diff --git a/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/correctness.drawio b/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/correctness.drawio
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+++ b/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/correctness.drawio
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
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Binary files /dev/null and b/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/correctness.pdf differ
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+++ b/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/dataflow_ex1.drawio
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Binary files /dev/null and b/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/dataflow_ex1.pdf differ
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+++ b/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/dataflow_ex1_b.drawio
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Binary files /dev/null and b/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/dataflow_ex1_b.pdf differ
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Binary files a/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/main.pdf and b/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/main.pdf differ
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--- a/presentations/verified_time_aware_stream_processing/main.tex
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@@ -93,7 +94,7 @@
Rafael Castro G. Silva\\\medskip
{\small \url{rasi@di.ku.dk}}}
Department of Computer Science \\
@@ -107,142 +108,210 @@
- \frametitle{What is this PhD/Status seminar about?}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing}
- \pause
- \item Distributed Systems
+ \item What is Time-Aware Stream Processing?
- \item Stream processing frameworks
+ \pause
+ \item Stream Processing: programs that compute unbounded sequences of data (streams)
+ \pause
+ \item Time-Aware: Data has timestamp metadata; timestamps are bounded by watermarks
- \item Dataflow models
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Time-Aware Computations
- \end{itemize}
+ \item Timestamp: A partially-ordered value associated with the data (e.g., unix-time, int, pairs of ints, etc...)
+ \item Watermark: A value of the same type of the timestamp. Represents data-completeness.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=.75\textwidth]{stream_ex1.pdf}
+ \end{figure}
- \item Formal Methods
+ \item Asynchronous Dataflow Programming: Directed graph of interconnected operators that perform event-wise transformations
+ \item E.g.: Apache Flink, Apache Samza, Apache Spark, Google Cloud Dataflow, and Timely Dataflow
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \begin{overlayarea}{\textwidth}{.1\textheight}
+ \centering
+ \begin{figure}
+ \centering
+ \only<2->{\includegraphics[scale=0.1]{all.png}}
+ \end{figure}
+ \end{overlayarea}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \pause
+ \item Why?
- \item Verification using proof assistants
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Isabelle proofs
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Verified + executable + efficient code
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
+ \item Highly Parallel
+ \item Low latency (output as soon as possible)
+ \item Incremental computing
- \item Formalization of Time-Aware Stream Processing
-% \begin{frame}{Contents}
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item Introduction
-% \item Preliminaries
-% \item Lazy Lists Processors
-% \item Time-Aware Operators
-% \item Case Study
-% \item Next Steps
-% \end{itemize}
-% \end{frame}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ Example:\\
+ Incrementally count the occurrences of the words ``dog'' and ``cat''
-% TODO add references
-% TODO check Dmitriys page
-% https://www21.in.tum.de/~traytel/
-% TODO finish this
- \frametitle{Stream Processing}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=1,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=2,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=3,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=4,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=5,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=6,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=7,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=8,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=9,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=10,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=11,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=12,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=13,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=14,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=15,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=16,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=17,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=18,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=19,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=20,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Time-Aware Stream Processing Example}
+ \includegraphics[page=21,width=.95\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1.pdf}
+ \frametitle{Properties}
- \item Stream Processing: Abstraction for processing data when the input is not completely presented in the begging of the computation
+ \item How do we know if our Dataflow program is what we want?
+ \pause
+ \item We need a correctness specification
- \item Dataflow Model:
+ \item \textbf{Intuition of the specification}:
- \item Directed graph of interconnected operators that perform event-wise transformations
- \item E.g.: Apache Flink, Apache Samza, Apache Spark, Google Cloud Dataflow, and Timely Dataflow
- \vspace*{-1ex}
- \begin{overlayarea}{\textwidth}{.15\textheight}
- \centering
- \begin{figure}
- \centering
- \only<2->{\includegraphics[scale=0.15]{all.png}}
- \end{figure}
- \end{overlayarea}
- \vspace*{-1ex}
- \item Highly Parallel
- \vspace*{-1ex}
- \begin{figure}
- \begin{subfigure}{0.45\linewidth}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 0.6cm, scale=0.6, transform shape]]
- \tikzstyle{operator} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!60, text width=3.0em, text centered, minimum height=20pt, line width=1pt]
- \node [operator] at (0,0) (concat) {concat};
- \node [operator, right = of concat] (map) {map};
- \node [operator, right = of map] (filter) {filter};
- \node [operator, right = of filter] (count) {count};
- \draw[<-,thick,shorten >=1pt] ([yshift=5pt]concat.west) -- node[above]{} ++(-2em,0em);
- \draw[<-,thick,shorten >=1pt] ([yshift=-5pt]concat.west) -- node[above]{} ++(-2em,0em);
- \draw [thick,->,shorten >=1pt] (concat) -- (map);
- \draw [thick,->,shorten >=1pt] (map) -- (filter);
- \draw [thick,->,shorten >=1pt] (filter) -- (count);
- \draw[->,thick,shorten >=1pt] (count.east) -- node[above]{} ++(2em,0em);
