jsHelpers - it is a JavaScript library that contains all the functions that we constantly write or google.
Let's use the jsHelpers library to google less and implement more of the project's functionality.
Below are examples and descriptions of all the functions available in jsHelpers.
npm i @rah-emil/js-helpers --save
import "@rah-emil/js-helpers"
import { simplifyNumber } from "@rah-emil/js-helpers/src/modules/visual"
Number.prototype.simplifyNumber = simplifyNumber
(3568934).simplifyNumber(2) // 3.57M
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@rah-emil/js-helpers@1.1.0/dist/js-helpers.js"></script>
(3568934).simplifyNumber(2) // 3.57M
These are functions that perform some kind of mathematical operations on numbers and return the result to us.
For example, we need to find out - how much more we earned this month, compared to the last month (in percent).
// 500 - earned this month
// 1500 - earned last month
(500).percentageDifference(1500) // -66.66666666666666 (earned 66.6% less)
For example, we want to display the cost of a discounted product
// 500 - number to subtract
// 25 - percent
(500).minusPercentage(25) // 375
Math.randomInteger(10, 90) // random number from 10 to 90
(14.7).isInteger() // false
For example, to find the closest city to a user
let locations = [
{name: "Moscow", coords: [55.79749504565197, 37.5407153847656]},
{name: "Voronezh", coords: [51.66109513550912, 39.19964245473753]},
{name: "Yaroslavl", coords: [57.62662119485742, 39.89367465100093]},
{name: "Rybinsk", coords: [58.04855727216249, 38.85813673976128]},
{name: "Ivanovo", coords: [57.00040249293972, 40.973840485275254]},
{name: "Kursk", coords: [51.73096145146215, 36.192820361190755]},
{name: "Bryansk", coords: [53.243644660620774, 34.36328412094874]},
let myCoords = [52.7614485, 35.6722916]
Math.nearestDistance(locations, myCoords)
// {
// "name": "Bryansk",
// "coords": [
// 53.243644660620774,
// 34.36328412094874
// ]
// }
Very often we need to convert a number, for example, to a monetary format, or just break it down into digits. More on this below.
Convert numbers to desired currency format
A simple example:
(14990.79).toCurrency() // 14 990.79$ (non-breaking spaces)
We can specify price parameters:
// 1st parameter - currency symbol or text (by default "$")
// 2nd parameter - currency position ('after' - by default after, 'before' - in front)
// 3rd parameter - number of decimal places (default 2)
// 4th parameter - whether to trim zeros after the decimal point (by default false, i.e. no zeros)
// 5th parameter - separator (by default ".")
(14990.79).toCurrency("₽", undefined, 2, true, ",") // 14 990,79₽
(3568934).makeDigit() // 3 568 934 (non-breaking spaces)
For example, we need to display the number of views of an article, likes, comments, etc.
(7356892344).simplifyNumber(1) // 7.4B
(3568934).simplifyNumber(2) // 3.57M
(58934).simplifyNumber(2) // 58.93K
(5894).simplifyNumber(1) // 5.9K
(168).simplifyNumber() // 168
Simple array operations
Removing 1 item
let numbers = [854, 1, 8, 4, 7, 4354]
numbers.deleteItem(4) // [854, 1, 8, 7, 4354]
Removing multiple items
let numbers = [854, 1, 8, 4, 7, 4354]
numbers.deleteItems([4, 854]) // [1, 8, 7, 4354]
For example, we need to calculate the total cost of all items in the cart.
let cart = [
{title: 'iPhone 6s', price: 23500.00},
{title: 'AirPods', price: 11390.00},
{title: 'Чехол для iPhone 6s (синий)', price: 490.80},
cart.sum('price') // 35380.8 (number)
cart.sum('price').toCurrency("₽") // 35 380.80₽ (monetary number)
For example, we need to find out the average rating of a product according to reviews.
let product = {
title: 'iPhone XR',
// ...
reviews: [
{text: '...', stars: 4.9},
{text: '...', stars: 3.2},
{text: '...', stars: 1},
{text: '...', stars: 5},
{text: '...', stars: 4.5},
product.reviews.average('stars') // 3.72
With this check, your code will look more elegant.
let user = {}
user.isNotEmpty() // false
('013131@mail.ru').isEmail() // true
('12572').isOnlyNumbers() // true
('letter').isOnlyLetters() // true
('latin').isOnlyLatin() // true
('кириллица').isOnlyCyrillic() // true
('rah-emil.ru').isDomain() // true
('').isIP() // true
('013131@mail.ru').hasSymbols() // true