Releases: remotesensinginfo/rsgislib
Releases · remotesensinginfo/rsgislib
What's Changed
- Update with zenodo DOI by @petebunting in #72
- Updated function to specify the vector column data type (int or float)
- Added change function to calculate the image_ratio for change
- Added function calc_apply_img_band_threshold to calculate and apply a threshold to an input image band.
- Added function get_rsgislib_datatype_str function and some further constants
- Added one_hot_category_encoding function.
- Added calc_near_dist_to_feats function
- Added rsgislib.vectorutils.drop_rows_by_multi_attributes and rsgislib.vectorutils.vec_lyr_random_subset
- Updated explode function for geopandas update
- Implementation of habitat suitability modelling.
- Updated function grid_scattered_pts so progress is provided to the terminal and image creation options are used.
- Updated reproj_vec_lyr_gp function to allow either a epsg code or WKT string to be used to define the projection.
- Updated to take the vector layer from the file if not specified and there is only a single layer within the input file.
- Added function to clip vector using ogr
- Update to functions for plotting image histograms
- Updated variable name for function calc_vif_multicollinearity so it corresponds with other functions.
- Added functions to automate find and replace on word documents.
- Updated with additional function get_colour_tab_info_for_def
- Added functions to add a random values column and convert points to lines.
- Added function which clips a vector into subsets.
- Updated to work with parquet file.
- Updated docs and default font for legend
- Added function: rsgislib.imagecalc.get_pca_eigen_vector_from_h5_data
- Add option to use alpha channel from colour table when displaying map.
- zonal stats: Add check that image and vector layers intersect.
- Add function rsgislib.imageutils.get_img_coords_pxl_values to retrieve image pixels values from an image using the image coordinates.
- Add a new python function to create random reference points which will work with the ClassAccuracy plugin.
- Added function rsgislib.classification.classrefpts.create_stratified_random_ref_smpls_darts
- Change distutils.spawn.find_executable to shutil.which
Full Changelog: 5.1.7...5.1.8
Many minor documation, typing and other bug fixes and/or code improvements. Main list of updates below:
- Added function rsgislib.imagecalc.calc_area_under_curve
- Allow output datatype to be defined by users for clustering functions and set default to byte so is more gtiff friendly.
- added new function
- Added function to normalise image pixel values.
- Added function to perform Multivariate Alteration Detection change detection but also added option to other change functions to use kmeans to create binary mask.
- Added functions with implementations of change vector analysis and slow feature analysis
- Added functions rsgislib.imageutils.create_img_from_array_ref_img and rsgislib.imageutils.get_img_data_as_arr
- Added function to standardise image data.
- Added functions rsgislib.imageutils.calc_wgs84_pixel_locations and rsgislib.imageutils.create_img_from_array some addition typing improvements
- Added module to aid the downloading of Planet data using the planet API.
- Added function to convert a dictionary into a string of JSON which can deal with numpy values
- Added new module and functions to use the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem OData API to search for and download Sentinel datasets
- Updated to ensure that when functions are using rios that define rsgislib image creation options are still used.
- Updating mapping functions so coordinates are not offset or displayed with scientific notation.
- Added functions for calculating an empirical semi-variogram for a set of vector points.
- Added function to split a set of points into two orthogonal sets (rsgislib.vectorattrs.create_orthogonal_angle_sets)
- Add function rsgislib.vectorattrs.calc_vec_pt_dist_angle
- Add function rsgislib.vectorutils.createvectors.create_random_pts_in_bbox
- Added function rsgislib.imagecalc.calc_img_band_pxl_percentiles
- Added functions rsgislib.imagecalc.calc_band_range_thres_msk and rsgislib.imagecalc.calc_band_percentile_msk
- Add function rsgislib.zonalstats.write_data_to_h5
- Added function to rsgislib.vectorutils and option to to print geometry type.
- Updated rsgislib.zonalstats hdf5 functions to check whether input h5_files are lists
- Bug fix as variable name changed in scikit-image module.
Full Changelog: 5.1.6...5.1.7
What's Changed
- Updated for RIOS v2 by @petebunting in #69
- Added functions to calculate vector area and length
- Added function
- Added new module droneutils with some functions for creating vector flightlines from individual photos with the GPS data either within the image headers or from an external file.
- Added function rsgislib.droneutils.define_extern_gps_in_imgs to use an external GPS data to populate image headers.
- Updated exif functions in module
- A number of code updates and improvements identified by ruff
Full Changelog: 5.1.5...5.1.6
Fixed some build issues with 5.1.4 and updates for RIOS 2.0
Full Changelog: 5.1.4...5.1.5
- Added function to insert blank pages into a PDF file.
- Added function rsgislib.vectorutils.select_feats_str_search to select vector features searching within a string column
- Added more image indices.
- Add option to gdal_translate to set output datatype
- Ensure output pixel datatype from clustering is an int.
