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Upgrading Cosmos SDK

This guide provides instructions for upgrading to specific versions of Cosmos SDK. Note, always read the SimApp section for more information on application wiring updates.



Nested Messages Simulation

Now it is possible to simulate the nested messages of a message, providing developers with a powerful tool for testing and predicting the behavior of complex transactions. This feature allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of gas consumption, state changes, and potential errors that may occur when executing nested messages. However, it's important to note that while the simulation can provide valuable insights, it does not guarantee the correct execution of the nested messages in the future. Factors such as changes in the blockchain state or updates to the protocol could potentially affect the actual execution of these nested messages when the transaction is finally processed on the network.

For example, consider a governance proposal that includes nested messages to update multiple protocol parameters. At the time of simulation, the blockchain state may be suitable for executing all these nested messages successfully. However, by the time the actual governance proposal is executed (which could be days or weeks later), the blockchain state might have changed significantly. As a result, while the simulation showed a successful execution, the actual governance proposal might fail when it's finally processed.

By default, when simulating transactions, the gas cost of nested messages is not calculated. This means that only the gas cost of the top-level message is considered. However, this behavior can be customized using the SetIncludeNestedMsgsGas option when building the BaseApp. By providing a list of message types to this option, you can specify which messages should have their nested message gas costs included in the simulation. This allows for more accurate gas estimation for transactions involving specific message types that contain nested messages, while maintaining the default behavior for other message types.

Here is an example on how SetIncludeNestedMsgsGas option could be set to calculate the gas of a gov proposal nested messages:

baseAppOptions = append(baseAppOptions, baseapp.SetIncludeNestedMsgsGas([]sdk.Message{&gov.MsgSubmitProposal{}}))
// ...
app.App = appBuilder.Build(db, traceStore, baseAppOptions...)

To be able to simulate nested messages within a transaction, message types containing nested messages must implement the HasNestedMsgs interface. This interface requires a single method: GetMsgs() ([]sdk.Msg, error), which should return the nested messages. By implementing this interface, the BaseApp can simulate these nested messages during transaction simulation.

Documentation to migrate an application from v0.50.x to server/v2 is available elsewhere. It is additional to the changes described here.


In this section we describe the changes made in Cosmos SDK' SimApp. These changes are directly applicable to your application wiring. Please read this section first, but for an exhaustive list of changes, refer to the CHANGELOG.

Client (root.go)

The client package has been refactored to make use of the address codecs (address, validator address, consensus address, etc.) and address bech32 prefixes (address and validator address). This is part of the work of abstracting the SDK from the global bech32 config.

This means the address codecs and prefixes must be provided in the client.Context in the application client (usually root.go).

clientCtx = clientCtx.
+ WithAddressCodec(addressCodec).
+ WithValidatorAddressCodec(validatorAddressCodec).
+ WithConsensusAddressCodec(consensusAddressCodec).
+ WithAddressPrefix("cosmos").
+ WithValidatorPrefix("cosmosvaloper")

When using depinject / app_di, the client codecs can be provided directly from application config.

Refer to SimApp root_di.go and root.go for an example with an app di and a legacy app.

Additionally, a simplification of the start command leads to the following change:

- server.AddCommands(rootCmd, newApp, func(startCmd *cobra.Command) {})
+ server.AddCommands(rootCmd, newApp, server.StartCmdOptions[servertypes.Application]{})

Server (app.go)

Module Manager

The basic module manager has been deleted. It was not necessary anymore and was simplified to use the module.Manager directly. It can be removed from your app.go.

For depinject users, it isn't necessary anymore to supply a map[string]module.AppModuleBasic for customizing the app module basic instantiation. The custom parameters (such as genutil message validator or gov proposal handler, or evidence handler) can directly be supplied. When requiring a module manager in root.go, inject *module.Manager using depinject.Inject.

For non depinject users, simply call RegisterLegacyAminoCodec and RegisterInterfaces on the module manager:

-app.BasicModuleManager = module.NewBasicManagerFromManager(...)

Additionally, thanks to the genesis simplification, as explained in the genesis interface update, the module manager InitGenesis and ExportGenesis methods do not require the codec anymore.

gRPC Web

Grpc-web embedded client has been removed from the server. If you would like to use grpc-web, you can use the envoy proxy. Here's how to set it up:

Step by step guide
  1. Install Envoy following the official installation guide.

  2. Create an Envoy configuration file named envoy.yaml with the following content:

     - name: listener_0
     	socket_address: { address:, port_value: 8080 }
     	- filters:
     	- name:
     		codec_type: auto
     		stat_prefix: ingress_http
     			name: local_route
     			- name: local_service
     			domains: ["*"]
     			- match: { prefix: "/" }
     				cluster: grpc_service
     				timeout: 0s
     					grpc_timeout_header_max: 0s
     				- prefix: "*"
     				allow_methods: GET, PUT, DELETE, POST, OPTIONS
     				allow_headers: keep-alive,user-agent,cache-control,content-type,content-transfer-encoding,custom-header-1,x-accept-content-transfer-encoding,x-accept-response-streaming,x-user-agent,x-grpc-web,grpc-timeout
     				max_age: "1728000"
     				expose_headers: custom-header-1,grpc-status,grpc-message
     		- name: envoy.filters.http.grpc_web
     		- name: envoy.filters.http.cors
     		- name: envoy.filters.http.router
     - name: grpc_service
     	connect_timeout: 0.25s
     	type: logical_dns
     	http2_protocol_options: {}
     	lb_policy: round_robin
     	cluster_name: cluster_0
     		- lb_endpoints:
     			- endpoint:
     					port_value: 9090

    This configuration tells Envoy to listen on port 8080 and forward requests to your gRPC service on port 9090. Note that this configuration is a starting point and can be modified according to your specific needs and preferences. You may need to adjust ports, addresses, or add additional settings based on your particular setup and requirements.

  3. Start your Cosmos SDK application, ensuring it's configured to serve gRPC on port 9090.

  4. Start Envoy with the configuration file:

    envoy -c envoy.yaml
  5. If Envoy starts successfully, you should see output similar to this:

    [2024-08-29 10:47:08.753][6281320][info][config] [source/common/listener_manager/] all dependencies initialized. starting workers
    [2024-08-29 10:47:08.754][6281320][info][main] [source/server/] starting main dispatch loop

    This indicates that Envoy has started and is ready to proxy requests.

