(for the English version, click here)
PortfΓ³lio de exercΓcios e atividades realizadas por Raphael Martins no decorrer do curso de Desenvolvimento Web da Trybe.
Turma 19 | Novembro de 2021.
"A Trybe Γ© uma escola de tecnologia que tem comprometimento genuΓno com o sucesso proο¬ssional das pessoas estudantes. Com o Modelo de Sucesso Compartilhado, quem estuda na Trybe tem a opção de pagar apenas quando jΓ‘ estiver trabalhando.
SΓ£o mais de 1500 horas de formação que aborda fundamentos de desenvolvimento web, desenvolvimento, Front-end, Back-end, ciΓͺncia da computação, metodologias Γ‘geis e habilidades comportamentais."
As resoluçáes dos exercΓcios publicadas aqui, bem como os textos de descrição de cada mΓ³dulo, bloco e dia em portuguΓͺs e inglΓͺs sΓ£o de minha autoria e os direitos pertencem exclusivamente a mim. Γ permitido baixar ou clonar o repositΓ³rio para fins de estudo, porΓ©m, nΓ£o Γ© permitido publicar cΓ³pias totais nem parciais. Este aviso nΓ£o cobre as bibliotecas e dependΓͺncias, estas estΓ£o sujeitas a licenΓ§as prΓ³prias.
- 01.03 β Unix & Bash - Parte 1
- 01.04 β Unix & Bash - Parte 2
- 02.01 β Git & GitHub - O que Γ© e para que serve
- 02.02 β Git & GitHub - Entendendo os comandos
- 02.03 β Internet - Entendendo como ela funciona
- 03.01 β HTML & CSS - Estruturas de pΓ‘gina
- 03.02 β HTML & CSS - Primeiros passos em CSS
- 03.03 β HTML & CSS - Seletores e posicionamento
- 03.04 β HTML SemΓ’ntico
- 03.05 β Projeto - Lessons Learned β Nota: 100%
- 04.01 β JavaScript - Primeiros passos
- 04.02 β JavaScript - Array e loop For
- 04.03 β JavaScript - LΓ³gica de Programação e Algoritmos
- 04.04 β JavaScript - Objetos e Funçáes
- 04.05 β Projeto - Playground Functions β Nota: 100%
- 05.01 β JavaScript - DOM e seletores
- 05.02 β JavaScript - Trabalhando com elementos
- 05.03 β JavaScript - Eventos
- 05.04 β JavaScript - Web Storage
- 05.05 β Projeto - Pixels Art β Nota: 100%
- 05.06 β Projeto - To-do List β Nota: 100%
- 05.07 β (BΓ΄nus) Projeto - Meme Generator β Nota: 100%
- 05.07 β (BΓ΄nus) Projeto - Color Guess β Nota: 100%
- 05.07 β (BΓ΄nus) Projeto - Mystery Letter β Nota: 100%
- 06.01 β HTML & CSS - Forms
- 06.02 β Bibliotecas JavaScript e Frameworks CSS
- 06.03 β Introdução - CSS Flexbox
- 06.03 β CSS Flexbox - Parte 1
- 06.04 β CSS Flexbox - Parte 2
- 06.05 β CSS Responsivo - Mobile First
- 06.06 β Projeto - Trybewarts β Nota: 100%
- 07.01 β JavaScript ES6 - let, const, arrow functions e template literals
- 07.02 β JavaScript ES6 - Fluxo de exceção e Objetos
- 07.03 β Primeiros passos em Jest
- 07.04 β Projeto - JavaScript ES6 Testes UnitΓ‘rios β Nota: 100%
- 08.01 β JavaScript ES6 - Introdução a Higher-Order Functions
- 08.02 β JavaScript ES6 - Higher-Order Functions - forEach, find, some, every, sort
- 08.03 β JavaScript ES6 - Higher-Order Functions - map e filter
- 08.04 β JavaScript ES6 - Higher-Order Functions - reduce
- 08.05 β JavaScript ES6 - spread operator, parΓ’metro rest, destructuring e mais
- 08.06 β Projeto - Zoo functions β Nota: 100%
- 09.01 β JavaScript AssΓncrono e Callbacks
- 09.02 β JavaScript AssΓncrono - Fetch API e async/await
- 09.03 β Jest - Testes AssΓncronos
- 09.04 β Projeto - Carrinho de Compras β Nota: 100%
Desenvolvimento Front-end βοΈ
- 10.01 β Introdução - Front-end
- 10.01 β Introdução - React
- 10.01 β 'Hello, world!' no React!
