Vosk Restful Service backed by Flask and Celery
Clone it first
git clone git@github.com:raminious/vosk-server.git
cd vosk-server
Create Virtual Env (optional)
python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
Download a vosk model and unzip that in the root of the project as "model" directory.
wget http://alphacephei.com/vosk/models/vosk-model-en-us-0.22.zip
unzip vosk-model-en-us-0.22.zip
mv vosk-model-en-us-0.22 model
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run in Development environment
python app.py
python tasks.py # in another terminal
Run in Production environment
python server.py
python tasks.py
Send a new transcribe request
POST http://localhost:5000/asr/recognize
Content-Type: audio/x-wav
(wav file data)
For example using curl:
curl -XPOST -H'Content-Type: audio/x-wav' --data-binary "@files/example.wav" http://localhost:5000/asr/recognize
id: "<task_id>"
Check request status
GET http://localhost:5000/asr/recognize/status/<task_id>
contains the endpoints functions
contains the script to run Celery and transcribing task function
runs the production API service powered by gevent
This is a very basic example of using Vosk with a task scheduler like Celery. You can fork the repo and change the codes and tune Celery configs based on your requirements.