- \node[draw,densely dotted, label={[xshift=2mm]above:{\tiny logical dataflow}},fit=(concat) (map) (filter) (count)] {};
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{subfigure}
- \begin{subfigure}{0.45\linewidth}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 0.6cm,auto, scale=0.6, transform shape]]
- \tikzstyle{operator} = [rectangle, draw, fill=blue!60, text width=3.0em, text centered, minimum height=20pt, line width=1pt]
- \node [operator] at (0,0) (concat) {concat};
- \node [operator, right = of concat] (map) {map};
- \node [operator, right = of map] (filter) {filter};
- \node [operator, right = of filter] (count) {count};
- \draw[<-,thick,shorten >=1pt] ([yshift=5pt]concat.west) -- node[above]{} ++(-2em,0em);
- \draw[<-,thick,shorten >=1pt] ([yshift=-5pt]concat.west) -- node[above]{} ++(-2em,0em);
- \draw [thick,->,shorten >=1pt] (concat) -- (map);
- \draw [thick,->,shorten >=1pt] (map) -- (filter);
- \draw [thick,->,shorten >=1pt] (filter) -- (count);
- \draw[->,thick,shorten >=1pt] (count.east) -- node[above]{} ++(2em,0em);
- \node[draw,densely dotted, label={[xshift=2mm]above:{\tiny worker 1}},fit=(concat) (map) (filter) (count)] {};
- \node [operator, below=0.7cm of concat] (concat') {concat};
- \node [operator, right = of concat'] (map') {map};
- \node [operator, right = of map'] (filter') {filter};
- \node [operator, right = of filter'] (count') {count};
- \draw[<-,thick,shorten >=1pt] ([yshift=5pt]concat'.west) -- node[above]{} ++(-2em,0em);
- \draw[<-,thick,shorten >=1pt] ([yshift=-5pt]concat'.west) -- node[above]{} ++(-2em,0em);
- \draw [thick,->,shorten >=1pt] (concat') -- (map');
- \draw [thick,->,shorten >=1pt] (map') -- (filter');
- \draw [thick,->,shorten >=1pt] (filter') -- (count');
- \draw[->,thick,shorten >=1pt] (count'.east) -- node[above]{} ++(2em,0em);
- \node[draw,densely dotted, label={[xshift=2mm]above:{\tiny worker 1}},fit=(concat) (map) (filter) (count)] {};
- \node[draw,densely dotted, label={[xshift=2mm]above:{\tiny worker 2}},fit=(concat') (map') (filter') (count')] {};
- \node[draw,dotted, label={[xshift=2mm, yshift=0.3cm]above:{\tiny physical workers}},fit=(concat') (concat) (map') (map) (filter) (filter') (count) (count')] {};
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{subfigure}
- \end{figure}
+ \item Soundness: for every output \textit{DT t H}, the ``dog'' count in \textit{H} is the count of events with timestamp $(\le) t$ which contains the string ``dog''; similarly for ``cat''. The count for any other word is always 0.
+ \item Completeness: The other way around.
- \vspace*{-1ex}
- \pause
- \item Time-Aware Computations
+ % \item What is correctness for a program that does not always terminate?
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=.75\textwidth]{correctness.pdf}
+ \end{figure}
+ \frametitle{How to prove it}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \textbf{lets break down the problem!}:
- \item Timestamps: Metadata associating the data with some data collection
- \item Watermarks: Metadata indicating the completion of a data collection
+ \item The correctness of the entire Dataflow emerges from the correctness of each part (operator)
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Operator 1: Slicer
+ \item Operator 2: Filter
+ \item Operator 3: Incremental histogram
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Assumptions about the incoming stream:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item Monotone: after \text{WM wm} no \textit{DT t d} such that $t \le wm$.
+ \item Productive: after \textit{DT t d} eventually \text{WM wm} such that $t \le wm$
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \includegraphics[width=.6\textwidth]{dataflow_ex1_b.pdf}
+ \item The original incoming stream must respect monotonicity and productivity
+ \begin{figure}
+ \centering
+ \includegraphics[width=.70\textwidth]{stream_ex1.pdf}
+ \end{figure}
+ \item Each operator must preserve monotonicity and productivity!
+\section{Writing it down in a proof assistant!}
@@ -257,7 +326,6 @@ \section{Preliminaries}
\item Isabelle/HOL: Isabelle's flavor of HOL
- \item All functions in Isabelle/HOL must be total
@@ -265,167 +333,154 @@ \section{Preliminaries}
\frametitle{Isabelle/HOL: (Co)datatypes}
\item Datatypes and Codatatypes
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
codatatype (lset: 'a) llist = lnull: LNil | LCons (lhd: 'a) (ltl: "'a llist")
- for map: lmap where "ltl LNil = LNil"
+for map: lmap where "ltl LNil = LNil"
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
\item Examples:
\item \is{LNil}
\item \is{LCons 1 (LCons 2 (LCons 3 LNil))}
\item \is{LCons 0 (LCons 0 (LCons 0 (...)))}
- \pause
- \item Induction principle with \is{lset} assumption
- \begin{itemize}
- \item If \is{x \in lset lxs}, and if \is{P} holds for all lazy lists containing \is{x}, then \is{P lxs} is true
- \end{itemize}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
- \item Coinductive principle for lazy list equality:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Show that there is a ``pair of goggles '' (relation) that makes them to look the same:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The first lazy list is empty iff second is
- \item They have the same head
- \item Their tail looks the same
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
- \begin{figure}
- \centering
- \only<3>{\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{equality_1.png}}
- \end{figure}
- \frametitle{Isabelle/HOL: (Co)datatypes}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Datatypes and Codatatypes
- \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
-codatatype (lset: 'a) llist = lnull: LNil | LCons (lhd: 'a) (ltl: "'a llist")
- for map: lmap where "ltl LNil = LNil"
- \end{tcblisting}
- \item Examples:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \is{LNil}
- \item \is{LCons 1 (LCons 2 (LCons 3 LNil))}
- \item \is{LCons 0 (LCons 0 (LCons 0 (...)))}
- \end{itemize}
- \item Induction principle with \is{lset} assumption
- \begin{itemize}
- \item If \is{x \in lset lxs}, and if \is{P} holds for all lazy lists containing \is{x}, then \is{P lxs} is true
- \end{itemize}
- \item Coinductive principle for lazy list equality:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Show that there is a ``pair of goggles '' (relation) that makes them to look the same:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The first lazy list is empty iff second is
- \item They have the same head
- \item Their tail looks the same
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
- \begin{figure}
- \centering
- \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{equality_2.png}
- \end{figure}
+ \item Coinductive principle for lazy list equality
+ % \begin{itemize}
+ % \item Show that there is a ``pair of goggles '' (relation) that makes them to look the same:
+ % \begin{itemize}
+ % \item The first lazy list is empty iff second is
