A library like Antd but with webcomponents
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/rebelstackio/prettyComponents@1.0.2-c/main.js"> </script>
npm start
npm run build
<pretty-button type="primary" value="Primary" onclick="myFunction" size="default"></pretty-button>
- Attributes
type = ["primary", "default", "danger", "dashed"]
//(if not defined is asumed default)
//(if not defined it come with "value" word)
onclick = "nameOfMyFunction"
size = ["large", "small", "default"]
//(if not defined default asumed)
- Attributes
target = "myTarget" //id of the parent element
onchange = "myFunction" // on change callback
- Examples define a target element where your dropdown can appear
<pretty-button value="DropDown" id="my-target"></pretty-button>
define the dropdown component
<pretty-dropdown target="my-target" onchange="changeFunc">
<div class="p-menu-item">
1st Menu Item
<div class="p-menu-divider"></div>
<div class="p-menu-item">
2nd Menu Item
<div class="p-menu-item" disabled>
3nd Menu Item
- Notice that target point to the id where it will be spawn.
- Notice that inside our component can be what ever element you wish
- Notice that we provide 2 classes to for the menu items ( item, divider )
- Attributes
placeholder = "placeholder" // placeholder for the input
password = Define input type as passworrd, if the value is "show" display a toggler
loading = true || false // show loading animation
- Examples Default input
<pretty-input placeholder="Default input"></pretty-button>
Password input with show option
<pretty-input placeholder="Password with show option" password show></pretty-input>
password input without show option
<pretty-input placeholder="Password with show option" password show></pretty-input>
loading animation
<pretty-input placeholder="Loading input" loading></pretty-input>
if you want to get the value with javascript
- Attributes
value = "display value" // the displayed value
close = set type to closable and display a X to delete the tag
onclose = callback on close event
selectable = set type to selectable and change active status
onselect = callback on select event
loading = true || false // show loading animation
icon = font awesome class // will display incon at the left
- Examples Default tag
<pretty-tag value="Basic Tag"></pretty-tag>
Tag with icon
<pretty-tag value="Tag with icon" icon="fas fa-biking"></pretty-tag>
Selectable tag
<pretty-tag selectable onselect="onSelect" class="selected" value="Tag 1"></pretty-tag>
Closeable tags
<pretty-tag value="Close me" close onclose="onClose"></pretty-tag>
loading animation
<pretty-tag value="Loading Tag" loading></pretty-tag>
if you want to get the value with javascript
- Attributes
title="card title"
description="card description"
avatar="media@img url"
bordered=boolean // make a border box
- Examples Default card
<pretty-card title="Title" description="Description"></pretty-card>
Card with avatar
<pretty-card title="Card with avatar" avtar="./dummy.png"></pretty-card>
Card with content
<pretty-card title="Card with content">
Bordered card
<pretty-card title="Bordered" bordered></pretty-card>
- Attributes
- Attributes
title="panel title"
- Examples Basic Expand
<pretty-collapse-item title="Collapse title">
<pretty-collapse-item title="Collapse title">
<pretty-collapse borderless>
<pretty-collapse-item title="Collapse title">
<pretty-collapse-item title="Collapse title">
<pretty-collapse-item title="Nested collapse">
<pretty-collapse-item title="Nested 1">
<pretty-collapse-item title="Nested 2">
<pretty-collapse-item title="Collapse title">
- Attributes
size = small || default || large
min = number
max = number
factor = number
- Examples Default input
with min || max
<pretty-input-number min="3" max="7"></pretty-input-number>
with custom increment factor
<pretty-input-number factor="5"></pretty-input-number>
if you want to get the value with javascript
<pretty-template styleless src="<SRC or Path to html>">
src = "<PATH>" //Mandatory
styleless = true || false // Optional, if is set won't render any styles under that path
scriptless = true || false // Optional, if is set won't execute ant script under that path
- This component is meant to be used in static environments
- If any attribute is changed, will redraw the component, that includes the src attribute
- This component use Fetch, so no CORS allows
- This component has two src type.
- Path: /folder/, in this mode will fetch a index.html, .css, .js and injected in the DOM. (styleless and scriptless attribute can be applied to avoid load)
- HTML file: /folder/name.html will only fetch that HTML file if styleless or scriptless is set, will prevent the style tag or script tag