$ git log 1.1.0..HEAD --pretty=format:"- %h %s by %an" --no-merges
- 036125e Removed control-panel comment (#111) by Gareth Healy
- 6b4e728 SCC RBAC implementation by Andrew Block
- 6f4512b Fixed deadlink in readme (#108) by Gareth Healy
- aea8157 Fixed operators.coreos.com picking up wrong kinds (#106) by Gareth Healy
- 1704a69 adding namespace-has-resourcequota policy (#101) by Austin Dewey
- 30070a6 Enabled container-resources-*-memory-greater-than tests (#104) by Gareth Healy
- f77d8c0 Updated to gatekeeper beta12 (#103) by Gareth Healy
- 04751c4 unknown registry policy is added (#102) by Cansu
- e0b0401 Re-generated docs as konstraint has tweaked the dodcs command (#100) by Gareth Healy
- a28293d Tweaked artifacthub.yaml by Gareth Healy
- f77f6c5 Added opa-profile (#97) by Gareth Healy
- d573e24 Add Artifact Hub metadata file by Sergio Castaño Arteaga