+ % \item They have the same head
+ % \item Their tail looks the same
+ % \end{itemize}
+ % \end{itemize}
+ \end{itemize}
+ % \vspace*{-1ex}
+ % \begin{overlayarea}{\textwidth}{.45\textheight}
+ % \begin{figure}
+ % \centering
+ % \only<3>{\includegraphics[scale=0.3]{equality_1.png}}
+ % \end{figure}
+ % \end{overlayarea}
+% \begin{frame}[fragile,noframenumbering]
+% \frametitle{Isabelle/HOL: (Co)datatypes}
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Datatypes and Codatatypes
+% \vspace*{-1ex}
+% \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+% codatatype (lset: 'a) llist = lnull: LNil | LCons (lhd: 'a) (ltl: "'a llist")
+% for map: lmap where "ltl LNil = LNil"
+% \end{tcblisting}
+% \vspace*{-1ex}
+% \item Examples:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \is{LNil}
+% \item \is{LCons 1 (LCons 2 (LCons 3 LNil))}
+% \item \is{LCons 0 (LCons 0 (LCons 0 (...)))}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \vspace*{-1ex}
+% \item Coinductive principle for lazy list equality:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Show that there is a ``pair of goggles '' (relation) that makes them to look the same:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item The first lazy list is empty iff second is
+% \item They have the same head
+% \item Their tail looks the same
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \vspace*{-1ex}
+% \begin{overlayarea}{\textwidth}{.45\textheight}
+% \begin{figure}
+% \centering
+% \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{equality_2.png}
+% \end{figure}
+% \end{overlayarea}
+% \end{frame}
-% TODO add notes for explaining codatatype command
- \frametitle{Isabelle/HOL: (Co)datatypes}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Datatypes and Codatatypes
- \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
-codatatype (lset: 'a) llist = lnull: LNil | LCons (lhd: 'a) (ltl: "'a llist")
- for map: lmap where "ltl LNil = LNil"
- \end{tcblisting}
- \item Examples:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item \is{LNil}
- \item \is{LCons 1 (LCons 2 (LCons 3 LNil))}
- \item \is{LCons 0 (LCons 0 (LCons 0 (...)))}
- \end{itemize}
- \item Induction principle with \is{lset} assumption
- \begin{itemize}
- \item If \is{x \in lset lxs}, and if \is{P} holds for all lazy lists containing \is{x}, then \is{P lxs} is true
- \end{itemize}
- \item Coinductive principle for lazy list equality:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Show that there is a ``pair of goggles '' (relation) that makes them to look the same:
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The first lazy list is empty iff second is
- \item They have the same head
- \item Their tail looks the same
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
- \begin{figure}
- \centering
- \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{equality.png}
- \end{figure}
+% % TODO add notes for explaining codatatype command
+% \begin{frame}[fragile,noframenumbering]
+% \frametitle{Isabelle/HOL: (Co)datatypes}
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Datatypes and Codatatypes
+% \vspace*{-1ex}
+% \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+% codatatype (lset: 'a) llist = lnull: LNil | LCons (lhd: 'a) (ltl: "'a llist")
+% for map: lmap where "ltl LNil = LNil"
+% \end{tcblisting}
+% \vspace*{-1ex}
+% \item Examples:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \is{LNil}
+% \item \is{LCons 1 (LCons 2 (LCons 3 LNil))}
+% \item \is{LCons 0 (LCons 0 (LCons 0 (...)))}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \vspace*{-1ex}
+% \item Coinductive principle for lazy list equality:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item Show that there is a ``pair of goggles '' (relation) that makes them to look the same:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item The first lazy list is empty iff second is
+% \item They have the same head
+% \item Their tail looks the same
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \vspace*{-1ex}
+% \begin{overlayarea}{\textwidth}{.45\textheight}
+% \begin{figure}
+% \centering
+% \includegraphics[scale=0.3]{equality.png}
+% \end{figure}
+% \end{overlayarea}
+% \end{frame}
\frametitle{Isabelle/HOL: Recursion and While Combinator}
\item Recursion
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
fun lshift :: "'a list => 'a llist => 'a llist" (infixr @@ 65) where
"lshift [] lxs = lxs"
| "lshift (x # xs) lxs = LCons x (lshift xs lxs)"
- \item While Combinator
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \end{tcblisting}
+ \item While Combinator
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
definition while_option :: "('a => bool) => ('a => 'a) => 'a => 'a option" where
"while_option b c s = $\ldots$"
+ \end{tcblisting}
\item While rule for invariant reasoning (Hoare-style):
\item There is something that holds before a step; that thing still holds after the step
- \end{itemize}
+ \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Isabelle/HOL: Corecursion and Friends}
+ \frametitle{Isabelle/HOL: Corecursion}
- \item Corecursion is like recursion, but instead of always eventually reducing an argument it always eventually produces something
+ \item Corecursion is like recursion, but instead of always eventually reducing an argument it always eventually produces something
\item Corec:
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
corec lapp :: "'a llist => 'a llist => 'a llist" where
- "lapp lxs lys = case lxs of LNil => lys | LCons x lxs' => LCons x (lapp lxs' lys)"
- \pause
- \item Friendly function
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Preserves productivity: it may consume at most one constructor to produce one constructor.
- \item \is{lshift} (\is{@@}) is proved to a be friend
- \end{itemize}
- \pause
- \item Coinduction up to congruence: Coinduction for Lazy list equality can be extended to compare an entire finite prefix through a congruence relation
+"lapp lxs lys = case lxs of LNil => lys | LCons x lxs' => LCons x (lapp lxs' lys)"
+ \end{tcblisting}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ % \pause
+ % \item Friendly function
+ % \begin{itemize}
+ % \item Preserves productivity: it may consume at most one constructor to produce one constructor.
+ % \item \is{lshift} (\is{@@}) is proved to a be friend
+ % \end{itemize}
+ % \pause
+ % \item Coinduction up to congruence: Coinduction for Lazy list equality can be extended to compare an entire finite prefix through a congruence relation
@@ -436,32 +491,32 @@ \section{Preliminaries}
\item Finite number of introduction rule applications
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
inductive in_llist :: "'a => 'a llist => bool" where
- In_llist: "in_llist x (LCons x lxs)"
- | Next_llist: "in_llist x lxs => in_llist x (LCons y lxs)"
+ In_llist: "in_llist x (LCons x lxs)"
+| Next_llist: "in_llist x lxs => in_llist x (LCons y lxs)"
in_llist 2 (LCons 1 (LCons (2 (...))))
