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Default Binds & Options

maxlandon edited this page May 13, 2023 · 11 revisions

This page contains a list of global options and binds for all keymaps. Some keymaps come with an additional explanations on their role. Note that the binds below are not in an .inputrc-compliant notation, for the sake of conciseness and because the list below is the default.


Some global options have not been implemented: so because they were not useful anymore (some completion ones), out of the library scope (other completion ones), or not yet faced by the library author. Some of those might be implemented in the future if the need arises.

Notation: <option-name> <value> [NI/S] ([NI]: not implemented, [S]: specific to this library).

set active-region-start-color ""
set autocomplete off [S]
set autopairs off [S]
set bell-style none [NI]
set bind-tty-special-chars off
set blink-matching-paren off
set byte-oriented off
set colored-completion-prefix off
set colored-stats off [NI]
set comment-begin #
set completion-display-width -1
set completion-ignore-case off
set completion-map-case off
set completion-prefix-display-length 0
set completion-query-items 100
set convert-meta off
set disable-completion off
set echo-control-characters on
set editing-mode emacs
set emacs-mode-string @
set enable-bracketed-paste on [NI]
set enable-keypad off [NI]
set enable-meta-key on [NI]
set expand-tilde off [NI]
set history-autosuggest off [S]
set history-preserve-point off
set history-size 0
set horizontal-scroll-mode off [NI]
set input-meta off
set keymap emacs
set keyseq-timeout 50
set mark-directories on [NI]
set mark-modified-lines off [NI]
set mark-symlinked-directories on [NI]
set match-hidden-files on [NI]
set menu-complete-display-prefix off
set meta-flag off
set output-meta on
set page-completions on [NI]
set prefer-visible-bell on [NI]
set print-completions-horizontally off
set prompt-transient off [S]
set revert-all-at-newline off
set show-all-if-ambiguous off [NI]
set show-all-if-unmodified off [NI]
set show-mode-in-prompt off
set skip-completed-text off
set usage-hint-always off [S]
set vi-cmd-mode-string "[N]"
set vi-ins-mode-string "[I]"
set visible-stats off [NI]

Emacs keymaps

Emacs standard

The emacs keymap is a combination of both emacs-ctrlx and emacs-meta keymaps below, but additionally includes/overwrites some of the binds by the list below:

"C-@" set-mark
"C-A" beginning-of-line
"C-B" backward-char
"C-D" delete-char
"C-E" end-of-line
"C-F" forward-char
"C-G" abort
"C-H" backward-delete-char
"C-I" complete
"C-J" accept-line
"C-K" kill-line
"C-L" clear-screen
"C-M" accept-line
"C-N" next-history
"C-P" previous-history
"C-Q" quoted-insert
"C-R" reverse-search-history
"C-S" forward-search-history
"C-T" transpose-chars
"C-U" unix-line-discard
"C-V" quoted-insert
"C-W" unix-word-rubout
"C-Y" yank
"C-]" character-search
"C-_" undo
" " to "/" self-insert
"0" to "9" self-insert
":" to "~" self-insert
"C-?" backward-delete-char

Emacs Meta

"M-C-G" abort
"M-C-H" backward-kill-word
"M-C-I" tab-insert
"M-C-J" vi-editing-mode
"M-C-L" clear-display
"M-C-M" vi-editing-mode
"M-C-R" revert-line
"M-C-Y" yank-nth-arg
"M-C-[" complete
"M-C-]" character-search-backward
"M-C-^" copy-prev-word
"M-space" set-mark
"M-#" insert-comment
"M-&" tilde-expand
"M-*" insert-completions
"M--" digit-argument
"M-." yank-last-arg
"M-'" quote-line
"M-0" digit-argument
"M-1" digit-argument
"M-2" digit-argument
"M-3" digit-argument
"M-4" digit-argument
"M-5" digit-argument
"M-6" digit-argument
"M-7" digit-argument
"M-8" digit-argument
"M-9" digit-argument
"M-<" beginning-of-buffer-or-history
"M-=" possible-completions
"M->" end-of-buffer-or-history
"M-?" possible-completions
"M-B" backward-word
"M-C" capitalize-word
"M-D" kill-word
"M-F" forward-word
"M-L" downcase-word
"M-M" copy-prev-shell-word
"M-N" history-search-forward
"M-P" history-search-backward
"M-R" revert-line
"M-T" transpose-words
"M-U" upcase-word
"M-W" kill-region
"M-Y" yank-pop
"M-|" vi-goto-column
"M-" delete-horizontal-space
"M-~" tilde-expand
"M-C-?" backward-kill-word
"M-_" yank-last-arg
"M-[A" up-line-or-search
"M-[B" down-line-or-select

