This plugin provides access to the file system using read/write operations. It supports UTF8 text and Json formats. It can be used with Redscript and CET.
- Cyberpunk 2077 v2.21
- Redscript v0.5.27+
- Cyber Engine Tweaks v1.35.0+
- Install requirements:
- Extract the latest archive into the Cyberpunk 2077 directory.
This plugin can be used when writing a RED4ext plugin with RedLib. You can find a C++ API wrapper in branch api.
All features are defined in module RedFileSystem
. You need to import it with:
import RedFileSystem.*
All read/write operations are restricted within:
Cyberpunk 2077\r6\storages\
Old path was: Cyberpunk 2077\red4ext\plugins\RedFileSystem\storages\
. Its
content will automatically be migrated to Cyberpunk 2077\r6\storages\
You can get a storage with the name of your mod. It must be unique. You can only read/write files within your own storage.
For example, if your mod is named Awesome
, your storage will be located in:
Cyberpunk 2077\r6\storages\Awesome\
This is a security measure to prevent malicious access. This way, you and other authors cannot break game files nor the operating system of the player.
Prevent access to files managed by other processes. For example, Vortex
adds the file __folder_managed_by_vortex
when installing a mod. This file
can be present in your storage. However, when using methods from
, this file will be invisible for you. It won't be listed
either when using GetFiles()
or GetAsyncFiles()
GetStorage(name: String) -> ref<FileSystemStorage>
You can get a storage for your mod like this:
let storage = FileSystem.GetStorage("Awesome");
// ...
must comply with the following rules:
- minimum of 3 characters
- maximum of 24 characters
- only
characters - it must not be
If you use a malformed name, GetStorage
will return null
You must get your storage only one time when running your mod. If you try to
call GetStorage
again, you will no longer be able to use it. This is a
security measure to make sure only you (author of the mod Awesome
) is using
this storage.
For example, if an evil mod tries to hack into your storage, it will also call
. In this case, two mods are trying to get the storage
, you and the evil mod. Because there is no way to detect if the call
is legitimate (your mod) or not (evil mod), all further attempt to use the
storage will be denied.
You can store the unique reference of your FileSystemStorage
from Codeware. You can find an example in examples/.
GetSharedStorage() -> ref<FileSystemStorage>
You can use it to read/write in a common storage. It can be accessed without restrictions if you need to share data with other mods. It is located in:
Cyberpunk 2077\r6\storages\shared\
Exists(path: String) -> FileSystemStatus
You can test if a path exists, it can be a file or a directory:
// ...
let path = "config.json";
let status = storage.Exists(path);
if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.Failure) {
LogChannel(n"Error", "System error.");
} else if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.Denied) {
LogChannel(n"Error", "Operation denied.");
} else if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.False) {
LogChannel(n"Info", "File/Directory not found.");
} else if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.True) {
LogChannel(n"Info", "File/Directory is present.");
IsFile(path: String) -> FileSystemStatus
You can test if a path points to a regular file:
// ...
let path = "";
let status = storage.IsFile(path);
if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.Failure) {
LogChannel(n"Error", "System error.");
} else if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.Denied) {
LogChannel(n"Error", "Operation denied.");
} else if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.False) {
LogChannel(n"Info", "Path is not a file.");
} else if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.True) {
LogChannel(n"Info", "Path is a file.");
GetFile(path: String) -> ref<File>
GetAsyncFile(path: String) -> ref<AsyncFile>
You can get a file to get stats:
// ...
let path = "";
let file = storage.GetFile(path);
// Same usage with asynchronous mode:
// let file = storage.GetAsyncFile(path);
if !IsDefined(file) {
LogChannel(n"Error", "Operation denied.");
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Relative path: '\(file.GetPath())'");
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Absolute path: '\(file.GetAbsolutePath())'");
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Filename: '\(file.GetFilename())'");
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Extension: '\(file.GetExtension())'");
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Size: \(file.GetSize()) bytes");
// Relative path: ''
// Absolute path: 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\storages\Awesome\'
// Filename: ''
// Extension: '.md'
// Size: 0 bytes
GetFiles() -> array<ref<File>>
GetAsyncFiles() -> array<ref<AsyncFile>>
You can list all files present in storage:
// ...
let files = storage.GetFiles();
// Same usage with asynchronous mode:
// let files = storage.GetAsyncFiles();
for file in files {
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Filename: '\(file.GetFilename())'");
It will only include regular files. Using IsFile()
is redundant as it will
return FileSystemStatus.true
for each item.
DeleteFile(path: String) -> FileSystemStatus
You can delete a file from storage:
// ...
let status = storage.DeleteFile("to_remove.txt");
if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.Failure) {
LogChannel(n"Error", "Operation failed.");
} else if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.Denied) {
LogChannel(n"Error", "Operation denied.");
} else if Equals(status, FileSystemStatus.True) {
LogChannel(n"Info", "File removed.");
ReadAsText() -> String
ReadAsLines() -> array<String>ReadAsText(promise: FilePromise) -> Void
ReadAsLines(promise: FilePromise) -> Void
You can read all text content of a File
- A single blob stored in a
// ...
let file = storage.GetFile("");
let text = file.ReadAsText();
LogChannel(n"Info", s"File '\(file.GetFilename())' contains \(StrLen(text)) characters:");
LogChannel(n"Info", text);
- A list of lines stored in an array of
// ...
let file = storage.GetFile("");
let lines = file.ReadAsLines();
let linesSize = ArraySize(lines);
let i = 0;
LogChannel(n"Info", s"File '\(file.GetFilename())' contains \(linesSize) lines:");
while i < linesSize {
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Line \(i + 1): \(lines[i])");
i += 1;
WriteText(text: String, opt mode: FileSystemWriteMode = Truncate) -> Bool
WriteLines(lines: array<String>, opt mode: FileSystemWriteMode = Truncate) -> BoolWriteText(promise: FilePromise, text: String, opt mode: FileSystemWriteMode) -> Void
WriteLines(promise: FilePromise, lines: array<String>, opt mode: FileSystemWriteMode) -> Void
You can write text in a File
which already exists or create the file in the
same time. When writing, you can truncate the file or append text to the end
of the file. You can use:
- A single blob with a
// ...