+ \end{tcblisting}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
\item Coinductive predicate
\item Infinite number of introduction rule applications
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
coinductive lprefix :: "'a llist => 'a llist => bool" where
- LNil_lprefix: "lprefix LNil lys"
- | LCons_lprefix: "lprefix lxs lys => lprefix (LCons x lxs) (LCons x lys)"
+ LNil_lprefix: "lprefix LNil lys"
+| LCons_lprefix: "lprefix lxs lys => lprefix (LCons x lxs) (LCons x lys)"
lprefix (LCons 1 (LCons (2 (...)))) (LCons 1 (LCons (2 (...))))
+ \end{tcblisting}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
\item Coinduction principle
- \item But not coinduction up to congruence for free
+ % \item But not coinduction up to congruence for free
@@ -473,12 +528,12 @@ \section{Lazy Lists Processors}
\item Operator as a codatatype
\item Taking \is{'i} as the input type, and \is{'o} as the output type:
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \vspace*{-1.5ex}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
codatatype ('o, 'i) op = Logic ("apply": "('i => ('o, 'i) op $\times$ 'o list)")
- \pause
+ \end{tcblisting}
+ \vspace*{-1.5ex}
+ \pause
\item Infinite trees: applying the selector \is{apply} ``walks'' a branch of the tree
@@ -489,17 +544,18 @@ \section{Lazy Lists Processors}
\frametitle{Execution formalization}
\item Produce function: applies the logic (co)recursively throughout a lazy list
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \vspace*{-1.5ex}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
definition "produce_1 op lxs = while_option $\ldots$
corec produce where
- "produce op lxs = (case produce_1 op lxs of None => LNil
- | Some (op', x, xs, lxs') => LCons x (xs @@ produce op' lxs'))"
+"produce op lxs = (case produce_1 op lxs of
+ None => LNil
+| Some (op', x, xs, lxs') => LCons x (xs @@ produce op' lxs'))"
+ \end{tcblisting}
+ \vspace*{-1.5ex}
- \item \is{produce_1} has an induction principle based on the while invariant rule
+ \item \is{produce_1} has an induction principle based on the while invariant rule
@@ -548,53 +604,18 @@ \section{Lazy Lists Processors}
- \frametitle{Sequential Composition}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Sequential composition: take the output of the first operator and give it as input to the second operator.
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
-definition "fproduce op xs = fold ($\lambda$e (op, out).
- let (op', out') = apply op e in (op', out @ out')) xs (op, [])"
-corec comp_op where
- "comp_op op_1 op_2 = Logic ($\lambda$ev.
- let (op_1', out) = apply op_1 ev; (op_2', out') = fproduce op_2 out
- in (comp_op op_1' op_2', out'))"
- \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Sequential Composition: Correctness}
+ \frametitle{Sequential Composition operator}
+ \item Sequential composition: take the output of the first operator and give it as input to the second operator.
\item Correctness:
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
"produce (comp_op op_1 op_2) lxs = produce op_2 (produce op_1 lxs)"
- \pause
- \item Proof: coinduction principle for lazy list equality and \is{produce_1} induction principle
- \begin{itemize}
- \pause
- \item Generalization: we must be able to reason about elements in arbitrary positions
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
-corec skip_op where
- "skip_op op n = Logic ($\lambda$ev. let (op', out) = apply op ev in
- if length out < n then (skip_op op' (n - length out), [])
- else (op', drop n out))"
- \item Correctness
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
-"produce (skip_op op n) lxs = ldropn n (produce op lxs)"
- \pause
- \item Proof: Coinduction up to congruence for lazy list equality
- \end{itemize}
+ \end{tcblisting}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \item Proof: coinduction principle for lazy list equality and \is{produce_1} induction principle
@@ -604,724 +625,65 @@ \section{Time-Aware Operators}
\frametitle{Time-Aware Streams}
\item Time-Aware lazy lists
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
datatype ('t::order, 'd) event = DT (tmp: 't) (data: 'd) | WM (wmk: 't)
+ \end{tcblisting}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
\item Generalization to partial orders
\item Cycles
\item Operators with multiple inputs
- \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Monotone Time-Aware Streams}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Monotone: watermarks do not go back in time
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
-coinductive monotone :: "('t::order, 'd) event llist => 't set => bool" where
- LNil: "monotone LNil W"
-| LConsR: "($\forall$wm' $\in$ W. \ wm' >= wm) --> monotone lxs ({wm} $\cup$ W) -->
- monotone (LCons (WM wm) lxs) W"
-| LConsL: "($\forall$wm $\in$ W. \ wm >= t) --> monotone lxs W -->
- monotone (LCons (DT t d) lxs) W"
- \item Up to congruence coinduction principle
- \item Example:
- \end{itemize}
- \begin{figure}[!t]
- \begin{subfigure}{.5\textwidth}
- \raggedright
- \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
- \text{\is{stream_2 =}}
- \\
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9, every node/.style={scale=0.9},background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow!10!white},show background rectangle]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.6cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_4 **d**},\is{DT t_0 **a**},\is{DT t_1 **c**},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 **b**}} {
- \ifnum\i=5
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (n\i) {\x};
- \draw (n\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(n\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (n\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (n\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \end{scope}
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \vspace*{-1.3ex}
- \\
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9, every node/.style={scale=0.9},background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow!10!white},show background rectangle]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.6cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_5 **c**},\is{DT t_3 **a**},\is{DT t_5 **a**},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=5
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (n\i) {\x};
- \draw (n\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(n\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (n\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (n\i) {\x};
- \fi
- \ifnum\i=1
- \draw (n\i.north west) -- ++(-0.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=0.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(n\i.south west)+(-.1,0)$)} -- (n\i.south west) -- cycle;
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of n5] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{tabular}
- \label{fig:stream_example_1}
- \end{subfigure}
- \begin{subfigure}{.38\textwidth}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[style={grow'=up,level distance=3em, sibling distance=2em}, level distance=8mm,background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow!10!white},show background rectangle]