  6. Update your client applications to connect to Envoy (http://localhost:8080 by default).

By following these steps, Envoy will handle the translation between gRPC-Web and gRPC, allowing your existing gRPC-Web clients to continue functioning without modifications to your Cosmos SDK application.

To test the setup, you can use a tool like grpcurl. For example:

grpcurl -plaintext localhost:8080 cosmos.base.tendermint.v1beta1.Service/GetLatestBlock

The GasConsumptionDecorator and IncreaseSequenceDecorator have been merged with the SigVerificationDecorator, so you'll need to remove them both from your app.go code, they will yield to unresolvable symbols when compiling.

Unordered Transactions

The Cosmos SDK now supports unordered transactions. This means that transactions can be executed in any order and doesn't require the client to deal with or manage nonces. This also means the order of execution is not guaranteed.

Unordered transactions are automatically enabled when using depinject / app di, simply supply the servertypes.AppOptions in app.go:

+		// supply the application options
+		appOpts,
		// supply the logger
Step-by-step Wiring If you are still using the legacy wiring, you must enable unordered transactions manually:
  • Update the App constructor to create, load, and save the unordered transaction manager.

     func NewApp(...) *App {
     	// ...
     	// create, start, and load the unordered tx manager
     	utxDataDir := filepath.Join(cast.ToString(appOpts.Get(flags.FlagHome)), "data")
     	app.UnorderedTxManager = unorderedtx.NewManager(utxDataDir)
     	if err := app.UnorderedTxManager.OnInit(); err != nil {
     		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to initialize unordered tx manager: %w", err))
  • Add the decorator to the existing AnteHandler chain, which should be as early as possible.

     anteDecorators := []sdk.AnteDecorator{
     	// ...
     	ante.NewUnorderedTxDecorator(unorderedtx.DefaultMaxTimeoutDuration, options.TxManager, options.Environment),
     	// ...
     return sdk.ChainAnteDecorators(anteDecorators...), nil
  • If the App has a SnapshotManager defined, you must also register the extension for the TxManager.

     if manager := app.SnapshotManager(); manager != nil {
     	err := manager.RegisterExtensions(unorderedtx.NewSnapshotter(app.UnorderedTxManager))
     	if err != nil {
     		panic(fmt.Errorf("failed to register snapshot extension: %s", err))
  • Create or update the App's Preblocker() method to call the unordered tx manager's OnNewBlock() method.

     func (app *SimApp) PreBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, req *abci.RequestFinalizeBlock) (*sdk.ResponsePreBlock, error) {
     	return app.ModuleManager.PreBlock(ctx, req)
  • Create or update the App's Close() method to close the unordered tx manager. Note, this is critical as it ensures the manager's state is written to file such that when the node restarts, it can recover the state to provide replay protection.

     func (app *App) Close() error {
     	// ...
     	// close the unordered tx manager
     	if e := app.UnorderedTxManager.Close(); e != nil {
     		err = errors.Join(err, e)
     	return err

To submit an unordered transaction, the client must set the unordered flag to true and ensure a reasonable timeout_height is set. The timeout_height is used as a TTL for the transaction and is used to provide replay protection. See ADR-070 for more details.

Sign Mode Textual

With the split of x/auth/tx/config in two (x/auth/tx/config as depinject module for txconfig and tx options) and x/validate, sign mode textual is no more automatically configured when using runtime (it was previously the case). For the same instructions than for legacy app wiring to enable sign mode textual (see in v0.50 UPGRADING documentation).

Depinject app_config.go / app.yml

With the introduction of environment in modules, depinject automatically creates the environment for all modules. Learn more about environment here . Given the fields of environment, this means runtime creates a kv store service for all modules by default. It can happen that some modules do not have a store necessary (such as x/auth/tx for instance). In this case, the store creation should be skipped in app_config.go:

InitGenesis: []string{
+ // SkipStoreKeys is an optional list of store keys to skip when constructing the
+ // module's keeper. This is useful when a module does not have a store key.
+ SkipStoreKeys: []string{
+ 	"tx",
+ },


The package has been removed as CometBFT now publishes its protos to and There is no longer a need for the Cosmos SDK to host these protos for itself and its dependencies. That package containing proto v2 generated code, but the SDK now uses buf generated go SDK instead. If you were depending on, please use the buf generated go SDK instead, or ask CometBFT host the generated proto v2 code.

The codectypes.Any has moved to Module developers need to update the buf.gen.gogo.yaml configuration files by adjusting the corresponding opt option to Mgoogle/protobuf/ for directly mapping theAny type to its new location:

version: v1
  - name: gocosmos
    out: ..
- 	 opt: plugins=grpc,Mgoogle/protobuf/,Mcosmos/orm/v1/
+    opt: plugins=grpc,Mgoogle/protobuf/,Mcosmos/orm/v1/
  - name: grpc-gateway
    out: ..
    opt: logtostderr=true,allow_colon_final_segments=true

Also, any usages of the interfaces AnyUnpacker and UnpackInterfacesMessage must be replaced with the interfaces of the same name in the package.



All modules (expect auth) were spun out into their own go.mod. Replace their imports by{moduleName}.

Core API

Core API has been introduced for modules since v0.47. With the deprecation of sdk.Context, we strongly recommend to use the interfaces for the modules. This will allow the modules to work out of the box with server/v2 and baseapp, as well as limit their dependencies on the SDK.

Additionally, the appmodule.Environment struct is introduced to fetch different services from the application. This should be used as an alternative to using sdk.UnwrapContext(ctx) to fetch the services. It needs to be passed into a module at instantiation (or depinject will inject the correct environment).

x/circuit is used as an example:

app.CircuitKeeper = circuitkeeper.NewKeeper(runtime.NewEnvironment(runtime.NewKVStoreService(keys[circuittypes.StoreKey]), logger.With(log.ModuleKey, "x/circuit")), appCodec, authtypes.NewModuleAddress(govtypes.ModuleName).String(), app.AuthKeeper.AddressCodec())

If your module requires a message server or query server, it should be passed in the environment as well.