- Added functions using pysondb to create database to track the files to download with http.
- Using fix from aminnj/cpptqdm#7 hopefully fix issue where progress bars go across multiple lines.
- Added option to rsgislib.vectorutils.merge_vector_files to remove columns during merge.
- Added function rsgislib.vectorattrs.create_date_col to create date column.
- Added to option to msk_h5_smpls_to_finite_values to specify whether all variables or just one or more need to be above or below the threshold.
- Added function rsgislib.zonalstats.filter_h5_smpls_var_range
- Fix for rios v2.0 in how the progress bar is called.
Additionally, there were fixes and improvements, including support for numpy 2.0, found using the ruff tool.
Full Changelog: 5.1.3...5.1.4
- Added function to create QR codes
- Added extract_zone_band_values_to_h5 and extract_zone_band_values_to_h5_file functions which extract the pixels values for each vector feature to an individual file.
- Added function which will create a list of years and months between specified start and end points
- Fixed bug if only a single output band for calc_imgs_pxl_percentiles and calc_imgs_pxl_mode
- Added functions for calculating the min, max, mean and std dev of an image for all the bands (don't know why I didn't have functions for this before!) and a new function for normalising image pixel values (similar to stretch)
- Added a new function which will create a list of years and months from a start year and month.
- Added the option for setting an alpha for the input image in the create_raster_img_map function
- Added function rsgislib.vectorgeoms.thin_vector_geoms
- Bug fix for gdal39 gdal.TranslateOptions to use creationOptions rather than options.
Full Changelog: 5.1.2...5.1.3
Fixing a few things so command line tools work on Windows.
- Added function rsgislib.imageutils.create_blank_buf_img_from_4326_ref_img
- Added function rsgislib.imagecalc.calc_img_earth_move_dist to calculate earth movers distance.
- Added function rsgislib.imagecalc.calc_img_mutual_info to compare the 'distance' between two images.
- Added .bat files to be installed in windows so command line tools can be used
Full Changelog: 5.1.1...5.1.2
What's Changed
- Update by @petebunting in #68
- Added dissolve option to rsgislib.vectorgeoms.clip_and_merge_with_roi
- Added option to rsgislib.vectorgeoms.create_bbox_vec_lyr to round bbox coordinates to whole numbers
- Added rsgislib.vectorgeoms.create_bbox_vec_lyr function to create a vector layer representing the BBOX of an input vector layer. Also added a test for rsgislib.vectorgeoms.clip_and_merge_with_roi
- Added option to to open a list of unique values within an attribute table column.
- Add option to explode the resulting features within the rsgislib.vectorgeoms.clip_and_merge_with_roi function.
- Added new functions rsgislib.vectorattrs.add_numeric_col_range_lut and rsgislib.vectorattrs.add_numeric_col_from_lst_lut
- Added new functions rsgislib.vectorutils.createrasters.create_vector_range_lut_score_img and rsgislib.vectorutils.createrasters.create_vector_lst_lut_score_img
- Added functions: rsgislib.imagecalc.create_categories_sgl_band and rsgislib.vectorutils.createrasters.create_dist_zones_to_vec_layer
- Added function rsgislib.vectorattrs.check_str_col
- Added addition options to rsgislib.classification.classaccuracymetrics.calc_acc_ptonly_metrics_vecsamples_f1_conf_inter_sets to allow the order of the vector files to be randomised and files to be reused.
- Added functions rsgislib.imageutils.get_img_band_pxl_data and rsgislib.imagecalc.calc_img_correlation
- Added new functions rsgislib.vectorutils.createvectors.create_lines_vec and rsgislib.vectorutils.createvectors.create_img_transects
- Updated plots to allow multiple lines to be plotted and no data values to be dealt with.
- Add legend to plots.
Full Changelog: 5.1.0...5.1.1
What's Changed
- Revised classification modules and functions by @petebunting in #66
- Increase circleci resource size for CI by @petebunting in #67
- Add function to create lines away from a point at defined angle.
- Added function to split vector layer into testing, training and validation sets.
- Added function rsgislib.vectorutils.createvectors.create_random_pts_in_radius which produces a random set of points within a radius.
- Added functions to calculate elevation roughness metrics
- Updated documentation - particularly within the classification module
- Updating functions to provide typing information
- Added further tests for various functions
Full Changelog: 5.0.17...5.1.0
- Added a new function calc_pt_smpl_img_vals which calculates a set of summary values from the input image for each point in a vector layer where the summary value is calculated using an implementation of the RSGISCalcSumVals class.
- Added function create_inmem_gdal_ds_subset which extracts an image subset to an in-memory gdal dataset.
- Update to catch errors when reading image exif data.
- Added Affine tools as these will be used in a future function - not adding to docs as intension is that these are just internal class/functions.
- Added function to test if point is in bbox and to put a point on to a grid.
- Documentation corrections and minor code improvements
Full Changelog: 5.0.16...5.0.17