff integer 5
training.threads integer 4
language string ISO 639 en
abbreviations.dictionary path
alphanumeric.optimization boolean true, false false
alphanumeric.pattern regex ^[A-Za-z0-9]+$
multi.token.words enumeration split, join split
upos.tagset enumeration upos, upenn upos
xpos.tagset enumeration upos, upenn upenn

Part of Speech Model Trainer

The following properties are supported by the application to train a POSModel:

Parameter Type Values Default
training.algorithm enumeration maxent, perceptron maxent
training.iterations integer 100
training.cutoff integer 5
training.threads integer 4
language string ISO 639 en
pos.dictionary path
multi.token.words enumeration split, join split
pos.tagset enumeration See pos.tagset. UPOS
upos.tagset enumeration upos, upenn upos
xpos.tagset enumeration upos, upenn upenn

Lemmatizer Model Trainer

The following properties are supported by the application to train a LemmatizerModel:

Parameter Type Values Default
training.algorithm enumeration maxent, perceptron maxent
training.iterations integer 100
training.cutoff integer 5
training.threads integer 4
language string ISO 639 en
multi.token.words enumeration split, join split
pos.tagset enumeration See pos.tagset. UPOS
upos.tagset enumeration upos, upenn upos
xpos.tagset enumeration upos, upenn upenn

Enumeration Types


The pos.tagset property can be one of the following enumeration values:

  1. UPOS, or CPOSTAG -- The universal/coarse part of speech tag.
  2. XPOS, or POSTAG -- The language-specific part of speech tag.
  3. UPOS-PTB, or CPOSTAG-PTB -- The universal part of speech tag followed by the PTB (Penn TreeBank) part of speech tag separated by a hyphen, e.g. DET-DT.