- Fetch Script : neoFetch
- Editor : Neovim
- Terminal : Alacritty
- Window Manager : Yabai
- Status Bar : Simple Bar
- Terminal Multiplexer : Tmux
- Hotkeys : Skhd
- Launcher : Raycast
- Fonts : Fira Code, JetBrains Mono, SF Mono, Nerd Fonts
- Color Scheme : Catppuccin Mocha
- Zsh Theme : Powerlevel10k
- Other Terminal Utilities : Bat, Exa, Fzf, Ripgrep, Starship, Tldr, Zoxide, Lsd, LazyGit
- Install Yabai Tiling Window Manager, follow this Tutorial for example.
- (Optional) Another Tiling WM alternative is Amethyst but Yabai is better : https://brandonkboswell.com/blog/Mouseless-MacOS-Window-Management-Yabai-vs-Amethyst/
- (For Apple Silicon users) If you are using a Mac with Apple Silicon you will have to run this : sudo nvram boot-args=-arm64e_preview_abi
- Install SKHD to set Yabai and system keybinds.
You have 2 options :
Works better out of the box without too much config or hassle.
- Install Uebersicht this launcher will be helpful to setup the top bar.
- Install Simple-Bar, then you can configure it by clicking on it then CMD + ,
- Another potential bar is Sketchy Bar.
I prefer it, configuration is a yaml file saved in ~/.config and also it better follows the behaviours of other twm i use
- Install following this
- Install Janky-Border this will help to highlight focused windows.
- Goo to System Prefs > Mission Control,
- Uncheck - Automatically rearrange
- Check - Displays have separate spaces
The dotfiles specific to Mac are mostly yabai config and skhd config and sketchy bar config ones, i reproduce with them what i have on i3wm and glazewm.
- Setup dotfiles, in your terminal launch :
sh -c "$(wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rayanramoul/RayTerm/master/install.sh -O -)"
The script will clone this repository and install ansible then prompt you to choose which part of the install you want to run.
If you only want to check the dotfiles you can get them at this link : Dotfiles and for example run Stow to symlink your config with the repositories ones :
git clone https://github.com/rayanramoul/RayTerm/
cd RayTerm
stow -t $HOME -R dotfiles
- Now reload yabai and skbhd services
yabai --restart-service
skhd --restart-service
- Keeps Computer not sleepy : https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/amphetamine/id937984704?mt=12
- Mac native search is really limited, get a better spotlight (search for apps, folders and more) : https://manual.raycast.com/
- (Optional) another spotlight alternative is Alfred, comparison between the 2 : https://joshcollinsworth.com/blog/alfred-raycast
- Better Screenshot tool : https://shottr.cc/
- Best terminal for Mac (I personally use Alacritty for cross-platform support) : https://www.warp.dev/
- Resize windows like in Windows (install it if you didn't setup Tiling Window Management) : https://rectangleapp.com/
- Test of camera : https://apps.apple.com/us/app/hand-mirror/id1502839586?mt=12
- Bind hotkeys : https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/hotkey-app/id975890633?mt=12
- Optimize images sizes : https://imageoptim.com/mac
- Save apps for later to prepare calls/sharing screen : https://getlater.app/
- Download latest versions of apps : https://max.codes/latest/
- Read articles : https://quietreader.app/
- Get commands recommendations in Terminal (install it if you you are using something else than Warp terminal) : https://youtu.be/ynL1fYncZ1E and https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-completions and https://fig.io/
- If you prefer another terminal than Warp you can still setup Fig.io
My keybindgs are the same accross all the OSs i use, you can find a recap of them here