-govKeeper := govkeeper.NewKeeper(appCodec, runtime.NewKVStoreService(keys[govtypes.StoreKey]), app.AuthKeeper, app.BankKeeper,app.StakingKeeper, app.PoolKeeper, app.MsgServiceRouter(), govConfig, authtypes.NewModuleAddress(govtypes.ModuleName).String())
+govKeeper := govkeeper.NewKeeper(appCodec, runtime.NewEnvironment(runtime.NewKVStoreService(keys[govtypes.StoreKey]), logger.With(log.ModuleKey, "x/circuit"), runtime.EnvWithMsgRouterService(app.MsgServiceRouter()), runtime.EnvWithQueryRouterService(app.GRPCQueryRouter())), app.AuthKeeper, app.BankKeeper, app.StakingKeeper, app.PoolKeeper, govConfig, authtypes.NewModuleAddress(govtypes.ModuleName).String())

The signature of the extension interface HasRegisterInterfaces has been changed to accept a instead of a codec.InterfaceRegistry. HasRegisterInterfaces is now a part of Modules should update their HasRegisterInterfaces implementation to accept a interface.

-func (AppModule) RegisterInterfaces(registry codectypes.InterfaceRegistry) {
+func (AppModule) RegisterInterfaces(registry registry.InterfaceRegistrar) {

The signature of the extension interface HasAminoCodec has been changed to accept a instead of a codec.LegacyAmino. Modules should update their HasAminoCodec implementation to accept a interface.

-func (AppModule) RegisterLegacyAminoCodec(cdc *codec.LegacyAmino) {
+func (AppModule) RegisterLegacyAminoCodec(registrar registry.AminoRegistrar) {

MsgSimulatorFn has been updated to return an error. Its context argument has been removed, and an address.Codec has been added to avoid the use of the Accounts.String() method.

-type MsgSimulatorFn func(r *rand.Rand, ctx sdk.Context, accs []Account) sdk.Msg
+type MsgSimulatorFn func(r *rand.Rand, accs []Account, cdc address.Codec) (sdk.Msg, error)

Previously held functions Invoke, Provide and Register were moved to All modules using dependency injection must update their imports.


Previous module migrations have been removed. It is required to migrate to v0.50 prior to upgrading to v0.52 for not missing any module migrations.

Genesis Interface

All genesis interfaces have been migrated to take context.Context instead of sdk.Context. Secondly, the codec is no longer passed in by the framework. The codec is now passed in by the module. Lastly, all InitGenesis and ExportGenesis functions now return an error.

// InitGenesis performs genesis initialization for the module.
func (am AppModule) InitGenesis(ctx context.Context, data json.RawMessage) error {

// ExportGenesis returns the exported genesis state as raw bytes for the module.
func (am AppModule) ExportGenesis(ctx context.Context) (json.RawMessage, error) {
Migration to Collections

Most of Cosmos SDK modules have migrated to collections. Many functions have been removed due to this changes as the API can be smaller thanks to collections. For modules that have migrated, verify you are checking against collections.ErrNotFound when applicable.


Vesting accounts messages (and CLIs) have been removed. Existing vesting accounts will keep working but no new vesting accounts can be created. Use x/accounts lockup accounts or implement an x/accounts vesting account instead.


Accounts's AccountNumber will be used as a global account number tracking replacing Auth legacy AccountNumber. Must set accounts's AccountNumber with auth's AccountNumber value in upgrade handler. This is done through auth keeper MigrateAccountNumber function.

import authkeeper "" 
err := authkeeper.MigrateAccountNumberUnsafe(ctx, &app.AuthKeeper)
if err != nil {
	return nil, err


The x/crisis module was removed due to it not being supported or functional any longer.


Existing chains using x/distribution module must add the new x/protocolpool module.


Gov v1beta1 proposal handler has been changed to take in a context.Context instead of sdk.Context. This change was made to allow legacy proposals to be compatible with server/v2. If you wish to migrate to server/v2, you should update your proposal handler to take in a context.Context and use services. On the other hand, if you wish to keep using baseapp, simply unwrap the sdk context in your proposal handler.


Introducing a new x/protocolpool module to handle community pool funds. Its store must be added while upgrading to v0.52.x.


func (app SimApp) RegisterUpgradeHandlers() {
 		func(ctx sdk.Context, _ upgradetypes.Plan, fromVM module.VersionMap) (module.VersionMap, error) {
 			return app.ModuleManager.RunMigrations(ctx, app.Configurator(), fromVM)

  // ...

Add x/protocolpool store while upgrading to v0.52.x:

			Added: []string{


Introducing x/validate a module that is solely used for registering default ante/post handlers and global tx validators when using runtime and runtime/v2. If you wish to set your custom ante/post handlers, no need to use this module. You can however always extend them by adding extra tx validators (see x/validate documentation).

Migration to CometBFT (Part 2)

The Cosmos SDK has migrated in its previous versions, to CometBFT. Some functions have been renamed to reflect the naming change.

Following an exhaustive list:

  • client.TendermintRPC -> client.CometRPC
  • clitestutil.MockTendermintRPC -> clitestutil.MockCometRPC
  • clitestutilgenutil.CreateDefaultTendermintConfig -> clitestutilgenutil.CreateDefaultCometConfig
  • Package client/grpc/tmservice -> client/grpc/cmtservice

Additionally, the commands and flags mentioning tendermint have been renamed to comet. These commands and flags are still supported for backward compatibility.

For backward compatibility, the **/tendermint/** gRPC services are still supported.

Additionally, the SDK is starting its abstraction from CometBFT Go types through the codebase:

  • The usage of the CometBFT logger has been replaced by the Cosmos SDK logger interface (
  • The usage of has been replaced by []byte.
  • Usage of an application genesis (see genutil).

Enable Vote Extensions

:::tip This is an optional feature that is disabled by default. :::

Once all the code changes required to implement Vote Extensions are in place, they can be enabled by setting the consensus param Abci.VoteExtensionsEnableHeight to a value greater than zero.

In a new chain, this can be done in the genesis.json file.

For existing chains this can be done in two ways:

  • During an upgrade the value is set in an upgrade handler.
  • A governance proposal that changes the consensus param after a coordinated upgrade has taken place.


All ABCI methods now accept a pointer to the request and response types defined by CometBFT. In addition, they also return errors. An ABCI method should only return errors in cases where a catastrophic failure has occurred and the application should halt. However, this is abstracted away from the application developer. Any handler that an application can define or set that returns an error, will gracefully by handled by BaseApp on behalf of the application.

BaseApp calls of BeginBlock & Endblock are now private but are still exposed to the application to define via the Manager type. FinalizeBlock is public and should be used in order to test and run operations. This means that although BeginBlock & Endblock no longer exist in the ABCI interface, they are automatically called by BaseApp during FinalizeBlock. Specifically, the order of operations is BeginBlock -> DeliverTx (for all txs) -> EndBlock.

