This simple web app can be used to test your client against Botan's TLS implementation. The server itself is using Boost asio for TCP, Botan's asio stream for TLS and Boost beast for HTTP.
The app displays a web page inspired by Cloudflare's post-quantum TLS test page, that visualizes what key exchange algorithm was used to establish the TLS connection from the user's browser and the test server.
A running version of the app is deployed here:
At the moment, you'll need the latest (i.e. unreleased) revision of Botan. Therefore, this repository contains it as a submodule. As soon as Botan 3.3.0 is released (expected in January 2024), we'll remove the submodule and will rely on Conan for the dependencies.
Additionally, a fairly recent version of Boost is required. The steps below assume that it is available on your system.
git submodule init
git submodule update
(cd 3rdparty/botan; ./ --with-boost --without-documentation --disable-shared-library)
(cd 3rdparty/botan; make -j8 libs cli)
cmake -B build -S .
make -C build
You'll need a certificate for your test server. If you don't have one, you can create a basic certificate with Botan's CLI tool. After building Botan as described above, from the repository's root run:
mkdir certs
3rdparty/botan/botan keygen --algo=ECDSA --params=secp384r1 --output=certs/ca.key
3rdparty/botan/botan keygen --algo=ECDSA --params=secp384r1 --output=certs/server.key
3rdparty/botan/botan gen_self_signed --ca --country=DE --dns=localhost --hash=SHA-384 --output=certs/ca.pem certs/ca.key localhost
3rdparty/botan/botan gen_pkcs10 --output=certs/server.req certs/server.key localhost
3rdparty/botan/botan sign_cert --output=certs/server.pem certs/ca.pem certs/ca.key certs/server.req
Now, it's time to start the server application:
build/testserver --cert certs/server.pem --key certs/server.key --port 50443 --policy policies/pqc_basic.txt
Using the browser of you choice, visit: https://localhost:50443 to see it in action.