- \node (t0) at (-0.8,0) {$C_{t_{0}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t1) at (-2.5,1) {$C_{t_{1}}$: \{\is{**c**}\}};
- \node (t2) at (-0.8,1) {$C_{t_{2}}$: \{\is{**b**}\}};
- \node (t3) at (0.8,1) {$C_{t_{3}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t4) at (-2.5,2) {$C_{t_{4}}$: \{\is{**d**}\}};
- \node (t5) at (0.0,2) {$C_{t_{5}}$: \{\is{**a**,**c**}\}};
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t1);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t2);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t3);
- \path [->] (t3) edge node {} (t5);
- \path [->] (t1) edge node {} (t4);
- \path [->] (t2) edge node {} (t5);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \label{fig:diamond_order}
- \vspace*{-2ex}
- \end{subfigure}
- \end{figure}
- \frametitle{Productive Time-Aware Streams}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Productive: always eventually allows the production
- \pause
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Batching operators: accumulate data until its completion
- \pause
- \item Data is always eventually completed by some watermark
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
-coinductive productive where
- LFinite: "lfinite lxs --> productive lxs"
-| EnvWM: "\ lfinite lxs --> (?u $\in$ vimage WM (lset lxs). u >= t) -->
- productive lxs --> productive (LCons (DT t d) lxs)"
-| SkipWM: "\ lfinite lxs --> productive lxs -->
- productive (LCons (WM t) lxs)"
- \begin{figure}[!t]
- \begin{subfigure}{.5\textwidth}
- \raggedright
- \begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
- \text{\is{stream_2 =}}
- \\
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9, every node/.style={scale=0.9},background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow!10!white},show background rectangle]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.6cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_4 **d**},\is{DT t_0 **a**},\is{DT t_1 **c**},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 **b**}} {
- \ifnum\i=5
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (n\i) {\x};
- \draw (n\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(n\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (n\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (n\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \end{scope}
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \vspace*{-1.3ex}
- \\
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.9, every node/.style={scale=0.9},background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow!10!white},show background rectangle]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.6cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_5 **c**},\is{DT t_3 **a**},\is{DT t_5 **a**},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=5
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (n\i) {\x};
- \draw (n\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(n\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (n\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (n\i) {\x};
- \fi
- \ifnum\i=1
- \draw (n\i.north west) -- ++(-0.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=0.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(n\i.south west)+(-.1,0)$)} -- (n\i.south west) -- cycle;
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of n5] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{tabular}
- \label{fig:stream_example_1}
- \end{subfigure}
- \begin{subfigure}{.38\textwidth}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[style={grow'=up,level distance=3em, sibling distance=2em}, level distance=8mm,background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow!10!white},show background rectangle]
- \node (t0) at (-0.8,0) {$C_{t_{0}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t1) at (-2.5,1) {$C_{t_{1}}$: \{\is{**c**}\}};
- \node (t2) at (-0.8,1) {$C_{t_{2}}$: \{\is{**b**}\}};
- \node (t3) at (0.8,1) {$C_{t_{3}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t4) at (-2.5,2) {$C_{t_{4}}$: \{\is{**d**}\}};
- \node (t5) at (0.0,2) {$C_{t_{5}}$: \{\is{**a**,**c**}\}};
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t1);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t2);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t3);
- \path [->] (t3) edge node {} (t5);
- \path [->] (t1) edge node {} (t4);
- \path [->] (t2) edge node {} (t5);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \label{fig:diamond_order}
- \vspace*{-2ex}
- \end{subfigure}
- \end{figure}
- \pause
- \item Up to congruence coinduction principle
- \end{itemize}
+ \item Productive and monotone streams: Coinductive predicates over lazy lists of events.
- \frametitle{Building Blocks: Batch Operator}
+ \frametitle{Proving histogram correct: building Blocks}
- \item Building Blocks: reusable operators
+ \item Histogram operator: batching and incremental computing
+ \item Building Blocks: reusable operators
- \item Batching and incremental computations
+ \item Batching: \text{batch\_op}
+ \item Incremental computing: \text{incr\_op}
+ \item Soundness, completeness, preservation of monotonicity and productivity
- \pause
- \item \is{batch_op}: produces batches of accumulated data
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
-corec batch_op where
- "batch_op buf = Logic ($\lambda$ev. case ev of DT t d => (batch_op (buf @ [(t, d)]), [])
- | WM wm => if ?(t, d) $\in$ set buf. t <= wm
- then let out = filter ($\lambda$(t, _). t <= wm) buf;
- buf' = filter ($\lambda$(t, _). \ t <= wm) buf
- in (batch_op buf', [DT wm out, WM wm])
- else (batch_op buf, [WM wm]))"
- \frametitle{Batch Operator: Soundness}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Given a monotone time-aware stream
- \end{itemize}
- \begin{figure}[!t]
- \centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}[style={grow'=up,level distance=3em, sibling distance=2em}, level distance=8mm,background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow!10!white},show background rectangle]
- \node (t0) at (-0.8,0) {$C_{t_{0}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t1) at (-2.5,1) {$C_{t_{1}}$: \{\is{**c**}\}};
- \node (t2) at (-0.8,1) {$C_{t_{2}}$: \{\is{**b**}\}};
- \node (t3) at (0.8,1) {$C_{t_{3}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t4) at (-2.5,2) {$C_{t_{4}}$: \{\is{**d**}\}};
- \node (t5) at (0.0,2) {$C_{t_{5}}$: \{\is{**a**,**c**}\}};
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t1);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t2);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t3);
- \path [->] (t3) edge node {} (t5);
- \path [->] (t1) edge node {} (t4);
- \path [->] (t2) edge node {} (t5);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8, every node/.style={scale=0.8}, transform shape]
- \begin{scope}[local bounding box=scope1]
- \node[] (0,0) (s1) {\text{\is{stream_2}}};
