Milestone 1
No due date
100% complete
This milestone captures all of the work to release an MVP of the ReadySet Rails gem. At a high level, the MVP version will allow users to:
- Will be adequate for a round of prototyping by junior developers
- Annotate their controllers and models to route supported queries to ReadySet
- Explore what queries are being routed and whether they are supported
- Create…
This milestone captures all of the work to release an MVP of the ReadySet Rails gem. At a high level, the MVP version will allow users to:
- Will be adequate for a round of prototyping by junior developers
- Annotate their controllers and models to route supported queries to ReadySet
- Explore what queries are being routed and whether they are supported
- Create caches via the Rails console
- Log to the Rails logs all of the queries being sent to ReadySet
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