This is a 'proper' Romanian WordPiece tokenizer, to be used with the HuggingFace tokenizers
It will do the following:
- replace all improper Romanian diacritics 'ş' and 'ţ' with their correct versions 'ș' and 'ț'.
- properly split the Romanian clitics glued to nouns, prepositions, verbs, etc.
- automatically enforce the current Romanian Academy rules of writing using 'â' and 'sunt/suntem/sunteți' forms of the 'a fi' verb.
The tokenizer will be trained on a cleaned version of the CoRoLa corpus.
The corpus has 35.999.401 sentences and 763.531.321 words (split with wc -w
Linux utility).
import os
from ro_wordpiece import RoBertWordPieceTokenizer
corola_vocab_file = os.path.join('model', 'vocab.txt')
tokenizer = RoBertWordPieceTokenizer.from_file(vocab=corola_vocab_file)
input_text = "\t\tSîntem OK şi ar trebui să-mi meargă, în principiu.\n\n"
result_encoded = tokenizer.encode(sequence=input_text)
# We have Romanian tokens such as the clitic pronoun '-mi' or
# the MWE 'în principiu'. Also, the incorrect form of the verb 'Sîntem'
# is normalized as 'Suntem'.
assert result_encoded.tokens[0] == 'Suntem'
assert result_encoded.tokens[6] == '-mi'
assert result_encoded.tokens[9] == 'în principiu'
result_decoded = tokenizer.decode(ids=result_encoded.ids)
assert result_decoded == 'Suntem OK și ar trebui să -mi meargă, în principiu.'
Full Romanian decoding isn't currently working (please notice the space between 'să' and '-mi') because decoders.Decoder.custom()
is not implmemented yet in the tokenizers
In order to use the tokenizer with the __call__
method (as preferred in the Transformers documentation), do the following:
import os
from ro_wordpiece import RoBertPreTrainedTokenizer
corola_vocab_file = os.path.join('model', 'vocab.txt')
tokenizer = RoBertPreTrainedTokenizer.from_pretrained(
corola_vocab_file, model_max_length=256)
input_text = "\t\tSîntem OK şi ar trebui să-mi meargă, în principiu.\n\n"
result_encoded = tokenizer(text=input_text, padding='max_length')
The tokenizer is now available on PyPI, and can be installed with the command pip install rwpt
The example above can then be rewritten as:
from rwpt import load_ro_pretrained_tokenizer
tokenizer = load_ro_pretrained_tokenizer(max_sequence_len=256)
input_text = "\t\tSîntem OK şi ar trebui să-mi meargă, în principiu.\n\n"
result_encoded = tokenizer(text=input_text, padding='max_length')