- 10.02 β Componentes React
- 10.03 β Projeto - Sistema Solar β Nota: 100%
- 11.01 β Componentes com estado e eventos
- 11.02 β FormulΓ‘rios no React
- 11.03 β Projeto - Tryunfo β Nota: 100%
- 12.01 β Ciclo de vida de componentes
- 12.02 β React Router
- 12.03 β Projeto - TrybeTunes β Nota: 100%
- 13.01 β Metodologias Γgeis
- 13.02 β Projeto - Front-end Online Store β Nota: 100%
- 14.01 β RTL - Primeiros passos
- 14.02 β RTL - Mocks e Inputs
- 14.03 β RTL - Testando React Router
- 14.04 β Projeto - Testes em React β Nota: 100%
- 15.01 β Introdução ao Redux - O estado global da aplicação
- 15.02 β Usando o Redux no React
- 15.03 β Usando o Redux no React - PrΓ‘tica
- 15.04 β Usando o Redux no React - Actions AssΓncronas
- 15.05 β Testes em React-Redux
- 15.06 β Projeto - Trybe Wallet β Nota: 100%
- 16.01 β Projeto - Jogo de Trivia β Nota: 100%
- 17.01 β Context API do React
- 17.02 β React Hooks - useState e useContext
- 17.03 β React Hooks - useEffect e Hooks customizados
- 17.04 β Projeto - StarWars Datatable com Context API e Hooks β Nota: 100%
- 18.01 β Projeto - App de Receitas β Nota: 100%
Desenvolvimento Back-end βοΈ
- 19.01 β Introdução - Back-end
- 19.01 β Utilizando Containers - Docker
- 19.02 β Manipulação e Criação de Imagens no Docker
- 19.03 β Orquestrando Containers com Docker Compose
- 19.04 β Projeto - Docker To-do List β Nota: 100%
- 20.01 β Introdução - Bancos de dados relacionais
- 20.01 β Banco de dados SQL
- 20.02 β Encontrando dados em um banco de dados
- 20.03 β Filtrando dados de forma especΓfica
- 20.04 β Manipulando tabelas
- 20.05 β Projeto - All For One β Nota: 100%
- 21.01 β Funçáes mais usadas no SQL
- 21.02 β Descomplicando JOINs
- 21.03 β Transformando ideias em um modelo de banco de dados
- 21.04 β Aula ao vivo + Projeto - One For All β Nota: 100%
- 22.01 β Intro - Node.js
- 22.01 β Node.js - Um motor JavaScript
- 22.02 β Node.js - Fluxo AssΓncrono
- 22.03 β Mocha, Chai e Sinon - Testes de Back-end com Node.js
- 22.04 β Express - HTTP com Node.js
- 22.05 β Express - Middlewares
- 22.06 β Projeto - Talker Manager β Nota: 100%
- 23.01 β Introdução - Arquitetura de Software
- 23.01 β Arquitetura de Software - Camada de Model
- 23.02 β Arquitetura de Software - Camada de Controller e Service
- 23.03 β Arquitetura Web - Rest e Restful
- 23.04 β Arquitetura de Software - Testando as Camadas
- 23.05 β Projeto - Store Manager β Nota: 100%
- 24.01 β Introdução - Node.js: ORM e Autenticação
- 24.01 β ORM - Interface da aplicação com o banco de dados
- 24.02 β ORM - Associations
- 24.03 β JWT - (JSON Web Token)
- 24.04 β Testando APIs com Testes de Integração
- 24.05 β Projeto - API de Blogs β Nota: 100%
- 25.01 β Infraestrutura - Deploy com Heroku
- 25.02 β Deploy Docker & Heroku
