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177 lines (146 loc) · 7.68 KB

File metadata and controls

177 lines (146 loc) · 7.68 KB


Create listening experiences for collections of songs, based on their relationships as/to samples.

Playlists created by the tool A whole FOLDER, wowee

Video; Automated Sample extraction with Samplify

Check out some examples!

Getting Started

Setup TLDR;

git clone && cd samplify && venv samplify && source samplify/bin/activate && pip -r requirements.txt
  • Ensure you are running python3 with venv
  • Clone this repo with git clone
  • cd to the new directory, and create a new virtual environment with venv samplify
  • Run source samplify/bin/activate to activate the new environment.
  • Install the dependencies with pip install -r requirements.txt

Spotify API Access;

If you haven't used the spotify API before:

  • Head to the developer dashboard and register a new application
  • Setup a redirect as http://localhost:<SOME_FREE_PORT>
    • This can be found in the information page of a registered application > edit settings.
  • Create at the root of the repository, and populate it as follows: (NOTE: these are not valid credentials )
# ClientID from registered application at: 
client = '7bf224e8jn954215s3g11degh599e3an'

# Client Secret can be found below 'SHOW CLIENT SECRET' once you are on the info
# page of a registered application
secret = '7bf224e8jn954215s3g11degh599e3an'

# The easiest way I've found to get this is to hit the /v1/me endpoint:
# find the "uri" property, e.g. "uri": "spotify:user:1134745600"
username = '1134745600'

# setup this redirect on a registered application. make sure it
# is identical to the letter or you'll get "INVALID REDIRECT"
redirect = 'http://localhost:8889'


Command Line Interface CLI

Detail about the CLI can be found by reading the documentation provided by the --help option flag. Documentation will but updated there as the project progresses.

(samplify) [samuel@qzdl spotify-samples]$ python
usage: [-h] (-l LINK | -s SEARCH)
                   (--album | --playlist | --song | --current-song)
                   [--direction DIRECTION] [--output-name OUTPUT_NAME]
                   [--output-type OUTPUT_TYPE] [--username USERNAME] error: one of the arguments -l/--link -s/--search is required
(samplify) [samuel@qzdl spotify-samples]$ python --help
usage: [-h] (-l LINK | -s SEARCH)
                   (--album | --playlist | --song | --current-song)
                   [--direction DIRECTION] [--output-name OUTPUT_NAME]
                   [--output-type OUTPUT_TYPE] [--username USERNAME]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l LINK, --link LINK  Click "Share" > "Copy Link"
  -s SEARCH, --search SEARCH
                        Search as you would in the app
  --direction DIRECTION
  --output-name OUTPUT_NAME
  --output-type OUTPUT_TYPE
  --username USERNAME

Example Output (from stout)

(samplify) [samuel@qzdl spotify-samples]$ python --search 'uptown saturday night camp lo' --album
# SAMPLIFY: Uptown Saturday Night

This playlist was generated using Samplify.

The album, Uptown Saturday Night, has been broken down into:
"contains samples of "

Percentage Matched: 81.8%

Songs with no match:
Black Connection -> Love Is the Answer, by Van McCoy and The Soul City Symphony
Sparkle - Mr. Midnight Mix -> Leyte (Live at the Funky Quarters), by Cal Tjader

==> search terms:
Love Is the Answer van mccoy soul city symphony
Leyte (Live at the Funky Quarters) cal tjader

Sample Info:
Luchini AKA This Is It -> Adventures in the Land of Music, by Dynasty
Park Joint -> September 13, by Deodato
Sparkle -> Leyte, by Cal Tjader
Rockin' It AKA Spanish Harlem -> A Little Spice, by Loose Ends
Rockin' It AKA Spanish Harlem -> Rockin' It, by The Fearless Four
Rockin' It AKA Spanish Harlem -> The Bridge, by MC Shan
Black Nostaljack AKA Come On -> Tripping Out, by Curtis Mayfield
Coolie High -> Funny How Time Flies (When You're Having Fun), by Janet Jackson
Coolie High -> It's a New Day, by Skull Snaps

==> search terms:
Adventures in the Land of Music dynasty
September 13 deodato
Leyte cal tjader
A Little Spice loose ends
Rockin' It the fearless four
The Bridge mc shan
Tripping Out curtis mayfield
Funny How Time Flies (When You're Having Fun) janet jackson
It's a New Day skull snaps

Created playlist SAMPLIFY: Uptown Saturday Night

Program Overview

Aribrary playlists, albums, and songs, are read from Spotify via a fork of spotipy. Song names and artists are stored and then located on

A request is sent to the site searching for the song name, selecting a result
with the matching artist name and storing the link to that song's page. A second
request is sent to that song page, and BeautifulSoup is used to scrape HTML for
sample details, while paging for >5 references to a category of a sample is recursively expanded in the scraper.

Next, the samples are located on Spotify, if they exist, by computing the Levenshtein distance between the a cleaned WhoSampled song title, and the top 10 search results - and choosing 'best match' - the highest ratio from this distance computation. Finally, a new playlist is created for the user, containing all the samples available on Spotify. These requests to add tracks are partioned to n requests, partitioned at 50, to side-skirt the rate-limiting imposed by Spotify's REST API for add-tracks-to-playlist.

Example Route Parsing

Discovering how payloads differ to extend the functionality to albums, current song,
etc, is a process that requires some exploration. I'm sure there's examples of that
in the commit history.

album = None
with open('test_payload_f.json', 'r') as f:
    import json
    album = json.loads(

album_ttle = album['name']
artist = album['artists'][0]['name']
tracks = album['tracks']['items']

track_info = []
for track in tracks:
    info = {}
    info['title'] = track['name']
    info['uri'] = track['uri']

print(json.dumps(track_info, indent=2))


This project is based on the work of Christopher Pease (cpease00)'s sample collection tool Spotify-Samples. Without his medium article on the topic, it would have been much more painful to produce the project as it is now.