// Suppose file doesn't exist yet.
let file = storage.GetFile("welcome.txt");
let text = "";
text += "Welcome to Night City!\n";
text += "Let's do this choom ;)\n";
// Create file and write text in it (default is FileSystemWriteMode.Truncate).
let status = file.WriteText(text);
if !status {
LogChannel(n"Error", s"Failed to write in file '\(file.GetFilename())'.");
} else {
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Wrote text in file '\(file.GetFilename())'.");
- A list of lines with an array of
// ...
// Suppose file already exists.
let file = storage.GetFile("welcome.txt");
let lines = [
"Beware of flatlines..."
// Only append lines to the end of the file.
let status = file.WriteLines(lines, FileSystemWriteMode.Append);
if !status {
LogChannel(n"Error", s"Failed to write in file '\(file.GetFilename())'.");
} else {
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Wrote text in file '\(file.GetFilename())'.");
After running the two code snippets above, file should contain:
Welcome to Night City!
Let's do this choom ;)Beware of flatlines...
ReadAsJson() -> ref<JsonVariant>
ReadAsJson(promise: FilePromise) -> Void
e.g. with Json file:
"name": "RedFileSystem",
"version": 1,
"isEnabled": true,
"pi": 3.14159265358979323846,
"items": [2077, 13.37, true, "Cyberpunk"],
"i18n": {
"en-US": "Hello",
"fr-FR": "Bonjour"
You can read all Json content of a File
like this:
// ...
let file = storage.GetFile("config.json");
let json = file.ReadAsJson();
if !IsDefined(json) {
LogChannel(n"Error", s"Failed to parse Json of file '\(file.GetFilename())'.");
if !json.IsObject() {
LogChannel(n"Error", s"Expect root of Json document to be an object.");
// ...
WriteJson(json: ref<JsonVariant>, opt indent: String) -> Bool
WriteJson(promise: FilePromise, json: ref<JsonVariant>, opt indent: String) -> Void
You can write Json in a File
which already exists or create the file in the
same time. You can output pretty Json using indent
argument, default is
minified. When writing Json, the file is always truncated:
// ...
let json = new JsonObject();
json.SetKeyString("name", "RedFileSystem");
json.SetKeyBool("isEnabled", true);
json.SetKeyDouble("version", 2.12);
let file = storage.GetFile("data.json");
let status = file.WriteJson(json);
// Same as:
// let status = file.WriteText(json.ToString());
if !status {
LogChannel(n"Error", s"Failed to write in file '\(file.GetFilename())'.");
} else {
LogChannel(n"Info", s"Wrote Json in file '\(file.GetFilename())'.");
See RedData to learn more about Json data.
FilePromise.Create(target: wref<IScriptable>, resolve: CName, opt reject: CName, opt data: array<Variant>) -> FilePromise
You can run read/write operations in asynchronous mode. This allows you to delegate heavy operations in background. It prevents the game from freezing while data is being read/written. It is recommended when operating with big chunks of data. It should be used when running into performance issues otherwise.
You need to get an AsyncFile
from a storage to operate in asynchronous mode:
// ...
let file = storage.GetAsyncFile("async.txt");
You need to define a FilePromise
to execute your own function when an
operation is finished, whether it was successful or not:
public class YourClass {
// ...
public func YourFunction() {
// ...
let file = storage.GetAsyncFile("async.txt");
let promise = FilePromise.Create(this, n"OnRead", n"OnReadFailed", ["FYI"]);
// ^
// | It is not required to
// | define this callback.
// Callback when read is done.
// | Argument's type is the same as the return's
// | type of the synchronous version.
// v
private cb func OnRead(text: String, data: array<Variant>) {
let arg0: String = FromVariant(data[0]); // == "FYI"
LogChannel(n"Info", s"text in file: \(text)");
// Callback when read failed.
// | Argument is only present when you define an
// | array of data with FilePromise.Create(...).
// v
private cb func OnReadFailed(data: array<Variant>) {
let arg0: String = FromVariant(data[0]); // == "FYI"
LogChannel(n"Error", "Failed to read in file!");
// ...
You can call read/write methods with the same arguments used in the
synchronous mode. You only need to insert a FilePromise
as the first
When callback is executed for write operations, your function is only executed with optional arguments (array of Variant) when provided, no boolean value is to be expected (unlike in the synchronous version).
Contributions are welcome, feel free to fill an issue or a PR.
- Install requirements:
- CMake v3.27+
- Visual Studio Community 2022+
- red-cli v0.4.0+
- Configure project with:
cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -A x64 -S . -B build
- Build in debug mode:
cmake --build build --target RedFileSystem --config Debug
It will execute red-cli install
for you using a CMake custom command.
- Run game.
- Open CET, show Game Log popup.
- Output should show tests result.
- Build in release mode:
cmake --build build --target RedFileSystem --config Release
It will execute red-cli pack
for you using a CMake custom command. You should
find an archive
in the root directory, ready to