ABCI++ 2.0 also brings ExtendVote and VerifyVoteExtension ABCI methods. These methods allow applications to extend and verify pre-commit votes. The Cosmos SDK allows an application to define handlers for these methods via ExtendVoteHandler and VerifyVoteExtensionHandler respectively. Please see here for more info.

Set PreBlocker

A SetPreBlocker method has been added to BaseApp. This is essential for BaseApp to run PreBlock which runs before begin blocker other modules, and allows to modify consensus parameters, and the changes are visible to the following state machine logics. Read more about other use cases here.

depinject / app di users need to add x/upgrade in their app_config.go / app.yml:

+ PreBlockers: []string{
+	upgradetypes.ModuleName,
+ },
BeginBlockers: []string{
-	upgradetypes.ModuleName,

When using (legacy) application wiring, the following must be added to app.go:

+	upgradetypes.ModuleName,

-	upgradetypes.ModuleName,

+ app.SetPreBlocker(app.PreBlocker)

// ... //

+func (app *SimApp) PreBlocker(ctx sdk.Context, req *abci.RequestFinalizeBlock) (*sdk.ResponsePreBlock, error) {
+	return app.ModuleManager.PreBlock(ctx, req)


The log section of abci.TxResult is not populated in the case of successful msg(s) execution. Instead a new attribute is added to all messages indicating the msg_index which identifies which events and attributes relate the same transaction.

BeginBlock & EndBlock Events are now emitted through FinalizeBlock but have an added attribute, mode=BeginBlock|EndBlock, to identify if the event belongs to BeginBlock or EndBlock.

Config files

Confix is a new SDK tool for modifying and migrating configuration of the SDK. It is the replacement of the config.Cmd command from the client/config package.

Use the following command to migrate your configuration:

simd config migrate v0.50

If you were using <appd> config [key] or <appd> config [key] [value] to set and get values from the client.toml, replace it with <appd> config get client [key] and <appd> config set client [key] [value]. The extra verbosity is due to the extra functionalities added in config.

More information about confix and how to add it in your application binary in the documentation.


gRPC-Web is now listening to the same address and port as the gRPC Gateway API server (default: localhost:1317). The possibility to listen to a different address has been removed, as well as its settings. Use confix to clean-up your app.toml. A nginx (or alike) reverse-proxy can be set to keep the previous behavior.

Database Support

ClevelDB, BoltDB and BadgerDB are not supported anymore. To migrate from an unsupported database to a supported database please use a database migration tool.


With the deprecation of the Amino JSON codec defined in cosmos/gogoproto in favor of the protoreflect powered x/tx/aminojson codec, module developers are encouraged verify that their messages have the correct protobuf annotations to deterministically produce identical output from both codecs.

For core SDK types equivalence is asserted by generative testing of SignableTypes in TestAminoJSON_Equivalence.

Read more about the available annotations here.


The gogoproto.goproto_stringer = false annotation has been removed from most proto files. This means that the String() method is being generated for types that previously had this annotation. The generated String() method uses proto.CompactTextString for stringifying structs. Verify the usage of the modified String() methods and double-check that they are not used in state-machine code.


In this section we describe the changes made in Cosmos SDK' SimApp. These changes are directly applicable to your application wiring.

Module Assertions

Previously, all modules were required to be set in OrderBeginBlockers, OrderEndBlockers and OrderInitGenesis / OrderExportGenesis in app.go / app_config.go. This is no longer the case, the assertion has been loosened to only require modules implementing, respectively, the appmodule.HasBeginBlocker, appmodule.HasEndBlocker and appmodule.HasGenesis / module.HasGenesis interfaces.

Module wiring

The following modules NewKeeper function now take a KVStoreService instead of a StoreKey:

  • x/auth
  • x/authz
  • x/bank
  • x/consensus
  • x/crisis
  • x/distribution
  • x/evidence
  • x/feegrant
  • x/gov
  • x/mint
  • x/nft
  • x/slashing
  • x/upgrade

Users using depinject / app di do not need any changes, this is abstracted for them.

Users manually wiring their chain need to use the runtime.NewKVStoreService method to create a KVStoreService from a StoreKey:

app.ConsensusParamsKeeper = consensusparamkeeper.NewKeeper(
- keys[consensusparamtypes.StoreKey]
+ runtime.NewKVStoreService(keys[consensusparamtypes.StoreKey]),


Replace all your CometBFT logger imports by

Additionally, depinject / app di users must now supply a logger through the main depinject.Supply function instead of passing it to appBuilder.Build.

appConfig = depinject.Configs(
		// supply the application options
+		logger,
- app.App = appBuilder.Build(logger, db, traceStore, baseAppOptions...)
+ app.App = appBuilder.Build(db, traceStore, baseAppOptions...)

User manually wiring their chain need to add the logger argument when creating the x/bank keeper.

Module Basics

Previously, the ModuleBasics was a global variable that was used to register all modules' AppModuleBasic implementation. The global variable has been removed and the basic module manager can be now created from the module manager.

This is automatically done for depinject / app di users, however for supplying different app module implementation, pass them via depinject.Supply in the main AppConfig (app_config.go):

			// supply custom module basics
				genutiltypes.ModuleName: genutil.NewAppModuleBasic(genutiltypes.DefaultMessageValidator),
				govtypes.ModuleName: gov.NewAppModuleBasic(

Users manually wiring their chain need to use the new module.NewBasicManagerFromManager function, after the module manager creation, and pass a map[string]module.AppModuleBasic as argument for optionally overriding some module's AppModuleBasic.


AutoCLI has been implemented by the SDK for all its module CLI queries. This means chains must add the following in their root.go to enable AutoCLI in their application:

if err := autoCliOpts.EnhanceRootCommand(rootCmd); err != nil {

Where autoCliOpts is the autocli options of the app, containing all modules and codecs. That value can injected by depinject (see root_v2.go) or manually provided by the app (see legacy app.go).

:::warning Not doing this will result in all core SDK modules queries not to be included in the binary. :::

Additionally AutoCLI automatically adds the custom modules commands to the root command for all modules implementing the appmodule.AppModule interface. This means, after ensuring all the used modules implement this interface, the following can be removed from your root.go:

func txCommand() *cobra.Command {
- appd.ModuleBasics.AddTxCommands(cmd)
func queryCommand() *cobra.Command {
- appd.ModuleBasics.AddQueryCommands(cmd)



References to types/math.go which contained aliases for math types aliasing the package have been removed. Import directly the package instead.


References to types/store.go which contained aliases for store types have been remapped to point to appropriate store/types, hence the types/store.go file is no longer needed and has been removed.

