This is a app designed to simplify the process of ordering coffee, and coffee is LIFE. The app was developed as a challenge during my lessons at Rocketseat. The greatest challenge was to create animations, micro-interactions, add sound/vibration feedback and animating vectors.
- Catalog:
- Search for coffees into a bottom sheet.
- List all highlighted coffees available in a carousel.
- List all coffees grouped by category.
- Coffee Details:
- Get all coffee information.
- Select que quantity and the size of the cup to add to cart.
- Cart:
- List all coffees added by cup size with controls of quantity and the option to remove it.
- Get final pricing information.
- Order Finished:
- The order of the coffee is done. So, it's time for me to get some coffee in here, cause writing this is making me thirsty!
- React Native + Expo
- AsyncStorage
- React Stack Navigation
- Expo AV + Expo Haptics
- React Native Reanimated
- React Native Gesture Handler
- React Native Skia
The UI design was provided by Rocketseat, check it out.