- \node[right = 0.0cm of s1] (eq) {$=$};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.east)+(0.8cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.6cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_4 **d**},\is{DT t_0 **a**},\is{DT t_1 **c**},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 **b**},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_5 **c**},\is{DT t_3 **a**},\is{DT t_5 **a**},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=10
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (a\i) {\x};
- \draw (a\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(a\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (a\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (a\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of a10] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.center)+(-2.2cm,-2cm)$)},local bounding box=scope3]
- \node[] (0,0) (prod) {\text{\is{produce (batch_op [(t_0,**a**)]) stream_2 =}}};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope3.east)+(1.7cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.8cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_1 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**)]},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 [(t_2,**b**)]},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_3 [(t_3,**a**)]},\is{DT t_5 [(t_5,**a**),(t_5,**c**)]},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=7
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (b\i) {\x};
- \draw (b\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(b\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (b\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (b\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of b7] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \draw[->, thick] (b1.north) -- (a2.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b1.north) -- (a3.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b1.north) -- (a4.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b3.north) -- (a5.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b3.north) -- (a6.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b5.north) -- (a8.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b5.north) -- (a10.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b6.north) -- (a7.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b6.north) -- (a9.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b6.north) -- (a10.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (b1.south) to [out=270,in=270] (prod.south);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{figure}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Proof: \is{lset} induction, \is{produce_1} induction, and generalization with \is{skip_op}
- \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Batch Operator: Completeness}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Given a monotone and productive time-aware stream
- \item if not finite
- \end{itemize}
- \begin{figure}[!t]
- \centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}[style={grow'=up,level distance=3em, sibling distance=2em}, level distance=8mm,background rectangle/.style={fill=yellow!10!white},show background rectangle]
- \node (t0) at (-0.8,0) {$C_{t_{0}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t1) at (-2.5,1) {$C_{t_{1}}$: \{\is{**c**}\}};
- \node (t2) at (-0.8,1) {$C_{t_{2}}$: \{\is{**b**}\}};
- \node (t3) at (0.8,1) {$C_{t_{3}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t4) at (-2.5,2) {$C_{t_{4}}$: \{\is{**d**}\}};
- \node (t5) at (0.0,2) {$C_{t_{5}}$: \{\is{**a**,**c**}\}};
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t1);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t2);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t3);
- \path [->] (t3) edge node {} (t5);
- \path [->] (t1) edge node {} (t4);
- \path [->] (t2) edge node {} (t5);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.8, every node/.style={scale=0.8}, transform shape]
- \begin{scope}[local bounding box=scope1]
- \node[] (0,0) (s1) {\text{\is{stream_2}}};
- \node[right = 0.0cm of s1] (eq) {$=$};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.east)+(0.8cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.6cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_4 **d**},\is{DT t_0 **a**},\is{DT t_1 **c**},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 **b**},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_5 **c**},\is{DT t_3 **a**},\is{DT t_5 **a**},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=10
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (a\i) {\x};
- \draw (a\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(a\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (a\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (a\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of a10] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.center)+(-2.2cm,-2cm)$)},local bounding box=scope3]
- \node[] (0,0) (prod) {\text{\is{produce (batch_op [(t_0,**a**)]) stream_2 =}}};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope3.east)+(1.7cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.8cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_1 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**)]},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 [(t_2,**b**)]},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_3 [(t_3,**a**)]},\is{DT t_5 [(t_5,**a**),(t_5,**c**)]},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=7
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (b\i) {\x};
- \draw (b\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(b\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (b\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (b\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of b7] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \draw[<-, thick] ([xshift=-5mm]b1.north) -- (a2.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] (b1.north) -- (a3.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] ([xshift=+5mm]b1.north) -- (a4.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] (b3.north) -- (a5.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] ([xshift=+5mm]b3.north) -- (a6.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] (b5.north) -- (a8.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] ([xshift=+5mm]b5.north) -- (a10.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] ([xshift=-5mm]b6.north) -- (a7.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] (b6.north) -- (a9.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] ([xshift=+5mm]b6.north) -- (a10.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] (b1.south) to [out=270,in=270] (prod.south);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{figure}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Proof: induction over the position (nat) of the element in the input, and soundness of \is{batch_op}
- \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Batch Operator: Monotone and productive preservation}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item The operators must preserve monotone and productive, so we can compose it with something that needs these properties!