Extract Store to a standalone module

The store module is extracted to have a separate go.mod file which allows it be a standalone module. All the store imports are now renamed to use instead of across the SDK.


ADR-38 has been implemented in the SDK.

To continue using state streaming, replace streaming.LoadStreamingServices by the following in your app.go:

if err := app.RegisterStreamingServices(appOpts, app.kvStoreKeys()); err != nil {


The return type of the interface method TxConfig.SignModeHandler() has been changed from x/auth/signing.SignModeHandler to x/tx/signing.HandlerMap. This change is transparent to most users as the TxConfig interface is typically implemented by private x/auth/tx.config struct (as returned by auth.NewTxConfig) which has been updated to return the new type. If users have implemented their own TxConfig interface, they will need to update their implementation to return the new type.

Textual sign mode

A new sign mode is available in the SDK that produces more human readable output, currently only available on Ledger devices but soon to be implemented in other UIs.

:::tip This sign mode does not allow offline signing :::

When using (legacy) application wiring, the following must be added to app.go after setting the app's bank keeper:

	enabledSignModes := append(tx.DefaultSignModes, sigtypes.SignMode_SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL)
	txConfigOpts := tx.ConfigOptions{
		EnabledSignModes:           enabledSignModes,
		TextualCoinMetadataQueryFn: txmodule.NewBankKeeperCoinMetadataQueryFn(app.BankKeeper),
	txConfig, err := tx.NewTxConfigWithOptions(
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Failed to create new TxConfig with options: %v", err)
	app.txConfig = txConfig

When using depinject / app di, it's enabled by default if there's a bank keeper present.

And in the application client (usually root.go):

	if !clientCtx.Offline {
		txConfigOpts.EnabledSignModes = append(txConfigOpts.EnabledSignModes, signing.SignMode_SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL)
		txConfigOpts.TextualCoinMetadataQueryFn = txmodule.NewGRPCCoinMetadataQueryFn(clientCtx)
		txConfigWithTextual, err := tx.NewTxConfigWithOptions(
		if err != nil {
			return err
		clientCtx = clientCtx.WithTxConfig(txConfigWithTextual)

When using depinject / app di, the tx config should be recreated from the txConfigOpts to use NewGRPCCoinMetadataQueryFn instead of depending on the bank keeper (that is used in the server).

To learn more see the docs and the ADR-050.



  • RFC 001 has defined a simplification of the message validation process for modules. The sdk.Msg interface has been updated to not require the implementation of the ValidateBasic method. It is now recommended to validate message directly in the message server. When the validation is performed in the message server, the ValidateBasic method on a message is no longer required and can be removed.

  • Messages no longer need to implement the LegacyMsg interface and implementations of GetSignBytes can be deleted. Because of this change, global legacy Amino codec definitions and their registration in init() can safely be removed as well.

  • The AppModuleBasic interface has been simplified. Defining GetTxCmd() *cobra.Command and GetQueryCmd() *cobra.Command is no longer required. The module manager detects when module commands are defined. If AutoCLI is enabled, EnhanceRootCommand() will add the auto-generated commands to the root command, unless a custom module command is defined and register that one instead.

  • The following modules' Keeper methods now take in a context.Context instead of sdk.Context. Any module that has an interfaces for them (like "expected keepers") will need to update and re-generate mocks if needed:

    • x/authz
    • x/bank
    • x/mint
    • x/crisis
    • x/distribution
    • x/evidence
    • x/gov
    • x/slashing
    • x/upgrade
  • BeginBlock and EndBlock have changed their signature, so it is important that any module implementing them are updated accordingly.

- BeginBlock(sdk.Context, abci.RequestBeginBlock)
+ BeginBlock(context.Context) error
- EndBlock(sdk.Context, abci.RequestEndBlock) []abci.ValidatorUpdate
+ EndBlock(context.Context) error

In case a module requires to return abci.ValidatorUpdate from EndBlock, it can use the HasABCIEndBlock interface instead.

- EndBlock(sdk.Context, abci.RequestEndBlock) []abci.ValidatorUpdate
+ EndBlock(context.Context) ([]abci.ValidatorUpdate, error)

:::tip It is possible to ensure that a module implements the correct interfaces by using compiler assertions in your x/{moduleName}/module.go:

var (
	_ module.AppModuleBasic      = (*AppModule)(nil)
	_ module.AppModuleSimulation = (*AppModule)(nil)
	_ module.HasGenesis          = (*AppModule)(nil)

	_ appmodule.AppModule        = (*AppModule)(nil)
	_ appmodule.HasBeginBlocker  = (*AppModule)(nil)
	_ appmodule.HasEndBlocker    = (*AppModule)(nil)

Read more on those interfaces here.


  • GetSigners() is no longer required to be implemented on Msg types. The SDK will automatically infer the signers from the Signer field on the message. The signer field is required on all messages unless using a custom signer function.

To find out more please read the signer field & here documentation.


For ante handler construction via ante.NewAnteHandler, the field ante.HandlerOptions.SignModeHandler has been updated to x/tx/signing/HandlerMap from x/auth/signing/SignModeHandler. Callers typically fetch this value from client.TxConfig.SignModeHandler() (which is also changed) so this change should be transparent to most users.

Account Migration Guide: x/auth to x/accounts

Users can now migrate accounts from x/auth to x/accounts using the auth.MsgMigrateAccount message. Currently, this migration is only supported for BaseAccount due to security considerations.

Migration Process

The migration process allows an auth BaseAccount to migrate to any kind of x/accounts supported account type, here we will show how to migrate from a legacy x/auth BaseAccount to a x/accounts BaseAccount

####### Migrating to x/accounts/defaults/base

To migrate to the BaseAccount in x/accounts, follow these steps:

  1. Send a basev1.MsgInit message.
  2. This process allows you to:
    • Switch to a new public key
    • Reset your sequence number

Important: If you intend to keep the same public key, ensure you use your current sequence number.

Example: x/auth.MsgMigrateAccount

Here's an example of the x/auth.MsgMigrateAccount message structure:

  "signer": "cosmos1w43tr39v3lzvxz969e4ty9a74rq9nw7563tqvy",
  "account_type": "base",
  "account_init_msg": {
    "@type": "/cosmos.accounts.defaults.base.v1.MsgInit",
    "pub_key": {
      "@type": "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",
      "key": "AkeoE1z32tlQyE7xpx3v+JE9XJL0trVQBFoDCn0pGl3w"
    "init_sequence": "100"

Field Descriptions

  • signer: The address of the account you want to migrate from.
  • account_type: The new account type you want to migrate to (depends on what's installed on the chain).
  • account_init_msg: The custom initialization message for the new account.
    • @type: Specifies the type of account (in this case, x/accounts base account).
    • pub_key: The public key for the account. You can migrate to a different public key if desired.
    • init_sequence: The new sequence number for the account.

