Quixplorer uses the BDD tool radish for doing rudimentary tests on quixplorer.
The tests are fully automated, however, the may currently only run under linux-like environments and (of course) Mac.
For the tests to successfully run, the following tools are required to be installed on your machine:
Python 2.7
radish (see radish documentation on how to get radish installed on your system
php >5
Assuming you current working directory is the root directory of this repository:
cd ~/quixplorer_src
radish -b test test/features/system/*
Will run all tests stored under features/system/ directory.
test/radish: contains radish-dependend stuff like the step files, etc.
test/radish/steps.py: translates radish test scripts to test commands
test/features: contains the BDD test scripts for quixplorer
test/features/system: contains system_tests
test/features/unit: reserved
test/data: data needed for automated testing (reference data)
test/data/reference: "The" reference configuration
test/data/reference/conf.php: reference conf.php
test/data/reference/.htusers.php: reference .htusers.php
test/data/reference/downloads: contain reference test data in download directory
The system tests are intended to do some high level tests of the quixplorer outer interfaces. They "simulate" a http request containing the test data (actions, files, etc.) and evaluate the results. See the tests itself for details.