Welcome to the Machine Learning C++ Library! This library provides a comprehensive set of tools and algorithms for machine learning tasks, implemented in C++ for high performance and flexibility. Whether you're working on classification, regression, clustering, or dimensionality reduction, this library has you covered.
This library is designed to be modular, efficient, and easy to use. It includes a wide range of machine learning algorithms, from traditional methods like linear regression and k-means clustering to advanced techniques like L-BFGS optimization and Gaussian Mixture Models. The library is organized into a clear and logical file structure, making it easy to extend and customize.
Core Functionality:
- Data loading and splitting.
- Loss functions (e.g., hinge loss, log loss, mean squared error).
- Mathematical utilities (e.g., linear algebra, probability, random number generation).
- Metrics for model evaluation.
- Preprocessing tools (e.g., transaction encoding).
Optimization Algorithms:
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) with various update policies (e.g., momentum, Nesterov momentum).
- Limited-memory BFGS (L-BFGS) with line search policies (e.g., backtracking, bracketing).
- Decay policies for learning rate scheduling (e.g., exponential decay, step decay).
Machine Learning Methods:
- Clustering: K-means, Spectral Clustering.
- Decomposition: PCA, Truncated SVD.
- Linear Models: Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Lasso Regression, Ridge Regression, Perceptron, Softmax Regression.
- Mixture Models: Gaussian Mixture Models.
- Naive Bayes: Gaussian Naive Bayes, Multinomial Naive Bayes.
- Neighbors: K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN).
- Rule Models: Apriori Algorithm.
- Tree Models: Decision Tree Classifier, Decision Tree Regressor.
Data Structures:
- KD-Tree for efficient nearest neighbor search.
- Hash Tree for frequent itemset mining.
The library is organized into the following directories:
: Core functionality, including data handling, loss functions, mathematical utilities, and optimization algorithms.data/
: Data loading and splitting utilities.loss/
: Loss functions for various tasks.math/
: Mathematical utilities (e.g., linear algebra, probability, random number generation).optimizer/
: Optimization algorithms (e.g., SGD, L-BFGS).preprocessing/
: Data preprocessing tools.tree/
: Tree-based data structures (e.g., KD-Tree, Hash Tree).
: Machine learning algorithms organized by task.cluster/
: Clustering algorithms (e.g., K-means, Spectral Clustering).decomposition/
: Dimensionality reduction techniques (e.g., PCA, Truncated SVD).linear_model/
: Linear models (e.g., Linear Regression, Logistic Regression).mixture/
: Mixture models (e.g., Gaussian Mixture Models).naive_bayes/
: Naive Bayes classifiers (e.g., Gaussian Naive Bayes, Multinomial Naive Bayes).neighbors/
: Nearest neighbor algorithms (e.g., KNN).rule_model/
: Rule-based models (e.g., Apriori Algorithm).tree/
: Tree-based models (e.g., Decision Tree Classifier, Decision Tree Regressor).
: Common prerequisites and dependencies.
- Eigen3
- Cmake