Warning: If you're keeping the same public key, make sure to use your current sequence number to prevent potential replay attacks.


Capability has been moved to IBC Go. IBC v8 will contain the necessary changes to incorporate the new module location.


The Cosmos SDK has migrated from a CometBFT genesis to a application managed genesis file. The genesis is now fully handled by x/genutil. This has no consequences for running chains:

  • Importing a CometBFT genesis is still supported.
  • Exporting a genesis now exports the genesis as an application genesis.

When needing to read an application genesis, use the following helpers from the x/genutil/types package:

// AppGenesisFromReader reads the AppGenesis from the reader.
func AppGenesisFromReader(reader io.Reader) (*AppGenesis, error)

// AppGenesisFromFile reads the AppGenesis from the provided file.
func AppGenesisFromFile(genFile string) (*AppGenesis, error)


Expedited Proposals

The gov v1 module now supports expedited governance proposals. When a proposal is expedited, the voting period will be shortened to ExpeditedVotingPeriod parameter. An expedited proposal must have an higher voting threshold than a classic proposal, that threshold is defined with the ExpeditedThreshold parameter.

Cancelling Proposals

The gov module now supports cancelling governance proposals. When a proposal is canceled, all the deposits of the proposal are either burnt or sent to ProposalCancelDest address. The deposits burn rate will be determined by a new parameter called ProposalCancelRatio parameter.

1. deposits * proposal_cancel_ratio will be burned or sent to `ProposalCancelDest` address , if `ProposalCancelDest` is empty then deposits will be burned.
2. deposits * (1 - proposal_cancel_ratio) will be sent to depositors.

By default, the new ProposalCancelRatio parameter is set to 0.5 during migration and ProposalCancelDest is set to empty string (i.e. burnt).


Extract evidence to a standalone module

The x/evidence module is extracted to have a separate go.mod file which allows it be a standalone module. All the evidence imports are now renamed to use instead of across the SDK.


Extract nft to a standalone module

The x/nft module is extracted to have a separate go.mod file which allows it to be a standalone module. All the evidence imports are now renamed to use instead of across the SDK.


Extract feegrant to a standalone module

The x/feegrant module is extracted to have a separate go.mod file which allows it to be a standalone module. All the feegrant imports are now renamed to use instead of across the SDK.


Extract upgrade to a standalone module

The x/upgrade module is extracted to have a separate go.mod file which allows it to be a standalone module. All the upgrade imports are now renamed to use instead of across the SDK.



Rosetta has moved to it's own repo and not imported by the Cosmos SDK SimApp by default. Any user who is interested on using the tool can connect it standalone to any node without the need to add it as part of the node binary. The rosetta tool also allows multi chain connections.

Migration to CometBFT (Part 1)

The Cosmos SDK has migrated to CometBFT, as its default consensus engine. CometBFT is an implementation of the Tendermint consensus algorithm, and the successor of Tendermint Core. Due to the import changes, this is a breaking change. Chains need to remove entirely their imports of Tendermint Core in their codebase, from direct and indirects imports in their go.mod.

  • Replace by
  • Replace by
  • Verify is not an indirect or direct dependency
  • Run make proto-gen

Other than that, the migration should be seamless. On the SDK side, clean-up of variables, functions to reflect the new name will only happen from v0.50 (part 2).

Note: It is possible that these steps must first be performed by your dependencies before you can perform them on your own codebase.


Remove RandomizedParams from AppModuleSimulation interface. Previously, it used to generate random parameter changes during simulations, however, it does so through ParamChangeProposal which is now legacy. Since all modules were migrated, we can now safely remove this from AppModuleSimulation interface.

Moreover, to support the MsgUpdateParams governance proposals for each modules, AppModuleSimulation now defines a AppModule.ProposalMsgs method in addition to AppModule.ProposalContents. That method defines the messages that can be used to submit a proposal and that should be tested in simulation.

When a module has no proposal messages or proposal content to be tested by simulation, the AppModule.ProposalMsgs and AppModule.ProposalContents methods can be deleted.


A new gRPC service, proto/cosmos/base/node/v1beta1/query.proto, has been introduced which exposes various operator configuration. App developers should be sure to register the service with the gRPC-gateway service via nodeservice.RegisterGRPCGatewayRoutes in their application construction, which is typically found in RegisterAPIRoutes.

AppModule Interface

Support for the AppModule Querier, Route and LegacyQuerier methods has been entirely removed from the AppModule interface. This removes and fully deprecates all legacy queriers. All modules no longer support the REST API previously known as the LCD, and the sdk.Msg#Route method won't be used anymore.

Most other existing AppModule methods have been moved to extension interfaces in preparation for the migration to the API in the next release. Most AppModule implementations should not be broken by this change.


The simapp package should not be imported in your own app. Instead, you should import the runtime.AppI interface, that defines an App, and use the simtestutil package for application testing.

App Wiring

SimApp's app_di.go is using App Wiring, the dependency injection framework of the Cosmos SDK. This means that modules are injected directly into SimApp thanks to a configuration file. The previous behavior, without the dependency injection framework, is still present in app.go and is not going anywhere.

If you are using a app.go without dependency injection, add the following lines to your app.go in order to provide newer gRPC services:

autocliv1.RegisterQueryServer(app.GRPCQueryRouter(), runtimeservices.NewAutoCLIQueryService(app.ModuleManager.Modules))

reflectionSvc, err := runtimeservices.NewReflectionService()
if err != nil {
reflectionv1.RegisterReflectionServiceServer(app.GRPCQueryRouter(), reflectionSvc)


The constructor, NewSimApp has been simplified:

  • NewSimApp does not take encoding parameters (encodingConfig) as input, instead the encoding parameters are injected (when using app wiring), or directly created in the constructor. Instead, we can instantiate SimApp for getting the encoding configuration.
  • NewSimApp now uses AppOptions for getting the home path (homePath) and the invariant checks period (invCheckPeriod). These were unnecessary given as arguments as they were already present in the AppOptions.


simapp.MakeTestEncodingConfig() was deprecated and has been removed. Instead you can use the TestEncodingConfig from the types/module/testutil package. This means you can replace your usage of simapp.MakeTestEncodingConfig in tests to moduletestutil.MakeTestEncodingConfig, which takes a series of relevant AppModuleBasic as input (the module being tested and any potential dependencies).


