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Project 2 : Continuous Control (20 Agents version)

In this project, I tried to replicate what reportedly worked for the Udacity team on Attempt 4.

Here's what the Trained Agent Looks like:

Learning Algorithm : DDPG

DDPG Description :

  • DQN cannot be directly applied to Continuous Action Spaces since discretizing the space into fine intervals can largely increase the computation cost for forward propagation of the Networks
  • DDPG adopts DQN by utilizing a Actor-Critic Approach. The roles of each are as follows:
    • Actor : Approximate policy $\pi(s,a|\theta)$ $\to$ tune $\theta$
    • Critic : Evaluate the policy $\pi(s,a)$ as approximated by the actor by approximating the Q=Value of the selected action. This approximation is done using the TD error Formula as :

$$ r_{t+1} = \gamma * (v^{\pi}(S_{t+1}) - v^{\pi}(S_{t})) $$

  • In order to aid exploration, OU Noise (As mentioned in the original paper) is added to each action selection
  • Additionally, the following features are also used as mentioned in the original paper:
    • A replay buffer is utilized to store the experiences of the agents. For the 20 agents, a commong replay buffer is used
    • 2 separate networks are used for the action prediction and the expected values for Actor and critic both.
    • The Target Network is soft-updated on every iteration by a factor of $\tau$
    • A weight decay for the critic network is used
    • the action is not introduced until the second layer in the critic network for Q-value calculation
  • Also, the udacity team's solution was used for the 20 agent environment
    • all agents add experience to a common replay buffer
    • every 20 time steps, the actor and critic networks are updated 10 times
  • Below is the score progression for this assignment. The environment appears to be solved in about 70 iterations



Hyperparameter Value
$\gamma$ 0.995
$\tau$ 0.001
Batch Size 512
Buffer Size 1e5
Critic weight decay 1e-6
$\alpha_{actor}$ 1e-4
$\alpha_{critic}$ 1e-3
simulation time (t_max) 1000

Future Work:

  • As mentioned in the project introduction, other algorithms for continuous space environments such as TRPO and DDDPG can be used.
  • The model of the actor and critic networks was directly picked up from the paper. Other network architectures should be investigated as well.