POV-Ray 3D Modelling Examples Those are some basics examples to test different types os shapes, light, materials, etc. Setup Just clone the project and open the .pov files. You need the POV-Ray software installed in your computer. Examples 01-first.pov - Differents colors of light. 02-clown.pov - Sphere (Clown). 03-shapes - Basics shapes and lights. 04-torus-light.pov - Different types of light in the Torus. 05-light-room.pov - Different types of light inside the room. 06-solids-views.pov - Different types of solids. 07-shadows.pov - Different types of lights/shadows. 04-torus-light.pov - Different types of light in the Torus. 08-table.pov - Table. 09-geometry.pov - Constructive Solid Geometry. 10-merge.pov - Using Merge (Hourglass). 11-cup.pov - Transparency (Cup). 12-vase.pov - SOR - Surface of Revolution (Vase). 13-letters.pov - Letters. 14-textures.pov - Solids with differents textures 15-courtyard.pov - Quality of the render (Courtyard).