Software for calculating IORT treatments with a LIAC HWL linac, based on precalculated Monte Carlo dose distributions in water.
- Visualize absorbed dose distributions of all combinations of applicators and energies
- Calculate monitor units (MU) with measured output factors at zmax
- Atmospheric pressure correction available
- Rescaling factors can be added for desired applicator/energy combinations
- Report generation in pdf
- Send data as RTPlan to Record and Verify software (only tested with MOSAIQ)
- Support for user customized data: output factors, R90 values and rescaling factors.
- The software is intended for educational purposes
- The Monte Carlo model was fitted to the data acquired at Gregorio Marañón hospital, Madrid. Different linacs may show dosimetric differences.
Monte Carlo Phase Space Files (PSFs) that give rise to the displayed absorbed dose distributions are available here: