A passionate Bioinformatician (or Computational Biologist) dedicated to Software Development and Data Science.
🔭 I’m currently working on Genomics in Leishmania parasytes
🌱 I’m currently learning Informatic Enginieering, Data Science and Bioinformatics!
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on resolving health related problems
🤝 I’m looking for help with creating new software and analystics tool for health|genomics related problem
⚡ Fun fact I like to game with my friends and wife
💬 Ask me about Python, Git, bash, SQL, R, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, Node.js, Software development, Data Science, Bioinformatics!
📫 How to reach me ronnyfph@gmail.com, rfpacheco@cbm.csic.es; ronny.pacheco@uam.es, rfpacheco@uoc.edu