The Official repo of DNA web app designed and developed by Dr. Aghosh
- Authentication: JWT Http-only cookie
- Design System: 2 Tier
- User registration, OTP verification, Event registeration, Payment, Admin Dashboard
- React Ts Vite with Shadcn components
- Dark mode available
- Auto login: uses localstorage to trigger JWT authentication if user has signed in with same client before and not signed out
- User profile and Dashboard - user edit some data.
- OTP verification via email (phone available in backend but not enabled since twilio is not free)
- Django with DRF, corsheaders, simplejwt, (twilio, razerpay - disabled because its not free)
- Middleware to get HTTP-Only cookies and set it as bearer token for DRF
- Signals to assign unique DNA ID for every new registration and setup user profile
- Apps
- accounts - AbstractUser & UserProfile model with user validation logic and REST APIs
- programs - Program & Event models with REST APIs
- registration - Registration model with REST APIs
- verification - OTP model with otp generation, sending, validation logic and REST APIs
Backend jwt http-only cookies authBackend accounts, programs, registration, verification appsBackend REST APIsBackend DNA IDFrontend Context APIsFrontend mobile sidebarFrontend darkmodeFrontend login and registration formsFrontend otp verificationBackend email otp setupDisable phone OTP verifiicationClose sidebar from clicking outsideRemove label and update placeholders in login/register formsuse useNavigate instead of hrefcreate pages for events, privacy, terms and conditions, contactCreate smooth UI UX for inital loading of appPayment page- Admin Dashboard
Docs webpageFrontend Contact form with emailjs
Dr. Aghosh B Prasad