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Raynei edited this page Oct 30, 2022 · 1 revision

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This is WIP and will be a manpage in the future.

How do you add a new distro logo?

Add the ASCII art

The ASCII art of logos can be found in src/assets/logos.nim.
The logos are generated using the command

figlet -f slant "Text"

You can then take the output of the command and put it into a raw string literal in src/assets/logos.nim

  newLogo* = r"""

    _   __             __ 
   / | / /__ _      __/ /___  ____ _____ 
  /  |/ / _ \ | /| / / / __ \/ __ `/ __ \ 
 / /|  /  __/ |/ |/ / / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / 
/_/ |_/\___/|__/|__/_/\____/\__, /\____/ 

Notice the:

  • * after the logo name, which should be in pascal case
  • empty line between the r""" and the actual first line of the logo
  • two space indentation before the name of the logo (required by Nim)

Add the code to get the logo

Then you need to add the distro to the getLogo() procedure located in src/nitches/getLogo.nim.
You first add the logo into the array of logos called coloredLogos. Each logo is defined with a foreground color in the Nim std/terminal module and the name that you gave it in the previous step.

Following the previous step, we'll add our new logo to the array like this

  coloredLogos = [
     # All the logos from before
     (fgRed, newLogo),

To add your distro to the actual "distro determiner", you need to get the ID of your distro, which can be found by running this:

cat /etc/os-release | grep "^ID"

Then you scroll to the bottom of the file and add your logo to the switch statement like so:

  of "distroID":
    result = coloredLogos[x] # x is the number from the previous case but incremented by one
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