- \begin{tcolorbox}[ams align,colback=yellow!10!white,colframe=my_red]
- \begin{array}{@{}l@{}}
- \text{\is{monotone lxs W --> monotone (produce (batch_op buf) lxs) W}}
- \end{array}
- \end{tcolorbox}
- \begin{tcolorbox}[ams align,colback=yellow!10!white,colframe=my_red]
- \begin{array}{@{}l@{}}
- \text{\is{productive lxs --> productive (produce (batch_op buf) lxs)}}
- \end{array}
- \end{tcolorbox}
- \end{itemize}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Proof: coinduction up to congruence
- \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Building Blocks: Incremental Operator}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Incremental computations
- \item \is{incr_op}: produces accumulated batches of accumulated data
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
-corec incr_op where
- "incr_op buf = Logic ($\lambda$ ev. case ev of DT wm batch =>
- let out = map ($\lambda$t. DT t (buf @ batch)) (remdups (map fst batch))
- in (incr_op (buf @ batch), out)
- | WM wm => (incr_op buf, [WM wm]))"
- \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Incremental Operator: Soundness}
- \begin{figure}[!t]
- \centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7, every node/.style={scale=0.7}, transform shape]
- \begin{scope}[local bounding box=scope1]
- \node[] (-2cm,0) (s1) {\text{\is{stream_2}}};
- \node[right = 0.0cm of s1] (eq) {$=$};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.east)+(0.8cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.6cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_4 **d**},\is{DT t_0 **a**},\is{DT t_1 **c**},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 **b**},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_5 **c**},\is{DT t_3 **a**},\is{DT t_5 **a**},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=10
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (a\i) {\x};
- \draw (a\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(a\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (a\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (a\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of a10] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.center)+(-2.2cm,-2cm)$)},local bounding box=scope3]
- \node[] (0,0) (prod) {\text{\is{stream_3 = produce (batch_op [(t_0,**a**)]) stream_2 =}}};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope3.east)+(1.7cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.8cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_1 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**)]},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 [(t_2,**b**)]},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_3 [(t_3,**a**)]},\is{DT t_5 [(t_5,**a**),(t_5,**c**)]},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=7
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (b\i) {\x};
- \draw (b\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(b\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (b\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (b\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of b7] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope3.west)+(-0.0cm,-2cm)$)},local bounding box=scope4]
- \node[] (0,0) (prod2) {\text{\is{produce (incr_op []) stream_3 =}}};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope4.east)+(1.7cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.8cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_0 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**)]},\is{DT t_1 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**)]},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**),(t_2,**b**)]},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_3 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**),(t_2,**b**),(t_3,**a**)]}} {
- \ifnum\i=6
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (c\i) {\x};
- \draw (c\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(c\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (c\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (c\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of c6] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \draw[->, thick] (c1.north) -- (b1.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (c2.north) -- ([xshift=-5mm]b1.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (c4.north) -- (b3.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (c6.north) -- (b5.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (c4.south) to [out=270,in=270] ([xshift=-5mm]c2.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (c6.south) to [out=270,in=270] ([xshift=-5mm]c4.south);
- \draw[->, thick] (c6.south) to [out=270,in=270] (c2.south);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{figure}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Proof: \is{produce_1} induction, and generalization with \is{skip_op}
- \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Incremental Operator: Completeness}
- \begin{figure}[!t]
- \centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.7, every node/.style={scale=0.7}, transform shape]
- \begin{scope}[local bounding box=scope1]
- \node[] (-2cm,0) (s1) {\text{\is{stream_2}}};
- \node[right = 0.0cm of s1] (eq) {$=$};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.east)+(0.8cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.6cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_4 **d**},\is{DT t_0 **a**},\is{DT t_1 **c**},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 **b**},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_5 **c**},\is{DT t_3 **a**},\is{DT t_5 **a**},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=10
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (a\i) {\x};
- \draw (a\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(a\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (a\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (a\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of a10] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.center)+(-2.2cm,-2cm)$)},local bounding box=scope3]
- \node[] (0,0) (prod) {\text{\is{stream_3 = produce (batch_op [(t_0,**a**)]) stream_2 =}}};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope3.east)+(1.7cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.8cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_1 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**)]},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 [(t_2,**b**)]},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_3 [(t_3,**a**)]},\is{DT t_5 [(t_5,**a**),(t_5,**c**)]},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=7
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (b\i) {\x};
- \draw (b\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(b\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (b\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (b\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of b7] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope3.west)+(-0.0cm,-2cm)$)},local bounding box=scope4]
- \node[] (0,0) (prod2) {\text{\is{produce (incr_op []) stream_3 =}}};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope4.east)+(1.7cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.8cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_0 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**)]},\is{DT t_1 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**)]},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**),(t_2,**b**)]},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_3 [(t_0,**a**),(t_0,**a**),(t_1,**c**),(t_2,**b**),(t_3,**a**)]}} {
- \ifnum\i=6
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (c\i) {\x};
- \draw (c\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(c\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (c\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (c\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of c6] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \draw[<-, thick] (c1.north) -- (b1.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] (c2.north) -- (b1.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] (c4.north) -- (b3.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] (c6.north) -- (b5.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] ([xshift=-5mm]c4.south) to [out=270,in=270] (c2.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] ([xshift=-5mm]c6.south) to [out=270,in=270] (c4.south);
