What's Changed
- Add function to subset a vector layer using a bbox.
- Updated code formatting for command line tools and added tools for converting to COGs
- Updated rsgischkgdalfile.py to sort files.
- Bug fix for add_unq_numeric_col function when reference column is not a string
- Added catboost functions for training and applying to multiple classes.
- Add function which populates a rat by rastering a vector layer.
- Added function to apply clustering using sklearn within a RAT.
- Add option to for thematic mapping function to define transparency on layers
- Added new function add_string_col_lut
- Added new function rsgislib.imagecalc.calc_sum_stats_msk_vals
- Updated rsgislib.imageutils.create_img_for_each_vec_feat
- Bug fix when a class has zero area in histogram.
- Add option to print bbox of vector.
- Update to create_name_col function to increase functionality/options.
- Add new functions grid_scattered_pts, count_imgs_int_val_occur and create_n_random_subsets
- Fixes to work with GDAL 3.7 and some code formatting updates.
Full Changelog: 5.0.13...5.0.14