The ojective of this project is to maintain the accounts like saving account, withdrawing, depositing money and applying loan to the user. Bank provides account number to the customer for dealing transaction into the bank. At first a user register himself/herself as customer. After that account can be opened. A customer can open more than one account.This is a console based application which gives access to do all kind of banking operations. JDBC has been used to develop this system which includes JDBC Driver, Connections, DAO implementations and exception handling. MySQL has been used for database.
- Login & Logout Module
- Account Module
- Customer Module
- Transaction Module
- Login using his/her username and password.
- Adding new Account for Customer.
- Editing already available Account.
- Removing account by using Account number.
- Viewing particular account by giving Account number.
- Viewing all the account details.
- Taking care of deposite and withdrawal opreation.
- Login using his/her username and password.
- Transfer the money from his account to other account.
- Checking the transaction history.
- Open src/com/obs and then mainwork folder.
- Create Database,tables into local system from SQL_TABLES.txt.
- Download .jar file according to your MySQL version from
- Run java file ''.
- Core Java