- 25.03 β Projeto - Stranger Things - Front-end β Nota: 100%
- 25.03 β Projeto - Stranger Things - Back-end β Nota: 100%
- 26.01 β Introdução ao TypeScript
- 26.02 β Tipagem EstΓ‘tica e Generics
- 26.03 β Express com TypeScript
- 26.04 β Projeto - Trybe Smith β Nota: 100%
- 27.01 β Introdução Γ Orientação a Objetos
- 27.02 β HeranΓ§a e Interfaces
- 27.03 β Polimorfismo
- 27.04 β SOLID - Introdução
- 27.05 β SOLID - Continuação
- 27.06 β Projeto - Trybers and Dragons β Nota: 100%
- 28.01 β Projeto - TFC - Trybe Futebol Clube β Nota: 100%
- 29.01 β MongoDB - Introdução
- 29.02 β Filter Operators
- 29.03 β Operadores de consulta
- 29.04 β Updates Simples
- 29.05 β Updates Complexos - Arrays
- 30.04 β Projeto - Commerce β Nota: 100%
- 30.01 β Mongoose e arquitetura MSC (Camada Model)
- 30.02 β Mongoose e arquitetura MSC (Camada Service e Controller)
- 30.03 β Projeto - Car Shop β Nota: 100%
- 31.01 β Projeto - App de Delivery β Nota: 100%
- 32.01 β CI/CD
- 32.02 β VPS
- 33.01 β Aprendendo Python
- 33.02 β Entrada e SaΓda de Dados
- 33.03 β Testes
- 33.04 β Projeto - Job Insights
- 34.01 β Introdução Γ programação orientada a objetos
- 34.02 β HeranΓ§a, Composição e Interfaces
- 34.03 β PadrΓ΅es de projeto
- 34.04 β Projeto - RelatΓ³rios de Estoque
- 35.01 β Arquitetura de redes
- 35.02 β Redes de computadores, ferramentas e seguranΓ§a
- 35.03 β Raspagem de Dados
- 35.04 β Projeto - Tech news
- 36.01 β Complexidade de Algoritmos
- 36.02 β Recursividade e EstratΓ©gias para solução de problemas
- 36.03 β Algoritmos de ordenação e busca
- 36.04 β Projeto - Algoritmos
- 37.01 β Arquitetura de Computadores
- 37.02 β Arrays
- 37.03 β Hashmap e Dict
- 37.04 β Set
- 37.05 β Projeto - Restaurant Orders
- 38.01 β NΓ³ e Listas Encadeadas
- 38.02 β Pilhas e Filas
- 38.03 β Projeto - TING - Trybe Is Not Google
Portfolio of exercises and activities performed by Raphael Martins during the Web Development course at Trybe.
19th Class | November 2021.
"Trybe is a technology school that has a genuine commitment to the professional success of its students. With the Shared Success Model, those who study at Trybe have the option of paying only when they are already working.
There are more than 1500 hours of training that covers the fundamentals of web development, development, Front-end, Back-end, computer science, agile methodologies, and soft skills."
The resolutions of the exercises published here, as well as the description texts of each module, unit and day in Portuguese and English are my authorship and the rights belong exclusively to me. It is allowed to download or clone the repository for study purposes. However, it is not allowed to publish full or partial copies. This disclaimer does not cover libraries and dependencies, which are subject to their respective licenses.