- \draw[<-, thick] (c6.south) to [out=270,in=270] (c2.south);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{figure}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Proof: induction over the position (nat) of the element in the input
- \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Incremental Operator: Monotone and productive preservation}
- \begin{tcolorbox}[ams align,colback=yellow!10!white,colframe=my_red]
- \begin{array}{@{}l@{}}
- \text{\is{monotone lxs W --> monotone (produce (incr_op []) lxs) W}}
- \end{array}
- \end{tcolorbox}
- \begin{tcolorbox}[ams align,colback=yellow!10!white,colframe=my_red]
- \begin{array}{@{}l@{}}
- \text{\is{productive lxs --> productive (produce (incr_op []) lxs)}}
- \end{array}
- \end{tcolorbox}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Proof: coinduction up to congruence
- \end{itemize}
\frametitle{Compositional Reasoning}
\item \is{batch_op} and \is{incr_op} can be composed
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
definition "incr_batch_op buf1 buf2 = comp_op (batch_op buf1) (incr_op buf2)"
- \item Soundness, completeness, and monotone and productive preservation
- \end{itemize}
-\section{Case Study}
- \frametitle{Histogram}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item A histogram count the elements of a collection
- \item Incremental histogram: timestamps smaller or equal
- \item $H_{t_{5}} = C_{t_{0}} + C_{t_{0}} + C_{t_{1}} + C_{t_{2}} + C_{t_{5}}$
- \item \is{paths} to $t_{5}$: $\{t_{0},t_{2}\}$ and $\{t_{0},t_{3}\}$
+ \end{tcblisting}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \item Soundness, completeness, and monotone and productive preservation
- \begin{subfigure}{.4\textwidth}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[style={grow'=up,level distance=3em, sibling distance=2em}, level distance=8mm]
- \node (t0) at (-0.8,0) {$C_{t_{0}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t1) at (-2.5,1) {$C_{t_{1}}$: \{\is{**c**}\}};
- \node (t2) at (-0.8,1) {$C_{t_{2}}$: \{\is{**b**}\}};
- \node (t3) at (0.8,1) {$C_{t_{3}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t4) at (-2.5,2) {$C_{t_{4}}$: \{\is{**d**}\}};
- \node (t5) at (0.0,2) {$C_{t_{5}}$: \{\is{**a**,**c**}\}};
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t1);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t2);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t3);
- \path [->] (t3) edge node {} (t5);
- \path [->] (t1) edge node {} (t4);
- \path [->] (t2) edge node {} (t5);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \label{fig:collection_diamond_order}
- \end{subfigure}
- \begin{subfigure}{.5\textwidth}
- \begin{tikzpicture}[style={grow'=up,level distance=3em, sibling distance=2em}, level distance=8mm]
- \node (t0) at (-2,0) {$H_{t_{0}}$: \{\is{**a**}\}};
- \node (t1) at (-4,1) {$H_{t_{1}}$: \{\is{**c**, **a**}\}};
- \node (t2) at (-2,1) {$H_{t_{2}}$: \{\is{**b**, **a**}\}};
- \node (t3) at (0,1) {$H_{t_{3}}$: \{\is{**a**, **a**}\}};
- \node (t4) at (-4,2) {$H_{t_{4}}$: \{\is{**a**,**c**,**d**}\}};
- \node (t5) at (-1,2) {$H_{t_{5}}$: \{\is{**a**,**a**,**a**,**a**,**b**,**c**}\}};
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t1);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t2);
- \path [->] (t0) edge node {} (t3);
- \path [->] (t3) edge node {} (t5);
- \path [->] (t1) edge node {} (t4);
- \path [->] (t2) edge node {} (t5);
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \label{fig:histograms_diamond_order}
- \end{subfigure}
- \label{fig:histograms}
\frametitle{Histogram Operator}
-\begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
+ \begin{tcblisting}{hbox,listing only,listing options={language=isabelle,aboveskip=0pt,belowskip=0pt},size=fbox,boxrule=0pt,frame hidden,arc=0pt,colback=yellow!10!white}
corec map_op where "map_op f = Logic ($\lambda$ ev. case ev of
- WM wm => (map_op f, [WM wm]) | DT t d => (map_op f, [DT t (f t d)]))"
-definition "incr_coll t xs = mset $\ldots$"
+WM wm => (map_op f, [WM wm]) | DT t d => (map_op f, [DT t (f t d)]))"
definition "incr_hist_op buf1 buf2 =
- comp_op (incr_batch_op buf1 buf2) (map_op incr_coll)"
- \frametitle{Histogram Operator: Correctness}
+comp_op (incr_batch_op buf1 buf2) (map_op incr_coll)"
+ \end{tcblisting}
- \item Correctness: (1) Soundness + (2) Completeness + (3) Monotone Preservation + (4) Productive Preservation
- \item Given a monotone and productive time-aware stream
+ \item Soundness, completeness, and monotone and productive preservation
- \begin{figure}[!t]
- \centering
- \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.75, every node/.style={scale=0.75}, transform shape]
- \begin{scope}[local bounding box=scope1]
- \node[] (0,0) (s1) {\text{\is{stream_2}}};
- \node[right = 0.0cm of s1] (eq) {$=$};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.east)+(0.8cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.6cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_4 **d**},\is{DT t_0 **a**},\is{DT t_1 **c**},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 **b**},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_5 **c**},\is{DT t_3 **a**},\is{DT t_5 **a**},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=10
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (a\i) {\x};
- \draw (a\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(a\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (a\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (a\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of a10] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
+ \vspace*{-1ex}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope1.center)+(-2.2cm,-2cm)$)},local bounding box=scope3]
- \node[] (0,0) (prod) {\text{\is{produce (incr_hist_op [] []) stream_2 =}}};
- \end{scope}
- \begin{scope}[shift={($(scope3.east)+(1.2cm,0)$)}]
- \tikzset{tape/.style={minimum size=.8cm, draw}}
- \begin{scope}[start chain=0 going right, node distance=0mm]
- \foreach \x [count=\i] in {\is{DT t_0 (mset [**a**])},\is{DT t_1 (mset [**a**,**c**])},\is{WM t_1},\is{DT t_2 (mset [**a**,**b**])},\is{WM t_2},\is{DT t_3 (mset [**a**,**a**])},\is{DT t_5 (mset [**a**,**a**,**a**,**b**,**c**])},\is{WM t_5}} {
- \ifnum\i=8
- \node [on chain=0, tape, outer sep=0pt] (b\i) {\x};
- \draw (b\i.north east) -- ++(.1,0) decorate [decoration={zigzag, segment length=.12cm, amplitude=.02cm}] {-- ($(b\i.south east)+(+.1,0)$)} -- (b\i.south east) -- cycle;
- \else
- \node [on chain=0, tape] (b\i) {\x};
- \fi
- }
- \node [right=.05cm of b8] {$\cdots$};
- \end{scope}
- \end{scope}
- \end{tikzpicture}
- \end{figure}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Proof: soundness, completeness, monotone and productive preservation of \is{incr_batch_op}
- \end{itemize}
- \frametitle{Efficient Histogram Operator}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Efficient histogram operator \is{incr_hist_op'} for timestamp in total order
- \begin{itemize}
- \item State of the operator: last computed histogram, and buffer of newly accumulated data
- \end{itemize}
- \item Equivalent \is{incr_hist_op} only for monotone time-aware stream (equivalence relation)
- \end{itemize}
+\section{Other shapes}
\frametitle{Join Operator}
@@ -1330,10 +692,7 @@ \section{Case Study}
\item Use the \is{sum} type in the timestamps to represent two stream as one
\item Partial order for the \is{sum}: lefts and rights are incomparable
\item Defined using \is{incr_batch_op}
- \item Soundness, Completeness, Monotone
- \begin{itemize}
- \item WIP: Productive
- \end{itemize}
+ \item Soundness, completeness, and monotone and productive preservation
@@ -1343,8 +702,6 @@ \section{Next Steps}
\frametitle{Next Steps}
\item Feedback loop
- \item Exit argument
- \item Connect to the Isabelle-LLVM refinement framework
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