Example for FSP v5.2.0 (3)
Release Notes
Supported FSP version
Example for FSP v5.2.0
Supported Toolchains
e2studio Integrated Development Environment with GCC ARM embedded tool-chain
Keil MDK with ARM compiler tool-chain
IAR EWARM with IAR tool-chain for ARM
New Additions
Add EPs for FPB_RA0E1, in which, there are 3 new EPs (sau_i2c_master, sau_spi and sau_uart). Others, please refer to the example projects document included in the attached bundle for information on supported modules.
Other new additions are described as following:
Example Projects on GCC:
- Add ssi_slave, usb_composite_phid_phid, usb_hmsc_baremetal, usb_pcdc_with_freertos, USBX_dfu, USBX_pprn, poeg and wifi_on_chip_udp_freertos on EK_RA8D1 and EK_RA8M1
Fix issue
EK_RA8D1: Fix bug of mipi_dsi EP: Correct condition for waiting Vsync event
EK_RA4E2 and EK_RA6E2: Correct pin configuration name for following EPs: agt, cac, can_fd (EK_RA6E2 only), cpp, dac, dmac, elc (EK_RA6E2 only), flash_hp, freertos, gpt, gpt_input_capture (EK_RA6E2 only), i3c_master, i3c_slave, rtc (EK_RA6E2 only), sci_uart, spi and wdt (EK_RA6E2 only).
EK_RA4E2: Correct period range in gpt EP.
Supported Kits
Example Projects
Example Projects on GCC:
EK_RA4E2 Flat --> 42 EPs
EK_RA4E2 TZ --> 4 EPs
EK_RA6E2 Flat --> 44 EPs
EK_RA6E2 TZ --> 4 EPs
EK_RA8D1 Flat --> 86 EPs
EK_RA8D1 TZ --> 6 EPs
EK_RA8M1 Flat --> 86 EPs
EK_RA8M1 TZ --> 6 EPs
FPB_RA0E1 --> 15 EPs
Example Projects on Keil & IAR:
EK_RA4E2 Flat --> 11 EPs
EK_RA4E2 TZ --> 4 EPs
EK_RA6E2 Flat --> 11 EPs
EK_RA6E2 TZ --> 4 EPs
EK_RA8D1 Flat --> 12 EPs
EK_RA8D1 TZ --> 0 EPs (keil) & 6 EPs (IAR)
EK_RA8M1 Flat --> 12 EPs
EK_RA8M1 TZ --> 0 EPs (keil) & 6 EPs (IAR)
FPB_RA0E1 --> 4 EPs
Known Issues
EK_RA6E2 -> qspi (need to run after FileX_block_media_qspi_LevelX EP)
EK_RA8M1, EK_RA8D1, MCK_RA8T1 -> USBX_phid (there is issue with PC/Laptop installed CrowdStrike tool)
AWS Example projects: can meet building issue "No rule to make target" due to long path location.
Need to move project folder to shorter location (Ex. D:/). -
EK_RA4E2 -> i3c_master: Cannot work correctly with i3c_slave in EK_RA6E2.
FPB_RA0E1 -> all example projects on GCC (use e2studio) are using optimization: -Oz (aggressive size optimization) which is current default option for RA0E1. It was reported in https://github.com/renesas/fsp/releases - Known Issues
Following EPs are not on FSP v5.2.0 (GCC)
EK_RA6M2 -> USBX_otg_cdc
EK_RA6M4 -> NetX_snmp_agent