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Project 2: Continuous Control


In this environment, a double-jointed arm can move to target locations. A reward of +0.1 is provided for each step that the agent's hand is in the goal location. Thus, the goal of your agent is to maintain its position at the target location for as many time steps as possible.

The observation space consists of 33 variables corresponding to position, rotation, velocity, and angular velocities of the arm. Each action is a vector with four numbers, corresponding to torque applicable to two joints. Every entry in the action vector should be a number between -1 and 1.

Learning Algorithm : DDPG

DDPG Description :

  • DQN cannot be directly applied to Continuous Action Spaces since discretizing the space into fine intervals can largely increase the computation cost for forward propagation of the Networks
  • DDPG adopts DQN by utilizing a Actor-Critic Approach. The roles of each are as follows:
    • Actor : Approximate policy $\pi(s,a|\theta)$ $\to$ tune $\theta$
    • Critic : Evaluate the policy $\pi(s,a)$ as approximated by the actor by approximating the Q=Value of the selected action. This approximation is done using the TD error Formula as :

  • In order to aid exploration, OU Noise (As mentioned in the original paper) is added to each action selection
  • Additionally, the following features are also used as mentioned in the original paper:
    • A replay buffer is utilized to store the experiences of the agents. For the 20 agents, a commong replay buffer is used
    • 2 separate networks are used for the action prediction and the expected values for Actor and critic both.
    • The Target Network is soft-updated on every iteration by a factor of $\tau$
    • A weight decay for the critic network is used
    • the action is not introduced until the second layer in the critic network for Q-value calculation
  • Also, the udacity team's solution was used for the 20 agent environment
    • all agents add experience to a common replay buffer
    • every 20 time steps, the actor and critic networks are updated 10 times
  • Below is the score progression for this assignment. The environment appears to be solved in about 70 iterations



Hyperparameter Value
$\gamma$ 0.995
$\tau$ 0.001
Batch Size 512
Buffer Size 1e5
Critic weight decay 1e-6
$\alpha_{actor}$ 1e-4
$\alpha_{critic}$ 1e-3
simulation time (t_max) 1000

Future Work:

  • As mentioned in the project introduction, other algorithms for continuous space environments such as TRPO and DDDPG can be used.
  • The model of the actor and critic networks was directly picked up from the paper. Other network architectures should be investigated as well.