- 01.03 β Unix & Bash - Part 1
- 01.04 β Unix & Bash - Part 2
- 02.01 β Git & GitHub - What they are and what they are used for
- 02.02 β Git & GitHub - Understanding the commands
- 02.03 β Internet - Understanding how it works
- 03.01 β HTML & CSS - Page stucture
- 03.02 β HTML & CSS - First steps with CSS
- 03.03 β HTML & CSS - Selectors and positioning
- 03.04 β Semantic HTML
- 03.05 β Project - Lessons Learned β Grade: 100%
- 04.01 β JavaScript - First steps
- 04.02 β JavaScript - Array and For loop
- 04.03 β JavaScript - Programming Logic and Algorithms
- 04.04 β JavaScript - Objects and Functions
- 04.05 β Project - Playground Functions β Grade: 100%
- 05.01 β JavaScript - DOM and selectors
- 05.02 β JavaScript - Working with elements
- 05.03 β JavaScript - Events
- 05.04 β JavaScript - Web Storage
- 05.05 β Project - Pixels Art β Grade: 100%
- 05.06 β Project - To-do List β Grade: 100%
- 05.07 β (Bonus) Project - Meme Generator β Grade: 100%
- 05.07 β (Bonus) Project - Color Guess β Grade: 100%
- 05.07 β (Bonus) Project - Mystery Letter β Grade: 100%
- 06.01 β HTML & CSS - Forms
- 06.02 β JavaScript Libraries and CSS Frameworks
- 06.03 β Introduction - Flexbox CSS
- 06.03 β Flexbox CSS - Part 1
- 06.04 β Flexbox CSS - Part 2
- 06.05 β CSS Responsive - Mobile First
- 06.06 β Project - Trybewarts β Grade: 100%
- 07.01 β JavaScript ES6 - let, const, arrow functions, and template literals
- 07.02 β JavaScript ES6 - Exception flow and Objetcs
- 07.03 β First steps with Jest
- 07.04 β Project - JavaScript ES6 Unit Tests β Grade: 100%
- 08.01 β JavaScript ES6 - Introduction to Higher-Order Functions
- 08.02 β JavaScript ES6 - Higher-Order Functions - forEach, find, some, every, sort
- 08.03 β JavaScript ES6 - Higher-Order Functions - map e filter
- 08.04 β JavaScript ES6 - Higher-Order Functions - reduce
- 08.05 β JavaScript ES6 - spread operator, rest parameter, destructuring and more
- 08.06 β Projeto - Zoo functions β Grade: 100%
- 09.01 β Asynchronous JavaScript and Callbacks
- 09.02 β Asynchronous JavaScript - Fetch API, and async/await
- 09.03 β Jest - Asynchronous Tests
- 09.04 β Project - Shopping Cart β Grade: 100%
Front-end Development βοΈ
- 10.01 β Introduction - Front-end
- 10.01 β Introduction - React
- 10.01 β 'Hello, world!' using React!
- 10.02 β React Components
- 10.03 β Project - Solar System β Grade: 100%
- 11.01 β Components with state and events
- 11.02 β Forms with React
- 11.03 β Project - Tryunfo β Grade: 100%
- 12.01 β Components Lifecycle
- 12.02 β React Router
- 12.03 β Project - TrybeTunes β Grade: 100%
- 13.01 β Agile Methodologies
- 13.02 β Project - Front-end Online Store β Grade: 100%
- 14.01 β RTL - First Steps
- 14.02 β RTL - Mocks and Inputs
- 14.03 β RTL - Testing React Router
- 14.04 β Project - Tests with React β Grade: 100%
- 15.01 β Introduction to Redux - the global application state
- 15.02 β Using Redux with React
- 15.03 β Using Redux with React - Practice
- 15.04 β Using Redux with React - Asynchronous Actions
- 15.05 β Tests with React-Redux
- 15.06 β Project - Trybe Wallet β Grade: 100%
- 16.01 β Project - Trivia Game β Grade: 100%
- 17.01 β React Context API
- 17.02 β React Hooks - useState and useContext
- 17.03 β React Hooks - useEffect and custom Hooks
- 17.04 β Project - StarWars Datatable with Context API and Hooks β Grade: 100%
- 18.01 β Project - Recipes App β Grade: 100%
Back-end Development βοΈ
