A Notifications Script for upgrades available on Gentoo's Portage System
This script runs the eix-diff utility and looks for Upgrades(indicated in the output as [U]). On detection of Upgrades available this script will compile a list, compare it with a previously sent list(if one exists) and then if these are upgrades previously not notified on an email will be sent with the available upgrades.
- Python 3.4+
- Gentoo Linux installation
- The app-portage/eix toolkit installed
- A cron entry that runs eix-sync before this script executes
- SMTP availability(using /usr/bin/mail)
- copy the EixNotifier.py and config folder to an appropriate tools location on your linux system.
- copy the example.ini to default.ini setting the appropriate settings to your specific configuration.
- EmailAddress should be the email address to send the notice to.
- CacheDir should be the location that the script can use to store cached upgrade lists(previous runs)
- CacheFile should be updated with whatever you want to call the cachefile.(preserve the %(CacheDir)s/ in order to preserve the CacheDir usage
- (optional) set a crontab to run after your eix-sync would complete in order for the notifier to parse the changes and notify you.