Aioplate is a universal scalable template for creating Telegram bots on Python Aiogram.
- Python 3.11 and higher
- Aiogram 3.x
- Aiogram MemoryStorage for temporary data.
- PostgreSQL (SQLAlchemy as an ORM + asyncpg as a driver + alembic as a migration service).
Create repo by this template and clone project.
Configure bot settings:
- Rename
. Don't worry, app.ini already added to gitignore. - Configure app.ini variables.
- Rename
Configure system: Install PostgreSQL, systemd, Python3.11, poetry.
Configure Postgres & alembic:
alembic init --template async migrations
- Open alembic.ini ->
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql+asyncpg://user:pass@localhost/dbname
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "init"
alembic upgrade head
Configure environment with poetry:
- Note: You need to have Poetry installed:
python3 -m pip install poetry
- Install dependencies:
poetry install
- Run app:
poetry run python -m app
(only for testing your app. On production use launching by systemd service or create docker image).app
is an entry point to the project.
- Note: You need to have Poetry installed:
- Configure app.service file.
cp app.service /etc/systemd/system/YOUR_APP_NAME.service
sudo systemctl enable YOUR_APP_NAME.service
sudo systemctl start YOUR_APP_NAME.service
- Check status:
sudo systemctl status YOUR_APP_NAME.service
If you started app, and no errors occurred, after submitting /start command to your Bot, welcome message should be sent.
✔ Well Done!