From 8929e8f2b14ef84fe33a0443f6be8fc668a251d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: burstknight <> Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2024 11:03:04 +0800 Subject: [PATCH] Add snippets for cmake (#482) --- package.json | 6 +- snippets/cmake.json | 256 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 snippets/cmake.json diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index e0eab117..294e5545 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -583,7 +583,11 @@ { "language": "loremipsum", "path": "./snippets/loremipsum.json" - } + }, + { + "language": "cmake", + "path": "./snippets/cmake.json" + } ] } } diff --git a/snippets/cmake.json b/snippets/cmake.json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..5de528de --- /dev/null +++ b/snippets/cmake.json @@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ +{ + "Init cmake": { + "prefix": "cmi", + "body": [ + "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${1:3.16})", + "project(${2:myProject})", + "", + "if(NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE)", + "\tset(default_build_type \"Debug\")", + "\tmessage(STATUS \"Set the build type to `\\${default_build_type}` as none was specified.\")", + "\tset(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE \\${default_build_type} CACHE STRING \"Chooce the build type.\" FORCE)", + "\tset_property(CACHE CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE PROPERTY STRINGS", + "\t\"Debug\" \"Release\" \"MinSizeRel\" \"RelWithDebInfo\")", + "endif()", + "message(STATUS \"$2 Build Type: \\${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}\")", + "", + "# Set the version for $2", + "set($2_Version_Major ${3:0})", + "set($2_Version_Minor ${4:1})", + "set($2_Version_Patch ${5:0})", + "set($2_Version_Status \"${6:-dev}\")", + "set(${7:PROJECT_VERSION}", + "\t\"\\${$2_Version_Major}.\\${$2_Version_Minor}.\\${$2_Version_Patch}\\${$2_Version_Status}\"", + ")", + "message(STATUS \"\\${PROJECT_NAME} version: \\${PROJECT_VERSION}\")" + ], + "description": "Init 'CMakeLists.txt'." + }, + "project()": { + "prefix": "prj", + "body":[ + "project(${1:myProject})$2" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for project()" + }, + "cmake_minimum_required()": { + "prefix": "cmr", + "body": [ + "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION ${1:3.16})$2" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for cmake_minimum_required()" + }, + "message()": { + "prefix": "msg", + "body": [ + "message(${1|STATUS,DEBUG,WARNING,SEND_ERROR,FATAL_ERROR|} \"${2:message}\")$3" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for message()" + }, + "export compile commands": { + "prefix": "ecc", + "body": [ + "set(CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS ON)" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet to generate 'compile_commands.json'" + }, + "set a variable": { + "prefix": "sv", + "body": [ + "set(${1:variable} ${2:0})$3" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet to use set() for defining a variable" + }, + "set variable cache": { + "prefix": "sc", + "body": [ + "set(${1:variable} ${2:value} CACHE ${3|BOOL,FILEPATH,PATH,STRING|} \"${4:message} FORCE)$5" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet set() for cache entry" + }, + "option()": { + "prefix": "opt", + "body": [ + "option(${1:variable} \"${2:message}\" ${3|ON,OFF|})" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for option()" + }, + "aux_source_directory": { + "prefix": "aux", + "body": [ + "aux_source_directory(${1:./} ${2:SOURCES})" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for aux_source_directory()" + }, + "add_subdirectory()": { + "prefix": "ads", + "body": [ + "add_subdirectory(${1:./src})" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for add_subdirectory()" + }, + "add_executable()": { + "prefix": "exe", + "body": [ + "add_executable(", + "\t${1:exe}", + "\t${2:\\${SOURCES\\}}", + ")" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet add_executable() to build source files as an exeutable file" + }, + "add_library()": { + "prefix": "lib", + "body": [ + "add_library(", + "\t${1:myLib}", + "\t${2|STATIC,SHARED,MODULE|}", + "\t${3:\\${SOURCES\\}}", + ")" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet add_library() to build source files as a library" + }, + "target_link_libraries()": { + "prefix": "tll", + "body": [ + "target_link_libraries(", + "\t${1:myTarget}", + "\t${2:myLib}", + ")" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet target_link_libraries() to link libraries" + }, + "target_include_directories()": { + "prefix": "tid", + "body": [ + "target_include_directories(", + "\t${1:myTarget}", + "\t${2|PUBLIC,INTERFACE,PRIVATE|} ${3:\\${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR\\}/includes}", + ")" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet target_include_directories() to set the include directories for target" + }, + "include_directories()": { + "prefix": "i_d", + "body": [ + "include_directories(${1:\\${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR\\}})" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet include_directories() to set include directories" + }, + "find_package()": { + "prefix": "f_p", + "body": [ + "find_package(${1:OpenCV} REQUIRED)" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet find_package()" + }, + "if() ... endif()": { + "prefix": "if", + "body": [ + "if(${1:condition})", + "\t${2:commands}", + "endif()" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet if()" + }, + "else if()": { + "prefix": "elif", + "body": [ + "elseif(${1:condition})", + "\t${2:commands}" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet 'elseif()'" + }, + "else()": { + "prefix": "else", + "body": [ + "else()", + "\t${1:commands}" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet else()" + }, + "if() ... else() ... endif()":{ + "prefix": "ife", + "body": [ + "if(${1:condition})", + "\t${2:command1}", + "else()", + "\t${3:command2}", + "endif()" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet 'if() ... else() ... endif()'" + }, + "configure_file": { + "prefix": "conf", + "body": [ + "configure_file(", + "\t${1:\\${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR\\}/includes/}", + "\t${2:\\${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR\\}/includes/version.h}", + "\t@ONLY", + ")" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for configure_file()" + }, + "include()": { + "prefix": "inc", + "body": [ + "include(${1:FetchContent})" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for include()" + }, + "FetchContent_Declare()": { + "prefix": "Fet", + "body": [ + "include(FetchContent)", + "FetchContent_Declare(", + "\t${1:repo_name}", + "\tGIT_REPOSITORY ${2:repo_url}", + "\tGIT_TAG ${3:tag}", + ")", + "FetchContent_MakeAvailable($1)" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for FetchContent_Declare()" + }, + "Use googletest": { + "prefix": "gtest", + "body": [ + "include(FetchContent)", + "set(gtest_force_shared_crt ON CACHE BOOL \"\" FORCE)", + "set(INSTALL_GTEST OFF CACHE BOOL \"\" FORCE)", + "FetchContent_Declare(", + "\tgoogletest", + "\tGIT_REPOSITORY", + "\tGIT_TAG ${1:v1.14.0}", + ")", + "FetchContent_MakeAvailable(googletest)" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet to use gtest" + }, + "Set c++ standard": { + "prefix": "cxx", + "body": [ + "set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDDARD ${1:14})", + "set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDDARD_REQUIRED ON)" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet to set c++ standard" + }, + "install()": { + "prefix": "inst", + "body": [ + "install(", + "\t${1|FILES,TARGETS|} ${2:source_files}", + "\tDESTINATION ${3:target_path}", + ")" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for install()" + }, + "add_test()": { + "prefix": "adt", + "body": [ + "add_test(", + "\t${1:test_myTest} ${1}", + ")" + ], + "description": "Add the snippet for add_test()" + } +}