Emacs CtrlX

"C-XC-G" abort
"C-XC-R" re-read-init-file
"C-XC-U" undo
"C-XC-X" exchange-point-and-mark
"C-Xr" reverse-search-history
"C-Xs" forward-search-history
"C-Xu" undo
"C-X(" start-kbd-macro
"C-X)" end-kbd-macro
"C-XE" call-last-kbd-macro
"C-XC-?" backward-kill-line
"C-xC-b" vi-match
"C-xC-e" edit-command-line
"C-xC-n" infer-next-history
"C-xC-o" overwrite-mode

Vim keymaps

The various Vim keymaps have been significantly enhanced, either with new binds, new keymaps (Operator pending), or better in-code functionality.


"C-A" beginning-of-line
"C-B" backward-char
"C-D" vi-eof-maybe
"C-F" forward-char
"C-H" backward-delete-char
"C-I" complete
"C-J" accept-line
"C-K" kill-line
"C-L" clear-screen
"C-M" accept-line
"C-N" down-line-or-history
"C-O" operate-and-get-next
"C-P" up-line-or-history
"C-Q" accept-and-infer-next-history
"C-R" reverse-search-history
"C-S" forward-search-history
"C-T" transpose-chars
"C-U" unix-line-discard
"C-V" quoted-insert
"C-W" unix-word-rubout
"C-Y" yank
"C-[" vi-movement-mode
"C-_" undo
" " to "~" self-insert
"C-?" backward-delete-char
"M-q" macro-toggle-record
"M-@" macro-run
"M-'" vi-registers-complete
"M-[3~" delete-char
"M-[H" beginning-of-line
"M-[F" end-of-line
"M-[A" up-line-or-search
"M-[B" down-line-or-search


"C-A" switch-keyword
"C-D" vi-eof-maybe
"C-E" emacs-editing-mode
"C-G" abort
"C-H" backward-char
"C-J" accept-line
"C-K" kill-line
"C-L" clear-screen
"C-M" accept-line
"C-N" next-history
"C-P" previous-history
"C-Q" quoted-insert
"C-R" reverse-search-history
"C-S" forward-search-history
"C-T" transpose-chars
"C-U" unix-line-discard
"C-V" quoted-insert
"C-W" unix-word-rubout
"C-X" switch-keyword
"C-Y" yank
"C-_" vi-undo
"M-<" beginning-of-buffer-or-history
"M->" end-of-buffer-or-history
"M-'" quote-line
"\M-[3~" delete-char
"\M-[6~" down-line-or-history
"\M-[5~" up-line-or-history
"\M-[H" beginning-of-line
"\M-[F" end-of-line
"\M-[A" history-search-backward
"\M-[B" menu-select
"\M-[C" vi-forward-char
"\M-[D" vi-backward-char
"\M-[3;5~" kill-word
"\M-[1;5C" forward-word
"\M-[1;5D" backward-word
" " vi-forward-char
"#" insert-comment
"$" vi-end-of-line
"%" vi-match
"&" vi-tilde-expand
"*" vi-complete
"+" next-history
"," vi-char-search
"-" previous-history
"." vi-redo
"/" vi-search
"0" beginning-of-line
"1" to "9" vi-arg-digit
";" vi-char-search
"=" vi-complete
"?" vi-search
"A" vi-append-eol
"B" vi-backward-bigword
"C" vi-change-to
"D" vi-delete-to
"E" vi-end-bigword
"F" vi-char-search
"G" vi-fetch-history
"I" vi-insert-beg
"N" vi-search-again
"O" vi-open-line-above
"P" vi-put
"R" vi-replace
"S" vi-subst
"T" vi-char-search
"U" revert-line
"V" vi-visual-line-mode
"W" vi-forward-bigword
"X" vi-backward-delete-char
"Y" vi-yank-to
"\" vi-complete
"^" vi-first-print
""" vi-set-buffer
"_" vi-yank-arg
"`" vi-goto-mark
"a" vi-append-mode
"b" vi-prev-word
"c" vi-change-to
"d" vi-delete-to
"e" vi-end-word
"f" vi-char-search
"gg" beginning-of-buffer-or-history
"ge" vi-backward-end-word
"gE" vi-backward-end-bigword
"gu" vi-down-case
"gU" vi-up-case
"h" backward-char
"i" vi-insertion-mode
"j" down-line-or-history
"k" up-line-or-history
"l" forward-char
"m" vi-set-mark
"n" vi-search-again
"o" vi-open-line-below
"p" vi-put
"q" macro-toggle-record
"r" vi-change-char
"s" vi-subst
"t" vi-char-search
"u" vi-undo
"v" vi-visual-mode
"w" vi-next-word
"x" vi-delete
"y" vi-yank-to
"|" vi-column
"~" vi-change-case
"@" macro-run


