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executable file
82 lines (65 loc) · 3.81 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
82 lines (65 loc) · 3.81 KB

The App

This app runs through a Docker-ized environment using following:

  • Apache as a webserver
  • PHP8.1 as the backend language interpreter for PHP
  • MariaDB as an SQL database


GIT Versioning system

Make sure you have git available on your system.


Although this app could be ran on Windows/Mac, Linux(Ubuntu-based) is recommend and is assumed by this README. Windows note: On Windows, you can use "Windows Subsystem for Linux" WSL/WSL2 with Linux(Ubuntu or compatible)


  • sudo apt install make

Docker & Docker Compose

You can either use Docker Desktop, (fees may apply, but to quote, "If you have Docker Desktop, you’ve got a full Docker installation, including Compose.")

or you can install them manually:

Run the app

  1. clone the repository
  2. cd into the project root
  3. create .env file as a copy of .env.example and adjust DB container crenditials in .env if you need
  4. make up (docker-compose up -d)
  • 4b first time - make install (if you don't like make - docker-compose exec api composer install)
  1. Open http://localhost:9000 in a modern browser

Models & Migrations

In the PHP container shell:

  1. create entity bin/console make:entity and follow instructions
  2. create migration bin/console make:migration
  3. run the migrations bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

User is a special case in it's nature and it's recommended to create it with the dedicated command: bin/console make:user - follow instructions and say yes to hash/check passwords.

To add additional fields to User use bin/console make:entity and just enter the User class name you've entered above.

Database admin

This project uses Adminer, it's running in the adminer container and can be accessed at:

http://localhost:8080/ (use host db and credentials from .env)


  • Not seeing the app at all or a different app - make sure you're not running anything (like a webserver) on the port 9000
  • "Temporary failure resolving ..." - try restarting the docker service (sudo service docker restart)
  • DB & Adminer container are being restarted automatically immediately, however the api/PHP container has to be (re)started manually


Default logger stores log records/messages into (app root's) ./var/log/X.log where X is the environent.
So for example for the dev environment, you will be looking for ./var/log/dev.log

If you have the tail command available (mainly Linux), you can watch the logs live running following in app's root:
tail --follow ./var/log/dev.log


Install all predefined tools with: make tools_install

PHP Formatting - PHP-CS-Fixer

If you have it installed, you can also leverage some nice Make commands (or see the Makefile to find out what they do):

  • make format_dry_run to see what needs formatting
  • make format_fix to actually apply the formatting according to the .php-cs config
  • The default .php-cs config used in these makes only formats files in the src directory


  • stop & remove containers make down
  • remove (all) unused images docker system prune --all
  • if you are absolutely sure you also want to delete docker volumes (data) docker system prune --all --volumes

And that's all - Have a great day! 🙂