Releases: remotesensinginfo/rsgislib
Releases · remotesensinginfo/rsgislib
- Added function to hide matplotlib plot axis border.
- Added function to calculate the red-edge mangrove index (REMI)
- Add function rsgislib.vectorgeoms.split_lines_to_reg_pts which splits lines into points at regular intervals.
- Add function which creates a simple plot for vector attributes
- Added function rsgislib.elevation.resampling_detread_dem
Full Changelog: 5.0.15...5.0.16
- Spectral unmixing - Fixed bug in write_endmembers_mtxt
- Add function which can merge data extracted to hdf5 files in variable dimension
- Added function to extract images from PDF file.
- Classification accuracy assessment - bug fix and new function for stratified random sampling points
- Added function to calculate percentiles on a per pixel basis from a set of images
Full Changelog: 5.0.14...5.0.15
What's Changed
- Add function to subset a vector layer using a bbox.
- Updated code formatting for command line tools and added tools for converting to COGs
- Updated to sort files.
- Bug fix for add_unq_numeric_col function when reference column is not a string
- Added catboost functions for training and applying to multiple classes.
- Add function which populates a rat by rastering a vector layer.
- Added function to apply clustering using sklearn within a RAT.
- Add option to for thematic mapping function to define transparency on layers
- Added new function add_string_col_lut
- Added new function rsgislib.imagecalc.calc_sum_stats_msk_vals
- Updated rsgislib.imageutils.create_img_for_each_vec_feat
- Bug fix when a class has zero area in histogram.
- Add option to print bbox of vector.
- Update to create_name_col function to increase functionality/options.
- Add new functions grid_scattered_pts, count_imgs_int_val_occur and create_n_random_subsets
- Fixes to work with GDAL 3.7 and some code formatting updates.
Full Changelog: 5.0.13...5.0.14
Some minor updates to mapping functions but the significant update is related to the rsgislib.zonalstats.ext_point_band_values_file function(s). A bug has been fixed, which caused an offset between the points and the image and, therefore the incorrect pixel values to be extracted for the points.
Full Changelog: 5.0.12...5.0.13
What's Changed
A number of changes including:
- Classification Accuracy statistics have been updated with a couple of significant bug fixes as previous versions mixed up users and producers accuracies. Tests added so won't happen again.
- A number of new vector functions using geopandas to intersect vector layers to make selections or add attribute information.
- Further updates and refinements to the mapping functions
- Update to CMake build when finding gdal library under windows. Note, this means RSGISLib will only build against GDAL 3.6 or higher without editing the CMakeList.txt
- Added functions for using the CatBoost classifier - further functions will be added in the next release.
- Added a function to filter the files within the ftp listings db. by @petebunting in #59
- Refactor .deb build scripts and build separate python packages by @maxfenv in #62
Full Changelog: 5.0.11...5.0.12
What's Changed
- Added function create_stacked_sref_ls_4_5_7_lv2_img by @petebunting in #54
- Loads of stuff by @petebunting in #58
- Updating build scripts by @maxfenv in #57
Full Changelog: 5.0.10...5.0.11
What's Changed
- Added function to sort a set of drone images by @petebunting in #53
Full Changelog: 5.0.9...5.0.10
The Main Highlights:
- New mapping functions for creating good quality mapping figures easily using matplotlib
- Function for parsing the Landsat Collection 2 QA mask (16bit bit image) to retrieve cloud mask etc.
- Function for parsing ESA Sentinel-2 Level2a XML header
- Function for creating stacked output from ESA Sentinel-2 Level2a downloaded SAFE file.
- Function for creating stacked output from Landsat Collection 2 level 1 download.
- New StdImgBlockIterBatches class for looping through an image in blocks using batches - expected to be useful for machine learning applications.
- Function for creating animated GIFs from a set of input images (frames) with an option to resize the input images.
What's Changed
- many additions by @petebunting in #52
Full Changelog: 5.0.8...5.0.9
Various bug fixes and improvements but main points are:
- Update to compositing functions so work with rsgislib v5
- Functions for querying and downloading data via USGS m2m API and NASA CMR
- Additional functions for plotting and drawing maps.
Full Changelog: 5.0.7...5.0.8
What's Changed
- Add function create_wgs84_vector_grid which creates a vector layer wi… by @petebunting in #45
Full Changelog: 5.0.6...5.0.7