The vi-visual keymap enables classic Vim-style visual selection, either in visual line mode or in normal visual mode. This keymap is a local keymap: all movement commands from the vi-command keymap also work while in this mode.

"M-]" vi-movement-mode
"aW" select-a-blank-word
"aa" select-a-shell-word
"aw" select-a-word
"iW" select-in-blank-word
"ia" select-in-shell-word
"iw" select-in-word
"a" vi-select-inside
"c" vi-change-to
"d" vi-delete-to
"i" vi-select-inside
"j" next-screen-line
"k" previous-screen-line
"s" vi-subst
"S" vi-add-surround
"u" vi-down-case
"v" vi-edit-command-line
"x" vi-delete-to
"y" vi-yank-to
"~" vi-swap-case

Operator Pending

The operator-pending is the lesser known Vim keymap. It is used for more complex actions often starting with yank/delete/change operations, and involving a text object. A few examples are:

  • diW to delete the bigword under (inside) cursor.
  • ya" to yank everything around two surrounding double quotes.
  • cs"' to change surrounding double quotes into single ones.

This keymap is also a local keymap: all movement commands from the vi-command keymap also work while in this mode.

"M-]" vi-movement-mode
"a" vi-select-inside
"aW" select-a-blank-word
"aa" select-a-shell-word
"aw" select-a-word
"i" vi-select-inside
"iW" select-in-blank-word
"ia" select-in-shell-word
"iw" select-in-word
"s" vi-select-surround
"j" down-line
"k" up-line

Completion & Isearch keymaps


The menu-select is only enabled when completions have been requested by the user. It is by default populated with keys for reverse cycling, tag-cycling, and arrow keys for directional cycling,

"TAB" menu-complete
"Shift+Tab" menu-complete-backward
"C-@" accept-and-menu-complete
"C-F" menu-incremental-search
"C-N" menu-complete
"C-P" menu-complete-backward
"\e[A" menu-complete-backward
"\e[B" menu-complete
"\e[C" menu-complete
"\e[D" menu-complete-backward
"\e[1;5A" menu-complete-prev-tag
"\e[1;5B" menu-complete-next-tag

Incremental Search

The isearch keymap is a special, empty keymap: when incrementally-searching in the history lines or available completions, only a subset of the emacs/vi-insert commands are available, and will directly be looked into their corresponding keymap. Any other command will exit the incremental search.

Available commands in the isearch mode are: Edition abort
History accept-and-infer-next-history
history-substring-search-forward history-substring-search-backward

Non-incremental Search

Some history search commands are non-incremental: they do not refresh completions or the input line buffer (with a match) on each new character typed in the minibuffer. They instead wait for the Enter key to be pressed to operate the search and insert. Non-incremental search is not in itself a keymap, but works on the same principle as isearch.

The subset of allowed commands is even smaller: abort

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