This is the first project about rest api This project is my first project regarding rest api to show the posts and the details of each post based on several different standards. Also, this project is designed in Docker image.
below you can find all the subjects that we talked about in this tutorial:
- Introduction of the course
- Setting up project with Docker (dockerfile/docker-compose)
- Setup Django Model for a Blog and AbstractBaseUser
- Implement Class Based Views
- Django RestFramework and Serializers (FBV)
- ClassBasedViews in RestFramework (views,generic,viewset)
- Api Documentation with swagger and redoc
- Authentication API (Token/JWT)
- Reformat and Lint (flake8,black)
- Django TestCase and PyTest
- Django CI with github actions
- Populate Database with Faker and Django Commands
- Cores Headers
- Load Testing with Locust
- Background process with celery and redis
- Cacheing with redis
- Get ready for deploy (gunicorn/nginx)
- Buy and Setup vps (IAAS)
- Django CD with github actions