ExportAppStateAndValidators takes an extra argument, modulesToExport, which is a list of module names to export. That argument should be passed to the module maanager ExportGenesisFromModules method.


The GoLevelDB version must pinned to v1.0.1-0.20210819022825-2ae1ddf74ef7 in the application, following versions might cause unexpected behavior. This can be done adding replace => v1.0.1-0.20210819022825-2ae1ddf74ef7 to the go.mod file.


The SDK has migrated from gogo/protobuf (which is currently unmaintained), to our own maintained fork, cosmos/gogoproto.

This means you should replace all imports of to This allows you to remove the replace directive replace => v1.3.3-alpha.regen.1 from your go.mod file.

Please use the image (version >= 0.11.5) for generating protobuf files.

See which buf commit for cosmos/cosmos-sdk to pin in your buf.yaml file here.

Gogoproto Import Paths

The SDK made a patch fix on its gogoproto repository to require that each proto file's package name matches its OS import path (relatively to a protobuf root import path, usually the root proto/ folder, set by the protoc -I flag).

For example, assuming you put all your proto files in subfolders inside your root proto/ folder, then a proto file with package name myapp.mymodule.v1 should be found in the proto/myapp/mymodule/v1/ folder. If it is in another folder, the proto generation command will throw an error.

If you are using a custom folder structure for your proto files, please reorganize them so that their OS path matches their proto package name.

This is to allow the proto FileDescriptSets to be correctly registered, and this standardized OS import paths allows Hubl to reflectively talk to any chain.

{accepts,implements}_interface proto annotations

The SDK is normalizing the strings inside the Protobuf accepts_interface and implements_interface annotations. We require them to be fully-scoped names. They will soon be used by code generators like Pulsar and Telescope to match which messages can or cannot be packed inside Anys.

Here are the following replacements that you need to perform on your proto files:

- "Content"
+ ""
- "Authorization"
+ "cosmos.authz.v1beta1.Authorization"
- "sdk.Msg"
+ "cosmos.base.v1beta1.Msg"
- "AccountI"
+ "cosmos.auth.v1beta1.AccountI"
- "ModuleAccountI"
+ "cosmos.auth.v1beta1.ModuleAccountI"
- "FeeAllowanceI"
+ "cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.FeeAllowanceI"

Please also check that in your own app's proto files that there are no single-word names for those two proto annotations. If so, then replace them with fully-qualified names, even though those names don't actually resolve to an actual protobuf entity.

For more information, see the encoding guide.


Broadcast Mode

Broadcast mode block was deprecated and has been removed. Please use sync mode instead. When upgrading your tests from block to sync and checking for a transaction code, you need to query the transaction first (with its hash) to get the correct code.



EventTypeMessage events, with sdk.AttributeKeyModule and sdk.AttributeKeySender are now emitted directly at message execution (in baseapp). This means that the following boilerplate should be removed from all your custom modules:

		sdk.NewAttribute(sdk.AttributeKeyModule, types.AttributeValueCategory),
		sdk.NewAttribute(sdk.AttributeKeySender, `signer/sender`),

The module name is assumed by baseapp to be the second element of the message route: "" -> "bank". In case a module does not follow the standard message path, (e.g. IBC), it is advised to keep emitting the module name event. Baseapp only emits that event if the module has not already done so.


The params module was deprecated since v0.46. The Cosmos SDK has migrated away from x/params for its own modules. Cosmos SDK modules now store their parameters directly in its respective modules. The params module will be removed in v0.50, as mentioned in v0.46 release. It is strongly encouraged to migrate away from x/params before v0.50.

When performing a chain migration, the params table must be initizalied manually. This was done in the modules keepers in previous versions. Have a look at simapp.RegisterUpgradeHandlers() for an example.


With the migrations of all modules away from x/params, the crisis module now has a store. The store must be created during a chain upgrade to v0.47.x.

			Added: []string{


Minimum Proposal Deposit At Time of Submission

The gov module has been updated to support a minimum proposal deposit at submission time. It is determined by a new parameter called MinInitialDepositRatio. When multiplied by the existing MinDeposit parameter, it produces the necessary proportion of coins needed at the proposal submission time. The motivation for this change is to prevent proposal spamming.

By default, the new MinInitialDepositRatio parameter is set to zero during migration. The value of zero signifies that this feature is disabled. If chains wish to utilize the minimum proposal deposits at time of submission, the migration logic needs to be modified to set the new parameter to the desired value.

New Proposal.Proposer field

The Proposal proto has been updated with proposer field. For proposal state migraton developers can call v4.AddProposerAddressToProposal in their upgrade handler to update all existing proposal and make them compatible and this migration is optional.

import (
	sdk ""
	v4 ""
	upgradetypes ""

func (app SimApp) RegisterUpgradeHandlers() {
		func(ctx sdk.Context, plan upgradetypes.Plan, fromVM module.VersionMap) (module.VersionMap, error) {
			// this migration is optional
			// add proposal ids with proposers which are active (deposit or voting period)
			proposals := make(map[uint64]string)
			proposals[1] = "cosmos1luyncewxk4lm24k6gqy8y5dxkj0klr4tu0lmnj" ...
			v4.AddProposerAddressToProposal(ctx, sdk.NewKVStoreKey(v4.ModuleName), app.appCodec, proposals)
			return app.ModuleManager.RunMigrations(ctx, app.Configurator(), fromVM)


Introducing a new x/consensus module to handle managing Tendermint consensus parameters. For migration it is required to call a specific migration to migrate existing parameters from the deprecated x/params to x/consensus module. App developers should ensure to call baseapp.MigrateParams in their upgrade handler.


func (app SimApp) RegisterUpgradeHandlers() {
 	----> baseAppLegacySS := app.ParamsKeeper.Subspace(baseapp.Paramspace).WithKeyTable(paramstypes.ConsensusParamsKeyTable()) <----

 		func(ctx sdk.Context, _ upgradetypes.Plan, fromVM module.VersionMap) (module.VersionMap, error) {
 			// Migrate Tendermint consensus parameters from x/params module to a
 			// dedicated x/consensus module.
 			----> baseapp.MigrateParams(ctx, baseAppLegacySS, &app.ConsensusParamsKeeper) <----

			// ...

 			return app.ModuleManager.RunMigrations(ctx, app.Configurator(), fromVM)

  // ...

