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Releases: randolphcyg/gowireshark


05 Jan 04:43
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  1. Fix wireshark nonstandard json format;
  2. Delete descriptive option;
  3. Add callback function for C to Go in TCP reassembly;
  4. Simplify the json structure of the protocol tree;
  5. Simplify interface naming and modify some interfaces;


18 Dec 03:52
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  1. Improve parser interface, support custom protocol parser;
  2. Support Unmarshal dissect result with concurrency;
  3. Modify log info, add conf;
  4. Upgrade Golang1.23.4;
  5. Fix get devices err;
  6. Online dissect func support descriptive、printCJson param;
  7. Adjust the link-layer processing mode for different operating systems;


29 Nov 08:16
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  1. Upgrade wireshark4.4.2, libpcap1.10.5, go1.23.3;
  2. Add func options, fix HTTP/TCP layers errors;
  3. Support setting rsa key to decrypt TLS in real-time mode and offline mode;
  4. Fix decrypt TLS error in ubuntu env, update README;


15 Jul 03:00
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  1. upgrade wireshark4.2.6
  2. delete func print_*_frame
  3. add func GetSeveralFrameProtoTreeInJson


24 Apr 07:57
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  1. Add a global lock to the packet parsing feature to prevent c-memory errors


26 Dec 04:12
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  1. fix stop_dissect_capture_pkg and handle_packet function, ensure that the packet capture is started and stopped correctly;
  2. Optimize the test functions;


25 Dec 09:21
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  1. modify interface GetSpecificFrameProtoTreeInJson、GetAllFrameProtoTreeInJson to support parse frame and WsCol field;
  2. add bpf filter to interface DissectPktLive;
  3. use the CGO callback function to transfer data from C to GO, an alternative to the UNIX Domain Socket scheme;


17 Nov 03:11
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  1. Update Wireshark to version 4.2.0;
  2. Fixed the changes caused by interface changes in version 4.2.0;
  3. Optimized the CGO memory allocation release statement;
  4. Wireshark 4.2.0 dynamic link libraries for Ubuntu 22 and Mac M1 systems are stored here:gowireshark-libs