- 19.01 β Introduction - Back-end
- 19.01 β Using Containers - Docker
- 19.02 β Manipulation and Creation of Images with Docker
- 19.03 β Orchestrating Containers with Docker Compose
- 19.04 β Project - Docker To-do List β Grade: 100%
- 20.01 β Introduction - Relational Databases
- 20.01 β SQL Databases
- 20.02 β Finding data in a database
- 20.03 β Filtering data in specific ways
- 20.04 β Manipulating tables
- 20.05 β Project - All For One β Grade: 100%
- 21.01 β Most used SQL functions
- 21.02 β Simplifying JOINs
- 21.03 β Turning ideas into a database model
- 21.04 β Live lecture + Project - One For All β Grade: 100%
- 22.01 β Intro - Node.js
- 22.01 β Node.js - A JavaScript engine
- 22.02 β Node.js - Asynchronous Flow
- 22.03 β Mocha, Chai and Sinon - Back-end Tests with Node.js
- 22.04 β Express - HTTP with Node.js
- 22.05 β Express - Middlewares
- 22.06 β Project - Talker Manager β Grade: 100%
- 23.01 β Introduction to - Software Architecture
- 23.01 β Software Architecture - Model Layer
- 23.02 β Software Architecture - Controller and Service Layers
- 23.03 β Web Architecture - Rest and Restful
- 23.04 β Software Architecture - Testing the Layers
- 23.05 β Project - Store Manager β Grade: 100%
- 24.01 β Introduction - Node.js: ORM and Autentication
- 24.01 β ORM - Application interface with the database
- 24.02 β ORM - Associations
- 24.03 β JWT - (JSON Web Token)
- 24.04 β Testing APIs with Integration Tests
- 24.05 β Project - Blogs API β Grade: 100%
- 25.01 β Infrastructure - Deploy with Heroku
- 25.02 β Deploy Docker & Heroku
- 25.03 β Project - Stranger Things - Front-end β Grade: 100%
- 25.03 β Project - Stranger Things - Back-end β Grade: 100%
- 26.01 β Introduction to TypeScript
- 26.02 β Static typing and Generics
- 26.03 β Express with TypeScript
- 26.04 β Project - Trybe Smith β Grade: 100%
- 27.01 β Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- 27.02 β Inheritance and Interfaces
- 27.03 β Polymorfism
- 27.04 β SOLID - Introduction
- 27.05 β SOLID - Continuation
- 27.06 β Project - Trybers and Dragons β Grade: 100%
- 28.01 β Project - TFC - Trybe Soccer Team β Grade: 100%
- 29.01 β MongoDB - Introduction
- 29.02 β Filter Operators
- 29.03 β Query Operators
- 29.04 β Simple Updates
- 29.05 β Complex Updates - Arrays
- 29.06 β Project - Commerce β Grade: 100%
- 30.01 β Mongoose and MSC architecture (Model Layer)
- 30.02 β Mongoose and MSC architecture (Service and Controller Layers)
- 30.03 β Projeto - Car Shop β Grade: 100%
- 31.01 β Project - Delivery App β Grade: 100%
- 32.01 β CI/CD
- 32.02 β VPS
Computer Science β³
- 33.01 β Learning Python
- 33.02 β Data Input and Output
- 33.03 β Tests
- 33.04 β Project - Job Insights
- 34.01 β Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
- 34.02 β Inheritance, Composition, and Interfaces
- 34.03 β Design Patterns
- 34.04 β Project - Inventory Reports
- 35.01 β Network architecture
- 35.02 β Computer nUnit 25etworks, tools, and security
- 35.03 β Data Scraping
- 35.04 β Project - Tech news
- 36.01 β Algorithms complexity
- 36.02 β Recursiveness and problem solving strategies
- 36.03 β Sorting and search Algorithms
- 36.04 β Project - Algorithms
- 37.01 β Computer Architecture
- 37.02 β Arrays
- 37.03 β Hashmap and Dict
- 37.04 β Set
- 37.05 β Project - Restaurant Orders
- 38.01 β Node and Linked Lists
- 38.02 β Stacks and Rows
- 38.03 β Project - TING - Trybe Is Not Google