The x/params module should still be imported in your app.go in order to handle this migration.

Because the x/consensus module is a new module, its store must be added while upgrading to v0.47.x:

			Added: []string{
app.go changes

When using an app.go without App Wiring, the following changes are required:

- bApp.SetParamStore(app.ParamsKeeper.Subspace(baseapp.Paramspace).WithKeyTable(paramstypes.ConsensusParamsKeyTable()))
+ app.ConsensusParamsKeeper = consensusparamkeeper.NewKeeper(appCodec, keys[consensusparamstypes.StoreKey], authtypes.NewModuleAddress(govtypes.ModuleName).String())
+ bApp.SetParamStore(&app.ConsensusParamsKeeper)

When using App Wiring, the parameter store is automatically set for you.


The SDK does not validate anymore the classID and nftID of an NFT, for extra flexibility in your NFT implementation. This means chain developers need to validate the classID and nftID of an NFT.


Ledger support has been generalized to enable use of different apps and keytypes that use secp256k1. The Ledger interface remains the same, but it can now be provided through the Keyring Options, allowing higher-level chains to connect to different Ledger apps or use custom implementations. In addition, higher-level chains can provide custom key implementations around the Ledger public key, to enable greater flexibility with address generation and signing.

This is not a breaking change, as all values will default to use the standard Cosmos app implementation unless specified otherwise.

Go API Changes

The replace directive can be removed from the go.mod, it is no more required to block the version.

A few packages that were deprecated in the previous version are now removed.

For instance, the REST API, deprecated in v0.45, is now removed. If you have not migrated yet, please follow the instructions.

To improve clarity of the API, some renaming and improvements has been done:

Package Previous Current
simapp encodingConfig.Marshaler encodingConfig.Codec
simapp FundAccount, FundModuleAccount Functions moved to x/bank/testutil
types AccAddressFromHex AccAddressFromHexUnsafe
x/auth MempoolFeeDecorator Use DeductFeeDecorator instead
x/bank AddressFromBalancesStore AddressAndDenomFromBalancesStore
x/gov keeper.DeleteDeposits keeper.DeleteAndBurnDeposits
x/gov keeper.RefundDeposits keeper.RefundAndDeleteDeposits
x/{mod} package legacy package migrations

For the exhaustive list of API renaming, please refer to the CHANGELOG.

new packages

Additionally, new packages have been introduced in order to further split the codebase. Aliases are available for a new API breaking migration, but it is encouraged to migrate to this new packages:

  • errors should replace types/errors when registering errors or wrapping SDK errors.
  • math contains the Int or Uint types that are used in the SDK.
  • x/nft an NFT base module.
  • x/group a group module allowing to create DAOs, multisig and policies. Greatly composes with x/authz.


  • authz.NewMsgGrant expiration is now a pointer. When nil is used, then no expiration will be set (grant won't expire).
  • authz.NewGrant takes a new argument: block time, to correctly validate expire time.


The keyring has been refactored in v0.46.

  • The Unsafe* interfaces have been removed from the keyring package. Please use interface casting if you wish to access those unsafe functions.
  • The keys' implementation has been refactored to be serialized as proto.
  • keyring.NewInMemory and keyring.New takes now a codec.Codec.
  • Take keyring.Record instead of Info as first argument in: _ MkConsKeyOutput _ MkValKeyOutput * MkAccKeyOutput
  • Rename: _ SavePubKey to SaveOfflineKey and remove the algo argument. _ NewMultiInfo, NewLedgerInfo to NewLegacyMultiInfo, newLegacyLedgerInfo respectively. * NewOfflineInfo to newLegacyOfflineInfo and move it to migration_test.go.


A postHandler is like an antehandler, but is run after the runMsgs execution. It is in the same store branch that runMsgs, meaning that both runMsgs and postHandler. This allows to run a custom logic after the execution of the messages.


v0.19.0 IAVL introduces a new "fast" index. This index represents the latest state of the IAVL laid out in a format that preserves data locality by key. As a result, it allows for faster queries and iterations since data can now be read in lexicographical order that is frequent for Cosmos-SDK chains.

The first time the chain is started after the upgrade, the aforementioned index is created. The creation process might take time and depends on the size of the latest state of the chain. For example, Osmosis takes around 15 minutes to rebuild the index.

While the index is being created, node operators can observe the following in the logs: "Upgrading IAVL storage for faster queries + execution on the live state. This may take a while". The store key is appended to the message. The message is printed for every module that has a non-transient store. As a result, it gives a good indication of the progress of the upgrade.

There is also downgrade and re-upgrade protection. If a node operator chooses to downgrade to IAVL pre-fast index, and then upgrade again, the index is rebuilt from scratch. This implementation detail should not be relevant in most cases. It was added as a safeguard against operator mistakes.



  • The x/params module has been deprecated in favour of each module housing and providing way to modify their parameters. Each module that has parameters that are changeable during runtime has an authority, the authority can be a module or user account. The Cosmos SDK team recommends migrating modules away from using the param module. An example of how this could look like can be found here.
  • The Param module will be maintained until April 18, 2023. At this point the module will reach end of life and be removed from the Cosmos SDK.


The gov module has been greatly improved. The previous API has been moved to v1beta1 while the new implementation is called v1.

In order to submit a proposal with submit-proposal you now need to pass a proposal.json file. You can still use the old way by using submit-legacy-proposal. This is not recommended. More information can be found in the gov module client documentation.


The staking module added a new message type to cancel unbonding delegations. Users that have unbonded by accident or wish to cancel an undelegation can now specify the amount and validator they would like to cancel the unbond from


The third_party/proto folder that existed in previous version now does not contain directly the proto files.

Instead, the SDK uses buf. Clients should have their own buf.yaml with as dependency, in order to avoid having to copy paste these files.

The protos can as well be downloaded using buf export --output <some_folder>.

Cosmos message protobufs should be extended with cosmos.msg.v1.signer:

message MsgSetWithdrawAddress {
  option (cosmos.msg.v1.signer) = "delegator_address"; ++

  option (gogoproto.equal)           = false;
  option (gogoproto.goproto_getters) = false;

  string delegator_address = 1 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];
  string withdraw_address  = 2 [(cosmos_proto.scalar) = "cosmos.AddressString"];

When clients interact with a node they are required to set a codec in the grpc.Dial. More information can be found in this doc.